\_sh v3.0 400 Text \_DateStampHasFourDigitYear \ref 0001 \id 768024143015131101 \sp @PAR \tx Participants: CHI Priska target child; MOT CHI’s mother; OMA CHI’s grandmother; OPA Frans CHI’s grandfather; EXPLAN Lanny Experimenter; EXPYAN Yanti Experimenter. \pho @filenameɫ PRɪ-̪6030̪ \ft @Duration: 39:27 minutes analyzed: 29:44 minutes \nt @Situation: playing interviewing at CHI’s living room. \ref 0002 \id 997787143436131101 \sp @Begin \tx @Begin \ref 0003 \id 724849143446131101 \sp OMAPRI \tx Oma mao ke gereja dulu. \pho ʔɔma maɔ kə gərɛjaʔ duluʔ \mb Oma mao ke gereja dulu \ge grandma want to church before \gj grandma want to church before \ft I want to go to the church. \nt walking to the door and going to the church. \ref 0004 \id 755771143446131101 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho yaː \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah. \ref 0005 \id 269124143446131101 \sp EXPLAN \tx yo. \pho yɔːʰ \mb yo \ge yes \gj yes \ft come on. \nt talking to CHI. \ref 0006 \id 373410143446131101 \sp EXPYAN \tx ayo, sekarang... namanya siapa? \pho ʔayɔː səkaraŋ namaɲaʰ syapaːh \mb ayo sekarang nama -nya siapa \ge AYO now name -NYA who \gj AYO now name-NYA who \ft come on, now... what's your name? \nt starts interviewing. \ref 0007 \id 808095143446131101 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska. \pho pl̩iːskaːʰ \mb Priska \ge Priska \gj Priska \ft Priska. \ref 0008 \id 377098143447131101 \begin 0:00:20 \sp EXPYAN \tx lengkapnya apa? \pho ləŋkapɲah ʔapaːh \mb lengkap -nya apa \ge complete -NYA what \gj complete-NYA what \ft what is the complete one? \ref 0009 \id 698673143447131101 \begin 0:00:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx Aurelia Priska Hapsari. \pho ʔɔulɛliyah pliska ʔapsaliː \mb Aurelia Priska Hapsari \ge Aurelia Priska Hapsari \gj Aurelia Priska Hapsari \ft Aurelia Priska Hapsari. \ref 0010 \id 923775143447131101 \begin 0:00:23 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priska tinggal di mana? \pho priska tiŋgal di manaːh \mb Priska tinggal di mana \ge Priska stay LOC which \gj Priska stay LOC which \ft where do you live? \ref 0011 \id 606917143447131101 \begin 0:00:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx di sini. \pho di siniːh \mb di sini \ge LOC here \gj LOC here \ft here. \ref 0012 \id 475696143447131101 \begin 0:00:27 \sp EXPYAN \tx sini itu di mana? \pho sini ʔitu di maːnaːh \mb sini itu di mana \ge here that LOC which \gj here that LOC which \ft where is here? \ref 0013 \id 932499143447131101 \begin 0:00:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... Benhil. \pho ʔə̃ː bɛnhil \mb eee Benhil \ge FILL Benhil \gj FILL Benhil \ft umm... Benhil. \ref 0014 \id 540914143447131101 \begin 0:00:32 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, tinggal sama siapa? \pho tr̩us tiŋgal sama siyapaːh \mb trus tinggal sama siapa \ge continue stay with who \gj continue stay with who \ft who do you live with? \ref 0015 \id 857804143447131101 \begin 0:00:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx sama Mami. \pho sama mamiːh \mb sama Mami \ge with mommy \gj with mommy \ft with Mommy. \ref 0016 \id 634803143447131101 \begin 0:00:35 \sp EXPYAN \tx Mami siapa sih? \pho mami siyaːpa sih \mb Mami siapa sih \ge mommy who SIH \gj mommy who SIH \ft Mommy who? \ref 0017 \id 244578143448131101 \begin 0:00:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mami Sisca. \pho mami siskaːh \mb Mami Sisca \ge mommy Sisca \gj mommy Sisca \ft Mommy Sisca. \ref 0018 \id 926669143448131101 \begin 0:00:38 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, Priska mo sekolah, ya? \pho tr̩us priska mɔ səkɔlah yaːh \mb trus Priska mo sekolah ya \ge continue Priska want school yes \gj continue Priska want school yes \ft do you want to go to school? \ref 0019 \id 651919143448131101 \begin 0:00:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0020 \id 817882143448131101 \begin 0:00:40 \sp EXPYAN \tx di mana? \pho di manaːh \mb di mana \ge LOC which \gj LOC which \ft where? \ref 0021 \id 158342143448131101 \begin 0:00:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx di Regina Pacis. \pho di lɛjina paciːs \mb di Regina Pacis \ge LOC Regina Pacis \gj LOC Regina Pacis \ft at Regina Pacis. \ref 0022 \id 560788143448131101 \begin 0:00:43 \sp EXPYAN \tx Regina Pacis itu di mana? \pho rɛjina pacis ʔitu di maːnah \mb Regina Pacis itu di mana \ge Regina Pacis that LOC which \gj Regina Pacis that LOC which \ft where is Regina Pacis? \ref 0023 \id 973887143448131101 \begin 0:00:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx di... Slipi. \pho diːː səlipiːh \mb di Slipi \ge LOC Slipi \gj LOC Slipi \ft in... Slipi. \nt an area in West Jakarta. \ref 0024 \id 450364143448131101 \begin 0:00:46 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, di Slipi. \pho ʔɔː di sl̩ipiːʰ \mb o di Slipi \ge EXCL LOC Slipi \gj EXCL LOC Slipi \ft oh, in Slipi. \ref 0025 \id 879818143448131101 \begin 0:00:48 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, Priska kenal, nggak ini siapa? \pho tr̩us priska kənal ŋgaʔ ʔini siyapaːh \mb trus Priska kenal nggak ini siapa \ge continue Priska recognize NEG this who \gj continue Priska recognize NEG this who \ft do you know who I am? \nt pointing at herself. \ref 0026 \id 724847143449131101 \begin 0:00:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx Tante Yanti. \pho tantə yantiːʰ \mb Tante Yanti \ge aunt Yanti \gj aunt Yanti \ft Auntie Yanti. \ref 0027 \id 724103143449131101 \begin 0:00:52 \sp EXPYAN \tx kalo yang ini? \pho kalɔ yaŋ ʔinih \mb kalo yang ini \ge TOP REL this \gj TOP REL this \ft what about her? \nt pointing at Lanny. \ref 0028 \id 814617143449131101 \begin 0:00:54 \sp EXPLAN \tx yang inih? \pho yaŋ inih \mb yang inih \ge REL this \gj REL this \ft what about me? \nt pointing at herself. \ref 0029 \id 192034143449131101 \begin 0:00:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx Tante Lanny. \pho tantə laniːh \mb Tante Lanny \ge aunt Lanny \gj aunt Lanny \ft Auntie Lanny. \ref 0030 \id 726201143449131101 \begin 0:00:57 \sp EXPYAN \tx ha, sekarang Tante Lanny nanya lagi sama Priska, ya? \pho hãː səkaraŋ tantə lani naɲa lagi sama priska yaːh \mb ha sekarang Tante Lanny n- tanya lagi sama Priska ya \ge uh-huh now aunt Lanny N- ask more with Priska yes \gj uh-huh now aunt Lanny N-ask more with Priska yes \ft uh-huh, now Auntie Lanny is asking you, okay? \ref 0031 \id 302222143449131101 \begin 0:00:59 \sp EXPLAN \tx yo. \pho yɔː \mb yo \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 0032 \id 462440143449131101 \begin 0:01:01 \sp EXPLAN \tx Priska udah bisa apa aja? \pho priska ʔuda bisa ʔapa ʔajaːh \mb Priska udah bisa apa aja \ge Priska PFCT can what just \gj Priska PFCT can what just \ft what can you do? \ref 0033 \id 448727143449131101 \begin 0:01:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah bisa ngomong. \pho da bisaːʔ ŋɔmɔːŋ \mb dah bisa ng- omong \ge PFCT can N- speak \gj PFCT can N-speak \ft I can speak. \ref 0034 \id 370719143450131101 \begin 0:01:05 \sp EXPLAN \tx he-eh, he-eh. \pho hə̃ hə̃hə̃h \mb he-eh he-eh \ge uh-huh uh-huh \gj uh-huh uh-huh \ft uh-huh, uh-huh. \ref 0035 \id 591166143450131101 \begin 0:01:07 \sp EXPLAN \tx udah bisa menulis? \pho ʔuda bisa mənuliːs \mb udah bisa men- tulis \ge PFCT can MEN- write \gj PFCT can MEN-write \ft can you write? \ref 0036 \id 338108143450131101 \begin 0:01:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah. \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft yes. \ref 0037 \id 591396143450131101 \begin 0:01:10 \sp EXPLAN \tx trus... \pho tr̩us \mb trus \ge continue \gj continue \ft what else... \ref 0038 \id 616626143450131101 \begin 0:01:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx menulis orang. \pho mənulis ʔɔlɛlaːh \mb men- tulis orang \ge MEN- write person \gj MEN-write person \ft write a person. \nt =draw a person. \ref 0039 \id 751989143450131101 \begin 0:01:13 \sp EXPLAN \tx menulis apa? \pho mənulis ʔapaːh \mb men- tulis apa \ge MEN- write what \gj MEN-write what \ft write what? \ref 0040 \id 599509143450131101 \begin 0:01:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx orang. \pho ʔɔlaːŋ \mb orang \ge person \gj person \ft a person. \ref 0041 \id 173057143450131101 \begin 0:01:15 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh. \pho ʔɔːh \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 0042 \id 379014143450131101 \begin 0:01:16 \sp EXPLAN \tx oh, nulis orang. \pho ʔɔːh nulis ʔɔraːŋ \mb oh n- tulis orang \ge EXCL N- write person \gj EXCL N-write person \ft oh, write a person. \ref 0043 \id 508401143451131101 \begin 0:01:17 \sp EXPLAN \tx udah bisa ngegambar? \pho ʔuda bisa ŋəgambaːr \mb udah bisa nge- gambar \ge PFCT can N- picture \gj PFCT can N-picture \ft can you draw? \ref 0044 \id 707698143451131101 \begin 0:01:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah. \pho ʔudaːh \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft yes. \ref 0045 \id 503458143451131101 \begin 0:01:19 \sp EXPLAN \tx gambar apa aja? \pho gambar ʔapa ʔajaːʰ \mb gambar apa aja \ge picture what just \gj picture what just \ft what do you draw? \ref 0046 \id 435117143451131101 \begin 0:01:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx gambar balon. \pho gambar balɔːn \mb gambar balon \ge picture balloon \gj picture balloon \ft draw a picture. \ref 0047 \id 222715143451131101 \begin 0:01:23 \sp EXPLAN \tx trus? \pho tr̩uːs \mb trus \ge continue \gj continue \ft what else? \ref 0048 \id 689759143451131101 \begin 0:01:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx gambar... gambar... \pho gambaːrl gambaːrl \mb gambar gambar \ge picture picture \gj picture picture \ft draw... draw... \ref 0049 \id 505871143451131101 \begin 0:01:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx mmm... \pho ʔm̩ː \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 0050 \id 484912143451131101 \begin 0:01:32 \sp EXPLAN \tx gambar bunga bisa? \pho gambar buŋa bisaːʰ \mb gambar bunga bisa \ge picture flower can \gj picture flower can \ft can you draw a flower? \ref 0051 \id 127428143452131101 \begin 0:01:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx ah? \pho ʔãːh \mb ah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0052 \id 299468143452131101 \begin 0:01:34 \sp EXPLAN \tx gambar bunga bisa? \pho gambar buŋa bisaːʔ \mb gambar bunga bisa \ge picture flower can \gj picture flower can \ft can you draw a flower? \ref 0053 \id 970059143452131101 \begin 0:01:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx bisa. \pho bisaːʔ \mb bisa \ge can \gj can \ft yes. \ref 0054 \id 902424143452131101 \begin 0:01:37 \sp EXPLAN \tx oh. \pho ʔɔːʰ \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 0055 \id 864818143452131101 \begin 0:01:38 \sp EXPLAN \tx trus, hobi Priska apa? \pho tr̩us hɔbi priskaːʰ ʔapaːh \mb trus hobi Priska apa \ge continue hobby Priska what \gj continue hobby Priska what \ft what is your hobby? \ref 0056 \id 626518143452131101 \begin 0:01:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃ːh \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0057 \id 512571143452131101 \begin 0:01:40 \sp EXPLAN \tx Priska hobinya apa? \pho priska hɔbiɲa ʔapaːh \mb Priska hobi -nya apa \ge Priska hobby -NYA what \gj Priska hobby-NYA what \ft what is your hobby? \ref 0058 \id 601372143452131101 \begin 0:01:42 \sp EXPYAN \tx sukanya apa? \pho sukaɲa ʔapaːh \mb suka -nya apa \ge like -NYA what \gj like-NYA what \ft what do you like? \ref 0059 \id 877699143452131101 \begin 0:01:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx sukanya bunga. \pho sukaʔɲa buŋaʔ \mb suka -nya bunga \ge like -NYA flower \gj like-NYA flower \ft I like flowers. \ref 0060 \id 209659143453131101 \begin 0:01:47 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priska suka main apa? \pho priska suka mayiːn ʔapaːh \mb Priska suka main apa \ge Priska like play what \gj Priska like play what \ft what do you like to play? \ref 0061 \id 849653143453131101 \begin 0:01:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx suka main... mmm... suka main... suka bikin... pake korek api itu, tuh. \pho sukaʔ mayiːn ʔm̩ sukaʔ mayin sukaʔ bikiːn pakɛ kɔlɛk ʔapi ʔitu tuːh \mb suka main mmm suka main suka bikin pake korek api itu tuh \ge like play FILL like play like make use pick fire that that \gj like play FILL like play like make use pick fire that that \ft I like to play... umm... I like to play... I like to make... things using those matches. \ref 0062 \id 443288143453131101 \begin 0:01:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx bikin... \pho bikin \mb bikin \ge make \gj make \ft make... \ref 0063 \id 760119143453131101 \begin 0:01:59 \sp EXPYAN \tx buat apaan? \pho buwat ʔapaʔaːn \mb buat apa -an \ge for what -AN \gj for what-AN \ft what for? \ref 0064 \id 439380143453131101 \begin 0:02:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx buat bikin rumah itu. \pho buwat bikin lumah ʔituːʰ \mb buat bikin rumah itu \ge for make house that \gj for make house that \ft for make that house. \nt referring to the house that MOT made using matches. \ref 0065 \id 772617143453131101 \begin 0:02:02 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, buat bikin rumah. \pho ʔɔː buwat bikin rumaːh \mb o buat bikin rumah \ge EXCL for make house \gj EXCL for make house \ft oh, for making a house. \ref 0066 \id 790254143453131101 \begin 0:02:04 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, ngapain lagi selain itu? \pho tr̩us ŋapayin lagi səlayin ʔituːʰ \mb trus ng- apa -in lagi se- lain itu \ge continue N- what -IN more SE- other that \gj continue N-what-IN more SE-other that \ft then, what else can you make beside that? \ref 0067 \id 216221143453131101 \begin 0:02:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx terus... ya, bikin gajah. \pho təlus ya bikin gajaːh \mb terus ya bikin gajah \ge continue yes make elephant \gj continue yes make elephant \ft then... yeah, make an elephant. \ref 0068 \id 430412143453131101 \begin 0:02:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx bikin apa-apa. \mb bikin apa - apa \ge make what - what \gj make RED-what \ft make whatever. \ref 0069 \id 356066143454131101 \begin 0:02:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx bikin korsi. \pho bikin kɔːrlsiːʔ \mb bikin korsi \ge make chair \gj make chair \ft make a chair. \ref 0070 \id 917954143454131101 \begin 0:02:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx bikin... \pho bikiːn \mb bikin \ge make \gj make \ft make... \ref 0071 \id 873602143454131101 \begin 0:02:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx bikin rumah. \pho bikin lumaːh \mb bikin rumah \ge make house \gj make house \ft make a house. \ref 0072 \id 659147143454131101 \begin 0:02:21 \sp EXPLAN \tx o. \pho ʔɔːʰ \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 0073 \id 805986143454131101 \begin 0:02:22 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh, gitu. \pho ʔɔʰ gituːʰ \mb oh gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \ref 0074 \id 933818143454131101 \begin 0:02:24 \sp EXPLAN \tx kalo Priska di rumah ada sodara, nggak? \pho kalɔ priskah di ruma ʔada sɔdara ŋgaːʔ \mb kalo Priska di rumah ada sodara nggak \ge TOP Priska LOC house exist sibling NEG \gj TOP Priska LOC house exist sibling NEG \ft do you have relatives at home? \ref 0075 \id 204356143454131101 \begin 0:02:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx ada. \pho ʔaːdaʔ \mb ada \ge exist \gj exist \ft yes. \ref 0076 \id 825590143454131101 \begin 0:02:26 \sp EXPLAN \tx siapa? \pho syapaː \mb siapa \ge who \gj who \ft who? \ref 0077 \id 108611143454131101 \begin 0:02:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx tapi... nggak nginep, nggak pernah nginep. \pho tapi ŋgaʔ ŋinəp ŋgaʔ pərlnah ŋinəp \mb tapi nggak ng- inep nggak pernah ng- inep \ge but NEG N- spend.the.night NEG ever N- spend.the.night \gj but NEG N-spend.the.night NEG ever N-spend.the.night \ft but... they don't spend the night, they never spend the night. \ref 0078 \id 834350143455131101 \begin 0:02:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx tapi sekali-sekali sih pernah nginep. \pho tapi səkalisəkali sih pərlnah ŋinəːp \mb tapi sekali - sekali sih pernah ng- inep \ge but SE-time - SE-time SIH ever N- spend.the.night \gj but RED-SE-time SIH ever N-spend.the.night \ft but sometimes they do spend the night. \ref 0079 \id 643480143455131101 \begin 0:02:33 \sp EXPYAN \tx siapa aja itu? \pho syapa ʔapa ʔituːʰ \mb siapa aja itu \ge who just that \gj who just that \ft who are they? \ref 0080 \id 282759143455131101 \begin 0:02:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mas Singgih, Mas Philip, Mas Radit, Mbak Tiya, Mbak Manda. \pho mas siŋgeh mas pilip mas radit mbaʔ tiya mbaʔ mandah \mb Mas Singgih Mas Philip Mas Radit Mbak Tiya Mbak Manda \ge EPIT Singgih EPIT Philip EPIT Radit EPIT Tiya EPIT Manda \gj EPIT Singgih EPIT Philip EPIT Radit EPIT Tiya EPIT Manda \ft Singgih, Philip, Radityo, Tiya and Manda. \ref 0081 \id 946636143455131101 \begin 0:02:37 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, gitu. \pho ʔɔː gituːh \mb o gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \ref 0082 \id 533761143455131101 \begin 0:02:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx tiap hari kan Mbak Yoan, Mbak Wita. \pho tiyap hali kan m̩baʔ yɔan m̩baʔ witah \mb tiap hari kan Mbak Yoan Mbak Wita \ge every day KAN EPIT Yoan EPIT Wita \gj every day KAN EPIT Yoan EPIT Wita \ft Yoan and Wita do everyday. \nt reference unclear for doing what. \ref 0083 \id 333261143455131101 \begin 0:02:41 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, udah? \pho ʔɔː ʔudaːh \mb o udah \ge EXCL PFCT \gj EXCL PFCT \ft oh, are they all? \ref 0084 \id 600336134107141101 \begin 0:02:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft yes. \nt nodding. \ref 0085 \id 129991143455131101 \begin 0:02:45 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, Priska punya kakak, nggak? \pho tr̩us priskah puɲa kakaʔ ŋgaːʔ \mb trus Priska punya kakak nggak \ge continue Priska have older.sibling NEG \gj continue Priska have older.sibling NEG \ft do you have older siblings? \ref 0086 \id 175794143455131101 \begin 0:02:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx hmm? \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0087 \id 471846143455131101 \begin 0:02:48 \sp EXPYAN \tx punya kakak, nggak? \pho puɲa kakaʔ ŋgaːʔ \mb punya kakak nggak \ge have older.sibling NEG \gj have older.sibling NEG \ft do you have older siblings? \ref 0088 \id 137939143456131101 \begin 0:02:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak punya. \pho ŋgaʔ puɲaːʔ \mb nggak punya \ge NEG have \gj NEG have \ft no. \ref 0089 \id 548815143456131101 \begin 0:02:50 \sp EXPYAN \tx kalo adik? \pho kalɔ ʔadik \mb kalo adik \ge TOP younger.sibling \gj TOP younger.sibling \ft what about younger siblings? \ref 0090 \id 455361143456131101 \begin 0:02:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx punya. \pho puɲaʔ \mb punya \ge have \gj have \ft yes. \ref 0091 \id 267578143456131101 \begin 0:02:52 \sp EXPYAN \tx sia(pa)... \pho siya \mb siapa \ge who \gj who \ft who... \ref 0092 \id 503154143456131101 \begin 0:02:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx boong-boongan. \mb boong - boong -an \ge lie - lie -AN \gj RED.AN-lie \ft an imaginary one. \ref 0093 \id 728932143456131101 \begin 0:02:54 \sp EXPYAN \tx tapi siapa namanya? \pho tapi siyapa namaɲaːh \mb tapi siapa nama -nya \ge but who name -NYA \gj but who name-NYA \ft but what is its name? \ref 0094 \id 976368143456131101 \begin 0:02:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx a... boneka-bonekaan. \mb a boneka - boneka -an \ge FILL doll - doll -AN \gj FILL RED.AN-doll \ft umm... dolls. \ref 0095 \id 740342143456131101 \begin 0:02:56 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, gitu. \pho ʔɔː gituʰ \mb o gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \ref 0096 \id 140890143456131101 \begin 0:02:58 \sp EXPLAN \tx siapa aja sih? \pho syapa ʔaːja siːh \mb siapa aja sih \ge who just SIH \gj who just SIH \ft who are they? \ref 0097 \id 644798143457131101 \begin 0:02:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx banyak deh. \pho baɲak dɛh \mb banyak deh \ge a.lot DEH \gj a.lot DEH \ft they are a lot. \ref 0098 \id 841030143457131101 \begin 0:03:01 \sp EXPYAN \tx coba sebutin! \pho cɔba səbutiːn \mb coba sebut -in \ge try mention -IN \gj try mention-IN \ft mention them! \ref 0099 \id 420559143457131101 \begin 0:03:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx tu, dua, tiga, empat... \pho tuʔ duwaʔ tigah ʔəmpaːt \mb tu dua tiga empat \ge one two three four \gj one two three four \ft one, two, three, four... \nt counting. \ref 0100 \id 354693143457131101 \begin 0:03:04 \sp EXPYAN \tx namanya. \pho namaɲaːh \mb nama -nya \ge name -NYA \gj name-NYA \ft their names. \ref 0101 \id 338757143458131101 \begin 0:03:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx lima. \pho limaʔ \mb lima \ge five \gj five \ft five. \ref 0102 \id 700764143458131101 \begin 0:03:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx nama... \pho nama \mb nama \ge name \gj name \ft their names... \ref 0103 \id 962194143458131101 \begin 0:03:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx Teddy Bear. \pho tɛdi bɛːrl \mb Teddy Bear \ge Teddy Bear \gj Teddy Bear \ft Teddy Bear. \ref 0104 \id 122928143458131101 \begin 0:03:08 \sp EXPYAN \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ːh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0105 \id 255326143458131101 \begin 0:03:10 \sp EXPLAN \tx trus... itu satu. \pho trus ʔitu satuːʰ \mb trus itu satu \ge continue that one \gj continue that one \ft then... that's one. \ref 0106 \id 678083143458131101 \begin 0:03:11 \sp EXPLAN \tx terus siapa lagi? \pho tərus syapa lagiːʰ \mb terus siapa lagi \ge continue who more \gj continue who more \ft who else? \ref 0107 \id 453337143458131101 \begin 0:03:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx mmm... kelinci. \pho mː kəlinciʔ \mb mmm kelinci \ge FILL rabbit \gj FILL rabbit \ft umm... rabbit. \ref 0108 \id 451535143459131101 \begin 0:03:13 \sp EXPLAN \tx kelinci. \pho kəlinciːʰ \mb kelinci \ge rabbit \gj rabbit \ft rabbit. \ref 0109 \id 768726143459131101 \begin 0:03:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... semuanya nggak tau. \pho ʔə̃ː səmwahɲa ŋgaʔ tawuːʔ \mb eee semua -nya nggak tau \ge FILL all -NYA NEG know \gj FILL all-NYA NEG know \ft umm... I don't know all. \ref 0110 \id 206316143459131101 \begin 0:03:18 \sp EXPLAN \tx o, yang laen nggak tau. \pho ʔɔː yaŋ laɛn ŋgaʔ tawu \mb o yang laen nggak tau \ge EXCL REL other NEG know \gj EXCL REL other NEG know \ft oh, you don't know the others. \ref 0111 \id 462745143459131101 \begin 0:03:21 \sp EXPLAN \tx Priska kalo sama adeknya suka maen apa? \pho priskah kalɔ sama ʔadɛʔɲa suka maɛn ʔapaːh \mb Priska kalo sama adek -nya suka maen apa \ge Priska TOP with younger.sibling -NYA like play what \gj Priska TOP with younger.sibling-NYA like play what \ft what do you like to play with your younger siblings? \ref 0112 \id 164330143459131101 \begin 0:03:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak punya adek. \pho ŋgaʔ puɲa ʔadɛːʔ \mb nggak punya adek \ge NEG have younger.sibling \gj NEG have younger.sibling \ft I don't have any younger siblings. \ref 0113 \id 396486143459131101 \begin 0:03:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx punyanya cuman digendong, nggak mau main. \pho puɲaɲa cuman digɛndɔŋ ŋgaʔ maw mayiːn \mb punya -nya cuman di- gendong nggak mau main \ge have -NYA only DI- carry NEG want play \gj have-NYA only DI-carry NEG want play \ft I have can only carry them, they don't want to play. \ref 0114 \id 760467143459131101 \begin 0:03:29 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, bonekanya cuma mau digendong. \pho ʔɔː bɔnɛkaɲa cuma maw digɛndɔŋ \mb o boneka -nya cuma mau di- gendong \ge EXCL doll -NYA only want DI- carry \gj EXCL doll-NYA only want DI-carry \ft oh, the dolls wants you carry them only. \ref 0115 \id 896792143459131101 \begin 0:03:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0116 \id 710326143459131101 \begin 0:03:34 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, sekarang Tante Yanti mo tanya. \pho tr̩us səkaraŋ tantə yanti mɔ taːɲaːʰ \mb trus sekarang Tante Yanti mo tanya \ge continue now aunt Yanti want ask \gj continue now aunt Yanti want ask \ft then, I want to ask you now. \ref 0117 \id 576612143500131101 \begin 0:03:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0118 \id 539684143500131101 \begin 0:03:38 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priska pernah ke mana aja kalo di Jakarta? \pho priskaːʰ pərnaːʔ kə mana ʔaːjaːʰ kalɔ di jakartaː \mb Priska pernah ke mana aja kalo di Jakarta \ge Priska ever to which just TOP LOC Jakarta \gj Priska ever to which just TOP LOC Jakarta \ft where have you been in Jakarta? \ref 0119 \id 892789143500131101 \begin 0:03:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya nggak pernah ke mana-mana. \mb ya nggak pernah ke mana - mana \ge yes NEG ever to which - which \gj yes NEG ever to RED-which \ft yeah, I have been nowhere. \ref 0120 \id 934089143500131101 \begin 0:03:43 \sp EXPYAN \tx nggak pernah ke mana-mana? \mb nggak pernah ke mana - mana \ge NEG ever to which - which \gj NEG ever to RED-which \ft you have been nowhere? \ref 0121 \id 259031143500131101 \begin 0:03:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt shaking her head. \ref 0122 \id 840774143500131101 \begin 0:03:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx kalo berlibur... kalo lagi libur, biasanya maen ke mana? \pho kalɔ bərlibuːr kalɔ lagi libuːr biyasaɲah maɛn kə manaːʔ \mb kalo ber- libur kalo lagi libur biasa -nya maen ke mana \ge TOP BER- holiday TOP more holiday usual -NYA play to which \gj TOP BER-holiday TOP more holiday usual-NYA play to which \ft if you are on holidays... if you are on holiday, where do you usually go? \ref 0123 \id 611063143500131101 \begin 0:03:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx mmm... jalan-jalan. \mb mmm jalan - jalan \ge FILL walk - walk \gj FILL RED-walk \ft umm... go around. \ref 0124 \id 850105143500131101 \begin 0:03:53 \sp EXPYAN \tx ke mana? \pho kə maːnaːh \mb ke mana \ge to which \gj to which \ft to where? \ref 0125 \id 835354143501131101 \begin 0:03:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx ke Plaza Senayan. \pho kəːʔ pla sənaːyan \mb ke Plaza Senayan \ge to Plaza Senayan \gj to Plaza Senayan \ft to Plaza Senayan. \nt a shopping mall. \ref 0126 \id 409422143501131101 \begin 0:03:57 \sp EXPYAN \tx terus? \pho təruːs \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft where else? \ref 0127 \id 376121143501131101 \begin 0:03:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... mainan bom-bom car. \pho ʔə̃ː mayinaːn bɔmbɔm kar \mb eee main -an bom - bom car \ge FILL play -AN IMIT - IMIT car \gj FILL play-AN RED-IMIT car \ft umm... playing a bumper car. \ref 0128 \id 474486143501131101 \begin 0:04:01 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, gitu. \pho ʔɔː gituːʰ \mb o gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \ref 0129 \id 401943143501131101 \begin 0:04:03 \sp EXPYAN \tx kalo ke Plaza Senayan main apa aja selain bom-bom car? \pho kalɔ kə plasa sənayan mayin ʔapa ʔaja səlayin bɔmbɔm kʰar \mb kalo ke Plaza Senayan main apa aja se- lain bom - bom car \ge TOP to Plaza Senayan play what just SE- other IMIT - IMIT car \gj TOP to Plaza Senayan play what just SE-other RED-IMIT car \ft if you go to Plaza Senayan, what games do you play beside a bumper car. \ref 0130 \id 668116143501131101 \begin 0:04:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx bebek-bebekan. \mb bebek - bebek -an \ge duck - duck -AN \gj RED.AN-duck \ft ducks. \nt referring to a game in which kids sit on ducks. \ref 0131 \id 339020143501131101 \begin 0:04:09 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, beli barang, nggak? \pho tr̩us bəli baraŋ ŋgaːʔ \mb trus beli barang nggak \ge continue buy thing NEG \gj continue buy thing NEG \ft then, do you buy things? \ref 0132 \id 624700143502131101 \begin 0:04:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0133 \id 551782143502131101 \begin 0:04:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaːʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0134 \id 814033143502131101 \begin 0:04:11 \sp EXPYAN \tx beli barang, nggak? \pho bəli baraŋ ŋgaːʔ \mb beli barang nggak \ge buy thing NEG \gj buy thing NEG \ft do you buy things? \ref 0135 \id 266492143502131101 \begin 0:04:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx main komedi puter. \pho