\_sh v3.0 400 Text \_DateStampHasFourDigitYear \ref 0001 \id 764665074822270203 \sp @PAR \tx @Participants: CHI Priska target child; MOT CHI’s mother; OMA CHI’s grandmother; DEK Dedek a neighbor; EXP Lanny Experimenter. \pho @Filename: PRI-281002 \ft @Duration: 41;49 \nt @Situation: 1. folding papers, talking, and cutting at CHI’s living room. 2. At first, CHI is teaching EXP about how to fold whales. 3. Then, they cut cartons with different pictures of girls, hairs, skirts, etc. 4. they’re playing different role plays during the session, such as a teacher and a student and sisters. \ref 0002 \id 341005080627270203 \begin 0:00:11 \sp @Begin \tx @Begin \ref 0003 \id 680957080814270203 \begin 0:00:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih, lipet segitiga. \pho nih lipət səgitigaʔ \ge this fold side three \gj this fold side three \ft look, I'm folding a triangle. \nt standing in front of the camcorder. \ref 0004 \id 156056080915270203 \begin 0:00:16 \sp EXPLAN \tx Pris, duduk sinian dong, Pris. \pho pris duduk siniyan dɔŋ pris \mb Pris duduk sini -an dong Pris \ge Priska sit here -AN DONG Priska \gj Priska sit here-AN DONG Priska \ft Priska, sit down a bit here, Priska. \nt asking CHI to move to the middle of the room so that the camcorder can catch the picture. \ref 0005 \id 841172081000270203 \begin 0:00:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx nah, Pris... \pho nah pris \mb nah Pris \ge NAH Priska \gj NAH Priska \ft there I go, I... \nt moving to the middle of the room. \ref 0006 \id 998044082028270203 \begin 0:00:21 \sp EXPLAN \tx ini soalnya nggak keliatan apa-apa nih Priskanya. \pho ʔini sɔalɲa ŋa kəliyatan ʔapaʔaːpa nih priskaɲah \mb ini soal -nya nggak ke an liat apa - apa nih Priska -nya \ge this matter -NYA NEG KE AN see what - what this Priska -NYA \gj this matter-NYA NEG KE.AN-see RED-what this Priska-NYA \ft I can't see you here. \nt referring to the camcorder. \ref 0007 \id 546130082124270203 \begin 0:00:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx Tante Lanny juga dong. \pho tantə lani juga dɔŋ \mb Tante Lanny juga dong \ge aunt Lanny also DONG \gj aunt Lanny also DONG \ft you too. \nt =you also sit here. \ref 0008 \id 316807082124270203 \begin 0:00:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx iya, bentar. \pho ʔiyaː bəntaːr \mb iya bentar \ge yes moment \gj yes moment \ft yes, later on. \nt adjusting the camcorder. \ref 0009 \id 787460082124270203 \begin 0:00:28 \sp EXPLAN \tx dah, yok. \pho dah yɔʔ \mb dah yok \ge PFCT AYO \gj PFCT AYO \ft okay, come on. \ref 0010 \id 954255082125270203 \begin 0:00:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni, lipet segitiga! \pho ni lipət səgitigaʔ \ge this fold side three \gj this fold side three \ft this, fold a triangle! \nt touching a color paper. \ref 0011 \id 781799082125270203 \begin 0:00:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan kotak, ya? \pho kan kɔtak yah \mb kan kotak ya \ge KAN box yes \gj KAN box yes \ft this is a square, right? \nt referring to the shape of the color paper she is holding. \ref 0012 \id 312386082125270203 \begin 0:00:35 \sp EXPLAN \tx ni... \pho nip \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft this... \nt sitting near CHI and interrupted by MOT. \ref 0013 \id 287136082125270203 \begin 0:00:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx Pris, di mana Pris gunting yang tajemnya, Pris? \pho pris di maːna pris guntiŋ yaŋ tajəmɲa pris \mb Pris di mana Pris gunting yang tajem -nya Pris \ge Priska LOC which Priska scissors REL sharp -NYA Priska \gj Priska LOC which Priska scissors REL sharp-NYA Priska \ft Priska, where are the sharp scissors? \ref 0014 \id 700346082125270203 \begin 0:00:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx cari aja! \pho cyari ʔaːjah \mb cari aja \ge look.for just \gj look.for just \ft just find them! \ref 0015 \id 237833082126270203 \begin 0:00:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx lipet segitiga. \pho lipət səgitigaʔ \ge fold side three \gj fold side three \ft I'm fold a triangle. \nt folding the paper she is holding. \ref 0016 \id 833078130513110303 \begin 0:00:41 \sp EXPLAN \tx lipet segitiga. \pho lipət səgitigaʔ \ge fold side three \gj fold side three \ft fold a triangle. \nt taking the color paper on the floor. \ref 0017 \id 969624082126270203 \begin 0:00:42 \sp EXPLAN \tx ni bikin apa dulu? \pho n̩i bikin ʔapa duːluːʔ \mb ni bikin apa dulu \ge this make what before \gj this make what before \ft what are we making? \ref 0018 \id 788522082126270203 \begin 0:00:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini lipet... paus. \pho ʔini lipət paːwuːs \mb ini lipet paus \ge this fold whale \gj this fold whale \ft we're folding a... whale. \ref 0019 \id 818428082126270203 \begin 0:00:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx Mbak... liat gunting tajem, nggak? \pho m̩baʔ lyat guntiŋ tajəm ŋgaʔ \mb Mbak liat gunting tajem nggak \ge EPIT see scissors sharp NEG \gj EPIT see scissors sharp NEG \ft Diah... did you see the sharp scissors? \ref 0020 \id 338579082127270203 \begin 0:00:49 \sp EXPLAN \tx lipetnya lipet apa... mo bikin apa? \pho lipətɲa lipət ʔapa mɔ bikin ʔaːpaː \mb lipet -nya lipet apa mo bikin apa \ge fold -NYA fold what want make what \gj fold-NYA fold what want make what \ft what are we folding... what do you want to make? \ref 0021 \id 407826082127270203 \begin 0:00:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx ikan paus. \pho ikan paːwus \mb ikan paus \ge fish whale \gj fish whale \ft a whale. \ref 0022 \id 549559082127270203 \begin 0:00:53 \sp EXPLAN \tx hah? \pho hãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0023 \id 351309082127270203 \begin 0:00:54 \sp EXPLAN \tx nggak kekecilan kertasnya? \pho ŋga kəkəcilan kərtasɲah \mb nggak ke an kecil kertas -nya \ge NEG KE AN small paper -NYA \gj NEG KE.AN-small paper-NYA \ft isn't the paper too small? \ref 0024 \id 156096082127270203 \begin 0:00:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋːgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0025 \id 622900082128270203 \begin 0:00:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx di xx kamar apa di meja sih, Mi? \pho di xx kamar ʔapa di mɛːja si mi \mb di xx kamar apa di meja sih Mi \ge LOC xx room what LOC table SIH TRU-mommy \gj LOC xx room what LOC table SIH TRU-mommy \ft are they xx in the bedroom or on the table, Mommy? \nt talking to OMA. \ref 0026 \id 894387082128270203 \begin 0:00:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx terus dilipet segitiga... \pho tərus dilipət səgitiga \ge continue DI-fold side three \gj continue DI-fold side three \ft then, fold a triangle... \nt folding the paper she is holding. \ref 0027 \id 781127082128270203 \begin 0:00:59 \sp OMAPRI \tx kamar. \pho kamar \mb kamar \ge room \gj room \ft in the bedroom. \ref 0028 \id 724523082128270203 \begin 0:01:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, ya. \pho ya ya \mb ya ya \ge yes yes \gj yes yes \ft okay, okay. \ref 0029 \id 676825082129270203 \begin 0:01:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...samping. \pho sampiːŋ \mb samping \ge side \gj side \ft ...to its side. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0030 \id 922619082129270203 \begin 0:01:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx terus dibuka semuanya. \pho tərus dibukaʔ səmuwãhɲaː \mb terus di- buka semua -nya \ge continue DI- open all -NYA \gj continue DI-open all-NYA \ft then open all. \nt opening the paper she has folded. \ref 0031 \id 973661082129270203 \begin 0:01:11 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt following what CHI is doing. \ref 0032 \id 241846082129270203 \begin 0:01:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx ada garis kan ini? \pho ʔada garis kan ʔinih \mb ada garis kan ini \ge exist line KAN this \gj exist line KAN this \ft there're lines, right? \nt referring to the line marks on of the paper after she folded it. \ref 0033 \id 919510082130270203 \begin 0:01:18 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm. \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft right. \ref 0034 \id 927086082130270203 \begin 0:01:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx nah... yang garis inih... ini kan nah... ini atas bawah dilipet ke tengah. \pho naːʔ yaŋ garis ʔiniːh ʔini kan naː ʔini ʔatas bawa dilipət kə təŋah \mb nah yang garis inih ini kan nah ini atas bawah di- lipet ke tengah \ge NAH REL line this this KAN NAH this up under DI- fold to middle \gj NAH REL line this this KAN NAH this up under DI-fold to middle \ft there we go... this line... this.... we fold the upper and the lower part to the middle. \nt folding the paper again. \ref 0035 \id 461546082130270203 \begin 0:01:20 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ini Bu Guru?' \pho ʔini bu guruː \mb ini Bu Guru \ge this TRU-mother teacher \gj this TRU-mother teacher \ft 'is it like this, Teacher?' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0036 \id 711837082133270203 \begin 0:01:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'iya, begitu.' \pho ʔiya bəgituː \mb iya begitu \ge yes like.that \gj yes like.that \ft 'right, it's like that.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0037 \id 771444082133270203 \begin 0:01:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'sebelahnya juga, ya?' \pho səbəlaɲa juga yaːh \mb se- belah -nya juga ya \ge SE- side -NYA also yes \gj SE-side-NYA also yes \ft 'also the other side, okay?' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0038 \id 873973082133270203 \begin 0:01:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0039 \id 594492082133270203 \begin 0:01:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'terus... kalo udah begini... kalo udah begini, inih... yang bawah dilipet begini.' \pho tərus kalɔ ʔuda bəgiːniː kalɔ ʔudah bəgiːniː ʔinih yaŋ bawa dilipət bəginiː \mb terus kalo udah begini kalo udah begini inih yang bawah di- lipet begini \ge continue TOP PFCT like.this TOP PFCT like.this this REL under DI- fold like.this \gj continue TOP PFCT like.this TOP PFCT like.this this REL under DI-fold like.this \ft 'then... after this... after this, this... we fold the lower part like this.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher and continuing folding the paper. \ref 0040 \id 437717082134270203 \begin 0:01:41 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'mesti pas garis nggak, Bu?' \pho məsti pas garis ŋgaʔ buːʔ \mb mesti pas garis nggak Bu \ge should precise line NEG TRU-mother \gj should precise line NEG TRU-mother \ft 'should it be precise to the line, Miss?' \nt pretending to be CHI's student and continuing folding her paper. \ref 0041 \id 723383082134270203 \begin 0:01:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'he-eh, harus.' \pho hə̃ːʔəh harus \mb he-eh harus \ge uh-huh must \gj uh-huh must \ft 'yes, you should.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0042 \id 413366082134270203 \begin 0:01:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx Pris, guntingnya kok yang tajem nggak ada sih? \pho pris guntiŋɲa kɔ yaŋ tajəm ŋa ʔaːda sih \mb Pris gunting -nya kok yang tajem nggak ada sih \ge Priska scissors -NYA KOK REL sharp NEG exist SIH \gj Priska scissors-NYA KOK REL sharp NEG exist SIH \ft Priska, why aren't there the sharp scissors? \ref 0043 \id 951478082134270203 \begin 0:01:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak pa-pa. \pho ŋa papah \mb nggak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft it doesn't matter. \ref 0044 \id 916262082135270203 \begin 0:01:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, ya? \pho tu yah \mb tuh ya \ge that yes \gj that yes \ft there, okay? \nt putting scissors on the sofa. \ref 0045 \id 336421082135270203 \begin 0:01:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ini...' \pho ʔiniːh \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft 'this...' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0046 \id 148397082135270203 \begin 0:01:56 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'iya, Bu.' \pho ʔiya buʔ \mb iya Bu \ge yes TRU-mother \gj yes TRU-mother \ft 'yes, Miss.' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0047 \id 818464082135270203 \begin 0:01:57 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'bagaimana lagi nih?' \pho bagaymana lagi niːh \mb bagaimana lagi nih \ge how more this \gj how more this \ft 'what else should I do?' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0048 \id 943353082135270203 \begin 0:01:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nah, kalau sudah seperti ini, kita keluarkan.' \mb nah kalau sudah seperti ini kita keluar -kan \ge NAH TOP PFCT like this 1PL go.out -KAN \gj NAH TOP PFCT like this 1PL go.out-KAN \ft 'there yo go, after that, we pull them out.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher and opening some parts of the paper she has folded. \ref 0049 \id 258867082136270203 \begin 0:02:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'yang dalam dikeluarkan... ke sinih.' \pho yaŋ dalam dikəlwarkan kə sinih \mb yang dalam di- keluar -kan ke sinih \ge REL inside DI- go.out -KAN to here \gj REL inside DI-go.out-KAN to here \ft 'I'm taking out the inner part to... here.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher and continuing making herself busy with her paper. \ref 0050 \id 795226082136270203 \begin 0:02:13 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'diapain?' \pho diʔapaːyin \mb di- apa -in \ge DI- what -IN \gj DI-what-IN \ft 'what are you doing?' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0051 \id 981602082137270203 \begin 0:02:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nah, ini dikeluarin.' \pho naː ʔini dikluwariːn \mb nah ini di- keluar -in \ge NAH this DI- go.out -IN \gj NAH this DI-go.out-IN \ft 'there I go, I take this out.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher and making herself busy with the paper she's folding. \ref 0052 \id 511600095704270203 \begin 0:02:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'belum bisa soalnya kamu, ya?' \pho bəlum bisaʔ sɔalɲa kamu yah \mb belum bisa soal -nya kamu ya \ge not.yet can matter -NYA 2 yes \gj not.yet can matter-NYA 2 yes \ft 'you can't do it yet, right?' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0053 \id 475064100044270203 \begin 0:02:21 \sp EXPLAN \tx belum. \pho bəːlum \mb belum \ge not.yet \gj not.yet \ft not yet. \nt laughing. \ref 0054 \id 220061100143270203 \begin 0:02:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx doh, diapain itu? \pho doːh diʔapayin ʔituː \mb doh di- apa -in itu \ge EXCL DI- what -IN that \gj EXCL DI-what-IN that \ft my goodness, what are you doing? \ref 0055 \id 173259102857270203 \begin 0:02:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx sini, sini, saya... Priska bantuin, ya? \pho sini sini sayaʔ priska bantuwin yah \mb sini sini saya Priska bantu -in ya \ge here here 1SG Priska help -IN yes \gj here here 1SG Priska help-IN yes \ft here, here, I... let me help you, okay? \ref 0056 \id 174988102904270203 \begin 0:02:30 \sp EXPLAN \tx iya, boleh. \pho ʔiya bɔlɛː \mb iya boleh \ge yes may \gj yes may \ft okay, go ahead. \ref 0057 \id 435667102904270203 \begin 0:02:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini dilipet begini. \pho ʔiːni dilipət bəgiːniːh \mb ini di- lipet begini \ge this DI- fold like.this \gj this DI-fold like.this \ft I'm folding this like this. \nt folding EXP's paper. \ref 0058 \id 462155102904270203 \begin 0:02:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt putting EXP's folded paper on the floor and taking hers. \ref 0059 \id 154397102904270203 \begin 0:02:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx sebelahnya juga. \pho səbəlahɲa jugaʔ \mb se- belah -nya juga \ge SE- side -NYA also \gj SE-side-NYA also \ft also the other side. \ref 0060 \id 858001102905270203 \begin 0:02:54 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'gini bukan, Bu?' \pho gini bukan buʔ \mb gini bukan Bu \ge like.this NEG TRU-mother \gj like.this NEG TRU-mother \ft 'it's like this, isn't it, Miss?' \nt pretending to be CHI's student and showing the paper she has folded to CHI. \ref 0061 \id 344779102905270203 \begin 0:02:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'iya, betul...' \pho ʔiya bətul \mb iya betul \ge yes right \gj yes right \ft 'yes, right...' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0062 \id 221473102905270203 \begin 0:02:56 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'aduh...' \pho ʔaduː \mb aduh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft 'wow...' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0063 \id 514285102905270203 \begin 0:02:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx '...seperti itu.' \pho səpərti ʔituː \mb seperti itu \ge like that \gj like that \ft '...it's like that.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher and from her previous utterance. \ref 0064 \id 609343102906270203 \begin 0:02:59 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Adek, pinter ya, Bu?' \pho ʔade pintər ya buʔ \mb Adek pinter ya Bu \ge younger.sibling smart yes TRU-mother \gj younger.sibling smart yes TRU-mother \ft 'I'm great, right, Miss?' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0065 \id 741085102906270203 \begin 0:03:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nah, trus kalo sudah seperti itu, ini... ini bawahnya digunting.' \pho naːh trus kalɔ suda səpərti ʔiːtuː ʔini ini bawahɲa diguntiŋ \mb nah trus kalo sudah seperti itu ini ini bawah -nya di- gunting \ge NAH continue TOP PFCT like that this this under -NYA DI- scissors \gj NAH continue TOP PFCT like that this this under-NYA DI-scissors \ft 'there you go, after that, this... we cut the lower part here.' \nt taking the scissors. \ref 0066 \id 934970102906270203 \begin 0:03:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'gunting.' \pho guntiŋ \mb gunting \ge scissors \gj scissors \ft 'I'm cutting it.' \nt cutting her folded paper. \ref 0067 \id 661554102906270203 \begin 0:03:13 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'digunting yang mananya?' \pho diguntiŋ yaŋ manaɲaːh \mb di- gunting yang mana -nya \ge DI- scissors REL which -NYA \gj DI-scissors REL which-NYA \ft 'which part are you cutting?' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0068 \id 748907102907270203 \begin 0:03:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'bawahnya.' \pho bawahɲaː \mb bawah -nya \ge under -NYA \gj under-NYA \ft 'the lower part.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0069 \id 997957102907270203 \begin 0:03:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx inih, emang susah inih... kalau digunting. \pho ʔinih ʔɛmaŋ susah ʔinih kalaw diguntiŋ \mb inih emang susah inih kalau di- gunting \ge this indeed difficult this TOP DI- scissors \gj this indeed difficult this TOP DI-scissors \ft this, it's indeed difficult to... cut this. \nt trying to cut her folded paper. \ref 0070 \id 894465102907270203 \begin 0:03:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx Tante Lanny, tolong guntingin dong. \pho tantə laniːh tɔlɔŋ guntiŋin dɔŋ \mb Tante Lanny tolong gunting -in dong \ge aunt Lanny help scissors -IN DONG \gj aunt Lanny help scissors-IN DONG \ft Auntie Lanny, please cut this. \nt giving her folded paper to EXP. \ref 0071 \id 301172102907270203 \begin 0:03:28 \sp EXPLAN \tx boleh. \pho bɔːlɛh \mb boleh \ge may \gj may \ft okay. \nt taking CHI's folded paper. \ref 0072 \id 816559102907270203 \begin 0:03:30 \sp EXPLAN \tx yang mana sih yang digunting? \pho yaŋ mana si yaŋ diguntiŋ \mb yang mana sih yang di- gunting \ge REL which SIH REL DI- scissors \gj REL which SIH REL DI-scissors \ft which part should I cut? \ref 0073 \id 430781102908270203 \begin 0:03:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx bawahnya yang ini lho. \pho bawahɲa yaŋ ʔini lɔh \mb bawah -nya yang ini lho \ge under -NYA REL this EXCL \gj under-NYA REL this EXCL \ft this lower part. \nt pointing at the folded paper that she expects EXP to cut. \ref 0074 \id 243365102908270203 \begin 0:03:32 \sp EXPLAN \tx o, yang garis. \pho ʔɔ yaŋ garis \mb o yang garis \ge EXCL REL line \gj EXCL REL line \ft o, the line. \ref 0075 \id 352357102908270203 \begin 0:03:33 \sp EXPLAN \tx mesti tengah garis, nggak? \pho məsti təŋah garis ŋgaʔ \mb mesti tengah garis nggak \ge should middle line NEG \gj should middle line NEG \ft should it be the middle of the line? \ref 0076 \id 677655102908270203 \begin 0:03:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak us(ah)... ya. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔus yaːh \mb nggak usah ya \ge NEG must yes \gj NEG must yes \ft no need... yes. \ref 0077 \id 460862102909270203 \begin 0:03:37 \sp EXPLAN \tx pas garis, ya? \pho pas garis yaːh \mb pas garis ya \ge precise line yes \gj precise line yes \ft it's precisely on the line, okay? \ref 0078 \id 927081102909270203 \begin 0:03:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho həə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0079 \id 372921102909270203 \begin 0:03:40 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt cutting CHI's folded paper. \ref 0080 \id 704232102909270203 \begin 0:03:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah, stop situ aja, sampe situ aja. \pho dah stɔp situ ʔaja sampe situ ʔajah \mb dah stop situ aja sampe situ aja \ge PFCT stop there just arrive there just \gj PFCT stop there just arrive there just \ft okay, just stop there, just until there. \ref 0081 \id 747896102909270203 \begin 0:03:44 \sp EXPLAN \tx sampe tengah, nggak? \pho sampɛ təŋah ŋgaʔ \mb sampe tengah nggak \ge arrive middle NEG \gj arrive middle NEG \ft should it be until the middle? \ref 0082 \id 211610102910270203 \begin 0:03:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak usah. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔusah \mb nggak usah \ge NEG must \gj NEG must \ft no need. \ref 0083 \id 344849102910270203 \begin 0:03:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx sampe sini aja. \pho sampɛ sini ʔajah \mb sampe sini aja \ge arrive here just \gj arrive here just \ft just until here. \ref 0084 \id 487683102910270203 \begin 0:03:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx digunting. \pho diguntiŋ \mb di- gunting \ge DI- scissors \gj DI-scissors \ft cut it. \ref 0085 \id 799558102910270203 \begin 0:03:50 \sp EXPLAN \tx ni gimana, sama? \pho ni gimaːnah samaʔ \mb ni gimana sama \ge this how same \gj this how same \ft how is this, the same? \ref 0086 \id 885084102911270203 \begin 0:03:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx tu juga digunting. \pho tu juga diguntiŋ \mb tu juga di- gunting \ge that also DI- scissors \gj that also DI-scissors \ft you also have to cut it. \ref 0087 \id 134839102911270203 \begin 0:03:54 \sp EXPLAN \tx yang atas... \pho yaŋ ʔatas \mb yang atas \ge REL up \gj REL up \ft the upper part... \nt referring to her folded paper. \ref 0088 \id 640847102911270203 \begin 0:03:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang bawah, bawah... \pho yaŋ bawah bawah \mb yang bawah bawah \ge REL under under \gj REL under under \ft the lower part, the lower... \ref 0089 \id 135597102911270203 \begin 0:03:57 \sp EXPLAN \tx bawah. \pho bawah \mb bawah \ge under \gj under \ft the lower part. \ref 0090 \id 781282102912270203 \begin 0:03:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx orang ni. \pho ʔɔːraŋ nih \mb orang ni \ge person this \gj person this \ft this is a person. \nt referring to her folded paper and she's just kidding. \ref 0091 \id 633078102912270203 \begin 0:04:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0092 \id 955688102912270203 \begin 0:04:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx nah, terus kalo sudah begini, yang atas dilipet ke yang licin. \pho naːh tərus kalɔ suda bəgiːnih yaŋ ʔatas dilipət kə yaŋ liciːn \mb nah terus kalo sudah begini yang atas di- lipet ke yang licin \ge NAH continue TOP PFCT like.this REL up DI- fold to REL smooth \gj NAH continue TOP PFCT like.this REL up DI-fold to REL smooth \ft there you go, after this, we fold the upper part to the smooth one. \nt continuing folding her paper. \ref 0093 \id 570004102912270203 \begin 0:04:08 \sp EXPLAN \tx yang licin? \pho yaŋ liciːn \mb yang licin \ge REL smooth \gj REL smooth \ft the smooth one? \ref 0094 \id 176177102912270203 \begin 0:04:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx nah, ini yang digunting... gak... na(h)[?]... ini dilipet begini. \pho naː ʔini yaŋ diguːntiŋ gaʔ naʔ ʔiːniː dilipət bəginiː \mb nah ini yang di- gunting gak nah ini di- lipet begini \ge NAH this REL DI- scissors NEG NAH this DI- fold like.this \gj NAH this REL DI-scissors NEG NAH this DI-fold like.this \ft there you go, we cut this... no... there we go... I'm folding this like this. \nt folding her paper. \ref 0095 \id 620207102913270203 \begin 0:04:16 \sp EXPLAN \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \nt following what CHI is doing. \ref 0096 \id 638879103424270203 \begin 0:04:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx nah, trus kalo sudah begini, nah ini di... ni dilipet ke atas begini. \pho nah trus kalɔ sudah bəgiːniː na ini dih ni dilipət kə ʔatas bəginih \mb nah trus kalo sudah begini nah ini di ni di- lipet ke atas begini \ge NAH continue TOP PFCT like.this NAH this DI this DI- fold to up like.this \gj NAH continue TOP PFCT like.this NAH this DI this DI-fold to up like.this \ft okay, after this, this... we fold this to top like this. \nt folding her paper. \ref 0097 \id 352918103424270203 \begin 0:04:27 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'disatukan ya, Bu?' \pho disatukan ya buːʔ \mb di- satu -kan ya Bu \ge DI- one -KAN yes TRU-mother \gj DI-one-KAN yes TRU-mother \ft 'are we putting them together right, Miss?' \nt continuing folding her paper and pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0098 \id 211932103425270203 \begin 0:04:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'hmm.' \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'hmm.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0099 \id 345581103425270203 \begin 0:04:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nah, kalo sudah begini, ini dinaikkan.' \pho naːh kalɔ sudah bəg9iːnih ʔini dinayikan \mb nah kalo sudah begini ini di- naik -kan \ge NAH TOP PFCT like.this this DI- go.up -KAN \gj NAH TOP PFCT like.this this DI-go.up-KAN \ft 'okay, after this, put this to top.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0100 \id 198148103426270203 \begin 0:04:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska belajar berdua ya, ma Tante Yan(ti)... Tante Lanny, ya? \pho priska blajar bərduwa yah ma tantə yan tantə lani yah \mb Priska bel- ajar ber- dua ya ma Tante Yanti Tante Lanny ya \ge Priska BER- teach BER- two yes with aunt Yanti aunt Lanny yes \gj Priska BER-teach BER-two yes with aunt Yanti aunt Lanny yes \ft Priska, you study with Auntie Yanti... Auntie Lanny, okay? \nt correcting herself. \ref 0101 \id 881958103426270203 \begin 0:04:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0102 \id 685376103426270203 \begin 0:04:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx nah... \pho nah \mb nah \ge NAH \gj NAH \ft there you go... \ref 0103 \id 629762103426270203 \begin 0:04:37 \sp EXPLAN \tx ya, ya? \pho ya yaː \mb ya ya \ge yes yes \gj yes yes \ft okay, okay? \ref 0104 \id 121910103427270203 \begin 0:04:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...kalo sudah begini, kita buka. \pho kalɔ sudah bəgiːni kita bukaʔ \mb kalo sudah begini kita buka \ge TOP PFCT like.this 1PL open \gj TOP PFCT like.this 1PL open \ft ...after this, we open this. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0105 \id 252750103427270203 \begin 0:04:43 \sp EXPLAN \tx ininya begini? \pho ʔiniɲa bəgiːniː \mb ini -nya begini \ge this -NYA like.this \gj this-NYA like.this \ft is this thing like this? \nt showing what she should do. \ref 0106 \id 573928103427270203 \begin 0:04:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 0107 \id 420768103427270203 \begin 0:04:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx nah, kalo sudah begitu, kita buka ininya nih, yang di samping badannya. \pho naːh kalɔ sudah bəgitu kita bukaʔ ʔiniɲa niː yaŋ di sampiŋ badanɲaːh \mb nah kalo sudah begitu kita buka ini -nya nih yang di samping badan -nya \ge NAH TOP PFCT like.that 1PL open this -NYA this REL LOC side body -NYA \gj NAH TOP PFCT like.that 1PL open this-NYA this REL LOC side body-NYA \ft there we go, after that, we open this thing, the one next to its body. \ref 0108 \id 267290103427270203 \begin 0:04:51 \sp EXPLAN \tx o, ya [?] ? \pho ʔɔ yaːh \mb o ya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft really? \ref 0109 \id 150065103428270203 \begin 0:04:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx kita masuk... kita... kita lipet begini. \pho kita masuk kitah kita lipət bəgiːnih \mb kita masuk kita kita lipet begini \ge 1PL go.in 1PL 1PL fold like.this \gj 1PL go.in 1PL 1PL fold like.this \ft we put it in... we... we fold it like this. \ref 0110 \id 956808103428270203 \begin 0:04:56 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'seperti ini, Bu?' \pho spərti ʔini buːʔ \mb seperti ini Bu \ge like this TRU-mother \gj like this TRU-mother \ft 'is it like this, Miss?' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0111 \id 496344103428270203 \begin 0:04:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ya.' \pho yaːh \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0112 \id 570247103428270203 \begin 0:04:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'yok, sekarang... sebelahnya juga sama, kaya begitu.' \pho yɔʔ skaraŋ səbəlahɲa juga samaʔ kaya bəgittuh \mb yok sekarang se- belah -nya juga sama kaya begitu \ge AYO now SE- side -NYA also same like like.that \gj AYO now SE-side-NYA also same like like.that \ft 'come on, now... the other side is also the same.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0113 \id 653913103429270203 \begin 0:05:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'kalo begini, telah jadi.' \pho kalɔW bəgiːni təlah jyaːdiː \mb kalo begini telah jadi \ge TOP like.this PFCT become \gj TOP like.this PFCT become \ft 'it's done if it's like this.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0114 \id 135736103429270203 \begin 0:05:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'sudah jadi ya, Bu?' \pho suda jadi ya buʔ \mb sudah jadi ya Bu \ge PFCT become yes TRU-mother \gj PFCT become yes TRU-mother \ft 'is it done, Miss?' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0115 \id 428557103429270203 \begin 0:05:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'okay.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0116 \id 675498103429270203 \begin 0:05:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ni xx jadi.' \pho ni səh jyadhiː \mb ni xx jadi \ge this xx become \gj this xx become \ft 'this xx done.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0117 \id 221634103430270203 \begin 0:05:19 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'lho, ini nggak usah dilipet?' \pho lɔː ʔini ŋgaʔ ʔusa dilipəːt \mb lho ini nggak usah di- lipet \ge EXCL this NEG must DI- fold \gj EXCL this NEG must DI-fold \ft 'huh, don't we have to fold this?' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0118 \id 521325103430270203 \begin 0:05:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'mana?' \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft 'where?' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0119 \id 133425103430270203 \begin 0:05:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak.' \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft 'no.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0120 \id 274724103430270203 \begin 0:05:21 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'yang satunya...' \pho yaŋ satuʔɲah \mb yang satu -nya \ge REL one -NYA \gj REL one-NYA \ft 'the other side...' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0121 \id 899015103430270203 \begin 0:05:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak, memang nggak.' \pho ŋgaʔ mɛmaŋ ŋ̩gaʔ \mb nggak memang nggak \ge NEG indeed NEG \gj NEG indeed NEG \ft 'no, it's really not.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0122 \id 276277103431270203 \begin 0:05:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'yok, sekarang kamu mesti bantu...' \pho yɔʔ səkaraŋ kamu məsti bantuː \mb yok sekarang kamu mesti bantu \ge AYO now 2 should help \gj AYO now 2 should help \ft 'come on, now you need to help...' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0123 \id 906884103431270203 \begin 0:05:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'jadi, sekarang eee... tidak dibantu, ya?' \pho jadhiː səkaraŋ ʔə̃ː tidhaʔ dibantu yah \mb jadi sekarang eee tidak di- bantu ya \ge become now FILL NEG DI- help yes \gj become now FILL NEG DI-help yes \ft 'so, now umm... I don't help you, okay?' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher and opening the plastic of the color papers in order to take other color papers. \ref 0124 \id 223831103431270203 \begin 0:05:33 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'wah, belum bisa Bu kalo tidak dibantu.' \pho waː bəlum biːsa bu kalɔ tidaʔ dibantuːʔ \mb wah belum bisa Bu kalo tidak di- bantu \ge EXCL not.yet can TRU-mother TOP NEG DI- help \gj EXCL not.yet can TRU-mother TOP NEG DI-help \ft 'my goodness, I can't if you don't help me.' