\_sh v3.0 400 Text \_DateStampHasFourDigitYear \ref 0001 \id 523936083844010201 \sp @PAR \tx @Participants: CHI Priska target child; MOT CHI’s mother; VAN Irvan CHI’s uncle; EXP Yanti experimenter. \pho @Filename: 013-PRI-100600.fm \ft @Duration: 38:57 minutes \nt @Situation: playing with the koala dolls, the shape-puzzle, and the flutes, which belong to CHI, and also with the bedroom set that EXP brought at CHI’s grandmother’s living room. The bedroom set consists of two iron beds, two mattresses, two bed sheets, two bookcases, two chairs, a drawer, a female doll, a male doll. \ref 0002 \id 802557083909010201 \begin 0:00:06 \sp @Begin \tx @Begin \ref 0003 \id 888680083910010201 \begin 0:00:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx ada. \pho ʔaːda \mb ada \ge exist \gj exist \ft it's here. \nt taking the toys out of the plastic bag. \ref 0004 \id 275866083910010201 \begin 0:00:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx sama. \pho samːaʔ \mb sama \ge same \gj same \ft the same. \ref 0005 \id 289313083911010201 \begin 0:00:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh apa? \pho tuː apaʰ \mb tuh apa \ge that what \gj that what \ft what's that? \nt pointing at the toy CHI is holding. \ref 0006 \id 390493083911010201 \begin 0:00:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx bawah, di bawah. \pho bawah di bawah \mb bawah di bawah \ge under LOC under \gj under LOC under \ft down, down. \nt telling CHI to put the toys on the floor. \ref 0007 \id 834933083912010201 \begin 0:00:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx sini Smartiesnya. \pho ciniʰ smartɪsɲaʰ \mb sini Smarties -nya \ge here Smarties -NYA \gj here Smarties-NYA \ft give me the Smarties. \nt 1. asking CHI to give her the empty pack of Smarties. 2. 'Smarties' is referring to a brand of chocolate. \ref 0008 \id 540558083912010201 \begin 0:00:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \nt giving MOT the empty pack of Smarties. \ref 0009 \id 272647083913010201 \begin 0:00:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx itu kosong, udah kosong. \pho ituʰ kɔsɔŋ ʔuda kɔsɔŋ \mb itu kosong udah kosong \ge that empty PFCT empty \gj that empty PFCT empty \ft that's empty, it's already empty. \nt putting the empty pack away. \ref 0010 \id 184700083913010201 \begin 0:00:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx kok, Smartiesnya kan dah jelek. \pho kɔʔ sumatɪsɲa kan dət jəːlɛk \mb kok Smarties -nya kan dah jelek \ge KOK Smarties -NYA KAN PFCT bad \gj KOK Smarties-NYA KAN PFCT bad \ft the Smarties are bad. \nt playing with the toy bed-sets. \ref 0011 \id 765908083914010201 \begin 0:00:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx ke Smarties. \pho kə sumaːtis \mb ke Smarties \ge to Smarties \gj to Smarties \ft the Smarties. \nt ** should be 'Smarties' (wrong use of proposition "ke" because Smarties refers to the brand of chocolate and not a location/place or mispronouncing the word 'Smarties'). \ref 0012 \id 532292083914010201 \begin 0:00:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan? \pho khãːn \mb kan \ge KAN \gj KAN \ft right? \ref 0013 \id 849585083915010201 \begin 0:00:23 \sp EXPYAN \tx diapain? \pho diapaɪn \mb di- apa -in \ge DI- what -IN \gj DI-what-IN \ft what are you doing? \nt speaking together with CHI. \ref 0014 \id 654341143104010201 \begin 0:00:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx Smarties kan jelek, kalo Smarties. \pho sumatis kan jəːlɛk kalə s̩məs̩ \mb Smarties kan jelek kalo Smarties \ge Smarties KAN bad TOP Smarties \gj Smarties KAN bad TOP Smarties \ft the Smarties are bad, the Smarties. \ref 0015 \id 120062143105010201 \begin 0:00:27 \sp EXPYAN \tx jelek? \pho jəlek \mb jelek \ge bad \gj bad \ft bad? \ref 0016 \id 682712143106010201 \begin 0:00:28 \sp EXPYAN \tx ya, nggak usah dibeli deh. \pho yaː ŋga usaʰ dibli dɛʰ \mb ya nggak usah di- beli deh \ge yes NEG must DI- buy DEH \gj yes NEG must DI-buy DEH \ft then I won't buy them. \ref 0017 \id 859482143107010201 \begin 0:00:30 \sp EXPYAN \tx kalo jelek nggak usah dibeli lagi, ya? \pho kalɔ jəlɛk ŋga usa dibli lagi yah \mb kalo jelek nggak usah di- beli lagi ya \ge TOP bad NEG must DI- buy more yes \gj TOP bad NEG must DI-buy more yes \ft if it is ugly, I won't buy again, okay? \ref 0018 \id 931335143107010201 \begin 0:00:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyaʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0019 \id 765649143108010201 \begin 0:00:33 \sp EXPYAN \tx ya? \pho ʔiyah \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes? \ref 0020 \id 683942143108010201 \begin 0:00:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0021 \id 838802143109010201 \begin 0:00:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt putting down the toys on the floor. \ref 0022 \id 769971143109010201 \begin 0:00:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx mmm, yo ada ininya juga. \pho hmː ʔiyɔ ʔada ʔiniɲa jugaʔ \mb mmm yo ada ini -nya juga \ge FILL EXCL exist this -NYA also \gj FILL EXCL exist this-NYA also \ft mmm, hey, here is also this thing. \nt picking out the toy bed-sets one by one from the plastic bag. \ref 0023 \id 422165143110010201 \begin 0:00:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking out the toy bed-sets from the plastic bag. \ref 0024 \id 336414143110010201 \begin 0:00:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx ada apanya? \pho ʔada apanya \mb ada apa -nya \ge exist what -NYA \gj exist what-NYA \ft what do you have? \nt asking about the pieces of the bed set. \ref 0025 \id 924891143111010201 \begin 0:00:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni apa sih? \pho ni apa siʰ \mb ni apa sih \ge this what SIH \gj this what SIH \ft what is this? \nt taking out the toy bookcase and showing it to CHI. \ref 0026 \id 473245143111010201 \begin 0:00:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx wah, tempat apa nih? \pho waːh təmpat ʔapa nih \mb wah tempat apa nih \ge EXCL place what this \gj EXCL place what this \ft wow, what place is this for? \nt taking the toy bookcase from MOT. \ref 0027 \id 238006143112010201 \begin 0:00:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx tempat baju. \pho əmpat bajuː \mb tempat baju \ge place garment \gj place garment \ft it's a wardrobe. \nt actually a toy bookcase. \ref 0028 \id 284596143112010201 \begin 0:00:55 \sp EXPYAN \tx (tem)pat baju. \pho pat bajuː \mb tempat baju \ge place garment \gj place garment \ft it's a wardrobe. \ref 0029 \id 308560143113010201 \begin 0:00:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx taro di mana tempat bajunya? \pho tarɔ di mana təmpat bajuɲa \mb taro di mana tempat baju -nya \ge put LOC which place garment -NYA \gj put LOC which place garment-NYA \ft where shall we put the wardrobe? \ref 0030 \id 774267143114010201 \begin 0:01:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx taro di sini aj(a)... \pho tarɔ di sini aj \mb taro di sini aja \ge put LOC here just \gj put LOC here just \ft put it right here... \nt putting the two bookcase-toys on her left side. \ref 0031 \id 619329143114010201 \begin 0:01:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx ato di sini. \pho ʔaɔ di siniʰ \mb ato di sini \ge or LOC here \gj or LOC here \ft or right here. \nt moving the two bookcase-toys to her right side. \ref 0032 \id 282513143115010201 \begin 0:01:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, boleh. \pho ʰyaː bɔːlɛːʰ \mb ya boleh \ge yes may \gj yes may \ft okay. \ref 0033 \id 415199143115010201 \begin 0:01:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx trus, ada apa lagi? \pho trus daʔ apaʔ laːgi \mb trus ada apa lagi \ge continue exist what more \gj continue exist what more \ft what else is there? \nt peeking into the inside of the plastic bag again. \ref 0034 \id 258545143116010201 \begin 0:01:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx Kiki Kokonya keluarin nggak Kiki Koko? \pho kiki kɔkɔɲa kluwarɪn ŋgaʔ kiki kɔkɔ \mb Kiki Koko -nya keluar -in nggak Kiki Koko \ge Kiki Koko -NYA go.out -IN NEG Kiki Koko \gj Kiki Koko-NYA go.out-IN NEG Kiki Koko \ft what about Kiki and Koko, shall we take them out? \nt Kiki and Koko are the names of the koala dolls, which belong to CHI. \ref 0035 \id 782103143116010201 \begin 0:01:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx keluarin. \pho kluwarɪn \mb keluar -in \ge go.out -IN \gj go.out-IN \ft yes, take them out. \ref 0036 \id 933665143117010201 \begin 0:01:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft what? \nt moving to get the koala dolls. \ref 0037 \id 330414143117010201 \begin 0:01:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho hiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0038 \id 885749143118010201 \begin 0:01:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx diambil? \pho diambil \mb di- ambil \ge DI- take \gj DI-take \ft shall I take it? \ref 0039 \id 501323143118010201 \begin 0:01:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx mae(nan)... maenannya, maenan... \pho maɛ maɛnnanɲaː maɛnan \mb maen -an maen -an -nya maen -an \ge play -AN play -AN -NYA play -AN \gj play-AN play-AN-NYA play-AN \ft the toys... the toys... \nt EXP is showing a male doll to CHI. \ref 0040 \id 557908143119010201 \begin 0:01:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx maenan bapak-bapakannya nggak us...ah. \pho maɛnan bapabapaʔanɲa ŋgaʔ us hah \mb maen -an bapak - bapak -an -nya nggak usah \ge play -AN father - father -AN -NYA NEG must \gj play-AN RED.AN-father-NYA NEG must \ft we don't need the toy male doll. \nt referring to the male puppet. \ref 0041 \id 281503143119010201 \begin 0:01:21 \sp EXPYAN \tx ya? \pho yah \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes? \ref 0042 \id 532288143120010201 \begin 0:01:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx maenan bapak-bapakannya nggak usah. \pho maɛnan bapabapaʔanɲa ŋga ʔusah \mb maen -an bapak - bapak -an -nya nggak usah \ge play -AN father - father -AN -NYA NEG must \gj play-AN RED.AN-father-NYA NEG must \ft we don't need the toy male doll. \ref 0043 \id 780324143120010201 \begin 0:01:23 \sp EXPYAN \tx nggak usah ini? \pho ŋga ʔusah iniʰ \mb nggak usah ini \ge NEG must this \gj NEG must this \ft we don't need this one? \nt referring to the hand puppets EXP is holding. \ref 0044 \id 730472143121010201 \begin 0:01:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋ̩gaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0045 \id 755801143121010201 \begin 0:01:25 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, ni nggak usah? \pho ʔɔ̃ n̩i ŋga usah \mb o ni nggak usah \ge EXCL this NEG must \gj EXCL this NEG must \ft oh, we don't need this one? \ref 0046 \id 776089143122010201 \begin 0:01:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx usah. \pho ʔusah \mb usah \ge must \gj must \ft no need. \nt 1**should be 'nggak usah'. 2. looking at EXP putting back the male doll into the plastic bag. \ref 0047 \id 644097143122010201 \begin 0:01:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx kenapa? \pho kənapaː \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft why? \ref 0048 \id 751809143123010201 \begin 0:01:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx he usah... \pho ʔə ʔuːsah \mb he usah \ge FILL must \gj FILL must \ft no need... \nt **'usah' should be 'nggak usah'. \ref 0049 \id 273234143123010201 \begin 0:01:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx tak usah, nggak mau. \pho tat ʔusa ŋgaʔ mauː \mb tak usah nggak mau \ge NEG must NEG want \gj NEG must NEG want \ft no need, I don't want it. \ref 0050 \id 148905143124010201 \begin 0:01:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak mau apa? \pho ŋgaʔ maw apah \mb nggak mau apa \ge NEG want what \gj NEG want what \ft what you don't want? \nt giving CHI the koala dolls and sitting next to her. \ref 0051 \id 818361090151020201 \begin 0:01:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak mau maen bapak-bapakannya. \pho ŋ̩ga mau maɛn bapaʔbapaʔanɲa \mb nggak mau maen bapak - bapak -an -nya \ge NEG want play father - father -AN -NYA \gj NEG want play RED.AN-father-NYA \ft I don't want to play with the male doll. \nt referring to the puppet dolls EXP was holding. \ref 0052 \id 111575090151020201 \begin 0:01:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx lemarinya taro di sini. \pho ləmariɲa tarɔ di siniː \mb lemari -nya taro di sini \ge cupboard -NYA put LOC here \gj cupboard-NYA put LOC here \ft let's put the cupboard here. \nt putting the toy bookcases on her right side. \ref 0053 \id 247950090152020201 \begin 0:01:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx tempat tidurnya ditaro deket sini. \pho təmpat tidurɲa ditarɔ dəkət siniː \mb tempat tidur -nya di- taro deket sini \ge place lie.down -NYA DI- put near here \gj place lie.down-NYA DI-put near here \ft let's put the beds near here. \nt putting the toy beds in front of her. \ref 0054 \id 903118090152020201 \begin 0:01:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx pake... \pho pakɛʔ \mb pake \ge use \gj use \ft put this on... \nt putting the mattresses on the toy beds. \ref 0055 \id 819526090153020201 \begin 0:01:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini? \pho iniʰ \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one? \nt giving the first koala doll to MOT. \ref 0056 \id 794418090153020201 \begin 0:01:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx inih? \pho inih \mb inih \ge this \gj this \ft this one? \nt pointing at the first koala doll. \ref 0057 \id 903005090154020201 \begin 0:01:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \nt tidying up the toy beds and the toy mattresses. \ref 0058 \id 727312090154020201 \begin 0:01:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini? \pho n̩ih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one? \nt giving the second koala doll to MOT. \ref 0059 \id 750920090155020201 \begin 0:01:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini? \pho ʔiːnih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft these ones? \nt showing both chair-toys to MOT. \ref 0060 \id 630716090155020201 \begin 0:01:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya... \pho ĩːya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes... \ref 0061 \id 858586090156020201 \begin 0:01:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx inih? \pho inih \mb inih \ge this \gj this \ft these ones? \nt showing both chair-toys to MOT. \ref 0062 \id 278309090156020201 \begin 0:01:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, taro di mana? \pho yaː tarɔ di mana \mb iya taro di mana \ge yes put LOC which \gj yes put LOC which \ft yes, where shall we put them? \nt still busy with the toy beds and the toy mattresses. \ref 0063 \id 519279180845131003 \begin 0:01:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska yang taro. \pho prɪska yaŋ tarɔ \mb Priska yang taro \ge Priska REL put \gj Priska REL put \ft you place them. \nt referring to the toy beds and the toy mattresses. \ref 0064 \id 848608090157020201 \begin 0:01:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx bangkunya di mana taronya? \pho baŋkuʔɲa di mana tarɔɲa \mb bangku -nya di mana taro -nya \ge seat -NYA LOC which put -NYA \gj seat-NYA LOC which put-NYA \ft where shall we put the chairs? \ref 0065 \id 884136090157020201 \begin 0:01:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh, di situ aja, ya? \pho hə̃ʔəː di situ aja yah \mb he-eh di situ aja ya \ge uh-huh LOC there just yes \gj uh-huh LOC there just yes \ft uh huh, just over there, okay? \nt pointing at the other side of MOT. \ref 0066 \id 404480090158020201 \begin 0:01:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx boleh. \pho bɔlɛːʰ \mb boleh \ge may \gj may \ft okay. \ref 0067 \id 103525090158020201 \begin 0:02:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt moving to the other side of MOT to place the toy-chairs. \ref 0068 \id 856975090159020201 \begin 0:02:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx Ba...paknya nggak usah dah. \pho bap paʔɲa ŋaʔ usa dah \mb Bapak -nya nggak usah dah \ge father -NYA NEG must PFCT \gj father-NYA NEG must PFCT \ft no need to play with the male doll. \ref 0069 \id 196496090159020201 \begin 0:02:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah... gitu. \pho daːh giːtuh \mb dah gitu \ge PFCT like.that \gj PFCT like.that \ft okay... like that. \nt going back to the previous place. \ref 0070 \id 125702090200020201 \begin 0:02:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska duduk di situ nggak? \pho priska duduʔ di situ ŋ̩gaʔ \mb Priska duduk di situ nggak \ge Priska sit LOC there NEG \gj Priska sit LOC there NEG \ft am I going to sit there or not? \nt pointing to the toy chairs at the other side of MOT. \ref 0071 \id 975191090200020201 \begin 0:02:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya? \pho yaːʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft really? \ref 0072 \id 752131090201020201 \begin 0:02:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak muat. \pho ŋgaʔ muːwat \mb nggak muat \ge NEG contain \gj NEG contain \ft it won't fit. \nt =it's too small; referring to the toy chair. \ref 0073 \id 281658090201020201 \begin 0:02:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah... \pho naːh \mb nah \ge NAH \gj NAH \ft so... \ref 0074 \id 434708090202020201 \begin 0:02:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx kenapa, nggak muatnya kenapa? \pho kənapa ŋgaʔ muwatɲa kənapa \mb kenapa nggak muat -nya kenapa \ge why NEG contain -NYA why \gj why NEG contain-NYA why \ft why, it won't fit why? \ref 0075 \id 546715090202020201 \begin 0:02:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan... kan kalo tempat... duduknya Priska kan gede. \pho kaːn kan kalɔ təmpat dudukɲa prɪska kan gədeːʔ \mb kan kan kalo tempat duduk -nya Priska kan gede \ge KAN KAN TOP place sit -NYA Priska KAN big \gj KAN KAN TOP place sit-NYA Priska KAN big \ft because... because my chair is big. \ref 0076 \id 258845090203020201 \begin 0:02:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, gede. \pho ʔoː gədeː \mb o gede \ge EXCL big \gj EXCL big \ft oh, it is big. \ref 0077 \id 422479090203020201 \begin 0:02:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo ini gede apa kecil? \pho kalɔ ini gəde apa kəcil \mb kalo ini gede apa kecil \ge TOP this big what small \gj TOP this big what small \ft how about this one, is it big or small? \nt pointing at the toy-chair. \ref 0078 \id 218213090204020201 \begin 0:02:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx kecil. \pho kəcil \mb kecil \ge small \gj small \ft it is small. \ref 0079 \id 621359090204020201 \begin 0:02:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, kecil. \pho ʔɔ kəciːl \mb o kecil \ge EXCL small \gj EXCL small \ft oh, it is small. \ref 0080 \id 199366090205020201 \begin 0:02:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx buat tempat duduknya... ini, ya? \pho buwat təmpat dudukɲaː ʔn̩i yaʰ \mb buat tempat duduk -nya ini ya \ge for place sit -NYA this yes \gj for place sit-NYA this yes \ft it is the chair for... this one, isn't it? \nt showing CHI one of the koala dolls. \ref 0081 \id 661567090205020201 \begin 0:02:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-em, yuk dudukin! \pho mʰ yuʔ dudukiːn \mb he-em yuk duduk -in \ge uh-huh AYO sit -IN \gj uh-huh AYO sit-IN \ft uh-huh, make it sit! \ref 0082 \id 982195090206020201 \begin 0:02:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx dudukin? \pho dudukiːn \mb duduk -in \ge sit -IN \gj sit-IN \ft make it sit? \nt putting the koala doll on one of the toy chairs. \ref 0083 \id 576347090206020201 \begin 0:02:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini? \pho ʔinih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft how about this one? \nt pointing at another toy chair. \ref 0084 \id 577910090207020201 \begin 0:02:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang satu? \pho yaŋ satuː \mb yang satu \ge REL one \gj REL one \ft the other one? \nt taking the other koala doll. \ref 0085 \id 744304090207020201 \begin 0:02:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx inih. \pho inih \mb inih \ge this \gj this \ft this one. \nt pointing at the other koala doll in MOT's hand. \ref 0086 \id 142373090208020201 \begin 0:02:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini? \pho ʔn̩iːʰ \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one? \ref 0087 \id 366207090208020201 \begin 0:02:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang ini? \pho yaŋ ini \mb yang ini \ge REL this \gj REL this \ft this one? \ref 0088 \id 349285090209020201 \begin 0:02:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-em. \pho hmʔmh \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0089 \id 351837090209020201 \begin 0:02:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx Si... Koko? \pho siː kɔkɔ \mb Si Koko \ge PERS Koko \gj PERS Koko \ft Koko? \nt putting the second koala doll on the other toy chair. \ref 0090 \id 944920090210020201 \begin 0:02:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx Si Koko sama Kiki. \pho si kɔkɔ sama kikiʔ \mb Si Koko sama Kiki \ge PERS Koko with Kiki \gj PERS Koko with Kiki \ft Koko and Kiki. \ref 0091 \id 486704090210020201 \begin 0:02:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʰyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0092 \id 557007090211020201 \begin 0:02:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx Kiki, Kiki nggak pake baju. \pho kʰikʰi kiki ŋga pakɛ bajuʔ \mb Kiki Kiki nggak pake baju \ge Kiki Kiki NEG use garment \gj Kiki Kiki NEG use garment \ft Kiki, Kiki doesn't wear clothes. \ref 0093 \id 436140090211020201 \begin 0:02:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, iya. \pho ʰɔː iyaʰ \mb o iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, yes. \ref 0094 \id 319269090212020201 \begin 0:02:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx ntar maen... \pho ntar maɛn \mb ntar maen \ge moment play \gj moment play \ft we'll play... \ref 0095 \id 773367090212020201 \begin 0:02:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx suruh mandi dulu! \pho suluʰ mandi dulu \mb suruh mandi dulu \ge order bathe before \gj order bathe before \ft ask it to take a shower! \nt taking the other koala doll which does not wear clothes. \ref 0096 \id 796027090213020201 \begin 0:02:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx mandi dulu kayak Priska. \pho mandi dulu kayaʔ priskaː \mb mandi dulu kayak Priska \ge bathe before like Priska \gj bathe before like Priska \ft take a shower like you. \ref 0097 \id 948211090213020201 \begin 0:02:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx Si Kiki. \pho si kiki \mb Si Kiki \ge PERS Kiki \gj PERS Kiki \ft Kiki. \nt playing with one of the koala dolls. \ref 0098 \id 908523090214020201 \begin 0:02:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx Si Kiki. \pho si kiki \mb Si Kiki \ge PERS Kiki \gj PERS Kiki \ft Kiki. \ref 0099 \id 767092090214020201 \begin 0:03:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx Si Kiki. \pho s̩ kiki \mb Si Kiki \ge PERS Kiki \gj PERS Kiki \ft Kiki. \ref 0100 \id 638802090215020201 \begin 0:03:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx Si Kiki ini bukan? \pho s̩ kiki ʔini bukan \mb Si Kiki ini bukan \ge PERS Kiki this NEG \gj PERS Kiki this NEG \ft is this Kiki, or not? \nt showing the koala doll in her hand to MOT. \ref 0101 \id 868254090216020201 \begin 0:03:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, itu boleh, itu Si Kiki, ya? \pho hyaː ʔitu bɔlɛː itʊ si kiki yaʰ \mb ya itu boleh itu Si Kiki ya \ge yes that may that PERS Kiki yes \gj yes that may that PERS Kiki yes \ft yes, it is, it's Kiki, right? \ref 0102 \id 433020090805070201 \begin 0:03:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah. \pho daːh \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft okay. \nt putting one of the koala dolls inside the drawer, then taking it out again to show that it has taken a shower. \ref 0103 \id 977576090806070201 \begin 0:03:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx Si Kiki... \pho siː kikiʔ \mb Si Kiki \ge PERS Kiki \gj PERS Kiki \ft Kiki... \nt putting one of the koala dolls back on its chair. \ref 0104 \id 337624090807070201 \begin 0:03:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx Kikinya udah mandi? \pho kikiɲa uda mandiː \mb Kiki -nya udah mandi \ge Kiki -NYA PFCT bathe \gj Kiki-NYA PFCT bathe \ft has Kiki taken a shower? \ref 0105 \id 567627090807070201 \begin 0:03:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx Si Koko... \pho si kɔkkɔː \mb Si Koko \ge PERS Koko \gj PERS Koko \ft Koko... \nt taking the other koala doll. \ref 0106 \id 731995090808070201 \begin 0:03:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx sekarang Si Koko? \pho skaraŋ si kɔkɔː \mb sekarang Si Koko \ge now PERS Koko \gj now PERS Koko \ft now, Koko? \ref 0107 \id 254233090808070201 \begin 0:03:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx Si Koko hebat, mandi sendiri. \pho si kɔkɔ hɛbbat m̩ndi səndili \mb Si Koko hebat mandi sen- diri \ge PERS Koko great bathe SE- self \gj PERS Koko great bathe SE-self \ft Koko is great, he's taking a shower by himself. \nt trying to put the koala doll inside the drawer, to show that it is going to take a shower. \ref 0108 \id 140453090809070201 \begin 0:03:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx mandi sendiri... \pho mandi səndiri \mb mandi sen- diri \ge bathe SE- self \gj bathe SE-self \ft he's taking a shower by himself... \nt repeating CHI. \ref 0109 \id 509293090810070201 \begin 0:03:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx Si Koko... yah, nggak masuk. \pho si kɔkɔ yaː ŋgaʔ maːsuk \mb Si Koko yah nggak masuk \ge PERS Koko EXCL NEG go.in \gj PERS Koko EXCL NEG go.in \ft Koko... oh no, it can't get in. \nt 1. still trying to put the koala doll inside the drawer. 2. "Si Koko" is uttered together with MOT's utterance. \ref 0110 \id 410884090810070201 \begin 0:03:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx Si Koko hebat, mandi sendiri. \pho s̩ kɔkɔː hɛbat mndi səndiːli \mb Si Koko hebat mandi sen- diri \ge PERS Koko great bathe SE- self \gj PERS Koko great bathe SE-self \ft Koko is great, he's taking a shower by himself. \nt successfully putting the koala doll inside the drawer. \ref 0111 \id 635248090811070201 \begin 0:03:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx wah, mandi sendiri. \pho wah mandi səndiːli \mb wah mandi sen- diri \ge EXCL bathe SE- self \gj EXCL bathe SE-self \ft wow, he's taking a shower by himself. \nt leaving the koala doll and the drawer showing that the koala doll is taking a shower by itself. \ref 0112 \id 537989090811070201 \begin 0:03:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo Priska? \pho kalɔ priska \mb kalo Priska \ge TOP Priska \gj TOP Priska \ft how about you? \ref 0113 \id 289538090812070201 \begin 0:03:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx mandinya dimandiin. \pho mandiɲa dimandiʔin \mb mandi -nya di- mandi -in \ge bathe -NYA DI- bathe -IN \gj bathe-NYA DI-bathe-IN \ft to have a bath I have somebody showering me. \ref 0114 \id 581331090812070201 \begin 0:03:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh... \pho hə̃ː \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh... \ref 0115 \id 651378090813070201 \begin 0:03:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni, ditaro gini, dong. \pho ni ditarɔʔ gini dɔːŋ \mb ni di- taro gini dong \ge this DI- put like.this DONG \gj this DI-put like.this DONG \ft this should be put like this. \nt playing with one of the toy beds, taking the mattress and putting it back again on the bed, trying to tidy it up. \ref 0116 \id 725895090813070201 \begin 0:03:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx apa? \pho ʔapaː \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0117 \id 344556090814070201 \begin 0:03:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya udah, itu udah rapih, kan? \pho ʔiːya uda itu uda rapi kan \mb iya udah itu udah rapih kan \ge yes PFCT that PFCT neat KAN \gj yes PFCT that PFCT neat KAN \ft well, yes, they are neat already, aren't they? \nt CHI is still playing with the toy beds. \ref 0118 \id 966290090814070201 \begin 0:03:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx mmm, dah. \pho mː dah \mb mmm dah \ge FILL PFCT \gj FILL PFCT \ft hem, yes. \nt leaving the toy bed. \ref 0119 \id 557696090815070201 \begin 0:03:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx tempat tidurnya rapih, nggak? \pho təmpat tidurɲa rapi ŋgaʔ \mb tempat tidur -nya rapih nggak \ge place lie.down -NYA neat NEG \gj place lie.down-NYA neat NEG \ft are the beds neat or not? \ref 0120 \id 310732090815070201 \begin 0:03:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx ndak. \pho n̩daʔ \mb ndak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0121 \id 387447090816070201 \begin 0:03:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak? \pho ʔŋ̩gaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no? \ref 0122 \id 934359090816070201 \begin 0:03:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx rapihin dong, kalo nggak rapih! \pho rapihin dɔŋ kalɔ ŋgaʔ rapiʰ \mb rapih -in dong kalo nggak rapih \ge neat -IN DONG TOP NEG neat \gj neat-IN DONG TOP NEG neat \ft if they are not neat, then tidy them up! \ref 0123 \id 304027090817070201 \begin 0:03:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini kan lagi di kamarnya. \pho n̩i kan lagi di kamarhɲa \mb ini kan lagi di kamar -nya \ge this KAN more LOC room -NYA \gj this KAN more LOC room-NYA \ft this is in its room. \nt 1. playing with the toy bed again, taking the mattress and putting it back again. 2. 'ini' is referring to an unclear context, (if 'ini' is referring to the bed-toy) 'kamarnya' should be 'kamar', (if 'ini' is referring to the koala doll) 'kamarnya' is correct. \ref 0124 \id 196330090817070201 \begin 0:04:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah. \pho daːh \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft okay. \nt leaving the toy beds again. \ref 0125 \id 931973090818070201 \begin 0:04:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, udah. \pho ya uːdah \mb ya udah \ge yes PFCT \gj yes PFCT \ft yes. \ref 0126 \id 699107090818070201 \begin 0:04:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah, dah mandi. \pho daːh da mandi \mb dah dah mandi \ge PFCT PFCT bathe \gj PFCT PFCT bathe \ft okay, done with the shower. \nt taking the koala doll out of the drawer, which shows that it has finished taking a shower. \ref 0127 \id 107263090819070201 \begin 0:04:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah, ini kamar mandi di se(belah)... di sebelah sini, kamar mandi. \pho naː ini kamar mandi di sɛ di səbla sini kamar mandiː \mb nah ini kamar mandi di se- belah di se- belah sini kamar mandi \ge NAH this room bathe LOC SE- side LOC SE- side here room bathe \gj NAH this room bathe LOC SE-side LOC SE-side here room bathe \ft now, the bathroom should be here, the bathroom. \nt taking the drawer from CHI and putting it on the floor. \ref 0128 \id 671156090819070201 \begin 0:04:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx dah. \pho daːʰ \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft okay. \ref 0129 \id 130233090820070201 \begin 0:04:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx trus bobo. \pho trus boboː \mb trus bobo \ge continue sleep \gj continue sleep \ft and then, sleep. \nt putting on of the koala dolls on one of the toy beds. \ref 0130 \id 631102090820070201 \begin 0:04:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx bobo... bobo? \pho bobo boːbo \mb bobo bobo \ge sleep sleep \gj sleep sleep \ft sleep... sleep? \nt CHI is taking the other koala doll and putting it on the other bed-toys too. \ref 0131 \id 152690090821070201 \begin 0:04:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx udah malem? \pho ʔuda maːləm \mb udah malem \ge PFCT night \gj PFCT night \ft is it night already? \ref 0132 \id 965005090821070201 \begin 0:04:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah malem. \pho da maləm \mb dah malem \ge PFCT night \gj PFCT night \ft it is night. \ref 0133 \id 563578090822070201 \begin 0:04:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx deketin. \pho dəkəteːn \mb deket -in \ge near -IN \gj near-IN \ft let me put them closer. \nt bringing the two toy beds closer to each other. \ref 0134 \id 167269090822070201 \begin 0:04:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, deketin. \pho ʔɔ dəkətiːn \mb o deket -in \ge EXCL near -IN \gj EXCL near-IN \ft oh, you're putting them closer. \ref 0135 \id 293878090823070201 \begin 0:04:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx eee... \pho ʔɔː \mb eee \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft eee... \ref 0136 \id 627378090823070201 \begin 0:04:18 \sp EXPYAN \tx sebelum, sebelum bobo ngapain dulu... kalo malem? \pho səbəlum səbəlum bobo ngapain duluː kalɔ maləm \mb se- belum se- belum bobo ng- apa -in dulu kalo malem \ge SE- not.yet SE- not.yet sleep N- what -IN before TOP night \gj SE-not.yet SE-not.yet sleep N-what-IN before TOP night \ft what do you do at night, before you go to sleep? \ref 0137 \id 566965090824070201 \begin 0:04:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx bobo dulu. \pho boboʔ duːluː \mb bobo dulu \ge sleep before \gj sleep before \ft I sleep first. \ref 0138 \id 398228090824070201 \begin 0:04:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx berdoa dulu. \pho bərdɔʔaʔ duluː \mb ber- doa dulu \ge BER- prayer before \gj BER-prayer before \ft you pray first. \ref 0139 \id 330895090825070201 \begin 0:04:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx bobo dulu. \pho boboʔ duːlu \mb bobo dulu \ge sleep before \gj sleep before \ft I sleep first. \ref 0140 \id 862311090825070201 \begin 0:04:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx lho? \pho lɔh \mb lho \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft huh? \ref 0141 \id 776324090826070201 \begin 0:04:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx kok, bobo dulu? \pho koʔ bobo dulu \mb kok bobo dulu \ge KOK sleep before \gj KOK sleep before \ft why you sleep first? \ref 0142 \id 995482090826070201 \begin 0:04:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx berdoa dulu sebelum bobo. \pho bərdɔʔa dulu səbəlum boboʔ \mb ber- doa dulu se- belum bobo \ge BER- prayer before SE- not.yet sleep \gj BER-prayer before SE-not.yet sleep \ft you pray first before you go to sleep. \nt CHI is taking one of the toy-chairs. \ref 0143 \id 694978090827070201 \begin 0:04:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx abis berdoa terus bobo. \pho ʔabis bərdɔʔa tərus bobo \mb abis ber- doa terus bobo \ge finished BER- prayer continue sleep \gj finished BER-prayer continue sleep \ft after praying then you go to sleep. \ref 0144 \id 919469090827070201 \begin 0:04:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx berdoanya gimana berdoanya? \pho bərdɔʔaɲa gimana berdɔʔaɲa \mb ber- doa -nya gimana ber- doa -nya \ge BER- prayer -NYA how BER- prayer -NYA \gj BER-prayer-NYA how BER-prayer-NYA \ft how do you pray? \nt addressing CHI who is playing with one of the toy chairs. \ref 0145 \id 232026090828070201 \begin 0:04:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx ajarin dong, Kiki ama Kokonya! \pho ʔajarɪn dɔŋ kiki ʔama kokoɲa \mb ajar -in dong Kiki ama Koko -nya \ge teach -IN DONG Kiki with Koko -NYA \gj teach-IN DONG Kiki with Koko-NYA \ft come on, teach Kiki and Koko! \ref 0146 \id 564273090828070201 \begin 0:04:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋ̩gaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0147 \id 152053090829070201 \begin 0:04:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãː \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0148 \id 161498090829070201 \begin 0:04:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx taro sini, ya? \pho talɔ sini yaː \mb taro sini ya \ge put here yes \gj put here yes \ft I'll put it here, okay? \nt putting the toy chair back on the floor. \ref 0149 \id 509066090830070201 \begin 0:04:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx (i)ni kan... \pho ni kan \mb ini kan \ge this KAN \gj this KAN \ft this is... \nt pointing at one of the bookcases. \ref 0150 \id 185362090831070201 \begin 0:04:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh, Priska nggak pernah sembahyang, ya? \pho həː priska ŋga pərna səmbayaŋ yaʰ \mb heh Priska nggak pernah sembahyang ya \ge EXCL Priska NEG ever pray yes \gj EXCL Priska NEG ever pray yes \ft hey, you never pray, right? \nt expressing disapproval or disagreement. \ref 0151 \id 195942090832070201 \begin 0:04:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx merah. \pho mɛlaːʰ \mb merah \ge red \gj red \ft red. \nt pointing at the red toy bookcase. \ref 0152 \id 712105090832070201 \begin 0:04:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini merah. \pho ʔn̩i mɛlah \mb ini merah \ge this red \gj this red \ft this is red. \ref 0153 \id 763704090833070201 \begin 0:04:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh... \pho hə̃ʔəː \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh... \ref 0154 \id 388452090833070201 \begin 0:04:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini