Language name and location: Kuni-Boazi, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区库尼-博阿兹语, 巴布亚新几内亚西部省穆莱湖地区


1. kɔpo

2. mɛnɑs

3. misika

4. mɛnɑ-ᵑqɑnɛk-ɑ-mɛnɑs  (litː 'two here, and two')

5. ᵉɑɣ-mbɑ zɛndɑ (litː 'that hand here')

6. misikɑ-ᵑɣɑnɛk-ɑ-misikɑ (litː 'three here, and three')

7. misikɑ-ᵑɣɑnɛk-ɑ-misikɑ-kɔpo (litː 'three here, and three, one')

8. misikɑ-ᵑɣɑnɛk-ɑ-misikɑ-mɛnɑs (litː 'three here, and three, two')


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. & Mrs. Roland and Irene Fumey, SIL International, Papua New Guinea, March 16, 2011.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. & Mrs. Roland and Irene Fumey, 2011 年 3 月 16 日.


Other comments: Kuni-Boazi is spoken by about 4,500 speakers in Lake Murray district, Western province, Papua New Guinea. Of the traditional Kuni-Boazi numbers only 1-3, and sometimes 5, are regularly being used today. Sometimes we also hear the number for 4. We have never heard any other traditional numbers in everyday's usage and are actually not even sure if the numbers 6-8 were really used in the past, as numbers didn't play an important role in their lives anyway. (The Kuni people are a hunters and gatherers society.) For numbers higher than 3 mostly English numbers are used today.

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