maːyin kɔmɛdi putəːrl \mb main komedi puter \ge play comedy turn \gj play comedy turn \ft I play merry-go-around. \ref 0136 \id 246533143503131101 \begin 0:04:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx main mobil-mobilan. \mb main mobil - mobil -an \ge play car - car -AN \gj play RED.AN-car \ft play cars. \ref 0137 \id 488689143503131101 \begin 0:04:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx main perahu. \pho mayin pəlahuːʔ \mb main perahu \ge play boat \gj play boat \ft play boats. \ref 0138 \id 605410143503131101 \begin 0:04:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx main... main di bola. \pho mayiːn man diʔ bɔlaʔ \mb main main di bola \ge play play LOC ball \gj play play LOC ball \ft play... play in balls. \nt referring to a room consists of balls in which children play, usually in amusement park or in a shopping center. \ref 0139 \id 342243143503131101 \begin 0:04:22 \sp EXPLAN \tx main di bola. \pho maɛn di bɔlaːʔ \mb main di bola \ge play LOC ball \gj play LOC ball \ft play in balls. \ref 0140 \id 796467143503131101 \begin 0:04:25 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, nggak beli barang? \pho tr̩us ŋgaʔ bəli baraːŋ \mb trus nggak beli barang \ge continue NEG buy thing \gj continue NEG buy thing \ft then, don't you buy things? \ref 0141 \id 249512143503131101 \begin 0:04:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaːʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0142 \id 163702143503131101 \begin 0:04:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx pernah sih beli barang. \pho pərlnaː sih bəli balaːŋ \mb pernah sih beli barang \ge ever SIH buy thing \gj ever SIH buy thing \ft I have ever buy things. \ref 0143 \id 650786143503131101 \begin 0:04:29 \sp EXPYAN \tx tapi beli apa, ya? \pho tapi bəli ʔapa yaːh \mb tapi beli apa ya \ge but buy what yes \gj but buy what yes \ft what did you buy? \ref 0144 \id 681301143503131101 \begin 0:04:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx beli barang buku. \pho bəli balaŋ bukuʔ \mb beli barang buku \ge buy thing book \gj buy thing book \ft I bought a book. \ref 0145 \id 538361143504131101 \begin 0:04:32 \sp EXPYAN \tx buku... buat apa buku? \pho bukuʔ buwat ʔapa bukuʔ \mb buku buat apa buku \ge book for what book \gj book for what book \ft books... what is the book for? \ref 0146 \id 250191143504131101 \begin 0:04:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx buat baca. \pho bwat bacaːʔ \mb buat baca \ge for read \gj for read \ft for reading. \ref 0147 \id 766807143504131101 \begin 0:04:36 \sp EXPYAN \tx sama siapa bacanya? \pho sama siyaːpaːʰ bacaɲaːh \mb sama siapa baca -nya \ge with who read -NYA \gj with who read-NYA \ft with whom did you read it? \ref 0148 \id 341873143504131101 \begin 0:04:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx sendirian aja. \mb sen- diri -an aja \ge SE- self -AN just \gj SE-self-AN just \ft alone. \ref 0149 \id 871837143504131101 \begin 0:04:38 \sp EXPYAN \tx o. \pho ʔɔːʰ \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 0150 \id 569861145707141101 \begin 0:04:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx cuman Mami. \pho cumaŋ mamiːʰ \mb cuman Mami \ge only mommy \gj only mommy \ft only Mommy. \ref 0151 \id 679860143504131101 \begin 0:04:41 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, gitu. \pho ʔɔː gituːʰ \mb o gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \ref 0152 \id 622263143505131101 \begin 0:04:42 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, bukunya, sekarang Priska inget, nggak tentang apa? \pho tr̩us bukuɲa səkaraŋ priskah ʔiŋət ŋgaʔ təntaŋ ʔapaːh \mb trus buku -nya sekarang Priska inget nggak tentang apa \ge continue book -NYA now Priska remember NEG about what \gj continue book-NYA now Priska remember NEG about what \ft now, do you remember what the book is about? \ref 0153 \id 987942143505131101 \begin 0:04:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, buku orang gede. \pho yaː buku ʔɔlaŋ gədɛːʔ \mb ya buku orang gede \ge yes book person big \gj yes book person big \ft yeah, that book is for adults. \ref 0154 \id 860483143506131101 \begin 0:04:46 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, buku orang gede. \pho ʔɔː buku ʔɔraŋ gədɛʔ \mb o buku orang gede \ge EXCL book person big \gj EXCL book person big \ft oh, that is a book for adults. \ref 0155 \id 663939143506131101 \begin 0:04:48 \sp EXPYAN \tx tapi Priska nggak tau isinya apa? \pho tapi prika ŋgaʔ tawu ʔisiɲa ʔapaːh \mb tapi Priska nggak tau isi -nya apa \ge but Priska NEG know contents -NYA what \gj but Priska NEG know contents-NYA what \ft but don't you know the content? \ref 0156 \id 347495143506131101 \begin 0:04:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak tau. \pho ŋgaʔ tawuʔ \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft no. \ref 0157 \id 859801143506131101 \begin 0:04:53 \sp EXPYAN \tx gambarnya apa juga nggak tau? \pho gambarɲa ʔapa juga ŋgaʔ tawuːʰ \mb gambar -nya apa juga nggak tau \ge picture -NYA what also NEG know \gj picture-NYA what also NEG know \ft don't you know the picture either? \ref 0158 \id 895017143506131101 \begin 0:04:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak tau. \pho ŋgaʔ tawuʔ \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft no. \ref 0159 \id 576225143506131101 \begin 0:04:55 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, gitu. \pho ʔɔː gituːʰ \mb o gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \ref 0160 \id 330748143506131101 \begin 0:04:56 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, Priska pernah ke luar kota, nggak? \pho tr̩us priskah pərna kə luwar kɔta ŋgaːʔ \mb trus Priska pernah ke luar kota nggak \ge continue Priska ever to out city NEG \gj continue Priska ever to out city NEG \ft then, have you ever been out of the city? \ref 0161 \id 189370143506131101 \begin 0:04:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak pernah. \pho ŋgaʔ pərlnah \mb nggak pernah \ge NEG ever \gj NEG ever \ft never. \ref 0162 \id 944792143506131101 \begin 0:04:59 \sp EXPYAN \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0163 \id 150439143507131101 \begin 0:05:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak pernah. \pho ŋgaʔ pərlnah \mb nggak pernah \ge NEG ever \gj NEG ever \ft never. \ref 0164 \id 944353143507131101 \begin 0:05:02 \sp EXPLAN \tx nggak pernah? \pho ŋgaʔ pərnaːʰ \mb nggak pernah \ge NEG ever \gj NEG ever \ft never? \ref 0165 \id 871967143507131101 \begin 0:05:03 \sp EXPYAN \tx nggak pernah ke luar kota? \pho ŋgaʔ pərnah kə luwar kɔtaːh \mb nggak pernah ke luar kota \ge NEG ever to out city \gj NEG ever to out city \ft you haven't been out of the city? \ref 0166 \id 171750143507131101 \begin 0:05:04 \sp EXPYAN \tx Mami pernah ajak ke luar kota, nggak? \pho mami pərna ʔajaʔ kə luwar kɔta ŋgaːʔ \mb Mami pernah ajak ke luar kota nggak \ge mommy ever invite to out city NEG \gj mommy ever invite to out city NEG \ft has Mommy ask you to go out of the city? \ref 0167 \id 913437143508131101 \begin 0:05:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak pernah. \pho ŋgaʔ pərlnah \mb nggak pernah \ge NEG ever \gj NEG ever \ft never. \ref 0168 \id 565821143508131101 \begin 0:05:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx nggak pernah? \pho ŋgaʔ pərnah \mb nggak pernah \ge NEG ever \gj NEG ever \ft never? \ref 0169 \id 972085143508131101 \begin 0:05:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, sekali-sekali deh. \pho ya səkaliʔsəkaliːʔ dɛːh \mb ya sekali - sekali deh \ge yes SE-time - SE-time DEH \gj yes RED-SE-time DEH \ft yeah, once in a time. \ref 0170 \id 760455143508131101 \begin 0:05:10 \sp EXPYAN \tx sekali-sekali... tapi ke mana, ya? \pho səkalisəkali tapi kə mana yaːh \mb sekali - sekali tapi ke mana ya \ge SE-time - SE-time but to which yes \gj RED-SE-time but to which yes \ft once in a time... but where did you go? \ref 0171 \id 686326143508131101 \begin 0:05:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃ːh \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0172 \id 396128143508131101 \begin 0:05:14 \sp EXPYAN \tx ke mana? \pho kə manaːʰ \mb ke mana \ge to which \gj to which \ft where did you go? \ref 0173 \id 138288143508131101 \begin 0:05:14 \sp EXPLAN \tx ke luar kotanya ke mana? \pho kə luwar kɔtaɲa kə manaːʰ \mb ke luar kota -nya ke mana \ge to out city -NYA to which \gj to out city-NYA to which \ft where did you go when you were out of the city? \ref 0174 \id 120337143508131101 \begin 0:05:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃ːh \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0175 \id 816241143508131101 \begin 0:05:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx apa? \pho ʔapaːh \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0176 \id 483651143509131101 \begin 0:05:17 \sp EXPLAN \tx ke luar kotanya ke mana? \pho kə luwar kɔtaʔɲa kə manaːʰ \mb ke luar kota -nya ke mana \ge to out city -NYA to which \gj to out city-NYA to which \ft where did you go when you were out of the city? \ref 0177 \id 535211143509131101 \begin 0:05:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx mmm... Semarang. \pho mː cəmalaːŋ \mb mmm Semarang \ge FILL Semarang \gj FILL Semarang \ft umm... Semarang. \ref 0178 \id 410808143509131101 \begin 0:05:19 \sp EXPLAN \tx ke Semarang? \pho kə səmaraːŋ \mb ke Semarang \ge to Semarang \gj to Semarang \ft Semarang? \ref 0179 \id 272117143509131101 \begin 0:05:21 \sp EXPLAN \tx ke siapa ke Semarang? \pho kə siyapa kə səmaraːŋ \mb ke siapa ke Semarang \ge to who to Semarang \gj to who to Semarang \ft whom did you visit in Semarang? \ref 0180 \id 288748143509131101 \begin 0:05:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx mmm... kerja. \pho ʔmː kərljaʔ \mb mmm kerja \ge FILL do \gj FILL do \ft umm... worked. \nt referring to MOT who was in duty when they went to Semarang. \ref 0181 \id 797486143510131101 \begin 0:05:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \nt from the dining room. \ref 0182 \id 264345143510131101 \begin 0:05:27 \sp EXPLAN \tx kerja. \pho kərjaʔ \mb kerja \ge do \gj do \ft worked. \nt laughing. \ref 0183 \id 156033143510131101 \begin 0:05:29 \sp EXPYAN \tx ke tempatnya siapa Semarang? \pho kə təmpatɲa siyapaːh səmaraːŋ \mb ke tempat -nya siapa Semarang \ge to place -NYA who Semarang \gj to place-NYA who Semarang \ft whom did you visit when you were in Semarang? \ref 0184 \id 461290143510131101 \begin 0:05:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx ke tempatnya... \pho kə təmpatɲaːʰ \mb ke tempat -nya \ge to place -NYA \gj to place-NYA \ft I visited... \ref 0185 \id 911653143510131101 \begin 0:05:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak tau. \pho ŋgaʔ tawuː \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft I don't know. \ref 0186 \id 270517143510131101 \begin 0:05:36 \sp EXPLAN \tx pergi ke Semarang sama siapa? \pho pərgi kə səmaraŋ sama siyapaːʰ \mb pergi ke Semarang sama siapa \ge go to Semarang with who \gj go to Semarang with who \ft whom did you go to Semarang with? \ref 0187 \id 389783143511131101 \begin 0:05:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx sama Mami. \pho sama mamiːh \mb sama Mami \ge with mommy \gj with mommy \ft with Mommy. \ref 0188 \id 605076143511131101 \begin 0:05:39 \sp EXPYAN \tx pake apa? \pho pakɛ ʔapaːh \mb pake apa \ge use what \gj use what \ft how did you go? \ref 0189 \id 138102143512131101 \begin 0:05:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃ːh \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0190 \id 435977152949141101 \begin 0:05:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx pake baju bagus. \pho pakɛ bajyu bagus \mb pake baju bagus \ge use garment nice \gj use garment nice \ft I wore good clothes. \nt misunderstands Yanti's question because of the word "pake". \ref 0191 \id 592581143512131101 \begin 0:05:42 \sp EXPYAN \tx naik apa? \pho nayik ʔapaːh \mb naik apa \ge go.up what \gj go.up what \ft what did you go by? \ref 0192 \id 733667143512131101 \begin 0:05:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx naik taksi. \pho nayik taksiːʰ \mb naik taksi \ge go.up taxi \gj go.up taxi \ft we took a taxi. \nt misunderstands Lanny's question, she thinks that Lanny is asking about the transportation CHI and MOT used during their stay in Semarang. \ref 0193 \id 454752143512131101 \begin 0:05:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, boleh... ya kan sekali-sekali pake taksi sekali-sekali pake mobil orang. \pho ya bɔlɛ ya kan sk̩alisk̩ali pakɛ taksi sk̩alisk̩ali pakɛ mɔbil ʔɔlaːŋ \mb ya boleh ya kan sekali - sekali pake taksi sekali - sekali pake mobil orang \ge yes may yes KAN SE-time - SE-time use taxi SE-time - SE-time use car person \gj yes may yes KAN RED-SE-time use taxi RED-SE-time use car person \ft yeah, sometimes we took a taxi and sometimes we use someone else's car. \ref 0194 \id 828809143512131101 \begin 0:05:52 \sp EXPYAN \tx mobilnya siapa? \pho mɔbilɲa syapaːʰ \mb mobil -nya siapa \ge car -NYA who \gj car-NYA who \ft whose car? \ref 0195 \id 207194143513131101 \begin 0:05:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... mobilnya orang. \pho ʔə̃ mɔbilɲa ʔɔlaːŋ \mb eee mobil -nya orang \ge FILL car -NYA person \gj FILL car-NYA person \ft umm... someone else's car. \ref 0196 \id 822223143513131101 \begin 0:05:57 \sp EXPYAN \tx nggak, kalo waktu Priska ke Semarang pake apa? \pho ŋgaːʔ kalɔ waktu priska kə səmaraŋ pakɛ ʔapaːʰ \mb nggak kalo waktu Priska ke Semarang pake apa \ge NEG TOP time Priska to Semarang use what \gj NEG TOP time Priska to Semarang use what \ft no, how did you go to Semarang? \ref 0197 \id 227781143513131101 \begin 0:06:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx pake mobil orang. \pho pakɛ mɔbil ʔɔːlaːŋ \mb pake mobil orang \ge use car person \gj use car person \ft using someone else's car. \ref 0198 \id 329670143513131101 \begin 0:06:01 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh. \pho ʔɔːʰ \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 0199 \id 974967143513131101 \begin 0:06:03 \sp EXPYAN \tx pake pesawat, nggak? \pho pakɛ pəsawat ŋgaːʔ \mb pake pesawat nggak \ge use airplane NEG \gj use airplane NEG \ft did you go by plane? \ref 0200 \id 596082143514131101 \begin 0:06:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0201 \id 163835143514131101 \begin 0:06:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx pernah naik pesawat belum... belum? \pho pərna nayik pəsawat blubə bəluːm \mb pernah naik pesawat belum belum \ge ever go.up airplane not.yet not.yet \gj ever go.up airplane not.yet not.yet \ft have you ever flown on a plane? \nt the first "belum" is the case of slip of the tongue. \ref 0202 \id 190588143514131101 \begin 0:06:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx belum. \pho bəlum \mb belum \ge not.yet \gj not.yet \ft not yet. \ref 0203 \id 590856171007131101 \begin 0:06:08 \sp EXPYAN \tx kalo kereta api? \pho kalɔ kərɛta ʔapiː0ʰ \mb kalo kereta api \ge TOP train fire \gj TOP train fire \ft what about train? \ref 0204 \id 424729091223151101 \begin 0:06:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah. \pho daːh \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft yes. \ref 0205 \id 239597091252151101 \begin 0:06:10 \sp EXPYAN \tx ke mana... naik kereta api? \pho kə maːna nayik kərɛta ʔapiːʰ \mb ke mana naik kereta api \ge to which go.up train fire \gj to which go.up train fire \ft where did you go by train? \ref 0206 \id 924906091252151101 \begin 0:06:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx ke Semarang. \pho kə səmalaːŋ \mb ke Semarang \ge to Semarang \gj to Semarang \ft Semarang. \ref 0207 \id 719543091253151101 \begin 0:06:13 \sp EXPYAN \tx nah, gitu. \pho naːh gituːʰ \mb nah gitu \ge NAH like.that \gj NAH like.that \ft there you go. \ref 0208 \id 671660091253151101 \begin 0:06:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx di kereta api Priska ngapain aja? \pho di kərɛta ʔapi priska ŋapayin ʔajaːh \mb di kereta api Priska ng- apa -in aja \ge LOC train fire Priska N- what -IN just \gj LOC train fire Priska N-what-IN just \ft what did you do in the train? \ref 0209 \id 510766091253151101 \begin 0:06:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, cuman bobok. \pho yaːʰ cuman bɔbɔʔ \mb ya cuman bobok \ge yes only sleep \gj yes only sleep \ft yeah, only slept. \nt smiling. \ref 0210 \id 865806091253151101 \begin 0:06:21 \sp EXPLAN \tx bobok? \pho bɔbɔːʔ \mb bobok \ge sleep \gj sleep \ft slept? \ref 0211 \id 119059091253151101 \begin 0:06:22 \sp EXPLAN \tx trus, liat-liat pemandangan, nggak? \mb trus liat - liat pemandangan nggak \ge continue see - see view NEG \gj continue RED-see view NEG \ft what else, did you see the scenery? \ref 0212 \id 930610091254151101 \begin 0:06:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0213 \id 290699091254151101 \begin 0:06:24 \sp EXPLAN \tx trus, ngapain lagi? \pho tr̩us ŋapayin lagiːʰ \mb trus ng- apa -in lagi \ge continue N- what -IN more \gj continue N-what-IN more \ft what else, what else did you do? \ref 0214 \id 291498091254151101 \begin 0:06:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, udah, gitu, aja deh. \pho ya ʔudaːʰ dicyuŋ ʔaja deːh \mb ya udah gitu aja deh \ge yes PFCT like.that just DEH \gj yes PFCT like.that just DEH \ft yeah, that's all. \ref 0215 \id 220226091254151101 \begin 0:06:28 \sp EXPLAN \tx o. \pho ʔɔːʰ \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 0216 \id 391149093219151101 \begin 0:06:30 \sp EXPLAN \tx trus? \pho tr̩uːs \mb trus \ge continue \gj continue \ft what else? \ref 0217 \id 247947091254151101 \begin 0:06:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx ada gambarnya, nggak? \pho ʔada gambarlɲa ŋgaːʔ \mb ada gambar -nya nggak \ge exist picture -NYA NEG \gj exist picture-NYA NEG \ft does it have a picture in it? \nt referring to the camcorder. \ref 0218 \id 859094091254151101 \begin 0:06:32 \sp EXPLAN \tx apanya? \pho ʔapaɲah \mb apa -nya \ge what -NYA \gj what-NYA \ft what? \ref 0219 \id 719468091255151101 \begin 0:06:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx gambar di situ. \pho gambarl di situːʰ \mb gambar di situ \ge picture LOC there \gj picture LOC there \ft picture over there. \ref 0220 \id 314481091255151101 \begin 0:06:35 \sp EXPYAN \tx nanti, kalo udah selesai Priska bisa liat. \pho nanti kalɔ ʔuda sələsay priska bisa liyaːt \mb nanti kalo udah selesai Priska bisa liat \ge later TOP PFCT finish Priska can see \gj later TOP PFCT finish Priska can see \ft later, if we finish this, you can see it. \ref 0221 \id 396013091255151101 \begin 0:06:37 \sp EXPYAN \tx ya? \pho yaːh \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay? \ref 0222 \id 911601091255151101 \begin 0:06:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx tapi kan itu... \pho tapi kaːn ʔituːh \mb tapi kan itu \ge but KAN that \gj but KAN that \ft but that is... \ref 0223 \id 305497091255151101 \begin 0:06:40 \sp EXPLAN \tx wawancaranya selesai dulu. \pho wawancaraɲa sələsay duluːʰ \mb wawancara -nya selesai dulu \ge interview -NYA finish before \gj interview-NYA finish before \ft let's finish the interview first. \ref 0224 \id 604750091255151101 \begin 0:06:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx tapi kan sendirian situnya kan keliatan juga. \pho tapi kan səndiliʔan situɲa kan kəliyatan juːgaːʔ \mb tapi kan sen- diri -an situ -nya kan ke an liat juga \ge but KAN SE- self -AN there -NYA KAN KE AN see also \gj but KAN SE-self-AN there-NYA KAN KE.AN-see also \ft although I am alone, I can see myself, too. \ref 0225 \id 944554091256151101 \begin 0:06:43 \sp EXPYAN \tx iya, nanti... \pho ʔiyaːʰ nantiːʰ \mb iya nanti \ge yes later \gj yes later \ft yeah, later... \ref 0226 \id 636026091256151101 \begin 0:06:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx ada juga... \pho ʔada jugaʔ \mb ada juga \ge exist also \gj exist also \ft there is too... \ref 0227 \id 101070091256151101 \begin 0:06:46 \sp EXPYAN \tx ...bisa liat. \pho bisa liyaːt \mb bisa liat \ge can see \gj can see \ft ...you can see. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0228 \id 984950091256151101 \begin 0:06:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...sekarang. \pho səkalaŋ \mb sekarang \ge now \gj now \ft ...now. \ref 0229 \id 987386091256151101 \begin 0:06:48 \sp EXPYAN \tx sekarang Tante Yanti mo tanya lagi. \pho səkaraŋ tantə yanti mɔ taɲa lagiːʰ \mb sekarang Tante Yanti mo tanya lagi \ge now aunt Yanti want ask more \gj now aunt Yanti want ask more \ft I want to ask you again now. \ref 0230 \id 523453091256151101 \begin 0:06:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ːh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0231 \id 788853091257151101 \begin 0:06:50 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priska kalo ke Plaza... Plaza Senayan naik apa? \pho priːskaːh kalɔ kə pəsa plasa sənayan nayik ʔapaːʰ \mb Priska kalo ke Plaza Plaza Senayan naik apa \ge Priska TOP to Plaza Plaza Senayan go.up what \gj Priska TOP to Plaza Plaza Senayan go.up what \ft how do you go to Plaza Senayan? \ref 0232 \id 974798091257151101 \begin 0:06:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx naik mobil... eee... naik taksi. \pho nayiːk mɔbiːl ə̃ nayik taksiʔ \mb naik mobil eee naik taksi \ge go.up car FILL go.up taxi \gj go.up car FILL go.up taxi \ft by a car... umm... I take a taxi. \ref 0233 \id 462114091257151101 \begin 0:06:56 \sp EXPYAN \tx naik taksi? \pho nayik taksiːʰ \mb naik taksi \ge go.up taxi \gj go.up taxi \ft you take a taxi? \ref 0234 \id 359906091257151101 \begin 0:06:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0235 \id 649833091257151101 \begin 0:07:00 \sp EXPYAN \tx o. \pho ʔɔ̃ːʰ \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 0236 \id 868622091258151101 \begin 0:07:02 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, naik apa lagi, kalo pulangnya? \pho tr̩us nayik ʔapa lagiːʰ kalɔ pulaŋɲaːh \mb trus naik apa lagi kalo pulang -nya \ge continue go.up what more TOP return -NYA \gj continue go.up what more TOP return-NYA \ft then, how do you go home? \ref 0237 \id 647121091258151101 \begin 0:07:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx pulangnya juga naik taksi. \pho pulaŋɲa juga nayik taksiː \mb pulang -nya juga naik taksi \ge return -NYA also go.up taxi \gj return-NYA also go.up taxi \ft I also take a take when going home. \ref 0238 \id 288109091258151101 \begin 0:07:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, gitu. \pho ʔɔː gituːʰ \mb o gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \ref 0239 \id 862337091258151101 \begin 0:07:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, naik ojek. \pho ʔɛh nayik ʔɔjɛk \mb eh naik ojek \ge EH go.up motorcycle.taxi \gj EH go.up motorcycle.taxi \ft no, I take a motorcycle taxi. \ref 0240 \id 328863091258151101 \begin 0:07:10 \sp EXPYAN \tx hah, naik ojek? \pho hãh nayik ʔɔjɛːk \mb hah naik ojek \ge huh go.up motorcycle.taxi \gj huh go.up motorcycle.taxi \ft huh, you take a motorcycle taxi? \ref 0241 \id 912930091259151101 \begin 0:07:11 \sp EXPYAN \tx sama siapa kamu naik ojek? \pho sama syaːpa kamu nayik ʔɔjɛk \mb sama siapa kamu naik ojek \ge with who 2 go.up motorcycle.taxi \gj with who 2 go.up motorcycle.taxi \ft whom do you take a motorcycle taxi with? \ref 0242 \id 132600091259151101 \begin 0:07:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, naik taksi. \pho ʔɛh nayik taksi \mb eh naik taksi \ge EH go.up taxi \gj EH go.up taxi \ft no, I take a taxi. \ref 0243 \id 824992091259151101 \begin 0:07:17 \sp EXPLAN \tx Priska selain ke Plaza Senayan, ke mana lagi kalo di Jakarta? \pho priskah səlayin kə plasa sənayan kə mana lagi kalɔ di jakartaːʰ \mb Priska se- lain ke Plaza Senayan ke mana lagi kalo di Jakarta \ge Priska SE- other to Plaza Senayan to which more TOP LOC Jakarta \gj Priska SE-other to Plaza Senayan to which more TOP LOC Jakarta \ft beside Plaza Senayan, where else do you go in Jakarta? \ref 0244 \id 859057091259151101 \begin 0:07:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, nggak ke mana-mana. \mb ya nggak ke mana - mana \ge yes NEG to which - which \gj yes NEG to RED-which \ft yeah, nowhere. \ref 0245 \id 988032091259151101 \begin 0:07:21 \sp EXPLAN \tx nggak ke mana-mana? \mb nggak ke mana - mana \ge NEG to which - which \gj NEG to RED-which \ft nowhere? \ref 0246 \id 579965091259151101 \begin 0:07:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx gatel nih kakinya. \pho gatəl nih kakiʔɲaːh \mb gatel nih kaki -nya \ge itchy this foot -NYA \gj itchy this foot-NYA \ft my leg is itchy. \nt scratching her foot. \ref 0247 \id 180816091300151101 \begin 0:07:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx oh, gatel. \pho ʔɔh gatəːl \mb oh gatel \ge EXCL itchy \gj EXCL itchy \ft oh, it's itchy. \ref 0248 \id 289633091300151101 \begin 0:07:27 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, sekarang Tante Yanti mo tanya. \pho tr̩us səkaraŋ tantə yanti mɔ taːɲah \mb trus sekarang Tante Yanti mo tanya \ge continue now aunt Yanti want ask \gj continue now aunt Yanti want ask \ft then, I want to ask you now. \ref 0249 \id 378399091300151101 \begin 0:07:29 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priska punya oma, nggak di rumah? \pho priskaːh puɲaːʔ ʔɔma ŋgaʔ di rumah \mb Priska punya oma nggak di rumah \ge Priska have grandma NEG LOC house \gj Priska have grandma NEG LOC house \ft do you have grandma at home? \ref 0250 \id 968117091300151101 \begin 0:07:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx punya, sekarang lagi gehe... ke gereja. \pho puɲaʔ səkalaŋ lagi gəhə kʰə gəlɛjaːʔ \mb punya sekarang lagi gehe ke gereja \ge have now more BAB to church \gj have now more BAB to church \ft yes, she is now going to church. \ref 0251 \id 661395091300151101 \begin 0:07:37 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh, lagi ke gereja Omanya. \pho ʔɔːh lagi kə gərɛja ʔɔmaɲaːh \mb oh lagi ke gereja Oma -nya \ge EXCL more to church grandma -NYA \gj EXCL more to church grandma-NYA \ft oh, Grandma is going to church. \ref 0252 \id 791236091301151101 \begin 0:07:40 \sp EXPYAN \tx kalo Opanya mana? \pho kalɔ ʔɔpaɲa maːnah \mb kalo Opa -nya mana \ge TOP grandpa -NYA which \gj TOP grandpa-NYA which \ft where is Grandpa? \ref 0253 \id 527398091301151101 \begin 0:07:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... belum pulang. \pho ʔə̃ː bəlum pulaŋ \mb eee belum pulang \ge FILL not.yet return \gj FILL not.yet return \ft umm... he is not home yet. \ref 0254 \id 494760091301151101 \begin 0:07:43 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, belum pulang. \pho ʔɔː bəlum pulaŋ \mb o belum pulang \ge EXCL not.yet return \gj EXCL not.yet return \ft oh, he is not home yet. \ref 0255 \id 948023091301151101 \begin 0:07:45 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, kalo Mbah Uti? \pho tus kalɔ m̩bah hutiːʰ \mb trus kalo Mbah Uti \ge continue TOP grandparent grandmother \gj continue TOP grandparent grandmother \ft then, what about Grandma? \nt referring to CHI's grandmother from father's side. \ref 0256 \id 450846091301151101 \begin 0:07:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx sakit, nggak pernah keh[?]