\_sh v3.0 400 Text \_DateStampHasFourDigitYear \ref 0001 \id 947775131247300502 \sp @PAR \tx @Participants: CHI Pipit Target Child; OPI Zulfikar CHI's cousin; FAR CHI's cousin; JIA Jiat CHI's aunt; DAY Dayat CHI's aunt; EXPERN Erni Experimenter. \pho @filename: \ft @Duration: (41:56); started at (04:59); coded (25:33) \nt @Situation: playing the racing track containing some cars, some trucks, some flags, some trees, and a gate; and the cooking set at OPI's house in the morning. \ref 0002 \id 780978131909300502 \begin 0:04:59 \sp @Begin \tx @Begin \ref 0003 \id 910875131919300502 \begin 0:04:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong... \pho ŋɔŋːː \mb ngong \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ngong... \nt moving the truck on the racing track. \ref 0004 \id 704104131919300502 \begin 0:04:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx ngong... \pho ŋɔŋ \mb ngong \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ngong... \nt playing with the car on the track. \ref 0005 \id 398734131920300502 \begin 0:05:00 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt taking the plastic bag. \ref 0006 \id 737835131920300502 \begin 0:05:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong... \pho ŋɔŋː \mb ngong \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ngong... \ref 0007 \id 318666131920300502 \begin 0:05:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx ngong... \pho ŋɔŋː \mb ngong \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ngong... \ref 0008 \id 530611131920300502 \begin 0:05:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx ditutup lagi! \pho ditutup lagi \mb di- tutup lagi \ge DI- shut more \gj DI-shut more \ft close it! \nt asking CHI to close the gate. \ref 0009 \id 492498131921300502 \begin 0:05:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx ditutup? \pho ditutup \mb di- tutup \ge DI- shut \gj DI-shut \ft close it? \ref 0010 \id 732035131921300502 \begin 0:05:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx ciut... \pho ciyut \mb ciut \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ciut... \ref 0011 \id 933889131921300502 \begin 0:05:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx biar mobilnya nggak... \pho biyar mɔbilɲa ŋgaʔ \mb biar mobil -nya nggak \ge let car -NYA NEG \gj let car-NYA NEG \ft so the car won't... \ref 0012 \id 491612131922300502 \begin 0:05:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong... cit... \pho ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋː cit \mb ngong ngong cit \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong... cit... \ref 0013 \id 242283131922300502 \begin 0:05:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong... ngong, ngong, ngong... \pho ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋːː \mb ngong ngong ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ngong... ngong, ngong, ngong... \ref 0014 \id 158185131923300502 \begin 0:05:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni apanya? \pho ni ʔapaɲa \mb ni apa -nya \ge this what -NYA \gj this what-NYA \ft what's this? \nt taking something. \ref 0015 \id 630038131923300502 \begin 0:05:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong... \pho ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋː \mb ngong ngong ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong... \nt taking a plastic flower. \ref 0016 \id 267012131923300502 \begin 0:05:17 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0017 \id 881845131924300502 \begin 0:05:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pedro Santiago... \pho pedrɔ santiyagɔ \mb Pedro Santiago \ge Pedro Santiago \gj Pedro Santiago \ft Pedro Santiago... \nt singing. \ref 0018 \id 591394131924300502 \begin 0:05:19 \sp CHIPIT \tx heh... itu, itu... \pho hɛ ʔitu ʔitu \mb heh itu itu \ge EXCL that that \gj EXCL that that \ft hey... that, that... \nt 1. = look at that! 2. pointing at something EXPERN holding. \ref 0019 \id 571877131924300502 \begin 0:05:21 \sp EXPERN \tx ketupat ni. \pho kətupat ni \mb ketupat ni \ge k.o.food this \gj k.o.food this \ft this is ketupat. \nt taking a toy ketupat. \ref 0020 \id 158378131925300502 \begin 0:05:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah, Ipit mau ah yang Tante makan. \pho ʔa ʔipit maw ʔa yaŋ tantə makan \mb ah Ipit mau ah yang Tante makan \ge AH Ipit want AH REL aunt eat \gj AH Ipit want AH REL aunt eat \ft I want it. \nt referring to the cookie EXPERN eating. \ref 0021 \id 274959131925300502 \begin 0:05:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ipit mau ah itu. \pho ʔipit maw ʔah ʔitu \mb Ipit mau ah itu \ge Ipit want AH that \gj Ipit want AH that \ft I want it. \ref 0022 \id 349198131925300502 \begin 0:05:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx itu di mana sih Tante? \pho ʔitu di mana si tantə \mb itu di mana sih Tante \ge that LOC which SIH aunt \gj that LOC which SIH aunt \ft where is it? \nt referring to the cookie. \ref 0023 \id 675781131926300502 \begin 0:05:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt coughing. \ref 0024 \id 465461131926300502 \begin 0:05:29 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini ya Tante ya itu? \pho ʔini ya tantə ya ʔitu \mb ini ya Tante ya itu \ge this yes aunt yes that \gj this yes aunt yes that \ft this one, right? \nt taking the cookie on the table. \ref 0025 \id 820696131927300502 \begin 0:05:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante, Tante! \pho tantə tantə \mb Tante Tante \ge aunt aunt \gj aunt aunt \ft Auntie, Auntie! \ref 0026 \id 658666131927300502 \begin 0:05:31 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0027 \id 822057131927300502 \begin 0:05:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante! \pho tantə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 0028 \id 129144131928300502 \begin 0:05:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx masa waktu nyanyi di kelas gini... gini... \pho masa waktu ɲaɲi di kəlas gini gini \mb masa waktu nyanyi di kelas gini gini \ge incredible time sing LOC class like.this like.this \gj incredible time sing LOC class like.this like.this \ft when I sang in the class... \nt acting the way he singing at school. \ref 0029 \id 339931131928300502 \begin 0:05:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx ... Pedro Santiago xx xx... \pho pedrɔ santiyagɔ ʔanare nata \mb Pedro Santiago xx xx \ge Pedro Santiago xx xx \gj Pedro Santiago xx xx \ft ... Pedro Santiago xx xx... \nt showing EXPERN the way he singing. \ref 0030 \id 638880131928300502 \begin 0:05:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx ww xxx... gimana? \pho fisisigante xxx gimana \mb ww xxx gimana \ge ww xxx how \gj ww xxx how \ft ww xxx... how is it? \nt still singing. \ref 0031 \id 374352131929300502 \begin 0:05:39 \sp EXPERN \tx lagu apa itu? \pho lagu ʔapa ʔitu \mb lagu apa itu \ge song what that \gj song what that \ft what song is that? \ref 0032 \id 454472131929300502 \begin 0:05:41 \sp FARPIT \tx itu! \pho ʔitu \mb itu \ge that \gj that \ft that! \nt reference unclear. \ref 0033 \id 621877131929300502 \begin 0:05:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx itu. \pho xxx ʔitu \mb xxx itu \ge xxx that \gj xxx that \ft that xxx. \ref 0034 \id 803264131930300502 \begin 0:05:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx kan tem(enku), temenku keluar. \pho kan təm təmənku kəluwar \mb kan temen -ku temen -ku keluar \ge KAN friend -1SG friend -1SG go.out \gj KAN friend-1SG friend-1SG go.out \ft my friend came out. \ref 0035 \id 171592131930300502 \begin 0:05:46 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0036 \id 948899131931300502 \begin 0:05:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx 'kamu, kamu xxx?' \pho kamu kamu xxx \mb kamu kamu xxx \ge 2 2 xxx \gj 2 2 xxx \ft 'you xxx?' \ref 0037 \id 770852131931300502 \begin 0:05:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \ref 0038 \id 828709131931300502 \begin 0:05:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx mau gitu Tante? \pho maWu gitu tantə \mb mau gitu Tante \ge want like.that aunt \gj want like.that aunt \ft do you want it? \ref 0039 \id 341816131932300502 \begin 0:05:50 \sp EXPERN \tx siapa? \pho siyapa \mb siapa \ge who \gj who \ft who? \ref 0040 \id 817362131932300502 \begin 0:05:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx orang. \pho ʔoraŋ \mb orang \ge person \gj person \ft man. \nt reference unclear. \ref 0041 \id 417908131932300502 \begin 0:05:52 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0042 \id 792907131933300502 \begin 0:05:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx cuk... \pho cuʔ \mb cuk \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft cuk... \ref 0043 \id 714858131933300502 \begin 0:05:54 \sp EXPERN \tx temennya? \pho təmənɲa \mb temen -nya \ge friend -NYA \gj friend-NYA \ft your friend? \ref 0044 \id 239448131933300502 \begin 0:05:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx bukan. \pho bukan \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0045 \id 211724131934300502 \begin 0:05:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmm, di(a), dia kan kelas satu A. \pho m diʔ diya kan kəlas satu ʔa \mb mmm dia dia kan kelas satu A \ge FILL 3 3 KAN class one A \gj FILL 3 3 KAN class one A \ft umm, he is in one A class. \ref 0046 \id 460166131934300502 \begin 0:05:57 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm. \pho hm \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0047 \id 930731131935300502 \begin 0:05:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh, B, A iya. \pho ʔɛ be ʔa ʔiya \mb eh B A iya \ge EH B A yes \gj EH B A yes \ft eh, B... yes, A. \ref 0048 \id 518758131935300502 \begin 0:05:59 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0049 \id 189000131935300502 \begin 0:06:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx aku kelas satu B. \pho ʔaku kəlas satu bɛʔ \mb aku kelas satu B \ge 1SG class one B \gj 1SG class one B \ft I'm in one B class. \ref 0050 \id 136335131936300502 \begin 0:06:01 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm. \pho hm \mb hmm \ge oh \gj oh \ft I see. \ref 0051 \id 590472131936300502 \begin 0:06:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx suka? \pho sukaʔ \mb suka \ge like \gj like \ft do you like it? \nt talking to FAR. \ref 0052 \id 385753131936300502 \begin 0:06:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx O(pi), Opi gini... Pedro Santiago... \pho ʔo ʔopi gini pɛdrɔ santiyagɔ \mb Opi Opi gini Pedro Santiago \ge Opi Opi like.this Pedro Santiago \gj Opi Opi like.this Pedro Santiago \ft I do like this... Pedro Santiago... \nt showing EXPERN the way he singing. \ref 0053 \id 363756131937300502 \begin 0:06:04 \sp FARPIT \tx eh, eh, eh, eh... \pho ʔə ʔə ʔə ʔə \mb eh eh eh eh \ge EH EH EH EH \gj EH EH EH EH \ft eh, eh, eh, eh... \nt asking for something. \ref 0054 \id 561152131937300502 \begin 0:06:05 \sp FARPIT \tx ah, ah, ah yang ini Ais. \pho ʔa ʔa ʔa yaŋ ʔini ʔais \mb ah ah ah yang ini Ais \ge AH AH AH REL this Ais \gj AH AH AH REL this Ais \ft I want this. \nt pointing at something. \ref 0055 \id 634438135241300502 \begin 0:06:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx udah yang ini aja. \pho ʔuda yaŋ ʔini ʔaja \mb udah yang ini aja \ge PFCT REL this just \gj PFCT REL this just \ft just take this. \nt reference unclear. \ref 0056 \id 796279131937300502 \begin 0:06:08 \sp FARPIT \tx mo yang ini Ais. \pho mɔ yaŋ ʔini ʔais \mb mo yang ini Ais \ge want REL this Ais \gj want REL this Ais \ft I want this. \ref 0057 \id 676120131938300502 \begin 0:06:10 \sp CHIPIT \tx tu jalan, jalan! \pho tu jalan jalan \mb tu jalan jalan \ge that walk walk \gj that walk walk \ft look, move, move! \ref 0058 \id 771131131938300502 \begin 0:06:11 \sp FARPIT \tx mo yang ini... \pho mɔ yaŋ ʔini \mb mo yang ini \ge want REL this \gj want REL this \ft I want this... \ref 0059 \id 111693131939300502 \begin 0:06:12 \sp JIAPIT \tx Is, ayo! \pho ʔis ʔayɔ \mb Is ayo \ge TRU-Pais AYO \gj TRU-Pais AYO \ft Ais, come on! \nt asking FAR not to disturb CHI and OPI. \ref 0060 \id 440114131939300502 \begin 0:06:13 \sp FARPIT \tx mo yang ini. \pho mɔ yaŋ ʔini \mb mo yang ini \ge want REL this \gj want REL this \ft I want this. \ref 0061 \id 515708131939300502 \begin 0:06:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmm, ngong, ngong, ngong... \pho m ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ \mb mmm ngong ngong ngong \ge FILL IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj FILL IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft umm, ngong, ngong, ngong... \ref 0062 \id 227386131940300502 \begin 0:06:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx oh, sebentaran. \pho ʔo səbəntaran \mb oh se- bentar -an \ge EXCL SE- moment -AN \gj EXCL SE-moment-AN \ft oh, just a moment. \ref 0063 \id 883978131940300502 \begin 0:06:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong... \pho ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋː \mb ngong ngong ngong ngong ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong... \ref 0064 \id 446006131940300502 \begin 0:06:18 \sp FARPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0065 \id 537188131941300502 \begin 0:06:19 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm, hmm, hmm... \pho hm hm hm \mb hmm hmm hmm \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hmm, hmm, hmm... \nt taking a toy. \ref 0066 \id 332164131941300502 \begin 0:06:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh, aku memang nggak tau [?]. \pho ʔɛh ʔaku mɛmaŋ ŋgaʔ tau \mb eh aku memang nggak tau \ge EH 1SG indeed NEG know \gj EH 1SG indeed NEG know \ft I don't know. \nt still playing with the racing track. \ref 0067 \id 585844131942300502 \begin 0:06:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx lha? \pho lah \mb lha \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft huh? \nt taking the cooking set. \ref 0068 \id 898069131942300502 \begin 0:06:23 \sp EXPERN \tx sini aja bareng. \pho sini ʔaja barəŋ \mb sini aja bareng \ge here just together \gj here just together \ft here, play together. \ref 0069 \id 568444131942300502 \begin 0:06:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx tadi apa yang Tante pesen? \pho tadi ʔapa yaŋ tantə pəsən \mb tadi apa yang Tante pesen \ge earlier what REL aunt order \gj earlier what REL aunt order \ft what was your order Auntie? \ref 0070 \id 961623131943300502 \begin 0:06:25 \sp EXPERN \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt arranging the racing track. \ref 0071 \id 428448131943300502 \begin 0:06:26 \sp EXPERN \tx tu! \pho tu \mb tu \ge that \gj that \ft there! \nt referring to the racing track. \ref 0072 \id 644699131943300502 \begin 0:06:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx Tante! \pho tantəh \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 0073 \id 968313131944300502 \begin 0:06:29 \sp EXPERN \tx bareng sini aja Dek. \pho barəŋ sini ʔaja dɛʔ \mb bareng sini aja Dek \ge together here just TRU-younger.sibling \gj together here just TRU-younger.sibling \ft play here together. \nt talking to FAR. \ref 0074 \id 359560131944300502 \begin 0:06:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx Tante! \pho tantə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 0075 \id 238149131945300502 \sp FARPIT \tx ah, ah, ah... \pho ʔa ʔa ʔa \mb ah ah ah \ge AH AH AH \gj AH AH AH \ft ah, ah, ah... \ref 0076 \id 879901131945300502 \begin 0:06:32 \sp CHIPIT \tx Tante, yang tadi... \pho tantə yaŋ tadi \mb Tante yang tadi \ge aunt REL earlier \gj aunt REL earlier \ft Auntie, what was... \ref 0077 \id 311540131945300502 \begin 0:06:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong... \pho ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ \mb ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong... \ref 0078 \id 465636131946300502 \begin 0:06:32 \sp