Language name and location: Borong, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区博龙语 (索龙语 Kosorong), 巴布亚新几内亚莫罗贝省


1. motooŋɡo

2. woi

3. karooŋ, karowoŋ

4. woiwoi, nemuŋ k͡paa (litː ''thumb without'')

5. boro moŋ (litː ''hand one'') 

6. boro moŋ teeɡeŋ motooŋɡo, karoŋkaroŋ (litː ''hand one on. the side one'') 

7. boro moŋ teeɡeŋ woi

8. boro moŋ teeɡeŋ karooŋ

9. boro moŋ teeɡeŋ nemuŋ k͡paa (litː ''hand one on. the side thumb. without'')

10. boro woi (litː ''hand two'' )

11. boro woi kananoŋ moŋ (motooŋɡo) (litː ''hands two the foot one'')

12. boro woi kananoŋ woi

13. boro woi kananoŋ karooŋ

14. boro woi kananoŋ nemuŋ k͡paa

15. boro woi kana moŋ (litː ''hands two and foot one'')

16. boro woi kana moŋ teeɡeŋ moŋ

17. boro woi kana moŋ teeɡeŋ woi

18. boro woi kana moŋ teeɡeŋ karooŋ

19. boro woi kana moŋ teeɡeŋ woiwoi (''hands two, foot one on the other side four'')

20. kana boro kuuya, eja moŋ (kuuya), ɡeso moŋ (kuuya) [litː ''feet hands all, man one

     (whole), net bag one (whole)'']


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Soini Olkkonen, SIL-International, Papua New Guinea, October 3, 2008.
的语言家: Mr. Soini Olkkonen, 2008 年 10 月 3 日.


Other comments: Borong is spoken by approximately 2,000 speakers in Finschhafen district, central Huon peninsula between Kuat and Burum rivers, Morobe province, Papua New Guinea. The Borong or Kosorong counting system is a digit-tally one with a basic numeral set (1, 2, 3, 4). The numeral words for 5 and 10 both contain a 'hand'

morpheme 'boro'. They can use traditional counting up to 60 as followings:

21. kana boro kuuya monoŋa moŋ 'feet hands all, out of one''.

22. kana boro kuuya monoŋa woi 'feet hands all, out of two'

23. kana boro kuuya monoŋa karooŋ 'feet hands all, out of three'

24. kana boro kuuya monoŋa woiwoi 'feet hands all, out of four'

25. kana boro kuuya boro moŋ 'feet hands all, hand one'  etc.

30. geso moŋ boro woi 'net bag one, hands two'

40. geso woi 'net bags two'

50. gesi woi boro woi 'net bags two, hands two'

60. geso karooŋ 'net bags three'.

   However, nowadays, English loanword numbers are used, except numbers 1 to 5.

  Note thatː ŋ=voiced velar nasal, q=IPA [k͡p],  gb=IPA [ɡ͡b], z= IPA[ts].

  VV = double long vowel.

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