... nggak pernah kerja. \pho sakit ŋgaʔ pərlnah kəh ŋgaʔ pərlnah kərljaːʔ \mb sakit nggak pernah keh nggak pernah kerja \ge hurt NEG ever xx NEG ever do \gj hurt NEG ever xx NEG ever do \ft she is sick, she never xx... she never works. \ref 0257 \id 889246091301151101 \begin 0:07:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak pernah... nggak pernah... pernah sih masak. \pho ʔãʔ pərlnaːh ŋgaʔ pərlnaːh pərlnaː sih masaːk \mb nggak pernah nggak pernah pernah sih masak \ge NEG ever NEG ever ever SIH cook \gj NEG ever NEG ever ever SIH cook \ft she never... she never... she has ever cooked. \ref 0258 \id 779635091302151101 \begin 0:07:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak pernah... tu cuma nggak pernah... nggak pernah... nggak pernah main tuh. \pho ŋgaʔ pərlnaːh tu cuma ŋgaʔ pərlnaːh ŋgaʔ pərlnaː ŋgaʔ pərlna mayin tuh \mb nggak pernah tu cuma nggak pernah nggak pernah nggak pernah main tuh \ge NEG ever that only NEG ever NEG ever NEG ever play that \gj NEG ever that only NEG ever NEG ever NEG ever play that \ft she never... she only never... she never...she never plays. \ref 0259 \id 850667091302151101 \begin 0:08:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, Priska nggak pernah main sama Mbah Uti lagi? \pho ʔɔː priskah ŋgaʔ pərna mayin sama m̩bah uti laːgiːʰ \mb o Priska nggak pernah main sama Mbah Uti lagi \ge EXCL Priska NEG ever play with grandparent grandmother more \gj EXCL Priska NEG ever play with grandparent grandmother more \ft oh, you have never play with Grandma anymore? \ref 0260 \id 158396102052151101 \begin 0:08:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0261 \id 383457091302151101 \begin 0:08:09 \sp EXPYAN \tx kalo sama Mbah Kakung? \pho kalɔ sama m̩ba hakuŋ \mb kalo sama Mbah Kakung \ge TOP with grandparent male \gj TOP with grandparent male \ft what about Grandpa? \ref 0262 \id 481952091302151101 \begin 0:08:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak pernah. \pho ŋgaʔ pərlnaːh \mb nggak pernah \ge NEG ever \gj NEG ever \ft never. \ref 0263 \id 775109091302151101 \begin 0:08:12 \sp EXPYAN \tx nggak pernah? \pho ŋgaʔ pərnaːh \mb nggak pernah \ge NEG ever \gj NEG ever \ft never? \ref 0264 \id 380711091303151101 \begin 0:08:13 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, mainnya sama siapa? \pho trus mayinɲa sama syaːpah \mb trus main -nya sama siapa \ge continue play -NYA with who \gj continue play-NYA with who \ft then, whom do you play with? \ref 0265 \id 222965091303151101 \begin 0:08:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, cuman main sendirian. \mb ya cuman main sen- diri -an \ge yes only play SE- self -AN \gj yes only play SE-self-AN \ft yeah, I only play alone. \ref 0266 \id 385176091303151101 \begin 0:08:15 \sp EXPYAN \tx main sendiri? \pho mayin səndiriːʰ \mb main sen- diri \ge play SE- self \gj play SE-self \ft you play alone? \ref 0267 \id 563043091304151101 \begin 0:08:17 \sp EXPYAN \tx lho? \pho lɔːh \mb lho \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft huh? \ref 0268 \id 182896091304151101 \begin 0:08:19 \sp EXPLAN \tx Priska kalo main sendiri main apa? \pho priska kalɔ mayin səndiri mayin ʔaːpaːh \mb Priska kalo main sen- diri main apa \ge Priska TOP play SE- self play what \gj Priska TOP play SE-self play what \ft what do you play when you play alone? \ref 0269 \id 150988091304151101 \begin 0:08:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx main doang. \pho mayin dɔwaːŋ \mb main doang \ge play just \gj play just \ft I only play. \ref 0270 \id 257183091304151101 \begin 0:08:23 \sp EXPLAN \tx o. \pho ʔɔː \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 0271 \id 570310104910151101 \begin 0:08:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking some dirt on the floor and putting it on the bag of the camcorder which is in front of Yanti. \ref 0272 \id 381817091304151101 \begin 0:08:27 \sp EXPLAN \tx suka nonton felem, nggak? \pho suka nɔntɔn fɛləm ŋgaːʔ \mb suka n- tonton felem nggak \ge like N- watch film NEG \gj like N-watch film NEG \ft do you like to watch films? \ref 0273 \id 814663091304151101 \begin 0:08:27 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt rubbing the dirt away. \ref 0274 \id 971126091305151101 \begin 0:08:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0275 \id 844705091305151101 \begin 0:08:28 \sp EXPYAN \tx suka nonton felem, nggak, tuh? \pho sukaʔ nɔntɔn fɛləm ŋgaʔ tuːh \mb suka n- tonton felem nggak tuh \ge like N- watch film NEG that \gj like N-watch film NEG that \ft do you like to watch films? \ref 0276 \id 981877091305151101 \begin 0:08:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx suka. \pho sukaːʔ \mb suka \ge like \gj like \ft yes. \ref 0277 \id 638635091305151101 \begin 0:08:30 \sp EXPYAN \tx felem apa? \pho fɛləm ʔapaːʰ \mb felem apa \ge film what \gj film what \ft what films? \ref 0278 \id 749176091305151101 \begin 0:08:31 \sp EXPLAN \tx felem apa sih? \pho fɛləm ʔapa siːh \mb felem apa sih \ge film what SIH \gj film what SIH \ft what films? \ref 0279 \id 122641091306151101 \begin 0:08:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx itu felem Sinchan, tapi felem Sinchannya udah rusak. \pho itu fɛləm sincaːn tapi fɛləm sincanɲaʔ udaʰ lusaːk \mb itu felem Sinchan tapi felem Sinchan -nya udah rusak \ge that film Sinchan but film Sinchan -NYA PFCT damaged \gj that film Sinchan but film Sinchan-NYA PFCT damaged \ft Sinchan, but it is already broken. \ref 0280 \id 830538091306151101 \begin 0:08:36 \sp EXPYAN \tx o. \pho ʔɔːʰ \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 0281 \id 472909091306151101 \begin 0:08:39 \sp EXPLAN \tx Priska inget nggak ceritanya apa aja? \pho priska ʔiŋət ŋgaʔ cəritaɲa ʔapa ʔajaːh \mb Priska inget nggak cerita -nya apa aja \ge Priska remember NEG story -NYA what just \gj Priska remember NEG story-NYA what just \ft do you remember what the stories are? \ref 0282 \id 893278091306151101 \begin 0:08:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx ah, nggak tau. \pho ʔaːʰ ŋgaʔ tawuʔ \mb ah nggak tau \ge EXCL NEG know \gj EXCL NEG know \ft ah, I don't know. \ref 0283 \id 152048091307151101 \begin 0:08:43 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm? \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0284 \id 974634091307151101 \begin 0:08:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak inget. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔiŋəːt \mb nggak inget \ge NEG remember \gj NEG remember \ft I don't remember. \ref 0285 \id 397463091308151101 \begin 0:08:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx nggak inget? \pho ŋgaʔ ʔiŋəːt \mb nggak inget \ge NEG remember \gj NEG remember \ft you don't remember? \ref 0286 \id 973012091308151101 \begin 0:08:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx lho, cuman nonton Sinchan? \pho lɔh cuman nɔntɔn sincaːn \mb lho cuman n- tonton Sinchan \ge EXCL only N- watch Sinchan \gj EXCL only N-watch Sinchan \ft huh, do you only watch Sinchan? \ref 0287 \id 129858091308151101 \begin 0:08:49 \sp EXPLAN \tx nonton yang laen, nggak? \pho nɔntɔn yaŋ laɛn ŋgaːʔ \mb n- tonton yang laen nggak \ge N- watch REL other NEG \gj N-watch REL other NEG \ft do you watch other films? \ref 0288 \id 635090091308151101 \begin 0:08:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx mmm... iya. \pho ʔm̩ː ʔiyaːh \mb mmm iya \ge FILL yes \gj FILL yes \ft umm... yes. \ref 0289 \id 579487091309151101 \begin 0:08:51 \sp EXPLAN \tx nonton apa lagi, dong? \pho nɔntɔn ʔapa laːgiːʰ dɔːŋ \mb n- tonton apa lagi dong \ge N- watch what more DONG \gj N-watch what more DONG \ft what else do you watch? \ref 0290 \id 249665091309151101 \begin 0:08:53 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt OPA is opening the fence of the house. \ref 0291 \id 936340091309151101 \begin 0:08:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx eis! \pho ʔɛis \mb eis \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \nt surprised by the sound of the fence. \ref 0292 \id 289586091309151101 \begin 0:08:57 \sp EXPYAN \tx sekarang Tante mau tanya, ya? \pho səkaraŋ tantə maw taɲa yaːh \mb sekarang Tante mau tanya ya \ge now aunt want ask yes \gj now aunt want ask yes \ft I am asking you, okay? \ref 0293 \id 480302091309151101 \begin 0:08:59 \sp EXPYAN \tx Bapaknya di mana? \pho bapaʔɲa di manaːʰ \mb Bapak -nya di mana \ge father -NYA LOC which \gj father-NYA LOC which \ft where is your father? \ref 0294 \id 949556091310151101 \begin 0:09:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt looking at MOT and then looking at the front of the house. \ref 0295 \id 106423091310151101 \begin 0:09:03 \sp EXPYAN \tx Pris, Bapaknya di mana? \pho priːs bapaʔɲa di manaː \mb Pris Bapak -nya di mana \ge Priska father -NYA LOC which \gj Priska father-NYA LOC which \ft Priska, where is Father? \ref 0296 \id 960573091310151101 \begin 0:09:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt realizing that her grandfather is home so she is lying down and facing the underneath of the sofa so that she can't see her grandfather. \ref 0297 \id 775256091310151101 \begin 0:09:07 \sp EXPLAN \tx lho, lagi liat siapa, sih? \pho lɔːh lagi liyat siyapa siːh \mb lho lagi liat siapa sih \ge EXCL more see who SIH \gj EXCL more see who SIH \ft huh, who are you looking at? \ref 0298 \id 144151091311151101 \begin 0:09:09 \sp EXPYAN \tx liat siapa? \pho liyat syapaːh \mb liat siapa \ge see who \gj see who \ft who are you looking? \ref 0299 \id 554467091311151101 \begin 0:09:11 \sp OPAPRI \tx da. \pho daː \mb da \ge bye \gj bye \ft hi. \nt the family usually greet each other using "da". \ref 0300 \id 949797091311151101 \begin 0:09:12 \sp EXPLAN \tx lho? \pho lɔːh \mb lho \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft huh? \ref 0301 \id 566543091311151101 \begin 0:09:13 \sp OPAPRI \tx o, tidur, ya? \pho ʔɔːʰ tidur yaːh \mb o tidur ya \ge EXCL lie.down yes \gj EXCL lie.down yes \ft oh, are you sleeping? \ref 0302 \id 497695091312151101 \begin 0:09:14 \sp EXPLAN \tx Priska kok nyumput? \pho priskaːʰ kɔʔ ɲumpuːt \mb Priska kok nyumput \ge Priska KOK hide \gj Priska KOK hide \ft why are you hiding? \ref 0303 \id 772914091312151101 \begin 0:09:16 \sp OPAPRI \tx tidur, ya? \pho tidur yaːh \mb tidur ya \ge lie.down yes \gj lie.down yes \ft are you sleeping? \ref 0304 \id 809092114047151101 \begin 0:09:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx ntar, maennya nanti, nanti, ama Opa nanti. \pho n̩tar maɛnɲa nantiʔ nantiʔ ʔama ʔɔpa naːntiʔ \mb ntar maen -nya nanti nanti ama Opa nanti \ge moment play -NYA later later with grandpa later \gj moment play-NYA later later with grandpa later \ft you will play with Grandpa later. \ref 0305 \id 933869114310151101 \begin 0:09:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx hey, Priska! \pho hɛy priskah \mb hey Priska \ge hey Priska \gj hey Priska \ft hey, Priska! \ref 0306 \id 158275114310151101 \begin 0:09:23 \sp OPAPRI \tx ayo, ayo. \pho ʔayɔʔ ʔayɔʔ \mb ayo ayo \ge AYO AYO \gj AYO AYO \ft come on, come on. \ref 0307 \id 337425114423151101 \begin 0:09:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx bangun, Non, bangun! \pho baŋun nɔn baŋuːn \mb bangun Non bangun \ge rise EPIT rise \gj rise EPIT rise \ft get up, get up! \ref 0308 \id 818544114516151101 \begin 0:09:25 \sp OPAPRI \tx ayo. \pho ʔayɔʔ \mb ayo \ge AYO \gj AYO \ft come on. \ref 0309 \id 487079114521151101 \begin 0:09:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt waking up. \ref 0310 \id 557943114654151101 \begin 0:09:27 \sp OPAPRI \tx ha. \pho hãː \mb ha \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \nt laughing. \ref 0311 \id 859765114715151101 \begin 0:09:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha. \pho hãː \mb ha \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \nt laughing. \ref 0312 \id 285918114724151101 \begin 0:09:29 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0313 \id 937402114730151101 \begin 0:09:30 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0314 \id 137580114902151101 \begin 0:09:31 \sp OPAPRI \tx da. \pho daːah \mb da \ge bye \gj bye \ft hi. \ref 0315 \id 809012114902151101 \begin 0:09:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx da. \pho daːah \mb da \ge bye \gj bye \ft hi. \ref 0316 \id 482114114902151101 \begin 0:09:35 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'Opa dari mana?' \pho ʔɔpa dari manaːʰ \mb Opa dari mana \ge grandpa from which \gj grandpa from which \ft 'where have you been, Grandpa?' \nt telling CHI what to ask OPA. \ref 0317 \id 801428114902151101 \begin 0:09:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'Opa dari mana?' \pho ʔɔpa dari mana̘h \mb Opa dari mana \ge grandpa from which \gj grandpa from which \ft 'where have you been, Grandpa?' \nt repeating EXP's question. \ref 0318 \id 821825114903151101 \begin 0:09:38 \sp OPAPRI \tx pulang kantor. \pho puːlaŋ kaːntɔːr \mb pulang kantor \ge return office \gj return office \ft I am back from the office. \ref 0319 \id 739193114903151101 \begin 0:09:40 \sp OPAPRI \tx Priska lagi ngapain? \pho priska lagi ŋapaʔiːn \mb Priska lagi ng- apa -in \ge Priska more N- what -IN \gj Priska more N-what-IN \ft what are you doing? \ref 0320 \id 642091114903151101 \begin 0:09:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx lagi... ditanyain sama Bu Gurunya. \pho lagiːʰ ditaɲaʔin cama bu guluːʔɲah \mb lagi di- tanya -in sama Bu Guru -nya \ge more DI- ask -IN with TRU-mother teacher -NYA \gj more DI-ask-IN with TRU-mother teacher-NYA \ft the teachers are asking me. \ref 0321 \id 343303114903151101 \begin 0:09:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx tanyain apa? \pho taɲaʔin ʔapaːh \mb tanya -in apa \ge ask -IN what \gj ask-IN what \ft what are they asking? \ref 0322 \id 603037114903151101 \begin 0:09:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang keras ngomongnya dong! \pho yaŋ kəras ŋɔmɔŋɲa dɔːŋ \mb yang keras ng- omong -nya dong \ge REL hard N- speak -NYA DONG \gj REL hard N-speak-NYA DONG \ft speak up! \ref 0323 \id 961863114903151101 \begin 0:09:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx lagi ditanyain sama Bu Gurunya. \pho lagi ditaɲaʔin sama bu guluʔɲaːh \mb lagi di- tanya -in sama Bu Guru -nya \ge more DI- ask -IN with TRU-mother teacher -NYA \gj more DI-ask-IN with TRU-mother teacher-NYA \ft the teachers are asking me. \nt speaking up. \ref 0324 \id 852849115714151101 \begin 0:09:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx o. \pho ʔɔːʰ \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 0325 \id 156509115739151101 \begin 0:09:53 \sp OPAPRI \tx ha, ditanyain ama Bu Gurunye? \pho hɑ̃ɑ ditaɲaʔin ʔama buʔ guruʔɲɛːh \mb ha di- tanya -in ama Bu Guru -nye \ge uh-huh DI- ask -IN with TRU-mother teacher -NYE \gj uh-huh DI-ask-IN with TRU-mother teacher-NYE \ft oh, the teachers are asking you? \nt laughing. \ref 0326 \id 358842115925151101 \begin 0:09:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya? \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right? \ref 0327 \id 773221115932151101 \begin 0:09:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni kan pura-puranya tempat duduknya, Opa. \mb ni kan pura-pura -nya tempat duduk -nya Opa \ge this KAN pretend -NYA place sit -NYA grandpa \gj this KAN pretend-NYA place sit-NYA grandpa \ft we are pretending that this is the seat, Grandpa. \nt referring to the pillow she is sitting on. \ref 0328 \id 145682120023151101 \begin 0:09:58 \sp OPAPRI \tx pura-puranya? \mb pura-pura -nya \ge pretend -NYA \gj pretend-NYA \ft pretending? \ref 0329 \id 192583120037151101 \begin 0:10:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0330 \id 947165120045151101 \begin 0:10:01 \sp EXPYAN \tx ayo, sekarang... \pho ʔayɔ səkaraŋ \mb ayo sekarang \ge AYO now \gj AYO now \ft come on, now... \ref 0331 \id 431129120045151101 \begin 0:10:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh... \pho ʔɛh \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey... \ref 0332 \id 696868120045151101 \begin 0:10:03 \sp EXPYAN \tx ...Bu Guru mo tanya lagi. \pho bu guru mɔ taɲa lagiːʰ \mb Bu Guru mo tanya lagi \ge TRU-mother teacher want ask more \gj TRU-mother teacher want ask more \ft ...I want to ask again. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0333 \id 286942120045151101 \begin 0:10:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni... \pho niːh \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft this... \nt taking a pillow. \ref 0334 \id 139155120045151101 \begin 0:10:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priska... \pho priskaːh \mb Priska \ge Priska \gj Priska \ft Priska... \ref 0335 \id 288586120046151101 \begin 0:10:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni ban(tal)... ini kan... ni kan tempat duduknya Tante Yanti, nih. \pho ni ban ʔini kan ni kan təmpat dudukɲa tantə yanti niːh \mb ni bantal ini kan ni kan tempat duduk -nya Tante Yanti nih \ge this pillow this KAN this KAN place sit -NYA aunt Yanti this \gj this pillow this KAN this KAN place sit-NYA aunt Yanti this \ft this is the pillow... this is... this is the your seat. \nt giving it to Yanti. \ref 0336 \id 772223120046151101 \begin 0:10:10 \sp EXPYAN \tx he-eh, iya. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ːh ʔiyaːh \mb he-eh iya \ge uh-huh yes \gj uh-huh yes \ft uh-huh, right. \nt taking the pillow and putting the bag of the camcorder on the pillow. \ref 0337 \id 480831120046151101 \begin 0:10:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx step. \pho xx \mb step \ge BAB \gj BAB \ref 0338 \id 846522120046151101 \begin 0:10:12 \sp EXPYAN \tx sekarang, Bu Guru mo tanya lagi. \pho səkaraŋ bu guru mɔ taɲa lagiːʰ \mb sekarang Bu Guru mo tanya lagi \ge now TRU-mother teacher want ask more \gj now TRU-mother teacher want ask more \ft now, I want to ask you again. \ref 0339 \id 922141120046151101 \begin 0:10:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ːh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0340 \id 154971120046151101 \begin 0:10:14 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priska kan mo sekolah, ya? \pho priska kan mɔ səkɔlaːh yaːh \mb Priska kan mo sekolah ya \ge Priska KAN want school yes \gj Priska KAN want school yes \ft do you want to go to school? \ref 0341 \id 609866120046151101 \begin 0:10:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0342 \id 529930120047151101 \begin 0:10:17 \sp EXPYAN \tx ngapain sih sekolah? \pho ŋapayiːn sih səkɔlaːh \mb ng- apa -in sih sekolah \ge N- what -IN SIH school \gj N-what-IN SIH school \ft what do you go to school for? \ref 0343 \id 756146120047151101 \begin 0:10:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx belajar. \pho bəlajaːr \mb bel- ajar \ge BER- teach \gj BER-teach \ft studying. \ref 0344 \id 268425120047151101 \begin 0:10:19 \sp EXPYAN \tx belajar? \pho bəlajaːr \mb bel- ajar \ge BER- teach \gj BER-teach \ft studying? \ref 0345 \id 331945120047151101 \begin 0:10:21 \sp EXPYAN \tx buat apa belajar? \pho buwat ʔaːpaʰ bəlajaːr \mb buat apa bel- ajar \ge for what BER- teach \gj for what BER-teach \ft what do you study for? \ref 0346 \id 504353120047151101 \begin 0:10:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, buat... belajar kan buat itu. \pho yaːh buwaːt bəlajar kan buwat ʔituːʰ \mb ya buat bel- ajar kan buat itu \ge yes for BER- teach KAN for that \gj yes for BER-teach KAN for that \ft yeah, for... study is for that thing. \ref 0347 \id 174986120048151101 \begin 0:10:29 \sp EXPLAN \tx buat apa? \pho buwat ʔapaːh \mb buat apa \ge for what \gj for what \ft what for? \ref 0348 \id 398426120048151101 \begin 0:10:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx buat... \pho buwaːt \mb buat \ge for \gj for \ft for... \ref 0349 \id 965897120048151101 \begin 0:10:32 \sp OPAPRI \tx jadi pin(ter)... \pho jadi piːn \mb jadi pinter \ge become smart \gj become smart \ft to become clever... \nt giving cue to CHI. \ref 0350 \id 257592120048151101 \begin 0:10:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...berhitung, buat... \pho bərhituːŋ buwaːt \mb ber- hitung buat \ge BER- count for \gj BER-count for \ft ...counting, for... \ref 0351 \id 963078120048151101 \begin 0:10:36 \sp EXPYAN \tx buat berhitung... \pho buwat bərhituŋ \mb buat ber- hitung \ge for BER- count \gj for BER-count \ft for counting... \ref 0352 \id 578433120048151101 \begin 0:10:37 \sp EXPYAN \tx ...trus buat apa lagi? \pho tr̩us buat ʔapa lagiːʰ \mb trus buat apa lagi \ge continue for what more \gj continue for what more \ft ...for what else? \ref 0353 \id 547977120048151101 \begin 0:10:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx buat bermain. \pho buwaːt bərlmayiːn \mb buat ber- main \ge for BER- play \gj for BER-play \ft for playing. \ref 0354 \id 761888120049151101 \begin 0:10:40 \sp EXPYAN \tx bermain, trus buat apa lagi? \pho bərmayin tr̩us buwat ʔapa lagiːʰ \mb ber- main trus buat apa lagi \ge BER- play continue for what more \gj BER-play continue for what more \ft for playing, for what else? \ref 0355 \id 467361120050151101 \begin 0:10:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx buat... ya, cuman gitu doang. \pho buwaːt yaː cuman gitu dɔwaːŋ \mb buat ya cuman gitu doang \ge for yes only like.that just \gj for yes only like.that just \ft for... yeah, only for those things. \ref 0356 \id 344997120050151101 \begin 0:10:44 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, Priska mo jadi pinter, nggak? \pho ʔɔːʰ priska mɔ jadi pintəːr ŋgaːʔ \mb o Priska mo jadi pinter nggak \ge EXCL Priska want become smart NEG \gj EXCL Priska want become smart NEG \ft oh, do you want to be clever? \ref 0357 \id 285764121900151101 \begin 0:10:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx mau. \pho maːwuːʔ \mb mau \ge want \gj want \ft yes. \ref 0358 \id 143619121900151101 \begin 0:10:48 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, caranya gimana? \pho tr̩us caraɲa gimanaːh \mb trus cara -nya gimana \ge continue manner -NYA how \gj continue manner-NYA how \ft then, how is it? \ref 0359 \id 609984121901151101 \begin 0:10:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx gimana sih, nggak tau. \pho gimana siːʔ ŋgaʔ tawuːʔ \mb gimana sih nggak tau \ge how SIH NEG know \gj how SIH NEG know \ft I don't know how. \ref 0360 \id 715551121901151101 \begin 0:10:51 \sp EXPYAN \tx hah? \pho hãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0361 \id 189993121901151101 \begin 0:10:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt coughing. \ref 0362 \id 614674121901151101 \begin 0:10:53 \sp EXPYAN \tx ya, belajar. \pho ya bəlajaːr \mb ya bel- ajar \ge yes BER- teach \gj yes BER-teach \ft yeah, you should study. \ref 0363 \id 344130121901151101 \begin 0:10:54 \sp EXPYAN \tx ya? \pho yaːh \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay? \ref 0364 \id 100667121902151101 \begin 0:10:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt still coughing. \ref 0365 \id 513086121902151101 \begin 0:10:56 \sp EXPYAN \tx kalau belajar itu biar pin(ter)... \pho kalaw bəlajar ʔitu biyar piːn \mb kalau bel- ajar itu biar pinter \ge TOP BER- teach that let smart \gj TOP BER-teach that let smart \ft you study in order to be clever... \nt expecting CHI to complete her utterance. \ref 0366 \id 245666121902151101 \begin 0:10:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx batuk, batuk lagi. \pho batuk batuk lagiːʰ \mb batuk batuk lagi \ge cough cough more \gj cough cough more \ft I am coughing, I am coughing again. \ref 0367 \id 322236121903151101 \begin 0:10:58 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, batuk lagi. \pho ʔɔː batuk lagiːʰ \mb o batuk lagi \ge EXCL cough more \gj EXCL cough more \ft oh, you are coughing again. \ref 0368 \id 237350121903151101 \begin 0:11:00 \sp EXPYAN \tx udah minum obat belum? \pho ʔuda minum ʔɔbat bəluːm \mb udah minum obat belum \ge PFCT drink medicine not.yet \gj PFCT drink medicine not.yet \ft have you taken medicine? \ref 0369 \id 956484121903151101 \begin 0:11:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah. \pho ʔudaːh \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft yes. \ref 0370 \id 445362121903151101 \begin 0:11:04 \sp EXPYAN \tx ayo, sekarang... tan[?]... eee... tanya lagi. \pho ʔayɔ səkaraŋ tan ʔɛːʰ taɲa lagiːʰ \mb ayo sekarang tan eee tanya lagi \ge AYO now xx FILL ask more \gj AYO now xx FILL ask more \ft come on, now... xx... umm... I am asking you again. \ref 0371 \id 508259121904151101 \begin 0:11:07 \sp EXPYAN \tx kalau belajar biar apa, biar pin(ter)... \pho kalaw bəlajar biyar ʔapaːʰ biyar piːn \mb kalau bel- ajar biar apa biar pinter \ge TOP BER- teach let what let smart \gj TOP BER-teach let what let smart \ft you study in order to be... \nt expecting CHI to complete her utterance. \ref 0372 \id 131982121904151101 \begin 0:11:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx pinter. \pho pintəːr \mb pinter \ge smart \gj smart \ft clever. \nt fulfilling Yanti's expectation. \ref 0373 \id 326408121904151101 \begin 0:11:09 \sp EXPYAN \tx pinter. \pho pintəːr \mb pinter \ge smart \gj smart \ft clever. \ref 0374 \id 148309121904151101 \begin 0:11:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx nah, rambutnya panjang biar cantik. \pho nah lambutɲa panjyaːŋ biyar caːntik \mb nah rambut -nya panjang biar cantik \ge NAH hair -NYA long let pretty \gj NAH hair-NYA long let pretty \ft aha, I let my hair long in order to be pretty. \ref 0375 \id 245085121904151101 \begin 0:11:12 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, gitu. \pho ʔɔː gituːʰ \mb o gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \ref 0376 \id 449818121904151101 \begin 0:11:15 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus apa lagi? \pho tr̩us ʔapa lagiːʰ \mb trus apa lagi \ge continue what more \gj continue what more \ft what else? \ref 0377 \id 709879121905151101 \begin 0:11:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... ini. \pho ʔə̃ː ʔiniːʰ \mb eee ini \ge FILL this \gj FILL this \ft umm... this. \nt reference unclear. \ref 0378 \id 255231121905151101 \begin 0:11:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, cuman gitu doang. \pho yaː cuman gitu dɔaːŋ \mb ya cuman gitu doang \ge yes only like.that just \gj yes only like.that just \ft yeah, that's all. \ref 0379 \id 873915121905151101 \begin 0:11:23 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, cuman gitu doang. \pho ʔɔː cuman gitu dɔaːŋ \mb o cuman gitu doang \ge EXCL only like.that just \gj EXCL only like.that just \ft oh, that's all. \ref 0380 \id 505516121905151101 \begin 0:11:25 \sp EXPYAN \tx nah, sekarang ta(nya)... tanya sama Tante Lanny dulu, ya, Ibu Gurunya? \mb nah sekarang tanya tanya sama Tante Lanny dulu ya Ibu Guru -nya \ge NAH now ask ask with aunt Lanny before yes mother teacher -NYA \gj NAH now ask ask with aunt Lanny before yes mother teacher-NYA \ft aha, now... Auntie Lanny, as the other teacher, is asking you, okay? \ref 0381 \id 830887121905151101 \begin 0:11:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ːh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0382 \id 934646121906151101 \begin 0:11:30 \sp EXPLAN \tx kalau Priska nanti sekolah mau belajar apa? \pho kalaw priskaːʔ nanti səkɔlah maw bəlajar ʔapaːh \mb kalau Priska nanti sekolah mau bel- ajar apa \ge TOP Priska later school want BER- teach what \gj TOP Priska later school want BER-teach what \ft what do you want to study if you go to school? \ref 0383 \id 618770121906151101 \begin 0:11:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx mo belajar berhitung. \pho mɔ bəlajar bərlhituːŋ \mb mo bel- ajar ber- hitung \ge want BER- teach BER- count \gj want BER-teach BER-count \ft I want to study counting. \ref 0384 \id 785906121906151101 \begin 0:11:35 \sp EXPLAN \tx he-em. \pho həʔm̩ː \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0385 \id 948161121907151101 \begin 0:11:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx mau main... di luar, ada perosotannya... \pho maw mayiːn di luwar ʔada pərɔsɔtanɲaːʰ \mb mau main di luar ada perosot -an -nya \ge want play LOC out exist slide -AN -NYA \gj want play LOC out exist slide-AN-NYA \ft I want to play... outside, there is a slide... \ref 0386 \id 967015121907151101 \begin 0:11:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx we, seneng deh. \pho wɛːh sənəŋ dɛh \mb we seneng deh \ge EXCL enjoy DEH \gj EXCL enjoy DEH \ft wow, it would be fun. \ref 0387 \id 147882121907151101 \begin 0:11:41 \sp EXPLAN \tx oh. \pho ʔɔːh \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 0388 \id 267789121907151101 \begin 0:11:43 \sp EXPLAN \tx kalo Priska sekarang udah bisa berhitung belum? \pho kalɔ priska səkaraŋ ʔuda bisa bərhituŋ bəluːn \mb kalo Priska sekarang udah bisa ber- hitung belum \ge TOP Priska now PFCT can BER- count not.yet \gj TOP Priska now PFCT can BER-count not.yet \ft can you count now? \ref 0389 \id 442904121908151101 \begin 0:11:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx belum. \pho bəluːm \mb belum \ge not.yet \gj not.yet \ft not yet. \ref 0390 \id 610596121908151101 \begin 0:11:46 \sp EXPLAN \tx belum bisa? \pho bəlum bisaːʔ \mb belum bisa \ge not.yet can \gj not.yet can \ft not yet? \ref 0391 \id 205078121908151101 \begin 0:11:47 \sp EXPYAN \tx bisa. \pho bisaːʔ \mb bisa \ge can \gj can \ft you can. \ref 0392 \id 361124121908151101 \begin 0:11:48 \sp EXPYAN \tx satu... gitu bisa, nggak? \pho satuː gitu bisa ŋgaːʔ \mb satu gitu bisa nggak \ge one like.that can NEG \gj one like.that can NEG \ft one... can you? \nt telling CHI how to start counting. \ref 0393 \id 424139121909151101 \begin 0:11:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx tunggu sebentar, ya? \pho tuŋgu səbəntar yaːh \mb tunggu se- bentar ya \ge wait SE- moment yes \gj wait SE-moment yes \ft wait a minute, okay? \nt standing up and walking to self near the TV set. \ref 0394 \id 222283121909151101 \begin 0:11:50 \sp EXPLAN \tx lho? \pho lɔh \mb lho \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft huh? \ref 0395 \id 619980121909151101 \begin 0:11:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx eh! \pho ʔɛh \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \ref 0396 \id 416915121910151101 \begin 0:11:52 \sp EXPLAN \tx lho, kok? \pho lɔh kɔːʔ \mb lho kok \ge EXCL KOK \gj EXCL KOK \ft huh? \ref 0397 \id 297537121910151101 \begin 0:11:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx masih ditanyain sama Bu Guru. \pho masi ditaɲaʔiːn sama bu guruːʔ \mb masih di- tanya -in sama Bu Guru \ge still DI- ask -IN with TRU-mother teacher \gj still DI-ask-IN with TRU-mother teacher \ft the teacher is still asking you. \ref 0398 \id 908666121910151101 \begin 0:11:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni. \pho niːh \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft this. \nt taking a box of matches and bringing it to the sofa. \ref 0399 \id 476232121910151101 \begin 0:11:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx itu dulu. \pho ʔitu duluːʔ \mb itu dulu \ge that before \gj that before \ft that one first. \nt referring to the interview. \ref 0400 \id 947977121911151101 \begin 0:11:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx duduk dulu! \pho duduk duluːʔ \mb duduk dulu \ge sit before \gj sit before \ft sit down! \nt laughing. \ref 0401 \id 567590133638151101 \begin 0:11:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx tunggu dong! \pho tuŋgu dɔŋ \mb tunggu dong \ge wait DONG \gj wait DONG \ft wait a minute! \ref 0402 \id 105793133648151101 \begin 0:11:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, nanti abis ini baru main ini. \pho ya nantiʔ ʔabis ʔini baru mayin ʔiniːh \mb ya nanti abis ini baru main ini \ge yes later finished this new play this \gj yes later finished this new play this \ft yeah, when you finish this, you'll play this. \nt about to take the box of matches from CHI. \ref 0403 \id 279035133721151101 \begin 0:11:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx tunggu! \pho tuŋguːʔ \mb tunggu \ge wait \gj wait \ft wait! \ref 0404 \id 458250133731151101 \begin 0:11:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx ntar baru main... \pho n̩tar baru maen \mb ntar baru main \ge moment new play \gj moment new play \ft you'll play... \ref 0405 \id 217828133731151101 \begin 0:11:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx sebentar. \pho səbəntaːrl \mb se- bentar \ge SE- moment \gj SE-moment \ft a minute. \ref 0406 \id 443647133731151101 \begin 0:12:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx baru maen korek api. \pho baru maen kɔrɛʔ ʔapiːʔ \mb baru maen korek api \ge new play pick fire \gj new play pick fire \ft you'll play matches. \ref 0407 \id 492259133732151101 \begin 0:12:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska... Priska ngeliat dulu... \pho pliskah pliskah ŋəliyat duluːʔ \mb Priska Priska nge- liat dulu \ge Priska Priska N- see before \gj Priska Priska N-see before \ft I... I want to see... \ref 0408 \id 150036134657151101 \begin 0:12:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, iya. \pho ʔiyaː ʔiyaːh \mb iya iya \ge yes yes \gj yes yes \ft yeah, yeah. \ref 0409 \id 461374134709151101 \begin 0:12:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...ada yang kotor, nggak. \pho ʔada yaŋ kɔtɔːl ŋgaːʔ \mb ada yang kotor nggak \ge exist REL dirty NEG \gj exist REL dirty NEG \ft ...if any is dirty. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0410 \id 520280134935151101 \begin 0:12:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx cuman ngeliat, tau. \pho cuman ŋəliyaːt tawuːʔ \mb cuman nge- liat tau \ge only N- see know \gj only N-see know \ft I only see it, you know. \ref 0411 \id 559854134935151101 \begin 0:12:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx belum selesai, eh, wawancaranya belum selesai. \pho bəlum sələsay ʔɛʰ wawancaraɲa bəlum sələsay \mb belum selesai eh wawancara -nya belum selesai \ge not.yet finish EXCL interview -NYA not.yet finish \gj not.yet finish EXCL interview-NYA not.yet finish \ft it is not finished, hey, the interview is not finished yet. \ref 0412 \id 587017134935151101 \begin 0:12:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx ih, ih! \pho ʔiː ʔih \mb ih ih \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft ugh, ugh! \nt standing up and walking to the self again. \ref 0413 \id 811475134935151101 \begin 0:12:12 \sp EXPLAN \tx ayo, coba ngitung dulu, yuk? \pho ʔayuː cɔba ŋituŋ dulu yuːʔ \mb ayo coba ng- hitung dulu yuk \ge AYO try N- count before AYO \gj AYO try N-count before AYO \ft come on, do counting, okay? \ref 0414 \id 489497134935151101 \begin 0:12:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, suruh itung dulu. \pho tuh suru ʔituŋ duluʔ \mb tuh suruh itung dulu \ge that order count before \gj that order count before \ft there, she asks you to count. \ref 0415 \id 696045134936151101 \begin 0:12:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx ni lagi diwawancarai nih sama Ibu Guru. \pho ni lagi diwawancara nih sama ʔibuʔ guruːʔ \mb ni lagi di- wawancara -i nih sama Ibu Guru \ge this more DI- interview -I this with mother teacher \gj this more DI-interview-I this with mother teacher \ft the teachers are interviewing you. \ref 0416 \id 844802134936151101 \begin 0:12:16 \sp EXPLAN \tx coba, bisa ngitung, nggak? \pho cɔba bisa ŋituŋ ŋgaːʔ \mb coba bisa ng- hitung nggak \ge try can N- count NEG \gj try can N-count NEG \ft can you count? \ref 0417 \id 817158134936151101 \begin 0:12:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx bisa. \pho bisaːʔ \mb bisa \ge can \gj can \ft yes. \ref 0418 \id 588624134936151101 \begin 0:12:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx he[?]. \pho hɛ \mb he \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 0419 \id 827661134936151101 \begin 0:12:22 \sp EXPLAN \tx tunjukin dong kalo bisa! \pho tunjukin dɔːŋ kalɔ bisaːʔ \mb tunjuk -in dong kalo bisa \ge point -IN DONG TOP can \gj point-IN DONG TOP can \ft show me if you can! \ref 0420 \id 728590134936151101 \begin 0:12:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx satu. \pho satuːʔ \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft one. \nt starts counting. \ref 0421 \id 627683134936151101 \begin 0:12:24 \sp EXPLAN \tx sa(tu)... \pho saː \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft one... \nt didn't hear CHI's counting so she is giving to CHI. \ref 0422 \id 278200134937151101 \begin 0:12:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx trus? \pho truːs \mb trus \ge continue \gj continue \ft what else? \ref 0423 \id 825909134937151101 \begin 0:12:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx dua. \pho duwaːʔ \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft two. \ref 0424 \id 972426134937151101 \begin 0:12:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx eh, ngadep Bu Guru, ngadep Bu Guru mukanya! \pho ʔɛh ŋadəp bu guruːʔ ŋadəp bu guruʔ mukaʔɲah \mb eh ng- hadep Bu Guru ng- hadep Bu Guru muka -nya \ge EXCL N- face TRU-mother teacher N- face TRU-mother teacher face -NYA \gj EXCL N-face TRU-mother teacher N-face TRU-mother teacher face-NYA \ft hey, face the teachers, face the teachers! \nt CHI is facing MOT. \ref 0425 \id 194223134937151101 \begin 0:12:29 \sp EXPLAN \tx ni Bu Gurunya di sini. \pho ni bu guruʔɲa di siniːʰ \mb ni Bu Guru -nya di sini \ge this TRU-mother teacher -NYA LOC here \gj this TRU-mother teacher-NYA LOC here \ft the teachers are here. \ref 0426 \id 611136134937151101 \begin 0:12:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx tiga. \pho tigaːʔ \mb tiga \ge three \gj three \ft three. \nt looking at Lanny. \ref 0427 \id 276243134937151101 \begin 0:12:31 \sp EXPLAN \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ːh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0428 \id 331778134937151101 \begin 0:12:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx empat. \pho ʔəmpaːt \mb empat \ge four \gj four \ft four. \ref 0429 \id 406237134937151101 \sp CHIPRI \tx lima. \pho limaːʔ \mb lima \ge five \gj five \ft five. \ref 0430 \id 885653134938151101 \begin 0:12:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus? \pho tr̩uːs \mb trus \ge continue \gj continue \ft what else? \ref 0431 \id 690267134938151101 \begin 0:12:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx enam. \pho ʔənaːm \mb enam \ge six \gj six \ft six. \ref 0432 \id 930526134938151101 \begin 0:12:36 \sp EXPLAN \tx trus? \pho tr̩uːs \mb trus \ge continue \gj continue \ft what else? \ref 0433 \id 677050134938151101 \begin 0:12:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx tujuh. \pho tujyuːh \mb tujuh \ge seven \gj seven \ft seven. \ref 0434 \id 194362134938151101 \begin 0:12:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx delapan. \pho dəlapaːn \mb delapan \ge eight \gj eight \ft eight. \ref 0435 \id 251057134938151101 \begin 0:12:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx sembilan. \pho səmbilaːn \mb sembilan \ge nine \gj nine \ft nine. \ref 0436 \id 925758134938151101 \begin 0:12:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx sepuluh. \pho səpuluːh \mb se- puluh \ge SE- ten \gj SE-ten \ft ten. \ref 0437 \id 630963134939151101 \begin 0:12:41 \sp EXPLAN \tx ye, ternyata pinter, ya? \pho yɛː təeɲata piːntəːr yaːh \mb ye ter- nyata pinter ya \ge EXCL TER- definite smart yes \gj EXCL TER-definite smart yes \ft wow, you are great, huh? \nt clapping her hands. \ref 0438 \id 509895134939151101 \begin 0:12:42 \sp EXPYAN \tx pinter. \pho pintəːr \mb pinter \ge smart \gj smart \ft great. \nt clapping her hands. \ref 0439 \id 614815134939151101 \begin 0:12:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt clapping her hands. \ref 0440 \id 906118134939151101 \begin 0:12:45 \sp EXPYAN \tx sekarang Bu Guru juga mo tanya. \pho səkaraːŋ bu guru juga mɔ taːɲaːʔ \mb sekarang Bu Guru juga mo tanya \ge now TRU-mother teacher also want ask \gj now TRU-mother teacher also want ask \ft I also want to ask you now. \ref 0441 \id 847282134939151101 \begin 0:12:47 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priska udah bisa nulis, belum? \pho priskaʰ ʔuda bisa nuːliːs bəluːm \mb Priska udah bisa n- tulis belum \ge Priska PFCT can N- write not.yet \gj Priska PFCT can N-write not.yet \ft can you write? \ref 0442 \id 192598134939151101 \begin 0:12:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx belum. \pho bəluːm \mb belum \ge not.yet \gj not.yet \ft not yet. \ref 0443 \id 305100134939151101 \begin 0:12:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx bisanya bikin bunga sama bisa bikin orang. \pho bisaʔɲa bikin buŋanʔ sama bisa bikiːn ʔɔlaːŋ \mb bisa -nya bikin bunga sama bisa bikin orang \ge can -NYA make flower with can make person \gj can-NYA make flower with can make person \ft I can draw flowers and people. \ref 0444 \id 235167134940151101 \begin 0:12:54 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, bisanya menggambar orang... gambar bunga, ya? \pho ʔɔ bisaɲa məŋgambar ʔɔraːŋ gambar buŋaː yaːh \mb o bisa -nya meng- gambar orang gambar bunga ya \ge EXCL can -NYA MEN- picture person picture flower yes \gj EXCL can-NYA MEN-picture person picture flower yes \ft oh, you can draw people... draw flowers, right? \ref 0445 \id 257033134940151101 \begin 0:12:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx bisa bikin balon. \pho bisa bikin balɔːn \mb bisa bikin balon \ge can make balloon \gj can make balloon \ft I can draw balloons. \ref 0446 \id 565204134940151101 \begin 0:13:00 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, bisa bikin balon juga. \pho ʔɔːʰ bisa bikin balɔn juːgaːʔ \mb o bisa bikin balon juga \ge EXCL can make balloon also \gj EXCL can make balloon also \ft oh, you also can draw balloons. \ref 0447 \id 502275134940151101 \begin 0:13:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx bulet, garis xx. \pho buləːt gariːs xx \mb bulet garis xx \ge round line xx \gj round line xx \ft a circle, a line xx. \nt telling the experimenters how to draw a balloon. \ref 0448 \id 348385134940151101 \begin 0:13:05 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priska di rumah ada mobil, nggak, ya? \pho priskaːʰ di ruma ʔada mɔbil ŋgaʔ yaːh \mb Priska di rumah ada mobil nggak ya \ge Priska LOC house exist car NEG yes \gj Priska LOC house exist car NEG yes \ft do you have a car at home? \ref 0449 \id 526345134940151101 \begin 0:13:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak punya. \pho ŋgaʔ puɲaːʔ \mb nggak punya \ge NEG have \gj NEG have \ft no. \ref 0450 \id 793191134940151101 \begin 0:13:10 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, kalau pergi-pergi pake apa? \mb trus kalau pergi - pergi pake apa \ge continue TOP go - go use what \gj continue TOP RED-go use what \ft then, how do you go around? \ref 0451 \id 986099134940151101 \begin 0:13:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, pake taksi. \pho yaːʰ pakɛʔ taksiː \mb ya pake taksi \ge yes use taxi \gj yes use taxi \ft yeah, I take a taxi. \ref 0452 \id 697243144209151101 \begin 0:13:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, ada yang jatoh. \pho ʔə̃h ʔada yaŋ jatɔːh \mb eh ada yang jatoh \ge EXCL exist REL fall \gj EXCL exist REL fall \ft hey, one fell down. \nt referring to a match. \ref 0453 \id 489383134941151101 \begin 0:13:14 \sp EXPYAN \tx kalau motor ada? \pho kalaw mɔtɔr ʔadaːʰ \mb kalau motor ada \ge TOP motorcycle exist \gj TOP motorcycle exist \ft do you have a motorcycle? \ref 0454 \id 571289134941151101 \begin 0:13:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx ha, nggak. \pho ʰãː ŋgaːʔ \mb ha nggak \ge EXCL NEG \gj EXCL NEG \ft ah, no. \ref 0455 \id 286391144646151101 \begin 0:13:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx cepi. \pho cəpiːh \mb cepi \ge BAB \gj BAB \nt playing with the match. \ref 0456 \id 167182134941151101 \begin 0:13:18 \sp EXPYAN \tx kalau sepeda ada, nggak? \pho kalaw səpɛda ʔada ŋgaːʔ \mb kalau sepeda ada nggak \ge TOP bicycle exist NEG \gj TOP bicycle exist NEG \ft do you have a bicycle? \ref 0457 \id 637939134941151101 \begin 0:13:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx ada, satu. \pho ʔadaːʔ satuːʔ \mb ada satu \ge exist one \gj exist one \ft yes, one. \ref 0458 \id 752650134941151101 \begin 0:13:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx sepedanya satu. \pho sepadaʔɲa satuːʰ \mb sepeda -nya satu \ge bicycle -NYA one \gj bicycle-NYA one \ft I have one bicycle. \ref 0459 \id 908877134941151101 \begin 0:13:24 \sp EXPYAN \tx a... Bu Guru boleh pinjem, nggak sepedanya? \pho ʔãː bu guru bɔlɛh pinjəm ŋgaʔ səpɛdaɲaːʰ \mb a Bu Guru boleh pinjem nggak sepeda -nya \ge FILL TRU-mother teacher may borrow NEG bicycle -NYA \gj FILL TRU-mother teacher may borrow NEG bicycle-NYA \ft umm... can I borrow your bicycle? \ref 0460 \id 414186134941151101 \begin 0:13:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx mmm... kekecilan. \pho mː kəkəcilaːn \mb mmm ke an kecil \ge FILL KE AN small \gj FILL KE.AN-small \ft umm... it's too small. \nt laughing. \ref 0461 \id 341719134942151101 \begin 0:13:28 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0462 \id 984878134942151101 \begin 0:13:30 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, kalau Bu Guru Lanny boleh pinjem sepedanya? \pho tr̩us kalaw bu guru lani bɔlɛh pinjəːm səpɛdaɲaːh \mb trus kalau Bu Guru Lanny boleh pinjem sepeda -nya \ge continue TOP TRU-mother teacher Lanny may borrow bicycle -NYA \gj continue TOP TRU-mother teacher Lanny may borrow bicycle-NYA \ft what about Miss Lanny, can she borrow your bicycle? \ref 0463 \id 666370134942151101 \begin 0:13:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx kekecilan juga. \pho kəkəcilan jyugaːʔ \mb ke an kecil juga \ge KE AN small also \gj KE.AN-small also \ft it's also too small. \ref 0464 \id 692204134942151101 \begin 0:13:35 \sp EXPLAN \tx kayak apa sih sepedanya? \pho kayaʔ ʔapa siːh səpɛdahɲaːh \mb kayak apa sih sepeda -nya \ge like what SIH bicycle -NYA \gj like what SIH bicycle-NYA \ft how does your bicycle look like? \ref 0465 \id 184601134942151101 \begin 0:13:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx kecil deh, buat anak kecillah. \mb kecil deh buat anak kecil -lah \ge small DEH for child small -LAH \gj small DEH for child small-LAH \ft it's small, it's for small kids. \ref 0466 \id 900037134942151101 \begin 0:13:40 \sp EXPLAN \tx bannya ada berapa? \pho banɲa ʔada bərapaːʰ \mb ban -nya ada berapa \ge tire -NYA exist how.much \gj tire-NYA exist how.much \ft how many tires does it have? \ref 0467 \id 340550134942151101 \begin 0:13:43 \sp EXPLAN \tx rodanya ada berapa? \pho rɔdaɲa ʔada bərapaːh \mb roda -nya ada berapa \ge wheel -NYA exist how.much \gj wheel-NYA exist how.much \ft how many wheels does it have? \ref 0468 \id 236577134942151101 \begin 0:13:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx warnanya apa? \pho warnaɲah ʔapaːh \mb warna -nya apa \ge color -NYA what \gj color-NYA what \ft what color is it? \ref 0469 \id 568715134943151101 \begin 0:13:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0470 \id 111777134943151101 \begin 0:13:50 \sp EXPLAN \tx warnanya apa? \pho warnaɲa ʔapaːh \mb warna -nya apa \ge color -NYA what \gj color-NYA what \ft what color is it? \ref 0471 \id 941098134943151101 \begin 0:13:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx mmm... merah. \pho ʔm̩ː mɛlah \mb mmm merah \ge FILL red \gj FILL red \ft umm... red. \ref 0472 \id 158396134943151101 \begin 0:13:52 \sp EXPLAN \tx merah. \pho mɛraːh \mb merah \ge red \gj red \ft red. \ref 0473 \id 576022134943151101 \begin 0:13:53 \sp EXPLAN \tx mmm... \pho mː \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 0474 \id 518524134943151101 \begin 0:13:55 \sp EXPYAN \tx terus, Priska... \pho təruːs priskaːh \mb terus Priska \ge continue Priska \gj continue Priska \ft then, you... \ref 0475 \id 750194134943151101 \begin 0:13:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0476 \id 127006134944151101 \begin 0:13:59 \sp EXPYAN \tx ...punya... eee... mobil-mobilan, nggak? \mb punya eee mobil - mobil -an nggak \ge have FILL car - car -AN NEG \gj have FILL RED.AN-car NEG \ft ...do you have... umm... toy car? \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0477 \id 404232134944151101 \begin 0:14:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak punya. \pho ŋgaʔ puɲaːʔ \mb nggak punya \ge NEG have \gj NEG have \ft no. \ref 0478 \id 436854134944151101 \begin 0:14:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... \pho ʔə̃ːə̃ \mb eee \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 0479 \id 624945134944151101 \begin 0:14:03 \sp EXPLAN \tx Priska. \pho priskaʔ \mb Priska \ge Priska \gj Priska \ft Priska. \ref 0480 \id 161300134944151101 \begin 0:14:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...cewek sih. \pho cɛwɛʔ siːh \mb cewek sih \ge female SIH \gj female SIH \ft ...I am a girl. \ref 0481 \id 778211134944151101 \begin 0:14:05 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, cewek. \pho ʔɔ cɛwɛʔ \mb o cewek \ge EXCL female \gj EXCL female \ft oh, you are a girl. \ref 0482 \id 318263134944151101 \begin 0:14:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx jadi kalo cewek mainannya apa sih? \pho jadi kalɔ cɛwɛʔ mayinanɲa ʔaːpa siːh \mb jadi kalo cewek main -an -nya apa sih \ge become TOP female play -AN -NYA what SIH \gj become TOP female play-AN-NYA what SIH \ft so what toy is for girls? \ref 0483 \id 955568134944151101 \begin 0:14:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx masak-masakan. \mb masak - masak -an \ge cook - cook -AN \gj RED.AN-cook \ft cooking set. \ref 0484 \id 359589134945151101 \begin 0:14:10 \sp EXPYAN \tx punya di rumah? \pho puɲa di rumaːh \mb punya di rumah \ge have LOC house \gj have LOC house \ft do you have one at home? \ref 0485 \id 730618134945151101 \begin 0:14:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0486 \id 516297134945151101 \begin 0:14:14 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, yang masak siapa? \pho tr̩us yaŋ masak siyapaːh \mb trus yang masak siapa \ge continue REL cook who \gj continue REL cook who \ft then, who cooks? \ref 0487 \id 223076134945151101 \begin 0:14:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang masak Priska. \pho yaŋ masak pliːskah \mb yang masak Priska \ge REL cook Priska \gj REL cook Priska \ft I. \ref 0488 \id 449997134945151101 \begin 0:14:16 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, yang makan? \pho tr̩us yaŋ makaːn \mb trus yang makan \ge continue REL eat \gj continue REL eat \ft who eats? \ref 0489 \id 111129134945151101 \begin 0:14:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, di rumah Oma. \pho ʔɛh di luma ʔɔmah \mb eh di rumah Oma \ge EH LOC house grandma \gj EH LOC house grandma \ft no, it's at Grandma's house. \ref 0490 \id 860997134945151101 \begin 0:14:20 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh, kalo yang... trus yang makan siapa? \pho ʔɔːh kalɔ yaŋ tr̩us yaŋ makan siyapaːh \mb oh kalo yang trus yang makan siapa \ge EXCL TOP REL continue REL eat who \gj EXCL TOP REL continue REL eat who \ft oh, the... who eats? \ref 0491 \id 298386134946151101 \begin 0:14:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang makan Oma. \pho yaŋ makan ʔɔmaːh \mb yang makan Oma \ge REL eat grandma \gj REL eat grandma \ft Grandma. \ref 0492 \id 584876134946151101 \begin 0:14:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx di sini. \pho di sin \mb di sini \ge LOC here \gj LOC here \ft it's here. \nt referring to her cooking set. \ref 0493 \id 828252134946151101 \begin 0:14:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx biasa masak apa... Priska? \pho biyasa masak ʔapaːh priskaːh \mb biasa masak apa Priska \ge usual cook what Priska \gj usual cook what Priska \ft what do you usually cook? \ref 0494 \id 750560134947151101 \begin 0:14:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... biasanya masak telor sama bawang goreng. \pho ʔə̃ː byasaʔɲaːh masak təlɔl səmiː bawaŋ gɔlɛŋ \mb eee biasa -nya masak telor sama bawang goreng \ge FILL usual -NYA cook egg with garlic fry \gj FILL usual-NYA cook egg with garlic fry \ft umm... I usually cook eggs and fried onions. \nt deliberately using different pronunciation from the one that she usually uses. \ref 0495 \id 884439134947151101 \begin 0:14:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx tapi nggak ada telor-telornya... nggak ada ikan yang itu, nggak... bukan yang pancing-pancing. \mb tapi nggak ada telor - telor -nya nggak ada ikan yang itu nggak bukan yang pancing - pancing \ge but NEG exist egg - egg -NYA NEG exist fish REL that NEG NEG REL fishing.rod - fishing.rod \gj but NEG exist RED-egg-NYA NEG exist fish REL that NEG NEG REL RED-fishing.rod \ft but the are no eggs... there are no fish, no... not the ones that I fish. \nt ikan pancing-pancing refers to the toy which has some fish and fishing rod. \ref 0496 \id 990434134947151101 \begin 0:14:43 \sp EXPYAN \tx ikannya gede, ya? \pho ʔikanɲa gədɛʔ yaːh \mb ikan -nya gede ya \ge fish -NYA big yes \gj fish-NYA big yes \ft are the fish big? \ref 0497 \id 450997134947151101 \begin 0:14:44 \sp EXPYAN \tx segini, ya? \pho səgini yaːh \mb se- gini ya \ge SE- like.this yes \gj SE-like.this yes \ft are they this big? \nt using her two hands, estimating the size of the fish that CHI meant. \ref 0498 \id 717756134948151101 \begin 0:14:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak punya. \pho ŋgaʔ puɲaːʔ \mb nggak punya \ge NEG have \gj NEG have \ft I don't have any. \ref 0499 \id 342617134948151101 \begin 0:14:46 \sp EXPYAN \tx nggak punya ikan? \pho ngaʔ puɲa ʔikaːn \mb nggak punya ikan \ge NEG have fish \gj NEG have fish \ft don't you have fish? \ref 0500 \id 769059134948151101 \begin 0:14:48 \sp EXPYAN \tx beli dulu kalo mo masak, ya? \pho bəli dulu kalɔ mɔ masak yaːh \mb beli dulu kalo mo masak ya \ge buy before TOP want cook yes \gj buy before TOP want cook yes \ft do you buy one if you want to cook? \ref 0501 \id 395884134948151101 \begin 0:14:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx tapi yang... yang pancing-pancingan kan dah ada dibeliin Opa. \pho tapiː yaŋ panciŋ panciŋan kan da ʔada dibəliʔin ʔɔpaːʰ \mb tapi yang yang pancing - pancing -an kan dah ada di- beli -in Opa \ge but REL REL fishing.rod - fishing.rod -AN KAN PFCT exist DI- buy -IN grandpa \gj but REL REL RED.AN-fishing.rod KAN PFCT exist DI-buy-IN grandpa \ft but the... Grandpa bought me the fishing ones. \ref 0502 \id 530115134948151101 \begin 0:14:52 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh. \pho ʔɔːh \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 0503 \id 267504134948151101 \begin 0:14:55 \sp EXPYAN \tx itu boleh dimasak, nggak sih? \pho ʔitu bɔlɛ dimasak ŋgaʔ siːh \mb itu boleh di- masak nggak sih \ge that may DI- cook NEG SIH \gj that may DI-cook NEG SIH \ft can you cook them? \ref 0504 \id 153026134948151101 \begin 0:14:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃ːh \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0505 \id 316573134948151101 \begin 0:15:01 \sp EXPYAN \tx yang pancing-pancingan ikannya boleh dimasak, enggak? \mb yang pancing - pancing -an ikan -nya boleh di- masak enggak \ge REL fishing.rod - fishing.rod -AN fish -NYA may DI- cook NEG \gj REL RED.AN-fishing.rod fish-NYA may DI-cook NEG \ft can you cook the fish in the fishing set? \ref 0506 \id 446999134949151101 \begin 0:15:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak boleh. \pho ŋgaʔ bɔlɛːh \mb nggak boleh \ge NEG may \gj NEG may \ft no. \nt shaking her head. \ref 0507 \id 124685134949151101 \begin 0:15:03 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus, diapain? \pho tr̩us diʔapayin \mb trus di- apa -in \ge continue DI- what -IN \gj continue DI-what-IN \ft what do you do then? \ref 0508 \id 985032134949151101 \begin 0:15:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx bolehnya dipancing dulu. \pho bɔlɛhɲa dipanciŋ duluːʔ \mb boleh -nya di- pancing dulu \ge may -NYA DI- fishing.rod before \gj may-NYA DI-fishing.rod before \ft I should fish them. \ref 0509 \id 558984134949151101 \begin 0:15:05 \sp EXPYAN \tx abis dipancing boleh dimasak, nggak? \pho ʔabis dipanciŋ bɔlɛ dimasak ŋgaːʔ \mb abis di- pancing boleh di- masak nggak \ge finished DI- fishing.rod may DI- cook NEG \gj finished DI-fishing.rod may DI-cook NEG \ft can you cook them after you fish them? \ref 0510 \id 368054134949151101 \begin 0:15:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx dikeringin dulu. \pho dikəliŋin duluː \mb di- kering -in dulu \ge DI- dry -IN before \gj DI-dry-IN before \ft I have to dry them. \ref 0511 \id 790626134949151101 \begin 0:15:09 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, gitu. \pho ʔɔː giːtuh \mb o gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \ref 0512 \id 169829134949151101 \begin 0:15:11 \sp EXPYAN \tx trus? \pho tr̩us \mb trus \ge continue \gj continue \ft what else? \ref 0513 \id 131879134949151101 \begin 0:15:13 \sp EXPLAN \tx abis dikeringin, boleh dimasak? \pho ʔabis dikəriŋin bɔlɛ dimasaːk \mb abis di- kering -in boleh di- masak \ge finished DI- dry -IN may DI- cook \gj finished DI-dry-IN may DI-cook \ft can you cook them after you dry them? \ref 0514 \id 401771134950151101 \begin 0:15:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-em. \pho hə̃ːʔm̩ː \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0515 \id 478777134950151101 \begin 0:15:15 \sp EXPYAN \tx masak apa sih? \pho masak ʔapa siːh \mb masak apa sih \ge cook what SIH \gj cook what SIH \ft how do you cook them? \ref 0516 \id 518393134950151101 \begin 0:15:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx masak ikan... terus masak telor. \pho masak ʔikaːn təlus masak təlɔːl \mb masak ikan terus masak telor \ge cook fish continue cook egg \gj cook fish continue cook egg \ft I cook fish... and then eggs. \ref 0517 \id 351852134950151101 \begin 0:15:21 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, gitu. \pho ʔɔː gituːh \mb o gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \ref 0518 \id 296079134950151101 \begin 0:15:25 \sp EXPYAN \tx oke, sekarang... eee... tanya dulu sama Tante Lanny. \pho ʔɔkɛ səkaraŋ ʔə̃ː taɲa dulu sama tantə laniːʰ \mb oke sekarang eee tanya dulu sama Tante Lanny \ge okay now FILL ask before with aunt Lanny \gj okay now FILL ask before with aunt Lanny \ft okay, now... umm... let me ask Auntie Lanny. \ref 0519 \id 705325134950151101 \begin 0:15:29 \sp EXPYAN \tx masih ada pertanyaan, nggak? \pho masi ʔada pərtaɲaʔan ŋgaːʔ \mb masih ada per an tanya nggak \ge still exist PER AN ask NEG \gj still exist PER.AN-ask NEG \ft do you still have questions? \ref 0520 \id 214084134950151101 \begin 0:15:30 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt shaking her head. \ref 0521 \id 515118134951151101 \begin 0:15:31 \sp EXPYAN \tx nggak ada lagi. \pho ŋga ʔada lagiːʰ \mb nggak ada lagi \ge NEG exist more \gj NEG exist more \ft no more. \ref 0522 \id 212515134951151101 \begin 0:15:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0523 \id 258304134951151101 \begin 0:15:34 \sp EXPYAN \tx eee... wawancaranya, ya, sudah, selesai, ya? \pho ʔə̃ː wawancaraɲa yah sudha sələsay yaːh \mb eee wawancara -nya ya sudah selesai ya \ge FILL interview -NYA yes PFCT finish yes \gj FILL interview-NYA yes PFCT finish yes \ft umm... the interview is done, okay? \ref 0524 \id 318920134951151101 \begin 0:15:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0525 \id 299500134951151101 \begin 0:15:38 \sp EXPYAN \tx nah, Priska, sekarang coba Maminya dipanggil! \pho naːh priskaːh səkarŋ cɔba mamiɲa dipaŋgiːl \mb nah Priska sekarang coba Mami -nya di- panggil \ge NAH Priska now try mommy -NYA DI- call \gj NAH Priska now try mommy-NYA DI-call \ft Priska, please call your mom! \ref 0526 \id 613272134951151101 \begin 0:15:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mami. \pho mamiːh \mb Mami \ge mommy \gj mommy \ft Mommy. \ref 0527 \id 177224134951151101 \begin 0:15:42 \sp EXPYAN \tx suruh duduk di sebelahnya Priska. \pho suruh duduk di səbəlahɲa priskaːh \mb suruh duduk di se- belah -nya Priska \ge order sit LOC SE- side -NYA Priska \gj order sit LOC SE-side-NYA Priska \ft ask her to sit next to you. \ref 0528 \id 219022134951151101 \begin 0:15:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mami, duduk sebelahnya Priska! \pho mami duduk səbəlahɲa pliːskaːh \mb Mami duduk se- belah -nya Priska \ge mommy sit SE- side -NYA Priska \gj mommy sit SE-side-NYA Priska \ft Mommy, please sit next to me! \ref 0529 \id 714875134952151101 \begin 0:15:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 0530 \id 520986134952151101 \begin 0:15:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm. \pho hmm \mb hmm \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft hmm. \ref 0531 \id 720577134952151101 \begin 0:15:48 \sp EXPLAN \tx nih, dikasi bangku. \pho niːh dikasiʔ baŋkuʔ \mb nih di- kasi bangku \ge this DI- give seat \gj this DI-give seat \ft here, give her the seat. \nt putting a pillow next to CHI. \ref 0532 \id 950421134952151101 \begin 0:15:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, deh. \pho ʔiya dɛːh \mb iya deh \ge yes DEH \gj yes DEH \ft okay. \nt walking from the dining room to the living room. \ref 0533 \id 251927134952151101 \begin 0:15:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, deh. \pho ʔiːya dɛːh \mb iya deh \ge yes DEH \gj yes DEH \ft okay. \ref 0534 \id 254590134952151101 \begin 0:15:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx bangkunya. \pho baŋkuʔɲaːh \mb bangku -nya \ge seat -NYA \gj seat-NYA \ft the seat. \ref 0535 \id 907809134952151101 \begin 0:15:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho yaːh \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 0536 \id 472314134953151101 \begin 0:16:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx aduh! \pho ʔaduːh \mb aduh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh, boy! \nt sitting down on the pillow. \ref 0537 \id 790932134953151101 \begin 0:16:04 \sp EXPYAN \tx sekarang Ibu Guru mo dengar, Priska cerita ama Mami tadi Bu Guru tanya apa aja. \pho səkaraŋ ʔibu guru mɔ dəŋər priska cərita ʔama mamiː tadi bu guru taɲa ʔapa ʔajyaːh \mb sekarang Ibu Guru mo dengar Priska cerita ama Mami tadi Bu Guru tanya apa aja \ge now mother teacher want hear Priska story with mommy earlier TRU-mother teacher ask what just \gj now mother teacher want hear Priska story with mommy earlier TRU-mother teacher ask what just \ft we want to hear you tell your mom about what we asked you. \ref 0538 \id 815360134953151101 \begin 0:16:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx Bu Guru tanya sepedanya merah xx hitam. \pho bu guru taɲa səpɛdaɲah mɛlaːh xx hitaːm \mb Bu Guru tanya sepeda -nya merah xx hitam \ge TRU-mother teacher ask bicycle -NYA red xx black \gj TRU-mother teacher ask bicycle-NYA red xx black \ft they asked whether my bicycle was red or black. \ref 0539 \id 971301134953151101 \begin 0:16:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus? \pho tərus \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft what else? \ref 0540 \id 181386134953151101 \begin 0:16:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx terus, ikannya boleh dipancing, terus dikeringin dulu, baru dimasak, Mi. \pho təlus ʔikanɲa bɔlɛh dipanciŋ təlus dikəliŋin duluh balu dimasaːk miːh \mb terus ikan -nya boleh di- pancing terus di- kering -in dulu baru di- masak Mi \ge continue fish -NYA may DI- fishing.rod continue DI- dry -IN before new DI- cook TRU-mommy \gj continue fish-NYA may DI-fishing.rod continue DI-dry-IN before new DI-cook TRU-mommy \ft then, I can fish the fish, dry them and then cook them. \ref 0541 \id 861431134953151101 \begin 0:16:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, gitu. \pho ʔɔː gituːʰ \mb o gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \ref 0542 \id 392516134953151101 \begin 0:16:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, ditanya apa lagi? \pho tr̩us ditaɲa ʔapa laːgiʰ \mb trus di- tanya apa lagi \ge continue DI- ask what more \gj continue DI-ask what more \ft what else did they ask you? \ref 0543 \id 633663134953151101 \begin 0:16:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx terus... mmm... masak-masakan, boleh tapi nggak punya ikannya. \mb terus mmm masak - masak -an boleh tapi nggak punya ikan -nya \ge continue FILL cook - cook -AN may but NEG have fish -NYA \gj continue FILL RED.AN-cook may but NEG have fish-NYA \ft then... umm... I can cook, but I don't have the fish. \ref 0544 \id 887090134954151101 \begin 0:16:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx hmm, terus apa lagi tanyanya tadi? \pho hmː tərus ʔapa lagi taɲaʔɲa tadʔ \mb hmm terus apa lagi tanya -nya tadi \ge FILL continue what more ask -NYA earlier \gj FILL continue what more ask-NYA earlier \ft hmm, what else did they ask you? \ref 0545 \id 545169134954151101 \begin 0:16:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... suruh tanya Mami, Mami duduknya di sebelahnya Priska. \pho ʔə̃ː suluh taɲa mamiːh mami dudukɲa di səbəlahɲaː pliskaːh \mb eee suruh tanya Mami Mami duduk -nya di se- belah -nya Priska \ge FILL order ask mommy mommy sit -NYA LOC SE- side -NYA Priska \gj FILL order ask mommy mommy sit-NYA LOC SE-side-NYA Priska \ft umm... they asked me to ask you to sit next to me. \ref 0546 \id 372502134954151101 \begin 0:16:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx hmm. \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft hmm. \ref 0547 \id 854238134954151101 \begin 0:16:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx gitu. \pho gituːʰ \mb gitu \ge like.that \gj like.that \ft like that. \ref 0548 \id 995183134954151101 \begin 0:16:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus, apa lagi? \pho təruːs ʔapa laːgiːh \mb terus apa lagi \ge continue what more \gj continue what more \ft what else? \ref 0549 \id 161817134954151101 \begin 0:16:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx sebelum itu apa lagi yang ditanya? \pho səbəlum ʔitu ʔapa lagi yaŋ ditaɲaʔ \mb se- belum itu apa lagi yang di- tanya \ge SE- not.yet that what more REL DI- ask \gj SE-not.yet that what more REL DI-ask \ft what else did they ask you before? \ref 0550 \id 460147134954151101 \begin 0:16:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mami tanya. \pho mamiːʰ taɲaːʔ \mb Mami tanya \ge mommy ask \gj mommy ask \ft you asked me. \ref 0551 \id 606945134955151101 \begin 0:16:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, apa lagi? \pho t̩us ʔapa lagiːʰ \mb trus apa lagi \ge continue what more \gj continue what more \ft what else? \ref 0552 \id 942617134955151101 \begin 0:16:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx tadi wawancara tanyanya kan banyak, tuh. \pho tadi wawancara taɲaɲah kan baɲaːk tuːh \mb tadi wawancara tanya -nya kan banyak tuh \ge earlier interview ask -NYA KAN a.lot that \gj earlier interview ask-NYA KAN a.lot that \ft they asked you a lot. \ref 0553 \id 490094134955151101 \begin 0:16:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ːh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0554 \id 829996134955151101 \begin 0:16:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya? \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right? \ref 0555 \id 370540134955151101 \begin 0:16:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0556 \id 281464134955151101 \begin 0:16:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx ditanyain apa aja? \pho ditaɲaʔini ʔapa ʔajaːah \mb di- tanya -in apa aja \ge DI- ask -IN what just \gj DI-ask-IN what just \ft what did they ask you? \ref 0557 \id 771529134955151101 \begin 0:16:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, ditanyainnya... Bu Guru mo tanya lagi... Tante Lanny sama Tante Yanti. \pho ya ditaɲaʔin bu gulu mɔʔ taɲa lagiːʰ tantə lani sama tantəːʰ yantiːʰ \mb ya di- tanya -in -nya Bu Guru mo tanya lagi Tante Lanny sama Tante Yanti \ge yes DI- ask -IN -NYA TRU-mother teacher want ask more aunt Lanny with aunt Yanti \gj yes DI-ask-IN-NYA TRU-mother teacher want ask more aunt Lanny with aunt Yanti \ft yeah, they asked me... they teachers asked me again... Auntie Lanny and Auntie Yanti. \ref 0558 \id 513177134955151101 \begin 0:16:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ːh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0559 \id 565921094354161101 \begin 0:17:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx gitu. \pho gituːʰ \mb gitu \ge like.that \gj like.that \ft like that. \ref 0560 \id 888813134956151101 \begin 0:17:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, apa lagi? \pho tr̩us ʔapa lagiːʰ \mb trus apa lagi \ge continue what more \gj continue what more \ft what else? \ref 0561 \id 709384134956151101 \begin 0:17:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... eh, kemaren kan Tante Lanny yang itu, yang... yang lain tuh. \pho ʔə̃ː ʔɛh kəmalɛn kan tantə lani yaŋ ʔituːh yaŋ yaŋ layin tuːh \mb eee eh kemaren kan Tante Lanny yang itu yang yang lain tuh \ge FILL EXCL yesterday KAN aunt Lanny REL that REL REL other that \gj FILL EXCL yesterday KAN aunt Lanny REL that REL REL other that \ft umm... hey, yesterday was another Auntie Lanny, the... the different one. \nt referring to MOT's friend. \ref 0562 \id 929982134956151101 \begin 0:17:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-em. \pho hə̃ʔmː \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0563 \id 533081134956151101 \begin 0:17:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx terus kan jadi penganten yang itu, tuh, yang Om Dedek itu. \pho təlus kan jadi pəŋantɛn yaŋ ʔitu tuːh yaŋ ʔɔm dɛdɛʔ ʔituːʰ \mb terus kan jadi pe- nganten yang itu tuh yang Om Dedek itu \ge continue KAN become PEN- get.married REL that that REL uncle Dedek that \gj continue KAN become PEN-get.married REL that that REL uncle Dedek that \ft she became a bride of Uncle Dedek. \nt referring to MOT's friend. \ref 0564 \id 606587134956151101 \begin 0:17:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, iya. \pho ʔɔːʰ ʔiya \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, right. \ref 0565 \id 326010134956151101 \begin 0:17:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx sama Om Dedek itu. \pho sama ʔɔm dɛdɛʔ ʔituːh \mb sama Om Dedek itu \ge with uncle Dedek that \gj with uncle Dedek that \ft with Uncle Dedek. \ref 0566 \id 655390134956151101 \begin 0:17:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh... o, iya, iya. \pho ʔɔːh ʔɔ ʔiyaʰ ʔiyaʰ \mb oh o iya iya \ge EXCL EXCL yes yes \gj EXCL EXCL yes yes \ft oh... oh, right, right. \ref 0567 \id 651340134957151101 \begin 0:17:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx bukan Mama Dedek, kan? \pho bukan mama dɛdɛʔ kaːn \mb bukan Mama Dedek kan \ge NEG mommy Dedek KAN \gj NEG mommy Dedek KAN \ft not Auntie Dedek, right? \nt referring to MOT's friend and neighbor. \ref 0568 \id 990607134957151101 \begin 0:17:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, iya, iya. \pho ʔiyaːh ʔiyaːh ʔiːyah \mb iya iya iya \ge yes yes yes \gj yes yes yes \ft right, right, right. \ref 0569 \id 653986134957151101 \begin 0:17:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx katanya Tante Tita. \pho kataɲa tantə titaːh \mb kata -nya Tante Tita \ge word -NYA aunt Tita \gj word-NYA aunt Tita \ft Auntie Tita told me that. \nt referring to CHI's auntie. \ref 0570 \id 466593134957151101 \begin 0:17:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, ditanya apa lagi? \pho tr̩us ditaɲa ʔapa lagiːh \mb trus di- tanya apa lagi \ge continue DI- ask what more \gj continue DI-ask what more \ft what else did they ask you? \ref 0571 \id 942267134957151101 \begin 0:17:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx tadi waktu pas pertama kan disuruh duduk Priska. \pho tadi waktu pas pərtama kan disuruh duduːk priskaːh \mb tadi waktu pas pertama kan di- suruh duduk Priska \ge earlier time precise first KAN DI- order sit Priska \gj earlier time precise first KAN DI-order sit Priska \ft first, they asked you to sit down. \ref 0572 \id 902322134957151101 \begin 0:17:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0573 \id 957206134957151101 \begin 0:17:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, ditanya apa sama Bu Guru? \pho tr̩us ditaɲa ʔapa sama bu guruːʔ \mb trus di- tanya apa sama Bu Guru \ge continue DI- ask what with TRU-mother teacher \gj continue DI-ask what with TRU-mother teacher \ft what did they ask you then? \ref 0574 \id 891136134957151101 \begin 0:17:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya... \pho yaːh \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah... \ref 0575 \id 154138134958151101 \begin 0:17:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx pertama ditanya apa? \pho pərtama ditaɲa ʔapaːh \mb pertama di- tanya apa \ge first DI- ask what \gj first DI-ask what \ft what did they ask you at the beginning? \ref 0576 \id 105039134958151101 \begin 0:17:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx cuman gitu deh. \pho cuman gitu dɛh \mb cuman gitu deh \ge only like.that DEH \gj only like.that DEH \ft that's all. \ref 0577 \id 192470134959151101 \begin 0:17:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx ditanya nama, nggak... \pho ditaɲa namaʔ ŋgaːʔ \mb di- tanya nama nggak \ge DI- ask name NEG \gj DI-ask name NEG \ft did they ask you your name... \ref 0578 \id 861671134959151101 \begin 0:17:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska. \pho priskaːh \mb Priska \ge Priska \gj Priska \ft I am Priska. \nt telling MOT how she answered experimenters' question. \ref 0579 \id 825975134959151101 \begin 0:17:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...tadi? \pho tadiʔ \mb tadi \ge earlier \gj earlier \ft ...before? \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0580 \id 287309134959151101 \begin 0:17:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx dia[?]... ditanyain nama? \pho diap ditaɲaʔin namaːʔ \mb dia di- tanya -in nama \ge xx DI- ask -IN name \gj xx DI-ask-IN name \ft xx... did they ask you your name? \ref 0581 \id 915218134959151101 \begin 0:17:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0582 \id 800493134959151101 \begin 0:17:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus, abis ditanyain nama, ditanyain apa lagi? \pho tərus ʔabis ditaɲaʔin nama ditaɲaʔin ʔapa lagiːʰ \mb terus abis di- tanya -in nama di- tanya -in apa lagi \ge continue finished DI- ask -IN name DI- ask -IN what more \gj continue finished DI-ask-IN name DI-ask-IN what more \ft then, after asking you your name, what else did they ask you? \ref 0583 \id 404836135000151101 \begin 0:17:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx terus, ditanyainnya banyak. \pho təlus ditaɲaʔinɲa baɲak \mb terus di- tanya -in -nya banyak \ge continue DI- ask -IN -NYA a.lot \gj continue DI-ask-IN-NYA a.lot \ft then, they asked me a lot. \ref 0584 \id 690281135000151101 \begin 0:17:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, apa? \pho ya ʔapaːh \mb ya apa \ge yes what \gj yes what \ft yeah, what? \ref 0585 \id 280248135000151101 \begin 0:17:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx terus... \pho təluːs \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft then... \ref 0586 \id 145333135000151101 \begin 0:17:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx cerita dong sama Mami dong! \pho cəritaʔ dɔŋ sama mami dɔːŋ \mb cerita dong sama Mami dong \ge story DONG with mommy DONG \gj story DONG with mommy DONG \ft tell me, please! \ref 0587 \id 622300135000151101 \begin 0:17:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...di... Tante Lanny itu terus... \pho di tantə lani ʔituʰ təluːs \mb di Tante Lanny itu terus \ge xx aunt Lanny that continue \gj xx aunt Lanny that continue \ft ...xx Auntie Lanny then... \ref 0588 \id 721871135000151101 \begin 0:17:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx Mami... eh... Mami belum tau. \pho mami ʔɛh mami bəlum tawuː \mb Mami eh Mami belum tau \ge mommy EXCL mommy not.yet know \gj mommy EXCL mommy not.yet know \ft Mommy... hey... I don't know. \ref 0589 \id 202940135000151101 \begin 0:17:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh... terus udah selesainya... \pho ʔɛh təlus ʔuda sl̩əsayɲaːh \mb eh terus udah selesai -nya \ge EXCL continue PFCT finish -NYA \gj EXCL continue PFCT finish-NYA \ft hey... then after they finished... \ref 0590 \id 414993135001151101 \begin 0:17:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0591 \id 395396135001151101 \begin 0:17:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx Tante Lanny itu... terus... 'masih ada wawancara, nggak?'. \pho tantə lani ʔituːʰ təlus masi ʔada wawancala ŋgaːʔ \mb Tante Lanny itu terus masih ada wawancara nggak \ge aunt Lanny that continue still exist interview NEG \gj aunt Lanny that continue still exist interview NEG \ft Auntie Lanny... then... 'do you still want to ask?'. \nt telling MOT what Yanti asked Lanny. \ref 0592 \id 426541135001151101 \begin 0:17:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak ada, udah geleng-geleng Tante Lannynya. \mb nggak ada udah geleng - geleng Tante Lanny -nya \ge NEG exist PFCT shake.head - shake.head aunt Lanny -NYA \gj NEG exist PFCT RED-shake.head aunt Lanny-NYA \ft no, Auntie Lanny shook her head. \nt laughing. \ref 0593 \id 847064102833161101 \begin 0:17:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0594 \id 992046135001151101 \begin 0:18:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx gitu? \pho gituːh \mb gitu \ge like.that \gj like.that \ft did she? \ref 0595 \id 547798135001151101 \begin 0:18:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx sebelum yang itu, tadi ditanyain apa aja? \pho səbəlum yaŋ ʔituːʰ tadi ditaɲaʔin ʔapa ʔajaːh \mb se- belum yang itu tadi di- tanya -in apa aja \ge SE- not.yet REL that earlier DI- ask -IN what just \gj SE-not.yet REL that earlier DI-ask-IN what just \ft before that one, what did they ask you? \ref 0596 \id 461836135001151101 \begin 0:18:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska ditanya... eee... apa ditanyain apa tadi? \pho priskaːh ditaɲa ʔə̃ː apa ditaɲaʔin ʔapa tadiːʔ \mb Priska di- tanya eee apa di- tanya -in apa tadi \ge Priska DI- ask FILL what DI- ask -IN what earlier \gj Priska DI-ask FILL what DI-ask-IN what earlier \ft they asked you... umm... what did they ask you? \ref 0597 \id 186876135001151101 \begin 0:18:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx tanyain udah bisa... udah bisa bikin bunga, nggak. \pho taɲaʔin ʔuda bisiʔ ʔuda bisa bikin buŋa ŋgaːʔ \mb tanya -in udah bisa udah bisa bikin bunga nggak \ge ask -IN PFCT can PFCT can make flower NEG \gj ask-IN PFCT can PFCT can make flower NEG \ft they asked me whether I could draw flowers. \ref 0598 \id 428141135001151101 \begin 0:18:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'udah bisa...' \pho ʔuda bisaːʔ \mb udah bisa \ge PFCT can \gj PFCT can \ft 'yes...' \ref 0599 \id 873563135002151101 \begin 0:18:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha. \pho hÃː \mb ha \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0600 \id 903016135002151101 \begin 0:18:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...katanya Priska gitu. \pho kataɲa pliskaː gituːʰ \mb kata -nya Priska gitu \ge word -NYA Priska like.that \gj word-NYA Priska like.that \ft ...I said. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0601 \id 917133135002151101 \begin 0:18:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, gitu. \pho ʔɔː gituːʰ \mb o gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \ref 0602 \id 581587135002151101 \begin 0:18:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, bisa apa lagi katanya? \pho tr̩us bisaʔ ʔapa laːgiʰ kataɲah \mb trus bisa apa lagi kata -nya \ge continue can what more word -NYA \gj continue can what more word-NYA \ft what else can you do? \ref 0603 \id 457761135002151101 \begin 0:18:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx bisa... mmm... bisa itu... bisa bikin balon. \pho bisaːʔ ʔm̩ː bisaːʔ ʔituh bisaːʔ bikin balɔn \mb bisa mmm bisa itu bisa bikin balon \ge can FILL can that can make balloon \gj can FILL can that can make balloon \ft I can... umm... I can that thing... I can draw balloons. \ref 0604 \id 104752135002151101 \begin 0:18:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx hmm. \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft hmm. \ref 0605 \id 768161135002151101 \begin 0:18:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx bisa bikin orang. \pho bisa bikin ʔɔlaːŋ \mb bisa bikin orang \ge can make person \gj can make person \ft I can draw people. \ref 0606 \id 606610135003151101 \begin 0:18:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0607 \id 708963135003151101 \begin 0:18:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx banyak deh. \pho baɲak dɛh \mb banyak deh \ge a.lot DEH \gj a.lot DEH \ft a lot of. \ref 0608 \id 157209135003151101 \begin 0:18:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx banyak? \pho baɲak \mb banyak \ge a.lot \gj a.lot \ft a lot? \ref 0609 \id 426482135003151101 \begin 0:18:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0610 \id 891942135003151101 \begin 0:18:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus dibilang katanya mao sekolah, nggak, gitu, ya? \pho tr̩us dibilaŋ kataɲa maɔʔ səkɔlah ŋgaːʔ gitu yaːh \mb trus di- bilang kata -nya mao sekolah nggak gitu ya \ge continue DI- say word -NYA want school NEG like.that yes \gj continue DI-say word-NYA want school NEG like.that yes \ft did they ask you whether you wanted to go to school? \ref 0611 \id 194234135003151101 \begin 0:18:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0612 \id 802331135003151101 \begin 0:18:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus, Priska jawabnya apa? \pho tərus priskah jawabɲa ʔapaːh \mb terus Priska jawab -nya apa \ge continue Priska answer -NYA what \gj continue Priska answer-NYA what \ft what did you answer? \ref 0613 \id 691792135003151101 \begin 0:18:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx jawabnya, 'iya', gitu. \pho jawabɲa ʔiyaːh gituh \mb jawab -nya iya gitu \ge answer -NYA yes like.that \gj answer-NYA yes like.that \ft I answered, 'yes'. \ref 0614 \id 467557135004151101 \begin 0:18:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx sekolah di mana? \pho səkɔlah di manaːh \mb sekolah di mana \ge school LOC which \gj school LOC which \ft where do you want to study? \ref 0615 \id 945500135004151101 \begin 0:18:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx Regina Pacis... \pho lɛjina paciːs \mb Regina Pacis \ge Regina Pacis \gj Regina Pacis \ft Regina Pacis... \ref 0616 \id 336167135004151101 \begin 0:18:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh... \pho ʔɔːʰ \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh... \ref 0617 \id 370992135004151101 \begin 0:18:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...gitu. \pho gituːʰ \mb gitu \ge like.that \gj like.that \ft ...like that. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0618 \id 671423135004151101 \begin 0:18:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...gitu. \pho gituːʰ \mb gitu \ge like.that \gj like.that \ft ...I see. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 0619 \id 124014135004151101 \begin 0:18:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, dibilang apa? \pho tr̩us dibilaŋ ʔapaːh \mb trus di- bilang apa \ge continue DI- say what \gj continue DI-say what \ft what did they say? \ref 0620 \id 516526135004151101 \begin 0:18:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx dim[?]... \pho dim \mb dim \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx... \ref 0621 \id 467932135005151101 \begin 0:18:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'sekolah mo ngapain?', gitu, ya? \pho səkɔlah mɔ ŋapayiːn gitu yaːh \mb sekolah mo ng- apa -in gitu ya \ge school want N- what -IN like.that yes \gj school want N-what-IN like.that yes \ft they asked you 'what do you want to do at school?', right? \ref 0622 \id 953408135005151101 \begin 0:18:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, eh, itu kan... \pho ʔɛ ʔɛh ʔitu kaːn \mb eh eh itu kan \ge EXCL EXCL that KAN \gj EXCL EXCL that KAN \ft hey, hey, they are... \ref 0623 \id 959961135005151101 \begin 0:18:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0624 \id 381982135005151101 \begin 0:18:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...mmm... berduaan, gitu. \pho ʔm̩ː bəlduwaʔan gituːʰ \mb mmm ber- dua -an gitu \ge FILL BER- two -AN like.that \gj FILL BER-two-AN like.that \ft ...umm... they are two. \nt 1. referring to Lanny and Yanti. 