Language name and locationː Juray, Odihsa state, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区朱莱语, 印度东部奥里萨邦


1. əbɔj

21.  ekujsi

2. baɡu

22.  baisi

3. jaɡi

23.  t̪eisi

4. uɲɟi

24.  cɔbisi

5. mɔnlɔj

25.  pɔcisi

6. t̪uɖɾu

26.  cɔbisi

7. sat̪ɔ < Odia, Indo-Aryan language

27.  sɔt̪ajsi

8. aʈɔ

28.  ɔʈajsi


29.  ɔɳɔt̪iɾisi

10. d̪ɔsɔ

30.  t̪iɾisi  < IA

11. eɡaɾɔ

40.  bakuɽi (2 x 10)

12. baɾɔ

50.  pɔcasɔ < IA

13. t̪eɾɔ

60.  jakuɽi  (3 x 10)

14. cɔud̪ɔ 

70.  sɔt̪uɾi  < IA

15. pɔnd̪ɔɾɔ

80.  uɲɟikuɽi (4 x 10)

16. sɔoɽɔ

90.  nɔbe < IA

17. sɔt̪ɔɾ

100. bɔsɔ:, 200. baɡusɔː

18. ɔʈɔɾɔ

400. uɲɟisɔː, 800. aʈəsɔ

19. ɔɳise

1000. bɔmaɳij

20. bɔkuɽi

2000. baɡumaɳij


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Sam Robert, PhD research Scholar and Dr. A. Rose Mary (Rtd. Professor), Kerala University, Kerala, India, August 21, 2018.
提供资料的语言学家: Dr. Sam Robert and Dr. A. Rose Mary, 2018 8 21 .


Other comments: Juray is a moribund Munda language in 25,000 ethnic population (Anderson and Gomango 2016) spoken at Gajapati district in Odisha, India. Juray still has Munda numerals from 1 to 7, Oriya numerals were borrowed from eight onwards. Other high numbers: 400. uɲɟisɔː, 800. aʈəsɔ. Note that 'c' is the palatal plosive mostly found in many Indian languages, which is distinctive from the affricates such as in English word /teacher/. 


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