apa? \pho ʔn̩i ʔawah \mb ini apa \ge this what \gj this what \ft what is this? \nt pointing at the green toy chair. \ref 0155 \id 720060090834070201 \begin 0:04:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini... ijo. \pho n̩ih ʔijjɔʰ \mb ini ijo \ge this green \gj this green \ft this is... green. \ref 0156 \id 364535090834070201 \begin 0:04:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini... ini apa? \pho ʔiniː ʔini apah \mb ini ini apa \ge this this what \gj this this what \ft and this... what is this? \nt touching the blue toy bookcase. \ref 0157 \id 149816090835070201 \begin 0:04:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx apa? \pho ʔapaʰ \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0158 \id 362414090835070201 \begin 0:04:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx b(lue)... blue. \pho bu bluː \mb blue blue \ge blue blue \gj blue blue \ft blue. \nt 'blue' is uttered in English. \ref 0159 \id 504853090836070201 \begin 0:04:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, blue tuh apa? \pho ya blu tuʰ apa \mb ya blue tuh apa \ge yes blue that what \gj yes blue that what \ft yes, what is blue? \nt asking CHI the meaning of the English word. \ref 0160 \id 478757090836070201 \begin 0:04:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx biru. \pho bilu \mb biru \ge blue \gj blue \ft blue. \ref 0161 \id 184197090837070201 \begin 0:04:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah, ini yang ini xxx? \pho naː ini yaŋ ini xxx \mb nah ini yang ini xxx \ge NAH this REL this xxx \gj NAH this REL this xxx \ft now, this one xxx? \nt taking the yellow toy drawer. \ref 0162 \id 404146090837070201 \begin 0:04:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah pagi. \pho ʔudah pagiː \mb udah pagi \ge PFCT morning \gj PFCT morning \ft it is morning. \nt 1. taking the two koala dolls from the toy beds. 2. uttered together with MOT's utterance. \ref 0163 \id 790973090838070201 \begin 0:04:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang satu lagi xx? \pho yaŋ satu lagi xx \mb yang satu lagi xx \ge REL one more xx \gj REL one more xx \ft the other one xx? \nt showing the yellow drawer to CHI. \ref 0164 \id 602582090838070201 \begin 0:04:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah pagi. \pho ʔudah pagi \mb udah pagi \ge PFCT morning \gj PFCT morning \ft it is morning. \ref 0165 \id 507172090839070201 \begin 0:04:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, ini apa warnanya? \pho ʔyaː ini apa warnaɲaʰ \mb iya ini apa warna -nya \ge yes this what color -NYA \gj yes this what color-NYA \ft okay, what color is this? \nt still showing the yellow drawer to CHI. \ref 0166 \id 751319090839070201 \begin 0:04:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx kuning. \pho kuniŋ \mb kuning \ge yellow \gj yellow \ft it is yellow. \ref 0167 \id 141541090840070201 \begin 0:04:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho iyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \nt putting the yellow toy drawer on the floor. \ref 0168 \id 784482090840070201 \begin 0:04:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx jalannya di atas, nggak? \mb jalan -nya di atas nggak \ge walk -NYA LOC up NEG \gj walk-NYA LOC up NEG \ft they walk above, okay? \nt standing up with the two koala dolls in her hands. \ref 0169 \id 411376090841070201 \begin 0:05:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx mo ke mana? \pho mɔ kə manaʰ \mb mo ke mana \ge want to which \gj want to which \ft where are they going? \ref 0170 \id 804273090841070201 \begin 0:05:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx mo sekolah. \pho mɔ səkɔlah \mb mo sekolah \ge want school \gj want school \ft to school. \ref 0171 \id 937660090842070201 \begin 0:05:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, sekolah. \pho ʔɔ səkɔlaː \mb o sekolah \ge EXCL school \gj EXCL school \ft oh, they are going to school. \ref 0172 \id 870953090842070201 \begin 0:05:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx cuk kucuk... cuk kucuk tek... tak... tang. \pho cək kəcʊk cək kəcʊk tək tak taŋ \mb cuk kucuk cuk kucuk tek tak tang \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tap, tap, tap. \nt taking the two koala dolls across the room, pretending as if the two dolls are walking to school, imitating a walking sound. \ref 0173 \id 235392090843070201 \begin 0:05:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx jangan jauh-jauh! \mb jangan jauh - jauh \ge don't far - far \gj don't RED-far \ft don't go too far! \ref 0174 \id 437355090843070201 \begin 0:05:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah sampe. \pho dah sampɛː \mb dah sampe \ge PFCT arrive \gj PFCT arrive \ft they've arrived. \nt goes back to CHI's position and sits. \ref 0175 \id 934322090844070201 \begin 0:05:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx xxx... \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx... \nt uttered together with CHI's utterance. \ref 0176 \id 580741090844070201 \begin 0:05:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx sekolah ya, tempat tidurnya diitu, dimasukin dulu, ya? \pho səkɔla ya təmpat tidurɲa diːtu diːmasukin dulu yaː \mb sekolah ya tempat tidur -nya di- itu di- masuk -in dulu ya \ge school yes place lie.down -NYA DI- that DI- go.in -IN before yes \gj school yes place lie.down-NYA DI-that DI-go.in-IN before yes \ft time to school, then I'll put, I'll put the beds inside, okay? \nt taking the two toy beds away from the site, and putting them under the bed because now they are pretending to be at school. \ref 0177 \id 632112090845070201 \begin 0:05:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx... \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx... \nt uttered together with MOT's utterance. \ref 0178 \id 928598090845070201 \begin 0:05:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx di sini dong, deket sini dong, di depan. \pho di sini dɔŋ dəkət sini dɔŋ di dəpaːn \mb di sini dong deket sini dong di depan \ge LOC here DONG near here DONG LOC front \gj LOC here DONG near here DONG LOC front \ft right here, near here, in front. \nt taking the two toy chairs and putting them close to each other. \ref 0179 \id 669521090846070201 \begin 0:05:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx biar kelihatan sama Bu Gurunya. \pho byar kliatan sama bu guruɲaʰ \mb biar ke an lihat sama Bu Guru -nya \ge let KE AN see with TRU-mother teacher -NYA \gj let KE.AN-see with TRU-mother teacher-NYA \ft so that the teacher can see them. \nt referring to the koala dolls playing as the students. \ref 0180 \id 550688090846070201 \begin 0:05:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx cek klek. \pho cək klək \mb cek klek \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft cek klek. \nt imitating the sound of the koala dolls sitting on the chairs. \ref 0181 \id 234633090847070201 \begin 0:05:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini deket sini. \pho n̩iː dəkət sini \mb ini deket sini \ge this near here \gj this near here \ft this one goes near here. \nt taking the red bookcase. \ref 0182 \id 288143090848070201 \begin 0:05:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx Bu... Bu Guru apa Pak Guru... yang ngajar? \pho bu bu guru ʔapa pa guru yaŋ ŋajar \mb Bu Bu Guru apa Pak Guru yang ng- ajar \ge TRU-mother TRU-mother teacher what TRU-father teacher REL N- teach \gj TRU-mother TRU-mother teacher what TRU-father teacher REL N-teach \ft who is teaching, the female teacher or the male teacher? \nt removing the drawer from the site and taking the blue toy bookcase. \ref 0183 \id 530366090848070201 \begin 0:05:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx Bu Guru. \pho bu guru \mb Bu Guru \ge TRU-mother teacher \gj TRU-mother teacher \ft the female teacher. \nt looking at MOT putting back the blue bookcase on the floor, next to the koala dolls as if it is the side of the classroom. \ref 0184 \id 870527090849070201 \begin 0:05:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft what? \ref 0185 \id 264928090849070201 \begin 0:05:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx Bu Guru. \pho bu guru \mb Bu Guru \ge TRU-mother teacher \gj TRU-mother teacher \ft the female teacher. \nt also putting back the red bookcase on the floor, next to the koala dolls, but with a wrong position. \ref 0186 \id 962929090850070201 \begin 0:05:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini... nah. \pho ʔinih naːʰ \mb ini nah \ge this NAH \gj this NAH \ft this one... there. \nt correcting the position of the red toy bookcase, so it stands face to face with the blue toy bookcase, as if they are sides of a classroom. \ref 0187 \id 778486090850070201 \begin 0:05:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang sini deketin. \pho an tini dəkətin \mb yang sini deket -in \ge REL here near -IN \gj REL here near-IN \ft I'll put these closer. \nt bringing the two toy bookcases closer to each other. \ref 0188 \id 432154090851070201 \begin 0:05:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft what? \ref 0189 \id 825119090851070201 \begin 0:05:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx sisinya giniin aja. \pho sisiɲa giniin ʔajaː \mb sisi -nya gini -in aja \ge side -NYA like.this -IN just \gj side-NYA like.this-IN just \ft the sides should be like this. \nt still fixing up the position of the two bookcases. \ref 0190 \id 298591090852070201 \begin 0:05:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx deketin aja? \pho dəkətin ajah \mb deket -in aja \ge near -IN just \gj near-IN just \ft shall we put them closer? \ref 0191 \id 630866090857070201 \begin 0:05:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx hmm, gituin aja! \pho mː gituwin ajaʰ \mb hmm gitu -in aja \ge uh-huh like.that -IN just \gj uh-huh like.that-IN just \ft yeah, do like that! \ref 0192 \id 684919090859070201 \begin 0:05:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan, ada pintunya. \pho kan ada pintuʔɲaː \mb kan ada pintu -nya \ge KAN exist door -NYA \gj KAN exist door-NYA \ft because, there's the door. \ref 0193 \id 160631090859070201 \begin 0:05:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, gitu. \pho ʔɔ giːtuːː \mb o gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \ref 0194 \id 333161090914070201 \begin 0:05:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska di sini... \pho piska di sini \mb Priska di sini \ge Priska LOC here \gj Priska LOC here \ft I am here... \nt uttered together with MOT's next utterance. \ref 0195 \id 245962090915070201 \begin 0:05:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang jadi Bu Guru siapa yang jadi Bu Guru? \pho yaŋ jadi bu guru syapa yaŋ jadi bu guruʔ \mb yang jadi Bu Guru siapa yang jadi Bu Guru \ge REL become TRU-mother teacher who REL become TRU-mother teacher \gj REL become TRU-mother teacher who REL become TRU-mother teacher \ft the teacher, who will be the teacher? \nt holding two dolls. \ref 0196 \id 790074090916070201 \begin 0:05:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini. \pho ʔinih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one. \nt pointing at one of the dolls. \ref 0197 \id 803369090917070201 \begin 0:05:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx suaranya siapa? \pho swaraɲa syapaʰ \mb suara -nya siapa \ge sound -NYA who \gj sound-NYA who \ft whose voice shall it have? \nt putting down the other doll. \ref 0198 \id 146182090918070201 \begin 0:05:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx suaranya Bu Guru. \pho swalaɲa bu gulu \mb suara -nya Bu Guru \ge sound -NYA TRU-mother teacher \gj sound-NYA TRU-mother teacher \ft the teacher's voice. \ref 0199 \id 497826090918070201 \begin 0:05:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx suara Mami ato suara Bu Guru? \pho swara mami atɔ swara bu guru \mb suara Mami ato suara Bu Guru \ge sound mommy or sound TRU-mother teacher \gj sound mommy or sound TRU-mother teacher \ft Mommy's voice or the teacher's one? \nt tidying up the female doll. \ref 0200 \id 275194105252070201 \begin 0:05:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx Bu Guru. \pho bu gulu \mb Bu Guru \ge TRU-mother teacher \gj TRU-mother teacher \ft the teacher's one. \ref 0201 \id 428420085914090201 \begin 0:05:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx suara... \pho swara \mb suara \ge sound \gj sound \ft the voice... \nt uttered together with CHI's previous utterance. \ref 0202 \id 172818085915090201 \begin 0:05:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska jadi anak murid, ya? \pho priska jadi yanaʔ murit yah \mb Priska jadi anak murid ya \ge Priska become child pupil yes \gj Priska become child pupil yes \ft you'll be the student, okay? \ref 0203 \id 868376085915090201 \begin 0:06:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho ʔmh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0204 \id 118945085916090201 \begin 0:06:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya? \pho yaʰ \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay? \ref 0205 \id 824689085916090201 \begin 0:06:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya? \pho ʔyah \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay? \ref 0206 \id 271919085917090201 \begin 0:06:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 0207 \id 552047085917090201 \begin 0:06:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx ngadepin ke sini aja, ya? \pho ŋadəpin kə sini aja yaʰ \mb ng- hadep -in ke sini aja ya \ge N- face -IN to here just yes \gj N-face-IN to here just yes \ft let's them face this side, okay? \nt referring to the chairs and the koalas. \ref 0208 \id 771659085918090201 \begin 0:06:05 \sp MOTPRI \tx Bu Gurunya di sini, kok. \pho bu guruɲa di sini kɔʔ \mb Bu Guru -nya di sini kok \ge TRU-mother teacher -NYA LOC here KOK \gj TRU-mother teacher-NYA LOC here KOK \ft the teacher is here. \ref 0209 \id 886795085918090201 \begin 0:06:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya? \pho yah \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay? \ref 0210 \id 991868085919090201 \begin 0:06:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx bangkunya madepin... balikin! \pho baŋkuʔɲa madəpin balikin \mb bangku -nya m- adep -in balik -in \ge seat -NYA MA- face -IN turn.around -IN \gj seat-NYA MA-face-IN turn.around-IN \ft make the chairs face here... turn them around! \nt asking CHI to turn the chairs around, to make them face MOT. \ref 0211 \id 251078085919090201 \begin 0:06:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt the toys are falling down and making a loud noise. \ref 0212 \id 376987085920090201 \begin 0:06:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx eh, eh, eh! \pho ʔɛh ʔɛh ʔɛh \mb eh eh eh \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft eh, eh, eh! \nt surprised because of the noise. \ref 0213 \id 631204085920090201 \begin 0:06:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx jangan dekat-dekatan, ntar nggak bisa itu. \pho jaŋan dəkətdəkətəːn ʔn̩tar ŋga bisa ituː \mb jangan dekat - dekat -an ntar nggak bisa itu \ge don't near - near -AN moment NEG can that \gj don't RED.AN-near moment NEG can that \ft don't put them too close to each other, or you cannot do that. \nt addressing CHI who is putting the toys too close to each other. \ref 0214 \id 731975085921090201 \begin 0:06:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft okay. \nt MOT and CHI have finished arranging the toys. \ref 0215 \id 821092085922090201 \begin 0:06:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'selamat pagi, anak-anak'. \mb selamat pagi anak - anak \ge safe morning child - child \gj safe morning RED-child \ft 'good morning, students'. \nt playing the female doll with her hand, pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0216 \id 110063085922090201 \begin 0:06:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'selamat pagi, anak-anak'. \mb selamat pagi anak - anak \ge safe morning child - child \gj safe morning RED-child \ft 'good morning, students'. \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0217 \id 942066085923090201 \begin 0:06:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'selamat pagi, Bu Guru'. \pho slamat pagi bu guluː \mb selamat pagi Bu Guru \ge safe morning TRU-mother teacher \gj safe morning TRU-mother teacher \ft 'good morning, Mam'. \nt pretending to be the students. \ref 0218 \id 224318085923090201 \begin 0:06:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'yang kenceng dong!' \pho yaŋ kəncəŋ dɔːŋ \mb yang kenceng dong \ge REL forceful DONG \gj REL forceful DONG \ft 'louder please!' \nt pretending to be the teacher talking to her students. \ref 0219 \id 627549085924090201 \begin 0:06:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'selamat pagi, anak-anak'. \mb selamat pagi anak - anak \ge safe morning child - child \gj safe morning RED-child \ft 'good morning, students'. \ref 0220 \id 730939085924090201 \begin 0:06:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'selamat, selamat pagi, Bu Guru'. \pho slamat slamat pagi bu guluː \mb selamat selamat pagi Bu Guru \ge safe safe morning TRU-mother teacher \gj safe safe morning TRU-mother teacher \ft 'good, good morning, Mam'. \nt pretending to be the students. \ref 0221 \id 518037085925090201 \begin 0:06:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'selamat pagi.' \pho slamat pagiː \mb selamat pagi \ge safe morning \gj safe morning \ft 'good morning.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0222 \id 662454085925090201 \begin 0:06:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'saya mo tanya ya, Bu Guru mo tanya.' \pho saya mɔ taɲa ya bu guru mɔ taːɲaː \mb saya mo tanya ya Bu Guru mo tanya \ge 1SG want ask yes TRU-mother teacher want ask \gj 1SG want ask yes TRU-mother teacher want ask \ft 'okay, I am going to ask you a question.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0223 \id 578802085926090201 \begin 0:07:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'yang pake baju biru siapa namanya?' \pho yaŋ pakɛ baju biru syapaː namaʔɲaː \mb yang pake baju biru siapa nama -nya \ge REL use garment blue who name -NYA \gj REL use garment blue who name-NYA \ft 'the one with the blue shirt, what's your name?' \nt pretending to be the teacher addressing the students; the students are the two koala dolls; one of the koala dolls is in a blue shirt and is called Koko, the other one wears no clothes and is called Kiki. \ref 0224 \id 439692085926090201 \begin 0:07:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'yang pake baju biru siapa namanya?' \pho yaŋ pakɛ baju biru syapa namaʔɲaː \mb yang pake baju biru siapa nama -nya \ge REL use garment blue who name -NYA \gj REL use garment blue who name-NYA \ft 'the one in the blue shirt, what's your name?' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0225 \id 623064085927090201 \begin 0:07:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'Si... Si... apa, ya?' \pho sːi sːiː yapa yaːʰ \mb Si Si apa ya \ge PERS PERS what yes \gj PERS PERS what yes \ft 'it's... it's... whom?' \nt pretending to be the student. \ref 0226 \id 959495085927090201 \begin 0:07:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'Koko.' \pho kɔkɔ \mb Koko \ge Koko \gj Koko \ft 'Koko.' \nt pretending to be the student, whispering the name of one of the koala dolls. \ref 0227 \id 662981085928090201 \begin 0:07:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'mmm, Koko.' \pho mː kɔkɔː \mb mmm Koko \ge FILL Koko \gj FILL Koko \ft 'mmm Koko.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0228 \id 447410085928090201 \begin 0:07:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'o, Koko.' \pho ʔɔ kɔkɔː \mb o Koko \ge EXCL Koko \gj EXCL Koko \ft 'oh, Koko.' \ref 0229 \id 741390085929090201 \begin 0:07:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'yang... warna coklat siapa namanya?' \pho yaːŋ warna cɔklat syapa namaɲaː \mb yang warna coklat siapa nama -nya \ge REL color chocolate who name -NYA \gj REL color chocolate who name-NYA \ft 'the brown one, what's your name?' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0230 \id 657137085929090201 \begin 0:07:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak pake baju. \pho ŋga pakɛ bajuː \mb nggak pake baju \ge NEG use garment \gj NEG use garment \ft it doesn't wear clothes. \nt commenting on the koala doll. \ref 0231 \id 321218085930090201 \begin 0:07:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'o, nggak pake baju siapa namanya?' \pho ʔɔ ŋga pakɛ baju syapa namaɲaː \mb o nggak pake baju siapa nama -nya \ge EXCL NEG use garment who name -NYA \gj EXCL NEG use garment who name-NYA \ft 'oh, it doesn't wear clothes, what's your name?' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0232 \id 219954085930090201 \begin 0:07:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'Si, Si, Si... Si xxx.' \mb Si Si Si Si xxx \ge PERS PERS PERS PERS xxx \gj PERS PERS PERS PERS xxx \ft 'it, it, it... it's xxx.' \nt pretending to be the student, uttering it with a melody. \ref 0233 \id 172374085931090201 \begin 0:07:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'Ki(ki)...' \pho kiː \mb Kiki \ge Kiki \gj Kiki \ft 'Kiki...' \nt pretending to be the teacher and giving a cue. \ref 0234 \id 598555085931090201 \begin 0:07:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'Kiki!' \pho kikiː \mb Kiki \ge Kiki \gj Kiki \ft 'Kiki!' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0235 \id 324124085932090201 \begin 0:07:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx '(Ki)ki.' \pho kiː \mb Kiki \ge Kiki \gj Kiki \ft 'Kiki.' \nt 1. getting the cue; uttered together with MOT. 2. pretending to be the student. \ref 0236 \id 465279085932090201 \begin 0:07:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'ya.' \pho ʔiyaː \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0237 \id 455785085933090201 \begin 0:07:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'hari ini Bu Guru mo ngajar ini, maenan, ya?' \pho hari ini bu guru mɔ ŋajaːr ʔiniː maɛnan yaː \mb hari ini Bu Guru mo ng- ajar ini maen -an ya \ge day this TRU-mother teacher want N- teach this play -AN yes \gj day this TRU-mother teacher want N-teach this play-AN yes \ft 'today I'm going to teach you to play with this, this toy, okay?' \nt pretending to be the teacher, taking the shape-puzzle. \ref 0238 \id 198224085933090201 \begin 0:07:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'kita buka ya, maenannya?' \pho kita bukaʔ yaː maɛnanɲaː \mb kita buka ya maen -an -nya \ge 1PL open yes play -AN -NYA \gj 1PL open yes play-AN-NYA \ft 'let's open the toy, okay?' \nt pretending to be the teacher, opening the lid of the shape-puzzle box. \ref 0239 \id 352774085934090201 \begin 0:07:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ntar, lihat dulu.' \pho ʔn̩taːl liyat dulu \mb ntar lihat dulu \ge moment see before \gj moment see before \ft 'wait, let me see it first.' \nt pretending to be the student, taking the koala dolls from their seats and holding them near to the box. \ref 0240 \id 491571085934090201 \begin 0:07:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'sekarang coba eee, Kiki ambil yang warna kuning, Kiki.' \pho səkaraŋ cɔbaʔ ə̃ː kiki ʔambil yaŋ warna kuniŋ kikiː \mb sekarang coba eee Kiki ambil yang warna kuning Kiki \ge now try FILL Kiki take REL color yellow Kiki \gj now try FILL Kiki take REL color yellow Kiki \ft 'now let's try, Kiki takes the yellow ones.' \nt pretending to be the teacher, looking at CHI taking the shape-puzzle pieces out of the box. \ref 0241 \id 450680085935090201 \begin 0:08:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'taro di bawah!' \pho tarɔʔ di bawaʰ \mb taro di bawah \ge put LOC under \gj put LOC under \ft 'put them down!' \nt pretending to be the teacher, looking at CHI putting down the shape-puzzle pieces on the floor. \ref 0242 \id 787461085935090201 \begin 0:08:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'kuning, yang warna kuning.' \pho kuniŋ yaŋ warna kuniŋ \mb kuning yang warna kuning \ge yellow REL color yellow \gj yellow REL color yellow \ft 'yellow, the yellow ones.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0243 \id 972244085936090201 \begin 0:08:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'heh, salah Kiki, bukan yang itu.' \pho həh saːlah kikiː bukan yaŋ ituː \mb heh salah Kiki bukan yang itu \ge EXCL wrong Kiki NEG REL that \gj EXCL wrong Kiki NEG REL that \ft 'hey, Kiki, it's wrong, not that one.' \nt pretending to be the teacher talking to CHI putting the shape-puzzle pieces back to the box. \ref 0244 \id 734559085936090201 \begin 0:08:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'warna kuning, ya, semuanya diambil!' \pho warna kuniŋ yaː səmuwaɲa diambil \mb warna kuning ya semua -nya di- ambil \ge color yellow yes all -NYA DI- take \gj color yellow yes all-NYA DI-take \ft 'the yellow ones, take them all!' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0245 \id 146780085937090201 \begin 0:08:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nih.' \pho niː \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft 'this one.' \nt pretending to be the student showing one of the yellow shape-puzzle pieces taken from the box. \ref 0246 \id 640328085937090201 \begin 0:08:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'yang warna kuning semuanya diambil.' \pho yaŋ warna kuniŋ səmuwaɲa diambil \mb yang warna kuning semua -nya di- ambil \ge REL color yellow all -NYA DI- take \gj REL color yellow all-NYA DI-take \ft 'all the yellow ones must be taken.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0247 \id 419118085938090201 \begin 0:08:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'yang ini bukan.' \pho yaŋ n̩i bukan \mb yang ini bukan \ge REL this NEG \gj REL this NEG \ft 'not this one.' \nt pretending to be the student. \ref 0248 \id 437418085938090201 \begin 0:08:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'yang kuning diambil semua.' \pho yaŋ kuniŋ diambil səmuwa \mb yang kuning di- ambil semua \ge REL yellow DI- take all \gj REL yellow DI-take all \ft 'all the yellow ones must be taken.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0249 \id 206379085939090201 \begin 0:08:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nih.' \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft 'this one.' \nt showing one of the yellow shape-puzzle pieces taken from the box. \ref 0250 \id 626961085939090201 \begin 0:08:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'lagi, masih ada lagi, tuh.' \pho lagiːʰ masi ʔada lagi tuːh \mb lagi masih ada lagi tuh \ge more still exist more that \gj more still exist more that \ft 'more, there are some more, there.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0251 \id 749146085940090201 \begin 0:08:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'ya.' \pho yaː \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0252 \id 523669085940090201 \begin 0:08:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'sekarang Si Koko ambil yang warna biru, Koko.' \pho səkaraŋ si kɔkɔ ʔambil yaŋ warna biru kɔkɔː \mb sekarang Si Koko ambil yang warna biru Koko \ge now PERS Koko take REL color blue Koko \gj now PERS Koko take REL color blue Koko \ft 'now, Koko takes the blue ones.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0253 \id 825701085941090201 \begin 0:08:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'taro sebelah kiri ya, yang warna biru!' \pho tarɔ səbəla kiri yaː yaŋ warna biruː \mb taro se- belah kiri ya yang warna biru \ge put SE- side left yes REL color blue \gj put SE-side left yes REL color blue \ft 'put the blue ones on the left side!' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0254 \id 180032085941090201 \begin 0:08:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'sebelah kiri sana.' \pho səblah kiri sanaː \mb se- belah kiri sana \ge SE- side left there \gj SE-side left there \ft 'the left side, over there.' \nt pretending to be the teacher, pointing at the left side of CHI. \ref 0255 \id 608253085942090201 \begin 0:08:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'ya, lagi.' \pho ʰyaː lagiːʰ \mb ya lagi \ge yes more \gj yes more \ft 'yes, more.' \nt pretending to be the teacher, looking at CHI is showing one of the blue shape-puzzle pieces taken from the box. \ref 0256 \id 423549085942090201 \begin 0:09:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nih.' \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft 'this one.' \nt showing one of the blue shape-puzzle pieces taken from the box. \ref 0257 \id 209815085943090201 \begin 0:09:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'iya.' \pho yaːʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0258 \id 763251085943090201 \begin 0:09:05 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'betul, yang biru.' \pho bətuːl yaŋ biruː \mb betul yang biru \ge right REL blue \gj right REL blue \ft 'right, the blue one.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0259 \id 885101085944090201 \begin 0:09:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nih.' \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft 'this one.' \nt showing one of the blue shape-puzzle pieces taken from the box. \ref 0260 \id 419574085944090201 \begin 0:09:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'ya betul, lagi taro sana!' \pho ʰyaː bətuː lagi tarɔʔ sanaː \mb ya betul lagi taro sana \ge yes right more put there \gj yes right more put there \ft 'yes, that's right, put it there too!' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0261 \id 896040085945090201 \begin 0:09:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ini.' \pho n̩ih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft 'this one.' \nt showing one of the blue shape-puzzle pieces taken from the box. \ref 0262 \id 666186085945090201 \begin 0:09:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'iya.' \pho yaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0263 \id 306922085946090201 \begin 0:09:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nih.' \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft 'this one.' \nt showing one of the blue shape-puzzle she takes from the box. \ref 0264 \id 257603085946090201 \begin 0:09:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ini.' \pho n̩iː \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft 'this one.' \nt showing one of the blue shape-puzzle she takes from the box. \ref 0265 \id 241222085947090201 \begin 0:09:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'ya, betul.' \pho yaː bətuːl \mb ya betul \ge yes right \gj yes right \ft 'yes, that's right.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0266 \id 328414085947090201 \begin 0:09:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'sekarang Si Kiki lagi...' \pho skaraŋ siː kiki lagi \mb sekarang Si Kiki lagi \ge now PERS Kiki more \gj now PERS Kiki more \ft 'now, it's Kiki's turn again...' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0267 \id 560760085948090201 \begin 0:09:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'Kiki lagi, ambil warna... ijo ya, Kiki, ya, warna eh, ijo semuanya!' \pho kiki lagi ambil warnaʰ ʔijɔ yaʰ kiki yaʰ warna ə̃h ijɔ səmuwaɲaː \mb Kiki lagi ambil warna ijo ya Kiki ya warna eh ijo semua -nya \ge Kiki more take color green yes Kiki yes color EXCL green all -NYA \gj Kiki more take color green yes Kiki yes color EXCL green all-NYA \ft 'it's Kiki's turn again, Kiki, take the green one, all the green ones!' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0268 \id 510326085948090201 \begin 0:09:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'cemplung dulu, ya?' \pho cəmpluŋ dulu yaː \mb cemplung dulu ya \ge plunge before yes \gj plunge before yes \ft 'l plunge first, okay?' \nt intending to put one of the koala dolls inside the shape-puzzle box. \ref 0269 \id 661942085949090201 \begin 0:09:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'ya...' \pho ʔyah \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yeah...' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0270 \id 972100085949090201 \begin 0:09:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'cemplungin dulu, ya?' \pho cəmpluŋin dulu yah \mb cemplung -in dulu ya \ge plunge -IN before yes \gj plunge-IN before yes \ft 'let me plunge it first, okay?' \nt referring to the koala doll. \ref 0271 \id 110614085950090201 \begin 0:09:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'hah?' \pho haː̃h \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft 'what?' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0272 \id 294417085950090201 \begin 0:09:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'cemplung dulu.' \pho cpluŋ duluː \mb cemplung dulu \ge plunge before \gj plunge before \ft 'it'll plunge first.' \ref 0273 \id 686844085951090201 \begin 0:09:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'cemplung dulu, iya boleh deh.' \pho cəmpluŋ dulu ʔya bɔlɛ dɛːʰ \mb cemplung dulu iya boleh deh \ge plunge before yes may DEH \gj plunge before yes may DEH \ft 'plunge, okay.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0274 \id 101780085951090201 \begin 0:09:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'sek.' \pho s̩ːːək \mb sek \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft 'sek.' \nt imitating the sound of something jumping into something and hitting the ground. \ref 0275 \id 325930085952090201 \begin 0:09:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'nah.' \pho naː \mb nah \ge NAH \gj NAH \ft 'okay.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0276 \id 218194085953090201 \begin 0:09:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'warna ijo sekarang, Kiki ambil!' \pho warna ʔijɔ səkaraŋ kiki ambil \mb warna ijo sekarang Kiki ambil \ge color green now Kiki take \gj color green now Kiki take \ft 'Kiki, now take the green ones!' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0277 \id 294241085953090201 \begin 0:09:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ye, ndak, bobo dulu di sini dong.' \pho yɛʔ uːndaʔ boboʔ dulu di sini dɔŋ \mb ye ndak bobo dulu di sini dong \ge EXCL NEG sleep before LOC here DONG \gj EXCL NEG sleep before LOC here DONG \ft 'oh no, I wanna sleep here first.' \nt playing with the koala doll inside the box. \ref 0278 \id 427589085954090201 \begin 0:09:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'wah, orang lagi sekolah kok bobo?' \pho waː ʔɔraŋ lagi səkɔlaʰ kɔʔ boboʔ \mb wah orang lagi sekolah kok bobo \ge EXCL person more school KOK sleep \gj EXCL person more school KOK sleep \ft 'how could you sleep in the middle of a class?' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0279 \id 601476085954090201 \begin 0:09:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'kalo bobo nanti di rumah.' \pho kalɔ bobo nanti di rumaː \mb kalo bobo nanti di rumah \ge TOP sleep later LOC house \gj TOP sleep later LOC house \ft 'you can sleep later, at home.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0280 \id 828496085954090201 \begin 0:09:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'bobo di sini.' \pho bobo di siniːː \mb bobo di sini \ge sleep LOC here \gj sleep LOC here \ft 'sleep here.' \ref 0281 \id 357402085955090201 \begin 0:09:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'nggak boleh... tidak boleh di dalem ini.' \pho ŋga bolɛʰ tidaʔ bolɛ di daləm ʔiniː \mb nggak boleh tidak boleh di dalem ini \ge NEG may NEG may LOC inside this \gj NEG may NEG may LOC inside this \ft 'you cannot... not in here.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0282 \id 862694085955090201 \begin 0:09:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'nanti di rumah, siang.' \pho nanti di rumaːʰ siyaŋ \mb nanti di rumah siang \ge later LOC house daytime \gj later LOC house daytime \ft 'later at home, in the afternoon.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0283 \id 925185085956090201 \begin 0:10:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'iya... nanti, tutup dulu, ya?' \pho iya nanti tutup dulu yah \mb iya nanti tutup dulu ya \ge yes later shut before yes \gj yes later shut before yes \ft 'all right... I'll just close it, okay?' \nt closing the lid of the shape-puzzle box. \ref 0284 \id 901687085956090201 \begin 0:10:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'Bu Guru nanti marah.' \pho bu guru nanti marah \mb Bu Guru nanti marah \ge TRU-mother teacher later angry \gj TRU-mother teacher later angry \ft 'I am gonna get angry.' \nt 1. pretending to be the teacher. 1. uttered together with CHI's previous utterance and with a high tone. \ref 0285 \id 182262085957090201 \begin 0:10:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'Bu Guru marah nanti.' \pho bu guru maraʰ nantiʔ \mb Bu Guru marah nanti \ge TRU-mother teacher angry later \gj TRU-mother teacher angry later \ft 'I am gonna get angry.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0286 \id 283783085958090201 \begin 0:10:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'nanti Bu Guru... sentil pake karet.' \pho nanti bu guru səntil pakɛ karɛt \mb nanti Bu Guru sentil pake karet \ge later TRU-mother teacher snap.fingers use rubber \gj later TRU-mother teacher snap.fingers use rubber \ft 'I am going to... snap you with rubber.