2. laughing. \ref 0625 \id 892726135005151101 \begin 0:18:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx apanya berduaan? \pho ʔapaɲa bərduwaʔaːn \mb apa -nya ber- dua -an \ge what -NYA BER- two -AN \gj what-NYA BER-two-AN \ft what are two? \ref 0626 \id 761174135005151101 \begin 0:18:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx berduaan, gitu. \pho bəlduwaʔan gituːʰ \mb ber- dua -an gitu \ge BER- two -AN like.that \gj BER-two-AN like.that \ft they are two. \ref 0627 \id 169962135005151101 \begin 0:18:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx berduaan, gitu? \pho bərduwaʔan gituːʰ \mb ber- dua -an gitu \ge BER- two -AN like.that \gj BER-two-AN like.that \ft they are two? \ref 0628 \id 558276135006151101 \begin 0:18:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-em. \pho hə̃ʔm̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0629 \id 156208135006151101 \begin 0:18:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx o. \pho ʔɔːʰ \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 0630 \id 696082135006151101 \begin 0:18:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, apa lagi, ditanya lagi apa lagi? \pho tr̩us ʔapa lagiːʰ ditaɲa lagi ʔapa lagiːʰ \mb trus apa lagi di- tanya lagi apa lagi \ge continue what more DI- ask more what more \gj continue what more DI-ask more what more \ft what else, what else did they ask you? \ref 0631 \id 564292135006151101 \begin 0:18:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... ditanya... udah bisa... udah... ya, cuman gitu doang. \pho ʔə̃ː detaɲaːʔ ʔuda bisaʰ ʔudaːh ywa cuman gitu dɔwaŋ \mb eee di- tanya udah bisa udah ya cuman gitu doang \ge FILL DI- ask PFCT can PFCT yes only like.that just \gj FILL DI-ask PFCT can PFCT yes only like.that just \ft umm... they asked me... can you.. yeah, that's all. \ref 0632 \id 472394135006151101 \begin 0:18:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx masa? \pho masaːʔ \mb masa \ge incredible \gj incredible \ft really? \ref 0633 \id 347858135006151101 \begin 0:18:56 \sp EXPLAN \tx pernah jalan-jalan... \mb pernah jalan - jalan \ge ever walk - walk \gj ever RED-walk \ft have you ever gone around... \nt giving cue to CHI about the questions from experimenters. \ref 0634 \id 666069135006151101 \begin 0:18:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx pernah jalan-jalan ke Pla(za) Senayan. \mb pernah jalan - jalan ke Plaza Senayan \ge ever walk - walk to Plaza Senayan \gj ever RED-walk to Plaza Senayan \ft I have ever gone to Plaza Senayan. \ref 0635 \id 139777135006151101 \begin 0:19:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ːh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0636 \id 845013135007151101 \begin 0:19:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx terus, main komedi puter, main... \pho təlus mayin kɔmɛdi puːtəːːl mayiːn \mb terus main komedi puter main \ge continue play comedy turn play \gj continue play comedy turn play \ft then, I play merry-go-around, play... \ref 0637 \id 752456135007151101 \begin 0:19:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx main apa lagi? \pho mayin ʔapa lagiːʰ \mb main apa lagi \ge play what more \gj play what more \ft what else did you play? \ref 0638 \id 351595135007151101 \begin 0:19:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx apa lagi, kan? \pho ʔapa lagi kaːn \mb apa lagi kan \ge what more KAN \gj what more KAN \ft what else? \ref 0639 \id 468064135007151101 \begin 0:19:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx apa? \pho ʔapaːh \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0640 \id 469177135007151101 \begin 0:19:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx main perahu-perahuan. \mb main perahu - perahu -an \ge play boat - boat -AN \gj play RED.AN-boat \ft I played boats. \nt referring to a kind of game in Plaza Senayan. \ref 0641 \id 272928135007151101 \begin 0:19:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus? \pho təruːs \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft what else? \nt nodding. \ref 0642 \id 411699135007151101 \begin 0:19:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx main mobil-mobilan. \mb main mobil - mobil -an \ge play car - car -AN \gj play RED.AN-car \ft I play toy cars. \nt referring to a kind of game in Plaza Senayan. \ref 0643 \id 845880135008151101 \begin 0:19:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0644 \id 930531135008151101 \begin 0:19:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx main... motor-motoran. \mb main motor - motor -an \ge play motorcycle - motorcycle -AN \gj play RED.AN-motorcycle \ft play... motorbikes. \nt referring to a kind of game in Plaza Senayan. \ref 0645 \id 753270135008151101 \begin 0:19:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx main kapal-kapalan. \mb main kapal - kapal -an \ge play ship - ship -AN \gj play RED.AN-ship \ft I played ships. \nt referring to a kind of game in Plaza Senayan. \ref 0646 \id 527727135008151101 \begin 0:19:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ːh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0647 \id 615729135008151101 \begin 0:19:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus apa lagi, sama apa? \pho tr̩us ʔapa lagi sama ʔapaːh \mb trus apa lagi sama apa \ge continue what more with what \gj continue what more with what \ft what else, and what? \ref 0648 \id 973527135008151101 \begin 0:19:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak tau. \pho ŋgaʔ tawuːʔ \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft I don't know. \ref 0649 \id 697811135008151101 \begin 0:19:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak tau? \pho ŋgaʔ tawuːʔ \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft you don't know? \ref 0650 \id 831514135008151101 \begin 0:19:23 \sp EXPLAN \tx trus, pernah ke mana lagi, Priska? \pho tr̩us pərna kə mana lagiːʰ priskaːʰ \mb trus pernah ke mana lagi Priska \ge continue ever to which more Priska \gj continue ever to which more Priska \ft where else have you been? \ref 0651 \id 677627135009151101 \begin 0:19:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, dibilang katanya xx... \pho trus dibilaŋ kataɲah xx \mb trus di- bilang kata -nya xx \ge continue DI- say word -NYA xx \gj continue DI-say word-NYA xx \ft they said... \ref 0652 \id 901709135009151101 \begin 0:19:25 \sp EXPYAN \tx ditanya apa lagi? \pho ditaɲa ʔapa lagiːʰ \mb di- tanya apa lagi \ge DI- ask what more \gj DI-ask what more \ft what else did we ask you? \ref 0653 \id 547049135009151101 \begin 0:19:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx ditanya apa lagi? \pho ditaɲa ʔapa lagiːʰ \mb di- tanya apa lagi \ge DI- ask what more \gj DI-ask what more \ft what else did they ask you? \ref 0654 \id 473242135009151101 \begin 0:19:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx tanya... \pho taɲaːʔ \mb tanya \ge ask \gj ask \ft they asked... \ref 0655 \id 193483135009151101 \begin 0:19:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'pernah jalan-jalan ke luar kota, gitu?', ya? \mb pernah jalan - jalan ke luar kota gitu ya \ge ever walk - walk to out city like.that yes \gj ever RED-walk to out city like.that yes \ft they asked you, 'have you been out of the city?' right? \ref 0656 \id 779272135009151101 \begin 0:19:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak pernah. \pho ŋgaʔ pərlnaːh \mb nggak pernah \ge NEG ever \gj NEG ever \ft never. \ref 0657 \id 145442135009151101 \begin 0:19:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx terus, sekali-sekali... \pho təluːs səkalisəkaliːʰ \mb terus sekali - sekali \ge continue SE-time - SE-time \gj continue RED-SE-time \ft never, sometimes... \ref 0658 \id 659531135009151101 \begin 0:19:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx lha, tadi katanya... \pho lah tadi kataɲah \mb lha tadi kata -nya \ge EXCL earlier word -NYA \gj EXCL earlier word-NYA \ft huh, you said... \ref 0659 \id 959792135010151101 \begin 0:19:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, sekali-sekali, ye! \pho ya səkalisəkaːli yɛh \mb ya sekali - sekali ye \ge yes SE-time - SE-time EXCL \gj yes RED-SE-time EXCL \ft yeah, sometimes, ye! \ref 0660 \id 245598135010151101 \begin 0:19:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, sekali-sekali. \pho ʔɔː səkalisəkaliːʔ \mb o sekali - sekali \ge EXCL SE-time - SE-time \gj EXCL RED-SE-time \ft oh, sometimes. \ref 0661 \id 983081135010151101 \begin 0:19:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx ke mana sekali-sekalinya? \pho kə maːna səkaliʔsəkaliʔɲaːh̩ \mb ke mana sekali - sekali -nya \ge to which SE-time - SE-time -NYA \gj to which RED-SE-time-NYA \ft where do you go sometimes? \ref 0662 \id 165058135011151101 \begin 0:19:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya... ke, ke luar kota. \pho yaː kə kə lwar kɔta \mb ya ke ke luar kota \ge yes to to out city \gj yes to to out city \ft yeah... out of the city. \ref 0663 \id 932780135011151101 \begin 0:19:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, ke luar kotanya ke mana? \pho ya kə lwar kɔtaɲah kə maːnaːh \mb ya ke luar kota -nya ke mana \ge yes to out city -NYA to which \gj yes to out city-NYA to which \ft yeah, where do you go if you are out of the city? \ref 0664 \id 759249135011151101 \begin 0:19:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx Semarang? \pho səmaraːŋ \mb Semarang \ge Semarang \gj Semarang \ft Semarang? \ref 0665 \id 225446135011151101 \begin 0:19:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔəh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0666 \id 677950135011151101 \begin 0:19:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx naik apa? \pho nayik ʔapaːh \mb naik apa \ge go.up what \gj go.up what \ft by what? \ref 0667 \id 922565135012151101 \begin 0:19:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx ditanyain, nggak pernah naik apa? \pho ditaɲaʔin ŋgaːʔ pərna nayik ʔapaːh \mb di- tanya -in nggak pernah naik apa \ge DI- ask -IN NEG ever go.up what \gj DI-ask-IN NEG ever go.up what \ft did they ask you what have you gone by? \ref 0668 \id 980628135012151101 \begin 0:19:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt scratching her wound using her finger. \ref 0669 \id 343607135012151101 \begin 0:19:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx ih ih ih ih! \pho ʔiː yiː yiːh ʔih \mb ih ih ih ih \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh! \ref 0670 \id 320858135012151101 \begin 0:19:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing and touching MOT's left chest. \ref 0671 \id 478593135013151101 \begin 0:19:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx ih, hi hi hi hi. \pho ʔih hi hi hi hi \mb ih hi hi hi hi \ge EXCL IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj EXCL IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ugh, hi hi hi hi. \nt laughing. \ref 0672 \id 136261135013151101 \begin 0:19:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0673 \id 242506135013151101 \begin 0:19:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx pernah dita[?]... \pho pərna dita \mb pernah dita \ge ever xx \gj ever xx \ft have xx... \ref 0674 \id 317284135014151101 \begin 0:19:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt touching MOT's left chest again. \ref 0675 \id 708137135014151101 \begin 0:19:56 \sp EXPLAN \tx kok? \pho kɔʔ \mb kok \ge KOK \gj KOK \ft why? \ref 0676 \id 670526135014151101 \begin 0:19:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx ck, nakal, ah. \pho ǀ nakal ʔaːh \mb ck nakal ah \ge tsk naughty EXCL \gj tsk naughty EXCL \ft tsk, you are not nice. \ref 0677 \id 344010135014151101 \begin 0:20:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx ditanyain dulu sama Mami tadi... nanti Mami menghadap Bu Gurunya biar... biar ini, biar sama ngomongnya. \mb di- tanya -in dulu sama Mami tadi nanti Mami meng- hadap Bu Guru -nya biar biar ini biar sama ng- omong -nya \ge DI- ask -IN before with mommy earlier later mommy MEN- face TRU-mother teacher -NYA let let this let same N- speak -NYA \gj DI-ask-IN before with mommy earlier later mommy MEN-face TRU-mother teacher-NYA let let this let same N-speak-NYA \ft let me ask you first... I'll see your teachers so that... so that this, so that we say the same things. \ref 0678 \id 788729135014151101 \begin 0:20:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx o. \pho ʔɔːh \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \nt taking a bar of match. \ref 0679 \id 696581135015151101 \begin 0:20:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, ditanyain apa lagi tadi ama Bu Guru? \pho tr̩us ditaɲaʔin ʔapa lag tadiʔ ʔama bu guruʔ \mb trus di- tanya -in apa lagi tadi ama Bu Guru \ge continue DI- ask -IN what more earlier with TRU-mother teacher \gj continue DI-ask-IN what more earlier with TRU-mother teacher \ft then, what else did the teachers ask you? \ref 0680 \id 852081135015151101 \begin 0:20:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx ditanya... \pho ditaɲaːʔ \mb di- tanya \ge DI- ask \gj DI-ask \ft they asked me... \nt putting the match on MOT's pocket. \ref 0681 \id 744847135015151101 \begin 0:20:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0682 \id 264478135015151101 \begin 0:20:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx korek api. \pho kɛlɛk ʔapiːʔ \mb korek api \ge pick fire \gj pick fire \ft matches. \nt referring to a bar of match. \ref 0683 \id 590016135015151101 \begin 0:20:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, ya, korek api. \pho ʔɔ ya kɔrɛk ʔapi \mb o ya korek api \ge EXCL yes pick fire \gj EXCL yes pick fire \ft oh, right, a match. \ref 0684 \id 815304135015151101 \begin 0:20:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx ditanya apa lagi? \pho ditaɲaʔ ʔapa laːgiːʰ \mb di- tanya apa lagi \ge DI- ask what more \gj DI-ask what more \ft what else did they ask you? \ref 0685 \id 937197135015151101 \begin 0:20:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx punya mobil, gitu, ya? \pho puɲaʔ mɔbil gitu yaːh \mb punya mobil gitu ya \ge have car like.that yes \gj have car like.that yes \ft did they ask you whether you had a car? \ref 0686 \id 285989135016151101 \begin 0:20:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya, 'nggak punya'. \pho ʔiya ŋgaʔ puɲaːʔ \mb iya nggak punya \ge yes NEG have \gj yes NEG have \ft yes, 'no', I said. \ref 0687 \id 321609135016151101 \begin 0:20:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ːh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0688 \id 493996135016151101 \begin 0:20:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx terus, nggak punya ojek. \pho təlus ŋgaʔ puɲa ʔɔjyɛːk \mb terus nggak punya ojek \ge continue NEG have motorcycle.taxi \gj continue NEG have motorcycle.taxi \ft then, I don't have any motorcycle taxi. \ref 0689 \id 699192135016151101 \begin 0:20:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx ojek? \pho ʔɔjɛːʔ \mb ojek \ge motorcycle.taxi \gj motorcycle.taxi \ft motorcycle taxi? \nt laughing. \ref 0690 \id 641845135016151101 \begin 0:20:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska seringnya naik ojek, ya? \pho priska səriŋɲa nayik ʔɔjɛk yaːh \mb Priska sering -nya naik ojek ya \ge Priska often -NYA go.up motorcycle.taxi yes \gj Priska often-NYA go.up motorcycle.taxi yes \ft do you often take motorcycle taxi? \nt still laughing. \ref 0691 \id 705567135016151101 \begin 0:20:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0692 \id 692517135016151101 \begin 0:20:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx naik ojek siapa? \pho nayik ʔɔjɛk syapah \mb naik ojek siapa \ge go.up motorcycle.taxi who \gj go.up motorcycle.taxi who \ft whose motorcycle taxi? \ref 0693 \id 950664135017151101 \begin 0:20:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx naik ojek orang. \pho nayik ʔɔjɛk ʔɔlaŋ \mb naik ojek orang \ge go.up motorcycle.taxi person \gj go.up motorcycle.taxi person \ft someone's motorcycle taxi. \ref 0694 \id 726627135017151101 \begin 0:20:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx naik ojek orang? \pho nayik ʔɔjɛk ʔɔraŋ \mb naik ojek orang \ge go.up motorcycle.taxi person \gj go.up motorcycle.taxi person \ft someone's motorcycle taxi? \nt laughing. \ref 0695 \id 946610135017151101 \begin 0:20:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt leaning on MOT. \ref 0696 \id 998183135017151101 \begin 0:20:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx ke mana naik ojeknya sih? \pho kə maːnaː nayik ʔɔjɛkɲa siːh \mb ke mana naik ojek -nya sih \ge to which go.up motorcycle.taxi -NYA SIH \gj to which go.up motorcycle.taxi-NYA SIH \ft where do you go by motorcycle taxi? \ref 0697 \id 184508135017151101 \begin 0:20:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... \pho ʔə̃ː \mb eee \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \nt sitting down normally again. \ref 0698 \id 240224135017151101 \begin 0:20:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx dari mana ke mana? \pho dari mana kə manaːh \mb dari mana ke mana \ge from which to which \gj from which to which \ft from where to where? \ref 0699 \id 656836135017151101 \begin 0:20:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx ke rumah Oma sini. \pho kəː lumah ʔɔma siːnih \mb ke rumah Oma sini \ge to house grandma here \gj to house grandma here \ft to here, Grandma's house. \ref 0700 \id 657971135017151101 \begin 0:20:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ːh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0701 \id 842527135018151101 \begin 0:20:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx terus... \pho təluːs \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft then... \ref 0702 \id 375996135018151101 \begin 0:20:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx dari mana? \pho dari maːnah \mb dari mana \ge from which \gj from which \ft from where? \ref 0703 \id 171658135018151101 \begin 0:20:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx dari... Pejompongan. \pho daliː pəjɔmpɔŋaːn \mb dari Pejompongan \ge from Pejompongan \gj from Pejompongan \ft from... Pejompongan. \ref 0704 \id 258182135018151101 \begin 0:20:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx Pejompongan tu rumah siapa? \pho pəjɔmpɔŋan tu rumah syapaːh \mb Pejompongan tu rumah siapa \ge Pejompongan that house who \gj Pejompongan that house who \ft whose house is in Pejompongan? \ref 0705 \id 976561135018151101 \begin 0:20:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx rumah Priska. \pho lumaːh pliskaːh \mb rumah Priska \ge house Priska \gj house Priska \ft my house. \ref 0706 \id 382459135018151101 \begin 0:20:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx rumah Priska juga? \pho rumah priska juːgaʔ \mb rumah Priska juga \ge house Priska also \gj house Priska also \ft also your house? \ref 0707 \id 806239135018151101 \begin 0:20:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0708 \id 680907135018151101 \begin 0:20:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang tinggal di Pejompongan siapa? \pho yaŋ tiŋgal di pəjɔmpɔŋan syapaːh \mb yang tinggal di Pejompongan siapa \ge REL stay LOC Pejompongan who \gj REL stay LOC Pejompongan who \ft who stays in Pejompongan? \ref 0709 \id 226621135019151101 \begin 0:20:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mbah Uti. \pho m̩ba hutiː \mb Mbah Uti \ge grandparent grandmother \gj grandparent grandmother \ft Grandma. \nt referring to her grandmother from father's side. \ref 0710 \id 632154135019151101 \begin 0:20:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus siapa lagi? \pho tərus syapa laːgiːh \mb terus siapa lagi \ge continue who more \gj continue who more \ft who else? \ref 0711 \id 723800135019151101 \begin 0:20:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx Om Danis. \pho ʔɔm bɛnis \mb Om Danis \ge uncle Danis \gj uncle Danis \ft Uncle Danis. \nt deliberately mispronouncing her uncle's name. \ref 0712 \id 234474135019151101 \begin 0:20:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, siapa lagi? \pho tr̩us syapa lagiːʰ \mb trus siapa lagi \ge continue who more \gj continue who more \ft who else? \ref 0713 \id 311370135019151101 \begin 0:20:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx Om Danis. \pho ʔɔm dɛmis \mb Om Danis \ge uncle Danis \gj uncle Danis \ft Uncle Danis. \ref 0714 \id 302373135019151101 \begin 0:20:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus siapa lagi? \pho tərus syapa lagiʰ \mb terus siapa lagi \ge continue who more \gj continue who more \ft who else? \ref 0715 \id 289351135019151101 \begin 0:20:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mbak Uti. \pho m̩bah titi \mb Mbak Uti \ge EPIT grandmother \gj EPIT grandmother \ft Grandma. \nt referring to her grandmother from father's side. \ref 0716 \id 138538135020151101 \begin 0:20:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0717 \id 718943135020151101 \begin 0:20:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mbah Uti. \pho m̩ba hutiːʰ \mb Mbah Uti \ge grandparent grandmother \gj grandparent grandmother \ft Grandma. \ref 0718 \id 501370135020151101 \begin 0:20:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, Mbah Uti, Om Danis. \pho yah m̩bah hutiː ʔɔm daniːs \mb ya Mbah Uti Om Danis \ge yes grandparent grandmother uncle Danis \gj yes grandparent grandmother uncle Danis \ft yeah, Grandma, Uncle Danis. \ref 0719 \id 441925135021151101 \begin 0:20:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus siapa lagi? \pho tərus syapa lagiʰ \mb terus siapa lagi \ge continue who more \gj continue who more \ft who else? \ref 0720 \id 350429135021151101 \begin 0:20:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx Pakde Trang, Pakde Trang. \pho paʔdɛ teŋ paʔde teŋ \mb Pakde Trang Pakde Trang \ge TRU-father-TRU-big Tranggono TRU-father-TRU-big Tranggono \gj TRU-father-TRU-big Tranggono TRU-father-TRU-big Tranggono \ft Uncle Tranggono, Uncle Tranggono. \nt referring to CHI's uncle, her father's older brother. \ref 0721 \id 677726135021151101 \begin 0:20:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx Pakde Trang. \pho paʔdɛ traːŋ \mb Pakde Trang \ge TRU-father-TRU-big Tranggono \gj TRU-father-TRU-big Tranggono \ft Uncle Tranggono. \ref 0722 \id 753535135021151101 \begin 0:20:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx he he. \pho həʔə həəʔ \mb he he \ge BAB BAB \gj BAB BAB \ref 0723 \id 481077135021151101 \begin 0:20:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus? \pho tr̩uːs \mb trus \ge continue \gj continue \ft who else? \ref 0724 \id 476939135021151101 \begin 0:21:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx Pakde Trang, Pakde Trang. \pho paʔdɛ traŋ paʔdɛ traŋ \mb Pakde Trang Pakde Trang \ge TRU-father-TRU-big Tranggono TRU-father-TRU-big Tranggono \gj TRU-father-TRU-big Tranggono TRU-father-TRU-big Tranggono \ft Uncle Tranggono, Uncle Tranggono. \ref 0725 \id 231677135021151101 \begin 0:21:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, siapa lagi? \pho tr̩us syapa lagiːh \mb trus siapa lagi \ge continue who more \gj continue who more \ft then, who else? \ref 0726 \id 999633135022151101 \begin 0:21:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalau Priska sekarang tidurnya di mana sih? \pho kalaw priskah səkaraŋ tidurɲa di mana siːh \mb kalau Priska sekarang tidur -nya di mana sih \ge TOP Priska now lie.down -NYA LOC which SIH \gj TOP Priska now lie.down-NYA LOC which SIH \ft where you do you sleep now? \ref 0727 \id 252349135022151101 \begin 0:21:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak tau. \pho ŋgaʔ tawuʔ \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft I don't know. \ref 0728 \id 149185135022151101 \begin 0:21:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx lha! \pho laːh \mb lha \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft huh! \ref 0729 \id 568070135022151101 \begin 0:21:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalau tidur di mana Priska? \pho kalaw tidur di mana priskaːh \mb kalau tidur di mana Priska \ge TOP lie.down LOC which Priska \gj TOP lie.down LOC which Priska \ft where do you sleep? \ref 0730 \id 965717135022151101 \begin 0:21:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx di sini. \pho di siniːh \mb di sini \ge LOC here \gj LOC here \ft here. \ref 0731 \id 831005135022151101 \begin 0:21:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx di sini tu di mana? \pho di siniːh tu di manaːh \mb di sini tu di mana \ge LOC here that LOC which \gj LOC here that LOC which \ft where is here? \ref 0732 \id 230030135022151101 \begin 0:21:12 \sp EXPYAN \tx aduh, Bu Gurunya nggak denger nih. \pho ʔaduːh bu guruɲah ŋgaʔ dəŋər niːh \mb aduh Bu Guru -nya nggak denger nih \ge EXCL TRU-mother teacher -NYA NEG hear this \gj EXCL TRU-mother teacher-NYA NEG hear this \ft my goodness, I can't hear you. \ref 0733 \id 332853135022151101 \begin 0:21:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx di sini. \pho di siniːh \mb di sini \ge LOC here \gj LOC here \ft here. \nt speaking up. \ref 0734 \id 474235135023151101 \begin 0:21:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx di sini tu di mana? \pho di sini tu di manaːh \mb di sini tu di mana \ge LOC here that LOC which \gj LOC here that LOC which \ft where is here? \ref 0735 \id 680521135023151101 \begin 0:21:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx di Benhil. \pho di bɛnhiːl \mb di Benhil \ge LOC Benhil \gj LOC Benhil \ft at Benhil. \ref 0736 \id 937180135023151101 \begin 0:21:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx di rumah siapa? \pho di rumah syaːpaːh \mb di rumah siapa \ge LOC house who \gj LOC house who \ft at whose house? \ref 0737 \id 915671135023151101 \begin 0:21:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx rumah Oma. \pho lumah ʔɔmaːʰ \mb rumah Oma \ge house grandma \gj house grandma \ft Grandma's house. \ref 0738 \id 298483135023151101 \begin 0:21:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx Oma siapa? \pho ʔɔma siyapaːh \mb Oma siapa \ge grandma who \gj grandma who \ft Grandma who? \ref 0739 \id 615091135023151101 \begin 0:21:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx Oma Meimei. \pho ʔɔma mɛymɛyː \mb Oma Meimei \ge grandma Meimei \gj grandma Meimei \ft Grandma Meimei. \ref 0740 \id 144691135024151101 \begin 0:21:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh. \pho ʔɔːh \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 0741 \id 634402135024151101 \begin 0:21:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, sama siapa? \pho tr̩us sama siyapaːh \mb trus sama siapa \ge continue with who \gj continue with who \ft and who? \ref 0742 \id 708543135024151101 \begin 0:21:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx Opa? \pho ʔɔpaːh \mb Opa \ge grandpa \gj grandpa \ft Grandpa? \ref 0743 \id 304404135025151101 \begin 0:21:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt kissing MOT's arm. \ref 0744 \id 238549135025151101 \begin 0:21:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx opanya ada nggak opanya? \pho ʔɔpaɲah ʔada ŋgaʔ ʔɔpahɲah \mb opa -nya ada nggak opa -nya \ge grandpa -NYA exist NEG grandpa -NYA \gj grandpa-NYA exist NEG grandpa-NYA \ft do you have grandpa? \ref 0745 \id 404278135025151101 \begin 0:21:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt kissing MOT's arm again. \ref 0746 \id 308270135025151101 \begin 0:21:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx punya opa, nggak? \pho puɲa ʔɔpa ŋgaːʔ \mb punya opa nggak \ge have grandpa NEG \gj have grandpa NEG \ft do you have grandpa? \ref 0747 \id 404878135025151101 \begin 0:21:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx punya. \pho puɲaːʔ \mb punya \ge have \gj have \ft yes. \ref 0748 \id 506608135025151101 \begin 0:21:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx punya? \pho puɲaːʔ \mb punya \ge have \gj have \ft do you? \ref 0749 \id 278845135025151101 \begin 0:21:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt kissing MOT's arm and making the kissing sound. \ref 0750 \id 860338135025151101 \begin 0:21:32 \sp EXPLAN \tx lho, kok yang diwawancara makin ngebalik Priska? \pho lɔh kɔʔ yaŋ diwawancara makin ŋəbalik priskaːh \mb lho kok yang di- wawancara makin nge- balik Priska \ge EXCL KOK REL DI- interview increasingly N- turn.around Priska \gj EXCL KOK REL DI-interview increasingly N-turn.around Priska \ft huh, why are you facing backward when we are still interviewing you? \ref 0751 \id 930520135026151101 \begin 0:21:34 \sp EXPYAN \tx makin jauh. \pho makin jawuːh \mb makin jauh \ge increasingly far \gj increasingly far \ft you are getting farther. \ref 0752 \id 568640135026151101 \begin 0:21:34 \sp EXPYAN \tx Bu Guru masih ngedengerin, lho. \pho bu guru masih ŋədəŋərin lɔːh \mb Bu Guru masih nge- denger -in lho \ge TRU-mother teacher still N- hear -IN EXCL \gj TRU-mother teacher still N-hear-IN EXCL \ft we are still listening to you. \ref 0753 \id 646074135026151101 \begin 0:21:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0754 \id 681694135026151101 \begin 0:21:36 \sp EXPLAN \tx makin nggak kedengeran. \pho makin ŋgaʔ kədəŋəraːn \mb makin nggak ke an denger \ge increasingly NEG KE AN hear \gj increasingly NEG KE.AN-hear \ft we are hardly able to hear you. \ref 0755 \id 849995135026151101 \begin 0:21:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx opanya namanya siapa opanya? \pho ʔɔpaɲah namaʔɲa syaːpa ʔɔpaɲah \mb opa -nya nama -nya siapa opa -nya \ge grandpa -NYA name -NYA who grandpa -NYA \gj grandpa-NYA name-NYA who grandpa-NYA \ft what is your grandpa's name? \ref 0756 \id 792467135026151101 \begin 0:21:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx Pak Frans. \pho paʔ flaːn \mb Pak Frans \ge TRU-father Frans \gj TRU-father Frans \ft Mr. Frans. \ref 0757 \id 509142135026151101 \begin 0:21:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx Pak Frans? \pho paʔ frans \mb Pak Frans \ge TRU-father Frans \gj TRU-father Frans \ft Mr. Frans? \ref 0758 \id 557495135026151101 \begin 0:21:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, gitu. \pho ʔɔː gituːh \mb o gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \ref 0759 \id 539947135027151101 \begin 0:21:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo ini namanya siapa, ya? \pho kalɔ ʔini namaɲah syapah yaːh \mb kalo ini nama -nya siapa ya \ge TOP this name -NYA who yes \gj TOP this name-NYA who yes \ft what is this one's name? \nt pointing at CHI. \ref 0760 \id 801398135027151101 \begin 0:21:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx Aurelia. \pho ʔawlɛliyaːh \mb Aurelia \ge Aurelia \gj Aurelia \ft Aurelia. \ref 0761 \id 320073135028151101 \begin 0:21:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx Aurelia... \pho ʔawrɛliyaːh \mb Aurelia \ge Aurelia \gj Aurelia \ft Aurelia... \nt expecting CHI to say her complete name. \ref 0762 \id 772673135028151101 \begin 0:21:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska Hapsari. \pho pliska ʔapsaliːʰ \mb Priska Hapsari \ge Priska Hapsari \gj Priska Hapsari \ft Priska Hapsari. \nt fulfilling MOT's expectation. \ref 0763 \id 831522135028151101 \begin 0:21:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx o. \pho ʔɔːʰ \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 0764 \id 808155135028151101 \begin 0:21:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx orang apa sih? \pho ʔɔraŋ ʔaːpa siːh \mb orang apa sih \ge person what SIH \gj person what SIH \ft where are you from? \ref 0765 \id 475786135028151101 \begin 0:21:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx orang Jawa, ya? \pho ʔɔraŋ jawaʔ yaːh \mb orang Jawa ya \ge person Java yes \gj person Java yes \ft are you Javanese? \ref 0766 \id 657052135028151101 \begin 