Language name and location: Bisorio, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区比索里奥语, 巴布亚新几内亚恩


1. habila

21. dailau hali (forearm other side)

2. labo

22. dailau baule (wrist other side)

3. sebo

23. youmusebe (thumb)

4. dumeda

24. ? Forgot

5. you

25. samunaga (middle finger)

6. baule (wrist)

26. gegamusebe (point finger)

7. hali (forearm)

27. gega (little finge

8. logo (elbow)

Dobafe Habila- counted through once

9. gidoba (bicep)


10. ganowa (or gi labo- 2 hands)

30. Hede sebo 3 sticks

11. masa (neck)

40. gaise labo  2 complete persons

12. hale (ear)

50. hede yisobu 5 sticks

13. gene (eye)

60. hede bausobu 6 sticks

14. dowi (nose)

70. hede halisobu 7 sticks

15. dailau gene (eye other side

80.  hede logosobu 8 sticks

16. dailau hale (ear other side)

90.  hede ganowasobu 9 sticks

17. dailau masa (neck other side)


18. dailau ganowa (shoulder other side)


19. dailau gidoba (bicep other side)


20. dailau.. (or gaise habila whole person perWholeperson)



Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Bob Kennell through Mr. Jason Stuart, ETHNOS 360 (NTM), Papua New Guinea. October 31, 2023

供资料的语言学家: Mr Bob Kennell. 2023 年 10 月 31 日.


Other comments: Bisorio is an endangered language is spoken by about 1,000 speakers (together with the Nete speakers) spoken at the head of the Korosamen River adjacent to the Nete dialect-speaking area, Enga province, Papua New Guinea. Bisorio has a body-tally system up to 27 and can used sticks count to 90.

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