Language name and locationː Asuri, Jharkhand State, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区阿苏里语, 印度东部贾坎德邦, 奥迪萨邦及恰蒂斯加尔邦


1. mɪjʌɖ̚

21. ekais < Indo-Aryan / hɪsːi mɪjʌɖ̚

2. bʌɾɪja

22. bais < Indo-Aryan / hɪsːi bʌɾɪja

3. peja

23. t̪ais  < Indo-Aryan / hɪsːi peja

4. t͡ʃaɪɾ < Indo-Aryan

24. t͡ʃaᵘbis < Indo-Aryan / hɪsːi t͡ʃaɪɾ

5. pãt͡ʃ

25. pat͡ʃːis < Indo-Aryan / hɪsːi pãt͡ʃ

6. t͡ʃʰaᵘ

26. t͡ʃʰabːis < Indo-Aryan / hɪsːi t͡ʃʰaᵘ

7. sat̪

27. sat̪ais < Indo-Aryan  / hɪsːi sat̪

8. aʈʰ

28. aʈʰais  < Indo-Aryan / hɪsːi aʈʰ

9. naᵘ

29. ʊn̪t̪is < Indo-Aryan / hɪsːi naᵘ

10. d̪as

30. t̪is < Indo-Aryan / hɪsːi d̪as (20+10)

11. ɡaɾa

40. t͡ʃalis < Indo-Aryan /d̪u kʊɾi (2 x 20)

12. baɾa

50. pat͡ʃːas < Indo-Aryan /baɾ kʊɾi d̪as

13. t̪eɾa

60. saʈʰ < Indo-Aryan /pe kʊɾi (3 x 20)

14. t͡ʃaᵘd̪a

70. sat̪ːaɾ < Indo-Aryan /pe kʊɾi d̪as

15. pan̪d̪ɾa

80. ʌsːi < Indo-Aryan / t͡ʃaɪɾ kʊɾi (4 x 20)

16. sola

90. nʌbːe < Indo-Aryan / t͡ʃaɪɾ kʊɾi d̪as

17. sʌt̪ɾa

100. mi saᵘ < Indo-Aryan

18. aʈʰaɾa

200. baɾ saᵘ,400. t͡ʃaɪɾ saᵘ 

19. ʊnːaⁱs

800. aʈʰ saᵘ, 1000mi hʌd͡ʒaɾ < Indo-Aryan

20. bis  < Indo-Aryan / hɪsːi /mi kʊɾi

2000. baɾ hʌd͡ʒaɾ


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Theodor Gipson Benjamin, India Bible Society, India, August 22, 2019.
供资料的语言学家Mr. Theodor Gipson Benjamin, 2019 年 8 月 22 日.


Other comments: Asuri is an endangered Munda language spoken by approximately 7,000 speakers in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Odisha and West Bengal states, India. Asuri has a traditional vigesimal system and only preserved traditional Munda numerals from one to three and they have borrowed decimal system from the nearby Indo-Ayran language.

Language name and locationː Asuri, Jharkhand State, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区阿苏里语, 印度东部贾坎德邦,奥迪萨邦及恰蒂斯加尔邦


1. miaɖ

21. hisi mia

2. barea

22. hisi barea

3. pea

23. hisi pea

4. epia

24. hisi epja

5. apia

25. hisi apia

6. pet͡ʃja

26. hisi pet͡ʃja

7. pit͡ʃja

27. hisi pit͡ʃja

8. it͡ʃja

28. hisi it͡ʃja

9. new < Indo-Aryan

29. hisi niɡja  

10. desa < Indo-Aryan

30. hisi desa, 31. mi hisi miɡja

11. miɡja

40. bar hisi (2 x 20)

12. bariɡja

50. bar hisi desa

13. peɡja

60. pe his (3 x 20)

14. epeɡja

70. pe hisi desa

15. epeɡmeya

80. ejia hisi (4 x 20)

16. pet͡ʃeɡja

90. ejia hisi desa

17. pit͡ʃiɡja

100. sae < Indo-Aryan, 200. sae barea,

18. it͡ʃiɡja

400. sae epia, 800. sae it͡ʃja

19. newaɡja 

1000. sae desa

20. hisi

10,000. sae desa desa


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Raunak Roy, Linguistic Department of Central University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500046, Telangana, India, March 9, 2020.

供资料的语言学家Dr. Raunak Roy, 2020 年 3 月 9 日.


Other comments: Asuri is an endangered Munda language spoken in Jharkhand State. Asuri has a vigesimal system, but this data has still kept some traditional Munda numerals and the numerals for 9, 10 and 100 are loanwords from Indo-Aryan language.


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