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0125 \id 542676103431270203 \begin 0:05:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nah, ini...' \pho nah ʔiniː \mb nah ini \ge NAH this \gj NAH this \ft 'there you go, this...' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher, giving a blue color paper to EXP and taking one for herself. \ref 0126 \id 765027103432270203 \begin 0:05:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx he he. \pho he heːː \mb he he \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft he he. \nt laughing. \ref 0127 \id 131727103432270203 \begin 0:05:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ayo, kita lipat... ya?' \pho ʔayɔʔ kita lipat yaːh \mb ayo kita lipat ya \ge AYO 1PL fold yes \gj AYO 1PL fold yes \ft 'come on, let's fold it... okay?' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0128 \id 552207103432270203 \begin 0:05:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'Ibu juga lipat.' \pho ʔibu juga lipaːt \mb Ibu juga lipat \ge mother also fold \gj mother also fold \ft 'I'm also folding it.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0129 \id 765992103432270203 \begin 0:05:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nanti kamu liat Ibu, ya kalo nggak bisa.' \pho nanti kamu liyat ʔibuʔ ya kalɔ ŋgaʔ bisaʔ \mb nanti kamu liat Ibu ya kalo nggak bisa \ge later 2 see mother yes TOP NEG can \gj later 2 see mother yes TOP NEG can \ft 'look at me if you can't do it.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0130 \id 146125103432270203 \begin 0:05:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'abis ini...' \pho ʔabis ʔiniː \mb abis ini \ge finished this \gj finished this \ft 'after this...' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0131 \id 424706103433270203 \begin 0:05:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'Ibu kan udah bisa, jadi Ibu cepet... bisa.' \pho ʔibuʔ kan ʔuda bisa jadi ʔibuʔ cəpət bisaʔ \mb Ibu kan udah bisa jadi Ibu cepet bisa \ge mother KAN PFCT can become mother quick can \gj mother KAN PFCT can become mother quick can \ft 'I can already do it, so I'm fast... I can.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0132 \id 750769103433270203 \begin 0:06:03 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ya, baru sekali.' \pho ya baru səkaːliʔ \mb ya baru se- kali \ge yes new SE- time \gj yes new SE-time \ft 'yeah, just once.' \nt 1. pretending to be CHI's student. 2. =yeah, I just learn it once. \ref 0133 \id 790823103434270203 \begin 0:06:08 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Ibu Guru Priska belajarnya berapa kali?' \pho ʔibu guru priska blajarɲa brapa kaːliʔ \mb Ibu Guru Priska bel- ajar -nya berapa kali \ge mother teacher Priska BER- teach -NYA how.much time \gj mother teacher Priska BER-teach-NYA how.much time \ft 'how many time did you learn it?' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0134 \id 787046103434270203 \begin 0:06:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'banyak.' \pho baːɲak \mb banyak \ge a.lot \gj a.lot \ft 'many.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0135 \id 307536103435270203 \begin 0:06:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska baru belajar sekali di rumah, udah langsung bisa. \pho priska baru blajar səkaːliʔ di rumah ʔuda laŋsuŋ bisaʔ \mb Priska baru bel- ajar se- kali di rumah udah langsung bisa \ge Priska new BER- teach SE- time LOC house PFCT direct can \gj Priska new BER-teach SE-time LOC house PFCT direct can \ft I just learned it once at home and I could do it right away. \ref 0136 \id 675430103435270203 \begin 0:06:16 \sp EXPLAN \tx o, ya? \pho ʔɔ yah \mb o ya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft really? \ref 0137 \id 879302103435270203 \begin 0:06:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nah, terus, kalo sudah begitu xx... ininya begini.' \pho naː tərus kalɔ suda bəgitu xx ʔiniɲa bəginiː \mb nah terus kalo sudah begitu xx ini -nya begini \ge NAH continue TOP PFCT like.that xx this -NYA like.this \gj NAH continue TOP PFCT like.that xx this-NYA like.this \ft 'there we go, then, after that xx... this is like this.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0138 \id 157845103435270203 \begin 0:06:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'kamu masih ingat apa?' \pho kamu masi ʔiŋat ʔapah \mb kamu masih ingat apa \ge 2 still remember what \gj 2 still remember what \ft 'do you still remember?' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0139 \id 309520103436270203 \begin 0:06:23 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ingat-ingat lupa, Bu.' \pho ʔiŋatʔiŋat lupa buːʔ \mb ingat - ingat lupa Bu \ge remember - remember forget TRU-mother \gj RED-remember forget TRU-mother \ft 'yes and no, Miss.' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0140 \id 722523103436270203 \begin 0:06:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'o.' \pho ʔɔː \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft 'I see.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0141 \id 365980103436270203 \begin 0:06:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'jadi ingatnya banyak dong.' \pho jadi ʔiŋatɲa baːɲaʔ dɔŋ \mb jadi ingat -nya banyak dong \ge become remember -NYA a.lot DONG \gj become remember-NYA a.lot DONG \ft 'so you remember more.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0142 \id 146713103436270203 \begin 0:06:31 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiːyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0143 \id 407633103437270203 \begin 0:06:33 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'kalo liat Ibu inget lagi mesti diapain.' \pho kalɔ lyat ʔibuʔ ʔiŋət laːgi məsti diʔapayiːn \mb kalo liat Ibu inget lagi mesti di- apa -in \ge TOP see mother remember more should DI- what -IN \gj TOP see mother remember more should DI-what-IN \ft 'if I see you, I remember what I should do.' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0144 \id 904962103437270203 \begin 0:06:39 \sp XXX \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt OMA and MOT are talking in the dining room. \ref 0145 \id 314787103437270203 \begin 0:06:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ngeliat, ya?' \pho ŋəliyat yah \mb nge- liat ya \ge N- see yes \gj N-see yes \ft 'do you see me?' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0146 \id 144221103438270203 \begin 0:06:51 \sp XXX \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt MOT and OMA are talking in the dining room. \ref 0147 \id 836948103438270203 \begin 0:06:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'lho, kok kamu masih kecil, kan?' \pho lɔh kɔ kamu masi kəcil kan \mb lho kok kamu masih kecil kan \ge EXCL KOK 2 still small KAN \gj EXCL KOK 2 still small KAN \ft 'huh, you're still young, aren't you?' \nt 1. pretending to be EXP's teacher. 2. **kok is not needed. \ref 0148 \id 202132103438270203 \begin 0:07:00 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiːyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0149 \id 345750103439270203 \begin 0:07:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'lho kok udah bisa ngelipet rapi segitu?' \pho lɔ kɔ ʔuda bisa ŋəlipət raːpi səgiːtuh \mb lho kok udah bisa nge- lipet rapi se- gitu \ge EXCL KOK PFCT can N- fold neat SE- like.that \gj EXCL KOK PFCT can N-fold neat SE-like.that \ft 'how can you fold it so neatly?' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0150 \id 325072103439270203 \begin 0:07:05 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'kan liat Ibu Guru punya.' \pho kan lyat ʔibu guru puːɲaʔ \mb kan liat Ibu Guru punya \ge KAN see mother teacher have \gj KAN see mother teacher have \ft 'I saw yours.' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0151 \id 201878103439270203 \begin 0:07:08 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nanti sama Ibu Guru dihukum kalo nggak...' \pho nanti sama ʔibu guru dihukum kalɔ ŋgaʔ \mb nanti sama Ibu Guru di- hukum kalo nggak \ge later with mother teacher DI- punish TOP NEG \gj later with mother teacher DI-punish TOP NEG \ft 'you will punish me if I don't...' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0152 \id 581340103440270203 \begin 0:07:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak kok, nggak.' \pho ŋgaʔ kɔːʔ ŋgaʔ \mb nggak kok nggak \ge NEG KOK NEG \gj NEG KOK NEG \ft 'no, no.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0153 \id 796528103440270203 \begin 0:07:13 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nanti suruh tulis di papan tulis...' \pho nanti suru tulis di papan tuliːs \mb nanti suruh tulis di papan tulis \ge later order write LOC board write \gj later order write LOC board write \ft 'you will ask me to write on the blackboard...' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0154 \id 365176103440270203 \begin 0:07:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx hmm. \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge BAB \gj BAB \ref 0155 \id 127543103440270203 \begin 0:07:17 \sp EXPLAN \tx '...tidak mau melipat.' \pho tidaʔ maw məlipaːt \mb tidak mau me- lipat \ge NEG want MEN- fold \gj NEG want MEN-fold \ft '...I don't want to fold it.' \nt pretending to be CHI's student and from her previous utterance. \ref 0156 \id 429232103441270203 \begin 0:07:20 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'gitu nggak, Bu?' \pho gitu ŋgaʔ buʔ \mb gitu nggak Bu \ge like.that NEG TRU-mother \gj like.that NEG TRU-mother \ft 'are you like that, Miss?' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0157 \id 318711103441270203 \begin 0:07:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggaklah.' \pho ŋgaʔlaːh \mb nggak -lah \ge NEG -LAH \gj NEG-LAH \ft 'no.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0158 \id 393489103441270203 \begin 0:07:24 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'kalo gitu Adek nggak bisa nih yang inih.' \pho kalɔ gitu ʔadeʔ ŋgaʔ bisa ni yaŋ ʔiniːh \mb kalo gitu Adek nggak bisa nih yang inih \ge TOP like.that younger.sibling NEG can this REL this \gj TOP like.that younger.sibling NEG can this REL this \ft 'if that is the case, I can't do this one.' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0159 \id 791012103441270203 \begin 0:07:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt helping EXP to fold the paper. \ref 0160 \id 363059103441270203 \begin 0:07:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ni begitu.' \pho ni bəgiːtu \mb ni begitu \ge this like.that \gj this like.that \ft 'this is like that.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher and folding EXP's paper. \ref 0161 \id 538958103442270203 \begin 0:07:37 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'diapain sih Bu inih?' \pho diʔapayin si buʔ ʔinih \mb di- apa -in sih Bu inih \ge DI- what -IN SIH TRU-mother this \gj DI-what-IN SIH TRU-mother this \ft 'what did you do?' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0162 \id 391186103442270203 \begin 0:07:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'kayak Ibu, gini.' \pho kayaʔ ʔibuʔ giːnih \mb kayak Ibu gini \ge like mother like.this \gj like mother like.this \ft 'it's like mine, it's like this.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0163 \id 776553103442270203 \begin 0:07:40 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o, di...' \pho ʔɔː diː \mb o di \ge EXCL DI \gj EXCL DI \ft 'o, xx...' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0164 \id 350968103442270203 \begin 0:07:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'udah abis deh.' \pho ʔudas ʔaːbis deh \mb udah abis deh \ge PFCT finished DEH \gj PFCT finished DEH \ft 'it's finished.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0165 \id 739861103443270203 \begin 0:07:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'iya, abis.' \pho ʔiːya ʔabis \mb iya abis \ge yes finished \gj yes finished \ft 'right, it's finished.' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0166 \id 155890103443270203 \begin 0:07:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nanti yang laen aja ya Bu kerjaannya, ya?' \pho nanti yaŋ laen ʔaːja ya bu kərjaʔanɲa yah \mb nanti yang laen aja ya Bu kerja -an -nya ya \ge later REL other just yes TRU-mother do -AN -NYA yes \gj later REL other just yes TRU-mother do-AN-NYA yes \ft 'we'll do other things, okay?' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0167 \id 745754103443270203 \begin 0:07:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiːyaʔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'okay.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0168 \id 209798103443270203 \begin 0:07:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt cutting her folded paper. \ref 0169 \id 490511103443270203 \begin 0:07:57 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ini sisi kiri kanan ya, Bu?' \pho ʔini sisi kiri kanan ya buʔ \mb ini sisi kiri kanan ya Bu \ge this side left right yes TRU-mother \gj this side left right yes TRU-mother \ft 'are these left side and right side, Miss?' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0170 \id 637876103444270203 \begin 0:07:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiːyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0171 \id 605261103444270203 \begin 0:08:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'bener.' \pho bənər \mb bener \ge true \gj true \ft 'you're right.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0172 \id 543458103445270203 \begin 0:08:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'Ibu... ini kan lancip Ibu.' \pho ʔibuʔ ʔini kan laːncip ʔiːbuʔ \mb Ibu ini kan lancip Ibu \ge mother this KAN pointed mother \gj mother this KAN pointed mother \ft 'I... mine is sharp and pointed.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0173 \id 414006103445270203 \begin 0:08:08 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt folding her paper. \ref 0174 \id 920133103445270203 \begin 0:08:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt folding her paper. \ref 0175 \id 604476103445270203 \begin 0:08:18 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'abis ini...' \pho ʔabis ʔiniː \mb abis ini \ge finished this \gj finished this \ft 'after this...' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0176 \id 852590103445270203 \begin 0:08:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'digunting!' \pho diguntiŋ \mb di- gunting \ge DI- scissors \gj DI-scissors \ft 'cut it!' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0177 \id 295896103446270203 \begin 0:08:21 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o, gunting.' \pho ʔɔː guntiŋ \mb o gunting \ge EXCL scissors \gj EXCL scissors \ft 'o, I cut it.' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0178 \id 341499103446270203 \begin 0:08:22 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'yang bawah, ya?' \pho yaŋ bawa yah \mb yang bawah ya \ge REL under yes \gj REL under yes \ft 'the lower part, right?' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0179 \id 884777103446270203 \begin 0:08:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'he-eh.' \pho hə̃ʔə̃ː \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'uh-huh.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0180 \id 372733103447270203 \begin 0:08:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'soalnya kan lagi dibuat i(kan)... ikannya.' \pho sɔalɲa kan lagi dibuːwat ʔiː ʔikhanɲaː \mb soal -nya kan lagi di- buat ikan ikan -nya \ge matter -NYA KAN more DI- make fish fish -NYA \gj matter-NYA KAN more DI-make fish fish-NYA \ft 'because we're making the fish... the fish.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0181 \id 243851103447270203 \begin 0:08:35 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'trus, lipet ke dalem, lipet ke luar, Bu?' \pho trus lipət kə daləm lipət kə luwar buʔ \mb trus lipet ke dalem lipet ke luar Bu \ge continue fold to inside fold to out TRU-mother \gj continue fold to inside fold to out TRU-mother \ft 'then, do I fold it in or in, Miss?' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0182 \id 410591103447270203 \begin 0:08:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'eee... ni lipetnya... inih...' \pho ʔə̃ː ni lipətɲaːh ʔinih \mb eee ni lipet -nya inih \ge FILL this fold -NYA this \gj FILL this fold-NYA this \ft 'umm... this is folded... this...' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher and taking EXP's paper to help EXP. \ref 0183 \id 215244103447270203 \begin 0:08:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'yang... lho?' \pho yaŋ lɔh \mb yang lho \ge REL EXCL \gj REL EXCL \ft 'the... why?' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0184 \id 217777103448270203 \begin 0:08:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ini... ini dilipet begini dulu.' \pho ʔini ʔini dilipət bəgini duluːʔ \mb ini ini di- lipet begini dulu \ge this this DI- fold like.this before \gj this this DI-fold like.this before \ft 'this... I'm folding this first.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0185 \id 484009103448270203 \begin 0:08:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ha, ini baru lipet begitu.' \pho hãː ʔini baru lipət bəgiːtuː \mb ha ini baru lipet begitu \ge uh-huh this new fold like.that \gj uh-huh this new fold like.that \ft 'uh-huh, then I fold this like that.' \nt helping EXP to fold EXP's paper. \ref 0186 \id 252609103448270203 \begin 0:08:50 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o, oke.' \pho ʔɔː ʔɔkeː \mb o oke \ge EXCL okay \gj EXCL okay \ft 'o, okay.' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0187 \id 904521103449270203 \begin 0:08:52 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'lupa ni, Bu.' \pho lupaʔ ni buːʔ \mb lupa ni Bu \ge forget this TRU-mother \gj forget this TRU-mother \ft 'I forgot about it, Miss.' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0188 \id 115791103449270203 \begin 0:08:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt giving EXP's folded paper to EXP. \ref 0189 \id 900613103449270203 \begin 0:08:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'terima kasi, ya?' \pho trima kasi yaːh \mb terima kasi ya \ge receive give yes \gj receive give yes \ft 'thanks.' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0190 \id 127901103449270203 \begin 0:08:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'Ibu sudah jadi.' \pho ʔibuʔ suda jaːdiʔ \mb Ibu sudah jadi \ge mother PFCT become \gj mother PFCT become \ft 'mine is done.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0191 \id 140368103450270203 \begin 0:08:59 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o, Ibu cepat sekali.' \pho ʔɔ ʔibu cəpat səkaːliː \mb o Ibu cepat se- kali \ge EXCL mother quick SE- very \gj EXCL mother quick SE-very \ft 'wow, you're very fast.' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0192 \id 869040103450270203 \begin 0:09:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'soalnya Ibu sudah bisa.' \pho sɔalɲa ʔibu sudas biːsaː \mb soal -nya Ibu sudah bisa \ge matter -NYA mother PFCT can \gj matter-NYA mother PFCT can \ft 'because I can already do it.' \nt pretending to be EXP's teacher. \ref 0193 \id 477344103450270203 \begin 0:09:02 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'yah, Adeknya belum inget soalnya.' \pho yaːh ʔadɛʔɲa bəlum ʔiːŋət sɔalɲa \mb yah Adek -nya belum inget soal -nya \ge EXCL younger.sibling -NYA not.yet remember matter -NYA \gj EXCL younger.sibling-NYA not.yet remember matter-NYA \ft 'shucks, the problem is I don't remember yet.' \nt pretending to be CHI's student. \ref 0194 \id 736908103451270203 \begin 0:09:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx kakak. \pho kakaʔ \mb kakak \ge older.sibling \gj older.sibling \ft I'm the older sister. \ref 0195 \id 926406103451270203 \begin 0:09:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx kakak, adek, ya? \pho kakaʔ ʔadɛʔ yaːh \mb kakak adek ya \ge older.sibling younger.sibling yes \gj older.sibling younger.sibling yes \ft I'm the older sister and you're the younger one, okay? \nt pointing at herself and then EXP. \ref 0196 \id 725736103451270203 \begin 0:09:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx kakak, adek. \pho kakaʔ ʔadɛʔ \mb kakak adek \ge older.sibling younger.sibling \gj older.sibling younger.sibling \ft I'm the older sister and you're the younger one. \ref 0197 \id 363796103451270203 \begin 0:09:08 \sp EXPLAN \tx kakak, adek. \pho kakaʔ ʔadɛʔ \mb kakak adek \ge older.sibling younger.sibling \gj older.sibling younger.sibling \ft an older sister and a younger one. \nt nodding. \ref 0198 \id 332948103452270203 \begin 0:09:10 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'iya deh, Kakak pinter sih.' \pho ʔiya dɛː kakaʔ pintər siːh \mb iya deh Kakak pinter sih \ge yes DEH older.sibling smart SIH \gj yes DEH older.sibling smart SIH \ft 'okay, you're great.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0199 \id 271169103452270203 \begin 0:09:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx sre re tre tre. \mb sre re tre tre \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft sre re tre tre. \nt expressing excitement. \ref 0200 \id 547964103452270203 \begin 0:09:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'sekarang, kita tinggal tempel... di... ker...tas.' \pho skaraŋ kita tiŋgal tɛmpɛːl di kər tas \mb sekarang kita tinggal tempel di kertas \ge now 1PL stay attach LOC paper \gj now 1PL stay attach LOC paper \ft 'now, we only have to stick them... on... a paper.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister and referring to the two folded paper. \ref 0201 \id 551830103452270203 \begin 0:09:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'trus, udah gitu kita gam(bar)... tambahin gambar.' \pho trus ʔuda gitu kitah gam tambahin gaːmbaːr \mb trus udah gitu kita gambar tambah -in gambar \ge continue PFCT like.that 1PL picture add -IN picture \gj continue PFCT like.that 1PL picture add-IN picture \ft 'after that, we draw... we add drawings.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0202 \id 679747083958040303 \begin 0:09:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'tempel di mana nih?' \pho tɛmpɛl di maːna nih \mb tempel di mana nih \ge attach LOC which this \gj attach LOC which this \ft 'where do we stick them?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0203 \id 520244083959040303 \begin 0:09:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ya... tunggu, Priska ambil lem dulu, ya?' \pho yaː tuŋgu priska ʔambil lɛm dulu yah \mb ya tunggu Priska ambil lem dulu ya \ge yes wait Priska take glue before yes \gj yes wait Priska take glue before yes \ft 'okay... wait, I take the glue first, okay?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0204 \id 853903083959040303 \begin 0:09:29 \sp EXPLAN \tx oke. \pho ʔɔkɛː \mb oke \ge okay \gj okay \ft okay. \ref 0205 \id 765846083959040303 \begin 0:09:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'sama ker(tas)...' \pho sama kər \mb sama kertas \ge with paper \gj with paper \ft 'and a paper...' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister and standing up. \ref 0206 \id 398329083959040303 \begin 0:09:31 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'oke, Kakak.' \pho ʔɔkɛ kakaːʔ \mb oke Kakak \ge okay older.sibling \gj okay older.sibling \ft 'okay, Sister.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0207 \id 224088083959040303 \begin 0:09:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ha.' \pho haː \mb ha \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft 'ha.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister, expressing excitement and walking to the middle living room. \ref 0208 \id 365626084000040303 \begin 0:09:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx tolong dong ambilin 'lim', eh... selotip aja deh. \pho tɔloŋ dɔŋ ʔambilin lim ʔɛh sɛlɔtip ʔaja dɛːh \mb tolong dong ambil -in lim eh selotip aja deh \ge help DONG take -IN NW EH cellotape just DEH \gj help DONG take-IN NW EH cellotape just DEH \ft please take 'lim' for me, no... just a cellotape. \nt deliberately distorting the word 'lem' and changing it into 'lim'. \ref 0209 \id 483073084000040303 \begin 0:09:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0210 \id 720678084000040303 \begin 0:09:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the recording is unclear. \ref 0211 \id 863126084000040303 \begin 0:09:47 \sp XXX \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the recording is unclear. \ref 0212 \id 978947084000040303 \begin 0:09:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'www.' \mb www \ge www \gj www \ft 'www.' \nt singing a Mandarin song, bringing a roll of cellotape and sitting down. \ref 0213 \id 885406084001040303 \begin 0:09:54 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'sekarang diapain nih, Bu, eh... Kak?' \pho skaraŋ diapayin ni buʔ ʔɛ kaʔ \mb sekarang di- apa -in nih Bu eh Kak \ge now DI- what -IN this TRU-mother EH TRU-older.sibling \gj now DI-what-IN this TRU-mother EH TRU-older.sibling \ft 'what are we doing now, Miss, no... Sister?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0214 \id 147785084001040303 \begin 0:09:58 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Kakak.' \pho kakaʔ \mb Kakak \ge older.sibling \gj older.sibling \ft 'Sister.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0215 \id 429184084001040303 \begin 0:10:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'www.' \mb www \ge www \gj www \ft 'www.' \nt singing a Mandarin song. \ref 0216 \id 415662084001040303 \begin 0:10:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx tolong, ya? \pho tɔlɔŋ ya \mb tolong ya \ge help yes \gj help yes \ft help me, okay? \ref 0217 \id 374127083213120303 \begin 0:10:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'www.' \mb www \ge www \gj www \ft 'www.' \nt singing a Mandarin song. \ref 0218 \id 850969084002040303 \begin 0:10:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'www.' \mb www \ge www \gj www \ft 'www.' \nt singing a Mandarin song. \ref 0219 \id 964552084002040303 \begin 0:10:21 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Kakak lagi nyanyi, ya?' \pho kakaʔ lagi ɲaɲi yah \mb Kakak lagi nyanyi ya \ge older.sibling more sing yes \gj older.sibling more sing yes \ft 'are you singing, Sister?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0220 \id 144457084002040303 \begin 0:10:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'www.' \mb www \ge www \gj www \ft 'www.' \nt singing a Mandarin song. \ref 0221 \id 304986084002040303 \begin 0:10:26 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nyanyi apa sih?' \pho ɲaɲi ʔapa sih \mb nyanyi apa sih \ge sing what SIH \gj sing what SIH \ft 'what are you singing?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0222 \id 105100084002040303 \begin 0:10:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'F.Empat.' \pho ʔɛf ʔm̩pat \mb F.Empat \ge F.four \gj F.four \ft 'F Four.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0223 \id 317869084003040303 \begin 0:10:28 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o, ya?' \pho ʔɔ yah \mb o ya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft 'really?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0224 \id 632213084003040303 \begin 0:10:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'he-eh, tolong dong xx.' \pho hə̃ʔə̃h tɔlɔŋ dɔŋ xx \mb he-eh tolong dong xx \ge uh-huh help DONG xx \gj uh-huh help DONG xx \ft 'uh-huh, please help me xx.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0225 \id 826321084003040303 \begin 0:10:30 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ajarin Adek dong!' \pho ʔajarin ʔadɛʔ dɔŋ \mb ajar -in Adek dong \ge teach -IN younger.sibling DONG \gj teach-IN younger.sibling DONG \ft 'teach me, please!' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0226 \id 693753084003040303 \begin 0:10:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'masa Adek nggak bisa sih?' \pho masɑʔ ʔadɛʔ ŋgaʔ biːsaʔ siːh \mb masa Adek nggak bisa sih \ge incredible younger.sibling NEG can SIH \gj incredible younger.sibling NEG can SIH \ft 'how can't you sing it?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0227 \id 126238084003040303 \begin 0:10:35 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nggak bisa.' \pho ŋga biːsaːʔ \mb nggak bisa \ge NEG can \gj NEG can \ft 'I can't.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0228 \id 982751084004040303 \begin 0:10:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'tunggu, ya?' \pho tuŋguʔ yaːh \mb tunggu ya \ge wait yes \gj wait yes \ft 'wait, okay?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0229 \id 263190084220120303 \begin 0:10:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 0230 \id 915180084004040303 \begin 0:10:44 \sp DEKPRI \tx Priska. \pho priːskaː \mb Priska \ge Priska \gj Priska \ft Priska. \nt shouting outside the door of the house. \ref 0231 \id 159303084004040303 \begin 0:10:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt looking at the door. \ref 0232 \id 508467084004040303 \begin 0:10:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt looking at the door. \ref 0233 \id 913050084005040303 \begin 0:10:46 \sp DEKPRI \tx 0. \nt entering the house. \ref 0234 \id 350890084005040303 \begin 0:10:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx da. \pho da \mb da \ge bye \gj bye \ft hi. \nt greeting DEK. \ref 0235 \id 323873084005040303 \begin 0:10:48 \sp EXPLAN \tx da. \pho daː \mb da \ge bye \gj bye \ft hi. \nt laughing and nodding to DEK. \ref 0236 \id 547240084328120303 \begin 0:10:49 \sp DEKPRI \tx yo. \pho yɔː \mb yo \ge AYO \gj AYO \ft hi. \ref 0237 \id 753042084005040303 \begin 0:10:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx aduh. \pho ʔaːduːh \mb aduh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft my goodness. \nt trying to pull the cellotape. \ref 0238 \id 297599084005040303 \begin 0:10:54 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Kak, kok panjang-panjang amat sih?' \pho kaʔ kɔ panjaŋpanjaŋ ʔaːmat sih \mb Kak kok panjang - panjang amat sih \ge TRU-older.sibling KOK long - long very SIH \gj TRU-older.sibling KOK RED-long very SIH \ft 'why is it very long, Sister?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and referring to the cellotape that CHI is pulling. \ref 0239 \id 153281084006040303 \begin 0:10:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'biarin dong.' \pho byarin dɔːŋ \mb biar -in dong \ge let -IN DONG \gj let-IN DONG \ft 'let it be.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0240 \id 998351084006040303 \begin 0:10:58 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'sayang, kan?' \pho saːyaŋ kaːn \mb sayang kan \ge compassion KAN \gj compassion KAN \ft 'it's such a waste.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0241 \id 310510084006040303 \begin 0:11:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak, kok.' \pho ŋ̩ːgaʔ kɔʔ \mb nggak kok \ge NEG KOK \gj NEG KOK \ft 'no.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0242 \id 251839084006040303 \begin 0:11:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt cutting the cellotape. \ref 0243 \id 566932084006040303 \begin 0:11:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'www.' \mb www \ge www \gj www \ft 'www.' \nt singing a Mandarin song. \ref 0244 \id 749887084007040303 \begin 0:11:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'udah, cukup?' \pho ʔudah cukup \mb udah cukup \ge PFCT enough \gj PFCT enough \ft 'is that all, is it enough?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0245 \id 372537084007040303 \begin 0:11:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'belom.' \pho bəlɔm \mb belom \ge not.yet \gj not.yet \ft 'not yet.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0246 \id 535501084007040303 \begin 0:11:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'satu lagi deh.' \pho satu lagi dɛh \mb satu lagi deh \ge one more DEH \gj one more DEH \ft 'one more.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0247 \id 780401084007040303 \begin 0:11:20 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'di sini aja, Kak.' \pho di sini ʔaja kaʔ \mb di sini aja Kak \ge LOC here just TRU-older.sibling \gj LOC here just TRU-older.sibling \ft 'just here, Sister.' \nt 1. pretending to be CHI's younger sister. 2. it's unclear what she refers to by 'sini'. \ref 0248 \id 217975084008040303 \begin 0:11:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'okay.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0249 \id 213715084008040303 \begin 0:11:22 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nggak usah panjang-panjang, Kak.' \pho ŋga ʔusa panjaŋpanjaŋ kaʔ \mb nggak usah panjang - panjang Kak \ge NEG must long - long TRU-older.sibling \gj NEG must RED-long TRU-older.sibling \ft 'it doesn't have to be too long, Sister.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0250 \id 623114084008040303 \begin 0:11:23 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'segini cukup, Kak.' \pho səgini cukup kaʔ \mb se- gini cukup Kak \ge SE- like.this enough TRU-older.sibling \gj SE-like.this enough TRU-older.sibling \ft 'this is enough, Sister.