Language name and locationː Alekano, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区阿勒卡诺语, 巴布亚新几内亚东高地省戈罗卡地区


1. hamoʔ

2. lositaʔ ~ losi

3. losive makole (litː ''it is one, it is another'')

4. losive losive  (litː ''it is two, it is two'')

5. liɡizani luɡaloke asuʔ iɡo (litː ''fingers on (one) side being gone'')

6. liɡizani luɡaloke asuʔ oake luɡaloka hamoʔ oliʔo molaɡo  

   (litː ''fingers on one side being gone, on (other) side one having jumped over'')

7. liɡizani luɡaloke asuʔ oake luɡaloka losi oliʔo molaɡo  

   (litː ''fingers on one side being gone, on (other) side two having jumped over'')

8. liɡizani luɡaloke asuʔ oake luɡaloka losive oliʔo molaɡo  

   (litː ''fingers on one side being gone, on (other) side three having jumped over'')

9. liɡizani luɡaloke asuʔ oake luɡaloka losive losive oliʔo molaɡo  

   (litː ''fingers on one side being gone, on (other) side four having jumped over'')

10. liɡizani luɡu luɡu asuʔ iɡo (litː ''fingers on (both) sides being gone'')

11 liɡizani luɡu luɡu asuʔ oake liɡisa luɡuloka hamoʔ oliʔo molaɡo

    (litː ''fingers on both sides being gone, toes on (one) side having jumped over'')

12 to 19 are in the same pattern as 11.

20. liɡisa liɡizani asuʔ iɡo  (litː ''our toes, our fingers being gone'')


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Ellis W. Deibler, Jr., SIL International, July 11, 2009.

提供资的语言家: Dr. Ellis W. Deibler, Jr., 2009 年 7 月 11 日.


Other comments: Alekano is spoken by approximately 40,000 speakers in Goroka district, Eastern Highlands province, Papua New Guinea. Alekano has a tally system with two words for numbers and traditionally they can count up to 20 using fingers and toes.

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