Language name and locationː Harzani, East Azerbaijan, Iran [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区哈尔札尼语, 伊朗东阿塞拜疆省大不里士城西北部地区


1. i

21.  viste-i

2. de

22.  viste-de

3. here

23.  viste-here

4. t͡ʃö [tʃø]

24.  viste-t͡ʃö

5. pint͡ʃ

25.  viste-pint͡ʃ

6. ʃoʃ

26.  viste-ʃoʃ

7. hoft

27.  viste-hoft

8. haʃt

28.  viste-haʃt

9. nov

29.  viste-nov

10. doh  

30.  si / viste-do (20+10)

11. doho-i

40.  t͡ʃel / de-vist (2 x 20)

12. doho-de

50.  pint͡ʃö / de-vist-do (2 x 20+10)

13. doho-here

60.  ʃest / here-vist (3 x 20)

14. doho-t͡ʃö

70.  hæfdö / here-viist-doho ( 3 x 20+10)

15. doho-pint͡ʃ

80.  hæʃdö  / t͡ʃö-vist (4 x 20)

16. doho-ʃoʃ

90.  navor / t͡ʃö-vist-do (4 x 20+10)

17. doho-hoft

100. so /pind͡ʒ-vist (5 x 20), 200. do-vist

18. doho-haft

400. vist-vist,  800. de-vist-vist

19. doho-nov

1000. hæzö

20. vist

2000. dehæzö


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Jahandoost Sabzalipour, Department of Persian languages and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch, Rast, Iran, though Dr. Esfandiar Taher, Department of Linguistics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran, March 24, 2020.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Jahandoost Sabzalipour, 2020 年 3 月 24 日


Other comments: Harzarani dialect of Galin Ghaya village, Harzandat/ Zunuz/ Marand, Iran, both used a decimal system and a vigesimal system.
Notesː č =IPA [t͡ʃ], j=IPA [d͡ʒ], ö is a rounded mid central vowel (between IPA [ø ] and IPA [o]), or a rounded schwa, equivalent to IPA [ɵ], š=IPA [ʃ], ž= IPA [ʒ],
y = IPA [j].

Language name and locationː Harzani, East Azerbaijan, Iran [Refer to Ethnologue]言名称和分布地区哈尔札尼语, 伊朗东阿塞拜疆省大不里士城西北部地区


1. i

21.  vist-o-i

2. de

22.  vist-o-de

3. here

23.  vist-o-here

4. t͡ʃö

24.  vist-o-t͡ʃö

5. pind͡ʒ

25.  vist-o-pind͡ʒ

6. ʃoʃ

26.  vist-o-ʃoʃ

7. hoft

27.  vist-o-hoft

8. hæʃt

28.  vist-o-hæʃt

9. nov

29.  vist-o-nov

10. doh  

30.  si

11. doh-o-i

40.  t͡ʃel

12. doh-o-de /dozde

50.  pind͡ʒe

13. doh-o-here

60.  ʃeʃt

14. doh-o-t͡ʃö / t͡ʃördæ

70.  hæftö

15. doh-o-pind͡ʒ /puzæ

80.  hæʃtö

16. doh-o-ʃoʃ

90.  soj-i-doh-kim

17. doh-o-hoft

100. soj /sæ

18. doh-o-hæft / hæʒdæ

200. de sæ

19. doh-o-nov

1000. hæzo

20. vist

2000. de-hæzo


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Hassan Rezai Baghbidi, University of Tehran, Iran, September 16, 2002.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Hassan Rezai Baghbidi, 2002 年 9 月 22 日


Other comments: Harzani has a decimal system similar to that of Persian. Harzani or

Harzandi is spoken by approximately 35,800 speakers in Marand-Jolfa area northwest of Tabriz, East Azerbaijan province, Iran.


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