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0287 \id 153855085958090201 \begin 0:10:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'mau, nggak?' \pho mau ŋgaʔ \mb mau nggak \ge want NEG \gj want NEG \ft 'do you want it, or not?' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0288 \id 750758085959090201 \begin 0:10:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'Bu Guru ambil, nih.' \pho bu guru ambil nih \mb Bu Guru ambil nih \ge TRU-mother teacher take this \gj TRU-mother teacher take this \ft 'I am taking it, look.' \nt pretending to be the teacher pretending to take the rubber ring. \ref 0289 \id 611229085959090201 \begin 0:10:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'ayo ambil yang merah sekarang!' \pho ʔayɔ ambil yaŋ mɛraʰ səkaraŋ \mb ayo ambil yang merah sekarang \ge AYO take REL red now \gj AYO take REL red now \ft 'take the red ones, now!' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0290 \id 949960090000090201 \begin 0:10:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'mmm.' \pho ʰmh \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft 'mmm.' \ref 0291 \id 605526090000090201 \begin 0:10:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'ayo!' \pho ʔayɔʔ \mb ayo \ge AYO \gj AYO \ft 'come on!' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0292 \id 493258090001090201 \begin 0:10:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'ayo, dong!' \pho ʔayɔ dɔŋ \mb ayo dong \ge AYO DONG \gj AYO DONG \ft 'come on.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0293 \id 909675090001090201 \begin 0:10:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'xx mesti boboan dulu di sini, tapi...' \pho xx məti boboãn dulu di sini tappiː \mb xx mesti bobo -an dulu di sini tapi \ge xx should sleep -AN before LOC here but \gj xx should sleep-AN before LOC here but \ft 'xx I have to sleep here first, but...' \ref 0294 \id 335708090002090201 \begin 0:10:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'tutup dulu sekali, ya?' \pho tutup dulu səkali yaːʰ \mb tutup dulu se- kali ya \ge shut before SE- time yes \gj shut before SE-time yes \ft 'you may close it just once, okay?' \nt pretending to be the teacher, looking at CHI closing the lid of shape-puzzle box, then opening it again, and taking the koala doll out of it. \ref 0295 \id 762598090002090201 \begin 0:10:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'dah.' \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft 'okay.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0296 \id 710206090003090201 \begin 0:10:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'merah sekarang.' \pho mɛrah səkaraŋ \mb merah sekarang \ge red now \gj red now \ft 'now the red ones.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0297 \id 347567090003090201 \begin 0:10:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'merah?' \pho mɛːlah \mb merah \ge red \gj red \ft 'the red ones?' \ref 0298 \id 268421090004090201 \begin 0:10:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'di sebelah sini, deket Bu Guru.' \pho di səbəlah sini dəkət bu guru \mb di se- belah sini deket Bu Guru \ge LOC SE- side here near TRU-mother teacher \gj LOC SE-side here near TRU-mother teacher \ft 'this side, near me.' \nt pretending to be the teacher and pointing MOT's right side. \ref 0299 \id 270411090004090201 \begin 0:10:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0300 \id 401648090005090201 \begin 0:10:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'lagi, merah lagi.' \pho lagi mɛrah lagiː \mb lagi merah lagi \ge more red more \gj more red more \ft 'more, more red ones.' \nt pretending to be the teacher, looking at CHI putting down the red shape-puzzles she took from the box on MOT's right side. \ref 0301 \id 520524101141120201 \begin 0:10:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'ngambil-ngambil aja ya, ntar di atas.' \mb ng- ambil - ng- ambil aja ya ntar di atas \ge N- take - N- take just yes moment LOC up \gj RED-N-take just yes moment LOC up \ft 'I am just taking them out, and then I'll put them on.' \nt taking the shape-puzzle pieces out of the box. \ref 0302 \id 729886101032140201 \begin 0:10:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'sekarang ng ngambil.' \mb sekarang ng ng- ambil \ge now EXCL N- take \gj now EXCL N-take \ft 'now I am taking them.' \nt mumbling to herself. \ref 0303 \id 806565101032140201 \begin 0:10:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'abis!' \pho ʔabis \mb abis \ge finished \gj finished \ft 'finished!' \ref 0304 \id 234050101142120201 \begin 0:10:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx wah, kurang ya? \pho waː kuraŋ yah \mb wah kurang ya \ge EXCL less yes \gj EXCL less yes \ft oh, there are not that many, isn't it? \nt taking a closer look into the box, checking whether there are other red shape-puzzle pieces. \ref 0305 \id 397158101142120201 \begin 0:11:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, udah. \pho ya udah \mb ya udah \ge yes PFCT \gj yes PFCT \ft well, never mind. \ref 0306 \id 342646101143120201 \begin 0:11:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'trus, te(rus)... itu tinggal warna apa, tuh?' \pho trus təʔ itu tiŋgal warna apa tuʰ \mb trus terus itu tinggal warna apa tuh \ge continue continue that stay color what that \gj continue continue that stay color what that \ft 'let's move on, so... which color's left?' \nt pretending to be the teacher, referring to the other shape puzzle pieces still inside the box. \ref 0307 \id 371207101143120201 \begin 0:11:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'sisanya warna apa?' \pho sisaʔɲa warna apaʰ \mb sisa -nya warna apa \ge rest -NYA color what \gj rest-NYA color what \ft 'which color are the left ones?' \nt referring to the puzzle pieces still inside the box. \ref 0308 \id 691908101143120201 \begin 0:11:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'warna apa sih, tuh?' \pho warna apa si tuh \mb warna apa sih tuh \ge color what SIH that \gj color what SIH that \ft 'what color is that?' \nt addressing CHI taking one of the shape-puzzle pieces left in the box and showing it to MOT. \ref 0309 \id 623193101144120201 \begin 0:11:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx '(i)jo.' \pho jɔʔ \mb ijo \ge green \gj green \ft 'green.' \nt putting the shape-puzzle pieces in front of MOT. \ref 0310 \id 418618101144120201 \begin 0:11:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho yaː \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 0311 \id 131746101145120201 \begin 0:11:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'saya ambil sekarang?' \pho ʔaya ʔambil skalaŋ \mb saya ambil sekarang \ge 1SG take now \gj 1SG take now \ft 'I'll take them now?' \ref 0312 \id 856926101145120201 \begin 0:11:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'o iya.' \pho ʔɔ yaː \mb o iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft 'yes.' \nt taking the rest of the shape-puzzle pieces in the box. \ref 0313 \id 276620101146120201 \begin 0:11:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx mmm... Mami juga ambil, ya? \pho mː mami ɲuga ʔambil yaː \mb mmm Mami juga ambil ya \ge FILL mommy also take yes \gj FILL mommy also take yes \ft hem... you're taking them too, right? \ref 0314 \id 363783101146120201 \begin 0:11:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho ʔyaː \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \nt still taking the rest of the shape-puzzles in the box. \ref 0315 \id 121728101147120201 \begin 0:11:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mami ambil aja. \pho mami ã̃mbil ajaʰ \mb Mami ambil aja \ge mommy take just \gj mommy take just \ft just take them. \ref 0316 \id 789881101147120201 \begin 0:11:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah, tutup ya? \pho naː tutup yaːʰ \mb nah tutup ya \ge NAH shut yes \gj NAH shut yes \ft now, let's close it, okay? \nt closing the lid of the shape-puzzle box. \ref 0317 \id 244848101148120201 \begin 0:11:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx sek. \pho s̩ːːk \mb sek \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft sek. \nt looking at MOT turning the shape-puzzle box over and over, while imitating the sound of the box being turned over. \ref 0318 \id 964474101148120201 \begin 0:11:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'ya... sekarang mulai yang dari yang biru dulu, dimasukin yang biru.' \pho ya skaraŋ mulay yaŋ dari yaŋ biruʔ duluʔ dimasukin yaŋ biruʔ \mb ya sekarang mula -i yang dari yang biru dulu di- masuk -in yang biru \ge yes now beginning -I REL from REL blue before DI- go.in -IN REL blue \gj yes now beginning-I REL from REL blue before DI-go.in-IN REL blue \ft 'right... now we will start with the blue ones, let's put the blue ones in.' \nt 1. separating the blue shape-puzzle pieces from others with different colors. 2. ** the 1st 'yang' in this utterance should be omitted. \ref 0319 \id 637401101149120201 \begin 0:11:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'yang biru dicari, masukin!' \pho yaŋ biru dicariʔ masukin \mb yang biru di- cari masuk -in \ge REL blue DI- look.for go.in -IN \gj REL blue DI-look.for go.in-IN \ft 'find the blue ones and put them in!' \ref 0320 \id 713062101149120201 \begin 0:11:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx Mami aja. \pho xx mami ajah \mb xx Mami aja \ge xx mommy just \gj xx mommy just \ft xx you do it. \ref 0321 \id 653737101150120201 \begin 0:11:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx eh. \pho hẽh \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey. \ref 0322 \id 772881101150120201 \begin 0:11:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx sungguh... \pho suŋguh \mb sungguh \ge ernest \gj ernest \ft really... \nt in general 'sungguh' is rarely used by children, they usually say 'iya' or 'beneran'. \ref 0323 \id 734025101151120201 \begin 0:11:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'tidak mau, orang ini belajar.' \pho tidaʔ mauː ʔɔraŋ ini bəlajar \mb tidak mau orang ini bel- ajar \ge NEG want person this BER- teach \gj NEG want person this BER-teach \ft 'I don't want to, we're studying here.' \nt playing with the doll and pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0324 \id 175178101151120201 \begin 0:11:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'ini Bu Guru ajarin buat anak-anak, biar pinter.' \pho ʔini bu guru ʔajarin buwat ʔanakʔanak biyar pintəːr \mb ini Bu Guru ajar -in buat anak - anak biar pinter \ge this TRU-mother teacher teach -IN for child - child let smart \gj this TRU-mother teacher teach-IN for RED-child let smart \ft 'I am the teacher and I'm teaching the children to make them clever.' \nt pretending to be the teacher and playing with the doll. \ref 0325 \id 927646101152120201 \begin 0:11:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx biar nggak... biar mmm... Mami aja. \pho biyar ŋgaː biya ŋ mamih aja \mb biar nggak biar mmm Mami aja \ge let NEG let FILL mommy just \gj let NEG let FILL mommy just \ft no, you just... do it. \nt referring to putting the shapes inside the box while playing with the toy bed-sets. \ref 0326 \id 870126101152120201 \begin 0:11:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, satu ya, Mami, ya? \pho yaː satu ya mami yaːʰ \mb ya satu ya Mami ya \ge yes one yes mommy yes \gj yes one yes mommy yes \ft okay, I'll only one, okay? \ref 0327 \id 731690101153120201 \begin 0:11:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx Mami yang... yang bintang, yang bintang. \pho mamiː yaŋ yaŋ bintaŋ yaŋ bintaŋ \mb Mami yang yang bintang yang bintang \ge mommy REL REL star REL star \gj mommy REL REL star REL star \ft I'll do the... the star, the star shape. \ref 0328 \id 539116101153120201 \begin 0:11:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx ambilin yang bintang! \pho ʔambilin yaŋ bintaŋ \mb ambil -in yang bintang \ge take -IN REL star \gj take-IN REL star \ft give me the star one, please! \nt asking CHI to take the star shape-puzzle. \ref 0329 \id 342898101154120201 \begin 0:11:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho yaː \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \nt taking the star shape-puzzle from CHI. \ref 0330 \id 994241101154120201 \begin 0:11:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx cemplungin sini. \pho cəmpluŋin sini \mb cemplung -in sini \ge plunge -IN here \gj plunge-IN here \ft I'll plunge it here. \nt 1. putting the star shape-puzzle into the box through the right hole. 2. 'cemplung' means to plunge into the water, but here means to put sth into the box. \ref 0331 \id 532782101155120201 \begin 0:12:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx gantian, ya? \pho gantiyan yah \mb ganti -an ya \ge change -AN yes \gj change-AN yes \ft let's take turn, okay? \ref 0332 \id 976798101157120201 \begin 0:12:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx he. \pho ʔh \mb he \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft okay. \ref 0333 \id 772628101158120201 \begin 0:12:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx sekarang, abis ini Priska, ya? \pho səkaraŋ abis ini priska yaː \mb sekarang abis ini Priska ya \ge now finished this Priska yes \gj now finished this Priska yes \ft now, after this it's is Priska's turn, okay? \nt ** 'sekarang' is not supposed to be put together with 'abis ini'. It should be either: 'sekarang Priska ya?' or 'abis ini Priska ya?'. Maybe MOT started her utterance with 'sekarang' but then she changed her mind and continued with 'abis'. In this case between 'sekarang' and 'abis' there should be a pause. \ref 0334 \id 971763101158120201 \begin 0:12:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx yuk, Priska, yang kembang. \pho yuː priska yaŋ kəmbaŋ \mb yuk Priska yang kembang \ge AYO Priska REL flower \gj AYO Priska REL flower \ft you'll do the flower shape. \ref 0335 \id 753756101158120201 \begin 0:12:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang ijo aja. \pho yaŋ ijɔ ʔajaʰ \mb yang ijo aja \ge REL green just \gj REL green just \ft just the green one. \ref 0336 \id 604605101159120201 \begin 0:12:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, yang ijo aja boleh. \pho ya yaŋ ijɔ aja bɔlɛh \mb ya yang ijo aja boleh \ge yes REL green just may \gj yes REL green just may \ft okay then, you'll do the green one. \nt referring to CHI taking one of the green shape-puzzle pieces. \ref 0337 \id 315791101159120201 \begin 0:12:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx pilih yang mana? \pho pilih yaŋ mana \mb pilih yang mana \ge choose REL which \gj choose REL which \ft which one do you choose? \nt asking CHI putting one of the green shape-puzzles into the box. \ref 0338 \id 809001101200120201 \begin 0:12:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, terus, Mami yang mana? \pho yaːh tərus mami yaŋ mana \mb ya terus Mami yang mana \ge yes continue mommy REL which \gj yes continue mommy REL which \ft yes, then, which one is for Mommy? \nt CHI is picking one of the shape-puzzles and giving it to MOT \ref 0339 \id 296948101201120201 \begin 0:12:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang ini? \pho yaŋ iniː \mb yang ini \ge REL this \gj REL this \ft this one? \ref 0340 \id 922591101201120201 \begin 0:12:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx bantuin dong, cariin dong, yang mana, ya? \pho bantuwin dɔŋ cariin dɔŋ yaŋ mana yaʰ \mb bantu -in dong cari -in dong yang mana ya \ge help -IN DONG look.for -IN DONG REL which yes \gj help-IN DONG look.for-IN DONG REL which yes \ft help me finding the right one, which one do you think? \nt turning the shape-puzzle box over and over. \ref 0341 \id 504387101202120201 \begin 0:12:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx sini, ya? \pho sini yaʰ \mb sini ya \ge here yes \gj here yes \ft is it here? \ref 0342 \id 743992101202120201 \begin 0:12:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang mana, ya? \pho yaŋ mana yaʰ \mb yang mana ya \ge REL which yes \gj REL which yes \ft which one do you think? \nt asking CHI pointing at one of the holes on the surface of the shape-puzzle box. \ref 0343 \id 295468101203120201 \begin 0:12:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, itu. \pho ʔɔ ituː \mb o itu \ge EXCL that \gj EXCL that \ft oh, that one. \nt putting the shape-puzzle piece into the box, through the hole pointed at by CHI. \ref 0344 \id 344122101203120201 \begin 0:12:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, terus Priska yang mana? \pho yaː trus priska yaŋ mana \mb iya terus Priska yang mana \ge yes continue Priska REL which \gj yes continue Priska REL which \ft okay, now, which one are you going to do? \nt CHI is taking one of the shape-puzzles again. \ref 0345 \id 865053101204120201 \begin 0:12:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx (ma)suk, Priska masukin sini. \pho sʊk priska masukin sini \mb masuk Priska masuk -in sini \ge go.in Priska go.in -IN here \gj go.in Priska go.in-IN here \ft I'll put it in here. \nt putting the shape-puzzle piece into the box again and mumbling. \ref 0346 \id 965753101204120201 \begin 0:12:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx Mami yang mana? \pho mami yaŋ mana \mb Mami yang mana \ge mommy REL which \gj mommy REL which \ft which one is for me? \ref 0347 \id 543324101205120201 \begin 0:12:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mami yang in(i)... ini. \pho mami yaŋː ʔin ini \mb Mami yang ini ini \ge mommy REL this this \gj mommy REL this this \ft this one is for you. \nt taking one of the shape-puzzle pieces. \ref 0348 \id 870345101205120201 \begin 0:12:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx S U su, S I su, su... \pho s ʔu suː s ʔi suʔ su \mb S U su S I su su \ge S U xx S I xx xx \gj S U xx S I xx xx \ft S U su, S I su, su... \nt 1. acting as if CHI is practicing spelling while giving the shape-puzzle to MOT. 2. ** the 2nd spelling "S I su" is wrong, should be "S I si". \ref 0349 \id 806490101206120201 \begin 0:12:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini, ya? \pho ʔn̩i ya \mb ini ya \ge this yes \gj this yes \ft this one, okay? \nt pointing at one of the holes on the surface of the shape-puzzle box. \ref 0350 \id 397391101206120201 \begin 0:12:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx hmm. \pho m̩h \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \nt nodding her head. \ref 0351 \id 670365101207120201 \begin 0:12:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini begini? \pho ʔn̩i bəgini \mb ini begini \ge this like.this \gj this like.this \ft does this one go like this? \ref 0352 \id 344105101207120201 \begin 0:13:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx begini bukan? \pho bəgini bukan \mb begini bukan \ge like.this NEG \gj like.this NEG \ft does this go like this or not? \nt showing CHI how to put the shape-puzzle piece into the box. \ref 0353 \id 587650101208120201 \begin 0:13:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho iːyaːʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0354 \id 648314101208120201 \begin 0:13:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya... o, iya. \pho ʰiya ʔɔ iyaː \mb iya o iya \ge yes EXCL yes \gj yes EXCL yes \ft yes... right. \ref 0355 \id 539361101209120201 \begin 0:13:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus Priska yang mana? \pho trus priska yaŋ mana \mb trus Priska yang mana \ge continue Priska REL which \gj continue Priska REL which \ft now, which one are you going to do? \ref 0356 \id 854014101209120201 \begin 0:13:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska yang... \pho s̩ka yaŋ \mb Priska yang \ge Priska REL \gj Priska REL \ft I'll do the one... \nt looking for one of the shape-puzzle pieces she is going to put into the box. \ref 0357 \id 831590101210120201 \begin 0:13:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih... K Priska! \pho niːh ka piːstaʔ \mb nih K Priska \ge this K Priska \gj this K Priska \ft this one... K for Priska! \nt taking the K shape. \ref 0358 \id 154720101210120201 \begin 0:13:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx he, K Priska, tul. \pho ʔə̃h ka priskaʔ tuːl \mb he K Priska tul \ge uh-huh K Priska right \gj uh-huh K Priska right \ft right, K for Priska. \nt turning over the shape-puzzle box to help CHI look for the K hole. \ref 0359 \id 888056101211120201 \begin 0:13:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini bukan? \pho inji bukan \mb ini bukan \ge this NEG \gj this NEG \ft it's not this one? \nt mumbling to herself. \ref 0360 \id 587875101211120201 \begin 0:13:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx oh, balikin. \pho ʔɔ balikin \mb oh balik -in \ge EXCL turn.around -IN \gj EXCL turn.around-IN \ft oh, I have to turn it around. \nt mumbling to herself, turning over the K shape. \ref 0361 \id 830334101212120201 \begin 0:13:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx ah, bener, ya? \pho ʔa bəːnnəl yaʰ \mb ah bener ya \ge EXCL true yes \gj EXCL true yes \ft hey, this is right, isn't it? \nt ready to put the K shape into shape puzzle box. \ref 0362 \id 639026101212120201 \begin 0:13:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, bener. \pho ʰiːyaː bəːnər \mb iya bener \ge yes true \gj yes true \ft yes, it's right. \ref 0363 \id 123275101213120201 \begin 0:13:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx tak bum! \pho tak bum \mb tak bum \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft bang! \nt 1. pushing the K shape into the box. 2. imitating the sound of something hitting the ground. \ref 0364 \id 696531101213120201 \begin 0:13:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus... \pho tərus \mb trus \ge continue \gj continue \ft and then... \nt uttered together with CHI. \ref 0365 \id 914187101214120201 \begin 0:13:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx ai tak bum. \pho ʔai taː bum \mb ai tak bum \ge EXCL IMIT IMIT \gj EXCL IMIT IMIT \ft bum bang. \nt still imitating the sound of something hitting the ground. \ref 0366 \id 556634101214120201 \begin 0:13:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx Mami yang mana? \pho mami yaŋ manaʰ \mb Mami yang mana \ge mommy REL which \gj mommy REL which \ft which one is for Mommy? \nt asking CHI to pick one of the puzzle shapes for her. \ref 0367 \id 456441101215120201 \begin 0:13:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mami yang biru. \pho mami yaːŋ biluʔ \mb Mami yang biru \ge mommy REL blue \gj mommy REL blue \ft the blue one is for you. \ref 0368 \id 423432101215120201 \begin 0:13:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang mana? \pho yaŋ mana \mb yang mana \ge REL which \gj REL which \ft which one? \ref 0369 \id 941760101216120201 \begin 0:13:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang kembang. \pho yaŋ kəmbaŋ \mb yang kembang \ge REL flower \gj REL flower \ft the flower one. \nt taking one blue flower shape and giving it to MOT. \ref 0370 \id 479125101216120201 \begin 0:13:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang kembang? \pho yaŋ kəmbaŋ \mb yang kembang \ge REL flower \gj REL flower \ft the flower one? \ref 0371 \id 970558101217120201 \begin 0:13:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang kembang. \pho yaŋ kəmbaŋ \mb yang kembang \ge REL flower \gj REL flower \ft the flower one. \ref 0372 \id 293475101217120201 \begin 0:13:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx cariin dong, itunya dong! \pho cariʔin dɔŋ ituɲa dɔŋ \mb cari -in dong itu -nya dong \ge look.for -IN DONG that -NYA DONG \gj look.for-IN DONG that-NYA DONG \ft find that thing for me, please! \nt CHI starts playing with the toy bookcase. \ref 0373 \id 881829172837170901 \begin 0:13:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx hmm? \pho hmh \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0374 \id 149069101218120201 \begin 0:13:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx cariin tempatnya yang mana? \pho cariʔin təmpatɲa yaŋ mana \mb cari -in tempat -nya yang mana \ge look.for -IN place -NYA REL which \gj look.for-IN place-NYA REL which \ft find the right place, which one? \nt =find the right hole. \ref 0375 \id 403876101218120201 \begin 0:13:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni, taro sini dulu ya, lemarinya, ya. \pho n̩i tarɔ sini dulu ya ləmariɲa yah \mb ni taro sini dulu ya lemari -nya ya \ge this put here before yes cupboard -NYA yes \gj this put here before yes cupboard-NYA yes \ft okay, let me put the bookcase here. \nt removing the toy bookcase from CHI's reach. \ref 0376 \id 756028101219120201 \begin 0:13:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx cariin tempatnya dong! \pho cariʔin təmpatɲa dɔŋ \mb cari -in tempat -nya dong \ge look.for -IN place -NYA DONG \gj look.for-IN place-NYA DONG \ft help me to find the place, please! \nt referring to the hole matching with the shape. \ref 0377 \id 981007101219120201 \begin 0:13:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx kembang ditaro di mana? \pho kəmbaŋ ditarɔ di manaː \mb kembang di- taro di mana \ge flower DI- put LOC which \gj flower DI-put LOC which \ft where shall I put the flower? \nt CHI is taking the shape puzzle box. \ref 0378 \id 410176101220120201 \begin 0:13:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx taronya kan... di mana, ya? \pho talɔɲa kan di mana ya \mb taro -nya kan di mana ya \ge put -NYA KAN LOC which yes \gj put-NYA KAN LOC which yes \ft I'll put it... where? \nt turning the shape puzzle box over and over. \ref 0379 \id 446682101220120201 \begin 0:13:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni, taronya di sini. \pho niː talɔːɲa di sini \mb ni taro -nya di sini \ge this put -NYA LOC here \gj this put-NYA LOC here \ft here, I'll put it here. \nt putting back the shape puzzle box on the floor. \ref 0380 \id 202595101221120201 \begin 0:13:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx di mana, yang mana? \pho di mana yaŋ manaːʰ \mb di mana yang mana \ge LOC which REL which \gj LOC which REL which \ft where, which one? \ref 0381 \id 932031101221120201 \begin 0:13:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx di situ, itu tuh, yang ini. \pho di situ itu tu yaŋ in \mb di situ itu tuh yang ini \ge LOC there that that REL this \gj LOC there that that REL this \ft that one over there, right here. \nt pointing at the flower hole on the surface of the shape puzzle box. \ref 0382 \id 776664101222120201 \begin 0:13:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, ini, iya betul. \pho ʔɔ ini ʔiːya bətul \mb o ini iya betul \ge EXCL this yes right \gj EXCL this yes right \ft oh, this one, yes, that's right. \nt putting the shape into the box. \ref 0383 \id 413613101222120201 \begin 0:13:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus sekarang Priska, gantian Priska. \pho trus skaraŋ priska gantiyan priska \mb terus sekarang Priska ganti -an Priska \ge continue now Priska change -AN Priska \gj continue now Priska change-AN Priska \ft now Priska, it's your turn. \ref 0384 \id 607288101223120201 \begin 0:13:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska sebentar, Priska baris ini dulu, ya? \pho priskaː səbəntar priska bars ini dulu yah \mb Priska se- bentar Priska baris ini dulu ya \ge Priska SE- moment Priska line this before yes \gj Priska SE-moment Priska line this before yes \ft wait a moment, I wanna line these first, okay? \nt 1. playing with the toy chairs. 2. ** 'baris' should be 'barisin'. baris (v) is used when the subject is the actor; 'barisin' (v) is used when there is an object which is affected by the subject--in this utterance the affected object is the toy chairs. \ref 0385 \id 400150101223120201 \begin 0:13:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, iya. \pho ya iya \mb iya iya \ge yes yes \gj yes yes \ft all right. \ref 0386 \id 242552101224120201 \begin 0:14:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx dah, yuk, Priska sekarang. \pho daː yuʔ priska skaraŋ \mb dah yuk Priska sekarang \ge PFCT AYO Priska now \gj PFCT AYO Priska now \ft okay, now it's your turn. \ref 0387 \id 181233101224120201 \begin 0:14:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih biru, deketin sini! \pho nih biru dəkətin sini \mb nih biru deket -in sini \ge this blue near -IN here \gj this blue near-IN here \ft these blue ones, put them closer! \nt taking some blue shapes nearer to her. \ref 0388 \id 101021101225120201 \begin 0:14:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini kan tempat duduknya siapa? \pho ʔini kan təmpat dudukɲa syaːpɔ \mb ini kan tempat duduk -nya siapa \ge this KAN place sit -NYA who \gj this KAN place sit-NYA who \ft whose seats are these? \nt pointing at the toy chairs. \ref 0389 \id 168357101225120201 \begin 0:14:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, xx Si Koko sama Si Kiki suruh duduk dulu sebentar. \pho ya xx si kɔkɔ sama si kiki suru duduk dulu səbəntar \mb ya xx Si Koko sama Si Kiki suruh duduk dulu se- bentar \ge yes xx PERS Koko with PERS Kiki order sit before SE- moment \gj yes xx PERS Koko with PERS Kiki order sit before SE-moment \ft well, xx let Koko and Kiki sit for a while. \nt putting the koala dolls on the toy chairs. \ref 0390 \id 592417101226120201 \begin 0:14:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx Koko, sama K(iki)... \pho kɔkɔ sama k \mb Koko sama Kiki \ge Koko with Kiki \gj Koko with Kiki \ft Koko and Kiki. \ref 0391 \id 670861101226120201 \begin 0:14:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska masukin ini dulu! \pho priska masukin n̩i duluː \mb Priska masuk -in ini dulu \ge Priska go.in -IN this before \gj Priska go.in-IN this before \ft put this one in the box first! \ref 0392 \id 584469101227120201 \begin 0:14:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, jatoh. \pho yaː jaːtɔh \mb ya jatoh \ge yes fall \gj yes fall \ft ugh, it fell down. \nt referring to one of the koala dolls falling down from the toy chair. \ref 0393 \id 280568101227120201 \begin 0:14:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'sebentar lagi, itu, pulang sekolah.' \pho səbəntar lagiʔ ituːʰ pulaŋ səkɔlaːʰ \mb se- bentar lagi itu pulang sekolah \ge SE- moment more that return school \gj SE-moment more that return school \ft 'in a moment, the school will be over.' \ref 0394 \id 123364101228120201 \begin 0:14:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx tapi masukin ini dulu, Priskanya. \pho tapip masukin ini duluː priskaɲaː \mb tapi masuk -in ini dulu Priska -nya \ge but go.in -IN this before Priska -NYA \gj but go.in-IN this before Priska-NYA \ft but you must put this one in the box first. \nt CHI is still playing with the koala dolls and the toy chairs. \ref 0395 \id 381103101228120201 \begin 0:14:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini dah nggak di sekolah, bukan? \pho ĩniː dah ŋga di skɔlah bukan \mb ini dah nggak di sekolah bukan \ge this PFCT NEG LOC school NEG \gj this PFCT NEG LOC school NEG \ft this is no longer at school, isn't it? \ref 0396 \id 519913101229120201 \begin 0:14:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah di rumah, ya? \pho daʰ di lumah yah \mb dah di rumah ya \ge PFCT LOC house yes \gj PFCT LOC house yes \ft it's already at home, isn't it? \nt still playing with the koala dolls and the toy chairs. \ref 0397 \id 696793101229120201 \begin 0:14:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx masih di sekolah, rumah, di rumahnya belum sampe di rumah. \pho masih di səkɔlaːh rumah di rumahɲa bəlum sampɛ di rumah \mb masih di sekolah rumah di rumah -nya belum sampe di rumah \ge still LOC school house LOC house -NYA not.yet arrive LOC house \gj still LOC school house LOC house-NYA not.yet arrive LOC house \ft you are still at school, you haven't arrived at home yet. \ref 0398 \id 811990101230120201 \begin 0:14:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini kan taro di sini. \pho ʔini kan tãːr di sini \mb ini kan taro di sini \ge this KAN put LOC here \gj this KAN put LOC here \ft this one should be here. \nt still playing with the toy chairs and the koala dolls. \ref 0399 \id 141547101230120201 \begin 0:14:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx ayo! \pho ʔayɔh \mb ayo \ge AYO \gj AYO \ft come on! \ref 0400 \id 881376101231120201 \begin 0:14:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx sebentar, ya? \pho səbəntas yaːh \mb se- bentar ya \ge SE- moment yes \gj SE-moment yes \ft please wait, okay? \nt still playing with the toy chairs and the koala dolls. \ref 0401 \id 801808101231120201 \begin 0:14:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx ntar abis inih belajar musik. \pho ʔn̩tar abis inih blajar musik \mb ntar abis inih bel- ajar musik \ge moment finished this BER- teach music \gj moment finished this BER-teach music \ft after this we'll learn music. \ref 0402 \id 900404101232120201 \begin 0:14:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ʔŋ̩gaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0403 \id 209754101232120201 \begin 0:14:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx pake suling yang dari Om Deny. \pho pakɛ suliŋ ŋ̩ dari ʔɔm dɛniː \mb pake suling yang dari Om Deny \ge use flute REL from uncle Deny \gj use flute REL from uncle Deny \ft we'll use the flute from Uncle Deny. \ref 0404 \id 866258100324140201 \begin 0:14:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mami aja... \pho mami ajã \mb Mami aja \ge mommy just \gj mommy just \ft you do it... \ref 0405 \id 514132100324140201 \begin 0:14:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx in(i)... ini angkat, ya? \pho ʔin ini aŋtaks yaʰ \mb ini ini angkat ya \ge this this lift yes \gj this this lift yes \ft shall I pick them up? \nt referring to the toy chairs and the koala dolls. \ref 0406 \id 237702101233120201 \begin 0:14:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, tapi ini masukin ini dulu, selesaiin ini dulu. \pho ʔiːyaː tapi ini masukin ʔini dulu sələsain ʔini duluː \mb iya tapi ini masuk -in ini dulu selesai -in ini dulu \ge yes but this go.in -IN this before finish -IN this before \gj yes but this go.in-IN this before finish-IN this before \ft fine, but you must put this one in the box first, you must finish this one first. \nt referring to the shape puzzle toy. \ref 0407 \id 568521101235120201 \begin 0:14:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx sebentar, ini kan belakangin dulu. \pho səbəntaːs n̩i kan bəlakaŋin dulu \mb se- bentar ini kan belakang -in dulu \ge SE- moment this KAN back -IN before \gj SE-moment this KAN back-IN before \ft wait a moment, let me put these ones one behind the other. \nt 1. putting the two toy chairs one behind the other. 2. ** 'belakangin' lacks of the passive marker DI-. \ref 0408 \id 451064101236120201 \begin 0:14:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya... dah. \pho ʔiya daːh \mb iya dah \ge yes PFCT \gj yes PFCT \ft okay... done. \ref 0409 \id 941963101237120201 \begin 0:14:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx (bi)kin kereta api. \pho kin kəlɛta ʔapiː \mb bikin kereta api \ge make train fire \gj make train fire \ft I'll make a train. \nt taking one of the toy bookcases. \ref 0410 \id 821083100232140201 \begin 0:14:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx he, nanti, kereta api nanti. \pho hɛː nantiʔ kərɛta ʔapi nantiʔ \mb he nanti kereta api nanti \ge EXCL later train fire later \gj EXCL later train fire later \ft no, you'll make the train later. \ref 0411 \id 528659100607150201 \begin 0:14:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \nt 1. mumbling to herself. 2. uttered together with MOT's previous utterance. \ref 0412 \id 995654100608150201 \begin 0:14:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, enaknya kereta api. \pho ʔɛː nakɲa kərɛta ʔapiː \mb eh enak -nya kereta api \ge EXCL pleasant -NYA train fire \gj EXCL pleasant-NYA train fire \ft no, the train is nicer. \nt lining the two toy bookcases so that they look like a train. \ref 0413 \id 885782100608150201 \begin 0:15:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx he, nggak mau begitu, ah. \pho hɛː ŋa maɔ bəgitu ʔah \mb he nggak mau begitu ah \ge EXCL NEG want like.that EXCL \gj EXCL NEG want like.that EXCL \ft hey, I don't like it. \ref 0414 \id 163970100609150201 \begin 0:15:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx selesaiin ini dulu! \pho sələsain ni duluʔ \mb selesai -in ini dulu \ge finish -IN this before \gj finish-IN this before \ft finish this first! \nt referring to putting the shapes inside the box. \ref 0415 \id 654189100609150201 \begin 0:15:05 \sp MOTPRI \tx udah, bikin itu dulu begitu, dah! \pho ʔudah bikin itu dulu bəgituʰ dah \mb udah bikin itu dulu begitu dah \ge PFCT make that before like.that PFCT \gj PFCT make that before like.that PFCT \ft okay, put them like that and that's it! \nt trying to prompt CHI to finish with her 'train' job. \ref 0416 \id 279281100610150201 \begin 0:15:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx bikin bangkunya dulu dong. \pho bikin baŋkuʔɲa dulu dɔŋ \mb bikin bangku -nya dulu dong \ge make seat -NYA before DONG \gj make seat-NYA before DONG \ft I'll make the seats first. \nt 1. taking the toy chairs. 2. 