0:21:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx ah, nggak. \pho ʔaːh ŋgaːʔ \mb ah nggak \ge EXCL NEG \gj EXCL NEG \ft ah, no. \ref 0767 \id 694277135028151101 \begin 0:21:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx orang... \pho ʔɔraŋ \mb orang \ge person \gj person \ft you are... \ref 0768 \id 832191135028151101 \begin 0:21:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx orang... nggak tau orangnya. \pho ʔɔlaːŋ ŋgaʔ tawuʔ ʔɔraŋɲah \mb orang nggak tau orang -nya \ge person NEG know person -NYA \gj person NEG know person-NYA \ft I don't know where I am from. \ref 0769 \id 358686135029151101 \begin 0:21:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0770 \id 850846135029151101 \begin 0:21:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak tau. \pho ŋgaʔ tawuːʔ \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft I don't know. \nt laughing. \ref 0771 \id 697393135029151101 \begin 0:21:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx orang Indonesia ato orang Jawa? \pho ʔɔraŋ ʔindɔnɛsya ʔatɔ ʔɔraŋ jawaːʔ \mb orang Indonesia ato orang Jawa \ge person Indonesia or person Java \gj person Indonesia or person Java \ft are you Indonesian or Javanese? \ref 0772 \id 997319135029151101 \begin 0:21:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx orang Indonesia. \pho ʔɔlaŋ ʔindɔnɛsya \mb orang Indonesia \ge person Indonesia \gj person Indonesia \ft Indonesian. \ref 0773 \id 960247135029151101 \begin 0:22:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mami? \pho mamiːh \mb Mami \ge mommy \gj mommy \ft what about Mommy? \ref 0774 \id 692379135029151101 \begin 0:22:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx Mami sama, orang Indonesia. \pho mami saːmaʔ ʔɔraŋ ʔindɔnɛsyaː \mb Mami sama orang Indonesia \ge mommy same person Indonesia \gj mommy same person Indonesia \ft the same, I am Indonesian. \ref 0775 \id 439369135030151101 \begin 0:22:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska juga orang In(donesia)... Indonesia. \pho pliska jugaʔ ʔɔlaŋ ʔin ʔindɔnɛsyaːʰ \mb Priska juga orang Indonesia Indonesia \ge Priska also person Indonesia Indonesia \gj Priska also person Indonesia Indonesia \ft I am also Indonesian... Indonesian. \ref 0776 \id 589726135030151101 \begin 0:22:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx hmm. \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft hmm. \ref 0777 \id 449452135030151101 \begin 0:22:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx nama papinya siapa? \pho nama papiɲah syapaːh \mb nama papi -nya siapa \ge name daddy -NYA who \gj name daddy-NYA who \ft what is your daddy's name? \ref 0778 \id 853248135030151101 \begin 0:22:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak boleh panggil 'Papi', kan? \pho ŋgaʔ bɔlɛ paŋgil papi kaːn \mb nggak boleh panggil Papi kan \ge NEG may call daddy KAN \gj NEG may call daddy KAN \ft I may not call him 'Daddy', right? \ref 0779 \id 564804135030151101 \begin 0:22:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, nggak boleh dipanggil 'Papi'. \pho ʔɔː ŋgaʔ bɔlɛ dipaŋgil paːpiː3h \mb o nggak boleh di- panggil Papi \ge EXCL NEG may DI- call daddy \gj EXCL NEG may DI-call daddy \ft oh, you may not call him 'Daddy'. \ref 0780 \id 984878135030151101 \begin 0:22:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx abis dipanggilnya siapa? \pho ʔabis dipaŋgilɲa syapaːh \mb abis di- panggil -nya siapa \ge finished DI- call -NYA who \gj finished DI-call-NYA who \ft what do you call him? \ref 0781 \id 670208135031151101 \begin 0:22:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... Darto. \pho ʔə̃ː daːrltoː \mb eee Darto \ge FILL Darto \gj FILL Darto \ft umm... Darto. \ref 0782 \id 411489135031151101 \begin 0:22:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx o. \pho ʔɔː \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 0783 \id 909011135031151101 \begin 0:22:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah, dipanggilnya Darto? \pho hãːh dipaŋgilɲah dartɔʰ \mb hah di- panggil -nya Darto \ge huh DI- call -NYA Darto \gj huh DI-call-NYA Darto \ft huh, do you call him Darto? \ref 0784 \id 867926135031151101 \begin 0:22:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx Bapak. \pho bapaʔ \mb Bapak \ge father \gj father \ft Father. \nt laughing. \ref 0785 \id 662880135031151101 \begin 0:22:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, namanya Bapak Darto? \pho ʔɔː namaɲah bapaʔ dartɔːh \mb o nama -nya Bapak Darto \ge EXCL name -NYA father Darto \gj EXCL name-NYA father Darto \ft oh, his name is Mr. Darto? \ref 0786 \id 536058135031151101 \begin 0:22:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0787 \id 244100135031151101 \begin 0:22:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx Bapaknya... eee... di mana? \pho bapaʔɲaːʰ ʔəːʰ di manaːh \mb Bapak -nya eee di mana \ge father -NYA FILL LOC which \gj father-NYA FILL LOC which \ft Father... umm... where is he? \ref 0788 \id 994919135032151101 \begin 0:22:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx Bapaknya sekarang di mana? \pho bapaʔɲa səkaraŋ di manaːh \mb Bapak -nya sekarang di mana \ge father -NYA now LOC which \gj father-NYA now LOC which \ft where is your father? \ref 0789 \id 235986135032151101 \begin 0:22:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx di surga. \pho di surgaːʰ \mb di surga \ge LOC heaven \gj LOC heaven \ft in the heaven. \ref 0790 \id 525261135032151101 \begin 0:22:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, di surga. \pho ʔɔːʰ di surgaːʰ \mb o di surga \ge EXCL LOC heaven \gj EXCL LOC heaven \ft oh, in the heaven. \ref 0791 \id 583791135032151101 \begin 0:22:29 \sp EXPYAN \tx sama siapa? \pho sama siyapaːh \mb sama siapa \ge with who \gj with who \ft with whom is he? \ref 0792 \id 592254135033151101 \begin 0:22:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx Bapaknya sama siapa? \pho bapaʔɲa sama syapaːh \mb Bapak -nya sama siapa \ge father -NYA with who \gj father-NYA with who \ft who is Father with? \ref 0793 \id 638696135033151101 \begin 0:22:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx Tuhan Yesus. \pho tuhan yɛsuːs \mb Tuhan Yesus \ge God Jesus \gj God Jesus \ft Jesus. \ref 0794 \id 884626135033151101 \begin 0:22:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, sama Tuhan Yesus. \pho ʔɔ sama tuhan yɛsus \mb o sama Tuhan Yesus \ge EXCL with God Jesus \gj EXCL with God Jesus \ft oh, with Jesus. \ref 0795 \id 527164135033151101 \begin 0:22:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx jadi Priska sekarang... eee... nggak punya bapak, ya? \pho jadi priskah səkaraŋ ʔə̃ː ŋgaʔ puɲaː bapaʔ yaːh \mb jadi Priska sekarang eee nggak punya bapak ya \ge become Priska now FILL NEG have father yes \gj become Priska now FILL NEG have father yes \ft so you don't... umm... you don't have a father, right? \ref 0796 \id 154799135033151101 \begin 0:22:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak punya, nggak punya, nggak punya. \pho ŋgaʔ puɲaːʔ ŋgaʔ puɲaʔ ŋgaʔ puɲaʔ \mb nggak punya nggak punya nggak punya \ge NEG have NEG have NEG have \gj NEG have NEG have NEG have \ft no, no, no. \nt touching the buttons of MOT's shirt. \ref 0797 \id 423718135033151101 \begin 0:22:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, nggak punya bapak. \pho ʔɔː ŋgaʔ puɲa bapaːʔ \mb o nggak punya bapak \ge EXCL NEG have father \gj EXCL NEG have father \ft oh, you don't have father. \ref 0798 \id 337260135033151101 \begin 0:22:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx punyanya siapa? \pho puɲaɲah syapaːh \mb punya -nya siapa \ge have -NYA who \gj have-NYA who \ft who do you have? \ref 0799 \id 743588135034151101 \begin 0:22:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak punya, nggak punya, nggak punya, nggak punya. \pho ŋgaʔ puɲa ŋgaʔ puɲa ŋgaʔ puɲa ŋgaʔ puɲa \mb nggak punya nggak punya nggak punya nggak punya \ge NEG have NEG have NEG have NEG have \gj NEG have NEG have NEG have NEG have \ft I don't have, I don't, I don't have, I don't have. \nt playing with the phrase so that the reference is not clear. \ref 0800 \id 704380135034151101 \begin 0:22:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx punyanya siapa? \pho puɲaɲah syapaːh \mb punya -nya siapa \ge have -NYA who \gj have-NYA who \ft who do you have? \ref 0801 \id 532439135034151101 \begin 0:22:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx punyanya opa oma, opa oma. \pho puɲaʔɲa ʔɔpa ʔɔma ʔopa ʔɔmaːh \mb punya -nya opa oma opa oma \ge have -NYA grandpa grandma grandpa grandma \gj have-NYA grandpa grandma grandpa grandma \ft I have grandpa, grandma, grandpa, grandma. \ref 0802 \id 621604135034151101 \begin 0:22:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx opa, oma, opa, oma? \pho ʔɔpa ʔɔma ʔɔpa ʔɔmaːh \mb opa oma opa oma \ge grandpa grandma grandpa grandma \gj grandpa grandma grandpa grandma \ft grandpa, grandma, grandpa, grandma? \ref 0803 \id 723661135034151101 \begin 0:22:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0804 \id 595398135035151101 \begin 0:22:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak punya mami? \pho ŋgaʔ puɲa mamiːh \mb nggak punya mami \ge NEG have mommy \gj NEG have mommy \ft do you have mommy? \ref 0805 \id 367936135035151101 \begin 0:22:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx punya. \pho puɲaːʔ \mb punya \ge have \gj have \ft yes. \ref 0806 \id 608562135035151101 \begin 0:22:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, punya juga. \pho ʔɔː puɲa jugaːʔ \mb o punya juga \ge EXCL have also \gj EXCL have also \ft oh, you do. \ref 0807 \id 219908135035151101 \begin 0:22:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx mami, mami, mami mami. \pho mami mami mami mamiːh \mb mami mami mami mami \ge mommy mommy mommy mommy \gj mommy mommy mommy mommy \ft mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy. \nt laughing. \ref 0808 \id 308249135035151101 \begin 0:22:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 0809 \id 946070135035151101 \begin 0:22:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx gini kan... \pho gini kaːn \mb gini kan \ge like.this KAN \gj like.this KAN \ft like this right... \ref 0810 \id 925172135035151101 \begin 0:22:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx ih, malu, itu tuh. \pho ʔiːh maluʔ ʔitu tuh \mb ih malu itu tuh \ge EXCL embarrassed that that \gj EXCL embarrassed that that \ft ugh, you should be embarrassed, that. \ref 0811 \id 437063084118191101 \begin 0:22:54 \sp EXPYAN \tx ceritanya udah abis belum? \pho cəritaɲah ʔuda ʔabis bəlum \mb cerita -nya udah abis belum \ge story -NYA PFCT finished not.yet \gj story-NYA PFCT finished not.yet \ft have you finished your story? \ref 0812 \id 868548084510191101 \begin 0:22:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx ei... ni cuman... \pho ʔɛy ni cuman \mb ei ni cuman \ge EXCL this only \gj EXCL this only \ft hey... I am only... \ref 0813 \id 529997084437191101 \begin 0:22:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx Bu... Bu... Bu Gurunya ngeliatin tuh. \pho buʔ buʔ buʔ guruʔɲa ŋəliyatin tuh \mb Bu Bu Bu Guru -nya nge- liat -in tuh \ge TRU-mother TRU-mother TRU-mother teacher -NYA N- see -IN that \gj TRU-mother TRU-mother TRU-mother teacher-NYA N-see-IN that \ft the teachers are looking at you. \ref 0814 \id 983333084446191101 \begin 0:22:57 \sp EXPYAN \tx Bu Gurunya ngeliatin terus, lho? \pho bu guruɲah ŋəliyatin tərus lɔːh \mb Bu Guru -nya nge- liat -in terus lho \ge TRU-mother teacher -NYA N- see -IN continue EXCL \gj TRU-mother teacher-NYA N-see-IN continue EXCL \ft we are looking at you all the time, you know? \ref 0815 \id 806285084446191101 \begin 0:22:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx Bu Gurunya ngeliatin. \pho bu guruʔɲa ŋəliyatiːn \mb Bu Guru -nya nge- liat -in \ge TRU-mother teacher -NYA N- see -IN \gj TRU-mother teacher-NYA N-see-IN \ft the teachers are looking at you. \ref 0816 \id 559550084446191101 \begin 0:22:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx udah selesai belum ditanyanya kei? \pho ʔuda sələsay bəlum ditaɲaːʔɲa kɛy \mb udah selesai belum di- tanya -nya kei \ge PFCT finish not.yet DI- ask -NYA xx \gj PFCT finish not.yet DI-ask-NYA xx \ft have they finished asking you xx? \ref 0817 \id 303417084900191101 \begin 0:23:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah. \pho ʔudaːh \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft yes. \ref 0818 \id 741965084907191101 \begin 0:23:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx begitu aja? \pho bəgituʔ ʔajaːh \mb begitu aja \ge like.that just \gj like.that just \ft is that all? \ref 0819 \id 433817084939191101 \begin 0:23:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0820 \id 873233084939191101 \begin 0:23:03 \sp EXPYAN \tx nah, sekarang Bu Guru mo liat Priska bener bisa menggambar apa enggak. \pho naːh səkaraŋ bu guru mɔ liyat prikaːh bənər bisa məŋgambaːr ʔapa ʔəŋgaːʔ \mb nah sekarang Bu Guru mo liat Priska bener bisa meng- gambar apa enggak \ge NAH now TRU-mother teacher want see Priska true can MEN- picture what NEG \gj NAH now TRU-mother teacher want see Priska true can MEN-picture what NEG \ft aha, now we want to see whether you can really draw. \ref 0821 \id 752421084939191101 \begin 0:23:05 \sp EXPYAN \tx ya? \pho yaːh \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay? \ref 0822 \id 668486084939191101 \begin 0:23:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx bisa. \pho bisaːʔ \mb bisa \ge can \gj can \ft yes. \ref 0823 \id 266236084939191101 \begin 0:23:10 \sp EXPLAN \tx bisa. \pho bisaːʔ \mb bisa \ge can \gj can \ft yes. \ref 0824 \id 441284084940191101 \begin 0:23:10 \sp EXPYAN \tx oke. \pho ʔɔkɛːʰ \mb oke \ge okay \gj okay \ft okay. \ref 0825 \id 369659084940191101 \begin 0:23:13 \sp EXPYAN \tx ni pensilnya. \pho ni pɛnsilɲaːh \mb ni pensil -nya \ge this pencil -NYA \gj this pencil-NYA \ft this is the pencil. \nt giving a pencil to CHI. \ref 0826 \id 769015084940191101 \begin 0:23:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt taking some pieces of paper and putting them on the floor. \ref 0827 \id 560328084940191101 \begin 0:23:21 \sp EXPLAN \tx sekarang ngegambar. \pho səkaraŋ ŋəgambaːr \mb sekarang nge- gambar \ge now N- picture \gj now N-picture \ft you draw now. \ref 0828 \id 443173084940191101 \begin 0:23:24 \sp EXPLAN \tx gambar bebas. \pho gambar bɛbaːs \mb gambar bebas \ge picture free \gj picture free \ft drawing whatever you want. \ref 0829 \id 630221084941191101 \begin 0:23:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx pake ini aja nih mana nih. \pho pakɛʔ ʔini ʔaja nih mana niːh \mb pake ini aja nih mana nih \ge use this just this which this \gj use this just this which this \ft use this one, where is this. \nt looking for their coloring marker. \ref 0830 \id 641432084941191101 \begin 0:23:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx spidol aja ni, Pris. \pho spidɔl ʔaja ni priːs \mb spidol aja ni Pris \ge marker just this Priska \gj marker just this Priska \ft just this marker. \ref 0831 \id 960701084941191101 \begin 0:23:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx hah? \pho hãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0832 \id 221143084941191101 \begin 0:23:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx apa? \pho ʔapaːh \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0833 \id 369361084942191101 \begin 0:23:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt giving some markers to CHI. \ref 0834 \id 259823084942191101 \begin 0:23:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini aja deh. \pho ʔini ʔaja dɛːh \mb ini aja deh \ge this just DEH \gj this just DEH \ft just this one. \nt referring to the pencil that Yanti gave to her. \ref 0835 \id 661789084942191101 \begin 0:23:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0836 \id 210514084942191101 \begin 0:23:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini aja. \pho ʔini ʔajyaːh \mb ini aja \ge this just \gj this just \ft just this one. \ref 0837 \id 816324084943191101 \begin 0:23:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt starts drawing. \ref 0838 \id 985691084943191101 \begin 0:23:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak keliatan... war(na)... itunya. \pho ŋgaʔ kəlyataː0n war ʔituɲah \mb nggak ke an liat warna itu -nya \ge NEG KE AN see color that -NYA \gj NEG KE.AN-see color that-NYA \ft we can't see... the color... that thing. \ref 0839 \id 835500084943191101 \begin 0:23:44 \sp EXPLAN \tx boleh, mo pake ini. \pho bɔlɛːh mɔʔ pakɛ ʔiniːʰ \mb boleh mo pake ini \ge may want use this \gj may want use this \ft you can use this one if you want. \ref 0840 \id 166164084943191101 \begin 0:23:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx mau. \pho mawuːʔ \mb mau \ge want \gj want \ft yes. \ref 0841 \id 624430084943191101 \begin 0:23:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx warna apa, yang warna apa? \pho warna ʔapa yaŋ warna ʔapaːh \mb warna apa yang warna apa \ge color what REL color what \gj color what REL color what \ft what color, what color do you want? \ref 0842 \id 516513084944191101 \begin 0:23:49 \sp EXPLAN \tx xx xx. \pho xx xx \mb xx xx \ge xx xx \gj xx xx \ft xx xx. \nt giving a marker to CHI. \ref 0843 \id 246795084944191101 \begin 0:23:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt receiving the marker from Lanny. \ref 0844 \id 387436084944191101 \begin 0:23:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx gambar apa? \pho gambar ʔapaːh \mb gambar apa \ge picture what \gj picture what \ft what are you drawing? \ref 0845 \id 753780084944191101 \begin 0:23:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx tanya ama Bu Guru dong. \pho taɲa ʔama bu guruː dɔːŋ \mb tanya ama Bu Guru dong \ge ask with TRU-mother teacher DONG \gj ask with TRU-mother teacher DONG \ft ask your teacher. \ref 0846 \id 993179084944191101 \begin 0:23:54 \sp EXPLAN \tx bebas. \pho bɛbaːs \mb bebas \ge free \gj free \ft whatever you want. \ref 0847 \id 688049084945191101 \begin 0:23:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx gambar orang. \pho gambar ʔɔraːŋ \mb gambar orang \ge picture person \gj picture person \ft I am drawing a person. \ref 0848 \id 559885084945191101 \begin 0:23:55 \sp EXPYAN \tx sekarang Bu Guru liat Priska bisa gambar apa aja. \pho səkaraŋ bu guru liyat priska bisa gambar ʔapa ʔajaːh \mb sekarang Bu Guru liat Priska bisa gambar apa aja \ge now TRU-mother teacher see Priska can picture what just \gj now TRU-mother teacher see Priska can picture what just \ft now I want to see what you can draw. \ref 0849 \id 200808084945191101 \begin 0:24:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt drawing. \ref 0850 \id 596268084945191101 \begin 0:24:25 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt there is voice from outside the house. \ref 0851 \id 596612093042191101 \begin 0:24:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt stops drawing, looking at Yanti and then continues drawing. \ref 0852 \id 980960093103191101 \begin 0:24:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx udah? \pho ʔudaːh \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft have you finished it? \ref 0853 \id 521342093158191101 \begin 0:24:57 \sp EXPLAN \tx ya, ini gambar apa? \pho yaʔ ʔini gambar ʔapaːh \mb ya ini gambar apa \ge yes this picture what \gj yes this picture what \ft yeah, what picture is it? \ref 0854 \id 403094093158191101 \begin 0:24:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx orang. \pho ʔɔlaːŋ \mb orang \ge person \gj person \ft a person. \ref 0855 \id 206521093232191101 \begin 0:25:01 \sp EXPLAN \tx oke, sekarang Priska cerita! \pho ʔɔkɛ səkaraŋ priska cəritaːʔ \mb oke sekarang Priska cerita \ge okay now Priska story \gj okay now Priska story \ft okay, tell us a story! \ref 0856 \id 290718093923191101 \begin 0:25:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx orang. \pho ʔɔlaːŋ \mb orang \ge person \gj person \ft a person. \ref 0857 \id 603915094002191101 \begin 0:25:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang kenceng, yang kenceng ngomong! \pho yaŋ kəncəŋ yaŋ kəncəŋ ŋɔmɔŋ \mb yang kenceng yang kenceng ng- omong \ge REL forceful REL forceful N- speak \gj REL forceful REL forceful N-speak \ft speak up, speak up! \ref 0858 \id 424575094035191101 \begin 0:25:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx orang. \pho ʔɔlaːŋ \mb orang \ge person \gj person \ft a person. \nt speaking up. \ref 0859 \id 354562094100191101 \begin 0:25:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha. \pho hãː \mb ha \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0860 \id 830250094100191101 \begin 0:25:07 \sp EXPLAN \tx gambar orang. \pho gambar ʔɔraːŋ \mb gambar orang \ge picture person \gj picture person \ft a picture of a person. \ref 0861 \id 141712094143191101 \begin 0:25:08 \sp EXPLAN \tx siapa orangnya? \pho siyapa ʔɔraŋɲaːʰ \mb siapa orang -nya \ge who person -NYA \gj who person-NYA \ft who is the person? \ref 0862 \id 958656094143191101 \begin 0:25:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx orang... gila. \pho ʔɔlaːŋ gilaːh \mb orang gila \ge person crazy \gj person crazy \ft a crazy... person. \ref 0863 \id 951230094219191101 \begin 0:25:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0864 \id 340689094219191101 \begin 0:25:11 \sp EXPLAN \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0865 \id 767003094219191101 \begin 0:25:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx orang apa? \pho ʔɔraŋ ʔapaːh \mb orang apa \ge person what \gj person what \ft what person? \ref 0866 \id 936585094724191101 \begin 0:25:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx orang dara. \pho ʔɔlaŋ dalaːʰ \mb orang dara \ge person maiden \gj person maiden \ft a virgin. \ref 0867 \id 810584094751191101 \begin 0:25:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0868 \id 810415094817191101 \begin 0:25:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx orang dara. \pho ʔɔlaŋ dalaːʔ \mb orang dara \ge person maiden \gj person maiden \ft a virgin. \ref 0869 \id 674334094832191101 \begin 0:25:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx orang dara? \pho ʔɔraŋ daraːʰ \mb orang dara \ge person maiden \gj person maiden \ft a virgin? \ref 0870 \id 455202094846191101 \begin 0:25:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0871 \id 301012094907191101 \begin 0:25:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx apa tu orang dara? \pho ʔapa tuː ʔɔraŋ daraːh \mb apa tu orang dara \ge what that person maiden \gj what that person maiden \ft what is virgin? \ref 0872 \id 813590094925191101 \begin 0:25:20 \sp EXPLAN \tx namanya siapa? \pho namaɲa syapaːh \mb nama -nya siapa \ge name -NYA who \gj name-NYA who \ft what is her name? \ref 0873 \id 932656094953191101 \begin 0:25:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx namanya, namanya. \pho namaɲah namaɲaːh \mb nama -nya nama -nya \ge name -NYA name -NYA \gj name-NYA name-NYA \ft her name, her name. \ref 0874 \id 475615095024191101 \begin 0:25:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx namanya... \pho namaɲaːh \mb nama -nya \ge name -NYA \gj name-NYA \ft her name... \ref 0875 \id 478110095024191101 \begin 0:25:23 \sp EXPLAN \tx jangan di... jangan diinjek dong! \pho jaŋan diːʔ jaŋan diʔinjək dɔːŋ \mb jangan di jangan di- injek dong \ge don't DI don't DI- step.on DONG \gj don't DI don't DI-step.on DONG \ft don't... don't step on it! \ref 0876 \id 108449095127191101 \begin 0:25:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priswa. \pho pliswaːh \mb Priswa \ge Priswa \gj Priswa \ft Priswa. \ref 0877 \id 805453095137191101 \begin 0:25:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0878 \id 973817095148191101 \begin 0:25:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priswa. \pho pl̩iswaːh \mb Priswa \ge Priswa \gj Priswa \ft Priswa. \ref 0879 \id 170137095217191101 \begin 0:25:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priswa? \pho priswaːh \mb Priswa \ge Priswa \gj Priswa \ft Priswa? \ref 0880 \id 810367095226191101 \begin 0:25:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0881 \id 759973095300191101 \begin 0:25:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx xx Priswa. \pho xx priswaːh \mb xx Priswa \ge xx Priswa \gj xx Priswa \ft xx Priswa. \ref 0882 \id 687964095338191101 \begin 0:25:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 0883 \id 922618095345191101 \begin 0:25:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, ya, Priswa. \pho yaː yaːh priswaːh \mb ya ya Priswa \ge yes yes Priswa \gj yes yes Priswa \ft yeah, yeah, Priswa. \ref 0884 \id 962088095418191101 \begin 0:25:31 \sp EXPLAN \tx mat(a)... \pho mat \mb mata \ge eye \gj eye \ft yes... \nt interrupted by Yanti. \ref 0885 \id 136919095431191101 \begin 0:25:32 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priswa punya kuping... \pho priswa puɲa kupiːŋ \mb Priswa punya kuping \ge Priswa have ear \gj Priswa have ear \ft Priswa's ears... \ref 0886 \id 505920095455191101 \begin 0:25:33 \sp EXPLAN \tx matanya warna apa? \pho mataʔɲa warna ʔapaːh \mb mata -nya warna apa \ge eye -NYA color what \gj eye-NYA color what \ft what color are her eyes? \ref 0887 \id 421137095518191101 \begin 0:25:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx warna... biru. \pho warlnaːh biluʔ \mb warna biru \ge color blue \gj color blue \ft blue. \ref 0888 \id 158632095548191101 \begin 0:25:37 \sp EXPLAN \tx matanya biru. \pho mataɲah biruːʰ \mb mata -nya biru \ge eye -NYA blue \gj eye-NYA blue \ft her eyes are blue. \ref 0889 \id 936888095617191101 \begin 0:25:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt turning the paper so that the picture is facing the floor. \ref 0890 \id 506570095636191101 \begin 0:25:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx tunggu, ini Bu Guru mo ngeliat gambarnya. \pho tuŋguːʔ ʔini bu guru mɔ ŋəliyat gambarɲaːh \mb tunggu ini Bu Guru mo nge- liat gambar -nya \ge wait this TRU-mother teacher want N- see picture -NYA \gj wait this TRU-mother teacher want N-see picture-NYA \ft wait, the teacher wants to see the picture. \nt laughing. \ref 0891 \id 536717095716191101 \begin 0:25:39 \sp EXPLAN \tx iya, belum selesai. \pho ʔiya bəlum sələsaːy \mb iya belum selesai \ge yes not.yet finish \gj yes not.yet finish \ft yeah, we have not finished it. \ref 0892 \id 518896095813191101 \begin 0:25:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx Bu Guru mo tanya gambarnya. \pho bu guru mɔ taɲa gambarɲaːh \mb Bu Guru mo tanya gambar -nya \ge TRU-mother teacher want ask picture -NYA \gj TRU-mother teacher want ask picture-NYA \ft the teacher wants to ask you about the picture. \ref 0893 \id 707331095831191101 \begin 0:25:43 \sp EXPLAN \tx rambutnya warna apa? \pho rambutɲa warna ʔapaːh \mb rambut -nya warna apa \ge hair -NYA color what \gj hair-NYA color what \ft what color is her hair? \ref 0894 \id 638861095940191101 \begin 0:25:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx biru. \pho biluːʔ \mb biru \ge blue \gj blue \ft blue. \ref 0895 \id 952376095949191101 \begin 0:25:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx biru juga? \pho biru jugaːʔ \mb biru juga \ge blue also \gj blue also \ft also blue? \ref 0896 \id 703021095958191101 \begin 0:25:46 \sp EXPLAN \tx pake baju apa? \pho pakɛ baju ʔapaːh \mb pake baju apa \ge use garment what \gj use garment what \ft what clothes does she wear? \ref 0897 \id 194483095958191101 \begin 0:25:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak pake baju. \pho ŋgaʔ pakɛ bajyʰuː \mb nggak pake baju \ge NEG use garment \gj NEG use garment \ft she doesn't wear any clothes. \ref 0898 \id 482702100051191101 \begin 0:25:49 \sp EXPLAN \tx o, nggak pake baju? \pho ʔɔh ŋgaʔ pakɛ bajuːʔ \mb o nggak pake baju \ge EXCL NEG use garment \gj EXCL NEG use garment \ft oh, she doesn't wear any clothes? \ref 0899 \id 780720100110191101 \begin 0:25:51 \sp EXPLAN \tx trus, orangnya lagi ngapain? \pho tr̩us ʔɔraŋɲa lagi ŋapayiːn \mb trus orang -nya lagi ng- apa -in \ge continue person -NYA more N- what -IN \gj continue person-NYA more N-what-IN \ft what is she doing? \ref 0900 \id 189870100133191101 \begin 0:25:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx orangnya lagi joget. \pho ʔɔlaŋɲah lagi jɔgɛt \mb orang -nya lagi joget \ge person -NYA more dance \gj person-NYA more dance \ft she is dancing. \nt shaking her body. \ref 0901 \id 360046100203191101 \begin 0:25:54 \sp EXPLAN \tx lagi joget? \pho lagi jɔgɛːt \mb lagi joget \ge more dance \gj more dance \ft she is dancing? \ref 0902 \id 302145100226191101 \begin 0:25:56 \sp EXPLAN \tx terus, sepatunya pake apa, warnanya? \pho tərus səpatuɲah pakɛ ʔapaː