Language name and locationː Southeastern Kolami, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
语言名称和分布地区: 东南部科拉米 (奈基Naiki), 印度马哈拉仕特拉邦及泰伦加纳邦


1. okko:d, okko:n(d), okko:d

21.  ekvis

2. indi:(ɡ), indi:ŋ, idda:r, ir(r)a:[l]

22.  bavis

3. mu:ndi:(ɡ), mundiŋ, muɡɡu:r, muyyal

23.  tevis

4. na:li:(ɡ), naliŋ, nalɡu:r, nalla:l

24.  t͡ʃəvis

5. ayd, ayd /pa:s, se:vur, seyya:[l]

25.  pənt͡ʃvis

6. pa:n, a:r < Telugu

26.  səvis

7. e:ɖ  < Telugu

27.  sətavis

8. enumdi / enmidi  < Telugu

28.  əʈʈavis

9. tomdi < Telugu

29.  ekuntis

10. padi < Telugu

30.  tiːs

11. əkra < Marathi

40.  t͡ʃalis / t͡ʃaɖis

12. bara

50.  pənnas

13. teːra

60.  saːʈ

14. t͡səwda

70.  səttər

15. pəndra

80.  ənʃi

16. sola /soɖa

90.  nəvvəd

17. səʈra

100. ʃəmbər

18. əʈra

200. donse / donʃe

19. ekkunis

1000. həd͡ʒar

20. viːs

2000. don həd͡ʒar


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Subhangi Kardile, Department of Linguistics
Deccan College Post Graduate & Research Institute, Pune, India, March 13, 2013.
的语言学家: Dr. Subhangi Kardile, 2013 年 3 月 13 日


Other comments: Southeastern Kolami or Naiki is spoken by approximately 1,500 speakers in Maharashtra and Telangana states, India. Southeastern Kolami or Naiki has a decimal system. Southeastern Kolami only remains Dravidian numerals one to five, six onwards they are borrowed from Marathi.

Following is more information about the cardinal numbers and their usage in counting:

·    201: donSe okkod, 302: tinSe indiN/don

·    The numerals from 2 to 4 have three forms each according to human male, human female and rest of the nouns; numeral 1 has two forms as shown in the following table


bala ‘boy, son’

pilla ‘girl, daughter’

ella ‘house’

okkon bala

one     boy ‘one boy’

okkod pilla

one     girl ‘one girl’

okkod ella

one      house ‘one house’

iddar bala-kul

two  boy-plu ‘two boys’

irral   pilla-kul

two  girl-plu ‘two girls’

indiN ella-kul

two  house-plu ‘two houses’

muggur bala-kul

three boy-plu ‘three boys’

muyyal pilla-kul

three  girl-plu ‘three girls’

mundiN ella-kul

three house-plu ‘three houses’

nālgur bala-kul

four  boy-plu ‘four boys’

nallav pilla-kul

four  girl-plu ‘four girls’

naliN  ella-kul

four    house-plu ‘four houses’

  From five onwards the borrowed numerals are as used as shown in the following:


    pats dʒen    bala-kul        sat  dʒeni-kul         pilla-kul

    five classifier  boys-plu   seven   classifier-plu girl-plu

    ‘five boys’                     ‘seven girls’

    ā   kūṭe-l                      dəha  ella-kul

    eight cow-plu                ten  house-plu

    ‘eight cows’                   ‘ten houses’

    In case of human nouns the classifier is used.

Language name and locationː Southeastern Kolami, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
语言名称和分布地区: 东南部科拉米 (奈基Naiki), 印度马哈拉仕特拉邦及泰伦加纳邦


1. okkod

21.  ekvis

2. indiŋ

22.  bavis

3. muːndiŋ

23.  tevis

4. naliŋ

24.  t͡ʃowvis

5. ayd

25.  pənt͡ʃvis

6. sa

26.  sawvis

7. saːt

27.  satavis

8. ɑːʈ

28.  aʈavis

9. nov

29.  ekuntis

10. da

30.  tiːs

11. akra

40.  t͡ʃaɖis

12. baːra

50.  pannaːs

13. teːra

60.  saːʈ

14. t͡ʃowda

70.  sattar

15. pandra

80.  ansi

16. soːla

90.  nuvːad

17. satra

100. sember

18. aʈra

200. doːn se

19. ekunis

1000. ad͡ʒar

20. viːs /biːs

2000. doːn ad͡ʒar


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Malcolm Johnson, Translations Advisor, Bible Society of India, Bangalore, India. August 22, 1996, November 12, 2012.
提供资的语言学家: Mr. Malcolm Johnson, 1996 年 8 月 22 日, 2012 年 11 月 12 日


Other comments:  Southeastern Kolami or Naiki has a deciaml system. Northwestern Kolami only remains Dravidian numerals one to five, they adopt Marathi numeral system after five.


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