\_sh v3.0 400 Text \_DateStampHasFourDigitYear \ref 001 \id 148481171123070901 \sp @PAR \tx @Participants: CHI Priska target child; MOT CHI’s mother; OMA CHI’s grandmother; EXP Yanti Experimenter. \pho @Filename: 035-PRI-050101.fm \ft @Duration: 39:41 analyzed 26:26 \nt @Situation: playing with Lego at CHI’s grandmother’s living room. \ref 002 \id 432275171505070901 \begin 0:00:13 \sp @Begin \tx @Begin \ref 003 \id 163322171505070901 \begin 0:00:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx Mami bikin... Mami bikin jembatannya, ya? \pho mami bikin mami bikin jəmbatanɲa yaːh \mb Mami bikin Mami bikin jembatan -nya ya \ge mommy make mommy make bridge -NYA yes \gj mommy make mommy make bridge-NYA yes \ft let me make the bridge, okay? \ref 004 \id 569066171505070901 \begin 0:00:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska yang bikin rumah, ya? \pho priskah yaŋ bikin rumah yaːh \mb Priska yang bikin rumah ya \ge Priska REL make house yes \gj Priska REL make house yes \ft you are making a house, okay? \ref 005 \id 611473171505070901 \begin 0:00:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 006 \id 538016171506070901 \begin 0:00:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx ntar Priska... \pho ntarl piskah \mb ntar Priska \ge moment Priska \gj moment Priska \ft later, I will... \ref 007 \id 753628171509070901 \begin 0:00:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx bentuknya mana, ya? \pho bəntukɲa mana yaːh \mb bentuk -nya mana ya \ge form -NYA which yes \gj form-NYA which yes \ft where is the shape? \nt reference unclear. \ref 008 \id 248554171510070901 \begin 0:00:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 009 \id 262455171510070901 \begin 0:00:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx bentuknya. \pho bəntukɲah \mb bentuk -nya \ge form -NYA \gj form-NYA \ft the shape. \ref 010 \id 799013171510070901 \begin 0:00:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih, rumputnya xx. \pho nih rumputɲa xx \mb nih rumput -nya xx \ge this grass -NYA xx \gj this grass-NYA xx \ft here, the grass xx. \nt pointing at a green piece of Lego. \ref 011 \id 736030171510070901 \begin 0:00:26 \sp OMAPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt talking to MOT from the dining room. \ref 012 \id 573809171510070901 \begin 0:00:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx apa? \pho ʔapah \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 013 \id 223462171510070901 \begin 0:00:28 \sp OMAPRI \tx baju. \pho bajuːʔ \mb baju \ge garment \gj garment \ft your clothes. \ref 014 \id 634372171510070901 \begin 0:00:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak, nggak, xx... mo dicuci, eh... mo disetrika. \pho ŋgaʔ ŋgaʔ xx mɔ dicuciʔ ʔɛh mɔ diːstrikaːʔ \mb nggak nggak xx mo di- cuci eh mo di- setrika \ge NEG NEG xx want DI- wash EH want DI- iron \gj NEG NEG xx want DI-wash EH want DI-iron \ft no, no, xx... I want to wash the, no... I want to iron them. \ref 015 \id 209509171510070901 \begin 0:00:33 \sp OMAPRI \tx oh. \pho ʔɔ̃ː \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 016 \id 134112171510070901 \begin 0:00:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt making herself busy attaching the some piece of Lego to form a line. \ref 017 \id 125269171510070901 \begin 0:00:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt making herself busy forming a bridge from some pieces of Lego. \ref 018 \id 904185171511070901 \begin 0:00:46 \sp EXPYAN \tx bikin apaan sih, Pris? \pho bikin ʔapaʔan siːh priːs \mb bikin apa -an sih Pris \ge make what -AN SIH Priska \gj make what-AN SIH Priska \ft what are you making? \ref 019 \id 764357171511070901 \begin 0:00:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx rumah. \pho luːmaːh \mb rumah \ge house \gj house \ft a house. \ref 020 \id 566489171511070901 \begin 0:00:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt tapping the pieces of Lego that she has formed. \ref 021 \id 491336171511070901 \begin 0:00:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih, jembatannya nih. \pho nih jəmbatanɲa nih \mb nih jembatan -nya nih \ge this bridge -NYA this \gj this bridge-NYA this \ft here, the bridge. \ref 022 \id 992130171511070901 \begin 0:00:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx ih, nggak (a)da itunya, ih. \pho ʔih ŋgaʔ da ʔiːtuːɲa ʔih \mb ih nggak ada itu -nya ih \ge EXCL NEG exist that -NYA EXCL \gj EXCL NEG exist that-NYA EXCL \ft shucks, there no that thing. \nt referring to the handrail of the bridge. \ref 023 \id 147755171511070901 \begin 0:00:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx apanya? \pho ʔapaɲaːh \mb apa -nya \ge what -NYA \gj what-NYA \ft what? \ref 024 \id 820457171511070901 \begin 0:00:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak ada ininya... Mami... \pho ŋgaʔ ada ʔiniːɲaːh mamih \mb nggak ada ini -nya Mami \ge NEG exist this -NYA mommy \gj NEG exist this-NYA mommy \ft there is not this thing... Mommy... \ref 025 \id 248973171511070901 \begin 0:01:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, pegangannya. \pho ʔɔː pɛgaŋanɲaːh \mb oh pegang -an -nya \ge EXCL hold -AN -NYA \gj EXCL hold-AN-NYA \ft oh, the handrail. \ref 026 \id 996058171511070901 \begin 0:01:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx lupa. \pho luːpaːʔ \mb lupa \ge forget \gj forget \ft I forgot it. \nt fixing the bridge she has made. \ref 027 \id 472137171511070901 \begin 0:01:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx itu bukan jembatan, eh. \pho ʔitu bukan jəmbataːn ʔɛːɛh \mb itu bukan jembatan eh \ge that NEG bridge EXCL \gj that NEG bridge EXCL \ft hey, that's not a bridge. \ref 028 \id 521598171512070901 \begin 0:01:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx abis apa? \pho ʔabis ʔaːpaːh \mb abis apa \ge finished what \gj finished what \ft so what? \ref 029 \id 207540171512070901 \begin 0:01:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx buat orang naik. \pho bwat ʔɔlaŋ nayiːk \mb buat orang naik \ge for person go.up \gj for person go.up \ft for a person to go up. \nt still attaching some pieces of Lego to form a line. \ref 030 \id 329774171512070901 \begin 0:01:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, naik kan, jembatan. \pho ya nayik kan jəmbaːtaːn \mb ya naik kan jembatan \ge yes go.up KAN bridge \gj yes go.up KAN bridge \ft yeah, for going up is a bridge. \ref 031 \id 925088171512070901 \begin 0:01:14 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 032 \id 178960171512070901 \begin 0:01:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo naik kan di jembatan. \pho kalɔ nayik kan di jəmbaːtaːn \mb kalo naik kan di jembatan \ge TOP go.up KAN LOC bridge \gj TOP go.up KAN LOC bridge \ft you go up on a bridge. \ref 033 \id 328773173253070901 \begin 0:01:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt keeps making herself busy with the pieces of Lego. \ref 034 \id 592576171512070901 \begin 0:01:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska nggak tau, ya? \pho priska ŋgaʔ tauː yaːh \mb Priska nggak tau ya \ge Priska NEG know yes \gj Priska NEG know yes \ft don't you know? \nt keeps fixing the bridge. \ref 035 \id 645113171512070901 \begin 0:01:30 \sp OMAPRI \tx Priska bikin apa itu? \pho priskah bikin ʔaːpa ʔituh \mb Priska bikin apa itu \ge Priska make what that \gj Priska make what that \ft what are you making? \ref 036 \id 730986171512070901 \begin 0:01:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx rumah. \pho luːmaːh \mb rumah \ge house \gj house \ft a house. \ref 037 \id 405709171512070901 \begin 0:01:34 \sp OMAPRI \tx bikin rumah? \pho bikin ruːmaːh \mb bikin rumah \ge make house \gj make house \ft are you making a house? \ref 038 \id 972681171512070901 \begin 0:01:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt attaching some more pieces of Lego and now they are not only forming a line anymore. \ref 039 \id 867485171513070901 \begin 0:01:51 \sp OMAPRI \tx Tante Yanti bawa maenan apa, Tante Yanti? \pho tantə yanti bawa maɛnan ʔapaʰ tantə yantiʰ \mb Tante Yanti bawa maen -an apa Tante Yanti \ge aunt Yanti bring play -AN what aunt Yanti \gj aunt Yanti bring play-AN what aunt Yanti \ft what toys did you bring, Yanti? \ref 040 \id 448380171513070901 \begin 0:01:53 \sp EXPYAN \tx masak-masakan, Oma. \mb masak - masak -an Oma \ge cook - cook -AN grandma \gj RED.AN-cook grandma \ft a cooking set. \ref 041 \id 829246171513070901 \begin 0:01:55 \sp OMAPRI \tx oh. \pho ʔɔːh \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 042 \id 356469171513070901 \begin 0:01:56 \sp OMAPRI \tx eh, Tante Yanti bawa masak-masakan, tuh. \pho ʔɛh tantə yanti bawa masakmasakan tuh \mb eh Tante Yanti bawa masak - masak -an tuh \ge EXCL aunt Yanti bring cook - cook -AN that \gj EXCL aunt Yanti bring RED.AN-cook that \ft hey, Auntie Yanti brought a cooking set. \ref 043 \id 493109171513070901 \begin 0:01:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 044 \id 200656171513070901 \begin 0:02:00 \sp OMAPRI \tx masak, masak! \pho masak masaːk \mb masak masak \ge cook cook \gj cook cook \ft cook, cook! \ref 045 \id 741281171513070901 \begin 0:02:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx tunggu. \pho tuŋguːh \mb tunggu \ge wait \gj wait \ft a minute. \nt keeps herself busy tapping the pieces of Lego she is attaching. \ref 046 \id 628140171513070901 \begin 0:02:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx sambil bikin rumah, ya? \pho sambil bikin ruːmah yaːh \mb sambil bikin rumah ya \ge while make house yes \gj while make house yes \ft while making a house, right? \ref 047 \id 774203171513070901 \begin 0:02:05 \sp OMAPRI \tx Priska kan pinternya masak. \pho priska kan pintərɲa masak \mb Priska kan pinter -nya masak \ge Priska KAN smart -NYA cook \gj Priska KAN smart-NYA cook \ft you are good in cooking. \ref 048 \id 449654171513070901 \begin 0:02:07 \sp EXPYAN \tx xxx, masak. \pho xxx masak \mb xxx masak \ge xxx cook \gj xxx cook \ft xxx, cooking. \ref 049 \id 650088171514070901 \begin 0:02:09 \sp OMAPRI \tx he-eh, masak. \mb he-eh masak \ge uh-huh cook \gj uh-huh cook \ft uh-huh, cooking. \ref 050 \id 653303171514070901 \begin 0:02:11 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt taking out the cooking set. \ref 051 \id 684844171514070901 \begin 0:02:13 \sp OMAPRI \tx tuh, Pris, ih... asyik! \pho tuh priːs ʔiːh ʔasiːk \mb tuh Pris ih asyik \ge that Priska EXCL fun \gj that Priska EXCL fun \ft look, Pris, wow! \ref 052 \id 693716171514070901 \begin 0:02:15 \sp OMAPRI \tx masak, Pris! \pho masak priːs \mb masak Pris \ge cook Priska \gj cook Priska \ft cook, Priska! \ref 053 \id 411707171514070901 \begin 0:02:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah. \ref 054 \id 969857171514070901 \begin 0:02:16 \sp EXPYAN \tx rumahnya udah jadi, belum? \pho rumahɲa ʔudah jadi bəluːm \mb rumah -nya udah jadi belum \ge house -NYA PFCT become not.yet \gj house-NYA PFCT become not.yet \ft is the house done? \ref 055 \id 207480171514070901 \begin 0:02:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx hah? \pho hãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 056 \id 221619171514070901 \begin 0:02:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx belum. \pho bəluːm \mb belum \ge not.yet \gj not.yet \ft not yet. \ref 057 \id 258602171514070901 \begin 0:02:19 \sp EXPYAN \tx rumahnya udah jadi, belum? \pho rumahɲa ʔudah jaːdi bəluːm \mb rumah -nya udah jadi belum \ge house -NYA PFCT become not.yet \gj house-NYA PFCT become not.yet \ft is the house done? \nt laughing. \ref 058 \id 828260171514070901 \begin 0:02:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx belom. \pho bəlɔːm \mb belom \ge not.yet \gj not.yet \ft not yet. \ref 059 \id 559608171515070901 \begin 0:02:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo jadi dulu, ya, rumahnya, ya? \pho kalɔ jadi dulu yaːh rumahɲa yaːh \mb kalo jadi dulu ya rumah -nya ya \ge TOP become before yes house -NYA yes \gj TOP become before yes house-NYA yes \ft let's finish the house first, okay? \ref 060 \id 944062171515070901 \begin 0:02:22 \sp EXPYAN \tx ntar kalo rumahnya udah jadi, masak, ya? \pho n̩tar kalɔ rumahɲa ʔuda jadi masak yaːh \mb ntar kalo rumah -nya udah jadi masak ya \ge moment TOP house -NYA PFCT become cook yes \gj moment TOP house-NYA PFCT become cook yes \ft if the house is done, let's cook, okay? \ref 061 \id 478405171515070901 \begin 0:02:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 062 \id 565109171515070901 \begin 0:02:33 \sp OMAPRI \tx kamu libur, xx, Yanti? \pho kamu libur xx yantiʰ \mb kamu libur xx Yanti \ge 2 holiday xx Yanti \gj 2 holiday xx Yanti \ft are you on your holiday, Yanti? \ref 063 \id 696050171515070901 \begin 0:02:34 \sp EXPYAN \tx udah masuk. \pho ʔudah masuk \mb udah masuk \ge PFCT go.in \gj PFCT go.in \ft I am in already. \nt 1. =not anymore. 2. referring to the office. \ref 064 \id 932433171515070901 \begin 0:02:35 \sp OMAPRI \tx oh, udah masuk. \pho ʔɔː ʔuda masuk \mb oh udah masuk \ge EXCL PFCT go.in \gj EXCL PFCT go.in \ft oh, you are in already. \ref 065 \id 332618171515070901 \begin 0:02:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx jadi tuh, rumahnya ntar lagi. \pho jadi tuːh lumahɲa n̩tarl lagiːʰ \mb jadi tuh rumah -nya ntar lagi \ge become that house -NYA moment more \gj become that house-NYA moment more \ft look, the house is done in a minute. \ref 066 \id 125857171515070901 \begin 0:02:37 \sp OMAPRI \tx ntar lagi? \pho n̩tar lagiʰ \mb ntar lagi \ge moment more \gj moment more \ft in a minute? \ref 067 \id 887324171620070901 \begin 0:02:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx kecil. \pho kəciːl \mb kecil \ge small \gj small \ft it's small. \ref 068 \id 870070171621070901 \begin 0:02:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx apanya kecil? \pho ʔapaɲa kəcil \mb apa -nya kecil \ge what -NYA small \gj what-NYA small \ft what is small? \ref 069 \id 691796171621070901 \begin 0:02:43 \sp EXPYAN \tx tanggal dua udah masuk kok. \pho taŋgal duwa ʔudah masuk kɔʔ \mb tanggal dua udah masuk kok \ge date two PFCT go.in KOK \gj date two PFCT go.in KOK \ft I have been back to the office since the second. \nt =the second of the month. \ref 070 \id 532063171621070901 \begin 0:02:46 \sp OMAPRI \tx oh, tanggal dua udah? \pho ʔɔː taŋgal duwa ʔuːdaːʰ \mb oh tanggal dua udah \ge EXCL date two PFCT \gj EXCL date two PFCT \ft oh, since the second? \ref 071 \id 606257171621070901 \begin 0:02:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx rumahnya nggak ada pintunya, sama ubinnya aja. \pho lumahɲa ŋgaʔ ada pintuʔɲa sama ʔubinɲa ʔajah \mb rumah -nya nggak ada pintu -nya sama ubin -nya aja \ge house -NYA NEG exist door -NYA with floortile -NYA just \gj house-NYA NEG exist door-NYA with floortile-NYA just \ft the house has no door, just with the flotillas. \nt arranging four pieces of Lego to form a square. \ref 072 \id 186354171621070901 \begin 0:02:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh! \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft heh! \nt making herself busy in attaching the four pieces of Lego one with another. \ref 073 \id 657109171621070901 \begin 0:02:52 \sp OMAPRI \tx nggak ada pintunya, masuknya dari mana dong kalo rumah nggak ada pintu? \pho ŋgaʔ ada pintuʔɲa masukɲa dari maːna doŋ kalɔ rumah ŋgaʔ ada pintuːʔ \mb nggak ada pintu -nya masuk -nya dari mana dong kalo rumah nggak ada pintu \ge NEG exist door -NYA go.in -NYA from which DONG TOP house NEG exist door \gj NEG exist door-NYA go.in-NYA from which DONG TOP house NEG exist door \ft where can a person go into the a house, if it doesn't have a door? \ref 074 \id 745547171621070901 \begin 0:02:54 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 075 \id 329420171621070901 \begin 0:02:57 \sp OMAPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 076 \id 367662171621070901 \begin 0:03:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx cuma ubinnya. \pho cyuma ʔubinɲah \mb cuma ubin -nya \ge only floortile -NYA \gj only floortile-NYA \ft just the floor tiles. \nt lifting the square that she has formed from the four pieces of Lego. \ref 077 \id 506702171622070901 \begin 0:03:02 \sp OMAPRI \tx ubinnya. \pho ʔubinɲah \mb ubin -nya \ge floortile -NYA \gj floortile-NYA \ft the floor tiles. \nt laughing. \ref 078 \id 950245171622070901 \begin 0:03:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt murmuring while looking at the square and then putting it on the floor again. \ref 079 \id 885748171622070901 \begin 0:03:04 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt still laughing. \ref 080 \id 482805171622070901 \begin 0:03:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah jadi ni. \pho dah jadiːʔ niːh \mb dah jadi ni \ge PFCT become this \gj PFCT become this \ft this is done. \nt referring to the square. \ref 081 \id 726348171622070901 \begin 0:03:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah jadi. \pho dah jadiːʔ \mb dah jadi \ge PFCT become \gj PFCT become \ft it's done. \ref 082 \id 743750171623070901 \begin 0:03:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx mana jadi? \pho mana jadiʔ \mb mana jadi \ge which become \gj which become \ft what is done? \nt still making herself busy with the bridge she is repairing. \ref 083 \id 720211171623070901 \begin 0:03:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx tu. \pho tuːh \mb tu \ge that \gj that \ft that. \ref 084 \id 199764171623070901 \begin 0:03:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 085 \id 151141171623070901 \begin 0:03:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx ubinnya doang. \pho ʔubinɲa dɔːwaŋ \mb ubin -nya doang \ge floortile -NYA just \gj floortile-NYA just \ft just the floor tiles. \ref 086 \id 143536171623070901 \begin 0:03:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx ubinnya doang? \pho ʔubinɲa dɔːaŋ \mb ubin -nya doang \ge floortile -NYA just \gj floortile-NYA just \ft just the floor tiles? \ref 087 \id 114283171623070901 \begin 0:03:14 \sp EXPYAN \tx tambain dindingnya, ya? \pho tambayin dindiŋɲa yaːh \mb tamba -in dinding -nya ya \ge add -IN wall -NYA yes \gj add-IN wall-NYA yes \ft let me add the walls, okay? \nt taking the square and adding some more pieces of Lego to form the walls. \ref 088 \id 760871171623070901 \begin 0:03:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx tambain dinding tuh, ama Tante Yanti, Mami... ni. \pho tambayin dindɪn tuh ʔama tantə yantiʰ mamiːh niːh \mb tamba -in dinding tuh ama Tante Yanti Mami ni \ge add -IN wall that with aunt Yanti mommy this \gj add-IN wall that with aunt Yanti mommy this \ft look, Auntie Yanti is adding the walls, I... this. \nt still making herself busy with the bridge. \ref 089 \id 474948171623070901 \begin 0:03:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, buat naik, (ki)cik kicik kicik kicik... orangnya... \pho tuːh bwat nayik cik kicik kicik kicik ʔɔraŋɲah \mb tuh buat naik kicik kicik kicik kicik orang -nya \ge that for go.up IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT person -NYA \gj that for go.up IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT person-NYA \ft look, for going up, tap tap tap tap... the man... \nt finishes building a bridge and imitating walking sound. \ref 090 \id 968967171623070901 \begin 0:03:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt taking a doll and putting it in the middle of the bridge. \ref 091 \id 557827171623070901 \begin 0:03:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini satu kicik kicik kicik kicik, ha. \pho ʔini satuʔ kicik kicik kicik kicik hãː \mb ini satu kicik kicik kicik kicik ha \ge this one IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT uh-huh \gj this one IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT uh-huh \ft this one tap tap tap tap, uh-huh. \nt taking another doll, making it walk on the stairs of the bridge and putting it next to the previous doll. \ref 092 \id 708299171623070901 \begin 0:03:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni pink. \pho ni piŋk \mb ni pink \ge this pink \gj this pink \ft this is pink. \nt taking a pink piece of Lego. \ref 093 \id 696133171624070901 \begin 0:03:43 \sp OMAPRI \tx kok maennya hari Jum'at jadinya, Yan? \pho kɔʔ maɛnɲa hari jumːʔat jadiɲa yanː \mb kok maen -nya hari Jum'at jadi -nya Yan \ge KOK play -NYA day Friday become -NYA Yan \gj KOK play-NYA day Friday become-NYA Yan \ft why are you playing on Friday? \nt referring to EXP's visit, because EXP usually has a session with CHI on Saturday morning. \ref 094 \id 528340171624070901 \begin 0:03:44 \sp EXPYAN \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 095 \id 120435171624070901 \begin 0:03:45 \sp OMAPRI \tx kok maennya hari Jum'at, nggak hari Sabtu? \pho kɔʔ maɛnɲa hari jumʔat ŋgaʔ hari sabtu \mb kok maen -nya hari Jum'at nggak hari Sabtu \ge KOK play -NYA day Friday NEG day Saturday \gj KOK play-NYA day Friday NEG day Saturday \ft why are you playing on Friday, not on Saturday? \ref 096 \id 662199171624070901 \begin 0:03:46 \sp EXPYAN \tx biar besok nggak pagi-pagi. \mb biar besok nggak pagi - pagi \ge let tomorrow NEG morning - morning \gj let tomorrow NEG RED-morning \ft so that tomorrow won't be too early. \nt =so that we won't have to get up too early. \ref 097 \id 803798171624070901 \begin 0:03:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 098 \id 161599171624070901 \begin 0:03:49 \sp OMAPRI \tx oh. \pho ʔɔːːh \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \ref 099 \id 398998171624070901 \begin 0:03:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah jadi, tuh. \pho dah jadi tuːh \mb dah jadi tuh \ge PFCT become that \gj PFCT become that \ft okay, it's done. \nt referring to what EXP is doing. \ref 100 \id 676880171624070901 \begin 0:03:51 \sp EXPYAN \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 101 \id 941952171625070901 \begin 0:03:52 \sp OMAPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 102 \id 117791171625070901 \begin 0:03:53 \sp EXPYAN \tx tadi masuknya pagi, setengah lapan... \pho tadi masuʔɲa pagiʔ sətəŋah lapan \mb tadi masuk -nya pagi se- tengah lapan \ge earlier go.in -NYA morning SE- middle eight \gj earlier go.in-NYA morning SE-middle eight \ft I came in earlier in the morning, at half past seven... \nt =I started working at half past seven... \ref 103 \id 327744171625070901 \begin 0:03:54 \sp OMAPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 104 \id 107637171625070901 \begin 0:03:55 \sp EXPYAN \tx ...jadi pulangnya cepetan. \pho jadi pulaŋɲa cəpətaːn \mb jadi pulang -nya cepet -an \ge become return -NYA quick -AN \gj become return-NYA quick-AN \ft ...so I went home earlier. