Language name and locationː Angaataha, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue ]

言名称和分布地区安加塔哈语, 巴布亚新几内亚莫罗贝


1. nɑːsoʔɨ

2. jɑʔwɨ

3. muɾɨmo

4. muɾɨmuɾɨ

5. ikɨ nɑːsoʔɨ (litː 'hand one')

6. ikɨ nɑːsoʔɨ diʔɨ nɑːsoʔɨ (litː 'hand one, one')

7. ikɨ nɑːsoʔɨ diʔɨ jɑʔwɨ (litː 'hand one, two')

8. ikɨ nɑːsoʔɨ diʔɨ muɾɨmo (litː 'hand one, three')

9. ikɨ nɑːsoʔɨ diʔɨ muɾɨmuɾɨ (litː 'hand one, four')

10. ikɨ mɑindumɨ (litː 'hands two')

11. ikɨ mɑindumɨ nɑːsoʔɨ (litː 'two hands being at the leg there one')

12. ikɨ mɑindumɨ jɑʔwɨ

13. ikɨ mɑindumɨ muɾɨmo

14. ikɨ mɑindumɨ muɾɨmuɾɨ

15. ikɨ mɑindumɨ ɑʔwɨwiʔwɑnɨɾɨ (litː 'hands two, foot')

16. ikɨ mɑindumɨ ɑʔwɨwiʔwɑnɨɾɨ nɑːsoʔɨ (litː 'hands two, foot, one')

17. ikɨ mɑindumɨ ɑʔwɨwiʔwɑnɨɾɨ jɑʔwɨ

18. ikɨ mɑindumɨ ɑʔwɨwiʔwɑnɨɾɨ muɾɨmo

19. ikɨ mɑindumɨ ɑʔwɨwiʔwɑnɨɾɨ muɾɨmuɾɨ

20. ikɨʔwɨ mɑindumɨ ( litː 'two hands two legs')

100. ikɨ nɑːsɑiʔɨ (bilum one), 200. ikɨ jɑʔwɨ (bilum two)
1000. ikɨiʔɨ sɑnɑːdɨ nɑːsɑiʔɨ  


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Ray Stegeman, SIL International, Papua New Guinea via Mr. Ainde Wainzo (BTA translator), April 18, 2011.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Ray Stegeman via Mr. Ainde Wainzo, 2011 年 4 月 18 日.


Other comments: Angaataha is spoken by about 2,500 speakers in Morobe province Papua New Guinea. Angaataha or Angaatiha has a modified 2-cycle as well as a 5-cycle digit-tally system. When counting money, the Angaathiya use names for the colour of the different Kina bills, for exampleː bonɑiʔɾɨ - 'a type of fern', green in colour; similar in colour to the two Kina bill, hence, the meaning, when counting money, isː 'two kina' njɑnjiɸɑ - 'a shade of purple colour'; similar in colour to the 5 Kina bill, meaning 'five kina' sisiuʔwɑʔɑiɸɑ - 'a shade of blue colour'; similar in colour to the 10 Kina bill, meaning 'ten kina' nɑsɑɸɨ # mɨtoʔo – 'pig's head'; since there is a picture of a pig's head on the K20 bill; meaning 'twenty kina' utɑːʔomɨ mɨtoʔo – 'man's head'; since there is a picture of the bust of the Prime Minister, Sir Michael Somare, on the K50 bill; meaning 'fifty kina'  ikɨ # nɑsɑiʔɨ - 'bilum # one'; meaning '100'; also meaning '100 kina' when counting money. The coins can be counted in accordance with their shapes, for exampleː odiɸɑŋgo – 'flat-sided', referring to the shape of the 50 toea coin; meaning '50 toea' etc.

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