FARPIT \tx ah, ah, ah... \pho ʔa ʔa ʔa \mb ah ah ah \ge AH AH AH \gj AH AH AH \ft ah, ah, ah... \ref 0079 \id 152376131946300502 \begin 0:06:32 \sp CHIPIT \tx Tante pesen apa? \pho tantə pəsən ʔapa \mb Tante pesen apa \ge aunt order what \gj aunt order what \ft what was your order? \ref 0080 \id 185574131946300502 \begin 0:06:32 \sp EXPERN \tx eh, mainnya bareng dong. \pho ʔɛ mainɲa barəŋ dɔŋ \mb eh main -nya bareng dong \ge EH play -NYA together DONG \gj EH play-NYA together DONG \ft play together. \nt talking to FAR. \ref 0081 \id 144138131947300502 \begin 0:06:32 \sp FARPIT \tx ah... \pho ʔaː \mb ah \ge AH \gj AH \ft ah... \ref 0082 \id 336196131947300502 \begin 0:06:33 \sp EXPERN \tx tunggu Sayang, tunggu. \pho tuŋgu sayaŋ tuŋgu \mb tunggu Sayang tunggu \ge wait compassion wait \gj wait compassion wait \ft just a moment, Honey. \nt talking to CHI. \ref 0083 \id 866116131947300502 \begin 0:06:34 \sp FARPIT \tx ah... \pho ʔahː \mb ah \ge AH \gj AH \ft ah... \ref 0084 \id 409705140748300502 \begin 0:06:35 \sp JIAPIT \tx Fariz! \pho faris \mb Fariz \ge Fariz \gj Fariz \ft Fariz! \ref 0085 \id 838590131948300502 \begin 0:06:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx pesen apa? \pho pəsən ʔapa \mb pesen apa \ge order what \gj order what \ft what was your order? \ref 0086 \id 812435131948300502 \begin 0:06:37 \sp EXPERN \tx ini lho ini. \pho ʔini lɔ ʔini \mb ini lho ini \ge this EXCL this \gj this EXCL this \ft here it is. \nt referring to the racing track. \ref 0087 \id 420877131948300502 \begin 0:06:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah, nggak, mending nggak mainan deh. \pho ʔah ŋgaʔ məndiŋ ŋgaʔ mainan dɛh \mb ah nggak mending nggak main -an deh \ge AH NEG preferable NEG play -AN DEH \gj AH NEG preferable NEG play-AN DEH \ft ah, I prefer not to play this. \ref 0088 \id 294610131949300502 \begin 0:06:39 \sp FARPIT \tx ah... \pho ʔahː \mb ah \ge AH \gj AH \ft ah... \ref 0089 \id 321685131949300502 \begin 0:06:40 \sp CHIPIT \tx Tante, pesen apa tadi? \pho tantə pəsən ʔapah tadi \mb Tante pesen apa tadi \ge aunt order what earlier \gj aunt order what earlier \ft Auntie, what was your order? \ref 0090 \id 876447131950300502 \begin 0:06:42 \sp EXPERN \tx ayam goreng. \pho ʔayam gɔrɛŋ \mb ayam goreng \ge chicken fry \gj chicken fry \ft fried chicken. \ref 0091 \id 775771131950300502 \begin 0:06:44 \sp CHIPIT \tx ayam... \pho ʔayam \mb ayam \ge chicken \gj chicken \ft chicken... \ref 0092 \id 696756131950300502 \begin 0:06:46 \sp FARPIT \tx eh... \pho ʔeh \mb eh \ge EH \gj EH \ft eh... \ref 0093 \id 192135131951300502 \begin 0:06:48 \sp EXPERN \tx Ais mo maen yang mana ni Is ni? \pho ʔais mɔ maɛn yaŋ mana ni ʔis ni \mb Ais mo maen yang mana ni Is ni \ge Ais want play REL which this TRU-Pais this \gj Ais want play REL which this TRU-Pais this \ft which one do you want to play, Ais? \nt referring to the racing track and the cooking set. \ref 0094 \id 630341131951300502 \begin 0:06:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx lho? \pho lɔ \mb lho \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft huh? \ref 0095 \id 859813131951300502 \begin 0:06:51 \sp FARPIT \tx mo yang ini. \pho mɔ yaŋ ʔini \mb mo yang ini \ge want REL this \gj want REL this \ft I want this. \ref 0096 \id 198575131952300502 \begin 0:06:52 \sp FARPIT \tx mo yang ini. \pho mɔ yaŋ ʔini \mb mo yang ini \ge want REL this \gj want REL this \ft I want this. \ref 0097 \id 855710131952300502 \begin 0:06:53 \sp FARPIT \tx yang ini... \pho yaŋ ʔini \mb yang ini \ge REL this \gj REL this \ft this one... \nt referring to the cooking set CHI playing. \ref 0098 \id 545133131952300502 \begin 0:06:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ais mah bolak-balik. \pho ʔais ma bɔlakbalik \mb Ais mah bolak-balik \ge Ais MAH MUTRED-turn.around \gj Ais MAH MUTRED-turn.around \ft you keep changing your mind. \ref 0099 \id 666515131953300502 \begin 0:06:55 \sp FARPIT \tx yang ini, yang ini... \pho yaŋ ʔini yaŋ ʔini \mb yang ini yang ini \ge REL this REL this \gj REL this REL this \ft this one, this one... \nt referring to the cooking set. \ref 0100 \id 441148131953300502 \begin 0:06:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong... \pho ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ nɔŋː \mb ngong ngong ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong... \ref 0101 \id 781812131954300502 \begin 0:06:59 \sp FARPIT \tx yang ini, yang ini. \pho yaŋ ʔini yaŋ ʔini \mb yang ini yang ini \ge REL this REL this \gj REL this REL this \ft this one, this one. \ref 0102 \id 532481131954300502 \begin 0:07:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong... \pho ŋɔŋːː \mb ngong \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ngong... \ref 0103 \id 432275131954300502 \begin 0:07:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong, ngong... \pho ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ \mb ngong ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong, ngong... \ref 0104 \id 159899131955300502 \begin 0:07:06 \sp FARPIT \tx ah, xx... \pho ʔa tənte \mb ah xx \ge AH xx \gj AH xx \ft ah xx... \nt playing with the cooking set. \ref 0105 \id 501379130706310502 \begin 0:07:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong... \pho ŋɔŋː ŋɔŋː \mb ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong... \ref 0106 \id 594387130707310502 \begin 0:07:09 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm... \pho hm \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft yummy... \nt eating keripik. \ref 0107 \id 472311130707310502 \begin 0:07:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx udah? \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft finished? \nt talking to OPI. \ref 0108 \id 747205130708310502 \begin 0:07:13 \sp CHIPIT \tx tutup lagi! \pho tutup lagi \mb tutup lagi \ge shut more \gj shut more \ft close it! \nt asking OPI to close the gate. \ref 0109 \id 287430130708310502 \begin 0:07:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong, ngong... \pho ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ \mb ngong ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong, ngong... \ref 0110 \id 253246130708310502 \begin 0:07:17 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm. \pho hm \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft here. \nt closing the gate. \ref 0111 \id 811368130709310502 \begin 0:07:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx ngong... \pho ŋɔŋː \mb ngong \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ngong... \ref 0112 \id 484322130709310502 \begin 0:07:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx belom Kakak Ipit. \pho bəlɔm kakaʔ ʔipit \mb belom Kakak Ipit \ge not.yet older.sibling Ipit \gj not.yet older.sibling Ipit \ft not yet. \nt telling CHI that he isn't prepared enough to move the car. \ref 0113 \id 123751130709310502 \begin 0:07:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu kan jadi berantakan lagi. \pho tu kan jadi bərantakan lagi \mb tu kan jadi berantak -an lagi \ge that KAN become disorder -AN more \gj that KAN become disorder-AN more \ft look, you scatter it again. \nt referring to the racing track. \ref 0114 \id 585983130710310502 \begin 0:07:23 \sp EXPERN \tx dirapetin Dek... nah gitu. \pho dirapətin dɛʔ na gitu \mb di- rapet -in Dek nah gitu \ge DI- tight -IN TRU-younger.sibling NAH like.that \gj DI-tight-IN TRU-younger.sibling NAH like.that \ft make it close... yes, like that. \nt asking OPI to attach the racing track. \ref 0115 \id 534144130710310502 \begin 0:07:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx kan biar enak dirapetin. \pho kan biyar ʔɛnak dirapətin \mb kan biar enak di- rapet -in \ge KAN let pleasant DI- tight -IN \gj KAN let pleasant DI-tight-IN \ft it will make us easier to play this. \ref 0116 \id 480290130711310502 \begin 0:07:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu kan ah... \pho tu kan ʔah \mb tu kan ah \ge that KAN AH \gj that KAN AH \ft you