\_sh v3.0 400 Text \_DateStampHasFourDigitYear \ref 001 \id 155806111903150601 \sp @PAR \tx @Participants: CHI Priska target child; MOT CHI’s mother, EXP Yanti Experimenter. \pho @Filename: 023-PRI-160900.fm \ft @Duration 35:57 analyzed 15:05 \nt @Situation: 1. playing at CHI’s grandmother’s living room. 2. EXP brought a dinner set and a kitchen set. 3. the dinners sets consists of some plates, glasses, bowls, chairs a table, a tray, a bottle, and some fruit. 4. the kitchen set consists of two pots, two plates, some bowls, an egg, a refrigerator, a stove with two plates, a fish, and some other stuff. \ref 002 \id 594804155209220601 \sp @Begin \tx @Begin \ref 003 \id 234071112200150601 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx. \pho nɔh \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 004 \id 741800112202150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 005 \id 353839112203150601 \sp CHIPRI \tx wah! \pho waːh \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow! \ref 006 \id 382736112203150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx eh, kayak punya Priska yang kecil-kecil, ya? \mb eh kayak punya Priska yang kecil - kecil ya \ge EXCL like have Priska REL small - small yes \gj EXCL like have Priska REL RED-small yes \ft hey, they are small like yours, right? \ref 007 \id 954982112203150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx mainannya, ya? \mb main -an -nya ya \ge play -AN -NYA yes \gj play-AN-NYA yes \ft the toys, right? \ref 008 \id 414536112203150601 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pointing at a tray of fruit. \ref 009 \id 827243112203150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 010 \id 893169112203150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx di... di... di... diatur dong, diatur di sini, diatur di sini. \pho di di di diʔatur dɔŋ diʔatur di sini diʔatur di siniʰ \mb di di di di- atur dong di- atur di sini di- atur di sini \ge DI DI DI DI- arrange DONG DI- arrange DI here DI- arrange DI here \gj DI DI DI DI-arrange DONG DI-arrange DI here DI-arrange DI here \ft arrange them, arrange them over here. \nt referring to the floor. \ref 011 \id 111485112203150601 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh? \pho hə0̃h \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 012 \id 541077112203150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, diatur di sini! \pho ya diʔatur di sinih \mb ya di- atur di sini \ge yes DI- arrange LOC here \gj yes DI-arrange LOC here \ft okay, arrange them over here! \ref 013 \id 893618112203150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx kamu... atur, nih. \pho kamuː ʔatur nih \mb kamu atur nih \ge 2 arrange this \gj 2 arrange this \ft you... arrange, here. \nt referring to a chair which is already on the floor. \ref 014 \id 457562112203150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih. \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt taking a chair and putting it on the floor. \ref 015 \id 361183112203150601 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini. \pho ʔinih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this. \nt touching a chair. \ref 016 \id 517925112203150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt taking the table and putting it on the floor. \ref 017 \id 585391112203150601 \sp CHIPRI \tx hiyah, banyak. \pho hiyaʰ baɲak \mb hiyah banyak \ge EXCL a.lot \gj EXCL a.lot \ft uh-huh, a lot. \ref 018 \id 479308112203150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih, bangkunya ada berapa sih? \pho niːʰ baŋkuʔɲa ʔada bərapa siːʰ \mb nih bangku -nya ada berapa sih \ge this seat -NYA exist how.much SIH \gj this seat-NYA exist how.much SIH \ft here, how many chairs are there? \ref 019 \id 443746112203150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx bangkunya ada berapa? \pho baŋkuʔɲa ʔada bərapah \mb bangku -nya ada berapa \ge seat -NYA exist how.much \gj seat-NYA exist how.much \ft how many chairs are there? \nt taking some other chair and putting them on the floor. \ref 020 \id 355129112203150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha, Pris? \pho hã priːs \mb ha Pris \ge huh Priska \gj huh Priska \ft huh? \ref 021 \id 470979112203150601 \begin 0:00:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh, banyak. \pho həh baɲak \mb heh banyak \ge EXCL a.lot \gj EXCL a.lot \ft hey, a lot. \ref 022 \id 863963112203150601 \begin 0:00:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx dah. \pho daːh \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft okay. \ref 023 \id 646633112203150601 \begin 0:00:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, itung! \pho ya ʔituːŋ \mb ya itung \ge yes count \gj yes count \ft okay, count them! \ref 024 \id 875499133451200601 \begin 0:00:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx ada berapa, banyaknya ada berapa? \pho ʔada bərapa baɲakɲa ʔada bərapaʰ \mb ada berapa banyak -nya ada berapa \ge exist how.much a.lot -NYA exist how.much \gj exist how.much a.lot-NYA exist how.much \ft how many are there? \ref 025 \id 181767112203150601 \begin 0:00:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx inih. \pho inih \mb inih \ge this \gj this \ft this. \nt reference unclear. \ref 026 \id 961965112204150601 \begin 0:00:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini ada buah... juga buah. \pho ʔini ʔada buwah juga buwah \mb ini ada buah juga buah \ge this exist fruit also fruit \gj this exist fruit also fruit \ft there is fruit... also fruit. \nt reference unclear. \ref 027 \id 766033112204150601 \begin 0:00:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx buah apa ni? \pho buwah ʔapa nih \mb buah apa ni \ge fruit what this \gj fruit what this \ft what fruit is it? \ref 028 \id 833641112204150601 \begin 0:00:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini. \pho ʔinih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this. \nt taking a plate. \ref 029 \id 432705112204150601 \begin 0:00:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni apa nih, buah apa ni? \pho ni ʔapa nih buwah ʔapah nih \mb ni apa nih buah apa ni \ge this what this fruit what this \gj this what this fruit what this \ft what's this, what fruit is it? \nt taking a piece of toy watermelon. \ref 030 \id 182585112204150601 \begin 0:00:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx piring. \pho piliŋ \mb piring \ge plate \gj plate \ft a plate. \ref 031 \id 307908112204150601 \begin 0:00:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini buah apa ni? \pho ʔini buwah ʔapa nih \mb ini buah apa ni \ge this fruit what this \gj this fruit what this \ft what fruit is it? \ref 032 \id 617614112204150601 \begin 0:00:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx ada sendok, nggak? \pho ʔada sɛndɔk ga \mb ada sendok nggak \ge exist spoon NEG \gj exist spoon NEG \ft is there any spoon? \ref 033 \id 261906112204150601 \begin 0:00:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft what? \ref 034 \id 570900112204150601 \begin 0:01:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaʔaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 035 \id 832880112205150601 \begin 0:01:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx minum. \pho minum \mb minum \ge drink \gj drink \ft drink. \nt referring a bottle. \ref 036 \id 233701112205150601 \begin 0:01:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, minum. \pho ʔiya minum \mb iya minum \ge yes drink \gj yes drink \ft right, drink. \ref 037 \id 822065112205150601 \begin 0:01:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx tuang air. \pho tuwan ʔayir \mb towang air \ge pour water \gj pour water \ft I will pour water. \nt taking the bottle. \ref 038 \id 261073112205150601 \begin 0:01:05 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh, tuang air. \mb he-eh towang air \ge uh-huh pour water \gj uh-huh pour water \ft uh-huh, pour the water. \ref 039 \id 456423140355150601 \begin 0:01:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx tuang. \pho tuwaŋ \mb towang \ge pour \gj pour \ft pour. \ref 040 \id 972425112205150601 \begin 0:01:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo tuang air di mana? \pho kalɔ tuwaŋ ʔayir di manaːʰ \mb kalo towang air di mana \ge TOP pour water LOC which \gj TOP pour water LOC which \ft where do you pour water to? \ref 041 \id 177797112205150601 \begin 0:01:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx ssh. \pho sss \mb ssh \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ssh. \nt pretending to pour water from the bottle. \ref 042 \id 839626112205150601 \begin 0:01:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, di mana? \pho ya di maːnah \mb ya di mana \ge yes LOC which \gj yes LOC which \ft right, where do you pour it to? \ref 043 \id 211793112205150601 \begin 0:01:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx ge(las)... \pho gəː \mb gelas \ge glass \gj glass \ft a glass... \nt giving cue to CHI. \ref 044 \id 716881112205150601 \begin 0:01:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...(ge)las. \pho l̩as \mb gelas \ge glass \gj glass \ft ...a glass. \nt getting MOT's cue. \ref 045 \id 934359112205150601 \begin 0:01:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 046 \id 294124112205150601 \begin 0:01:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni gelasnya. \pho ni gəlasɲa \mb ni gelas -nya \ge this glass -NYA \gj this glass-NYA \ft these are the glasses. \ref 047 \id 248413112205150601 \begin 0:01:17 \sp EXPYAN \tx masak dulu aja, Pris. \pho masak dulu ʔaːja pris \mb masak dulu aja Pris \ge cook before just Priska \gj cook before just Priska \ft just cook first. \ref 048 \id 588999112205150601 \begin 0:01:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha, masak, trus nanti di...taro di sinih. \pho hɔː masak tr̩us nantiʔ ditarɔʔ di siniːʰ \mb ha masak trus nanti di- taro di sinih \ge uh-huh cook continue later DI- put LOC here \gj uh-huh cook continue later DI-put LOC here \ft uh-huh, cook, and then... put it here. \ref 049 \id 823230112205150601 \begin 0:01:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 050 \id 943599112206150601 \begin 0:01:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya? \pho yaːh \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay? \ref 051 \id 800201112206150601 \begin 0:01:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx gelas. \pho gəlas \mb gelas \ge glass \gj glass \ft a glass. \ref 052 \id 899975112206150601 \begin 0:01:24 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt bringing the kitchen set closer to them. \ref 053 \id 195690112206150601 \begin 0:01:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx masakannya di situ, tuh. \pho masakanɲa di situ tuh \mb masak -an -nya di situ tuh \ge cook -AN -NYA LOC there that \gj cook-AN-NYA LOC there that \ft you cook over there. \nt **masakannya (too many affixes) should be masaknya. \ref 054 \id 971017112207150601 \begin 0:01:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, nanti disiapinnya di sini. \pho tr̩us nanti disiyapinɲa di siniːh \mb trus nanti di- siap -in -nya di sini \ge continue later DI- ready -IN -NYA LOC here \gj continue later DI-ready-IN-NYA LOC here \ft then, you prepare it here. \ref 055 \id 804615112207150601 \begin 0:01:28 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt taking the kitchen set out of the plastic. \ref 056 \id 380049112208150601 \begin 0:01:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx ayo, mo masak apa, ya? \pho ʔayo mɔ masak ʔapa yaːʰ \mb ayo mo masak apa ya \ge AYO want cook what yes \gj AYO want cook what yes \ft come on, what are you cooking? \ref 057 \id 797791112208150601 \begin 0:01:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx ssh. \pho sss \mb ssh \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ssh. \nt pretending to pour water into a glass. \ref 058 \id 890329112208150601 \begin 0:01:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni apa nih? \pho ni ʔapa nih \mb ni apa nih \ge this what this \gj this what this \ft what's this? \nt referring to a bowl. \ref 059 \id 979829112208150601 \begin 0:01:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft what? \ref 060 \id 416612112208150601 \begin 0:01:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx itu. \pho ʔituh \mb itu \ge that \gj that \ft that. \nt reference unclear. \ref 061 \id 615603112208150601 \begin 0:01:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni apa? \pho ni ʔapah \mb ni apa \ge this what \gj this what \ft what's this? \ref 062 \id 658464112208150601 \begin 0:01:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx mangkok. \pho maŋkɔːk \mb mangkok \ge bowl \gj bowl \ft a bowl. \ref 063 \id 121027112209150601 \begin 0:01:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyaːʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 064 \id 702159112209150601 \begin 0:01:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx ada berapa sih mangkoknya sih? \pho ʔada bərapa sih maŋkɔkɲa sih \mb ada berapa sih mangkok -nya sih \ge exist how.much SIH bowl -NYA SIH \gj exist how.much SIH bowl-NYA SIH \ft how many bowl are there? \ref 065 \id 113316112209150601 \begin 0:01:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska mo makan... ini ah. \pho priska mɔ makan ʔini ʔah \mb Priska mo makan ini ah \ge Priska want eat this AH \gj Priska want eat this AH \ft I want to eat... this. \nt taking a plate. \ref 066 \id 708226112209150601 \begin 0:01:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, makan pake... \pho ʔɔː makan pakɛʔ \mb oh makan pake \ge EXCL eat use \gj EXCL eat use \ft oh, you eat use... \ref 067 \id 377279112209150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx eh, mangkoknya ada berapa? \pho ʔɛ maŋkɔkɲa ʔada bərapa \mb eh mangkok -nya ada berapa \ge EXCL bowl -NYA exist how.much \gj EXCL bowl-NYA exist how.much \ft hey, how many bowls are there? \ref 068 \id 140982112209150601 \sp CHIPRI \tx dua. \pho duwaː \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft two. \ref 069 \id 389933112209150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx piringnya... \pho piriŋɲah \mb piring -nya \ge plate -NYA \gj plate-NYA \ft the plates... \ref 070 \id 412469112209150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah, ini berapa ni, itung... \pho hãh ʔini bərapa ni ʔituŋ \mb hah ini berapa ni itung \ge huh this how.much this count \gj huh this how.much this count \ft huh, how many are these, count them... \ref 071 \id 285823112209150601 \sp CHIPRI \tx satu. \pho saːtuːʔ \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft one. \nt starts counting. \ref 072 \id 236693112209150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 073 \id 716307112209150601 \sp CHIPRI \tx dua. \pho duwaːʔ \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft two. \ref 074 \id 290356112209150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 075 \id 825526112209150601 \sp CHIPRI \tx tiga. \pho tigaʔ \mb tiga \ge three \gj three \ft three. \ref 076 \id 843725112209150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx tiga. \pho tigaːʔ \mb tiga \ge three \gj three \ft three. \ref 077 \id 703052112209150601 \sp CHIPRI \tx empat. \pho ʔəːmpat \mb empat \ge four \gj four \ft four. \ref 078 \id 712042112209150601 \sp CHIPRI \tx lima. \pho limaːʔ \mb lima \ge five \gj five \ft five. \ref 079 \id 602939112209150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx hey, kok lima? \pho hɛːyi kɔʔ limaʔ \mb hey kok lima \ge hey KOK five \gj hey KOK five \ft why, why five? \nt there are only five, CHI counted them as she liked. \ref 080 \id 211799112209150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx ulang, ulang, ulang! \pho ʔulaŋ ʔulaŋ ʔulaŋ \mb ulang ulang ulang \ge repeat