Language name and locationː Green Mong (Moob Leng), Laos [Refer to Ethnologue ]
语言名称和分布地区: 绿苗语, 老挝, 缅甸, 泰国, 越南, 中国云南贵州


1. ˀi55

21.  ne̤ŋ21 ŋkɔu21 i55

2. ˀɔ55

22.  ne̤ŋ21 ŋkɔu21 ˀɔ55

3. pe55

23.  ne̤ŋ21 ŋkɔu21 pe55

4. plɔu55

24.  ne̤ŋ21 ŋkɔu21 plɔu55

5. tʂi55

25.  ne̤ŋ21 ŋkɔu21 tʂi55

6. ʈɔu33

26.  ne̤ŋ21 ŋkɔu21 ʈɔu33

7. ɕaŋ33

27.  ne̤ŋ21 ŋkɔu21 ɕaŋ33

8. ji21

28.  ne̤ŋ21 ŋkɔu21 ji21

9. ȶoə52

29.  ne̤ŋ21 ŋkɔu21 ȶoə52

10. kɔu21

30.  pe55 ȶoə42  *

11. kɔu21 ʔi55

40.  plɔu55 ȶoə42 *

12. kɔu21 ˀɔ55

50.  tʂi55 ȶoə42  *

13. kɔu21 pe55

60.  ʈɔu33 ȶoə21

14. kɔu21 plɔu55

70.  ɕaŋ33 ȶoə21

15. kɔu21 tʂi55

80.  ji21 ȶoə21

16. kɔu21 ʈɔu33

90.  ȶoə52 ȶoə21

17. kɔu21 ɕaŋ33

100. ˀi55 poə33    < Chinese

18. kɔu21 ʑi21

200. ˀɔ55 poə22

19. kɔu21 ȶoə52

1000. ˀi24 pʰaŋ24 ˀi43 tsʰeŋ55 < Chinese

20. ne̤ŋ21 ŋkɔu21

3000. pe55 pʰaŋ24 < Lao


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. David Strecker, Anthropology, University of Michigan, USA, April 13, 2013.
Reference sourcesː
Thomas Amis Lyman, 1974, Dictionary of Mong Njua; Lang Xiong, Joua Xiong, and Nao Leng Xiong, 1983, English-Mong Dictionary.
提供资的语言学家: Dr. David Strecker, 2013 年 4 月13 日.


Other comments: Green Mong has a decimal system. Green Mong (Moob Ntsuab [moŋ55 ɳdʐoə55]), Moob Leng [moŋ55 leŋ42], or Hmong Njua is the most populous Miao language in Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and North Vietnam. Note that there are tone changes in 30, 40, 50, 200 and 1000.

Language name and locationː Hmong Nzhuab, China [Refer to Ethnologue]

语言名称和分布地区: 云南省文山壮族苗族自治州马关县绿苗话 (川黔滇方言第一土语 )


1. ʔi54

21.  ne̤ŋ22 kou22 ʔi54

2. ʔau43

22.  ne̤ŋ22 kou22 ʔau43

3. pei54

23.  ne̤ŋ22 kou22 pei54

4. plou54

24.  ne̤ŋ22 kou22 plou54

5. tʃɹ̩54

25.  ne̤ŋ22 kou22 tʃɹ̩54

6. ʈou44

26.  ne̤ŋ22 kou22  ʈou44

7. ɕaŋ44

27.  ne̤ŋ22 kou22 ɕaŋ44

8. ʑi22

28.  ne̤ŋ22 kou22 ʑi22

9. tɕuɑ42

29.  ne̤ŋ22 kou22 tɕuɑ42

10. kou22

30.  pei54 tɕəu24

11. kou22 ʔi54

40.  plou54 tɕəu24

12. kou22 ʔau43

50.  tʃɹ̩54 tɕəu24

13. kou22 pei54

60.  ʈou44 tɕəu24

14. kou22 plou54

70.  ɕaŋ44 tɕəu24

15. kou22 tʃɹ̩54

80.  ʑi24 tɕəu22

16. kou22 ʈou44

90.  tɕuɑ42 tɕəu24

17. kou22 ɕaŋ44

100. ʔi54 pua44   < Chinese

18. kou22 ʑi22

200. ʔau43 pua44

19. kou22 tɕuɑ42

1000. ʔi54 tsʰa43 < Chinese

20. ne̤ŋ22 kou22

2000. ʔau43 tsʰa43


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Andy Castro and Mr. Royce Flaming.

SIL International, East-Asia. Janaury 13, 2009.

提供资的语言学家: 康蔼德先生和睿杰先生. 2009 年 1 月 13 日.


Other comments: Hmong Nzhuab has a decimal system.

Language name and locationː Dananshan Miao, China, Laos [Refer to Ethnologue ]

语言名称和分布地区: 贵州西北部毕节大南山苗语, 老挝, 缅甸, 泰国, 越南


1. ˀi43

21.  nen21 ŋkəu24 i43

2. ˀau43

22.  nen21 ŋkəu24 ˀau43

3. pe43

23.  nen21 ŋkəu24 pe43

4. pləu43

24.  nen21 ŋkəu24 pləu43

5. tʂi43

25.  nen21 ŋkəu24 tʂi43

6. ʈəu44

26.  nen21 ŋkəu24 ʈəu44

7. ɕaŋ44

27.  nen21 ŋkəu24 ɕaŋ44

8. ʑi24

28.  nen21 ŋkəu24 ʑi24

9. tɕua31

29.  nen21 ŋkəu24 tɕua31

10. kəu24

30.  pe43 tɕəu24

11. kəu24 ʔi43

40.  pləu43 tɕəu24

12. kəu24 au43

50.  tʂʅ43 tɕəu24

13. kəu24 pe43

60.  ʈəu44 tɕəu24

14. kəu24 pləu43

70.  ɕaŋ44 tɕəu24

15. kəu24 tʂi43

80.  ʑi24 tɕəu24

16. kəu24 ʈəu44

90.  tɕua31 tɕəu24

17. kəu24 ɕaŋ44

100. ˀi43 pua44   < Chinese

18. kəu24 ʑi24

200. ˀau43 pua44

19. kəu24 tɕua31

1000. ˀi43 tsʰa43 < Chinese

20. nen21 ŋkəu24

2000. ˀau43 tsʰa43


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Li Yunbing, Central National University, Beijing, China, October 12, 1993

提供资的语言学家: 云兵博士(北京中央民族大学 ), 1993 年 10 月 12 日.


Other comments: Dananshan Miao or Hmong Njua has a decimal system. Hmong Njua is the most populous Miao language among the Miao groups. This language is spoken in, Guizhou and Yunnan provinces of China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and North Vietnam. 

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