Language name and locationː Korwa, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区科尔瓦语, 印度中部恰蒂斯加尔邦, 北方邦, 比哈尔邦及奥迪萨邦


1. miʈoŋ

21.  ɪkːisʈoŋ

2. barʈoŋ

22.  baisʈoŋ

3. peiʈoŋ

23.  t̪eisʈoŋ

4. t͡ʃarʈoŋ < Indo-Aryan

24.  t͡ʃɔbisʈoŋ  

5. pãt͡ʃʈoŋ

25.  pʌt͡ʃisʈoŋ  

6. t͡ʃʰoʈoŋ

26.  t͡ʃʰʌbːisʈoŋ  

7. sat̪ʈoŋ

27.  sʌt̪aisʈoŋ

8. aʈʰʈoŋ

28.  ʌʈʰaisʈoŋ  

9. nɔʈoŋ

29.  ʊnt̪isʈoŋ

10. d̪ʌsʈoŋ

30.  t̪isʈoŋ

11. gjarahʈoŋ

40.  t͡ʃalisʈoŋ

12. barəhʈoŋ

50.  pʌt͡ʃasʈoŋ

13. t̪erəhʈoŋ

60.  saʈʰʈoŋ  

14. t͡ʃɔd̪əhʈoŋ

70.  sʌt̪ːərʈoŋ

15. pʌnd̪rəhʈoŋ

80.  ʌsːiːʈoŋ

16. soləhʈoŋ

90.  nʌbːeʈoŋ

17. sʌt̪rəhʈoŋ

100. pãt͡ʃkuɽi

18. ʌʈʰarəhʈoŋ  

200. bar sɔ

19. ʊnːisʈoŋ

1000. miː hʌd͡ʒar

20. mikuɽi

2000. bar hʌd͡ʒar


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Binzy Joseph George, Wycliffe-India, July 21, 2010.
供资料的语言学家: Mr. Binzy Joseph George, 2010 年 7 月 21 日.


Other comments: Korwa still has Munda numerals from 1 to 3, Hindi numerals were borrowed from four onwards. Korwa, or Kodaku / Koraku (Korku), is a Munda language of India spoken by approximately 28,000 speakers in Chhattisgarh,  Jharkhand, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, and West Bengal states, India. Existing Korwa linguistic documentation includes Bahl (1962), which is based on the Korwa dialect of Dumertoli village, Bagicha Block, Tehsil Jashpurnagar, Raigarh District, Chhattisgarh.

Language name and locationː Korwa, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区科尔瓦语, 印度中部恰蒂斯加尔邦, 北方邦, 比哈尔邦及奥迪萨邦


1. mit

21.  ek kori ek

2. bər

22.  ek kori dui

3. pei

23.  ek kori tin

4. sair

24.  ek kori sair

5. pac

25.  ek kori pac

6. chəo

26.  ek kori chəo

7. sat

27.  ek kori chəo

8. aʈ

28.  ek kori aʈ

9. nəo

29.  ek kori nəo

10. dəs

30.  ek kori dəs

11. ʔgarə

40.  dui kori

12. barə

50.  dui kori dəs

13. ter

60.  tin kori

14. caud

70.  tin kori dəs

15. pəndra

80.  sair kori

16. sola

90.  sair kori dəs

17. sətɾa

100. pãc kori

18. aʈɾa


19. unəiis


20. ek kor



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Suhnu R. Sharma, Deccan Research College, Pune, India, April 16, 1990.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. S. R. Sharma, 1990 年 4 月 16 日.


Other comments: Korwa still has Munda numerals from 1 to 3, Indo-Aryan numerals were borrowed from four onwards.


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