\_sh v3.0 400 Text \_DateStampHasFourDigitYear \ref 001 \id 437246082335130801 \sp @PAR \tx @Participants: CHI Priska target child; MOT CHI’s mother; OMA CHI’s grandmother; DIA Diah the family servant; EXP Yanti Experimenter. \pho @Filename: 032-PRI-021200.fm \ft @Duration: 41 minutes analyzes 25 minutes \nt @Situation: 1. playing at CHI’s grandma’s living room. 2. EXP brought a box of Lego. \ref 002 \id 907981082357130801 \sp @Begin \tx @Begin \ref 003 \id 664498082358130801 \sp MOTPRI \tx bikin apa, Non? \pho bikin ʔapa nɔːn \mb bikin apa Non \ge make what EPIT \gj make what EPIT \ft what are you making? \ref 004 \id 738699082358130801 \sp MOTPRI \tx tempat tidur? \pho təmpat tiduːr \mb tempat tidur \ge place lie.down \gj place lie.down \ft a bed? \ref 005 \id 426303082358130801 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 006 \id 592193082358130801 \sp MOTPRI \tx coba Priska bikin dong, sendiri dong! \pho cɔba priska bikin dɔː səndiri dɔŋ \mb coba Priska bikin dong sen- diri dong \ge try Priska make DONG SE- self DONG \gj try Priska make DONG SE-self DONG \ft try to make it yourself! \ref 007 \id 504261082358130801 \sp CHIPRI \tx jek ijek ijek. \pho jɛk ʔijɛk ʔijɛk \mb jek ijek ijek \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft jek ijek ijek. \nt punching some pieces of Lego that she put together. \ref 008 \id 427400082358130801 \sp MOTPRI \tx ih, bagus sekali. \pho ʔiː bagus səkaliː \mb ih bagus se- kali \ge EXCL nice SE- very \gj EXCL nice SE-very \ft wow, it's very nice. \ref 009 \id 129353082359130801 \begin 0:00:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx bikin, Pris... bikin apa dong? \pho bikin pris bikin ʔapa dɔŋ \mb bikin Pris bikin apa dong \ge make Priska make what DONG \gj make Priska make what DONG \ft make it, what are you making? \ref 010 \id 245048082507130801 \begin 0:00:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni, bikin kasur. \pho ni bikin kasur \mb ni bikin kasur \ge this make mattress \gj this make mattress \ft this, I'm making a mattress. \ref 011 \id 726370082509130801 \begin 0:00:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, bikin kasur. \pho ʔɔː bikin kasuːr \mb oh bikin kasur \ge EXCL make mattress \gj EXCL make mattress \ft oh, you are making a mattress. \ref 012 \id 222830082509130801 \begin 0:00:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx ayo, bikin deh! \pho ʔayɔ bikin dɛh \mb ayo bikin deh \ge AYO make DEH \gj AYO make DEH \ft come one, make it then! \ref 013 \id 810825082509130801 \begin 0:00:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx kasur buat siapa? \pho kasur buwat syapah \mb kasur buat siapa \ge mattress for who \gj mattress for who \ft a mattress for who? \ref 014 \id 350271082509130801 \begin 0:00:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx buat Si kudanya. \pho buwat si kudaʔɲaːh \mb buat Si kuda -nya \ge for PERS horse -NYA \gj for PERS horse-NYA \ft for the horse. \ref 015 \id 720661082509130801 \begin 0:00:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni... bantal. \pho niːh bantal \mb ni bantal \ge this pillow \gj this pillow \ft this... a pillow. \nt tapping a piece of Lego. \ref 016 \id 564000082509130801 \begin 0:00:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx tidur xx. \pho tidur xx \mb tidur xx \ge lie.down xx \gj lie.down xx \ft he is sleeping xx. \nt taking the toy horse and putting it on the piece of Lego that she tapped. \ref 017 \id 965223082509130801 \begin 0:00:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx kasurnya buat siapa, Pris? \pho kasurɲa bwat syapa priːs \mb kasur -nya buat siapa Pris \ge mattress -NYA for who Priska \gj mattress-NYA for who Priska \ft who is the mattress for? \ref 018 \id 623311082510130801 \begin 0:00:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx buat kudanya. \pho bwat kudaʔɲaːʔ \mb buat kuda -nya \ge for horse -NYA \gj for horse-NYA \ft for the horse. \ref 019 \id 602147082510130801 \begin 0:00:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx buat kudanya? \pho bwat kudaʔɲah \mb buat kuda -nya \ge for horse -NYA \gj for horse-NYA \ft for the horse? \ref 020 \id 405540082510130801 \begin 0:00:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 021 \id 829873082510130801 \begin 0:00:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx kandang. \pho kandaŋ \mb kandang \ge shed \gj shed \ft a stable. \ref 022 \id 991624082510130801 \begin 0:00:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo binatang tu di kandang tidurnya. \pho kalɔ binataŋ tu di kaːndaŋ tidurɲaːʰ \mb kalo binatang tu di kandang tidur -nya \ge TOP animal that LOC shed lie.down -NYA \gj TOP animal that LOC shed lie.down-NYA \ft an animal sleeps in a stable. \ref 023 \id 651414082510130801 \begin 0:00:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo Priska tidurnya di... \pho kalɔ priska tidurɲa diːʰ \mb kalo Priska tidur -nya di \ge TOP Priska lie.down -NYA LOC \gj TOP Priska lie.down-NYA LOC \ft you sleep in... \nt expecting CHI to complete her utterance. \ref 024 \id 432037082510130801 \begin 0:00:46 \sp OMAPRI \tx kasur. \pho kasuːr \mb kasur \ge mattress \gj mattress \ft a mattress. \nt saying it from the dining room. \ref 025 \id 662094082510130801 \begin 0:00:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx kamar. \pho kamaːr \mb kamar \ge room \gj room \ft a room. \ref 026 \id 840647082510130801 \begin 0:00:48 \sp OMAPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 027 \id 268303082510130801 \begin 0:00:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska tidurnya di kamar, pakai apa? \pho priska tidurɲa di kamar pakay ʔapaːʰ \mb Priska tidur -nya di kamar pakai apa \ge Priska lie.down -NYA LOC room use what \gj Priska lie.down-NYA LOC room use what \ft you sleep in a room, what do you use? \ref 028 \id 745424100858130801 \begin 0:00:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt still making herself busy with the Lego. \ref 029 \id 987395082510130801 \begin 0:00:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska. \pho priskaː \mb Priska \ge Priska \gj Priska \ft Priska. \ref 030 \id 669885082510130801 \begin 0:00:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx bantal. \pho bantaːl \mb bantal \ge pillow \gj pillow \ft a pillow. \ref 031 \id 374023082511130801 \begin 0:00:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx wah! \pho waːh \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow! \ref 032 \id 325938082511130801 \begin 0:00:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx pake kasur... \pho pakɛʔ kasuːr \mb pake kasur \ge use mattress \gj use mattress \ft use a mattress... \ref 033 \id 351947082511130801 \begin 0:00:59 \sp OMAPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 034 \id 988194082511130801 \begin 0:01:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx sama bantal. \pho sama bantaːl \mb sama bantal \ge with pillow \gj with pillow \ft and a pillow. \ref 035 \id 598106082511130801 \begin 0:01:01 \sp OMAPRI \tx xx ini diiniin. \pho xx ʔini diʔiniʔin \mb xx ini di- ini -in \ge xx this DI- this -IN \gj xx this DI-this-IN \ft xx this is whatchamacallit. \ref 036 \id 878095082511130801 \begin 0:01:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx bantal apa? \pho bantal ʔapaː \mb bantal apa \ge pillow what \gj pillow what \ft what pillow? \ref 037 \id 573861082511130801 \begin 0:01:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx pita. \pho piːtaːʔ \mb pita \ge ribbon \gj ribbon \ft ribbon. \nt referring to a piece of cloth where the trade mark of the pillow is printed. \ref 038 \id 191792082511130801 \begin 0:01:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx hmm. \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft hmm. \ref 039 \id 259891082511130801 \begin 0:01:07 \sp DIAPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 040 \id 145194082511130801 \begin 0:01:08 \sp DIAPRI \tx xxx, nggak? \pho xxx ŋgaʔ \mb xxx nggak \ge xxx NEG \gj xxx NEG \ft xxx, huh? \ref 041 \id 977322082511130801 \begin 0:01:09 \sp OMAPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaːʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 042 \id 572637082512130801 \begin 0:01:11 \sp OMAPRI \tx bulet-bulet, trus di... \mb bulet - bulet trus di \ge round - round continue LOC \gj RED-round continue LOC \ft round ones, then... \ref 043 \id 331595082512130801 \begin 0:01:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'lihat kebunku penuh...' \pho lihat kəbunku pənu \mb lihat kebun -ku penuh \ge see garden -1SG full \gj see garden-1SG full \ft 'look at my garden is full...' \nt singing. \ref 044 \id 931619082512130801 \begin 0:01:14 \sp OMAPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 045 \id 152056082512130801 \begin 0:01:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt humming to continue singing the song. \ref 046 \id 214650082512130801 \begin 0:01:18 \sp OMAPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 047 \id 134801082512130801 \begin 0:01:20 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni, makan... am nyam nyam nyam. \pho niː makan ʔam ɲam ɲam ɲam \mb ni makan am nyam nyam nyam \ge this eat IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj this eat IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft this, I am eating it... nyum nyum nyum nyum. \nt taking the toy tree. \ref 048 \id 903347082512130801 \begin 0:01:22 \sp EXPYAN \tx apa itu? \pho ʔapa yituː \mb apa itu \ge what that \gj what that \ft what's that? \ref 049 \id 172448082512130801 \begin 0:01:24 \sp OMAPRI \tx ya. \pho yaː \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \nt still talking to Diah. \ref 050 \id 947521082512130801 \begin 0:01:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx es krim juga. \pho ʔɛs klim jugaʔ \mb es krim juga \ge ice cream also \gj ice cream also \ft also an ice cream. \ref 051 \id 103122082512130801 \begin 0:01:26 \sp EXPYAN \tx warnanya apa? \pho warnaɲa yapaʰ \mb warna -nya apa \ge color -NYA what \gj color-NYA what \ft what color is it? \ref 052 \id 387258082512130801 \begin 0:01:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx hijau. \pho hijaW \mb hijau \ge green \gj green \ft green. \ref 053 \id 461898082512130801 \begin 0:01:28 \sp EXPYAN \tx bentuknya apa? \pho bəntukɲa ʔapah \mb bentuk -nya apa \ge form -NYA what \gj form-NYA what \ft what is the shape? \ref 054 \id 338145082513130801 \begin 0:01:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt still pretending to eat the toy tree. \ref 055 \id 323149082513130801 \begin 0:01:32 \sp EXPYAN \tx es krimnya bentuk apa tu? \pho ʔɛs krimɲa bəntuk ʔapa tuʰ \mb es krim -nya bentuk apa tu \ge ice cream -NYA form what that \gj ice cream-NYA form what that \ft what is the shape of the ice cream? \ref 056 \id 278423082513130801 \begin 0:01:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx es krimnya bentuk apa tu? \pho ʔɛs krimɲa bəntuk ʔapa tuʰ \mb es krim -nya bentuk apa tu \ge ice cream -NYA form what that \gj ice cream-NYA form what that \ft what is the shape of the ice cream? \ref 057 \id 969202082513130801 \begin 0:01:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx po(hon)... \pho pɔː \mb pohon \ge tree \gj tree \ft tree... \nt giving cue to CHI. \ref 058 \id 896808082513130801 \begin 0:01:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx po... la. \pho pɔː laʔ \mb po la \ge xx xx \gj xx xx \ft xxx. \nt fails to get MOT's cue. \ref 059 \id 977227082513130801 \begin 0:01:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx po(hon)... apa? \pho pɔ ʔapaʰ \mb pohon apa \ge tree what \gj tree what \ft tree... what? \nt expecting CHI to get the cue. \ref 060 \id 783494082513130801 \begin 0:01:44 \sp OMAPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 061 \id 896866082513130801 \begin 0:01:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx po... \pho pɔː \mb po \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx... \nt fails to get MOT's cue. \ref 062 \id 146509082513130801 \begin 0:01:46 \sp EXPYAN \tx tuh, tu lho, liat dulu ini apa nih? \pho tu tu lɔh liyat dulu ʔini ʔapa nih \mb tuh tu lho liat dulu ini apa nih \ge that that EXCL see before this what this \gj that that EXCL see before this what this \ft there, look, what's this? \nt trying to take the toy tree, but it falls down. \ref 063 \id 588633082513130801 \begin 0:01:47 \sp EXPYAN \tx apa ni? \pho ʔapa niʰ \mb apa ni \ge what this \gj what this \ft what's this? \nt taking it and giving it to CHI. \ref 064 \id 956920104849130801 \begin 0:01:48 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 065 \id 980369082513130801 \begin 0:01:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx po(hon)... (po)hon. \pho pɔː hɔn \mb pohon pohon \ge tree tree \gj tree tree \ft a tree. \ref 066 \id 493912082513130801 \begin 0:01:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx pohon apa? \pho pɔhɔn ʔapah \mb pohon apa \ge tree what \gj tree what \ft what tree is it? \ref 067 \id 198730082514130801 \begin 0:01:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx pohon... \pho pɔhɔːn \mb pohon \ge tree \gj tree \ft tree... \ref 068 \id 759574082514130801 \begin 0:01:54 \sp OMAPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt still talking with Diah. \ref 069 \id 280246082514130801 \begin 0:01:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx ce(mara)... \pho cəː \mb cemara \ge conifer \gj conifer \ft conifer... \nt giving cue to CHI. \ref 070 \id 104071082514130801 \begin 0:02:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx pohon cema(ra)... \pho pɔhɔn cəmaː \mb pohon cemara \ge tree conifer \gj tree conifer \ft a conifer tree... \nt giving more cue to CHI. \ref 071 \id 128774082514130801 \begin 0:02:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...(cema)ra. \pho raʔ \mb cemara \ge conifer \gj conifer \ft ...conifer. \nt getting MOT's cue. \ref 072 \id 419491082514130801 \begin 0:02:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 073 \id 407714082514130801 \begin 0:02:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt making herself busy with the Lego and the toy horse. \ref 074 \id 459563095016130801 \begin 0:02:22 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt keeps herself busy to build a building using the Lego. \ref 075 \id 698773095016130801 \begin 0:02:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx sini... udah, ya... xxin gini dulu... nih... \pho sini ʔudah yah xxʔin gini duluʰ niːh \mb sini udah ya xx -in gini dulu nih \ge here PFCT yes xx -IN like.this before this \gj here PFCT yes xx-IN like.this before this \ft here... done, right... xx like this... see. \nt 1. putting the horse somewhere on the floor. 2. putting two piece of Lego together in parallel. \ref 076 \id 797915095016130801 \begin 0:02:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...ke ini. \pho kə ʔinih \mb ke ini \ge to this \gj to this \ft ...to this. \nt 1. taking another piece of Lego and attaching it with the previous one. \ref 077 \id 281487095017130801 \begin 0:02:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx... ada iniannya. \pho xx ʔada ʔiniyanɲah \mb xx ada ini -an -nya \ge xx exist this -AN -NYA \gj xx exist this-AN-NYA \ft xx... the is this one. \ref 078 \id 261288095017130801 \begin 0:02:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx trus... ininya... ininya tidur... gitu. \pho tl̩us ʔiniɲah ʔiniɲah tidur gituːʰ \mb trus ini -nya ini -nya tidur gitu \ge continue this -NYA this -NYA lie.down like.that \gj continue this-NYA this-NYA lie.down like.that \ft then... this thing... this one is sleeping... like this. \nt taking the building and putting it on the pieces of Lego that she has arranged. \ref 079 \id 973949095017130801 \begin 0:02:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx trus, babi... babinya juga... di sini. \pho tl̩us babiʔ babiɲah juːgaːʔ di siniːʰ \mb trus babi babi -nya juga di sini \ge continue pig pig -NYA also LOC here \gj continue pig pig-NYA also LOC here \ft then, a pig... the pig is also... here. \nt taking the toy pig and putting it on the pieces of Lego that she has arranged, next to the horse. \ref 080 \id 587222095018130801 \begin 0:02:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx terus, selimutan. \pho təlus səlimutan \mb terus selimut -an \ge continue blanket -AN \gj continue blanket-AN \ft then, using a blanket. \nt taking another piece of Lego and putting it on the toy pig. \ref 081 \id 661144095018130801 \begin 0:02:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah deh. \pho ʔuːda dɛh \mb udah deh \ge PFCT DEH \gj PFCT DEH \ft okay then. \ref 082 \id 158066095018130801 \begin 0:02:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx selimutan... hore, selimut... selimut... selimutan. \pho səlimutan hɔlɛ səlimut səlimut səlimutan \mb selimut -an hore selimut selimut selimut -an \ge blanket -AN hurray blanket blanket blanket -AN \gj blanket-AN hurray blanket blanket blanket-AN \ft using a blanket... hurray, a blanket... a blanket... using a blanket. \ref 083 \id 431936095018130801 \begin 0:03:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx selimutan... selimutan. \pho səlimuːtan səlimuːtan \mb selimut -an selimut -an \ge blanket -AN blanket -AN \gj blanket-AN blanket-AN \ft using a blanket... using a blanket. \nt taking another piece of Lego and putting it on the toy horse. \ref 084 \id 756701095018130801 \begin 0:03:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx terus, ayamnya tidur. \pho təlus ʔayamɲa tiːdur \mb terus ayam -nya tidur \ge continue chicken -NYA lie.down \gj continue chicken-NYA lie.down \ft then, the chicken is sleeping. \nt taking a toy chicken and putting it next to the toy pig. \ref 085 \id 596228095019130801 \begin 0:03:12 \sp EXPYAN \tx Pris, kamu duduk sini deh. \pho pris kamu duduk sini dɛh \mb Pris kamu duduk sini deh \ge Priska 2 sit here DEH \gj Priska 2 sit here DEH \ft Pris, you just sit here. \nt lifting CHI and moving her. \ref 086 \id 823978095019130801 \begin 0:03:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx sebel(ah)... \pho səbəlʔah \mb se- belah \ge SE- side \gj SE-side \ft next to... \nt 1. whispering. 