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0251 \id 897594084008040303 \begin 0:11:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'iya, ya, ya, ya.' \pho ʔiya ya ya yah \mb iya ya ya ya \ge yes yes yes yes \gj yes yes yes yes \ft 'okay, okay, okay, okay.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0252 \id 684331084008040303 \begin 0:11:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'www.' \mb www \ge www \gj www \ft 'www.' \nt singing a Mandarin song. \ref 0253 \id 176746084009040303 \begin 0:11:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'www.' \pho xxx \mb www \ge www \gj www \ft 'www.' \nt keeps on singing a Mandarin song. \ref 0254 \id 278742084009040303 \begin 0:11:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'dah, dah, dah.' \pho dah dah dah \mb dah dah dah \ge PFCT PFCT PFCT \gj PFCT PFCT PFCT \ft 'it's enough, it's enough, it's enough.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0255 \id 935906084010040303 \begin 0:11:42 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hore, satu udah nempel.' \pho hɔreː satu ʔuda nɛmpɛːl \mb hore satu udah n- tempel \ge hurray one PFCT N- attach \gj hurray one PFCT N-attach \ft 'hurray, we have stuck one.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0256 \id 194125084010040303 \begin 0:11:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'sekarang tinggal punya kamu, ya?' \pho skaraŋ tiŋgal puɲa kaːmuː yaːh \mb sekarang tinggal punya kamu ya \ge now stay have 2 yes \gj now stay have 2 yes \ft 'now only yours is left, right?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0257 \id 763247084010040303 \begin 0:11:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'punya Adek ya, Kak?' \pho puɲa ʔadɛ ya kaʔ \mb punya Adek ya Kak \ge have younger.sibling yes TRU-older.sibling \gj have younger.sibling yes TRU-older.sibling \ft 'mine right, Sister?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0258 \id 818876084011040303 \begin 0:11:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'he-eh.' \pho hə̃ʔə̃ː \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'uh-huh.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0259 \id 673118084011040303 \begin 0:11:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nah, ni di... ha, punya Adek di atas.' \pho nah ni di hãː puɲa adɛʔ di ʔatas \mb nah ni di ha punya Adek di atas \ge NAH this LOC uh-huh have younger.sibling LOC up \gj NAH this LOC uh-huh have younger.sibling LOC up \ft 'there we go, this... okay, yours is on top' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0260 \id 714925084011040303 \begin 0:11:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'lem sendiri ya ituh?' \pho lɛm səndiri ya ʔituh \mb lem sen- diri ya ituh \ge glue SE- self yes that \gj glue SE-self yes that \ft 'stick it yourself, okay?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0261 \id 460500084011040303 \begin 0:11:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx ceri(ta)... iya dong... lagi... gini aja deh. \pho cəri ʔiya dɔːŋ lagih gini ʔaja deːh \mb cerita iya dong lagi gini aja deh \ge story yes DONG more like.this just DEH \gj story yes DONG more like.this just DEH \ft the story is... yes... he is... he is just like this. \nt referring to EXP's folded paper. \ref 0262 \id 237113084012040303 \begin 0:11:59 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ni matanya mana sih, Kak?' \pho ni mataʔɲa maːna si kaʔ \mb ni mata -nya mana sih Kak \ge this eye -NYA which SIH TRU-older.sibling \gj this eye-NYA which SIH TRU-older.sibling \ft 'where are the eyes, Sister?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0263 \id 568760084012040303 \begin 0:12:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'matanya nanti deh.' \pho mataʔɲa nanti dɛh \mb mata -nya nanti deh \ge eye -NYA later DEH \gj eye-NYA later DEH \ft 'the eyes are later.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0264 \id 859088084012040303 \begin 0:12:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ya udah, begini.' \pho ya ʔudah bəginih \mb ya udah begini \ge yes PFCT like.this \gj yes PFCT like.this \ft 'okay, like this.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0265 \id 610952084012040303 \begin 0:12:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'cepet, begini deh.' \pho cəpət bəgini dɛh \mb cepet begini deh \ge quick like.this DEH \gj quick like.this DEH \ft 'be quick, like this.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0266 \id 790433084013040303 \begin 0:12:06 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'gini?' \pho gini \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft 'like this?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0267 \id 525979084013040303 \begin 0:12:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ya, lem!' \pho ya lɛm \mb ya lem \ge yes glue \gj yes glue \ft 'yes, stick it!' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0268 \id 944062084013040303 \begin 0:12:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'lem!' \pho lɛm \mb lem \ge glue \gj glue \ft 'stick it!' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0269 \id 474643084013040303 \begin 0:12:10 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'tolongin dong!' \pho tɔlɔŋin dɔŋ \mb tolong -in dong \ge help -IN DONG \gj help-IN DONG \ft 'help me, please!' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0270 \id 348048084014040303 \begin 0:12:13 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ah, panjang sekali.' \pho ʔaː panjaŋ səkaːliʔ \mb ah panjang se- kali \ge EXCL long SE- very \gj EXCL long SE-very \ft 'ah, it's very long.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0271 \id 252133084014040303 \begin 0:12:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'Ka(kak)... Kakak bantuin deh.' \pho ka kaka bantuwin dɛːh \mb Kakak Kakak bantu -in deh \ge older.sibling older.sibling help -IN DEH \gj older.sibling older.sibling help-IN DEH \ft 'let me... let me help you.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0272 \id 105181084014040303 \begin 0:12:23 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'asyik, makasih, Kakak.' \pho ʔasiːk makaːsih kakaːʔ \mb asyik makasih Kakak \ge fun thank.you older.sibling \gj fun thank.you older.sibling \ft 'hurray, thanks, Sister.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0273 \id 784683084015040303 \begin 0:12:32 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'cukup, ya?' \pho cukup yaːh \mb cukup ya \ge enough yes \gj enough yes \ft 'it's enough, right?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0274 \id 194072084015040303 \begin 0:12:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'he-eh.' \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'uh-huh.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0275 \id 777681084015040303 \begin 0:12:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'dah cukup.' \pho daːh cukup \mb dah cukup \ge PFCT enough \gj PFCT enough \ft 'it's enough.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0276 \id 407688084016040303 \begin 0:12:37 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'udah.' \pho ʔuːdah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft 'it's done.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0277 \id 921943084016040303 \begin 0:12:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'emang udah.' \pho ʔɛmaŋ ʔuːdah \mb emang udah \ge indeed PFCT \gj indeed PFCT \ft 'it's indeed done.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0278 \id 418658084016040303 \begin 0:12:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'sekarang tinggal di...tambahin gambar deh.' \pho səkaraŋ tiŋgal di tambahin gaːmbar dɛh \mb sekarang tinggal di- tambah -in gambar deh \ge now stay DI- add -IN picture DEH \gj now stay DI-add-IN picture DEH \ft 'now, we only have to... add drawings.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0279 \id 795159084016040303 \begin 0:12:43 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'gambar apa?' \pho gambar ʔaːpah \mb gambar apa \ge picture what \gj picture what \ft 'what drawings?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0280 \id 754845084017040303 \begin 0:12:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'gambar.' \pho gambaːr \mb gambar \ge picture \gj picture \ft 'drawings.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0281 \id 895163084017040303 \begin 0:12:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'yang lain.' \pho yaŋ laiːn \mb yang lain \ge REL other \gj REL other \ft 'other ones.' \nt 1. pretending to be EXP's older sister. 2. =other drawings. \ref 0282 \id 330191084018040303 \begin 0:12:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'gambar apa?' \pho gambar ʔaːpah \mb gambar apa \ge picture what \gj picture what \ft 'what drawings?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0283 \id 735757084018040303 \begin 0:12:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0284 \id 493749084018040303 \begin 0:12:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'gambar.' \pho gambaːr \mb gambar \ge picture \gj picture \ft 'drawings.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0285 \id 152308084019040303 \begin 0:12:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ka(mu)... kamu boleh ikut gambar.' \pho kah kaːmuː bɔlɛh ʔikut gambar \mb kamu kamu boleh ikut gambar \ge 2 2 may follow picture \gj 2 2 may follow picture \ft 'you... you may join drawing.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0286 \id 850496084019040303 \begin 0:12:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'gambar orang, ya?' \pho gambar ʔɔraŋ yah \mb gambar orang ya \ge picture person yes \gj picture person yes \ft 'do we draw a person?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0287 \id 216187084019040303 \begin 0:12:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'mosok orang di laut?' \pho mɔsɔʔ ʔɔraŋ di lawut \mb mosok orang di laut \ge incredible person LOC sea \gj incredible person LOC sea \ft 'how can a person in the sea?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0288 \id 758426084020040303 \begin 0:12:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak dong.' \pho ŋga dɔːŋ \mb nggak dong \ge NEG DONG \gj NEG DONG \ft 'of course not.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0289 \id 782588084020040303 \begin 0:13:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'air... yang ditambahi.' \pho ayiːr yaŋ ditambahi \mb air yang di- tambah -i \ge water REL DI- add -I \gj water REL DI-add-I \ft 'we add water.' \nt 1. pretending to be EXP's older sister. **ditambahi(wrong suffix) should be "ditambahin" or "ditambahkan". \ref 0290 \id 980784084021040303 \begin 0:13:03 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'oh.' \pho ʔɔːh \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft 'I see.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0291 \id 258037084021040303 \begin 0:13:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt drawing. \ref 0292 \id 331985084021040303 \begin 0:13:05 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Kakak gambar apa?' \pho kakaʔ gambar ʔapaː \mb Kakak gambar apa \ge older.sibling picture what \gj older.sibling picture what \ft 'what are you drawing, Sister?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0293 \id 283334084022040303 \begin 0:13:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'eee... Kakak nanti ada xx... liat aja nanti.' \pho ʔə̃ː kakaʔ nantiʔ ʔadaʔ lɛh liyat ʔaja nantiʔ \mb eee Kakak nanti ada xx liat aja nanti \ge FILL older.sibling later exist xx see just later \gj FILL older.sibling later exist xx see just later \ft 'umm... I will xx... just see later.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0294 \id 701565084022040303 \begin 0:13:16 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'kalo Adek gambarin apanya, Kak?' \pho kalɔ ʔadɛ gambarin ʔapaːɲah kaʔ \mb kalo Adek gambar -in apa -nya Kak \ge TOP younger.sibling picture -IN what -NYA TRU-older.sibling \gj TOP younger.sibling picture-IN what-NYA TRU-older.sibling \ft 'what do I draw, Sister?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0295 \id 915955084023040303 \begin 0:13:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nanti.' \pho nantiʔ \mb nanti \ge later \gj later \ft 'later.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0296 \id 587418084023040303 \begin 0:13:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ada, kamu boleh gambar yang lain, yang... yang... yang... ba(gus)[?]... yang sedeng juga boleh.' \pho ʔadaʔ kamu bɔlɛh gambar yaŋ layin yaŋ yaŋ yaːŋ bah yaŋ sədəŋ jugaʔ bɔlɛːh \mb ada kamu boleh gambar yang lain yang yang yang bagus yang sedeng juga boleh \ge exist 2 may picture REL other REL REL REL nice REL enough also may \gj exist 2 may picture REL other REL REL REL nice REL enough also may \ft 'there is, you may draw others, the... the... the nice... the so-so one is also okay.' \nt 1. pretending to be EXP's older sister. 2. referring to the picture that EXP wants to make. \ref 0297 \id 345657084023040303 \begin 0:13:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'yang bagus banget juga boleh.' \pho yaŋ bagus baŋət juga bɔlɛh \mb yang bagus banget juga boleh \ge REL nice very also may \gj REL nice very also may \ft 'a very nice one is also okay.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0298 \id 576768084023040303 \begin 0:13:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'kamu mo pilih yang bagus banget ato yang sedeng?' \pho kamu mɔ pilih yaŋ bagus baŋət ʔatɔ yaŋ sədəŋ \mb kamu mo pilih yang bagus banget ato yang sedeng \ge 2 want choose REL nice very or REL enough \gj 2 want choose REL nice very or REL enough \ft 'do you want to choose the very nice one or the so-so one?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0299 \id 457636084023040303 \begin 0:13:34 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'yang bagus dong.' \pho yaŋ bagus dɔːŋ \mb yang bagus dong \ge REL nice DONG \gj REL nice DONG \ft 'the nice one of course.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0300 \id 695921084024040303 \begin 0:13:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ya, bi(kin)[?]... bikin xx.' \pho ya bi bikin xx \mb ya bikin bikin xx \ge yes make make xx \gj yes make make xx \ft 'okay, make... make xx.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0301 \id 561224084024040303 \begin 0:13:38 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nanti dapat A, ya kalo bagus, ya?' \pho nanti dapat ʔa yaːh kalɔ bagus yaːh \mb nanti dapat A ya kalo bagus ya \ge later get A yes TOP nice yes \gj later get A yes TOP nice yes \ft 'I'll get an A if it's nice, okay?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0302 \id 216895084025040303 \begin 0:13:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'oke dong.' \pho ʔɔːk kɛ dɔːŋ \mb oke dong \ge okay DONG \gj okay DONG \ft 'sure.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0303 \id 959480084025040303 \begin 0:13:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt drawing. \ref 0304 \id 412831084026040303 \begin 0:13:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'tu apa tuh?' \pho tu ʔapa tuh \mb tu apa tuh \ge that what that \gj that what that \ft 'what's that?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister and referring to the picture that EXP is drawing. \ref 0305 \id 957703084028040303 \begin 0:13:57 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'eee... daun.' \pho ʔə̃ː dawun \mb eee daun \ge FILL leaf \gj FILL leaf \ft 'umm... a leaf.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0306 \id 230719084028040303 \begin 0:13:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'daun kok ada di po(hon)... di dalem air?' \pho dawun kɔʔ ʔada di pɔ di dalən ʔaːyiːr \mb daun kok ada di pohon di dalem air \ge leaf KOK exist LOC tree LOC inside water \gj leaf KOK exist LOC tree LOC inside water \ft 'why is a leaf on a tree... in the water?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0307 \id 206431084028040303 \begin 0:14:04 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'kan ada taneman kalo di air.' \pho kan ʔada tanəmman kalɔ di ʔayir \mb kan ada tanem -an kalo di air \ge KAN exist plant -AN TOP LOC water \gj KAN exist plant-AN TOP LOC water \ft 'there are plants in the water.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0308 \id 595115084029040303 \begin 0:14:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak ada.' \pho ŋgaʔ ʔaːdaːʔ \mb nggak ada \ge NEG exist \gj NEG exist \ft 'no.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0309 \id 115065084029040303 \begin 0:14:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'cuman ada...' \pho cuman ʔadaʔ \mb cuman ada \ge only exist \gj only exist \ft 'there's only...' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0310 \id 404123084029040303 \begin 0:14:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt inhaling. \ref 0311 \id 417155084029040303 \begin 0:14:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx '...rumput.' \pho rumpuːt \mb rumput \ge grass \gj grass \ft '...grass.' \nt 1. from her previous utterance. 2. pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0312 \id 744822084029040303 \begin 0:14:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'rumput laut.' \pho rumput lawuːt \mb rumput laut \ge grass sea \gj grass sea \ft 'seaweed.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0313 \id 750123084030040303 \begin 0:14:12 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o, cuman ada rumput laut, ya?' \pho ʔɔ cuman ʔada rumput lawut yah \mb o cuman ada rumput laut ya \ge EXCL only exist grass sea yes \gj EXCL only exist grass sea yes \ft 'o, there's only seaweed, right?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0314 \id 732283084030040303 \begin 0:14:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'he-eh.' \pho hə̃ʔə̃ː \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'uh-huh.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0315 \id 600489084030040303 \begin 0:14:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nggak da daun, ya?' \pho ŋga da daːwun yaːh \mb nggak da daun ya \ge NEG exist leaf yes \gj NEG exist leaf yes \ft 'there's no leaf, right?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0316 \id 439803084030040303 \begin 0:14:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'he-eh.' \pho hə̃ʔə̃ \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'uh-huh.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0317 \id 677031084031040303 \begin 0:14:18 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'waduh... gimana nih salah?' \pho waːdʊːh gimana nih salah \mb waduh gimana nih salah \ge EXCL how this wrong \gj EXCL how this wrong \ft 'my goodness.. I'm wrong, what should I do?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0318 \id 777823084031040303 \begin 0:14:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nah, kalo begitu Kakak punya ide.' \pho naːh kalɔ bəgitu kaka puɲa ʔideːh \mb nah kalo begitu Kakak punya ide \ge NAH TOP like.that older.sibling have idea \gj NAH TOP like.that older.sibling have idea \ft 'okay, if that is the case, I have an idea.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0319 \id 992061084031040303 \begin 0:14:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'jadi daunnya ini jatoh.' \pho jyadhiʔ dawunɲa ʔiniː jaːtɔh \mb jadi daun -nya ini jatoh \ge become leaf -NYA this fall \gj become leaf-NYA this fall \ft 'this leaf fell down.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0320 \id 792941084031040303 \begin 0:14:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx kalo nggak, nggak (u)sah gitu deh. \pho kalɔ ŋga ŋga sah gitu dɛh \mb kalo nggak nggak usah gitu deh \ge TOP NEG NEG must like.that DEH \gj TOP NEG NEG must like.that DEH \ft or, it doesn't have to be like that. \ref 0321 \id 380512084032040303 \begin 0:14:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'eee... ini kamu... kamu boleh, boleh... ini ka(mu)... sekarang kamu kan masih kecil.' \pho ʔə̃ː ʔini kamuh kamu bɔlɛh bɔlɛːh ʔini kah səkaraŋ kamu kan masi kəciːl \mb eee ini kamu kamu boleh boleh ini kamu sekarang kamu kan masih kecil \ge FILL this 2 2 may may this 2 now 2 KAN still small \gj FILL this 2 2 may may this 2 now 2 KAN still small \ft 'umm... you are... you may, you may... this, you... you're still young now.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0322 \id 485701084032040303 \begin 0:14:38 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'he-eh.' \pho hə̃ʔə̃ː \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'uh-huh.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0323 \id 788627084032040303 \begin 0:14:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'jadi belum ngerti?' \pho jadi bəlum ŋəːrtiːʔ \mb jadi belum ngerti \ge become not.yet understand \gj become not.yet understand \ft 'you don't understand it yet?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0324 \id 781911084032040303 \begin 0:14:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'jadinya kamu harusnya begini aja, dia[?]...' \pho jadiɲa kamu harusɲa bəgini ʔaja dya \mb jadi -nya kamu harus -nya begini aja dia \ge become -NYA 2 should -NYA like.this just 3 \gj become-NYA 2 should-NYA like.this just 3 \ft 'I think you're just like this, it...' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0325 \id 395922084032040303 \begin 0:14:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'kan susah, ya?' \pho kan suːsa ya \mb kan susah ya \ge KAN difficult yes \gj KAN difficult yes \ft 'it's difficult, right?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0326 \id 281534084033040303 \begin 0:14:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'jadinya eee... ng... kamu... kita harus lipet lagi dong.' \pho jadiɲa ʔə̃ː ŋəː kaːmu kita harus lipət laːgi dɔːŋ \mb jadi -nya eee ng kamu kita harus lipet lagi dong \ge become -NYA FILL FILL 2 1PL must fold more DONG \gj become-NYA FILL FILL 2 1PL must fold more DONG \ft 'so, umm... umm... you... we have to fold them again.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0327 \id 157455084033040303 \begin 0:14:49 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hah?' \pho hãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft 'huh?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0328 \id 955292084033040303 \begin 0:14:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'eh, eh, masih ada itu, kan?' \pho ʔɛ ʔɛh masi ʔada ʔitu kan \mb eh eh masih ada itu kan \ge EXCL EXCL still exist that KAN \gj EXCL EXCL still exist that KAN \ft 'hey, hey, we still have them, right?' \nt 1. pretending to be EXP's older sister. 2. referring to the color papers. \ref 0329 \id 209923084034040303 \begin 0:14:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'jadi gimana?' \pho jadi gimaːnaː \mb jadi gimana \ge become how \gj become how \ft 'so how?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0330 \id 788684084034040303 \begin 0:14:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ambil kertas lagi.' \pho ʔambil kərtas lagiː \mb ambil kertas lagi \ge take paper more \gj take paper more \ft 'we take another paper.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister and referring to a piece of plain paper. \ref 0331 \id 829807084035040303 \begin 0:14:58 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'waduh, mesti ambil kertas lagi.' \pho waːduːh məsti ʔambil kərtas lagi \mb waduh mesti ambil kertas lagi \ge EXCL should take paper more \gj EXCL should take paper more \ft 'my goodness, we have to take another paper again.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0332 \id 787209084035040303 \begin 0:15:00 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nggak bisa di baliknya ya, Kak?' \pho ŋgaʔ bisa di balikɲa ya kaʔ \mb nggak bisa di balik -nya ya Kak \ge NEG can LOC turn.around -NYA yes TRU-older.sibling \gj NEG can LOC turn.around-NYA yes TRU-older.sibling \ft 'can we do it on the other side, Sister?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and referring to the other side of the paper on which they stick the folded papers. \ref 0333 \id 349056084035040303 \begin 0:15:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'eee... oke, oke, di baliknya aja deh.' \pho ʔə̃ ʔɔke ʔɔke di balikɲa ʔaja deːh \mb eee oke oke di balik -nya aja deh \ge FILL okay okay LOC turn.around -NYA just DEH \gj FILL okay okay LOC turn.around-NYA just DEH \ft 'umm... okay, okay, just do it on the other side.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0334 \id 989237084035040303 \begin 0:15:06 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hore.' \pho hɔreː \mb hore \ge hurray \gj hurray \ft 'hurray.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0335 \id 132189084036040303 \begin 0:15:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ni punya... xx.' \pho ni puɲaʔ xx \mb ni punya xx \ge this have xx \gj this have xx \ft 'this belongs to... xx.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0336 \id 205047084036040303 \begin 0:15:13 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Kak, Kak, bentar, Kak.' \pho kaʔ kaʔ bəntar kaʔ \mb Kak Kak bentar Kak \ge TRU-older.sibling TRU-older.sibling moment TRU-older.sibling \gj TRU-older.sibling TRU-older.sibling moment TRU-older.sibling \ft 'Sister, Sister, wait a minute, Sister.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0337 \id 730308084036040303 \begin 0:15:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'apa?' \pho ʔapaːh \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft 'what?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0338 \id 705196084036040303 \begin 0:15:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'cabut dulu, ya?' \pho cabut dulu yah \mb cabut dulu ya \ge yank before yes \gj yank before yes \ft 'let's pull them out first, okay?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0339 \id 746910084037040303 \begin 0:15:16 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'susah nempelnya.' \pho suːsa nɛmpɛlɲah \mb susah n- tempel -nya \ge difficult N- attach -NYA \gj difficult N-attach-NYA \ft 'it's difficult to stick them.' \nt 1. pretending to be CHI's younger sister. 2. =it's difficult to stick them if we have the folded papers on the other side of the paper. \ref 0340 \id 733432084037040303 \begin 0:15:18 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'iya?' \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'okay?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0341 \id 111805084037040303 \begin 0:15:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'he-eh.' \pho hə̃ʔə̃ \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'uh-huh.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0342 \id 509683084038040303 \begin 0:15:19 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ada inih.' \pho ʔada ʔinih \mb ada inih \ge exist this \gj exist this \ft 'there are these.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and referring to the folded papers. \ref 0343 \id 654616084038040303 \begin 0:15:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'www.' \pho xxx \mb www \ge www \gj www \ft 'www.' \nt singing a Mandarin song. \ref 0344 \id 255675084038040303 \begin 0:15:23 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nanti nggak bisa bagus gambarnya.' \pho nanti ŋga bisa baːgus gambarɲah \mb nanti nggak bisa bagus gambar -nya \ge later NEG can nice picture -NYA \gj later NEG can nice picture-NYA \ft 'otherwise, the picture won't be nice.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0345 \id 248548084038040303 \begin 0:15:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'okay.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0346 \id 156616084039040303 \begin 0:15:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'www.' \mb www \ge www \gj www \ft 'www.' \nt singing a Mandarin song. \ref 0347 \id 360889084039040303 \begin 0:15:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'jangan gambar daun lagi lho.' \pho jaŋan gambar dawun lagi loːh \mb jangan gambar daun lagi lho \ge don't picture leaf more EXCL \gj don't picture leaf more EXCL \ft 'don't draw a leaf anymore.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0348 \id 983015084039040303 \begin 0:15:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nah... tolong dong bantuin, ya?' \pho naːh tɔlɔŋ dɔŋ bantuwin yaːh \mb nah tolong dong bantu -in ya \ge NAH help DONG help -IN yes \gj NAH help DONG help-IN yes \ft 'there we go... help me please!' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0349 \id 864615084040040303 \begin 0:15:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ehe, ini lipet begini.' \pho ʔəhəʔ ʔini lipət bəginiː \mb ehe ini lipet begini \ge IMIT this fold like.this \gj IMIT this fold like.this \ft 'ehe, I'm folding this like this.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister and imitating the laughing sound. \ref 0350 \id 799003084040040303 \begin 0:15:40 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'iya deh, Kakak.' \pho ʔiya de kakaʔ \mb iya deh Kakak \ge yes DEH older.sibling \gj yes DEH older.sibling \ft 'okay, Sister.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0351 \id 561712084040040303 \begin 0:15:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'eee... Adek, kamu juga ke sini tapi ni lagi naik, ya?' \pho ʔə̃ ʔadɛ kamu juga kə sini tapi ni lagi naik yaːh \mb eee Adek kamu juga ke sini tapi ni lagi naik ya \ge FILL younger.sibling 2 also to here but this more go.up yes \gj FILL younger.sibling 2 also to here but this more go.up yes \ft 'umm... Sister, yours is also going to here, but it is going up, okay?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister and referring to the position of the folded paper. \ref 0352 \id 306346084041040303 \begin 0:15:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'lagi...' \pho lagiʔ \mb lagi \ge more \gj more \ft 'it is...' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0353 \id 474999084041040303 \begin 0:15:49 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'siapanya yang naik?' \pho syapaːɲa yaŋ nayik \mb siapa -nya yang naik \ge who -NYA REL go.up \gj who-NYA REL go.up \ft 'who is going up?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0354 \id 928253084042040303 \begin 0:15:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ini, ikannya yang satu lagi naik begini.' \pho ʔiːni ʔikanɲa yaŋ satu lagi naik bəgini \mb ini ikan -nya yang satu lagi naik begini \ge this fish -NYA REL one more go.up like.this \gj this fish-NYA REL one more go.up like.this \ft 'this, one fish is going up like this.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0355 \id 278277150604040303 \begin 0:15:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'Kakak lagi, lagi begini.' \pho kaka lagih lagi bəginiː \mb Kakak lagi lagi begini \ge older.sibling more more like.this \gj older.sibling more more like.this \ft 'mine is, mine is like this.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0356 \id 312363150629040303 \begin 0:15:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o.' \pho ʔɔː \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft 'I see.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0357 \id 791122150634040303 \begin 0:15:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'kalo nggak Kakak lagi begini deh.' \pho kahlɔ ŋga kaka lagi bəgini dɛh \mb kalo nggak Kakak lagi begini deh \ge TOP NEG older.sibling more like.this DEH \gj TOP NEG older.sibling more like.this DEH \ft 'or mine is like this.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0358 \id 414574150657040303 \begin 0:15:58 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'oke, ini yang Kakak, ya?' \pho ʔɔkɛː ʔini yaŋ kakaʔ yaːh \mb oke ini yang Kakak ya \ge okay this REL older.sibling yes \gj okay this REL older.sibling yes \ft 'okay, this is yours, okay?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0359 \id 559651150716040303 \begin 0:16:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'he-eh.' \pho hə̃ʔə̃ː \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'uh-huh.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0360 \id 764679150841040303 \begin 0:16:04 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ni juga masih bisa tuh kayaknya.' \pho ni jugaʔ masi biːsa tuh kayaʔɲah \mb ni juga masih bisa tuh kayak -nya \ge this also still can that like -NYA \gj this also still can that like-NYA \ft 'I think we can still use this.' \nt 1. pretending to be CHI's younger sister. 2. referring to a piece of cellotape. \ref 0361 \id 572863150841040303 \begin 0:16:08 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'bisa, nggak?' \pho bisa ŋgaʔ \mb bisa nggak \ge can NEG \gj can NEG \ft 'can we?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0362 \id 527392150841040303 \begin 0:16:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 0363 \id 390407150841040303 \begin 0:16:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'cukup dua, ya?' \pho cukup duwaʔ yah \mb cukup dua ya \ge enough two yes \gj enough two yes \ft 'two are enough, okay?' \nt 1. pretending to be EXP's older sister. 