anguage name and location: Bo, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区柏语, 巴布亚新几内亚北部桑达恩省和东锡皮克省


1. sɔsɔ (litː ''pinky finger'')

2. tisʌ (litː ''ring finger'')

3. tousʌ (litː ''middle finger'')


5. nosa



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Glen A. Lean, Department of Communications, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea, 1991.

Sourceː Glendon A. Lean. Counting systems of Papua New Guinea, volume 14, East Sepik Province. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea, 1991.

Sources: SIL Word List (1972), Conrad and Dye (1975)
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Glen A. Lean, 1991 年.    


Other comments: Bo (Po, Sorimi) is a possible Left May language of New Guinea, in Sandaun and East Sepik Provinces. It is essentially undocumented, and its status as a separate language is unconfirmed. It is spoken by approximately 85 speakers in Bo, Kaumifi, Kobaru, and Nigyama Umarita villages in Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea. 

Conrad and Dye (1975, p.9) list five Bo-speaking villages (none of which are listed as Census Units for the 1980 Census) which are situated in West Range in the extreme west of the East Sepik Province. The language is closely related to both Iteri and Rocky Peak and a word list of Bo appears in the study of languages of the Upper Sepik region by Conrad and Dye (1975).

The only number data obtained derive from an SIL word list compiled in 1972, and from the Conrad and Dye word list. As with Rocky Peak and Iteri, the Bo data are insufficient to determine the nature of the counting or tally system. The word for 'hand' is 'nai' which does not appear to be cognate with the number word for 5 as we might expect for a digit-tally system. Not sure if they are still using old traditional numbers or body tally after 5 or 10 now use Tok Pisin numerals after 5. New data for numbers after 5 is required.

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