'bikin' means 'to make' but in this utterance means 'to arrange'. \ref 0417 \id 994787100610150201 \begin 0:15:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho ʔyaːʰ \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft all right. \ref 0418 \id 703066100611150201 \begin 0:15:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt humming while arranging the toy bookcases and chairs in the form of an imaginary train. \ref 0419 \id 947232100611150201 \begin 0:15:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft okay. \nt finished arranging the imaginary train. \ref 0420 \id 645010100612150201 \begin 0:15:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx dah, ayo ni selesaiin ini dulu! \pho dah ʔayɔʔ niː sələsain ni duluʔ \mb dah ayo ni selesai -in ini dulu \ge PFCT AYO this finish -IN this before \gj PFCT AYO this finish-IN this before \ft enough, now finish this one! \nt pointing and tapping the shape puzzle box. \ref 0421 \id 807336100612150201 \begin 0:15:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini selesaiin ini dulu! \pho n̩i sələsain ni duluʔ \mb ini selesai -in ini dulu \ge this finish -IN this before \gj this finish-IN this before \ft hey, finish this first! \nt trying to attract CHI's attention that is being focused on the imaginary train. \ref 0422 \id 209939100613150201 \begin 0:15:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang mana lagi? \pho yaŋ mana lagi \mb yang mana lagi \ge REL which more \gj REL which more \ft which one more? \nt pushing pieces of the shape puzzle to CHI. \ref 0423 \id 152261100613150201 \begin 0:15:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt making a 'clicking' sound with her mouth while picking one of the pieces. \ref 0424 \id 959436100614150201 \begin 0:15:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini, bukan? \pho ini mukan \mb ini bukan \ge this NEG \gj this NEG \ft this one or not? \nt trying to put the piece into the shape puzzle box. \ref 0425 \id 563250100615150201 \begin 0:15:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0426 \id 968198100615150201 \begin 0:15:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx tapi salah, terbalik. \pho tapi sala tərbalik \mb tapi salah ter- balik \ge but wrong TER- turn.around \gj but wrong TER-turn.around \ft but it's wrong, it's upside down. \nt referring to one of the shapes CHI si holding. \ref 0427 \id 224259100616150201 \begin 0:15:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx gini? \pho giniʰ \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this? \nt reversing the position of the piece. \ref 0428 \id 539665100616150201 \begin 0:15:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah. \pho naːh \mb nah \ge NAH \gj NAH \ft right. \ref 0429 \id 573631100616150201 \begin 0:15:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho ʰyaː \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \nt CHI is fixing the position of the piece into the hole of the shape puzzle box. \ref 0430 \id 836242100617150201 \begin 0:15:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx ting. \pho tiŋ \mb ting \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ting. \nt imitating the sound of the shape puzzle hitting the ground of the box. \ref 0431 \id 949551100617150201 \begin 0:15:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx sip. \pho sip \mb sip \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft great. \nt sticking up MOT's thumb. \ref 0432 \id 934259100618150201 \begin 0:15:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx Mami yang mana Mami? \pho mami yaŋ mana mamiʰ \mb Mami yang mana Mami \ge mommy REL which mommy \gj mommy REL which mommy \ft for me, which one is for me? \nt looking at CHI pushing back some pieces of the shape puzzle to MOT. \ref 0433 \id 416398100618150201 \begin 0:15:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx satu, pilih yang satu, mana? \pho satuː pilih yaŋ satu mana \mb satu pilih yang satu mana \ge one choose REL one which \gj one choose REL one which \ft choose one, which one? \nt telling CHI to select the pieces. \ref 0434 \id 616383100619150201 \begin 0:15:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx tunjukin! \pho tunjukin \mb tunjuk -in \ge point -IN \gj point-IN \ft point at it! \nt referring to the piece CHI is giving to MOT. \ref 0435 \id 260609100619150201 \begin 0:15:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni, ini satu. \pho niː n̩i satu \mb ni ini satu \ge this this one \gj this this one \ft okay, this one. \nt taking the piece and putting it into the box. \ref 0436 \id 374155100620150201 \begin 0:15:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx ayo kerjain, Priska! \pho ʔayɔ kəjaɛn priska \mb ayo kerja -in Priska \ge AYO do -IN Priska \gj AYO do-IN Priska \ft come on Priska, do it! \nt pointing at the shape puzzle toy. \ref 0437 \id 736620100621150201 \begin 0:15:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska... \pho piska \mb Priska \ge Priska \gj Priska \ft Priska... \nt uttered together with MOT's previous utterance. \ref 0438 \id 591659100621150201 \begin 0:15:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx ikan, ikan. \pho ʔikan ʔikan \mb ikan ikan \ge fish fish \gj fish fish \ft the fish, the fish one. \ref 0439 \id 525573100624150201 \begin 0:15:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska nggak mo, nggak m(au)... \pho piska gɛ mɔ ŋa m \mb Priska nggak mo nggak mau \ge Priska NEG want NEG want \gj Priska NEG want NEG want \ft I don't want to, I don't want to... \nt staring at the imaginary train, refusing to play with the shape puzzle. \ref 0440 \id 420405100624150201 \begin 0:16:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx eh, nggak mau, nggak mau, nggak ditemenin nanti maennya. \pho ʔɛːh ŋga mau ŋga mau ŋga ditəmənin nanti maɛnɲa \mb eh nggak mau nggak mau nggak di- temen -in nanti maen -nya \ge EXCL NEG want NEG want NEG DI- friend -IN later play -NYA \gj EXCL NEG want NEG want NEG DI-friend-IN later play-NYA \ft hey, I don't want, I don't want, I won't play with you later. \nt rejecting CHI's intention to play with the imaginary train again. \ref 0441 \id 455302100625150201 \begin 0:16:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx (bi)sa nggak dikeluar [?]? \pho sa ŋgaʔ dikuaː \mb bisa nggak di- keluar \ge can NEG DI- go.out \gj can NEG DI-go.out \ft can it be taken out? \nt pushing hard the piece through the hole of the box. \ref 0442 \id 177490100625150201 \begin 0:16:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, betul, ni ya? \pho yaː bətuːl ni ya \mb ya betul ni ya \ge yes right this yes \gj yes right this yes \ft yes, that's right, now this one, okay? \nt turning the box. \ref 0443 \id 191651100626150201 \begin 0:16:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx... \pho xxx... \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx... \nt mumbling something together with MOT's previous utterance. \ref 0444 \id 593119100626150201 \begin 0:16:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx aku, Mami yang ini, ya? \pho ʔakuː mami yaŋ ini yaʰ \mb aku Mami yang ini ya \ge 1SG mommy REL this yes \gj 1SG mommy REL this yes \ft mine, this is for me, right? \nt taking one of the shape puzzle and putting it into the box. \ref 0445 \id 761724100627150201 \begin 0:16:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx kalo, kalo Adeknya gitu-gituin... \pho kalɔ kalɔ ʔadɛʔɲa gitugituwiːn \mb kalo kalo Adek -nya gitu - gitu -in \ge TOP TOP younger.sibling -NYA like.that - like.that -IN \gj TOP TOP younger.sibling-NYA RED-like.that-IN \ft but the little one does this... \nt 1. tapping the shape puzzle box. 2. 'Adek' is referring to an unclear context since CHI doesn't have a younger brother or sister; it might refer to herself. \ref 0446 \id 415269100628150201 \begin 0:16:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, Priska ini. \pho hya priska ʔini \mb ya Priska ini \ge yes Priska this \gj yes Priska this \ft yes, this one is for you. \nt giving one piece of the shape puzzle to CHI. \ref 0447 \id 536792100629150201 \begin 0:16:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx he huah. \pho dɛːː̃ːh ʔuwah \mb he huah \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft he huah. \nt 1. taking the piece from MOT's hand lazily, showing weariness. \ref 0448 \id 885648100629150201 \begin 0:16:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx ah, itu angka berapa, tuh? \pho ah itu aŋka brapa tuh \mb ah itu angka berapa tuh \ge EXCL that digit how.much that \gj EXCL that digit how.much that \ft ah, what number is that? \ref 0449 \id 605953100630150201 \begin 0:16:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft what? \ref 0450 \id 473935100630150201 \begin 0:16:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx be(bek)... bebek. \pho bəb bebek \mb bebek bebek \ge duck duck \gj duck duck \ft a duck. \nt referring to number two, because its shape reminds CHI of a duck. \ref 0451 \id 140914100631150201 \begin 0:16:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, angka bebek tu angka berapa? \pho aiyah ʔŋ̩ka bebek tu ʔŋka brapaː \mb ya angka bebek tu angka berapa \ge yes digit duck that digit how.much \gj yes digit duck that digit how.much \ft right, the duck number what number is it? \ref 0452 \id 156491100631150201 \begin 0:16:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx angka satu. \pho ʔaː satu \mb angka satu \ge digit one \gj digit one \ft number one. \ref 0453 \id 949608100631150201 \begin 0:16:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh! \pho hɛh \mb heh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \nt rejecting CHI's statement. \ref 0454 \id 978443100632150201 \begin 0:16:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx angka dua. \pho ʔŋkaː duwaʔ \mb angka dua \ge digit two \gj digit two \ft two. \ref 0455 \id 519312100632150201 \begin 0:16:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho hyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \nt turning over the shape puzzle box. \ref 0456 \id 500300100633150201 \begin 0:16:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx bebek kan bisanya diisiin [?]. \pho bebe kan bisaɲaː diʔisiʔin \mb bebek kan bisa -nya di- isi -in \ge duck KAN can -NYA DI- contents -IN \gj duck KAN can-NYA DI-contents-IN \ft the duck can be put in. \ref 0457 \id 454635100633150201 \begin 0:16:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni, Mami yang ini. \pho niː mami yaŋ ini \mb ni Mami yang ini \ge this mommy REL this \gj this mommy REL this \ft this one, I'll do this one. \nt taking one piece and putting it into the box. \ref 0458 \id 659550100634150201 \begin 0:16:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo Priska ini. \pho kalɔ priska iniʰ \mb kalo Priska ini \ge TOP Priska this \gj TOP Priska this \ft this one is for you. \nt giving CHI the letter S. \ref 0459 \id 379402100634150201 \begin 0:16:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx S U su S U su... \pho s ʔu suː s ʔu su \mb S U su S U su \ge S U xx S U xx \gj S U xx S U xx \ft S U su S U su... \nt teaching spelling to CHI inspired by the letter S, MOT is misspelling the word 'susu' milk. \ref 0460 \id 720021100635150201 \begin 0:16:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx U su susu. \pho u su suːsuʔ \mb U su susu \ge U xx milk \gj U xx milk \ft U su milk. \nt following MOT's spelling in the middle. \ref 0461 \id 615426100635150201 \begin 0:16:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx dung. \pho tuŋ \mb dung \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft dung. \nt imitating the sound of the shape puzzle hitting the ground of the box. \ref 0462 \id 389820100636150201 \begin 0:16:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx gini kan mestinya? \pho gini kaːn ʔs̩ːtiɲaː \mb gini kan mesti -nya \ge like.this KAN should -NYA \gj like.this KAN should-NYA \ft it should be like this, right? \nt trying to push the piece through the wrong hole on the surface of the box. \ref 0463 \id 314839100636150201 \begin 0:16:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx salah, wih, wih, wih, wih... \pho saːlah wih wih wih wih \mb salah wih wih wih wih \ge wrong EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj wrong EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft it's wrong, hey, hey, hey, hey... \ref 0464 \id 105022100637150201 \begin 0:16:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh, lihat gambar! \pho ʔih liyat gambar \mb heh lihat gambar \ge EXCL see picture \gj EXCL see picture \ft hey, look at the picture! \nt referring to the shape of the holes of the shape puzzle box. \ref 0465 \id 809960100637150201 \begin 0:16:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx gini? \pho giniʰ \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this? \nt looking at one of the holes and comparing it with the shape of the piece in her hand. \ref 0466 \id 215825100638150201 \begin 0:16:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hmh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft right. \ref 0467 \id 989539100638150201 \begin 0:16:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx balik kebalik. \pho balik kəbalik \mb balik ke- balik \ge turn.around KE- turn.around \gj turn.around KE-turn.around \ft it's reversed. \nt CHI is trying to push the piece through the hole, but it's stuck. \ref 0468 \id 701767100639150201 \begin 0:16:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx bisa, nggak? \pho bisa ŋgaʔ \mb bisa nggak \ge can NEG \gj can NEG \ft does it fit, or not? \nt CHI is trying to pull the piece which is stuck in the hole. \ref 0469 \id 709696100639150201 \begin 0:17:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx gini? \pho ginih \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this? \nt turning the piece over and over. \ref 0470 \id 786952100640150201 \begin 0:17:05 \sp MOTPRI \tx gini nih... nih. \pho giniːh nih niːh \mb gini nih nih \ge like.this this this \gj like.this this this \ft like this... like this. \nt showing the right position of the piece. \ref 0471 \id 525915100640150201 \begin 0:17:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah. \pho naːh \mb nah \ge NAH \gj NAH \ft okay. \nt CHI is pushing the piece through the hole. \ref 0472 \id 774824100641150201 \begin 0:17:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih, sekalian. \pho nih skaliyan \mb nih se- kali -an \ge this SE- time -AN \gj this SE-time-AN \ft this one too. \nt giving CHI another piece. \ref 0473 \id 982027100641150201 \begin 0:17:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx itu sebelahnya, 'susu'. \pho ʔiːtuʰ səbəlahɲaʰ susu \mb itu se- belah -nya susu \ge that SE- side -NYA milk \gj that SE-side-NYA milk \ft there, next to that one, the 'susu'. \nt pointing at the hole next to the letter S hole; 'susu' stands for the letter S. \ref 0474 \id 448929100642150201 \begin 0:17:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \ref 0475 \id 171109100642150201 \begin 0:17:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, sekarang M. \pho hyaː skaraŋ m \mb ya sekarang M \ge yes now M \gj yes now M \ft yes, now M. \nt taking the shape puzzle box from CHI's hand. \ref 0476 \id 945205100643150201 \begin 0:17:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx S A ma xxx. \pho s ʔa maː xxx \mb S A ma xxx \ge S A MA xxx \gj S A MA xxx \ft S A ma xx. \nt 1. turning over and over the shape puzzle box. 2. part of MOT's utterance is covered by the sound of the shape puzzle box, maybe she is spelling the word 'sama'. \ref 0477 \id 780647100643150201 \begin 0:17:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx. \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt CHI's utterance is covered by the sound of the shape puzzle box \ref 0478 \id 758604100644150201 \begin 0:17:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx M A ma M I mi. \pho m ʔa maː m ʔi mi \mb M A ma M I mi \ge M A MA M I mi \gj M A MA M I mi \ft M A ma M I mi. \nt spelling the word 'Mami'. \ref 0479 \id 180063100645150201 \begin 0:17:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mami. \pho mammiʰ \mb Mami \ge mommy \gj mommy \ft Mommy. \nt taking the M shape puzzle and putting it into the box. \ref 0480 \id 232723100645150201 \begin 0:17:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mami kan gede. \pho mami kan gədɛʔ \mb Mami kan gede \ge mommy KAN big \gj mommy KAN big \ft Mommy is big. \nt referring to the letter M. \ref 0481 \id 578500100646150201 \begin 0:17:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, iya. \pho ʔɔ̃ː ʔiyah \mb o iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft of course. \ref 0482 \id 764831100646150201 \begin 0:17:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx mana? \pho manaʰ \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where is it? \ref 0483 \id 430407100647150201 \begin 0:17:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx sebelahnya, sebelahnya yang M... C. \pho səbəlaʰɲa səbəlaʰɲa yaŋ m c \mb se- belah -nya se- belah -nya yang M C \ge SE- side -NYA SE- side -NYA REL M C \gj SE-side-NYA SE-side-NYA REL M C \ft next, next to M... C. \nt pointing at another hole, next to the M hole of the shape puzzle box. \ref 0484 \id 269259100647150201 \begin 0:17:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx C I ci... \pho c ʔi ciː \mb C I ci \ge C I xx \gj C I xx \ft C I ci... \nt starting to spell the word 'cicak'. \ref 0485 \id 853423100648150201 \begin 0:17:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx (ci)cak. \pho cak \mb cicak \ge lizard \gj lizard \ft lizard. \nt succeeding into finishing the word started by MOT and taking one piece and putting it into the box through a hole which is not the one that MOT pointed before. \ref 0486 \id 801611100648150201 \begin 0:17:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx C A cak... \pho c ʔa cat \mb C A cak \ge C A xx \gj C A xx \ft C A cak... \nt completing the word 'cicak'. \ref 0487 \id 295344100649150201 \begin 0:17:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx cicak. \pho ciːcak \mb cicak \ge lizard \gj lizard \ft lizard \ref 0488 \id 964896100649150201 \begin 0:17:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx cicak. \pho ciːcak \mb cicak \ge lizard \gj lizard \ft lizard. \nt uttered together with CHI. \ref 0489 \id 526107100650150201 \begin 0:17:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx cicak. \pho ciːcak \mb cicak \ge lizard \gj lizard \ft lizard. \nt uttered together with MOT. \ref 0490 \id 404291100650150201 \begin 0:17:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx cicak ini ni, cicak. \pho cicak ʔn̩i ni cicak \mb cicak ini ni cicak \ge lizard this this lizard \gj lizard this this lizard \ft lizard, this is the lizard. \nt tapping the C hole at the surface of the shape puzzle box, showing that CHI should also put the C piece through that hole. \ref 0491 \id 529696100651150201 \begin 0:17:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih. \pho niːʰ \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft this one. \nt pointing at the last piece of the shape puzzle and turning over the shape puzzle box to show CHI the hole for that piece. \ref 0492 \id 424596100651150201 \begin 0:17:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx dah, dah kalo udah semua boleh maen lagi. \pho daː da kalɔ uda səmuwa bɔlɛ maɛn lagiː \mb dah dah kalo udah semua boleh maen lagi \ge PFCT PFCT TOP PFCT all may play more \gj PFCT PFCT TOP PFCT all may play more \ft okay, since you have finished them all, you can play again. \nt referring to CHI putting the last piece through the hole and allowing her to play with the imaginary train again. \ref 0493 \id 694626100652150201 \begin 0:17:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx tul. \pho tuːls \mb tul \ge right \gj right \ft right. \ref 0494 \id 391837100652150201 \begin 0:17:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx Kokonya mo sekolah... \pho kɔkɔɲa mɔ səkɔlah \mb Koko -nya mo sekolah \ge Koko -NYA want school \gj Koko-NYA want school \ft Koko wants to go to school.... \nt taking one of the koala dolls. \ref 0495 \id 924126100653150201 \begin 0:17:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx mo pulang. \pho mɔ puːlaŋ \mb mo pulang \ge want return \gj want return \ft he wants to go home. \nt putting the koala doll on the 'train'. \ref 0496 \id 211404100653150201 \begin 0:17:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx katanya... \pho xx kataɲa \mb xx kata -nya \ge xx word -NYA \gj xx word-NYA \ft xx says... \ref 0497 \id 473740100654150201 \begin 0:17:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx o mo pulangnya naek kereta? \pho ʔɔ mɔ pulaŋɲa naɛʔ kərɛta \mb o mo pulang -nya naek kereta \ge EXCL want return -NYA go.up train \gj EXCL want return-NYA go.up train \ft oh, he want to go home by train? \ref 0498 \id 458190100654150201 \begin 0:18:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \nt taking the other koala doll. \ref 0499 \id 107327100655150201 \begin 0:18:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx kok pulangnya naek kereta? \pho kɔ pulaŋɲa naɛ kərɛta \mb kok pulang -nya naek kereta \ge KOK return -NYA go.up train \gj KOK return-NYA go.up train \ft why does he go home by train? \ref 0500 \id 855284100655150201 \begin 0:18:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx emang sekolahnya di mana? \pho ɛmaŋ skɔlaʰɲa di manaʰ \mb emang sekolah -nya di mana \ge indeed school -NYA LOC which \gj indeed school-NYA LOC which \ft where is his school? \nt MOT asks this question because in Indonesia people usually go by train for long distance trips. \ref 0501 \id 586644100656150201 \begin 0:18:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx pulangnya naek kereta, mang sekolahnya di mana? \pho pulaŋɲa naɛk kreta maŋ səkɔlahɲa di manaʰ \mb pulang -nya naek kereta mang sekolah -nya di mana \ge return -NYA go.up train indeed school -NYA LOC which \gj return-NYA go.up train indeed school-NYA LOC which \ft he goes home by train, so where is his school? \nt looking at CHI arranging the position of the seats and the koala dolls on the imaginary train, made of two toy bookcases. \ref 0502 \id 844906100657150201 \begin 0:18:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx sambil nyanyi dong, "Naik Kereta Api" dong. \pho sambil ɲaɲi dɔŋ naɛk kəreta ʔapi dɔŋ \mb sambil nyanyi dong Naik Kereta Api dong \ge while sing DONG go.up train fire DONG \gj while sing DONG go.up train fire DONG \ft while singing the song "Go on the Train", come on. \nt referring to the title of the children song. \ref 0503 \id 173471115358160201 \begin 0:18:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini kan pake ini juga. \pho ʔini kan pakɛ ʔini juːga \mb ini kan pake ini juga \ge this KAN use this also \gj this KAN use this also \ft this one uses this too. \nt putting down the other koala doll on the toy bookcases. \ref 0504 \id 143625115400160201 \begin 0:18:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini nggak ikut, bangkunya, bangkunya taro di sini. \pho ni ŋgaʔ iːkut baŋkuʔɲaː maŋkuʔɲa tarɔ di siniː \mb ini nggak ikut bangku -nya bangku -nya taro di sini \ge this NEG follow seat -NYA seat -NYA put LOC here \gj this NEG follow seat-NYA seat-NYA put LOC here \ft the seats do not go along, I'll put them here. \nt removing the toy chairs from the top of the toy bookcases. \ref 0505 \id 710153115401160201 \begin 0:18:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya... \pho yaː \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah... \ref 0506 \id 354548115402160201 \begin 0:18:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya... \pho ʰyaː \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes... \ref 0507 \id 606950115402160201 \begin 0:18:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx bangkunya kan taronya di sini aja. \pho maŋkuɲa kan talɔɲa di sini ʔaːja \mb bangku -nya kan taro -nya di sini aja \ge seat -NYA KAN put -NYA LOC here just \gj seat-NYA KAN put-NYA LOC here just \ft I'll put the seats just here. \nt putting down the toy seats on the floor. \ref 0508 \id 131848115403160201 \begin 0:18:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho ʔyaː \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0509 \id 778724115403160201 \begin 0:18:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx bangkunya nggak ikut. \pho maŋkuɲa ŋgaʔ ikut \mb bangku -nya nggak ikut \ge seat -NYA NEG follow \gj seat-NYA NEG follow \ft the seats are not going along. \ref 0510 \id 837396115404160201 \begin 0:18:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak ikut. \pho ŋga ikuːt \mb nggak ikut \ge NEG follow \gj NEG follow \ft they don't go along. \nt referring to the toy chairs. \ref 0511 \id 532424115404160201 \begin 0:18:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx sambil nyanyi dong, "Kereta". \pho sambil ɲaɲi dɔŋ kərɛtaʔ \mb sambil nyanyi dong Kereta \ge while sing DONG train \gj while sing DONG train \ft while singing, "Train" song. \nt referring to the song "Naik Kereta Api". \ref 0512 \id 367291115405160201 \begin 0:18:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx "Kereta Api" gimana nyanyinya? \pho kəreta ʔapi gimana ɲaɲiɲaʰ \mb Kereta Api gimana nyanyi -nya \ge train fire how sing -NYA \gj train fire how sing-NYA \ft the "Train" song, how does it go? \nt referring to the song "Naik Kereta Api". \ref 0513 \id 569005115405160201 \begin 0:18:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak... \pho ʔəŋga \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no... \nt busy arranging the position of the koala dolls on the train. \ref 0514 \id 478256115406160201 \begin 0:18:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih. \pho niːʰ \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here it is. \ref 0515 \id 761223115406160201 \begin 0:18:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini kan di depan... \pho ʔn̩i kan di dəpaːn \mb ini kan di depan \ge this KAN LOC front \gj this KAN LOC front \ft this one goes at the front... \nt moving the position of one of the koala dolls on the top of the toy bookcases. \ref 0516 \id 103566115407160201 \begin 0:18:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'naik kereta api...' \pho naik kəreta ʔapi \mb naik kereta api \ge go.up train fire \gj go.up train fire \ft 'going on a train...' \nt singing the beginning part of the song "Naik Kereta Api". \ref 0517 \id 650628115407160201 \begin 0:18:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini di belakang ni, ini. \pho ni di blakaŋ niː n̩iːʰ \mb ini di belakang ni ini \ge this LOC back this this \gj this LOC back this this \ft this one goes in the back, here. \nt moving the position of the other koala doll on the top of the toy bookcases. \ref 0518 \id 716967115408160201 \begin 0:18:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho ʔyaː \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 0519 \id 576528115408160201 \begin 0:18:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini taronya... \pho n̩i tarɔʔɲaʰ \mb ini taro -nya \ge this put -NYA \gj this put-NYA \ft I'll put this one... \ref 0520 \id 928113115409160201 \begin 0:18:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx ininya taronya kan di sini. \pho ʔiniɲa tantrɔɲa kan di sini \mb ini -nya taro -nya kan di sini \ge this -NYA put -NYA KAN LOC here \gj this-NYA put-NYA KAN LOC here \ft these ones go here. \nt 1. putting down again the toy seats on the top of the toy bookcases. 2.** 'nya' after 'ininya' should be omitted. \ref 0521 \id 618936115409160201 \begin 0:18:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx harus di sini. \pho halus di s̩iːnni \mb harus di sini \ge must LOC here \gj must LOC here \ft they must go here. \ref 0522 \id 308452115410160201 \begin 0:18:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx lho? \pho lo \mb lho \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft huh? \ref 0523 \id 762344115411160201 \begin 0:18:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \nt uttered together with MOT's so it's not clear. \ref 0524 \id 935153115411160201 \begin 0:18:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx tumpukan semua. \pho tumpukan səmuwa \mb tumpuk -an semua \ge pile.up -AN all \gj pile.up-AN all \ft they're all piling up. \nt 1.CHI is busy arranging the position of the toy seats on the top of the toy bookcases. 2. ** 'tumpukan' is a noun; here should be either in the adjective form: BER-tumpuk-AN or in the passive form: DI-tumpuk-AN. \ref 0525 \id 140785115412160201 \begin 0:18:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini pake ini deh. \pho ʔini pakɛʔ n̩i dɛh \mb ini pake ini deh \ge this use this DEH \gj this use this DEH \ft this one uses this one. \nt arranging the position of the toy seats on the top of the toy bookcases. \ref 0526 \id 684041115412160201 \begin 0:19:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan, sa(lah)... eh salah, salah salah. \pho kan saʔ ɛh salah saːlah salah \mb kan salah eh salah salah salah \ge KAN wrong EXCL wrong wrong wrong \gj KAN wrong EXCL wrong wrong wrong \ft it's wrong, wrong, wrong. \nt taking away all of the toy seats and the koala dolls from the toy bookcases. \ref 0527 \id 698299115413160201 \begin 0:19:05 \sp MOTPRI \tx dah sampe. \pho dah sampɛː \mb dah sampe \ge PFCT arrive \gj PFCT arrive \ft okay, you've arrived. \nt assuming that CHI has finished with the imaginary train. \ref 0528 \id 924185115413160201 \begin 0:19:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'ayo belajar musik lagi sekarang!' \pho ʰayɔ bəlajar musik lagiː səkaraŋ \mb ayo bel- ajar musik lagi sekarang \ge AYO BER- teach music more now \gj AYO BER-teach music more now \ft 'now, let's study music again!' \nt pretending to be the teacher again. \ref 0529 \id 294638115414160201 \begin 0:19:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak, kan, ini kan bukan di sekolah. \pho ʔŋ̩gaʔ kanː ni kan bukan ni səkɔlah \mb nggak kan ini kan bukan di sekolah \ge NEG KAN this KAN NEG LOC school \gj NEG KAN this KAN NEG LOC school \ft no, we're not at school. \ref 0530 \id 797602115414160201 \begin 0:19:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx tiup... tiup suling. \pho tiyup tiyup suliŋ \mb tiup tiup suling \ge blow blow flute \gj blow blow flute \ft the flute... we'll blow the flute. \ref 0531 \id 410422115415160201 \begin 0:19:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya di sekolah, belajar musik. \pho ʔiːya di səkɔla blajar musik \mb iya di sekolah bel- ajar musik \ge yes LOC school BER- teach music \gj yes LOC school BER-teach music \ft yes, we are at school, we'll study music. \ref 0532 \id 982050115415160201 \begin 0:19:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx bukan di sekolah. \pho bukan di s̩kɔla \mb bukan di sekolah \ge NEG LOC school \gj NEG LOC school \ft I am not at school. \ref 0533 \id 836088115416160201 \begin 0:19:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx o bukan di sekolah. \pho ʔɔ bukan di skɔlah \mb o bukan di sekolah \ge EXCL NEG LOC school \gj EXCL NEG LOC school \ft oh, you are not at school. \ref 0534 \id 148182115416160201 \begin 0:19:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx belum juga 'selamat siang' sama Bu Gurunya. \pho bəlum juga səlamat siyaŋ sama bu guruɲaʰ \mb belum juga selamat siang sama Bu Guru -nya \ge not.yet also safe daytime with TRU-mother teacher -NYA \gj not.yet also safe daytime with TRU-mother teacher-NYA \ft you haven't even said 'good day' yet to the teacher. \nt referring to greeting the teacher at the beginning of the class. \ref 0535 \id 807086115417160201 \begin 0:19:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx di sini dulu. \pho ndi sini duluː \mb di sini dulu \ge LOC here before \gj LOC here before \ft I want to stay here first. \nt intending to play with the furniture set. \ref 0536 \id 514699115417160201 \begin 0:19:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'anak-anak sudah mo pulang ya?' \pho ʔanakʔanak suda mɔ pulaŋ yaː \mb anak - anak sudah mo pulang ya \ge child - child PFCT want return yes \gj RED-child PFCT want return yes \ft 'okay students, are you ready to go home now?' \nt playing the female doll, pretending to be the teacher again. \ref 0537 \id 354688115418160201 \begin 0:19:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiːyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be the students--responding to MOT's being the teacher. \ref 0538 \id 262572115418160201 \begin 0:19:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'selamat siang, anak-anak.' \mb selamat siang anak - anak \ge safe daytime child - child \gj safe daytime RED-child \ft 'good day, students.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0539 \id 959319115419160201 \begin 0:19:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'selamat siang, Bu Guru.' \pho slamat siyaŋ bu guluː \mb selamat siang Bu Guru \ge safe daytime TRU-mother teacher \gj safe daytime TRU-mother teacher \ft 'good day, Mam.' \nt pretending to be the students. \ref 0540 \id 397746115419160201 \begin 0:19:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'ya, sampe besok pagi anak-anak.' \mb ya sampe besok pagi anak - anak \ge yes arrive tomorrow morning child - child \gj yes arrive tomorrow morning RED-child \ft 'see you again tomorrow morning, students.' \nt pretending to be the teacher. \ref 0541 \id 339083115420160201 \begin 0:19:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be the student. \ref 0542 \id 785930115420160201 \begin 0:19:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx sss sss. \pho sss sʃ \mb sss sss \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft sss sss. \nt 1. putting the two koala dolls on the top of the toy bookcases, which are always imagined as a train. 2. the buzzing sound produced seems to be the imitation of the train or other vehicles. \ref 0543 \id 441779115421160201 \begin 0:19:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'bye, Bu Guru.' \pho baːy bu guluː \mb bye Bu Guru \ge bye TRU-mother teacher \gj bye TRU-mother teacher \ft 'bye, Mam.' \ref 0544 \id 602225115421160201 \begin 0:19:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx bobo lagi deh. \pho boːboʔ laːgi deh \mb bobo lagi deh \ge sleep more DEH \gj sleep more DEH \ft they're going to sleep again. \nt putting the koala dolls on the toy bed. \ref 0545 \id 810835115422160201 \begin 0:19:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx hu, bobo lagi deh. \pho huːː boboʔ lagi deh \mb hu bobo lagi deh \ge EXCL sleep more DEH \gj EXCL sleep more DEH \ft oh, they're going to sleep again. \ref 0546 \id 525794115422160201 \begin 0:19:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan, udah malem. \pho kanː uda maləm \mb kan udah malem \ge KAN PFCT night \gj KAN PFCT night \ft it's night already. \ref 0547 \id 531789115423160201 \begin 0:19:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho wah \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft what? \ref 0548 \id 500121115423160201 \begin 0:19:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, kalo udah malem bobo, ya? \pho ʔɔ kalɔ uda maləm boboʔ yah \mb o kalo udah malem bobo ya \ge EXCL TOP PFCT night sleep yes \gj EXCL TOP PFCT night sleep yes \ft oh, if it's night you go to sleep, right? \ref 0549 \id 157597115424160201 \begin 0:19:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo udah malem bobo? \pho kalɔ uda maləm bobo \mb kalo udah malem bobo \ge TOP PFCT night sleep \gj TOP PFCT night sleep \ft if it's night you go to sleep? \ref 0550 \id 647421115424160201 \begin 0:19:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho hiyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \nt whispering. \ref 0551 \id 821715115425160201 \begin 0:19:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya? \pho ʔiyaʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah? \ref 0552 \id 679852115425160201 \begin 0:19:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx sebentar. \pho səbəntal \mb se- bentar \ge SE- moment \gj SE-moment \ft wait a moment. \nt 1. whispering. 