Language name and locationː Ingush, Ingushetia republic, Russia [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区印古什语, 俄罗斯联邦印古什共和国及车臣共和国


1. t͡sħɑ

21.  tʼqʼa t͡sħɑɦ

2. ʃiɦ

22.  tʼqʼa ʃiɦ

3. qoɦ

23.  tʼqʼa qoɦ

4. diɦ

24.  tʼqʼa diɦ

5. pχiɦ

25.  tʼqʼa pχiɦ

6. jalχ

26.  tʼqʼa jalχ

7. vorh

27.  tʼqʼa vorh

8. bɑrh

28.  tʼqʼa bɑrh

9. isː

29.  tʼqʼa isː

10. itː

30.  tʼqʼeitː (20+10)

11. t͡sħaitːa

40.  ʃovztqʼa (2 x 20)

12. ʃiːtːa

50.  ʃovztʼqʼeitː

13. qoitːa

60.  quztʼqʼa (3 x 20)

14. deitːa

70.  quztʼqʼeitː

15. pχiːtːa

80.  deztʼqʼa (4 x 20)

16. jalχitːa

90.  deztʼqʼeitː

17. vyrhitːa

100. bʕe

18. bɛrhitːa

200. ʃi bʕe

19. tʼqʼaesna

1000. ezɑr <from Iranian

20. tʼqʼa

2000. ʃi ezɑr


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. George Hewitt, SOAS, University of London, UK, October 19, 1992.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. George Hewitt, 1992 年 10 19 .


Other comments: Ingush has a vigesimal system similar to that of Chechen. Ingush is spoken by about 413,000 people (2002), primarily across a region in the Caucasus covering parts of Russia, primarily Ingushetia and Chechnya republics, as well as

Kabardino-Balkar republic, and North Ossetia-Alania republic. Speakers can also be found in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Belgium, Norway, Turkey and Jordan.


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