Language name and location: Kubo, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区库博语, 巴布亚新几内亚西部省默里湖地区


1. sesa (litː '5th finger of left hand')

2. sesamɔe (litː '4th finger')

3. kɔmae (litː '3rd finger')

4. dɔsɔu (litː '2nd finger' )

5. hau  (litː 'thumb')

6. wãɪ̃ (litː 'wrist')

7. dɪu (litː 'forearm')

8. dɔma (litː 'elbow')

9. dɔbe (litː 'upper arm')

10. ɔɪ (litː 'shoulder')

11. ɡɔbai (litː 'neck')

12. du (litː 'ear')

13. dihĩɔ̃ (litː 'eye')

14. mĩ (litː 'nose')
15. eyɔ dihɪ̃ɔ̃ (litː 'eye on right hand), 16. eyɔ du (litː 'ear on right hand')
17. eyɔ ɡɔbai (litː 'neck on right hand), 18. eyɔ ɔɪ (litː 'shoulder on right hand)
19. eyɔ dɔbe (litː 'upperarm on right hand), 20. eyɔ dɔma (litː 'elbow on right hand)
21. eyɔ dɪu (litː 'forearm on right hand),  22. eyɔ wãi (litː 'wrist on right hand)̃
23. eyɔ hau (litː 'thumb on right hand), 24. eyɔ dɔsɔu (litː '2nd finger on right hand)
25. eyɔ kɔmae (litː '3nd finger on right hand), 26. eyɔ sesaoe, 27. eyɔ sesa


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Tom Covington, SIL International, Papua New Guinea, March 16, 2011.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Tom Covington, 2011 年 3 月 16 日.


Other comments: Kubo is spoken by about 500 speakers in Lake Murray district, Western province, Papua New Guinea. Kubo has a body-tally system count from left hand to right hand and up to 27. Now, most use this system for 1-5, but switch to English above that. Also, if counting thing, (1) and (2) are 'tanɔ' and beyãũ.

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