warnaɲaːh \mb terus sepatu -nya pake apa warna -nya \ge continue shoe -NYA use what color -NYA \gj continue shoe-NYA use what color-NYA \ft then, what color are the shoes she wears? \nt CHI has not drawn the shoes of the girl. \ref 0903 \id 955609100308191101 \begin 0:25:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... biru. \pho ʔə̃ː biluːʔ \mb eee biru \ge FILL blue \gj FILL blue \ft umm... blue. \ref 0904 \id 145093100331191101 \begin 0:26:01 \sp EXPLAN \tx biru? \pho biruːʰ \mb biru \ge blue \gj blue \ft blue? \ref 0905 \id 180790100402191101 \begin 0:26:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih, tunggu, ya? \pho niːh tuŋgu yaːh \mb nih tunggu ya \ge this wait yes \gj this wait yes \ft here, wait a minute, okay? \ref 0906 \id 755302100412191101 \begin 0:26:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx tuh, tuh. \pho tuːh tuːːh \mb tuh tuh \ge that that \gj that that \ft look, look. \nt drawing shoes for the girl she drew. \ref 0907 \id 483616100450191101 \begin 0:26:08 \sp EXPLAN \tx he-em. \pho hə̃ʔm̩ː \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0908 \id 846277100512191101 \begin 0:26:10 \sp EXPLAN \tx Priska, kok orangnya kok joget sih? \pho priskaːh kɔʔ ʔɔraŋɲa kɔʔ jɔgɛt siːh \mb Priska kok orang -nya kok joget sih \ge Priska KOK person -NYA KOK dance SIH \gj Priska KOK person-NYA KOK dance SIH \ft Priska, why is the girl dancing? \ref 0909 \id 405404100548191101 \begin 0:26:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak pa-pa. \pho ŋgaʔ papaːh \mb nggak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft nothing. \ref 0910 \id 347183100603191101 \begin 0:26:12 \sp EXPLAN \tx lagi seneng? \pho lagi sənəːŋ \mb lagi seneng \ge more enjoy \gj more enjoy \ft is she happy? \ref 0911 \id 112186100623191101 \begin 0:26:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ːh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0912 \id 616147100623191101 \begin 0:26:16 \sp EXPLAN \tx seneng kenapa? \pho sənəŋ kənapaːh \mb seneng kenapa \ge enjoy why \gj enjoy why \ft why is she happy? \ref 0913 \id 807469100715191101 \begin 0:26:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx xx xx liat, Bu Guru mo liat gambarnya dulu. \pho xx xx liyat bu guruʔ mɔ liyat gambarɲa duluːʔ \mb xx xx liat Bu Guru mo liat gambar -nya dulu \ge xx xx see TRU-mother teacher want see picture -NYA before \gj xx xx see TRU-mother teacher want see picture-NYA before \ft xx xx see, the teacher wants to see the picture. \ref 0914 \id 653367100800191101 \begin 0:26:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx seneng bergembira. \pho sənəŋ bərlgəmbilah \mb seneng ber- gembira \ge enjoy BER- happy \gj enjoy BER-happy \ft she is happy and joyful. \ref 0915 \id 859231100819191101 \begin 0:26:22 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm. \pho hmm \mb hmm \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft hmm. \ref 0916 \id 325044100849191101 \begin 0:26:24 \sp EXPLAN \tx terus... coba, sekarang gambar yang laen lagi. \pho tərus cɔbaʔ səkaraŋ gambar yaŋ laɛn lagiːh \mb terus coba sekarang gambar yang laen lagi \ge continue try now picture REL other more \gj continue try now picture REL other more \ft then... try, now draw another one. \nt turning the paper so that the plain page is facing up. \ref 0917 \id 623566100928191101 \begin 0:26:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx belakangnya. \pho bəlakaŋɲah \mb belakang -nya \ge back -NYA \gj back-NYA \ft at the back. \ref 0918 \id 396803100941191101 \begin 0:26:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt getting ready to draw. \ref 0919 \id 675020101009191101 \begin 0:26:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx bunga, bunga, bunga. \pho buŋaʔ buŋaʔ buŋaːʔ \mb bunga bunga bunga \ge flower flower flower \gj flower flower flower \ft a flower, a flower, a flower. \ref 0920 \id 278904101027191101 \begin 0:26:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx bikin balon aja. \pho bikin balɔn ʔajyaːh \mb bikin balon aja \ge make balloon just \gj make balloon just \ft I am just drawing a balloon. \ref 0921 \id 944721101055191101 \begin 0:26:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, balon. \pho yaːh balɔːn \mb ya balon \ge yes balloon \gj yes balloon \ft yeah, a balloon. \ref 0922 \id 750976101107191101 \begin 0:26:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx tuh, cuman gitu doang kalau balon. \pho tuːh cuman gitu dɔwaŋ kaw balɔn \mb tuh cuman gitu doang kalau balon \ge that only like.that just TOP balloon \gj that only like.that just TOP balloon \ft here, that's all when drawing a balloon. \nt drawing a balloon and a string. \ref 0923 \id 668173101208191101 \begin 0:26:41 \sp EXPLAN \tx balonnya warna apa? \pho balɔnɲa warna ʔapaːh \mb balon -nya warna apa \ge balloon -NYA color what \gj balloon-NYA color what \ft what color is the balloon? \ref 0924 \id 404772101234191101 \begin 0:26:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx biru. \pho biluːʰ \mb biru \ge blue \gj blue \ft blue. \ref 0925 \id 519451101241191101 \begin 0:26:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx mana belum diwarnain balonnya. \pho maːnah bəlum diwarnaʔin balɔnɲaːh \mb mana belum di- warna -in balon -nya \ge which not.yet DI- color -IN balloon -NYA \gj which not.yet DI-color-IN balloon-NYA \ft where, you have not colored it. \ref 0926 \id 132846101325191101 \begin 0:26:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx tunggu. \pho tuŋguːʰ \mb tunggu \ge wait \gj wait \ft wait a minute. \ref 0927 \id 456092101334191101 \begin 0:26:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx merah dong, diwarnain merah dong. \pho mɛrah dɔŋ diwarnaʔin mɛrah dɔːŋ \mb merah dong di- warna -in merah dong \ge red DONG DI- color -IN red DONG \gj red DONG DI-color-IN red DONG \ft red, color it red. \nt giving the red marker to CHI. \ref 0928 \id 851840101411191101 \begin 0:26:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx hm. \pho hmː \mb hm \ge BAB \gj BAB \nt putting the marker she is using on the floor and taking the red one. \ref 0929 \id 297040120057191101 \begin 0:26:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx ih, bukain dong! \pho ʔiːih bukaʔin dɔːŋ \mb ih buka -in dong \ge EXCL open -IN DONG \gj EXCL open-IN DONG \ft ugh, open it please! \ref 0930 \id 662604120057191101 \begin 0:26:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, ya, ya. \pho ya ya yah \mb ya ya ya \ge yes yes yes \gj yes yes yes \ft yeah, yeah, yeah. \ref 0931 \id 410650120058191101 \begin 0:27:01 \sp EXPLAN \tx sini, sama Bu Guru dibukain. \pho sini sama bu guruʔ dibukaʔin \mb sini sama Bu Guru di- buka -in \ge here with TRU-mother teacher DI- open -IN \gj here with TRU-mother teacher DI-open-IN \ft here, let me open it. \nt taking the marker from CHI. \ref 0932 \id 316694120058191101 \begin 0:27:02 \sp OPAPRI \tx Jum'at Agung, pere nggak, Yanti? \pho jumʔat ʔaguŋ prɛy ŋgaʔ yantiːh \mb Jum'at Agung pere nggak Yanti \ge Friday supreme holiday NEG Yanti \gj Friday supreme holiday NEG Yanti \ft are you on your holiday on Good Friday, Yanti? \ref 0933 \id 776496120431191101 \begin 0:27:03 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt opening the cap of the marker and giving it to CHI. \ref 0934 \id 682687120058191101 \begin 0:27:05 \sp EXPYAN \tx ya, Tan(te)... Om. \pho yaːh tan ʔɔːm \mb ya Tante Om \ge yes aunt uncle \gj yes aunt uncle \ft yeah, Auntie... Uncle. \nt mistakenly calls OPA "Tante", but she changes it when realizing. \ref 0935 \id 432068120059191101 \begin 0:27:07 \sp OPAPRI \tx pere? \pho prɛː \mb pere \ge holiday \gj holiday \ft are you on your holiday? \ref 0936 \id 289649120059191101 \begin 0:27:08 \sp EXPYAN \tx kapan? \pho kapan \mb kapan \ge when \gj when \ft when? \ref 0937 \id 647793120059191101 \begin 0:27:09 \sp OPAPRI \tx Jum'at. \pho jumʔat \mb Jum'at \ge Friday \gj Friday \ft Friday. \ref 0938 \id 782938120059191101 \begin 0:27:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt starts coloring the balloon. \ref 0939 \id 554433120100191101 \begin 0:27:11 \sp OPAPRI \tx xx tata tertib, ya? \pho xx tata tərtib yaːh \mb xx tata tertib ya \ge xx system order yes \gj xx system order yes \ft xx administrator of the seats, okay? \nt asking Yanti to help him to be one of the seat administrators during the Good Friday mass. \ref 0940 \id 370888120100191101 \begin 0:27:12 \sp EXPYAN \tx itu Caecilia nyanyi, nggak? \pho ʔitu sisiliya ɲaɲi ŋgaːʔ \mb itu Caecilia nyanyi nggak \ge that Caecilia sing NEG \gj that Caecilia sing NEG \ft is Caecilia going to sing? \nt Caecilia is a name of a group of choir at church \ref 0941 \id 721584120100191101 \begin 0:27:13 \sp OPAPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0942 \id 289577120856191101 \begin 0:27:14 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, nggak. \pho ʔɔʰ ŋgaːʔ \mb o nggak \ge EXCL NEG \gj EXCL NEG \ft oh, no. \ref 0943 \id 324812120928191101 \begin 0:27:15 \sp OPAPRI \tx Sis, Jum'at Agung Caecilia nyanyi, nggak? \pho sis jumʔat ʔaguŋ sisiliya ɲaɲi ŋgaːʔ \mb Sis Jum'at Agung Caecilia nyanyi nggak \ge Fransiska Friday supreme Caecilia sing NEG \gj Fransiska Friday supreme Caecilia sing NEG \ft Sisca, is Caecilia going to sing? \ref 0944 \id 322550120955191101 \begin 0:27:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak, bukan. \pho ŋgaːʔ bukan \mb nggak bukan \ge NEG NEG \gj NEG NEG \ft no, not Cecilia. \ref 0945 \id 117684120955191101 \begin 0:27:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx bukan, WK yang nyanyi. \pho bukan wɛka yaŋ ɲaɲi \mb bukan WK yang nyanyi \ge NEG WK REL sing \gj NEG WK REL sing \ft no, WK is going to sing. \nt WK is an acronym from Wanita Katolik; a Catholic organization for women. \ref 0946 \id 329078121010191101 \begin 0:27:21 \sp EXPYAN \tx WK... oke. \pho wɛka ʔɔkɛ \mb WK oke \ge WK okay \gj WK okay \ft WK... okay then. \ref 0947 \id 922166121124191101 \begin 0:27:23 \sp OPAPRI \tx tatib, ya, di dalem? \pho tatib yaːʰ di daləm \mb tatib ya di dalem \ge regulations yes LOC inside \gj regulations yes LOC inside \ft seat administration, okay, inside the church? \ref 0948 \id 572516121124191101 \begin 0:27:24 \sp EXPYAN \tx ya... jam berapa? \pho yah jam bərapaːh \mb ya jam berapa \ge yes hour how.much \gj yes hour how.much \ft yeah... what time? \ref 0949 \id 995554121314191101 \begin 0:27:26 \sp EXPYAN \tx tiga, ya? \pho tiga yaːh \mb tiga ya \ge three yes \gj three yes \ft three, right? \ref 0950 \id 105036121322191101 \begin 0:27:26 \sp OPAPRI \tx tujuh. \pho tujuh \mb tujuh \ge seven \gj seven \ft seven. \ref 0951 \id 145200121322191101 \begin 0:27:26 \sp OPAPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0952 \id 186585121430191101 \begin 0:27:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx jam tiga. \pho jam tiːgaːh \mb jam tiga \ge hour three \gj hour three \ft at three. \ref 0953 \id 554382121553191101 \begin 0:27:28 \sp XXX \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt either Yanti or OPA. \ref 0954 \id 945390121459191101 \begin 0:27:29 \sp EXPLAN \tx ayo, kalau mewarna nggak boleh apa? \pho ʔayɔːʰ kalaw məwarna ŋgaʔ bɔlɛ ʔapaːh \mb ayo kalau me- warna nggak boleh apa \ge AYO TOP MEN- color NEG may what \gj AYO TOP MEN-color NEG may what \ft come on, what can't you do when you are coloring? \ref 0955 \id 286377121544191101 \begin 0:27:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx kok malem jadinya? \pho kɔʔ maləm jadiɲah \mb kok malem jadi -nya \ge KOK night become -NYA \gj KOK night become-NYA \ft why is it in the evening? \nt still talking to Yanti and OPA. \ref 0956 \id 408904121639191101 \begin 0:27:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx keluar garis. \pho kəlwarl galis \mb keluar garis \ge go.out line \gj go.out line \ft get out of the line. \ref 0957 \id 660058121708191101 \begin 0:27:33 \sp EXPLAN \tx he-em. \pho hə̃ʔm̩ː \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0958 \id 815278121733191101 \begin 0:27:34 \sp OPAPRI \tx ada pembasuhan rasul. \pho ʔada pəmbasuʔan rasul \mb ada pem an basuh rasul \ge exist PEN AN wash messenger \gj exist PEN.AN-wash messenger \ft there will be the washing the disciples. \ref 0959 \id 497886121755191101 \begin 0:27:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx hey, Kamis Putih itu. \pho hɛy kamis putih ʔituːʰ \mb hey Kamis Putih itu \ge hey Thursday white that \gj hey Thursday white that \ft hey, that is Maundy Thursday. \ref 0960 \id 393711121812191101 \begin 0:27:38 \sp XXX \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt OPA, MOT and Yanti are still talking. \ref 0961 \id 908102121812191101 \begin 0:27:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx kalo... Mi, kalo lampu... Mi. \pho kalɔːʔ mih kalɔ lampuːʔ miːh \mb kalo Mi kalo lampu Mi \ge TOP TRU-mommy TOP lamp TRU-mommy \gj TOP TRU-mommy TOP lamp TRU-mommy \ft if... Mom, if the light... Mom. \ref 0962 \id 898925121813191101 \begin 0:27:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃ːh \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0963 \id 555345121813191101 \begin 0:27:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx kalo lampu merah... eee... kam... lampu merah libur, nggak lampu merah? \mb kalo lampu merah eee kam lampu merah libur nggak lampu merah \ge TOP lamp red FILL BAB lamp red holiday NEG lamp red \gj TOP lamp red FILL BAB lamp red holiday NEG lamp red \ft if the light is red... umm... xx... if the light is red, are we on the holiday? \ref 0964 \id 402902121813191101 \begin 0:27:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx kenapa? \pho kənapah \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft why? \ref 0965 \id 592466121813191101 \begin 0:27:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx kalo lampu merah libur, nggak? \pho kalɔ lampu mɛlah libur ŋgaːʔ \mb kalo lampu merah libur nggak \ge TOP lamp red holiday NEG \gj TOP lamp red holiday NEG \ft are we on holiday if the light is red? \ref 0966 \id 590343121814191101 \begin 0:27:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx kok libur lampu merah? \pho kɔʔ libur lampu mɛraːh \mb kok libur lampu merah \ge KOK holiday lamp red \gj KOK holiday lamp red \ft why are we on our holiday if the light is red? \ref 0967 \id 916882122258191101 \begin 0:27:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx salah, tuh. \pho salah tuːh \mb salah tuh \ge wrong that \gj wrong that \ft you are not right. \ref 0968 \id 851523122321191101 \begin 0:27:59 \sp EXPLAN \tx lampu merah tidak boleh... jalan. \pho lampu mɛrah tidak bɔlɛh jaːlaːn \mb lampu merah tidak boleh jalan \ge lamp red NEG may walk \gj lamp red NEG may walk \ft if the light is red, we may not go on. \nt referring to the traffic light. \ref 0969 \id 369647122349191101 \begin 0:28:02 \sp EXPYAN \tx mobil harus... \pho mɔbil haruːs \mb mobil harus \ge car must \gj car must \ft cars should... \nt expecting CHI to continue her utterance. \ref 0970 \id 566445122410191101 \begin 0:28:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx berhenti. \pho bərlhəntiːʰ \mb ber- henti \ge BER- stop \gj BER-stop \ft stop. \nt fulfilling Yanti's expectation. \ref 0971 \id 654603122421191101 \begin 0:28:06 \sp EXPLAN \tx he-em. \pho həʔm̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0972 \id 935058122421191101 \begin 0:28:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx itu... kalo lampu merah kan nggak boleh ke mana-mana... juga. \mb itu kalo lampu merah kan nggak boleh ke mana - mana juga \ge that TOP lamp red KAN NEG may to which - which also \gj that TOP lamp red KAN NEG may to RED-which also \ft that... if the light is red, we may not go anywhere... either. \ref 0973 \id 342992122421191101 \begin 0:28:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ːh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0974 \id 773749122422191101 \begin 0:28:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, lampu merah nggak... \pho ʔiːyaːh lampu mɛrah ŋgaʔ \mb iya lampu merah nggak \ge yes lamp red NEG \gj yes lamp red NEG \ft right, if the light is red, we may not... \nt interrupted by CHI. \ref 0975 \id 918185122422191101 \begin 0:28:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx warna pink, dong! \pho warlna piŋ dɔːŋ \mb warna pink dong \ge color pink DONG \gj color pink DONG \ft pink, please! \nt putting the red marker on the floor. \ref 0976 \id 260638122744191101 \begin 0:28:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx mo warna pink? \pho mɔ warna piːŋ \mb mo warna pink \ge want color pink \gj want color pink \ft do you want pink? \ref 0977 \id 846007122805191101 \begin 0:28:17 \sp EXPLAN \tx nih. \pho niːh \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt giving the pink marker to CHI. \ref 0978 \id 363021122848191101 \begin 0:28:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx itu bu[?]... betul bukan warna pink? \pho ʔitu bu bətul bukan warna piŋ \mb itu bu betul bukan warna pink \ge that xx right NEG color pink \gj that xx right NEG color pink \ft that is... is it pink? \ref 0979 \id 812094122940191101 \begin 0:28:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya... liat! \pho ʔiyaːh liyat \mb iya liat \ge yes see \gj yes see \ft yeah... see! \ref 0980 \id 987891122940191101 \begin 0:28:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak... nggak keluar garis, ya? \pho ŋgaʔ ŋgaʔ kl̩uwar garis yaːh \mb nggak nggak keluar garis ya \ge NEG NEG go.out line yes \gj NEG NEG go.out line yes \ft don't...don't get out of the line, huh? \ref 0981 \id 910424122941191101 \begin 0:28:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0982 \id 326542123041191101 \begin 0:28:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx ih, pinter, ya? \pho ʔih pintər yaːh \mb ih pinter ya \ge EXCL smart yes \gj EXCL smart yes \ft wow, you are great, huh? \ref 0983 \id 602106123041191101 \begin 0:28:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx dah pinter. \pho dah piːntər \mb dah pinter \ge PFCT smart \gj PFCT smart \ft you are already great. \ref 0984 \id 613317123103191101 \begin 0:28:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx diajarin siapa, ya? \pho diʔajarin syapa yaːh \mb di- ajar -in siapa ya \ge DI- teach -IN who yes \gj DI-teach-IN who yes \ft who taught you? \ref 0985 \id 941356123126191101 \begin 0:28:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx Oma. \pho ʔɔmaːh \mb Oma \ge grandma \gj grandma \ft Grandma. \ref 0986 \id 889889123126191101 \begin 0:28:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx sama Oma? \pho sama ʔɔmaːh \mb sama Oma \ge with grandma \gj with grandma \ft grandma? \ref 0987 \id 793870123139191101 \begin 0:28:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx kenal, nggak sama Oma? \pho kənal ŋgaʔ sama ʔɔmaːh \mb kenal nggak sama Oma \ge recognize NEG with grandma \gj recognize NEG with grandma \ft do you know Grandma? \nt talking to Lanny. \ref 0988 \id 701806123139191101 \begin 0:28:32 \sp EXPLAN \tx kenal, dong. \pho kəːnaːl dɔːŋ \mb kenal dong \ge recognize DONG \gj recognize DONG \ft of course. \ref 0989 \id 469462123214191101 \begin 0:28:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx tapi panggilnya 'Tante', ya? \pho tapi paŋgilɲah tantə yaːh \mb tapi panggil -nya Tante ya \ge but call -NYA aunt yes \gj but call-NYA aunt yes \ft but you call her 'Auntie', right? \ref 0990 \id 561954123214191101 \begin 0:28:36 \sp EXPYAN \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 0991 \id 781258123329191101 \begin 0:28:38 \sp EXPLAN \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 0992 \id 218540123343191101 \begin 0:28:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'Tante'... tantenya Tante. \pho tantəː tantəɲah tantiːʰ \mb Tante tante -nya Tante \ge aunt aunt -NYA aunt \gj aunt aunt-NYA aunt \ft 'Auntie'... Aunties' auntie. \nt keeps on coloring. \ref 0993 \id 719971123344191101 \begin 0:28:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo Priska panggilnya? \pho kalɔ priskah paŋgilɲah \mb kalo Priska panggil -nya \ge TOP Priska call -NYA \gj TOP Priska call-NYA \ft how do you call her? \ref 0994 \id 674024123501191101 \begin 0:28:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'Oma.' \pho ʔɔmaːh \mb Oma \ge grandma \gj grandma \ft 'Grandma.' \ref 0995 \id 646369123528191101 \begin 0:28:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, kalo Ibu Guru panggilnya? \pho ʔɔːh kalɔ ʔibu guru paŋgilɲaːh \mb oh kalo Ibu Guru panggil -nya \ge EXCL TOP mother teacher call -NYA \gj EXCL TOP mother teacher call-NYA \ft oh, how do the teachers call her? \ref 0996 \id 244497123557191101 \begin 0:28:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'Tante.' \pho tantəːʰ \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft 'Auntie.' \ref 0997 \id 471448123557191101 \begin 0:28:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, gitu. \pho ʔɔːʰ gituːʰ \mb o gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, like that. \ref 0998 \id 650140123628191101 \begin 0:28:51 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm. \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft hmm. \ref 0999 \id 620246123650191101 \begin 0:28:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo Mami manggilnya? \pho kalɔʔ mami maŋgilɲaːh \mb kalo Mami m- panggil -nya \ge TOP mommy N- call -NYA \gj TOP mommy N-call-NYA \ft how do I call her? \ref 1000 \id 388713123650191101 \begin 0:28:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx mmm... 'Mami'. \pho m̩ː mamiːh \mb mmm Mami \ge FILL mommy \gj FILL mommy \ft umm... 'Mommy'. \ref 1001 \id 606467123806191101 \begin 0:28:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha. \pho hãː \mb ha \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1002 \id 104121123818191101 \begin 0:28:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx ha. \pho hãː \mb ha \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1003 \id 962279123824191101 \begin 0:28:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx karna itu maminya siapa? \pho karna ʔitu mamiɲah syapaːh \mb karna itu mami -nya siapa \ge because that mommy -NYA who \gj because that mommy-NYA who \ft because whose mom is she? \ref 1004 \id 654467123856191101 \begin 0:28:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx maminya Cisca. \pho mamiɲa siskaʔ \mb mami -nya Cisca \ge mommy -NYA Cisca \gj mommy-NYA Cisca \ft Cisca's mother. \ref 1005 \id 447846123926191101 \begin 0:29:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1006 \id 861018123938191101 \begin 0:29:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx Cisca tu siapa, ya? \pho siska tu syapaː yaːh \mb Cisca tu siapa ya \ge Cisca that who yes \gj Cisca that who yes \ft who is Cisca? \ref 1007 \id 649727124001191101 \begin 0:29:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx Cisca... Mami ke. \pho siskaːʰ mamiːʰ kəːʰ \mb Cisca Mami ke \ge Cisca mommy to \gj Cisca mommy to \ft Cisca is... you. \ref 1008 \id 885571124039191101 \begin 0:29:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx Maminya siapa? \pho mamiɲah syapaːh \mb Mami -nya siapa \ge mommy -NYA who \gj mommy-NYA who \ft whose mom? \ref 1009 \id 219000124957191101 \begin 0:29:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx Maminya Priska. \pho mamiɲah pliskaːh \mb Mami -nya Priska \ge mommy -NYA Priska \gj mommy-NYA Priska \ft my mom. \ref 1010 \id 349975124957191101 \begin 0:29:07 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm. \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft hmm. \ref 1011 \id 237383124958191101 \begin 0:29:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx o. \pho ʔɔː \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 1012 \id 600232124958191101 \begin 0:29:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo Bu Gurunya namanya siapa? \pho kalɔʔ bu guruʔɲa namaɲah syapaːh \mb kalo Bu Guru -nya nama -nya siapa \ge TOP TRU-mother teacher -NYA name -NYA who \gj TOP TRU-mother teacher-NYA name-NYA who \ft what are the teachers name? \ref 1013 \id 617346124958191101 \begin 0:29:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx mmm... \pho ʔm̩ː \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 1014 \id 245867124958191101 \begin 0:29:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx Bu Gurunya... \pho bu guruʔɲah \mb Bu Guru -nya \ge TRU-mother teacher -NYA \gj TRU-mother teacher-NYA \ft the teachers... \ref 1015 \id 992006124958191101 \begin 0:29:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx Tante Yanti... \pho tantə yantiːʰ \mb Tante Yanti \ge aunt Yanti \gj aunt Yanti \ft Auntie Yanti... \ref 1016 \id 776101124958191101 \begin 0:29:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh, sama? \pho hə̃ʔə̃ːh samaːʔ \mb he-eh sama \ge uh-huh with \gj uh-huh with \ft uh-huh, and who? \ref 1017 \id 844322124959191101 \begin 0:29:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx Tante Lanny. \pho tantə laniː \mb Tante Lanny \ge aunt Lanny \gj aunt Lanny \ft Auntie Lanny. \ref 1018 \id 835658124959191101 \begin 0:29:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx o. \pho ʔɔː \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 1019 \id 126434124959191101 \begin 0:29:18 \sp EXPLAN \tx he-em. \pho hə̃ʔm̩ː \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1020 \id 678689135105191101 \begin 0:29:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, waktu Priska masih kecil kan Tante Yanti doang yang dateng, nggak sama Tante... Lanny. \pho ʔɛh waktu pliska masih kəcil kan tantə yanti dɔwaŋ yaŋ datəŋ ŋgaʔ sama tantəː laniː \mb eh waktu Priska masih kecil kan Tante Yanti doang yang dateng nggak sama Tante Lanny \ge EXCL time Priska still small KAN aunt Yanti just REL come NEG with aunt Lanny \gj EXCL time Priska still small KAN aunt Yanti just REL come NEG with aunt Lanny \ft hey, when I was small, only Auntie Yanti came here, without Auntie Lanny. \ref 1021 \id 752746135315191101 \begin 0:29:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, iya. \pho ʔɔː ʔiyaːh \mb o iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, right. \ref 1022 \id 717651135332191101 \begin 0:29:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx sekarang... udah gede, ya? \pho səkaraŋ ʔuda gədɛ yaːh \mb sekarang udah gede ya \ge now PFCT big yes \gj now PFCT big yes \ft now... you are already big, huh? \ref 1023 \id 385149135358191101 \begin 0:29:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ːh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1024 \id 111660135410191101 \begin 0:29:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx jadi ada dua, ya? \pho jadi ʔada duwaʔ yaːh \mb jadi ada dua ya \ge become exist two yes \gj become exist two yes \ft so there are two, right? \ref 1025 \id 780426135430191101 \begin 0:29:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1026 \id 640711135430191101 \begin 0:29:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx berdua, ya? \pho bərduwaʔ yaːh \mb ber- dua ya \ge BER- two yes \gj BER-two yes \ft two, right? \ref 1027 \id 548419135506191101 \begin 0:29:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya, udah punya tante baru. \pho ʔiya ʔuda puɲaʔ taːntə baluː \mb iya udah punya tante baru \ge yes PFCT have aunt new \gj yes PFCT have aunt new \ft right, I have a new auntie. \ref 1028 \id 991229135553191101 \begin 0:29:35 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1029 \id 309280135837191101 \begin 0:29:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah. \pho daːh \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \ref 1030 \id 287000135850191101 \begin 0:29:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx yah, belum semua. \pho yah bəlum səmuwaːh \mb yah belum semua \ge EXCL not.yet all \gj EXCL not.yet all \ft shucks, not all yet. \nt laughing. \ref 1031 \id 225820135908191101 \begin 0:29:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1032 \id 706269135954191101 \begin 0:29:41 \sp EXPLAN \tx belum semua. \pho bəlum səmuwaːʰ \mb belum semua \ge not.yet all \gj not.yet all \ft not all yet. \ref 1033 \id 665460135917191101 \begin 0:29:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini masih kosong. \pho ʔini masi kɔsɔːŋ \mb ini masih kosong \ge this still empty \gj this still empty \ft this is still empty. \nt 1. still laughing. 2. =this is not fully colored. \ref 1034 \id 781907140339191101 \begin 0:29:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini... ini penuh nih. \pho ʔini ʔini pənuːh niːh \mb ini ini penuh nih \ge this this full this \gj this this full this \ft this... this one is full. \nt referring to the picture of balloon which is fully colored. \ref 1035 \id 339206140400191101 \begin 0:29:44 \sp @End \tx @End \nt the analysis is not finished yet.