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 105 \id 669950171625070901 \begin 0:03:57 \sp OMAPRI \tx nggak ada latihan koor ini hari? \pho ŋgaʔ ʔada latihan kuːr ʔini hariːʔ \mb nggak ada latih -an koor ini hari \ge NEG exist exercise -AN choir this day \gj NEG exist exercise-AN choir this day \ft don't you have a choir practice today? \ref 106 \id 565119171625070901 \begin 0:03:59 \sp EXPYAN \tx nggak, empat belas baru masuk. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔəmpat bəlas baru masuk \mb nggak empat belas baru masuk \ge NEG four teen new go.in \gj NEG four teen new go.in \ft no, we'll starts again on the fourteenth. \ref 107 \id 864134171626070901 \begin 0:04:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt murmuring. \ref 108 \id 830048171626070901 \begin 0:04:01 \sp OMAPRI \tx empat belas? \pho ʔəmpat bəlas \mb empat belas \ge four teen \gj four teen \ft the fourteenth? \ref 109 \id 341441171626070901 \begin 0:04:02 \sp EXPYAN \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 110 \id 817145171626070901 \begin 0:04:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt still murmuring. \ref 111 \id 369452171626070901 \begin 0:04:03 \sp OMAPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt recording unclear. \ref 112 \id 890827171626070901 \begin 0:04:04 \sp EXPYAN \tx nggak tau. \pho ŋgaʔ taːuːʰ \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft I don't know. \ref 113 \id 305928171626070901 \begin 0:04:05 \sp EXPYAN \tx belum dikasi tau. \pho bəlum dikasi tawʔ \mb belum di- kasi tau \ge not.yet DI- give know \gj not.yet DI-give know \ft I haven't been told. \ref 114 \id 651377171626070901 \begin 0:04:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt still murmuring and making herself with the pieces of Lego. \ref 115 \id 705271171626070901 \begin 0:04:15 \sp OMAPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 116 \id 216177171627070901 \begin 0:04:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx liat tuh, Priska dicakar sama Mbak Wita tuh. \pho lyat tuːh piskaːʰ dicakar sama m̩baʔ wita tuːh \mb liat tuh Priska di- cakar sama Mbak Wita tuh \ge see that Priska DI- claw with EPIT Wita that \gj see that Priska DI-claw with EPIT Wita that \ft look, Wita scratched me. \nt showing her hand to EXP. \ref 117 \id 595145171627070901 \begin 0:04:22 \sp EXPYAN \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 118 \id 622868171627070901 \begin 0:04:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx dicakar. \pho dicakaːr \mb di- cakar \ge DI- claw \gj DI-claw \ft I was scratched. \ref 119 \id 362508171627070901 \begin 0:04:26 \sp EXPYAN \tx berantem, ya? \pho bəraːntəm yah \mb ber- antem ya \ge BER- hit yes \gj BER-hit yes \ft did you fight? \ref 120 \id 286199171627070901 \begin 0:04:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya, sama Mbak Wita. \pho ʔiyaːʰ sama m̩baʔ witaːʰ \mb iya sama Mbak Wita \ge yes with EPIT Wita \gj yes with EPIT Wita \ft yeah, with Wita. \ref 121 \id 262388171627070901 \begin 0:04:29 \sp EXPYAN \tx kok bisa berantem sih? \pho kɔʔ bisa bəraːntəm sih \mb kok bisa ber- antem sih \ge KOK can BER- hit SIH \gj KOK can BER-hit SIH \ft how could you fight? \ref 122 \id 559725171627070901 \begin 0:04:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx nakal. \pho nakaːl \mb nakal \ge naughty \gj naughty \ft naughty. \ref 123 \id 214442171627070901 \begin 0:04:34 \sp EXPYAN \tx kok Priska bisa berantem sih, Pris? \pho kɔ priskaʰ bisa bəraːntəms sih priːs \mb kok Priska bisa ber- antem sih Pris \ge KOK Priska can BER- hit SIH Priska \gj KOK Priska can BER-hit SIH Priska \ft how could you fight? \ref 124 \id 229255171627070901 \begin 0:04:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx ayo dong, Priska, bikin dong! \pho ʔayɔ dɔŋ priskaːʰ bikin dɔːŋ \mb ayo dong Priska bikin dong \ge AYO DONG Priska make DONG \gj AYO DONG Priska make DONG \ft come on, Priska, make it! \nt asking CHI to form s.t. from the pieces of Lego. \ref 125 \id 794432171628070901 \begin 0:04:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx gimana sih, Priska? \pho gimaːna sih priskah \mb gimana sih Priska \ge how SIH Priska \gj how SIH Priska \ft how come? \ref 126 \id 241239171628070901 \begin 0:04:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska kasi rumputnya aja, ya, yang bisa, ya? \pho priskaʰ kasih rumputɲa ʔaja yah yaŋ bisa yah \mb Priska kasi rumput -nya aja ya yang bisa ya \ge Priska give grass -NYA just yes REL can yes \gj Priska give grass-NYA just yes REL can yes \ft you can only put some grass, right? \ref 127 \id 611276171628070901 \begin 0:04:54 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 128 \id 825806171629070901 \begin 0:04:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx kasi rumput. \pho kasih rumput \mb kasi rumput \ge give grass \gj give grass \ft put some grass. \ref 129 \id 149002171629070901 \begin 0:04:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska bikin rumputnya aja yang bisa, ya? \pho priskah bikin rumputɲa ʔaja yaŋ bisaːʔ yah \mb Priska bikin rumput -nya aja yang bisa ya \ge Priska make grass -NYA just REL can yes \gj Priska make grass-NYA just REL can yes \ft you can only make some grass, right? \ref 130 \id 186740171629070901 \begin 0:05:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 131 \id 852148171629070901 \begin 0:05:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni, ni, nih, kasi rumput nih! \pho nih ni nih kasih rumput nih \mb ni ni nih kasi rumput nih \ge this this this give grass this \gj this this this give grass this \ft here, this, here, put some grass! \nt referring to a house that she has built, telling CHI to put the green pieces of Lego as the base, imagining them as grass. \ref 132 \id 977317171629070901 \begin 0:05:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih, kasi rumput nih! \pho nih kasi rumput nih \mb nih kasi rumput nih \ge this give grass this \gj this give grass this \ft here, put some grass! \nt attaching a green piece of Lego with the house. \ref 133 \id 490345171629070901 \begin 0:05:09 \sp OMAPRI \tx hi... jadi rumahnya deh tuh. \pho hiːi jadi rumahɲa dɛh tuh \mb hi jadi rumah -nya deh tuh \ge IMIT become house -NYA DEH that \gj IMIT become house-NYA DEH that \ft hi... the house is done. \nt laughing. \ref 134 \id 551214171629070901 \begin 0:05:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mami hebat! \pho maːmiːh hɛbaːt \mb Mami hebat \ge mommy great \gj mommy great \ft Mommy is great! \ref 135 \id 268339171629070901 \begin 0:05:12 \sp OMAPRI \tx he he he he he he he. \pho hə hə hə hə hə hə həːh \mb he he he he he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he he he he he he he. \nt laughing. \ref 136 \id 683513171629070901 \begin 0:05:14 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 137 \id 826978171629070901 \begin 0:05:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx Mami siapa, ya? \pho mamiːʰ syapa yaːh \mb Mami siapa ya \ge mommy who yes \gj mommy who yes \ft Mommy who? \ref 138 \id 944643171630070901 \begin 0:05:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mami Sisca. \pho mami siːskaːh \mb Mami Sisca \ge mommy Sisca \gj mommy Sisca \ft Mommy Sisca. \ref 139 \id 343321171630070901 \begin 0:05:18 \sp EXPYAN \tx he he. \pho hə həh \mb he he \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft he he. \nt laughing. \ref 140 \id 913609171630070901 \begin 0:05:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx maminya siapa? \pho mamiɲa syaːpah \mb mami -nya siapa \ge mommy -NYA who \gj mommy-NYA who \ft whose mom? \ref 141 \id 749602171630070901 \begin 0:05:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx maminya Priska. \pho mamiʰɲa piːskah \mb mami -nya Priska \ge mommy -NYA Priska \gj mommy-NYA Priska \ft my mom. \ref 142 \id 987729171630070901 \begin 0:05:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh. \pho ʔɔ̃ː \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see. \nt attaching some green pieces of Lego with the house. \ref 143 \id 877963171630070901 \begin 0:05:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx rumputnya hijau. \pho rumputɲah hiːjawː \mb rumput -nya hijau \ge grass -NYA green \gj grass-NYA green \ft the grass is green. \nt saying it melodiously. \ref 144 \id 154571171630070901 \begin 0:05:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang satu lagi mana? \pho yaŋ satu lagi manah \mb yang satu lagi mana \ge REL one more which \gj REL one more which \ft where is another one? \nt referring to a green piece of Lego to complete the "grass" so that it is a square, as a base for the house. \ref 145 \id 186821171630070901 \begin 0:05:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx kenapa? \pho kənapah \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft why? \ref 146 \id 407778171630070901 \begin 0:05:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang satu lagi. \pho yaŋ satu lagiːh \mb yang satu lagi \ge REL one more \gj REL one more \ft another one. \ref 147 \id 645369171630070901 \begin 0:05:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx minta Tante Yanti satu, yang ijo. \pho mintaʔ tantə yantiʰ satuʔ yaŋ ʔijɔʔ \mb minta Tante Yanti satu yang ijo \ge ask.for aunt Yanti one REL green \gj ask.for aunt Yanti one REL green \ft ask for one form Auntie Yanti, a green one. \ref 148 \id 530579171631070901 \begin 0:05:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx Tante Yanti, satu, ijo, tuh. \pho tantə yantih satuʔ ʔijɔʔ tuh \mb Tante Yanti satu ijo tuh \ge aunt Yanti one green that \gj aunt Yanti one green that \ft Auntie Yanti, one, please, green one. \ref 149 \id 862379171631070901 \begin 0:05:36 \sp EXPYAN \tx nah. \pho nah \mb nah \ge NAH \gj NAH \ft here. \nt giving a green piece of Lego to CHI. \ref 150 \id 133110171631070901 \begin 0:05:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx sini, biar... biar Priska aja. \pho sinih biyarl biyarl piska ʔaːjah \mb sini biar biar Priska aja \ge here let let Priska just \gj here let let Priska just \ft here, let me do it. \nt receiving the piece of Lego from EXP. \ref 151 \id 382951171631070901 \begin 0:05:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-em. \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft he-em. \ref 152 \id 970791171631070901 \begin 0:05:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt attaching it with another one so that they have a square shape grass as the base of the house. \ref 153 \id 606733171631070901 \begin 0:05:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx hmm, pinter Priska! \pho hmː pintər priskah \mb hmm pinter Priska \ge uh-huh smart Priska \gj uh-huh smart Priska \ft uh-huh, you are great! \ref 154 \id 979594171631070901 \begin 0:05:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih, rumputnya di sini, trus, ada jembatannya di sini, nih. \pho nih rumputɲa di sini tr̩us ʔada jəmbatanɲaːʰ di sini nih \mb nih rumput -nya di sini trus ada jembatan -nya di sini nih \ge this grass -NYA LOC here continue exist bridge -NYA LOC here this \gj this grass-NYA LOC here continue exist bridge-NYA LOC here this \ft here, the grass is here, then, the bridge is here. \nt attaching the bridge with the grass. \ref 155 \id 967663171631070901 \begin 0:05:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx hmm. \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft hmm. \ref 156 \id 233301171631070901 \begin 0:05:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni ACnya nih. \pho ni ʔasɛʔɲaʰ nih \mb ni AC -nya nih \ge this air.conditioner -NYA this \gj this air.conditioner-NYA this \ft this is the air conditioner. \nt putting s.t. on the window of the house but it falls into the house. \ref 157 \id 407726171631070901 \begin 0:05:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx AC. \pho ʔasɛʔ \mb AC \ge air.conditioner \gj air.conditioner \ft air conditioner. \nt laughing. \ref 158 \id 661556171632070901 \begin 0:05:54 \sp OMAPRI \tx wah, AC he he he he he. \pho wʰa aːsɛː hɛ hɛ hɛ hɛ hɛ \mb wah AC he he he he he \ge EXCL air.conditioner IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj EXCL air.conditioner IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft wow, air conditioner he he he he h e. \nt laughing. \ref 159 \id 797008171632070901 \begin 0:05:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni, ACnya. \pho niːʰ ʔasɛːʰɲah \mb ni AC -nya \ge this air.conditioner -NYA \gj this air.conditioner-NYA \ft this, the air conditioner. \nt putting s.t. on the window again and it falls again. \ref 160 \id 342358171632070901 \begin 0:05:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx yah, nggak bisa, ACnya masuk melulu. \pho yaːh ŋgaʔ bisaʔ ʔasɛɲah masuk məluluʔ \mb yah nggak bisa AC -nya masuk melulu \ge EXCL NEG can air.conditioner -NYA go.in always \gj EXCL NEG can air.conditioner-NYA go.in always \ft shucks, I can't, the air conditioner always goes into it. \ref 161 \id 920336171632070901 \begin 0:05:58 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 162 \id 410748171632070901 \begin 0:06:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, nggak bisa. \pho ʔɔː ŋgaʔ bisaʔ \mb oh nggak bisa \ge EXCL NEG can \gj EXCL NEG can \ft oh, you can't. \ref 163 \id 157278171632070901 \begin 0:06:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx xx tanemannya, tanemannya di sini, ya? \pho xx tanəmanɲaːʰ tanəmanɲah di sini yah \mb xx tanem -an -nya tanem -an -nya di sini ya \ge xx plant -AN -NYA plant -AN -NYA LOC here yes \gj xx plant-AN-NYA plant-AN-NYA LOC here yes \ft xx the plant, the plant is here, okay? \nt taking a piece of Lego which has a tree stand on it and putting it in front of the bridge. \ref 164 \id 675835171632070901 \begin 0:06:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-em. \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 165 \id 484281171632070901 \begin 0:06:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx tanemannya di dep(an)... \pho tanəmanɲah di dəp \mb tanem -an -nya di depan \ge plant -AN -NYA LOC front \gj plant-AN-NYA LOC front \ft the plant is in front... \nt attaching the piece of Lego which has a tree on it with the "grass" and the bridge so that they are one. \ref 166 \id 322793171632070901 \begin 0:06:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx tuh, ni banyak nih. \pho tuh ni baɲak niːh \mb tuh ni banyak nih \ge that this a.lot this \gj that this a.lot this \ft look, these are a lot. \nt referring to some more pieces of Lego with a tree on each of it and holding one of them. \ref 167 \id 601295171632070901 \begin 0:06:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-em. \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 168 \id 476870171633070901 \begin 0:06:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx pa(ke)... pa(ke)... pake sebelah sana, sebelah sana... sebelah sana. \pho pa paʔ pakɛʔ səbəlah sana səbəlah sanaːh səbəlah sanaʰ \mb pake pake pake se- belah sana se- belah sana se- belah sana \ge use use use SE- side there SE- side there SE- side there \gj use use use SE-side there SE-side there SE-side there \ft use it over there, over there... over there. \nt referring to the "grass" on the right side of the house. \ref 169 \id 869199171633070901 \begin 0:06:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx (a)pa di depannya, di depannya, tanamannya di depan. \pho pa di dəpanɲaʰ di dəpanɲah tanamanɲah di dəpan \mb apa di depan -nya di depan -nya tanam -an -nya di depan \ge what LOC front -NYA LOC front -NYA plant -AN -NYA LOC front \gj what LOC front-NYA LOC front-NYA plant-AN-NYA LOC front \ft or on the front, on the front, the plant is on the front. \nt taking the piece of Lego she attached with the bridge and the grass and putting it on the left front corner of grass. \ref 170 \id 457886171633070901 \begin 0:06:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx depan sini, depan... \pho dəpan sini dəpan \mb depan sini depan \ge front here front \gj front here front \ft on the front here, on the front... \ref 171 \id 400346171633070901 \begin 0:06:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 172 \id 831545171633070901 \begin 0:06:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx depan sini. \pho dəpan siniːʰ \mb depan sini \ge front here \gj front here \ft on the front here. \ref 173 \id 292165171633070901 \begin 0:06:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx mestinya satu, ya? \pho məsiɲa satuʔ yaːh \mb mesti -nya satu ya \ge should -NYA one yes \gj should-NYA one yes \ft it should be one, right? \nt pulling the tree out of the piece of Lego she is holding. \ref 174 \id 635207171633070901 \begin 0:06:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx depan tuh, taro depan sini. \pho dəpan tuh tarɔʔ dəpan siniːh \mb depan tuh taro depan sini \ge front that put front here \gj front that put front here \ft on the front, put it one the front here. \nt taking the piece of Lego she put on the left corner of the grass and attaching it on the right front corner of the grass. \ref 175 \id 738912171633070901 \begin 0:06:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx isinya ada satu, ya, ini... \pho ʔisiɲah ʔada satuʔ yah ʔinih \mb isi -nya ada satu ya ini \ge contents -NYA exist one yes this \gj contents-NYA exist one yes this \ft there is one on it, right, this... \nt =there is one tree on one piece of Lego. \ref 176 \id 413380171633070901 \begin 0:06:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 177 \id 296016171633070901 \begin 0:06:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...pohon? \pho pɔhɔnː \mb pohon \ge tree \gj tree \ft ...tree. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 178 \id 553914171634070901 \begin 0:06:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni nanti taro sini. \pho ni nanti tarɔʔ sinih \mb ni nanti taro sini \ge this later put here \gj this later put here \ft I am putting it here. \nt taking another piece of Lego and attaching it on the right side corner of the grass. \ref 179 \id 651395171634070901 \begin 0:06:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, udah... \pho ya ʔuːdah \mb ya udah \ge yes PFCT \gj yes PFCT \ft okay, done... \ref 180 \id 109364171634070901 \begin 0:06:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt trying to lift the tree from a piece of Lego that MOT attached \ref 181 \id 890627171634070901 \begin 0:06:38 \sp OMAPRI \tx udah, jangan... \pho ʔudah jaŋan \mb udah jangan \ge PFCT don't \gj PFCT don't \ft okay, don't... \ref 182 \id 588818171634070901 \begin 0:06:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni... itunya... \pho nih ʔituɲʰah \mb ni itu -nya \ge this that -NYA \gj this that-NYA \ft this... that thing... \nt reference unclear. \ref 183 \id 482014171634070901 \begin 0:06:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt taking a tree off a piece of Lego and giving it to CHI. \ref 184 \id 926964171634070901 \begin 0:06:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx dicopot. \pho dicɔpɔːt \mb di- copot \ge DI- detach \gj DI-detach \ft detached. \ref 185 \id 201592171634070901 \begin 0:06:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx mestinya ada... mana sih yang satu itu tuh? \pho məsiɲah ʔada mana siːh yaŋ satu ʔitu tuh \mb mesti -nya ada mana sih yang satu itu tuh \ge should -NYA exist which SIH REL one that that \gj should-NYA exist which SIH REL one that that \ft there should be... where is one more thing? \nt reference unclear. \ref 186 \id 271542171634070901 \begin 0:06:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, taneman... \pho tuːh tanəman \mb tuh tanem -an \ge that plant -AN \gj that plant-AN \ft look, the plants... \nt attaching another piece of Lego between the two previous ones to form the corner. \ref 187 \id 512526171634070901 \begin 0:06:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni, nih, ini taro di sini, udah. \pho ni nih ʔini tarɔ di siniːʰ ʔudaːh \mb ni nih ini taro di sini udah \ge this this this put LOC here PFCT \gj this this this put LOC here PFCT \ft this, here, put it here, okay. \nt taking a tree off a piece of Lego which is not attached with the grass and putting the tree on one of the attached pieces of Lego. \ref 188 \id 740430171635070901 \begin 0:06:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx satu lagi situ, tuh. \pho satu lagi situ tuːh \mb satu lagi situ tuh \ge one more there that \gj one more there that \ft one more is over there. \ref 189 \id 734787171635070901 \begin 0:06:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking a tree off a piece of Lego, holding the tree on her right hand and holding the piece of Lego on her left hand. \ref 190 \id 390953171635070901 \begin 0:06:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx terasnya ni, terasnya. \pho tɛrasɲa nih tɛrasɲah \mb teras -nya ni teras -nya \ge terrace -NYA this terrace -NYA \gj terrace-NYA this terrace-NYA \ft this is the terrace, the terrace. \ref 191 \id 460492171635070901 \begin 0:06:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pulling the piece of Lego toward closer to the ones attached with the grass. \ref 192 \id 103606171635070901 \begin 0:06:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, belakang. \pho yaːh bəlakaːŋ \mb ya belakang \ge yes back \gj yes back \ft yeah, at the back. \ref 193 \id 418247171635070901 \begin 0:06:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-(eh), teras. \pho hə̃ːh tɛras \mb he-eh teras \ge uh-huh terrace \gj uh-huh terrace \ft uh-huh, the terrace. \nt attaching the piece of Lego with the previous one and with the grass. \ref 194 \id 190139171636070901 \begin 0:06:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt putting the tree on the piece of Lego MOT has just attached. \ref 195 \id 381812171636070901 \begin 0:06:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-em. \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 196 \id 727237171636070901 \begin 0:06:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx satu. \pho saːtuːʔ \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft one. \ref 197 \id 388803171637070901 \begin 0:06:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx garasinya, ya? \pho garasiʔɲaʰ yah \mb garasi -nya ya \ge garage -NYA yes \gj garage-NYA yes \ft the garage, okay? \ref 198 \id 469041104124100901 \begin 0:06:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya. \pho yaːh \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 