see... \ref 0117 \id 756353130711310502 \begin 0:07:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx mencong-mencong terus. \pho mencɔŋmencɔŋ tərus \mb mencong - mencong terus \ge askew - askew continue \gj RED-askew continue \ft it is out of line. \nt referring to the racing track. \ref 0118 \id 151431130711310502 \begin 0:07:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx aku repot deh jadinya. \pho ʔaku rɛpɔt dɛ jadiɲa \mb aku repot deh jadi -nya \ge 1SG cause.trouble DEH become -NYA \gj 1SG cause.trouble DEH become-NYA \ft I'm in trouble then. \ref 0119 \id 512029130712310502 \begin 0:07:31 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0120 \id 492234130712310502 \begin 0:07:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx begini? \pho bəgini \mb begini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this? \nt arranging the track. \ref 0121 \id 798851130712310502 \begin 0:07:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah, mending nggak usah maenan. \pho ʔa bəndiŋ ŋgaʔ ʔusa maɛnan \mb ah mending nggak usah maen -an \ge AH preferable NEG must play -AN \gj AH preferable NEG must play-AN \ft I prefer not to play. \ref 0122 \id 706098130713310502 \begin 0:07:35 \sp EXPERN \tx ato nggak di sini aja ni ni Pi. \pho ʔatɔ ŋgaʔ di sini ʔaja ni ni pi \mb ato nggak di sini aja ni ni Pi \ge or NEG LOC here just this this TRU-Opi \gj or NEG LOC here just this this TRU-Opi \ft or you can put it here. \nt asking OPI to put the racing track on the carpet. \ref 0123 \id 601697130713310502 \begin 0:07:37 \sp EXPERN \tx pindahin di sini ni. \pho pindain di sini ni \mb pindah -in di sini ni \ge move -IN LOC here this \gj move-IN LOC here this \ft move it here. \ref 0124 \id 944255130714310502 \begin 0:07:39 \sp EXPERN \tx biar nggak lari-lari dianya. \pho biyar ŋgaʔ larilari diyaɲa \mb biar nggak lari - lari dia -nya \ge let NEG run - run 3 -NYA \gj let NEG RED-run 3-NYA \ft so it won't be out of line. \ref 0125 \id 118691130714310502 \begin 0:07:41 \sp EXPERN \tx situ kan licin kan di lantai? \pho situ kan licin kan di lantai \mb situ kan licin kan di lantai \ge there KAN smooth KAN LOC floor \gj there KAN smooth KAN LOC floor \ft the floor is smooth, right? \ref 0126 \id 150616130714310502 \begin 0:07:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0127 \id 320514130715310502 \begin 0:07:43 \sp EXPERN \tx geser sini ni. \pho geser sini ni \mb geser sini ni \ge shove here this \gj shove here this \ft move it here. \nt asking OPI to move the track on the carpet. \ref 0128 \id 993893130715310502 \begin 0:07:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx mana? \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \ref 0129 \id 976678130715310502 \begin 0:07:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx udah. \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft finished. \nt moving the racing track. \ref 0130 \id 558515130716310502 \begin 0:07:49 \sp EXPERN \tx nah, ini nggak bakal lari. \pho na ʔini ŋgaʔ bakal lari \mb nah ini nggak bakal lari \ge NAH this NEG FUT run \gj NAH this NEG FUT run \ft here, it won't run. \nt = okay, it won't be out of line. \ref 0131 \id 574600130716310502 \begin 0:07:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx geser lagi. \pho geser lagi \mb geser lagi \ge shove more \gj shove more \ft move it again. \ref 0132 \id 926331130717310502 \begin 0:07:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx Pi, geser lagi Pi tolong! \pho pi geser lagi pi tɔlɔŋ \mb Pi geser lagi Pi tolong \ge TRU-Opi shove more TRU-Opi help \gj TRU-Opi shove more TRU-Opi help \ft Opi, could you move it there? \nt referring to the racing track. \ref 0133 \id 376615130717310502 \begin 0:07:53 \sp EXPERN \tx dah. \pho da \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft finished. \ref 0134 \id 680349130717310502 \begin 0:07:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah. \pho da \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft finished. \ref 0135 \id 749983130718310502 \begin 0:07:55 \sp CHIPIT \tx dah, ya? \pho dah ya \mb dah ya \ge PFCT yes \gj PFCT yes \ft finished, right? \ref 0136 \id 183783130718310502 \begin 0:07:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu Tante, Tante tu! \pho tu tantə tantə tu \mb tu Tante Tante tu \ge that aunt aunt that \gj that aunt aunt that \ft there Auntie! \nt pointing at the track. \ref 0137 \id 659251130718310502 \begin 0:07:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0138 \id 746063130719310502 \begin 0:08:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni dia ni ini. \pho ni diya ni ʔini \mb ni dia ni ini \ge this 3 this this \gj this 3 this this \ft here it is. \nt taking the toy car. \ref 0139 \id 901099130719310502 \begin 0:08:03 \sp FARPIT \tx ah, mo ke Ipit ah. \pho ʔah mɔ kə ʔipit ʔa \mb ah mo ke Ipit ah \ge AH want to Ipit AH \gj AH want to Ipit AH \ft I want to go to Ipit. \ref 0140 \id 189227130719310502 \begin 0:08:05 \sp EXPERN \tx nah gitu. \pho na git8u \mb nah gitu \ge NAH like.that \gj NAH like.that \ft yes, like that. \ref 0141 \id 348536130720310502 \begin 0:08:08 \sp FARPIT \tx nggak ah, nggak ah. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔa ŋgaʔ ʔa \mb nggak ah nggak ah \ge NEG AH NEG AH \gj NEG AH NEG AH \ft no, no. \ref 0142 \id 365618130720310502 \begin 0:08:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong... \pho ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ nɔŋ \mb ngong ngong ngong ngong ngong ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong... \nt moving the car on the track. \ref 0143 \id 797896140325310502 \begin 0:08:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0144 \id 346939130721310502 \begin 0:08:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah, kejar Ipit lagi deh. \pho ʔa kəjar ʔipit lagi dɛ \mb ah kejar Ipit lagi deh \ge AH chase Ipit more DEH \gj AH chase Ipit more DEH \ft I want to run to you. \nt = I want to catch you. \ref 0145 \id 512930130721310502 \begin 0:08:20 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm. \pho hm \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft here. \nt arranging the racing track. \ref 0146 \id 337471130721310502 \begin 0:08:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt coughing. \ref 0147 \id 680958130722310502 \begin 0:08:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx jadi nggak licin, kan? \pho jadi ŋgaʔ licin kan \mb jadi nggak licin kan \ge become NEG smooth KAN \gj become NEG smooth KAN \ft it's not smooth anymore, right? \ref 0148 \id 172249130722310502 \begin 0:08:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya? \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right? \ref 0149 \id 306010130722310502 \begin 0:08:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx gini yang be(tul). \pho gini yaŋ bəʔ \mb gini yang betul \ge like.this REL right \gj like.this REL right \ft this is the right one. \ref 0150 \id 221017130723310502 \begin 0:08:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu kan ah... \pho tu kan ʔa \mb tu kan ah \ge that KAN AH \gj that KAN AH \ft you see... \ref 0151 \id 939117130723310502 \begin 0:08:34 \sp FARPIT \tx aduh, mo pipis lagi. \pho ʔatu mɔ pipis lagi \mb aduh mo pipis lagi \ge EXCL want pee more \gj EXCL want pee more \ft ugh, I want to pee. \ref 0152 \id 165498130724310502 \begin 0:08:35 \sp EXPERN \tx sana gih ke dalem. \pho sana gi kə daləm \mb sana gih ke dalem \ge there GIH to inside \gj there GIH to inside \ft go there. \ref 0153 \id 235913130724310502 \begin 0:08:36 \sp FARPIT \tx Ma... pipis. \mb Ma pipis \ge TRU-mother pee \gj TRU-mother pee \ft Mom... I want to pee. \ref 0154 \id 194271130724310502 \begin 0:08:37 \sp FARPIT \tx aduh, pipis... \pho ʔadu pipis \mb aduh pipis \ge EXCL pee \gj EXCL pee \ft ouch, pee... \ref 0155 \id 520785130725310502 \begin 0:08:38 \sp JIAPIT \tx sini, sini! \pho sini sini \mb sini sini \ge here here \gj here here \ft here, here! \ref 0156 \id 944579130725310502 \begin 0:08:40 \sp JIAPIT \tx sini! \pho sini \mb sini \ge here \gj here \ft here! \ref 0157 \id 160207130725310502 \begin 0:08:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx repot main ini Tante. \pho repɔt main ʔini tantə \mb repot main ini Tante \ge cause.trouble play this aunt \gj cause.trouble play this aunt \ft it's not cool to play it. \nt referring to the racing track. \ref 0158 \id 404495130726310502 \begin 0:08:44 \sp FARPIT \tx Pit! \pho pit \mb Pit \ge TRU-Pipit \gj TRU-Pipit \ft Pipit! \ref 0159 \id 362248130726310502 \begin 0:08:46 \sp EXPERN \tx enggak. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0160 \id 420022130727310502 \begin 0:08:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx besok quartet aja deh Tante. \pho bɛsɔk kuwatet ʔaja dɛ tantə \mb besok quartet aja deh Tante \ge tomorrow k.o.card.game just DEH aunt \gj tomorrow k.o.card.game just DEH aunt \ft tomorrow I want to play with the quartet cards. \nt = next week could you bring me the quartet cards? \ref 0161 \id 321677130727310502 \begin 0:08:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya Tante. \pho ʔiya tantəh \mb iya Tante \ge yes aunt \gj yes aunt \ft yes Auntie. \ref 0162 \id 735897130727310502 \begin 0:08:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya? \pho ya \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay? \ref 0163 \id 141249130728310502 \begin 0:08:50 \sp EXPERN \tx masa quartet melulu? \pho masa kuwartet məlulu \mb masa quartet melulu \ge incredible k.o.card.game always \gj incredible k.o.card.game always \ft the quartet cards again? \ref 0164 \id 383017130728310502 \begin 0:08:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah, nggak enak maen ini. \pho ʔa ŋgaʔ ʔɛnak maɛn ʔini \mb ah nggak enak maen ini \ge AH NEG pleasant play this \gj AH NEG pleasant play this \ft it's not cool to play this. \ref 0165 \id 277876130728310502 \begin 0:08:53 \sp EXPERN \tx ya nggak usah, nggak usah pake giniannya kalo gitu. \pho ya ŋgaʔ ʔusa ŋgaʔ ʔusa pakɛ giniyanɲa kalɔ gitu \mb ya nggak usah nggak usah pake gini -an -nya kalo gitu \ge yes NEG must NEG must use like.this -AN -NYA TOP like.that \gj yes NEG must NEG must use like.this-AN-NYA TOP like.that \ft so, don't use this if you don't like it. \nt referring to the racing track. \ref 0166 \id 776631130729310502 \begin 0:08:55 \sp CHIPIT \tx mobilan doang. \pho mɔbilan dɔwaŋ \mb mobil -an doang \ge car -AN just \gj car-AN just \ft the car only. \nt = you can use the car. \ref 0167 \id 759369130729310502 \begin 0:08:57 \sp EXPERN \tx mobilannya aja. \pho mɔbilanɲa ʔaja \mb mobil -an -nya aja \ge car -AN -NYA just \gj car-AN-NYA just \ft the car only. \ref 0168 \id 443130130730310502 \begin 0:09:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx ininya pake, ya? \pho ʔiniɲa pakɛʔ ya \mb ini -nya pake ya \ge this -NYA use yes \gj this-NYA use yes \ft use this, okay? \nt referring to the flag, the tree, and the tunnel. \ref 0169 \id 795806130730310502 \begin 0:09:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pak Tani a(ja), aja deh besok. \pho paʔ tani ʔa ʔaja dɛ bɛsɔk \mb Pak Tani aja aja deh besok \ge TRU-father farm just just DEH tomorrow \gj TRU-father farm just just DEH tomorrow \ft the Farmer for tomorrow. \nt = please bring the farm set next week. \ref 0170 \id 832699130730310502 \begin 0:09:02 \sp EXPERN \tx ya udah deh, minggu depan. \pho ya ʔuda dɛ miŋgu dəpan \mb ya udah deh minggu depan \ge yes PFCT DEH week front \gj yes PFCT DEH week front \ft okay, next week. \ref 0171 \id 790674130731310502 \begin 0:09:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini bukan Pak Tani, kan? \pho ʔini bukan paʔ tani kan \mb ini bukan Pak Tani kan \ge this NEG TRU-father farm KAN \gj this NEG TRU-father farm KAN \ft this isn't the farm set, right? \ref 0172 \id 980738130731310502 \begin 0:09:06 \sp EXPERN \tx bukan. \pho bukan \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \nt = yes. \ref 0173 \id 390953130731310502 \begin 0:09:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pak Tani... masih ada nggak? \pho paʔ tani masi ʔada ŋgaʔ \mb Pak Tani masih ada nggak \ge TRU-father farm still exist NEG \gj TRU-father farm still exist NEG \ft the Farmer... is there any? \nt = do you still have the farm set? \ref 0174 \id 458217130732310502 \begin 0:09:10 \sp EXPERN \tx masih. \pho masi \mb masih \ge still \gj still \ft yes. \ref 0175 \id 565571130732310502 \begin 0:09:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx kesenengan aku. \pho kəsənəŋan ʔaku \mb ke an seneng aku \ge KE AN enjoy 1SG \gj KE.AN-enjoy 1SG \ft it's my favorite. \ref 0176 \id 363780130733310502 \begin 0:09:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx masih disimpen semua ya Tante, ya? \pho masi disimpən səmuwa ya tantə ya \mb masih di- simpen semua ya Tante ya \ge still DI- put.away all yes aunt yes \gj still DI-put.away all yes aunt yes \ft you still keep them all, right Auntie? \nt referring to the farm set. \ref 0177 \id 960545130733310502 \begin 0:09:16 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em, cuma udah ilang-ilang. \pho ʔəʔəm cuma ʔuda ʔilaŋʔilaŋ \mb he-em cuma udah ilang - ilang \ge uh-huh only PFCT disappear - disappear \gj uh-huh only PFCT RED-disappear \ft uh-huh, but some are gone. \ref 0178 \id 306376130733310502 \begin 0:09:19 \sp CHIPIT \tx udah? \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft finished? \nt = are they? \ref 0179 \id 975801130734310502 \begin 0:09:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx udah pipis? \pho ʔuda pipis \mb udah pipis \ge PFCT pee \gj PFCT pee \ft have you taken pee? \nt talking to FAR. \ref 0180 \id 212933130734310502 \begin 0:09:23 \sp FARPIT \tx eh, jangan, jangan. \pho ʔɛ naŋan naŋan \mb eh jangan jangan \ge EH don't don't \gj EH don't don't \ft eh, no, no. \nt asking EXPERN not too close to the cooking set. \ref 0181 \id 982799130735310502 \begin 0:09:25 \sp FARPIT \tx jangan, jangan. \pho naŋan naŋan \mb jangan jangan \ge don't don't \gj don't don't \ft no, no. \ref 0182 \id 821519130735310502 \begin 0:09:28 \sp FARPIT \tx Ais ni punyanya Ais, punya Ais. \pho ʔais ni nanaʔɲa ʔais puɲa ʔais \mb Ais ni punya -nya Ais punya Ais \ge Ais this have -NYA Ais have Ais \gj Ais this have-NYA Ais have Ais \ft this is mine, this is mine. \nt referring to the cooking set. \ref 0183 \id 987154130735310502 \begin 0:09:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini Opi repot deh Tante. \pho ʔini ʔopi rɛpɔt dɛ tantə \mb ini Opi repot deh Tante \ge this Opi cause.trouble DEH aunt \gj this Opi cause.trouble DEH aunt \ft I'm busy with this, Auntie. \nt 1. = it's not cool to play this. 2. referring to the racing track. \ref 0184 \id 215844130736310502 \begin 0:09:32 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0185 \id 402302130736310502 \begin 0:09:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni... Tante liatin ni. \pho ni tantə liyatin ni \mb ni Tante liat -in ni \ge this aunt see -IN this \gj this aunt see-IN this \ft here... look at this. \ref 0186 \id 406933130736310502 \begin 0:09:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni belakang apa ini depan? \pho ni bəlakaŋ ʔapa ʔini dəpan \mb ni belakang apa ini depan \ge this back what this front \gj this back what this front \ft is this back or front? \nt referring to the racing track. \ref 0187 \id 838506130737310502 \begin 0:09:35 \sp EXPERN \tx yang panjang yang di depan. \pho yaŋ panjaŋ yaŋ di dəpan \mb yang panjang yang di depan \ge REL long REL LOC front \gj REL long REL LOC front \ft the longer one is on the front. \ref 0188 \id 284580130737310502 \begin 0:09:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this. \nt not clear what he is doing. \ref 0189 \id 943193130738310502 \begin 0:09:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx yang mana? \pho yaŋ mana \mb yang mana \ge REL which \gj REL which \ft which one? \ref 0190 \id 275100130738310502 \begin 0:09:41 \sp OPIPIT \tx aku repot. \pho ʔaku rɛpɔt \mb aku repot \ge 1SG cause.trouble \gj 1SG cause.trouble \ft I'm busy. \nt = it's not cool. \ref 0191 \id 911911130738310502 \begin 0:09:42 \sp EXPERN \tx kok repot sih? \pho kɔʔ rɛpɔt si \mb kok repot sih \ge KOK cause.trouble SIH \gj KOK cause.trouble SIH \ft why are you busy? \nt = why don't you enjoy it? \ref 0192 \id 115951130739310502 \begin 0:09:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this. \nt not clear what exactly he is doing. \ref 0193 \id 889586130739310502 \begin 0:09:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx... ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong... \pho xxx ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ \mb xxx ngong ngong ngong ngong \ge xxx IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj xxx IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft xxx... ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong... \ref 0194 \id 196998130740310502 \begin 0:09:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx majuan! \pho majuwan \mb maju -an \ge move.forward -AN \gj move.forward-AN \ft move! \nt asking OPI to move the car. \ref 0195 \id 459120130740310502 \begin 0:09:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx majuan! \pho majuwan \mb maju -an \ge move.forward -AN \gj move.forward-AN \ft move! \ref 0196 \id 439257130740310502 \begin 0:09:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx jangan. \pho jaŋan \mb jangan \ge don't \gj don't \ft don't. \ref 0197 \id 498900130741310502 \begin 0:09:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx udah biarin. \pho ʔuda biyarin \mb udah biar -in \ge PFCT let -IN \gj PFCT let-IN \ft just leave it. \ref 0198 \id 327604130741310502 \begin 0:09:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong... \pho ŋɔŋːː \mb ngong \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ngong... \ref 0199 \id 449783130741310502 \begin 0:09:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya Tante ini mo jato lagi. \pho ya tantə ʔini mɔ jatɔ lagi \mb ya Tante ini mo jato lagi \ge yes aunt this want fall more \gj yes aunt this want fall more \ft look, it's going to fall again. \nt referring to the flag. \ref 0200 \id 114748130742310502 \begin 0:09:57 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0201 \id 471898130742310502 \begin 0:10:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx Tante, Ipit buka ini dong. \pho tantə ʔipit buka ʔini dɔŋ \mb Tante Ipit buka ini dong \ge aunt Ipit open this DONG \gj aunt Ipit open this DONG \ft Auntie, I open this. \nt trying to release the racing track from its line. \ref 0202 \id 109566130743310502 \begin 0:10:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong... \pho ŋɔŋ \mb ngong \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ngong... \ref 0203 \id 678050130743310502 \begin 0:10:04 \sp EXPERN \tx disambung aja Dek... nah gitu. \pho disambuŋ ʔaja dɛʔ na gitu \mb di- sambung aja Dek nah gitu \ge DI- join just TRU-younger.sibling NAH like.that \gj DI-join just TRU-younger.sibling NAH like.that \ft join it... okay. \nt = you have to attach it. \ref 0204 \id 862095145733310502 \begin 0:10:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx hmm, hmm... \pho hm hm \mb hmm hmm \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft here, here... \nt playing with the toy car. \ref 0205 \id 756768145734310502 \begin 0:10:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm... \pho hm \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft look... \nt pointing at a picture on the photo album EXPERN holding. \ref 0206 \id 822993145734310502 \begin 0:10:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong... ni loncat... ciuh. \pho ŋɔŋː ni lɔncat ciyuh \mb ngong ni loncat ciuh \ge IMIT this jump IMIT \gj IMIT this jump IMIT \ft ngong... it jumps... ciuh. \ref 0207 \id 558798145735310502 \begin 0:10:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx we... mantep! \pho we mantəp \mb we mantep \ge EXCL steady \gj EXCL steady \ft we... it's cool! \ref 0208 \id 843291145735310502 \begin 0:10:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong... cua... \pho ŋɔŋː cuwah \mb ngong cua \ge IMIT EXCL \gj IMIT EXCL \ft ngong... cuah... \ref 0209 \id 621256145735310502 \begin 0:10:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx sini Ipit terusin. \pho sini ʔipit tərusin \mb sini Ipit terus -in \ge here Ipit continue -IN \gj here Ipit continue-IN \ft here, let me keep it move! \nt asking OPI to let her play with the car. \ref 0210 \id 259966145736310502 \begin 0:10:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx tit... \pho titː \mb tit \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft tit... \ref 0211 \id 359152145736310502 \begin 0:10:18 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt talking to DAY in the other room. \ref 0212 \id 581625145736310502 \begin 0:10:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong... wes... \pho ʔoŋː wes \mb ngong wes \ge IMIT EXCL \gj IMIT EXCL \ft ngong... wes... \ref 0213 \id 180772145737310502 \begin 0:10:20 \sp JIAPIT \tx tapi istrinya nggak bisa jawab. \pho tapi ʔistriɲa ŋgaʔ bisa njawap \mb tapi istri -nya nggak bisa jawab \ge but wife -NYA NEG can answer \gj but wife-NYA NEG can answer \ft but his wife can't answer it. \nt talking to DAY. \ref 0214 \id 451992145737310502 \begin 0:10:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu jalanin! \pho tu jalanin \mb tu jalan -in \ge that walk -IN \gj that walk-IN \ft move it! \ref 0215 \id 349790145737310502 \begin 0:10:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm... \pho hm \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft here... \ref 0216 \id 737576145738310502 \begin 0:10:26 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0217 \id 465407145738310502 \begin 0:10:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong... \pho ŋɔŋːː ŋɔŋːː \mb ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong... \ref 0218 \id 806173145738310502 \begin 0:10:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx (ng)ong, (ng)ong, (ng)ong... \pho ʔoŋ ʔoŋ ʔoŋ \mb ngong ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong, ngong... \ref 0219 \id 470815145739310502 \begin 0:10:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx jalanin lagi lu! \pho jalanin lagi lu \mb jalan -in lagi lu \ge walk -IN more 2 \gj walk-IN more 2 \ft you have to move it! \nt asking CHI to make the car moving. \ref 0220 \id 806750145739310502 \begin 0:10:33 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm, hmm... \pho hm hm \mb hmm hmm \ge uh-huh uh-huh \gj uh-huh uh-huh \ft uh-huh, uh-huh... \ref 0221 \id 273254145739310502 \begin 0:10:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong, ngong... \pho ŋɔŋː ŋɔŋ ŋɔːː \mb ngong ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong, ngong... \ref 0222 \id 489089145740310502 \begin 0:10:37 \sp EXPERN \tx bukan anaknya yang belajar. \pho bukan ʔanakɲa yaŋ bəlajar \mb bukan anak -nya yang bel- ajar \ge NEG child -NYA REL BER- teach \gj NEG child-NYA REL BER-teach \ft it's not the kid who has to study. \nt talking to JIA who is doing OPI's homework. \ref 0223 \id 129519145740310502 \begin 0:10:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong... \pho ŋɔŋː ŋɔŋː \mb ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong... \ref 0224 \id 340381145740310502 \begin 0:10:39 \sp JIAPIT \tx diminum Te! \pho diminum tə \mb di- minum Te \ge DI- drink TRU-aunt \gj DI-drink TRU-aunt \ft please have a drink! \ref 0225 \id 994008145741310502 \begin 0:10:40 \sp EXPERN \tx iya Mbak. \pho ʔiya mbaʔ \mb iya Mbak \ge yes EPIT \gj yes EPIT \ft yes, thanks. \ref 0226 \id 217911145741310502 \begin 0:10:41 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong, ngong... aduh! \pho ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋːː ʔaduʰ \mb ngong ngong ngong aduh \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT EXCL \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT EXCL \ft ngong, ngong, ngong... ouch! \ref 0227 \id 936333145741310502 \begin 0:10:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong... \pho ŋɔŋː ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋːː \mb ngong ngong ngong ngong ngong ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong, ngong... \ref 0228 \id 178584145742310502 \begin 0:10:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong, ngong... \pho ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ \mb ngong ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong, ngong... \ref 0229 \id 566699145742310502 \begin 0:10:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah, nggak, nggak usah pake ininya aja deh. \pho ʔah ŋgaʔ ŋgaʔ ʔusa pakɛ ʔiniɲa ʔaja dɛ \mb ah nggak nggak usah pake ini -nya aja deh \ge AH NEG NEG must use this -NYA just DEH \gj AH NEG NEG must use this-NYA just DEH \ft I don't want to use this. \nt referring to the racing track. \ref 0230 \id 423711145743310502 \begin 0:10:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak enak. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔɛnak \mb nggak enak \ge NEG pleasant \gj NEG pleasant \ft it's not cool. \ref 0231 \id 225737145743310502 \begin 0:10:51 \sp EXPERN \tx ya udah, nggak usah. \pho ya ʔuda ŋgaʔ ʔusa \mb ya udah nggak usah \ge yes PFCT NEG must \gj yes PFCT NEG must \ft well, you don't have to. \nt = well, just leave it. \ref 0232 \id 169569145743310502 \begin 0:10:55 \sp EXPERN \tx pinggirin aja. \pho piŋgirin ʔaja \mb pinggir -in aja \ge edge -IN just \gj edge-IN just \ft keep it away. \ref 0233 \id 255221145744310502 \begin 0:10:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx brm. \pho brəm \mb brm \ge vroom \gj vroom \ft vroom. \nt playing with the toy car. \ref 0234 \id 705654145744310502 \begin 0:11:03 \sp CHIPIT \tx tapi ininya tetep make ya Tante, ya? \pho tapi ʔiniɲa tətəp makɛ ya tantə ya \mb tapi ini -nya tetep m- pake ya Tante ya \ge but this -NYA constant N- use yes aunt yes \gj but this-NYA constant N-use yes aunt yes \ft but we can still use this, right Auntie? \nt referring to the tree. \ref 0235 \id 348302145744310502 \begin 0:11:05 \sp CHIPIT \tx biar halamannya luas juga. \pho biyar halamanɲa luwas juga \mb biar halaman -nya luas juga \ge let yard -NYA spacious also \gj let yard-NYA spacious also \ft so the yard will be wide. \ref 0236 \id 920944145745310502 \begin 0:11:07 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt releasing the racing track. \ref 0237 \id 723730145745310502 \begin 0:11:09 \sp EXPERN \tx dah. \pho da \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft finished. \ref 0238 \id 849379145745310502 \begin 0:11:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx yes [?]. \pho yes \mb yes \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0239 \id 338568145746310502 \begin 0:11:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak enak sih pake ini. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔɛnak si pakɛ ʔini \mb nggak enak sih pake ini \ge NEG pleasant SIH use this \gj NEG pleasant SIH use this \ft it's not cool to use this. \nt referring to the racing track. \ref 0240 \id 226549145746310502 \begin 0:11:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0241 \id 318695145747310502 \begin 0:11:18 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0242 \id 118594145747310502 \begin 0:11:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx keripiknya bawa ke sono, ya? \pho kəripikɲa bawa kə sɔnɔ ya \mb keripik -nya bawa ke sono ya \ge k.o.snack -NYA bring to there yes \gj k.o.snack-NYA bring to there yes \ft let me take it there, okay? \nt = may I take this there? \ref 0243 \id 318281145747310502 \begin 0:11:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong... \pho ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ \mb ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong... \ref 0244 \id 355040145748310502 \begin 0:11:24 \sp OPIPIT \tx di(cobain), dicobain dulu ini. \pho diʔ dicɔbain dulu ʔini \mb di- coba -in di- coba -in dulu ini \ge DI- try -IN DI- try -IN before this \gj DI-try-IN DI-try-IN before this \ft try this first. \ref 0245 \id 774129145748310502 \begin 0:11:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx bisa apa nggak? \pho bisa ʔapa ŋgaʔ \mb bisa apa nggak \ge can what NEG \gj can what NEG \ft can it work? \ref 0246 \id 114909145748310502 \begin 0:11:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong... ngong... \pho ŋɔŋːː ŋɔŋːː \mb ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong... \ref 0247 \id 488405145749310502 \begin 0:11:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx jangan diabisin lho. \pho jaŋan diʔabisin lɔ \mb jangan di- abis -in lho \ge don't DI- finished -IN EXCL \gj don't DI-finished-IN EXCL \ft don't eat them all. \nt referring to keripik. \ref 0248 \id 341755145749310502 \begin 0:11:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx itu buat Tante. \pho ʔitu buwat tantə \mb itu buat Tante \ge that for aunt \gj that for aunt \ft that's for Auntie. \ref 0249 \id 691886145749310502 \begin 0:11:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0250 \id 245142145750310502 \begin 0:11:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx buat Tante, bukan buat kita-kita. \pho buwat tantə bukan buwat kitakita \mb buat Tante bukan buat kita - kita \ge for aunt NEG for 1PL - 1PL \gj for aunt NEG for RED-1PL \ft that's for Auntie, not for us. \ref 0251 \id 512069145750310502 \begin 0:11:43 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya Tante? \pho ʔiya tantə \mb iya Tante \ge yes aunt \gj yes aunt \ft is it? \ref 0252 \id 254034145751310502 \begin 0:11:44 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh, copot. \pho ʔɛ cɔpɔt \mb eh copot \ge EH detach \gj EH detach \ft ouch. \nt getting surprised because the snack she eating fell down. \ref 0253 \id 561770145751310502 \begin 0:11:45 \sp EXPERN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0254 \id 384080145752310502 \begin 0:11:46 \sp EXPERN \tx tu tumpah, kan? \pho tu tumpa kan \mb tu tumpah kan \ge that spilled KAN \gj that spilled KAN \ft look, it's spilled, right? \ref 0255 \id 140951145752310502 \begin 0:11:48 \sp EXPERN \tx itu lho. \pho ʔitu lɔ \mb itu lho \ge that EXCL \gj that EXCL \ft there! \nt asking CHI to take keripik on the floor. \ref 0256 \id 765505145752310502 \begin 0:11:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0257 \id 967822145753310502 \begin 0:11:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx buat yang ngerekamnya, bukan yang mmm... kitanya. \pho buwat yaŋ ŋərəkamɲa bukan yaŋ m kitaɲa \mb buat yang nge- rekam -nya bukan yang mmm kita -nya \ge for REL N- record -NYA NEG REL FILL 1PL -NYA \gj for REL N-record-NYA NEG REL FILL 1PL-NYA \ft that's for the person who takes the recording, umm... not for us. \ref 0258 \id 211075145753310502 \begin 0:11:56 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0259 \id 346248145753310502 \begin 0:12:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi liat Tante makan, Opi... \pho ʔopi liyat tantə makan ʔopi \mb Opi liat Tante makan Opi \ge Opi see aunt eat Opi \gj Opi see aunt eat Opi \ft I saw you eating it, I... \nt talking to EXPERN. \ref 0260 \id 609093145754310502 \begin 0:12:02 \sp EXPERN \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0261 \id 138886145754310502 \begin 0:12:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi juga mau, Opi diemin aja. \pho ʔopi juga maw ʔopi diyəmin ʔaja \mb Opi juga mau Opi diem -in aja \ge Opi also want Opi silent -IN just \gj Opi also want Opi silent-IN just \ft I wanted it, but I didn't care. \ref 0262 \id 273997145754310502 \begin 0:12:05 \sp EXPERN \tx ambil aja. \pho ʔambil ʔaja \mb ambil aja \ge take just \gj take just \ft just take it. \ref 0263 \id 380437145755310502 \begin 0:12:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx kasihan, Tante kan jauh