Language name and locationː Georgian, Georgia, Turkey, Iran [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区格鲁吉亚语, 格鲁吉亚, 土耳其, 伊朗, 阿塞拜疆, 俄罗斯等国家 


1. ɛrt.i

21.  ɔts.dɑ.ɛrt.i

2. ɔr.i

22.  ɔts.dɑ.ɔr.i

3. sɑm.i

23.  ɔts.dɑ.sɑm.i

4. ɔtχ.i

24.  ɔts.dɑ.ɔtχ.i

5. χut.i

25.  ɔts.dɑ.χut.i

6. ɛkvs.i

26.  ɔts.dɑ.ɛkvs.i

7. ʃvid.i

27.  ɔts.dɑ.ʃvid.i

8. rvɑ

28.  ɔts.dɑ.rvɑ

9. tsχrɑ

29.  ɔts.dɑ.tsχrɑ

10. ɑt.i

30.  ɔts.dɑ.ɑt.i (20+10)

11. t.ɛrt.mɛtʼ.i

40.  ɔr.m.ɔts.i (2 x 20)

12. t.ɔr.mɛtʼ.i

50.  ɔr.m.ɔts.dɑ.ɑt.i

13. t(.)sɑm.(m)ɛtʼ.i

60.  sɑm(m).ɔts.i  (3 x 20)

14. t.ɔtχ.mɛtʼ.i

70.  sɑm(m).ɔts.dɑ.ɑt.i

15. tχut.mɛtʼ.i

80.  ɔtχ.m.ɔts.i (4 x 20)

16. ɛkvs.mɛtʼ.i

90.  ɔtχ.m.ɔts.dɑ.ɑt.i

17. t(.)ʃvid.mɛtʼ.i

100. ɑs.i

18. vrɑ.mɛtʼ.i *

200. ɔr.ɑs.i

19. tsχrɑ.mɛtʼ.i

1000. ɑt.ɑs.i

20. ɔts.i

2000. ɔr.i ɑt.ɑs.i


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Zurab Baratashvili, PhD Student, Linguistics, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, June 28, 2019.
供资料的语言学家: Mr. Zurab Baratashvili, 2019 6 28 .


Other comments: Georgian has a vigesimal numeral system. Note that the number 18 rvɑ.mɛtʼ.i, t.vrɑ.mɛtʼ.i should be written ('vr' is correct than 'rv' it means that the basic form rva 'eight' has undergone metathesis and that is why the result is 'vr' and not 'vr'). t(.)sɑm.(m)ɛtʼ.i and t(.)ʃvid.mɛtʼ.i have initial consonant as affricate 'ts' and 'tʃ'. They come from old Georgian at.sɑm.mɛti and at.vid.mɛti, respectively. Georgian is spoken by approximately 3,000,000 speakers in Georgia, as well as Russia, Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan, Greece and some other countries.

Language name and locationː Georgian, Georgia, Turkey, Iran [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区格鲁吉亚语, 格鲁吉亚, 土耳其, 伊朗, 阿塞拜疆, 俄罗斯等国家 


1. ɛrt.i

21.  ɔts.dɑ.ɛrt.i

2. ɔr.i

22.  ɔts.dɑ.ɔr.i

3. sɑm.i

23.  ɔts.dɑ.sɑm.i

4. ɔtχ.i

24.  ɔts.dɑ.ɔtχ.i

5. χut.i

25.  ɔts.dɑ.χut.i

6. ɛkvs.i

26.  ɔts.dɑ.ɛkvs.i

7. ʃvid.i

27.  ɔts.dɑ.ʃvid.i

8. rvɑ

28.  ɔts.dɑ.rvɑ

9. tsχrɑ

29.  ɔts.dɑ.tsχrɑ

10. ɑt.i

30.  ɔts.dɑ.ɑt.i ( 20 + 10 )

11. t.ɛrt.mɛtʼ.i

40.  ɔr.m.ɔts.i ( 2 x 20)

12. t.ɔr.mɛtʼ.i

50.  ɔr.m.ɔts.dɑ.ɑt.i

13. t(.)sɑm.(m)ɛtʼ.i

60.  sɑm(m).ɔts.i  ( 3 x 20)

14. t.ɔtχ.mɛtʼ.i

70.  sɑm(m).ɔts.dɑ.ɑt.i

15. tχut.mɛtʼ.i

80.  ɔtχ.m.ɔts.i ( 4 x 20)

16. ɛkvs.mɛtʼ.i

90.  ɔtχ.m.ɔts.dɑ.ɑt.i

17. t(.)ʃvid.mɛtʼ.i

100. ɑs.i

18. rvɑ.mɛtʼ.i

200. ɔr.ɑs.i

19. tsχrɑ.mɛtʼ.i

1000. ɑt.ɑs.i

20. ɔts.i

2000. ɔr.i ɑt.ɑs.i


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Viacheslav Chirikba, Russian Academy of Sciences and University of Leiden, Netherlands, 1991. February 10, 2017.
Phonetic transcriptions refer to Prof. George Hewitt, 2004 " Introduction to the Study of the Languages of the Caucasus", LINCOM EUROPA.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Viacheslav Chirikba, 1991 年, 2017 年 2 月 10 .


Other comments: Georgian has a vigesimal numeral system


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