Language name and locationː Kamano, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区卡马诺语, 巴布亚新几内亚东高地省凯南图及附近地区


1. moɡo ke (litː 'one only')

2. taɡufa, tareɡi naɡoki (litː 'three, two-and one-and')

3. tareɡi naɡoki (litː 'two-and two-and')

4. tareɡi tareɡi (litː 'two is and two is and')

5. nayatiɡa (litː 'my hand')

6. naya evruka hia (litː 'my hand it goes')

7. naya tare evruka hia (litː 'my hand two it goes')

8. naya tareɡi naɡoki hia 

9. nayanataka heno tareɡi tareɡi evruka hia 

10. nayantremaʔa  (litː 'my hand-two-amount')

11. nayateti evaɡareɡeno naɡareɡati maɡo evruka hia 

     (litː 'from my hand finished and from my foot one it goes')

15. nayateti evaɡareɡeno naɡareɡati maɡo kayiya naɡa vaɡaria evruka hia 

     (litː 'from my hand finished one side my foot finished')

16. maɡo naɡa nayateti hana hiɡene maɡo kayiɡati maɡo evruka hia  

20. naɡarre nayantre maʔa (litː 'my two feet my two hands amount')


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Glen A. Lean, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea, July 14, 1987.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Glen A. Lean, 1987 年 7 月 14 日.


Other comments: Kamano is spoken by approximately 80,000 speakers in Henganofi and Kainantu districts, Eastern Highlands province, Papua New Guinea. Kamano has a body-tally system with hands and feet, and traditionally they can count up to 20 using hands and feet.

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