Language name and locationː Kodaku, Chhattisgarh state, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区科达库语 (科拉库语 Koraku), 印度东北部恰蒂斯加尔邦及北方邦


1. mijaʈaŋ  

21.  ɪkːisgoʈaŋ

2. barʈaŋ

22.  baisgoʈaŋ

3. peʈaŋ

23.  t̪eisgoʈaŋ

4. t͡ʃargoʈaŋ < Indo-Aryan

24.  t͡ʃɔbisgoʈaŋ  

5. pãt͡ʃgoʈaŋ

25.  pʌt͡ʃisgoʈaŋ  

6. t͡ʃʰegoʈaŋ

26.  t͡ʃʰʌbːisgoʈaŋ

7. sat̪goʈaŋ

27.  sʌt̪aisgoʈaŋ

8. aʈʰgoʈaŋ

28.  ʌʈʰaisgoʈaŋ  

9. nɔgoʈaŋ

29.  ʊnt̪isgoʈaŋ

10. d̪ʌsgoʈaŋ

30.  t̪isgoʈaŋ

11. gjarahgoʈaŋ

40.  t͡ʃalisgoʈaŋ

12. barəhgoʈaŋ

50.  pʌt͡ʃasgoʈaŋ

13. t̪erəhgoʈaŋ

60.  saʈʰʈgoʈaŋ  

14. t͡ʃɔd̪əhgoʈaŋ

70.  sʌt̪ːərʈgoʈaŋ

15. pʌnd̪rəhgoʈaŋ

80.  ʌsːiːgoʈaŋ

16. soləhgoʈaŋ

90.  nʌbːegoʈaŋ

17. sʌt̪rəhgoʈaŋ

100. pãt͡ʃkuɽi

18. ʌʈʰarəhgoʈaŋ  

200. daskuɽi

19. ʊnːisgoʈaŋ

1000. pʌt͡ʃas kuɽi [ek hʌdʒar] < Indo-Aryan

20. ek kuɽi < Indo-Aryan

2000. d̪ʌsdʒar < Indo-Aryan


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. and Mrs. Liju and Lisa, India Bible Society, India, July 31, 2010.
供资料的语言学家: Mr. and Mrs. Liju and Lisa, 2010 年 7 月 31 日.


Other comments: Koraku or Kodaku is spoken by approximately 16,000 speakers in

Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh states, India. Koraku used a traditional vigesimal before but use a decimal system borrowed from nearby Indo-Aryan language now. Koraku still retained Munda numerals from 1 to 3, Indo-Aryan with a suffix 'gotang' were borrowed from four onwards. 


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