Language name and locationː Chrau, Dong Nai prvince, Vietnam [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区奇劳语, 越南南部同奈省, 巴地头顿省及平顺省


1. muoːi ~ du

21.  val ɟaːt muoːi

2. val

22.  val ɟaːt val

3. pe

23.  val ɟaːt pe

4. puoːn

24.  val ɟaːt puoːn

5. prăm

25.  val ɟaːt prăm

6. prau

26.  val ɟaːt prau

7. pŏh ~ paːh

27.  val ɟaːt pŏh

8. pʰam

28.  val ɟaːt pʰam

9. suˀn

29.  val ɟaːt suˀn

10. maːt

30.  pe ɟaːt

11. maːt muoːi

40.  puoːn ɟaːt

12. maːt val

50.  prăm ɟaːt

13. maːt pe

60.  prau ɟaːt

14. maːt puoːn

70.  pŏh ɟaːt

15. maːt prăm

80.  pʰam ɟaːt

16. maːt prau

90.  suˀn ɟaːt

17. maːt pŏh

100. du rajĕŋ

18. maːt pʰam

200. val rajĕŋ

19. maːt suˀn

1000. du ravu  < Chamic

20. val ɟaːt

2000. val ravu


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. David Thomas, Summer Institute of Linguistics, November 2, 1994.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. David Thomas, 1994 年 11 月 2 日.


Other comments: Chrau has a decimal numeral system. Chrau is a Bahnaric language spoken by some of the 22,000 ethnic Cho Ro people in southern Vietnam. Unlike most languages of Southeast Asia, Chrau has no lexical tone, though it does have significant sentence intonation. Most people who speak Chrau are from the Southern parts of Vietnam such as Bien Hoa and Binh Tuy.


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