2. uttered together with MOT's previous utterance. \ref 0553 \id 496765115426160201 \begin 0:20:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan, nggak usah... kan, boboknya kan nggak usah pake ini. \pho kan ŋga sə kan boboʔɲa kan ŋga usa pakɛ ʔini \mb kan nggak usah kan bobok -nya kan nggak usah pake ini \ge KAN NEG must KAN sleep -NYA KAN NEG must use this \gj KAN NEG must KAN sleep-NYA KAN NEG must use this \ft no need... if they sleep the do not need to use these. \nt removing all the mattresses from the toy beds. \ref 0554 \id 440048115426160201 \begin 0:20:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak usah pake apa? \pho ŋga usa pakɛ apaʰ \mb nggak usah pake apa \ge NEG must use what \gj NEG must use what \ft they don't need to use what? \ref 0555 \id 302461115427160201 \begin 0:20:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak usah pake bobokan ini xx. \pho ga usah pakɛʔ boboʔan n̩i xx. \mb nggak usah pake bobok -an ini xx \ge NEG must use sleep -AN this xx \gj NEG must use sleep-AN this xx \ft they don't have to use this mattresses for sleeping xx. \nt putting away the other mattress from the toy bed. \ref 0556 \id 871479115427160201 \begin 0:20:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft what? \ref 0557 \id 965012115428160201 \begin 0:20:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx oh, salah. \pho ʔɔh salah \mb oh salah \ge EXCL wrong \gj EXCL wrong \ft oops, it's wrong. \nt playing with the toy mattresses and the toy beds. \ref 0558 \id 683560115428160201 \begin 0:20:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang ini xxnya gini. \pho yaŋ ini xxɲa gini \mb yang ini xx -nya gini \ge REL this xx -NYA like.this \gj REL this xx-NYA like.this \ft this one xx like this. \nt both 'ini' refer to the toy mattresses and the toy beds. \ref 0559 \id 720483115429160201 \begin 0:20:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx gini nggak sakit. \pho gini gaʔ saʔkiːt \mb gini nggak sakit \ge like.this NEG hurt \gj like.this NEG hurt \ft it doesn't hurt if it's like this. \nt putting the koala dolls on the toy beds without the toy mattresses. \ref 0560 \id 276831115429160201 \begin 0:20:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx sakit nggak kalo bobo pake kayu? \pho sakit ʔŋgaʔ kalɔ bowo pakɛ kayu \mb sakit nggak kalo bobo pake kayu \ge hurt NEG TOP sleep use wood \gj hurt NEG TOP sleep use wood \ft does it hurt if you sleep on the board? \nt playing with the toy beds. \ref 0561 \id 309091115430160201 \begin 0:20:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx sakit. \pho saːkiːt \mb sakit \ge hurt \gj hurt \ft it hurts. \ref 0562 \id 708375115430160201 \begin 0:20:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ʔŋ̩ːgaː \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no, it's not. \nt playing with the toy beds. \ref 0563 \id 173930115431160201 \begin 0:20:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak sakit? \pho ʔŋ̩ga sakit \mb nggak sakit \ge NEG hurt \gj NEG hurt \ft it doesn't hurt? \nt playing with the toy beds. \ref 0564 \id 653088115431160201 \begin 0:20:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ʔŋ̩ga \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \nt playing with the toy beds. \ref 0565 \id 665739115432160201 \begin 0:20:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska emang boboknya pake apa? \pho priska ʔɛmaŋ boboʔɲa pakɛ apaʰ \mb Priska emang bobok -nya pake apa \ge Priska indeed sleep -NYA use what \gj Priska indeed sleep-NYA use what \ft when you sleep, what do you use? \ref 0566 \id 897803115432160201 \begin 0:20:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx pake tempat tidur. \pho pakɛ təmpat tiːdur \mb pake tempat tidur \ge use place lie.down \gj use place lie.down \ft on a bed. \ref 0567 \id 598393115433160201 \begin 0:20:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx tempat tidurnya dikasi apa? \pho təmpat tidurɲa dikasi ʔapa \mb tempat tidur -nya di- kasi apa \ge place lie.down -NYA DI- give what \gj place lie.down-NYA DI-give what \ft what do you put on the bed? \ref 0568 \id 311928115433160201 \begin 0:20:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx dikasi xxx... \mb di- kasi xxx \ge DI- give xxx \gj DI-give xxx \ft I'll put xxx... \ref 0569 \id 684102115434160201 \begin 0:20:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx ran(jang)... \pho raːn \mb ranjang \ge bedframe \gj bedframe \ft a mattress... \nt giving CHI a cue. \ref 0570 \id 829360115434160201 \begin 0:20:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx hah? \pho ə̃h \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \nt failing to get MOT's intention. \ref 0571 \id 475471115435160201 \begin 0:20:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx ranjang. \pho ranjaŋ \mb ranjang \ge bedframe \gj bedframe \ft a mattress. \ref 0572 \id 750994115435160201 \begin 0:20:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx ranjang. \pho raːnjaŋ \mb ranjang \ge bedframe \gj bedframe \ft a mattress. \nt repeating MOT's previous utterance. \ref 0573 \id 983281115436160201 \begin 0:20:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx ranjangnya dari apah? \pho ranjaŋɲa dari apaʰ \mb ranjang -nya dari apah \ge bedframe -NYA from what \gj bedframe-NYA from what \ft the mattress is made of what? \ref 0574 \id 831813115436160201 \begin 0:20:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx dari, dari, dari ranjangnya. \pho daliʰ daliː dali ranjaŋɲaʰ \mb dari dari dari ranjang -nya \ge from from from bedframe -NYA \gj from from from bedframe-NYA \ft made of, of, of the mattress. \nt still playing with the toy beds. \ref 0575 \id 303176115437160201 \begin 0:20:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft what? \ref 0576 \id 287918115437160201 \begin 0:20:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx dari apa? \pho dali ʔapah \mb dari apa \ge from what \gj from what \ft made of what? \ref 0577 \id 343712115438160201 \begin 0:20:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx dari kapuk. \pho dari kaːpuʔ \mb dari kapuk \ge from kapok \gj from kapok \ft made of kapok. \ref 0578 \id 274184115438160201 \begin 0:20:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx (da)ri kapuk. \pho dli kappuk \mb dari kapuk \ge from kapok \gj from kapok \ft made of kapok. \nt repeating MOT's previous utterance. \ref 0579 \id 826195115439160201 \begin 0:20:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 0580 \id 385381115439160201 \begin 0:20:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... \pho ŋə \mb eee \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 0581 \id 414261115440160201 \begin 0:20:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus dikasi apa? \pho tərus dikasi apaʰ \mb trus di- kasi apa \ge continue DI- give what \gj continue DI-give what \ft then, what do you put on it? \nt referring to the mattress. \ref 0582 \id 695947115440160201 \begin 0:20:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx (ka)si... \pho s̩ːih \mb kasi \ge give \gj give \ft I'll put... \ref 0583 \id 996731115441160201 \begin 0:20:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx kasi sprei. \pho kasiːh səpprey \mb kasi sprei \ge give bedsheet \gj give bedsheet \ft I'll put the bed sheet. \nt taking one of the toy mattresses and the toy bedsheet. \ref 0584 \id 981807115441160201 \begin 0:21:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx sprei. \pho səppley \mb sprei \ge bedsheet \gj bedsheet \ft the bed sheet. \nt repeating MOT's previous utterance. \ref 0585 \id 348801115442160201 \begin 0:21:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih, spreinya ini. \pho nih səpreyɲa iniː \mb nih sprei -nya ini \ge this bedsheet -NYA this \gj this bedsheet-NYA this \ft here is the bed sheet, this. \nt showing CHI the toy mattresses and the toy bedsheet in her hands. \ref 0586 \id 303937115442160201 \begin 0:21:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan? \pho kanː \mb kan \ge KAN \gj KAN \ft right? \ref 0587 \id 476673115443160201 \begin 0:21:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx sama dengan sprei. \pho samma dəŋan səprey \mb sama dengan sprei \ge same with bedsheet \gj same with bedsheet \ft it's the same as the bed sheet. \nt putting the toy mattress into the toy bedsheet. \ref 0588 \id 255497115443160201 \begin 0:21:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan, mestinya kan, dixxnya kan, begini. \pho kan musiɲa kan diseʔnya kan bəgini \mb kan mesti -nya kan di- xx -nya kan begini \ge KAN should -NYA KAN DI- xx -NYA KAN like.this \gj KAN should-NYA KAN DI-xx-NYA KAN like.this \ft it should be xx like this. \nt arranging the toy bookcases. \ref 0589 \id 855849115444160201 \begin 0:21:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx mestinya kan begitu, kok gini xx? \pho musiɲa kan bəggitu kɔʔ gini xx \mb mesti -nya kan begitu kok gini xx \ge should -NYA KAN like.that KOK like.this xx \gj should-NYA KAN like.that KOK like.this xx \ft it should be like that, why is it like this xx? \nt taking the two koala dolls from the toy beds. \ref 0590 \id 169037115444160201 \begin 0:21:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx mana satu lagi spreinya? \pho mana satu lagi səpreyɲaʰ \mb mana satu lagi sprei -nya \ge which one more bedsheet -NYA \gj which one more bedsheet-NYA \ft where is the other bed sheet? \nt showing the other toy bedsheet to CHI while she is taking the other mattress. \ref 0591 \id 310793115445160201 \begin 0:21:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx masukin, nih! \pho masukin nih \mb masuk -in nih \ge go.in -IN this \gj go.in-IN this \ft put it in this! \nt referring to the mattress while giving the toy bedsheet to CHI. \ref 0592 \id 518480115445160201 \begin 0:21:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx kamu masukin! \pho kamuː masukin \mb kamu masuk -in \ge 2 go.in -IN \gj 2 go.in-IN \ft you do it! \nt referring to the mattress. \ref 0593 \id 912109115446160201 \begin 0:21:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx (bu)kain dong! \pho kain dɔŋ \mb buka -in dong \ge open -IN DONG \gj open-IN DONG \ft open this please! \nt giving back the toy bedsheet to MOT and asking her to open it in order to put the mattress inside. \ref 0594 \id 740204115446160201 \begin 0:21:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini nggak bisa. \pho n̩i na bisa \mb ini nggak bisa \ge this NEG can \gj this NEG can \ft I cannot do it. \nt trying to put the mattress inside the bedsheet. \ref 0595 \id 530869115447160201 \begin 0:21:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx kok bukan, bukan, pake tangan dua. \pho ŋgaʔ buʰkan bukan pakeʔ taŋan duwaʔ \mb kok bukan bukan pake tangan dua \ge KOK NEG NEG use hand two \gj KOK NEG NEG use hand two \ft no, not like that, you have to use both hands. \nt referring to the bedsheet. \ref 0596 \id 335403115447160201 \begin 0:21:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, salah. \pho ʔɛh salah \mb eh salah \ge EXCL wrong \gj EXCL wrong \ft oops, it's wrong. \nt MOT is holding the toy bedsheet and CHI is trying to put the mattress into the toy bedsheet. \ref 0597 \id 131980115448160201 \begin 0:21:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, salah. \pho ʔɛh sah \mb eh salah \ge EXCL wrong \gj EXCL wrong \ft oops, it's wrong. \nt trying to put the mattress inside the bedsheet. \ref 0598 \id 289731115448160201 \begin 0:21:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx xxx dah udah masuk, kamu rapihin. \pho xxx daː muda masuk kamu rapihin \mb xxx dah udah masuk kamu rapih -in \ge xxx PFCT PFCT go.in 2 neat -IN \gj xxx PFCT PFCT go.in 2 neat-IN \ft xxx it's inside, now you tidy it up. \nt giving back the toy bedsheet, with the toy mattress inside, to CHI. \ref 0599 \id 222773115449160201 \begin 0:21:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih, lihat tuh, kayak Mami tuh, begini nih. \pho niː liyat tuʰ kaya mami tu bəgini nih \mb nih lihat tuh kayak Mami tuh begini nih \ge this see that like mommy that like.this this \gj this see that like mommy that like.this this \ft look how Mommy did it, it's like this. \nt showing CHI the other toy mattress, which is covered with the toy bedsheet. \ref 0600 \id 751863115449160201 \begin 0:21:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx gimana? \pho ə̃gimana \mb gimana \ge how \gj how \ft how? \ref 0601 \id 277705115450160201 \begin 0:21:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx dimasukin ke dalem. \pho diːmasʊkin kə daləm \mb di- masuk -in ke dalem \ge DI- go.in -IN to inside \gj DI-go.in-IN to inside \ft it has to be put inside. \nt showing CHI how to tidy up the toy mattress inside the toy bedsheet. \ref 0602 \id 602774115450160201 \begin 0:21:55 \sp XXX \tx 0. \nt either MOT or CHI exhales \ref 0603 \id 146796115451160201 \begin 0:21:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx sss. \pho s̩ːː \mb sss \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft sss. \nt tidying the mattress inside the bedsheet and imitating its sound. \ref 0604 \id 908730115451160201 \begin 0:22:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx lho 'sss', cuma 'sss'. \pho lɔh s̩ː cuma s̩ː \mb lho sss cuma sss \ge EXCL IMIT only IMIT \gj EXCL IMIT only IMIT \ft why 'sss', you can only do 'sss'. \nt complaining that CHI is not able to put the mattress inside the bedsheet in a proper way. \ref 0605 \id 641794115452160201 \begin 0:22:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni, dimasukin ke dalem nih. \pho niː dimasukin kə daːləm niːʰ \mb ni di- masuk -in ke dalem nih \ge this DI- go.in -IN to inside this \gj this DI-go.in-IN to inside this \ft here, it has to be put inside. \nt taking the toy bedsheet and mattress from CHI's hand and tidying it up. \ref 0606 \id 744140115452160201 \begin 0:22:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx jadinya ra(pih)... \pho jadiɲa raː \mb jadi -nya rapih \ge become -NYA neat \gj become-NYA neat \ft in this way it is neat... \ref 0607 \id 983328115453160201 \begin 0:22:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx (ra)pih. \pho piːh \mb rapih \ge neat \gj neat \ft neat. \nt taking the toy bedsheet and mattress from MOT's hand. \ref 0608 \id 712984115453160201 \begin 0:22:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx rapih. \pho raːpiːːʰ \mb rapih \ge neat \gj neat \ft it's neat. \ref 0609 \id 244962115454160201 \begin 0:22:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx boboin. \pho boboʔiːn \mb bobo -in \ge sleep -IN \gj sleep-IN \ft put to sleep. \nt **the subject of this utterance is not clear; the subject 'boboin' should be an animate subject, maybe the dolls; if CHI is referring to the mattress, then it's wrong to use 'boboin'. \ref 0610 \id 195260115454160201 \begin 0:22:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx taro di sini. \pho talɔ di sini \mb taro di sini \ge put LOC here \gj put LOC here \ft I'll put it here. \nt putting the toy mattress, covered by the toy bedsheet, on the toy bed. \ref 0611 \id 951734115455160201 \begin 0:22:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx kebalik dong. \pho kəbalik dɔːŋ \mb ke- balik dong \ge KE- turn.around DONG \gj KE-turn.around DONG \ft the other way around. \nt taking the other toy mattress. \ref 0612 \id 710621115455160201 \begin 0:22:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini, gimana? \pho inː gimanaʰ \mb ini gimana \ge this how \gj this how \ft this one, how? \nt taking again the toy mattress. \ref 0613 \id 133773115456160201 \begin 0:22:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini yang dalemnya, yang belakangnya dilipet, taro di bawah! \pho ʔini yaŋ daləmɲaː yaŋ bəlakaŋɲa dilipət tarɔʔ di bawaːʰ \mb ini yang dalem -nya yang belakang -nya di- lipet taro di bawah \ge this REL inside -NYA REL back -NYA DI- fold put LOC under \gj this REL inside-NYA REL back-NYA DI-fold put LOC under \ft this is the inside part, fold the back part, and put it down! \nt showing how to lay the toy mattress and the toy bedsheet. \ref 0614 \id 735546115457160201 \begin 0:22:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx taro di bawah. \pho tarɔ dli bawaːʰ \mb taro di bawah \ge put LOC under \gj put LOC under \ft put it down. \nt repeating MOT's previous utterance. \ref 0615 \id 534586115457160201 \begin 0:22:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx bawah begini nih. \pho bawah bəgiːni nih \mb bawah begini nih \ge under like.this this \gj under like.this this \ft down like this. \nt putting the mattress on one of the toy beds. \ref 0616 \id 704314115457160201 \begin 0:22:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, kan. \pho tuːh kan \mb tuh kan \ge that KAN \gj that KAN \ft see, like that. \ref 0617 \id 318346115458160201 \begin 0:22:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx jadi di atasnya ra(pih)... rapih. \pho jadiː di atasɲaʰ raː rapiːh \mb jadi di atas -nya rapih rapih \ge become LOC up -NYA neat neat \gj become LOC up-NYA neat neat \ft so the upper side looks neat. \ref 0618 \id 559617115458160201 \begin 0:22:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx (ra)pih. \pho piː \mb rapih \ge neat \gj neat \ft neat. \nt finishing MOT's previous utterance. \ref 0619 \id 199321115459160201 \begin 0:22:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni, taro di sini. \pho niː talɔ di siniːʰ \mb ni taro di sini \ge this put LOC here \gj this put LOC here \ft this one, let me put it here. \nt putting the other toy mattress on the other toy bed. \ref 0620 \id 798738115459160201 \begin 0:22:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx wah. \pho uwaːː \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh, no. \nt showing disagreement. \ref 0621 \id 612369115500160201 \begin 0:22:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak rapih. \pho ŋgaʔ lapih \mb nggak rapih \ge NEG neat \gj NEG neat \ft it's not neat. \nt taking again the mattress. \ref 0622 \id 305638115500160201 \begin 0:22:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak rapih? \pho ŋgaʔ rapih \mb nggak rapih \ge NEG neat \gj NEG neat \ft it's not neat? \ref 0623 \id 262337115501160201 \begin 0:22:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx rapih. \pho rapiːː \mb rapih \ge neat \gj neat \ft it's neat. \nt arranging the toy mattress and the toy bedsheet again. \ref 0624 \id 601164115502160201 \begin 0:22:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx lagian kan rapih nih, tuh. \pho hagiyan kan rapih ni tu \mb lagi -an kan rapih nih tuh \ge LAGI -AN KAN neat this that \gj LAGI-AN KAN neat this that \ft look, this one is neat. \nt showing the toy mattres which has been covered by the toy bedsheet. \ref 0625 \id 987544115502160201 \begin 0:22:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx rapih segini. \pho rapih səgini \mb rapih se- gini \ge neat SE- like.this \gj neat SE-like.this \ft this is neat. \nt putting the toy mattress on the toy bed. \ref 0626 \id 469804115502160201 \begin 0:22:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni, gini ini gini juga rapih. \pho ʔn̩i gini ini gini jugaʔ lappiːʰ \mb ni gini ini gini juga rapih \ge this like.this this like.this also neat \gj this like.this this like.this also neat \ft this one is also neat if it's like this. \nt taking the toy mattress and arranging it again. \ref 0627 \id 916310115503160201 \begin 0:22:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx yah... \pho yaːːh \mb yah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh no... \nt taking the other toy bed which has the toy mattress on it. \ref 0628 \id 242527115503160201 \begin 0:22:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx ra...pih. \pho lap pih \mb rapih \ge neat \gj neat \ft it's neat. \ref 0629 \id 669576115504160201 \begin 0:22:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni, lihat dong Mami nih! \pho niː liyat dɔŋ mami nih \mb ni lihat dong Mami nih \ge this see DONG mommy this \gj this see DONG mommy this \ft look how I do it! \ref 0630 \id 584363115504160201 \begin 0:22:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx tu, Mami rapih nih, nih. \pho tu mami rapi nih nih \mb tu Mami rapih nih nih \ge that mommy neat this this \gj that mommy neat this this \ft look, I am making this one neat, like this. \nt showing how to arrange the toy mattress on the toy bed. \ref 0631 \id 310697115505160201 \begin 0:22:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh. \pho tʊːʰ \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft see. \ref 0632 \id 691723115505160201 \begin 0:23:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx lihat dong, saya nggak rapih, lihat! \pho liyat dɔŋ saya ŋgaʔ lapih liyat \mb lihat dong saya nggak rapih lihat \ge see DONG 1SG NEG neat see \gj see DONG 1SG NEG neat see \ft look at this, mine's not neat, look! \nt 1. taking the other toy bed. 2. seems that CHI actually intends to say: 'saya juga rapih'. \ref 0633 \id 206771115506160201 \begin 0:23:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx tuh, kan rapi. \pho tuh kan rapi \mb tuh kan rapi \ge that KAN neat \gj that KAN neat \ft see it's neat. \nt arranging the toy mattress on the toy bed. \ref 0634 \id 915914115507160201 \begin 0:23:05 \sp MOTPRI \tx mana begitu rapih? \pho maːna bəgitu rapiʰ \mb mana begitu rapih \ge which like.that neat \gj which like.that neat \ft how can you say it's neat? \ref 0635 \id 794913115507160201 \begin 0:23:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx sini Mami bantuin. \pho sini mami bantuin \mb sini Mami bantu -in \ge here mommy help -IN \gj here mommy help-IN \ft here, let me help you. \nt taking the toy bed with the toy mattress on it from CHI's hand. \ref 0636 \id 221780115508160201 \begin 0:23:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah, begini rapi. \pho naːː bəgini rapi \mb nah begini rapi \ge NAH like.this neat \gj NAH like.this neat \ft now, this is neat. \nt arranging the toy mattress on the other toy bed. \ref 0637 \id 273242115508160201 \begin 0:23:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx (o)ke! \pho key \mb oke \ge okay \gj okay \ft okay! \ref 0638 \id 288688115509160201 \begin 0:23:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx (o)ke! \pho key \mb oke \ge okay \gj okay \ft okay! \nt clapping her hand on her foot, showing that the toy beds are ready now. \ref 0639 \id 686069115509160201 \begin 0:23:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx bok. \pho m̩bɔʔ \mb bok \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft yes. \nt expressing excitement. \ref 0640 \id 586061115510160201 \begin 0:23:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini di sini. \pho ʔini zi siniʰ \mb ini di sini \ge this LOC here \gj this LOC here \ft this one goes here. \nt putting one of the koala dolls on the one of the toy beds. \ref 0641 \id 944595115510160201 \begin 0:23:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, lha, nggak rapi lagi. \pho yaː laʔ ŋgaʔ lapi laːgiʰ \mb ya lha nggak rapi lagi \ge yes EXCL NEG neat more \gj yes EXCL NEG neat more \ft oh no, it's not neat again. \nt MOT is tidying the toy bed again. \ref 0642 \id 433306115511160201 \begin 0:23:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx (ra)pih. \pho piːːh \mb rapih \ge neat \gj neat \ft it's neat. \nt looking at MOT tidying up the toy bed again, CHI is putting the koala doll on the toy bed. \ref 0643 \id 389305115511160201 \begin 0:23:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx bawa selimutnya nggak? \pho bawa səŋlimutɲa ŋgaʔ \mb bawa selimut -nya nggak \ge bring blanket -NYA NEG \gj bring blanket-NYA NEG \ft did you bring the blanket? \nt asking MOT. \ref 0644 \id 658845115512160201 \begin 0:23:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx apa? \pho ʔapah \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0645 \id 224646115512160201 \begin 0:23:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx ada selimutnya nggak? \pho da səlimutɲa ŋgaʔ \mb ada selimut -nya nggak \ge exist blanket -NYA NEG \gj exist blanket-NYA NEG \ft is there the blanket? \ref 0646 \id 727872115513160201 \begin 0:23:29 \sp VANPRI \tx ngapain sih? \pho ŋapain siːh \mb ng- apa -in sih \ge N- what -IN SIH \gj N-what-IN SIH \ft what are you doing? \nt CHI's uncle is entering the room, not seen in the screen. \ref 0647 \id 272913115513160201 \begin 0:23:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, ditanya ngapain. \pho tu ditaɲa ŋapaiːn \mb tuh di- tanya ng- apa -in \ge that DI- ask N- what -IN \gj that DI-ask N-what-IN \ft listen, he is asking you what are you doing. \nt repeating VAN's question. \ref 0648 \id 153723115514160201 \begin 0:23:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya, lagi main. \pho iyaː lagi maːiːn \mb iya lagi main \ge yes more play \gj yes more play \ft I am playing. \nt looking at VAN. \ref 0649 \id 331539115514160201 \begin 0:23:35 \sp VANPRI \tx lagi main? \pho lagi maːiːn \mb lagi main \ge more play \gj more play \ft are you playing? \ref 0650 \id 890098115515160201 \begin 0:23:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔĩːyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0651 \id 698296115515160201 \begin 0:23:37 \sp VANPRI \tx maen apaan? \pho maɛn apaʔan \mb maen apa -an \ge play what -AN \gj play what-AN \ft you are playing with what? \ref 0652 \id 887663115516160201 \begin 0:23:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx maen boneka-bonekaan sama tempat tidurnya. \pho maɛn bɔnekabɔneɔʔkaʔan sama təmpat tidulɲaʰ \mb maen boneka - boneka -an sama tempat tidur -nya \ge play doll - doll -AN with place lie.down -NYA \gj play RED.AN-doll with place lie.down-NYA \ft I am playing with the dolls and the toy beds. \ref 0653 \id 273550115516160201 \begin 0:23:42 \sp VANPRI \tx o. \pho ʔoːː \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 0654 \id 965365115517160201 \begin 0:23:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx bisa bobo. \pho bisa boboʔ \mb bisa bobo \ge can sleep \gj can sleep \ft they can sleep. \nt the subject of the verb 'bobo' are the koala dolls. \ref 0655 \id 319582115517160201 \begin 0:23:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan, nggak sakit kalo pake ininya. \pho kan ŋgaʔ sakit kɔ pakɛʔ iniɲaʰ \mb kan nggak sakit kalo pake ini -nya \ge KAN NEG hurt TOP use this -NYA \gj KAN NEG hurt TOP use this-NYA \ft they won't get hurt if they use these. \nt pointing at the mattresses on the toy beds where the koala are. \ref 0656 \id 623737115518160201 \begin 0:23:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak sakit, jadinya. \pho ŋgaʔ saːkiːt jadiɲa \mb nggak sakit jadi -nya \ge NEG hurt become -NYA \gj NEG hurt become-NYA \ft so, they won't get hurt. \nt referring to the koalas. \ref 0657 \id 563045115518160201 \begin 0:23:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx o gitu. \pho ʔoː gituː \mb o gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft I see. \ref 0658 \id 214481115519160201 \begin 0:23:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'gitu Irvan' gitu! \pho gitu ivan yia \mb gitu Irvan gitu \ge like.that Irvan like.that \gj like.that Irvan like.that \ft say 'it's like that, Irvan'! \ref 0659 \id 884885115519160201 \begin 0:23:56 \sp VANPRI \tx o. \pho ʔõːː \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 0660 \id 378021115520160201 \begin 0:23:58 \sp VANPRI \tx rumahnya mana? \pho rumahɲa maːna \mb rumah -nya mana \ge house -NYA which \gj house-NYA which \ft where's their home? \ref 0661 \id 910289115520160201 \begin 0:24:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini di rumahnya. \pho ʔini di lumahɲaːː \mb ini di rumah -nya \ge this LOC house -NYA \gj this LOC house-NYA \ft this is in their home. \nt playing a make-believe that there is a house with the dolls and the toy bed-set in it. \ref 0662 \id 750127115521160201 \begin 0:24:02 \sp VANPRI \tx hea, lemari nggak ada lemari? \pho ɔ̃ãːː ləmariʔ ŋga ada ləmariʔ \mb hea lemari nggak ada lemari \ge EXCL cupboard NEG exist cupboard \gj EXCL cupboard NEG exist cupboard \ft well, why there are no cupboards? \ref 0663 \id 802819115521160201 \begin 0:24:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx ada, nih. \pho ʔadaʔ niːʰ \mb ada nih \ge exist this \gj exist this \ft here they are. \nt taking and showing the two toy bookcases. \ref 0664 \id 797958115522160201 \begin 0:24:05 \sp VANPRI \tx o, iya. \pho ʔo iːya \mb o iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, I see. \ref 0665 \id 108330115523160201 \begin 0:24:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini lho, (bi)sa didiriin. \pho ini lɔː saʔ didiliʔin \mb ini lho bisa di- diri -in \ge this EXCL can DI- stand -IN \gj this EXCL can DI-stand-IN \ft look, I can put them in standing position. \nt making the two toy bookcases stand. \ref 0666 \id 607210115523160201 \begin 0:24:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx hea diriin, iya! \pho ɔaː diriʔin ʔiːyaː \mb hea diri -in iya \ge EXCL stand -IN yes \gj EXCL stand-IN yes \ft yeah, make them stand, right! \ref 0667 \id 895827115524160201 \begin 0:24:10 \sp VANPRI \tx berdiriin lemarinya! \pho bərdiriin ləmariɲa \mb ber- diri -in lemari -nya \ge BER- stand -IN cupboard -NYA \gj BER-stand-IN cupboard-NYA \ft make the bookcases stand! \ref 0668 \id 683624115524160201 \begin 0:24:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx bisa jadi kereta api entar, tuh. \pho sa jadi kərɛta ʔapiː ʔn̩tar tuːʰ \mb bisa jadi kereta api entar tuh \ge can become train fire moment that \gj can become train fire moment that \ft they can also become a train, like this. \nt laying down the two toy bookcases, imagining that they are a train. \ref 0669 \id 887249115525160201 \begin 0:24:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx kayak, kayak siapa naek kereta api? \pho kayaʔ kayaʔ syapa naɛʔ kreta ʔapi \mb kayak kayak siapa naek kereta api \ge like like who go.up train fire \gj like like who go.up train fire \ft like who, like who went by train? \ref 0670 \id 516660115525160201 \begin 0:24:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx kereta api. \pho xx klɛta ʔapiː \mb xx kereta api \ge xx train fire \gj xx train fire \ft xx train. \nt uttered together with MOT's previous utterance. \ref 0671 \id 912488115526160201 \begin 0:24:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx kayak siapa naek kereta api? \pho kaya syapa naeʔ krɛta ʔapi \mb kayak siapa naek kereta api \ge like who go.up train fire \gj like who go.up train fire \ft like who went by train? \ref 0672 \id 801821115526160201 \begin 0:24:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska sama siapa naek kereta api? \pho priska sama syapaʰ naɛk krɛta ʔapi \mb Priska sama siapa naek kereta api \ge Priska with who go.up train fire \gj Priska with who go.up train fire \ft Priska went by train with whom? \ref 0673 \id 232735115527160201 \begin 0:24:22 \sp VANPRI \tx belum pernah naek kereta api, ya? \pho blum pərnah naɛk krɛta api yah \mb belum pernah naek kereta api ya \ge not.yet ever go.up train fire yes \gj not.yet ever go.up train fire yes \ft you've never gone by train, have you? \ref 0674 \id 787917115527160201 \begin 0:24:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx pernah. \pho pəːrnah \mb pernah \ge ever \gj ever \ft I have. \ref 0675 \id 539812115528160201 \begin 0:24:25 \sp VANPRI \tx o iya, dulu, ya? \pho ʔɔ iːya dulu yah \mb o iya dulu ya \ge EXCL yes before yes \gj EXCL yes before yes \ft o yes, you did it, right? \ref 0676 \id 342058115528160201 \begin 0:24:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh... \pho õːh \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh... \ref 0677 \id 383624115529160201 \begin 0:24:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx hmm? \pho mh \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0678 \id 585885115529160201 \begin 0:24:28 \sp VANPRI \tx ke mana? \pho kə maːna \mb ke mana \ge to which \gj to which \ft where did you go? \ref 0679 \id 689623115530160201 \begin 0:24:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx ke Semarang. \pho kə səmalaŋ \mb ke Semarang \ge to Semarang \gj to Semarang \ft to Semarang. \ref 0680 \id 910480115530160201 \begin 0:24:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx hmm. \pho mːː \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0681 \id 359104115531160201 \begin 0:24:31 \sp VANPRI \tx perginya ke Semarang. \pho pərgiɲa kə səmaraŋ \mb pergi -nya ke Semarang \ge go -NYA to Semarang \gj go-NYA to Semarang \ft so you went to Semarang. \ref 0682 \id 671405115531160201 \begin 0:24:32 \sp EXPYAN \tx sama siapa Pris? \pho sama syapa pris \mb sama siapa Pris \ge with who Priska \gj with who Priska \ft with whom, Priska? \ref 0683 \id 723331115532160201 \begin 0:24:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx sama siapa? \pho sama syapaʰ \mb sama siapa \ge with who \gj with who \ft with whom? \ref 0684 \id 439936115533160201 \begin 0:24:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx sam(a)... sama... \pho sam sammə \mb sama sama \ge with with \gj with with \ft with... with... \nt rubbing the toy book cases on the floor. \ref 0685 \id 215938115533160201 \begin 0:24:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx maen dulu... ya? \pho maɛn duluː yah \mb maen dulu ya \ge play before yes \gj play before yes \ft let's play first, okay? \nt playing with the toy bookcases. \ref 0686 \id 182261115534160201 \begin 0:24:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha? \pho hãh \mb ha \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0687 \id 268914115534160201 \begin 0:24:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx maen dulu. \pho maɛn duluː \mb maen dulu \ge play before \gj play before \ft let's play first. \ref 0688 \id 445211115535160201 \begin 0:24:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, sama siapa? \pho ʔiyaːh sama siyapaːʰ \mb iya sama siapa \ge yes with who \gj yes with who \ft fine, but with whom? \ref 0689 \id 676207115535160201 \begin 0:24:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx sama siapa yang lihat Priska di... di belakang, sama siapa? \pho sama syapa yaŋ liyat priska di di blakaŋ sama syapah \mb sama siapa yang lihat Priska di di belakang sama siapa \ge with who REL see Priska LOC LOC back with who \gj with who REL see Priska LOC LOC back with who \ft with whom, the one who saw Priska from the back, with whom? \ref 0690 \id 421844115536160201 \begin 0:24:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx berdiri di belakang? \pho bərdiri di blakaːŋ \mb ber- diri di belakang \ge BER- stand LOC back \gj BER-stand LOC back \ft standing in the back? \ref 0691 \id 345487115536160201 \begin 0:24:51 \sp VANPRI \tx iya, sama siapa? \pho ʔyah sama syapa \mb iya sama siapa \ge yes with who \gj yes with who \ft yes, with whom? \nt not very clear because uttered together with MOT. \ref 0692 \id 404968115537160201 \begin 0:24:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx sama siapa? \pho sama syapaʰ \mb sama siapa \ge with who \gj with who \ft with whom? \ref 0693 \id 213192115537160201 \begin 0:24:55 \sp VANPRI \tx sama ini, ya? \pho sama ini yah \mb sama ini ya \ge with this yes \gj with this yes \ft with this one, right? \nt 1. is not seen in the monitor, but it's likely that VAN is pointing at himself. 