Language name and locationː Kota, Tamil Nadu state, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区科塔语, 印度南部泰米尔纳德邦


1. od

21.  ivatod̪

2. ejd̪

22.  ivatejd̪

3. muːnd̪

23.  ivatmuːnd̪

4. naːng

24.  ivatnaːng

5. and͡ʒ

25.  ivatand͡ʒ

6. aːr

26.  ivataːr

7. eːj

27.  ivateːj

8. eʈ

28.  ivateʈ

9. orbaːd / onbaːd

29.  ivatonbaːd

10. pat

30.  muat

11. pand̪

40.  naːlat

12. panejd̪

50.  ajvat

13. panmuːnd̪

60.  arvat

14. padnaːng

70.  eɭvat

15. padnand͡ʒ

80.  embat

16. padnaːr

90.  tombat

17. padneːj

100. nuːr

18. padneʈ /paneʈ

200. inuːr

19. patrmbaːd

1000. t͡ʃaːvrm

20. ivat

2000. it͡ʃaːvrm


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. G. Subbiah, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, India, December 23, 1994
供资料的语言学家: Dr. G. Subbiah, 1994 年 12 月 23 日


Other comments: Kota has a decimal numeral system. Kota is a language of the Dravidian language family with about 9000 native speakers in the Nilgiri hills of Tamil Nadu state, India. It is spoken mainly by the tribal Kota people. The language is 'critically endangered' due to the greater social status of neighbouring languages. The Kota language may have originated from Tamil-Kannada and is closely related to Toda. The Kota population is about 2500. The origin of the name Kota is derived from the Dravidian root word 'Ko' meaning Mountain, the speakers (2001) for Kota language is approximately 900.


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