2. referring to two pieces of cellotape. \ref 0364 \id 288926150841040303 \begin 0:16:20 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'cukup dua.' \pho cukup duwaːʔ \mb cukup dua \ge enough two \gj enough two \ft 'two are enough.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0365 \id 187283150842040303 \begin 0:16:22 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'cukup, nggak?' \pho cukup ŋgaʔ \mb cukup nggak \ge enough NEG \gj enough NEG \ft 'are they enough?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0366 \id 977712150842040303 \begin 0:16:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'cukup.' \pho cukup \mb cukup \ge enough \gj enough \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0367 \id 827675150842040303 \begin 0:16:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiːyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0368 \id 958356150842040303 \begin 0:16:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'Adek juga dua saja.' \pho ʔadeː juga duwaʔ saja \mb Adek juga dua saja \ge younger.sibling also two just \gj younger.sibling also two just \ft 'yours is also just two.' \nt 1. pretending to be EXP's older sister. 2. =also use two pieces of cellotape for yours. \ref 0369 \id 414067150843040303 \begin 0:16:29 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'satu lagi ke mana?' \pho satu lagi kə maːnaʔ \mb satu lagi ke mana \ge one more to which \gj one more to which \ft 'where is the other going?' \nt 1. pretending to be CHI's younger sister. 2. referring to the position of the folded paper. \ref 0370 \id 139250150843040303 \begin 0:16:30 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'inih?' \pho ʔinih \mb inih \ge this \gj this \ft 'this?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0371 \id 559407104727120303 \begin 0:16:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'salah.' \pho salaːh \mb salah \ge wrong \gj wrong \ft 'you're not right.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0372 \id 976482150843040303 \begin 0:16:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'Adek lagi begini.' \pho ʔadɛʔ lagi bəginiː \mb Adek lagi begini \ge younger.sibling more like.this \gj younger.sibling more like.this \ft 'yours is like this.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0373 \id 852982150843040303 \begin 0:16:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nih, Adek lagi begini.' \pho ni ʔadɛ lagi bəginiː \mb nih Adek lagi begini \ge this younger.sibling more like.this \gj this younger.sibling more like.this \ft 'look, yours is like this.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister and arranging the position of EXP's folded paper. \ref 0374 \id 598014150844040303 \begin 0:16:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'kalo nggak lagi lurus deh begini.' \pho kalɔ ŋgaʔ lagi lurus de bəginiː \mb kalo nggak lagi lurus deh begini \ge TOP NEG more straight DEH like.this \gj TOP NEG more straight DEH like.this \ft 'or it is in line like this.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0375 \id 246979150844040303 \begin 0:16:40 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'oke deh.' \pho ʔɔkɛ dɛh \mb oke deh \ge okay DEH \gj okay DEH \ft 'okay.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0376 \id 786600150844040303 \begin 0:16:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt cutting some more cellotape. \ref 0377 \id 915660150844040303 \begin 0:16:51 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'gini?' \pho ginih \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft 'is it like this?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0378 \id 120277150844040303 \begin 0:16:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ya.' \pho yaː \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'right.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0379 \id 699654150845040303 \begin 0:16:56 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hmm... masih ada, nggak?' \pho hmː masi ʔada ŋgaʔ \mb hmm masih ada nggak \ge EXCL still exist NEG \gj EXCL still exist NEG \ft 'hmm... is still any left?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and looking for more cellotape. \ref 0380 \id 311505150845040303 \begin 0:16:59 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'abis, ya?' \pho ʔabis yaː \mb abis ya \ge finished yes \gj finished yes \ft 'we've finished them all, right?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and referring to pieces of cellotape. \ref 0381 \id 770898150845040303 \begin 0:17:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ni ada ni.' \pho ni ʔadaʔ niː \mb ni ada ni \ge this exist this \gj this exist this \ft 'there's one here.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0382 \id 698547150845040303 \begin 0:17:02 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hmm, nggak bisa, sudah kependekan.' \pho hmː ŋga bisaː suda kəpɛndɛkaːn \mb hmm nggak bisa sudah ke an pendek \ge huh NEG can PFCT KE AN short \gj huh NEG can PFCT KE.AN-short \ft 'huh, no, it's too short.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0383 \id 603731150846040303 \begin 0:17:05 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ini aja deh.' \pho ʔini ʔaja dɛh \mb ini aja deh \ge this just DEH \gj this just DEH \ft 'just this one.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0384 \id 932637150846040303 \begin 0:17:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ya, ya, ya.' \pho ya ya yah \mb ya ya ya \ge yes yes yes \gj yes yes yes \ft 'okay, okay, okay.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0385 \id 154675150846040303 \begin 0:17:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nah, cukup.' \pho nah cukup \mb nah cukup \ge NAH enough \gj NAH enough \ft 'there you go, it's enough.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0386 \id 129109150846040303 \begin 0:17:11 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'dah.' \pho daːh \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft 'it's done.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0387 \id 647638150847040303 \begin 0:17:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'selesai.' \pho sələsay \mb selesai \ge finish \gj finish \ft 'it's done.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0388 \id 864303150847040303 \begin 0:17:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'kita tinggal gambar.' \pho kita tiŋgal gambaːr \mb kita tinggal gambar \ge 1PL stay picture \gj 1PL stay picture \ft 'we only have to draw.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0389 \id 968052150847040303 \begin 0:17:16 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'wah, ini... Adek gambar apa nih?' \pho waː ini ʔadɛʔ gambar ʔapa nih \mb wah ini Adek gambar apa nih \ge EXCL this younger.sibling picture what this \gj EXCL this younger.sibling picture what this \ft 'wow, this... what should I draw?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0390 \id 479408150847040303 \begin 0:17:18 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nggak mau salah lagi nih.' \pho ŋga maw sala lagi nih \mb nggak mau salah lagi nih \ge NEG want wrong more this \gj NEG want wrong more this \ft 'I don't want to have a wrong one anymore.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0391 \id 323564150847040303 \begin 0:17:21 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hmm...' \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft 'umm...' \nt drawing. \ref 0392 \id 947209150848040303 \begin 0:17:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'gambar, tambahin ikan laut lain.' \pho gambar tambahin ʔikann lawut layiːn \mb gambar tambah -in ikan laut lain \ge picture add -IN fish sea other \gj picture add-IN fish sea other \ft 'draw and add other sea fish.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0393 \id 272672150848040303 \begin 0:17:27 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'oke.' \pho ʔɔkɛː \mb oke \ge okay \gj okay \ft 'okay.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0394 \id 610219150848040303 \begin 0:17:29 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ikan lautnya warna apa?' \pho ʔikan lawutɲah warna ʔaːpah \mb ikan laut -nya warna apa \ge fish sea -NYA color what \gj fish sea-NYA color what \ft 'what color is the sea fish?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0395 \id 162296150848040303 \begin 0:17:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ikan laut tuh kaya gini nih.' \pho ʔikan lawut tu kaya gini nih \mb ikan laut tuh kaya gini nih \ge fish sea that like like.this this \gj fish sea that like like.this this \ft 'a sea fish is like this.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0396 \id 418099150849040303 \begin 0:17:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ni lengkung... lengkung...' \pho ni ləŋkuŋ ləŋkuŋ \mb ni lengkung lengkung \ge this curve curve \gj this curve curve \ft 'this is a curve... a curve...' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister and drawing. \ref 0397 \id 411393150849040303 \begin 0:17:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx '...trus ini begini...' \pho trus ʔini bəginiːh \mb trus ini begini \ge continue this like.this \gj continue this like.this \ft '...then it's like this...' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister and drawing. \ref 0398 \id 201857150849040303 \begin 0:17:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx '...ini, trus ini... buat nafasnya.' \pho ʔini trus ʔiːnih bwat nafasɲah \mb ini trus ini buat nafas -nya \ge this continue this for breath -NYA \gj this continue this for breath-NYA \ft '...this, then this is... for breathing.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister and drawing. \ref 0399 \id 225287150849040303 \begin 0:17:42 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'oh, bulet... bulet.' \pho ʔɔh buləːt bulət \mb oh bulet bulet \ge EXCL round round \gj EXCL round round \ft 'o, it's a circle... it's a circle.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and drawing. \ref 0400 \id 703240150850040303 \begin 0:17:46 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'gini, ya?' \pho gini yah \mb gini ya \ge like.this yes \gj like.this yes \ft 'is it like this?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0401 \id 281088150850040303 \begin 0:17:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'bukan.' \pho bukaːn \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft 'no.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0402 \id 752576150850040303 \begin 0:17:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hmm?' \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft 'huh?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0403 \id 563256150850040303 \begin 0:17:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'bukan.' \pho bukaːn \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft 'no.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0404 \id 167593150851040303 \begin 0:17:50 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o, ikan lautnya, ya?' \pho ʔɔː ʔikan lawutɲa yaːh \mb o ikan laut -nya ya \ge EXCL fish sea -NYA yes \gj EXCL fish sea-NYA yes \ft 'o, the sea fish, right?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0405 \id 341015150851040303 \begin 0:17:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'he-eh.' \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'uh-huh.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0406 \id 851696150851040303 \begin 0:17:54 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt drawing. \ref 0407 \id 584442150851040303 \begin 0:17:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nah, boleh juga bulet begitu, boleh.' \pho naː bɔlɛ juga bulət bəgiːtuː bɔlɛːh \mb nah boleh juga bulet begitu boleh \ge NAH may also round like.that may \gj NAH may also round like.that may \ft 'there you go, you can also have a round one like that.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0408 \id 726881150851040303 \begin 0:18:00 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'cepet, ya?' \pho cəpət yaːh \mb cepet ya \ge quick yes \gj quick yes \ft 'it's fast, right?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0409 \id 709322150852040303 \begin 0:18:02 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'gambar berapa banyak?' \pho gambar brapa baɲaːk \mb gambar berapa banyak \ge picture how.much a.lot \gj picture how.much a.lot \ft 'how many should I draw?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0410 \id 796181150852040303 \begin 0:18:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'hah?' \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft 'huh?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0411 \id 830415150852040303 \begin 0:18:04 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'gambar berapa banyak?' \pho gambar brapa baɲaːk \mb gambar berapa banyak \ge picture how.much a.lot \gj picture how.much a.lot \ft 'how many should I draw?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0412 \id 212808150852040303 \begin 0:18:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ya, lumayan ajalah nanti, ya?' \pho yaː lumayan ʔajalah nanti yaːh \mb ya lumayan aja -lah nanti ya \ge yes okay just -LAH later yes \gj yes okay just-LAH later yes \ft 'yeah, just so-so, okay?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0413 \id 666918150853040303 \begin 0:18:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'Kakak nanti juga mo gambar ikannya kaya gitu.' \pho kaka nanti juga mɔ gambar ʔikanɲa kaya giːtuː \mb Kakak nanti juga mo gambar ikan -nya kaya gitu \ge older.sibling later also want picture fish -NYA like like.that \gj older.sibling later also want picture fish-NYA like like.that \ft 'I'll also draw fish like like that.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0414 \id 912188150853040303 \begin 0:18:20 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o, jadi nggak boleh banyak-banyak dong yang Adek?' \pho ʔɔː jadi ŋga bɔlɛ baɲakbaːɲak dɔŋ yaŋ ʔadɛʔ \mb o jadi nggak boleh banyak - banyak dong yang Adek \ge EXCL become NEG may a.lot - a.lot DONG REL younger.sibling \gj EXCL become NEG may RED-a.lot DONG REL younger.sibling \ft 'o, so I may not draw too many, right?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and drawing. \ref 0415 \id 272604150853040303 \begin 0:18:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx cerita... ceritanya adeknya udah umur lima taun, makanya dia kelas tiga. \pho cərita cəritaɲa ʔadɛʔɲa ʔuda ʔumur lima tawun makaɲa dyah kəlas tigaʔ \mb cerita cerita -nya adek -nya udah umur lima taun maka -nya dia kelas tiga \ge story story -NYA younger.sibling -NYA PFCT age five year then -NYA 3 class three \gj story story-NYA younger.sibling-NYA PFCT age five year then-NYA 3 class three \ft the story... the story is that the younger one is already five, therefore she in grade three. \nt "she" is referring to the older one. \ref 0416 \id 368458150853040303 \begin 0:18:37 \sp EXPLAN \tx wah, udah gede kakaknya, ya? \pho wah ʔuda gədɛʔ kakaʔɲa yah \mb wah udah gede kakak -nya ya \ge EXCL PFCT big older.sibling -NYA yes \gj EXCL PFCT big older.sibling-NYA yes \ft 'wow, the older one is already big, right? \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0417 \id 387920150854040303 \begin 0:18:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0418 \id 777823150854040303 \begin 0:18:40 \sp EXPLAN \tx adeknya mah masih kecil. \pho ʔadɛʔɲa ma masi kəciːl \mb adek -nya mah masih kecil \ge younger.sibling -NYA MAH still small \gj younger.sibling-NYA MAH still small \ft the younger one is still young. \nt drawing. \ref 0419 \id 994787150854040303 \begin 0:18:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'tu apa tuh?' \pho tu ʔapa tuh \mb tu apa tuh \ge that what that \gj that what that \ft 'what's that?' \nt referring to what EXP is drawing. \ref 0420 \id 707553150854040303 \begin 0:18:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'batu.' \pho batuʔ \mb batu \ge stone \gj stone \ft 'stones.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0421 \id 757846150855040303 \begin 0:18:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'batu.' \pho batuʔ \mb batu \ge stone \gj stone \ft 'stones.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0422 \id 933541150855040303 \begin 0:18:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'batu.' \pho batuʔ \mb batu \ge stone \gj stone \ft 'stones.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0423 \id 951456150855040303 \begin 0:18:49 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ada batu nggak kalo di laut?' \pho ʔada batu ŋga kalɔ di lawut \mb ada batu nggak kalo di laut \ge exist stone NEG TOP LOC sea \gj exist stone NEG TOP LOC sea \ft 'are there stones in the sea?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0424 \id 545396150855040303 \begin 0:18:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ada, ini juga batu.' \pho ʔadaː ʔini juga batuʔ \mb ada ini juga batu \ge exist this also stone \gj exist this also stone \ft 'yes, these are also stones.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0425 \id 581562150855040303 \begin 0:18:53 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o, itu batu, ya?' \pho ʔɔ ʔitu batu yah \mb o itu batu ya \ge EXCL that stone yes \gj EXCL that stone yes \ft 'o, are they stones?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0426 \id 930114150856040303 \begin 0:18:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'he-eh.' \pho hə̃ʔə̃ː \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'uh-huh.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0427 \id 956392150856040303 \begin 0:18:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'wah, batunya mesti ganti dong.' \pho waː batuʔɲa məsti gaːnti dɔŋ \mb wah batu -nya mesti ganti dong \ge EXCL stone -NYA should change DONG \gj EXCL stone-NYA should change DONG \ft 'my goodness, I need to change the stones then.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0428 \id 708828150856040303 \begin 0:18:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak pa-pa.' \pho ŋga paːpaːh \mb nggak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft 'that's fine.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0429 \id 583696150856040303 \begin 0:19:00 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'boleh nggak... gambar batu?' \pho bɔlɛh laːʔ gambar batuʔ \mb boleh nggak gambar batu \ge may NEG picture stone \gj may NEG picture stone \ft 'may I... draw stones?' \nt 1. slip of tongue when saying "nggak". 2. pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0430 \id 801406150857040303 \begin 0:19:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'boleh.' \pho bɔːlɛːh \mb boleh \ge may \gj may \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0431 \id 455037150857040303 \begin 0:19:05 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ya udah, Adek gambar batu aja.' \pho ya ʔuːdaː ʔadɛʔ gambar batuʔ ʔaːjah \mb ya udah Adek gambar batu aja \ge yes PFCT younger.sibling picture stone just \gj yes PFCT younger.sibling picture stone just \ft 'okay, I just draw stones.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0432 \id 228676150857040303 \begin 0:19:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'batunya tapi jangan terlalu banyak di atas banget!' \pho batuɲa tapi jaŋan tərlalu baɲak di ʔatas baːŋət \mb batu -nya tapi jangan ter- lalu banyak di atas banget \ge stone -NYA but don't TER- pass a.lot LOC up very \gj stone-NYA but don't TER-pass a.lot LOC up very \ft 'but don't draw too many stones on very top!' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0433 \id 969742150857040303 \begin 0:19:14 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'lho, ni atasnya mana sih, Kak?' \pho loh ni ʔatasɲa maːna sih kaʔ \mb lho ni atas -nya mana sih Kak \ge EXCL this up -NYA which SIH TRU-older.sibling \gj EXCL this up-NYA which SIH TRU-older.sibling \ft 'huh, which is the top, Sister?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0434 \id 983814150858040303 \begin 0:19:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'heh?' \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft 'huh?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0435 \id 793518150858040303 \begin 0:19:17 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'atasnya ini apa inih?' \pho ʔatasɲa ʔini ʔapa ʔinih \mb atas -nya ini apa inih \ge up -NYA this what this \gj up-NYA this what this \ft 'is the top this or this?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0436 \id 186325150858040303 \begin 0:19:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'atasnya ini.' \pho ʔatasɲa ʔiniː \mb atas -nya ini \ge up -NYA this \gj up-NYA this \ft 'the top is this.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0437 \id 173980150858040303 \begin 0:19:20 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'oh.' \pho ʔɔːh \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft 'I see.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0438 \id 586347150859040303 \begin 0:19:22 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'wah, kebalik, ya?' \pho waː kəbaːlik yaːh \mb wah ke- balik ya \ge EXCL KE- turn.around yes \gj EXCL KE-turn.around yes \ft 'my goodness, it's upside down, right?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0439 \id 357275150859040303 \begin 0:19:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ah, udah, gambar ikan lagi aja deh.' \pho ʔa ʔudah gambar ʔikan lagi ʔaja dɛh \mb ah udah gambar ikan lagi aja deh \ge AH PFCT picture fish more just DEH \gj AH PFCT picture fish more just DEH \ft 'okay, I just draw fish again.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0440 \id 536368150859040303 \begin 0:19:28 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt drawing. \ref 0441 \id 952368150859040303 \begin 0:19:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'kan masih bisa diterusin ikan itu.' \pho kan masi bisa ditərusin ʔikan ʔituh \mb kan masih bisa di- terus -in ikan itu \ge KAN still can DI- continue -IN fish that \gj KAN still can DI-continue-IN fish that \ft 'you still can continue drawing a fish from it.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0442 \id 580714150900040303 \begin 0:19:35 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'tuh.' \pho tuːh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft 'look.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0443 \id 174545150900040303 \begin 0:19:38 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ya, ikannya lagi berenang juga.' \pho yah ʔikanɲa lagi bərənaŋ jugaʔ \mb ya ikan -nya lagi be- renang juga \ge yes fish -NYA more BER- swim also \gj yes fish-NYA more BER-swim also \ft 'okay, the fish is also swimming.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0444 \id 184969150900040303 \begin 0:19:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'Kakak juga mo gambarnya ikan juga.' \pho kaka juga mɔ gambarɲa ʔikan juːgaʔ \mb Kakak juga mo gambar -nya ikan juga \ge older.sibling also want picture -NYA fish also \gj older.sibling also want picture-NYA fish also \ft 'I also want to draw a fish.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0445 \id 779919150900040303 \begin 0:19:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt drawing. \ref 0446 \id 216591150900040303 \begin 0:20:04 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Kak, ada ini nih, Kak.' \pho kaʔ ʔada ʔini nih kaʔ \mb Kak ada ini nih Kak \ge TRU-older.sibling exist this this TRU-older.sibling \gj TRU-older.sibling exist this this TRU-older.sibling \ft 'Sister, there is this.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and drawing. \ref 0447 \id 353465150901040303 \begin 0:20:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx '(a)paan?' \pho paʔan \mb apa -an \ge what -AN \gj what-AN \ft 'what?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0448 \id 407700150901040303 \begin 0:20:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx '(a)paan ituh?' \pho paʔan ʔituh \mb apa -an ituh \ge what -AN that \gj what-AN that \ft 'what's that?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0449 \id 229360150901040303 \begin 0:20:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ubur-ubur?' \pho ʔuburʔubur \mb ubur-ubur \ge jellyfish \gj jellyfish \ft 'is it a jellyfish?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0450 \id 772580150901040303 \begin 0:20:11 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0451 \id 174090150902040303 \begin 0:20:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'boleh nggak ada ubur-ubur?' \pho bɔlɛh ŋga ʔada ʔuburʔubur \mb boleh nggak ada ubur-ubur \ge may NEG exist jellyfish \gj may NEG exist jellyfish \ft 'can a jellyfish be there?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0452 \id 638236150902040303 \begin 0:20:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'adalah.' \pho ʔadaːlaːh \mb adalah \ge that.is \gj that.is \ft 'sure.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0453 \id 352320150902040303 \begin 0:20:17 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'oke deh.' \pho ʔɔːkɛ dɛh \mb oke deh \ge okay DEH \gj okay DEH \ft 'okay.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0454 \id 952234150902040303 \begin 0:20:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ubur-uburnya ada dua, ya?' \pho ʔuburʔuburɲa ada duwaʔ yaːh \mb ubur-ubur -nya ada dua ya \ge jellyfish -NYA exist two yes \gj jellyfish-NYA exist two yes \ft 'there are two jellyfish, okay?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0455 \id 126290150903040303 \begin 0:20:20 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'okay.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0456 \id 970134150903040303 \begin 0:20:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'gambar yang kotak Kakak.' \pho gambar yaŋ kɔːtak kakaʔ \mb gambar yang kotak Kakak \ge picture REL box older.sibling \gj picture REL box older.sibling \ft 'I draw a square one.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister and referring to the shape of the jellyfish she is drawing. \ref 0457 \id 369444150903040303 \begin 0:20:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 0458 \id 762033150903040303 \begin 0:20:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'udah, ya?' \pho ʔudah yaːh \mb udah ya \ge PFCT yes \gj PFCT yes \ft 'it's done, right?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0459 \id 203295150903040303 \begin 0:20:30 \sp EXPLAN \tx xx. \pho laːh \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 0460 \id 986943150904040303 \begin 0:20:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'tiga aja, ya?' \pho tigaʔ ʔaja yaːh \mb tiga aja ya \ge three just yes \gj three just yes \ft 'just three, okay?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0461 \id 275481150904040303 \begin 0:20:34 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o, ini juga ubur-ubur, ya?' \pho ʔɔː ʔini jugaʔ ʔuburʔubur yah \mb o ini juga ubur-ubur ya \ge EXCL this also jellyfish yes \gj EXCL this also jellyfish yes \ft 'o, is this also a jellyfish?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0462 \id 121230150904040303 \begin 0:20:37 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'wah, ubur-uburnya tiga.' \pho waː ʔuburʔuburɲa tigaʔ \mb wah ubur-ubur -nya tiga \ge EXCL jellyfish -NYA three \gj EXCL jellyfish-NYA three \ft 'wow, there're three jellyfish.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0463 \id 514327150904040303 \begin 0:20:41 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'trus ada apa lagi, ya?' \pho trus ʔada ʔaːpa laːgi yaːh \mb trus ada apa lagi ya \ge continue exist what more yes \gj continue exist what more yes \ft 'what else are there?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0464 \id 405419150905040303 \begin 0:20:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'kita pikir dulu, ya?' \pho kita pikir dulu yaːh \mb kita pikir dulu ya \ge 1PL think before yes \gj 1PL think before yes \ft 'let's think about it first, okay?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0465 \id 585655150905040303 \begin 0:20:44 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'heh?' \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft 'huh?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0466 \id 421205150905040303 \begin 0:20:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'pikir.' \pho pikir \mb pikir \ge think \gj think \ft 'we think.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0467 \id 412557150905040303 \begin 0:20:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'aer lautnya nggak keliatan.' \pho ʔaer lawutɲa ŋaʔ kəliyataːn \mb aer laut -nya nggak ke an liat \ge water sea -NYA NEG KE AN see \gj water sea-NYA NEG KE.AN-see \ft 'we can't see the sea water.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0468 \id 860449150906040303 \begin 0:20:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak usah.' \pho ŋgaʔ ʔusaːh \mb nggak usah \ge NEG must \gj NEG must \ft 'no need.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0469 \id 984198150906040303 \begin 0:20:51 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o, nggak usah?' \pho ʔɔ ŋgaʔ ʔuːsah \mb o nggak usah \ge EXCL NEG must \gj EXCL NEG must \ft 'o, no need?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0470 \id 933222150906040303 \begin 0:20:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak usah.' \pho ŋga wsah \mb nggak usah \ge NEG must \gj NEG must \ft 'no need.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0471 \id 993317150906040303 \begin 0:20:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'tambahin ikan ginian yang laen lagi dong!' \pho tambahin ʔikan giniyan yaŋ laen lagi dɔŋ \mb tambah -in ikan gini -an yang laen lagi dong \ge add -IN fish like.this -AN REL other more DONG \gj add-IN fish like.this-AN REL other more DONG \ft 'add more fish like this!' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0472 \id 303036150906040303 \begin 0:20:58 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ikan ini?' \pho ʔikan ʔinih \mb ikan ini \ge fish this \gj fish this \ft 'this fish?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and showing a folded paper to CHI. \ref 0473 \id 630007150907040303 \begin 0:20:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0474 \id 641436150907040303 \begin 0:21:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'yo, kita tapi cetak, ya?' \pho yɔ kita tapi cɛtak yah \mb yo kita tapi cetak ya \ge yes 1PL but print yes \gj yes 1PL but print yes \ft 'let's trace it, okay?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0475 \id 140606150907040303 \begin 0:21:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'tunggu dong.' \pho tuŋgu dɔŋ \mb tunggu dong \ge wait DONG \gj wait DONG \ft 'wait.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0476 \id 369345150907040303 \begin 0:21:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'tapi ni kan masih banyaknya...' \pho tapi ni kan masi baɲak ɲaːh \mb tapi ni kan masih banyak -nya \ge but this KAN still a.lot -NYA \gj but this KAN still a.lot-NYA \ft 'but these are still a lot...' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0477 \id 897458150908040303 \begin 0:21:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt inhaling. \ref 0478 \id 194210150908040303 \begin 0:21:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'jadinya kita kan...' \pho jadhiɲa kita kan \mb jadi -nya kita kan \ge become -NYA 1PL KAN \gj become-NYA 1PL KAN \ft 'so we...' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0479 \id 402177150908040303 \begin 0:21:07 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'wah, wah, wah, awas!' \pho wa wa wa ʔawas \mb wah wah wah awas \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft 'hey, hey, hey, watch out!' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0480 \id 996222150908040303 \begin 0:21:09 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'wah, iya, mesti dicabut.' \pho waːh ʔiyaː məsti dicaːbut \mb wah iya mesti di- cabut \ge EXCL yes should DI- yank \gj EXCL yes should DI-yank \ft 'gosh, right, we should put it out.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0481 \id 523038150909040303 \begin 0:21:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'tolong dong!' \pho tɔlɔŋ dɔŋ \mb tolong dong \ge help DONG \gj help DONG \ft 'help me please!' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0482 \id 122905150909040303 \begin 0:21:12 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ek xx.' \pho ʔə̃ʔ xx \mb ek xx \ge EXCL xx \gj EXCL xx \ft 'ek xx.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0483 \id 780085150909040303 \begin 0:21:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0484 \id 306754150909040303 \begin 0:21:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'dah.' \pho daːh \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft 'done.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0485 \id 127241150910040303 \begin 0:21:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'da rambut segala lagi.' \pho da rambut səgalaʔ lagih \mb da rambut segala lagi \ge exist hair all more \gj exist hair all more \ft 'there is a hair.