2. CHI is looking at VAN. \ref 0694 \id 834600115538160201 \begin 0:24:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx sama siapa itu? \pho sama syapa ituʰ \mb sama siapa itu \ge with who that \gj with who that \ft who was that? \nt pointing at VAN. \ref 0695 \id 340467115538160201 \begin 0:24:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx siapa namanya? \pho syapa namaɲah \mb siapa nama -nya \ge who name -NYA \gj who name-NYA \ft what's his name? \ref 0696 \id 639565115610160201 \begin 0:24:57 \sp VANPRI \tx yang ini, ya? \pho yaŋ ini yah \mb yang ini ya \ge REL this yes \gj REL this yes \ft it was this one, wasn't it? \nt not clear because uttered together with MOT's previous utterance. \ref 0697 \id 194609115610160201 \begin 0:24:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx siapa? \pho syapah \mb siapa \ge who \gj who \ft whom? \ref 0698 \id 808401115611160201 \begin 0:25:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx Uuk siapa? \pho ʔuu syapaʔ \mb Uuk siapa \ge uncle who \gj uncle who \ft uncle who? \ref 0699 \id 117361115611160201 \begin 0:25:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx Uuk Hany. \pho ʔuː haniʰ \mb Uuk Hany \ge uncle Hany \gj uncle Hany \ft Uncle Hany. \ref 0700 \id 286858115612160201 \begin 0:25:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx eh, (U)uk Hany, kokonya. \pho ʔah ʔuː haːni kɔkɔɲaː \mb eh Uuk Hany koko -nya \ge EXCL uncle Hany older.brother -NYA \gj EXCL uncle Hany older.brother-NYA \ft not Uncle Hany, it was his older brother. \ref 0701 \id 529887115612160201 \begin 0:25:04 \sp VANPRI \tx kok (U)uk Hany? \pho kɔʔ ʔu haːni \mb kok Uuk Hany \ge KOK uncle Hany \gj KOK uncle Hany \ft why Uncle Hany? \ref 0702 \id 926303115613160201 \begin 0:25:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx kokonya Uuk Hany siapa? \pho kɔkɔɲa ʔuu hani syapaʰ \mb koko -nya Uuk Hany siapa \ge older.brother -NYA uncle Hany who \gj older.brother-NYA uncle Hany who \ft who is Uncle Hany's older brother? \ref 0703 \id 790914164508160201 \begin 0:25:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx kokonya... \pho kɔkɔɲa \mb koko -nya \ge older.brother -NYA \gj older.brother-NYA \ft his older brother... \ref 0704 \id 541190092013210201 \begin 0:25:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx Uuk Ir(van)... \pho ʔuu ʔir \mb Uuk Irvan \ge uncle Irvan \gj uncle Irvan \ft it's Uncle Irvan. \nt giving CHI a cue. \ref 0705 \id 100808092014210201 \begin 0:25:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx (Ir)van. \pho san \mb Irvan \ge Irvan \gj Irvan \ft Irvan. \nt getting MOT's cue. \ref 0706 \id 185464092014210201 \begin 0:25:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔəːː \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft yeah. \ref 0707 \id 108696092015210201 \begin 0:25:10 \sp VANPRI \tx iya. \pho ʰẽãː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah. \nt uttered together with MOT's utterance, so it's not very clear. \ref 0708 \id 467813092015210201 \begin 0:25:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx kan, di belakang kan berdiri Priska? \pho kan di bəlakaŋ kan bərdiri priska \mb kan di belakang kan ber- diri Priska \ge KAN LOC back KAN BER- stand Priska \gj KAN LOC back KAN BER-stand Priska \ft you were standing in the back, right? \nt addressing CHI. \ref 0709 \id 754834092016210201 \begin 0:25:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx eee, ngeliatin keretanya jalan di belakang. \pho wəː ŋliyatin krɛtaɲa jalan di bəlakaŋ \mb eee nge- liat -in kereta -nya jalan di belakang \ge FILL N- see -IN train -NYA walk LOC back \gj FILL N-see-IN train-NYA walk LOC back \ft umm, you saw the train moving behind. \ref 0710 \id 717922092016210201 \begin 0:25:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx ngeng, kena angin, ngung. \pho wəːːːŋ kəna aŋin ŋuːːːŋ \mb ngeng kena angin ngung \ge IMIT undergo wind IMIT \gj IMIT undergo wind IMIT \ft whoosh, you were blown by the wind, whoosh. \nt imitating the sound of the moving train. \ref 0711 \id 433364092017210201 \begin 0:25:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx mmm, sek. \pho mːː sːk \mb mmm sek \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft mmm sek. \ref 0712 \id 468707092017210201 \begin 0:25:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak duduk kan? \pho ŋ̩gaʔ duduk kan \mb nggak duduk kan \ge NEG sit KAN \gj NEG sit KAN \ft you didn't sit, did you? \nt referring to CHI's trip by train. \ref 0713 \id 481806092018210201 \begin 0:25:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx dipegangin nggak sama (U)uk Irvan? \pho dipɛgaŋin ŋga sama u irvan \mb di- pegang -in nggak sama Uuk Irvan \ge DI- hold -IN NEG with uncle Irvan \gj DI-hold-IN NEG with uncle Irvan \ft did Uncle Irvan hold you? \ref 0714 \id 132513092019210201 \begin 0:25:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ʔŋːgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \nt rubbing the two toy bookcases to each other. \ref 0715 \id 247492092019210201 \begin 0:25:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt not clear because uttered together with CHI's next utterance. \ref 0716 \id 410876092020210201 \begin 0:25:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx duduk. \pho duːduk \mb duduk \ge sit \gj sit \ft we sat down. \ref 0717 \id 512843092020210201 \begin 0:25:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0718 \id 660674092021210201 \begin 0:25:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx duduk aja lagi. \pho duːduk ʔaːjaː lagi \mb duduk aja lagi \ge sit just LAGI \gj sit just LAGI \ft we sat down. \nt still rubbing the two toy bookcases. \ref 0719 \id 371178092021210201 \begin 0:25:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx duduk apa jongkok? \pho duduk apa jɔŋkɔk \mb duduk apa jongkok \ge sit what squat \gj sit what squat \ft sat down or squatted? \ref 0720 \id 201538092022210201 \begin 0:25:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx duduk. \pho duduk \mb duduk \ge sit \gj sit \ft we sat down. \ref 0721 \id 265232092022210201 \begin 0:25:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx o duduk? \pho ʔɔ duduk \mb o duduk \ge EXCL sit \gj EXCL sit \ft oh, you sat down? \ref 0722 \id 660429092023210201 \begin 0:25:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx berani, ya? \pho brani yah \mb berani ya \ge brave yes \gj brave yes \ft you were brave, weren't you? \ref 0723 \id 757349092023210201 \begin 0:25:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priskanya berani? \pho priskaɲa brani \mb Priska -nya berani \ge Priska -NYA brave \gj Priska-NYA brave \ft were you brave? \ref 0724 \id 686345092024210201 \begin 0:25:40 \sp VANPRI \tx berani dong. \pho bəraːni dɔːŋ \mb berani dong \ge brave DONG \gj brave DONG \ft of course she was brave. \ref 0725 \id 726049092024210201 \begin 0:25:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya? \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft really? \ref 0726 \id 226901092025210201 \begin 0:25:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx berani dong. \pho bəlani dɔːŋ \mb berani dong \ge brave DONG \gj brave DONG \ft of course I was brave. \nt CHI may be only repeating VAN's previous utterance. \ref 0727 \id 838254092025210201 \begin 0:25:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx o berani lho. \pho ʔɔː brani lɔː \mb o berani lho \ge EXCL brave EXCL \gj EXCL brave EXCL \ft so you were brave. \ref 0728 \id 558417092026210201 \begin 0:25:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini taro sini boboknya. \pho ʔiniː talɔ sːini wɔwɔʔɲa \mb ini taro sini bobok -nya \ge this put here sleep -NYA \gj this put here sleep-NYA \ft I'll put this one to sleep here. \nt taking one of the koala dolls and putting it down on the bookcases. \ref 0729 \id 739820092026210201 \begin 0:25:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx yeh, masa boboknya di lemari, he... \pho yah masaʔ bɔbɔʔɲa di ləmaːri hɛːː \mb yeh masa bobok -nya di lemari he \ge EXCL incredible sleep -NYA LOC cupboard EXCL \gj EXCL incredible sleep-NYA LOC cupboard EXCL \ft hey, it's not supposed to sleep on the bookcases... \ref 0730 \id 381607092027210201 \begin 0:25:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, kan... \pho ya kan \mb ya kan \ge yes KAN \gj yes KAN \ft but... \nt trying to confront MOT's previous opinion. \ref 0731 \id 881309092027210201 \begin 0:25:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx mana bisa? \pho maːna biːsaːː \mb mana bisa \ge which can \gj which can \ft how come? \ref 0732 \id 582143092028210201 \begin 0:25:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini kan mo... mo diangkat ini. \pho ʔini kan bɔː mɔː diaŋkat ʔiniʰ \mb ini kan mo mo di- angkat ini \ge this KAN want want DI- lift this \gj this KAN want want DI-lift this \ft I'm going to... I'm going to take this out. \nt putting away the doll from the top of the toy bookcases and taking mattress from the toy beds. \ref 0733 \id 796665092028210201 \begin 0:25:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx apanya diangkat? \pho ʔapaɲaː diãŋkat \mb apa -nya di- angkat \ge what -NYA DI- lift \gj what-NYA DI-lift \ft what are you going to take out? \ref 0734 \id 869983092029210201 \begin 0:25:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx mo diangkat. \pho mɔ diaŋkat \mb mo di- angkat \ge want DI- lift \gj want DI-lift \ft I'm going to take them out. \nt referring to the mattressess of the two toy beds. \ref 0735 \id 132772092029210201 \begin 0:26:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih, ni kan taronya di mana dulu, nih? \pho niːh ni kan talɔʔɲa di mana dulu nih \mb nih ni kan taro -nya di mana dulu nih \ge this this KAN put -NYA LOC which before this \gj this this KAN put-NYA LOC which before this \ft where shall I put these one here? \nt referring to the two toy beds CHI is holding. \ref 0736 \id 105140092030210201 \begin 0:26:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini taronya di sini dulu, nih. \pho ʔini tarɔɲa di sini duluʔ nih \mb ini taro -nya di sini dulu nih \ge this put -NYA LOC here before this \gj this put-NYA LOC here before this \ft I'll put them here. \nt putting down the two toy beds on the floor. \ref 0737 \id 988551092030210201 \begin 0:26:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus? \pho truːs \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft and then? \ref 0738 \id 302430092031210201 \begin 0:26:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx sebentar. \pho səbəntars \mb se- bentar \ge SE- moment \gj SE-moment \ft hold on. \nt sticking the two toy beds together. \ref 0739 \id 351088092031210201 \begin 0:26:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan, taronya di sini dulu. \pho kan tarɔɲa di sini duluːʔ \mb kan taro -nya di sini dulu \ge KAN put -NYA LOC here before \gj KAN put-NYA LOC here before \ft I'm putting them here. \ref 0740 \id 954403092032210201 \begin 0:26:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx hmm. \pho hə̃ː \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \nt affirming CHI's action. \ref 0741 \id 574477092032210201 \begin 0:26:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini taro gini dulu, nih. \pho ʔn̩i tarɔ gini dulu niʰ \mb ini taro gini dulu nih \ge this put like.this before this \gj this put like.this before this \ft I'm putting them like this first. \nt rubbing the two toy bookcases to each other. \ref 0742 \id 655911092033210201 \begin 0:26:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx he, diapain itu begitu? \pho ʔɛːh diapain tu bəgituʰ \mb he di- apa -in itu begitu \ge EXCL DI- what -IN that like.that \gj EXCL DI-what-IN that like.that \ft hey, what do you mean by doing that? \nt questioning why CHI is rubbing the two bookcases. \ref 0743 \id 417681092033210201 \begin 0:26:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx biar nggak gatalan. \pho byal ŋgaʔ gatəraːn \mb biar nggak gatal -an \ge let NEG itch -AN \gj let NEG itch-AN \ft so that they won't be itchy. \nt CHI has a skin problem that causes her to feel itchy all the time--the rubbing action perhaps reminds her of what she does when she feels itchy. \ref 0744 \id 574874092034210201 \begin 0:26:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx xx... \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx... \ref 0745 \id 117754092034210201 \begin 0:26:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx bukan begitu cara maennya. \pho bukan bəgitu cara maɛnɲa \mb bukan begitu cara maen -nya \ge NEG like.that manner play -NYA \gj NEG like.that manner play-NYA \ft but that's not the way you play with them. \nt referring to the toy bookcases. \ref 0746 \id 601176092035210201 \begin 0:26:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx ka(lo) bikin kue kok gini? \pho ka bikin kuwɛh kɔ giniːʰ \mb kalo bikin kue kok gini \ge TOP make cake KOK like.this \gj TOP make cake KOK like.this \ft then why do you make a cake like this? \nt still rubbing the two toy bookcases to each other, imagining that she is making a cake. \ref 0747 \id 276471092035210201 \begin 0:26:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho ʔãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0748 \id 565702092036210201 \begin 0:26:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx bikin kue? \pho bikin kuːwɛh \mb bikin kue \ge make cake \gj make cake \ft make a cake? \ref 0749 \id 777667092036210201 \begin 0:26:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx (bi)kin nasi nih, kalo gini, nih. \pho kin nasiʔ ni kalɔʔ gini nih. \mb bikin nasi nih kalo gini nih \ge make cooked.rice this TOP like.this this \gj make cooked.rice this TOP like.this this \ft you cook rice, if you do like this, here. \nt still rubbing the two bookcases against each other, imagining that she is cooking rice. \ref 0750 \id 164982092037210201 \begin 0:26:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx bikin apa? \pho bikin apah \mb bikin apa \ge make what \gj make what \ft doing what? \ref 0751 \id 564134092037210201 \begin 0:26:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx (bi)kin nasi. \pho kin nasiː \mb bikin nasi \ge make cooked.rice \gj make cooked.rice \ft cooking rice. \ref 0752 \id 515329092038210201 \begin 0:26:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx nasi? \pho naːsiː \mb nasi \ge cooked.rice \gj cooked.rice \ft rice? \ref 0753 \id 158323092038210201 \begin 0:26:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx bikin nasi apa digituin... \pho bikin nasi ʔaːpa digituwin \mb bikin nasi apa di- gitu -in \ge make cooked.rice what DI- like.that -IN \gj make cooked.rice what DI-like.that-IN \ft what are you saying, cooking rice that way... \ref 0754 \id 250216092039210201 \begin 0:26:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx taro di sini. \pho talɔ di siniː \mb taro di sini \ge put LOC here \gj put LOC here \ft let me put it here. \nt taking one of the koala doll, and putting it in between the two toy bookcases. \ref 0755 \id 286149092039210201 \begin 0:26:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx ngaco. \pho ŋacɔʔ \mb ng- kaco \ge N- trouble \gj N-trouble \ft nonsense. \ref 0756 \id 315484092040210201 \begin 0:26:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx ngumpet... ngumpet... \pho ŋupət ŋupət \mb ng- umpet ng- umpet \ge N- hide N- hide \gj N-hide N-hide \ft it's hiding... it's hiding... \nt pressing the koala doll with the two toy bookcases, imagining that the koala doll is hiding behind them. \ref 0757 \id 158364092040210201 \begin 0:26:37 \sp VANPRI \tx yeh, masa dijepit orang... \pho yɛː masa dijəppit ɔraŋ \mb yeh masa di- jepit orang \ge EXCL incredible DI- pinch person \gj EXCL incredible DI-pinch person \ft hey, how come you squeeze it... \nt commenting on CHI's action of squeezing the koala doll between the two bookshelves. \ref 0758 \id 929118092041210201 \begin 0:26:39 \sp VANPRI \tx orangnya, anaknya jangan jepit dong! \pho ɔraŋɲa anakɲa jaŋan jəːpit dɔŋ \mb orang -nya anak -nya jangan jepit dong \ge person -NYA child -NYA don't pinch DONG \gj person-NYA child-NYA don't pinch DONG \ft come on, don't crush the man, I mean, the child! \ref 0759 \id 410504092041210201 \begin 0:26:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx shh di... shh eee, ngintip dia jadi, lagi itu, lagi, lagi di sini, kan? \pho ʃʃ diː ʃ ə̃ ŋintip dya jagi lagi ituː lagiʰ lagiː di siːni kan \mb shh di shh eee ng- intip dia jadi lagi itu lagi lagi di sini kan \ge hush LOC hush FILL N- peek 3 become more that more more LOC here KAN \gj hush LOC hush FILL N-peek 3 become more that more more LOC here KAN \ft at... err it's peeking, it's doing that, it's, it's here, isn't it? \nt 1. 'shh' is the sound of CHI's breathing in. 2. slipping the koala doll into the shelf of one of the bookcases. \ref 0760 \id 758660124813210201 \begin 0:26:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx tu, ya. \pho tuː yah \mb tu ya \ge that yes \gj that yes \ft see. \nt showing the bookcase with the koala doll to MOT. \ref 0761 \id 214252124813210201 \begin 0:26:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt mumbling words. \ref 0762 \id 639247092042210201 \begin 0:26:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx ditidurin aja ini bonekanya, udah! \pho ditidurin aja n̩i bonɛkaɲa udah \mb di- tidur -in aja ini boneka -nya udah \ge DI- lie.down -IN just this doll -NYA PFCT \gj DI-lie.down-IN just this doll-NYA PFCT \ft okay, now just put the dolls to sleep! \nt taking the toy bookcase with the koala doll from CHI's hand. \ref 0763 \id 242788092043210201 \begin 0:26:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx jualan boneka. \pho juwalan bɔnɛkaʔ \mb jual -an boneka \ge sell -AN doll \gj sell-AN doll \ft time to sell dolls. \nt directing CHI to play 'selling dolls'. \ref 0764 \id 556497092043210201 \begin 0:26:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx bukan, gini aja. \pho bukan gini yajaʰ \mb bukan gini aja \ge NEG like.this just \gj NEG like.this just \ft no, make it like this. \nt taking the toy bookcase with the koala doll from MOT's hand. \ref 0765 \id 865981092044210201 \begin 0:26:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'saya jualan boneka.' \pho saya juwalan bɔnɛkaʔ \mb saya jual -an boneka \ge 1SG sell -AN doll \gj 1SG sell-AN doll \ft 'I am selling dolls.' \nt pretending to be a dolls vendor. \ref 0766 \id 366431092044210201 \begin 0:26:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... bukan, gini bobokan gini aja. \pho ʔə̃ bukaːn gini bɔbɔʔan gini ajaː \mb eee bukan gini bobok -an gini aja \ge FILL NEG like.this sleep -AN like.this just \gj FILL NEG like.this sleep-AN like.this just \ft no, make it lie down like this. \nt taking forcefully the toy bookcase from MOT's hand and playing with it again. \ref 0767 \id 517090092045210201 \begin 0:26:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, tidak bagus kalo bobokan di s(ini)... \pho ʰyaːː tida bagus kalɔ bɔbɔʔan di s \mb ya tidak bagus kalo bobok -an di sini \ge EXCL NEG nice TOP sleep -AN LOC here \gj EXCL NEG nice TOP sleep-AN LOC here \ft no, it's not good if they sleep in here... \nt referring to the inside of the toy bookcase. \ref 0768 \id 952571092045210201 \begin 0:27:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx bagus. \pho bagus \mb bagus \ge nice \gj nice \ft it's good. \ref 0769 \id 383795092046210201 \begin 0:27:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska mau ya, bobokan di lemari, ya? \pho priska mau ya bɔbɔʔan di ləmari yah \mb Priska mau ya bobok -an di lemari ya \ge Priska want yes sleep -AN LOC cupboard yes \gj Priska want yes sleep-AN LOC cupboard yes \ft would you like to sleep in the bookcase? \ref 0770 \id 751275092046210201 \begin 0:27:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx (Pri)ska bobokan di tempat tidur aja. \pho s̩ka bɔbɔʔan di təmpat tidul ʔajaːʰ \mb Priska bobok -an di tempat tidur aja \ge Priska sleep -AN LOC place lie.down just \gj Priska sleep-AN LOC place lie.down just \ft I just want to sleep on the bed. \nt playing with the koala doll, putting it in and out of the toy bookcase shelf. \ref 0771 \id 304618092047210201 \begin 0:27:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah, ya, udah. \pho na ya udaːʰ \mb nah ya udah \ge NAH yes PFCT \gj NAH yes PFCT \ft so you see. \ref 0772 \id 231043092047210201 \begin 0:27:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx itu Si Koko sama Kiki juga maunya boboknya di tempat tidur. \pho ʔituʰ si kɔkɔ sama kiki juga mauɲa bɔbɔɲa di təmpat tiduːr \mb itu Si Koko sama Kiki juga mau -nya bobok -nya di tempat tidur \ge that PERS Koko with Kiki also want -NYA sleep -NYA LOC place lie.down \gj that PERS Koko with Kiki also want-NYA sleep-NYA LOC place lie.down \ft Koko and Kiki also want to sleep on the bed. \ref 0773 \id 245404092048210201 \begin 0:27:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx enggak. \pho ŋ̩gaːʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \nt still busy playing with the koala dolls and the toy bookcases. \ref 0774 \id 412367092048210201 \begin 0:27:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx bukannya di lemari. \pho bukanɲa di ləmaːriː \mb bukan -nya di lemari \ge NEG -NYA LOC cupboard \gj NEG-NYA LOC cupboard \ft not in the bookcases. \ref 0775 \id 360630092049210201 \begin 0:27:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih, gini. \pho niː giniː \mb nih gini \ge this like.this \gj this like.this \ft put it like this. \nt showing the toy bookcase with a koala doll in one of it shelves. \ref 0776 \id 214825092049210201 \begin 0:27:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo di lemari buat jual itu, jual boneka. \pho klɔ di ləmari buwat juwal ituː juwal bɔnɛkaː \mb kalo di lemari buat jual itu jual boneka \ge TOP LOC cupboard for sell that sell doll \gj TOP LOC cupboard for sell that sell doll \ft the bookcase is for selling them, for selling the dolls. \nt referring to the way a doll vendor displays the dolls, by putting them on the shelf. \ref 0777 \id 366078092050210201 \begin 0:27:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx jual boneka aja yang nakal. \pho juwal bɔnɛka ʔaːja yaŋ nakːaːl \mb jual boneka aja yang nakal \ge sell doll just REL naughty \gj sell doll just REL naughty \ft let's sell the naughty dolls then. \nt **'jual boneka aja' (word order) should be 'jual aja boneka'. \ref 0778 \id 882365092050210201 \begin 0:27:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, udah jual itu boneka. \pho ya udaʰ juwal itu bɔnɛka \mb ya udah jual itu boneka \ge yes PFCT sell that doll \gj yes PFCT sell that doll \ft so, sell the dolls. \ref 0779 \id 331976092051210201 \begin 0:27:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx kalo boneka-bonekaan. \pho xx kamɔ bɔnɛkabonɛkaʔan \mb xx kalo boneka - boneka -an \ge xx TOP doll - doll -AN \gj xx TOP RED.AN-doll \ft xx the dolls. \ref 0780 \id 125822092051210201 \begin 0:27:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, 'saya mo beli'. \pho ʔyaː saya mɔ bəliː \mb ya saya mo beli \ge yes 1SG want buy \gj yes 1SG want buy \ft okay, 'I want to buy one'. \nt pretending to be a person who wants to buy a doll. \ref 0781 \id 298348092052210201 \begin 0:27:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx bentar saya masukin dulu, ya. \pho bəntas saya masukin dulu yah \mb bentar saya masuk -in dulu ya \ge moment 1SG go.in -IN before yes \gj moment 1SG go.in-IN before yes \ft wait a moment, let me put it inside. \nt pushing the koala dolls into the shelves of the toy bookcases. \ref 0782 \id 154363092052210201 \begin 0:27:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \ref 0783 \id 286593092053210201 \begin 0:27:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx tok, tok, tok, tok. \pho tɔk tɔk tɔk tɔːk \mb tok tok tok tok \ge knock knock knock knock \gj knock knock knock knock \ft knock knock knock knock. \nt imitating the sound of someone's knocking on the door. \ref 0784 \id 578790092053210201 \begin 0:27:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'selamat malam!' \pho slamat malaːm \mb selamat malam \ge safe night \gj safe night \ft 'good evening!' \nt pretending to be a person who wants to buy a doll. \ref 0785 \id 247976092054210201 \begin 0:27:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'sel(amat)...' \pho səm \mb selamat \ge safe \gj safe \ft 'good...' \nt pretending to be the doll seller. \ref 0786 \id 447099092054210201 \begin 0:27:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'saya mo beli boneka nih.' \pho saya mɔ bəli bɔnɛka niːʰ \mb saya mo beli boneka nih \ge 1SG want buy doll this \gj 1SG want buy doll this \ft 'I want to buy a doll.' \nt pretending to be a person who wants to buy a doll. \ref 0787 \id 900402092055210201 \begin 0:27:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'yang jualan siapa nih?' \pho yaŋ juwalan siyapa niːʰ \mb yang jual -an siapa nih \ge REL sell -AN who this \gj REL sell-AN who this \ft 'who sells the dolls?' \nt playing both the male and female dolls with her hands. \ref 0788 \id 177620092055210201 \begin 0:27:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'Bapak Guru, Bapaknya.' \pho bapak gulu bapaʔɲa \mb Bapak Guru Bapak -nya \ge father teacher father -NYA \gj father teacher father-NYA \ft 'the male teacher, the male one.' \nt referring to the female and male dolls MOT is holding regarded, respectively, as the female and male teacher. \ref 0789 \id 574609092056210201 \begin 0:27:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, Bap(ak) nih, ya Priska nih yang jualan. \pho ʔɔː bap ni ya priska ni yaŋ juwalan \mb o Bapak nih ya Priska nih yang jual -an \ge EXCL father this yes Priska this REL sell -AN \gj EXCL father this yes Priska this REL sell-AN \ft oh the male one, here it is, you'll be the dolls vendor. \nt giving the male doll to CHI. \ref 0790 \id 173370092056210201 \begin 0:27:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx sini, di sini dong. \pho sini di sini dɔŋ \mb sini di sini dong \ge here LOC here DONG \gj here LOC here DONG \ft here, come here. \nt asking CHI to sit next to her. \ref 0791 \id 242810092057210201 \begin 0:27:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx di sini? \pho di siniʰ \mb di sini \ge LOC here \gj LOC here \ft right here? \nt moving in order to sit next to her. \ref 0792 \id 915340092057210201 \begin 0:27:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini biar kelihatan xxx sama Bu Guru. \pho ʔini biyar kliyatan xxx sama bu guru \mb ini biar ke an lihat xxx sama Bu Guru \ge this let KE AN see xxx with TRU-mother teacher \gj this let KE.AN-see xxx with TRU-mother teacher \ft right here, so that you can be seen xxx with the female teacher. \ref 0793 \id 139337092058210201 \begin 0:27:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx di s(ini)... \pho di s \mb di sini \ge LOC here \gj LOC here \ft right here... \nt mumbling while sitting next to MOT. \ref 0794 \id 391117092707220201 \begin 0:27:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx sini. \pho siniʰ \mb sini \ge here \gj here \ft right here. \ref 0795 \id 511105092707220201 \begin 0:27:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx tok, tok, tok, tok. \pho tɔk tɔk tɔk tɔk \mb tok tok tok tok \ge knock knock knock knock \gj knock knock knock knock \ft knock knock knock knock. \nt imitating the sound of someone's knocking the door. \ref 0796 \id 454964092059210201 \begin 0:28:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'siapa?' \pho syapaʰ \mb siapa \ge who \gj who \ft 'who is there?' \ref 0797 \id 796790092059210201 \begin 0:28:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini dong, lihat ke sini dong! \pho ʔini dɔŋ liyat kə sini dɔŋ \mb ini dong lihat ke sini dong \ge this DONG see to here DONG \gj this DONG see to here DONG \ft right here, look at here! \nt showing the female doll to CHI, which is regarded as a person who is going to buy a doll. \ref 0798 \id 271968092100210201 \begin 0:28:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'selamat malam, Pak.' \pho slamat malam paːʔ \mb selamat malam Pak \ge safe night TRU-father \gj safe night TRU-father \ft 'good evening, Sir.' \nt pretending to be a person who is going to buy a doll. \ref 0799 \id 470451092100210201 \begin 0:28:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'selamat malam, Pak.' \pho slamat malam paːʔ \mb selamat malam Pak \ge safe night TRU-father \gj safe night TRU-father \ft 'good evening, Sir.' \nt pretending to be the person who wants to buy dolls. \ref 0800 \id 910898092101210201 \begin 0:28:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'selamat malam, Pak.' \pho sə maləm paːʔ \mb selamat malam Pak \ge safe night TRU-father \gj safe night TRU-father \ft 'good evening, Sir.' \nt ** 'Pak' (addressing term) should be 'Bu'--because the buyer is represented by the female doll; CHI is just repeating MOT's previous utterance. \ref 0801 \id 182029092102210201 \begin 0:28:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh. \pho hɛh \mb heh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey. \ref 0802 \id 874370092102210201 \begin 0:28:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'selamat malam, Bu' gini dong. \pho slamat malam buː giː dɔ \mb selamat malam Bu gini dong \ge safe night TRU-mother like.this DONG \gj safe night TRU-mother like.this DONG \ft you have to say 'good evening, Mam'. \nt telling CHI what to say. \ref 0803 \id 960996092103210201 \begin 0:28:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'selamat malam, Bu.' \pho saːl maləm buː \mb selamat malam Bu \ge safe night TRU-mother \gj safe night TRU-mother \ft 'good evening, Mam.' \nt repeating MOT, pretending to be the dolls vendor. \ref 0804 \id 691426092103210201 \begin 0:28:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'Bapak jualan boneka, ya Pak?' \pho bapaʔ juwalan bɔnɛka ya paʔ \mb Bapak jual -an boneka ya Pak \ge father sell -AN doll yes TRU-father \gj father sell-AN doll yes TRU-father \ft 'do you sell dolls, Sir?' \nt pretending to be the person who wants to buy dolls. \ref 0805 \id 614631092104210201 \begin 0:28:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'Bapak nggak denger ya, Bapak ya?' \pho bapaʔ ŋga dəŋər ya bapaʔ yah \mb Bapak nggak denger ya Bapak ya \ge father NEG hear yes father yes \gj father NEG hear yes father yes \ft 'you can't hear, can you, Sir?' \nt pretending to be the person who wants to buy dolls. \ref 0806 \id 525063092104210201 \begin 0:28:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'nggak punya kuping ya, Pak?' \pho ŋgaʔ puɲaʔ kupiŋ ya paʔ \mb nggak punya kuping ya Pak \ge NEG have ear yes TRU-father \gj NEG have ear yes TRU-father \ft 'you don't have ears, do you, Sir?' \nt pretending to be the person who wants to buy dolls. \ref 0807 \id 850689092105210201 \begin 0:28:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'ada boneka apa, Pak?' \pho ʔada bɔnɛka ʔapa paːʔ \mb ada boneka apa Pak \ge exist doll what TRU-father \gj exist doll what TRU-father \ft 'what kind of dolls do you have, Sir?' \nt pretending to be the person who wants to buy dolls. \ref 0808 \id 760656092105210201 \begin 0:28:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'boneka yang ini.' \pho yenɔka yaŋ iniʰ \mb boneka yang ini \ge doll REL this \gj doll REL this \ft 'this doll.' \nt pretending to be the dolls vendor, pointing at the doll in the toy bookcases. \ref 0809 \id 464035092106210201 \begin 0:28:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'boneka apa tuh, boleh saya lihat nggak?' \pho bɔnɛka apa tuː bɔlɛ saya liyat ŋgaʔ \mb boneka apa tuh boleh saya lihat nggak \ge doll what that may 1SG see NEG \gj doll what that may 1SG see NEG \ft 'what doll is it, may I see it?' \nt pretending to be the person who wants to buy dolls, referring to the doll CHI has just pointed at. \ref 0810 \id 253658092106210201 \begin 0:28:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'boleh.' \pho bɔlɛh \mb boleh \ge may \gj may \ft 'yes, you may.' \nt pretending to be the dolls vendor. \ref 0811 \id 536604092107210201 \begin 0:28:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'lagi bobo.' \pho hagi bɔbɔ \mb lagi bobo \ge more sleep \gj more sleep \ft 'it's sleeping.' \nt 1.pretending to be the dolls vendor. 2. previously, CHI insisted that the koala dolls should sleep in the shelves or on the top of the bookcases--now CHI rethinks that the dolls are sleeping. \ref 0812 \id 419462092107210201 \begin 0:28:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'bisa saya lihat?' \pho bisa saya liyat \mb bisa saya lihat \ge can 1SG see \gj can 1SG see \ft 'may I see it?' \nt pretending to be the person who wants to buy dolls. \ref 0813 \id 820224092108210201 \begin 0:28:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'o, lagi bobo, bonekanya?' \pho ʔɔː lagi boboʔ bɔnɛkaɲaʰ \mb o lagi bobo boneka -nya \ge EXCL more sleep doll -NYA \gj EXCL more sleep doll-NYA \ft 'oh, are the dolls sleeping?' \nt pretending to be the person who wants to buy dolls. \ref 0814 \id 820661092108210201 \begin 0:28:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'dijual nggak bonekanya?' \pho dijuwal ŋgaʔ bɔnɛkaʔɲaː \mb di- jual nggak boneka -nya \ge DI- sell NEG doll -NYA \gj DI-sell NEG doll-NYA \ft 'are the dolls for sale?' \nt pretending to be the person who wants to buy dolls. \ref 0815 \id 978903092109210201 \begin 0:28:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak boleh.' \pho gaʔ wɔlɛh \mb nggak boleh \ge NEG may \gj NEG may \ft 'no.' \nt pretending to be the dolls vendor. \ref 0816 \id 152634092109210201 \begin 0:28:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'hah?' \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft 'huh?' \nt pretending to be the person who wants to buy dolls. \ref 0817 \id 922525092110210201 \begin 0:28:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'nggak dijual bonekanya?' \pho gaʔ dijuwal bɔnɛkaɲa \mb nggak di- jual boneka -nya \ge NEG DI- sell doll -NYA \gj NEG DI-sell doll-NYA \ft 'the dolls are not for sale?' \nt pretending to be the person who wants to buy dolls. \ref 0818 \id 309594092110210201 \begin 0:28:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt uttered together with MOT's previous utterance. \ref 0819 \id 154191092111210201 \begin 0:28:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'di ini aja nih...' \pho di ini aja niːːʰ \mb di ini aja nih \ge LOC this just this \gj LOC this just this \ft 'just over here...' \nt pretending to be the doll vendor; taking a toy chair. \ref 0820 \id 608345112213260201 \begin 0:28:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx apa? \pho ʔapah \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0821 \id 173953112213260201 \begin 0:28:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'duduk aja di sini, (bi)sa nggak?' \pho duduk aja di sini sa ŋgaʔ \mb duduk aja di sini bisa nggak \ge sit just LOC here can NEG \gj sit just LOC here can NEG \ft 'sit on this chair, can you do it?' \nt pretending to be the dolls vendor. \ref 0822 \id 278688092112210201 \begin 0:28:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx Bapaknya... Guru, duduk nggak, eh? \pho bapaʔɲaː guru duduʔ ŋgaʔ əh \mb Bapak -nya Guru duduk nggak eh \ge father -NYA teacher sit NEG huh \gj father-NYA teacher sit NEG huh \ft the teacher, are you going to sit or not? \nt mumbling to herself while trying to make the male doll sit on the toy chair. \ref 0823 \id 913494092112210201 \begin 0:28:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx yah, yah, yah. \pho ya ya yah \mb yah yah yah \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft oops, oops, oops. \nt the male doll falls down from the toy chair. \ref 0824 \id 616183092113210201 \begin 0:29:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'itu kan buat tempat duduk boneka, Pak, bukannya buat tempat duduk Bapak.' \pho ʔitu kan buwat təmpat duduʔ bɔnɛka paːʔ bukanɲa buwat təmpat duduk bapaːʔ \mb itu kan buat tempat duduk boneka Pak bukan -nya buat tempat duduk Bapak \ge that KAN for place sit doll TRU-father NEG -NYA for place sit father \gj that KAN for place sit doll TRU-father NEG-NYA for place sit father \ft 'that's a seat for the dolls, not for you, Sir.' \nt pretending to be the person who wants to buy dolls. \ref 0825 \id 497776092113210201 \begin 0:29:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx o, duduk aja di sini, ya? \pho ʔɔː duduk aja di sini yah \mb o duduk aja di sini ya \ge EXCL sit just LOC here yes \gj EXCL sit just LOC here yes \ft so, he'll sit here, okay? \nt putting down the male doll on the floor. \ref 0826 \id 343653092114210201 \begin 0:29:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx duduk di bawah? \pho duduk di bawah \mb duduk di bawah \ge sit LOC under \gj sit LOC under \ft he'll sit on the floor? \nt referring to the male doll. \ref 0827 \id 192901092114210201 \begin 0:29:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx boboan aja, ya, boboan. \pho bɔbɔan aja yah bɔbɔʔan \mb bobo -an aja ya bobo -an \ge sleep -AN just yes sleep -AN \gj sleep-AN just yes sleep-AN \ft he'll just sleep, he'll just sleep. \nt referring to the male doll. \ref 0828 \id 894704092115210201 \begin 0:29:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'boboan, ya?' \pho bɔbɔʔan yah \mb bobo -an ya \ge sleep -AN yes \gj sleep-AN yes \ft 'I'll lie down, okay?' \nt pretending to be the male teacher. \ref 0829 \id 705555092115210201 \begin 0:29:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'saya boleh beli nggak, itu bonekanya?' \pho saya bɔlɛh bəli ŋgaʔ itu bɔnɛkaʔɲa \mb saya boleh beli nggak itu boneka -nya \ge 1SG may buy NEG that doll -NYA \gj 1SG may buy NEG that doll-NYA \ft 'may I buy that doll, or not?' \nt pretending to be the person who wants to buy dolls. \ref 0830 \id 481015092116210201 \begin 0:29:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'boleh.' \pho bɔːlɛːh \mb boleh \ge may \gj may \ft 'yes.' \nt pretending to be the dolls vendor; taking one of the koala doll from the toy bookcase. \ref 0831 \id 334016092116210201 \begin 0:29:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'berapa harganya?' \pho brapa hargaɲaː \mb berapa harga -nya \ge how.much price -NYA \gj how.much price-NYA \ft 'how much is it?' \nt pretending to be the person who wants to buy dolls. \ref 0832 \id 221719092117210201 \begin 0:29:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'satu.' \pho satu \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft 'one.' \nt pretending to be the doll vendor. \ref 0833 \id 147851092117210201 \begin 0:29:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'satu berapa?' \pho satu bərapaː \mb satu berapa \ge one how.much \gj one how.much \ft 'one what?' \nt pretending to be the person who wants to buy dolls. \ref 0834 \id 636529092118210201 \begin 0:29:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'xx.' \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft 'xx.' \nt mumbling an unclear word to respond to MOT's question. \ref 0835 \id 465769092118210201 \begin 0:29:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'satu puluh juta.' \pho satu puluh juttaː \mb satu puluh juta \ge one ten million \gj one ten million \ft 'it's one ten million.' \nt **should be 'sepuluh juta'. \ref 0836 \id 592402092119210201 \begin 0:29:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'hah?' \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft 'huh?' \ref 0837 \id 413068092119210201 \begin 0:29:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'satu juta?' \pho satu juta \mb satu juta \ge one million \gj one million \ft 'one million?' \nt taking her purse. \ref 0838 \id 448111092120210201 \begin 0:29:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \ref 0839 \id 821299092120210201 \begin 0:29:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'ah, nggak mau ah, mahal ah.' \pho ʔãh ŋga mau ah mahal ʔah \mb ah nggak mau ah mahal ah \ge EXCL NEG want EXCL expensive EXCL \gj EXCL NEG want EXCL expensive EXCL \ft 'I don't want it, it's too expensive.' \nt pretending to be the person who wants to buy dolls. \ref 0840 \id 900802092121210201 \begin 0:29:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx mahal. \pho mahal \mb mahal \ge expensive \gj expensive \ft expensive. \nt repeating the last word of MOT's utterance. \ref 0841 \id 607793092121210201 \begin 0:29:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'seribu aja, ya?' \pho səribu aja yah \mb se- ribu aja ya \ge SE- thousand just yes \gj SE-thousand just yes \ft 'how about one thousand?' \ref 0842 \id 801378092122210201 \begin 0:29:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'okay.' \ref 0843 \id 889474092122210201 \begin 0:29:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'nih, uangnya nih, Pak.' \pho niː ʔuwaŋɲa nih paːʔ \mb nih uang -nya nih Pak \ge this money -NYA this TRU-father \gj this money-NYA this TRU-father \ft 'here is the money, Sir.' \nt pretending to be the person who wants to buy dolls. \ref 0844 \id 119196092123210201 \begin 0:29:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'dah, saya bawa, ya, bonekanya, ya?' \pho daʰ saya bawa yaʰ bɔnɛkaɲa yaː \mb dah saya bawa ya boneka -nya ya \ge PFCT 1SG bring yes doll -NYA yes \gj PFCT 1SG bring yes doll-NYA yes \ft 'okay, I'll take the doll, okay?' \nt pretending to be the person who want s to buy the doll, taking the koala dolls away. \ref 0845 \id 529305092123210201 \begin 0:29:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx sst xx. \pho st gəlisik \mb sst xx \ge shush xx \gj shush xx \ft ssh xx. \nt 1. pointing at the toy chair. 