Language name and location: Adang, Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区阿当语, 印度尼西亚东努沙登加拉省阿洛尔岛西北部


1. nu

21.  ʡɛr alɔ faliŋ nu

2. alɔ

22.  ʡɛr alɔ faliŋ alɔ

3. tou

23.  ʡɛr alɔ faliŋ tou

4. ut

24.  ʡɛr alɔ faliŋ ut

5. ifihiŋ

25.  ʡɛr alɔ faliŋ ifihiŋ

6. talaŋ

26.  ʡɛr alɔ faliŋ talaŋ

7. ititɔ 

27.  ʡɛr alɔ faliŋ ititɔ

8. turlɔ   

28.  ʡɛr alɔ faliŋ turlɔ

9. tɨʡɛnu  

29.  ʡɛr alɔ faliŋ tɨʡɛnu

10. ʡɛr nu

30.  ʡɛr tou

11. ʡɛr nu faliŋ nu (litː ten one add one)

40.  ʡɛr ut

12. ʡɛr nu faliŋ alɔ

50.  ʡɛr ifihiŋ

13. ʡɛr nu faliŋ tou

60.  ʡɛr talaŋ

14. ʡɛr nu faliŋ ut

70.  ʡɛr ititɔ

15. ʡɛr nu faliŋ ifihiŋ

80.  ʡɛr turlɔ

16. ʡɛr nu faliŋ talaŋ

90.  ʡɛr tɨʡɛnu

17. ʡɛr nu faliŋ ititɔ

100. rat nu (rat < Indonesian )

18. ʡɛr nu faliŋ turlɔ

200. rat alɔ

19. ʡɛr nu faliŋ tɨʡɛnu

1000. rib nu  (rib < Indonesian )

20. ʡɛr alɔ

2000. rib alɔ


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Laura C. Robinson, Department of Linguistics, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA. December 5, 2012. Data taken fromː Johnson Welem Haan, The Grammar of Adang, University of Sydney, Australia, March 2001.

提供资的语言学 家: Dr. Laura C. Robinson, 2012 年 12 月 5 日.


Other comments: Adang is spoken by approximately 3,000 speakers in northwest Alor island, East Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia. Adang has a decimal system. Note that the morpheme ʡɛr of ʡɛr nu 'ten, ʡɛr alɔ, etc, that have glossed 'ten' means something like -ty of English's twenty, thirty, etc, where faliŋ of , for example, ʡɛr nu faliŋ nu '' that have glossed 'add' means, by the large, 'addition' or 'remain'. The terms for 'hundred' rat and for 'thousand' rib are borrowed from Bahasa Indonesiaː ratus and ribu. They are then adjusted both phonologically and syntactically in Adang. Thus, phonologically the last syllable tus of ratus and the final vowel /u/ of ribu are deleted. 

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