Language name and location: Dom, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区多姆语, 巴布亚新几内亚辛布省


1. ta / tenan / tenanta; wan, wanpla

2. su / sukle; tu, tupla

3. suta, sutakope  (litː 'two one plus' ?); tri, tripla

4. sui sui (litː 'two two'); po, popla

5. sui sui ta (litː 'two two one this'), one kole, muru; paip, paipla

6. sui sui sui ('two two two')/one kole ire ta ire ('my hand part all, one'); siks, sikspla

7. sui sui sui ta  / one kole ire sui ire (lit: my hand part all, two'), sepen, sepenpla

8. sui sui sui sui  / one kole ire sui ire suta ire  ('my hand part all, three'), et, etpla

9. one kole ire sui sui ire ('my hand part all, two two'), nain, nainpla

10. one kole kole (lit: my hand part part all'), ten, tenpla, 11.*, 12. twelp, 13. tertin,

14. portin, potin, 15. piptin, 16. sikstin, 17. sepentin, 18. etin, 19. naintin,

20. one kole kole kalne kole kole, yal gal ta; twenti 

21. twenti wan, 22. twenti tu, 23. twenti tri, 24. twenti po, 25. twenti paip, 

26. twenti siks, 27. twenti sepen, 28. twenti et, 29. twenti nain, 30. teti

40. yal gal su; poti,   50. pipti, 60. siksti, 70. sepenti, 80. eti, 90. nainti

100. andret, 200. tu andret, 1,000. tausen, 2,000. tu tausen


Linguist providing data and dateː Associate Prof. Dr. Syuntaro Tida,  Kyoto University, Tokyo, Japan, March 16, 2018

提供资的语言家: 日本京都大学文学研究科准教授千田俊太郎博士, 2018 年 3 月

16 日.


Other comments: Dom is spoken by about 16,000 speakers in mainly south of Wahgi river from Kundiawa west, Chimbu province, Papua New Guinea. Dom has a traditional counting system similar to that of Golin. Actually, the traditional system of numerals is dying out and few people use it spontaneously except for one, two, and three.  I don't think I have numerals above 100 even if I find the session records.  So the attached file contains many loanwords from Tok Pisin without corresponding native one given.  Also, data for 11 was not confirmed.

I have got it somewhere... I even remember it (native and loan), but the column is left blank.  Composite morphology of Dom numerals is near identical to that of Golin and Kuman.

Please refer to Tida (2006: 58--59) for glossing.

 In addition, the data contains one not mentioned in my grammar.

The literal meaning of 20: yal gal (man kid) is "boy" (with it's 20 digits).

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