199 \id 693400104125100901 \begin 0:07:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx mo bikin garasi, ya? \pho mɔ bikin garasiʔ yah \mb mo bikin garasi ya \ge want make garage yes \gj want make garage yes \ft do you want to make a garage? \ref 200 \id 486680144008100901 \begin 0:07:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, ni enjot-enjotannya taro di mana, enjot-enjotannya? \pho ʔɔ ʔini ʔənjɔtʔənjɔtanɲah tarɔ di manah ʔənjɔtʔənjɔtanɲah \mb oh ni enjot - enjot -an -nya taro di mana enjot - enjot -an -nya \ge EXCL this pedal - pedal -AN -NYA put LOC which pedal - pedal -AN -NYA \gj EXCL this RED.AN-pedal-NYA put LOC which RED.AN-pedal-NYA \ft oh, where do you put the seesaw? \ref 201 \id 150725144119100901 \begin 0:07:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih. \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt taking the seesaw. \ref 202 \id 346482144119100901 \begin 0:07:05 \sp MOTPRI \tx sebelah mana? \pho səbəlah maːnaːh \mb se- belah mana \ge SE- side which \gj SE-side which \ft on which side? \ref 203 \id 935783145056100901 \begin 0:07:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt putting the seesaw in front of the grass, directly in front of the house. \ref 204 \id 827718145056100901 \begin 0:07:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx us, jangan depan sekali! \pho ʔus jaŋan dəpan səkaliː \mb us jangan depan se- kali \ge EXCL don't front SE- very \gj EXCL don't front SE-very \ft hey, don't put it too front! \ref 205 \id 783199145056100901 \begin 0:07:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx di sini nih. \pho di sini niːh \mb di sini nih \ge LOC here this \gj LOC here this \ft it's here. \nt putting the seesaw in front of the bridge. \ref 206 \id 438931145056100901 \begin 0:07:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni kan tempat bermain nih. \pho ni kan təmpat bərmaːyin nih \mb ni kan tempat ber- main nih \ge this KAN place BER- play this \gj this KAN place BER-play this \ft this is a place for playing. \ref 207 \id 428406145057100901 \begin 0:07:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx dia turun, trus dia main deh. \pho dya turuːn tr̩us dya maːyin dɛh \mb dia turun trus dia main deh \ge 3 go.down continue 3 play DEH \gj 3 go.down continue 3 play DEH \ft he is going down, and then he is playing. \nt taking a doll on the bridge, making it move and putting it on one end of the seesaw. \ref 208 \id 841910145057100901 \begin 0:07:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx ayunannya xx ayunannya? \pho ʔayunanɲa xx ʔayunanɲah \mb ayun -an -nya xx ayun -an -nya \ge swing -AN -NYA xx swing -AN -NYA \gj swing-AN-NYA xx swing-AN-NYA \ft what about the swing? \ref 209 \id 803782145057100901 \begin 0:07:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx ayunannya... \pho ʔayunanɲah \mb ayun -an -nya \ge swing -AN -NYA \gj swing-AN-NYA \ft the swing... \nt interrupted by OMA. \ref 210 \id 818801154144100901 \begin 0:07:27 \sp OMAPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuːh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft there. \ref 211 \id 312988154154100901 \begin 0:07:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...taro di mana, ayunannya? \pho tarɔ di manah ʔayunanɲah \mb taro di mana ayun -an -nya \ge put LOC which swing -AN -NYA \gj put LOC which swing-AN-NYA \ft ...where do you put the swing? \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 212 \id 790640145057100901 \begin 0:07:28 \sp OMAPRI \tx tuh, ayunannya tuh. \pho tuh ʔayunanɲa tuh \mb tuh ayun -an -nya tuh \ge that swing -AN -NYA that \gj that swing-AN-NYA that \ft there, the swing is there. \ref 213 \id 402927145057100901 \begin 0:07:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking the swing. \ref 214 \id 113900145057100901 \begin 0:07:29 \sp OMAPRI \tx nah. \pho naːh \mb nah \ge NAH \gj NAH \ft there you go. \ref 215 \id 624005145057100901 \begin 0:07:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuːh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft there. \nt putting the swing closer to MOT. \ref 216 \id 576711145057100901 \begin 0:07:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx samping sini, samping. \pho sampiŋ sini sampiŋ \mb samping sini samping \ge side here side \gj side here side \ft this side. \nt putting the swing next to the trees. \ref 217 \id 397962145057100901 \begin 0:07:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx ah, jangan di situ. \pho ʔah dyaŋan di situh \mb ah jangan di situ \ge EXCL don't LOC there \gj EXCL don't LOC there \ft hey, don't put it there. \nt taking the swing. \ref 218 \id 366570145057100901 \begin 0:07:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx di sini. \pho di siniːh \mb di sini \ge LOC here \gj LOC here \ft put it here. \nt putting the swing at the back, behind the trees. \ref 219 \id 158815145057100901 \begin 0:07:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx yah, nggak kelia(tan)... \pho yah ŋgaʔ kəliyaː \mb yah nggak ke an liat \ge EXCL NEG KE AN see \gj EXCL NEG KE.AN-see \ft shucks, we can't see it... \ref 220 \id 408393145057100901 \begin 0:07:35 \sp OMAPRI \tx masa di belakang? \pho masa di bəlaːkaŋ \mb masa di belakang \ge incredible LOC back \gj incredible LOC back \ft why is it at the back? \ref 221 \id 327924145058100901 \begin 0:07:36 \sp OMAPRI \tx nggak keliatan dong. \pho ŋgaʔ kəliyatan dɔŋː \mb nggak ke an liat dong \ge NEG KE AN see DONG \gj NEG KE.AN-see DONG \ft we can't see it. \ref 222 \id 423341145058100901 \begin 0:07:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx ye, di sini aja deh. \pho yɛː di sini ʔaja dɛh \mb ye di sini aja deh \ge EXCL LOC here just DEH \gj EXCL LOC here just DEH \ft yeah, just put it here. \nt putting the seesaw near the trees. \ref 223 \id 299704145058100901 \begin 0:07:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih, di depannya pohon yang satu, nih. \pho niːh di dəpanɲa pɔhɔn yan satuʔ nih \mb nih di depan -nya pohon yang satu nih \ge this LOC front -NYA tree REL one this \gj this LOC front-NYA tree REL one this \ft here, in front of this tree. \nt referring to the tree which is at the most back. \ref 224 \id 441499145058100901 \begin 0:07:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx biar dia jalannya jauh. \pho byar diya jalanɲa jawuh \mb biar dia jalan -nya jauh \ge let 3 walk -NYA far \gj let 3 walk-NYA far \ft so that it needs a far walk. \ref 225 \id 384868145058100901 \begin 0:07:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni ACnya di sini nih, di luar ACnya. \pho ni ʔasɛʔɲa di sini niːh di luwarl ʔasɛɲah \mb ni AC -nya di sini nih di luar AC -nya \ge this air.conditioner -NYA LOC here this LOC out air.conditioner -NYA \gj this air.conditioner-NYA LOC here this LOC out air.conditioner-NYA \ft the air conditioner is here, the air conditioner is outside. \nt referring to the thing which is outside the house and assumed as an air conditioner. \ref 226 \id 798571145058100901 \begin 0:07:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx lha? \pho laːh \mb lha \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft huh? \ref 227 \id 508872145058100901 \begin 0:07:48 \sp EXPYAN \tx nih, Pris. \pho nih pris \mb nih Pris \ge this Priska \gj this Priska \ft here, Priska. \nt giving a house she has just built from the pieces of Lego to CHI. \ref 228 \id 530932145058100901 \begin 0:07:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx biar dingin... \pho biyarl diŋin \mb biar dingin \ge let cold \gj let cold \ft so that it's cold... \nt interrupted by OMA. \ref 229 \id 495344145058100901 \begin 0:07:50 \sp OMAPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuːh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft there. \ref 230 \id 857703145058100901 \begin 0:07:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking the house from EXP. \ref 231 \id 420193082055110901 \begin 0:07:53 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt coughing. \ref 232 \id 729726145059100901 \begin 0:07:55 \sp OMAPRI \tx nah, taro di mana... \pho naːh tarɔʔ di manah \mb nah taro di mana \ge NAH put LOC which \gj NAH put LOC which \ft there you go, where do you put... \ref 233 \id 827439145059100901 \begin 0:07:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx tu jadi juga tuh. \pho tu jadi jugaʔ tuh \mb tu jadi juga tuh \ge that become also that \gj that become also that \ft that's done, too. \ref 234 \id 584360145100100901 \begin 0:07:57 \sp OMAPRI \tx ...rumahnya, satunya lagi? \pho rumahɲah satuɲa lagiːh \mb rumah -nya satu -nya lagi \ge house -NYA one -NYA more \gj house-NYA one-NYA more \ft ...one more house? \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 235 \id 258228145100100901 \begin 0:07:58 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt coughing. \ref 236 \id 849237145100100901 \begin 0:08:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx digandeng, digandeng, sini, rumahnya di sini nih. \mb di- gandeng di- gandeng sini rumah -nya di sini nih \ge DI- adjoined DI- adjoined here house -NYA LOC here this \gj DI-adjoined DI-adjoined here house-NYA LOC here this \ft adjoin them, adjoin them, here, give the house to me. \ref 237 \id 653130145100100901 \begin 0:08:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh. \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge here \gj here \ft here. \nt detaching the bridge from the grass. \ref 238 \id 479565145100100901 \begin 0:08:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh. \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge here \gj here \ft here. \nt waving her hand, expecting CHI to give the house EXP built to her. \ref 239 \id 270077145100100901 \begin 0:08:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt giving the house to MOT. \ref 240 \id 197499145101100901 \begin 0:08:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx gandeng. \pho gandɛŋ \mb gandeng \ge adjoined \gj adjoined \ft adjoin them. \nt taking the house. \ref 241 \id 411739145101100901 \begin 0:08:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx eh! \pho ʔɛh \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \nt trying to pull the base of the house off, but the roof came off. \ref 242 \id 615035145101100901 \begin 0:08:11 \sp OMAPRI \tx eh, eh! \pho ʔɛ ʔɛh \mb eh eh \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey! \ref 243 \id 111418145102100901 \begin 0:08:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt attaching the roof with the walls of the house. \ref 244 \id 308318145102100901 \begin 0:08:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, rumahnya dua tingkat, eh... dua... \pho tuh rumahɲa duwaʔ tiŋkat ʔɛh duwaʔ \mb tuh rumah -nya dua tingkat eh dua \ge that house -NYA two level EH two \gj that house-NYA two level EH two \ft look, the house is two storey, no... they are two... \ref 245 \id 314006145102100901 \begin 0:08:16 \sp OMAPRI \tx hi hi, asyik banget. \pho hi hi ʔasik baːŋət \mb hi hi asyik banget \ge IMIT IMIT fun very \gj IMIT IMIT fun very \ft wow, great. \nt laughing. \ref 246 \id 514528145102100901 \begin 0:08:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx jejer. \pho jɛjɛːr \mb jejer \ge aligned \gj aligned \ft they are in line. \nt referring to the two house. \ref 247 \id 183959145103100901 \begin 0:08:20 \sp OMAPRI \tx jejer. \pho jɛjɛːr \mb jejer \ge aligned \gj aligned \ft they are in line. \ref 248 \id 912497145103100901 \begin 0:08:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni anaknya, ni papanya, ya? \pho ni anakɲaːʰ ni papahɲa yah \mb ni anak -nya ni papa -nya ya \ge this child -NYA this daddy -NYA yes \gj this child-NYA this daddy-NYA yes \ft this is the baby and this is the father, right? \nt pointing at the house that MOT built and then the one that EXP built. \ref 249 \id 964806145103100901 \begin 0:08:23 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 250 \id 820326145103100901 \begin 0:08:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni mamanya, ya? \pho ni mamahɲa yah \mb ni mama -nya ya \ge this mommy -NYA yes \gj this mommy-NYA yes \ft is this the mother? \nt tapping the house that EXP built. \ref 251 \id 744312145104100901 \begin 0:08:25 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt still laughing. \ref 252 \id 274675145104100901 \begin 0:08:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx wah... \pho bwaːah \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow... \ref 253 \id 500295092048110901 \begin 0:08:27 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt still laughing. \ref 254 \id 376062092059110901 \begin 0:08:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni bagi pohonnya, ah. \pho ni bagi pɔhɔnɲa ʔah \mb ni bagi pohon -nya ah \ge this divide tree -NYA AH \gj this divide tree-NYA AH \ft let me divide the trees. \ref 255 \id 973053145104100901 \begin 0:08:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx pohonnya bagi sebelah sini, ah. \pho pɔhɔnɲa bagi səbl̩ah sini ʔaːh \mb pohon -nya bagi se- belah sini ah \ge tree -NYA divide SE- side here AH \gj tree-NYA divide SE-side here AH \ft let me divides the trees to here. \ref 256 \id 830575145104100901 \begin 0:08:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx pohonnya bagi, ya? \pho pɔhɔnɲa bagiːʔ yaːh \mb pohon -nya bagi ya \ge tree -NYA divide yes \gj tree-NYA divide yes \ft let me divide the trees, okay? \ref 257 \id 194723145104100901 \begin 0:08:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 258 \id 915238145104100901 \begin 0:08:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx ets! \pho ʔɛts \mb ets \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oops! \nt pulling a piece of Lego off the grass and s.t. is thrown out. \ref 259 \id 226062145105100901 \begin 0:08:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh... \pho ʔɛh \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft eh... \nt taking that thing. \ref 260 \id 232131145105100901 \begin 0:08:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx. \pho ʔɛtcyɔːŋ \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 261 \id 540519145105100901 \begin 0:08:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx di pinggiran sini pohonnya. \pho di piŋgiran sini pɔhɔnɲah \mb di pinggir -an sini pohon -nya \ge LOC edge -AN here tree -NYA \gj LOC edge-AN here tree-NYA \ft the tree is on this edge. \nt putting the tree next to the house that EXP built. \ref 262 \id 521221145106100901 \begin 0:08:41 \sp OMAPRI \tx yah, nggak keliatan dong, Mam. \pho yaːh ŋgaʔ kəliyaːtan dɔŋ mam \mb yah nggak ke an liat dong Mam \ge EXCL NEG KE AN see DONG Mom \gj EXCL NEG KE.AN-see DONG Mom \ft shucks, we can't see it, Mom. \ref 263 \id 176365145106100901 \begin 0:08:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx depan... hmm. \pho dəpanː hmː \mb depan hmm \ge front uh-huh \gj front uh-huh \ft at the front... hmm. \nt moving the tree to the front of the house. \ref 264 \id 183597145106100901 \begin 0:08:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, pohonnya situ. \pho tuːh pɔhɔnɲa situh \mb tuh pohon -nya situ \ge that tree -NYA there \gj that tree-NYA there \ft look, the tree is over there. \ref 265 \id 226157145106100901 \begin 0:08:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx (ke)liatan. \pho xx lyataːn \mb xx ke an liat \ge xx KE AN see \gj xx KE.AN-see \ft xx we can see it. \ref 266 \id 928409145107100901 \begin 0:08:47 \sp OMAPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 267 \id 198250145107100901 \begin 0:08:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx xx kan keliatan, we. \pho xx xx kan kəliyaːtan wɛː \mb xx xx kan ke an liat we \ge xx xx KAN KE AN see EXCL \gj xx xx KAN KE.AN-see EXCL \ft xx xx we can see it. \ref 268 \id 791704145107100901 \begin 0:08:51 \sp OMAPRI \tx ye! \pho yɛːɛ \mb ye \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ye! \ref 269 \id 291113145107100901 \begin 0:08:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah, selesai deh. \pho dah sələsay dɛh \mb dah selesai deh \ge PFCT finish DEH \gj PFCT finish DEH \ft okay, done. \ref 270 \id 941766145107100901 \begin 0:08:55 \sp OMAPRI \tx selesailah saya. \pho sələsaylah sayah \mb selesai -lah saya \ge finish -LAH 1SG \gj finish-LAH 1SG \ft I am finished. \ref 271 \id 592135145107100901 \begin 0:08:57 \sp OMAPRI \tx sekarang masak dah. \pho səkaraŋ masak dah \mb sekarang masak dah \ge now cook PFCT \gj now cook PFCT \ft now, you cook. \ref 272 \id 423604145108100901 \begin 0:08:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking the cooking set. \ref 273 \id 232086145108100901 \begin 0:09:01 \sp OMAPRI \tx ye, itu masukin dulu, yang nggak kepake masukin dulu, tuh! \pho yɛː ʔitu masukin dulu yaŋ ŋgaʔ kəpakɛʔ masukin duluʔ tuh \mb ye itu masuk -in dulu yang nggak ke- pake masuk -in dulu tuh \ge EXCL that go.in -IN before REL NEG KE- use go.in -IN before that \gj EXCL that go.in-IN before REL NEG KE-use go.in-IN before that \ft hey, put them in, put the things you don't need into it! \ref 274 \id 673513145108100901 \begin 0:09:03 \sp EXPYAN \tx orangnya yang jaga di mana, Pris? \pho ʔɔraŋɲa yaŋ jaga di mana priːs \mb orang -nya yang jaga di mana Pris \ge person -NYA REL watch.over LOC which Priska \gj person-NYA REL watch.over LOC which Priska \ft where is the person who is watching over? \ref 275 \id 149678145108100901 \begin 0:09:05 \sp OMAPRI \tx tau. \pho taːwuːʔ \mb tau \ge know \gj know \ft I don't know. \ref 276 \id 739095145108100901 \begin 0:09:07 \sp EXPYAN \tx ntar kamu masak, ilang lagi... ACnya. \pho n̩tar kamu masak ʔiːlaŋ lagiʰ ʔasɛːɲah \mb ntar kamu masak ilang lagi AC -nya \ge moment 2 cook disappear more air.conditioner -NYA \gj moment 2 cook disappear more air.conditioner-NYA \ft when you cook, the air conditioner will disappear. \ref 277 \id 786448145108100901 \begin 0:09:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaːʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \nt taking some cooking stuff out of the bag. \ref 278 \id 145142145108100901 \begin 0:09:12 \sp EXPYAN \tx heh? \pho hə̃ːh \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 279 \id 115064145108100901 \begin 0:09:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋ̩gaːʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 280 \id 394135145108100901 \begin 0:09:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx kemaren kan Priska minta-minta masak-masakan terus. \mb kemaren kan Priska minta - minta masak - masak -an terus \ge yesterday KAN Priska ask.for - ask.for cook - cook -AN continue \gj yesterday KAN Priska RED-ask.for RED.AN-cook continue \ft she kept asking for cooking set at that time. \ref 281 \id 848630145108100901 \begin 0:09:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx di... di itu. \pho diː di ʔituʰ \mb di di itu \ge LOC LOC that \gj LOC LOC that \ft at... at that. \ref 282 \id 341311145108100901 \begin 0:09:20 \sp OMAPRI \tx di mana? \pho di manah \mb di mana \ge LOC which \gj LOC which \ft where? \ref 283 \id 385926104157110901 \begin 0:09:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx di Carrefour. \pho di kʰɛrfɔːr \mb di Carrefour \ge LOC Carrefour \gj LOC Carrefour \ft at Carrefour. \nt a hypermarket in Jakarta. \ref 284 \id 420825145109100901 \begin 0:09:22 \sp OMAPRI \tx di Mal Anggrek? \pho di mɔl aŋgrɛk \mb di Mal Anggrek \ge LOC Mall Anggrek \gj LOC Mall Anggrek \ft at Anggrek Mall? \nt a mall in West Jakarta. \ref 285 \id 314735145109100901 \begin 0:09:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx Carrefour. \pho kɛːrfɔːr \mb Carrefour \ge Carrefour \gj Carrefour \ft Carrefour. \ref 286 \id 164776145109100901 \begin 0:09:26 \sp OMAPRI \tx di Carrefour? \pho di kɛrfɔr \mb di Carrefour \ge LOC Carrefour \gj LOC Carrefour \ft at Carrefour? \ref 287 \id 701463145109100901 \begin 0:09:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 288 \id 109880145109100901 \begin 0:09:32 \sp OMAPRI \tx kapan ke Carrefour? \pho kapan kə kɛrfɔr \mb kapan ke Carrefour \ge when to Carrefour \gj when to Carrefour \ft when did you go to Carrefour? \ref 289 \id 559750145109100901 \begin 0:09:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx waktu yang kapan tu, ya? \pho waktu yaŋ kapan tu yaːh \mb waktu yang kapan tu ya \ge time REL when that yes \gj time REL when that yes \ft when was it, huh? \nt talking to herself. \ref 290 \id 636988145109100901 \begin 0:09:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt murmuring and still taking out stuff from the bag. \ref 291 \id 967590145109100901 \begin 0:09:47 \sp OMAPRI \tx itunya copot sih tu payungnya, tuh. \pho ʔituɲah cɔpɔt sih tu payuŋɲa tuh \mb itu -nya copot sih tu payung -nya tuh \ge that -NYA detach SIH that umbrella -NYA that \gj that-NYA detach SIH that umbrella-NYA that \ft the umbrella came off. \nt referring to the toy umbrella. \ref 292 \id 801338145109100901 \begin 0:09:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃ːh \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 293 \id 207726145110100901 \begin 0:09:50 \sp OMAPRI \tx ilang. \pho ʔilaŋː \mb ilang \ge disappear \gj disappear \ft it disappeared. \ref 294 \id 767700145110100901 \begin 0:09:52 \sp OMAPRI \tx mestinya payungnya itu, tuh. \pho məstiɲa payuŋɲaʰ ʔitu tuːh \mb mesti -nya payung -nya itu tuh \ge should -NYA umbrella -NYA that that \gj should-NYA umbrella-NYA that that \ft it should be the umbrella. \ref 295 \id 954172145110100901 \begin 0:09:53 \sp EXPYAN \tx tiangnya, ya? \pho tiyaŋɲa yah \mb tiang -nya ya \ge column -NYA yes \gj column-NYA yes \ft its pole, right? \ref 296 \id 292536145110100901 \begin 0:09:55 \sp OMAPRI \tx he-eh, tiangnya. \mb he-eh tiang -nya \ge uh-huh column -NYA \gj uh-huh column-NYA \ft uh-huh, its pole. \ref 297 \id 560690145110100901 \begin 0:09:58 \sp EXPYAN \tx xx, masak. \pho xx masak \mb xx masak \ge xx cook \gj xx cook \ft xx, cook. \ref 298 \id 233030145110100901 \begin 0:10:01 \sp OMAPRI \tx ha. \pho hãː \mb ha \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 299 \id 340239145110100901 \begin 0:10:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih, Si Botak nih, botak deh xx deh. \pho nih si bɔtak nih bɔːtak dɛh xx dɛh \mb nih Si Botak nih botak deh xx deh \ge this PERS bald this bald DEH xx DEH \gj this PERS bald this bald DEH xx DEH \ft here, this is Mr. Bald, he is hairless. \nt referring to the other doll on the bridge and putting it on the other end of the seesaw. \ref 300 \id 405859145110100901 \begin 0:10:07 \sp OMAPRI \tx xx sebagian taro xx. \pho xx səbagiyan tarɔʔ xx \mb xx se- bagi -an taro xx \ge xx SE- divide -AN put xx \gj xx SE-divide-AN put xx \ft xx put some of them xx. \ref 301 \id 793083145111100901 \begin 0:10:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx potong ini, potong, potong ini. \pho pɔːtɔːŋ ʔinih pɔtɔŋ pɔːtɔːŋ ʔinih \mb potong ini potong potong ini \ge cut this cut cut this \gj cut this cut cut this \ft I am cutting it, I am cutting it, I am cutting it. \nt 1. referring to the paprika. 