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0486 \id 749905150910040303 \begin 0:21:18 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'rambutnya Adek rontok.' \pho rambutɲa ʔadɛʔ rɔntɔk \mb rambut -nya Adek rontok \ge hair -NYA younger.sibling drop.off \gj hair-NYA younger.sibling drop.off \ft 'my hair dropped off.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0487 \id 670592150910040303 \begin 0:21:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'hmm... kita cetak di mana, ya?' \pho hmː kita cɛtak di mana yaːh \mb hmm kita cetak di mana ya \ge FILL 1PL print LOC which yes \gj FILL 1PL print LOC which yes \ft 'umm... where should we trace it on?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0488 \id 554856150910040303 \begin 0:21:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'sempit nih, Kak.' \pho səmpit ni kaːʔ \mb sempit nih Kak \ge narrow this TRU-older.sibling \gj narrow this TRU-older.sibling \ft 'there's no enough space, Sister.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0489 \id 275689150910040303 \begin 0:21:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ya, di... di, di, di, di...' \pho ya diː di di di dih \mb ya di di di di di \ge yes LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC \gj yes LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC \ft 'okay, on... on, on, on, on...' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0490 \id 920273150911040303 \begin 0:21:31 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'sini aja.' \pho sini ʔajah \mb sini aja \ge here just \gj here just \ft 'just here.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0491 \id 254801150911040303 \begin 0:21:34 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'boleh, nggak?' \pho bɔlɛ ŋgaʔ \mb boleh nggak \ge may NEG \gj may NEG \ft 'can we?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0492 \id 855286150911040303 \begin 0:21:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'eee... a... jangan dong.' \pho ʔə̃ː ʔãː jaŋan dɔŋ \mb eee a jangan dong \ge FILL FILL don't DONG \gj FILL FILL don't DONG \ft 'umm... err... don't.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0493 \id 621236150911040303 \begin 0:21:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ini kalo nggak di mana, Kakak juga bingung nih.' \pho ʔini kalɔ ŋgaʔ di mana kaka juga biŋuːŋ niːh \mb ini kalo nggak di mana Kakak juga bingung nih \ge this TOP NEG LOC which older.sibling also confused this \gj this TOP NEG LOC which older.sibling also confused this \ft 'where should it be, I'm also confused.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0494 \id 828776150912040303 \begin 0:21:43 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nggak pa-pa deh ketutupan satu ikannya.' \pho ŋga papa deː kətutupan satu ʔikanɲaːh \mb nggak pa - pa deh ke an tutup satu ikan -nya \ge NEG what - what DEH KE AN shut one fish -NYA \gj NEG RED-what DEH KE.AN-shut one fish-NYA \ft 'that's fine that a fish is being covered.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0495 \id 561417150912040303 \begin 0:21:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'cm.' \pho cm \mb cm \ge tsk \gj tsk \ft 'tsk.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0496 \id 755644150912040303 \begin 0:21:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'gini.' \pho giniː \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft 'like this.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0497 \id 837274150912040303 \begin 0:21:48 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nggak mau?' \pho ŋga mawuː \mb nggak mau \ge NEG want \gj NEG want \ft 'don't you want?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0498 \id 287530150913040303 \begin 0:21:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'boleh.' \pho bɔlɛːh \mb boleh \ge may \gj may \ft 'okay.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0499 \id 132007150913040303 \begin 0:21:50 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ya udah, begini saja.' \pho ya ʔuda bəgini sajaːh \mb ya udah begini saja \ge yes PFCT like.this just \gj yes PFCT like.this just \ft 'okay, just like this.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0500 \id 745847150913040303 \begin 0:21:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'yok.' \pho yɔʔ \mb yok \ge AYO \gj AYO \ft 'come on.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0501 \id 879296150913040303 \begin 0:21:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'kita mulai mencetak.' \pho kita mulay məncɛtak \mb kita mula -i men- cetak \ge 1PL beginning -I MEN- print \gj 1PL beginning-I MEN-print \ft 'let's start tracing.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0502 \id 952237150914040303 \begin 0:21:56 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'mo diapain?' \pho mɔ diyapayin \mb mo di- apa -in \ge want DI- what -IN \gj want DI-what-IN \ft 'what do you want to do?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0503 \id 178069150914040303 \begin 0:21:58 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o, dicetak.' \pho ʔɔː dicɛtaːk \mb o di- cetak \ge EXCL DI- print \gj EXCL DI-print \ft 'o, you're tracing it.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0504 \id 910987150914040303 \begin 0:22:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'he-eh.' \pho hə̃ʔə̃ː \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'uh-huh.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0505 \id 778695150914040303 \begin 0:22:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt tracing. \ref 0506 \id 345441150915040303 \begin 0:22:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'duh, susah nih.' \pho duːh susah niːh \mb duh susah nih \ge EXCL difficult this \gj EXCL difficult this \ft 'gosh, it's hard.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0507 \id 538060150915040303 \begin 0:22:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ituh... tolong dong naikin!' \pho ʔituh tɔlɔŋ dɔŋ nayikin \mb ituh tolong dong naik -in \ge that help DONG go.up -IN \gj that help DONG go.up-IN \ft 'that... please lift it up!' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0508 \id 599024150916040303 \begin 0:22:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'lho, lho, ini kok...' \pho lɔh lɔh ʔini kɔʔ \mb lho lho ini kok \ge EXCL EXCL this KOK \gj EXCL EXCL this KOK \ft 'huh, huh, why is this...' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0509 \id 117958150916040303 \begin 0:22:20 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'gini?' \pho gini \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft 'like this?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0510 \id 422310150917040303 \begin 0:22:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'pegang dong!' \pho pɛgaŋ dɔːŋ \mb pegang dong \ge hold DONG \gj hold DONG \ft 'hold this!' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0511 \id 971418150917040303 \begin 0:22:24 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ah, susah.' \pho ʔaːh susah \mb ah susah \ge EXCL difficult \gj EXCL difficult \ft 'ah, it's hard.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0512 \id 340149150918040303 \begin 0:22:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ck, Adek sih.' \pho ǀ ʔadɛʔ siːh \mb ck Adek sih \ge tsk younger.sibling SIH \gj tsk younger.sibling SIH \ft 'tsk, it's because of you.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0513 \id 697049150918040303 \begin 0:22:28 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'iya, abis susah.' \pho ʔiːya ʔabis suːsaːh \mb iya abis susah \ge yes finished difficult \gj yes finished difficult \ft 'yeah, because it's hard.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0514 \id 627981150918040303 \begin 0:22:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'dah.' \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft 'done.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0515 \id 796190150918040303 \begin 0:22:31 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'udah?' \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft 'done?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0516 \id 986075150919040303 \begin 0:22:33 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Kak, sebentar, Kak.' \pho kaʔ səbəntar kaʔ \mb Kak se- bentar Kak \ge TRU-older.sibling SE- moment TRU-older.sibling \gj TRU-older.sibling SE-moment TRU-older.sibling \ft 'Sister, wait a minute, Sister.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0517 \id 981029150919040303 \begin 0:22:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'apa?' \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft 'what?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0518 \id 776732150919040303 \begin 0:22:35 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'keknya ada yang jatoh deh.' \pho kɛʔɲa ʔada yaŋ jatɔ dɛh \mb kek -nya ada yang jatoh deh \ge like -NYA exist REL fall DEH \gj like-NYA exist REL fall DEH \ft 'I think something fell down.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and referring to the mic of the transmitter. \ref 0519 \id 650527150919040303 \begin 0:22:39 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt adjusting the transmitter. \ref 0520 \id 833465150921040303 \begin 0:22:44 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ni siripnya kurang, Kak.' \pho ni siripɲa kuraŋ kaʔ \mb ni sirip -nya kurang Kak \ge this fin -NYA less TRU-older.sibling \gj this fin-NYA less TRU-older.sibling \ft 'there is not enough fin, Sister.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0521 \id 169611150921040303 \begin 0:22:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ck, heh.' \pho ǀ hə̃h \mb ck heh \ge tsk here \gj tsk here \ft 'tsk, here.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0522 \id 962995150921040303 \begin 0:22:48 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'lho?' \pho lɔh \mb lho \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft 'huh?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0523 \id 986063150921040303 \begin 0:22:50 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ini juga kurang, Kak.' \pho ʔini juga kuraŋ kaʔ \mb ini juga kurang Kak \ge this also less TRU-older.sibling \gj this also less TRU-older.sibling \ft 'this is also not enough, Sister.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0524 \id 788932150922040303 \begin 0:22:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak.' \pho ŋ̩gaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft 'no.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0525 \id 508030150922040303 \begin 0:22:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'heh.' \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge here \gj here \ft 'here.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0526 \id 769015150922040303 \begin 0:22:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'dah.' \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft 'done.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0527 \id 557707150922040303 \begin 0:22:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'matanya mana sih?' \pho mataɲa maːna siːh \mb mata -nya mana sih \ge eye -NYA which SIH \gj eye-NYA which SIH \ft 'where are the eyes?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0528 \id 504322150923040303 \begin 0:22:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak usah.' \pho ŋgaʔ ʔuːsaːh \mb nggak usah \ge NEG must \gj NEG must \ft 'no need.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0529 \id 553559150923040303 \begin 0:22:58 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nanti nggak bisa liat.' \pho nanti ŋga bisa liːyaːt \mb nanti nggak bisa liat \ge later NEG can see \gj later NEG can see \ft 'they won't be able to see.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0530 \id 985367150923040303 \begin 0:23:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ini kan lagi ma...kan.' \pho ʔini kan lagi maː kaːn \mb ini kan lagi makan \ge this KAN more eat \gj this KAN more eat \ft 'these are eating.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0531 \id 790230150923040303 \begin 0:23:03 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nanti berenangnya nabrak batu.' \pho nanti bərənaŋɲa nabrak baːtuː \mb nanti be- renang -nya n- tabrak batu \ge later BER- swim -NYA N- collide stone \gj later BER-swim-NYA N-collide stone \ft 'they will hit stones when swimming.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0532 \id 713607150924040303 \begin 0:23:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx ck, nggak, ini kan... inih... u... lumba-lumba baik. \pho ǀ ŋ̩gaːʔ ʔini kan ʔinih ʔu lumbalumba baːyiːk \mb ck nggak ini kan inih u lumba-lumba baik \ge tsk NEG this KAN this FILL dolphin good \gj tsk NEG this KAN this FILL dolphin good \ft tsk, no, these are... these are... um... nice dolphins. \ref 0533 \id 818823150924040303 \begin 0:23:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini lagi makan rumput ceritanya. \pho ʔini lagi makan rumput cəritaɲaː \mb ini lagi makan rumput cerita -nya \ge this more eat grass story -NYA \gj this more eat grass story-NYA \ft the story is that these are eating grass. \ref 0534 \id 675916150924040303 \begin 0:23:11 \sp EXPLAN \tx oh. \pho ʔɔːh \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 0535 \id 933352150924040303 \begin 0:23:12 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'tapi kan kalo nggak dikasi mata dia nggak bisa liat.' \pho tapi kan kalɔ ŋgaʔ dikasi mata dya ŋgaʔ bisa liːyaːt \mb tapi kan kalo nggak di- kasi mata dia nggak bisa liat \ge but KAN TOP NEG DI- give eye 3 NEG can see \gj but KAN TOP NEG DI-give eye 3 NEG can see \ft 'but they can't see if they don't have eyes.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0536 \id 475332150925040303 \begin 0:23:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt drawing. \ref 0537 \id 219830150925040303 \begin 0:23:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'buat nafasnya.' \pho bwat nafasɲaːh \mb buat nafas -nya \ge for breath -NYA \gj for breath-NYA \ft 'for breathing.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0538 \id 785090150925040303 \begin 0:23:23 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'he-em.' \pho hə̃ʔm̩ː \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'uh-huh.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0539 \id 728302150925040303 \begin 0:23:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'apa sih buat nafasnya?' \pho ʔapa sih bwat nafasɲah \mb apa sih buat nafas -nya \ge what SIH for breath -NYA \gj what SIH for breath-NYA \ft 'what is for breathing?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0540 \id 291421150925040303 \begin 0:23:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ini namanya insang.' \pho ʔini namaɲa ʔiŋsaŋ \mb ini nama -nya insang \ge this name -NYA gill \gj this name-NYA gill \ft 'this is called a gill.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0541 \id 725475150926040303 \begin 0:23:28 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o, insang.' \pho ʔɔ ʔinsaːŋ \mb o insang \ge EXCL gill \gj EXCL gill \ft 'o, a gill.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0542 \id 472888150926040303 \begin 0:23:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'bukan pisang, ya?' \pho bukan pisaŋ yaːh \mb bukan pisang ya \ge NEG banana yes \gj NEG banana yes \ft 'it's not a banana, okay?' \nt 1. pretending to be EXP's older sister. 2. playing with the word 'insang' and coming up with the word 'pisang' because they have the same final syllable. \ref 0543 \id 545980150926040303 \begin 0:23:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'bukan...' \pho bukaːn \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft 'no...' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0544 \id 510083150926040303 \begin 0:23:36 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'bukan apel juga dong?' \pho bukan ʔapəl juga dɔŋ \mb bukan apel juga dong \ge NEG apple also DONG \gj NEG apple also DONG \ft 'it's not an apple either, right?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0545 \id 186220150927040303 \begin 0:23:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'hah?' \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft 'huh?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0546 \id 214399150927040303 \begin 0:23:38 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'bukan apel.' \pho bukan ʔapəl \mb bukan apel \ge NEG apple \gj NEG apple \ft 'it's not an apple.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0547 \id 413745150927040303 \begin 0:23:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'bukan.' \pho bukaːn \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft 'no.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0548 \id 128381150928040303 \begin 0:23:41 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'iya deh, dah jadi.' \pho ʔiːya dɛh dah jaːdiʔ \mb iya deh dah jadi \ge yes DEH PFCT become \gj yes DEH PFCT become \ft 'okay, it's done.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0549 \id 111428150928040303 \begin 0:23:44 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'kurang apa lagi, ya?' \pho kuraŋ ʔapa lagi yaːh \mb kurang apa lagi ya \ge less what more yes \gj less what more yes \ft 'what else do we need?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0550 \id 486130150928040303 \begin 0:23:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'bikin apa, ya, bikin apa, ya, bikin apa, ya?' \pho bikin ʔapa yaː bikin ʔapa yaː bikin ʔapa yaːh \mb bikin apa ya bikin apa ya bikin apa ya \ge make what yes make what yes make what yes \gj make what yes make what yes make what yes \ft 'what are we making, what are we making, what are we making?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0551 \id 799937150928040303 \begin 0:23:49 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hmm... kalau ini boleh nggak nih?' \pho hmː kalaw ʔini bolɛ ŋgaʔ niː \mb hmm kalau ini boleh nggak nih \ge FILL TOP this may NEG this \gj FILL TOP this may NEG this \ft 'umm... is this one okay?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and drawing. \ref 0552 \id 965205150929040303 \begin 0:23:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'apaan itu?' \pho ʔapaʔan ʔitu \mb apa -an itu \ge what -AN that \gj what-AN that \ft 'what's that?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0553 \id 331496150929040303 \begin 0:23:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'bisa nggak ya Adek gambarnya, ya?' \pho bisa ŋga ya ʔadɛ gambarɲa yaːh \mb bisa nggak ya Adek gambar -nya ya \ge can NEG yes younger.sibling picture -NYA yes \gj can NEG yes younger.sibling picture-NYA yes \ft 'can I draw it?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0554 \id 171025150929040303 \begin 0:23:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx '(a)paan ituh?' \pho paʔan ʔituh \mb apa -an ituh \ge what -AN that \gj what-AN that \ft 'what's that?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0555 \id 429936150929040303 \begin 0:23:59 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt drawing. \ref 0556 \id 455189150930040303 \begin 0:24:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'o, kuda laut... iya?' \pho ʔɔː kuda laːwut ʔiyaː \mb o kuda laut iya \ge EXCL horse sea yes \gj EXCL horse sea yes \ft 'o, a sea horse... right?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0557 \id 979133150930040303 \begin 0:24:03 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'right.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0558 \id 417297150930040303 \begin 0:24:05 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'boleh, ya?' \pho bɔlɛ yaːh \mb boleh ya \ge may yes \gj may yes \ft 'I may, okay?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0559 \id 421772150930040303 \begin 0:24:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'gimana sih cara gambarnya?' \pho gimaːna si cara gambarɲah \mb gimana sih cara gambar -nya \ge how SIH manner picture -NYA \gj how SIH manner picture-NYA \ft 'how do you draw it?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0560 \id 944375150931040303 \begin 0:24:10 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'gini doang.' \pho gini dɔːaŋ \mb gini doang \ge like.this just \gj like.this just \ft 'it's just like this.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and drawing. \ref 0561 \id 326929150931040303 \begin 0:24:11 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'tuh.' \pho tuːh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft 'look.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0562 \id 815515150931040303 \begin 0:24:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'gimana pertamanya?' \pho gimaːna pərtamaɲa \mb gimana pertama -nya \ge how first -NYA \gj how first-NYA \ft 'how is it at first?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0563 \id 890583150931040303 \begin 0:24:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'tiga... tiga kebalik.' \pho tigaːʔ tiga kəbaliːk \mb tiga tiga ke- balik \ge three three KE- turn.around \gj three three KE-turn.around \ft 'three... a reversed three.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0564 \id 759094150932040303 \begin 0:24:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak usah deh, ya?' \pho ŋga ʔusa dɛːh yah \mb nggak usah deh ya \ge NEG must DEH yes \gj NEG must DEH yes \ft 'no need, okay?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0565 \id 317032150932040303 \begin 0:24:19 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'tiga kebalik.' \pho tiga kəbaliːk \mb tiga ke- balik \ge three KE- turn.around \gj three KE-turn.around \ft 'it's a reversed three.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0566 \id 966767150932040303 \begin 0:24:20 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'tiga kebalik nggak sih?' \pho tiga kəbalik ŋgaʔ sih \mb tiga ke- balik nggak sih \ge three KE- turn.around NEG SIH \gj three KE-turn.around NEG SIH \ft 'is it a reversed three?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0567 \id 476077150932040303 \begin 0:24:23 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'tiga kebalik, ya?' \pho tiga kəbalik yah \mb tiga ke- balik ya \ge three KE- turn.around yes \gj three KE-turn.around yes \ft 'it's a reversed three, right?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0568 \id 133816150932040303 \begin 0:24:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'heh?' \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft 'huh?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0569 \id 555056150933040303 \begin 0:24:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'trus panjang... setengah nol.' \pho trus panjaːŋ stəŋah ʔn̩ɔl \mb trus panjang se- tengah nol \ge continue long SE- middle zero \gj continue long SE-middle zero \ft 'then a line... and a half zero.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and keeping on drawing. \ref 0570 \id 942755150933040303 \begin 0:24:30 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'tuh.' \pho tuːh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft 'look.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0571 \id 999564150933040303 \begin 0:24:32 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'trus pake sirip.' \pho trus pakɛ sirip \mb trus pake sirip \ge continue use fin \gj continue use fin \ft 'then it has a fin.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0572 \id 905439150933040303 \begin 0:24:36 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'di sini dong!' \pho di sini dɔŋ \mb di sini dong \ge LOC here DONG \gj LOC here DONG \ft 'be here!' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and telling CHI where EXP wants CHI to draw. \ref 0573 \id 236098150934040303 \begin 0:24:39 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'coba sekali lagi Kakak!' \pho cɔbaʔ skali lagi kakaʔ \mb coba se- kali lagi Kakak \ge try SE- time more older.sibling \gj try SE-time more older.sibling \ft 'try once more, Sister!' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0574 \id 615052150934040303 \begin 0:24:41 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'barengan yuk?' \pho barəŋan yuːʔ \mb bareng -an yuk \ge together -AN AYO \gj together-AN AYO \ft 'let's do it together, okay?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0575 \id 403190150934040303 \begin 0:24:43 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ti(ga)...' \pho ti \mb tiga \ge three \gj three \ft 'three...' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0576 \id 929136150935040303 \begin 0:24:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'gimana sih?' \pho gimana sih \mb gimana sih \ge how SIH \gj how SIH \ft 'how?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0577 \id 709341150935040303 \begin 0:24:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'tiga kebalik.' \pho tiga kəbalik \mb tiga ke- balik \ge three KE- turn.around \gj three KE-turn.around \ft 'a reversed three.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0578 \id 212501150935040303 \begin 0:24:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt drawing. \ref 0579 \id 919506150935040303 \begin 0:24:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ya, sama nggak pa-pa.' \pho ya sama ŋga papaːh \mb ya sama nggak pa - pa \ge yes same NEG what - what \gj yes same NEG RED-what \ft 'right, the same is okay.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0580 \id 864235150935040303 \begin 0:24:49 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'tiga.' \pho tigaːʔ \mb tiga \ge three \gj three \ft 'three.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0581 \id 721030150936040303 \begin 0:24:51 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'trus... eee... kepalanya.' \pho trus ʔəːʔ kəpalaʔɲaːh \mb trus eee kepala -nya \ge continue FILL head -NYA \gj continue FILL head-NYA \ft 'then... umm... its head.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0582 \id 472177150936040303 \begin 0:24:59 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'wah, wah.' \pho waː waː \mb wah wah \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft 'my goodness, my goodness.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0583 \id 289830150936040303 \begin 0:25:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'susah, gimana?' \pho suːsah gimanah \mb susah gimana \ge difficult how \gj difficult how \ft 'it's difficult, how?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0584 \id 980120150936040303 \begin 0:25:02 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'susah neranginnya Kakak... Dedeknya juga susah ngomongnya.' \pho susa nəraŋinɲaːh kakaʔ dedeʔɲa juga susa ŋɔmɔŋɲaːh \mb susah n- terang -in -nya Kakak Dedek -nya juga susah ng- omong -nya \ge difficult N- bright -IN -NYA older.sibling younger.sibling -NYA also difficult N- speak -NYA \gj difficult N-bright-IN-NYA older.sibling younger.sibling-NYA also difficult N-speak-NYA \ft 'it's difficult to explain to you... I also find it difficult to say it.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0585 \id 798954150937040303 \begin 0:25:07 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ininya lengkung kecil dulu.' \pho ʔiniɲa ləŋkuŋ kəcil duluː \mb ini -nya lengkung kecil dulu \ge this -NYA curve small before \gj this-NYA curve small before \ft 'this is a small curve first.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0586 \id 636517150937040303 \begin 0:25:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'tunggu deh.' \pho tuŋgu dɛh \mb tunggu deh \ge wait DEH \gj wait DEH \ft 'wait.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0587 \id 264501150937040303 \begin 0:25:10 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'he-em.' \pho hə̃ʔm̩ː \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'uh-huh.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0588 \id 987719150937040303 \begin 0:25:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ni gini.' \pho ni giniː \mb ni gini \ge this like.this \gj this like.this \ft 'this is like this.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and drawing. \ref 0589 \id 713239150938040303 \begin 0:25:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'trus... susah, ah.' \pho trus suːsa ʔah \mb trus susah ah \ge continue difficult EXCL \gj continue difficult EXCL \ft 'then... it's difficult.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0590 \id 926128150938040303 \begin 0:25:19 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0591 \id 559362150938040303 \begin 0:25:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak usah deh.' \pho ŋga ʔusa dɛh \mb nggak usah deh \ge NEG must DEH \gj NEG must DEH \ft 'we don't need to draw it.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0592 \id 414992150938040303 \begin 0:25:22 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nggak usah.' \pho ŋga ʔuːsa \mb nggak usah \ge NEG must \gj NEG must \ft 'no need.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and laughing. \ref 0593 \id 380216150938040303 \begin 0:25:24 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'udah jadi ya, Kak... gambar...' \pho ʔuda jadi ya kaʔ gambar \mb udah jadi ya Kak gambar \ge PFCT become yes TRU-older.sibling picture \gj PFCT become yes TRU-older.sibling picture \ft 'is it done, Sister... the drawing...' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0594 \id 909001150939040303 \begin 0:25:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'belum.' \pho bəːlum \mb belum \ge not.yet \gj not.yet \ft 'not yet.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0595 \id 695524150939040303 \begin 0:25:27 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hmm?' \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft 'huh?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0596 \id 195868150939040303 \begin 0:25:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ini kan ada blebek-blebeknya.' \pho ʔini kan ʔada bləbəkbləbəkɲa \mb ini kan ada blebek - blebek -nya \ge this KAN exist IMIT - IMIT -NYA \gj this KAN exist RED-IMIT-NYA \ft 'there are bubbles.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister and drawing. \ref 0597 \id 359779150940040303 \begin 0:25:31 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ada apanya?' \pho ʔada ʔapaɲah \mb ada apa -nya \ge exist what -NYA \gj exist what-NYA \ft 'what are there?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and laughing. \ref 0598 \id 315534150940040303 \begin 0:25:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'blebeknya inih.' \pho bləbəkɲa ʔiːnih \mb blebek -nya inih \ge IMIT -NYA this \gj IMIT-NYA this \ft 'these are the bubbles.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0599 \id 985107150940040303 \begin 0:25:34 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'gelembung udaranya?' \pho gələmbuŋ ʔudaraʔɲaːh \mb gelembung udara -nya \ge bubble air -NYA \gj bubble air-NYA \ft 'the air bubbles?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0600 \id 915445150940040303 \begin 0:25:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'he-eh.' \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'uh-huh.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0601 \id 107638150941040303 \begin 0:25:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt drawing. \ref 0602 \id 680262150942040303 \begin 0:25:40 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'siapa aja ini yang ada gelembung udaranya?' \pho syapa ʔaːja ʔini yaŋ ʔada gələmbuŋ ʔudaraɲah \mb siapa aja ini yang ada gelembung udara -nya \ge who just this REL exist bubble air -NYA \gj who just this REL exist bubble air-NYA \ft 'who has air bubbles?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0603 \id 179309150942040303 \begin 0:25:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'semuanya.' \pho səmuwaɲah \mb semua -nya \ge all -NYA \gj all-NYA \ft 'all.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0604 \id 149708150942040303 \begin 0:25:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ke atas dong... Kak.' \pho kə ʔatas dɔːŋ kaʔ \mb ke atas dong Kak \ge to up DONG TRU-older.sibling \gj to up DONG TRU-older.sibling \ft 'they should go up... Sister.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and referring to the bubbles CHI is drawing. \ref 0605 \id 347463150942040303 \begin 0:25:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ya, ini kan ke atas.' \pho ya ʔini kan kə ʔaːtas \mb ya ini kan ke atas \ge yes this KAN to up \gj yes this KAN to up \ft 'yeah, this is going up.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0606 \id 315553150944040303 \begin 0:25:51 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ini namanya ke depan.' \pho ʔini namaɲa kə dəpaːn \mb ini nama -nya ke depan \ge this name -NYA to front \gj this name-NYA to front \ft 'this means this is moving forward.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0607 \id 417769150944040303 \begin 0:25:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ini ke atas inih.' \pho ʔini kə ʔaːtas ʔinih \mb ini ke atas inih \ge this to up this \gj this to up this \ft 'this is going up.