Language name and locationː Batek, Pahang, Kelantan, Malaysia [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区巴特克语, 马来西亚马来半岛彭亨州, 吉兰丹州及登嘉楼州


1. nay ~ ney / satuʔ (use Malay)

21.  dwaʔ puloh satoh

2. duaʔ (use Malay)

22.  dwaʔ puloh dwaʔ

3. tigaʔ

23.  dwaʔ puloh tigaʔ

4. empat

24.  dwaʔ puloh ʔmpat

5. limɛːʔ

25.  dwaʔ puloh limɛːʔ

6. nɛm

26.  dwaʔ puloh nɛm

7. tuɟoh

27.  dwaʔ puloh tuɟoh

8. lapan

28.  dwaʔ puloh lapan

9. smilan

29.  dwaʔ puloh smilan

10. spuloh

30.  tigaʔ puloh

11. sblas

40.  ʔmpat puloh

12. dwaʔ blas

50.  limɛːʔ puloh

13. tigaʔ blas

60.  nɛm puloh

14. ʔmpat blas

70.  tuɟoh puloh

15. limɛːʔ blas

80.  lapan puloh

16. nɛm blas

90.  smilan puloh

17. tuɟoh blas

100. sratos

18. lapan blas

200. dwaʔ sratos

19. smilan blas

1000. seribuh

20. dwaʔ puloh

2000. dwaʔ ribuh


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Kirk Endicott, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, September 23, 1993.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Kirk Endicott, 1993 年 9 月 23 日.


Other comments: Batek is spoken by approximately 1,000 speakers in Pahang, Kelantan, and Terengganu, Malaysia.Batek use Malay numeral system with adding glottal stops to the ends of the numbers, Geoffrey Benjamin had obtained the term /ney/ for " one " when he visited the Batek Deq in 1969, when Kirk Endicott visited the Batek Nong in 1972, they were still using the term /nay/ for " one" and used Malay numbers for all the rest.


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