2. the xx actually sounds like 'berisik' or 'noisy' in English, yet, the context is unclear as it refers to the toy chair. \ref 0846 \id 138608092124210201 \begin 0:29:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'dah, bawa bonekanya.' \pho daː bawaʔ bɔnɛkaɲa \mb dah bawa boneka -nya \ge PFCT bring doll -NYA \gj PFCT bring doll-NYA \ft 'okay, I'll take the doll.' \nt 1.pretending to be the female doll playing the person who wants to buy dolls. 2. putting down the koala doll and the female doll on the table. \ref 0847 \id 988527092124210201 \begin 0:29:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'dah, maen-maen ama boneka, mo bobo ma bonekanya.' \pho dah maɛnmaɛn ama bɔnɛka mɔ boboʔ ma bɔnɛkaʔɲaʰ \mb dah maen - maen ama boneka mo bobo ma boneka -nya \ge PFCT play - play with doll want sleep with doll -NYA \gj PFCT RED-play with doll want sleep with doll-NYA \ft 'okay, I'll play with the doll, I want to sleep with the doll.' \nt 1.pretending to be the female doll playing the person who wants to buy dolls. 2. arranging the position of the koala doll and the female doll on the table. \ref 0848 \id 792583092125210201 \begin 0:29:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini Bapaknya juga... kecil. \pho ʔni bapaʔɲa juga kəcil \mb ini Bapak -nya juga kecil \ge this father -NYA also small \gj this father-NYA also small \ft so does the man... the little one. \nt 1.referring to the male doll. 2. taking the other koala doll from the bookcase. \ref 0849 \id 659121092125210201 \begin 0:30:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx (Ba)paknya juga. \pho paʔɲa juga \mb Bapak -nya juga \ge father -NYA also \gj father-NYA also \ft also the man. \nt referring to the female doll that is sleeping with the koala doll. \ref 0850 \id 368254092126210201 \begin 0:30:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx (Ba)paknya juga, ya? \pho paʔɲaʰ jugaʔ yah \mb Bapak -nya juga ya \ge father -NYA also yes \gj father-NYA also yes \ft the man too, okay? \nt holding both the koala and the male dolls in her hand. \ref 0851 \id 559559092126210201 \begin 0:30:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, boleh deh. \pho ʰiːyaʰ bɔle deh \mb iya boleh deh \ge yes may DEH \gj yes may DEH \ft sure, he may too. \ref 0852 \id 120883092127210201 \begin 0:30:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx lupa, Bapak inih, Bapak nih. \pho lupːaː bapːaʔ inih bapːaʔ nih \mb lupa Bapak inih Bapak nih \ge forget father this father this \gj forget father this father this \ft I forgot, here is the man, this is the man. \nt mumbling words while playing with both the dolls in her hands. \ref 0853 \id 453679154253230201 \begin 0:30:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx boleh sih. \pho bɔʰlɛʰ sih \mb boleh sih \ge may SIH \gj may SIH \ft it's okay. \nt moving to the table where the other koala doll and the female doll are being put. \ref 0854 \id 797875154253230201 \begin 0:30:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx aduh, duh, duh. \pho adu du du \mb aduh duh duh \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft ouch, ouch, ouch. \nt being overstepped by CHI, who is moving to the table. \ref 0855 \id 270639092128210201 \begin 0:30:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx di sini. \pho di ʃːːiːːni \mb di sini \ge LOC here \gj LOC here \ft right here. \ref 0856 \id 637579092128210201 \begin 0:30:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx di ranjang aja, di ranjang aja, bo(bo) boboknya. \pho di ranjaŋ aja di ranjaŋ aja bə bɔbɔʔɲaʰ \mb di ranjang aja di ranjang aja bobo bobok -nya \ge LOC bedframe just LOC bedframe just sleep sleep -NYA \gj LOC bedframe just LOC bedframe just sleep sleep-NYA \ft on the bed, lay them down on the bed. \nt telling CHI to put the dolls to sleep on the toy beds. \ref 0857 \id 114573092129210201 \begin 0:30:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx dibobokin di ranjang nih! \pho dibɔbɔin di ranjaŋ nih \mb di- bobok -in di ranjang nih \ge DI- sleep -IN LOC bedframe this \gj DI-sleep-IN LOC bedframe this \ft come on, lay them down on the bed! \ref 0858 \id 239713092129210201 \begin 0:30:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh? \pho mh \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0859 \id 159010092130210201 \begin 0:30:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx eee, Si Ibunya sama yang Si itu, Si Bapaknya sama Si Koko. \pho ə̃ siː ʔibuɲa sama yaŋ si ituː siː bapaɲa sama si kɔkɔ \mb eee Si Ibu -nya sama yang Si itu Si Bapak -nya sama Si Koko \ge FILL PERS mother -NYA with REL PERS that PERS father -NYA with PERS Koko \gj FILL PERS mother-NYA with REL PERS that PERS father-NYA with PERS Koko \ft umm, the woman with that one, and the man with Koko. \nt referring to Kiki. \ref 0860 \id 992744092130210201 \begin 0:30:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx boboknya di sini. \pho bɔbɔʔɲa di sini \mb bobok -nya di sini \ge sleep -NYA LOC here \gj sleep-NYA LOC here \ft they'll sleep here. \nt playing with the toy beds. \ref 0861 \id 570316092131210201 \begin 0:30:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx bobo... \pho bɔbɔ \mb bobo \ge sleep \gj sleep \ft sleep... \nt mumbling words while playing with the toy beds. \ref 0862 \id 912593092131210201 \begin 0:30:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx pake, pake kasur dong! \pho pakɛʔ pakɛ kasur dɔŋ \mb pake pake kasur dong \ge use use mattress DONG \gj use use mattress DONG \ft put on the mattress! \nt CHI is taking away the toy mattress from the toy bed. \ref 0863 \id 768502092132210201 \begin 0:30:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak lah, ya. \pho ŋ̪ga la yah \mb nggak lah ya \ge NEG LAH yes \gj NEG LAH yes \ft I don't want to. \ref 0864 \id 936418092132210201 \begin 0:30:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx gimana, bobo berdua bisa nggak? \pho gimana bɔbɔ bərduwa bisa ŋgaʔ \mb gimana bobo ber- dua bisa nggak \ge how sleep BER- two can NEG \gj how sleep BER-two can NEG \ft so, can the two sleep together on it? \nt referring to Koko and the male doll being put together on the toy bed. \ref 0865 \id 701959092133210201 \begin 0:30:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx di tempat yang kecil, bisa nggak? \pho di təmpat yaŋ kəcil bisa ŋgaʔ \mb di tempat yang kecil bisa nggak \ge LOC place REL small can NEG \gj LOC place REL small can NEG \ft on a small place like that, can they? \ref 0866 \id 352152092133210201 \begin 0:30:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak bisa. \pho ŋgaʔ bisaʔ \mb nggak bisa \ge NEG can \gj NEG can \ft no. \ref 0867 \id 834734092134210201 \begin 0:30:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx tempatnya kecil, cukup nggak? \pho təmpatɲa kəcil cukup ŋgaʔ \mb tempat -nya kecil cukup nggak \ge place -NYA small enough NEG \gj place-NYA small enough NEG \ft the place is small, does it fit or not? \ref 0868 \id 804174092134210201 \begin 0:30:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx cukup dong. \pho cukːup dɔŋ \mb cukup dong \ge enough DONG \gj enough DONG \ft it fits. \ref 0869 \id 174100092135210201 \begin 0:30:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0870 \id 809166092135210201 \begin 0:30:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx cukup dong. \pho cukːup dɔŋ \mb cukup dong \ge enough DONG \gj enough DONG \ft it fits. \nt putting the male doll on the toy bed. \ref 0871 \id 377074092136210201 \begin 0:30:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx cukup nggak? \pho cukːup ŋ̩gaʔ \mb cukup nggak \ge enough NEG \gj enough NEG \ft does it fit or not? \nt comparing the size of the male doll to the size of the toy bed. \ref 0872 \id 299153092136210201 \begin 0:30:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak cukup. \pho ŋ̩gaʔ cukːup \mb nggak cukup \ge NEG enough \gj NEG enough \ft it's too small. \nt taking away the male doll from the toy bed. \ref 0873 \id 182766092137210201 \begin 0:30:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah. \pho hə̃ːː \mb nah \ge NAH \gj NAH \ft okay. \ref 0874 \id 666430092137210201 \begin 0:30:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx mestinya boboknya... \pho sim bɔbɔɲaː \mb mesti -nya bobok -nya \ge should -NYA sleep -NYA \gj should-NYA sleep-NYA \ft they should sleep... \ref 0875 \id 803761092138210201 \begin 0:30:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak cukup boboknya, ya? \pho ŋgaʔ cukup boboɲa yah \mb nggak cukup bobok -nya ya \ge NEG enough sleep -NYA yes \gj NEG enough sleep-NYA yes \ft the bed is not large enough, is it? \nt tidying the toy beds. \ref 0876 \id 212371092139210201 \begin 0:30:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt between 30:46 - 30:50 the record is cut off. \ref 0877 \id 524236092139210201 \begin 0:30:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx boboknya di mana? \pho bobonya di manaʰ \mb bobok -nya di mana \ge sleep -NYA LOC which \gj sleep-NYA LOC which \ft where are they going to sleep? \nt asking MOT who is tidying the toy beds and sticking them to each other. \ref 0878 \id 448736092140210201 \begin 0:30:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx hmm, cukupnya begini nih, boboknya nih. \pho hə̃ː cukupɲa bəgini ni bɔbɔnya niː \mb hmm cukup -nya begini nih bobok -nya nih \ge FILL enough -NYA like.this this sleep -NYA this \gj FILL enough-NYA like.this this sleep-NYA this \ft umm, it's enough like this, to sleep. \nt putting down the male doll on the two toy beds horizontally. \ref 0879 \id 521652092140210201 \begin 0:30:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini... \pho n̩ːiː \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft like this. \ref 0880 \id 223718092141210201 \begin 0:30:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx gini aja bisa. \pho gini aja bisaʔ \mb gini aja bisa \ge like.this just can \gj like.this just can \ft just like this is possible. \nt changing the position of the male doll, so that it lays vertically on the toy bed. \ref 0881 \id 437867092141210201 \begin 0:30:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt unclear utterance. \ref 0882 \id 550921092142210201 \begin 0:31:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx kok gitu, kan pake itu? \pho kɔ gitu kan pakɛ ʔiːtuʰ \mb kok gitu kan pake itu \ge KOK like.that KAN use that \gj KOK like.that KAN use that \ft why is it like that, if it is using that? \nt reference unclear. \ref 0883 \id 739353092142210201 \begin 0:31:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx tusuk. \pho tuːsuk \mb tusuk \ge pierce \gj pierce \ft it's pricked. \nt 1. holding the feet of the male doll, which sticks out of the edge of the toy bed. 2. 'tusuk' refers to the doll's feet which pass the edge of the toy bed. \ref 0884 \id 623689092143210201 \begin 0:31:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx tusuk, kan? \pho tusuk kaːn \mb tusuk kan \ge pierce KAN \gj pierce KAN \ft it's pricked, isn't it? \nt removing the male doll from the toy bed. \ref 0885 \id 664342092144210201 \begin 0:31:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx kakinya ketusuk? \pho kakiɲa kətusuk \mb kaki -nya ke- tusuk \ge foot -NYA KE- pierce \gj foot-NYA KE-pierce \ft is his foot pricked? \ref 0886 \id 814894092144210201 \begin 0:31:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyaʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0887 \id 346060092145210201 \begin 0:31:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx wah, iya, nggak cukup. \pho waː iyah ŋga cukup \mb wah iya nggak cukup \ge EXCL yes NEG enough \gj EXCL yes NEG enough \ft oh I see, it's not long enough. \nt referring to the length of the toy bed. \ref 0888 \id 147838092145210201 \begin 0:31:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak cukup, kan? \pho ŋga cukup kaːn \mb nggak cukup kan \ge NEG enough KAN \gj NEG enough KAN \ft it's not long enough, is it? \ref 0889 \id 421963092145210201 \begin 0:31:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx nah, makanya boboknya di ubin aja. \pho naː makaɲa bɔbɔɲa di ubin ʔajaːʰ \mb nah maka -nya bobok -nya di ubin aja \ge NAH then -NYA sleep -NYA LOC floortile just \gj NAH then-NYA sleep-NYA LOC floortile just \ft so, he better sleeps on the floor then. \nt tapping the male doll which is already on the floor. \ref 0890 \id 552077092146210201 \begin 0:31:15 \sp VANPRI \tx yeh, kasihan dong. \pho hɛːːː kasiyan dɔŋ \mb yeh kasih -an dong \ge EXCL compassion -AN DONG \gj EXCL compassion-AN DONG \ft oh, poor him. \nt referring to the male doll that should sleep on the floor. \ref 0891 \id 368010092146210201 \begin 0:31:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0892 \id 308084092204210201 \begin 0:31:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, nggak. \pho hiyaːɔ wəːŋgaː \mb ya nggak \ge yes NEG \gj yes NEG \ft of course, not. \ref 0893 \id 880039092205210201 \begin 0:31:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx kaya siapa bobo di ubin? \pho kaya syapa bɔbɔ di ubin \mb kaya siapa bobo di ubin \ge like who sleep LOC floortile \gj like who sleep LOC floortile \ft like whom he's sleeping on the floor? \ref 0894 \id 835013092206210201 \begin 0:31:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx bob(o)... \pho bɔb \mb bobo \ge sleep \gj sleep \ft sleeping... \ref 0895 \id 988488092206210201 \begin 0:31:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee, Priska bobo di ubin. \pho mːː priskɔ bɔbɔ di ubin \mb eee Priska bobo di ubin \ge FILL Priska sleep LOC floortile \gj FILL Priska sleep LOC floortile \ft eee, I slept on the floor. \ref 0896 \id 146976092207210201 \begin 0:31:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx walah, (ke)panasan ya, bobo di ubin, ya? \pho hə̃ːləːːːʰ panasan yah bɔbɔ di ubin yah \mb walah ke an panas ya bobo di ubin ya \ge OATH KE AN hot yes sleep LOC floortile yes \gj OATH KE.AN-hot yes sleep LOC floortile yes \ft it was very hot, that's why you slept on the floor? \nt 1. 'kepanasan ya, bobo di ubin ya' (reversed sentence structure) should be 'bobo di ubin karena kepanasan ya'. 2. CHI is taking the toy chairs. \ref 0897 \id 335978092207210201 \begin 0:31:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya? \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right? \ref 0898 \id 802939092208210201 \begin 0:31:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx bobo di atas (ke)panasan. \pho bɔbɔ di ʔatas panasːan \mb bobo di atas ke an panas \ge sleep LOC up KE AN hot \gj sleep LOC up KE.AN-hot \ft sleeping on the bed made me feel hot. \nt playing with the toy chairs. \ref 0899 \id 113932092208210201 \begin 0:31:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, bobo di atas kepanasan? \pho ʔɔ bɔbɔ di atas kəpanasan \mb o bobo di atas ke an panas \ge EXCL sleep LOC up KE AN hot \gj EXCL sleep LOC up KE.AN-hot \ft sleeping on the bed made you feel hot? \ref 0900 \id 258872092209210201 \begin 0:31:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx masa sih? \pho maːsaʔ sih \mb masa sih \ge incredible SIH \gj incredible SIH \ft really? \ref 0901 \id 866459092209210201 \begin 0:31:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx... \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx... \nt mumbling some words and sticking the two toy chairs to each other. \ref 0902 \id 299089092210210201 \begin 0:31:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx bobo di kursi? \pho bɔbɔ di kursi \mb bobo di kursi \ge sleep LOC chair \gj sleep LOC chair \ft is it going to sleep on the chair? \nt referring to CHI holding a koala doll from the floor and is putting it on the chairs to sleep. \ref 0903 \id 904560092210210201 \begin 0:31:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx bukan... \pho bukanː \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no... \nt putting the koala doll on the toy chairs, but it falls down. \ref 0904 \id 770970092211210201 \begin 0:31:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak, ni kan? \pho ŋ̩gaʔ ni kan \mb nggak ni kan \ge NEG this KAN \gj NEG this KAN \ft no, see? \nt putting down the koala doll on the floor, arranging the position of the toy chairs again. \ref 0905 \id 107626092211210201 \begin 0:31:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx diginiin aja ya? \pho diginiin ajaː ya \mb di- gini -in aja ya \ge DI- like.this -IN just yes \gj DI-like.this-IN just yes \ft I'll put them like this, okay? \nt arranging the position of the toy chairs so that they are facing each other. \ref 0906 \id 474085092212210201 \begin 0:31:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx (bi)sa diginiin. \pho sa diginiin \mb bisa di- gini -in \ge can DI- like.this -IN \gj can DI-like.this-IN \ft they can be put like this. \nt laying down the two toy chairs. \ref 0907 \id 860971092212210201 \begin 0:31:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx yah, nggak baik begitu. \pho yah ŋga baik bəgituː \mb yah nggak baik begitu \ge EXCL NEG good like.that \gj EXCL NEG good like.that \ft oh no, that's not good. \nt commenting on the way CHI's arranging the toy chairs. \ref 0908 \id 399110142653270201 \begin 0:31:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx masa kursinya begitu? \pho masaʔ kursiɲa bəgituʰ \mb masa kursi -nya begitu \ge incredible chair -NYA like.that \gj incredible chair-NYA like.that \ft why are you putting the chairs like that? \ref 0909 \id 756979142654270201 \begin 0:31:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0910 \id 764955142655270201 \begin 0:31:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx musti berdiri, ya. \pho mustiː bərdiri yah \mb musti ber- diri ya \ge must BER- stand yes \gj must BER-stand yes \ft they should stand. \nt referring to the toy chairs. \ref 0911 \id 713041142655270201 \begin 0:31:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah, itu begitu, bagus. \pho naː itu bəgitu bagus \mb nah itu begitu bagus \ge NAH that like.that nice \gj NAH that like.that nice \ft yes, that is good. \nt referrring to CHI is putting the two toy chairs in a standing position again. \ref 0912 \id 306066142656270201 \begin 0:32:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx gini? \pho ginih \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this? \nt still busy arranging the position of the two toy chairs. \ref 0913 \id 256565142656270201 \begin 0:32:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx gini aja? \pho gini ajaʰ \mb gini aja \ge like.this just \gj like.this just \ft or like this? \nt putting the two toy chairs far away from each other. \ref 0914 \id 803236142657270201 \begin 0:32:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx (bu)kan begitu. \pho kan bgituː \mb bukan begitu \ge NEG like.that \gj NEG like.that \ft not like that. \ref 0915 \id 614502142657270201 \begin 0:32:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx gini, ya? \pho gini yah \mb gini ya \ge like.this yes \gj like.this yes \ft like this? \ref 0916 \id 833225165326270201 \begin 0:32:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx deketin. \pho dəkəttin \mb deket -in \ge near -IN \gj near-IN \ft I'll put them closer. \nt moving the two toy chairs closer to the toy beds. \ref 0917 \id 640314165328270201 \begin 0:32:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho ʰya \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0918 \id 324297142658270201 \begin 0:32:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx gini. \pho ginniː \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this. \nt still arranging the position of the two toy chairs near the toy beds. \ref 0919 \id 664000142659270201 \begin 0:32:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho hyaːʰ \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0920 \id 463912142659270201 \begin 0:32:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, salah, salah. \pho ʔeh salah salah \mb eh salah salah \ge EH wrong wrong \gj EH wrong wrong \ft no, it's wrong. \nt still busy arranging the position of the two toy chairs near the toy beds. \ref 0921 \id 890731142700270201 \begin 0:32:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx gini mestinya. \pho gini məstiɲaː \mb gini mesti -nya \ge like.this should -NYA \gj like.this should-NYA \ft it should be like this. \nt moving to put the two toy chairs at each side of the two toy beds. \ref 0922 \id 538256142700270201 \begin 0:32:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 0923 \id 281643142701270201 \begin 0:32:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx gini. \pho ginniʰ \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this. \nt putting the two toy chairs at each side of the two toy beds. \ref 0924 \id 191361142701270201 \begin 0:32:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx kayak di rumah sakit, ya? \pho kayaʔ di rumah sakit yah \mb kayak di rumah sakit ya \ge like LOC house hurt yes \gj like LOC house hurt yes \ft like at the hospital, right? \nt comparing the way CHI's arranging the toy beds and chairs with the way people arrange furniture in the hospital room. \ref 0925 \id 215961142702270201 \begin 0:32:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋ̩ːgaːʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0926 \id 571441142703270201 \begin 0:32:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0927 \id 922196142704270201 \begin 0:32:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx bukan. \pho bukkaːn \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft it's not. \nt finishing arranging the position of the toy chairs and beds. \ref 0928 \id 179947142704270201 \begin 0:32:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, rumah sakit kan begitu. \pho hiːya rumah sakit kan bəgituʰ \mb iya rumah sakit kan begitu \ge yes house hurt KAN like.that \gj yes house hurt KAN like.that \ft yes, a hospital is like that. \ref 0929 \id 979586142705270201 \begin 0:32:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx ada tempat tidur trus ada bangkunya, sebelahnya. \pho ʔada təmpat tidur trus ada baŋkuʔɲaʰ səbəlahɲaʰ \mb ada tempat tidur trus ada bangku -nya se nya belah \ge exist place lie.down continue exist seat -NYA SE NYA side \gj exist place lie.down continue exist seat-NYA SE.NYA-side \ft there are beds with chairs at their sides. \nt **should be: 'sebelah tempat tidur ada bangkunya'. \ref 0930 \id 285153142706270201 \begin 0:32:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini kan lagi di rumah, di sini. \pho ʔini kan lagiː di rumah di sinih \mb ini kan lagi di rumah di sini \ge this KAN more LOC house LOC here \gj this KAN more LOC house LOC here \ft but these are here, in this house. \nt **should be: 'ini kan lagi di sini, di rumah'. \ref 0931 \id 683189142706270201 \begin 0:32:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih, xxx ada... ninya. \pho niː xxx adaʔ n̩iɲaʰ \mb nih xxx ada ni -nya \ge this xxx exist this -NYA \gj this xxx exist this-NYA \ft look, xxx there are... these. \nt standing up, walking to the table, and taking a flute. \ref 0932 \id 783194142707270201 \begin 0:32:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt 1. trying to blow the flute for several times but failing to do so. 2. sound of a flute being blown unsuccessfully for several time. \ref 0933 \id 371114142707270201 \begin 0:32:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx he, nggak bisa bunyi. \pho haː ŋga bisa buɲi \mb he nggak bisa bunyi \ge EXCL NEG can sound \gj EXCL NEG can sound \ft hey, it doesn't sound. \nt using a teasing intonation. \ref 0934 \id 927164142708270201 \begin 0:32:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih. \pho niːh \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt taking another flute from the table. \ref 0935 \id 870672142708270201 \begin 0:32:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak bisa bunyi. \pho ŋgaʔ bisaː buːɲi \mb nggak bisa bunyi \ge NEG can sound \gj NEG can sound \ft it doesn't sound. \nt referring to her failure to play the flute. \ref 0936 \id 908659142709270201 \begin 0:32:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx hey! \pho hɛh \mb hey \ge hey \gj hey \ft hey! \nt trying to get CHI's attention because MOT is about to play the flute. \ref 0937 \id 355975142710270201 \begin 0:32:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt playing the flute. \ref 0938 \id 277786142710270201 \begin 0:32:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah, ikutin Mami! \pho naː ikutin mamiʰ \mb nah ikut -in Mami \ge NAH follow -IN mommy \gj NAH follow-IN mommy \ft now, follow me! \ref 0939 \id 162891142711270201 \begin 0:32:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih. \pho niːh \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft this. \nt trying to get CHI's attention because CHI seems to be no longer interested in the flute. \ref 0940 \id 525461142711270201 \begin 0:32:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt sighing and murmuring, playing with the bedroom sets and the koala dolls again. \ref 0941 \id 337495142712270201 \begin 0:32:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt playing the flute in front of CHI in order to persuade CHI to play the flute again. \ref 0942 \id 197081142712270201 \begin 0:33:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh, Pris! \pho hɛː pris \mb heh Pris \ge EXCL Priska \gj EXCL Priska \ft Priska! \nt trying to get CHI's attention. \ref 0943 \id 944368142713270201 \begin 0:33:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt playing two flutes at one time. \ref 0944 \id 212067142713270201 \begin 0:33:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx kok, dua-duanya? \pho kɔ duwaduwaːɲaʰ \mb kok dua - dua -nya \ge KOK two - two -NYA \gj KOK RED-two-NYA \ft why both? \nt referring to the flutes, played by MOT. \ref 0945 \id 827475142714270201 \begin 0:33:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya bisa. \pho yaː biːsa \mb ya bisa \ge yes can \gj yes can \ft yes, it's possible. \ref 0946 \id 300194142714270201 \begin 0:33:05 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska makanya nih, satu nih. \pho priska makaɲa ni satuʔ nih \mb Priska maka -nya nih satu nih \ge Priska then -NYA this one this \gj Priska then-NYA this one this \ft so, now you take one of these. \nt asking Priska to take one of the flutes. \ref 0947 \id 572163142715270201 \begin 0:33:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt humming meaninglessly. \ref 0948 \id 465225142715270201 \begin 0:33:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni, warna apa nih? \pho ni warna apa nih \mb ni warna apa nih \ge this color what this \gj this color what this \ft what color is this? \nt showing one of the flutes to CHI. \ref 0949 \id 456061142716270201 \begin 0:33:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx blue. \pho bluː \mb blue \ge blue \gj blue \ft blue. \nt in English. \ref 0950 \id 335176142716270201 \begin 0:33:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini? \pho ʔn̩ih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one? \nt showing another flute to CHI. \ref 0951 \id 811571142717270201 \begin 0:33:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx belum sampai... \pho bəlum sampey \mb belum sampai \ge not.yet arrive \gj not.yet arrive \ft it's out of reach... \nt 1.taking the other flute from MOT's hand. 2.**belum (deictic) should be 'tidak'. \ref 0952 \id 297215142717270201 \begin 0:33:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx Mami yang blue. \pho mami yaŋ bluː \mb Mami yang blue \ge mommy REL blue \gj mommy REL blue \ft Mommy is the blue one. \nt carrying the flute far away from CHI's reach. \ref 0953 \id 909406142718270201 \begin 0:33:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx pegang... eh, Priska, Priska banyak. \pho pɛgaŋ ʔɛh piskaʔ pliska paɲak \mb pegang eh Priska Priska banyak \ge hold EXCL Priska Priska a.lot \gj hold EXCL Priska Priska a.lot \ft let me hold it... I want a lot. \nt also wants the flute in MOT's hand. \ref 0954 \id 308025142718270201 \begin 0:33:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx pink... eh, ungu. \pho piːng ʔe ungu \mb pink eh ungu \ge pink EH purple \gj pink EH purple \ft pink... no, purple. \nt taking another flute from the table. \ref 0955 \id 541831112605060301 \begin 0:33:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini pink ato ungu nih? \pho ʔn̩i ping atɔ uŋu nih \mb ini pink ato ungu nih \ge this pink or purple this \gj this pink or purple this \ft is this pink or purple? \nt taking another flute from the table. \ref 0956 \id 973752112605060301 \begin 0:33:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx pink. \pho piŋ \mb pink \ge pink \gj pink \ft pink. \ref 0957 \id 639389142719270201 \begin 0:33:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih, pink. \pho nih piŋ \mb nih pink \ge this pink \gj this pink \ft here, pink. \nt putting back the other flute in her hand to the table. \ref 0958 \id 824386142720270201 \begin 0:33:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx pinjem ya, eh, uh. \pho piːnjəm yah ə̃h ũːh \mb pinjem ya eh uh \ge borrow yes EXCL EXCL \gj borrow yes EXCL EXCL \ft I want to borrow it, please. \nt 1. the above utterance is followed by an unclear whining sound. 2. trying to take the pink flute forcefully from MOT's hand. \ref 0959 \id 584195142721270201 \begin 0:33:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx blue. \pho bluː \mb blue \ge blue \gj blue \ft blue. \nt referring to an unclear context. \ref 0960 \id 190189142721270201 \begin 0:33:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx Mami yang mana? \pho mami yaŋ manaʰ \mb Mami yang mana \ge mommy REL which \gj mommy REL which \ft which one is for me? \ref 0961 \id 319636142721270201 \begin 0:33:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx satu. \pho saːtuː \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft one. \nt CHI is trying to play both the flutes in her hand at one time. \ref 0962 \id 631611142722270201 \begin 0:33:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx hey, satu aja belom bunyi mau dua. \pho hɛːʰ satu aja bəlom buɲi mau duwaʔ \mb hey satu aja belom bunyi mau dua \ge hey one just not.yet sound want two \gj hey one just not.yet sound want two \ft come on, you cannot make one sound, and you want two. \nt 1.taking forcefully one of the flute from CHI's hand. 2. 'satu' and 'dua' refer to the flute. \ref 0963 \id 596391142722270201 \begin 0:33:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx satu dulu bunyi, nih. \pho satu dulu buɲi niʰ \mb satu dulu bunyi nih \ge one before sound this \gj one before sound this \ft you make this one sound first. \nt taking a flute. \ref 0964 \id 867505142723270201 \begin 0:33:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx bisa bunyi, gini dulu, nih. \pho bisa buɲi gini dulu nih \mb bisa bunyi gini dulu nih \ge can sound like.this before this \gj can sound like.this before this \ft it can sound, like this, here. \nt putting the flute into her mouth. \ref 0965 \id 771623142723270201 \begin 0:33:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt playing the flute. \ref 0966 \id 289819142724270201 \begin 0:33:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuːh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft there you are. \ref 0967 \id 791926142725270201 \begin 0:33:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt blowing the flute. \ref 0968 \id 414993142725270201 \begin 0:33:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx he, nggak bisa, kan? \pho hɑːː ŋga bisa kaːn \mb he nggak bisa kan \ge EXCL NEG can KAN \gj EXCL NEG can KAN \ft see, you can't, right? \nt teasing CHI. \ref 0969 \id 399819142726270201 \begin 0:33:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt 1. playing the flute again. 2. CHI is standing up and walking to the table. \ref 0970 \id 971698142726270201 \begin 0:33:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, bunyiin dulu! \pho tuː buɲiʔin duluːʔ \mb tuh bunyi -in dulu \ge that sound -IN before \gj that sound-IN before \ft come on, make it sound first! \nt asking CHI to play the flute again, thinking that CHI is going to stop playing the flute. \ref 0971 \id 560175142727270201 \begin 0:33:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni, ambil lagi. \pho ni ambil lagiʰ \mb ni ambil lagi \ge this take more \gj this take more \ft I am taking the other one. \nt taking another flute from the table. \ref 0972 \id 576853142727270201 \begin 0:33:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih, Mami bilangin nih, Pris... \pho nih mami bilaŋin nih pris \mb nih Mami bilang -in nih Pris \ge this mommy say -IN this Priska \gj this mommy say-IN this Priska \ft here, I'll tell you how, Pris... \nt intending to teach CHI how to play the flute. \ref 0973 \id 981878142728270201 \begin 0:33:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih. \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here it is. \nt showing the flute she just took from the table. \ref 0974 \id 642607142728270201 \begin 0:33:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini jangan ditutup yang ini, nih! \pho ini jaŋan ditutup yaŋ ini niː \mb ini jangan di- tutup yang ini nih \ge this don't DI- shut REL this this \gj this don't DI-shut REL this this \ft look, don't close this one! \nt showing which hole should not be closed. \ref 0975 \id 917757142729270201 \begin 0:33:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo tutup nggak bisa. \pho kɔː tutup ŋga bisaʔ \mb kalo tutup nggak bisa \ge TOP shut NEG can \gj TOP shut NEG can \ft if you shut it, it won't work. \nt referring to the hole of the flute. \ref 0976 \id 267902142729270201 \begin 0:33:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt 1. displaying the wrong way to play the flute. 2. sound of a flute being blown unsuccessfully. \ref 0977 \id 541345142730270201 \begin 0:33:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, nggak bisa. \pho tuː ŋga bisaː \mb tuh nggak bisa \ge that NEG can \gj that NEG can \ft see, it doesn't work. \ref 0978 \id 905558142730270201 \begin 0:33:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt 1. trying to blow the flute again, but still unsuccessfully. 