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0608 \id 255438150944040303 \begin 0:25:56 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'yang inih?' \pho yaŋ ʔinih \mb yang inih \ge REL this \gj REL this \ft 'what about this one?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0609 \id 762978150944040303 \begin 0:25:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ya, ke depan.' \pho ya kə dəːpan \mb ya ke depan \ge yes to front \gj yes to front \ft 'yeah, it's moving forward.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0610 \id 795849150945040303 \begin 0:25:59 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o.' \pho ʔɔː \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft 'I see.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0611 \id 657288150945040303 \begin 0:26:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nih, harus lengkung begini juga bisa.' \pho nih harus ləŋkuŋ bəgini juga biːsaʔ \mb nih harus lengkung begini juga bisa \ge this must curve like.this also can \gj this must curve like.this also can \ft 'look, it's curve like this is also okay.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0612 \id 153714150945040303 \begin 0:26:06 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'dilengkungin ya, Kak?' \pho diləŋkuŋin ya kaʔ \mb di- lengkung -in ya Kak \ge DI- curve -IN yes TRU-older.sibling \gj DI-curve-IN yes TRU-older.sibling \ft 'are we making a curve, Sister?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0613 \id 188284150945040303 \begin 0:26:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'he-eh.' \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'uh-huh.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0614 \id 696116150946040303 \begin 0:26:07 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'kek gini, ya?' \pho kɛyk gini yah \mb kek gini ya \ge like like.this yes \gj like like.this yes \ft 'like this, right?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0615 \id 247358150946040303 \begin 0:26:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'hmm.' \pho hm \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'hmm.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0616 \id 863918150946040303 \begin 0:26:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'kok yang inih?' \pho kɔ yaŋ ʔiːnih \mb kok yang inih \ge KOK REL this \gj KOK REL this \ft 'why is it this one?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0617 \id 795482150946040303 \begin 0:26:16 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hmm?' \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft 'huh?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0618 \id 792627150947040303 \begin 0:26:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'xx yang inih?' \pho xx yaŋ ʔiːnih \mb xx yang inih \ge xx REL this \gj xx REL this \ft 'xx this one?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0619 \id 505517150947040303 \begin 0:26:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'lho, kok ikannya sih di sinih?' \pho lɔh kɔʔ ʔikanɲa sih di siːnih \mb lho kok ikan -nya sih di sinih \ge EXCL KOK fish -NYA SIH LOC here \gj EXCL KOK fish-NYA SIH LOC here \ft 'huh, why is the fish here?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0620 \id 848186150947040303 \begin 0:26:21 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'eh, iya.' \pho ʔɛh ʔiːyah \mb eh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft 'o, right.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0621 \id 985773150947040303 \begin 0:26:23 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nggak boleh, ya?' \pho ŋga bɔːlɛh yah \mb nggak boleh ya \ge NEG may yes \gj NEG may yes \ft 'I may not, may I?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0622 \id 408774150948040303 \begin 0:26:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'boleh, boleh, ini kalo kan... ini makanannya...' \pho bɔlɛ bɔlɛ ʔini kalɔ kan ʔini makananɲa \mb boleh boleh ini kalo kan ini makan -an -nya \ge may may this TOP KAN this eat -AN -NYA \gj may may this TOP KAN this eat-AN-NYA \ft 'yes, yes, this is... this is the food.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0623 \id 286158150948040303 \begin 0:26:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ya, xx ya?' \pho ya xx yah \mb ya xx ya \ge yes xx yes \gj yes xx yes \ft 'okay, xx okay?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0624 \id 476863150948040303 \begin 0:26:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ya, kalo begini kita harusnya...' \pho ya kalɔ bəgini kita harusɲaː \mb ya kalo begini kita harus -nya \ge yes TOP like.this 1PL should -NYA \gj yes TOP like.this 1PL should-NYA \ft 'well, so we should...' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0625 \id 754401150948040303 \begin 0:26:30 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'di depannya ini.' \pho di dəpanɲa ʔiniː \mb di depan -nya ini \ge LOC front -NYA this \gj LOC front-NYA this \ft 'it's in front of this.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0626 \id 635301150948040303 \begin 0:26:31 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'di depannya Si Lumba-lumba.' \pho di dəpanɲa si lumbalumbaːʔ \mb di depan -nya Si Lumba-lumba \ge LOC front -NYA PERS dolphin \gj LOC front-NYA PERS dolphin \ft 'it's in front of the Dolphin.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0627 \id 530359150949040303 \begin 0:26:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'lho, kok di depannya?' \pho lɔ kɔ di dəpanɲaːh \mb lho kok di depan -nya \ge EXCL KOK LOC front -NYA \gj EXCL KOK LOC front-NYA \ft 'huh, why is it in front of him?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0628 \id 759680150949040303 \begin 0:26:35 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0629 \id 255774150949040303 \begin 0:26:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'kok di... dalemnya sih?' \pho kɔ diʔ daləmɲa siːh \mb kok di dalem -nya sih \ge KOK LOC inside -NYA SIH \gj KOK LOC inside-NYA SIH \ft 'why is it... inside it?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0630 \id 998069150949040303 \begin 0:26:38 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nggak.' \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft 'no.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0631 \id 979072150950040303 \begin 0:26:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'tapi...' \pho tapi \mb tapi \ge but \gj but \ft 'but...' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0632 \id 289940150950040303 \begin 0:26:39 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ini di depannya lumba-lumba.' \pho ʔini di dəpanɲa lumbalumbaːʔ \mb ini di depan -nya lumba-lumba \ge this LOC front -NYA dolphin \gj this LOC front-NYA dolphin \ft 'this is in front of the dolphin.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0633 \id 140476150950040303 \begin 0:26:42 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ini lumba-lumbanya di sini, Si Ikan Kecilnya ada di sinih.' \pho ʔini lumbalumbaɲa di siniː si ʔikan kəcilɲa ʔada di siniːh \mb ini lumba-lumba -nya di sini Si Ikan Kecil -nya ada di sinih \ge this dolphin -NYA LOC here PERS fish small -NYA exist LOC here \gj this dolphin-NYA LOC here PERS fish small-NYA exist LOC here \ft 'the dolphin is here and the small fish is here.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0634 \id 891577150950040303 \begin 0:26:48 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'di sebelah at(as)... depannya.' \pho di səbəla ʔat dəpanɲaːh \mb di se- belah atas depan -nya \ge LOC SE- side up front -NYA \gj LOC SE-side up front-NYA \ft 'he is above... in front of him.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0635 \id 366222150951040303 \begin 0:26:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'tapi kok di dalem, di sinih?' \pho tapi kɔ di daːləm di siːnih \mb tapi kok di dalem di sinih \ge but KOK LOC inside LOC here \gj but KOK LOC inside LOC here \ft 'but why is it inside, here?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0636 \id 606135150951040303 \begin 0:26:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'tuh.' \pho tuh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft 'look.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0637 \id 824737150951040303 \begin 0:26:57 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'iya, ya.' \pho ʔiya yah \mb iya ya \ge yes yes \gj yes yes \ft 'you're right.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0638 \id 178187150951040303 \begin 0:26:57 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'kemakan kali ya ama Si Lumba-lumba, ya?' \pho kəmakan kali yah ʔama si lumbalumba yah \mb ke- makan kali ya ama Si Lumba-lumba ya \ge KE- eat maybe yes with PERS dolphin yes \gj KE-eat maybe yes with PERS dolphin yes \ft 'maybe the Dolphin ate him, right?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0639 \id 196059150952040303 \begin 0:27:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak.' \pho ŋ̩gaːʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft 'no.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0640 \id 878588150952040303 \begin 0:27:02 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ah, nggak, ini mah ada di depannya.' \pho ʔah ŋ̩gaʔ ʔini mah ʔada di dəpanɲah \mb ah nggak ini mah ada di depan -nya \ge EXCL NEG this MAH exist LOC front -NYA \gj EXCL NEG this MAH exist LOC front-NYA \ft 'no, this is in front of him.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0641 \id 748196150952040303 \begin 0:27:04 \sp EXPLAN \tx Pris, tuh, kan? \pho pris tuː kan \mb Pris tuh kan \ge Priska that KAN \gj Priska that KAN \ft Priska, look, am I right? \ref 0642 \id 753006150952040303 \begin 0:27:07 \sp EXPLAN \tx tuh. \pho tuːh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft look. \ref 0643 \id 595077150952040303 \begin 0:27:12 \sp EXPLAN \tx di depannya Si Lumba-lumba. \pho di dəpanɲa si lumbalumbaː \mb di depan -nya Si Lumba-lumba \ge LOC front -NYA PERS dolphin \gj LOC front-NYA PERS dolphin \ft it's in front of the Dolphin. \ref 0644 \id 385122150953040303 \begin 0:27:14 \sp EXPLAN \tx bukan di dalem. \pho bukan di daːləm \mb bukan di dalem \ge NEG LOC inside \gj NEG LOC inside \ft it's not inside it. \ref 0645 \id 567017150953040303 \begin 0:27:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx hmm. \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft hmm. \ref 0646 \id 817594104031130303 \begin 0:27:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx tere tre tre. \pho tərə trə trə \mb tere tre tre \ge BAB BAB BAB \gj BAB BAB BAB \ref 0647 \id 371454150953040303 \begin 0:27:20 \sp EXPLAN \tx Pris, ngewarna yang laen, yuk? \pho pris ŋəwarna yaŋ laen yuʔ \mb Pris nge- warna yang laen yuk \ge Priska N- color REL other AYO \gj Priska N-color REL other AYO \ft Priska, let's color others, okay? \ref 0648 \id 333299150953040303 \begin 0:27:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx inih? \pho ʔiːnih \mb inih \ge this \gj this \ft what about this? \nt 1. =what are we going to do with this? 2. referring to the paper they're working on. \ref 0649 \id 775014150954040303 \begin 0:27:24 \sp EXPLAN \tx heh? \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0650 \id 573063150954040303 \begin 0:27:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx belum diwarnain. \pho blum diwarnain \mb belum di- warna -in \ge not.yet DI- color -IN \gj not.yet DI-color-IN \ft we haven't colored it. \ref 0651 \id 293444150954040303 \begin 0:27:26 \sp EXPLAN \tx ah, warna ini aja, lebih asyik nih. \pho ʔah warna ʔini ʔaːja ləbih ʔasyik nih \mb ah warna ini aja lebih asyik nih \ge AH color this just more fun this \gj AH color this just more fun this \ft we just color this, it's more fun. \ref 0652 \id 522401150954040303 \begin 0:27:28 \sp EXPLAN \tx liat. \pho lyat \mb liat \ge see \gj see \ft look. \nt referring to a carton which has pictures of girls, dresses, hairs, and skirts in it. \ref 0653 \id 213115150955040303 \begin 0:27:31 \sp EXPLAN \tx tuh, nanti bisa dipakein baju. \pho tuːh nanti bisa dipakɛʔin bajuʔ \mb tuh nanti bisa di- pake -in baju \ge that later can DI- use -IN garment \gj that later can DI-use-IN garment \ft look, we can put the dresses on. \ref 0654 \id 427037150955040303 \begin 0:27:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx ye. \pho yɛː \mb ye \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hurray. \ref 0655 \id 324895150955040303 \begin 0:27:35 \sp EXPLAN \tx rambutnya bisa diganti tuh. \pho rambutɲa bisa digantiʔ tuh \mb rambut -nya bisa di- ganti tuh \ge hair -NYA can DI- change that \gj hair-NYA can DI-change that \ft we can change the hair. \ref 0656 \id 824978150955040303 \begin 0:27:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'www.' \pho xxx \mb www \ge www \gj www \ft 'www.' \nt singing a Mandarin song. \ref 0657 \id 629093150956040303 \begin 0:27:38 \sp EXPLAN \tx tapi diwarnain dulu, kalo nggak, nggak keliatan bajunya. \pho tapi diwarnaʔin duːluʔ kalɔ ŋgaʔ ŋgaʔ kəliyaːtan bajuɲaːh \mb tapi di- warna -in dulu kalo nggak nggak ke an liat baju -nya \ge but DI- color -IN before TOP NEG NEG KE AN see garment -NYA \gj but DI-color-IN before TOP NEG NEG KE.AN-see garment-NYA \ft but we have to color them first, otherwise, we can't see the dresses. \ref 0658 \id 586896150956040303 \begin 0:27:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'www.' \pho xxx \mb www \ge www \gj www \ft 'www.' \nt singing a Mandarin song. \ref 0659 \id 577661150956040303 \begin 0:27:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx dipakeinnya gimana? \pho dipakɛʔinɲa gimaːnah \mb di- pake -in -nya gimana \ge DI- use -IN -NYA how \gj DI-use-IN-NYA how \ft how do we put them on? \ref 0660 \id 172260150956040303 \begin 0:27:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini dilipet, nggak? \pho ʔini dilipət ŋgaʔ \mb ini di- lipet nggak \ge this DI- fold NEG \gj this DI-fold NEG \ft do we fold this? \ref 0661 \id 483343150956040303 \begin 0:27:49 \sp EXPLAN \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0662 \id 756835150957040303 \begin 0:27:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt folding the carton. \ref 0663 \id 146750150957040303 \begin 0:27:51 \sp EXPLAN \tx eh, lipetnya pas di garis! \pho ʔɛ lipətɲa pas di garis \mb eh lipet -nya pas di garis \ge EXCL fold -NYA precise LOC line \gj EXCL fold-NYA precise LOC line \ft hey, fold it on it's line! \ref 0664 \id 731680104954130303 \begin 0:27:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt folding the carton she is holding. \ref 0665 \id 143647150957040303 \begin 0:27:53 \sp EXPLAN \tx ei, jangan, bukan garis ituh. \pho ʔɛy jaŋan bukan garis ʔituh \mb ei jangan bukan garis ituh \ge EXCL don't NEG line that \gj EXCL don't NEG line that \ft hey, don't, not that line. \nt which line CHI is folding is unclear. \ref 0666 \id 189085150957040303 \begin 0:27:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx garis yang ini nih, yang abis kotak... ini, kan? \pho garis yaŋ ʔini nih yaŋ ʔabis kɔtak ʔini kan \mb garis yang ini nih yang abis kotak ini kan \ge line REL this this REL finished box this KAN \gj line REL this this REL finished box this KAN \ft this line, the one after the box... this, right? \nt reference unclear. \ref 0667 \id 659098150958040303 \begin 0:27:59 \sp EXPLAN \tx ni, di sininya. \pho ni di siniɲah \mb ni di sini -nya \ge this LOC here -NYA \gj this LOC here-NYA \ft this, on here. \nt reference unclear. \ref 0668 \id 876516150958040303 \begin 0:28:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx di mananya? \pho di manaɲah \mb di mana -nya \ge LOC which -NYA \gj LOC which-NYA \ft where? \ref 0669 \id 132880150958040303 \begin 0:28:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx di sinih? \pho di siniːh \mb di sinih \ge LOC here \gj LOC here \ft here? \nt reference unclear. \ref 0670 \id 129889150958040303 \begin 0:28:09 \sp EXPLAN \tx coba. \pho cɔːbaʔ \mb coba \ge try \gj try \ft try it. \ref 0671 \id 250009150959040303 \begin 0:28:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx harus begini dong. \pho harus bəgini dɔːŋ \mb harus begini dong \ge must like.this DONG \gj must like.this DONG \ft it should be like this. \nt showing how to fold the carton. \ref 0672 \id 405721150959040303 \begin 0:28:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx harus begini... \pho harus bəginih \mb harus begini \ge must like.this \gj must like.this \ft it should be like this... \ref 0673 \id 263947150959040303 \begin 0:28:17 \sp EXPLAN \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0674 \id 666875150959040303 \begin 0:28:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...rambutnya. \pho rambutɲah \mb rambut -nya \ge hair -NYA \gj hair-NYA \ft ...her hair. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0675 \id 184607151000040303 \begin 0:28:20 \sp EXPLAN \tx rambutnya gimana? \pho rambutɲa gimaːnah \mb rambut -nya gimana \ge hair -NYA how \gj hair-NYA how \ft how is the hair? \ref 0676 \id 996360151000040303 \begin 0:28:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak tau. \pho ŋgaʔ taːwu \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft I don't know. \ref 0677 \id 141878151000040303 \begin 0:28:22 \sp EXPLAN \tx ngebotak dong. \pho ŋəbɔtak dɔːŋ \mb nge- botak dong \ge N- bald DONG \gj N-bald DONG \ft it's bald then. \ref 0678 \id 149080151000040303 \begin 0:28:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0679 \id 605214151000040303 \begin 0:28:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx botak dong kalo kek gitu. \pho bɔtak dɔŋ kalɔ kɛyʔ gitu \mb botak dong kalo kek gitu \ge bald DONG TOP like like.that \gj bald DONG TOP like like.that \ft it's bald if it's like that. \ref 0680 \id 644551151001040303 \begin 0:28:26 \sp EXPLAN \tx ini nih. \pho ʔini nih \mb ini nih \ge this this \gj this this \ft look at this. \nt taking the carton from CHI and cutting. \ref 0681 \id 281284151001040303 \begin 0:28:27 \sp EXPLAN \tx lupa. \pho lupaʔ \mb lupa \ge forget \gj forget \ft I forgot it. \ref 0682 \id 460010151001040303 \begin 0:28:28 \sp EXPLAN \tx lupa digunting. \pho lupa diguntiŋ \mb lupa di- gunting \ge forget DI- scissors \gj forget DI-scissors \ft I forgot to cut it. \ref 0683 \id 103525151001040303 \begin 0:28:35 \sp EXPLAN \tx bisa. \pho bisaʔ \mb bisa \ge can \gj can \ft I can. \ref 0684 \id 859039151002040303 \begin 0:28:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx. \mb xx \ge BAB \gj BAB \ref 0685 \id 683011151002040303 \begin 0:28:44 \sp EXPLAN \tx nah. \pho naːh \mb nah \ge NAH \gj NAH \ft there we go. \ref 0686 \id 478825151002040303 \begin 0:28:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx dilem, ya? \pho dilɛm yah \mb di- lem ya \ge DI- glue yes \gj DI-glue yes \ft are we sticking it? \ref 0687 \id 421231151002040303 \begin 0:28:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx diselotip ini, ya? \pho disɛlɔtip ʔini yah \mb di- selotip ini ya \ge DI- cellotape this yes \gj DI-cellotape this yes \ft are we taping it? \ref 0688 \id 842851151003040303 \begin 0:28:49 \sp EXPLAN \tx jangan dilem! \pho jaŋan dilɛːm \mb jangan di- lem \ge don't DI- glue \gj don't DI-glue \ft don't stick it! \ref 0689 \id 421195151003040303 \begin 0:28:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx diselotip, ya? \pho disɛlɔtip yah \mb di- selotip ya \ge DI- cellotape yes \gj DI-cellotape yes \ft are we taping it? \ref 0690 \id 240373151003040303 \begin 0:28:53 \sp EXPLAN \tx eee... kalo diselotip juga nanti nggak bisa ganti-ganti, Pris. \mb eee kalo di- selotip juga nanti nggak bisa ganti - ganti Pris \ge FILL TOP DI- cellotape also later NEG can change - change Priska \gj FILL TOP DI-cellotape also later NEG can RED-change Priska \ft umm... if you tape it, you won't be able to change it, Priska. \ref 0691 \id 463341151007040303 \begin 0:28:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx kenapa? \pho kənaːpaː \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft why? \ref 0692 \id 289307151007040303 \begin 0:28:59 \sp EXPLAN \tx tuh, banyak rambutnya. \pho tuː baɲak rambutɲaːh \mb tuh banyak rambut -nya \ge that a.lot hair -NYA \gj that a.lot hair-NYA \ft look, there are many hairs. \nt referring to the pictures of hairs with different styles. \ref 0693 \id 300996151008040303 \begin 0:29:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx. \mb xx \ge BAB \gj BAB \ref 0694 \id 547711151008040303 \begin 0:29:05 \sp EXPLAN \tx bajunya juga ada banyak. \pho bajuɲa juga ʔada baːɲak \mb baju -nya juga ada banyak \ge garment -NYA also exist a.lot \gj garment-NYA also exist a.lot \ft there are also many dresses. \nt referring to different pictures of shirts. \ref 0695 \id 791456151008040303 \begin 0:29:12 \sp EXPLAN \tx yo, mo yang mana? \pho yɔː mɔ yaŋ manah \mb yo mo yang mana \ge AYO want REL which \gj AYO want REL which \ft which one do you want? \ref 0696 \id 624928151008040303 \begin 0:29:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... Priska pilihnya yang ini aja. \pho ʔə̃ priska pilihɲa yaŋ ʔini ʔaːjaːh \mb eee Priska pilih -nya yang ini aja \ge FILL Priska choose -NYA REL this just \gj FILL Priska choose-NYA REL this just \ft umm... I just choose this one. \nt referring to one of the picture. \ref 0697 \id 778233151008040303 \begin 0:29:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx Priska pengen inih? \pho priska peŋen ʔinih \mb Priska pengen inih \ge Priska want this \gj Priska want this \ft do you want this? \ref 0698 \id 680029151009040303 \begin 0:29:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0699 \id 758288151009040303 \begin 0:29:17 \sp EXPLAN \tx diwarna dulu sama Priska! \pho diwarna dulu sama priskaːʔ \mb di- warna dulu sama Priska \ge DI- color before with Priska \gj DI-color before with Priska \ft color it first! \ref 0700 \id 260003151010040303 \begin 0:29:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx warna? \pho warnaʔ \mb warna \ge color \gj color \ft color it? \ref 0701 \id 974316151010040303 \begin 0:29:20 \sp EXPLAN \tx sini... ininya diwarna! \pho sini ʔiniɲa diwarnaʔ \mb sini ini -nya di- warna \ge here this -NYA DI- color \gj here this-NYA DI-color \ft here... color this one! \ref 0702 \id 449079151010040303 \begin 0:29:22 \sp EXPLAN \tx mo warna apa? \pho mɔ wanra ʔapah \mb mo warna apa \ge want color what \gj want color what \ft what color do you want? \ref 0703 \id 892504151010040303 \begin 0:29:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt making grunting sound. \ref 0704 \id 640336151010040303 \begin 0:29:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx biasa warnanya. \pho byasa warnaʔɲah \mb biasa warna -nya \ge usual color -NYA \gj usual color-NYA \ft the color is the usual one. \nt about to take the pink marker. \ref 0705 \id 553801151011040303 \begin 0:29:27 \sp EXPLAN \tx ah, pink lagi, pink lagi. \pho ʔa piŋ lagi piŋ lagi \mb ah pink lagi pink lagi \ge EXCL pink more pink more \gj EXCL pink more pink more \ft ah, pink again, pink again. \nt laughing. \ref 0706 \id 558061151011040303 \begin 0:29:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx pink sama ijo. \pho piŋ samaʔ ʔijɔʔ \mb pink sama ijo \ge pink with green \gj pink with green \ft pink and green. \ref 0707 \id 142808151012040303 \begin 0:29:30 \sp EXPLAN \tx nggak bosen deh. \pho ŋgaʔ bɔsən dɛh \mb nggak bosen deh \ge NEG bored DEH \gj NEG bored DEH \ft you don't get bored. \ref 0708 \id 425989134630050303 \begin 0:29:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx warna kesukaan kok. \pho warna kəsukaʔʔaːn kɔʔ \mb warna ke an suka kok \ge color KE AN like KOK \gj color KE.AN-like KOK \ft it's my favorite color. \nt referring to pink color. \ref 0709 \id 704470134630050303 \begin 0:29:33 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0710 \id 246842134630050303 \begin 0:29:35 \sp EXPLAN \tx Priska warna dulu, nanti Tante guntingin, ya? \pho priska warna dulu nanti tantə guntiŋin yah \mb Priska warna dulu nanti Tante gunting -in ya \ge Priska color before later aunt scissors -IN yes \gj Priska color before later aunt scissors-IN yes \ft you color it first, I'll cut it for you, okay? \ref 0711 \id 283611134631050303 \begin 0:29:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0712 \id 853506134631050303 \begin 0:29:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx tolong dong warnain! \pho tɔlɔŋ dɔŋ warnaʔiːn \mb tolong dong warna -in \ge help DONG color -IN \gj help DONG color-IN \ft color it please! \ref 0713 \id 395925134631050303 \begin 0:29:41 \sp EXPLAN \tx weh, enak aja. \pho wɛh ʔɛnak ʔaːjaː \mb weh enak aja \ge EXCL pleasant just \gj EXCL pleasant just \ft ugh, how dare you are. \ref 0714 \id 328375134631050303 \begin 0:29:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx aah. \pho ʔaːah \mb aah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft aah. \ref 0715 \id 811116134632050303 \begin 0:29:43 \sp EXPLAN \tx ntar Tante yang gunting. \pho ntar tantə yaŋ guntiːŋ \mb ntar Tante yang gunting \ge moment aunt REL scissors \gj moment aunt REL scissors \ft I'll cut it. \ref 0716 \id 753145134632050303 \begin 0:29:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx Tante mah. \pho taːntə maːh \mb Tante mah \ge aunt MAH \gj aunt MAH \ft you're like that. \ref 0717 \id 230963134632050303 \begin 0:29:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska maunya diwarnain, diguntingin. \pho priːska mawuɲa diwarnain diguntiŋiːn \mb Priska mau -nya di- warna -in di- gunting -in \ge Priska want -NYA DI- color -IN DI- scissors -IN \gj Priska want-NYA DI-color-IN DI-scissors-IN \ft I want you to color and cut it for me. \ref 0718 \id 700600134632050303 \begin 0:29:53 \sp EXPLAN \tx lho, kok? \pho lɔh kɔʔ \mb lho kok \ge EXCL KOK \gj EXCL KOK \ft huh? \ref 0719 \id 900537134633050303 \begin 0:29:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx Priska warnain rambutnya gimana? \pho priska warnain rambutɲa gimanaː \mb Priska warna -in rambut -nya gimana \ge Priska color -IN hair -NYA how \gj Priska color-IN hair-NYA how \ft how if you color the hair? \ref 0720 \id 649238134633050303 \begin 0:29:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx rambut, rambut, rambut. \pho rambut rambut rambut \mb rambut rambut rambut \ge hair hair hair \gj hair hair hair \ft hair, hair, hair. \ref 0721 \id 754386134634050303 \begin 0:30:00 \sp EXPLAN \tx rambutnya pirang ato item? \pho rambutɲa piraŋ ʔatɔ ʔitəm \mb rambut -nya pirang ato item \ge hair -NYA blond or black \gj hair-NYA blond or black \ft is the hair blond or black? \ref 0722 \id 378227134634050303 \begin 0:30:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... orange deh. \pho ʔə̃ː ʔɔrɛns dɛh \mb eee orange deh \ge FILL orange DEH \gj FILL orange DEH \ft umm... just orange. \ref 0723 \id 365467110802130303 \begin 0:30:05 \sp EXPLAN \tx orange? \pho ʔɔrens \mb orange \ge orange \gj orange \ft orange? \ref 0724 \id 769170134634050303 \begin 0:30:07 \sp EXPLAN \tx ini yang mana yang ijo, yang mana yang pink? \pho ʔini yaŋ mana yaŋ ʔijɔː yaŋ mana yaŋ piːŋ \mb ini yang mana yang ijo yang mana yang pink \ge this REL which REL green REL which REL pink \gj this REL which REL green REL which REL pink \ft which one is green and which one is pink? \ref 0725 \id 464980134634050303 \begin 0:30:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx i(ni)... yang pink yang di sini, ijo yang di sinih. \pho ʔi yaŋ piŋ yaŋ di sini ʔijɔ yaŋ di sinih \mb ini yang pink yang di sini ijo yang di sinih \ge this REL pink REL LOC here green REL LOC here \gj this REL pink REL LOC here green REL LOC here \ft this... the one here is pink and the one here is green. \nt pointing at the right side and the left side of the collar. \ref 0726 \id 837295134634050303 \begin 0:30:13 \sp EXPLAN \tx mana sinih, dua-duanya di kerah? \pho maːna sinih duwaduwaɲa di kərah \mb mana sinih dua - dua -nya di kerah \ge which here two - two -NYA LOC collar \gj which here RED-two-NYA LOC collar \ft where is here, both are on the collar? \ref 0727 \id 632792134635050303 \begin 0:30:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya, warnanya warna-warni, kayak Priska begitu. \mb iya warna -nya warna-warni kayak Priska begitu \ge yes color -NYA MUTRED-color like Priska like.that \gj yes color-NYA MUTRED-color like Priska like.that \ft yes, it's colorful, it's like mine. \ref 0728 \id 660991134635050303 \begin 0:30:20 \sp EXPLAN \tx ijonya yang mana? \pho ʔijɔʔɲa yaŋ manaːh \mb ijo -nya yang mana \ge green -NYA REL which \gj green-NYA REL which \ft which part is green? \ref 0729 \id 301318134635050303 \begin 0:30:21 \sp EXPLAN \tx kerah? \pho kərah \mb kerah \ge collar \gj collar \ft the collar? \ref 0730 \id 567461134636050303 \begin 0:30:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... ini di sini pink. \pho ʔə̃ ʔini di sini piːŋ \mb eee ini di sini pink \ge FILL this LOC here pink \gj FILL this LOC here pink \ft umm... here is pink. \ref 0731 \id 638746134636050303 \begin 0:30:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx ininya? \pho ʔiniɲah \mb ini -nya \ge this -NYA \gj this-NYA \ft what about this one? \nt referring to the body part of the shirt. \ref 0732 \id 828261134636050303 \begin 0:30:27 \sp EXPLAN \tx badannya? \pho badanɲah \mb badan -nya \ge body -NYA \gj body-NYA \ft the body? \ref 0733 \id 898345134636050303 \begin 0:30:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx itu warna... ungu. \pho ʔitu warnah ʔuŋuʔ \mb itu warna ungu \ge that color purple \gj that color purple \ft it's... purple. \ref 0734 \id 699339134637050303 \begin 0:30:29 \sp EXPLAN \tx katanya cuman pink sama ijo. \pho kataɲa cuman piŋ sama ʔijɔʔ \mb kata -nya cuman pink sama ijo \ge word -NYA only pink with green \gj word-NYA only pink with green \ft you said they're only pink and green. \ref 0735 \id 410173134637050303 \begin 0:30:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx kerahnya aja. \pho kərahɲa ʔaːjaː \mb kerah -nya aja \ge collar -NYA just \gj collar-NYA just \ft just the collar. \ref 0736 \id 395573134637050303 \begin 0:30:34 \sp EXPLAN \tx kerahnya pink sama ijo? \pho kraɲa piŋ sama ʔijɔʔ \mb kerah -nya pink sama ijo \ge collar -NYA pink with green \gj collar-NYA pink with green \ft is the collar pink and green? \ref 0737 \id 708223134638050303 \begin 0:30:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0738 \id 327036134638050303 \begin 0:30:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx rambutnya yang mana, ya? \pho rambutɲa yaŋ maːna yaːh \mb rambut -nya yang mana ya \ge hair -NYA REL which yes \gj hair-NYA REL which yes \ft which hair? \nt =which hair do I choose? \ref 0739 \id 807842134638050303 \begin 0:30:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx ah, yang dikepang aja, ah. \pho ʔaː yaŋ dikɛpaŋ ʔaja ʔah \mb ah yang di- kepang aja ah \ge AH REL DI- braid just AH \gj AH REL DI-braid just AH \ft just the braided one. \ref 0740 \id 630446134639050303 \begin 0:30:43 \sp EXPLAN \tx boleh. \pho bɔːlɛː \mb boleh \ge may \gj may \ft okay. \ref 0741 \id 816217134639050303 \begin 0:31:01 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt coloring. \ref 0742 \id 979988134639050303 \begin 0:31:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt coloring. \ref 0743 \id 384405134640050303 \begin 0:31:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx sudah, sudah, sudah, sudah. \pho suda suda suda suda \mb sudah sudah sudah sudah \ge PFCT PFCT PFCT PFCT \gj PFCT PFCT PFCT PFCT \ft it's done, it's done, it's done, it's done. \ref 0744 \id 203985134640050303 \begin 0:31:39 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'udah... cepet sekali, Kak.' \pho ʔuːdaː cəpət səkaːli kaʔ \mb udah cepet se- kali Kak \ge PFCT quick SE- very TRU-older.sibling \gj PFCT quick SE-very TRU-older.sibling \ft 'done... you're very fast, Sister.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0745 \id 882532134640050303 \begin 0:31:43 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'gini aja, ya?' \pho gini ʔaja yaːh \mb gini aja ya \ge like.this just yes \gj like.this just yes \ft 'just like this, okay?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0746 \id 446390134641050303 \begin 0:31:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'a...' \pho ʔÃːh \mb a \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft 'umm...' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0747 \id 695741134641050303 \begin 0:31:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'lho, kok cuman begitu?' \pho lɔh kɔ cuman bəgiːtuh \mb lho kok cuman begitu \ge EXCL KOK only like.that \gj EXCL KOK only like.that \ft 'huh, why is it only like that?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0748 \id 234766134641050303 \begin 0:31:49 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'abis?' \pho ʔabis \mb abis \ge finished \gj finished \ft 'so?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0749 \id 714758134642050303 \begin 0:31:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'yang laen dong.' \pho yaŋ laen dɔŋ \mb yang laen dong \ge REL other DONG \gj REL other DONG \ft 'others.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0750 \id 354707134642050303 \begin 0:31:50 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hah?' \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft 'huh?