Language name and locationː Western Lawa, Thailand [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区西部佤语 (La-oop方言), 泰国北部清迈府湄宏顺府


1. tiˀ

21.  ˀŋa roh tiˀ

2. lʌa

22.  ˀŋa roh lʌa

3. lʌue

23.  ˀŋa roh lʌue

4. paon

24.  ˀŋa roh paon

5. pʰawn

25.  ˀŋa roh pʰawn

6. laeh

26.  ˀŋa roh laeh

7. aːlaeh

27.  ˀŋa roh aːlaeh 

8. sʌ teˀ

28.  ˀŋa roh sʌ teˀ

9. sʌ taim

29.  ˀŋa roh sʌ taim

10. kao

30.  ˀŋue

11. kao roh tiˀ

40.  rʌ paon

12. kao roh lʌa

50.  rʌ hawn

13. kao roh lʌue

60.  lʌŋlaeh 

14. kao roh paon

70.  aːʌŋlaeh

15. kao roh pʰawn

80.  rʌteˀ

16. kao roh laeh

90.  rʌtaim

17. kao roh aːlaeh 

100. tiˀ rawi

18. kao roh sʌ teˀ

200. lʌa rawi

19. kao roh sʌ taim

1000. tiˀ pian < Thai

20. ˀŋa

2000. lʌa pian


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Donald Schlatter, NTM Thailand, April 1, 2012.
供资料的语言学家: Mr. Donald Schlatter, 2004 年 4 月 1 日.


Other comments: Western Lawa is spoken by approximately 8,000 speakers in Chiang Mai and Mae Hong Son provinces, Thailand. Western Lawa has a decimal system, the above data is taken from La-oop dialect of Western Lawa or Mae Hong Son Lawa Mae Hong Son province of Thailand for which I worked with almost 50 years. This is the most prominent dialect, but there are a variety of dialects spoken in the western area, and the pronunciation varies. 


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