Language name and locationː Duruwa, Odisha state, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区杜鲁瓦语 (帕尔吉语 Parji), 印度东部奥里萨邦及中部恰蒂斯加尔邦


1. okut̪

21.  koɖek okut̪

2. iɾɖuk /uɾɖuk

22.  koɖek uɾɖuk

3. muːnɖuk

23.  koɖek muːnɖuk

4. naːluk

24.  koɖek naːluk

5. t͡ʃeɳɖuk

25.  koɖek t͡ʃeɳɖuk

6. t͡ʃe < Indo-Aryan

26.  koɖek t͡ʃe

7. t͡ʃaːt̪

27.  koɖek t͡ʃaːt̪

8. aːʈ

28.  koɖek aːʈ

9. nʌu

29.  koɖek nʌu

10. d̪ʌs  

30.  koɖek d̪ʌt͡ʃ / ok koɖ ʌɾu d̪ʌt͡ʃ

11. igyaɾa

40.  uɾɖuk koɖ ( 2 x 20 )

12. baɾa

50.  uɾɖuk koɖ ʌɾu d̪ʌt͡ʃ (2 x 20+10)

13. t̪era

60.  muːnɖuk koɖ  (3 x 20 )

14. t͡ʃʌvd̪a

70.  muːnɖuk koɖ ʌɾu d̪ʌt͡ʃ (3 x 20+10 )

15. pʌnd̪ɾa /t͡ʃeɳɖuk kom koɖek

80.  naluk koɖ (4 x 20 )

16. t͡ʃola

90.  naluk koɖ ʌɾu d̪ʌt͡ʃ (4 x 20+10)

17. t͡ʃʌt̪ɾa

100. t͡ʃenɖ koɖ (5 x 20)/ ek t͡ʃʌv /t͡ʃov

18. ʌʈaɾa 

200. d̪ui t͡ʃov

19. unnit͡ʃ

1000. ek ʌd͡ʒaɾ

20. koɖek / bit͡ʃ

2000. d̪ui ʌd͡ʒaɾ


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Michael Jeyabalan, Translations Advisor, Bible Society of India, Bangalore, India, August 20, 1995
供资料的语言学 家: Mr. Michael Jeyabalan, 1995 年 8 月 20 日


Other comments: Duruwa or Parji is spoken by approximately 12,000 speakers in 
Chhattisgarh and Odisha states, India.
Duruwa has a traditional vigesimal system. Duruwa language only remains Dravidian numerals one to five, they adopt Indo-Aryan numeral system mixed with native terms for numbers after twenty.  


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