2. saying it melodiously. \ref 302 \id 970471145111100901 \begin 0:10:13 \sp OMAPRI \tx masak apa? \pho masak ʔapaːh \mb masak apa \ge cook what \gj cook what \ft what are you cooking? \ref 303 \id 635218145111100901 \begin 0:10:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx potong inih. \pho pɔtɔŋ inih \mb potong inih \ge cut this \gj cut this \ft I am cutting this. \ref 304 \id 926000145111100901 \begin 0:10:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan mau masak... dipotong dulu. \pho kan maw masak dipɔtɔŋ duluʔ \mb kan mau masak di- potong dulu \ge KAN want cook DI- cut before \gj KAN want cook DI-cut before \ft I cut it before I cook it. \nt taking the carrot. \ref 305 \id 211052145111100901 \begin 0:10:23 \sp EXPYAN \tx rumahnya Priska bagus, ya, dua, ya? \pho rumahɲa priskah baːgus yah duwa yah \mb rumah -nya Priska bagus ya dua ya \ge house -NYA Priska nice yes two yes \gj house-NYA Priska nice yes two yes \ft your houses are beautiful, right, they are two, right? \ref 306 \id 865682145111100901 \begin 0:10:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-em. \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 307 \id 739453145111100901 \begin 0:10:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx rumahnya Priska bagus, ya, dua, ya? \pho rumahɲa priskah baːgus yah duwaʰ yah \mb rumah -nya Priska bagus ya dua ya \ge house -NYA Priska nice yes two yes \gj house-NYA Priska nice yes two yes \ft your houses are beautiful, right, they are two, right? \nt putting the rest of the pieces of Lego into the bag. \ref 308 \id 498928145111100901 \begin 0:10:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, ntar... ntar kalo makan di sebelah sini, nih. \pho ʔɔ̘ n̩tar n̩tar kalɔ makan di səbəlah sini niːh \mb oh ntar ntar kalo makan di se- belah sini nih \ge EXCL moment moment TOP eat LOC SE- side here this \gj EXCL moment moment TOP eat LOC SE-side here this \ft oh, later... we'll eat on this side. \nt referring to the space in front of the grass. \ref 309 \id 806817145111100901 \begin 0:10:30 \sp OMAPRI \tx hmm. \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft hmm. \ref 310 \id 487473145111100901 \begin 0:10:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx mejanya ntar xx mejanya. \pho mɛjaʔɲa n̩tar xx mɛjaʔɲah \mb meja -nya ntar xx meja -nya \ge table -NYA moment xx table -NYA \gj table-NYA moment xx table-NYA \ft the table later xx the table. \ref 311 \id 881988145111100901 \begin 0:10:32 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 312 \id 294666145111100901 \begin 0:10:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt taking the toy table from the bag. \ref 313 \id 367172145112100901 \begin 0:10:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pretending to cut the carrot and doing it very hard so it produces noise and then putting the carrot into the green pot. \ref 314 \id 380404145112100901 \begin 0:10:37 \sp EXPYAN \tx rumah idaman. \pho rumah ʔidaman \mb rumah idam -an \ge house desire -AN \gj house desire-AN \ft a dreaming house. \nt laughing. \ref 315 \id 467974145112100901 \begin 0:10:39 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 316 \id 756028145112100901 \begin 0:10:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx rumah idaman. \pho rumah ʔidaman \mb rumah idam -an \ge house desire -AN \gj house desire-AN \ft a dreaming house. \ref 317 \id 983275145112100901 \begin 0:10:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, ini Mami bikin parkiran aja deh. \pho ʔɔ iniʰ mamih bikin parkiran ʔaja dɛh \mb oh ini Mami bikin parkir -an aja deh \ge EXCL this mommy make park -AN just DEH \gj EXCL this mommy make park-AN just DEH \ft oh, let me make this into a parking lot. \nt taking the bridge. \ref 318 \id 729827145112100901 \begin 0:10:56 \sp OMAPRI \tx uh, lagi masak. \pho ʔuːʰ lagi masak \mb uh lagi masak \ge EXCL more cook \gj EXCL more cook \ft wow, you are cooking. \ref 319 \id 721104145112100901 \begin 0:10:59 \sp OMAPRI \tx itu apaan itu? \pho ʔitu ʔapaʔan ʔituʰ \mb itu apa -an itu \ge that what -AN that \gj that what-AN that \ft what's that? \nt referring to the paprika. \ref 320 \id 819403145112100901 \begin 0:11:02 \sp OMAPRI \tx potong apa itu? \pho pɔtɔŋ ʔapa ʔituh \mb potong apa itu \ge cut what that \gj cut what that \ft what are you cutting? \ref 321 \id 527977145112100901 \begin 0:11:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx buah. \pho buwaːh \mb buah \ge fruit \gj fruit \ft a fruit. \ref 322 \id 331037145112100901 \begin 0:11:07 \sp OMAPRI \tx buah? \pho buwaːh \mb buah \ge fruit \gj fruit \ft a fruit? \ref 323 \id 547143145112100901 \begin 0:11:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx buah apa? \pho buwah ʔapaːah \mb buah apa \ge fruit what \gj fruit what \ft what fruit? \ref 324 \id 242283145113100901 \begin 0:11:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni sekarang ganti dulu nih. \pho ni səkalaŋ gantiʔ dulu niːh \mb ni sekarang ganti dulu nih \ge this now change before this \gj this now change before this \ft now I change this. \nt putting the spatula on the floor. \ref 325 \id 160249145113100901 \begin 0:11:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho yaːh \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \nt still forming a parking lot. \ref 326 \id 216553145113100901 \begin 0:11:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang inih baju. \pho yaŋ inih bajyuʰ \mb yang inih baju \ge REL this garment \gj REL this garment \ft this ones are clothes. \nt reference unclear because she is taking a soup spoon. \ref 327 \id 620135145113100901 \begin 0:11:14 \sp OMAPRI \tx ha. \pho hãː \mb ha \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 328 \id 327885145113100901 \begin 0:11:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt about to stir the things in the pot. \ref 329 \id 682114145113100901 \begin 0:11:16 \sp OMAPRI \tx rapiin dulu, rapiin dulu! \pho rapiʔin duluʔ rapiʔin duluʔ \mb rapi -in dulu rapi -in dulu \ge neat -IN before neat -IN before \gj neat-IN before neat-IN before \ft make it neat, make it neat! \ref 330 \id 711415145113100901 \begin 0:11:17 \sp OMAPRI \tx buah ni masa ditaro di situ, di panci? \pho buwah niʰ masaʔ ditarɔ di situʰ di panciʔ \mb buah ni masa di- taro di situ di panci \ge fruit this incredible DI- put LOC there LOC pot \gj fruit this incredible DI-put LOC there LOC pot \ft why do you put fruits in the pot? \ref 331 \id 864043145113100901 \begin 0:11:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt holding the soup spoon. \ref 332 \id 191585145113100901 \begin 0:11:21 \sp OMAPRI \tx ha? \pho hãʰ \mb ha \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 333 \id 379660145113100901 \begin 0:11:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx buah kan di... kan buah kan bisa digoreng... \pho buwah kan diːʰ kan buwah kan bisa digɔrɛŋ \mb buah kan di kan buah kan bisa di- goreng \ge fruit KAN LOC KAN fruit KAN can DI- fry \gj fruit KAN LOC KAN fruit KAN can DI-fry \ft fruit is... I can fry fruits... \ref 334 \id 554297145113100901 \begin 0:11:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...ini lain dengan buah dimakan, hmm cm cm. \pho ʔini layin dəŋan buwah dimakan hm hm hm \mb ini lain dengan buah di- makan hmm cm cm \ge this other with fruit DI- eat EXCL IMIT IMIT \gj this other with fruit DI-eat EXCL IMIT IMIT \ft ...this is different from the fruit that I eat, yum yum yum. \nt 1. from her previous utterance. 2. referring to the paprika and pretending to eat fruit. \ref 335 \id 794959145114100901 \begin 0:11:27 \sp OMAPRI \tx he, itu kan boong-boongan. \mb he itu kan boong - boong -an \ge EXCL that KAN lie - lie -AN \gj EXCL that KAN RED.AN-lie \ft hey, that's fake. \ref 336 \id 990793145114100901 \begin 0:11:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt looking at OMA seriously. \ref 337 \id 184229145115100901 \begin 0:11:33 \sp OMAPRI \tx buahnya kan boong-boongan, tapi... yang bener gitu taronya! \mb buah -nya kan boong - boong -an tapi yang bener gitu taro -nya \ge fruit -NYA KAN lie - lie -AN but REL true like.that put -NYA \gj fruit-NYA KAN RED.AN-lie but REL true like.that put-NYA \ft the fruit is fake, but... put it properly! \ref 338 \id 938722145115100901 \begin 0:11:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuːh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft there. \nt still making herself busy making a parking lot. \ref 339 \id 726977145115100901 \begin 0:11:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx sempit, ye! \pho səmpiːt yɛːh \mb sempit ye \ge narrow EXCL \gj narrow EXCL \ft it's narrow, ye! \ref 340 \id 521872145115100901 \begin 0:11:41 \sp OMAPRI \tx cari tempatnya... \pho cari təmpatɲaːh \mb cari tempat -nya \ge look.for place -NYA \gj look.for place-NYA \ft find the place... \ref 341 \id 320973145115100901 \begin 0:11:43 \sp OMAPRI \tx ...mana tempatnya? \pho mana təmpatɲaːh \mb mana tempat -nya \ge which place -NYA \gj which place-NYA \ft ...where is the place? \ref 342 \id 604364145115100901 \begin 0:11:45 \sp OMAPRI \tx di piring. \pho di piriːŋ \mb di piring \ge LOC plate \gj LOC plate \ft on a plate. \ref 343 \id 761179145115100901 \begin 0:11:45 \sp EXPYAN \tx masaknya satu-satu! \mb masak -nya satu - satu \ge cook -NYA one - one \gj cook-NYA RED-one \ft cook them one by one! \ref 344 \id 248175145115100901 \begin 0:11:46 \sp OMAPRI \tx hmm. \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 345 \id 194316145115100901 \begin 0:11:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx belum mateng. \pho bəlum matəːŋ \mb belum mateng \ge not.yet ripe \gj not.yet ripe \ft it's not done yet. \nt stirring the corn, paprika, and carrot in the pot. \ref 346 \id 373556145115100901 \begin 0:11:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx satu-satu dong dimasukin dong! \mb satu - satu dong di- masuk -in dong \ge one - one DONG DI- go.in -IN DONG \gj RED-one DONG DI-go.in-IN DONG \ft put them in one by one! \ref 347 \id 562040145115100901 \begin 0:11:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah, tuh. \pho dah tuh \mb dah tuh \ge PFCT that \gj PFCT that \ft done, look. \nt stops stirring. \ref 348 \id 426956145116100901 \begin 0:11:55 \sp OMAPRI \tx dapurnya yang rapi dong, masa berantakan begitu dapur? \pho dapurɲa yaŋ rapiː dɔŋ masa bərantakan bəgitu dapuːr \mb dapur -nya yang rapi dong masa berantak -an begitu dapur \ge kitchen -NYA REL neat DONG incredible disorder -AN like.that kitchen \gj kitchen-NYA REL neat DONG incredible disorder-AN like.that kitchen \ft the kitchen should be neat, how come that a kitchen is a mess like that? \ref 349 \id 762919145116100901 \begin 0:12:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking the paprika and the corn out of the green pot and putting them on a plate. \ref 350 \id 692934145116100901 \begin 0:12:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mi, makan! \pho mih makaːn \mb Mi makan \ge TRU-mommy eat \gj TRU-mommy eat \ft Mommy, eat them! \nt lifting the plate. \ref 351 \id 768503145116100901 \begin 0:12:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx silakan makan, Mi. \pho silakan makan mih \mb silakan makan Mi \ge please eat TRU-mommy \gj please eat TRU-mommy \ft please eat, Mom. \ref 352 \id 956338145116100901 \begin 0:12:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx sayur apa? \pho sayur ʔapaːh \mb sayur apa \ge vegetable what \gj vegetable what \ft what vegetables? \ref 353 \id 691938145116100901 \begin 0:12:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx wortel. \pho wɔrl̪təl \mb wortel \ge carrot \gj carrot \ft a carrot. \nt taking the corn. \ref 354 \id 218818145116100901 \begin 0:12:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 355 \id 891050145116100901 \begin 0:12:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx wortel. \pho wɔrltəl \mb wortel \ge carrot \gj carrot \ft a carrot. \ref 356 \id 503347145117100901 \begin 0:12:13 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 357 \id 369021145117100901 \begin 0:12:15 \sp OMAPRI \tx kok wor(tel)... apa itu? \pho kɔʔ wɔːr ʔapa ʔituːh \mb kok wortel apa itu \ge KOK carrot what that \gj KOK carrot what that \ft why carrot... what is that? \nt still laughing. \ref 358 \id 847123145117100901 \begin 0:12:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx jagung. \pho jaʰguŋ \mb jagung \ge corn \gj corn \ft corn. \ref 359 \id 223552145117100901 \begin 0:12:18 \sp OMAPRI \tx ha, ha. \pho haːʰ haːa \mb ha ha \ge uh-huh IMIT \gj uh-huh IMIT \ft uh-huh, ha. \nt laughing. \ref 360 \id 344365145117100901 \begin 0:12:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx apa? \pho ʔapaːh \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 361 \id 598746140345110901 \begin 0:12:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx jagung. \pho jaːguŋ \mb jagung \ge corn \gj corn \ft corn. \ref 362 \id 463125145117100901 \begin 0:12:20 \sp OMAPRI \tx nah. \pho naːh \mb nah \ge NAH \gj NAH \ft there you go. \ref 363 \id 255918145118100901 \begin 0:12:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ː \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 364 \id 722311145118100901 \begin 0:12:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx jagung. \pho jaguŋ \mb jagung \ge corn \gj corn \ft corn. \nt giving the corn to MOT. \ref 365 \id 403563145118100901 \begin 0:12:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx jagung apa? \pho jaguŋ ʔapah \mb jagung apa \ge corn what \gj corn what \ft what corn? \nt receiving the corn from CHI. \ref 366 \id 905306145118100901 \begin 0:12:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx rebus? \pho rəbusː \mb rebus \ge boil \gj boil \ft boiled one? \ref 367 \id 694789145118100901 \begin 0:12:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 368 \id 441668145118100901 \begin 0:12:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt pretending to eat the corn. \ref 369 \id 531064145118100901 \begin 0:12:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx Oma. \pho ʔɔmah \mb Oma \ge grandma \gj grandma \ft Grandma. \ref 370 \id 579769134238110901 \begin 0:12:30 \sp OMAPRI \tx ya. \pho yah \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah. \ref 371 \id 917141145119100901 \begin 0:12:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt showing the paprika to OMA. \ref 372 \id 707381145119100901 \begin 0:12:32 \sp OMAPRI \tx apa itu? \pho ʔapa ʔituːh \mb apa itu \ge what that \gj what that \ft what's that? \ref 373 \id 577784145119100901 \begin 0:12:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx buah. \pho buwaːh \mb buah \ge fruit \gj fruit \ft fruit. \ref 374 \id 424655145119100901 \begin 0:12:34 \sp OMAPRI \tx buah apa? \pho buwah ʔapaːh \mb buah apa \ge fruit what \gj fruit what \ft what fruit? \ref 375 \id 797597145119100901 \begin 0:12:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt giving the paprika to OMA. \ref 376 \id 327694145119100901 \begin 0:12:36 \sp OMAPRI \tx makasih. \pho makasiːh \mb makasih \ge thank.you \gj thank.you \ft thanks. \nt receiving the paprika from CHI. \ref 377 \id 161861145119100901 \begin 0:12:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx buah apa itu? \pho buwah ʔapa ʔituh \mb buah apa itu \ge fruit what that \gj fruit what that \ft what fruit is that? \ref 378 \id 310030145119100901 \begin 0:12:38 \sp OMAPRI \tx apa, ya, ini? \pho ʔapa yah ʔinih \mb apa ya ini \ge what yes this \gj what yes this \ft what's this? \ref 379 \id 286963145120100901 \begin 0:12:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx paprika. \pho paprikaːʔ \mb paprika \ge paprika \gj paprika \ft paprika. \ref 380 \id 491003145120100901 \begin 0:12:42 \sp OMAPRI \tx oh, paprika, cabe... cabe. \pho ʔɔ paprika cabɛʔ cabɛʔ \mb oh paprika cabe cabe \ge EXCL paprika chili.pepper chili.pepper \gj EXCL paprika chili.pepper chili.pepper \ft oh, paprika... chili... chili. \ref 381 \id 806619145120100901 \begin 0:12:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt putting the corn into the green pot. \ref 382 \id 769572145120100901 \begin 0:12:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx ih, kan udah selesai masaknya. \pho ʔih kan ʔudah sələsay masakɲah \mb ih kan udah selesai masak -nya \ge EXCL KAN PFCT finish cook -NYA \gj EXCL KAN PFCT finish cook-NYA \ft ugh, I have cooked it. \nt taking the corn and putting it on the floor. \ref 383 \id 923082145120100901 \begin 0:12:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, iya. \pho ʔɔh ʔiːyah \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, right. \ref 384 \id 502022134803110901 \begin 0:12:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt breathing in and holding the carrot. \ref 385 \id 656661145120100901 \begin 0:12:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus? \pho tərusː \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft what else? \ref 386 \id 426490145120100901 \begin 0:12:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt exhaling. \ref 387 \id 130373145120100901 \begin 0:12:51 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 388 \id 295169145120100901 \begin 0:12:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx kamu, itu buat kamu... \pho kamu ʔitu bwat kamuːʰ \mb kamu itu buat kamu \ge 2 that for 2 \gj 2 that for 2 \ft you, that's for you... \ref 389 \id 722588145120100901 \begin 0:12:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt putting the carrot on her mouth. \ref 390 \id 557731145121100901 \begin 0:12:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 391 \id 894622145121100901 \begin 0:12:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx mo Yakultnya lagi, nggak? \pho mɔʔ yakutɲa lagi ŋgaːʔ \mb mo Yakult -nya lagi nggak \ge want Yakult -NYA more NEG \gj want Yakult-NYA more NEG \ft do you still want the Yakult? \ref 392 \id 229900145121100901 \begin 0:12:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 393 \id 847225145121100901 \begin 0:12:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt showing the bottle of Yakult to CHI. \ref 394 \id 126445145121100901 \begin 0:12:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 395 \id 862460145122100901 \begin 0:13:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt drinking the Yakult. \ref 396 \id 591549145122100901 \begin 0:13:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pretending to eat and making sounds. \ref 397 \id 486222145122100901 \begin 0:13:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx habis. \pho habisː \mb habis \ge finished \gj finished \ft it's finished. \ref 398 \id 548896145122100901 \begin 0:13:06 \sp OMAPRI \tx abis? \pho ʔabisː \mb abis \ge finished \gj finished \ft it's finished? \ref 399 \id 919161145122100901 \begin 0:13:08 \sp OMAPRI \tx sayur wortelnya diapain sih? \pho sayur wɔrtəlɲa diʔapaʔin siːh \mb sayur wortel -nya di- apa -in sih \ge vegetable carrot -NYA DI- what -IN SIH \gj vegetable carrot-NYA DI-what-IN SIH \ft what are you cooking with the carrot? \ref 400 \id 461081145122100901 \begin 0:13:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx... \pho yuʔpaːpanih \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt saying it melodiously. \ref 401 \id 995344145122100901 \begin 0:13:12 \sp OMAPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 402 \id 170836145122100901 \begin 0:13:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...sembari makan. \pho səbaːliː maːkaːn \mb sembari makan \ge while eat \gj while eat \ft ...while eating. \nt 1. saying it melodiously. 2. taking a plate and a spoon. \ref 403 \id 850135145122100901 \begin 0:13:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih. \pho niːh \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt taking a toy car out of the garage. \ref 404 \id 433170145123100901 \begin 0:13:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx tet, dia mo pergi ke restoran nih. \pho tɛ̃ːt dya mɔ pərgi kə rɛstɔran nih \mb tet dia mo pergi ke restoran nih \ge IMIT 3 want go to restaurant this \gj IMIT 3 want go to restaurant this \ft vroom, he is going to the restaurant. \nt making the toy car with a toy man on it move closer to CHI. \ref 405 \id 799281145123100901 \begin 0:13:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pretending to eat and then stops. \ref 406 \id 741652145124100901 \begin 0:13:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx dia turun nih. \pho dya tuːrun nih \mb dia turun nih \ge 3 go.down this \gj 3 go.down this \ft he is going off. \nt making the toy man get off the car. \ref 407 \id 562752145125100901 \begin 0:13:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx apa? \pho ʔapaːh \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what can I do for you? \nt whispering to the toy man. \ref 408 \id 693996153216100901 \begin 0:13:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'saya mau makan.' \pho saya maw makanː \mb saya mau makan \ge 1SG want eat \gj 1SG want eat \ft 'I want to eat.' \nt pretending to be the toy man. \ref 409 \id 614560153217100901 \begin 0:13:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx makan apa? \pho makan ʔapah \mb makan apa \ge eat what \gj eat what \ft what do you want to eat? \ref 410 \id 229446153217100901 \begin 0:13:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'bikinin saya Knorr!' \pho bikinin saya kənɔːr \mb bikin -in saya Knorr \ge make -IN 1SG Knorr \gj make-IN 1SG Knorr \ft 'make Knorr for me, please!' \nt Knorr is a brand of instant food and flavor. \ref 411 \id 412178153217100901 \begin 0:13:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak ada. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔadaːʔ \mb nggak ada \ge NEG exist \gj NEG exist \ft I don't have it. \ref 412 \id 797916153217100901 \begin 0:13:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'abis adanya apa?' \pho ʔabis ʔadaɲah ʔapaːh \mb abis ada -nya apa \ge finished exist -NYA what \gj finished exist-NYA what \ft 'so, what do you have?' \ref 413 \id 292412153217100901 \begin 0:13:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx (a)danya jagung. \pho daʔɲa jagʰuŋ \mb ada -nya jagung \ge exist -NYA corn \gj exist-NYA corn \ft I have corn. \ref 414 \id 274886153217100901 \begin 0:13:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... \pho ʔə̃ː \mb eee \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 415 \id 923418153217100901 \begin 0:13:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'sop jagung, bisa?' \pho sɔp jaguŋ bisaːʔ \mb sop jagung bisa \ge soup corn can \gj soup corn can \ft 'can you make corn soup?' \ref 416 \id 916941153217100901 \begin 0:13:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak ada sop jagung, (a)danya jagung doang. \pho ŋgaʔ adaʔ sɔp jaguŋ daʔɲa jaguŋ dɔːwaŋ \mb nggak ada sop jagung ada -nya jagung doang \ge NEG exist soup corn exist -NYA corn just \gj NEG exist soup corn exist-NYA corn just \ft I don't have corn soup, I only have the corn. \ref 417 \id 950930153217100901 \begin 0:13:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'abis, jagungnya diapain?' \pho ʔabis jaguŋɲah diʔapaʔiːn \mb abis jagung -nya di- apa -in \ge finished corn -NYA DI- what -IN \gj finished corn-NYA DI-what-IN \ft 'so, what are you cooking with the corn?' \ref 418 \id 703194153217100901 \begin 0:13:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx jagungnya dipotong dulu, baru direbus. \pho jaguŋɲah dipɔtoŋ duluʔ balu dilɛbusː \mb jagung -nya di- potong dulu baru di- rebus \ge corn -NYA DI- cut before new DI- boil \gj corn-NYA DI-cut before new DI-boil \ft I cut the corn and then I boil it. \ref 419 \id 401515153217100901 \begin 0:13:51 \sp OMAPRI \tx hmm. \pho hm \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft hmm. \ref 420 \id 683959153217100901 \begin 0:13:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'direbus?' \pho dirəbuːs \mb di- rebus \ge DI- boil \gj DI-boil \ft 'boil it?' \ref 421 \id 226081153218100901 \begin 0:13:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'ya, saya mau, ya?' \pho yah saya maw yaːh \mb ya saya mau ya \ge yes 1SG want yes \gj yes 1SG want yes \ft 'okay, I want it, okay?' \ref 422 \id 561792153218100901 \begin 0:14:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pretending to cut the corn on the chopping, putting it into the green pot and putting the knife on the chopping block. \ref 423 \id 748923153218100901 \begin 0:14:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'trus, apa lagi, ada apa lagi?' \pho tr̩us ʔapa lagiːʰ ʔada ʔapa lagiːʰ \mb trus apa lagi ada apa lagi \ge continue what more exist what more \gj continue what more exist what more \ft 'then, what else do you have?' \ref 424 \id 377482153218100901 \begin 0:14:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'kalo susu, ada nggak, susu?' \pho kalɔ susuʔ ʔada ŋgaʔ susuːʔ \mb kalo susu ada nggak susu \ge TOP milk exist NEG milk \gj TOP milk exist NEG milk \ft 'do you have milk?' \ref 425 \id 845492153218100901 \begin 0:14:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx ada. \pho ʔadaːʔ \mb ada \ge exist \gj exist \ft yes. \ref 426 \id 698617153218100901 \begin 0:14:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'saya mo minum susu, dong.' \pho saya mɔ minum susuːʔ dɔːŋ \mb saya mo minum susu dong \ge 1SG want drink milk DONG \gj 1SG want drink milk DONG \ft 'I want to drink milk, please.' \ref 427 \id 881211153218100901 \begin 0:14:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh? \pho həçh \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \nt making her two palm facing up. \ref 428 \id 732325153218100901 \begin 0:14:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni... xx ambilin. \pho niːh xx ʔambilin \mb ni xx ambil -in \ge this xx take -IN \gj this xx take-IN \ft this... xx take it. \nt tapping her chest with her two hands. \ref 429 \id 402080153218100901 \begin 0:14:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx mana sih, susunya... mana? \pho manʰ siːh susuʔɲah̩ manah \mb mana sih susu -nya mana \ge which SIH milk -NYA which \gj which SIH milk-NYA which \ft where is the milk? \nt looking for the toy milk box. \ref 430 \id 279052153218100901 \begin 0:14:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx ilang. \pho ʔiːlaːŋ \mb ilang \ge disappear \gj disappear \ft it disappears. \ref 431 \id 738336153218100901 \begin 0:14:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx ilang. \pho ʔilaːŋ \mb ilang \ge disappear \gj disappear \ft it disappears. \nt looking at MOT. \ref 432 \id 639574153219100901 \begin 0:14:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'heh?' \pho hə̃ːh \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 433 \id 344676153219100901 \begin 0:14:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx ilang. \pho ʔiːlaːŋ \mb ilang \ge disappear \gj disappear \ft it disappears. \ref 434 \id 279720153219100901 \begin 0:14:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'nggak ada juga, ya?' \pho ŋgaʔ ʔada juːga yaːh \mb nggak ada juga ya \ge NEG exist also yes \gj NEG exist also yes \ft 'you don't have it, either, do you?' \ref 435 \id 271611153219100901 \begin 0:14:32 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini bubuknya. \pho ʔiniʰ bubukɲah \mb ini bubuk -nya \ge this powder -NYA \gj this powder-NYA \ft this is the powder. \nt giving the toy milk box to CHI. \ref 436 \id 773812153219100901 \begin 0:14:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni. \pho nih \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft this. \nt taking the box. \ref 437 \id 175281153219100901 \begin 0:14:34 \sp EXPYAN \tx dibikin di sini nih. \pho dibikin di sini nih \mb di- bikin di sini nih \ge DI- make LOC here this \gj DI-make LOC here this \ft make it here. \nt referring to the tea pot. \ref 438 \id 859221153219100901 \begin 0:14:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni. \pho niːʰ \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft this. \nt touching a glass. \ref 439 \id 147908153219100901 \begin 0:14:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni, ya? \pho ni yah \mb ni ya \ge this yes \gj this yes \ft this one, okay? \nt taking the glass. \ref 440 \id 702500153219100901 \begin 0:14:39 \sp EXPYAN \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 441 \id 430424153219100901 \begin 0:14:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx sst. \pho sːːt \mb sst \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ssh. \nt pretending to pour the milk from the box into the glass. \ref 442 \id 554854153219100901 \begin 0:14:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt humming, putting the milk box on the floor and taking the tea pot. \ref 443 \id 251466153220100901 \begin 0:14:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx sst. \pho sːːt \mb sst \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ssh. \nt pretending to pour water from the tea pot into the glass and then putting the tea pot on the floor. \ref 444 \id 597665153220100901 \begin 0:14:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah abis tu makannya. \pho ʔuda ʔabis tuh makanɲaːh \mb udah abis tu makan -nya \ge PFCT finished that eat -NYA \gj PFCT finished that eat-NYA \ft he has finished eating. \nt 1. referring to the toy man. 2. using a spoon, pretending to stir the milk in the glass. \ref 445 \id 680768153220100901 \begin 0:14:53 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt coughing. \ref 446 \id 587263153220100901 \begin 0:14:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx sekarang minum susu, ya? \pho səkaraŋ minum susuʔ yaːh \mb sekarang minum susu ya \ge now drink milk yes \gj now drink milk yes \ft he is now drinking milk, right? \nt forgets that she is pretending to be the toy man. \ref 447 \id 453360153220100901 \begin 0:14:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt tapping the spoon on the glass. \ref 448 \id 828198153220100901 \begin 0:14:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx manis, nggak, susunya? \pho manis ŋgaːʔ susuʔɲaːh \mb manis nggak susu -nya \ge sweet NEG milk -NYA \gj sweet NEG milk-NYA \ft is the milk sweet? \ref 449 \id 753625153220100901 \begin 0:15:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya, manis. \pho ʔiya maːniːs \mb iya manis \ge yes sweet \gj yes sweet \ft yeah, it's sweet. \ref 450 \id 201460153220100901 \begin 0:15:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx seperti apa? \pho səpərti ʔaːpaːh \mb seperti apa \ge like what \gj like what \ft like what? \ref 451 \id 746968153220100901 \begin 0:15:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih, minum. \pho niːh minum \mb nih minum \ge this drink \gj this drink \ft here, have a drink. \nt putting the glass in front of the toy man. \ref 452 \id 819547153220100901 \begin 0:15:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'saya minumnya begimana, ya?' \pho saya minumɲah bəgimanaː yaːh \mb saya minum -nya begimana ya \ge 1SG drink -NYA how yes \gj 1SG drink-NYA how yes \ft 'how do I drink, huh?' \nt holding the toy man and pretending to be the him again. \ref 453 \id 254727153220100901 \begin 0:15:09 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 454 \id 500235153220100901 \begin 0:15:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'nyemplung aja deh.' \pho ɲəmpluŋ ʔaja dɛːh \mb ny- cemplung aja deh \ge N- plunge just DEH \gj N-plunge just DEH \ft 'I just plunge into it.' \nt putting the toy man into the glass. \ref 455 \id 258454153221100901 \begin 0:15:12 \sp OMAPRI \tx masa nyemplung? \pho masa ɲəmpluːŋ \mb masa ny- cemplung \ge incredible N- plunge \gj incredible N-plunge \ft why do you have to plunge into it? \ref 456 \id 148099153221100901 \begin 0:15:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx mandi susu. \pho mandi susuːʔ \mb mandi susu \ge bathe milk \gj bathe milk \ft I am having a milk bath. \ref 457 \id 308962153221100901 \begin 0:15:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'hmm hmm.' \pho hm ʔhm \mb hmm hmm \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft 'yum yum.' \nt holding the toy man and pretending to be the toy man. \ref 458 \id 335919153221100901 \begin 0:15:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'cm cm.' \pho cm cm \mb cm cm \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft 'yum yum.' \nt pretending to be the toy man. \ref 459 \id 704236153221100901 \begin 0:15:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'dah, kenyang.' \pho dah kəɲaŋ \mb dah kenyang \ge PFCT sated \gj PFCT sated \ft 'okay, I am full.' \ref 460 \id 818784153221100901 \begin 0:15:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx mandi air. \pho mandi ʔayiːl \mb mandi air \ge bathe water \gj bathe water \ft water bathing. \nt putting the toy man into the glass. \ref 461 \id 928279153221100901 \begin 0:15:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx mandi air? \pho mandi ʔayir \mb mandi air \ge bathe water \gj bathe water \ft water bathing? \nt forgets that she is pretending to be the toy man. \ref 462 \id 715615153221100901 \begin 0:15:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft okay. \nt taking the toy man out of the glass and putting it on the floor. \ref 463 \id 357118153221100901 \begin 0:15:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'dah kenyang.' \pho dah kəɲaŋ \mb dah kenyang \ge PFCT sated \gj PFCT sated \ft 'okay, I am full.' \ref 464 \id 592087153221100901 \begin 0:15:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx kenyang, Mi. \pho kəɲaŋ miːh \mb kenyang Mi \ge sated TRU-mommy \gj sated TRU-mommy \ft he is full, Mom. \ref 465 \id 529811153221100901 \begin 0:15:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'terima kasih, ya?' \pho tr̩ima kasiːʰ yah \mb terima kasih ya \ge receive compassion yes \gj receive compassion yes \ft 'thanks, okay?' \ref 466 \id 546154153221100901 \begin 0:15:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx kas(ih)... ya. \pho kasː yah \mb kasih ya \ge compassion yes \gj compassion yes \ft thanks... yeah. \ref 467 \id 725907153222100901 \begin 0:15:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'nanti saya panggil... panggil...' \pho nanti saya paŋgiːl paŋgiːl \mb nanti saya panggil panggil \ge later 1SG call call \gj later 1SG call call \ft 'I'll call... call...' \nt making the toy man get on the car. \ref 468 \id 530722153222100901 \begin 0:15:27 \sp EXPYAN \tx hey, belum bayar. \pho hɛy bəlum bayaːr \mb hey belum bayar \ge hey not.yet pay \gj hey not.yet pay \ft hey, you haven't paid. \ref 469 \id 555657153222100901 \begin 0:15:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'oh, iya, berapa, ya?' \pho ʔɔː ʔiːyah bərapa yaːh \mb oh iya berapa ya \ge EXCL yes how.much yes \gj EXCL yes how.much yes \ft 'oh, right, how much is it?' \ref 470 \id 241495153222100901 \begin 0:15:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx dua ribu. \pho duwa ribuʔ \mb dua ribu \ge two thousand \gj two thousand \ft two thousands. \nt 1. pretending to take money and giving the money to the toy man. 2. should have pretended to pay because in the game, she is the seller. \ref 471 \id 421420153222100901 \begin 0:15:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'ni, nih, saya yang kasi kamu.' \pho ni nih saya yaŋ kasih kaːmuʰ \mb ni nih saya yang kasi kamu \ge this this 1SG REL give 2 \gj this this 1SG REL give 2 \ft 'here, I am the one who pays you.' \nt pretending to be the man and giving money to CHI. \ref 472 \id 421723153222100901 \begin 0:15:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt making a clicking sound. \ref 473 \id 116526153222100901 \begin 0:15:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'makasih, ya?' \pho makasih yaːh \mb makasih ya \ge thank.you yes \gj thank.you yes \ft 'thanks, okay?' \nt putting the toy man into the car. \ref 474 \id 654313153222100901 \begin 0:15:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah. \ref 475 \id 551350153222100901 \begin 0:15:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx da da. \pho da daːh \mb da da \ge bye bye \gj bye bye \ft bye bye. \nt making the car move back to the garage. \ref 476 \id 755579153222100901 \begin 0:15:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'sampe... xx parkir.' \pho saːmpɛʔ xx parkiːr \mb sampe xx parkir \ge arrive xx park \gj arrive xx park \ft 'I am arriving... xx parking.' \ref 477 \id 639023153222100901 \begin 0:15:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx sst... dah. \pho sst daːh \mb sst dah \ge IMIT PFCT \gj IMIT PFCT \ft sst... done. \nt parking the car and imitating the sound of a car moving backward. \ref 478 \id 971179153223100901 \begin 0:15:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt clapping her hands. \ref 479 \id 828398153223100901 \begin 0:15:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'masuk ke rumah, mo masuk ke rumah.' \pho masuk kə rumah mɔ masuk kə rumah \mb masuk ke rumah mo masuk ke rumah \ge go.in to house want go.in to house \gj go.in to house want go.in to house \ft 'I am going into the house, I am going into the house.' \ref 480 \id 502920153223100901 \begin 0:15:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx wah, ininya kebalitan. \pho wah ʔiniɲa kəbalitan \mb wah ini -nya kebalitan \ge EXCL this -NYA xx \gj EXCL this-NYA xx \ft wow, this is 'kebalitan'. \nt 1. forgets that she is pretending to be the toy man. 2. "kebalitan" might be a case of slip of the tongue and there is a possibility that she wants to say "terbalik". \ref 481 \id 397896153223100901 \begin 0:15:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 482 \id 144603153223100901 \begin 0:15:52 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 483 \id 943504153223100901 \begin 0:15:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'kebalitan.' \pho kəbalitan \mb kebalitan \ge xx \gj xx \ft 'kebalitan.' \nt 1. repeating MOT's word. 2. "kebalitan" might be a case of slip of the tongue and there is a possibility that she wants to say "terbalik". \ref 484 \id 993976153223100901 \begin 0:15:56 \sp OMAPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah. \ref 485 \id 584024153223100901 \begin 0:15:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx duduk di teras. \pho duduk di tɛras \mb duduk di teras \ge sit LOC terrace \gj sit LOC terrace \ft he is sitting on the terrace. \nt putting the toy man on the grass. \ref 486 \id 901962153223100901 \begin 0:16:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx aduh, dingin sekali. \pho ʔaduːh diŋin səkaliːh \mb aduh dingin se- kali \ge EXCL cold SE- very \gj EXCL cold SE-very \ft wow, it's very cold. \ref 487 \id 303683153224100901 \begin 0:16:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx siapa yang naro AC, ya? \pho syapa yaŋ nalɔ ʔaːsɛ yaːh \mb siapa yang n- taro AC ya \ge who REL N- put air.conditioner yes \gj who REL N-put air.conditioner yes \ft who put the air conditioner, huh? \ref 488 \id 705839153224100901 \begin 0:16:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx ACnya bukan di situ, ACnya di sini, nih. \pho ʔasɛɲa bukan di situːʰ ʔasɛɲah di sini nih \mb AC -nya bukan di situ AC -nya di sini nih \ge air.conditioner -NYA NEG LOC there air.conditioner -NYA LOC here this \gj air.conditioner-NYA NEG LOC there air.conditioner-NYA LOC here this \ft the air conditioner is not there, it is here. \nt taking the imaginary air conditioner and putting it on the roof of one of the houses. \ref 489 \id 760736153224100901 \begin 0:16:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx ACnya nggak bisa di situ. \pho ʔaseːɲah ŋgaʔ bisa di situːʰ \mb AC -nya nggak bisa di situ \ge air.conditioner -NYA NEG can LOC there \gj air.conditioner-NYA NEG can LOC there \ft the air conditioner cannot be there. \ref 490 \id 918298153224100901 \begin 0:16:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt moving the imaginary air conditioner to the roof of the other house. \ref 491 \id 355211153225100901 \begin 0:16:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx ye, nggak bisa di situ, nggak bisa... \pho yɛː ŋgaʔ bisa di situʰ ŋgaʔ buisa \mb ye nggak bisa di situ nggak bisa \ge EXCL NEG can LOC there NEG can \gj EXCL NEG can LOC there NEG can \ft hey, it can't be there, it can't... \ref 492 \id 948148153225100901 \begin 0:16:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, tuh, bisa tuh. \pho tu tuh bisaʔ tuh \mb tuh tuh bisa tuh \ge that that can that \gj that that can that \ft look, look, it is there. \nt putting the imaginary air conditioner on the roof. \ref 493 \id 750315153225100901 \begin 0:16:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx ye, di sini. \pho yɛː di siːniːh \mb ye di sini \ge EXCL LOC here \gj EXCL LOC here \ft hey, it's here. \nt taking the imaginary air conditioner and putting it on a tree. \ref 494 \id 363835153225100901 \begin 0:16:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx ih! \pho ʔih \mb ih \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ugh! \ref 495 \id 989825153225100901 \begin 0:16:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx kena, di situ. \pho kəːnaʔ di situːh \mb kena di situ \ge undergo LOC there \gj undergo LOC there \ft it is felt over there. \ref 496 \id 108727153225100901 \begin 0:16:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx mana bisa taro di situ! \pho manaː bisa tarɔ di situːʰ \mb mana bisa taro di situ \ge which can put LOC there \gj which can put LOC there \ft how come do you put it there! \ref 497 \id 984943153225100901 \begin 0:16:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx AC kan mestinya di rumah. \pho ʔasɛ kan musiɲa di ruːmaːh \mb AC kan mesti -nya di rumah \ge air.conditioner KAN should -NYA LOC house \gj air.conditioner KAN should-NYA LOC house \ft an air conditioner should be at home. \ref 498 \id 853647153225100901 \begin 0:16:27 \sp OMAPRI \tx AC di dalem rumah, dong, masa di atas pohon. \pho ʔasɛ di daləm ruːmah dɔŋ masa di ʔatas pɔhɔn \mb AC di dalem rumah dong masa di atas pohon \ge air.conditioner LOC inside house DONG incredible LOC up tree \gj air.conditioner LOC inside house DONG incredible LOC up tree \ft an air conditioner is in the house, not on a tree. \ref 499 \id 966267153225100901 \begin 0:16:31 \sp EXPYAN \tx coba deh, Pris, di sinih... \pho cɔba dɛ pris di sinih \mb coba deh Pris di sinih \ge try DEH Priska LOC here \gj try DEH Priska LOC here \ft let see, Priska, over here... \nt interrupted by CHI. \ref 500 \id 178426153225100901 \begin 0:16:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx huh, siapa yang dingin? \pho huh syapa yaŋ diːŋin \mb huh siapa yang dingin \ge EXCL who REL cold \gj EXCL who REL cold \ft huh, who feels cold? \ref 501 \id 623749153225100901 \begin 0:16:34 \sp EXPYAN \tx ...mungkin bisa. \pho muŋkin bisaʔ \mb mungkin bisa \ge possible can \gj possible can \ft ...maybe possible. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 502 \id 775730153226100901 \begin 0:16:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx ho, nggak dingin sekali. \pho hɔh ŋgaʔ diŋin səkaːliːʰ \mb ho nggak dingin se- kali \ge EXCL NEG cold SE- very \gj EXCL NEG cold SE-very \ft ho, it's not very cold. \ref 503 \id 919641153226100901 \begin 0:16:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak kena orang di situ. \pho ŋgaʔ kəna ʔɔlaŋ diː siːtuʰ \mb nggak kena orang di situ \ge NEG undergo person LOC there \gj NEG undergo person LOC there \ft the men won't feel it if you put it over there. \nt taking the imaginary air conditioner and putting it on a tree. \ref 504 \id 324681153226100901 \begin 0:16:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx ye! \pho yɛː \mb ye \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ye! \ref 505 \id 826349153226100901 \begin 0:16:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx AC alam itu sih. \pho ʔasɛʔ ʔaːlam ʔitu siːh \mb AC alam itu sih \ge air.conditioner nature that SIH \gj air.conditioner nature that SIH \ft that's natural air conditioner. \ref 506 \id 275495153226100901 \begin 0:16:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'aku juga duduk, ah.' \pho ʔaku juga duduk ʔaːh \mb aku juga duduk ah \ge 1SG also sit AH \gj 1SG also sit AH \ft 'I want to sit.' \nt taking the toy man, pretending to be the toy man, and making it sit. \ref 507 \id 363787153226100901 \begin 0:16:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx, kok dingin sekali? \pho xx kɔ diŋin səkaːliːʰ \mb xx kok dingin se- kali \ge xx KOK cold SE- very \gj xx KOK cold SE-very \ft xx, why is it cold? \ref 508 \id 186072153226100901 \begin 0:16:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx siapa yang naro AC, ya? \pho syapa yaŋ narɔ ʔaːsɛː yaːh \mb siapa yang n- taro AC ya \ge who REL N- put air.conditioner yes \gj who REL N-put air.conditioner yes \ft who put the air conditioner, huh? \ref 509 \id 427806153226100901 \begin 0:16:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx oh, yang main enjot-enjotan, toh. \pho ʔɔː yaŋ mayin ʔənjɔtʔənjɔtan tɔːh \mb oh yang main enjot - enjot -an toh \ge EXCL REL play pedal - pedal -AN TOH \gj EXCL REL play RED.AN-pedal TOH \ft oh, the ones who are playing seesaw. \nt saying it in a very mature intonation. \ref 510 \id 654004153226100901 \begin 0:17:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx hey, siapa yang naro AC di situ? \pho hɛy syapa yaŋ nalɔ ʔasɛ di siːtuh \mb hey siapa yang n- taro AC di situ \ge hey who REL N- put air.conditioner LOC there \gj hey who REL N-put air.conditioner LOC there \ft hey, who put the air conditioner over there? \nt changing her voice in such as way, as if she were an adult trying to find out which kid made a mistake. \ref 511 \id 209753142832120901 \begin 0:17:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx saya jadi kedinginan. \pho saya jadi kədiŋinan \mb saya jadi ke an dingin \ge 1SG become KE AN cold \gj 1SG become KE.AN-cold \ft I am feeling cold. \ref 512 \id 756534153226100901 \begin 0:17:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx ngapain? \pho ŋapayin \mb ng- apa -in \ge N- what -IN \gj N-what-IN \ft what are you doing? \ref 513 \id 483243153226100901 \begin 0:17:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx jelek. \pho jəlɛk \mb jelek \ge bad \gj bad \ft you are not nice. \ref 514 \id 886012153227100901 \begin 0:17:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx ditaro... dilepas aja, ya? \pho ditarɔ diləpas ʔaja yaːh \mb di- taro di- lepas aja ya \ge DI- put DI- come.off just yes \gj DI-put DI-come.off just yes \ft I take it... just take it off, okay? \nt referring to the air conditioner. \ref 515 \id 431049153227100901 \begin 0:17:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan panas. \pho kan paːnaːs \mb kan panas \ge KAN hot \gj KAN hot \ft it's hot. \ref 516 \id 259151153227100901 \begin 0:17:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, panas. \pho ʔoː panaːs \mb oh panas \ge EXCL hot \gj EXCL hot \ft oh, it's hot. \ref 517 \id 169426153227100901 \begin 0:17:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx di lu(ar)... kalo di luar nggak pake AC, ada udara lewat, syu, syu, swing, swing. \pho di lu kalɔ di luwar ŋgaʔ pakɛʔ ʔasɛ ʔada ʔudara lɛwat syuː syuː swiŋː swiŋː \mb di luar kalo di luar nggak pake AC ada udara lewat syu syu swing swing \ge LOC out TOP LOC out NEG use air.conditioner exist air go.by IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj LOC out TOP LOC out NEG use air.conditioner exist air go.by IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft outside... we don't use an air conditioner outside, there's air passing by buzz, buzz, swing, swing. \ref 518 \id 552822153227100901 \begin 0:17:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx bunyinya mana? \pho buɲiɲah manah \mb bunyi -nya mana \ge sound -NYA which \gj sound-NYA which \ft where is the sound? \nt referring to the electrical organ. \ref 519 \id 289977153227100901 \begin 0:17:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx tu xx ambil, ambil di dalam sana. \pho tu xx ʔambil ʔambil di dalam sanaʰ \mb tu xx ambil ambil di dalam sana \ge that xx take take LOC inside there \gj that xx take take LOC inside there \ft take it, take it in there. \nt referring to the bedroom. \ref 520 \id 751829153227100901 \begin 0:17:32 \sp OMAPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 521 \id 613283153227100901 \begin 0:17:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx bunyi angin gimana? \pho buɲi ʔaŋin gimanah \mb bunyi angin gimana \ge sound wind how \gj sound wind how \ft how does the wind go? \ref 522 \id 373723153227100901 \begin 0:17:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx dalam sini. \pho dalam siniʰ \mb dalam sini \ge inside here \gj inside here \ft inside here. \nt talking to OMA. \ref 523 \id 677730153227100901 \begin 0:17:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx cik. \pho ciːːk \mb cik \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft cik. \nt inventing the sound of air. \ref 524 \id 824381153227100901 \begin 0:17:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak pa-pa... \pho ŋgaʔ papah \mb nggak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft that's okay... \nt 1. putting s.t. on the roof of one of the houses. 2. interrupted by MOT. \ref 525 \id 487443153228100901 \begin 0:17:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah. \pho naːh \mb nah \ge NAH \gj NAH \ft there you go. \ref 526 \id 367437153228100901 \begin 0:17:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx di mana? \pho di manah \mb di mana \ge LOC which \gj LOC which \ft where do I put it? \ref 527 \id 324401153228100901 \begin 0:17:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx situ, di situ, betul, di atas sini nih. \pho situ di situʰ bətuːl di ʔatas sini nih \mb situ di situ betul di atas sini nih \ge there LOC there right LOC up here this \gj there LOC there right LOC up here this \ft there, over there, that's right, on here. \ref 528 \id 615220153228100901 \begin 0:17:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx ntar. \pho n̩tar \mb ntar \ge moment \gj moment \ft a minute. \nt taking s.t. from CHI and trying to put it on the roof. \ref 529 \id 514696153229100901 \begin 0:17:46 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt giving a small electronic organ to CHI. \ref 530 \id 306460153229100901 \begin 0:17:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx nah, nih. \pho naːh nih \mb nah nih \ge NAH this \gj NAH this \ft there we go, here. \nt receiving the electronic organ from OMA. \ref 531 \id 587260153229100901 \begin 0:17:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx gimana, bunyi anginnya gimana? \pho gimanah buɲi ʔaŋinɲa gimanah \mb gimana bunyi angin -nya gimana \ge how sound wind -NYA how \gj how sound wind-NYA how \ft how does the wind go? \ref 532 \id 392643153229100901 \begin 0:17:52 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt CHI pressing a button of the electronic organ and the sound of wind comes out. \ref 533 \id 958038153229100901 \begin 0:17:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, iya. \pho ʔɔh ʔiːyah \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, right. \ref 534 \id 715445120732120901 \begin 0:17:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, iya. \pho ʔɔh ʔiːyah \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, right. \ref 535 \id 467536153229100901 \begin 0:17:57 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt CHI is still pressing a button of the electronic organ. \ref 536 \id 593736153229100901 \begin 0:17:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, kan, nggak usah pake AC kan kalo di luar. \pho tuːh kan ŋgaʔ ʔusah pakɛ ʔasɛː kan kalɔ di luwaːr \mb tuh kan nggak usah pake AC kan kalo di luar \ge that KAN NEG must use air.conditioner KAN TOP LOC out \gj that KAN NEG must use air.conditioner KAN TOP LOC out \ft see, we don't need an air conditioner if we are outside. \ref 537 \id 338741153229100901 \begin 0:18:01 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt CHI is still pressing a button of the electronic organ. \ref 538 \id 434180153229100901 \begin 0:18:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx jadi kalo di luar tuh, nggak usah pake AC. \pho jadi kalɔ di luwar tuh ŋgaʔ ʔusah pakɛ ʔasɛːʰ \mb jadi kalo di luar tuh nggak usah pake AC \ge become TOP LOC out that NEG must use air.conditioner \gj become TOP LOC out that NEG must use air.conditioner \ft so, if we are outside, we don't need an air conditioner. \ref 539 \id 682593153229100901 \begin 0:18:07 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt CHI is still pressing a button of the electronic organ. \ref 540 \id 667761153229100901 \begin 0:18:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx selesai deh anginnya. \pho sləsay dɛh ʔaŋinɲah \mb selesai deh angin -nya \ge finish DEH wind -NYA \gj finish DEH wind-NYA \ft the wind finished. \nt =the wind finished blowing. \ref 541 \id 676937153230100901 \begin 0:18:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx hmm. \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft hmm. \ref 542 \id 100612153230100901 \begin 0:18:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, ACnya di situ tuh. \pho tuːh ʔasɛɲah di situ tuh \mb tuh AC -nya di situ tuh \ge that air.conditioner -NYA LOC there that \gj that air.conditioner-NYA LOC there that \ft look, the air conditioner is over there. \nt putting the imaginary air conditioner on the left roof of a house. \ref 543 \id 499845153230100901 \begin 0:18:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak keliatan. \pho ŋgaʔ kl̩iyaːtan \mb nggak ke an liat \ge NEG KE AN see \gj NEG KE.AN-see \ft I can't see it. \ref 544 \id 903704153230100901 \begin 0:18:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh, ya, nggak pa-pa... \mb he-eh ya nggak pa - pa \ge uh-huh yes NEG what - what \gj uh-huh yes NEG RED-what \ft uh-huh, that's okay... \ref 545 \id 775081153230100901 \begin 0:18:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...kan xx... anginnya... ACnya kan... udaranya kan di dalam rumah. \mb kan xx angin -nya AC -nya kan udara -nya kan di dalam rumah \ge KAN xx wind -NYA air.conditioner -NYA KAN air -NYA KAN LOC inside house \gj KAN xx wind-NYA air.conditioner-NYA KAN air-NYA KAN LOC inside house \ft ...xxx...the wind... the air conditioner... there air is inside the house. \ref 546 \id 808351153231100901 \begin 0:18:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo di luar rumah bukan udara AC. \pho kalɔ di luwar rumah bukan ʔudara ʔasɛːʰ \mb kalo di luar rumah bukan udara AC \ge TOP LOC out house NEG air air.conditioner \gj TOP LOC out house NEG air air.conditioner \ft outside the house is not the air conditioner air. \ref 547 \id 172916153231100901 \begin 0:18:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking the electronic organ again and pressing the button for producing wind again. \ref 548 \id 701515153231100901 \begin 0:18:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah, itu. \pho naːh ʔituh \mb nah itu \ge NAH that \gj NAH that \ft there you go. \ref 549 \id 980195153231100901 \begin 0:18:31 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt CHI is still pressing the button. \ref 550 \id 269559153231100901 \begin 0:18:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh, udara tu. \mb he-eh udara tu \ge uh-huh air that \gj uh-huh air that \ft uh-huh, that's the air. \ref 551 \id 491192153231100901 \begin 0:18:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx ada gendang. \pho ʔada gəndaŋ \mb ada gendang \ge exist k.o.drum \gj exist k.o.drum \ft there is a kind of drum. \nt pressing the button to produce the sound of a drum. \ref 552 \id 384075153231100901 \begin 0:18:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx gendang. \pho gəndaŋ \mb gendang \ge k.o.drum \gj k.o.drum \ft a kind of drum. \nt shaking her body. \ref 553 \id 969716153231100901 \begin 0:18:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx ondel-ondel dateng. \mb ondel-ondel dateng \ge giant.puppet come \gj giant.puppet come \ft the giant puppet is coming. \ref 554 \id 548019153232100901 \begin 0:18:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo ada gendang, ada ondel-ondel, yang nangis siapa, yang nangis? \mb kalo ada gendang ada ondel-ondel yang n- tangis siapa yang n- tangis \ge TOP exist k.o.drum exist giant.puppet REL N- cry who REL N- cry \gj TOP exist k.o.drum exist giant.puppet REL N-cry who REL N-cry \ft if there is a kind of drum and the giant puppet, who cries? \ref 555 \id 574862153232100901 \begin 0:18:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni nangis nih. \pho ni naŋis nih \mb ni n- tangis nih \ge this N- cry this \gj this N-cry this \ft this one cries. \nt referring to the toy man. \ref 556 \id 815168153232100901 \begin 0:18:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx siapa itu? \pho syapaːʰ ʔituh \mb siapa itu \ge who that \gj who that \ft who's that? \ref 557 \id 458683153232100901 \begin 0:18:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska. \pho priskaːh \mb Priska \ge Priska \gj Priska \ft you. \ref 558 \id 308267153232100901 \begin 0:18:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx hu, ayo seka(ra)ng masuk, masuk! \pho huːh ʔayɔ səkaŋ masuk masuːk \mb hu ayo sekarang masuk masuk \ge EXCL AYO now go.in go.in \gj EXCL AYO now go.in go.in \ft huh, come on, go in, go in! \nt talking to the toys men to go into the house. \ref 559 \id 352903153232100901 \begin 0:18:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx masuk, masuk, masuk, ada ondel-ondel! \mb masuk masuk masuk ada ondel-ondel \ge go.in go.in go.in exist giant.puppet \gj go.in go.in go.in exist giant.puppet \ft go in, go in, go in, there is a giant puppet! \ref 560 \id 851003153232100901 \begin 0:18:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx masuk, masuk, xx masuk, masuk! \mb masuk masuk xx masuk masuk \ge go.in go.in xx go.in go.in \gj go.in go.in xx go.in go.in \ft go in, go in, xx, go in, go in! \ref 561 \id 628339153232100901 \begin 0:18:52 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt sounds of birds singing. \ref 562 \id 518948153232100901 \begin 0:18:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx masih ada. \pho masih ʔadaː0ʰ \mb masih ada \ge still exist \gj still exist \ft it's still there. \ref 563 \id 670020153232100901 \begin 0:18:56 \sp OMAPRI \tx waduh, burungnya kalo dengar bunyi itu aja, bersiul-siul juga. \mb waduh burung -nya kalo dengar bunyi itu aja ber- siul - siul juga \ge EXCL bird -NYA TOP hear sound that just BER- whistle - whistle also \gj EXCL bird-NYA TOP hear sound that just BER-RED-whistle also \ft wow, the birds are whistling if they hear that sound. \ref 564 \id 838787153232100901 \begin 0:18:58 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 565 \id 518073153233100901 \begin 0:19:01 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt a vendor is passing by and making sound by hitting s.t. \ref 566 \id 373223153233100901 \begin 0:19:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt keeps herself busy with some toys men. \ref 567 \id 374635153233100901 \begin 0:19:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, oh, kebalik Mami taronya, ya? \pho ʔɔ ʔɔh kəbaːlik mamiʰ tarɔʔɲa yah \mb oh oh ke- balik Mami taro -nya ya \ge EXCL EXCL KE- turn.around mommy put -NYA yes \gj EXCL EXCL KE-turn.around mommy put-NYA yes \ft oh, oh, I put it upside down, right? \nt referring to the window. \ref 568 \id 703476153233100901 \begin 0:19:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt finishes putting the toys men into the houses. \ref 569 \id 633495153233100901 \begin 0:19:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx ada ondel-ondel. \mb ada ondel-ondel \ge exist giant.puppet \gj exist giant.puppet \ft there is a giant puppet. \ref 570 \id 761427153233100901 \begin 0:19:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pressing a button of the electronic organ and it produces sound. \ref 571 \id 815986153233100901 \begin 0:19:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt shaking her body. \ref 572 \id 704555153233100901 \begin 0:19:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni yang dua ini? \pho ni yaŋ duwa ʔinih \mb ni yang dua ini \ge this REL two this \gj this REL two this \ft what about these two? \nt referring to the two toys on the seesaw. \ref 573 \id 776008153233100901 \begin 0:19:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx berani? \pho br̩aniʔ \mb berani \ge brave \gj brave \ft do they dare? \ref 574 \id 180719153233100901 \begin 0:19:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 575 \id 461348153233100901 \begin 0:19:27 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt 1. CHI is still pressing the button. 2. the birds are still singing. \ref 576 \id 983730153233100901 \begin 0:19:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx udah, udah nggak ada, ya? \pho ʔudaːh ʔuda ŋgaʔ ʔadaː yah \mb udah udah nggak ada ya \ge PFCT PFCT NEG exist yes \gj PFCT PFCT NEG exist yes \ft it's not there anymore, right? \ref 577 \id 274108153234100901 \begin 0:19:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \nt putting the electronic organ on the floor. \ref 578 \id 451069153234100901 \begin 0:19:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx keluar! \pho kəluwaːr \mb keluar \ge go.out \gj go.out \ft get out! \nt talking to the toys men. \ref 579 \id 128173153234100901 \begin 0:19:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah nggak ada, ayo, keluar! \pho ʔudah ŋgaʔ ʔada ʔayɔ kəluwaːr \mb udah nggak ada ayo keluar \ge PFCT NEG exist AYO go.out \gj PFCT NEG exist AYO go.out \ft he is not there anymore, get out! \nt whispering. \ref 580 \id 205932153234100901 \begin 0:19:41 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the birds are still singing. \ref 581 \id 305903153234100901 \begin 0:19:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx hore, udah nggak ada. \pho hɔːlɛʰ ʔuda ŋgaʔ ʔadaʰ \mb hore udah nggak ada \ge hurray PFCT NEG exist \gj hurray PFCT NEG exist \ft hurray, he is not there anymore. \ref 582 \id 229042153234100901 \begin 0:19:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt trying to take the toys out of the house. \ref 583 \id 818456153234100901 \begin 0:19:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx dua kali, nih. \pho duwaʔ kaliː niːh \mb dua kali nih \ge two very this \gj two very this \ft these are two times. \nt telling that she wants to press the electronic organ twice. \ref 584 \id 810614153234100901 \begin 0:19:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan udah. \pho kan ʔudah \mb kan udah \ge KAN PFCT \gj KAN PFCT \ft done. \nt pressing the electronic organ twice and it produces sound. \ref 585 \id 412211153234100901 \begin 0:19:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah, selesai. \pho ʔudah səsayː \mb udah selesai \ge PFCT finish \gj PFCT finish \ft okay, done. \nt putting the electronic organ on the floor. \ref 586 \id 451159153234100901 \begin 0:19:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx selesai. \pho sələsayː \mb selesai \ge finish \gj finish \ft done. \ref 587 \id 746040153234100901 \begin 0:19:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx susah keluarinnya. \pho susah kəluwarinɲah \mb susah keluar -in -nya \ge difficult go.out -IN -NYA \gj difficult go.out-IN-NYA \ft it's hard to take them out. \ref 588 \id 512870153234100901 \begin 0:20:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah, deh. \pho ʔuːda dɛh \mb udah deh \ge PFCT DEH \gj PFCT DEH \ft okay, done. \nt MOT took the toys out of the house. \ref 589 \id 217785153235100901 \begin 0:20:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang dua ini berani tuh. \pho yaŋ duwa ʔini bəlani tuh \mb yang dua ini berani tuh \ge REL two this brave that \gj REL two this brave that \ft these two are brave. \ref 590 \id 619847153235100901 \begin 0:20:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, yang ini berani. \pho ʔɔː yaŋ ʔini bəraniːʰ \mb oh yang ini berani \ge EXCL REL this brave \gj EXCL REL this brave \ft oh, these are brave. \ref 591 \id 888228153235100901 \begin 0:20:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang ini takut nih, ni Mbak Wita ama Priska ni, yang takut nih... \pho yaŋ ini takut niːh ni m̩baʔ wita ʔama prisaka ni yaŋ takut niːh \mb yang ini takut nih ni Mbak Wita ama Priska ni yang takut nih \ge REL this fear this this EPIT Wita with Priska this REL fear this \gj REL this fear this this EPIT Wita with Priska this REL fear this \ft these are afraid, Wita and you are afraid... \nt referring to the two other toys. \ref 592 \id 768296153235100901 \begin 0:20:04 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 593 \id 176805153235100901 \begin 0:20:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mbak Wi(ta)... \pho mbaʔ wi \mb Mbak Wita \ge EPIT Wita \gj EPIT Wita \ft Wita... \ref 594 \id 375170153235100901 \begin 0:20:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...yang takut ondel-ondel. \mb yang takut ondel-ondel \ge REL fear giant.puppet \gj REL fear giant.puppet \ft ...who are afraid of a giant puppet. \ref 595 \id 693018153235100901 \begin 0:20:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mbak Wita ini dong, ye! \pho m̩baʔ witaː ʔini dɔːŋ yɛː \mb Mbak Wita ini dong ye \ge EPIT Wita this DONG EXCL \gj EPIT Wita this DONG EXCL \ft this one is Wita, ye! \nt referring to one of the toy on the seesaw. \ref 596 \id 370249153235100901 \begin 0:20:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, Mbak Wita ituh. \pho ʔɔː m̩baʔ wita ʔituː0ʰ \mb oh Mbak Wita ituh \ge EXCL EPIT Wita that \gj EXCL EPIT Wita that \ft oh, that's Wita. \ref 597 \id 784498153235100901 \begin 0:20:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang Priska yang mana Priska? \pho yaŋ priskaʰ yaŋ mana priskah \mb yang Priska yang mana Priska \ge REL Priska REL which Priska \gj REL Priska REL which Priska \ft which one is you? \ref 598 \id 685412153235100901 \begin 0:20:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska... \pho piskah \mb Priska \ge Priska \gj Priska \ft Priska... \ref 599 \id 334156153235100901 \begin 0:20:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni. \pho niːh \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft this. \nt taking a toy man. \ref 600 \id 780214153236100901 \begin 0:20:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, ini laki-laki nih. \pho ʔɔː ʔini lakilakiːh niːh \mb oh ini laki - laki nih \ge EXCL this male - male this \gj EXCL this RED-male this \ft oh, this one is a male. \ref 601 \id 675998153236100901 \begin 0:20:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx perempuan. \pho pələmpuwaːn \mb perempuan \ge female \gj female \ft a female. \ref 602 \id 513826153236100901 \begin 0:20:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃ːh \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 603 \id 983784153236100901 \begin 0:20:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx perempuan. \pho pələmpuːwaːn \mb perempuan \ge female \gj female \ft a female. \ref 604 \id 278038153236100901 \begin 0:20:28 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priska, kamu