repeat repeat \gj repeat repeat repeat \ft recount them, recount them, recount them! \ref 081 \id 814824112210150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx xx, mana tangannya? \pho xx mana taŋanɲah \mb xx mana tangan -nya \ge xx which hand -NYA \gj xx which hand-NYA \ft xx, where is your hand? \ref 082 \id 964009112210150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini itung dulu! \pho ʔini ʔituŋ duluʔ \mb ini itung dulu \ge this count before \gj this count before \ft count these! \nt holding CHI's hand. \ref 083 \id 916928112210150601 \sp CHIPRI \tx satu. \pho saːtu \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft one. \nt starts counting. \ref 084 \id 725488112211150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx satu. \pho satuːʔ \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft one. \ref 085 \id 704591112211150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx dua. \pho duwaːʔ \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft two. \ref 086 \id 487967112211150601 \sp CHIPRI \tx (du)a. \pho waːʔ \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft two. \ref 087 \id 183450112211150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx tiga. \pho tigaːʔ \mb tiga \ge three \gj three \ft three. \ref 088 \id 452701112212150601 \sp CHIPRI \tx tiga. \pho tigaːʔ \mb tiga \ge three \gj three \ft three. \ref 089 \id 554846112212150601 \sp CHIPRI \tx empat. \pho ʔəmpaːt \mb empat \ge four \gj four \ft four. \ref 090 \id 109936112212150601 \begin 0:02:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx jadi ada... \pho jadi ʔadaʔ \mb jadi ada \ge become exist \gj become exist \ft so, there are... \nt expecting CHI to complete her utterance. \ref 091 \id 607766112212150601 \begin 0:02:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx empat. \pho ʔəmpat \mb empat \ge four \gj four \ft four. \nt fulfiling MOT's expectation. \ref 092 \id 340803112212150601 \begin 0:02:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha. \pho hãː \mb ha \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 093 \id 895872112212150601 \begin 0:02:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo gelasnya ada berapa, gelasnya? \pho kalɔ gəlasɲa ʔada bərapa gəlasɲah \mb kalo gelas -nya ada berapa gelas -nya \ge TOP glass -NYA exist how.much glass -NYA \gj TOP glass-NYA exist how.much glass-NYA \ft how many glasses are there? \ref 094 \id 550468112213150601 \begin 0:02:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx gelasnya itung, gelasnya itung coba! \pho gəlasɲa ʔituŋ gəlasɲa ʔituŋ cɔbaʔ \mb gelas -nya itung gelas -nya itung coba \ge glass -NYA count glass -NYA count try \gj glass-NYA count glass-NYA count try \ft count the glasses, count the glasses! \ref 095 \id 335961112213150601 \begin 0:02:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak usah. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔusah \mb nggak usah \ge NEG must \gj NEG must \ft no need. \ref 096 \id 512899112213150601 \begin 0:02:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx ayo, Priska itung! \pho ʔayɔ priska ʔituŋ \mb ayo Priska itung \ge AYO Priska count \gj AYO Priska count \ft come on, count them! \ref 097 \id 715579112214150601 \begin 0:02:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃ːh \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 098 \id 654554112214150601 \begin 0:02:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx satu. \pho satuːʔ \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft one. \nt starts counting. \ref 099 \id 113626112214150601 \begin 0:02:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska mo makan dulu, ah. \pho piska mɔ makan duluʔ ʔah \mb Priska mo makan dulu ah \ge Priska want eat before AH \gj Priska want eat before AH \ft I want to eat. \nt taking a toy apple. \ref 100 \id 518208112215150601 \begin 0:02:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx ah, buah apa tuh? \pho ʔaːah buwah ʔapa tuh \mb ah buah apa tuh \ge EXCL fruit what that \gj EXCL fruit what that \ft ah, what fruit is it? \ref 101 \id 830387112216150601 \begin 0:02:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang ini buah apa ni? \pho yaŋ yini buwah ʔapa niːh \mb yang ini buah apa ni \ge REL this fruit what this \gj REL this fruit what this \ft this one, what fruit is it? \ref 102 \id 630424112216150601 \begin 0:02:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx a(pel)... \pho ʔaː \mb apel \ge apple \gj apple \ft an apple... \nt giving cue to CHI. \ref 103 \id 124793154352150601 \begin 0:02:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx apel. \pho ʔapəl \mb apel \ge apple \gj apple \ft an apple. \nt getting MOT's cue. \ref 104 \id 996532154445150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx apel. \pho ʔapəːl \mb apel \ge apple \gj apple \ft an apple. \ref 105 \id 340120154459150601 \begin 0:02:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang ini buah apa ni? \pho yaŋ ʔini buwah ʔapa niːh \mb yang ini buah apa ni \ge REL this fruit what this \gj REL this fruit what this \ft what fruit is it? \nt taking a toy banana. \ref 106 \id 207095154527150601 \begin 0:02:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx pi(sang)... \pho piː \mb pisang \ge banana \gj banana \ft a banana... \nt giving cue to CHI. \ref 107 \id 954676154541150601 \begin 0:02:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx pi(sang)... \pho piː \mb pisang \ge banana \gj banana \ft banana... \nt pretending not to get MOT's cue. \ref 108 \id 660644154724150601 \begin 0:02:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt looking at MOT. \ref 109 \id 766001154800150601 \begin 0:02:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt looking at CHI. \ref 110 \id 300389154827150601 \begin 0:02:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...(pi)sang. \pho saːːŋ \mb pisang \ge banana \gj banana \ft ...banana. \ref 111 \id 252895154858150601 \begin 0:02:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 112 \id 311714155543150601 \begin 0:02:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni? \pho niːh \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft this? \nt referring to the piece of watermelon. \ref 113 \id 697709155543150601 \begin 0:02:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx to(mat)... \pho tɔː \mb tomat \ge tomato \gj tomato \ft tomato... \ref 114 \id 908786155543150601 \begin 0:02:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx se(mangka)... \pho səː \mb semangka \ge watermelon \gj watermelon \ft watermelon... \nt giving cue to CHI. \ref 115 \id 690162155543150601 \begin 0:02:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx se... \pho səː \mb se \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx... \nt fails to get MOT's cue so she only repeats what MOT said. \ref 116 \id 967156155543150601 \begin 0:02:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...(se)mang(ka)... \pho maŋ \mb semangka \ge watermelon \gj watermelon \ft ...watermelon... \nt giving more cue to CHI. \ref 117 \id 713850155544150601 \begin 0:02:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx le... \pho lɛː \mb le \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx... \nt fails to get MOT's cue. \ref 118 \id 960841092004180601 \begin 0:02:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx semang(ka)... \pho səmaːŋ \mb semangka \ge watermelon \gj watermelon \ft watermelon... \nt giving cue to CHI again. \ref 119 \id 401370155544150601 \begin 0:02:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx (se)mang(gis)... (semang)gis. \pho maːŋ gis \mb semanggis semanggis \ge NW NW \gj NW NW \ft xx. \nt fails to get MOT's cue because the second syllable the word 'semangka' as what MOT expected is the same as first syllable of the word 'manggis' as she understands. \ref 120 \id 947722155544150601 \begin 0:02:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx semanggis. \pho səmaːŋgis \mb se- manggis \ge SE- mangosteen \gj SE-mangosteen \ft xx. \ref 121 \id 793622155544150601 \begin 0:02:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx semangka. \pho səmaːŋkaːʔ \mb semangka \ge watermelon \gj watermelon \ft a watermelon. \nt looking at the watermelon. \ref 122 \id 130149155544150601 \begin 0:02:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx semangka. \pho səmaːŋkaːʔ \mb semangka \ge watermelon \gj watermelon \ft a watermelon. \nt putting the watermelon on the floor. \ref 123 \id 121553155544150601 \begin 0:02:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx duduk. \pho duduk \mb duduk \ge sit \gj sit \ft sit down. \nt pointing at a chair. \ref 124 \id 555046155544150601 \begin 0:02:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini? \pho ʔinih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this? \nt taking an apple. \ref 125 \id 781904155544150601 \begin 0:02:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini warna merah apa lagi sama? \pho ʔiniʰ warna mɛrah ʔapa lagi samaʔ \mb ini warna merah apa lagi sama \ge this color red what more same \gj this color red what more same \ft what are other things in red? \ref 126 \id 282328155544150601 \begin 0:02:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt looking at what MOT is holding. \ref 127 \id 902615155544150601 \begin 0:03:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx tadi apa? \pho tadi ʔapah \mb tadi apa \ge earlier what \gj earlier what \ft what as it? \ref 128 \id 475127155544150601 \begin 0:03:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx orangnya duduk boongan. \pho ʔɔlaŋɲa duduk bɔʔɔŋan \mb orang -nya duduk boong -an \ge person -NYA sit lie -AN \gj person-NYA sit lie-AN \ft just pretending that the people are sitting. \ref 129 \id 369682155544150601 \begin 0:03:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini apel merah, ini apel hijau. \pho ʔini ʔapəl mɛːrah ʔini ʔapəl hijaːwu \mb ini apel merah ini apel hijau \ge this apple red this apple green \gj this apple red this apple green \ft this is a red apple and this is a green apple. \ref 130 \id 266409155544150601 \begin 0:03:05 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo ini apa ni? \pho kalɔ ʔini ʔapa nih \mb kalo ini apa ni \ge TOP this what this \gj TOP this what this \ft what are these? \nt taking the grapes. \ref 131 \id 649366155544150601 \begin 0:03:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx anggur. \pho aːŋgur \mb anggur \ge grape \gj grape \ft grapes. \ref 132 \id 210135155544150601 \begin 0:03:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyaʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 133 \id 741049155544150601 \begin 0:03:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih, orangnya duduk sini boongan. \pho niːʰ ʔɔlaŋɲa duduk sini bɔʔɔŋan \mb nih orang -nya duduk sini boong -an \ge this person -NYA sit here lie -AN \gj this person-NYA sit here lie-AN \ft here, just pretending that the people are sitting. \ref 134 \id 337232155544150601 \begin 0:03:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo yang berduri apa, yang berduri? \pho kalɔ yaŋ bərduri ʔapah yaŋ bərduri \mb kalo yang ber- duri apa yang ber- duri \ge TOP REL BER- thorn what REL BER- thorn \gj TOP REL BER-thorn what REL BER-thorn \ft what are thorny, what are thorny? \ref 135 \id 276138155544150601 \begin 0:03:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... rambutan. \pho ʔə̃ː lambutan \mb eee rambutan \ge FILL rambutan \gj FILL rambutan \ft umm... rambutans. \ref 136 \id 367985155544150601 \begin 0:03:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx wus! \pho wus \mb wus \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \ref 137 \id 539997155545150601 \begin 0:03:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... duren. \mb eee duren \ge FILL durian \gj FILL durian \ft umm... durians. \ref 138 \id 749985155545150601 \begin 0:03:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyaːʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 139 \id 215213155545150601 \begin 0:03:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx duduk. \pho duduk \mb duduk \ge sit \gj sit \ft sit down. \nt pointing at a chair. \ref 140 \id 588700155545150601 \begin 0:03:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, masak dulu, masak i(kan)... makan (i)kan... masak ikan dulu... \pho tuh masak duluʔ masak ʔi makan ʔi masak ʔikan duluːʔ \mb tuh masak dulu masak ikan makan ikan masak ikan dulu \ge that cook before cook fish eat fish cook fish before \gj that cook before cook fish eat fish cook fish before \ft there, cook first, cook the fish... eat the fish... cook the fish... \ref 141 \id 305916155545150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, masak telor dulu, ntar taro di sini nih! \pho tr̩us masak təlɔr duluːʔ n̩tar tarɔʔ di sini nih \mb trus masak telor dulu ntar taro di sini nih \ge continue cook egg before moment put LOC here this \gj continue cook egg before moment put LOC here this \ft then, cook the egg, then put it over here! \ref 142 \id 448299155545150601 \begin 0:03:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx ntar di... diatur di sini. \pho n̩tar di diʔatur di siniːʰ \mb ntar di di- atur di sini \ge moment DI DI- arrange LOC here \gj moment DI DI-arrange LOC here \ft arrange them here later. \ref 143 \id 375899155545150601 \begin 0:03:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx itu? \pho ʔituh \mb itu \ge that \gj that \ft that? \nt reference unclear. \ref 144 \id 344837155545150601 \begin 0:03:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx bangkunya juga dirapiin dulu, rapiin. \pho baŋgkuʔɲa juga dirapihin duluʔ rapihin \mb bangku -nya juga di- rapi -in dulu rapi -in \ge seat -NYA also DI- neat -IN before neat -IN \gj seat-NYA also DI-neat-IN before neat-IN \ft we also have to arrange the chairs. \ref 145 \id 287387155545150601 \begin 0:03:30 \sp EXPYAN \tx tuh, Priska masak dulu sana! \pho tuh priska masak dulu sanaʰ \mb tuh Priska masak dulu sana \ge that Priska cook before there \gj that Priska cook before there \ft there, you cook over there! \ref 146 \id 431869155545150601 \begin 0:03:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt getting closer to the kitchen set. \ref 147 \id 531437155545150601 \begin 0:03:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx aduh! \pho ʔaːduːʰ \mb aduh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow! \nt arranging the dinner table. \ref 148 \id 877202155545150601 \begin 0:03:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho yaʔ \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \nt looking at CHI. \ref 149 \id 848600155545150601 \begin 0:03:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt about to take an egg. \ref 150 \id 744516155545150601 \begin 0:03:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih, sayurnya... ya, telornya deh dimasak. \pho nih sayurɲa ya təlɔrɲa dɛh dimasak \mb nih sayur -nya ya telor -nya deh di- masak \ge this vegetable -NYA yes egg -NYA DEH DI- cook \gj this vegetable-NYA yes egg-NYA DEH DI-cook \ft here, the vegetables... okay, just cook the egg. \ref 151 \id 996646155545150601 \begin 0:03:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking the egg and putting it into a green pot. \ref 152 \id 455698155545150601 \begin 0:03:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx itunya mana? \pho ʔituɲa manah \mb itu -nya mana \ge that -NYA which \gj that-NYA which \ft where is that thing? \ref 153 \id 530352155545150601 \begin 0:03:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx apanya? \pho ʔapaɲah \mb apa -nya \ge what -NYA \gj what-NYA \ft what? \ref 154 \id 635534155545150601 \begin 0:03:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx sendok gede. \pho sɛndɔk gədɛ \mb sendok gede \ge spoon big \gj spoon big \ft the big spoon. \ref 155 \id 837609155545150601 \begin 0:03:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx oh, ya, piso. \pho ʔɔ ya pisɔʰ \mb oh ya piso \ge EXCL yes knife \gj EXCL yes knife \ft oh, right, a knife. \nt pointing at the knife. \ref 156 \id 508647155546150601 \begin 0:03:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, itu. \pho ʔiːya ʔituh \mb iya itu \ge yes that \gj yes that \ft right, that. \ref 157 \id 341355155546150601 \begin 0:03:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx piso kan buat ini, buat potong. \pho pisɔ kan buwat ʔini buwat pɔtɔŋ \mb piso kan buat ini buat potong \ge knife KAN for this for cut \gj knife KAN for this for cut \ft a knife is for cutting. \nt holding a chopping block. \ref 158 \id 269637155546150601 \begin 0:03:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx itunya mana, mmm? \pho ʔituɲa manah m̩ \mb itu -nya mana mmm \ge that -NYA which FILL \gj that-NYA which FILL \ft where is that thing, umm? \ref 159 \id 900382155546150601 \begin 0:03:57 \sp EXPYAN \tx apanya? \pho ʔapaɲah \mb apa -nya \ge what -NYA \gj what-NYA \ft what? \ref 160 \id 746353155546150601 \begin 0:03:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx sendok. \pho sɛndɔk \mb sendok \ge spoon \gj spoon \ft a spoon. \ref 161 \id 374651155546150601 \begin 0:04:01 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini sendok. \pho ʔini sɛndɔk \mb ini sendok \ge this spoon \gj this spoon \ft here is the spoon. \nt giving a spoon to CHI. \ref 162 \id 966897155546150601 \begin 0:04:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini aja. \pho ʔini ʔajah \mb ini aja \ge this just \gj this just \ft just this one. \nt taking a fork. \ref 163 \id 858675155546150601 \begin 0:04:05 \sp MOTPRI \tx itu apa? \pho ʔitu ʔapah \mb itu apa \ge that what \gj that what \ft what's that? \ref 164 \id 876482155546150601 \begin 0:04:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx garpu. \pho garpuː \mb garpu \ge fork \gj fork \ft a fork. \ref 165 \id 453857155546150601 \begin 0:04:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hɛːɛ \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 166 \id 190786155546150601 \begin 0:04:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx garpu kan buat masak juga. \pho garpu kan buwat masak juːga \mb garpu kan buat masak juga \ge fork KAN for cook also \gj fork KAN for cook also \ft a fork is also for cooking. \ref 167 \id 448093155546150601 \begin 0:04:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx boleh, iya. \pho bɔːlɛh ʔiyaːʰ \mb boleh iya \ge may yes \gj may yes \ft yeah, you can. \ref 168 \id 517821155546150601 \begin 0:04:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt stirring using the fork. \ref 169 \id 625761155546150601 \begin 0:04:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx sendoknya, yang kuning, kayak punyanya Priska, ya? \pho sɛndɔkɲa yaŋ kuniŋ kayaʔ puɲaña pliska yaːʰ \mb sendok -nya yang kuning kayak punya -nya Priska ya \ge spoon -NYA REL yellow like have -NYA Priska yes \gj spoon-NYA REL yellow like have-NYA Priska yes \ft the yellow spoon is like mine, right? \ref 170 \id 378018155547150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang mana? \pho yaŋ manah \mb yang mana \ge REL which \gj REL which \ft which one? \ref 171 \id 854538155548150601 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini. \pho ʔiniːʰ \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this. \ref 172 \id 640693155548150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx garpunya, ya? \pho garpuɲa yaːʰ \mb garpu -nya ya \ge fork -NYA yes \gj fork-NYA yes \ft the fork, right? \ref 173 \id 248307155548150601 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 174 \id 603744155548150601 \begin 0:04:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx warna apa sih tu garpunya? \pho warna ʔapa si tu garpuɲah \mb warna apa sih tu garpu -nya \ge color what SIH that fork -NYA \gj color what SIH that fork-NYA \ft what color is the fork? \ref 175 \id 240914155548150601 \begin 0:04:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx kuning. \pho kuːniŋ \mb kuning \ge yellow \gj yellow \ft yellow. \ref 176 \id 551446155548150601 \begin 0:04:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyaʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 177 \id 573504155548150601 \begin 0:04:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah. \pho ʷudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \ref 178 \id 490814155548150601 \begin 0:04:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx udah mateng? \pho ʔudah matəŋ \mb udah mateng \ge PFCT ripe \gj PFCT ripe \ft is it done? \ref 179 \id 319303155548150601 \begin 0:04:25 \sp EXPYAN \tx dah jadi, ya? \pho dah jadi yah \mb dah jadi ya \ge PFCT become yes \gj PFCT become yes \ft it's done, right? \ref 180 \id 431815155548150601 \begin 0:04:26 \sp EXPYAN \tx taro di ini, dong! \pho tarɔ di ʔini dɔŋ \mb taro di ini dong \ge put LOC this DONG \gj put LOC this DONG \ft put it here! \nt giving a bowl to CHI. \ref 181 \id 535439155548150601 \begin 0:04:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking the egg out of the pot and putting it into the bowl. \ref 182 \id 639295155548150601 \begin 0:04:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, nih. \pho tr̩us nih \mb trus nih \ge continue this \gj continue this \ft then, here. \nt making the tray consisting fruit closer to CHI. \ref 183 \id 151092155548150601 \begin 0:04:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt bringing the bowl with the egg in it closer to the tray. \ref 184 \id 213488155548150601 \begin 0:04:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx disiapin di situ, dong! \pho disiyapin di situ dɔːŋ \mb di- siap -in di situ dong \ge DI- ready -IN LOC there DONG \gj DI-ready-IN LOC there DONG \ft prepare it over there! \nt referring to the table. \ref 185 \id 405855155549150601 \begin 0:04:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx gelasnya taro di bawah dulu, ya? \pho gəlasɲa tarɔ di bawah dulu yaːʰ \mb gelas -nya taro di bawah dulu ya \ge glass -NYA put LOC under before yes \gj glass-NYA put LOC under before yes \ft put the glass below, okay? \nt referring to the floor. \ref 186 \id 722730155549150601 \begin 0:04:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 187 \id 250987155549150601 \begin 0:04:36 \sp EXPYAN \tx nih, ada tempat buat Mami... \pho nih ʔada təmpat bwat mamiːʰ \mb nih ada tempat buat Mami \ge this exist place for mommy \gj this exist place for mommy \ft here, there is a place for Mommy... \nt pointing at a chair. \ref 188 \id 647856155549150601 \begin 0:04:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt putting the bowl on the table. \ref 189 \id 928234155549150601 \begin 0:04:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt taking the glasses and putting them on the floor. \ref 190 \id 859801155550150601 \begin 0:04:41 \sp EXPYAN \tx buat Priska, buat Bapak, buat Tante Yanti, buat Oma, buat Opa. \pho bwat priskaː bwat bapaːʔ bwat tantə yantiː bwat ʔɔma bwat ʔɔːpaʰ \mb buat Priska buat Bapak buat Tante Yanti buat Oma buat Opa \ge for Priska for father for aunt Yanti for grandma for grandpa \gj for Priska for father for aunt Yanti for grandma for grandpa \ft for you, for Daddy, for me, for Grandma, and for Grandpa. \nt referring to the other chairs. \ref 191 \id 897764155550150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya? \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right? \ref 192 \id 845988155550150601 \sp MOTPRI \tx diatur-atur piringnya, di... di... piringnya ditaro deket xx... \mb di- atur - atur piring -nya di di piring -nya di- taro deket xx \ge DI- arrange - arrange plate -NYA DI DI plate -NYA DI- put near xx \gj DI-RED-arrange plate-NYA DI DI plate-NYA DI-put near xx \ft arrange the plates, put the plates closer to xx... \nt interrupted by CHI. \ref 193 \id 948215155550150601 \begin 0:04:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx Opa ini aja Opa. \pho ʔɔpa ini ʔaja ʔɔpaː \mb Opa ini aja Opa \ge grandpa this just grandpa \gj grandpa this just grandpa \ft just give this to Grandpa. \nt taking the fish. \ref 194 \id 975565155550150601 \begin 0:04:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, Opa ituh. \pho ʔɔː ʔɔpa ʔituʰ \mb oh Opa ituh \ge EXCL grandpa that \gj EXCL grandpa that \ft oh, that's for Grandpa. \ref 195 \id 746093155550150601 \begin 0:04:47 \sp EXPYAN \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 196 \id 505113155550150601 \begin 0:04:48 \sp EXPYAN \tx nih. \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt giving a plate to CHI. \ref 197 \id 357014155550150601 \begin 0:04:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska... \pho piːskaːʰ \mb Priska \ge Priska \gj Priska \ft I... \ref 198 \id 653483155551150601 \begin 0:04:50 \sp EXPYAN \tx masak dulu dong ikannya! \pho masak dulu dɔŋ ʔikanɲah \mb masak dulu dong ikan -nya \ge cook before DONG fish -NYA \gj cook before DONG fish-NYA \ft cook the fish! \ref 199 \id 104789155551150601 \begin 0:04:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang Priska mana? \pho yaŋ priska manah \mb yang Priska mana \ge REL Priska which \gj REL Priska which \ft which one is mine? \ref 200 \id 490644155551150601 \begin 0:04:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni... ini makanannya Priska. \pho niːh ʔini makananɲa priːska \mb ni ini makan -an -nya Priska \ge this this eat -AN -NYA Priska \gj this this eat-AN-NYA Priska \ft this... this is my food. \nt referring to the fish. \ref 201 \id 175051155551150601 \begin 0:04:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, iya. \pho ʔɔː ʔiyaːʰ \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, right. \ref 202 \id 587232155551150601 \begin 0:04:58 \sp EXPYAN \tx ya, udah, dimasak dulu, ya? \pho ya ʷudah dimasak dulu yaːh \mb ya udah di- masak dulu ya \ge yes PFCT DI- cook before yes \gj yes PFCT DI-cook before yes \ft well, cook it, okay? \ref 203 \id 829291155552150601 \begin 0:05:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx dimasak dulu! \pho dimasak duluːʔ \mb di- masak dulu \ge DI- cook before \gj DI-cook before \ft cook it! \ref 204 \id 221137155552150601 \begin 0:05:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt putting the fish into the green pot. \ref 205 \id 783315112657180601 \begin 0:05:02 \sp EXPYAN \tx nih. \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt giving a spoon to CHI. \ref 206 \id 593961112708180601 \begin 0:05:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \nt receiving the spoon from EXP. \ref 207 \id 520500112709180601 \begin 0:05:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt stirring the fish. \ref 208 \id 653637112709180601 \begin 0:05:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, makannya pake ini. \pho ʔɛ makanɲa pakɛ ʔiniːʰ \mb eh makan -nya pake ini \ge EXCL eat -NYA use this \gj EXCL eat-NYA use this \ft hey, when eating we use this. \ref 209 \id 890197112709180601 \begin 0:05:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx kasi... kasi garem. \pho kasi kasiː gaːrəːm \mb kasi kasi garem \ge give give salt \gj give give salt \ft put in some salt. \ref 210 \id 559652112709180601 \begin 0:05:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx makannya pake ini. \pho makanɲa pakɛʔ ʔiniːʰ \mb makan -nya pake ini \ge eat -NYA use this \gj eat-NYA use this \ft when eating we use this. \nt putting the spoon on the floor. \ref 211 \id 795255112709180601 \begin 0:05:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni buat masakannya. \pho ni buwat masakanɲaː \mb ni buat masak -an -nya \ge this for cook -AN -NYA \gj this for cook-AN-NYA \ft this is for cooking. \nt 1. **masakannya (no affix needed) should be masak. 2. taking the spatula. \ref 212 \id 577848112709180601 \begin 0:05:10 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh. \pho ʔɔː \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 213 \id 601825112709180601 \begin 0:05:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx goreng itu. \pho gɔrɛːŋ ʔituːʰ \mb goreng itu \ge fry that \gj fry that \ft it's for frying. \ref 214 \id 390608112709180601 \begin 0:05:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx buat gorengannya. \pho bwat gɔrɛŋanɲaːʰ \mb buat goreng -an -nya \ge for fry -AN -NYA \gj for fry-AN-NYA \ft for frying. \ref 215 \id 957245112709180601 \begin 0:05:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx yah, jatoh. \pho yaːh jatɔh \mb yah jatoh \ge EXCL fall \gj EXCL fall \ft hey, it fell down. \nt the green pot fell down, so she is taking it. \ref 216 \id 638928112710180601 \begin 0:05:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx belum dinyalain kompornya. \pho bəlum diɲalain kɔmpɔrɲa \mb belum di- nyala -in kompor -nya \ge not.yet DI- flame -IN stove -NYA \gj not.yet DI-flame-IN stove-NYA \ft you have not turned on the stove. \ref 217 \id 276324112710180601 \begin 0:05:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx udah dinyalain belum kompornya? \pho ʔudah diɲalain bəuɔm kɔmpɔrɲah \mb udah di- nyala -in belum kompor -nya \ge PFCT DI- flame -IN not.yet stove -NYA \gj PFCT DI-flame-IN not.yet stove-NYA \ft have you turned on the stove? \ref 218 \id 784238112710180601 \begin 0:05:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah. \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft yes. \nt pretending to turn on the stove. \ref 219 \id 801484112710180601 \begin 0:05:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx udah. \pho ʔudaːʰ \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft yes. \ref 220 \id 865742112710180601 \begin 0:05:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pretending to cook. \ref 221 \id 843515112710180601 \begin 0:05:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah. \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \nt finishes cooking. \ref 222 \id 784306112710180601 \begin 0:05:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx kecil sedikit. \pho kəcil sədikit \mb kecil se- dikit \ge small SE- a.little \gj small SE-a.little \ft I am making it smaller. \nt 1. pretending to make reduce the fire capacity of the stove. 