Language name and locationː Northern Khmer, Thailand  [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区北部高棉语, 泰国东北部素林府, 四色菊府及附近地区


1. mʊ:y

21.  maphɪy mʊ:y  

2. pi:r

22.  maphɪy pi:r  

3. bɛy

23.  maphɪy bɛy  

4. bʊːn

24.  maphɪy bʊːn  

5. pram

25.  maphɪy pram  

6. prammʊːy (5+1)

26.  maphɪy prammʊːy  

7. prampil    (5+2)

27.  maphɪy prampil

8. prambɛy   (5+3)

28.  maphɪy prambɛy  

9. prambʊːn  (5+4)

29.  maphɪy prambʊːn

10. dɒp

30.  saːmsʌp < Thai

11. ma tnɒp

40.  sɛːsʌp  < Thai

12. pi:r tnɒp

50.  haːsʌp  < Thai

13. bɛy tnɒp

60.  hoksʌp < Thai

14. bʊːn tnɒp

70.  cetsʌp  < Thai

15. pram tnɒp

80.  pɛːtsʌp  < Thai

16. prammʊːy tnɒp

90.  kawsʌp < Thai

17. prampil tnɒp

100. ruay ~ maruay

18. prambɛy tnɒp

200. piːr ruay

19. prambʊːn tnɒp

1000. pɨan ~  mapɨan  (pɨan < Thai )

20. maphɪy, mɪphey

2000. piːr pɨan


Linguist providing data and dateː Mrs. Dorothy M. Thomas, SIL International, USA, May 29, 2008

供资料的语言学家: Mrs. Dorothy M. Thomas, 2008 年 5 月 29 日.


Other comments: Northern Khmer has a decimal system. Northern Khmer, called Khmer Surin, is spoken by the Khmer native to the Thai province of Surin and nearby areas. There are about 1,400,000 speaker. Northern Khmer differs from the Standard or Central Khmer in the number and variety of vowel phonemes, consonantal distribution, lexicon and grammar, giving Northern Khmer a distinct accent easily recognizable by speakers of other dialects. Speakers of Northern Khmer can easily understand all other varieties of Khmer but speakers of standard Khmer who have not been exposed to Northern Khmer often have trouble understanding Northern Khmer. These facts have led some linguists to advocate considering Northern Khmer a separate, but closely related language. Except for the compound numbers 11 to 19, the Northern Khmer numbers are nearly identical to those of Central Khmer.


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