Language name and locationː Benebena, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区贝纳贝纳, 巴布亚新几内亚东高地省戈罗卡地区


1. mone-ko yabe (litː 'one only is')

2. loe-mo yabe (litː 'two only is')

3. loe ya-ɡi loe ya-ɡi (litː 'two is and one is and')

4. loe ya-ɡe loe ya-ɡi (litː 'two is and two is and')

5. na-yabi mone suhaɡo yabe (litː 'my-hand one finished is') or

    loe ya-ɡi loe ya-ɡi mone ya-ɡi (litː 'two only two only one only is')

6. na-yahi mone suhaɡo to luɡo-a'-lo mone leke homalaɡo

   (litː 'my-hand one finished and other-its-on one bend over is')

7. na-yahi mone suhaɡo to luɡo-a'-lo loe-mo leke homalaɡo

   (litː 'my-hand one finished and other-its-on two bend over is') 

   8 to 9 are in the same pattern as 7

10. na-yahi luɡa luɡa suhaɡo yabe (litː 'my-hand both finished and my-foot-on one')

11. na-yahi luɡa luɡa suhaɡo to ni-ɡi-ni-lo mone

     (litː 'my-hand both finished and my-foot-on one')

     12 to 19 are in the same pattern as 11.

20. na-yahi luɡa luɡa suhaɡo to ni-ɡi-ni-lo luɡa suhaɡo

     (litː 'my-hand both finished and my-foot both finished')


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Glen A. Lean, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea, July 14, 1987.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Glen A. Lean, 1987 年 7 月 14 日.


Other comments: Benabena is spoken by approximately 45,000 speakers in Goroka district, Eastern Highlands province, Papua New Guinea. Benabena has a tally system with two words for numbers and traditionally they can count up to 20 using hands and feet.

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