Language name and locationː Northeast Kiwai, Papua New Guinea [Ref to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区东北基瓦伊语, 巴布亚新几内亚海湾省


1. ɡɑʔubuo

2. netoʔɑ

3. netoʔɑ-ɡɑʔu  (2+1 )

4. netoʔɑ-netoʔɑ (2+2)

5. tuhɑpuo (litː ''hand side'')

6. tuhɑpuo-ɡɑʔubuo

7. tuhɑpuo-netoʔɑ 

8. tuhɑpuo-netoʔɑ-ɡɑʔu

9. tuhɑpuo-netoʔɑ-netoʔɑ 

10. tuoti (litː ''hand-DL'')

11. tuoti-ɡɑʔu

12. tuoti-netoʔɑ

13. tuoti-netoʔɑ-ɡɑʔu

14. tuoti-netoʔɑ-netoʔɑ   

15. tuoti-tuhɑpuo

16. tuoti-tuhɑpuo-ɡɑʔubuo

17. tuoti-tuhɑpuo-netoʔɑ 

18. tuoti-tuhɑpuo-netoʔɑ-ɡɑʔu

19. tuoti-tuhɑpuo-netoʔɑ-netoʔɑ  

20. tuoti-toti (litː ''hand-DR, foot-DL'')

21. tuoti-ototi-ɡɑʔu

30. ɡɑʔu-ubi-otora-tura-mere-ataida-touti

40. netoʔɑ-ubi-otora-tura

50. tuhɑpuo-tuoti

60. netoʔɑ-ɡɑʔu-ubi-otora-tura

70. netoʔɑ-ɡɑʔu-ubi-otora-tura-mere-ataida-touti

80. netoʔɑ-netoʔɑ-ubi-otora-tura

90. netoʔɑ-netoʔɑ-ubi-otora-tura-mere-ataida-touti

100. tuhɑpuo-ubi-ototi-tura (litː ''hand-DR, foot-DL'')


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Robert Peterson, SIL International, Papua New Guinea. September 24, 2021.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Robert Peterson. 2021 年 9 月 24 日.


Other comments: Northeast Kiwai is spoken by about 6,000 speakers in Gulf province, Papua New Guinae. The Kope dialect of Northeast Kiwai has a 2-cycle system with morphemes for 'hand' and 'foot' up to 20 and continue counting up to 100. The Kope language is a dialect of the "North-East Kiwaian" language family, and is spoken in the delta area of the Gulf Province of Papua New Guinea. Note that the letter ' (called modi or apostrophe) is used for a glottal stop - a break between vowels sounds.

Language name and locationː Northeast Kiwai, Papua New Guinea [Ref to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区东北基瓦伊语, 巴布亚新几内亚海湾省


1. ɡɑʔubuo

2. netoɑ

3. netoɑ ɡɑʔu  (2+1)

4. netoɑ netoɑ (2+2)

5. tu hɑpuo (litː ''hand side'')

6. tu hɑpuo ɡɑʔu

7. tu hɑpuo netoɑ 

8. tu hɑpuo netoɑ ɡɑʔu

9. tu hɑpuo netoɑ netoɑ 

10. tuoti ( litː ''hand-DL'')

11. tuoti ɡɑʔu
12. tuoti netoɑ
13. tuoti netoɑ ɡɑʔu
14. tuoti netoɑ netoɑ   
20. tuoti ototi (litː ''hand-DR, foot-DL'')


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. John M. Clifton through Mr. Ray Stegeman, SIL International, Papua New Guinea. August 27, 2010.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. John M. Clifton. 2010 年 8 月 27 日.


Other comments: The Kope dialect of Northeast Kiwai has a 2-cycle system with morphemes for 'hand' and 'foot' up to 20. Gibaio dialect has a 2-cycle system only up to ten 'netoati netoati netoati netoati netoati.

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