Language name and location: Beami, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 贝亚米语, 巴布亚新几内亚西部省


1. aɡe  (''little finger'') 

21.  lai ɡalo (''neck of other side'')

2. aɡeadu (''ring finger'')

22.  lai faɡo (''collar bone of other side'')

3. osoda (''middle finger'')

23.  lai ɡida, hu (''shoulder of other side'')

4. biadu (''index finger'')

24.  lai nabu (''upper arm of other side'') 

5. bi (''thumb'')

25.  lai seseɡe (''elbow (inner)''other side)

6. ɡafe (''palm'')

26.  lai ɡodo (''lower arm of other side'')

7. lobofasele (''wrist")

27.  lai lobofasele (''wrist of other side'') 

8. ɡodo [''lower arm (midway)'']

28.  lai ɡafe (''palm of other side'') 

9. seseɡe [''elbow (inner)'']

29.  lai bi (''thumb of other side'')

10. nabu (''upper arm'')

30.  lai biadu (''index finger of other side'')

11. ɡida, hu (''shoulder'')

31.  lai osoda (''middle finger other side'')

12. faɡo (''collar bone'')

32.  lai aɡeadu (''ring finger of other side'')

13. ɡalo (''neck'')

33.  lai aɡe (''little finger of other side'')

14. ɡehe, aida (''ear'')


15. baː (''cheek'')


16. si (''eye'')


17. halida (''nose'')


18. lai si (''other eye'')


19. lai baː (''other cheek'')


20. lai ɡehe, lai aida (''other ear'')



Linguist providing data and dateː Veteran missionaries and Bible Translators, Tom and Salome Hoey, 1970s to 1990s. Provided by Anthropologists Peter Dwyer and Monica Minnegal, University of Melbourne Australia, February 1, 2016.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Peter Dwyer and Dr. Monica Minnegal, 2016 年 2 月 1 日.


Other comments: Beami or Bedamuni is spoken by about 5,000 speakers in east of Nomad Western province, into Southern Highlands province, Papua New Guinea. Beami has a symmetrical body-part tally system with a cycle length of 33 and a mid-point at the nose. Noun modifiers are afai, afadafa, -isu for 1, aduna, elela for 2 and udiana for 3. Anthropologists Peter Dwyer and Monica Minnegal recorded the Bedamuni counting system during two months in 1996-97. They recorded the mid-point [17] as mi; mi is an alternative name for nose. They recorded noun modifiers as afae for 1, aduna for 2, udiana for 3, biaduale for 4, biale for 5 and, thereafter, name of body part with -ale as suffix. Other wordsː finished fusuli fasi, going round amalu bu agesa,  once around age fawane fusui, twice around ageyadu fusui,

thrice around osoda fusui - fusudigi.

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