berantem sama Mbak Wita seperti apa? \pho priskah kamu bərantəm sama m̩baʔ wita səpərti ʔaːpah \mb Priska kamu ber- antem sama Mbak Wita seperti apa \ge Priska 2 BER- hit with EPIT Wita like what \gj Priska 2 BER-hit with EPIT Wita like what \ft Priska, how did yo fight with Wita? \ref 605 \id 789370153236100901 \begin 0:20:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni... \pho nih \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft this... \nt paying her attention on a toy, but she is interrupted by MOT. \ref 606 \id 656114153236100901 \begin 0:20:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh... mana, kasi liat tangannya! \pho tuːh manaʰ kasi liyat taŋanɲah \mb tuh mana kasi liat tangan -nya \ge that which give see hand -NYA \gj that which give see hand-NYA \ft there... where, show your hand! \ref 607 \id 233004153236100901 \begin 0:20:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx tuh, tuh. \pho tuːh tuːh \mb tuh tuh \ge that that \gj that that \ft see, see. \nt showing her hands to EXP. \ref 608 \id 803013153237100901 \begin 0:20:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx diapain? \pho diʔapayin \mb di- apa -in \ge DI- what -IN \gj DI-what-IN \ft what did she did to you? \ref 609 \id 455248153237100901 \begin 0:20:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx cakar. \pho cakarl \mb cakar \ge claw \gj claw \ft she scratched me. \ref 610 \id 172836153237100901 \begin 0:20:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh, cerdik banget tuh, Mbak Wita. \pho həh cəldik baːŋət tuh m̩baʔ witaːʰ \mb heh cerdik banget tuh Mbak Wita \ge EXCL smart very that EPIT Wita \gj EXCL smart very that EPIT Wita \ft she is very smart. \nt misused the word "cerdik" because there is no reason to say that s.o. is "cerdik" after he/she scratches you. \ref 611 \id 259797153237100901 \begin 0:20:43 \sp EXPYAN \tx emangnya dia ngapain Priska? \pho ʔɛmaŋɲa dya ŋapayin priskaːh \mb emang -nya dia ng- apa -in Priska \ge indeed -NYA 3 N- what -IN Priska \gj indeed-NYA 3 N-what-IN Priska \ft what did she do to you? \ref 612 \id 220563153237100901 \begin 0:20:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'takut sama ondel-ondel.' \mb takut sama ondel-ondel \ge fear with giant.puppet \gj fear with giant.puppet \ft 'I am afraid of a giant puppet.' \nt pretending to be one of the toy. \ref 613 \id 517785153237100901 \begin 0:20:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska, bisa dicakar kenapa sama Mbak Wita? \pho priskaːh bisa dicakar kənapa sama m̩baʔ witaːh \mb Priska bisa di- cakar kenapa sama Mbak Wita \ge Priska can DI- claw why with EPIT Wita \gj Priska can DI-claw why with EPIT Wita \ft why did she scratch you? \ref 614 \id 930635153238100901 \begin 0:20:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan lagi tiduran di situ tuh. \pho kan lagi tidurlan di siːtu tuː0h \mb kan lagi tidur -an di situ tuh \ge KAN more lie.down -AN LOC there that \gj KAN more lie.down-AN LOC there that \ft I was lying down over there. \ref 615 \id 713069153238100901 \begin 0:20:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan lagi tiduran di sini. \pho kan lagi tidurlan di sinih \mb kan lagi tidur -an di sini \ge KAN more lie.down -AN LOC here \gj KAN more lie.down-AN LOC here \ft he is lying down here. \nt referring one of the toys. \ref 616 \id 770233153238100901 \begin 0:20:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus? \pho təruːs \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft what else? \ref 617 \id 326012153238100901 \begin 0:20:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx itunya mana? \pho ʔituɲa manah \mb itu -nya mana \ge that -NYA which \gj that-NYA which \ft where is that thing? \nt reference unclear. \ref 618 \id 694806153238100901 \begin 0:20:58 \sp EXPYAN \tx tiduran di mana? \pho tiduran di maːnaːh \mb tidur -an di mana \ge lie.down -AN LOC which \gj lie.down-AN LOC which \ft where were you lying down? \ref 619 \id 728256153238100901 \begin 0:21:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx minum dulu, ah. \pho minum duluʔ ʔah \mb minum dulu ah \ge drink before AH \gj drink before AH \ft let me drink. \nt taking a glass and the tea pot. \ref 620 \id 421252153238100901 \begin 0:21:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx tiduran di mana, Pris? \pho tiduran di mana priːs \mb tidur -an di mana Pris \ge lie.down -AN LOC which Priska \gj lie.down-AN LOC which Priska \ft where were you lying? \ref 621 \id 299511153238100901 \begin 0:21:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx luar. \pho luwarl \mb luar \ge out \gj out \ft outside. \nt 1. pretending to pour water from the tea pot into the glass. 2. talking about the toy, while MOT actually is asking about her. \ref 622 \id 795507153238100901 \begin 0:21:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus? \pho təruːs \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft what else? \ref 623 \id 308314153238100901 \begin 0:21:05 \sp MOTPRI \tx berantem... \pho bərantəːm \mb ber- antem \ge BER- hit \gj BER-hit \ft you fought... \ref 624 \id 237828153238100901 \begin 0:21:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pretending to drink water from the glass and making sucking sound. \ref 625 \id 891466153239100901 \begin 0:21:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...lagi main-main ini... rumah-rumahan. \mb lagi main - main ini rumah - rumah -an \ge more play - play this house - house -AN \gj more RED-play this RED.AN-house \ft ...you were playing this... "house". \ref 626 \id 299556153239100901 \begin 0:21:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, kan? \pho ya kaːn \mb ya kan \ge yes KAN \gj yes KAN \ft am I right? \ref 627 \id 641438153239100901 \begin 0:21:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 628 \id 174902153239100901 \begin 0:21:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, sama Priska diapain? \pho tr̩us sama priskaːʰ diʔapayiːn \mb trus sama Priska di- apa -in \ge continue with Priska DI- what -IN \gj continue with Priska DI-what-IN \ft then, what did she do to you? \ref 629 \id 781086153239100901 \begin 0:21:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska nggak mau modelnya... rumahnya kayak begitu. \pho priska ŋgaʔ mawuː mɔdɛlɲaːh rumahɲah kayəʔ bəgituːʰ \mb Priska nggak mau model -nya rumah -nya kayak begitu \ge Priska NEG want model -NYA house -NYA like like.that \gj Priska NEG want model-NYA house-NYA like like.that \ft you didn't want that type of the house. \ref 630 \id 935540153239100901 \begin 0:21:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, direbut sama Priska... \pho tr̩us dirəbut sama priskaːh \mb trus di- rebut sama Priska \ge continue DI- seize with Priska \gj continue DI-seize with Priska \ft then, you seized it... \ref 631 \id 344953153239100901 \begin 0:21:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...main rebutan, trus, akhirnya... cakar Priskanya. \pho mayin rəbutan tr̩us ʔahiɲah caːkar priskaɲaːh \mb main rebut -an trus akhir -nya cakar Priska -nya \ge play seize -AN continue end -NYA claw Priska -NYA \gj play seize-AN continue end-NYA claw Priska-NYA \ft ...you seized to each other, then, she scratch you. \ref 632 \id 441488153239100901 \begin 0:21:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx dua-duanya trus ngapain akhirnya? \pho dwaʔduwaʔɲah tr̩us ŋapayin ʔakhirɲaːh \mb dua - dua -nya trus ng- apa -in akhir -nya \ge two - two -NYA continue N- what -IN end -NYA \gj RED-two-NYA continue N-what-IN end-NYA \ft then what happened to both of you? \ref 633 \id 197273153239100901 \begin 0:21:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx nangis. \pho naːŋiːs \mb n- tangis \ge N- cry \gj N-cry \ft cried. \ref 634 \id 577251153239100901 \begin 0:21:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ː \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 635 \id 475981153239100901 \begin 0:21:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 636 \id 324865153239100901 \begin 0:21:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx nangisnya gimana? \pho naŋisɲa gimanah \mb n- tangis -nya gimana \ge N- cry -NYA how \gj N-cry-NYA how \ft how did you cry? \ref 637 \id 324493153240100901 \begin 0:21:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh! \pho ʔə̃ːh \mb eh \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft eh! \nt imitating the sound of crying. \ref 638 \id 371695153240100901 \begin 0:21:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus? \pho təruːs \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft what else? \ref 639 \id 784389153240100901 \begin 0:21:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'mimik susu.' \pho mimiʔ cuːcuːʔ \mb mimik susu \ge drink milk \gj drink milk \ft 'I want to drink milk.' \nt imitating what CHI said at that time and saying it as the way CHI said it. \ref 640 \id 643835153240100901 \begin 0:21:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx bobok deh. \pho bɔːbɔʔ dɛh \mb bobok deh \ge sleep DEH \gj sleep DEH \ft then, you went sleeping. \ref 641 \id 853301153240100901 \begin 0:21:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, terus nangis lagi. \pho ʔɛh təlus naŋis laːgih \mb eh terus n- tangis lagi \ge EXCL continue N- cry more \gj EXCL continue N-cry more \ft hey, then I cried again. \ref 642 \id 549920153240100901 \begin 0:21:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx lagi mandi nangis lagi. \pho lagiʔ maːndiːʔ naŋis laːgih \mb lagi mandi n- tangis lagi \ge more bathe N- cry more \gj more bathe N-cry more \ft when you were taking a bath, you cried again. \ref 643 \id 119491153240100901 \begin 0:21:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'sakit.' \pho sakiːːit \mb sakit \ge hurt \gj hurt \ft 'it's painful.' \nt imitating what CHI said and saying it as the way CHI said it. \ref 644 \id 998516153241100901 \begin 0:21:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx tangannya diginiin terus... 'sakit'... \mb tangan -nya di- gini -in terus sakit \ge hand -NYA DI- like.this -IN continue hurt \gj hand-NYA DI-like.this-IN continue hurt \ft you put your hand like this all the time... 'it's painful'... \nt lifting her right arm. \ref 645 \id 389509153241100901 \begin 0:21:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'sakit...' \pho saːkiːt \mb sakit \ge hurt \gj hurt \ft it's painful... \nt repeating what she said at that time and lifting her arm. \ref 646 \id 478388085411130901 \begin 0:21:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ː \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 647 \id 288980085420130901 \begin 0:21:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'heh!' \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft heh! \nt repeating what she said at that time. \ref 648 \id 486959153241100901 \begin 0:21:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'hah!' \pho haːh \mb hah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft 'hah!' \nt imitating what CHI said at that time and lifting her arm higher. \ref 649 \id 206117085831130901 \begin 0:21:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'heh!' \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft 'heh!' \nt repeating what she said at that time and lifting her arm higher. \ref 650 \id 338146153242100901 \begin 0:21:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx kena air, 'nggak boleh, heh!'. \pho kəna ʔayir ŋgaʔ bɔlɛːh̩ hə̃h \mb kena air nggak boleh heh \ge undergo water NEG may IMIT \gj undergo water NEG may IMIT \ft the water splashed on you, 'you may not, heh!' \nt imitating what CHI said at that time. \ref 651 \id 326706153242100901 \begin 0:21:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'nggak boleh, heh!' \pho ŋgaʔ bɔlɛh hə̃h \mb nggak boleh heh \ge NEG may IMIT \gj NEG may IMIT \ft 'you may not, heh!' \nt repeating what she said at at that time. \ref 652 \id 662347153242100901 \begin 0:22:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx gitu. \pho giːtuʰ \mb gitu \ge like.that \gj like.that \ft that it is. \ref 653 \id 591821153242100901 \begin 0:22:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 654 \id 553293153242100901 \begin 0:22:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx sekarang masih sakit, nggak? \pho səkaraŋ masih sakit ŋgaʔ \mb sekarang masih sakit nggak \ge now still hurt NEG \gj now still hurt NEG \ft is it still painful? \ref 655 \id 119938153242100901 \begin 0:22:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt shaking her head. \ref 656 \id 400444153242100901 \begin 0:22:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx udah nggak? \pho ʔuda ŋ̩gaʔ \mb udah nggak \ge PFCT NEG \gj PFCT NEG \ft not anymore? \ref 657 \id 678644153242100901 \begin 0:22:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx ye, masih sakit sedikit, sih. \pho yeː0ʰ masih sakit sədikit siːh \mb ye masih sakit se- dikit sih \ge EXCL still hurt SE- a.little SIH \gj EXCL still hurt SE-a.little SIH \ft hey, it's still painful, but just a little. \ref 658 \id 890522153242100901 \begin 0:22:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx hmm... sakit sedikit sih. \pho hmː sakit sədikit siːh \mb hmm sakit se- dikit sih \ge IMIT hurt SE- a.little SIH \gj IMIT hurt SE-a.little SIH \ft hmm... just a little. \ref 659 \id 628850153242100901 \begin 0:22:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt pressing a button of the electronic organ and it produces sound. \ref 660 \id 998291153242100901 \begin 0:22:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt deliberately coughing. \ref 661 \id 195607153242100901 \begin 0:22:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... kaget. \pho ʔə kaːgɛːt \mb eee kaget \ge FILL startled \gj FILL startled \ft umm... I am surprised. \nt holding her chest, but reference unclear. \ref 662 \id 473470153243100901 \begin 0:22:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni suara apa? \pho ni suwara ʔapah \mb ni suara apa \ge this sound what \gj this sound what \ft what voice is it? \nt pressing a button of the electronic organ and it produces sound of an old man laughing. \ref 663 \id 433324153243100901 \begin 0:22:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx ayo, masuk! \pho ʔaːyɔː masuːk \mb ayo masuk \ge AYO go.in \gj AYO go.in \ft come on, go in! \nt talking to the toys. \ref 664 \id 693270153243100901 \begin 0:22:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx hayo! \pho hayɔːʰ \mb hayo \ge HAYO \gj HAYO \ft go! \ref 665 \id 102384153243100901 \begin 0:22:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt pressing the same button again. \ref 666 \id 577512153243100901 \begin 0:22:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt putting the toys into the house. \ref 667 \id 356887153243100901 \begin 0:22:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt pressing another button of the electronic organ and it produces sound of a drum. \ref 668 \id 306540153243100901 \begin 0:22:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx ha, ondel-ondel datang. \mb ha ondel-ondel datang \ge EXCL giant.puppet come \gj EXCL giant.puppet come \ft hah, a giant puppet is coming. \ref 669 \id 121977153243100901 \begin 0:22:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt pressing the previous button which produces the sound of an old man laughing. \ref 670 \id 478570153243100901 \begin 0:22:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx ondel-ondel. \mb ondel-ondel \ge giant.puppet \gj giant.puppet \ft a giant puppet. \ref 671 \id 645291153243100901 \begin 0:22:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx oh, raksasa datang. \pho ʔɔːh laksasa dataːŋ \mb oh raksasa datang \ge EXCL giant come \gj EXCL giant come \ft oh, a giant is coming. \ref 672 \id 119685153243100901 \begin 0:22:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt pressing the button again. \ref 673 \id 651171153244100901 \begin 0:22:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'mak ha ha ha ha ha ha.' \pho m̩aːʔ hã hã hã hã hã hãː \mb mak ha ha ha ha ha ha \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft 'mak ha ha ha ha ha ha.' \nt imitating the laughing sound of an old man, produced by the electronic organ. \ref 674 \id 857336153244100901 \begin 0:22:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx suara siapa? \pho swara syapaːh \mb suara siapa \ge sound who \gj sound who \ft whose voice? \nt laughing. \ref 675 \id 870074153244100901 \begin 0:22:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx sini, suara Opa. \pho sinih swala ʔɔpaːh \mb sini suara Opa \ge here sound grandpa \gj here sound grandpa \ft here, Grandpa's voice. \nt asking for the electronic organ from MOT. \ref 676 \id 750273153244100901 \begin 0:22:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx Opa? \pho ʔɔːpah \mb Opa \ge grandpa \gj grandpa \ft Grandpa? \nt giving the electronic organ to CHI. \ref 677 \id 556109153244100901 \begin 0:22:49 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 678 \id 638104153245100901 \begin 0:22:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 679 \id 828409153245100901 \begin 0:22:51 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 680 \id 687353153245100901 \begin 0:22:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx suara Oma. \pho swala ʔɔmaːh \mb suara Oma \ge sound grandma \gj sound grandma \ft Grandma's voice. \ref 681 \id 564796153245100901 \begin 0:22:53 \sp OMAPRI \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \ref 682 \id 837382153245100901 \begin 0:22:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx Oma mana? \pho ʔɔma manah \mb Oma mana \ge grandma which \gj grandma which \ft which is Grandma's? \nt referring to Grandma's voice. \ref 683 \id 309053153245100901 \begin 0:22:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni. \pho niːh \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft this. \nt pressing a button of the electronic organ which produces sound of a woman saying s.t. \ref 684 \id 973586153245100901 \begin 0:22:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, git(u)... \pho ʔɔ̃ː git \mb oh gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, like that... \ref 685 \id 788625153246100901 \begin 0:22:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 686 \id 736570153246100901 \begin 0:22:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx ondel-ondel. \mb ondel-ondel \ge giant.puppet \gj giant.puppet \ft giant puppet. \nt pressing another button of the electronic organ. \ref 687 \id 658054153246100901 \begin 0:23:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, suara apa lagi, ada apa lagi, suara apa lagi? \pho trus swara ʔapa lagiʰ ʔada ʔapa lagiːʰ swara ʔapa lagiʰ \mb trus suara apa lagi ada apa lagi suara apa lagi \ge continue sound what more exist what more sound what more \gj continue sound what more exist what more sound what more \ft then, what voice are there, what else are there, what voice are there? \ref 688 \id 433221153246100901 \begin 0:23:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt 1. pressing another button and it produces a kind of sound. 