2. reference unclear. \ref 087 \id 918373095019130801 \begin 0:03:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx jadi? \pho jadiʔ \mb jadi \ge become \gj become \ft is it done? \ref 088 \id 724167095019130801 \begin 0:03:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx sebelah. \pho səbəlah \mb se- belah \ge SE- side \gj SE-side \ft next to it. \ref 089 \id 100966095019130801 \begin 0:03:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx jadi apa? \pho jadiʔ ʔapaʰ \mb jadi apa \ge become what \gj become what \ft what is done? \ref 090 \id 139409095020130801 \begin 0:03:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx sebelah. \pho səbəlah \mb se- belah \ge SE- side \gj SE-side \ft next to it. \ref 091 \id 954114095020130801 \begin 0:03:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx tu udah jadi apa tuh? \pho tu ʔuda jadi ʔapa tuh \mb tu udah jadi apa tuh \ge that PFCT become what that \gj that PFCT become what that \ft what's is done? \ref 092 \id 223825095020130801 \begin 0:03:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx kandang. \pho kandaŋː \mb kandang \ge shed \gj shed \ft a stable. \ref 093 \id 444655095020130801 \begin 0:03:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx jadi kandang deh, Pris. \pho jadi kaːndaŋ dɛh priːs \mb jadi kandang deh Pris \ge become shed DEH Priska \gj become shed DEH Priska \ft there goes the stable. \ref 094 \id 333154095021130801 \begin 0:03:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priska pinter, ya bikinnya? \pho piska pintər yah bikinɲah \mb Priska pinter ya bikin -nya \ge Priska smart yes make -NYA \gj Priska smart yes make-NYA \ft I am great in making it, right? \ref 095 \id 128430095021130801 \begin 0:03:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx nah? \pho nah \mb nah \ge NAH \gj NAH \ft huh? \ref 096 \id 934495095021130801 \begin 0:03:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 097 \id 776004095021130801 \begin 0:03:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx emang Priska yang bikin ituh? \pho ʔɛmaŋ priskaː yaŋ bikin ʔituʰ \mb emang Priska yang bikin ituh \ge indeed Priska REL make that \gj indeed Priska REL make that \ft did you make it? \ref 098 \id 113691095021130801 \begin 0:03:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya. \pho yah \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 099 \id 719115095022130801 \begin 0:03:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya? \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft really? \ref 100 \id 677509095022130801 \begin 0:03:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, iya deh, pinter deh Priska deh. \pho ʔɔː ʔiya dɛh pintər dɛh priska dɛh \mb oh iya deh pinter deh Priska deh \ge EXCL yes DEH smart DEH Priska DEH \gj EXCL yes DEH smart DEH Priska DEH \ft oh, okay then, you are great. \ref 101 \id 710918095022130801 \begin 0:03:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx mana nih... selimutnya, yang buat babi ini, anak babi? \pho mana nih silimutɲah yaŋ bwat babi ini ʔanak babiʔ \mb mana nih selimut -nya yang buat babi ini anak babi \ge which this blanket -NYA REL for pig this child pig \gj which this blanket-NYA REL for pig this child pig \ft where is it... the blanket, for this pig, a piglet? \ref 102 \id 619341095022130801 \begin 0:03:47 \sp EXPYAN \tx eh. \pho ʔə̃h \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft this! \nt putting the building that she is building closer to CHI. \ref 103 \id 474117095022130801 \begin 0:03:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx wah, aw, 'what's... what's happened', he he he. \pho waːh ʔaw was was hɛpən hɛ hɛ hɛ \mb wah aw what's what's happened he he he \ge EXCL EXCL what's what's happened IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj EXCL EXCL what's what's happened IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft wow, wow, 'what's... what's happened', he he he. \nt 1. laughing. 2. repeating an utterance of s.o., maybe from a film. \ref 104 \id 497020095023130801 \begin 0:03:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha? \pho hãh \mb ha \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 105 \id 236922095023130801 \begin 0:03:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt still laughing. \ref 106 \id 962903095023130801 \begin 0:03:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'what's happened?' \pho wats hɛpəːn \mb what's happened \ge what's happened \gj what's happened \ft 'what's happened?' \ref 107 \id 334618095023130801 \begin 0:03:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 108 \id 445422095023130801 \begin 0:03:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx hi hi hi. \pho hi hi hi \mb hi hi hi \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hi hi hi. \nt laughing. \ref 109 \id 622634095024130801 \begin 0:04:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt still laughing. \ref 110 \id 931548095024130801 \begin 0:04:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'what's happened' apa? \pho wats hɛpən ʔaːpaːʰ \mb what's happened apa \ge what's happened what \gj what's happened what \ft what is 'what's happened'? \ref 111 \id 756656095024130801 \begin 0:04:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx tidur. \pho tidurl \mb tidur \ge lie.down \gj lie.down \ft he is sleeping. \nt taking the toy horse and putting it into the building that EXP has built. \ref 112 \id 746042095024130801 \begin 0:04:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'what's happened.' \pho wats hɛːpəːn \mb what's happened \ge what's happened \gj what's happened \ft 'what's happened.' \ref 113 \id 553449095024130801 \begin 0:04:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx tidur. \pho tidur \mb tidur \ge lie.down \gj lie.down \ft he is sleeping. \nt closing the door of the building. \ref 114 \id 928062095025130801 \begin 0:04:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni Mami... \pho ni mamiː \mb ni Mami \ge this mommy \gj this mommy \ft Mommy is... \nt interrupted by CHI. \ref 115 \id 657882095025130801 \begin 0:04:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx ditutup, he. \pho ditutup həːə \mb di- tutup he \ge DI- shut IMIT \gj DI-shut IMIT \ft close ti, he. \nt starts to build a house using the Lego. \ref 116 \id 243298095025130801 \begin 0:04:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx kandangnya tu. \pho kandaŋɲa tuːh \mb kandang -nya tu \ge shed -NYA that \gj shed-NYA that \ft that's the stable. \ref 117 \id 113146095025130801 \begin 0:04:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo binatang tidurnya di kandang ni... \pho kalɔ binataŋ tidurɲa di kandaŋ ni \mb kalo binatang tidur -nya di kandang ni \ge TOP animal lie.down -NYA LOC shed this \gj TOP animal lie.down-NYA LOC shed this \ft the animals sleep in this stable... \ref 118 \id 558290095025130801 \begin 0:04:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...kalo Priska tidurnya di rumah ni. \pho kalɔ priska tidurɲa di rumah niːh \mb kalo Priska tidur -nya di rumah ni \ge TOP Priska lie.down -NYA LOC house this \gj TOP Priska lie.down-NYA LOC house this \ft ...you sleep in this house. \ref 119 \id 396800095026130801 \begin 0:04:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx Priskanya mana Priskanya? \pho piskaɲah manaʰ piskahɲah \mb Priska -nya mana Priska -nya \ge Priska -NYA which Priska -NYA \gj Priska-NYA which Priska-NYA \ft where is me? \ref 120 \id 638688095026130801 \begin 0:04:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni Priskanya, pura-puranya Priskanya, ya? \mb ni Priska -nya pura-pura -nya Priska -nya ya \ge this Priska -NYA pretend -NYA Priska -NYA yes \gj this Priska-NYA pretend-NYA Priska-NYA yes \ft this is Priska, just pretending that he is you, okay? \nt taking a doll. \ref 121 \id 754183095027130801 \begin 0:04:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni kan Mas Singgih... hayo. \pho ni kan mas siŋgeh hayɔʰ \mb ni kan Mas Singgih hayo \ge this KAN EPIT Singgih HAYO \gj this KAN EPIT Singgih HAYO \ft this is Singgih. \nt laughing. \ref 122 \id 573695095028130801 \begin 0:04:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, itu Mas Singgih. \pho ʔɔː ʔitu mas siŋgih \mb oh itu Mas Singgih \ge EXCL that EPIT Singgih \gj EXCL that EPIT Singgih \ft oh, that's Singgih. \ref 123 \id 105334095028130801 \begin 0:04:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx pura-pura jadi Priska, ya, Mas Singgihnya? \mb pura-pura jadi Priska ya Mas Singgih -nya \ge pretend become Priska yes EPIT Singgih -NYA \gj pretend become Priska yes EPIT Singgih-NYA \ft Singgih is pretending to be me, right? \ref 124 \id 656104095029130801 \begin 0:04:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha? \pho hãːʰ \mb ha \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \nt still trying to build a house. \ref 125 \id 952437095029130801 \begin 0:04:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mas Singgihnya pura-pura jadi Priska, ya? \mb Mas Singgih -nya pura-pura jadi Priska ya \ge EPIT Singgih -NYA pretend become Priska yes \gj EPIT Singgih-NYA pretend become Priska yes \ft Singgih is pretending to be me, right? \ref 126 \id 828933095029130801 \begin 0:04:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaʔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 127 \id 507057095030130801 \begin 0:04:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx jendelanya mo ada berapa? \pho jəndɛlaʔɲa mɔ ʔadaʔ bərapaː \mb jendela -nya mo ada berapa \ge window -NYA want exist how.much \gj window-NYA want exist how.much \ft how many windows do you want? \ref 128 \id 626317095030130801 \begin 0:04:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... dua. \pho ʔə̃ː duWaːʔ \mb eee dua \ge FILL two \gj FILL two \ft umm... two. \ref 129 \id 720479095030130801 \begin 0:04:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx jendelanya ada dua aja, ya? \pho jəndɛlaʔɲa ʔada duWaʔ ʔaja yaːh \mb jendela -nya ada dua aja ya \ge window -NYA exist two just yes \gj window-NYA exist two just yes \ft just two windows, right? \ref 130 \id 203696095030130801 \begin 0:04:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang laen nggak usah pake jendela deh, ya? \pho yaŋ laɛn ŋgaʔ usa pakɛ jəndɛlaʔ dɛ yaːh \mb yang laen nggak usah pake jendela deh ya \ge REL other NEG must use window DEH yes \gj REL other NEG must use window DEH yes \ft the others don't have to have window, okay? \nt referring to the pieces of Lego which are used to shape the walls of the house. \ref 131 \id 527922095030130801 \begin 0:04:59 \sp EXPYAN \tx ni nggak diselimutin nih, Pris? \pho ni ŋgaʔ disəlimutin ni priːs \mb ni nggak di- selimut -in nih Pris \ge this NEG DI- blanket -IN this Priska \gj this NEG DI-blanket-IN this Priska \ft don't you put a blanket on him, Pris? \nt referring to the toy chicken. \ref 132 \id 303321095031130801 \begin 0:05:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaːʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 133 \id 926041095031130801 \begin 0:05:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx selimutnya ini aja deh. \pho səlimutɲa yini yaja dɛh \mb selimut -nya ini aja deh \ge blanket -NYA this just DEH \gj blanket-NYA this just DEH \ft the blanket is just this one. \nt taking a piece of Lego. \ref 134 \id 903084095031130801 \begin 0:05:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih. \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt putting it on the toy chicken. \ref 135 \id 257831095032130801 \begin 0:05:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx kudanya nggak usah. \pho kudaɲah ŋgaʔ ʔuːsah \mb kuda -nya nggak usah \ge horse -NYA NEG must \gj horse-NYA NEG must \ft the horse doesn't need one. \ref 136 \id 479978095418130801 \begin 0:05:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx kenapa... kudanya nggak usah? \pho kənaːpa kudaɲa ŋgaʔ ʔusah \mb kenapa kuda -nya nggak usah \ge why horse -NYA NEG must \gj why horse-NYA NEG must \ft why... why doesn't the horse need it? \ref 137 \id 911273095419130801 \begin 0:05:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx kudanya kan di kandang. \pho kudaɲa kan di kandaŋ \mb kuda -nya kan di kandang \ge horse -NYA KAN LOC shed \gj horse-NYA KAN LOC shed \ft the horse is in the stable. \ref 138 \id 190804095419130801 \begin 0:05:13 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh. \pho ʔɔː \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 139 \id 759398095419130801 \begin 0:05:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh. \pho ʔɔː \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \nt still making herself busy to build a house. \ref 140 \id 917496095419130801 \begin 0:05:15 \sp EXPYAN \tx kalo di luar? \pho kalɔ di luwaːr \mb kalo di luar \ge TOP LOC out \gj TOP LOC out \ft if he is outside? \ref 141 \id 385299095420130801 \begin 0:05:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx (ke)dinginan. \pho diŋinaːn \mb ke an dingin \ge KE AN cold \gj KE.AN-cold \ft he feels cold. \ref 142 \id 829124095420130801 \begin 0:05:18 \sp EXPYAN \tx kalo di kandang? \pho kalɔ di kandaŋː \mb kalo di kandang \ge TOP LOC shed \gj TOP LOC shed \ft if he is in the stable? \ref 143 \id 117281095420130801 \begin 0:05:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋ̩gaːʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 144 \id 748872095420130801 \begin 0:05:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, kalo di kandang nggak kedinginan? \pho ʔɔː kalɔ di kandaŋ ŋgaʔ kədiŋinaːn \mb oh kalo di kandang nggak ke an dingin \ge EXCL TOP LOC shed NEG KE AN cold \gj EXCL TOP LOC shed NEG KE.AN-cold \ft oh, doesn't he feel cold when he is in the stable? \ref 145 \id 413779095420130801 \begin 0:05:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx gitu, ya? \pho gitu yah \mb gitu ya \ge like.that yes \gj like.that yes \ft it's like that, right? \ref 146 \id 698268095420130801 \begin 0:05:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 147 \id 406471095421130801 \begin 0:05:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, begitu. \pho ʔɔː bəgiːtuː \mb oh begitu \ge oh like.that \gj oh like.that \ft oh, like that. \ref 148 \id 269953095421130801 \begin 0:05:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx xxx sih. \pho xxx sih \mb xxx sih \ge xxx SIH \gj xxx SIH \ft xxx. \ref 149 \id 805538095421130801 \begin 0:05:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx ditutup aja. \pho ditutup ʔaːjah \mb di- tutup aja \ge DI- shut just \gj DI-shut just \ft just close it. \nt 1. referring to the building. 2. laughing. \ref 150 \id 604195095421130801 \begin 0:05:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt exhaling. \ref 151 \id 629295095421130801 \begin 0:05:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska tidurnya... \pho priska tidurɲah \mb Priska tidur -nya \ge Priska lie.down -NYA \gj Priska lie.down-NYA \ft you sleep... \ref 152 \id 385913095421130801 \begin 0:05:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx dah pagi. \pho dah pagiʔ \mb dah pagi \ge PFCT morning \gj PFCT morning \ft it's already morning. \ref 153 \id 346819095422130801 \begin 0:05:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...tidur di mana tidur? \pho tidur di mana tiduːr \mb tidur di mana tidur \ge lie.down LOC which lie.down \gj lie.down LOC which lie.down \ft ...where do you sleep? \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 154 \id 306066095422130801 \begin 0:05:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni ni ni nih, jendela nih. \pho ni ni ni nih jəndɛlaʔ niːh \mb ni ni ni nih jendela nih \ge this this this this window this \gj this this this this window this \ft this this this, this is the window. \ref 155 \id 257453095422130801 \begin 0:05:50 \sp XXX \tx koran, koran. \pho kɔːraːn kɔraːn \mb koran koran \ge newspaper newspaper \gj newspaper newspaper \ft newspaper, newspaper. \nt a newspaper seller is passing by. \ref 156 \id 419622095423130801 \begin 0:05:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking the toy horse out of the building. \ref 157 \id 800145095423130801 \begin 0:05:54 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt taking s.t. \ref 158 \id 866307095423130801 \begin 0:05:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx kok ada... \pho kɔ ada \mb kok ada \ge KOK exist \gj KOK exist \ft why is there... \ref 159 \id 440101095423130801 \begin 0:05:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska rumahnya kecil dah. \pho priska rumahɲa kəciːl dah \mb Priska rumah -nya kecil dah \ge Priska house -NYA small PFCT \gj Priska house-NYA small PFCT \ft your house is small. \ref 160 \id 293972095423130801 \begin 0:06:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx. \pho ʔɔdɛh \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 161 \id 398772095423130801 \begin 0:06:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni buka deh. \pho ni bukaʔ dɛh \mb ni buka deh \ge this open DEH \gj this open DEH \ft I am opening this. \nt opening the window of the house. \ref 162 \id 473990095424130801 \begin 0:06:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx Maminya? \pho mamiɲah \mb Mami -nya \ge mommy -NYA \gj mommy-NYA \ft what about you? \ref 163 \id 170469095424130801 \begin 0:06:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni xx masuk. \pho ni xx masuk \mb ni xx masuk \ge this xx go.in \gj this xx go.in \ft this xx he goes into it. \nt taking a doll and putting it into the house through the window. \ref 164 \id 975817095424130801 \begin 0:06:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx Maminya gede, nggak? \pho mamiɲa gədɛːʔ ŋgaːʔ \mb Mami -nya gede nggak \ge mommy -NYA big NEG \gj mommy-NYA big NEG \ft is yours big? \ref 165 \id 480496095425130801 \begin 0:06:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx Maminya gede, ya? \pho mamiɲah gədɛʔ yaːh \mb Mami -nya gede ya \ge mommy -NYA big yes \gj mommy-NYA big yes \ft yours is big, right? \ref 166 \id 617777095425130801 \begin 0:06:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋ̩gaːʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 167 \id 302911095425130801 \begin 0:06:08 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt passing by while laughing. \ref 168 \id 342674095425130801 \begin 0:06:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx eee... Mami gede, nggak? \pho ʔə̃ː mami gədɛʔ ŋgaːʔ \mb eee Mami gede nggak \ge FILL mommy big NEG \gj FILL mommy big NEG \ft umm... is yours big? \ref 169 \id 842496095425130801 \begin 0:06:11 \sp OMAPRI \tx Cisca, air tiga, ya, Sis? \pho siska ʔayir tiga ya siːs \mb Cisca air tiga ya Sis \ge Cisca water three yes Sis \gj Cisca water three yes Sis \ft Cisca, the water is three, okay? \nt referring to the bottles of water. \ref 170 \id 747588095426130801 \begin 0:06:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya. \pho yaʰ \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 171 \id 585445141433130801 \begin 0:06:15 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the car is passing by. \ref 172 \id 440045095426130801 \begin 0:06:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, dateng tuh. \pho tuːh daːtəŋ tuh \mb tuh dateng tuh \ge that come that \gj that come that \ft there, he is coming. \nt referring to the seller of the mineral water. \ref 173 \id 488013141520130801 \begin 0:06:18 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the driver is playing the horn. \ref 174 \id 258128095426130801 \begin 0:06:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx siapa? \pho syapaːh \mb siapa \ge who \gj who \ft who? \ref 175 \id 962524095426130801 \begin 0:06:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx Qualiva. \pho kwalifa \mb Qualiva \ge Qualiva \gj Qualiva \ft Qualiva. \nt referring to the trade mark of the mineral water. \ref 176 \id 263105095427130801 \begin 0:06:22 \sp MOTPRI \tx air. \pho ʔay9iːr \mb air \ge water \gj water \ft water. \ref 177 \id 914023095427130801 \begin 0:06:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft there. \nt finishes building the house. \ref 178 \id 507190095427130801 \begin 0:06:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo orang tidurnya di rumah. \pho kalɔʔ ʔɔraŋ tidurɲa di rumaːh \mb kalo orang tidur -nya di rumah \ge TOP person lie.down -NYA LOC house \gj TOP person lie.down-NYA LOC house \ft people sleep in a house. \ref 179 \id 160624095427130801 \begin 0:06:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo binatang tidurnya di... \pho kalɔ binataŋ tidurɲa diː \mb kalo binatang tidur -nya di \ge TOP animal lie.down -NYA LOC \gj TOP animal lie.down-NYA LOC \ft an animal sleeps in... \nt expecting CHI to complete her utterance. \ref 180 \id 220158095427130801 \begin 0:06:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx kandang, nih... \pho kandaŋ niːh \mb kandang nih \ge shed this \gj shed this \ft a stable, here... \nt 1. fulfils MOT's expectation. 2. pointing at the stable that EXP built. \ref 181 \id 911299095428130801 \begin 0:06:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha. \pho haː \mb ha \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 182 \id 631509095428130801 \begin 0:06:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...kandangnya. \pho kandaŋɲah \mb kandang -nya \ge shed -NYA \gj shed-NYA \ft ...is the stable. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 183 \id 691709095428130801 \begin 0:06:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx kandangnya lebih besar. \pho kandaŋɲa ləbih bəsaːr \mb kandang -nya lebih besar \ge shed -NYA more big \gj shed-NYA more big \ft the stable is bigger. \ref 184 \id 879871095428130801 \begin 0:06:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya? \pho yaːh \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right? \ref 185 \id 711822095429130801 \begin 0:06:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak pa-pa, ya? \mb nggak pa - pa ya \ge NEG what - what yes \gj NEG RED-what yes \ft that's okay, right? \ref 186 \id 512094095429130801 \begin 0:06:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx ada benderanya. \pho ʔadaʔ bəndɛlaʔɲah \mb ada bendera -nya \ge exist flag -NYA \gj exist flag-NYA \ft there is a flag. \nt taking a flag and holding it on roof of the house. \ref 187 \id 674750095430130801 \begin 0:06:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx xxx... \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx... \nt interrupted by CHI. \ref 188 \id 245325095430130801 \begin 0:06:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx ada benderanya. \pho ʔadaʔ bəndɛlaʔɲah \mb ada bendera -nya \ge exist flag -NYA \gj exist flag-NYA \ft there is a flag. \ref 189 \id 889645095430130801 \begin 0:06:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, mo taro bendera. \pho ʔɔː mɔ tarɔ bəndɛraʔ \mb oh mo taro bendera \ge EXCL want put flag \gj EXCL want put flag \ft oh, you want to put a flag. \ref 190 \id 282670095431130801 \begin 0:06:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 191 \id 343849095431130801 \begin 0:06:43 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, ya, ya, ya, nih, Mami bikin nih. \pho ʔiya ya ya ya nih mami bikin nih \mb iya ya ya ya nih Mami bikin nih \ge yes yes yes yes this mommy make this \gj yes yes yes yes this mommy make this \ft okay, okay, okay, okay, here, let me make it. \ref 192 \id 786986095431130801 \begin 0:06:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni, orang... rumahnya lebih besar nih. \pho ni ʔɔraŋ rumahɲa ləbih bəsar nih \mb ni orang rumah -nya lebih besar nih \ge this person house -NYA more big this \gj this person house-NYA more big this \ft this, the man's house is bigger. \nt putting off the roof of the house and attaching a square piece of Lego. \ref 193 \id 197275095431130801 \begin 0:06:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni benderanya nih. \pho ni bəndɛraʔɲa nih \mb ni bendera -nya nih \ge this flag -NYA this \gj this flag-NYA this \ft this is the flag. \ref 194 \id 612125095431130801 \begin 0:06:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini dua nih. \pho ʔini duwaʔ nih \mb ini dua nih \ge this two this \gj this two this \ft here, two. \nt taking the other flag and giving it to MOT. \ref 195 \id 695211095432130801 \begin 0:06:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx dua. \pho duwaʔ \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft two. \ref 196 \id 326621095432130801 \begin 0:06:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx satu. \pho satuːʔ \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft one. \ref 197 \id 123616095433130801 \begin 0:06:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx satu... nih, dia lagi di atas. \pho satu nih dya lagi di ʔatas \mb satu nih dia lagi di atas \ge one this 3 more LOC up \gj one this 3 more LOC up \ft one... here, he is on top. \nt taking a doll and putting it on the top of the building. \ref 198 \id 129228095433130801 \begin 0:07:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx Mami bikin, ya? \pho mami bikin yah \mb Mami bikin ya \ge mommy make yes \gj mommy make yes \ft let me make it, okay? \ref 199 \id 844627095433130801 \begin 0:07:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mami... \pho mamiːʰ \mb Mami \ge mommy \gj mommy \ft Mami... \ref 200 \id 569940095435130801 \begin 0:07:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx bikin yang gede. \pho bikin yaŋ gədɛʔ \mb bikin yang gede \ge make REL big \gj make REL big \ft I'm making a big one. \ref 201 \id 906593095435130801 \begin 0:07:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...jangan di... jangan di atas... jangan... di bawah, di bawah aja. \pho jaŋan diʰ jaŋan di ʔatas jaŋan di bawah di bawah aːja. \mb jangan di jangan di atas jangan di bawah di bawah aja \ge don't LOC don't LOC up don't LOC under LOC under just \gj don't LOC don't LOC up don't LOC under LOC under just \ft ...don't... don't be on top... don't... on the ground here, just on the ground. \nt 1. from her previous utterance. 2. referring to the doll that MOT put on top of the building. \ref 202 \id 726774095435130801 \begin 0:07:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx apanya? \pho ʔapaɲaːʰ \mb apa -nya \ge what -NYA \gj what-NYA \ft what? \ref 203 \id 717566095437130801 \begin 0:07:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx jangan di atas, memang... nggak tau, ya? \pho jaŋan di ʔatas mɛmaŋ ŋgaʔ taWuʔ yah \mb jangan di atas memang nggak tau ya \ge don't LOC up indeed NEG know yes \gj don't LOC up indeed NEG know yes \ft don't be on top, do you really don't know? \ref 204 \id 946405145541130801 \begin 0:07:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaːʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 205 \id 253439145649130801 \begin 0:07:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx siapanya yang di at(as)... yang di bawah? \pho syapaɲaːʰ yaŋ di at yaŋ di bawah \mb siapa -nya yang di atas yang di bawah \ge who -NYA REL LOC up REL LOC under \gj who-NYA REL LOC up REL LOC under \ft who is on top... on the ground? \ref 206 \id 466362145752130801 \begin 0:07:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx orangnya. \pho ʔɔraŋɲaːʰ \mb orang -nya \ge person -NYA \gj person-NYA \ft the man. \ref 207 \id 655641145808130801 \begin 0:07:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, orangnya di bawah. \pho ʔɔː ʔɔraŋɲa di bawah \mb oh orang -nya di bawah \ge EXCL person -NYA LOC under \gj EXCL person-NYA LOC under \ft oh, the man is on the ground. \ref 208 \id 381736145808130801 \begin 0:07:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, rumahnya yang tingkat deh rumahnya. \pho ya rumahɲa yaŋ tiŋkat dɛh rumahɲah \mb ya rumah -nya yang tingkat deh rumah -nya \ge yes house -NYA REL level DEH house -NYA \gj yes house-NYA REL level DEH house-NYA \ft okay, the house is a storey house. \ref 209 \id 342770145809130801 \begin 0:07:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya... ini buat rumah tingkat, ya? \pho yaːh ʔini buwat rumah tiŋkat yaːh \mb ya ini buat rumah tingkat ya \ge yes this make house level yes \gj yes this make house level yes \ft okay... I am making a storey, house, okay? \ref 210 \id 654398145810130801 \begin 0:07:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni rumah tingkat juga nih. \pho ni lu8mah tiŋkat jyuga nih \mb ni rumah tingkat juga nih \ge this house level also this \gj this house level also this \ft this is also a storey house. \nt referring to her grandma's house. \ref 211 \id 181052150610130801 \begin 0:07:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak ini. \pho ŋ̩ːgaːʔ iniʰ \mb nggak ini \ge NEG this \gj NEG this \ft it's not. \ref 212 \id 649873150611130801 \begin 0:07:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo rumah tingkat, rumahnya tinggi. \pho kalɔ rumah tiŋkaːt rumahɲa tiŋgiːʔ \mb kalo rumah tingkat rumah -nya tinggi \ge TOP house level house -NYA high \gj TOP house level house-NYA high \ft a storey house is tall. \ref 213 \id 630268150611130801 \begin 0:07:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini... \pho ʔiniʰ \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this... \ref 214 \id 530654150611130801 \begin 0:07:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo gedung. \pho kalɔ gəduːŋ \mb kalo gedung \ge TOP building \gj TOP building \ft a building. \ref 215 \id 315411150611130801 \begin 0:07:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...tinggi juga ini. \pho tiŋgiʔ jugaʔ ʔinih \mb tinggi juga ini \ge high also this \gj high also this \ft ...this is also tall. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 216 \id 719681150612130801 \begin 0:07:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, gedung tuh. \pho tuː gəduːŋ tuːh \mb tuh gedung tuh \ge that building that \gj that building that \ft there, a building. \ref 217 \id 290774150612130801 \begin 0:07:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini tinggi juga lagi. \pho ʔini tiŋgi jyuːgaʔ lagiʰ \mb ini tinggi juga lagi \ge this high also LAGI \gj this high also LAGI \ft this is also tall. \ref 218 \id 653918150612130801 \begin 0:07:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx tapi nggak... nggak tingkat, nggak ada tangganya. \pho tapi ŋgaʔ ŋgaʔ tiːŋkat ŋgaʔ adaʔ taŋgaʔɲah \mb tapi nggak nggak tingkat nggak ada tangga -nya \ge but NEG NEG level NEG exist stair -NYA \gj but NEG NEG level NEG exist stair-NYA \ft but it's not... it's not a storey one, there is no stairs. \ref 219 \id 212682150612130801 \begin 0:07:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mami nggak tau, ya? \pho mami ŋgaʔ taːwuʔ yah \mb Mami nggak tau ya \ge mommy NEG know yes \gj mommy NEG know yes \ft you don't know, huh? \ref 220 \id 355475150613130801 \begin 0:07:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx tau. \pho taːwuʔ \mb tau \ge know \gj know \ft I do. \ref 221 \id 884784150613130801 \begin 0:07:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak... masa gitu aja nggak tau. \pho ŋgaːʔ masa gitu ʔaja ŋgaʔ taːWu \mb nggak masa gitu aja nggak tau \ge NEG incredible like.that just NEG know \gj NEG incredible like.that just NEG know \ft no... you don't know just a little thing. \ref 222 \id 486271150613130801 \begin 0:07:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak tau lagi. \pho ŋgaʔ tawuʔ lagiʰ \mb nggak tau lagi \ge NEG know LAGI \gj NEG know LAGI \ft you don't know. \ref 223 \id 475697150613130801 \begin 0:07:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx lha! \pho lah \mb lha \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft huh! \ref 224 \id 952560150613130801 \begin 0:07:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska, Priska kok begitu, sih? \pho priskaʰ priska kɔ bəgiːtu siːh \mb Priska Priska kok begitu sih \ge Priska Priska KOK like.that SIH \gj Priska Priska KOK like.that SIH \ft Priska, why are you like that? \ref 225 \id 198573150614130801 \begin 0:07:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska nggak tau, ya? \pho priska ŋgaʔ tawu yah \mb Priska nggak tau ya \ge Priska NEG know yes \gj Priska NEG know yes \ft you don't know, right? \ref 226 \id 825366150614130801 \begin 0:07:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mami yang nggak tau. \pho mami yaŋ ŋgaʔ taWuːʔ \mb Mami yang nggak tau \ge mommy REL NEG know \gj mommy REL NEG know \ft you are the one who doesn't know. \ref 227 \id 846820150614130801 \begin 0:07:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak, ah, Mami tau, ah. \pho ŋgaːʔ ʔah mami taWu ʔah \mb nggak ah Mami tau ah \ge NEG AH mommy know AH \gj NEG AH mommy know AH \ft no, I know. \ref 228 \id 533560150614130801 \begin 0:08:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaːʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 229 \id 562856150615130801 \begin 0:08:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx masa? \pho maːsaːʔ \mb masa \ge incredible \gj incredible \ft really? \ref 230 \id 636679150615130801 \begin 0:08:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx gitu aja nggak... \pho gitu ʔaja ŋgaʔ \mb gitu aja nggak \ge like.that just NEG \gj like.that just NEG \ft just like that not... \ref 231 \id 283924150615130801 \begin 0:08:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx masa? \pho maːsaːʔ \mb masa \ge incredible \gj incredible \ft really? \ref 232 \id 730889150615130801 \begin 0:08:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx gitu aja tau. \pho gitu ʔaja taːWuːʔ \mb gitu aja tau \ge like.that just know \gj like.that just know \ft just like that, you know it. \nt actually intends to say "nggak tau" instead of "tau". \ref 233 \id 565618150616130801 \begin 0:08:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx masa? \pho maːsaːʔ \mb masa \ge incredible \gj incredible \ft really? \ref 234 \id 266413150616130801 \begin 0:08:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx gitu aja tau. \pho gitu ʔaja taːWuːʔ \mb gitu aja tau \ge like.that just know \gj like.that just know \ft just like that, you know it. \ref 235 \id 718408150616130801 \begin 0:08:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh, jelek! \pho hə̃h jəlɛk \mb heh jelek \ge EXCL bad \gj EXCL bad \ft hey, you are not nice! \ref 236 \id 510194150616130801 \begin 0:08:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx masa? \pho maːsaːʔ \mb masa \ge incredible \gj incredible \ft really? \ref 237 \id 240081150616130801 \begin 0:08:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt getting closer to the box of Lego. \ref 238 \id 956965150617130801 \begin 0:08:14 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter falls down. \ref 239 \id 442153150617130801 \begin 0:08:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx eh, eh, eh, eh, eh! \pho ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛh ʔɛ ʔɛh \mb eh eh eh eh eh \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft eh, eh, eh, eh, eh! \ref 240 \id 582135150617130801 \begin 0:08:16 \sp EXPYAN \tx bentar, Pris. \pho bəntar priːs \mb bentar Pris \ge moment Priska \gj moment Priska \ft just a minute, Pris. \ref 241 \id 658192150617130801 \begin 0:08:17 \sp EXPYAN \tx itunya lepas tuh. \pho ʔituɲa ləpas tuh \mb itu -nya lepas tuh \ge that -NYA come.off that \gj that-NYA come.off that \ft that thing came off. \ref 242 \id 958744150617130801 \begin 0:08:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho hɔmxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 243 \id 632245150618130801 \begin 0:08:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx itunya lepas tuh. \pho ʔituɲa ləpas tuh \mb itu -nya lepas tuh \ge that -NYA come.off that \gj that-NYA come.off that \ft that thing came off. \ref 244 \id 462490150618130801 \begin 0:08:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 245 \id 384543150618130801 \begin 0:08:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt singing. \ref 246 \id 735650150618130801 \begin 0:08:26 \sp EXPYAN \tx nih, bawa sini aja. \pho nih bawaʔ sini ʔajah \mb nih bawa sini aja \ge this bring here just \gj this bring here just \ft here, just bring it here. \nt moving the position of the box of Lego. \ref 247 \id 485989150618130801 \begin 0:08:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 248 \id 233082150619130801 \begin 0:08:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih. \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt finishes making the three-storey house. \ref 249 \id 315239150619130801 \begin 0:08:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx. \pho ʔɔːmiliya \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 250 \id 541034150619130801 \begin 0:08:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh tingkat tuh. \pho tuh tiŋkat tuh \mb tuh tingkat tuh \ge that level that \gj that level that \ft look, it's a storey one. \ref 251 \id 177074150619130801 \begin 0:08:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx xxx mandi. \mb xxx mandi \ge xxx bathe \gj xxx bathe \ft xxx bathe. \ref 252 \id 389061150620130801 \begin 0:08:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx satu, dua, tiga. \pho satuʔ duwaʔ tigaʔ \mb satu dua tiga \ge one two three \gj one two three \ft one, two, three. \nt counting the number of the levels of the house. \ref 253 \id 164789150620130801 \begin 0:08:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt looking at the house. \ref 254 \id 913367150620130801 \begin 0:08:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx satu, dua, tiga. \pho satuːʔ duwaʔ tigaʔ \mb satu dua tiga \ge one two three \gj one two three \ft one, two, three. \nt counting again. \ref 255 \id 274416150621130801 \begin 0:08:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni yang kayak gini? \pho niʰ yaŋ kayaʔ giniʰ \mb ni yang kayak gini \ge this REL like like.this \gj this REL like like.this \ft what about the one like this? \nt pointing at a picture in the box. \ref 256 \id 227212150621130801 \begin 0:08:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft which one? \nt taking the box. \ref 257 \id 664499150621130801 \begin 0:08:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx bisa nggak yang kayak gitu? \pho bisa ŋgaʔ yaŋ kayaʔ gituʰ \mb bisa nggak yang kayak gitu \ge can NEG REL like like.that \gj can NEG REL like like.that \ft can you make one like that? \ref 258 \id 760203150621130801 \begin 0:08:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx mo yang kaya gini... \pho mɔ yaŋ kaya giniʰ \mb mo yang kaya gini \ge want REL like like.this \gj want REL like like.this \ft do you want one like this... \nt pointing at the picture that CHI pointed. \ref 259 \id 952683150622130801 \begin 0:08:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 260 \id 468937150622130801 \begin 0:08:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...bikinnya? \pho bikinɲah \mb bikin -nya \ge make -NYA \gj make-NYA \ft ...make it? \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 261 \id 737228150623130801 \begin 0:08:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 262 \id 911938150624130801 \begin 0:08:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx bisa. \pho biːsaːʔ \mb bisa \ge can \gj can \ft I can. \ref 263 \id 563509150624130801 \begin 0:08:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx mau, Priska? \pho maWuːʔ priskah \mb mau Priska \ge want Priska \gj want Priska \ft do you want it? \ref 264 \id 809539150624130801 \begin 0:08:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 265 \id 342953150625130801 \begin 0:08:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx udah, ni udah... ni udah, ini (u)dah jadi nih... \pho ʔuːda ni ʔuːda ni ʔuda ini daʰ jaːdi nih \mb udah ni udah ni udah ini udah jadi nih \ge PFCT this PFCT this PFCT this PFCT become this \gj PFCT this PFCT this PFCT this PFCT become this \ft it's done, this is done... this one is already done... \nt referring to the three-storey house she has just built. \ref 266 \id 125564150625130801 \begin 0:08:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...satu, kan? \pho satu kaːn \mb satu kan \ge one KAN \gj one KAN \ft ...we've got one, right? \ref 267 \id 466495150625130801 \begin 0:08:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang itu? \pho yaŋ ʔituh \mb yang itu \ge REL that \gj REL that \ft what about that one? \nt reference unclear. \ref 268 \id 198930150626130801 \begin 0:08:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus... \pho tr̩us \mb trus \ge continue \gj continue \ft then... \ref 269 \id 521026150626130801 \begin 0:09:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang banyak dong! \pho yaŋ baɲak dɔːŋ \mb yang banyak dong \ge REL a.lot DONG \gj REL a.lot DONG \ft make more! \ref 270 \id 507482150626130801 \begin 0:09:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, yang itu. \pho ʔɔːh yaŋ ʔituʰ \mb oh yang itu \ge EXCL REL that \gj EXCL REL that \ft oh, that one. \nt referring to one of the picture in the box. \ref 271 \id 559011150626130801 \begin 0:09:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya deh. \pho ʔiya dɛːh \mb iya deh \ge yes DEH \gj yes DEH \ft okay then. \ref 272 \id 819845150627130801 \begin 0:09:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx ntar dulu, Mami buatin deh. \pho n̩tar dulu mami buwaːtin dɛh \mb ntar dulu Mami buat -in deh \ge moment before mommy make -IN DEH \gj moment before mommy make-IN DEH \ft just a minute, I'll make it. \ref 273 \id 759368150627130801 \begin 0:09:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx na na na na... \pho na na na na \mb na na na na \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft na na na na... \nt singing and interrupted by CHI. \ref 274 \id 422703150627130801 \begin 0:09:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang ini aja, yang kaya gini. \pho yaŋ ini ʔaja yaŋ kaya ginih \mb yang ini aja yang kaya gini \ge REL this just REL like like.this \gj REL this just REL like like.this \ft just this one, one like this. \nt pointing at one of the picture in the box. \ref 275 \id 382179150628130801 \begin 0:09:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 276 \id 602808150629130801 \begin 0:09:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni. \pho nih \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft this. \ref 277 \id 713830150629130801 \begin 0:09:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx apa? \pho ʔapah \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 278 \id 958249150630130801 \begin 0:09:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini. \pho ʔinih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this. \ref 279 \id 407477150630130801 \begin 0:09:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni bagus nih, yang kaya gini nih. \pho ni bagus nih yaŋ kaya gini nih \mb ni bagus nih yang kaya gini nih \ge this nice this REL like like.this this \gj this nice this REL like like.this this \ft this one is nice, the one like this. \ref 280 \id 971768150630130801 \begin 0:09:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, nanti trus maen bebeknya, ya? \pho ʔɔː nanti tr̩us maɛn bɛbɛkɲa yaːh \mb oh nanti trus maen bebek -nya ya \ge EXCL later continue play duck -NYA yes \gj EXCL later continue play duck-NYA yes \ft oh, then you'll play the duck, right? \ref 281 \id 828659150631130801 \begin 0:09:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah. \ref 282 \id 400161150631130801 \begin 0:09:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx bebeknya mana? \pho bɛbɛkɲa manah \mb bebek -nya mana \ge duck -NYA which \gj duck-NYA which \ft where is the duck? \ref 283 \id 412087150631130801 \begin 0:09:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, bisa, bisa... \pho ʔiya bisaʔ bisaʔ \mb iya bisa bisa \ge yes can can \gj yes can can \ft okay, I can, I can... \ref 284 \id 165954150631130801 \begin 0:09:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx be(bek)... \pho bɛː \mb bebek \ge duck \gj duck \ft duck... \nt calling the duck. \ref 285 \id 699070150632130801 \begin 0:09:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...bisa diatur. \pho biːsa diʔatur \mb bisa di- atur \ge can DI- arrange \gj can DI-arrange \ft ...I can make it. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 286 \id 393380150632130801 \begin 0:09:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...(be)bek. \pho bɛːk \mb bebek \ge duck \gj duck \ft ...duck. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 287 \id 749590150632130801 \begin 0:09:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx bebeknya mana? \pho bɛbɛkɲa manaːʰ \mb bebek -nya mana \ge duck -NYA which \gj duck-NYA which \ft where is the duck? \ref 288 \id 786651150632130801 \begin 0:09:29 \sp MOTPRI \tx bebek-bebekku. \pho bɛːbɛkbɛbɛku \mb bebek - bebek -ku \ge duck - duck -1SG \gj RED-duck-1SG \ft my ducks. \nt singing. \ref 289 \id 869649150633130801 \begin 0:09:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx tanya Oma bebeknya! \pho taɲa ʔɔma bɛbɛkɲaːh \mb tanya Oma bebek -nya \ge ask grandma duck -NYA \gj ask grandma duck-NYA \ft ask Grandma about the duck! \ref 290 \id 815951150633130801 \begin 0:09:38 \sp EXPYAN \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt making herself busy with the building that she built. \ref 291 \id 110037150633130801 \begin 0:09:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx bebek-(be)bekannya ada. \mb bebek - bebek -an -nya ada \ge duck - duck -AN -NYA exist \gj RED.AN-duck-NYA exist \ft the is "ducks". \ref 292 \id 492085150634130801 \begin 0:09:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \ref 293 \id 980265150634130801 \begin 0:09:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, kandangnya Si kuda. \pho ʔɛh kandaŋɲah si kudaːːʔ \mb eh kandang -nya Si kuda \ge EXCL shed -NYA PERS horse \gj EXCL shed-NYA PERS horse \ft hey, the horse's stable. \nt referring to the "bed" and the "blanket" that she made before which have been taken. \ref 294 \id 546186150634130801 \begin 0:09:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx kenapa? \pho kənapah \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft why? \ref 295 \id 366415150634130801 \begin 0:09:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx mana kandangnya Si kuda? \pho mana kandaŋɲa si kudaʔ \mb mana kandang -nya Si kuda \ge which shed -NYA PERS horse \gj which shed-NYA PERS horse \ft where is the horse's stable? \ref 296 \id 246062150634130801 \begin 0:09:56 \sp EXPYAN \tx katanya mau dibuat rumah. \pho kataɲa maWu dibuwat rumaːh \mb kata -nya mau di- buat rumah \ge word -NYA want DI- make house \gj word-NYA want DI-make house \ft you said that you wanted to make a house. \ref 297 \id 672660150635130801 \begin 0:09:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx kata mo dibuat rumah begitu. \pho kata mɔ dibuwat rumah bəgiːtuʰ \mb kata mo di- buat rumah begitu \ge word want DI- make house like.that \gj word want DI-make house like.that \ft you said that you wanted to make a house like that. \ref 298 \id 220366150635130801 \begin 0:10:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini kudanya, kasihan nggak ada rumah. \pho ʔini kudaɲah kasiyan ŋgaʔ ʔada rumaːh \mb ini kuda -nya kasih -an nggak ada rumah \ge this horse -NYA compassion -AN NEG exist house \gj this horse-NYA compassion-AN NEG exist house \ft this is the horse, poor he, he doesn't have a house. \nt taking the horse. \ref 299 \id 805477150635130801 \begin 0:10:04 \sp EXPYAN \tx di luar aja, dikasi selimut. \pho di luwar ʔapa dikasi səlimut \mb di luar aja di- kasi selimut \ge LOC out just DI- give blanket \gj LOC out just DI-give blanket \ft just outside, give him a blanket. \ref 300 \id 468633150635130801 \begin 0:10:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx yeh! \pho yəːəh \mb yeh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft yeh! \ref 301 \id 130628150635130801 \begin 0:10:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih. \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt giving the horse to EXP. \ref 302 \id 980935150636130801 \begin 0:10:10 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt taking the horse, putting it on a piece of Lego and putting another piece of Lego on the horse. \ref 303 \id 991448150637130801 \begin 0:10:12 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak mau yang kaya gitu. \pho ŋgaʔ maWuʰ yaŋ kada giːtuʰ \mb nggak mau yang kaya gitu \ge NEG want REL like like.that \gj NEG want REL like like.that \ft I don't want one like that. \ref 304 \id 390236150638130801 \begin 0:10:15 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh, kandang kecil aja, ya? \pho ʔɔː kandaŋ kəcil ʔaja yah \mb oh kandang kecil aja ya \ge EXCL shed small just yes \gj EXCL shed small just yes \ft oh, just a small stable, okay? \ref 305 \id 112900150638130801 \begin 0:10:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 306 \id 912433150638130801 \begin 0:10:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang gede aja. \pho yaŋ gədɛʔ ʔaːjaːʰ \mb yang gede aja \ge REL big just \gj REL big just \ft just a big one. \nt changing her mind. \ref 307 \id 789517150638130801 \begin 0:10:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx lho? \pho lɔh \mb lho \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft huh? \ref 308 \id 435846150638130801 \begin 0:10:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang gede aja. \pho yaŋ gədɛʔ ʔaːjaʰ \mb yang gede aja \ge REL big just \gj REL big just \ft just a big one. \ref 309 \id 786719150638130801 \begin 0:10:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak jadi, nggak jadi bikin itu? \pho ŋgaʔ jadi ŋgaʔ jadi bikin ʔituʰ \mb nggak jadi nggak jadi bikin itu \ge NEG become NEG become make that \gj NEG become NEG become make that \ft don't you want to make that one? \nt referring to the building. \ref 310 \id 211235150639130801 \begin 0:10:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx yah, kan... xx kan ada kudanya, hayo... hayo. \pho yaːh kan kɔʔa kan ʔada kudaʔɲaː ʰayɔ ʰayɔː \mb yah kan xx kan ada kuda -nya hayo hayo \ge EXCL KAN xx KAN exist horse -NYA HAYO HAYO \gj EXCL KAN xx KAN exist horse-NYA HAYO HAYO \ft ugh, we have the horse. \ref 311 \id 330727150639130801 \begin 0:10:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃ːh \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 312 \id 749192150639130801 \begin 0:10:29 \sp EXPYAN \tx ntar kudanya tinggal di rumah aja deh. \pho n̩tar kudaɲah tiŋgal di rumah ʔaja dɛːh \mb ntar kuda -nya tinggal di rumah aja deh \ge moment horse -NYA stay LOC house just DEH \gj moment horse-NYA stay LOC house just DEH \ft the horse will just stay at home. \ref 313 \id 389063150639130801 \begin 0:10:32 \sp EXPYAN \tx nih... udah tu kandang. \pho nih ʔuda tuh kandaŋ \mb nih udah tu kandang \ge this PFCT that shed \gj this PFCT that shed \ft here... the stable is done. \nt making a box for CHI. \ref 314 \id 187307150640130801 \begin 0:10:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx dibukanya gimana? \pho dibukaʔɲa gimanah \mb di- buka -nya gimana \ge DI- open -NYA how \gj DI-open-NYA how \ft how do I open it? \ref 315 \id 487045150640130801 \begin 0:10:38 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt lifting the box. \ref 316 \id 877609150640130801 \begin 0:10:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 317 \id 501236150640130801 \begin 0:10:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx gimana ini? \pho gimanaː ʔinih \mb gimana ini \ge how this \gj how this \ft how is it? \nt trying to put the horse into the box by making the hole of the box face the horse so that it can goes into the hole, but fails to do it. \ref 318 \id 895671150640130801 \begin 0:10:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx masukin aja, masukin. \pho masukin ʔajah masukin \mb masuk -in aja masuk -in \ge go.in -IN just go.in -IN \gj go.in-IN just go.in-IN \ft I am just putting it in, I am just putting it in. \nt making the hole of the box face upward and putting the horse into it. \ref 319 \id 490609094346140801 \begin 0:10:50 \sp OMAPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing in the kitchen. \ref 320 \id 485236094347140801 \begin 0:10:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking a smaller toy. \ref 321 \id 183827094347140801 \begin 0:10:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini mustinya. \pho ʔini musiʰɲaːʰ \mb ini musti -nya \ge this must -NYA \gj this must-NYA \ft it must be this one. \nt taking the horse out of the box and putting the toy into the box. \ref 322 \id 498758094347140801 \begin 0:10:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang kecil-kecil xx. \mb yang kecil - kecil xx \ge REL small - small xx \gj REL RED-small xx \ft small ones xx/ \ref 323 \id 646435094347140801 \begin 0:11:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking another toy and putting it into the box. \ref 324 \id 443509094348140801 \begin 0:11:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt taking two other toys and putting them into the box and then taking a doll and putting it into the box. \ref 325 \id 873272094348140801 \begin 0:11:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, ini jangan. \pho ʔɛː ʔini jaːŋaːn \mb eh ini jangan \ge EXCL this don't \gj EXCL this don't \ft hey, not this one. \nt taking the toy pig out of the box and shaking the box. \ref 326 \id 498586094348140801 \begin 0:11:14 \sp EXPYAN \tx orangnya... kok dimasukin ke dalem? \pho ʔɔraŋɲaʰ kɔʔ dimasukin kə daləm \mb orang -nya kok di- masuk -in ke dalem \ge person -NYA KOK DI- go.in -IN to inside \gj person-NYA KOK DI-go.in-IN to inside \ft the man... why do you put him in? \ref 327 \id 443966094348140801 \begin 0:11:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyaʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 328 \id 455089094348140801 \begin 0:11:22 \sp EXPYAN \tx aduh, orang nggak bisa dicampur dengan hewan tidurnya, Pris. \pho ʔaduːh ʔɔraŋ ŋgaʔ bisa dicampur dəŋan hɛwan tidurɲaː priːs \mb aduh orang nggak bisa di- campur dengan hewan tidur -nya Pris \ge EXCL person NEG can DI- mix with domesticated.animal lie.down -NYA Priska \gj EXCL person NEG can DI-mix with domesticated.animal lie.down-NYA Priska \ft my goodness, a man can't sleep together with an animal. \ref 329 \id 196936094348140801 \begin 0:11:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, iya, masa... \pho ʔɔ ʔiːya masaʔ \mb oh iya masa \ge EXCL yes incredible \gj EXCL yes incredible \ft oh, right, how come... \nt interrupted by CHI. \ref 330 \id 311421094349140801 \begin 0:11:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 331 \id 264941094349140801 \begin 0:11:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx eh, masa tidurnya kok sama-sama, di kandang? \mb eh masa tidur -nya kok sama - sama di kandang \ge EXCL incredible lie.down -NYA KOK same - same LOC shed \gj EXCL incredible lie.down-NYA KOK RED-same LOC shed \ft hey, how come do they sleep together in a stable? \ref 332 \id 276750094349140801 \begin 0:11:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 333 \id 743473094349140801 \begin 0:11:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska mau tidur di kandang? \pho priskaʰ maːWu tidur di kaːndaːŋ \mb Priska mau tidur di kandang \ge Priska want lie.down LOC shed \gj Priska want lie.down LOC shed \ft do you want to sleep in a stable? \ref 334 \id 571798094349140801 \begin 0:11:29 \sp OMAPRI \tx xx itu aja, eee... \pho xx ʔitu ʔaja ʔə̃ː \mb xx itu aja eee \ge xx that just FILL \gj xx that just FILL \ft xx just that one, umm... \nt talking to DIA in the kitchen. \ref 335 \id 630184094350140801 \begin 0:11:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska. \pho priskah \mb Priska \ge Priska \gj Priska \ft Priska. \ref 336 \id 912623094350140801 \begin 0:11:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska mo tidurnya di kandang, ya? \pho priska mɔ tidurɲa di kaːndaŋ yah \mb Priska mo tidur -nya di kandang ya \ge Priska want lie.down -NYA LOC shed yes \gj Priska want lie.down-NYA LOC shed yes \ft do you want to sleep in a stable, huh? \ref 337 \id 383421094350140801 \begin 0:11:35 \sp OMAPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 338 \id 762652094350140801 \begin 0:11:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo mo tidur di kandang, ya udah, Priska tidur sama Cemong aja, ya? \pho kalɔ mɔ tidur di kandaŋ ya ʔudah priska tidur sama cʰɛmɔːŋ ʔaja yah \mb kalo mo tidur di kandang ya udah Priska tidur sama Cemong aja ya \ge TOP want lie.down LOC shed yes PFCT Priska lie.down with Cemong just yes \gj TOP want lie.down LOC shed yes PFCT Priska lie.down with Cemong just yes \ft if you want to sleep in a stable, okay then, you just sleep with Cemong, okay? \ref 339 \id 716241094350140801 \begin 0:11:39 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 340 \id 982686094350140801 \begin 0:11:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx nanti Mami buatin... buat... buat Priska sama Cemong. \pho nanti mami buwatin bwat buwat priska sama cʰɛːmɔŋ \mb nanti Mami buat -in buat buat Priska sama Cemong \ge later mommy make -IN for for Priska with Cemong \gj later mommy make-IN for for Priska with Cemong \ft I'll make one for... for you and Cemong. \ref 341 \id 729755094351140801 \begin 0:11:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx Cemong kan... \pho cʰɛmɔŋ kan \mb Cemong kan \ge Cemong KAN \gj Cemong KAN \ft Cemong is... \nt interrupted by MOT. \ref 342 \id 420233094351140801 \begin 0:11:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx binatang. \pho binaːtaŋ \mb binatang \ge animal \gj animal \ft an animal. \ref 343 \id 266421094351140801 \begin 0:11:46 \sp CHIPRI \tx Ce(mong)... ini, Cemong kan yang lainnya. \pho cʰɛ ʔinih cʰɛmɔŋ kan yaŋ layinɲaːʰ \mb Cemong ini Cemong kan yang lain -nya \ge Cemong this Cemong KAN REL other -NYA \gj Cemong this Cemong KAN REL other-NYA \ft Cemong... this, Cemong is another. \ref 344 \id 851824094351140801 \begin 0:11:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 345 \id 921714094351140801 \begin 0:11:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx itu kalo dijadiin satu, berarti Priska tidur sama Cemong... xx, nggak? \pho ʔitu kalɔ dijadiʔin satuʔ bərarti priska tidur sama cʰɛmɔŋ xx ŋgaʔ \mb itu kalo di- jadi -in satu ber- arti Priska tidur sama Cemong xx nggak \ge that TOP DI- become -IN one BER- meaning Priska lie.down with Cemong xx NEG \gj that TOP DI-become-IN one BER-meaning Priska lie.down with Cemong xx NEG \ft when put together, it means you sleep with Cemong... xx, huh? \ref 346 \id 168448094353140801 \begin 0:11:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx Cemongnya yang lainnya. \pho cʰɛmɔŋɲa yaŋ layinɲaːʰ \mb Cemong -nya yang lain -nya \ge Cemong -NYA REL other -NYA \gj Cemong-NYA REL other-NYA \ft Cemong is another. \ref 347 \id 319900094353140801 \begin 0:11:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 348 \id 571972094354140801 \begin 0:11:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx Cemongnya yang lainnya. \pho cʰɛmɔŋɲa yaŋ layinɲaːh \mb Cemong -nya yang lain -nya \ge Cemong -NYA REL other -NYA \gj Cemong-NYA REL other-NYA \ft Cemong is another. \ref 349 \id 857488094400140801 \begin 0:12:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx Cemongnya yang lainnya begimana? \pho cɛmɔŋɲa yaŋ layinɲa bəgimanaː \mb Cemong -nya yang lain -nya begimana \ge Cemong -NYA REL other -NYA how \gj Cemong-NYA REL other-NYA how \ft what do you mean by Cemong is another? \ref 350 \id 723060094400140801 \begin 0:12:03 \sp OMAPRI \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt still talking outside the house. \ref 351 \id 397686094401140801 \begin 0:12:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang lainnya, yang kayak gini apa-apa. \mb yang lain -nya yang kayak gini apa - apa \ge REL other -NYA REL like like.this what - what \gj REL other-NYA REL like like.this RED-what \ft another, whatever like this. \nt reference unclear. \ref 352 \id 230146094408140801 \begin 0:12:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx yang gi(ni)... yang kayak gini aja. \pho yaŋ giː yaŋ kayaʔ gini ʔajah \mb yang gini yang kayak gini aja \ge REL like.this REL like like.this just \gj REL like.this REL like like.this just \ft the... just like this. \nt pointing at the roof of house that has been formed from the Lego. \ref 353 \id 478818094408140801 \begin 0:12:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini udah mo jadi nih... tuh. \pho ʔini ʔuda mɔ jadiʔ niːh tuː \mb ini udah mo jadi nih tuh \ge this PFCT want become this that \gj this PFCT want become this that \ft I almost finish this... look. \ref 354 \id 773903091502170801 \begin 0:12:13 \sp OMAPRI \tx Cisca xxx... \pho siska xxx \mb Cisca xxx \ge Cisca xxx \gj Cisca xxx \ft Cisca xxx... \ref 355 \id 764476091124170801 \begin 0:12:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx itu yang apa, Mi? \pho ʔitu yaŋ ʔapah miːh \mb itu yang apa Mi \ge that REL what TRU-mommy \gj that REL what TRU-mommy \ft which one is that? \nt referring to the building that MOT is working on. \ref 356 \id 769147094410140801 \begin 0:12:15 \sp OMAPRI \tx Sis... \pho siːs \mb Sis \ge Sis \gj Sis \ft Sis... \ref 357 \id 980392094410140801 \begin 0:12:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃ːh \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 358 \id 870385094410140801 \begin 0:12:18 \sp OMAPRI \tx mo beli apa, Sis? \pho