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0751 \id 569221134642050303 \begin 0:31:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 0752 \id 507166134642050303 \begin 0:31:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'trus, ini roknya.' \pho tr̩us ʔini rɔkɲah \mb trus ini rok -nya \ge continue this skirt -NYA \gj continue this skirt-NYA \ft 'then, this is the skirt.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0753 \id 647678134643050303 \begin 0:31:54 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'yah, roknya warna apa?' \pho yaːh rɔkɲa warna ʔaːpah \mb yah rok -nya warna apa \ge EXCL skirt -NYA color what \gj EXCL skirt-NYA color what \ft 'shucks, what color is the skirt?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0754 \id 639227134643050303 \begin 0:31:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'roknya warnanya lain dong.' \pho rɔkɲa warnaɲa laːin dɔːŋ \mb rok -nya warna -nya lain dong \ge skirt -NYA color -NYA other DONG \gj skirt-NYA color-NYA other DONG \ft 'the skirt has different color.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0755 \id 805442134643050303 \begin 0:31:59 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'mo warna apa?' \pho mɔ warna ʔaːpaːh \mb mo warna apa \ge want color what \gj want color what \ft 'what color do you want?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0756 \id 791138134643050303 \begin 0:32:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'lho, yang ini kok udah kepotong?' \pho lɔh yaŋ ʔini kɔʔ ʔudah kəpɔːtɔŋ \mb lho yang ini kok udah ke- potong \ge EXCL REL this KOK PFCT KE- cut \gj EXCL REL this KOK PFCT KE-cut \ft 'huh, why is this already cut?' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister and pointing at a picture. \ref 0757 \id 680855134644050303 \begin 0:32:04 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ini kan yang ini.' \pho ʔini kan yaŋ ʔiːniːh \mb ini kan yang ini \ge this KAN REL this \gj this KAN REL this \ft 'this is this one.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and putting another picture together with the one that CHI pointed. \ref 0758 \id 248740134644050303 \begin 0:32:05 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Si Anaknya.' \pho si ʔanaːkɲaːh \mb Si Anak -nya \ge PERS child -NYA \gj PERS child-NYA \ft 'the Child.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0759 \id 401492143909050303 \begin 0:32:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ke... kegedean.' \pho kəʔ kəgədeːan \mb ke ke an gede \ge to KE AN big \gj to KE.AN-big \ft 'xx...it's too big.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0760 \id 286771143920050303 \begin 0:32:10 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'kan di...potong dulu luarnya.' \pho kan diː pɔtɔŋ duluʔ luwaːrɲah \mb kan di- potong dulu luar -nya \ge KAN DI- cut before out -NYA \gj KAN DI-cut before out-NYA \ft 'we need to cut the outer part first.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and referring to the part of the carton which won't be used. \ref 0761 \id 870179143938050303 \begin 0:32:14 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Kak, ini mana tutupnya, Kak?' \pho kaʔ ʔini mana tutupɲa kaʔ \mb Kak ini mana tutup -nya Kak \ge TRU-older.sibling this which shut -NYA TRU-older.sibling \gj TRU-older.sibling this which shut-NYA TRU-older.sibling \ft 'Sister, where is the cap, Sister?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and referring to the cap of the green marker. \ref 0762 \id 984731000629060303 \begin 0:32:16 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ntar dulu, ini mana dulu tutupnya nih?' \pho ntar duːluʔ ini mana duːluʔ tutupɲa nih \mb ntar dulu ini mana dulu tutup -nya nih \ge moment before this which before shut -NYA this \gj moment before this which before shut-NYA this \ft 'wait, where is the cap?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0763 \id 892723000703060303 \begin 0:32:17 \sp EXPLAN \tx kedudukan Priska, nggak? \pho kədudukan priska ŋaʔ \mb ke an duduk Priska nggak \ge KE AN sit Priska NEG \gj KE.AN-sit Priska NEG \ft are you sitting on it? \nt **kedudukan(affixes) is strange, is normally "terduduk" or "didudukin". \ref 0764 \id 722271000705060303 \begin 0:32:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx. \mb xx \ge BAB \gj BAB \ref 0765 \id 635078000705060303 \begin 0:32:21 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'kedudukan Kakak, nggak?' \pho kədudukan kakaʔ ŋgaʔ \mb ke an duduk Kakak nggak \ge KE AN sit older.sibling NEG \gj KE.AN-sit older.sibling NEG \ft 'are you sitting on it?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0766 \id 370901000706060303 \begin 0:32:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt standing up. \ref 0767 \id 943996000706060303 \begin 0:32:22 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o, itu di belakang, Kak.' \pho ʔɔ ʔitu di bəlakaŋ kaʔ \mb o itu di belakang Kak \ge EXCL that LOC back TRU-older.sibling \gj EXCL that LOC back TRU-older.sibling \ft 'o, that's on the back, Sister.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and referring to the space behind CHI. \ref 0768 \id 269975000706060303 \begin 0:32:24 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'tolong, Kak.' \pho tɔlɔŋ kaʔ \mb tolong Kak \ge help TRU-older.sibling \gj help TRU-older.sibling \ft 'help me, Sister.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0769 \id 283865000707060303 \begin 0:32:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nih.' \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft 'here.' \nt 1. pretending to be EXP's older sister. 2. taking the cap of the marker and giving it to EXP. \ref 0770 \id 627720000707060303 \begin 0:32:28 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'yep.' \pho yəp \mb yep \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'okay.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0771 \id 915009000707060303 \begin 0:32:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx na ni nu ni nu. \pho na ni nu ni nuː \mb na ni nu ni nu \ge BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB \gj BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB \ref 0772 \id 887424000707060303 \begin 0:32:31 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'mana ini yang rambutnya...' \pho maːna ʔini yaŋ rambutɲaʔ \mb mana ini yang rambut -nya \ge which this REL hair -NYA \gj which this REL hair-NYA \ft 'which one's hair is...' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0773 \id 761799000707060303 \begin 0:32:33 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o, ini.' \pho ʔɔ ʔiniː \mb o ini \ge EXCL this \gj EXCL this \ft 'o, this one.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and referring to a picture of a girl. \ref 0774 \id 771236000707060303 \begin 0:32:34 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ininya mo dipotong dulu, nggak?' \pho ʔiniɲa mɔ dipɔtɔŋ dulu ŋgaʔ \mb ini -nya mo di- potong dulu nggak \ge this -NYA want DI- cut before NEG \gj this-NYA want DI-cut before NEG \ft 'do you want to have this cut, first?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister and reference unclear. \ref 0775 \id 989495000708060303 \begin 0:32:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'he-eh.' \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'uh-huh.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0776 \id 872148000708060303 \begin 0:32:37 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Kakak xx deh.' \pho kakaʔ xx dɛh \mb Kakak xx deh \ge older.sibling xx DEH \gj older.sibling xx DEH \ft 'you xx.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0777 \id 520474000708060303 \begin 0:32:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ck... yah.' \pho ǀ yaːh \mb ck yah \ge tsk EXCL \gj tsk EXCL \ft 'tsk... shucks.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0778 \id 227428000708060303 \begin 0:32:40 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'satu lagi, kan itu udah digunting.' \pho satu laːgiː kan ʔitu ʔuda diguntiːŋ \mb satu lagi kan itu udah di- gunting \ge one more KAN that PFCT DI- scissors \gj one more KAN that PFCT DI-scissors \ft 'one more, it's already cut.' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0779 \id 692176000708060303 \begin 0:32:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak usah deh.' \pho ŋgaʔ ʔusah dɛːh \mb nggak usah deh \ge NEG must DEH \gj NEG must DEH \ft 'no need.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0780 \id 629456000709060303 \begin 0:32:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nggak mau?' \pho ŋgaʔ maːw \mb nggak mau \ge NEG want \gj NEG want \ft 'don't you want?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0781 \id 380506000709060303 \begin 0:32:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak.' \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft 'no.' \nt pretending to be EXP's older sister. \ref 0782 \id 386356000709060303 \begin 0:32:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'udah, ini dulu, ya?' \pho ʔuːdaː ʔini dulu yaːh \mb udah ini dulu ya \ge PFCT this before yes \gj PFCT this before yes \ft 'okay, this one first, okay?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0783 \id 600560000709060303 \begin 0:32:50 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt cutting. \ref 0784 \id 730193000709060303 \begin 0:32:54 \sp EXPLAN \tx ni adeknya namanya siapa nih? \pho ni ʔadɛʔɲa namaɲa syaːpa niːh \mb ni adek -nya nama -nya siapa nih \ge this younger.sibling -NYA name -NYA who this \gj this younger.sibling-NYA name-NYA who this \ft what is the little one's name? \nt referring to the picture of the girl. \ref 0785 \id 574608000709060303 \begin 0:32:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx Risna. \pho risnaː \mb Risna \ge Risna \gj Risna \ft Risna. \nt creating a name for EXP, maybe inspired by her classmate's name. \ref 0786 \id 147330000710060303 \begin 0:32:57 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm? \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0787 \id 877127000710060303 \begin 0:32:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx Risna, kakaknya namanya Risnal. \pho risna kakaʔɲa namaɲa risnaːl \mb Risna kakak -nya nama -nya Risnal \ge Risna older.sibling -NYA name -NYA Risnal \gj Risna older.sibling-NYA name-NYA Risnal \ft Risna and her older sister's name is Risnal. \nt creating another name. \ref 0788 \id 489752000710060303 \begin 0:33:01 \sp EXPLAN \tx o, bukan, adeknya ini, adek gambar. \pho ʔɔ bukan ʔadɛʔɲa ʔini ʔadɛʔ gambar \mb o bukan adek -nya ini adek gambar \ge EXCL NEG younger.sibling -NYA this younger.sibling picture \gj EXCL NEG younger.sibling-NYA this younger.sibling picture \ft o, no, this little one, this little picture. \ref 0789 \id 472753000710060303 \begin 0:33:04 \sp EXPLAN \tx adek yang di gambar. \pho ʔadɛʔ yaŋ di gambar \mb adek yang di gambar \ge younger.sibling REL LOC picture \gj younger.sibling REL LOC picture \ft the little one in the picture. \ref 0790 \id 971826000710060303 \begin 0:33:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... Fenny. \pho ʔə̃ː fɛːniː \mb eee Fenny \ge FILL Fenny \gj FILL Fenny \ft umm... Fenny. \nt creating a new name for the girl in the picture. \ref 0791 \id 912063000711060303 \begin 0:33:08 \sp EXPLAN \tx Fenny? \pho fɛniː \mb Fenny \ge Fenny \gj Fenny \ft Fenny? \ref 0792 \id 865238000711060303 \begin 0:33:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0793 \id 485395000711060303 \begin 0:33:11 \sp EXPLAN \tx di sekolah ada yang namanya Fenny, nggak? \pho di skɔla ʔada yaŋ namaɲa fɛni ŋgaʔ \mb di sekolah ada yang nama -nya Fenny nggak \ge LOC school exist REL name -NYA Fenny NEG \gj LOC school exist REL name-NYA Fenny NEG \ft do you have a friend called Fenny at school? \ref 0794 \id 147521000711060303 \begin 0:33:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak ada. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔaːdaʔ \mb nggak ada \ge NEG exist \gj NEG exist \ft no. \ref 0795 \id 487646000712060303 \begin 0:33:19 \sp EXPLAN \tx di sekolah temennya Priska namanya siapa? \pho di skɔlah təmənɲa priska namaɲa syaːpah \mb di sekolah temen -nya Priska nama -nya siapa \ge LOC school friend -NYA Priska name -NYA who \gj LOC school friend-NYA Priska name-NYA who \ft who is your friend at school? \ref 0796 \id 184436000712060303 \begin 0:33:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx enak nih baunya. \pho ʔɛnaʔ ni bawɲah \mb enak nih bau -nya \ge pleasant this smell -NYA \gj pleasant this smell-NYA \ft it smells good. \nt referring to the smell that coming out from the kitchen. \ref 0797 \id 827934000712060303 \begin 0:33:24 \sp EXPLAN \tx heh? \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0798 \id 803374000712060303 \begin 0:33:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx baunya tuh enak. \pho bawɲa tu ʔɛnak \mb bau -nya tuh enak \ge smell -NYA that pleasant \gj smell-NYA that pleasant \ft it smells good. \ref 0799 \id 229214000713060303 \begin 0:33:26 \sp EXPLAN \tx hi, siapa yang lagi masak, ya? \pho hiː syapa yaŋ lagi masak yaːh \mb hi siapa yang lagi masak ya \ge IMIT who REL more cook yes \gj IMIT who REL more cook yes \ft wow, who is cooking? \ref 0800 \id 108528000713060303 \begin 0:33:30 \sp EXPLAN \tx Mama lagi masak, ya? \pho mama lagi masak yah \mb Mama lagi masak ya \ge mommy more cook yes \gj mommy more cook yes \ft is Mommy cooking? \nt referring to CHI's mother. \ref 0801 \id 343178000713060303 \begin 0:33:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0802 \id 309718000714060303 \begin 0:33:32 \sp EXPLAN \tx Mama lagi masak? \pho mamah lagi masak \mb Mama lagi masak \ge mommy more cook \gj mommy more cook \ft is Mommy cooking? \ref 0803 \id 436515000714060303 \begin 0:33:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋ̩gaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0804 \id 321762000714060303 \begin 0:33:35 \sp EXPLAN \tx ni bau coklat nih. \pho ni baw cɔklat nih \mb ni bau coklat nih \ge this smell chocolate this \gj this smell chocolate this \ft it smells chocolate. \ref 0805 \id 359858000715060303 \begin 0:33:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, iya, iya, Mami lagi masak. \pho ya ʔiya ʔiya mami lagi masak \mb ya iya iya Mami lagi masak \ge yes yes yes mommy more cook \gj yes yes yes mommy more cook \ft right, right, right, Mommy is cooking. \ref 0806 \id 752574000715060303 \begin 0:33:38 \sp EXPLAN \tx masak apa tuh? \pho masak ʔaːpaː tuːh \mb masak apa tuh \ge cook what that \gj cook what that \ft what is she cooking? \ref 0807 \id 537758000715060303 \begin 0:33:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... itu, nggak tau juga Priska. \pho ʔə̃ː ʔitu ŋga tau jugaʔ priskah \mb eee itu nggak tau juga Priska \ge FILL that NEG know also Priska \gj FILL that NEG know also Priska \ft umm... that, I don't know either. \ref 0808 \id 917478000726060303 \begin 0:33:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx burger kali. \pho bərgər kali \mb burger kali \ge burger maybe \gj burger maybe \ft maybe burgers. \ref 0809 \id 978875000726060303 \begin 0:33:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, nggak tau, lupa. \pho ʔɛh ŋgaʔ taw lupaʔ \mb eh nggak tau lupa \ge EH NEG know forget \gj EH NEG know forget \ft no, I don't know, I forgot. \ref 0810 \id 569567000727060303 \begin 0:33:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx puding kali, ya? \pho pudiŋ kali yah \mb puding kali ya \ge pudding maybe yes \gj pudding maybe yes \ft maybe pudding, right? \ref 0811 \id 928782000727060303 \begin 0:33:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya kali. \pho ʔiːya kaliʔ \mb iya kali \ge yes maybe \gj yes maybe \ft maybe. \ref 0812 \id 157853000727060303 \begin 0:33:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx cm, ayo, ay(o)... ceritanya lomba gunting. \pho cm ʔaːyɔ ʔay cəritaɲa lɔmba guntiŋ \mb cm ayo ayo cerita -nya lomba gunting \ge tsk AYO AYO story -NYA compete scissors \gj tsk AYO AYO story-NYA compete scissors \ft tsk, come on, come on... the story is that this is a cutting competition. \ref 0813 \id 437963000727060303 \begin 0:33:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang menang Tante Lanny, ya? \pho yaŋ mənaŋ tantə lani yah \mb yang menang Tante Lanny ya \ge REL win aunt Lanny yes \gj REL win aunt Lanny yes \ft you're the winner, okay? \ref 0814 \id 354934000727060303 \begin 0:33:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx ayo, ayo... \pho ʔaːyɔː ʔaːyɔː \mb ayo ayo \ge AYO AYO \gj AYO AYO \ft come on, come on... \ref 0815 \id 782725000727060303 \begin 0:33:58 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0816 \id 583352000728060303 \begin 0:34:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...ayo, ayo, ayo, ayo, ayo, ayo, ayo... \pho ʔaːyɔː ʔayɔːʔ ʔayɔːʔ ʔayɔ̃ː ʔayɔ̃ː ʔayɔ̃ːʔ ʔayɔː \mb ayo ayo ayo ayo ayo ayo ayo \ge AYO AYO AYO AYO AYO AYO AYO \gj AYO AYO AYO AYO AYO AYO AYO \ft ...come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on... \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0817 \id 417150000728060303 \begin 0:34:02 \sp EXPLAN \tx kalau menang dapat apa? \pho kalaw mənaŋ dapat ʔaːpaː \mb kalau menang dapat apa \ge TOP win get what \gj TOP win get what \ft what do I get if I win? \ref 0818 \id 653648000728060303 \begin 0:34:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...ayo. \pho ʔayɔ̃ːʔ \mb ayo \ge AYO \gj AYO \ft ...come on. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0819 \id 187507000728060303 \begin 0:34:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya... ya nanti dapet hadiah. \pho yah ya nantiʔ dapət hadiyah \mb ya ya nanti dapet hadiah \ge yes yes later get prize \gj yes yes later get prize \ft yeah... you'll get a prize. \ref 0820 \id 232522000728060303 \begin 0:34:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... hadiahnya... ini semua kotoran di sinih. \pho ʔə̃h hadiyahɲa ʔini səmwah kɔtɔran di sinih \mb eee hadiah -nya ini semua kotor -an di sinih \ge FILL prize -NYA this all dirty -AN LOC here \gj FILL prize-NYA this all dirty-AN LOC here \ft umm... the prize is... all of this rubbish here. \ref 0821 \id 809912000729060303 \begin 0:34:12 \sp EXPLAN \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \nt laughing. \ref 0822 \id 314594000729060303 \begin 0:34:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx ayo, ayo, ayo, ayo, ayo... \pho ʔayɔʔ ʔayɔ̃ʔ ʔaːyɔʔ ʔaːyɔː ʔaːyɔː \mb ayo ayo ayo ayo ayo \ge AYO AYO AYO AYO AYO \gj AYO AYO AYO AYO AYO \ft come on, come on, come on, come on, come on... \ref 0823 \id 490094000729060303 \begin 0:34:14 \sp EXPLAN \tx nggak mo menang gitu caranya. \pho ŋgaʔ mɔ mənaŋ gitu caraɲah \mb nggak mo menang gitu cara -nya \ge NEG want win like.that manner -NYA \gj NEG want win like.that manner-NYA \ft if so, I don't want to win. \ref 0824 \id 826862000729060303 \begin 0:34:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...ayo, ayo. \pho ʔaːyɔː ʔaːyɔː \mb ayo ayo \ge AYO AYO \gj AYO AYO \ft ...come on, come on. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0825 \id 789656000729060303 \begin 0:34:18 \sp EXPLAN \tx ah, pelan-pelan, nggak mo menang, dapat hadiahnya kotoran. \pho ʔah pəlanpəlan ŋgaʔ mɔ məːnaŋ dapat hadiyahɲa kɔtɔran \mb ah pelan - pelan nggak mo menang dapat hadiah -nya kotor -an \ge AH slow - slow NEG want win get prize -NYA dirty -AN \gj AH RED-slow NEG want win get prize-NYA dirty-AN \ft I'm doing it slowly, I don't want to win because the prize is rubbish. \ref 0826 \id 961531000730060303 \begin 0:34:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx yah. \pho yaːh \mb yah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft shucks. \ref 0827 \id 682152000730060303 \begin 0:34:23 \sp EXPLAN \tx nih, nih, udah mo beres, Pris. \pho ni nih ʔuda mɔ bɛrɛːs pris \mb nih nih udah mo beres Pris \ge this this PFCT want in.order Priska \gj this this PFCT want in.order Priska \ft look, look, it's almost done, Priska. \nt referring to the hair she is cutting. \ref 0828 \id 439899000730060303 \begin 0:34:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx yei. \pho yɛːy \mb yei \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hurray. \ref 0829 \id 495660000730060303 \begin 0:34:28 \sp EXPLAN \tx ye, tepuk tangan. \pho yeː təpuk taŋaːn \mb ye tepuk tangan \ge EXCL clap hand \gj EXCL clap hand \ft hurray, clap you hands. \nt finishes cutting the hair. \ref 0830 \id 768015000730060303 \begin 0:34:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx wah, tepuk tangan untuk Tante Lanny. \pho waː təpuk taŋan ʔuntuk tantə laniː \mb wah tepuk tangan untuk Tante Lanny \ge EXCL clap hand for aunt Lanny \gj EXCL clap hand for aunt Lanny \ft wow, I'm clapping hands for Auntie Lanny. \nt clapping her hands and taking the hair from EXP. \ref 0831 \id 844663000731060303 \begin 0:34:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx tinggal ini dilipet deh. \pho tiŋgal ʔini dilipət dɛh \mb tinggal ini di- lipet deh \ge stay this DI- fold DEH \gj stay this DI-fold DEH \ft I only need to fold this. \nt referring to the hair. \ref 0832 \id 274871000731060303 \begin 0:34:40 \sp EXPLAN \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0833 \id 486319080205060303 \begin 0:34:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx rambutnya adeknya dikepang. \pho rambutɲa ʔadɛʔɲa dikɛːpaːŋ \mb rambut -nya adek -nya di- kepang \ge hair -NYA younger.sibling -NYA DI- braid \gj hair-NYA younger.sibling-NYA DI-braid \ft the little one's hair is braided. \nt **rambutnya(no suffix needed) can be only "rambut". \ref 0834 \id 373181080227060303 \begin 0:34:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx bagus, cantik, ya rambut adeknya dikepang. \pho baːgus cantiʔ yaːh rambut ʔadɛʔɲa dikɛːpaːŋ \mb bagus cantik ya rambut adek -nya di- kepang \ge nice pretty yes hair younger.sibling -NYA DI- braid \gj nice pretty yes hair younger.sibling-NYA DI-braid \ft it's nice, it's pretty that the little one's hair is braided. \ref 0835 \id 571713080303060303 \begin 0:34:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska nggak mau diganti-ganti, ah... \pho priska ŋga maw digantigantiʔ ʔaːh \mb Priska nggak mau di- ganti - ganti ah \ge Priska NEG want DI- change - change AH \gj Priska NEG want DI-RED-change AH \ft I don't want to have it changed... \ref 0836 \id 989648080305060303 \begin 0:34:52 \sp EXPLAN \tx nggak mau? \pho ŋgaʔ maw \mb nggak mau \ge NEG want \gj NEG want \ft don't you want? \ref 0837 \id 743724080349060303 \begin 0:34:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...rambutnya. \pho rambutɲaːh \mb rambut -nya \ge hair -NYA \gj hair-NYA \ft ...the hair. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0838 \id 283288080357060303 \begin 0:34:56 \sp EXPLAN \tx o, mo itu aja? \pho ʔɔː mɔ ʔitu ʔajaːh \mb o mo itu aja \ge EXCL want that just \gj EXCL want that just \ft o, do you only want that one? \ref 0839 \id 839665080359060303 \begin 0:34:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0840 \id 872818080431060303 \begin 0:34:58 \sp EXPLAN \tx bajunya mo yang mana? \pho bajuɲa mɔ yaŋ mana \mb baju -nya mo yang mana \ge garment -NYA want REL which \gj garment-NYA want REL which \ft which dress do you want? \ref 0841 \id 982620080431060303 \begin 0:34:59 \sp EXPLAN \tx jadi mo yang inih? \pho jadiː mɔ yaŋ ʔiniːh \mb jadi mo yang inih \ge become want REL this \gj become want REL this \ft so do you want this one? \ref 0842 \id 517719080431060303 \begin 0:35:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0843 \id 726376080518060303 \begin 0:35:02 \sp EXPLAN \tx roknya warna apa dong? \pho rɔkɲa warna ʔapa dɔːŋ \mb rok -nya warna apa dong \ge skirt -NYA color what DONG \gj skirt-NYA color what DONG \ft what color is the skirt? \ref 0844 \id 315159080530060303 \begin 0:35:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx rok, rok, rok, rok, roknya warnanya lain dong. \pho rɔk rɔk rɔk rɔk rɔkɲah warnaɲa layin dɔŋ \mb rok rok rok rok rok -nya warna -nya lain dong \ge skirt skirt skirt skirt skirt -NYA color -NYA other DONG \gj skirt skirt skirt skirt skirt-NYA color-NYA other DONG \ft the skirt, the skirt, the skirt, the skirt, the skirt has different color. \ref 0845 \id 988419080531060303 \begin 0:35:07 \sp EXPLAN \tx ya, warna apa dulu? \pho ya warna ʔapa duːluʔ \mb ya warna apa dulu \ge yes color what before \gj yes color what before \ft yeah, what color? \ref 0846 \id 777378080531060303 \begin 0:35:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... warnanya... ungu deh. \pho ʔə̃ː warnaɲah ʔuːŋu deːh \mb eee warna -nya ungu deh \ge FILL color -NYA purple DEH \gj FILL color-NYA purple DEH \ft umm... color... just purple. \ref 0847 \id 707997080531060303 \begin 0:35:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx ungu aja? \pho ʔuŋu ʔaja \mb ungu aja \ge purple just \gj purple just \ft just purple? \ref 0848 \id 125654080531060303 \begin 0:35:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0849 \id 170537080531060303 \begin 0:35:17 \sp EXPLAN \tx boleh. \pho bɔlɛːh \mb boleh \ge may \gj may \ft okay. \ref 0850 \id 318058080532060303 \begin 0:35:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt humming. \ref 0851 \id 204985080532060303 \begin 0:35:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx. \mb xx \ge BAB \gj BAB \ref 0852 \id 788905080533060303 \begin 0:35:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx warnanya ke[?]... sampe ketutup dong, Tante. \pho warnaɲa kə sampe kətutup dɔŋ tantəh \mb warna -nya ke sampe ke- tutup dong Tante \ge color -NYA to arrive KE- shut DONG aunt \gj color-NYA to arrive KE-shut DONG aunt \ft color it fully, Auntie. \ref 0853 \id 942333080533060303 \begin 0:35:44 \sp EXPLAN \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0854 \id 210239080534060303 \begin 0:35:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx abis Priskanya nggak mo ngewarnain sih. \pho ʔabis priskaʔɲa ŋgaʔ mɔ ŋəwarnaʔin siːh \mb abis Priska -nya nggak mo nge- warna -in sih \ge finished Priska -NYA NEG want N- color -IN SIH \gj finished Priska-NYA NEG want N-color-IN SIH \ft it's because you don't want to color it. \ref 0855 \id 696418080534060303 \begin 0:35:50 \sp EXPLAN \tx jadi nggak ketutupan. \pho jadi ŋgaʔ kətutupaːn \mb jadi nggak ke an tutup \ge become NEG KE AN shut \gj become NEG KE.AN-shut \ft so it's not colored fully. \ref 0856 \id 816197080535060303 \begin 0:35:54 \sp EXPLAN \tx kalo Priska yang warnain kan bisa rata. \pho kalɔ priska yaŋ warnaʔin kan bisa raːtaːʔ \mb kalo Priska yang warna -in kan bisa rata \ge TOP Priska REL color -IN KAN can flat \gj TOP Priska REL color-IN KAN can flat \ft if you're the one who is coloring it, it can be smooth. \ref 0857 \id 680684215843080303 \begin 0:35:59 \sp EXPLAN \tx bisa, nggak? \pho bisa ŋaʔ \mb bisa nggak \ge can NEG \gj can NEG \ft can it be? \ref 0858 \id 977728215844080303 \begin 0:36:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0859 \id 192485215844080303 \begin 0:36:03 \sp EXPLAN \tx Priska sekarang kalo ngewarna nilainya berapa, Pris? \pho priska skaraŋ kalɔ ŋəwarnaʔ nilayɲa brapa priːs \mb Priska sekarang kalo nge- warna nilai -nya berapa Pris \ge Priska now TOP N- color value -NYA how.much Priska \gj Priska now TOP N-color value-NYA how.much Priska \ft what grade do you get from coloring, Priska? \ref 0860 \id 205188215844080303 \begin 0:36:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx C. \pho cɛʔ \mb C \ge C \gj C \ft C. \ref 0861 \id 397946215844080303 \begin 0:36:06 \sp EXPLAN \tx C? \pho cɛʔ \mb C \ge C \gj C \ft C? \ref 0862 \id 995787215844080303 \begin 0:36:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0863 \id 422344215844080303 \begin 0:36:08 \sp EXPLAN \tx udah rata belum ngewarnanya? \pho ʔuda rata blum ŋəwarnaɲah \mb udah rata belum nge- warna -nya \ge PFCT flat not.yet N- color -NYA \gj PFCT flat not.yet N-color-NYA \ft can you color smoothly now? \ref 0864 \id 646532215845080303 \begin 0:36:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx belum. \pho bəlum \mb belum \ge not.yet \gj not.yet \ft not yet. \ref 0865 \id 276127215845080303 \begin 0:36:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx ah, udah bisa dikit rata. \pho ʔaːh ʔuda bisa dikit rataʔ \mb ah udah bisa dikit rata \ge EXCL PFCT can a.little flat \gj EXCL PFCT can a.little flat \ft ah, it's already a little smoother. \ref 0866 \id 174107215845080303 \begin 0:36:13 \sp EXPLAN \tx dikit rata? \pho dikit rataːʔ \mb dikit rata \ge a.little flat \gj a.little flat \ft a little smoother? \ref 0867 \id 920140215845080303 \begin 0:36:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0868 \id 717141215846080303 \begin 0:36:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx kok nggak diratain sekalian? \pho kɔ ŋaʔ dirataʔin səkaliyan \mb kok nggak di- rata -in se- kali -an \ge KOK NEG DI- flat -IN SE- time -AN \gj KOK NEG DI-flat-IN SE-time-AN \ft why don't you make it smooth? \ref 0869 \id 818618081003140303 \begin 0:36:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx he(-eh). \pho hə̃ \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft no. \ref 0870 \id 804819215846080303 \begin 0:36:17 \sp EXPLAN \tx capek, ya? \pho capɛʔ yah \mb capek ya \ge tired yes \gj tired yes \ft are you tired? \ref 0871 \id 212312215846080303 \begin 0:36:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... nggak. \pho ʔə̃ː ŋ̩ːgaʔ \mb eee nggak \ge FILL NEG \gj FILL NEG \ft umm... no. \ref 0872 \id 439473215846080303 \begin 0:36:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni mustinya... ini kacamata nih. \pho ni musiɲah ʔini kacamaːtaʔ niːh \mb ni musti -nya ini kacamata nih \ge this must -NYA this glass.eye this \gj this must-NYA this glass.eye this \ft these should be... these are glasses. \ref 0873 \id 535544215846080303 \begin 0:36:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx ada kacamatanya, nggak? \pho ʔada kacamataɲa ŋgaʔ \mb ada kacamata -nya nggak \ge exist glass.eye -NYA NEG \gj exist glass.eye-NYA NEG \ft are there glasses? \ref 0874 \id 599700215847080303 \begin 0:36:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋːgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0875 \id 674623215847080303 \begin 0:36:26 \sp EXPLAN \tx nggak ada tuh. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔaːda tuh \mb nggak ada tuh \ge NEG exist that \gj NEG exist that \ft no. \ref 0876 \id 807622215847080303 \begin 0:36:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx yah... \pho yaːh \mb yah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft shucks... \ref 0877 \id 526654215847080303 \begin 0:36:29 \sp EXPLAN \tx bisa gambarnya nggak, Pris... \pho bisa gambarɲa ŋgaʔ pris \mb bisa gambar -nya nggak Pris \ge can picture -NYA NEG Priska \gj can picture-NYA NEG Priska \ft can you draw, Priska... \ref 0878 \id 589360215847080303 \begin 0:36:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...nggak ada. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔaːdaʔ \mb nggak ada \ge NEG exist \gj NEG exist \ft ...no. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0879 \id 588165215847080303 \begin 0:36:30 \sp EXPLAN \tx ...kacamatanya? \pho kacamataʔɲa \mb kacamata -nya \ge glass.eye -NYA \gj glass.eye-NYA \ft ...glasses? \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0880 \id 310993215847080303 \begin 0:36:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak bisa. \pho ŋga biːsaʔ \mb nggak bisa \ge NEG can \gj NEG can \ft I can't. \ref 0881 \id 266162215848080303 \begin 0:36:33 \sp EXPLAN \tx xx, ah. \pho xx ʔaːh \mb xx ah \ge xx AH \gj xx AH \ft xxx. \ref 0882 \id 998607215848080303 \begin 0:36:35 \sp EXPLAN \tx inih? \pho ʔiniːh \mb inih \ge this \gj this \ft this? \nt showing a picture to CHI. \ref 0883 \id 107581215848080303 \begin 0:36:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx jadinya ini diselotip, ya? \pho jadiɲa ʔini disɛlɔtip yah \mb jadi -nya ini di- selotip ya \ge become -NYA this DI- cellotape yes \gj become-NYA this DI-cellotape yes \ft we're taping this, okay? \ref 0884 \id 627034215848080303 \begin 0:36:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'aku baru pake rambut.' \pho ʔaku baru pake raːmbut \mb aku baru pake rambut \ge 1SG new use hair \gj 1SG new use hair \ft 'I've just had my hair.