Language name and locationː Bugan, Yunnan province, China [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区布干语 (布庚语 Bugeng), 中国云南省广南县和西畴县


1. bɔ55 / mə55

21.  bi31 mã31 55

2. biɔ31 / bi31

22.  bi31 mã31 bi31

3. mtse31

23.  bi31 mã31 mtse31

4. pau33

24.  bi31 mã31 pau33

5. mi33

25.  bi31 mã31 mi33

6. pi̠o̠33

26.  bi31 mã31 pi̠o̠33

7. po̠u̠31

27.  bi31 mã31 po̠u̠31

8. sã33

28.  bi31 mã31 sã33

9. ɕi33

29.  bi31 mã31 ɕi33

10. mã31

30.  mtse31 mã31

11. mã31 55

40.  pau33 mã31

12. mã31 bi31

50.  mi33 mã31

13. mã31 mtse31

60.  pi̠o̠33 mã31

14. mã31 pau33

70.  po̠u̠31 mã31

15. mã31 mi33

80.  sã33 mã31

16. mã31 pi̠o̠33

90.  ɕi33 mã31

17. mã31 po̠u̠31

100. ʑu31

18. mã31 sã33

200. bi31 ʑu31

19. mã31 ɕi33

1000. tʰiaŋ21

20. bi31 mã31

2000. bi31 tʰiaŋ21   tʰiaŋ21 < Chinese


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Li Jinfang, Central National University, Beijing, China, May 20, 1998
供资料的语言学家: 李锦芳教授(中央民族大学), 1998 年 5 月 20 日.


Other comments: Bugan or or Bugeng has a decimal numeral system. Bugan, Bogan, Pakan, or Bugeng (布甘语, 布干语, or 布赓语) is an Austroasiatic language. The existence of the Bugan language was not known by the rest of world until recently. There are about 3000 speakers, mostly in some villages in southern Guangnan county(广南) and northern Xichou county (西畴), Yunnan Province, China. Bugan is an analytic language, and word order and auxiliary words have important functions in the grammar. According to Li Jinfang (1996), the Bugan-speaking population is distributed in seven villages across southern Guangnan (广南) and northern Xichou (西畴), Yunnan Province, China. As the language is highly uniform, it is not divided into any dialects.


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