mɔ bəli ʔapa siːs \mb mo beli apa Sis \ge want buy what Sis \gj want buy what Sis \ft what do you want to buy? \ref 359 \id 587260094411140801 \begin 0:12:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx apa, ya? \pho ʔapa yaːʰ \mb apa ya \ge what yes \gj what yes \ft what, huh? \nt thinking. \ref 360 \id 393509094411140801 \begin 0:12:21 \sp OMAPRI \tx terserah. \pho tərsəːrah \mb terserah \ge TER-hand.over \gj TER-hand.over \ft it's up to you. \ref 361 \id 219272094411140801 \begin 0:12:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, nggak usah deh. \pho yaʰ ŋgaʔ ʔusa dɛh \mb ya nggak usah deh \ge yes NEG must DEH \gj yes NEG must DEH \ft well, no need. \ref 362 \id 413045094412140801 \begin 0:12:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, ini "dibecakin" ini. \pho ʔɛh ʔini dibɛcaʔin ʔinih \mb eh ini di- becak -in ini \ge EXCL this DI- pedicab -IN this \gj EXCL this DI-pedicab-IN this \ft hey, just make it a pedicab. \nt taking the roof and imagining that it looks like a pedicab if she puts it in such a way. \ref 363 \id 966305094412140801 \begin 0:12:27 \sp CHIPRI \tx becak... becakku... jalan, jalan... \pho bɛcaʔ bɛcaʔkuː jyalan jyalan \mb becak becak -ku jalan jalan \ge pedicab pedicab -1SG walk walk \gj pedicab pedicab-1SG walk walk \ft pedicab... my pedicab... go, go... \nt putting a doll on inside part of the roof. \ref 364 \id 816074094413140801 \begin 0:12:29 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 365 \id 372962094413140801 \begin 0:12:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 366 \id 490433094414140801 \begin 0:12:35 \sp EXPYAN \tx "dibecakin." \pho dibɛcaʔin \mb di- becak -in \ge DI- pedicab -IN \gj DI-pedicab-IN \ft make it a pedicab. \ref 367 \id 218086094414140801 \begin 0:12:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx becak? \pho bɛːcaːʔ \mb becak \ge pedicab \gj pedicab \ft a pedicab? \ref 368 \id 275050094421140801 \begin 0:12:39 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 369 \id 971115094421140801 \begin 0:12:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 370 \id 653524094422140801 \begin 0:12:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx becak apa sih tu? \pho bɛcaʔ ʔaːpa si tuh \mb becak apa sih tu \ge pedicab what SIH that \gj pedicab what SIH that \ft what pedicab is it? \ref 371 \id 803096094423140801 \begin 0:12:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, becak aja. \pho ya bɛcaʔ ʔaːjyah \mb ya becak aja \ge yes pedicab just \gj yes pedicab just \ft yeah, just a pedicab. \nt taking another doll and putting it on the roof. \ref 372 \id 962945094424140801 \begin 0:12:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, becak aja? \pho ya bɛcaʔ ʔaːjah \mb ya becak aja \ge yes pedicab just \gj yes pedicab just \ft yeah, just a pedicab? \ref 373 \id 135484094424140801 \begin 0:12:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx bertiga lagi. \pho bərtigaʔ lagiʰ \mb ber- tiga lagi \ge BER- three LAGI \gj BER-three LAGI \ft three of them. \nt referring to the three dolls. \ref 374 \id 691118094425140801 \begin 0:12:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 375 \id 839326094425140801 \begin 0:12:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx orang yang satu lagi mana? \pho ʔɔlaŋ yaŋ satu lagi manah \mb orang yang satu lagi mana \ge person REL one more which \gj person REL one more which \ft where is the other man? \ref 376 \id 576433094425140801 \begin 0:12:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini dia. \pho ʔini diyah \mb ini dia \ge this 3 \gj this 3 \ft here he is. \nt taking the other dolls and putting it on the roof. \ref 377 \id 221748094426140801 \begin 0:12:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx yang mana lagi, Non? \pho yaŋ maːna lagi nɔːn \mb yang mana lagi Non \ge REL which more EPIT \gj REL which more EPIT \ft what else? \ref 378 \id 635305094426140801 \begin 0:13:00 \sp EXPYAN \tx Cik, ada lobangnya ni Cik. \pho ciʔ ʔada lɔbaŋɲa ni ciʔ \mb Cik ada lobang -nya ni Cik \ge TRU-older.sister exist hole -NYA this TRU-older.sister \gj TRU-older.sister exist hole-NYA this TRU-older.sister \ft there is a hole here. \nt giving a piece of Lego to MOT. \ref 379 \id 583511094426140801 \begin 0:13:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha, yang mana lagi, Non? \pho hã yaŋ maːna laːgi nɔːn \mb ha yang mana lagi Non \ge huh REL which more EPIT \gj huh REL which more EPIT \ft huh, what else? \ref 380 \id 385414094426140801 \begin 0:13:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx gede. \pho gədʰɛːʔ \mb gede \ge big \gj big \ft it's big. \nt taking the toy pig. \ref 381 \id 973758094427140801 \begin 0:13:09 \sp EXPYAN \tx bebeknya gede, ya, Pris? \pho bɛbɛkɲa gədɛʔ ya priːs \mb bebek -nya gede ya Pris \ge duck -NYA big yes Priska \gj duck-NYA big yes Priska \ft just a big duck, right? \ref 382 \id 974575094427140801 \begin 0:13:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 383 \id 314489094427140801 \begin 0:13:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 384 \id 529358094428140801 \begin 0:13:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx cit cit cit cit... cit. \pho ciːt ciːt ciːt ciːt ciːːt \mb cit cit cit cit cit \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft cit cit cit cit... cit. \nt making the roof with the three dolls and the toy pig move slowly and then making it stop while imitating the sound. \ref 385 \id 139283094428140801 \begin 0:13:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt arranging the position of the toy pig. \ref 386 \id 633416094428140801 \begin 0:13:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx 'tik tik tik, bunyi hujan...' \pho tik tik tiːk buɲiː huːjaːn \mb tik tik tik bunyi hujan \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT sound rain \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT sound rain \ft 'tick tick tick the sound of rain...' \nt singing. \ref 387 \id 339833094428140801 \begin 0:13:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx bukan. \pho bukaːn \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 388 \id 779468094429140801 \begin 0:13:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'tik tik tik tik bunyi becak...' \pho tlik tik tik tiːk buɲiː becaːʔ \mb tik tik tik tik bunyi becak \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT sound pedicab \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT sound pedicab \ft 'tick tick tick tick the sound of a pedicab...' \nt singing. \ref 389 \id 740746094429140801 \begin 0:13:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...gitu. \pho gitu \mb gitu \ge like.that \gj like.that \ft ...like that. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 390 \id 642536094429140801 \begin 0:13:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx lha lha lha lha lha lha lha lha. \pho la la la la la la la la \mb lha lha lha lha lha lha lha lha \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft lha lha lha lha lha lha lha lha. \ref 391 \id 614110094429140801 \begin 0:13:28 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 392 \id 771619094430140801 \begin 0:13:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx kok begitu bunyinya, ya? \pho kɔ bəgiːtu buɲiɲa yah \mb kok begitu bunyi -nya ya \ge KOK like.that sound -NYA yes \gj KOK like.that sound-NYA yes \ft why does it go like that, huh? \ref 393 \id 227545094431140801 \begin 0:13:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 394 \id 858899094431140801 \begin 0:13:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 395 \id 139005094432140801 \begin 0:13:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx us us us us us! \pho ʔus ʔus ʔus ʔus ʔus \mb us us us us us \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft us us us us us! \ref 396 \id 466584094432140801 \begin 0:13:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx Mami nggak tau, ya Mami? \pho mami ŋgaʔ taWuː yah mamih \mb Mami nggak tau ya Mami \ge mommy NEG know yes mommy \gj mommy NEG know yes mommy \ft don't you know? \ref 397 \id 796067094432140801 \begin 0:13:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx us us us us us! \pho ʔus ʔus ʔus ʔus ʔus \mb us us us us us \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft us us us us us! \ref 398 \id 631813141456140801 \begin 0:13:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt taking the doll and the toy pig out of the roof. \ref 399 \id 723825094433140801 \begin 0:13:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, jadi nih. \pho tuːh jadiʔ nih \mb tuh jadi nih \ge that become this \gj that become this \ft look, here we go. \ref 400 \id 647546094433140801 \begin 0:13:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh... tuh... orangnya taro sini... mana satu? \pho tuh tuːh ʔɔraŋɲa tarɔʔ sini mana satuʔ \mb tuh tuh orang -nya taro sini mana satu \ge that that person -NYA put here which one \gj that that person-NYA put here which one \ft there... there... put the men here... can you give me one? \ref 401 \id 223213094434140801 \begin 0:13:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini, nggak ada ininya nih, papannya. \pho ʔini ŋgaʔ ʔada ʔiniɲa nih papanɲah \mb ini nggak ada ini -nya nih papan -nya \ge this NEG exist this -NYA this board -NYA \gj this NEG exist this-NYA this board-NYA \ft this, this doesn't have this thing, the board. \nt pointing at one of the picture in the box and commenting on it. \ref 402 \id 949035094434140801 \begin 0:13:52 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt taking a doll and putting it on a building next to the house that MOT built as a unit. \ref 403 \id 359854094434140801 \begin 0:13:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx Pris, taronya di sini aja nih. \pho pris tarɔɲa di sini ʔaja nih \mb Pris taro -nya di sini aja nih \ge Priska put -NYA LOC here just this \gj Priska put-NYA LOC here just this \ft Pris, just put it here. \nt putting the building on the box. \ref 404 \id 680221094434140801 \begin 0:13:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini bisa nggak xx xx? \pho ʔini bisa ŋgaʔ xx xx \mb ini bisa nggak xx xx \ge this can NEG xx xx \gj this can NEG xx xx \ft can this one xxx? \ref 405 \id 397214094436140801 \begin 0:14:01 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt trying to attach two pieces of Lego together. \ref 406 \id 397396094436140801 \begin 0:14:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx muat, nggak? \pho muwat ŋgaːʔ \mb muat nggak \ge contain NEG \gj contain NEG \ft is it big enough? \ref 407 \id 750135094436140801 \begin 0:14:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx Tante Yanti yang bikinin tuh. \pho tantə yanti yaŋ bikinin tuːh \mb Tante Yanti yang bikin -in tuh \ge aunt Yanti REL make -IN that \gj aunt Yanti REL make-IN that \ft Auntie is making it for you. \ref 408 \id 943010094436140801 \begin 0:14:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt looking at what EXP is doing and then making herself busy again. \ref 409 \id 794896094437140801 \begin 0:14:13 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt keeps herself busy to build s.t. else. \ref 410 \id 839784094437140801 \begin 0:14:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, Non. \pho tuːh nɔːn \mb tuh Non \ge that EPIT \gj that EPIT \ft look. \ref 411 \id 169429094437140801 \begin 0:14:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx Non. \pho nɔn \mb Non \ge EPIT \gj EPIT \ft Priska. \ref 412 \id 595521094438140801 \begin 0:14:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt still making herself busy to gather the toy animals. \ref 413 \id 633841094439140801 \begin 0:14:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx dibuatkan Tante Yanti, Non. \pho dibuwatkan tantə yanti nɔːn \mb di- buat -kan Tante Yanti Non \ge DI- make -KAN aunt Yanti EPIT \gj DI-make-KAN aunt Yanti EPIT \ft Auntie Yanti is making it for you. \ref 414 \id 283347094439140801 \begin 0:14:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx kan Priska mo yang kaya gitu, kan? \pho kan priska mɔ yaŋ kay gitu kaːn \mb kan Priska mo yang kaya gitu kan \ge KAN Priska want REL like like.that KAN \gj KAN Priska want REL like like.that KAN \ft you want one like that, huh? \ref 415 \id 916673094439140801 \begin 0:14:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx ntar kandangnya ditaro di atas juga bisa. \pho n̩tar kandaŋɲa ditarɔ di ʔatas juga biːsaːʔ \mb ntar kandang -nya di- taro di atas juga bisa \ge moment shed -NYA DI- put LOC up also can \gj moment shed-NYA DI-put LOC up also can \ft you can also put the stable on top later. \ref 416 \id 945216094439140801 \begin 0:14:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx ikannya, kalo ikan berenangnya di mana kalo ikan? \pho ʔikanɲa kalɔ ʔikan bərənaŋɲa di mana kalɔ ʔikan \mb ikan -nya kalo ikan be- renang -nya di mana kalo ikan \ge fish -NYA TOP fish BER- swim -NYA LOC which TOP fish \gj fish-NYA TOP fish BER-swim-NYA LOC which TOP fish \ft the fish, where does a fish swim? \ref 417 \id 975258094440140801 \begin 0:14:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo ikan itunya di mana, tidurnya? \pho kalɔ ʔikan ʔituɲa di mana tidurɲah \mb kalo ikan itu -nya di mana tidur -nya \ge TOP fish that -NYA LOC which lie.down -NYA \gj TOP fish that-NYA LOC which lie.down-NYA \ft where does a fish sleep? \ref 418 \id 990398094440140801 \begin 0:14:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx Pris. \pho priːs \mb Pris \ge Priska \gj Priska \ft Pris. \ref 419 \id 737565094440140801 \begin 0:14:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx di... air. \pho diːʰ ʔayiːr \mb di air \ge LOC water \gj LOC water \ft in... the water. \ref 420 \id 272768094440140801 \begin 0:14:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 421 \id 421902094441140801 \begin 0:14:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx muat, nggak nih? \pho muwaːt ŋgaʔ nih \mb muat nggak nih \ge contain NEG this \gj contain NEG this \ft is it big enough? \nt trying to put another toy on the "pedicab". \ref 422 \id 425854094441140801 \begin 0:14:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx oh, muat. \pho ʔɔʰ muwaːt \mb oh muat \ge EXCL contain \gj EXCL contain \ft oh, yes. \nt referring to the roof of the house where she puts the animals. \ref 423 \id 246539094441140801 \begin 0:14:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx di air, kan? \pho di ʔayiːr kaːn \mb di air kan \ge LOC water KAN \gj LOC water KAN \ft in the water, right? \ref 424 \id 587195094441140801 \begin 0:14:50 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt finishes building a base for the house. \ref 425 \id 205781094441140801 \begin 0:14:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, tuh, dia berdiri tuh. \pho yaː tuh dya bərdiriʔ tuːh \mb ya tuh dia ber- diri tuh \ge yes that 3 BER- stand that \gj yes that 3 BER-stand that \ft right, look, it is standing. \nt referring to the base that EXP is holding. \ref 426 \id 468631094442140801 \begin 0:14:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx sini, ini, Pris. \pho sini ini priːs \mb sini ini Pris \ge here this Priska \gj here this Priska \ft here, Priska. \nt putting the bridge closer to her. \ref 427 \id 996353094442140801 \begin 0:14:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx wah, oh. \pho wah ʔɔh \mb wah oh \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft oh, wow. \ref 428 \id 924345094442140801 \begin 0:14:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx wei, where she go? \pho wɛy wə si gɔʰ \mb wei where she go \ge EXCL where she go \gj EXCL where she go \ft wow, where she go? \nt there is a possibility that she imitates expression she heard from certain film. \ref 429 \id 293501094442140801 \begin 0:15:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuːh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft look. \nt putting the house on the bridge. \ref 430 \id 577848094442140801 \begin 0:15:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx yes, xx yes he go. \pho yɛs yɛlɛs yɛs hi gɔW \mb yes xx yes he go \ge yes xx yes HE go \gj yes xx yes HE go \ft yes, xx yes he go. \ref 431 \id 612060094442140801 \begin 0:15:04 \sp CHIPRI \tx good way, ha ha. \pho gud wɛy ha ha \mb good way ha ha \ge good way IMIT IMIT \gj good way IMIT IMIT \ft good way, ha ha. \nt laughing. \ref 432 \id 502573094443140801 \begin 0:15:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx bener, nggak? \pho bənər ŋgaːʔ \mb bener nggak \ge true NEG \gj true NEG \ft is it right? \ref 433 \id 862325094443140801 \begin 0:15:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 434 \id 115706094443140801 \begin 0:15:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx sama, nggak? \pho sama ŋgaʔ \mb sama nggak \ge same NEG \gj same NEG \ft is it the same? \ref 435 \id 376040094444140801 \begin 0:15:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx sama. \pho saːmaʰ \mb sama \ge same \gj same \ft yes. \ref 436 \id 917165094444140801 \begin 0:15:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 437 \id 221729094444140801 \begin 0:15:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx coba liat. \pho cɔba liyaːt \mb coba liat \ge try see \gj try see \ft let me see. \nt standing up and walking a bit farther from MOT to see the building. \ref 438 \id 317133094444140801 \begin 0:15:13 \sp CHIPRI \tx kok nggak ada perosotannya sih? \pho kɔː ŋgaʔ ada pəlɔsɔtaːnɲa sih \mb kok nggak ada perosot -an -nya sih \ge KOK NEG exist slide -AN -NYA SIH \gj KOK NEG exist slide-AN-NYA SIH \ft why isn't there the slide? \ref 439 \id 859425094445140801 \begin 0:15:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, ini, perosotannya ini, makanya dipake dulu, ya? \pho ʔɔː ini pərɔsɔtanɲa ʔini makaɲa dipakɛʔ dulu yaːh \mb oh ini perosot -an -nya ini maka -nya di- pake dulu ya \ge EXCL this slide -AN -NYA this then -NYA DI- use before yes \gj EXCL this slide-AN-NYA this then-NYA DI-use before yes \ft oh, this, the slide is this, that's why we put it on, okay? \nt taking the roof. \ref 440 \id 882206094445140801 \begin 0:15:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx boleh nggak dipake dulu? \pho bɔlɛː ŋgaʔ dipakɛ duluʔ \mb boleh nggak di- pake dulu \ge may NEG DI- use before \gj may NEG DI-use before \ft may I put it on? \ref 441 \id 357160094445140801 \begin 0:15:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaːʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 442 \id 408583094446140801 \begin 0:15:26 \sp MOTPRI \tx ntar bikin kandangnya pake yang itu, ntar Tante Yanti. \pho n̩tar bikin kandaŋɲa pakɛ yaŋ itu n̩tar tantə yantiʰ \mb ntar bikin kandang -nya pake yang itu ntar Tante Yanti \ge moment make shed -NYA use REL that moment aunt Yanti \gj moment make shed-NYA use REL that moment aunt Yanti \ft Auntie Yanti will make the stable using those ones. \nt taking the roof apart so that she can take the biggest piece of Lego. \ref 443 \id 669624094446140801 \begin 0:15:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini kan becaknya. \pho ʔini kan bɛcaːʔɲaʰ \mb ini kan becak -nya \ge this KAN pedicab -NYA \gj this KAN pedicab-NYA \ft this is the pedicab. \ref 444 \id 482235094446140801 \begin 0:15:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx becaknya lagi. \pho bɛcaʔɲa lagiːʰ \mb becak -nya lagi \ge pedicab -NYA LAGI \gj pedicab-NYA LAGI \ft the pedicab. \ref 445 \id 140970094446140801 \begin 0:15:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx tau, nggak becaknya? \pho taWu ŋgaʔ bɛcaːʔɲah \mb tau nggak becak -nya \ge know NEG pedicab -NYA \gj know NEG pedicab-NYA \ft do you know it's the pedicab? \ref 446 \id 185263094446140801 \begin 0:15:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaːʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 447 \id 328310094447140801 \begin 0:15:40 \sp EXPYAN \tx galak banget sih, Pris. \pho galak