2. usually people use "kecilin" instead of "kecil". \ref 223 \id 151494112710180601 \begin 0:05:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx kecilin? \pho kəcilin \mb kecil -in \ge small -IN \gj small-IN \ft you made it smaller? \ref 224 \id 667793112710180601 \begin 0:05:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pretending to cook again. \ref 225 \id 316241112710180601 \begin 0:05:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah. \pho daːh \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \nt pretending to turn off the stove. \ref 226 \id 272286112710180601 \begin 0:05:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx udah mateng? \pho ʔudah matəŋ \mb udah mateng \ge PFCT ripe \gj PFCT ripe \ft is it done? \ref 227 \id 429189112710180601 \begin 0:05:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah. \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft yes. \nt taking the fish out of the pot. \ref 228 \id 496320112710180601 \begin 0:05:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx taro di piring! \pho tarɔ di piriŋ \mb taro di piring \ge put LOC plate \gj put LOC plate \ft put it on a plate! \ref 229 \id 166261112710180601 \begin 0:05:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft which one? \ref 230 \id 457442112710180601 \begin 0:05:35 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt putting the green plate on the chopping block. \ref 231 \id 146852112710180601 \begin 0:05:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt putting the fish on the plate. \ref 232 \id 950857112710180601 \begin 0:05:37 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt coughing. \ref 233 \id 376578112710180601 \begin 0:05:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, taro di meja! \pho tr̩us tarɔʔ di mɛjaʔ \mb trus taro di meja \ge continue put LOC table \gj continue put LOC table \ft then, put it on the table! \ref 234 \id 954978112710180601 \begin 0:05:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt putting the plate with the fish on the table. \ref 235 \id 344099112710180601 \begin 0:05:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini Tante Yanti. \pho ʔini tantə yantiʰ \mb ini Tante Yanti \ge this aunt Yanti \gj this aunt Yanti \ft this is for Auntie Yanti. \nt referring to the bowl with the egg. \ref 236 \id 487150112710180601 \begin 0:05:45 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh, ini Tante Yanti. \pho ʔɔ ʔini tantə yantiː \mb oh ini Tante Yanti \ge EXCL this aunt Yanti \gj EXCL this aunt Yanti \ft oh, this one is for me. \ref 237 \id 845269112710180601 \begin 0:05:47 \sp EXPYAN \tx jadi satu aja deh. \pho jadi satu ʔaja dɛːʰ \mb jadi satu aja deh \ge become one just DEH \gj become one just DEH \ft I am just putting them together. \nt taking the egg and putting it on the green plate. \ref 238 \id 560297112711180601 \begin 0:05:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx jadi satu, ya? \pho jadi satu yaːʰ \mb jadi satu ya \ge become one yes \gj become one yes \ft they are together, right? \ref 239 \id 835940112711180601 \begin 0:05:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx piringnya sekarang diini dong, piringnya xx... di tiap meja. \mb piring -nya sekarang di- ini dong piring -nya xx di tiap meja \ge plate -NYA now DI- this DONG plate -NYA xx LOC every table \gj plate-NYA now DI-this DONG plate-NYA xx LOC every table \ft whatchamacallit the plates now, the plates... on each table. \nt actually wants to say on each chair instead of on each table. \ref 240 \id 360941112711180601 \begin 0:05:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini, sama ini. \pho ʔiːniʰ sama ʔiniʰ \mb ini sama ini \ge this with this \gj this with this \ft this one, with this one. \nt referring to the spoon. \ref 241 \id 956016112711180601 \begin 0:05:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx piringnya nih... \pho piriŋɲa nih \mb piring -nya nih \ge plate -NYA this \gj plate-NYA this \ft here are the plates... \nt interrupted by CHI. \ref 242 \id 678731112711180601 \begin 0:05:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini. \pho ʔiniːh \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this. \ref 243 \id 550273112711180601 \begin 0:06:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx kaya gini, nih... xx mo makan, kan? \pho kaya gini nih xx mɔ makan kaːn \mb kaya gini nih xx mo makan kan \ge like like.this this xx want eat KAN \gj like like.this this xx want eat KAN \ft like this, here... xx want to eat, right? \nt putting the plates one by one on the table. \ref 244 \id 649327112711180601 \begin 0:06:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx yah, kurang piringnya. \pho yah kuraŋ piriŋɲah \mb yah kurang piring -nya \ge EXCL less plate -NYA \gj EXCL less plate-NYA \ft hey, the plates are not enough. \ref 245 \id 460611112711180601 \begin 0:06:05 \sp MOTPRI \tx mangkok deh. \pho maŋkɔk dɛh \mb mangkok deh \ge bowl DEH \gj bowl DEH \ft the bowls then. \nt taking two bowls of the dinner set which are smaller than the bowls of the kitchen set. \ref 246 \id 296398112711180601 \begin 0:06:07 \sp EXPYAN \tx yang tua pake mangkok, ya, Pris? \pho yaŋ tuwa pakɛʔ maŋkɔʔ yaː priːs \mb yang tua pake mangkok ya Pris \ge REL old use bowl yes Priska \gj REL old use bowl yes Priska \ft the old ones use bowls, right? \nt referrin to old people. \ref 247 \id 667014112711180601 \begin 0:06:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 248 \id 721984112711180601 \begin 0:06:09 \sp EXPYAN \tx yang tua pake mangkok. \pho yaŋ tuwa pakɛ maŋkɔːʔ \mb yang tua pake mangkok \ge REL old use bowl \gj REL old use bowl \ft the old ones use bowls. \ref 249 \id 309248112711180601 \begin 0:06:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha. \pho hãː \mb ha \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \nt finishes arranging the bowls and plates. \ref 250 \id 644893112711180601 \begin 0:06:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang kecil pake mangkok, Priska... \pho yaŋ kəcil pakɛ maŋkɔk priːska \mb yang kecil pake mangkok Priska \ge REL small use bowl Priska \gj REL small use bowl Priska \ft the small ones use bowls, you... \ref 251 \id 637309112711180601 \begin 0:06:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska masih kecil pake mangkok. \pho priska masih kəcil pakɛ maŋkɔk \mb Priska masih kecil pake mangkok \ge Priska still small use bowl \gj Priska still small use bowl \ft you are still small so you use a bowl. \ref 252 \id 978289112711180601 \begin 0:06:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx kecil. \pho xx kəcil \mb xx kecil \ge xx small \gj xx small \ft xx small. \nt using the spoon, pretending to take s.t. from the bowl and eat it. \ref 253 \id 625176112711180601 \begin 0:06:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft what? \ref 254 \id 453504112711180601 \begin 0:06:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx kekecilan. \pho kəkəcilan \mb ke an kecil \ge KE AN small \gj KE.AN-small \ft it's too small. \nt referring to the bowl. \ref 255 \id 558934112711180601 \begin 0:06:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx apanya kekecilan? \pho ʔapaɲa kəkəcilan \mb apa -nya ke an kecil \ge what -NYA KE AN small \gj what-NYA KE.AN-small \ft what is too small? \nt laughing. \ref 256 \id 428173112711180601 \begin 0:06:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini aja. \pho ʔini ʔajaː \mb ini aja \ge this just \gj this just \ft just this one. \nt referring to the plate. \ref 257 \id 518122112711180601 \begin 0:06:20 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 258 \id 289162112711180601 \begin 0:06:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx sendoknya besar... \pho sɛndɔkɲa bəsaːːr \mb sendok -nya besar \ge spoon -NYA big \gj spoon-NYA big \ft the spoon is big... \ref 259 \id 559891112711180601 \begin 0:06:22 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt still laughing. \ref 260 \id 311902112712180601 \begin 0:06:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx piringnya? \pho piriŋɲah \mb piring -nya \ge plate -NYA \gj plate-NYA \ft what about the plates? \ref 261 \id 248864112713180601 \begin 0:06:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx kecil. \pho kəcil \mb kecil \ge small \gj small \ft they are small. \ref 262 \id 963039112713180601 \begin 0:06:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx kecil. \pho kəːciːl \mb kecil \ge small \gj small \ft they are small. \ref 263 \id 827853112713180601 \begin 0:06:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx pake tangan. \pho pakɛ taŋan \mb pake tangan \ge use hand \gj use hand \ft I am using my hand. \ref 264 \id 345723112713180601 \begin 0:06:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, iya, iya, makannya pake tangan aja deh. \pho ʔɔ ʔiyaː ʔiyaːʰ makanɲa pakɛ taŋan ʔaja dɛh \mb oh iya iya makan -nya pake tangan aja deh \ge EXCL yes yes eat -NYA use hand just DEH \gj EXCL yes yes eat-NYA use hand just DEH \ft okay, you use your plain hand when eating. \ref 265 \id 784951112713180601 \begin 0:06:29 \sp EXPYAN \tx sama ikannya dong dimakan! \pho sama ʔikanɲa dɔŋ dimakan \mb sama ikan -nya dong di- makan \ge with fish -NYA DONG DI- eat \gj with fish-NYA DONG DI-eat \ft eat the fish! \ref 266 \id 195440112713180601 \begin 0:06:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx ikannya kebesaran. \pho ikanɲa kəbəsaːrlan \mb ikan -nya ke an besar \ge fish -NYA KE AN big \gj fish-NYA KE.AN-big \ft the fish is too big. \ref 267 \id 362683112713180601 \begin 0:06:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, ini minumnya juga ni minumnya. \pho ʔɔː ni minumɲa juga ni minumɲah \mb oh ini minum -nya juga ni minum -nya \ge EXCL this drink -NYA also this drink -NYA \gj EXCL this drink-NYA also this drink-NYA \ft oh, also the drink, this is the drink. \ref 268 \id 531169112713180601 \begin 0:06:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx taro deket mejanya ni... eh, deket piringnya ni. \pho tarɔ dələt mɛjaʔɲa niːʰ ʔɛ dəkət piriŋɲa nih \mb taro deket meja -nya ni eh deket piring -nya ni \ge put near table -NYA this EH near plate -NYA this \gj put near table-NYA this EH near plate-NYA this \ft I am putting it near the table... no, near the plate. \nt taking a glass and trying to put it next to a plate. \ref 269 \id 657116125703180601 \begin 0:06:36 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt helping MOT to arrange the glasses on the plate. \ref 270 \id 879919112713180601 \begin 0:06:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, nih. \pho tuːʰ nih \mb tuh nih \ge that this \gj that this \ft there, here. \nt still arranging the glasses. \ref 271 \id 626324112713180601 \begin 0:06:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho ʔapəxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 272 \id 847012112713180601 \begin 0:06:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuː \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft look. \ref 273 \id 154040112713180601 \begin 0:06:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx di dalam sini ada apanya? \pho di dalam sini ʔada ʔapaɲah \mb di dalam sini ada apa -nya \ge LOC inside here exist what -NYA \gj LOC inside here exist what-NYA \ft what is in here? \nt referring to the cupboard under the stove. \ref 274 \id 252530112714180601 \begin 0:06:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx piringnya, piringnya... \pho piriŋɲaː piriŋɲaː \mb piring -nya piring -nya \ge plate -NYA plate -NYA \gj plate-NYA plate-NYA \ft the plates, the plates... \nt still concerns with the plates. \ref 275 \id 475194112714180601 \begin 0:06:45 \sp EXPYAN \tx nggak... nggak ada apa-apa. \mb nggak nggak ada apa - apa \ge NEG NEG exist what - what \gj NEG NEG exist RED-what \ft no... there is nothing. \ref 276 \id 593629112714180601 \begin 0:06:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni, Pris, tuh... \pho niʰ pris tuːʰ \mb ni Pris tuh \ge this Priska that \gj this Priska that \ft this, Pris, look... \nt still arranging the dishes. \ref 277 \id 347626112714180601 \begin 0:06:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx hmm? \pho hm̩m \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 278 \id 356368112714180601 \begin 0:06:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx gelasnya, tuh. \pho gəlasɲa tuːʰ \mb gelas -nya tuh \ge glass -NYA that \gj glass-NYA that \ft look, the glasses. \ref 279 \id 593175112714180601 \begin 0:06:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx minumnya? \pho minumɲah \mb minum -nya \ge drink -NYA \gj drink-NYA \ft what about the drink? \ref 280 \id 803844112714180601 \begin 0:06:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx minumnya taro di tengah-tengah sini. \mb minum -nya taro di tengah - tengah sini \ge drink -NYA put LOC middle - middle here \gj drink-NYA put LOC RED-middle here \ft I am putting the drink in the middle here. \nt taking the bottle and putting it on the table. \ref 281 \id 931668112714180601 \begin 0:06:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah. \pho naːa \mb nah \ge NAH \gj NAH \ft there we go. \nt clapping her hands once. \ref 282 \id 967585112715180601 \begin 0:06:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx sebelum makan harus apa? \pho səbəlum makan harus ʔapaːʰ \mb se- belum makan harus apa \ge SE- not.yet eat must what \gj SE-not.yet eat must what \ft what should we do before eating? \ref 283 \id 733634112715180601 \begin 0:06:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx berdoa dulu. \pho bəldɔʔa duluʔ \mb ber- doa dulu \ge BER- prayer before \gj BER-prayer before \ft pray. \ref 284 \id 800628112716180601 \begin 0:06:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus? \pho tr̩us \mb trus \ge continue \gj continue \ft then? \ref 285 \id 877179112716180601 \begin 0:06:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni, Oma sini. \pho ni ʔɔma siniːʰ \mb ni Oma sini \ge this grandma here \gj this grandma here \ft here, Grandma is here. \nt pulling a chair. \ref 286 \id 463611112716180601 \begin 0:06:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh, Oma di situ. \mb he-eh Oma di situ \ge uh-huh grandma LOC there \gj uh-huh grandma LOC there \ft uh-huh, Grandma is over there. \nt standing up and walking away from them. \ref 287 \id 329718112716180601 \begin 0:07:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx omanya boongan. \pho ʔɔmaɲa bɔʔɔŋan \mb oma -nya boong -an \ge grandma -NYA lie -AN \gj grandma-NYA lie-AN \ft only the imaginary grandma. \ref 288 \id 888561112716180601 \begin 0:07:01 \sp EXPYAN \tx Oma sama Opa di sini. \pho ʔɔma sama ʔɔpaː di siniː \mb Oma sama Opa di sini \ge grandma with grandpa LOC here \gj grandma with grandpa LOC here \ft Grandma and Grandpa are here. \nt referring to the chair next to the one for grandma. \ref 289 \id 959463112716180601 \begin 0:07:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx opanya sini. \pho ʔɔpaɲa sinih \mb opa -nya sini \ge grandpa -NYA here \gj grandpa-NYA here \ft grandpa is here. \ref 290 \id 117346112716180601 \begin 0:07:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx Om Deny di sini. \pho ʔɔm dɛni di sinih \mb Om Deny di sini \ge uncle Deny LOC here \gj uncle Deny LOC here \ft Uncle Deny is here. \nt referring to another chair. \ref 291 \id 948511112716180601 \begin 0:07:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pulling another chair. \ref 292 \id 551779112716180601 \begin 0:07:07 \sp EXPYAN \tx ni siapa? \pho ni syapaʰ \mb ni siapa \ge this who \gj this who \ft who's this? \nt referring to the chair that CHI pulled. \ref 293 \id 770700112716180601 \begin 0:07:09 \sp EXPYAN \tx Papi... Mami sama? \pho papi mami sama \mb Papi Mami sama \ge daddy mommy with \gj daddy mommy with \ft Daddy... Mommy and? \nt referring to another chair. \ref 294 \id 968066112716180601 \begin 0:07:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx Bap(ak)... \pho bap \mb Bapak \ge father \gj father \ft Daddy... \ref 295 \id 710984112716180601 \begin 0:07:11 \sp EXPYAN \tx Bapak. \pho bapaːʔ \mb Bapak \ge father \gj father \ft Daddy. \ref 296 \id 834638112716180601 \begin 0:07:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx Om Mindu. \pho ʔɔm miːndu \mb Om Mindu \ge uncle Mindu \gj uncle Mindu \ft Uncle Mindu. \nt referring to the other chair. \ref 297 \id 979769112716180601 \begin 0:07:13 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priska di mana? \pho priska di manah \mb Priska di mana \ge Priska LOC which \gj Priska LOC which \ft where are you? \ref 298 \id 309020112716180601 \begin 0:07:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx Om Mindu sinih. \pho ʔɔm mindu sinih \mb Om Mindu sinih \ge uncle Mindu here \gj uncle Mindu here \ft Uncle Mindu is here. \ref 299 \id 419837112716180601 \begin 0:07:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuːh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft look. \nt putting two dolls on the floor. \ref 300 \id 811347112716180601 \begin 0:07:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx. \pho ʔɔyɛn \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \nt taking a doll and puttng it on a chair. \ref 301 \id 135362112717180601 \begin 0:07:21 \sp EXPYAN \tx Kiki sama Kokonya juga mo ikut makan, ya, Pris? \pho kiki sama kɔkɔɲa juga mɔ ʔikut