Language name and locationː Chut ( Sach dialect), Vietnam, Laos [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区语, 越南中部广平省及老挝境内


1. moc11

21.  ha:j55 mɨəj31 mot11

2. ha:l55

22.  ha:j55 mɨəj31 ha:j55

3. pa55

23.  ha:j55 mɨəj31 pa:55

4. poːn35

24.  ha:j55 mɨəj31 poːn35

5. ˀdam55

25.  ha:j55 mɨəj31 lam55

6. pʰraw35 / ʂaw35

26.  ha:j55 mɨəj31 ʂaw45

7. paj312

27.  ha:j55 mɨəj31 paj312

8. tʰaːm35

28.  ha:j55 mɨəj31 tʰaːm35

9. ciːn35

29.  ha:j55 mɨəj31 ciːn35

10. mɨəj31

30.  pa:55 mɨəj31

11. mɨəj31 mot11 < Vietnamese

40.  bon45 mɨəj31

12. mɨəj31 ha:j55

50.  nam33 mɨəj31

13. mɨəj31 pa:55

60.  ʂaw45 mɨəj31

14. mɨəj31 poːn35

70.  paj312 mɨəj31

15. mɨəj31 lam55

80.  tʰaːm35 mɨəj31

16. mɨəj31 ʂaw45

90.  ciːn35 mɨəj31

17. mɨəj31 paj312

100. mot11 tlam33

18. mɨəj31 tʰaːm35

200. ha:j55 tlam33

19. mɨəj31 ciːn35

1000. mot11 ŋin31

20. ha:j35 mɨəj33

2000. ha:j55 ŋin31


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Michael Ferlus, CNRS (Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique), Paris, France, April 6, 1999
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Michael Ferlus, 1999 年 4 月 6 日.


Other comments: Chut is spoken by approximately 1,250 speakers in Quang Binh province, Thuong Hoa, Hoa Son, Dan Hoa communes, near Laos border , Vietname as well as Laos. Chut  has a decimal system. Chut borrowed Vietnamese numerals after ten with pronunciation modifications. 


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