Language name and locationː Aheu, Thailand, Laos [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区: 阿修语 (塔旺 Thavung), 泰国东北部沙功那空府和老挝境内


1. mɔːc11

21.  saːw11 ʔet55

2. ha:l55

22.  saːw11 sɔːŋ55

3. paː55

23.  saːw11 saːm35

4. poːn53ʔ

24.  saːw11 si55

5. ɗam55

25.  saːw11 ha55

6. pʰaluʔ55

26.  saːw11 hok55

7. pih55

27.  saːw11 cet55

8. saːm53ʔ

28.  saːw11 pɛːt55

9. ciːn53ʔ

29.  saːw11 kaw35

10. sip55  < Lao language

30.  saːm55 sip55

11. sip55 ʔet55

40.  si55 sip55

12. sip55 sɔːŋ55

50.  ha55 sip55

13. sip55 saːm35

60.  hok55 sip55

14. sip55 si55

70.  cet55 sip55

15. sip55 ha53

80.  pɛːt55 sip55

16. sip55 hok55

90.  kaw53 sip55

17. sip55 cet55

100. mɔːc11 lɔːj11

18. sip55 pɛːt55

200. ha:l55 lɔːj11

19. sip55 kaw35

1000. mɔːc11 pɜn11

20. saːw11

2000. ha:l55 pɜn11


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Michael Ferlus, CNRS (Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique), Paris, France, July 2, 1993
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Michael Ferlus, 1993 年 7 月 2 日. 


Other comments: Aheu or Thavung is spoken by approximately 700 speakers in

3 villages in Thavung, Song Dao district, Sakon Nakhon province, Thailand as well as Laos. Aheu has a decimal system. Aheu borrowed Lao numerals after ten.


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