Language name and locationː Mannan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区曼南语, 印度南部喀拉拉邦及泰米尔纳德邦


1. oɳɳʉ 

21.  ɪɾʉʋɐt̪ːon̪ːʉ

2. ɪɾɐɳɖʉ

22.  ɪɾʉʋɐt̪ːɪɾɐɳɖʉ

3. muɳɳʉ

23.  ɪɾʉʋɐt̪ːɪmuɳɳʉ

4. n̪alʉ 

24.  ɪɾʉʋɐt̪ːɪn̪alʉ 

5. ɐɲd͡ʒɪ

25.  ɪɾʉʋɐt̪ːɪɐɲd͡ʒɪ

6. arʉ

26.  ɪɾʉʋɐt̪ːɪjarʉ

7. elʉ

27.  ɪɾʉʋɐt̪ːɪjelʉ

8. ɘʈːʉ

28.  ɪɾʉʋɐt̪ːɪjɘʈːʉ

9. ompɐd̪ʉ

29.  ɪɾʉʋɐt̪ːɪjompɐd̪ʉ

10. pɐt̪ːʉ

30.  mʉpːɐt̪ʉ

11. pɐd̪ɪɪnoɳɳʉ

40.  napːɐt̪ʉ

12. pɐnnɾɐɳɖʉ

50.  ɐmpɐt̪ʉ

13. pɐd̪ɪmuɳɳʉ

60.  ɐr̠ʉʋɐt̪ʉ

14. pɐd̪ɪnalʉ

70.  ɘʝʉpɐt̪ʉ

15. pɐd̪ɪnɐɲd͡ʒɪ

80.  ɘmpɐt̪ʉ

16. pɐd̪ɪnarʉ

90.  t̪oɳːur̪ʉ

17. pɐd̪ɪnelʉ

100. n̪urʉ

18. pɐd̪ɪnɘʈːʉ

200. ɪɾɐɳɖʉ ɾ̪ʉn̪urʉ 

19. pɐt̪ːompɐd̪ʉ

1000. ajɪɾ̪am

20. ɪɾʉʋɐd̪̪ʉ

2000. ɪɾɐɳɖajɪɾ̪am  


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Anil George, Mannan Bible Translator with the help of Mr. Stephen Daniel, "EBEN-EZER" Behind, Co-operative College, Sulthan Bathery. Wayanad Dist. Kerala. India. April 24, 2013.
供资料的语言学家: Mr. Anil George, 2013 年 4 月 24 日.


Other comments: Mannan has a decimal system similar to that of Malayalam. Mannan is

spoken by approximately 8,000 speakers in Idukki district, Kerala state and scattered in Madurai district, Tamil Nadu state, India.


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