Language name and location: Mandobo Bawah, Papua, Indonesia [Refer to Ethnologue]
1. ome |
2. rumo |
3. ititmo |
4. kurugutköp (litː 'index finger) |
5. onggugup (litː 'thumb') |
6. komogöp (litː 'wrist') |
7. mbenköp (litː 'lower arm') |
8. nggambunköp (litː '(the inside of the) elbow') |
9. taetköp upper (litː 'arm') |
10. magöp (litː 'shoulder') |
11. keretopköp (litː 'ear') |
12. nggumitköp (litː 'top of the head, nggunopköp head') |
13. ei(ga) ne keretop (litː 'ear on the other side') |
14. ei(ga) ne mak (litː 'shoulder on the other side') |
15. ei(ga) ne taet (litː 'upper arm on the other side') |
16. ei(ga) ne nggambun (litː 'elbow on the other side') |
17. ei(ga) ne mben (litː 'lower arm on the other side') |
18. ei(ga) ne komok (litː 'wrist on the other side') |
19. ei(ga) ne onggu (litː 'thumb on the other side') |
20. ei(ga) ne gurugut (litː 'index finger on the other side') |
21. ei(ga) n'ititmo(göp (litː 'the other side 'three') |
22. ei(ga) ne rumo(göp) (litː 'the other side 'two') |
23. ei(ga) ne ome (litː the other side 'one') |
For 13-20 one can also use expressions in which the noun ei(ga) follows th body-part noun, followed by göp 'also, added': (31) keretow ei(ga)göp 'ear other side/13' The word köp 'also, added' occurs also with the expressions for 4-12 and optionally with 21 and 22. |
Linguist providing data and dateː Prof.
Lourens Jan de Vries,
Afd. Taal en Communicatie Letteren,
Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands, February 3, Reference source: 1995a, 'Numeral systems of the Awyu language family of Irian Jaya'. In: Journal of the Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology, BKI 150-III, 540-567. 提供资料的语言 学家: Prof. Lourens Jan de Vries, 2010 年 2 月 3 日. |
Other comments: Mandobo Bawah together with Mandobo Atas has a population with approximately 30,000 speakers in Boven Digul regency, between Tanahmerah and Mindiptanah towns, toward Fly river border in Papua New Guinea, Papua province, Indonesia. The Mandobo (or Kaeti) number system is a mixture of a binary system and a body-part tally system. It has basic number words for 'one' (ome) and 'two' (rumo). The status of the numeral ititmo 'three' is somewhat unclear. Drabbe (1959: 100) offers two possible analyses, one in which ititmo is a 'genuine' (not body-part-based) numeral and one in which it is body-part numeral consisting of it 'hand' and a hypothetical element tit 'middle-finger'. |
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