Language name and location: Asue Awyu, Papua, Indonesia [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区阿苏埃-奥尤语 (皮萨语Pisa), 印度尼西亚巴布亚阿斯马特县地区


1. sikirè ~ tisijé

2. kuruma

3. kumandima (kumandi 'middle finger')

4. sòghondéma (sòghondéma 'ring finger')

5. bédaghafima

6. bédo-sikirè

7. bédo-kuruma

8. bédo-kumandima

9. bédo-soghondéma

10. bìdi-bìdima

11. bìdi-bìdima-sikirè


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Lourens Jan de Vries, Afd. Taal en  Communicatie Letteren, Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands, February 3, 2010.

Reference source: 1995a, 'Numeral systems of the Awyu language family of Irian Jaya'. In: Journal of the Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology, BKI 150-III, 540-567.

供资料的语言 学家: Prof. Lourens Jan de Vries, 2010 年 2 月 3 日.


Other comments: Asue Awyu or Pisa is spoken by approximately 6,500 speakers in inland of Asmat and Mappi regencies, Papua province, Indonesia. Pisa or Assue Awyu, an Awyu language spoken along branches of the Kampong and Wildeman rivers, Drabbe (1950) gives the number words for 1 to 11, and for 20. The Pisa data show a binary / quinary / vigesimal system, with the numbers 3 and 4 being body-part numbers: kumandi 'middle finger/3' and sòghondéma 'ring finger/4'. As often in New Guinea systems, the Pisa word for 5 contains the word for hand (the expression bédaghafima meaning 'the one hand'). The word for 20 contains the word 'man' (gho) and the word for 'bone' (bagi), just like in Aghu. 
    Apart from the words for 1, 6 and 20 the Pisa number words end in a suffix -ma. Drabbe (1950: 104) observes that the meaning of this suffix is hard to determine. Most probably, this suffix is the support-verb mV- 'to do' which is used as a verbaliser in all Awyu languages (also in Pisa, Drabbe 1950: 109). In Aghu this same support-verb is used to verbalise the number words (see above) and thus integrate them into morpho-syntax. Thus the Aghu and Pisa number systems resemble each other both in the type of system (non-body-part system with primitive numbers for 1,2, 5 and 20) and in the way it is integrated in morpho-syntax.

Language name and location: Asue Awyu, Papua, Indonesia [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区阿苏埃-奥尤语 (皮萨语Pisa), 印度尼西亚巴布亚阿斯马特县地区


1. teisʲɐ

2. kʰɔrmɐn

3. kʰɔrmɐn'dʒumɐ

4. sendo'mɐ

5. bedɐxi'burmɐ  

6. bedɐxi'wɐdo

7. bedɐxiwɐdo'mɐɣɐ

8. bedɐxi'hoiwomu

9. bedɐxi seomɐɣɐ

10. bedɐxibedaxi'burmɐ

20. bedɐxibedaxi'burmɐ ketɐxi ketɐxiburmo


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Jackie Menanti. SIL-International, November 22, 2010.

提供资的语言: Mr. Jackie Menanti, 2010 年 11 月 22 日.


Other comments: Assue Awyu or Pisa is spoken by approximately 6,500 speakers in inland of Asmat and Mappi regencies, Papua province, Indonesia. Assue Awyu has a counting system different from other Awyu languages, new data needed.

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