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture. \ref 0885 \id 171326215848080303 \begin 0:36:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx rambut... \pho rambut \mb rambut \ge hair \gj hair \ft hair... \ref 0886 \id 988279215849080303 \begin 0:36:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx nggak mau... \pho ŋgaʔ maw \mb nggak mau \ge NEG want \gj NEG want \ft don't you want... \ref 0887 \id 237345215849080303 \begin 0:36:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...nya aku xx... \pho ɲa aku xx \mb nya aku xx \ge NYA 1SG xx \gj NYA 1SG xx \ft ...I xx... \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0888 \id 864338215849080303 \begin 0:36:49 \sp EXPLAN \tx ...dibiarin aja, Pris? \pho dibyarin ʔaja priːs \mb di- biar -in aja Pris \ge DI- let -IN just Priska \gj DI-let-IN just Priska \ft ...just let it be, Priska? \ref 0889 \id 645751215849080303 \begin 0:36:50 \sp EXPLAN \tx kalau diselotip nanti nggak bisa ganti-ganti rambutnya. \pho kalaw disɛlɔtip nanti ŋgaʔ bisa gantigaːnti rambutɲah \mb kalau di- selotip nanti nggak bisa ganti - ganti rambut -nya \ge TOP DI- cellotape later NEG can change - change hair -NYA \gj TOP DI-cellotape later NEG can RED-change hair-NYA \ft if you tape it, you won't be able to change the hair. \ref 0890 \id 662317215849080303 \begin 0:36:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska nggak mo diganti, ah. \pho priska ŋgaʔ mɔ diganti ʔaːh \mb Priska nggak mo di- ganti ah \ge Priska NEG want DI- change AH \gj Priska NEG want DI-change AH \ft I don't want to have it changed. \ref 0891 \id 977058215850080303 \begin 0:36:57 \sp EXPLAN \tx kan bagusan yang rambut panjang. \pho kan bagusan yaŋ rambut paːnjɑːŋ \mb kan bagus -an yang rambut panjang \ge KAN nice -AN REL hair long \gj KAN nice-AN REL hair long \ft the long-hair one is nicer. \ref 0892 \id 631508215850080303 \begin 0:36:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0893 \id 666641215850080303 \begin 0:37:00 \sp EXPLAN \tx nggak bagusan yang rambut panjang? \pho ŋga bagusan yaŋ rambut panjaŋ \mb nggak bagus -an yang rambut panjang \ge NEG nice -AN REL hair long \gj NEG nice-AN REL hair long \ft don't you think that the long-hair one is nicer? \ref 0894 \id 751182215850080303 \begin 0:37:01 \sp EXPLAN \tx ni apa sih? \pho ni ʔapa sih \mb ni apa sih \ge this what SIH \gj this what SIH \ft what's this? \nt referring to a picture in the carton. \ref 0895 \id 532415215850080303 \begin 0:37:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini tu rambut panjang. \pho ʔini tu rambut paːnjaŋ \mb ini tu rambut panjang \ge this that hair long \gj this that hair long \ft this is long hair. \ref 0896 \id 209856215850080303 \begin 0:37:04 \sp EXPLAN \tx ini rambut panjang. \pho ʔini rambut paːnjaŋ \mb ini rambut panjang \ge this hair long \gj this hair long \ft this is long hair. \ref 0897 \id 568012215851080303 \begin 0:37:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni juga rambut panjang, ini dikepang malahan lagi. \pho ni juga rambut paːnjaŋ ʔini dikɛːpaŋ malahan lagih \mb ni juga rambut panjang ini di- kepang malah -an lagi \ge this also hair long this DI- braid even -AN LAGI \gj this also hair long this DI-braid even-AN LAGI \ft this is also long hair and it's even braided. \ref 0898 \id 897155215851080303 \begin 0:37:09 \sp EXPLAN \tx lho, nggak suka yang rambutnya diurai aja? \pho lɔːh ŋga suka yaŋ rambutɲa diʔuray ʔaːjaːh \mb lho nggak suka yang rambut -nya di- urai aja \ge EXCL NEG like REL hair -NYA DI- scatter just \gj EXCL NEG like REL hair-NYA DI-scatter just \ft huh, don't you like it untied? \ref 0899 \id 501035215851080303 \begin 0:37:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ʔŋ̩gaːʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0900 \id 211095215851080303 \begin 0:37:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska sukanya yang dikepang. \pho priska sukaɲa yaŋ dikɛːpaŋ \mb Priska suka -nya yang di- kepang \ge Priska like -NYA REL DI- braid \gj Priska like-NYA REL DI-braid \ft I like the braided one. \ref 0901 \id 689531215851080303 \begin 0:37:16 \sp EXPLAN \tx kan nanti jadi kaya Priska. \pho kan nanti jadi kaya priːskaː \mb kan nanti jadi kaya Priska \ge KAN later become like Priska \gj KAN later become like Priska \ft it will be like you. \ref 0902 \id 272172215852080303 \begin 0:37:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak, ah. \pho ʔŋ̩gaː ʔaːh \mb nggak ah \ge NEG AH \gj NEG AH \ft no. \ref 0903 \id 301771215852080303 \begin 0:37:20 \sp EXPLAN \tx kalo gitu rambut Priska kok nggak dikepang? \pho kalɔ gitu rambut priska kɔʔ ŋgaʔ dikɛːpaːŋ \mb kalo gitu rambut Priska kok nggak di- kepang \ge TOP like.that hair Priska KOK NEG DI- braid \gj TOP like.that hair Priska KOK NEG DI-braid \ft why don't you have your hair braided then? \ref 0904 \id 969543215852080303 \begin 0:37:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'name is Casper.' \pho nɛm ʔis kɛspər \mb name is Casper \ge name is Casper \gj name is Casper \ft 'my name is Casper.' \nt pretending to be the picture girl and imitating the expression she heard from a carton film. \ref 0905 \id 330111215852080303 \begin 0:37:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx namanya Casper... ceritanya. \pho namaɲa kɛspər cəritaɲa \mb nama -nya Casper cerita -nya \ge name -NYA Casper story -NYA \gj name-NYA Casper story-NYA \ft the story is that... her name is Casper. \ref 0906 \id 868241220009080303 \begin 0:37:29 \sp EXPLAN \tx siapa yang namanya Casper? \pho syapa yaŋ namaɲa kɛspər \mb siapa yang nama -nya Casper \ge who REL name -NYA Casper \gj who REL name-NYA Casper \ft whose name is Casper? \ref 0907 \id 543749220009080303 \begin 0:37:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini, adeknya. \pho ʔini ʔadɛʔɲah \mb ini adek -nya \ge this younger.sibling -NYA \gj this younger.sibling-NYA \ft this, the little one. \nt referring to the little picture girl. \ref 0908 \id 805836220010080303 \begin 0:37:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0909 \id 204309220010080303 \begin 0:37:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'my name is Casper.' \pho may nɛym ʔis kɛsbər \mb my name is Casper \ge my name is Casper \gj my name is Casper \ft 'my name is Casper.' \nt pretending to be the picture girl. \ref 0910 \id 930845220010080303 \begin 0:37:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'my name is Casper.' \pho may nɛym ʔis kɛspər \mb my name is Casper \ge my name EXCL Casper \gj my name EXCL Casper \ft 'my name is Casper.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture. \ref 0911 \id 640838220010080303 \begin 0:37:39 \sp EXPLAN \tx siapa sih Casper? \pho syaːpa sih kɛspər \mb siapa sih Casper \ge who SIH Casper \gj who SIH Casper \ft who is Casper? \ref 0912 \id 880697220010080303 \begin 0:37:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'my name is Casper.' \pho may nɛym ʔis kɛspər \mb my name is Casper \ge my name is Casper \gj my name is Casper \ft 'my name is Casper.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture. \ref 0913 \id 198534220011080303 \begin 0:37:41 \sp EXPLAN \tx nama laki-laki lho Casper. \pho nama lakilaki lɔh kɛspər \mb nama laki - laki lho Casper \ge name male - male EXCL Casper \gj name RED-male EXCL Casper \ft Casper is a name for a boy. \ref 0914 \id 168102220011080303 \begin 0:37:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx Vina, halo Vina. \pho fina halɔ fina \mb Vina halo Vina \ge Vina hello Vina \gj Vina hello Vina \ft Vina, hello Vina. \nt talking to the girl picture. \ref 0915 \id 798142220011080303 \begin 0:37:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'halo Kak Tini.' \pho halɔ kaʔ tiniːh \mb halo Kak Tini \ge hello TRU-older.sibling Tini \gj hello TRU-older.sibling Tini \ft 'hello Tini.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture. \ref 0916 \id 494118220011080303 \begin 0:37:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx Tini. \pho tiniʔ \mb Tini \ge Tini \gj Tini \ft Tini. \nt pointing at herself. \ref 0917 \id 957856220011080303 \begin 0:37:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni Kak Tini, tu Dek Tino. \pho ni kaʔ tini tu dɛʔ tinɔː \mb ni Kak Tini tu Dek Tino \ge this TRU-older.sibling Tini that TRU-younger.sibling Tino \gj this TRU-older.sibling Tini that TRU-younger.sibling Tino \ft I'm Tini and that's Tino. \ref 0918 \id 117868220012080303 \begin 0:37:54 \sp EXPLAN \tx siapa? \pho syapah \mb siapa \ge who \gj who \ft who? \ref 0919 \id 716289220012080303 \begin 0:37:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx ituh... Tante Lanny. \pho ʔituh tantə lanih \mb ituh Tante Lanny \ge that aunt Lanny \gj that aunt Lanny \ft that one... your. \ref 0920 \id 886383220012080303 \begin 0:37:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx nggak mau, ah... \pho ŋga maw ʔah \mb nggak mau ah \ge NEG want AH \gj NEG want AH \ft I don't want... \ref 0921 \id 363604220012080303 \begin 0:37:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...Dek Tino. \pho dɛʔ tinɔ \mb Dek Tino \ge TRU-younger.sibling Tino \gj TRU-younger.sibling Tino \ft ...Tino. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0922 \id 710813220012080303 \begin 0:37:57 \sp EXPLAN \tx ...nama laki-laki Dek Tino. \pho nama lakilaki dɛʔ tinɔʔ \mb nama laki - laki Dek Tino \ge name male - male TRU-younger.sibling Tino \gj name RED-male TRU-younger.sibling Tino \ft ...Tino is a boy's name. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0923 \id 661253220012080303 \begin 0:37:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx Dek... Dek Tini juga deh. \pho dɛʔ dɛʔ tini juga dɛh \mb Dek Dek Tini juga deh \ge TRU-younger.sibling TRU-younger.sibling Tini also DEH \gj TRU-younger.sibling TRU-younger.sibling Tini also DEH \ft you'e also Tini then. \ref 0924 \id 198925220012080303 \begin 0:38:01 \sp EXPLAN \tx kok namanya sama? \pho kɔ namaɲa samaʔ \mb kok nama -nya sama \ge KOK name -NYA same \gj KOK name-NYA same \ft why do we have the same name? \ref 0925 \id 437622220013080303 \begin 0:38:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx Kak... Kak Tini, Dek Tino. \pho kaʔ kaʔ tini dɛʔ tinɔh \mb Kak Kak Tini Dek Tino \ge TRU-older.sibling TRU-older.sibling Tini TRU-younger.sibling Tino \gj TRU-older.sibling TRU-older.sibling Tini TRU-younger.sibling Tino \ft Tini and Tino. \ref 0926 \id 922427220013080303 \begin 0:38:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni Vina. \pho ni finaːh \mb ni Vina \ge this Vina \gj this Vina \ft this is Vina. \nt referring to the girl picture. \ref 0927 \id 448653220013080303 \begin 0:38:06 \sp EXPLAN \tx Vina? \pho finaː \mb Vina \ge Vina \gj Vina \ft Vina? \ref 0928 \id 931254220013080303 \begin 0:38:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0929 \id 312196220013080303 \begin 0:38:07 \sp EXPLAN \tx ah, udah, aku jadi Dek Vina aja. \pho ʔah ʔuda ʔaku jadi dɛʔ fina ʔaːjah \mb ah udah aku jadi Dek Vina aja \ge AH PFCT 1SG become TRU-younger.sibling Vina just \gj AH PFCT 1SG become TRU-younger.sibling Vina just \ft okay, I just become Vina. \ref 0930 \id 696550220014080303 \begin 0:38:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, ya, ya, ya. \pho ya ya ya ya \mb ya ya ya ya \ge yes yes yes yes \gj yes yes yes yes \ft okay, okay, okay, okay. \ref 0931 \id 332409220014080303 \begin 0:38:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx Dek Vina. \pho dɛʔ finaːh \mb Dek Vina \ge TRU-younger.sibling Vina \gj TRU-younger.sibling Vina \ft you're Vina. \nt pointing at EXP. \ref 0932 \id 209407220014080303 \begin 0:38:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx Dek Tini. \pho dɛʔ tiːniː \mb Dek Tini \ge TRU-younger.sibling Tini \gj TRU-younger.sibling Tini \ft Tini. \nt pointing a the girl picture. \ref 0933 \id 219963220014080303 \begin 0:38:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx Dek... eee... ini Kak Tini, ya? \pho dɛʔ ʔə̃ː ʔini kaʔ tini yah \mb Dek eee ini Kak Tini ya \ge TRU-younger.sibling FILL this TRU-older.sibling Tini yes \gj TRU-younger.sibling FILL this TRU-older.sibling Tini yes \ft umm... I'm Tini, okay? \ref 0934 \id 329526220014080303 \begin 0:38:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx he(-eh)... iya. \pho hə̃ː ʔiyaː \mb he-eh iya \ge uh-huh yes \gj uh-huh yes \ft uh-huh... okay. \ref 0935 \id 364187220015080303 \begin 0:38:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx. \mb xx \ge BAB \gj BAB \ref 0936 \id 603433220015080303 \begin 0:38:19 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Kak Tini lagi apa sih, Kak?' \pho kaʔ tini lagi ʔaːpa sih kaːʔ \mb Kak Tini lagi apa sih Kak \ge TRU-older.sibling Tini more what SIH TRU-older.sibling \gj TRU-older.sibling Tini more what SIH TRU-older.sibling \ft 'what are you doing, Tini?' \nt pretending to be Tini's younger sister. \ref 0937 \id 414063220015080303 \begin 0:38:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'Kak Tini lagi... nungguin Adek gunting.' \pho kaʔ tini lagih nuŋguwin ʔadɛ guːntiŋ \mb Kak Tini lagi n- tunggu -in Adek gunting \ge TRU-older.sibling Tini more N- wait -IN younger.sibling scissors \gj TRU-older.sibling Tini more N-wait-IN younger.sibling scissors \ft 'I'm... I'm waiting for you cutting.' \nt pretending to be Tini, EXP's older sister. \ref 0938 \id 968635220015080303 \begin 0:38:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'trus... Kakak lagi mo nyobain ini nih.' \pho trus kakaːh lagi mɔ ɲɔbaʔin ʔini nih \mb trus Kakak lagi mo ny- coba -in ini nih \ge continue older.sibling more want N- try -IN this this \gj continue older.sibling more want N-try-IN this this \ft 'then... I want to try this.' \nt pretending to be Tini, EXP's older sister and referring to the hair. \ref 0939 \id 376789220015080303 \begin 0:38:29 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nyobain apa itu, Kak?' \pho ɲɔbaʔin ʔaːpa ʔitu kaʔ \mb ny- coba -in apa itu Kak \ge N- try -IN what that TRU-older.sibling \gj N-try-IN what that TRU-older.sibling \ft 'what are you trying, Sister?' \nt pretending to be Tini's younger sister. \ref 0940 \id 903963220015080303 \begin 0:38:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nih, mo masangin rambut.' \pho niːih mɔ masaŋin rambut \mb nih mo m- pasang -in rambut \ge this want N- install -IN hair \gj this want N-install-IN hair \ft 'this, I want to put the hair on.' \nt pretending to be Tini, EXP's older sister. \ref 0941 \id 627199220016080303 \begin 0:38:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt kissing the girl picture. \ref 0942 \id 254579220016080303 \begin 0:38:38 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Kakak kok nggak gunting-gunting juga?' \pho kaka kɔʔ ŋgaʔ guntiŋguntiŋ juːgaʔ \mb Kakak kok nggak gunting - gunting juga \ge older.sibling KOK NEG scissors - scissors also \gj older.sibling KOK NEG RED-scissors also \ft 'why don't you do the cutting?' \nt pretending to be Tini's younger sister. \ref 0943 \id 727342220016080303 \begin 0:38:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak aja, ah.' \pho ŋga ʔaːja ʔah \mb nggak aja ah \ge NEG just AH \gj NEG just AH \ft 'no.' \nt pretending to be Tini, EXP's older sister. \ref 0944 \id 355611220016080303 \begin 0:38:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx. \mb xx \ge BAB \gj BAB \ref 0945 \id 463368220016080303 \begin 0:38:43 \sp EXPLAN \tx kok cuman adeknya yang gunting nih? \pho kɔ cuman ʔadɛʔɲa yaŋ guːntiŋ nih \mb kok cuman adek -nya yang gunting nih \ge KOK only younger.sibling -NYA REL scissors this \gj KOK only younger.sibling-NYA REL scissors this \ft why is only the little one doing the cutting? \nt referring to herself. \ref 0946 \id 747833220017080303 \begin 0:38:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'iya, Kakak lagi malas gunting.' \pho ʔiːyah kakaʔ lagi malas guntiŋ \mb iya Kakak lagi malas gunting \ge yes older.sibling more lazy scissors \gj yes older.sibling more lazy scissors \ft 'right, I'm reluctant to cut.' \nt pretending to be Tini, EXP's older sister. \ref 0947 \id 944850220017080303 \begin 0:38:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'bagus deh kalo begini.' \pho baːgus dɛh kalɔ bəginih \mb bagus deh kalo begini \ge nice DEH TOP like.this \gj nice DEH TOP like.this \ft 'it's nice if it's like this.' \nt pretending to be Tini, EXP's older sister and referring to the girl picture. \ref 0948 \id 223404220017080303 \begin 0:38:53 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'apalagi kalo udah ada bajunya ya, Kak?' \pho ʔapalagi kalɔ ʔuda ʔada bajuːɲa ya kaʔ \mb apalagi kalo udah ada baju -nya ya Kak \ge let.alone TOP PFCT exist garment -NYA yes TRU-older.sibling \gj let.alone TOP PFCT exist garment-NYA yes TRU-older.sibling \ft 'moreover if she has her shirt, right?' \nt pretending to be Tini's younger sister. \ref 0949 \id 564330220017080303 \begin 0:38:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'iya, ya?' \pho ʔiːya yah \mb iya ya \ge yes yes \gj yes yes \ft 'right.' \nt pretending to be Tini, EXP's older sister \ref 0950 \id 218897220017080303 \begin 0:38:57 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ini tuh, bajunya tuh.' \pho ʔini tuː bajuɲa tuː \mb ini tuh baju -nya tuh \ge this that garment -NYA that \gj this that garment-NYA that \ft 'here is the shirt.' \nt 1. pretending to be Tini's younger sister. 2. giving the picture of a shirt she has just cut. \ref 0951 \id 405770220018080303 \begin 0:38:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'wo, bagus, ya?' \pho wɔː baːgu yaːh \mb wo bagus ya \ge EXCL nice yes \gj EXCL nice yes \ft 'wow, it's nice, isn't it?' \nt pretending to be Tini, EXP's older sister \ref 0952 \id 197073220018080303 \begin 0:39:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0953 \id 809114220018080303 \begin 0:39:01 \sp EXPLAN \tx mana... belun juga dipake. \pho maːna bəlun jugaʔ dipaːkɛʔ \mb mana belun juga di- pake \ge which not.yet JUGA DI- use \gj which not.yet JUGA DI-use \ft where... you haven't put it on. \ref 0954 \id 402320220018080303 \begin 0:39:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini juga udah dipake. \pho ʔini juga ʔudah dipaːkɛʔ \mb ini juga udah di- pake \ge this also PFCT DI- use \gj this also PFCT DI-use \ft I've put it on. \ref 0955 \id 707418220018080303 \begin 0:39:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx belom dipakein roknya. \pho bəlɔːm dipakɛʔin rɔkɲah \mb belom di- pake -in rok -nya \ge not.yet DI- use -IN skirt -NYA \gj not.yet DI-use-IN skirt-NYA \ft I haven't put the skirt on. \nt laughing. \ref 0956 \id 300344220019080303 \begin 0:39:13 \sp EXPLAN \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0957 \id 395320220019080303 \begin 0:39:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx malu, ya? \pho maːluʔ yaːh \mb malu ya \ge embarrassed yes \gj embarrassed yes \ft is she embarrassed? \ref 0958 \id 538739133102100303 \begin 0:39:16 \sp EXPLAN \tx malu. \pho maluːʔ \mb malu \ge embarrassed \gj embarrassed \ft yes. \ref 0959 \id 296650133116100303 \begin 0:39:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx belum pake rok, ya? \pho bəlum pakɛ rɔk yaːh \mb belum pake rok ya \ge not.yet use skirt yes \gj not.yet use skirt yes \ft she hasn't worn a skirt, right? \ref 0960 \id 406285133117100303 \begin 0:39:20 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'mana rok saya?' \pho maːnaː rɔk saːyaːh \mb mana rok saya \ge which skirt 1SG \gj which skirt 1SG \ft 'where is my skirt?' \nt pretending to be the girl picture. \ref 0961 \id 737999133135100303 \begin 0:39:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nanti, ya?' \pho nantiʔ yaːh \mb nanti ya \ge later yes \gj later yes \ft 'later, okay?' \nt pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. \ref 0962 \id 366095133502100303 \begin 0:39:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'lagi digunting.' \pho lagi diguntiŋ \mb lagi di- gunting \ge more DI- scissors \gj more DI-scissors \ft 'it's being cut.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. \ref 0963 \id 268602133519100303 \begin 0:39:24 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'yah.' \pho yaːh \mb yah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft 'shucks.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture. \ref 0964 \id 240548102924110303 \begin 0:39:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak.' \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft 'no.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. \ref 0965 \id 699190102925110303 \begin 0:39:27 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'masa xx xx kek gini?' \pho masa xx xx keʔ giːnih \mb masa xx xx kek gini \ge incredible xx xx like like.this \gj incredible xx xx like like.this \ft 'why am I xxx like this?' \nt pretending to be the girl picture. \ref 0966 \id 599547102926110303 \begin 0:39:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'guntingnya tuh... kan itu kan masih ya(ng)... masih yang lain, jadi nggak langsung pake dong.' \pho guntiŋɲa tuh kan ʔitu kan masiʔ ya masi yaŋ laɛn jadi ŋgaʔ laŋsuŋ pakɛ dɔːŋ \mb gunting -nya tuh kan itu kan masih yang masih yang lain jadi nggak langsung pake dong \ge scissors -NYA that KAN that KAN still REL still REL other become NEG direct use DONG \gj scissors-NYA that KAN that KAN still REL still REL other become NEG direct use DONG \ft 'it's cut... that's still... that's another one, so you don't wear it right away.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. \ref 0967 \id 809591103531110303 \begin 0:39:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'kaya rambut kamu, digunting dulu.' \pho kaya rambut kaːmu diguntiŋ duːluʔ \mb kaya rambut kamu di- gunting dulu \ge like hair 2 DI- scissors before \gj like hair 2 DI-scissors before \ft 'it's like your hair, it should be cut first.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. \ref 0968 \id 323553103558110303 \begin 0:39:39 \sp EXPLAN \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0969 \id 776026103609110303 \begin 0:39:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'baru dipasangin.' \pho baru dipasaŋiːn \mb baru di- pasang -in \ge new DI- install -IN \gj new DI-install-IN \ft 'I'll put it on.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. \ref 0970 \id 486093103624110303 \begin 0:39:43 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'tapi udah telat nih mo sekolah.' \pho tapi ʔudah təːlat nih mɔ səkɔːlah \mb tapi udah telat nih mo sekolah \ge but PFCT late this want school \gj but PFCT late this want school \ft 'but I'm already late to go to school.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture. \ref 0971 \id 181688103651110303 \begin 0:39:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak... nggak, ya?' \pho ʔŋ̩ːgaːʔ ŋgaʔ yaːh \mb nggak nggak ya \ge NEG NEG yes \gj NEG NEG yes \ft 'no... no, right?' \nt pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. \ref 0972 \id 545555103710110303 \begin 0:39:48 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o, nggak telat nih?' \pho ʔɔ ŋgaʔ təːlat niːh \mb o nggak telat nih \ge EXCL NEG late this \gj EXCL NEG late this \ft 'o, I'm not late?' \nt pretending to be the girl picture. \ref 0973 \id 560146103807110303 \begin 0:39:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak.' \pho ŋgaːʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft 'no.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. \ref 0974 \id 982798103807110303 \begin 0:39:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'sekolah kamu jam berapa?' \pho səkɔla kamu jam bərapah \mb sekolah kamu jam berapa \ge school 2 hour how.much \gj school 2 hour how.much \ft 'what time do you go to school?' \nt 1. pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. 2. =what time does your class begin? \ref 0975 \id 809080103808110303 \begin 0:39:52 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'saya sekolah jam delapan.' \pho saya səkɔla jam dəlapaːn \mb saya sekolah jam delapan \ge 1SG school hour eight \gj 1SG school hour eight \ft 'I go to school at eight.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture. \ref 0976 \id 720993104010110303 \begin 0:39:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ini baru jam... setengah... sss... jam setengah sepuluh.' \pho ʔini baru jaːm sətəŋaː sː jam sətəŋah səpuːluh \mb ini baru jam se- tengah sss jam se- tengah se- puluh \ge this new hour SE- middle FILL hour SE- middle SE- ten \gj this new hour SE-middle FILL hour SE-middle SE-ten \ft 'this is just... half... umm... it's half past nine.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. \ref 0977 \id 756744104011110303 \begin 0:40:01 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'o, ya?' \pho ʔɔː yah \mb o ya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft 'really?' \nt pretending to be the girl picture. \ref 0978 \id 423782104012110303 \begin 0:40:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'he-eh.' \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'uh-huh.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. \ref 0979 \id 526686104012110303 \begin 0:40:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ya jam setengah...' \pho ya jam sətəŋah \mb ya jam se- tengah \ge yes hour SE- middle \gj yes hour SE-middle \ft 'right, it's half...' \nt pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. \ref 0980 \id 224775104329110303 \begin 0:40:03 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'gawat dong udah selesai...' \pho gaːwat dɔŋ ʔudah sələːsay \mb gawat dong udah selesai \ge terrible DONG PFCT finish \gj terrible DONG PFCT finish \ft 'my goodness, it's already finished...' \nt pretending to be the girl picture. \ref 0981 \id 211867104330110303 \begin 0:40:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak, jam setengah... tujuh.' \pho ŋ̩ga jam sətəŋaː tujuh \mb nggak jam se- tengah tujuh \ge NEG hour SE- middle seven \gj NEG hour SE-middle seven \ft 'no, it's half past... six.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. \ref 0982 \id 155613104330110303 \begin 0:40:06 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'setengah tujuh?' \pho stəŋah tuːjuːh \mb se- tengah tujuh \ge SE- middle seven \gj SE-middle seven \ft 'it's half past six?' \nt pretending to be the girl picture. \ref 0983 \id 601392104330110303 \begin 0:40:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'he-eh.' \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft 'uh-huh.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. \ref 0984 \id 311023104829110303 \begin 0:40:10 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'iya deh, artinya masih satu setengah jam lagi.' \pho ʔiːya dɛːh ʔartiɲa masi satu sətəŋa jam lagiːh \mb iya deh arti -nya masih satu se- tengah jam lagi \ge yes DEH meaning -NYA still one SE- middle hour more \gj yes DEH meaning-NYA still one SE-middle hour more \ft 'okay, it means I still have one hour and a half.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture. \ref 0985 \id 777748104830110303 \begin 0:40:14 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nah, roknya udah jadi.' \pho naːh rɔkɲa ʔudah jaːdiːʔ \mb nah rok -nya udah jadi \ge NAH skirt -NYA PFCT become \gj NAH skirt-NYA PFCT become \ft 'there we go, the skirt is done.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture. \ref 0986 \id 629205104831110303 \begin 0:40:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'asyik, asyik.' \pho ʔaːsyk ʔasyːk \mb asyik asyik \ge fun fun \gj fun fun \ft 'hurray, hurray.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. \ref 0987 \id 660677104831110303 \begin 0:40:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ya, enak, ya... roknya?' \pho yaːh ʔɛnak yaːh rɔkɲaːh \mb ya enak ya rok -nya \ge yes pleasant yes skirt -NYA \gj yes pleasant yes skirt-NYA \ft 'the skirt is comfortable, right?' \nt pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. \ref 0988 \id 410207104832110303 \begin 0:40:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'sudah jadi.' \pho sudah jaːdiː \mb sudah jadi \ge PFCT become \gj PFCT become \ft 'it's already done.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. \ref 0989 \id 967333105112110303 \begin 0:40:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'taro mana tuh roknya?' \pho tarɔ maːna tu rɔkɲaːh \mb taro mana tuh rok -nya \ge put which that skirt -NYA \gj put which that skirt-NYA \ft 'where do you put the skirt on?' \nt pretending to be the girl picture. \ref 0990 \id 993412105228110303 \begin 0:40:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'di bawah sini dong.' \pho di bawah siːni dɔːŋ \mb di bawah sini dong \ge LOC under here DONG \gj LOC under here DONG \ft 'it's under here.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. \ref 0991 \id 102773105243110303 \begin 0:40:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'lho sepatunya mana?' \pho lɔh səpatuɲa maːnaːh \mb lho sepatu -nya mana \ge EXCL shoe -NYA which \gj EXCL shoe-NYA which \ft 'where are the shoes?' \nt pretending to be the girl picture's older sister. \ref 0992 \id 814285105342110303 \begin 0:40:32 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'wah, nggak ada sepatu.' \pho waːh ŋga ʔadaʔ səpaːtuːʔ \mb wah nggak ada sepatu \ge EXCL NEG exist shoe \gj EXCL NEG exist shoe \ft 'my goodness, there's no shoe.' \nt pretending to be the girl picture. \ref 0993 \id 913911105342110303 \begin 0:40:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'yah, sepatu saya di mana nih?' \pho yaːh səpatu saya di maːna niːh \mb yah sepatu saya di mana nih \ge EXCL shoe 1SG LOC which this \gj EXCL shoe 1SG LOC which this \ft 'shucks, where are my shoes?' \nt pretending to be the girl picture. \ref 0994 \id 432846105343110303 \begin 0:40:39 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'gimana nih kalo nggak ada sepatu?' \pho gimaːna nih kalɔ ŋgaʔ ʔada səpatuʔ \mb gimana nih kalo nggak ada sepatu \ge how this TOP NEG exist shoe \gj how this TOP NEG exist shoe \ft 'what should we do if we don't have shoes?' \nt pretending to be CHI's younger sister. \ref 0995 \id 757357105343110303 \begin 0:40:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx yo, kita itu... selotip. \pho yɔ kita ʔitu sɛlɔtiːp \mb yo kita itu selotip \ge yes 1PL that cellotape \gj yes 1PL that cellotape \ft come on, let's tape it. \ref 0996 \id 821500105344110303 \begin 0:40:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx lho, mana rambutnya tadi, ya? \pho lɔh mana rambutɲa tadiʔ yah \mb lho mana rambut -nya tadi ya \ge EXCL which hair -NYA earlier yes \gj EXCL which hair-NYA earlier yes \ft huh, where was the hair before? \ref 0997 \id 678420105358110303 \begin 0:40:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx ha ha. \pho ha ha \mb ha ha \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft ha ha. \nt laughing. \ref 0998 \id 726331105800110303 \begin 0:40:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx lepas rambutnya. \pho ləpas rambutɲah \mb lepas rambut -nya \ge come.off hair -NYA \gj come.off hair-NYA \ft the hair came off. \ref 0999 \id 459113105800110303 \begin 0:40:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx ayo dong, selotip inih! \pho ʔayɔ dɔŋ selɔtip ʔinih \mb ayo dong selotip inih \ge AYO DONG cellotape this \gj AYO DONG cellotape this \ft come on, tape this! \ref 1000 \id 322394105801110303 \begin 0:41:03 \sp EXPLAN \tx nih, selotipin. \pho niːh səlɔtip piːn \mb nih selotip -in \ge this cellotape -IN \gj this cellotape-IN \ft here, I'm taping it. \ref 1001 \id 189802105802110303 \begin 0:41:12 \sp EXPLAN \tx gini? \pho ginih \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this? \ref 1002 \id 104494105802110303 \begin 0:41:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 1003 \id 931877105803110303 \begin 0:41:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx lho, satunya... begini kok? \pho lɔh satuʔɲah bəgini kɔʔ \mb lho satu -nya begini kok \ge EXCL one -NYA like.this KOK \gj EXCL one-NYA like.this KOK \ft huh, why is the other one like this? \nt looking at the back of the girl picture. \ref 1004 \id 887634105803110303 \begin 0:41:17 \sp EXPLAN \tx coba... nggak keliatan. \pho cɔbaʔ ŋgaʔ kəliyatan \mb coba nggak ke an liat \ge try NEG KE AN see \gj try NEG KE.AN-see \ft let me see... I can't see it. \ref 1005 \id 695224105804110303 \begin 0:41:19 \sp EXPLAN \tx eh, miring. \pho ʔɛh miriŋ \mb eh miring \ge EXCL sideways \gj EXCL sideways \ft oops, it's sideways. \nt referring to the way she put the cellotape. \ref 1006 \id 544060105805110303 \begin 0:41:22 \sp EXPLAN \tx abis nggak keliatan. \pho ʔabis ŋgaʔ kəliyaːtaːn \mb abis nggak ke an liat \ge finished NEG KE AN see \gj finished NEG KE.AN-see \ft it's because I couldn't see it. \ref 1007 \id 637984105806110303 \begin 0:41:29 \sp EXPLAN \tx ntar... biar keliatan... \pho n̩tar biyar kəliyatan \mb ntar biar ke an liat \ge moment let KE AN see \gj moment let KE.AN-see \ft wait... to make it seen... \ref 1008 \id 611894113629110303 \begin 0:41:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1009 \id 421243121250110303 \begin 0:41:38 \sp EXPLAN \tx kek Priska nggak, Pris? \mb kek Priska nggak Pris \ge like Priska NEG Priska \gj like Priska NEG Priska \ft does she look like you? \ref 1010 \id 142098121312110303 \begin 0:41:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 1011 \id 249667121902110303 \begin 0:41:41 \sp EXPLAN \tx Priska suka dikepang... dikepang, nggak? \pho priska suka dikəpaŋ dikɛpaŋ ŋgaʔ \mb Priska suka di- kepang di- kepang nggak \ge Priska like DI- braid DI- braid NEG \gj Priska like DI-braid DI-braid NEG \ft do you like to have it braided? \ref 1012 \id 967346121904110303 \begin 0:41:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx ha-ah. \pho hãʔãh \mb ha-ah \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1013 \id 315995122120110303 \begin 0:41:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx tadi dikep(ang)... tadi pagi dikepang. \pho tadi dikɛp tadi pagi dikɛːpaŋ \mb tadi di- kepang tadi pagi di- kepang \ge earlier DI- braid earlier morning DI- braid \gj earlier DI-braid earlier morning DI-braid \ft it was braided... it was braided this morning. \ref 1014 \id 637467122202110303 \begin 0:41:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx siapa ngepangnya? \pho syaːpa ŋɛpaŋɲah \mb siapa ng- kepang -nya \ge who N- braid -NYA \gj who N-braid-NYA \ft who braided it? \ref 1015 \id 929648122218110303 \begin 0:41:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx Ma(mi)... \pho maː \mb Mami \ge mommy \gj mommy \ft Mommy... \ref 1016 \id 323664122226110303 \begin 0:41:48 \sp @End \tx @End \nt the analysis is finished.