Language name and location: Kumukio, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
1. tauc |
2. kosop |
3. karembot |
4. ikosop so ikosop ('two and two') |
5. suli nembat ('hand half') |
10. suli nembat nembat ('hand half half') |
11. suli nembat nembat kea tauc ('hand half half leg one') |
20. ke suli pisuk ('legs hands together') |
40. azap ikosop ('men two') |
Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Geoffrey P. Smith, Department of Language and Communication Studies, The University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea. December 12, 1988.
Source: Smith, Geoffrey P.
1988. Morobe Counting systems, Pacific Linguistics, A-76, 1988,
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
Other comments: Kumukio is spoken by approximately 1,200 speakers in two villages in the mountains behind the Sialum coast on the north-east of Huon Peninsula, Morobe province, Papua New Guinea. The data were provided by an informant in Lae. The system employs three numerals and hans and feet to tally to a total of 20 or one man. |
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