makan ya priːs \mb Kiki sama Koko -nya juga mo ikut makan ya Pris \ge Kiki with Koko -NYA also want follow eat yes Priska \gj Kiki with Koko-NYA also want follow eat yes Priska \ft Kiki and Koko want to eat, too, right? \nt they named the two dolls Kiki and Koko on previous sessions. \ref 302 \id 443160112717180601 \begin 0:07:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking the other doll and putting it on another chair. \ref 303 \id 406998112718180601 \begin 0:07:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuːh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft look. \nt putting some more dolls on the floor. \ref 304 \id 133793112719180601 \begin 0:07:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini di mana? \pho ʔini di manah \mb ini di mana \ge this LOC which \gj this LOC which \ft where is he? \nt taking a doll. \ref 305 \id 161262112720180601 \begin 0:07:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx sini, deket... \pho siniʰ dəkət \mb sini deket \ge here near \gj here near \ft here, near... \nt taking another chair. \ref 306 \id 147946112720180601 \begin 0:07:32 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt coughing. \ref 307 \id 435492112720180601 \begin 0:07:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuːh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft look. \nt putting some other dolls. \ref 308 \id 227807112720180601 \begin 0:07:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx yah, kebanyakan. \pho yaːh kəbaɲakan \mb yah ke an banyak \ge EXCL KE AN a.lot \gj EXCL KE.AN-a.lot \ft hey, too many. \ref 309 \id 759950112720180601 \begin 0:07:36 \sp EXPYAN \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt taking the doll that EXP is holding. \ref 310 \id 298946112720180601 \begin 0:07:38 \sp EXPYAN \tx dudukin dong! \pho dudukin dɔŋ \mb duduk -in dong \ge sit -IN DONG \gj sit-IN DONG \ft make it sit! \nt putting it on the chair that CHI meant. \ref 311 \id 292167112720180601 \begin 0:07:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih. \pho niːh \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt taking another doll and putting it on the chopping block. \ref 312 \id 668383112720180601 \begin 0:07:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni kan besar. \pho ni kan bəsar \mb ni kan besar \ge this KAN big \gj this KAN big \ft this one is big. \nt referring to the doll that she put on the chopping block. \ref 313 \id 327596112720180601 \begin 0:07:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni kecil-kecilnya aja. \mb ni kecil - kecil -nya aja \ge this small - small -NYA just \gj this RED-small-NYA just \ft just the small ones. \ref 314 \id 324341112720180601 \begin 0:07:46 \sp EXPYAN \tx ya, kecil-kecil. \mb ya kecil - kecil \ge yes small - small \gj yes RED-small \ft right, the small ones. \ref 315 \id 513925112720180601 \begin 0:07:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, ini, ni yang kecil ni ni nih. \pho ʔɔ ʔini ni yaŋ kəcil ni ni nih \mb oh ini ni yang kecil ni ni nih \ge EXCL this this REL small this this this \gj EXCL this this REL small this this this \ft oh, here, here are small ones. \ref 316 \id 854233112720180601 \begin 0:07:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni, nih. \pho ni nih \mb ni nih \ge this this \gj this this \ft here. \nt giving two more dolls to them and taking the big one. \ref 317 \id 919385112720180601 \begin 0:07:53 \sp EXPYAN \tx Si Gundul. \pho si gundul \mb Si Gundul \ge PERS shaven \gj PERS shaven \ft The Bald. \nt taking the bald head doll. \ref 318 \id 631492112720180601 \begin 0:07:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 319 \id 398162112720180601 \begin 0:08:00 \sp EXPYAN \tx ha. \pho hãː \mb ha \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \nt putting the doll on a chair. \ref 320 \id 126283112720180601 \begin 0:08:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx sini siapa? \pho sini siyapah \mb sini siapa \ge here who \gj here who \ft who is here? \nt referring to a chair which is empty. \ref 321 \id 845200112721180601 \begin 0:08:02 \sp EXPYAN \tx ni, Si ini. \pho ni si ʔinih \mb ni Si ini \ge this PERS this \gj this PERS this \ft this, this one. \nt taking another doll. \ref 322 \id 292271112721180601 \begin 0:08:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx xx yang mana? \pho xx yaŋ manah \mb xx yang mana \ge xx REL which \gj xx REL which \ft xx which one? \ref 323 \id 607593112721180601 \begin 0:08:04 \sp EXPYAN \tx nah... tuh, mereka... \pho naːh tuː mərɛka \mb nah tuh mereka \ge NAH that 3PL \gj NAH that 3PL \ft aha... look, they are... \nt putting the doll on the chair. \ref 324 \id 133644112721180601 \begin 0:08:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah. \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \nt clapping her hands once. \ref 325 \id 363703112721180601 \begin 0:08:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx makan tuh. \pho makan tuːʰ \mb makan tuh \ge eat that \gj eat that \ft they are eating. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 326 \id 564302112721180601 \begin 0:08:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx abis. \pho ʔaːbiːs \mb abis \ge finished \gj finished \ft they are finished. \ref 327 \id 633907112721180601 \begin 0:08:10 \sp EXPYAN \tx dah abis? \pho dah ʔabiːs \mb dah abis \ge PFCT finished \gj PFCT finished \ft have they finished? \ref 328 \id 493192112721180601 \begin 0:08:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 329 \id 693103112721180601 \begin 0:08:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni yang satu nih, opanya nih. \pho ni yaŋ satu nih ʔɔpaɲa nih \mb ni yang satu nih opa -nya nih \ge this REL one this grandpa -NYA this \gj this REL one this grandpa-NYA this \ft here is the other one, the grandpa. \nt giving another doll to CHI. \ref 330 \id 902549112721180601 \begin 0:08:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx opa. \pho ʔɔːpaː \mb opa \ge grandpa \gj grandpa \ft grandpa. \nt receiving the doll from MOT. \ref 331 \id 262492112721180601 \begin 0:08:19 \sp EXPYAN \tx ganti aja deh, ganti opa ini. \pho ganti ʔaja dɛh ganti ʔɔpa ʔinih \mb ganti aja deh ganti opa ini \ge change just DEH change grandpa this \gj change just DEH change grandpa this \ft just it, change this grandpa. \nt taking a doll and putting it on the floor. \ref 332 \id 513185112721180601 \begin 0:08:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt taking the doll that EXP put on the floor. \ref 333 \id 111340112721180601 \begin 0:08:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt putting the doll that MOT gave o n the chair. \ref 334 \id 799226112721180601 \begin 0:08:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha. \pho hãː \mb ha \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \nt laughing. \ref 335 \id 709104112721180601 \begin 0:08:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaʔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 336 \id 730221112721180601 \sp EXPYAN \tx dah. \pho daːh \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \ref 337 \id 144073112721180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx dah. \pho daː \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \ref 338 \id 141551112721180601 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priska... \pho priskaː \mb Priska \ge Priska \gj Priska \ft you... \ref 339 \id 962378112721180601 \begin 0:08:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuː \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft look. \ref 340 \id 517915112721180601 \begin 0:08:37 \sp EXPYAN \tx ajarin mereka berdoa! \pho ʔajarin mərɛka bərdɔʔa \mb ajar -in mereka ber- doa \ge teach -IN 3PL BER- prayer \gj teach-IN 3PL BER-prayer \ft teach them how to pray! \ref 341 \id 415489112721180601 \begin 0:08:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha, pada berdoa nih. \pho ʰaː pada bərdɔʔa nih \mb ha pada ber- doa nih \ge uh-huh PL BER- prayer this \gj uh-huh PL BER-prayer this \ft uh-huh, they are praying. \nt taking a doll. \ref 342 \id 638619112721180601 \begin 0:08:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx tangannya... ni kan berdoa nih. \pho taŋanɲa ni kan bərdɔʔa nih \mb tangan -nya ni kan ber- doa nih \ge hand -NYA this KAN BER- prayer this \gj hand-NYA this KAN BER-prayer this \ft his hands... look, he is praying. \nt making it such a way so that it seems like praying. \ref 343 \id 483367112722180601 \begin 0:08:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx berdoa, tuh. \pho bərdɔʔa tɔː \mb ber- doa tuh \ge BER- prayer that \gj BER-prayer that \ft they are praying, look. \ref 344 \id 265280112722180601 \begin 0:08:41 \sp EXPYAN \tx berdoa semua tangannya. \pho bərdɔʔa səmuwa taŋanɲah \mb ber- doa semua tangan -nya \ge BER- prayer all hand -NYA \gj BER-prayer all hand-NYA \ft their hands show that they are praying. \nt laughing. \ref 345 \id 580299112722180601 \begin 0:08:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx berdoa semua tangannya tuh. \pho bərdɔʔa səmuwa taŋanɲa tuh \mb ber- doa semua tangan -nya tuh \ge BER- prayer all hand -NYA that \gj BER-prayer all hand-NYA that \ft their hands show that they are praying. \ref 346 \id 400883112722180601 \begin 0:08:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt taking another doll and doing s.t. on it. \ref 347 \id 859764112722180601 \begin 0:08:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx ayo, tuh... pada udah berdoa... udah pada mo berdoa tuh. \pho ʔayɔ tuː pada ʔudah bərdɔʔa ʔudah pada mɔ bərdɔʔa tuʰ \mb ayo tuh pada udah ber- doa udah pada mo ber- doa tuh \ge AYO that PL PFCT BER- prayer PFCT PL want BER- prayer that \gj AYO that PL PFCT BER-prayer PFCT PL want BER-prayer that \ft come on, look... they are praying... they want to pray. \ref 348 \id 275515112722180601 \begin 0:08:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuːʰ \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft look. \ref 349 \id 684220112722180601 \begin 0:08:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx gimana berdoanya? \pho gimana bərdɔʔaɲah \mb gimana ber- doa -nya \ge how BER- prayer -NYA \gj how BER-prayer-NYA \ft how do they pray? \ref 350 \id 111425112722180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska yang ajarin. \pho priska yaŋ ʔajarin \mb Priska yang ajar -in \ge Priska REL teach -IN \gj Priska REL teach-IN \ft you teach them. \ref 351 \id 425392112722180601 \sp CHIPRI \tx Bapa dan Putra dan Roh Kudus... \pho bapa dan puta dan lɔh kudus \mb Bapa dan Putra dan Roh Kudus \ge Father and Son and Spirit Holy \gj Father and Son and Spirit Holy \ft the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit... \nt crossing herself. \ref 352 \id 574625112722180601 \begin 0:08:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx Roh Kudus, amin. \pho rɔh kudus ʔaːmiːn \mb Roh Kudus amin \ge Spirit Holy amen \gj Spirit Holy amen \ft Holy Spirit, amen. \ref 353 \id 438982112722180601 \begin 0:08:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx amin. \pho ʔamin \mb amin \ge amen \gj amen \ft amen. \ref 354 \id 385417112722180601 \begin 0:08:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus? \pho tərus \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft what else? \ref 355 \id 124326112722180601 \begin 0:08:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx Tuhan Yesus... \pho tuhan yɛːsuːs \mb Tuhan Yesus \ge God Jesus \gj God Jesus \ft God Jesus... \ref 356 \id 353379112723180601 \begin 0:08:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx (Ye)sus. \pho suːs \mb Yesus \ge Jesus \gj Jesus \ft Jesus. \ref 357 \id 756036112723180601 \begin 0:08:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx sebentar lagi mo makan. \pho səbətar lagi mɔ maːkaːn \mb se- bentar lagi mo makan \ge SE- moment more want eat \gj SE-moment more want eat \ft we are eating soon. \ref 358 \id 213726112723180601 \begin 0:09:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx makan. \pho makaːn \mb makan \ge eat \gj eat \ft eating. \nt imitating MOT. \ref 359 \id 801680112723180601 \begin 0:09:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx berkati makanan ini. \pho bərkati makanan ʔiniː \mb berkat -i makan -an ini \ge blessing -I eat -AN this \gj blessing-I eat-AN this \ft bless this food. \ref 360 \id 550615112723180601 \begin 0:09:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx makanan ini. \pho makanan ʔiniː \mb makan -an ini \ge eat -AN this \gj eat-AN this \ft this food. \nt imitating MOT. \ref 361 \id 999802112723180601 \begin 0:09:05 \sp MOTPRI \tx amin. \pho ʔaːmin \mb amin \ge amen \gj amen \ft amen. \ref 362 \id 392291112723180601 \begin 0:09:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx (a)min. \pho min \mb amin \ge amen \gj amen \ft amen. \ref 363 \id 442754112723180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx atas nama Bapa dan Putra... \pho ʔatas nama bapa dan putra \mb atas nama Bapa dan Putra \ge up name Father and Son \gj up name Father and Son \ft in the name of the Father and of the Son... \nt crossing herself. \ref 364 \id 786805112723180601 \sp EXPYAN \tx atas nama Bapa dan Putra dan... \pho ʔatas nama bapa dan putra dan \mb atas nama Bapa dan Putra dan \ge up name Father and Son and \gj up name Father and Son and \ft in the name of the Father and of the Son and... \nt crossing herself. \ref 365 \id 759383112723180601 \sp CHIPRI \tx atas nama Bapa dan Putra... \pho ʔatas nama bapa dan puta \mb atas nama Bapa dan Putra \ge up name Father and Son \gj up name Father and Son \ft in the name of the Father and of the Son... \nt crossing herself, but wrongly. \ref 366 \id 672741112723180601 \begin 0:09:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx hey, hey! \pho hɛi hɛi \mb hey hey \ge hey hey \gj hey hey \ft hey, hey! \ref 367 \id 677742112723180601 \begin 0:09:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx atas nama Bapa dan Putra... \pho ʔatas nama bapa dan putra \mb atas nama Bapa dan Putra \ge up name Father and Son \gj up name Father and Son \ft in the name of the Father and of the Son. \ref 368 \id 132763112723180601 \begin 0:09:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx atas nama Bapa dan Putra... \pho ʔatas nama bapa dan puta \mb atas nama Bapa dan Putra \ge up name Father and Son \gj up name Father and Son \ft in the name of the Father and of the Son... \ref 369 \id 859974112723180601 \begin 0:09:09 \sp EXPYAN \tx atas nama Bapa dan Putra... \pho ʔatas nama bapa dan putra \mb atas nama Bapa dan Putra \ge up name Father and Son \gj up name Father and Son \ft in the name of the Father and of the Son... \ref 370 \id 212504112724180601 \begin 0:09:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx dan Roh Kudus... \pho dan rɔh kudus \mb dan Roh Kudus \ge and Spirit Holy \gj and Spirit Holy \ft and the Holy Spirit... \ref 371 \id 959353112724180601 \begin 0:09:09 \sp EXPYAN \tx dan Roh Kudus... \pho dan rɔh kudus \mb dan Roh Kudus \ge and Spirit Holy \gj and Spirit Holy \ft and the Holy Spirit... \ref 372 \id 962576112724180601 \begin 0:09:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx dan Roh Kudus... \pho dan rɔh kudus \mb dan Roh Kudus \ge and Spirit Holy \gj and Spirit Holy \ft and the Holy Spirit... \ref 373 \id 234407112724180601 \begin 0:09:11 \sp EXPYAN \tx sana dulu! \pho sana dulu \mb sana dulu \ge there before \gj there before \ft that side! \nt referring to CHI's left shoulder. \ref 374 \id 997593112724180601 \begin 0:09:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx amin. \pho ʔaːmiːn \mb amin \ge amen \gj amen \ft amen. \ref 375 \id 167666112724180601 \begin 0:09:13 \sp EXPYAN \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 376 \id 667026112724180601 \begin 