baŋət sih pris \mb galak banget sih Pris \ge fierce very SIH Priska \gj fierce very SIH Priska \ft you get angry so easily. \nt laughing. \ref 448 \id 624360094447140801 \begin 0:15:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-em, Priska tuh. \mb he-em Priska tuh \ge uh-huh Priska that \gj uh-huh Priska that \ft uh-huh, that's Priska. \ref 449 \id 160452094448140801 \begin 0:15:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx begitu tuh, Tante. \pho bəgitu tuː taːntəː \mb begitu tuh Tante \ge like.that that aunt \gj like.that that aunt \ft that's Priska, Auntie. \ref 450 \id 922986094448140801 \begin 0:15:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, perosotannya tuh. \pho tuh pərɔsɔtanɲa tuh \mb tuh perosot -an -nya tuh \ge that slide -AN -NYA that \gj that slide-AN-NYA that \ft look, that's the slide. \nt finishes attaching the biggest piece of Lego with the building. \ref 451 \id 847654094449140801 \begin 0:15:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx wah, waw, sedap sekali. \pho wah waw sədap səkaliʰ \mb wah waw sedap se- kali \ge EXCL EXCL delicious SE- very \gj EXCL EXCL delicious SE-very \ft wow, wow, it's very delicious. \ref 452 \id 148855094449140801 \begin 0:15:49 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 453 \id 418954094449140801 \begin 0:15:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx ah, perosotan, ah. \pho ʔah pəlɔsɔtan ʔaːh \mb ah perosot -an ah \ge AH slide -AN AH \gj AH slide-AN AH \ft wow, a slide. \nt taking a doll. \ref 454 \id 377712094450140801 \begin 0:15:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx syut. \pho ʃyuːːut \mb syut \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft syut. \nt making him go down on the slide. \ref 455 \id 225060094450140801 \begin 0:15:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx hmm. \pho hm \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 456 \id 498428094450140801 \begin 0:15:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx naik tangga lagi. \pho nayik taŋgaʔ lagiʰ \mb naik tangga lagi \ge go.up stair more \gj go.up stair more \ft he is going up the stairs again. \ref 457 \id 490768094451140801 \begin 0:15:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx sini, di sini, taronya di sini... di sini taronya. \pho sini di siniʰ tarɔʔɲaʰ di sinih di siniːʰ tarɔʔɲah \mb sini di sini taro -nya di sini di sini taro -nya \ge here LOC here put -NYA LOC here LOC here put -NYA \gj here LOC here put-NYA LOC here LOC here put-NYA \ft here, over here, put it over here... put it over here. \nt arranging the position of the whole building. \ref 458 \id 458375094451140801 \begin 0:16:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx cek cek cek cek cek cek cek. \pho cək cək cək cək cək cək cək \mb cek cek cek cek cek cek cek \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft cek cek cek cek cek cek cek. \nt making the doll move to the building. \ref 459 \id 525671094451140801 \begin 0:16:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus, bikin apa lagi, ya? \pho tərrus bikin ʔapa laːgi yaːh \mb terus bikin apa lagi ya \ge continue make what more yes \gj continue make what more yes \ft then, what do we make, huh? \ref 460 \id 276823094452140801 \begin 0:16:02 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt exhaling. \ref 461 \id 175704094452140801 \begin 0:16:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx tangganya jangan... \pho taŋgaʔɲa jaŋan \mb tangga -nya jangan \ge stair -NYA don't \gj stair-NYA don't \ft the ladder, don't... \nt pulling the bridge for the house. \ref 462 \id 770390094452140801 \begin 0:16:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx us, us, us, us, us! \pho ʔus ʔus ʔus ʔus ʔus \mb us us us us us \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft us, us, us, us, us! \ref 463 \id 265742094453140801 \begin 0:16:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...di situ. \pho di situʰ \mb di situ \ge LOC there \gj LOC there \ft ...over there. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 464 \id 241295094453140801 \begin 0:16:07 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini, Mami bikin yang gedean deh. \pho ʔini mamiʰ bikin yaŋ gədɛʔan dɛh \mb ini Mami bikin yang gede -an deh \ge this mommy make REL big -AN DEH \gj this mommy make REL big-AN DEH \ft this, let me make a bigger one. \ref 465 \id 653882094453140801 \begin 0:16:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx gedean, ininya gedean. \pho gədɛʔan ʔiniɲah gədɛʔan \mb gede -an ini -nya gede -an \ge big -AN this -NYA big -AN \gj big-AN this-NYA big-AN \ft bigger one, this one is bigger. \ref 466 \id 510703094453140801 \begin 0:16:09 \sp EXPYAN \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt helping MOT to reconstruct the bridge. \ref 467 \id 702886094454140801 \begin 0:16:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, tu tuh xx... \pho tuh tu tuh xx \mb tuh tu tuh xx \ge that that that xx \gj that that that xx \ft look, that xx... \ref 468 \id 616899094455140801 \begin 0:16:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx syur... \pho syuːːrl \mb syur \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft syur... \nt making the doll move down on the slide. \ref 469 \id 831669094455140801 \begin 0:16:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...Tante Yanti. \pho tantə yantiʰ \mb Tante Yanti \ge aunt Yanti \gj aunt Yanti \ft ...Auntie Yanti. \ref 470 \id 577927094456140801 \begin 0:16:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx mo gedein. \pho mɔ gədɛʔin \mb mo gede -in \ge want big -IN \gj want big-IN \ft I want to make it bigger. \ref 471 \id 134514094456140801 \begin 0:16:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx jangan! \pho jaːŋan \mb jangan \ge don't \gj don't \ft don't! \ref 472 \id 581941094456140801 \begin 0:16:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak... ya, biar ini... biar gede. \pho ŋgaʔ ya biyar ʔinih biyar gədɛʔ \mb nggak ya biar ini biar gede \ge NEG yes let this let big \gj NEG yes let this let big \ft no... well, to make it... to make it bigger. \ref 473 \id 991598094456140801 \begin 0:16:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx ini. \pho ʔinih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this. \nt with EXP's help, reconstructing the bridge. \ref 474 \id 208962094456140801 \begin 0:16:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx ni, cek cek cek cek cek cit. \pho ni cək cək cək cək cək ciːiːt \mb ni cek cek cek cek cek cit \ge this IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj this IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ni, cek cek cek cek cek cit. \nt making the doll move on the roof and go down to the bridge. \ref 475 \id 840491094457140801 \begin 0:16:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx cek cek cek cek cek ciut. \pho cək cək cək cək cək cĩyuːt \mb cek cek cek cek cek ciut \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT reduce \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT reduce \ft cek cek cek cek cek ciut. \nt making the doll move from the bridge down to the floor. \ref 476 \id 348613094457140801 \begin 0:16:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx aha, (a)syik... dari sinih. \pho ʔaha sik dali sinih \mb aha asyik dari sinih \ge EXCL fun from here \gj EXCL fun from here \ft aha, it's a fun... from here. \nt moving the doll to the house. \ref 477 \id 743414094457140801 \begin 0:16:42 \sp CHIPRI \tx cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek... \pho cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek \mb cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek... \nt making the doll move to the roof of the house. \ref 478 \id 471687094457140801 \begin 0:16:46 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, gede tuh, Non. \pho tuːh gədɛʔ tuːh nɔn \mb tuh gede tuh Non \ge that big that EPIT \gj that big that EPIT \ft look, that's big. \ref 479 \id 158235094458140801 \begin 0:16:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx cek cek cek cek cek. \pho cek cek cek cek cek \mb cek cek cek cek cek \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft cek cek cek cek cek. \ref 480 \id 573074094458140801 \begin 0:16:50 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, Non, rumahnya gede tuh, lebih gede lagi tuh. \pho tuːh nɔn rumahɲa gədɛʔ tuːh ləbih gədɛʔ laːgiʰ tuh \mb tuh Non rumah -nya gede tuh lebih gede lagi tuh \ge that EPIT house -NYA big that more big more that \gj that EPIT house-NYA big that more big more that \ft look, Pris, the house is big, is bigger. \nt arranging the position of the building. \ref 481 \id 475552094459140801 \begin 0:16:52 \sp CHIPRI \tx cek cek cek cek cek. \pho cek cek cek cek cek \mb cek cek cek cek cek \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft cek cek cek cek cek. \ref 482 \id 322579094459140801 \begin 0:16:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx jangan begitu dong! \pho jaŋan bəgitu dɔːŋ \mb jangan begitu dong \ge don't like.that DONG \gj don't like.that DONG \ft don't be like that! \ref 483 \id 591114094459140801 \begin 0:16:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx gini di sini, samping sini dong. \pho gini di sini sampiŋ sini dɔŋ \mb gini di sini samping sini dong \ge like.this LOC here side here DONG \gj like.this LOC here side here DONG \ft like this here, this side. \ref 484 \id 373497094500140801 \begin 0:16:58 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha, tuh. \pho hãː tuh \mb ha tuh \ge uh-huh that \gj uh-huh that \ft uh-huh, look. \ref 485 \id 472635094500140801 \begin 0:16:59 \sp CHIPRI \tx ah... \pho ʔah \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ah... \ref 486 \id 798701094500140801 \begin 0:17:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx ha, ni tempat... \pho hã ni təmpat \mb ha ni tempat \ge uh-huh this place \gj uh-huh this place \ft uh-huh, this place... \nt taking the box that EXP built for CHI to put the animals. \ref 487 \id 891450094500140801 \begin 0:17:01 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...orang mo perosotan. \pho ʔɔlaŋ mɔ pəlɔsɔtan \mb orang mo perosot -an \ge person want slide -AN \gj person want slide-AN \ft ...I want the slide. \ref 488 \id 918446094500140801 \begin 0:17:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx kok ada giniannya? \pho kɔ ʔada giniyanɲah \mb kok ada gini -an -nya \ge KOK exist like.this -AN -NYA \gj KOK exist like.this-AN-NYA \ft why is there this thing? \nt referring to a piece of Lego which is near the slide. \ref 489 \id 154011094500140801 \begin 0:17:05 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, iya, iya, iya, iya... iya deh. \pho ʔɔː ʔiya iya iya iyah ʔiya dɛh \mb oh iya iya iya iya iya deh \ge EXCL yes yes yes yes yes DEH \gj EXCL yes yes yes yes yes DEH \ft oh, right, okay, okay, okay... okay then. \ref 490 \id 667378094501140801 \begin 0:17:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx jangan ada giniannya. \pho jaŋan ʔada giniyanːɲaːʰ \mb jangan ada gini -an -nya \ge don't exist like.this -AN -NYA \gj don't exist like.this-AN-NYA \ft don't be this thing. \ref 491 \id 539783094501140801 \begin 0:17:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya deh. \pho ʔiya dɛh \mb iya deh \ge yes DEH \gj yes DEH \ft okay than. \ref 492 \id 748630094501140801 \begin 0:17:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx awas! \pho ʔawas \mb awas \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft excuse me! \nt EXP is still fixing the bridge. \ref 493 \id 847002094501140801 \begin 0:17:13 \sp MOTPRI \tx awas dulu, tunggu dulu! \pho ʔawas duluʔ tuŋgu duluʔ \mb awas dulu tunggu dulu \ge EXCL before wait before \gj EXCL before wait before \ft excuse me, wait for a minute! \ref 494 \id 888257094502140801 \begin 0:17:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx tunggu, biar di... buat biar kuat dulu, ini mo diiniin ama Tante Yanti, biar kuat. \pho tuŋguː biyar di bwat biyar kuwat dulu ʔini mɔ diʔiniʔin ʔama tantə yantiʰ biyar kuwat \mb tunggu biar di buat biar kuat dulu ini mo di- ini -in ama Tante Yanti biar kuat \ge wait let LOC for let strong before this want DI- this -IN with aunt Yanti let strong \gj wait let LOC for let strong before this want DI-this-IN with aunt Yanti let strong \ft wait, let me make it steady, Auntie Yanti wants to whatchamacallit, so that it's steady. \ref 495 \id 366486094502140801 \begin 0:17:21 \sp EXPYAN \tx tengah, ini. \pho təŋah ʔinih \mb tengah ini \ge middle this \gj middle this \ft in the middle, this. \nt taking a piece of Lego in order to put it in the middle of the bridge to make it stand more steadily. \ref 496 \id 541017094502140801 \begin 0:17:25 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 497 \id 783075094502140801 \begin 0:17:30 \sp CHIPRI \tx kok perosotannya kok nggak ada? \pho kɔʔ pəlɔsɔtanɲah kɔʔ ŋgaʔ ʔaːdaʔ \mb kok perosot -an -nya kok nggak ada \ge KOK slide -AN -NYA KOK NEG exist \gj KOK slide-AN-NYA KOK NEG exist \ft why isn't there a slide? \nt the slide came off front he bridge. \ref 498 \id 158896094502140801 \begin 0:17:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh? \pho həçh \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 499 \id 875299094503140801 \begin 0:17:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx syu. \pho sĩyuːk \mb syu \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft syu. \nt trying to attach the slide with the bridge and imitating its sound. \ref 500 \id 375296094503140801 \begin 0:17:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni perosotannya kan Mami taro di sini. \pho ni pərɔsɔtanɲa kan mami tarɔʔ di sinih \mb ni perosot -an -nya kan Mami taro di sini \ge this slide -AN -NYA KAN mommy put LOC here \gj this slide-AN-NYA KAN mommy put LOC here \ft I am putting the slide here. \nt taking the piece of Lego from CHI and trying to attach it with the bridge. \ref 501 \id 119866094503140801 \begin 0:17:40 \sp EXPYAN \tx muat nggak? \pho muwat ŋgaʔ \mb muat nggak \ge contain NEG \gj contain NEG \ft is it big enough? \ref 502 \id 103482094503140801 \begin 0:17:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuːh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft look. \ref 503 \id 128787094504140801 \begin 0:17:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx cek cek cek cek cek cek cek... ciyu. \pho cek cek cek cek cek cek cek ciyũː \mb cek cek cek cek cek cek cek ciyu \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tap tap tap tap tap tap tap... ciyu. \ref 504 \id 639228094504140801 \begin 0:17:52 \sp MOTPRI \tx trus, kandangnya di mana kandangnya? \pho tr̩us kandaŋɲa di manaʰ kandaŋɲah \mb trus kandang -nya di mana kandang -nya \ge continue shed -NYA LOC which shed -NYA \gj continue shed-NYA LOC which shed-NYA \ft then, where is the stable? \nt taking the box. \ref 505 \id 815268094504140801 \begin 0:17:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx kandangnya di mana? \pho kandaŋɲa di maːnaʰ \mb kandang -nya di mana \ge shed -NYA LOC which \gj shed-NYA LOC which \ft where is the stable? \ref 506 \id 336832094505140801 \begin 0:17:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx di sini nih. \pho di sini nih \mb di sini nih \ge LOC here this \gj LOC here this \ft over here. \ref 507 \id 743337094505140801 \begin 0:17:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt looking at MOT and then making the doll move again. \ref 508 \id 983979094505140801 \begin 0:18:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx ininya deket sini, awas... Non! \pho ʔiniɲa dəkət sini ʔawas nɔn \mb ini -nya deket sini awas Non \ge this -NYA near here EXCL EPIT \gj this-NYA near here EXCL EPIT \ft this one is near here, excuse me! \nt putting the box next to the house. \ref 509 \id 867185094505140801 \begin 0:18:03 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh. \pho tuːh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft look. \nt putting the box next to the bridge. \ref 510 \id 804750094506140801 \begin 0:18:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx ni binatang-binatangnya di atas sini. \pho ni binataŋ binataŋɲa dəkət sinih \mb ni binatang - binatang -nya di atas sini \ge this animal - animal -NYA LOC up here \gj this RED-animal-NYA LOC up here \ft the animals are up here. \nt taking the pig doll and putting it on the box. \ref 511 \id 851286094506140801 \begin 0:18:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx siyut. \pho sĩyuːːt \mb siyut \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft siyut. \nt making the doll goes down throw the slide. \ref 512 \id 884831094506140801 \begin 0:18:15 \sp MOTPRI \tx ayam di sini ayam. \pho ʔayam di sini ʔayam \mb ayam di sini ayam \ge chicken LOC here chicken \gj chicken LOC here chicken \ft the chicken is here. \nt taking the toy chicken and putting it on the box. \ref 513 \id 372767094506140801 \begin 0:18:17 \sp CHIPRI \tx cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek ceis. \mb cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek ceis \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek ceis. \nt making the doll move to the building and then let it move down through the slide. \ref 514 \id 815794094506140801 \begin 0:18:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx babi di sini, babi. \pho babiʔ di sini babiʔ \mb babi di sini babi \ge pig LOC here pig \gj pig LOC here pig \ft the pig is here. \nt putting the toy pig on the box. \ref 515 \id 173765094507140801 \begin 0:18:23 \sp CHIPRI \tx ciyut. \pho ciːyut \mb ciyut \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ciyut. \ref 516 \id 572145094507140801 \begin 0:18:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, perosotannya rusak deh, patah. \pho ʔɛh pəlɔsɔtanɲaːʰ luːsak dɛh patah \mb eh perosot -an -nya rusak deh patah \ge EXCL slide -AN -NYA damaged DEH broken \gj EXCL slide-AN-NYA damaged DEH broken \ft hey, the slide is broken. \ref 517 \id 156633094507140801 \begin 0:18:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt attaching the slide with the bridge again. \ref 518 \id 634228094507140801 \begin 0:18:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt making the doll move from the back of the house. \ref 519 \id 492882094507140801 \begin 0:18:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, Priska kok naiknya dari situ? \pho tuh priska kɔʔ nayikɲa dari siːtuʰ \mb tuh Priska kok naik -nya dari situ \ge that Priska KOK go.up -NYA from there \gj that Priska KOK go.up-NYA from there \ft huh, why are you going up from there? \ref 520 \id 882734094508140801 \begin 0:18:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx dari mana? \pho dali maːnaːʰ \mb dari mana \ge from which \gj from which \ft from where? \ref 521 \id 238321094508140801 \begin 0:18:38 \sp MOTPRI \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 522 \id 170586094508140801 \begin 0:18:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx dari sini? \pho dali sinih \mb dari sini \ge from here \gj from here \ft from here? \nt referring to the front part of the building. \ref 523 \id 243513094509140801 \begin 0:18:40 \sp CHIPRI \tx dari sini? \pho dali sinih \mb dari sini \ge from here \gj from here \ft from here? \ref 524 \id 127039094509140801 \begin 0:18:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 525 \id 950036094509140801 \begin 0:18:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx di tangga, tangganya, ntar dibuatin tangga nih... \pho di taŋgaʔ taŋgaʔɲah n̩tar dibuwatin taŋgaʔ nih \mb di tangga tangga -nya ntar di- buat -in tangga nih \ge LOC stair stair -NYA moment DI- make -IN stair this \gj LOC stair stair-NYA moment DI-make-IN stair this \ft on the ladder, the ladder, I'll make a ladder for you... \ref 526 \id 976969094510140801 \begin 0:18:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx siyu. \pho siːyũː \mb siyu \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft siyu. \ref 527 \id 935630094510140801 \begin 0:18:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...sama Mami nih. \pho sama mami nih \mb sama Mami nih \ge with mommy this \gj with mommy this \ft ...by me. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 528 \id 954579094510140801 \begin 0:18:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx buatin tangganya di mana, ya? \pho buwatin taŋgaʔɲa di mana yaːh \mb buat -in tangga -nya di mana ya \ge make -IN stair -NYA LOC which yes \gj make-IN stair-NYA LOC which yes \ft where should I make the ladder, huh? \ref 529 \id 839135094510140801 \begin 0:18:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx di sini nih. \pho di sini nih \mb di sini nih \ge LOC here this \gj LOC here this \ft over here. \nt referring to the front part of the house. \ref 530 \id 956749094510140801 \begin 0:18:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx di belakang. \pho di bəlakaŋ \mb di belakang \ge LOC back \gj LOC back \ft at the back. \ref 531 \id 409468094510140801 \begin 0:18:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, dari belakang? \pho ʔɔː dari bəlakaːŋ \mb oh dari belakang \ge EXCL from back \gj EXCL from back \ft oh, at the back? \ref 532 \id 241852094511140801 \begin 0:18:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya deh. \pho ʔiya dɛh \mb iya deh \ge yes DEH \gj yes DEH \ft okay. \ref 533 \id 118525094511140801 \begin 0:18:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx ininya... \pho ʔiniɲa \mb ini -nya \ge this -NYA \gj this-NYA \ft this one... \ref 534 \id 951105094511140801 \begin 0:19:00 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh... tangganya tuh. \pho tuːh taŋgaʔɲa tuh \mb tuh tangga -nya tuh \ge that stair -NYA that \gj that stair-NYA that \ft look... that's the ladder. \ref 535 \id 951158094511140801 \begin 0:19:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx tuh, sini tangganya. \pho tuh sini taŋgaʔɲah \mb tuh sini tangga -nya \ge that here stair -NYA \gj that here stair-NYA \ft look, the ladder is here. \ref 536 \id 932251094512140801 \begin 0:19:06 \sp CHIPRI \tx cek cek cek cek cek cek cek siyut. \pho cək cək cək cək cək cək cək siyuːut \mb cek cek cek cek cek cek cek siyut \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft cek cek cek cek cek cek cek siyut. \nt making the doll move up the ladder and go down on the slide. \ref 537 \id 869594094512140801 \begin 0:19:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx maen perosotan? \pho maɛn pərɔsɔtan \mb maen perosot -an \ge play slide -AN \gj play slide-AN \ft are you playing a slide? \ref 538 \id 792328094512140801 \begin 0:19:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx naik kuda dulu, dong! \pho naik kuːda duːlu dɔŋ \mb naik kuda dulu dong \ge go.up horse before DONG \gj go.up horse before DONG \ft ride on the horse! \ref 539 \id 870044094512140801 \begin 0:19:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx maen perosotan terus dong. \pho maɛn pəlɔsɔtan təlus dɔːŋ \mb maen perosot -an terus dong \ge play slide -AN continue DONG \gj play slide-AN continue DONG \ft play the slide all the time. \ref 540 \id 258910094513140801 \begin 0:19:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx wah, kok maen perosotan terus? \pho wah kɔʔ maɛn pərɔsɔtan tərus \mb wah kok maen perosot -an terus \ge EXCL KOK play slide -AN continue \gj EXCL KOK play slide-AN continue \ft huh, why play the slide all the time? \ref 541 \id 606002094513140801 \begin 0:19:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx siyut. \pho sĩːyuːut \mb siyut \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft siyut. \ref 542 \id 393600094513140801 \begin 0:19:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx ntar balik ke lapangan lagi, ya? \pho n̩tar balik kə lapaŋan lagi yah \mb ntar balik ke lapang -an lagi ya \ge moment turn.around to wide -AN more yes \gj moment turn.around to wide-AN more yes \ft he will come back to the field again, okay? \nt putting the doll on the horse. \ref 543 \id 851311094513140801 \begin 0:19:25 \sp EXPYAN \tx lapangan apa? \pho lapaŋan ʔapaːʰ \mb lapang -an apa \ge wide -AN what \gj wide-AN what \ft what field? \ref 544 \id 408610094514140801 \begin 0:19:28 \sp CHIPRI \tx lapangan ini... lapangan rumah... lapangan rumah. \pho lapaŋan ʔinih lapaŋan lumaːh lapaŋan lumah \mb lapang -an ini lapang -an rumah lapang -an rumah \ge wide -AN this wide -AN house wide -AN house \gj wide-AN this wide-AN house wide-AN house \ft this is a field... a house field... a house field. \ref 545 \id 228305094514140801 \begin 0:19:31 \sp EXPYAN \tx halaman rumah. \pho halaman rumah \mb halaman rumah \ge page house \gj page house \ft a house yard. \ref 546 \id 130539094514140801 \begin 0:19:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \pho həh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 547 \id 377648094514140801 \begin 0:19:34 \sp MOTPRI \tx ke halaman rumah? \pho kə halaman rumaːh \mb ke halaman rumah \ge to page house \gj to page house \ft to the house yard? \ref 548 \id 939409094514140801 \begin 0:19:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx cek cek kecek kecek hiya... \pho cək cək kəcək kəcək hiyaː \mb cek cek kecek kecek hiya \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft cek cek kecek kecek hiya... \nt imitating the sound of going on horse. \ref 549 \id 571070094515140801 \begin 0:19:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx balik halaman rumah? \pho balik halaman rumah \mb balik halaman rumah \ge turn.around page house \gj turn.around page house \ft going back to the house yard? \ref 550 \id 987289094515140801 \begin 0:19:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...ciha. \pho cihaː \mb ciha \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ...ciha. \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 551 \id 688025094515140801 \begin 0:19:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx hiha, hiha. \pho hihaː hihaː \mb hiha hiha \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft hiha, hiha. \ref 552 \id 152800094515140801 \begin 0:19:41 \sp CHIPRI \tx sek sek sek, udah deh. \pho sək sək sək ʔuːdaʰ dɛh \mb sek sek sek udah deh \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT PFCT DEH \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT PFCT DEH \ft sek sek sek, it's done. \ref 553 \id 115373094516140801 \begin 0:19:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx kudanya berenti deh. \pho kudaʔɲa bələntiʔ dɛh \mb kuda -nya ber- enti deh \ge horse -NYA BER- stop DEH \gj horse-NYA BER-stop DEH \ft the house stops. \ref 554 \id 187677094516140801 \begin 0:19:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx kudanya berenti? \pho kudaʔɲa bərəntiʔ \mb kuda -nya ber- enti \ge horse -NYA BER- stop \gj horse-NYA BER-stop \ft the house stops? \ref 555 \id 393461094516140801 \begin 0:19:45 \sp CHIPRI \tx cek cek cek. \pho cə kcək cək \mb cek cek cek \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft cek cek cek. \nt making the doll move to the back of the house. \ref 556 \id 306214094516140801 \begin 0:19:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx I'm home. \pho ʔaem hɔːm \mb I'm home \ge I'm home \gj I'm home \ft I'm home. \ref 557 \id 946848094516140801 \begin 0:19:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'I'm home.' \pho ʔɛm hɔːm \mb I'm home \ge I'm home \gj I'm home \ft 'I'm home.' \nt repeating what MOT said. \ref 558 \id 496199094516140801 \begin 0:19:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx ciyut. \pho ciːyuːt \mb ciyut \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ciyut. \ref 559 \id 829819094517140801 \begin 0:19:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek. \mb cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek cek. \nt making the doll move to the house, clim it, and go down on the slide. \ref 560 \id 982969094517140801 \begin 0:20:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx udah, sampe rumah lagi, udah? \pho ʔudah sampɛ rumah lagi ʔudah \mb udah sampe rumah lagi udah \ge PFCT arrive house more PFCT \gj PFCT arrive house more PFCT \ft has it got home? \ref 561 \id 977442094517140801 \begin 0:20:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 562 \id 794040094517140801 \begin 0:20:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx udah naik itu lagi jadinya? \pho ʔuda nayik ʔitu lagi jadiɲah \mb udah naik itu lagi jadi -nya \ge PFCT go.up that more become -NYA \gj PFCT go.up that more become-NYA \ft has it gone up on that thing? \nt reference unclear. \ref 563 \id 856208094517140801 \begin 0:20:10 \sp CHIPRI \tx ciyut. \pho ciːyuːt \mb ciyut \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ciyut. \ref 564 \id 805402094518140801 \begin 0:20:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx naik tangga lagi? \pho nayik taŋgaʔ lagiʰ \mb naik tangga lagi \ge go.up stair more \gj go.up stair more \ft going up the ladder again? \ref 565 \id 112644094518140801 \begin 0:20:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx cek cek cek. \pho cək cək cək \mb cek cek cek \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft cek cek cek. \ref 566 \id 222773094519140801 \begin 0:20:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx 'mau masuk, ah', katanya tuh. \pho mau masuk ʔah kataɲa tuh \mb mau masuk ah kata -nya tuh \ge want go.in AH word -NYA that \gj want go.in AH word-NYA that \ft 'I am going in', he says. \ref 567 \id 754300094519140801 \begin 0:20:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, iya. \pho ʔiya iya \mb iya iya \ge yes yes \gj yes yes \ft okay, okay. \ref 568 \id 738572094519140801 \begin 0:20:18 \sp EXPYAN \tx mau tidur... \pho mau tidur \mb mau tidur \ge want lie.down \gj want lie.down \ft he wants to sleep... \ref 569 \id 998271094519140801 \begin 0:20:19 \sp CHIPRI \tx masuk deh. \pho maːsuk dɛh \mb masuk deh \ge go.in DEH \gj go.in DEH \ft he is going in. \ref 570 \id 770446094519140801 \begin 0:20:20 \sp EXPYAN \tx istirahat. \pho ʔistirahat \mb istirahat \ge rest \gj rest \ft he is taking a rest. \ref 571 \id 312448094520140801 \begin 0:20:21 \sp MOTPRI \tx dah, tidur, istirahat. \pho dah tidur ʔistirahat \mb dah tidur istirahat \ge PFCT lie.down rest \gj PFCT lie.down rest \ft okay, he is sleeping, he is taking a rest. \ref 572 \id 425684094520140801 \begin 0:20:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx istirahat. \pho ʔistilahat \mb istirahat \ge rest \gj rest \ft he is taking a rest. \ref 573 \id 993833094520140801 \begin 0:20:23 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 574 \id 881801094520140801 \begin 0:20:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx istirahat. \pho ʔistilahat \mb istirahat \ge rest \gj rest \ft he is taking a rest. \ref 575 \id 745885094521140801 \begin 0:20:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx eh, eh, eh, eh, eh! \pho ʔɛh ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ \mb eh eh eh eh eh \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft eh, eh, eh, eh, eh! \nt the bridge almost broke. \ref 576 \id 608330094521140801 \begin 0:20:30 \sp MOTPRI \tx merosot. \pho mərɔsɔt \mb m- perosot \ge N- slide \gj N-slide \ft it is slipping off. \ref 577 \id 817807094521140801 \begin 0:20:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx merosot. \pho mərɔːsɔt \mb m- perosot \ge N- slide \gj N-slide \ft it is slipping off. \ref 578 \id 697992094521140801 \begin 0:20:35 \sp CHIPRI \tx hampir aja. \pho hampirl ʔaːjah \mb hampir aja \ge near just \gj near just \ft just about. \ref 579 \id 273231094522140801 \begin 0:20:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx hampir aja. \pho hampiːr ʔajah \mb hampir aja \ge near just \gj near just \ft just about. \ref 580 \id 999527094522140801 \begin 0:20:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx dah, tidur dulu. \pho dah tiduːr duluːʔ \mb dah tidur dulu \ge PFCT lie.down before \gj PFCT lie.down before \ft okay, he sleeps first. \ref 581 \id 283499094522140801 \begin 0:20:43 \sp CHIPRI \tx kudanya tidurnya di mana, ayo? \pho kudaʔɲa tidulɲa di mana ʔayɔh \mb kuda -nya tidur -nya di mana ayo \ge horse -NYA lie.down -NYA LOC which AYO \gj horse-NYA lie.down-NYA LOC which AYO \ft where does the horse sleep? \ref 582 \id 783226094522140801 \begin 0:20:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx nih, kandang... \pho nih kandaŋ \mb nih kandang \ge this shed \gj this shed \ft here, the shed... \nt giving another house that she built to CHI. \ref 583 \id 900232094522140801 \begin 0:20:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx kasihan. \pho kasiyaːn \mb kasih -an \ge compassion -AN \gj compassion-AN \ft poor he is. \ref 584 \id 915561094523140801 \begin 0:20:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 585 \id 255251094523140801 \begin 0:20:51 \sp CHIPRI \tx buka, ya, pintunya? \pho bukaʔ yah pintuʔɲaːh \mb buka ya pintu -nya \ge open yes door -NYA \gj open yes door-NYA \ft I open the door, okay? \ref 586 \id 313994094523140801 \begin 0:20:54 \sp MOTPRI \tx dari bawah aja, dari bawah, Priska. \pho dari bawah ʔaːja dari bawah priskaʰ \mb dari bawah aja dari bawah Priska \ge from under just from under Priska \gj from under just from under Priska \ft just from the bottom, from the bottom. \ref 587 \id 303871094524140801 \begin 0:20:55 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt trying to put the horse into the house. \ref 588 \id 273392094524140801 \begin 0:20:56 \sp MOTPRI \tx taro dulu kudanya taro! \pho tarɔʔ dulu kudaʔɲa tarɔʔ \mb taro dulu kuda -nya taro \ge put before horse -NYA put \gj put before horse-NYA put \ft put down the horse! \ref 589 \id 112964094524140801 \begin 0:20:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt putting the horse on the floor, but still holding it. \ref 590 \id 200261094524140801 \begin 0:20:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx awas, tangannya! \pho ʔawas taŋanɲah \mb awas tangan -nya \ge EXCL hand -NYA \gj EXCL hand-NYA \ft watch your hand! \ref 591 \id 397534094525140801 \begin 0:21:01 \sp MOTPRI \tx ah, nggak masuk. \pho ʔah ŋgaʔ masuk \mb ah nggak masuk \ge EXCL NEG go.in \gj EXCL NEG go.in \ft ah, it doesn't go in. \nt fails to put the horse into the house. \ref 592 \id 373166094525140801 \begin 0:21:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx nggak muat, kurang besar rumahnya. \pho ŋgaʔ muwat kuraŋ bəsaːr rumahɲaːh \mb nggak muat kurang besar rumah -nya \ge NEG contain less big house -NYA \gj NEG contain less big house-NYA \ft it is not big enough, the house is not big enough. \ref 593 \id 307671094525140801 \begin 0:21:08 \sp MOTPRI \tx rumah kudanya kurang besar. \pho rumah kudaʔɲa kuraŋ bəsaːr \mb rumah kuda -nya kurang besar \ge house horse -NYA less big \gj house horse-NYA less big \ft the horse's house is not big enough. \nt expanding the house using some more pieces of Lego. \ref 594 \id 246675094525140801 \begin 0:21:09 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah deh, tidurnya di luar aja deh, nggak ada kandangnya nggak pa-pa deh. \pho ʔuda dɛh tidurɲa di luwar ʔaja dɛh ŋgaʔ ʔada kandaŋɲa ŋgaʔ papa dɛh \mb udah deh tidur -nya di luar aja deh nggak ada kandang -nya nggak pa - pa deh \ge PFCT DEH lie.down -NYA LOC out just DEH NEG exist shed -NYA NEG what - what DEH \gj PFCT DEH lie.down-NYA LOC out just DEH NEG exist shed-NYA NEG RED-what DEH \ft okay, then, he just sleeps outside, it doesn't matter if he doesn't have a stable. \ref 595 \id 184727094526140801 \begin 0:21:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya deh. \pho ʔiya dɛh \mb iya deh \ge yes DEH \gj yes DEH \ft okay then. \ref 596 \id 320328094526140801 \begin 0:21:16 \sp MOTPRI \tx kuda kuat, ya? \pho kudaʔ kuwat yah \mb kuda kuat ya \ge horse strong yes \gj horse strong yes \ft the horse is strong, right? \ref 597 \id 558270094526140801 \begin 0:21:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 598 \id 959166094526140801 \begin 0:21:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya deh. \pho ʔiya dɛh \mb iya deh \ge yes DEH \gj yes DEH \ft okay then. \ref 599 \id 519585094526140801 \begin 0:21:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx tidurnya di deket... deket kandangnya Si babi sama temen-temennya aja. \mb tidur -nya di deket deket kandang -nya Si babi sama temen - temen -nya aja \ge lie.down -NYA LOC near near shed -NYA PERS pig with friend - friend -NYA just \gj lie.down-NYA LOC near near shed-NYA PERS pig with RED-friend-NYA just \ft he just sleeps near the pig and his friends. \ref 600 \id 587220094527140801 \begin 0:21:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx temen-temennya Si babi siapa aja emang? \pho təməntəmənɲa si babiʔ syapa ʔaːja ʔɛmaŋ \mb temen - temen -nya Si babi siapa aja emang \ge friend - friend -NYA PERS pig who just indeed \gj RED-friend-NYA PERS pig who just indeed \ft who are the pig's friends? \ref 601 \id 510233150259150801 \begin 0:21:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx bukan, temen-temennya Si kuda. \mb bukan temen - temen -nya Si kuda \ge NEG friend - friend -NYA PERS horse \gj NEG RED-friend-NYA PERS horse \ft no, the horse's friends. \ref 602 \id 903086150344150801 \begin 0:21:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, apa... siapa aja? \pho ʔiya ʔapaʰ siyapa ʔaːjaʰ \mb iya apa siapa aja \ge yes what who just \gj yes what who just \ft right, what... who? \ref 603 \id 288612150407150801 \begin 0:21:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx babi, ayam... \pho babʰi ʔayam \mb babi ayam \ge pig chicken \gj pig chicken \ft pig, chicken... \ref 604 \id 318099150425150801 \begin 0:21:32 \sp MOTPRI \tx terus? \pho tərus \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft then? \ref 605 \id 907005150438150801 \begin 0:21:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx terus... \pho təlus \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft then... \nt taking a toy sheep. \ref 606 \id 461773150438150801 \begin 0:21:36 \sp MOTPRI \tx tu apa tuh, yang dipegang Priska apa? \pho tu ʔapa tuh yaŋ dipɛgaŋ priska ʔapah \mb tu apa tuh yang di- pegang Priska apa \ge that what that REL DI- hold Priska what \gj that what that REL DI-hold Priska what \ft what's that, what are you holding? \ref 607 \id 932942150439150801 \begin 0:21:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx itu tadi pegang Priska, apa tuh? \pho ʔitu tadi pɛgaŋ priska ʔapa tuh \mb itu tadi pegang Priska apa tuh \ge that earlier hold Priska what that \gj that earlier hold Priska what that \ft what did you hold? \ref 608 \id 783976150439150801 \begin 0:21:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx harimau. \pho halimaW \mb harimau \ge tiger \gj tiger \ft a tiger. \ref 609 \id 911774150439150801 \begin 0:21:40 \sp EXPYAN \tx salah. \pho saːlah \mb salah \ge wrong \gj wrong \ft you not right. \ref 610 \id 504056150439150801 \begin 0:21:42 \sp MOTPRI \tx heh! \pho ʔəh \mb heh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \ref 611 \id 590045150439150801 \begin 0:21:44 \sp EXPYAN \tx dom(ba)... \pho dɔm \mb domba \ge sheep \gj sheep \ft a sheep... \nt giving cue to CHI. \ref 612 \id 396032150440150801 \begin 0:21:45 \sp MOTPRI \tx dom(ba)... (dom)ba. \pho dɔːm baʔ \mb domba domba \ge sheep sheep \gj sheep sheep \ft a sheep. \ref 613 \id 327450150440150801 \begin 0:21:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx domba. \pho dɔmbaʔ \mb domba \ge sheep \gj sheep \ft a sheep. \ref 614 \id 562859150440150801 \begin 0:21:49 \sp CHIPRI \tx terus, ini... \pho təlus ʔiniʔ \mb terus ini \ge continue this \gj continue this \ft then, this... \nt taking a toy chicken. \ref 615 \id 693177150440150801 \begin 0:21:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx itu apa? \pho ʔitu ʔapah \mb itu apa \ge that what \gj that what \ft what's that? \ref 