Language name and location: Daga, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
1. daiton |
21. apunu daiton daitonawa |
2. dere |
22. apunu daiton derewa |
3. yampo |
23. apunu daiton yampoa |
4. deɡede |
24. apunu daiton deɡedeawa |
5. nani yampunaet |
25. apunu daiton nani yampunaet |
6. nani yampunaet daitonawa (5+1) |
26. apunu daiton nani yamp. daitonawa |
7. nani yampunaet derewa (5+2) |
27. apunu daiton nani yampunaet derewa |
8. nani yampunaet yampoa (5+3) |
28. apunu daiton nani yampunaet yampoa |
9. nani yampunaet deɡedeawa (5+4) |
29. apunu daiton nani yamp. deɡedeawa |
10. aonaɡaet |
30. apunu daiton aonaɡaetawa |
11. aonaɡaet daiton |
40. apunu dere |
12. aonaɡaet dere |
50. apunu yampo aonaɡaetawa |
13. aonaɡaet yampo |
60. apunu yampo |
14. aonaɡaet deɡede |
70. apunu yampo aonaɡaetawa |
15. aonaɡaet pusiwa |
80. apunu deɡede |
16. aonaɡaet pusiwa daitonawa |
90. apunu deɡede aonaɡaetawa |
17. aonaɡaet pusiwa derewa |
100. apunu nani yampunaet |
18. aonaɡaet pusiwa yampoa |
200. apunu aonaɡaet |
19. aonaɡaet pusiwa deɡedeawa |
1000. apunu nani yamunaet |
20. apunu daiton |
2000. apunu aonaɡaet aonaɡaetawa |
Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Daniel Jesudason through Mr. Ray Stegeman, SIL-International,
Papua New Guinea,
September 6, 提供资料的语言学家: Mr. Daniel Jesudason. 2010 年 9 月 6 日 |
Other comments: Daga is spoken by approximately 9,000 speakers in Central province, Milne Bay province and Oro province: some southeast, Papua New Guinea. The Daga counting system, displays a modified 2-cycle, i.e., there are three distinct words for the first three numerals and the numeral 4 has a '2 + 2' construction. The number word for 5, 'nani yampunaet', means 'hand other-only' where 'nani' is the 'hand' morpheme. The number words for 6 to 9 have a '5 + n construction where 'n' taken the value 1 to 4 respectively. The number word for 10, 'aonaɡaet', has the meaning 'up only' and indicates that finger tallying is completed. Therefore, tallying proceeds to the toes and the number word for 11, 'aonaɡaet daiton', has the meaning 'up only foot-my one'. The number word for 16 'aonaɡaet pusiwa daitonawa', has the meaning 'up-only foot-my other one'. Once tallying of toes is completed at 20 we have 'apunu daiton' which contains the morpheme for man 'apane'. |
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