0:09:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx sini dulu! \pho sini duluː \mb sini dulu \ge here before \gj here before \ft this side! \ref 377 \id 917208112724180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx Bapa... \pho bapaː \mb Bapa \ge Father \gj Father \ft the Father... \ref 378 \id 940450112724180601 \sp EXPYAN \tx Bapa... \pho bapa \mb Bapa \ge Father \gj Father \ft the Father... \nt holding CHI's hand and leading it to touch CHI's forehead. \ref 379 \id 966292112724180601 \begin 0:09:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx dan Putra... \pho dan putra \mb dan Putra \ge and Son \gj and Son \ft and the Son... \ref 380 \id 589660112724180601 \begin 0:09:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx dan Putra... \pho dan put̩la \mb dan Putra \ge and Son \gj and Son \ft and the Son... \ref 381 \id 237367112724180601 \begin 0:09:15 \sp EXPYAN \tx Bapa... \pho bapaː \mb Bapa \ge Father \gj Father \ft the Father... \ref 382 \id 330704112724180601 \begin 0:09:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx Bapa... \pho bapaː \mb Bapa \ge Father \gj Father \ft the Father... \ref 383 \id 353229112724180601 \begin 0:09:16 \sp EXPYAN \tx Putra dan Roh Kudus... \pho putra dan rɔh kudus \mb Putra dan Roh Kudus \ge Son and Spirit Holy \gj Son and Spirit Holy \ft and the Son and the Holy Spirit... \ref 384 \id 295620093456190601 \begin 0:09:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx dan Roh Kudus... \pho dan rɔh kudus \mb dan Roh Kudus \ge and Spirit Holy \gj and Spirit Holy \ft and the Holy Spirit... \ref 385 \id 931977112724180601 \begin 0:09:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx dan Roh Kudus... \pho dan rɔh kudus \mb dan Roh Kudus \ge and Spirit Holy \gj and Spirit Holy \ft and the Holy Spirit... \ref 386 \id 769438112724180601 \begin 0:09:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx amin. \pho ʔaːmin \mb amin \ge amen \gj amen \ft amen. \ref 387 \id 471595112725180601 \begin 0:09:20 \sp EXPYAN \tx amin. \pho ʔamin \mb amin \ge amen \gj amen \ft amen. \ref 388 \id 418384112725180601 \begin 0:09:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx amin. \pho ʔaːmin \mb amin \ge amen \gj amen \ft amen. \ref 389 \id 689643112725180601 \begin 0:09:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx mari makan. \pho mari makaːn \mb mari makan \ge MARI eat \gj MARI eat \ft let's eat. \ref 390 \id 343882112725180601 \begin 0:09:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx mari makan. \pho mari makaːn \mb mari makan \ge MARI eat \gj MARI eat \ft let's eat. \nt imitating MOT. \ref 391 \id 429417112725180601 \begin 0:09:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx makan, makan, makan, nyam, nyam, nyam. \pho makan makan makan ɲam ɲam ɲam \mb makan makan makan nyam nyam nyam \ge eat eat eat IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj eat eat eat IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft eat, eat, eat, yum, yum, yum. \ref 392 \id 731449112725180601 \begin 0:09:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx disuapin aja. \pho disuwapin ʔaːjaʰ \mb di- suap -in aja \ge DI- feed -IN just \gj DI-feed-IN just \ft just feed them. \ref 393 \id 981355112725180601 \begin 0:09:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, ya. \pho yaː yaʰ \mb ya ya \ge yes yes \gj yes yes \ft okay, okay. \ref 394 \id 864419112726180601 \begin 0:09:27 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priska yang suapin, ya? \pho priska yaŋ suwapin yaː \mb Priska yang suap -in ya \ge Priska REL feed -IN yes \gj Priska REL feed-IN yes \ft you feed them, okay? \ref 395 \id 211588112726180601 \begin 0:09:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska yang suapin, ya? \pho priska yaŋ suwapin yaʰ \mb Priska yang suap -in ya \ge Priska REL feed -IN yes \gj Priska REL feed-IN yes \ft you feed them, okay? \ref 396 \id 868797112726180601 \begin 0:09:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx mmm. \pho m̩m̩ \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft nyum. \ref 397 \id 902192112726180601 \begin 0:09:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx mmm. \pho m̩mm \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft mmm. \ref 398 \id 568311112726180601 \begin 0:09:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx Mami suapin yang ini aja deh. \pho mami suwapin yaŋ ʔini ʔaja dɛh \mb Mami suap -in yang ini aja deh \ge mommy feed -IN REL this just DEH \gj mommy feed-IN REL this just DEH \ft let me feed this one. \nt referring one of the dolls. \ref 399 \id 513166112726180601 \begin 0:09:32 \sp EXPYAN \tx Tante Yanti yang ini aja deh. \pho tantə yanti yaŋ ʔini ʔaja dɛh \mb Tante Yanti yang ini aja deh \ge aunt Yanti REL this just DEH \gj aunt Yanti REL this just DEH \ft let me feed this then. \ref 400 \id 695294112726180601 \begin 0:09:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx am. \pho ʔm̩ \mb am \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft nyum. \ref 401 \id 827111112726180601 \begin 0:09:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini siapa? \pho ʔini siyapaː \mb ini siapa \ge this who \gj this who \ft who is this? \nt referring to a doll who is already old and looks like a grandfather. \ref 402 \id 479423112726180601 \begin 0:09:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx ai, opanya makan sendiri, sudah bisa makan sendiri dia. \pho ʔai ʔɔpaɲa makan səndiri sudah bisa makan səndiri diyaː \mb ai opa -nya makan sen- diri sudah bisa makan sen- diri dia \ge EXCL grandpa -NYA eat SE- self PFCT can eat SE- self 3 \gj EXCL grandpa-NYA eat SE-self PFCT can eat SE-self 3 \ft hey, the grandpa eats by himself, he can eat by himself. \ref 403 \id 574729112726180601 \begin 0:09:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx hi hi, opanya pake kacamata, kan? \pho hi hi ʔɔpaɲa pakɛ kacamaːta kaːn \mb hi hi opa -nya pake kacamata kan \ge IMIT IMIT grandpa -NYA use glass.eye KAN \gj IMIT IMIT grandpa-NYA use glass.eye KAN \ft hi hi, the grandpa is wearing glasses, right? \ref 404 \id 384215112726180601 \begin 0:09:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 405 \id 609793112726180601 \begin 0:09:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho həː \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 406 \id 201983112726180601 \begin 0:09:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx kayak opanya Priska, ya? \pho kayaʔ ʔɔpaɲa piːska yah \mb kayak opa -nya Priska ya \ge like grandpa -NYA Priska yes \gj like grandpa-NYA Priska yes \ft he is like my grandpa, right? \ref 407 \id 535032112726180601 \begin 0:09:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 408 \id 100099112726180601 \begin 0:09:46 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 409 \id 876625112726180601 \begin 0:09:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx opanya Priska siapa sih? \pho ʔɔpaɲa priska siyapa siːh \mb opa -nya Priska siapa sih \ge grandpa -NYA Priska who SIH \gj grandpa-NYA Priska who SIH \ft who is your grandpa? \ref 410 \id 164124112726180601 \begin 0:09:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... \pho ʔə0̃ː \mb eee \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 411 \id 541402112726180601 \begin 0:09:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx Opa siapa? \pho ʔɔpa siyapaʰ \mb Opa siapa \ge grandpa who \gj grandpa who \ft Grandpa who? \ref 412 \id 954595112726180601 \begin 0:09:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx Opa Frans Martabak... \pho ʔɔpa flan martaːbak \mb Opa Frans Martabak \ge grandpa Frans k.o.food \gj grandpa Frans k.o.food \ft Grandpa Frans Martabak... \nt her grandfather's name is actually 'Frans Marta', but she names him 'Frans Martabak' because Marta are the two first syllables for the word 'martabak, which refers to a kind of cake. \ref 413 \id 206459112726180601 \begin 0:09:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh! \pho hɛh \mb heh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \nt laughing. \ref 414 \id 166672112726180601 \begin 0:09:52 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 415 \id 169337112726180601 \begin 0:09:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 416 \id 862677112726180601 \begin 0:09:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx ah, nanti dimarahin. \pho ʔaːːa nanti dimarahin \mb ah nanti di- marah -in \ge EXCL later DI- angry -IN \gj EXCL later DI-angry-IN \ft ah, he will be angry with you. \ref 417 \id 642499112727180601 \begin 0:09:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx Opa siapa? \pho ʔɔpa siyapah \mb Opa siapa \ge grandpa who \gj grandpa who \ft Granpa who? \ref 418 \id 896241112727180601 \sp CHIPRI \tx Frans Martabak. \pho frans martabak \mb Frans Martabak \ge Frans k.o.food \gj Frans k.o.food \ft Frans Martabak. \nt the name is actually 'Frans Marta', but she names him 'Frans Martabak' because Marta are the two first syllables for the word 'martabak, which refers to a kind of cake. \ref 419 \id 444705112727180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh! \pho hɛh \mb heh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \ref 420 \id 278613112727180601 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 421 \id 561069112727180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang betul, yang betul, Opa siapa? \pho yaŋ bətul yaŋ bətul ʔɔpa siyapah \mb yang betul yang betul Opa siapa \ge REL right REL right grandpa who \gj REL right REL right grandpa who \ft the right one, the rigth one, Grandpa who? \ref 422 \id 310636112727180601 \sp CHIPRI \tx Opa... \pho ʔɔpa \mb Opa \ge grandpa \gj grandpa \ft Grandpa... \ref 423 \id 573805112727180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 424 \id 160047112727180601 \sp CHIPRI \tx Frans. \pho fran \mb Frans \ge Frans \gj Frans \ft Frans. \ref 425 \id 423136112727180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx he, Frans Marta. \pho hə̃ frans maːrta \mb he Frans Marta \ge uh-huh Frans Marta \gj uh-huh Frans Marta \ft uh-huh, Frans Marta. \ref 426 \id 466265112727180601 \begin 0:10:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx Marta. \pho maːrta \mb Marta \ge Marta \gj Marta \ft Marta. \ref 427 \id 829687112727180601 \begin 0:10:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha, kalo omanya, omanya? \pho ha kalɔ ʔɔmaɲa ʔɔmaɲah \mb ha kalo oma -nya oma -nya \ge uh-huh TOP grandma -NYA grandma -NYA \gj uh-huh TOP grandma-NYA grandma-NYA \ft uh-huh, what about your grandma, your grandma? \ref 428 \id 572174112727180601 \begin 0:10:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx (O)ma (O)ma Mai... Mai Mai Siomay. \pho ma ma mai mai may siyɔmay \mb Oma Oma Mai Mai Mai Siomay \ge grandma grandma Mai Mai Mai k.o.dumpling \gj grandma grandma Mai Mai Mai k.o.dumpling \ft Grandma Grandma Mai... Mai Mai Siomay. \nt 'Siomay' is a name given by CHI to her grandmother because her grandmohter's name has one similar syllable with the one in the word "siomay'. \ref 429 \id 643586112727180601 \begin 0:10:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 430 \id 275946112727180601 \begin 0:10:10 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 431 \id 729347112727180601 \begin 0:10:11 \sp EXPYAN \tx ayo lo (ke)dengaran Oma lo nanti lo. \pho ʔayɔ lɔ dəŋaran ʔɔma lɔ nanti lɔ \mb ayo lo ke an dengar Oma lo nanti lo \ge AYO 2 KE AN hear grandma 2 later 2 \gj AYO 2 KE.AN-hear grandma 2 later 2 \ft she will hear what you said. \ref 432 \id 756348112727180601 \begin 0:10:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt still laughing. \ref 433 \id 956002112727180601 \begin 0:10:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt looking at EXP. \ref 434 \id 445471112727180601 \begin 0:10:14 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 435 \id 545420112727180601 \begin 0:10:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx udah, sekarang, udah pada selesai makan. \pho ʔudah səkaraŋ ʔudah pada sləsayi makan \mb udah sekarang udah pada selesai makan \ge PFCT now PFCT PL finish eat \gj PFCT now PFCT PL finish eat \ft okay, they are all have finished eating. \ref 436 \id 986062112727180601 \begin 0:10:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx cuci piringnya! \pho cuci piriŋɲaːʰ \mb cuci piring -nya \ge wash plate -NYA \gj wash plate-NYA \ft wash the plates! \ref 437 \id 768618112727180601 \begin 0:10:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx cuci. \pho cuciː \mb cuci \ge wash \gj wash \ft wash. \ref 438 \id 188547112727180601 \begin 0:10:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska yang cuci piringnya. \pho priska yaŋ cuci piriŋɲaːʰ \mb Priska yang cuci piring -nya \ge Priska REL wash plate -NYA \gj Priska REL wash plate-NYA \ft you wash the plates. \ref 439 \id 619841112728180601 \begin 0:10:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini siapa? \pho ʔiniːʰ siyapah \mb ini siapa \ge this who \gj this who \ft who's this? \nt referring to a doll. \ref 440 \id 785425112728180601 \begin 0:10:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha? \pho hãːh \mb ha \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 441 \id 953680112728180601 \begin 0:10:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx op(a)... ini Priska yang cuciin. \pho ʔɔp ʔini piska yaŋ cuciʔin \mb opa ini Priska yang cuci -in \ge grandpa this Priska REL wash -IN \gj grandpa this Priska REL wash-IN \ft grandpa... let me wash this one. \nt taking a plate. \ref 442 \id 123096112729180601 \begin 0:10:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, semuanya Priska cuciin nih. \pho yaː səmuwaɲaʰ priskaʰ cuciʔin nih \mb ya semua -nya Priska cuci -in nih \ge yes all -NYA Priska wash -IN this \gj yes all-NYA Priska wash-IN this \ft okay, you wash all of them. \ref 443 \id 376362112729180601 \begin 0:10:27 \sp EXPYAN \tx semuanya Priska cuciin. \pho səmuwaɲaʰ priska cuciʔin \mb semua -nya Priska cuci -in \ge all -NYA Priska wash -IN \gj all-NYA Priska wash-IN \ft you wash all of them. \ref 444 \id 928971112729180601 \begin 0:10:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska cuciin semuanya ni. \pho priska cuciʔini səmuwaɲa nih \mb Priska cuci -in semua -nya ni \ge Priska wash -IN all -NYA this \gj Priska wash-IN all-NYA this \ft you wash all of these. \ref 445 \id 631856112729180601 \begin 0:10:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx cucinya. \pho cuciɲaʰ \mb cuci -nya \ge wash -NYA \gj wash-NYA \ft wash. \ref 446 \id 229943112729180601 \begin 0:10:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx taro di sini, ya, nanti... \pho tarɔ di sini yaːʰ nantiʔ \mb taro di sini ya nanti \ge put LOC here yes later \gj put LOC here yes later \ft put them here, okay, later... \nt referring to CHI's palm. \ref 447 \id 657923112729180601 \begin 0:10:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni, buat dicuci dulu, ya? \pho niː buwat dicuciʔ duluːʔ yaːʰ \mb ni buat di- cuci dulu ya \ge this for DI- wash before yes \gj this for DI-wash before yes \ft these, wash them first, okay? \ref 448 \id 936217112729180601 \begin 0:10:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni yang kotor nih, ni piring kotor nih. \pho ni yaŋ kɔtɔr niːʰ ni piriŋ kɔtɔr niː \mb ni yang kotor nih ni piring kotor nih \ge this REL dirty this this plate dirty this \gj this REL dirty this this plate dirty this \ft here are the dirty ones, here are dirty plates. \nt putting the plates into the tray. \ref 449 \id 921679112729180601 \begin 0:10:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx cuci dulu! \pho cuci duluːʔ \mb cuci dulu \ge wash before \gj wash before \ft wash them! \ref 450 \id 484459112729180601 \begin 0:10:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx ininya gelasnya juga. \pho ʔiniɲa gəlasɲa jugaːʔ \mb ini -nya gelas -nya