616 \id 342063150440150801 \begin 0:21:53 \sp CHIPRI \tx ayam juga. \pho ʔayam jugaʔ \mb ayam juga \ge chicken also \gj chicken also \ft also a chicken. \ref 617 \id 470149150441150801 \begin 0:21:55 \sp MOTPRI \tx ayam jago apa ayam betina? \pho ʔayam jagɔʔ apa ʔayam bətinaːʰ \mb ayam jago apa ayam betina \ge chicken master what chicken female \gj chicken master what chicken female \ft is it a rooster or a hen? \ref 618 \id 415056150441150801 \begin 0:21:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx ayam jago. \pho ʔayɔm jagɔʔ \mb ayam jago \ge chicken master \gj chicken master \ft a rooster. \ref 619 \id 559823150441150801 \begin 0:21:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx ayam jago? \pho ʔayam jagɔʔ \mb ayam jago \ge chicken master \gj chicken master \ft a rooster? \ref 620 \id 962878150441150801 \begin 0:21:58 \sp CHIPRI \tx ayam jago... \pho ʔayam jagɔʔ \mb ayam jago \ge chicken master \gj chicken master \ft a rooster... \ref 621 \id 820573150442150801 \begin 0:21:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo ayam jago... \pho kalɔ ʔayam jagɔʔ \mb kalo ayam jago \ge TOP chicken master \gj TOP chicken master \ft a rooster... \ref 622 \id 396586150442150801 \begin 0:22:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx ...trus, babi. \pho tr̩us babiʔ \mb trus babi \ge continue pig \gj continue pig \ft ...then, a pig. \ref 623 \id 629790150442150801 \begin 0:22:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx suaranya gimana kalo ayam jago? \pho suwaraɲa gimana kalɔ ʔayam jagɔʔ \mb suara -nya gimana kalo ayam jago \ge sound -NYA how TOP chicken master \gj sound-NYA how TOP chicken master \ft how does a rooster go? \ref 624 \id 596699150443150801 \begin 0:22:03 \sp CHIPRI \tx kukuruyuk. \pho kukuluyuːk \mb kukuruyuk \ge cock-a-doodle-doo \gj cock-a-doodle-doo \ft cock-a-doodle-doo. \ref 625 \id 645282150443150801 \begin 0:22:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, iya. \pho ʔɔː ʔiyah \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, right. \ref 626 \id 873040150443150801 \begin 0:22:06 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo ayam betina? \pho kalo ʔayam bətinaʰ \mb kalo ayam betina \ge TOP chicken female \gj TOP chicken female \ft what about a hen? \ref 627 \id 214482150443150801 \begin 0:22:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx petok petok. \pho pətɔk pətɔk \mb petok petok \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft cluck cluck. \ref 628 \id 904854150443150801 \begin 0:22:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, iya, petok, petok. \pho ʔɔː ʔiːyah pətɔk pətɔk \mb oh iya petok petok \ge EXCL yes IMIT IMIT \gj EXCL yes IMIT IMIT \ft oh, right, cluck, cluck. \nt imitating chicken sound. \ref 629 \id 296687150444150801 \begin 0:22:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx kalo... \pho kalɔː \mb kalo \ge TOP \gj TOP \ft if... \ref 630 \id 137269150445150801 \begin 0:22:11 \sp EXPYAN \tx kalo Priska? \pho kalɔ priskah \mb kalo Priska \ge TOP Priska \gj TOP Priska \ft what about you? \ref 631 \id 995938150445150801 \begin 0:22:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...Priska? \pho priskah \mb Priska \ge Priska \gj Priska \ft ...you? \nt from her previous utterance. \ref 632 \id 258426150445150801 \begin 0:22:14 \sp CHIPRI \tx suaranya... \pho suwalaʔɲah \mb suara -nya \ge sound -NYA \gj sound-NYA \ft I go... \nt screaming and then laughing. \ref 633 \id 572323150446150801 \begin 0:22:15 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 634 \id 442668150446150801 \begin 0:22:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx oh, gitu. \pho ʔɔː giːtuʰ \mb oh gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, like that. \ref 635 \id 230535150446150801 \begin 0:22:18 \sp MOTPRI \tx betul, betul. \pho bətul bətu7l \mb betul betul \ge right right \gj right right \ft right, right. \ref 636 \id 720606150446150801 \begin 0:22:20 \sp MOTPRI \tx tepuk tangan buat Priska. \pho təpuk taŋan buwat priskaːʰ \mb tepuk tangan buat Priska \ge clap hand for Priska \gj clap hand for Priska \ft clap hands for Priska. \ref 637 \id 552548150447150801 \begin 0:22:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt clapping her hands happily. \ref 638 \id 192800150447150801 \begin 0:22:24 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 639 \id 107533150447150801 \begin 0:22:26 \sp EXPYAN \tx tunjukin Mami dong! \pho tunjukin mami dɔŋ \mb tunjuk -in Mami dong \ge point -IN mommy DONG \gj point-IN mommy DONG \ft show your mom! \nt giving a picture album to CHI and CHI receiving it and then opening it. \ref 640 \id 720568150448150801 \begin 0:22:28 \sp MOTPRI \tx eh, Mami belum liat. \pho ʔɛh mami bəlum liyat \mb eh Mami belum liat \ge EXCL mommy not.yet see \gj EXCL mommy not.yet see \ft hey, I haven't seen it. \nt clapping her hands once. \ref 641 \id 812561150448150801 \begin 0:22:30 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'Mi, udah jadi, Mi.' \pho mi ʔuda jadi mih \mb Mi udah jadi Mi \ge TRU-mommy PFCT become TRU-mommy \gj TRU-mommy PFCT become TRU-mommy \ft 'Mom, it's done, Mom.' \nt telling CHI what to tell MOT. \ref 642 \id 740096150448150801 \begin 0:22:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx liat dong. \pho liyat dɔŋ \mb liat dong \ge see DONG \gj see DONG \ft let me see. \ref 643 \id 517960150448150801 \begin 0:22:32 \sp CHIPRI \tx nih, ini xxx... \pho nih ʔini xxx \mb nih ini xxx \ge this this xxx \gj this this xxx \ft here, this xxx... \nt giving the album to MOT. \ref 644 \id 277466150448150801 \begin 0:22:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx Mami liat dulu, ya? \pho mami liyat duluː yaːh \mb Mami liat dulu ya \ge mommy see before yes \gj mommy see before yes \ft let me see, okay? \ref 645 \id 183980150449150801 \begin 0:22:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska main dulu, ya? \pho priska main dulu yaːh \mb Priska main dulu ya \ge Priska play before yes \gj Priska play before yes \ft you play, okay? \ref 646 \id 368657150449150801 \begin 0:22:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx udeh, jadi deh. \pho ʔudɛʰ jaːdi dɛh \mb udeh jadi deh \ge PFCT become DEH \gj PFCT become DEH \ft okay, there we go. \ref 647 \id 133855150449150801 \begin 0:22:40 \sp MOTPRI \tx jadi deh. \pho jaːdi dɛh \mb jadi deh \ge become DEH \gj become DEH \ft there we go. \ref 648 \id 305087150449150801 \begin 0:22:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx uh, bagus sekali, ya? \pho ʔuːh bagus səkali yah \mb uh bagus se- kali ya \ge EXCL nice SE- very yes \gj EXCL nice SE-very yes \ft wow, it's very nice, right? \ref 649 \id 911055150450150801 \begin 0:22:48 \sp MOTPRI \tx bagus sekali, ya? \pho bagus səkali yah \mb bagus se- kali ya \ge nice SE- very yes \gj nice SE-very yes \ft it's very nice, right? \ref 650 \id 133008150450150801 \begin 0:22:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx kok... kok dua sih rumahnya? \pho kɔʔ kɔʔ duwa sih lumahɲah \mb kok kok dua sih rumah -nya \ge KOK KOK two SIH house -NYA \gj KOK KOK two SIH house-NYA \ft why... why do we have two houses? \ref 651 \id 480122155043150801 \begin 0:22:53 \sp EXPYAN \tx iya... rumahnya... \pho ʔiːyaːh rumahɲah \mb iya rumah -nya \ge yes house -NYA \gj yes house-NYA \ft right... the house... \ref 652 \id 618152155057150801 \begin 0:22:56 \sp CHIPRI \tx kenapa? \pho kənaːpah \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft why? \ref 653 \id 298712155133150801 \begin 0:22:59 \sp EXPYAN \tx anaknya banyak. \pho ʔanakɲa baːɲaːk \mb anak -nya banyak \ge child -NYA a.lot \gj child-NYA a.lot \ft they have a lot of children. \ref 654 \id 864356155155150801 \begin 0:23:02 \sp MOTPRI \tx idih, ada apa nih? \pho ʔɪdɪː ʔada ʔapa nih \mb idih ada apa nih \ge EXCL exist what this \gj EXCL exist what this \ft wow, what's there here? \nt showing a picture to CHI. \ref 655 \id 956492155238150801 \begin 0:23:05 \sp CHIPRI \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \nt looking at the picture. \ref 656 \id 591272155254150801 \begin 0:23:08 \sp CHIPRI \tx mbek. \pho m̩bɛːʔ \mb mbek \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft baa. \nt laughing. \ref 657 \id 333013155254150801 \begin 0:23:09 \sp MOTPRI \tx hi hi, mbek tu apa sih? \pho hĩ hĩ m̩bɛʔ tu ʔapa sih \mb hi hi mbek tu apa sih \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT that what SIH \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT that what SIH \ft hi hi, what is baa? \nt laughing. \ref 658 \id 459806155255150801 \begin 0:23:10 \sp MOTPRI \tx kam(bing)... \pho kam \mb kambing \ge goat \gj goat \ft goat... \nt giving cue to CHI. \ref 659 \id 270142155255150801 \begin 0:23:11 \sp CHIPRI \tx kambing. \pho kambiŋ \mb kambing \ge goat \gj goat \ft goat. \nt getting MOT's cue. \ref 660 \id 394300155255150801 \begin 0:23:12 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-em. \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 661 \id 910674155523150801 \begin 0:23:14 \sp MOTPRI \tx Tante Yanti deket xx itu maen perosotan ama kambing, ya? \pho tantə yantiʰ dəkət xx ʔitu maɛn pərɔsɔtan ʔama kaːmbiŋ yah \mb Tante Yanti deket xx itu maen perosot -an ama kambing ya \ge aunt Yanti near xx that play slide -AN with goat yes \gj aunt Yanti near xx that play slide-AN with goat yes \ft Auntie Yanti is near xx that playing a slide with the goats, right? \nt talking about the picture. \ref 662 \id 926120155630150801 \begin 0:23:15 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 663 \id 424228155650150801 \begin 0:23:16 \sp CHIPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 664 \id 817772155700150801 \begin 0:23:17 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya? \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft really? \ref 665 \id 120921155706150801 \begin 0:23:19 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh? \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh? \ref 666 \id 726498155750150801 \begin 0:23:21 \sp CHIPRI \tx temennya kok kambing sih? \pho təmənɲa kɔʔ kaːmbiːŋ sih \mb temen -nya kok kambing sih \ge friend -NYA KOK goat SIH \gj friend-NYA KOK goat SIH \ft why are your friends goats? \ref 667 \id 570020155818150801 \begin 0:23:22 \sp EXPYAN \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 668 \id 437077155829150801 \begin 0:23:24 \sp CHIPRI \tx kenapa? \pho kənaːpaʰ \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft why? \ref 669 \id 763912155839150801 \begin 0:23:26 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan bau, kambing. \pho kan baːWuʔ kambiŋ \mb kan bau kambing \ge KAN smell goat \gj KAN smell goat \ft a goat smells not good. \ref 670 \id 297900155912150801 \begin 0:23:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 671 \id 713716155937150801 \begin 0:23:28 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh, iya, ya? \pho ʔɔ ʔiːya yah \mb oh iya ya \ge EXCL yes yes \gj EXCL yes yes \ft oh, right, huh? \ref 672 \id 840557160025150801 \begin 0:23:30 \sp EXPYAN \tx sudah mandi kemaren dia. \pho sudaʰ maːndiː kəmarɛn diyah \mb sudah mandi kemaren dia \ge PFCT bathe yesterday 3 \gj PFCT bathe yesterday 3 \ft they had taken a bath. \ref 673 \id 569016162116150801 \begin 0:23:31 \sp MOTPRI \tx 0. \nt still laughing. \ref 674 \id 494053145555160801 \begin 0:23:33 \sp MOTPRI \tx xx sudah mandi. \pho xx sudah mandiʔ \mb xx sudah mandi \ge xx PFCT bathe \gj xx PFCT bathe \ft xx taken a bath. \ref 675 \id 757238145555160801 \begin 0:23:35 \sp EXPYAN \tx Priska udah mandi belum? \pho priska ʔudas mandiʔ bəlum \mb Priska udah mandi belum \ge Priska PFCT bathe not.yet \gj Priska PFCT bathe not.yet \ft have you taken a bath? \ref 676 \id 258902145910160801 \begin 0:23:35 \sp MOTPRI \tx Priska... \pho priskaʰ \mb Priska \ge Priska \gj Priska \ft Priska... \ref 677 \id 624490145555160801 \begin 0:23:36 \sp CHIPRI \tx masa... \pho mɑːsɑʔ \mb masa \ge incredible \gj incredible \ft how come... \ref 678 \id 617631145556160801 \begin 0:23:37 \sp MOTPRI \tx eh, ditanya tuh Priska... \pho ʔɛh ditaɲa tuh priska \mb eh di- tanya tuh Priska \ge EXCL DI- ask that Priska \gj EXCL DI-ask that Priska \ft hey, she is asking you. \ref 679 \id 547656145556160801 \begin 0:23:38 \sp CHIPRI \tx temennya kan orang aja xx. \pho təmənɲa kan ʔɔlaŋ ʔaːja xx \mb temen -nya kan orang aja xx \ge friend -NYA KAN person just xx \gj friend-NYA KAN person just xx \ft your friend is just a human xx. \ref 680 \id 773390145556160801 \begin 0:23:39 \sp MOTPRI \tx ya, ini juga ada teme(nnya)... \pho yaːʰ ʔini juga ʔaːdaː təmə \mb ya ini juga ada temen -nya \ge yes this also exist friend -NYA \gj yes this also exist friend-NYA \ft yeah, there is also her friend... \ref 681 \id 289920145557160801 \begin 0:23:41 \sp MOTPRI \tx itu, itu bukan temennya... \pho ʔitu ʔitu bukan təmənɲaːʰ \mb itu itu bukan temen -nya \ge that that NEG friend -NYA \gj that that NEG friend-NYA \ft those, those aren't her friends... \ref 682 \id 700397145557160801 \begin 0:23:44 \sp MOTPRI \tx ...lagi, lagi, lagi ada di ituh, lagi ada di... situ. \pho lagi lagi lagi ʔada di ʔiːtuːʰ lagi ʔada di situː \mb lagi lagi lagi ada di ituh lagi ada di situ \ge more more more exist LOC that more exist LOC there \gj more more more exist LOC that more exist LOC there \ft ...they were there. \ref 683 \id 193224145557160801 \begin 0:23:47 \sp CHIPRI \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \nt looking for the picture that they are talking about. \ref 684 \id 923717145557160801 \begin 0:23:47 \sp MOTPRI \tx kena foto. \pho kənaʔ fɔːtɔːʰ \mb kena foto \ge undergo photo \gj undergo photo \ft they were photoed. \ref 685 \id 527817145558160801 \begin 0:23:48 \sp CHIPRI \tx mana? \pho maːnaːʰ \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \ref 686 \id 343247145558160801 \begin 0:23:49 \sp MOTPRI \tx kena foto itu kambing. \pho kənaʔ fɔːtoː itu kambiŋ \mb kena foto itu kambing \ge undergo photo that goat \gj undergo photo that goat \ft the goats were photoed. \ref 687 \id 566559145559160801 \begin 0:23:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \ref 688 \id 771055145559160801 \begin 0:23:51 \sp MOTPRI \tx kambingnya kena foto tu, kena foto. \pho kambiŋɲa kənaʔ fɔːtɔː tu kənaʔ fɔːtɔː \mb kambing -nya kena foto tu kena foto \ge goat -NYA undergo photo that undergo photo \gj goat-NYA undergo photo that undergo photo \ft the goats were photoed. \ref 689 \id 637932145559160801 \begin 0:23:54 \sp CHIPRI \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \ref 690 \id 649403145601160801 \begin 0:23:57 \sp MOTPRI \tx kambingnya kena foto. \pho kambiŋɲa kənaʔ fɔːtɔː \mb kambing -nya kena foto \ge goat -NYA undergo photo \gj goat-NYA undergo photo \ft the goats where photoed. \ref 691 \id 836068145602160801 \begin 0:23:59 \sp MOTPRI \tx jadinya itu. \pho jadiʔɲaː ʔituː \mb jadi -nya itu \ge become -NYA that \gj become-NYA that \ft so there it goes. \ref 692 \id 717654145602160801 \begin 0:24:01 \sp EXPYAN \tx fotonya sama kambing. \pho fɔtɔɲah sama kaːmbiːŋ \mb foto -nya sama kambing \ge photo -NYA with goat \gj photo-NYA with goat \ft taking a picture with goats. \nt laughing. \ref 693 \id 437449145602160801 \begin 0:24:04 \sp MOTPRI \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 694 \id 712929145603160801 \begin 0:24:07 \sp CHIPRI \tx kan bau, kambing. \pho kan baːWuʔ kambiŋ \mb kan bau kambing \ge KAN smell goat \gj KAN smell goat \ft a goat smells not good. \ref 695 \id 481814150814160801 \begin 0:24:09 \sp EXPYAN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 696 \id 212992145603160801 \begin 0:24:11 \sp MOTPRI \tx iya, tapi kan jauh-jauh itu. \mb iya tapi kan jauh - jauh itu \ge yes but KAN far - far that \gj yes but KAN RED-far that \ft right, but they are far to each other. \nt referring to EXP and the goats. \ref 697 \id 265132150910160801 \begin 0:24:13 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt making herself busy arranging the trees. \ref 698 \id 781619150919160801 \begin 0:24:15 \sp CHIPRI \tx 0. \nt putting down the album and rubbing her eyes. \ref 699 \id 170218145603160801 \begin 0:24:18 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini juga perosotan, ciyut. \pho ʔini juga pəlɔsɔtan ciyũːut \mb ini juga perosot -an ciyut \ge this also slide -AN IMIT \gj this also slide-AN IMIT \ft this is also a slide, ciyut. \nt referring to the slide. \ref 700 \id 391511105815200801 \begin 0:24:20 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt taking the doll and making it move on the slide. \ref 701 \id 894181151118160801 \begin 0:24:22 \sp CHIPRI \tx yah! \pho yah \mb yah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ugh! \nt putting a doll on the slide. \ref 702 \id 365483145603160801 \begin 0:24:23 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt taking the doll and playing with it. \ref 703 \id 785992145604160801 \begin 0:24:25 \sp CHIPRI \tx jangan dong! \pho jaŋan dɔːŋ \mb jangan dong \ge don't DONG \gj don't DONG \ft don't! \ref 704 \id 584928145604160801 \begin 0:24:27 \sp MOTPRI \tx jangan dong! \pho jaːŋan dɔŋ \mb jangan dong \ge don't DONG \gj don't DONG \ft don't! \nt repeating CHI. \ref 705 \id 800470145604160801 \begin 0:24:29 \sp CHIPRI \tx eh, jangan... \pho ʔɛʰ jaːŋan \mb eh jangan \ge EXCL don't \gj EXCL don't \ft hey, don't... \ref 706 \id 924051145604160801 \begin 0:24:31 \sp CHIPRI \tx ini kan udah malem, tidurnya di kolong. \pho ʔini kan ʔudaʰ maləm tidurlɲa di kɔlɔːŋ \mb ini kan udah malem tidur -nya di kolong \ge this KAN PFCT night lie.down -NYA LOC space.underneath.something \gj this KAN PFCT night lie.down-NYA LOC space.underneath.something \ft this is already late at night, he sleeps under the table. \nt taking the doll. \ref 707 \id 750737145604160801 \begin 0:24:33 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya, udah. \pho yah ʔudah \mb ya udah \ge yes PFCT \gj yes PFCT \ft okay, done. \nt putting it under the table. \ref 708 \id 608066151425160801 \begin 0:24:34 \sp CHIPRI \tx cing cing cing... \pho ciːŋ ciŋ ciŋ \mb cing cing cing \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft cing cing cing... \nt 1. singing. 2. interrupted by EXP. \ref 709 \id 878382151448160801 \begin 0:24:36 \sp EXPYAN \tx di sini dong tidurnya. \pho di sini dɔːŋ tidurɲah \mb di sini dong tidur -nya \ge LOC here DONG lie.down -NYA \gj LOC here DONG lie.down-NYA \ft he should sleep over here. \ref 710 \id 881968151524160801 \begin 0:24:37 \sp CHIPRI \tx ya. \pho yah \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 711 \id 863631151535160801 \begin 0:24:39 \sp CHIPRI \tx mana nih? \pho maːna nih \mb mana nih \ge which this \gj which this \ft where is it? \nt looking for the doll that she put under the table. \ref 712 \id 473886151553160801 \begin 0:24:44 \sp CHIPRI \tx tidurnya di situ lagi. \pho tidurlɲa di siːtu lagih \mb tidur -nya di situ lagi \ge lie.down -NYA LOC there LAGI \gj lie.down-NYA LOC there LAGI \ft he sleeps over there. \nt referring to the building. \ref 713 \id 215410151553160801 \begin 0:24:50 \sp CHIPRI \tx udah. \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft okay. \nt putting the doll near the house. \ref 714 \id 305749151810160801 \begin 0:24:56 \sp EXPYAN \tx masukin ke sini dong! \pho masuʔin kə sini dɔːŋ \mb masuk -in ke sini dong \ge go.in -IN to here DONG \gj go.in-IN to here DONG \ft put it into here! \nt referring to the house. \ref 715 \id 340357151815160801 \begin 0:24:57 \sp CHIPRI \tx heh? \pho hə̃h \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 716 \id 600884151815160801 \begin 0:24:58 \sp EXPYAN \tx masukin ke sini! \pho masuʔini kə siniːʰ \mb masuk -in ke sini \ge go.in -IN to here \gj go.in-IN to here \ft put it into here! \ref 717 \id 769581152629160801 \begin 0:25:00 \sp CHIPRI \tx oh, iya. \pho ʔɔʰ ʔiːyah \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, right. \ref 718 \id 176516152852160801 \begin 0:25:00 \sp @End \tx @End \nt the analysis is not finished yet.