Language name and locationː Khao, Son La, Dien Bien, Vietnam [Refer to Ethnologue]言名称和分布地区语, 越南西北部及老挝中国云南接壤的山罗省及奠边省


1. mo:i

21.  sau et

2. buˀa

22.  sau sɔŋ

3. pya

23.  sau sam

4. poːn

24.  sau si

5. ha  < Tai language

25.  sau ha

6. hok

26.  sau hok

7. tɕet

27.  sau tɕet

8. pɛt

28.  sau pɛt

9. kau

29.  sau kau

10. sip

30.  sam sip

11. sip et

40.  si sip

12. sip sɔŋ

50.  ha sip

13. sip sam

60.  hok sip

14. sip si

70.  tɕet sip

15. sip ha

80.  pɛt sip

16. sip hok

90.  kau sip

17. sip tɕet

100. lɔi

18. sip pɛt

200. sɔŋ lɔi

19. sip kau

1000. pan

20. sau

2000. sɔŋ pan


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Michael Ferlus, CNRS (Centre Nationale de
Recherche Scientifique), Paris, France,
April 6, 1999.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Michael Ferlus, 1999 年 4 月 6 日.


Other comments: Khao is spoken by approximately 10,000 speakers in Son La and Dien Bien provinces, near Ma River, north of Pa Ma, Vietnam. Khao has a decimal system. Khao has traditional Mon-Khmer numerals from one to four, after four, they borrowed numerals from Tai language.


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