Language name and location: I’saka, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区伊 赫萨卡语 (克里萨语 Krisa), 巴布亚新几内亚北部桑达恩省


1. kaipa

2. sie

3. sie kaipa (2+1)

4. sie sie     (2+2)

5. sie sie kaipa  (2+2+1)

6. dóu keni(ki) bai kaipa

7. dóu keni(ki) bai sie

8. dóu keni(ki) bai sie sie

10. dóu sie


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Mark Rosenfelder, The Author of the website "Numbers from 1 to 10 in over 5000 languages", Chicago, USA, October 7 2023.

提供资的语言: Mr. Mark Rosenfelder, 2023 年 10 月 7 日.


Other comments: I’saka is the language spoken by the people of the villages of Krisa (2.845832°S 141.287516°E) and Pasi in Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea. It has also been referred to as Krisa, after the village, although this name is not actually a possible word in the language itself. The sole published source for the language is Donohue and San Roque (2004), although the authors of this have also Identified I’saka material in Donald Laycock's unpublished fieldnotes. I’saka has recorded traditional numerals from 1 to 7, 10 years ago, not sure if they are still using old traditional numbers or body tally after 2 or 10 or now use Tok Pisin numerals after 2. New data for numbers after 2 is required.

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