juga \ge this -NYA glass -NYA also \gj this-NYA glass-NYA also \ft also this glass. \ref 451 \id 620070112729180601 \begin 0:10:38 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priska cuci sana di belakang, ya? \pho priska cuci sana di bəlakaŋ yaːʰ \mb Priska cuci sana di belakang ya \ge Priska wash there LOC back yes \gj Priska wash there LOC back yes \ft you wash them over there, at the back, okay? \nt 1. helping MOT. 2. referring to the space on CHI's right. \ref 452 \id 656079112729180601 \begin 0:10:40 \sp EXPYAN \tx sebelah sana, ya? \pho səbəlah sanaː yaːh \mb se- belah sana ya \ge SE- side there yes \gj SE-side there yes \ft over there, okay? \ref 453 \id 544063112729180601 \begin 0:10:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt looking at the place where EXP meant. \ref 454 \id 679225112729180601 \begin 0:10:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx belakang situ, ya? \pho bəlakaŋ situː yaːʰ \mb belakang situ ya \ge back there yes \gj back there yes \ft at back over there, okay? \ref 455 \id 750269112729180601 \begin 0:10:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 456 \id 483488112729180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih, cuci! \pho niːh cuciʔ \mb nih cuci \ge this wash \gj this wash \ft here, wash them! \nt giving the tray which is full of dishes to CHI. \ref 457 \id 498968112729180601 \sp EXPYAN \tx ni satu lagi gelasnya. \pho ni satu lagi gəlasɲah̩ \mb ni satu lagi gelas -nya \ge this one more glass -NYA \gj this one more glass-NYA \ft this is the other glass. \nt taking a glass and putting it on the tray. \ref 458 \id 566624112729180601 \begin 0:10:49 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt a glass fell down from the tray. \ref 459 \id 972779112729180601 \begin 0:10:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt taking it and about to put it in the tray. \ref 460 \id 190797110838190601 \begin 0:10:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh! \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \ref 461 \id 717600112729180601 \begin 0:10:52 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priska cuci, ya? \pho priska cuci yaːʰ \mb Priska cuci ya \ge Priska wash yes \gj Priska wash yes \ft you wash them, okay? \ref 462 \id 415093112729180601 \begin 0:10:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx itu nggak usah, ya? \pho ʔitu ŋgaʔ ʔusah yaːh \mb itu nggak usah ya \ge that NEG must yes \gj that NEG must yes \ft we don't need that one, right? \ref 463 \id 282060112729180601 \begin 0:10:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh, itu... \pho həh ʔitu \mb heh itu \ge EXCL that \gj EXCL that \ft hey, that... \ref 464 \id 887879112730180601 \begin 0:10:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx eh, ini gelas juga kotor, kan? \pho ʔɛh ʔini gəlas juga kɔtɔr kan \mb eh ini gelas juga kotor kan \ge EXCL this glass also dirty KAN \gj EXCL this glass also dirty KAN \ft hey, this glass is also dirty, right? \ref 465 \id 297275112730180601 \begin 0:10:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx kebanyakan. \pho kəbaɲakan \mb ke an banyak \ge KE AN a.lot \gj KE.AN-a.lot \ft they are too many. \ref 466 \id 121190112730180601 \begin 0:10:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx kebanyakan? \pho kəbaɲakan \mb ke an banyak \ge KE AN a.lot \gj KE.AN-a.lot \ft they are too many? \ref 467 \id 742277112730180601 \begin 0:10:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, sini Mami... Mami iniin. \pho ya sini mami mami ʔiniʔin \mb ya sini Mami Mami ini -in \ge yes here mommy mommy this -IN \gj yes here mommy mommy this-IN \ft well, give it to me... let me whatchamacallit. \ref 468 \id 268705112730180601 \begin 0:11:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx botolnya nggak usah. \pho bɔtɔlɲa ŋgaʔ ʔusah \mb botol -nya nggak usah \ge bottle -NYA NEG must \gj bottle-NYA NEG must \ft we don't need the bottle washed. \nt taking the bottle out of the tray. \ref 469 \id 532199112730180601 \begin 0:11:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx dah, cuci deh! \pho dah cuciʔ dɛh \mb dah cuci deh \ge PFCT wash DEH \gj PFCT wash DEH \ft okay, wash them! \ref 470 \id 180242112730180601 \begin 0:11:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih. \pho niːh \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt bringing the tray to her right and putting it on the floor. \ref 471 \id 543157112730180601 \begin 0:11:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho yaʔ \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 472 \id 757015112730180601 \begin 0:11:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx cu(ci)... kan cuci sendiri. \pho cu kan cuci səndiliːʔ \mb cuci kan cuci sen- diri \ge wash KAN wash SE- self \gj wash KAN wash SE-self \ft wash... I wash them by myself. \ref 473 \id 467708112730180601 \begin 0:11:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx kamu cuci sendiri gimana? \pho kamu cuci səndiri gimanah \mb kamu cuci sen- diri gimana \ge 2 wash SE- self how \gj 2 wash SE-self how \ft how do you wash them by yourself? \ref 474 \id 787872112730180601 \begin 0:11:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx cucinya gimana, pake... \pho cuciɲa giimanah pakɛʔ \mb cuci -nya gimana pake \ge wash -NYA how use \gj wash-NYA how use \ft how do you wash them, use... \nt interrupted by CHI. \ref 475 \id 678878112730180601 \begin 0:11:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, Hello Kitty juga. \pho ʔɛh hɛlɔWu kiti jugaːʔ \mb eh Hello Kitty juga \ge EXCL Hello Kitty also \gj EXCL Hello Kitty also \ft hey, that's also Hello Kitty. \nt pointing at s.t. and laughing. \ref 476 \id 317530112730180601 \begin 0:11:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyaʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 477 \id 344963112730180601 \begin 0:11:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx ayo dicuci dulu! \pho ʔayɔ dicuci duluːʔ \mb ayo di- cuci dulu \ge AYO DI- wash before \gj AYO DI-wash before \ft wash them! \ref 478 \id 609509112730180601 \begin 0:11:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx hmm. \pho hm \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \nt taking a plate. \ref 479 \id 829431112730180601 \begin 0:11:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx pake sabun! \pho pakɛ sabuːn \mb pake sabun \ge use soap \gj use soap \ft use some soap! \ref 480 \id 765671112730180601 \begin 0:11:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx sabunnya? \pho sabuːnɲah \mb sabun -nya \ge soap -NYA \gj soap-NYA \ft what about the soap? \ref 481 \id 152203112730180601 \begin 0:11:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx sabunnya... \pho sabuːnɲaː \mb sabun -nya \ge soap -NYA \gj soap-NYA \ft the soap... \ref 482 \id 891578112731180601 \begin 0:11:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx boongan aja. \pho bɔʔɔŋan ʔaːja \mb boong -an aja \ge lie -AN just \gj lie-AN just \ft just pretending. \ref 483 \id 371681112731180601 \begin 0:11:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, boongan aja. \pho yah bɔʔɔŋan ʔaːjaʰ \mb ya boong -an aja \ge yes lie -AN just \gj yes lie-AN just \ft okay, just pretending. \ref 484 \id 553742112732180601 \begin 0:11:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pretending to wash a plate and putting it on the floor closer to MOT. \ref 485 \id 459450112732180601 \begin 0:11:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang udah bersih taro di sini. \pho yaŋ ʔudah bərsih tarɔʔ di sinih \mb yang udah bersih taro di sini \ge REL PFCT clean put LOC here \gj REL PFCT clean put LOC here \ft put the clean ones over here. \nt referring to a pink plate. \ref 486 \id 586653112732180601 \begin 0:11:28 \sp EXPYAN \tx taro di sini, biar kering dulu. \pho tarɔ di sini biyar kəriŋ duluː \mb taro di sini biar kering dulu \ge put LOC here let dry before \gj put LOC here let dry before \ft to make them dry, put them here. \ref 487 \id 101207112732180601 \begin 0:11:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx biar kering. \pho biyar kəriŋ \mb biar kering \ge let dry \gj let dry \ft to make them dry. \nt putting the plate that CHI has already washed. \ref 488 \id 602621112732180601 \begin 0:11:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx ayo, yang itu belom. \pho ʔayɔʔ yaŋ ʔitu bəlɔm \mb ayo yang itu belom \ge AYO REL that not.yet \gj AYO REL that not.yet \ft come on, you haven't washed those ones. \ref 489 \id 261816112732180601 \begin 0:11:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pretending to wash another plate and putting it on the plate. \ref 490 \id 861146112732180601 \begin 0:11:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho yaːa \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 491 \id 104321112732180601 \begin 0:11:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pretending to wash another plate and putting it on the plate. \ref 492 \id 733417112732180601 \begin 0:11:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho yaːa \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 493 \id 759716112732180601 \begin 0:11:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pretending to wash another plate. \ref 494 \id 864373112732180601 \begin 0:11:46 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt coughing. \ref 495 \id 640394135303190601 \begin 0:11:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt putting it on the plate. \ref 496 \id 331628112732180601 \begin 0:11:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho yaːa \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 497 \id 589061112732180601 \begin 0:11:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking a bowl and pretending to wash it. \ref 498 \id 962553112732180601 \begin 0:11:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo mangkok buat tempat apa sih, Pris? \pho kalɔ maŋkɔk buwat təmpat ʔapa si priːs \mb kalo mangkok buat tempat apa sih Pris \ge TOP bowl for place what SIH Priska \gj TOP bowl for place what SIH Priska \ft what is a bowl for? \ref 499 \id 759328112732180601 \begin 0:11:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx buat tempat makan juga. \pho buwat təmpat makan juːgaʔ \mb buat tempat makan juga \ge for place eat also \gj for place eat also \ft for eating, too. \nt putting the bowl on the plate, but taking it again. \ref 500 \id 649096112732180601 \begin 0:12:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx makan apa? \pho makan ʔapaː \mb makan apa \ge eat what \gj eat what \ft eat what? \ref 501 \id 182599112732180601 \begin 0:12:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini taro di mana? \pho ʔini tarɔ di manah \mb ini taro di mana \ge this put LOC which \gj this put LOC which \ft where do I put this? \nt referring to the bowl. \ref 502 \id 559453112732180601 \begin 0:12:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, situ, nggak pa-pa. \pho ya situ ŋgaʔ papah \mb ya situ nggak pa - pa \ge yes there NEG what - what \gj yes there NEG RED-what \ft right, over there, that's fine. \ref 503 \id 147356112732180601 \begin 0:12:05 \sp MOTPRI \tx situ juga taro. \pho situ juga tarɔʔ \mb situ juga taro \ge there also put \gj there also put \ft just put it there. \ref 504 \id 421446112732180601 \begin 0:12:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak usah. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔusah \mb nggak usah \ge NEG must \gj NEG must \ft no need. \nt putting the bowl on the floor. \ref 505 \id 853060112732180601 \begin 0:12:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx taro sini. \pho talɔʔ sini \mb taro sini \ge put here \gj put here \ft I am putting it here. \nt referring to the floor. \ref 506 \id 998104112732180601 \begin 0:12:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini, sama-sama lagi taro situ. \mb ini sama - sama lagi taro situ \ge this same - same more put there \gj this RED-same more put there \ft this, put it together here. \nt referring to the pink plate where the plates are. \ref 507 \id 355015154232180601 \begin 0:12:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking the bowl and putting it on the plate. \ref 508 \id 351633154233180601 \begin 0:12:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho yaː \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 509 \id 205262154233180601 \begin 0:12:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking another bowl and pretending to wash it. \ref 510 \id 741813154233180601 \begin 0:12:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx gelasnya kecil-kecil. \mb gelas -nya kecil - kecil \ge glass -NYA small - small \gj glass-NYA RED-small \ft the glasses are small. \nt putting the bowl on the plate. \ref 511 \id 564763154233180601 \begin 0:12:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah. \pho daːh \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \ref 512 \id 291895154233180601 \begin 0:12:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx gelasnya belum. \pho gəlasɲa bəːlum \mb gelas -nya belum \ge glass -NYA not.yet \gj glass-NYA not.yet \ft not the glasses. \ref 513 \id 596219154233180601 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt 1. taking a glass, pretending to wash it, and putting it on the floor. 2. taking another glass. \ref 514 \id 664917154233180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx sambil dihitung ada berapa gelasnya. \pho sambil dihituŋ ʔada bərapa gəlasɲaː \mb sambil di- hitung ada berapa gelas -nya \ge while DI- count exist how.much glass -NYA \gj while DI-count exist how.much glass-NYA \ft while counting how many glasses there are. \ref 515 \id 570675154233180601 \sp CHIPRI \tx sebentar. \pho səbəntaːr \mb se- bentar \ge SE- moment \gj SE-moment \ft just a minute. \nt pretending to wash the glass. \ref 516 \id 652720154233180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuːh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft there. \ref 517 \id 787414154233180601 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt puttng the glass on the floor. \ref 518 \id 184629154233180601 \sp EXPYAN \tx cucinya pake sabun apa, Pris? \pho cuciɲa pakɛ sabun ʔapa priːs \mb cuci -nya pake sabun apa Pris \ge wash -NYA use soap what Priska \gj wash-NYA use soap what Priska \ft what soap do you use when washing? \ref 519 \id 471404154233180601 \sp CHIPRI \tx sabun... \pho sabuːn \mb sabun \ge soap \gj soap \ft soap... \nt taking another glass and pretending to wash it. \ref 520 \id 798454154233180601 \sp CHIPRI \tx sabunnya... \pho saːbunɲaː \mb sabun -nya \ge soap -NYA \gj soap-NYA \ft soap... \ref 521 \id 333923154233180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx sabun apa? \pho sabun ʔapaː \mb sabun apa \ge soap what \gj soap what \ft what soap? \ref 522 \id 448861154233180601 \sp CHIPRI \tx sabun xx. \pho sabun ʔalapiɲaː \mb sabun xx \ge soap xx \gj soap xx \ft soap xx. \ref 523 \id 816951154233180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx apa tu? \pho ʔaːpa tuʰ \mb apa tu \ge what that \gj what that \ft what's that? \ref 524 \id 714972154233180601 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt murmuring. \ref 525 \id 361541154234180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx Sunlight. \pho sanlayit \mb Sunlight \ge Sunlight \gj Sunlight \ft Sunlight. \nt a brand of soap for washing dishes. \ref 526 \id 240190154234180601 \sp CHIPRI \tx Sunlight. \pho sanlayit \mb Sunlight \ge Sunlight \gj Sunlight \ft Sunlight. \ref 527 \id 982454154234180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha, sabun Sunlight. \pho hãː sabun sanlayit \mb ha sabun Sunlight \ge uh-huh soap Sunlight \gj uh-huh soap Sunlight \ft uh-huh, Sunlight soap. \ref 528 \id 433931154234180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx Mama Lemon. \pho mama lɛmɔn \mb Mama Lemon \ge Mama Lemon \gj Mama Lemon \ft Mama Lemon. \nt a brand of soap for washing dishes. \ref 529 \id 990128154234180601 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mama Lemon. \pho mama lɛːmɔn \mb Mama Lemon \ge mommy Lemon \gj mommy Lemon \ft Mama Lemon. \ref 530 \id 713488154234180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ː \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 531 \id 617720154234180601 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt keeps herself washing. \ref 532 \id 234018154234180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ː \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 533 \id 748655154234180601 \begin 0:13:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo cuci bajunya pake sabun apa? \pho kalɔ cuci bajuɲa pakɛ sabun ʔapah \mb kalo cuci baju -nya pake sabun apa \ge TOP wash garment -NYA use soap what \gj TOP wash garment-NYA use soap what \ft what soap do you use for washing clothes? \ref 534 \id 361456154234180601 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt looking at MOT. \ref 535 \id 603367154234180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo cuci baju pake apa? \pho kalɔ cuci baju pakɛ ʔapaʰ \mb kalo cuci baju pake apa \ge TOP wash garment use what \gj TOP wash garment use what \ft what do you use when washing dishes? \ref 536 \id 201928154234180601 \sp CHIPRI \tx (pa)ke a(ir)... (a)ir. \pho kɛʔ ʔaː yiːr \mb pake air air \ge use water water \gj use water water \ft I use water. \ref 537 \id 517403154234180601 \sp MOTPRI \tx air. \pho ʔayiːr \mb air \ge water \gj water \ft water. \ref 538 \id 804899154234180601 \begin 0:13:14 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 539 \id 661567154234180601 \begin 0:13:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, sabunnya. \pho ʔiːyaːʰ saːbuːnɲah \mb iya sabun -nya \ge yes soap -NYA \gj yes soap-NYA \ft right, the soap. \ref 540 \id 969995154234180601 \begin 0:13:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx pake air. \pho pakɛʔ ʔayir \mb pake air \ge use water \gj use water \ft I use water. \ref 541 \id 735242154234180601 \begin 0:13:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx So Klin. \pho sɔː kl̩in \mb So Klin \ge So Klin \gj So Klin \ft So Klin. \nt a brand of soap. \ref 542 \id 400435100444200601 \begin 0:13:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx So Klin. \pho sɔ kl̩in \mb So Klin \ge So Klin \gj So Klin \ft So Klin. \ref 543 \id 533149100454200601 \begin 0:13:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx So Klin is the... \pho sɔ kl̩in is dɛː \mb So Klin is the \ge So Klin is the \gj So Klin is the \ft So Klin is the... \nt expecting CHI to complete the expression used in the advertisement of this kind of detergent. \ref 544 \id 850425100556200601 \begin 0:13:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx tinggal satu. \pho tiŋgal satuʔ \mb tinggal satu \ge stay one \gj stay one \ft there is one left. \nt taking another glass. \ref 545 \id 823668100619200601 \begin 0:13:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, ya. \pho ʔɔː yaː \mb oh ya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, right. \ref 546 \id 634613100830200601 \begin 0:13:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx So... \pho sɔ \mb So \ge So \gj So \ft So... \ref 547 \id 208879100632200601 \begin 0:13:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah abis, ya? \pho ʔuda ʔabis yaː \mb udah abis ya \ge PFCT finished yes \gj PFCT finished yes \ft finished, right? \ref 548 \id 339556100723200601 \begin 0:13:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx abis, ya? \pho ʰabis yaː \mb abis ya \ge finished yes \gj finished yes \ft really? \ref 549 \id 655091100914200601 \begin 0:13:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx belom, itu masih ada. \pho bəlɔːm ʔitu masih ʔadaʔ \mb belom itu masih ada \ge not.yet that still exist \gj not.yet that still exist \ft not yet, there is still the other. \ref 550 \id 126638100956200601 \begin 0:13:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt putting the glass she is holding on the plate. \ref 551 \id 510481100957200601 \begin 0:13:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx, tinggal satu. \pho xx tiŋgal saːtuʔ \mb xx tinggal satu \ge xx stay one \gj xx stay one \ft xx, there is one left. \nt taking the last glass and prentending to wash it. \ref 552 \id 562699100957200601 \begin 0:13:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 553 \id 699865100957200601 \begin 0:13:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx xx, pake sabun, ya, situ... gitu, ya? \pho xx pakɛ sabun yah situ gitu yaʰ \mb xx pake sabun ya situ gitu ya \ge xx use soap yes there like.that yes \gj xx use soap yes there like.that yes \ft xx, use soap, right, over there... like that, right? \ref 554 \id 248416100958200601 \begin 0:13:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt finishes washing the glass and looking for a place to put it. \ref 555 \id 643806100958200601 \begin 0:13:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx udah bersih? \pho ʔudah bərsiːiʰ \mb udah bersih \ge PFCT clean \gj PFCT clean \ft is it clean? \ref 556 \id 369207100958200601 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah. \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft yes. \ref 557 \id 372111100959200601 \sp MOTPRI \tx udah bersih semua? \pho ʔudah bərsiʰ səmuwah \mb udah bersih semua \ge PFCT clean all \gj PFCT clean all \ft are they clean? \ref 558 \id 581210101000200601 \begin 0:13:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 559 \id 415662101000200601 \begin 0:13:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih, masih ada nih, dua lagi nih, mangkoknya nih. \mb nih masih ada nih dua lagi nih mangkok -nya nih \ge this still exist this two more this bowl -NYA this \gj this still exist this two more this bowl-NYA this \ft here, there are still two bowls. \nt giving two more bowls to CHI. \ref 560 \id 844975101000200601 \begin 0:13:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh, ah! \pho həːʔəh ʔah \mb heh ah \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hey, ah! \nt receiving the bowls while expressing her disappointment and then looking at MOT. \ref 561 \id 119761101000200601 \begin 0:13:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 562 \id 126341101000200601 \begin 0:13:51 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 563 \id 924849101002200601 \begin 0:13:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pretending to wash. \ref 564 \id 658672101003200601 \begin 0:13:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh, ngapa... \pho həh ŋapaː \mb heh ng- apa \ge EXCL N- what \gj EXCL N-what \ft hey, why... \nt imitating what CHI exclaimed. \ref 565 \id 917027101003200601 \begin 0:13:55 \sp EXPYAN \tx tambahin kerjaan, ya, Pris, ya? \pho tambaʔin kərjaʔan ya pris yaːʰ \mb tambah -in kerja -an ya Pris ya \ge add -IN do -AN yes Priska yes \gj add-IN do-AN yes Priska yes \ft she added your work, right? \ref 566 \id 461012114543200601 \begin 0:13:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃ːh \mb heh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey? \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 567 \id 600742101004200601 \begin 0:13:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 568 \id 183835101005200601 \begin 0:14:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx taro sini, deket sini. \pho talɔʔ sini dəkət siniʰ \mb taro sini deket sini \ge put here near here \gj put here near here \ft I am putting it here, near here. \nt putting a bowl on the floor, near the glasses. \ref 569 \id 620636101006200601 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini deket sini dong, yang ini nih. \pho ʔiːni dəkət sini dɔŋ yaŋ ʔini nih \mb ini deket sini dong yang ini nih \ge this near here DONG REL this this \gj this near here DONG REL this this \ft it's near here, this one. \nt referring to the plate. \ref 570 \id 644948101007200601 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuːh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft look. \nt putting the bowl on the plate. \ref 571 \id 658510101008200601 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking the other bowl and pretending to wash it. \ref 572 \id 894181101009200601 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini. \pho ʔiniːʰ \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this. \nt finishes washing it. \ref 573 \id 922943101015200601 \begin 0:14:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, deket situ, sebelahnya. \pho ya dəkət situː səbəlahɲah \mb ya deket situ se- belah -nya \ge yes near there SE- side -NYA \gj yes near there SE-side-NYA \ft right, near there, next to it. \ref 574 \id 129688101016200601 \begin 0:14:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt putting the bowl next to the previous one. \ref 575 \id 466784101017200601 \begin 0:14:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah. \pho naːh \mb nah \ge NAH \gj NAH \ft there you go. \ref 576 \id 553512101017200601 \begin 0:14:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt clapping her hands once. \ref 577 \id 190560101018200601 \begin 0:14:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx sudah... selesai. \pho sudah sələsay \mb sudah selesai \ge PFCT finish \gj PFCT finish \ft okay... done. \ref 578 \id 257002101019200601 \begin 0:14:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx selesai. \pho sl̩əsay \mb selesai \ge finish \gj finish \ft done. \ref 579 \id 939551101019200601 \begin 0:14:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx selesai cucinya. \pho sl̩əsay cuciʔɲah \mb selesai cuci -nya \ge finish wash -NYA \gj finish wash-NYA \ft you have finished washing. \ref 580 \id 740834120031200601 \begin 0:14:14 \sp EXPYAN \tx selesai. \pho sələsaːyi \mb selesai \ge finish \gj finish \ft done. \ref 581 \id 258811101019200601 \begin 0:14:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking the chopping block. \ref 582 \id 745843101019200601 \begin 0:14:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus? \pho tr̩us \mb trus \ge continue \gj continue \ft what else? \ref 583 \id 811289101019200601 \begin 0:14:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini pot(ong)... mmm motong. \pho ʔini pɔːt m̩m̩ motɔŋ \mb ini potong mmm m- potong \ge this cut FILL N- cut \gj this cut FILL N-cut \ft it's for cutting... umm for cutting. \nt referring to the chopping block. \ref 584 \id 954627101019200601 \begin 0:14:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, telornya dipotong, bisa, nggak? \pho ya təlɔrɲa dipɔtɔŋ bisa ŋgaʔ \mb ya telor -nya di- potong bisa nggak \ge yes egg -NYA DI- cut can NEG \gj yes egg-NYA DI-cut can NEG \ft right, can you cut the egg? \ref 585 \id 745621101019200601 \begin 0:14:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx potong apa? \pho pɔtɔŋ ʔaːpaʰ \mb potong apa \ge cut what \gj cut what \ft what are you cutting? \nt CHI is taking a knife and the egg. \ref 586 \id 670666101019200601 \begin 0:14:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx potong tangannya Priska. \pho pɔtɔŋ taŋanɲaʰ priskah \mb potong tangan -nya Priska \ge cut hand -NYA Priska \gj cut hand-NYA Priska \ft you are cutting your hand. \ref 587 \id 897785101019200601 \begin 0:14:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaːʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 588 \id 299591101020200601 \begin 0:14:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pretending to cut the egg. \ref 589 \id 343868101022200601 \begin 0:14:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah, jadi. \pho dah jadiːːʔ \mb dah jadi \ge PFCT become \gj PFCT become \ft okay, done. \nt finishes cutting the egg. \ref 590 \id 204067101023200601 \begin 0:14:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx mamam! \pho mamam \mb mamam \ge eat \gj eat \ft eat it! \ref 591 \id 471839101023200601 \begin 0:14:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, taro piring. \pho ʔɛh talɔʔ piːliːŋ \mb eh taro piring \ge EH put plate \gj EH put plate \ft no, I am putting it on the plate. \nt about to eat, but changed her mind. \ref 592 \id 908390101023200601 \begin 0:14:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx mana, taro mana? \pho manah tarɔʔ manah \mb mana taro mana \ge which put which \gj which put which \ft where, where do you put it? \ref 593 \id 330116101024200601 \begin 0:14:39 \sp EXPYAN \tx nih, mangkok aja deh. \pho nih maŋkɔk ʔaːja dɛh \mb nih mangkok aja deh \ge this bowl just DEH \gj this bowl just DEH \ft here, just in the bowl. \nt putting a bowl closer to CHI. \ref 594 \id 371584101025200601 \begin 0:14:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, mo digoreng dulu. \pho ʔɛːɛ mɔ digɔlɛŋ duluːʔ \mb eh mo di- goreng dulu \ge EH want DI- fry before \gj EH want DI-fry before \ft no, I am frying it. \nt opening the lid of the green pot. \ref 595 \id 723674101025200601 \begin 0:14:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, deh. \pho ʔiyaː dɛːh \mb iya deh \ge yes DEH \gj yes DEH \ft okay then. \ref 596 \id 813626101026200601 \begin 0:14:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt putting the egg into the pot. \ref 597 \id 641312101026200601 \begin 0:14:47 \sp EXPYAN \tx dah, Priska yang goreng dong. \pho dah priska yaŋ gɔrɛŋ dɔŋ \mb dah Priska yang goreng dong \ge PFCT Priska REL fry DONG \gj PFCT Priska REL fry DONG \ft okay, you fry it. \ref 598 \id 756245101026200601 \begin 0:14:49 \sp EXPYAN \tx ya? \pho yaːh \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay? \nt making the stove closer to CHI. \ref 599 \id 128457101026200601 \begin 0:14:50 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priska yang jadi mamanya. \pho priska yaŋ jadi mamahɲah \mb Priska yang jadi mama -nya \ge Priska REL become mommy -NYA \gj Priska REL become mommy-NYA \ft you become the mother. \ref 600 \id 483343101026200601 \begin 0:14:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pretending to switch on the stove. \ref 601 \id 760230101027200601 \begin 0:14:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni kan... 'lapar, lapar, saya mau makan'. \pho ni kan laːpaːr laːpaːr saya maWu maːkaːn \mb ni kan lapar lapar saya mau makan \ge this KAN hungry hungry 1SG want eat \gj this KAN hungry hungry 1SG want eat \ft this one is, 'I am hungry, I am hungry, I want to eat'. \nt pretending to be one of the doll. \ref 602 \id 507843101027200601 \begin 0:14:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx sebentar, ya? \pho səbəntar yaːʰ \mb se- bentar ya \ge SE- moment yes \gj SE-moment yes \ft just a minute, okay? \ref 603 \id 325236101027200601 \begin 0:14:58 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt coughing. \ref 604 \id 251512101027200601 \begin 0:15:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'mau makan mi.' \pho maWu makan ʔəmmiː \mb mau makan mi \ge want eat noodles \gj want eat noodles \ft 'I want to eat noodles.' \ref 605 \id 321403121738200601 \begin 0:15:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx telor saja, pake telor, ya? \pho səlɔr saja pakɛ səlɔr ya \mb telor saja pake telor ya \ge egg just use egg yes \gj egg just use egg yes \ft just an egg, okay? \nt slip of the tongue. \ref 606 \id 628789121746200601 \begin 0:15:05 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'iya, deh, pokoknya mau makan.' \pho ʔiyaː dɛːh pɔkɔkɲa maWu maːkan \mb iya deh pokok -nya mau makan \ge yes DEH main -NYA want eat \gj yes DEH main-NYA want eat \ft 'okay, then, I want to eat.' \ref 607 \id 473526101028200601 \begin 0:15:05 \sp @End \tx @End \nt the analysis is not finished yet.