2. sound of a flute being blown unsuccessfully. \ref 0979 \id 436962142731270201 \begin 0:33:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni, di sini nih, ujung. \pho niː di sini nih ʔujuŋ \mb ni di sini nih ujung \ge this LOC here this tip \gj this LOC here this tip \ft here, right here, the tip. \nt showing CHI the right position the flute should be blown. \ref 0980 \id 631894142732270201 \begin 0:33:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt playing the flute again to show CHI how to play it. \ref 0981 \id 866364142732270201 \begin 0:33:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt trying to blow the flute again, but still unsuccessfully. \ref 0982 \id 508318142733270201 \begin 0:33:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang keras. \pho yəŋ kəras \mb yang keras \ge REL hard \gj REL hard \ft strong. \nt telling CHI to blow the flute strongly. \ref 0983 \id 223126142733270201 \begin 0:33:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt blowing the flute again. \ref 0984 \id 395512142734270201 \begin 0:33:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt blowing the flute again, but it's still not very good. \ref 0985 \id 590841142734270201 \begin 0:33:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah, lagi tiupnya yang keras! \pho naːʰ lagi tiyupɲa yaŋ kəras \mb nah lagi tiup -nya yang keras \ge NAH more blow -NYA REL hard \gj NAH more blow-NYA REL hard \ft there you go, again, blow it strongly! \nt telling CHI to blow the flute forcefully. \ref 0986 \id 277497142735270201 \begin 0:34:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt blowing the flute again, this time the flute sounds. \ref 0987 \id 698468142735270201 \begin 0:34:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah, bisa kan? \pho naːːː bisa kan \mb nah bisa kan \ge NAH can KAN \gj NAH can KAN \ft see, you can, right? \ref 0988 \id 173467142736270201 \begin 0:34:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak ditutup, kan? \pho ŋga ditutup kan \mb nggak di- tutup kan \ge NEG DI- shut KAN \gj NEG DI-shut KAN \ft you didn't close it, did you? \nt referring to a certain hole of the flute which allows the flute to sound. \ref 0989 \id 965403142736270201 \begin 0:34:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus, jarinya di sini. \pho tərus jariɲa di siniʰ \mb terus jari -nya di sini \ge continue finger -NYA LOC here \gj continue finger-NYA LOC here \ft then, the fingers go here. \nt teaching CHI how to play the flute with a melody. \ref 0990 \id 955729142737270201 \begin 0:34:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt playing the flute again to show CHI how to play the flute with melody. \ref 0991 \id 357156142737270201 \begin 0:34:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt trying to imitate MOT playing the flute with melody, but failing to do so. \ref 0992 \id 328207142738270201 \begin 0:34:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0993 \id 689693142738270201 \begin 0:34:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0994 \id 291137142739270201 \begin 0:34:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt blowing the flute again, this time it sounds, but with no melody. \ref 0995 \id 449979142739270201 \begin 0:34:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah, sini... pegang, pegang! \pho naːʰ sinih pɛgaŋ pɛgaŋ \mb nah sini pegang pegang \ge NAH here hold hold \gj NAH here hold hold \ft there you are, here... hold here! \nt grasping the flute in CHI's hand, to teach CHI how to play the flute with melody. \ref 0996 \id 719011142740270201 \begin 0:34:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak bisa. \pho ŋga bisaː \mb nggak bisa \ge NEG can \gj NEG can \ft I cannot. \nt referring to CHI's failure to play the flute with melody. \ref 0997 \id 739362142740270201 \begin 0:34:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx pegang begini! \pho pɛgaŋ bəginiː \mb pegang begini \ge hold like.this \gj hold like.this \ft hold it like this! \nt showing CHI where to put her fingers on the flute. \ref 0998 \id 780856142741270201 \begin 0:34:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt blowing the flute again, but failing to do so. \ref 0999 \id 666742142742270201 \begin 0:34:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx ntar dulu, ke sini, tangannya sini yang atu, gitu. \pho ʔn̩tar duluː kə siniː taŋanɲa siniː yaŋ atuː gituːʰ \mb ntar dulu ke sini tangan -nya sini yang atu gitu \ge moment before to here hand -NYA here REL one like.that \gj moment before to here hand-NYA here REL one like.that \ft wait, here, your other hand goes here, like that. \nt still showing CHI where to put her fingers on the flute. \ref 1000 \id 654293142742270201 \begin 0:34:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni, liat Mami nih. \pho ni liyat mami nih \mb ni liat Mami nih \ge this see mommy this \gj this see mommy this \ft look at me. \nt showing CHI how to hold the flute. \ref 1001 \id 220415142743270201 \begin 0:34:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah kepit, bawahnya belakangnya pegang! \pho na təpit bawahɲa blakaŋɲa pɛgaːŋ \mb nah kepit bawah -nya belakang -nya pegang \ge NAH carry under -NYA back -NYA hold \gj NAH carry under-NYA back-NYA hold \ft pinch it, and hold its back part! \nt showing CHI how to hold the flute to make it sound with melody. \ref 1002 \id 719669142743270201 \begin 0:34:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx gini. \pho ginih \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this. \ref 1003 \id 994655142744270201 \begin 0:34:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt blowing the flute again, this time it sounds one tone. \ref 1004 \id 287946142744270201 \begin 0:34:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah, yang kenceng. \pho naː yaŋ kə̃ncəŋ \mb nah yang kenceng \ge NAH REL forceful \gj NAH REL forceful \ft there you are, forcefully. \nt 1.taking CHI's finger to show which part of the flute should be pressed. 2.'kenceng' is referring to the way CHI has to hold the flute. \ref 1005 \id 825594142745270201 \begin 0:34:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx tutup semua, tutup dulu semua! \pho tutup səmuwaʰ tutup dulu səmuwaʰ \mb tutup semua tutup dulu semua \ge shut all shut before all \gj shut all shut before all \ft close them, close them all! \nt referring to all the holes on the flute. \ref 1006 \id 179415142745270201 \begin 0:34:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx kencang. \pho kəcaŋ \mb kencang \ge forceful \gj forceful \ft forcefully. \nt referring to the way CHI has to blow the flute. \ref 1007 \id 130413142746270201 \begin 0:34:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt blowing the flute very hard. \ref 1008 \id 953708142746270201 \begin 0:34:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah, lagi. \pho aː lagiʰ \mb nah lagi \ge NAH more \gj NAH more \ft more. \ref 1009 \id 598772142747270201 \begin 0:34:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt blowing the flute very hard again. \ref 1010 \id 385280142747270201 \begin 0:34:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx jangan ditutup itunya, lagi! \pho jaŋan ditutup ituɲaʰ lagiʰ \mb jangan di- tutup itu -nya lagi \ge don't DI- shut that -NYA more \gj don't DI-shut that-NYA more \ft don't close that one, again! \nt telling CHI not to shut a certain hole on the flute. \ref 1011 \id 513728142748270201 \begin 0:34:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx di sini ditiup! \pho di sini ditiyup \mb di sini di- tiup \ge LOC here DI- blow \gj LOC here DI-blow \ft right here, blow it! \nt pointing to a certain hole of the flute. \ref 1012 \id 236495142748270201 \begin 0:34:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt blowing the flute again. \ref 1013 \id 983311142749270201 \begin 0:34:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \nt questioning on MOT's previous command to blow a certain hole of the flute. \ref 1014 \id 434518142750270201 \begin 0:34:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx jangan ditutup itunya, nggak bunyi. \pho jaŋan dituːtup ituɲa ŋa buɲi \mb jangan di- tutup itu -nya nggak bunyi \ge don't DI- shut that -NYA NEG sound \gj don't DI-shut that-NYA NEG sound \ft don't close that one, it won't sound. \nt pointing at one hole of the flute, which was closed by CHI at the previous blowing. \ref 1015 \id 951537142750270201 \begin 0:34:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt blowing again the flute, this time successfully. \ref 1016 \id 104534142751270201 \begin 0:34:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah... gitu. \pho naːː giːtuːː \mb nah gitu \ge NAH like.that \gj NAH like.that \ft yeah, like that. \ref 1017 \id 704850142751270201 \begin 0:34:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx gitu. \pho giːtuːʰ \mb gitu \ge like.that \gj like.that \ft like that. \ref 1018 \id 332654142752270201 \begin 0:34:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx yeh, Priska aja. \pho yɛh piska ʔajah \mb yeh Priska aja \ge EXCL Priska just \gj EXCL Priska just \ft yeah, I just did it. \nt putting back the flute to the table. \ref 1019 \id 734547142752270201 \begin 0:34:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt playing the flute again. \ref 1020 \id 859874142753270201 \begin 0:35:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx wah. \pho waːːh \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft waw. \nt commenting on the way MOT's playing the flute. \ref 1021 \id 320641142753270201 \begin 0:35:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih tu, wah, bisanya, taronya, (me)sti digebukin. \pho nih tu mah bisaʔɲaʔ taʔlɔʔnyaʔ s̩ti digəbukin \mb nih tu wah bisa -nya taro -nya mesti di- gebuk -in \ge this that EXCL can -NYA put -NYA should DI- beat -IN \gj this that EXCL can-NYA put-NYA should DI-beat-IN \ft here, wow, I can, I put it down, they must be beaten. \nt 1.'bisanya' and 'taronya' are not related to the whole context.2.beating the koala dolls with the flute. \ref 1022 \id 579526125723010301 \begin 0:35:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh! \pho hɛh \mb heh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \nt showing disagreement with CHI's beating the dolls. \ref 1023 \id 917439125724010301 \begin 0:35:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \nt unclear utterance with an unclear context. \ref 1024 \id 184293142754270201 \begin 0:35:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx he, jangan, nangis. \pho həːː jaːŋan naŋis \mb he jangan n- tangis \ge EXCL don't N- cry \gj EXCL don't N-cry \ft hey, don't do that, they are crying. \nt 'nangis' is referring to the koala dolls. \ref 1025 \id 225599142755270201 \begin 0:35:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx o, Priska yang nakal, yang mesti diituin. \pho ʔɔː priska yaŋ nakal yaŋ musti diituwin \mb o Priska yang nakal yang mesti di- itu -in \ge EXCL Priska REL naughty REL should DI- that -IN \gj EXCL Priska REL naughty REL should DI-that-IN \ft actually Priska is the one who is being naughty and should be treated like that. \nt 'diituin' is referring to the beating. \ref 1026 \id 553153142755270201 \begin 0:35:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska nggak nakal. \pho piska ŋgaʔ naːkal \mb Priska nggak nakal \ge Priska NEG naughty \gj Priska NEG naughty \ft I am not naughty. \ref 1027 \id 453145142756270201 \begin 0:35:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah, ya, udah, Adeknya juga nggak nakal. \pho naː ya udah ʔadeʔɲa juga ŋgaʔ nakal \mb nah ya udah Adek -nya juga nggak nakal \ge NAH yes PFCT younger.sibling -NYA also NEG naughty \gj NAH yes PFCT younger.sibling-NYA also NEG naughty \ft okay then, the little ones too, they are not naughty too. \nt referring to the koala dolls. \ref 1028 \id 815933142756270201 \begin 0:35:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx disayang Adeknya. \pho disaːyaŋ adɛʔɲa \mb di- sayang Adek -nya \ge DI- compassion younger.sibling -NYA \gj DI-compassion younger.sibling-NYA \ft you should love the little brothers. \nt referring to the koala dolls. \ref 1029 \id 708585142757270201 \begin 0:35:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx Si Koko ama Kiki kan nggak nakal. \pho si kɔkɔʔ ama kiki kan ŋga nakal \mb Si Koko ama Kiki kan nggak nakal \ge PERS Koko with Kiki KAN NEG naughty \gj PERS Koko with Kiki KAN NEG naughty \ft Koko and Kiki are not naughty. \ref 1030 \id 111638142758270201 \begin 0:35:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang nakal apanya? \pho yaŋ nakal apaɲaʰ \mb yang nakal apa -nya \ge REL naughty what -NYA \gj REL naughty what-NYA \ft then, who is naughty? \ref 1031 \id 403390142758270201 \begin 0:35:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx nakal... nih. \pho nakal niː \mb nakal nih \ge naughty this \gj naughty this \ft the naughty one is... this one. \nt not seen in the screen, but it's likely that MOT is pointing at CHI. \ref 1032 \id 681460142759270201 \begin 0:35:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska nggak nakal. \pho piska ŋgaʔ nakkal \mb Priska nggak nakal \ge Priska NEG naughty \gj Priska NEG naughty \ft I am not naughty. \ref 1033 \id 510901142800270201 \begin 0:35:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang nakal ubinnya, ya? \pho yaŋ nakal ubinɲa yah \mb yang nakal ubin -nya ya \ge REL naughty floortile -NYA yes \gj REL naughty floortile-NYA yes \ft the naughty one is the floor, right? \ref 1034 \id 429394142800270201 \begin 0:35:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx ah, ubinnya yang disalahin, kok. \pho ʔãh ʔubinɲa yaŋ disalahin kɔʔ \mb ah ubin -nya yang di- salah -in kok \ge EXCL floortile -NYA REL DI- wrong -IN KOK \gj EXCL floortile-NYA REL DI-wrong-IN KOK \ft ah, now the floor is wrong. \nt 1.**kok (word order) should be in front of the utterance. 2. commenting on CHI's blaming the floor for being naughty. \ref 1035 \id 341065142801270201 \begin 0:35:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang nakal, Priska. \pho yaŋ nakal priska \mb yang nakal Priska \ge REL naughty Priska \gj REL naughty Priska \ft you are the naughty one. \ref 1036 \id 784407142801270201 \begin 0:35:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska nakal nggak? \pho priska nakal ŋgaʔ \mb Priska nakal nggak \ge Priska naughty NEG \gj Priska naughty NEG \ft are you naughty or not? \ref 1037 \id 942024142802270201 \begin 0:35:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋ̩gaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 1038 \id 421952142802270201 \begin 0:35:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak? \pho ŋ̩gaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft you aren't? \ref 1039 \id 366059142803270201 \begin 0:35:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus, nggak ada yang nakal, kan? \pho tərus ŋga ada yaŋ nakal kan \mb terus nggak ada yang nakal kan \ge continue NEG exist REL naughty KAN \gj continue NEG exist REL naughty KAN \ft so, no one is naughty, right? \ref 1040 \id 564707142803270201 \begin 0:35:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo nggak ada yang nakal, ya, nggak usah dipukul semuanya. \pho kalɔ ŋga ada yaŋ nakal ya ŋga usah dipukul səmuwaɲa \mb kalo nggak ada yang nakal ya nggak usah di- pukul semua -nya \ge TOP NEG exist REL naughty yes NEG must DI- hit all -NYA \gj TOP NEG exist REL naughty yes NEG must DI-hit all-NYA \ft if no one's naughty, don't beat everything then. \ref 1041 \id 249923142804270201 \begin 0:35:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx barusan [?] nggak nakal. \pho dalusan ŋgaʔ nakal \mb barusan nggak nakal \ge just.now NEG naughty \gj just.now NEG naughty \ft I haven't been naughty. \ref 1042 \id 765883142804270201 \begin 0:35:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx siapa? \pho syapah \mb siapa \ge who \gj who \ft who? \ref 1043 \id 115064142805270201 \begin 0:35:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx pu(kul)... dipukulnya sininya aja. \pho puk dipukulɲa siniɲ ajaː \mb pukul di- pukul -nya sini -nya aja \ge hit DI- hit -NYA here -NYA just \gj hit DI-hit-NYA here-NYA just \ft beat... only this part can be beaten. \nt tapping her left arm with her right hand. \ref 1044 \id 391177142805270201 \begin 0:35:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah, tidak boleh, tidak boleh apa? \pho naːʰ tidaʔ bɔlɛh tidaʔ bɔlɛh apah \mb nah tidak boleh tidak boleh apa \ge NAH NEG may NEG may what \gj NAH NEG may NEG may what \ft yeah, you shouldn't, what you should not do? \nt asking CHI what is the part of the body that shouldn't be beaten. \ref 1045 \id 627346142806270201 \begin 0:35:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx palanya. \pho palaʔɲaː \mb pala -nya \ge head -NYA \gj head-NYA \ft the head. \ref 1046 \id 922498142807270201 \begin 0:35:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah, karena kepalanya kenapa? \pho naː karna kəpalaʔɲa kənapaʰ \mb nah karena kepala -nya kenapa \ge NAH because head -NYA why \gj NAH because head-NYA why \ft right, why not the head? \ref 1047 \id 751074142808270201 \begin 0:36:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah, dah diberkati. \pho ʔudah dah dibəkattiː \mb udah dah di- berkat -i \ge PFCT PFCT DI- blessing -I \gj PFCT PFCT DI-blessing-I \ft the head has been blessed. \nt gesturing the way the priests of the Roman Catholic Church gives blessings. \ref 1048 \id 528719142808270201 \begin 0:36:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah. \pho naːːː \mb nah \ge NAH \gj NAH \ft yeah. \nt confirming CHI's statement. \ref 1049 \id 198204142809270201 \begin 0:36:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx kalo dipukul nanti, palanya nanti, kasihan palanya ntar. \pho kɔ dipukul nantiʔ palaʔɲa n̩tiʔ kaʃiyan palaʔɲa ʔn̩tar \mb kalo di- pukul nanti pala -nya nanti kasih -an pala -nya ntar \ge TOP DI- hit later head -NYA later compassion -AN head -NYA moment \gj TOP DI-hit later head-NYA later compassion-AN head-NYA moment \ft if we beat the head, poor the head then. \nt **should be 'kalo dipukul palanya nanti (entar) kasihan'. nanti' and 'entar' have the same meaning, so one of them must be omitted. \ref 1050 \id 918598142809270201 \begin 0:36:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx i(ya)... \pho ʰiː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah... \nt unfinished utterance. \ref 1051 \id 899016142810270201 \begin 0:36:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx nanti palanya nangis. \pho nantiʔ palaʔɲa naːŋiːːs \mb nanti pala -nya n- tangis \ge later head -NYA N- cry \gj later head-NYA N-cry \ft the head is gonna cry. \ref 1052 \id 285709142810270201 \begin 0:36:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, makanya. \pho ʰiːya makaːɲa \mb iya maka -nya \ge yes then -NYA \gj yes then-NYA \ft yes, that's right. \ref 1053 \id 123073142811270201 \begin 0:36:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx sininya nggak nangis kalo baik gini, pelan-pelan gitu, nggak sakit. \pho siniɲa ŋgaʔ naŋis kɔː baik giniʰ pəlanplan gituː ŋgaʔ saːkit \mb sini -nya nggak n- tangis kalo baik gini pelan - pelan gitu nggak sakit \ge here -NYA NEG N- cry TOP good like.this slow - slow like.that NEG hurt \gj here-NYA NEG N-cry TOP good like.this RED-slow like.that NEG hurt \ft this one won't cry if it's treated nice like this, gently, like that, it doesn't hurt. \nt tapping her arm, then tapping her head, both actions are conducted gently. \ref 1054 \id 903804142811270201 \begin 0:36:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx ah, kalo kepalanya sudah ha(rus) harusnya di... diapa? \pho haːː kalɔ kəpalaɲa suda ha harusɲa diː diapah \mb ah kalo kepala -nya sudah harus harus -nya di di- apa \ge EXCL TOP head -NYA PFCT must should -NYA LOC DI- what \gj EXCL TOP head-NYA PFCT must should-NYA LOC DI-what \ft so, what should you do with the head? \nt **'diapa' should be 'diapain'. \ref 1055 \id 661949142812270201 \begin 0:36:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx pelan-pelan aja. \pho pəlanpəlan ajaːːm̩ː \mb pelan - pelan aja \ge slow - slow just \gj RED-slow just \ft gently. \nt touching her head gently. \ref 1056 \id 202826142812270201 \begin 0:36:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx disayang... iya, nggak boleh pukul kepala. \pho disayaːŋ ʔiyaː ŋ̩gaʔ bɔlɛh pukul kəpalaː \mb di- sayang iya nggak boleh pukul kepala \ge DI- compassion yes NEG may hit head \gj DI-compassion yes NEG may hit head \ft you should caress it... right, the head should not be beaten. \ref 1057 \id 299443142813270201 \begin 0:36:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx pukulnya pelan-pelan aja. \mb pukul -nya pelan - pelan aja \ge hit -NYA slow - slow just \gj hit-NYA RED-slow just \ft we can beat it gently. \nt referring to the head. \ref 1058 \id 545674142814270201 \begin 0:36:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx hmm, kalo nakal baru dipukul. \pho mː kalɔ nakal baru dipukuːl \mb hmm kalo nakal baru di- pukul \ge uh-huh TOP naughty new DI- hit \gj uh-huh TOP naughty new DI-hit \ft yeah, if it's being naughty, then it can be beaten. \ref 1059 \id 765862142814270201 \begin 0:36:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh... hmm. \pho hm mːː \mb eh hmm \ge GRUNT FILL \gj GRUNT FILL \ft eh... hmm. \nt 1.meaningless sounds. 2.CHI is standing up and walking to MOT. \ref 1060 \id 666223142815270201 \begin 0:36:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo lagi maen, tidak boleh. \pho kalɔ lagi maen tidaʔ bɔːlɛh \mb kalo lagi maen tidak boleh \ge TOP more play NEG may \gj TOP more play NEG may \ft you shouldn't do that when you are playing. \ref 1061 \id 923114142815270201 \begin 0:36:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx tuh, pelan-pelan nggak sakit. \mb tuh pelan - pelan nggak sakit \ge that slow - slow NEG hurt \gj that RED-slow NEG hurt \ft see, if you do it gently it doesn't hurt. \nt caressing MOT's head gently. \ref 1062 \id 309123142816270201 \begin 0:36:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx enggak. \pho ŋ̩ːgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no, it's not. \ref 1063 \id 339494142816270201 \begin 0:36:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya Mami kan, kalo Mami kasi... nih, kasi berkat, nih. \pho ʰya mami kan kalɔ mami kasiʰ niːʰ kasi bərkat nih \mb ya Mami kan kalo Mami kasi nih kasi berkat nih \ge yes mommy KAN TOP mommy give this give blessing this \gj yes mommy KAN TOP mommy give this give blessing this \ft well, if I..., here, I'll give you a blessing. \nt imitating the way Roman Cahtolic Priests give the blessings on CHI's head. \ref 1064 \id 483385142817270201 \begin 0:36:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx wah, diberkatin. \pho ʰuwaː dibərkatin \mb wah di- berkat -in \ge EXCL DI- blessing -IN \gj EXCL DI-blessing-IN \ft wow, you are blessed. \ref 1065 \id 570386142817270201 \begin 0:36:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx trus, trus, trus... \pho tlus təlus təlus \mb trus trus trus \ge continue continue continue \gj continue continue continue \ft and then, and then, and then... \ref 1066 \id 302047142818270201 \begin 0:36:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx sama Pastor juga diberkatin kan? \pho sama pastur juga dibərkatin kan \mb sama Pastor juga di- berkat -in kan \ge with priest also DI- blessing -IN KAN \gj with priest also DI-blessing-IN KAN \ft you were blessed by the priest too, right? \ref 1067 \id 221006142818270201 \begin 0:36:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʰiːya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 1068 \id 759967142819270201 \begin 0:36:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx hmm, kalo lagi ngapain diberkatin? \pho hmː kalɔ lagi ŋapain dibərkatin \mb hmm kalo lagi ng- apa -in di- berkat -in \ge uh-huh TOP more N- what -IN DI- blessing -IN \gj uh-huh TOP more N-what-IN DI-blessing-IN \ft yeah, you are blessed while you're doing what? \ref 1069 \id 586604142820270201 \begin 0:36:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan... kan... \pho kaːn kan \mb kan kan \ge KAN KAN \gj KAN KAN \ft it's... it's... \nt referring to an unclear context. \ref 1070 \id 176724142820270201 \begin 0:36:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx sekolah apa? \pho skɔlah apaʰ \mb sekolah apa \ge school what \gj school what \ft what school? \nt referring to the Sunday School. \ref 1071 \id 817560142821270201 \begin 0:36:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx i(tu)... itu, ini ini... \pho ʔiː ʔituy ʔini iniː̩h \mb itu itu ini ini \ge that that this this \gj that that this this \ft that... that, this this... \nt referring to an unclear context. \ref 1072 \id 159060142821270201 \begin 0:37:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx apa? \pho ʔaʰpah \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 1073 \id 937428142822270201 \begin 0:37:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini pukul pelan-pelan aja, gitu. \pho ini pukul pəlanpəlan ajaːː giːtu \mb ini pukul pelan - pelan aja gitu \ge this hit slow - slow just like.that \gj this hit RED-slow just like.that \ft I beat this part gently, like that. \nt touching her head gently again. \ref 1074 \id 580714142822270201 \begin 0:37:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx hmm, nggak boleh kepalanya. \pho mː ŋga bɔlɛ kəpalaʔɲaː \mb hmm nggak boleh kepala -nya \ge uh-huh NEG may head -NYA \gj uh-huh NEG may head-NYA \ft uh-huh, not the head. \nt referring to the action of beating the head. \ref 1075 \id 183807142823270201 \begin 0:37:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx tapi, pelan-pelan aja. \mb tapi pelan - pelan aja \ge but slow - slow just \gj but RED-slow just \ft but, gently. \nt referring to the way of beating the head. \ref 1076 \id 159941142823270201 \begin 0:37:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, apanya pelan-pelan aja? \mb ya apa -nya pelan - pelan aja \ge yes what -NYA slow - slow just \gj yes what-NYA RED-slow just \ft yeah, what is done gently? \ref 1077 \id 438818142824270201 \begin 0:37:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx pukulnya? \pho pukulɲa \mb pukul -nya \ge hit -NYA \gj hit-NYA \ft the beating? \ref 1078 \id 329022142824270201 \begin 0:37:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak boleh, kepala nggak bo(leh)... dipukul. \pho ŋgaʔ bɔːleh kəpala ŋgaʔ bo dipuːkul \mb nggak boleh kepala nggak boleh di- pukul \ge NEG may head NEG may DI- hit \gj NEG may head NEG may DI-hit \ft no, you shouldn't beat the head. \ref 1079 \id 883490142825270201 \begin 0:37:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx nakal... hah? \pho nakal hãh \mb nakal hah \ge naughty huh \gj naughty huh \ft naughty... what? \nt whispering 'nakal' and touching the floor. \ref 1080 \id 345897142826270201 \begin 0:37:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx kok nggak bawa bukunya sih? \pho kɔ ŋga bawa bukuɲa sih \mb kok nggak bawa buku -nya sih \ge KOK NEG bring book -NYA SIH \gj KOK NEG bring book-NYA SIH \ft why didn't you bring any book? \nt suddenly changing the topic of the conversation and addressing EXP. \ref 1081 \id 106664142826270201 \begin 0:37:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1082 \id 508973142827270201 \begin 0:37:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx buku apa? \pho buku apah \mb buku apa \ge book what \gj book what \ft what book? \nt tidying CHI's mic. \ref 1083 \id 421386142827270201 \begin 0:37:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan mo belajar nih. \pho kan mɔ bəlajar nih \mb kan mo bel- ajar nih \ge KAN want BER- teach this \gj KAN want BER-teach this \ft because I want to study. \ref 1084 \id 747278142828270201 \begin 0:37:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx he, ya, nanti bilang sama Tante Yanti. \pho nəːːh yaːʰ nanti bilaŋ ama tantə yanti \mb he ya nanti bilang sama Tante Yanti \ge EXCL yes later say with aunt Yanti \gj EXCL yes later say with aunt Yanti \ft well, tell Auntie Yanti. \nt using a teasing tone. \ref 1085 \id 627028142828270201 \begin 0:37:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx bilang Tante Yanti, ya? \pho bilaŋ tantə yanti yah \mb bilang Tante Yanti ya \ge say aunt Yanti yes \gj say aunt Yanti yes \ft you'll tell Auntie Yanti, okay? \ref 1086 \id 981511142829270201 \begin 0:37:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx Tante Yanti, Priska mo belajar. \pho tãntə̃ yãnti s̩ka mɔ bəlajaːr \mb Tante Yanti Priska mo bel- ajar \ge aunt Yanti Priska want BER- teach \gj aunt Yanti Priska want BER-teach \ft Auntie Yanti, I want to study. \nt standing up and approaching EXP. \ref 1087 \id 773777142829270201 \begin 0:37:38 \sp EXPYAN \tx mo belajar? \pho mɔ bəlajaːr \mb mo bel- ajar \ge want BER- teach \gj want BER-teach \ft you want to study? \ref 1088 \id 486228142830270201 \begin 0:37:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx ada bukunya nggak? \mb ada buku -nya nggak \ge exist book -NYA NEG \gj exist book-NYA NEG \ft is the book here? \ref 1089 \id 641289142830270201 \begin 0:37:40 \sp EXPYAN \tx mo ke... ke rumah Tante Yanti aja, yuk? \pho mɔ krə kə rumah tantə yanti aja yuʔ \mb mo ke ke rumah Tante Yanti aja yuk \ge want to to house aunt Yanti just AYO \gj want to to house aunt Yanti just AYO \ft do you want to go to... to my home? \nt inviting CHI to EXP's home, because the book is at EXP's home. \ref 1090 \id 362212142831270201 \begin 0:37:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak, ah. \pho ŋ̩gaʔ ah \mb nggak ah \ge NEG AH \gj NEG AH \ft no. \ref 1091 \id 708590142832270201 \begin 0:37:44 \sp EXPYAN \tx minggu depan Tante Yanti bawain, ya? \pho miŋgu dəpan tantə yanti bawaʔin yaː \mb minggu depan Tante Yanti bawa -in ya \ge week front aunt Yanti bring -IN yes \gj week front aunt Yanti bring-IN yes \ft I will bring it next week, okay? \ref 1092 \id 197747142832270201 \begin 0:37:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʰiyaːʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 1093 \id 447903142832270201 \begin 0:37:46 \sp EXPYAN \tx bukunya. \pho bukuɲaː \mb buku -nya \ge book -NYA \gj book-NYA \ft the book. \ref 1094 \id 929017142833270201 \begin 0:37:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx mo belajar buku, ya? \pho mɔ bəlajar bukku yah \mb mo bel- ajar buku ya \ge want BER- teach book yes \gj want BER-teach book yes \ft do you want to study from a book? \ref 1095 \id 508978142834270201 \begin 0:37:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx tar Mami ambil dulu, ya? \pho tar mami ambilin dulu ya \mb tar Mami ambil dulu ya \ge moment mommy take before yes \gj moment mommy take before yes \ft let me take it, okay? \nt 1. going to the drawer to take CHI's book. 2. CHI is approaching MOT. \ref 1096 \id 500924142834270201 \begin 0:37:50 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priska ada buku nggak? \pho priska ada buku ŋgaʔ \mb Priska ada buku nggak \ge Priska exist book NEG \gj Priska exist book NEG \ft do you have books, Priska? \ref 1097 \id 139512142835270201 \begin 0:37:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih... nih. \pho nih nih \mb nih nih \ge this this \gj this this \ft here it is... here it is. \nt taking the book and giving it to CHI. \ref 1098 \id 892796142835270201 \begin 0:37:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih, Priska udah punya. \pho niːh pliska udah puɲaː \mb nih Priska udah punya \ge this Priska PFCT have \gj this Priska PFCT have \ft here, I have it. \nt showing the book. \ref 1099 \id 151072142836270201 \begin 0:38:00 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, udah punya. \pho ʔɔː uda puɲaː \mb o udah punya \ge EXCL PFCT have \gj EXCL PFCT have \ft oh, you do. \ref 1100 \id 780657142836270201 \begin 0:38:01 \sp EXPYAN \tx buku apa sih? \pho buku apa sih \mb buku apa sih \ge book what SIH \gj book what SIH \ft what book is it? \ref 1101 \id 924646142837270201 \begin 0:38:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya. \pho yãh \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 1102 \id 846314142838270201 \begin 0:38:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx buku ini, bukunya kan... (ge)de. \pho buku ʔini bukuʔɲa kan dɛː \mb buku ini buku -nya kan gede \ge book this book -NYA KAN big \gj book this book-NYA KAN big \ft this book, it's a... large book. \nt referring to the size of the book. \ref 1103 \id 128557142838270201 \begin 0:38:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx gede. \pho gdɛː \mb gede \ge big \gj big \ft it's large. \nt repeating CHI's final utterance. \ref 1104 \id 362104142839270201 \begin 0:38:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx (bi)sa dibuka nggak? \pho sa dibuka ŋgaʔ \mb bisa di- buka nggak \ge can DI- open NEG \gj can DI-open NEG \ft can it be opened, or not? \nt trying to open the book. \ref 1105 \id 482072113852010301 \begin 0:38:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx tau, bisa dibuka nggak? \pho taːuʔ bisa dibuka ŋgaʔ \mb tau bisa di- buka nggak \ge know can DI- open NEG \gj know can DI-open NEG \ft I don't know, can it be opened, or not? \ref 1106 \id 103818113932010301 \begin 0:38:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuːːʰ \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft there. \nt 1.looking at the pictures at the book. 2. MOT is opening each page of the book. \ref 1107 \id 369542113933010301 \begin 0:38:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx wah. \pho waːːh \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow. \nt commenting on the pictures in the book. \ref 1108 \id 603194113934010301 \begin 0:38:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx wah. \pho waːːh \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow. \nt commenting on the pictures in the book. \ref 1109 \id 903932113953010301 \begin 0:38:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini xx seperti apa? \pho ʔini xx səpərti aːpah \mb ini xx seperti apa \ge this xx like what \gj this xx like what \ft what is this xx like? \nt looking at a particular picture in the book with a round shape with numbers and an arrow on its side, just like a clock. \ref 1110 \id 102829113954010301 \begin 0:38:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx kayak jam, ya? \pho kayaʔ jam yaːʰ \mb kayak jam ya \ge like clock yes \gj like clock yes \ft it's like a clock, right? \ref 1111 \id 857004113954010301 \begin 0:38:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʰiːyaːʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \nt playing the arrow at the picture. \ref 1112 \id 692952113955010301 \begin 0:38:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx siapa ini yang beliin ini? \pho syapa n̩i yaŋ bəliʔin ni \mb siapa ini yang beli -in ini \ge who this REL buy -IN this \gj who this REL buy-IN this \ft who bought this? \nt referring to the book. \ref 1113 \id 167447113955010301 \begin 0:38:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx tapi lain. \pho tapi laːin \mb tapi lain \ge but other \gj but other \ft but it's different. \ref 1114 \id 592078113956010301 \begin 0:38:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx tapi lain? \pho tapi laiːn \mb tapi lain \ge but other \gj but other \ft is it different? \ref 1115 \id 372870113956010301 \begin 0:38:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, siapa yang beliin? \pho ʔyaː syapa yaŋ bliʔin \mb iya siapa yang beli -in \ge yes who REL buy -IN \gj yes who REL buy-IN \ft yeah, and who bought you this? \ref 1116 \id 732042113958010301 \begin 0:38:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini kan diputer, nih. \pho ʔn̩i kan diputər niʰ \mb ini kan di- puter nih \ge this KAN DI- turn this \gj this KAN DI-turn this \ft this can be turned around, like this. \nt causing the arrow at the picture to turn around. \ref 1117 \id 147942113958010301 \begin 0:38:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, ini perkalian kalo udah sekolah. \pho tuː ini pərkaliyan kalɔ udaʰ skɔlaːh \mb tuh ini per an kali kalo udah sekolah \ge that this PER AN time TOP PFCT school \gj that this PER.AN-time TOP PFCT school \ft see, this is the multiplication, once you've got into school. \nt 1. the round shape picture is a picture to play the multiplication game. 2. Indonesian children formally start learning the multiplication when they are at the second grade of the elementary school. \ref 1118 \id 365491113959010301 \begin 0:38:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska udah sekolah belom? \pho priska udah skɔlah bəlɔm \mb Priska udah sekolah belom \ge Priska PFCT school not.yet \gj Priska PFCT school not.yet \ft have you got into school yet? \ref 1119 \id 313961173949010301 \begin 0:38:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx u(dah)... belom. \pho ʔuːː bəlɔm \mb udah belom \ge PFCT not.yet \gj PFCT not.yet \ft yes... not yet. \ref 1120 \id 655854173949010301 \begin 0:38:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho ə̃ːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1121 \id 574827114000010301 \begin 0:38:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx belom, kan? \pho bəlɔm kan \mb belom kan \ge not.yet KAN \gj not.yet KAN \ft you haven't, right? \ref 1122 \id 240436114000010301 \begin 0:38:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, nanti kalo Priska udah itu, puter, puter, tuh. \pho tuː nanti kalɔ priska udah ʔitu putər putər tuːʰ \mb tuh nanti kalo Priska udah itu puter puter tuh \ge that later TOP Priska PFCT that turn turn that \gj that later TOP Priska PFCT that turn turn that \ft well, once you've got into it, turn it around, turn it around like this. \nt making the arrow of the picture turn around. \ref 1123 \id 615442114001010301 \begin 0:38:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx satu dikali dua sama dengan dua. \pho satuː dikali duwaʔ samaː dəŋan duːwa \mb satu di- kali dua sama dengan dua \ge one DI- time two same with two \gj one DI-time two same with two \ft one multiplied by two is two. \nt uttering this with the melody from the Indonesia children song "Satu Ditambah Satu". \ref 1124 \id 653628114002010301 \begin 0:38:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak usah puter jamnya. \pho ŋgaʔ usa putəl jamɲa \mb nggak usah puter jam -nya \ge NEG must turn clock -NYA \gj NEG must turn clock-NYA \ft no need to turn around the clock. \ref 1125 \id 751140114002010301 \begin 0:38:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, puter... \pho tuːʰ putər \mb tuh puter \ge that turn \gj that turn \ft see, turn this around... \nt making the arrow of the picture turn around again. \ref 1126 \id 722540114003010301 \begin 0:38:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \nt responding to CHI's previous pleading not to turn around the arrow. \ref 1127 \id 651012115147010301 \begin 0:38:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak usah puter... \pho ŋga usah putəl \mb nggak usah puter \ge NEG must turn \gj NEG must turn \ft no need to turn it around... \ref 1128 \id 874033115148010301 \begin 0:38:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini, inih, puter nih! \pho ʔini ʔinih putər inih \mb ini inih puter nih \ge this this turn this \gj this this turn this \ft this one, this one, turn this around! \nt showing CHI how to make the arrow turn around. \ref 1129 \id 700104115149010301 \begin 0:38:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx hmm? \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1130 \id 667577115149010301 \begin 0:38:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx Mami ajarin. \pho mami ajarin \mb Mami ajar -in \ge mommy teach -IN \gj mommy teach-IN \ft I'll show you. \nt showing CHI how to make the arrow of the picture turn around. \ref 1131 \id 427617103004020301 \begin 0:38:57 \sp @End \tx @End