2. putting the electronic organ on the floor. \ref 689 \id 759645153246100901 \begin 0:23:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx tu apa? \pho tu ʔapah \mb tu apa \ge that what \gj that what \ft what's that? \ref 690 \id 574856153246100901 \begin 0:23:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx buaya, nggak pa-pa. \pho bwayaʔ ŋgaʔ papaːh \mb buaya nggak pa - pa \ge crocodile NEG what - what \gj crocodile NEG RED-what \ft a crocodile, that's okay. \nt pressing another button. \ref 691 \id 945109153246100901 \begin 0:23:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus, suara apa lagi? \pho tərus suwara ʔapa lagih \mb terus suara apa lagi \ge continue sound what more \gj continue sound what more \ft then, what voice are there? \ref 692 \id 962843153246100901 \begin 0:23:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, susah keluarinnya. \pho ʔəh susah kəluwalinɲaːh \mb eh susah keluar -in -nya \ge EXCL difficult go.out -IN -NYA \gj EXCL difficult go.out-IN-NYA \ft hey, it's hard to take them out. \nt referring to the toys in the house. \ref 693 \id 219342153246100901 \begin 0:23:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx sini, Mami yang keluarin. \pho sini mami yaŋ kəluwarin \mb sini Mami yang keluar -in \ge here mommy REL go.out -IN \gj here mommy REL go.out-IN \ft here, let me take it out. \ref 694 \id 692701153246100901 \begin 0:23:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, suara apa? \pho tr̩us swara ʔapaːh \mb trus suara apa \ge continue sound what \gj continue sound what \ft then, what voice? \ref 695 \id 446652153247100901 \begin 0:23:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pressing another button of the electronic organ. \ref 696 \id 597320153247100901 \begin 0:23:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx tu apa? \pho tu ʔapaːh \mb tu apa \ge that what \gj that what \ft what's that? \ref 697 \id 273507153247100901 \begin 0:23:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'tekeng.' \pho tɛkəːŋ \mb tekeng \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft 'tekeng.' \nt imitating the sound from an electronic organ. \ref 698 \id 243701153247100901 \begin 0:23:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, apa, suara a(pa)... \pho ya ʔapa swara ʔaː \mb ya apa suara apa \ge yes what sound what \gj yes what sound what \ft right, what, what voice... \ref 699 \id 585906153247100901 \begin 0:23:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pressing another button of the electronic organ. \ref 700 \id 134780153247100901 \begin 0:23:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx suara apa tu? \pho swara ʔapa tuːh \mb suara apa tu \ge sound what that \gj sound what that \ft what voice is that? \ref 701 \id 563705153247100901 \begin 0:23:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pressing another button of the electronic organ. \ref 702 \id 513902153247100901 \begin 0:23:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx palu. \pho paluːʔ \mb palu \ge hammer \gj hammer \ft a hammer. \ref 703 \id 467793153247100901 \begin 0:23:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx suara palu. \pho swara paluːʔ \mb suara palu \ge sound hammer \gj sound hammer \ft the sound of hammer. \ref 704 \id 417482153248100901 \begin 0:23:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt pressing another button of the electronic organ. \ref 705 \id 834179153248100901 \begin 0:23:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx berantem nih, Mbak Wita nih. \pho bəlaːntəm nih m̩baʔ wita niːh \mb ber- antem nih Mbak Wita nih \ge BER- hit this EPIT Wita this \gj BER-hit this EPIT Wita this \ft Wita is fighting. \ref 706 \id 468193153248100901 \begin 0:23:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx sama siapa? \pho sama syapaːh \mb sama siapa \ge with who \gj with who \ft with whom? \ref 707 \id 838231153248100901 \begin 0:23:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx pake pedang. \pho pakɛ pədaŋː \mb pake pedang \ge use sword \gj use sword \ft using a sword. \ref 708 \id 163145153248100901 \begin 0:23:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx hmm. \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft hmm. \ref 709 \id 284369153249100901 \begin 0:23:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska punya pembunuhan. \pho piskaːh puɲa pəmbunuhan \mb Priska punya pem an bunuh \ge Priska have PEN AN kill \gj Priska have PEN.AN-kill \ft I have a murderer. \nt **pembunuhan(wrong word) because the word "pembunuhan' refers to the action of murder. \ref 710 \id 108128153249100901 \begin 0:23:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx pembunuhan? \pho pəmbunuhaːn \mb pem an bunuh \ge PEN AN kill \gj PEN.AN-kill \ft murderer? \ref 711 \id 716577093459130901 \begin 0:23:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx pembunuhan apa? \pho pəmbunuhan ʔaːpaːh \mb pem an bunuh apa \ge PEN AN kill what \gj PEN.AN-kill what \ft what murderer? \ref 712 \id 330394093524130901 \begin 0:23:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx pembunuhan... buat Mbak Wita, biar Mbak Wita mati. \pho pəmbunuhan bwat m̩baʔ wita biyal m̩baʔ wita maːtiːʔ \mb pem an bunuh buat Mbak Wita biar Mbak Wita mati \ge PEN AN kill for EPIT Wita let EPIT Wita dead \gj PEN.AN-kill for EPIT Wita let EPIT Wita dead \ft a murderer... for Wita, to make her die. \ref 713 \id 538740093745130901 \begin 0:23:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx eh, kenapa? \pho ʔɛh kənaːpah \mb eh kenapa \ge EXCL why \gj EXCL why \ft hey, why? \ref 714 \id 313104093745130901 \begin 0:23:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx diapain? \pho diʔapaːyin \mb di- apa -in \ge DI- what -IN \gj DI-what-IN \ft what to do to her? \ref 715 \id 651330093745130901 \begin 0:23:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak boleh. \pho ŋgaʔ bɔːlɛh \mb nggak boleh \ge NEG may \gj NEG may \ft you may not. \ref 716 \id 822628093745130901 \begin 0:23:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx boong. \pho bɔːʔɔːŋ \mb boong \ge lie \gj lie \ft I lied you. \ref 717 \id 732132093746130901 \begin 0:23:53 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, boong. \pho ʔɔʰ bɔʔɔːŋ \mb oh boong \ge EXCL lie \gj EXCL lie \ft oh, you lied me. \ref 718 \id 758441093746130901 \begin 0:23:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx boongan. \pho bɔʔɔŋaːn \mb boong -an \ge lie -AN \gj lie-AN \ft just pretending. \ref 719 \id 142756093746130901 \begin 0:23:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, boongan. \pho ʔɔː bɔʔɔŋaːn \mb oh boong -an \ge EXCL lie -AN \gj EXCL lie-AN \ft oh, just pretending. \ref 720 \id 512553093746130901 \begin 0:23:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak betulan? \pho ŋgaʔ bətulaːn \mb nggak betul -an \ge NEG right -AN \gj NEG right-AN \ft not real? \ref 721 \id 292399093746130901 \begin 0:24:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx boongin Mami sih. \pho bɔʔɔːŋin mami sih \mb boong -in Mami sih \ge lie -IN mommy SIH \gj lie-IN mommy SIH \ft I lied you. \ref 722 \id 963130093747130901 \begin 0:24:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, Priska bohongin Mami? \pho ʔɔh priska bɔhɔŋin mamiːh \mb oh Priska bohong -in Mami \ge EXCL Priska lie -IN mommy \gj EXCL Priska lie-IN mommy \ft oh, did you lie me? \ref 723 \id 544946093747130901 \begin 0:24:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 724 \id 230421093747130901 \begin 0:24:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx ambilin dong! \pho ʔambilin dɔːŋ \mb ambil -in dong \ge take -IN DONG \gj take-IN DONG \ft take them please! \nt referring to the toys. \ref 725 \id 591906093747130901 \begin 0:24:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx dari bawah ambilnya. \pho dari bawah ʔambilɲah \mb dari bawah ambil -nya \ge from under take -NYA \gj from under take-NYA \ft I am taking them from the buttom. \nt taking the toys from the base of the house. \ref 726 \id 179882093747130901 \begin 0:24:13 \sp OMAPRI \tx tu masaknya lagi udah xx... itu... nggak masak lagi sih? \pho tu masakɲa lagi ʔuːda xx ʔituʰ ŋgaʔ masak laːgi sih \mb tu masak -nya lagi udah xx itu nggak masak lagi sih \ge that cook -NYA more PFCT xx that NEG cook more SIH \gj that cook-NYA more PFCT xx that NEG cook more SIH \ft cook it again xx... that... don't you cook again? \ref 727 \id 788498093748130901 \begin 0:24:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx masih mo maen. \pho maːsiːh mɔ maɛn \mb masih mo maen \ge still want play \gj still want play \ft I still want to play. \ref 728 \id 411892093748130901 \begin 0:24:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx tapi kan besok makannya. \pho tapi kan bɛːsɔk mayaːkanɲaːh \mb tapi kan besok makan -nya \ge but KAN tomorrow eat -NYA \gj but KAN tomorrow eat-NYA \ft but we'll eat tomorrow. \ref 729 \id 487096093748130901 \begin 0:24:18 \sp OMAPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 730 \id 842728093748130901 \begin 0:24:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx besok makannya. \pho bɛːsɔk makanɲaːh \mb besok makan -nya \ge tomorrow eat -NYA \gj tomorrow eat-NYA \ft we'll eat tomorrow. \ref 731 \id 143647093749130901 \begin 0:24:21 \sp OMAPRI \tx besok? \pho bɛːsɔk \mb besok \ge tomorrow \gj tomorrow \ft tomorrow? \ref 732 \id 176822093749130901 \begin 0:24:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx besok makannya. \pho bɛːsɔk makanɲaːh \mb besok makan -nya \ge tomorrow eat -NYA \gj tomorrow eat-NYA \ft we'll eat tomorrow. \ref 733 \id 652538093749130901 \begin 0:24:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya? \pho yah \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay? \ref 734 \id 418537093749130901 \begin 0:24:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan udah malem. \pho kann ʔuda maləːm \mb kan udah malem \ge KAN PFCT night \gj KAN PFCT night \ft it's already late at night. \ref 735 \id 573988093750130901 \begin 0:24:29 \sp OMAPRI \tx udah malem? \pho ʔuda maləm \mb udah malem \ge PFCT night \gj PFCT night \ft is it already late at night? \ref 736 \id 536904093750130901 \begin 0:24:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 737 \id 962859093750130901 \begin 0:24:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx yok kita tidur. \pho yɔ kita tiduːrl \mb yok kita tidur \ge AYO 1PL lie.down \gj AYO 1PL lie.down \ft let's sleep. \ref 738 \id 491512093750130901 \begin 0:24:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini? \pho ʔinih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft what about these? \nt refrring to the houses and toys. \ref 739 \id 350822093750130901 \begin 0:24:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx dia masih main kok, masih sore main di luar, sambil bernyanyi-nyanyi. \mb dia masih main kok masih sore main di luar sambil ber- nyanyi - nyanyi \ge 3 still play KOK still late.afternoon play LOC out while BER- sing - sing \gj 3 still play KOK still late.afternoon play LOC out while BER-RED-sing \ft they are still playing, it's still afternoon, they are playing outside while singing. \ref 740 \id 977336093751130901 \begin 0:24:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx bernyanyinya gimana, ya, bernyanyinya, ya? \pho bərɲaɲiɲa gimana yah bərɲaɲiɲah yaːh \mb ber- nyanyi -nya gimana ya ber- nyanyi -nya ya \ge BER- sing -NYA how yes BER- sing -NYA yes \gj BER-sing-NYA how yes BER-sing-NYA yes \ft how do they sing? \ref 741 \id 814307093751130901 \begin 0:24:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx lagu... eh, dia nungguin pamannya datang nih. \pho laguːʔ ʔɛːh dya nuŋguwin pamanɲah dataŋ niːh \mb lagu eh dia n- tunggu -in paman -nya datang nih \ge song EH 3 N- wait -IN uncle -NYA come this \gj song EH 3 N-wait-IN uncle-NYA come this \ft song... no, they are waiting from their uncle coming. \ref 742 \id 386955093751130901 \begin 0:24:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx gimana kalo lagu "Paman Datang"? \pho gimana kalɔ lagu paman dataŋ \mb gimana kalo lagu Paman Datang \ge how TOP song uncle come \gj how TOP song uncle come \ft how do you sing the song "Uncle is Coming"? \ref 743 \id 768364093753130901 \begin 0:24:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx pamanku da(ri)... \pho pamanku daː \mb paman -ku dari \ge uncle -1SG from \gj uncle-1SG from \ft my uncle from... \nt 1. starts singing, but not from the beginning of the song. 2. interrupted by MOT. \ref 744 \id 409479093753130901 \begin 0:24:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho yah \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 745 \id 434174093755130901 \begin 0:24:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx kemarin... \pho kəmarin \mb kemarin \ge yesterday \gj yesterday \ft yesterday... \nt starts singing the song from the very beginning. \ref 746 \id 575515093755130901 \begin 0:24:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...kemaren paman datang... \pho kəmalɛn paːman dataŋ \mb kemaren paman datang \ge yesterday uncle come \gj yesterday uncle come \ft ...yesterday my uncle came... \nt continues singing the song. \ref 747 \id 994051093755130901 \begin 0:24:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...pamanku dari desa... \pho pamankuh daːli dɛsah \mb paman -ku dari desa \ge uncle -1SG from village \gj uncle-1SG from village \ft ...my uncle from the village... \nt continues singing the song. \ref 748 \id 936040093755130901 \begin 0:25:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...dibawakannya rambutan, pisang dan sayur-mayur segala rupa... \pho dibawaːkaːnɲah lambutaːn piːsaŋ dan sayurlmayurl səgala luːpah \mb di- bawa -kan -nya rambutan pisang dan sayur-mayur segala rupa \ge DI- bring -KAN -NYA rambutan banana and MUTRED-vegetable all shape \gj DI-bring-KAN-NYA rambutan banana and MUTRED-vegetable all shape \ft ...he brought rambutans, bananas and all kind of vegetables... \nt continues singing the song. \ref 749 \id 641237093756130901 \begin 0:25:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...becerita paman tentang ternaknya berkembang biak semua... \pho bəlclitaː paːman təntaŋ təːrlnakɲah bəlkəmbaŋ biːyap səmuwaːh \mb be- cerita paman tentang ternak -nya ber- kembang biak semua \ge BER- story uncle about livestock -NYA BER- flower prolific all \gj BER-story uncle about livestock-NYA BER-flower prolific all \ft ...he told me about his cattle which all reproduce... \nt continues singing the song. \ref 750 \id 385056093756130901 \begin 0:25:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus? \pho təruːs \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft what else? \ref 751 \id 347909093756130901 \begin 0:25:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...padaku... \pho padakuːʰ \mb pada -ku \ge LOC -1SG \gj LOC-1SG \ft ...to me... \nt continues singing the song. \ref 752 \id 620051093756130901 \begin 0:25:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...(pa)daku... \pho dakuːʰ \mb pada -ku \ge LOC -1SG \gj LOC-1SG \ft ...to me... \nt continues singing the song. \ref 753 \id 717068093757130901 \begin 0:25:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...paman berjanji... \pho paman bərljanjiʔ \mb paman ber- janji \ge uncle BER- promise \gj uncle BER-promise \ft ...my uncle promised... \nt continues singing the song. \ref 754 \id 475350093757130901 \begin 0:25:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus? \pho tr̩us \mb trus \ge continue \gj continue \ft what else? \ref 755 \id 520251093757130901 \begin 0:25:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...mengajak libur di desa... \pho məŋajyaʔ liburl di dɛsah \mb meng- ajak libur di desa \ge MEN- invite holiday LOC village \gj MEN-invite holiday LOC village \ft ...to invite me going for holiday in the village... \nt continues singing the song. \ref 756 \id 981472093758130901 \begin 0:25:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...hatiku... \pho hatikuː \mb hati -ku \ge liver -1SG \gj liver-1SG \ft ...my heart... \nt continues singing the song. \ref 757 \id 118640093758130901 \begin 0:25:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah, dong. \pho ʔuda dɔŋ \mb udah dong \ge PFCT DONG \gj PFCT DONG \ft okay, let's finish it. \ref 758 \id 189520093759130901 \begin 0:25:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...girang, tidak terperi... \pho giːraŋ tidaʔ təːrpəːriʰ \mb girang tidak terperi \ge happy NEG TER-describe \gj happy NEG TER-describe \ft ...happy, can't be described... \nt continues singing the song. \ref 759 \id 775373093759130901 \begin 0:25:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...(ti)dak terperi... \pho dak tərlpəːli \mb tidak terperi \ge NEG TER-describe \gj NEG TER-describe \ft ...can't be described... \nt continues singing the song. \ref 760 \id 318319093759130901 \begin 0:25:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...terbayang sudah... \pho tərbayaŋ suːdah \mb ter- bayang sudah \ge TER- shadow PFCT \gj TER-shadow PFCT \ft ...I have imagined... \nt continues singing the song. \ref 761 \id 995913093759130901 \begin 0:25:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...(terba)yang sudah... \pho yaŋ suːdah \mb ter- bayang sudah \ge TER- shadow PFCT \gj TER-shadow PFCT \ft ...I have imagined... \nt continues singing the song. \ref 762 \id 743218093800130901 \begin 0:25:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...aku di... \pho ʔaku diʰ \mb aku di \ge 1SG LOC \gj 1SG LOC \ft ...I am in... \nt continues singing the song. \ref 763 \id 790124093800130901 \begin 0:25:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah dong... \pho ʔuda dɔŋ \mb udah dong \ge PFCT DONG \gj PFCT DONG \ft let's finish it... \ref 764 \id 742433093800130901 \begin 0:25:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...sana. \pho saːnah \mb sana \ge there \gj there \ft ...there. \nt continues singing the song. \ref 765 \id 186142093800130901 \begin 0:25:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...udah dong! \pho ʔuda dɔŋ \mb udah dong \ge PFCT DONG \gj PFCT DONG \ft ...let's finish it! \nt from her previous utterance \ref 766 \id 693297093800130901 \begin 0:25:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...mandi di sungai... \pho mandi di suːŋay \mb mandi di sungai \ge bathe LOC river \gj bathe LOC river \ft ...taking a bath at the river... \nt continues singing the song. \ref 767 \id 564107093801130901 \begin 0:25:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah... \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft okay... \ref 768 \id 967707093801130901 \begin 0:25:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...turun... \pho turun \mb turun \ge go.down \gj go.down \ft ...going down... \nt continues singing the song. \ref 769 \id 972914093802130901 \begin 0:25:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan udah datang. \pho kan ʔuda datəŋ \mb kan udah datang \ge KAN PFCT come \gj KAN PFCT come \ft he has come. \ref 770 \id 283857093802130901 \begin 0:25:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...ke sawah. \pho kə saːwah \mb ke sawah \ge to paddy.field \gj to paddy.field \ft ...the paddy field. \nt continues singing the song. \ref 771 \id 504638141843130901 \begin 0:25:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...menggiring ternak... \pho məŋgiriŋ təːrnak \mb meng- giring ternak \ge MEN- herd livestock \gj MEN-herd livestock \ft ...driving the livestock... \nt continues singing the song. \ref 772 \id 472831141858130901 \begin 0:25:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan udah datang, nih. \pho kan ʔudah dataːŋ nih \mb kan udah datang nih \ge KAN PFCT come this \gj KAN PFCT come this \ft he has come. \ref 773 \id 484765145753130901 \begin 0:25:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...ke... \pho kəːʰ \mb ke \ge to \gj to \ft ...to... \nt continues singing the song. \ref 774 \id 354634145754130901 \begin 0:25:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan udah dateng. \pho kan ʔuda datəŋ \mb kan udah dateng \ge KAN PFCT come \gj KAN PFCT come \ft he has come. \ref 775 \id 254001145754130901 \begin 0:25:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...kandang. \pho kandaːŋ \mb kandang \ge shed \gj shed \ft ...to the shed. \nt continues singing the song. \ref 776 \id 905956145755130901 \begin 0:25:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan udah dateng. \pho kan ʔuda datəːŋ \mb kan udah dateng \ge KAN PFCT come \gj KAN PFCT come \ft he has come. \ref 777 \id 820287145755130901 \begin 0:25:56 \sp OMAPRI \tx dateng ke mana? \pho datəŋ kə maːnah \mb dateng ke mana \ge come to which \gj come to which \ft where has he come? \ref 778 \id 986617145755130901 \begin 0:25:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx mo mimik. \pho mɔ mimiːʔ \mb mo mimik \ge want drink \gj want drink \ft I want to drink. \ref 779 \id 204572145756130901 \begin 0:25:58 \sp OMAPRI \tx ayo, bikin mimiknya... yang enak. \pho ʔayɔ bikin mimiʔɲah yaŋ ʔɛnak \mb ayo bikin mimik -nya yang enak \ge AYO make drink -NYA REL pleasant \gj AYO make drink-NYA REL pleasant \ft come on, make the water... a delicious one. \ref 780 \id 850879145756130901 \begin 0:26:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking a glass. \ref 781 \id 345684145756130901 \begin 0:26:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx kopi, bikin kopi. \pho kɔpiːʔ bikin kɔpiːʔ \mb kopi bikin kopi \ge coffee make coffee \gj coffee make coffee \ft coffee, make coffee. \ref 782 \id 126990145757130901 \begin 0:26:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \nt taking the tea pot. \ref 783 \id 126744145757130901 \begin 0:26:05 \sp MOTPRI \tx bikin kopi dong! \pho bikin kɔpiʔ dɔːŋ \mb bikin kopi dong \ge make coffee DONG \gj make coffee DONG \ft make coffee! \ref 784 \id 498807145757130901 \begin 0:26:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, udah, ni ada nih. \pho ya ʔuda ni ʔadaːʔ niːh \mb ya udah ni ada nih \ge yes PFCT this exist this \gj yes PFCT this exist this \ft yeah, done, there it is. \nt pretending to pour water from the tea pot and putting the tea pot on the floor. \ref 785 \id 560444145757130901 \begin 0:26:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx kopinya mana? \pho kɔpiːʔɲa maːnah \mb kopi -nya mana \ge coffee -NYA which \gj coffee-NYA which \ft where is the coffee? \ref 786 \id 591547145757130901 \begin 0:26:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft there. \nt pointing at the tea pot. \ref 787 \id 449426145758130901 \begin 0:26:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx kopi... kopi warnanya apa kopinya? \pho kɔpiːʔ kɔpiʔ warnaɲa ʔapah kɔpiɲah \mb kopi kopi warna -nya apa kopi -nya \ge coffee coffee color -NYA what coffee -NYA \gj coffee coffee color-NYA what coffee-NYA \ft coffee... what color is coffee? \ref 788 \id 410832145758130901 \begin 0:26:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx kopi warna apa, ya? \pho kɔpi warna ʔapa yah \mb kopi warna apa ya \ge coffee color what yes \gj coffee color what yes \ft what color is coffee? \ref 789 \id 665178145758130901 \begin 0:26:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt making clucking sound. \ref 790 \id 471620145758130901 \begin 0:26:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 791 \id 836901145759130901 \begin 0:26:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx (i)tem. \pho təm \mb item \ge black \gj black \ft black. \ref 792 \id 312325145759130901 \begin 0:26:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, iya. \pho ʔɔːh ʔiːyah \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, right. \ref 793 \id 659487152545130901 \begin 0:26:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking a spoon and stirring. \ref 794 \id 156955152508130901 \begin 0:26:15 \sp OMAPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 795 \id 165168145759130901 \begin 0:26:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx kasi gula, kasi gula... kasi gula! \pho kasih gulaːʔ kasih gulaːʔ kasih gulaʔ \mb kasi gula kasi gula kasi gula \ge give sugar give sugar give sugar \gj give sugar give sugar give sugar \ft put some sugar, put some sugar... put some sugar! \ref 796 \id 982816145759130901 \begin 0:26:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt stops stirring. \ref 797 \id 219300145759130901 \begin 0:26:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx gula rasanya apa, ya? \pho gulaʔ rasaɲah ʔapa yaːh \mb gula rasa -nya apa ya \ge sugar feel -NYA what yes \gj sugar feel-NYA what yes \ft what does sugar taste? \ref 798 \id 889532145800130901 \begin 0:26:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx asem. \pho ʔasəm \mb asem \ge sour \gj sour \ft sour. \nt pretending to take sugar from another glass and putting it into the glass. \ref 799 \id 189385145800130901 \begin 0:26:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx ah! \pho ʔah \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ah! \ref 800 \id 305982145800130901 \begin 0:26:20 \sp OMAPRI \tx heh... he he. \pho hɛh hɛ hɛːh \mb heh he he \ge EXCL IMIT IMIT \gj EXCL IMIT IMIT \ft heh... he he. \nt laughing. \ref 801 \id 647889145800130901 \begin 0:26:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx manis. \pho manis \mb manis \ge sweet \gj sweet \ft sweet. \ref 802 \id 585211145800130901 \begin 0:26:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 803 \id 216468152847130901 \begin 0:26:24 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 804 \id 981093153924130901 \begin 0:26:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, ini aja deh. \pho ʔɛh ʔini ʔaja dɛh \mb eh ini aja deh \ge EXCL this just DEH \gj EXCL this just DEH \ft hey, just this one. \nt pretending to pour s.t. from the glass that she is holding and taking another glass. \ref 805 \id 434245094141140901 \begin 0:26:26 \sp @End \tx @End \nt the analysis is not finished yet.