Language name and locationː Fore, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区福雷语, 巴布亚新几内亚东高地省奥卡帕地区


1. káne

2. tarawe

3. kakágawé  (lit: 'one-one-one'); tarawakánakíné (two-one-and)

4. tarawatarawakíné  (lit: 'two-two-and')

5. naya ká amúné  (lit: 'my-hand one give')

6. to náentisa ká umaemawé  (lit: 'another my-hand-from one there-get-and')

7. to náentisa tara umaemawé  (lit: 'another my-hand-from two there-get-and')

8. to náentisa kakága umaemawé (another my-hand-from one-one-one there-get-and)    or: to náentisa tarawakánakí úmaemawé  (another my-hand-from two-one-and

    there-get-and) or: to náentisa tara megasímawé  (another my-hand-from two


9. to náentisa tarawatarawakí úmaemawé (another my-hand-from two-two-and

    there-get-and) or: to náentisa ká megasímawé (another my-hand-from one


10. naya tára amúné  (lit: 'my-hand two give')

11. nagisarísa ká tumpaemawe (lit: 'my-foot-from one down-get-and')

12 nagisarísa tara tumpaemawe  (lit:' my-foot-from two down-get-and')

13. nagisarísa kakága tumpaemawe (lit: 'my-foot-from three down-get-and')

14. nagisarísa tarawatarawakí túmpaemawe (lit: 'my-foot-from four down-get-and')
15. nagísarísa ká amú pumawe (lit: 'my-foot-from one give do-and')
16. to nagísarísa ká umaemawé (lit: 'another my-foot-from one there-get-and')
17. to nagísarísa tara umaemawé (lit: 'another my-foot-from two there-get-and')
18. to nagísarísa kakága umaemawé  (another my-foot-from one-one-one there-get-
     and) or: to nagísarísa tarawakánakí úmaemawé  (another my-foot-from two-one-
      and there-get-and) or: to nagísarísa tara megasímawé  (another my-foot-from two 
19. to nagísarísa tarawatarawakí úmaemawé (another my-foot-from two-two-and
     there-get-and);  or: to nagísarísa [age] ká mégasimawé  (another my-foot-from
     [little toe*] one throwaway-and) *little toe  is optional
20. Nagisá tára’mu naya tárá’mu pumawe (my-feet-from two-and my-hands two-and
     do-and);  or simply in context:  ká kinane (one person*)  *only 20 in context,
    otherwise=two people
21. ká kina puma káne (lit: 'one person and one')
40. tara kinane ('two persons'*) *only 40 in context, otherwise='two people'


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Graham Scott. SIL International, May 21, 2010.

提供资的语言家: Dr. Graham Scott, 2010 年 5 月 21 日.


Other comments: Fore is spoken by approximately 30,000 speakers in Okapa district,

Eastern Highlands province, Papua New Guinea. Fore has a digit-tally system. Fore higher numbers (above 10) have not generally been culturally appropriate in the past. With the introduction of money (and for the kids, marbles – 60 years ago), Fore speakers generally switched to English (or Pidginised) forms when specific numbers were needed, although the Fore numbers for 1 and 2 were still very much in use 20 years ago.          

Grammar note:  word final  we  and  ne  indicative suffixes used in citation from  (w, n are class markers)

Phonetic notes:

            p  t  k               initially unaspirated

            p  t  k               medially preglottalised (= ‘p ‘t ‘k)

            b  r  g               medially only, occurring as voiced allophones of  p  t  k

                                    r = alveolar tap;  b  g  occasionally fricativised

            s                     does not have a voiced intervocalic equivalent (more
                                  recently introduced)

            y                     represents palatal semivowel

            nk                  velar nasal preceding k  (mp nt nk are consonantal units)           

            ‘                     glottal stop   (not written preceding p t k  or between words)
                                 (glottal stop is represented preceding m n w y within words)

            a                    sixth vowel (long a)  (a represents shorter a)

            ae                  dipthong filling a V position (as are ai ao au)

            ΄ (acute)        accent generally recognized by higher tone and stress, shorter
                                preceding vowel, but varies much.

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