rumahnya. \pho kasiyan tantə kan jaw rumaɲa \mb kasih -an Tante kan jauh rumah -nya \ge compassion -AN aunt KAN far house -NYA \gj compassion-AN aunt KAN far house-NYA \ft poor you, your house is far. \ref 0264 \id 113279145755310502 \begin 0:12:09 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0265 \id 990878145755310502 \begin 0:12:11 \sp EXPERN \tx makan bareng. \pho makan barəŋ \mb makan bareng \ge eat together \gj eat together \ft we can eat it together. \ref 0266 \id 710781145756310502 \begin 0:12:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong... ngong... ciung. \pho ŋɔŋːː ŋɔŋːː ciyuŋ \mb ngong ngong ciung \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ngong... ngong... ciung. \ref 0267 \id 115364145756310502 \begin 0:12:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx we, susah. \pho we susa \mb we susah \ge EXCL difficult \gj EXCL difficult \ft we, it's difficult. \ref 0268 \id 938201145757310502 \begin 0:12:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx deket terowongan. \pho dəkət tərɔwɔŋan \mb deket terowongan \ge near tunnel \gj near tunnel \ft it's near to the tunnel. \nt playing with the racing track. \ref 0269 \id 966398145757310502 \begin 0:12:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong... \pho ŋɔŋ ŋɔŋ \mb ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong... \ref 0270 \id 575725145757310502 \begin 0:12:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana? \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where is it? \ref 0271 \id 933843145758310502 \begin 0:12:29 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0272 \id 628008145758310502 \begin 0:12:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya... \pho ya \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah... \ref 0273 \id 350215145758310502 \begin 0:12:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong... \pho ŋɔŋː ŋɔŋː \mb ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong... \ref 0274 \id 682548145759310502 \begin 0:12:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx jebakin ini mobil diseruduk. \pho jəbakin ʔini mɔbil disrudug \mb jebak -in ini mobil di- seruduk \ge trap -IN this car DI- ram \gj trap-IN this car DI-ram \ft it's a trap... the car gets trapped. \ref 0275 \id 808101145759310502 \begin 0:12:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong... ngong... \pho ŋɔŋː ŋɔŋː \mb ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft ngong... ngong... \ref 0276 \id 479915145759310502 \begin 0:12:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong... \mb ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft ngong... ngong... \ref 0277 \id 750058145800310502 \begin 0:12:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong, ngong... \pho ŋɔŋː ŋɔŋː \mb ngong ngong \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft ngong, ngong... \ref 0278 \id 537575145800310502 \begin 0:12:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx mending maen... \pho bəndiŋ maɛn \mb mending maen \ge preferable play \gj preferable play \ft I prefer to play... \ref 0279 \id 531295145800310502 \begin 0:12:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx aku sukanya quartet terus. \pho ʔaku sukaɲa kuwatet tərus \mb aku suka -nya quartet terus \ge 1SG like -NYA k.o.card.game continue \gj 1SG like-NYA k.o.card.game continue \ft I like quartet cards. \ref 0280 \id 298724145801310502 \begin 0:12:49 \sp EXPERN \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft what? \ref 0281 \id 165019145801310502 \begin 0:12:51 \sp EXPERN \tx jangan quartet melulu dong. \pho jaŋan kwartet məlulu dɔŋ \mb jangan quartet melulu dong \ge don't k.o.card.game always DONG \gj don't k.o.card.game always DONG \ft don't keep playing it. \ref 0282 \id 280151145801310502 \begin 0:12:53 \sp EXPERN \tx bosen, kan? \pho bɔsən kan \mb bosen kan \ge bored KAN \gj bored KAN \ft it's boring, right? \ref 0283 \id 307250145802310502 \begin 0:12:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmm, em(ang), emang apaan lagi? \pho m ʔɛm ʔɛmaŋ ʔapaan lagi \mb mmm emang emang apa -an lagi \ge FILL indeed indeed what -AN more \gj FILL indeed indeed what-AN more \ft umm, is there something else? \nt referring to the another toys. \ref 0284 \id 355475145802310502 \begin 0:12:57 \sp EXPERN \tx yang lain, jangan quartet. \pho yaŋ lain jaŋan kuwartet \mb yang lain jangan quartet \ge REL other don't k.o.card.game \gj REL other don't k.o.card.game \ft take other, not only the quartet cards. \ref 0285 \id 885559145802310502 \begin 0:13:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pak Tani sama quartet deh. \pho paʔ tani sama kuratet dɛ \mb Pak Tani sama quartet deh \ge TRU-father farm with k.o.card.game DEH \gj TRU-father farm with k.o.card.game DEH \ft the Farmer and the quartet cards. \nt 1. referring to the farm set. 2. = so please bring the farm set and the quartet cards. \ref 0286 \id 908512145803310502 \begin 0:13:01 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0287 \id 580624145803310502 \begin 0:13:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx sepak bola bawa? \pho lepak bɔla bawa \mb sepak bola bawa \ge kick ball bring \gj kick ball bring \ft do you bring the soccer? \ref 0288 \id 458924145804310502 \begin 0:13:05 \sp EXPERN \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft what? \ref 0289 \id 742529145804310502 \begin 0:13:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx sepak... sempak. \pho sepak sempak \mb sepak sempak \ge kick swimming.suit \gj kick swimming.suit \ft kicking... the pants. \ref 0290 \id 902325145804310502 \begin 0:13:09 \sp EXPERN \tx sempak... \pho sempak \mb sempak \ge swimming.suit \gj swimming.suit \ft the pants... \nt teasing OPI. \ref 0291 \id 104238145805310502 \begin 0:13:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx he he he... \pho hɛ hɛ hɛ \mb he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he he he... \nt 0 \ref 0292 \id 241167145805310502 \begin 0:13:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx he ha ha ha... \pho hə ha ʔa ʔa \mb he ha ha ha \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he ha ha ha... \ref 0293 \id 313200145805310502 \begin 0:13:12 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0294 \id 471276145806310502 \begin 0:13:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt still eating. \ref 0295 \id 450630145806310502 \begin 0:13:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt coughing. \ref 0296 \id 853109145806310502 \begin 0:13:18 \sp EXPERN \tx besok libur mo ke mana Dek? \pho bɛsɔk libur mɔ kə mana dɛʔ \mb besok libur mo ke mana Dek \ge tomorrow holiday want to which TRU-younger.sibling \gj tomorrow holiday want to which TRU-younger.sibling \ft where are you going to go tomorrow? \ref 0297 \id 931187145807310502 \begin 0:13:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt still coughing. \ref 0298 \id 989051145807310502 \begin 0:13:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx berenang. \pho bərənaŋ \mb be- renang \ge BER- swim \gj BER-swim \ft swimming. \nt = I'm going to swim. \ref 0299 \id 611110145807310502 \begin 0:13:22 \sp EXPERN \tx berenang di mana? \pho bərənaŋ di mana \mb be- renang di mana \ge BER- swim LOC which \gj BER-swim LOC which \ft where do you swim? \ref 0300 \id 750512145808310502 \begin 0:13:24 \sp OPIPIT \tx di Taman Mini, ya? \pho di taman mini ya \mb di Taman Mini ya \ge LOC garden Mini yes \gj LOC garden Mini yes \ft Taman Mini, right? \ref 0301 \id 983869145808310502 \begin 0:13:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ragunan. \pho ragunan \mb Ragunan \ge Ragunan \gj Ragunan \ft Ragunan. \ref 0302 \id 819086190537310502 \begin 0:13:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh, Taman Mi(ni)... \pho ʔɛ taman miʔ \mb eh Taman Mini \ge EH garden Mini \gj EH garden Mini \ft eh, Taman Mini... \ref 0303 \id 600302210929310502 \begin 0:13:28 \sp EXPERN \tx sama siapa? \pho sama siyapa \mb sama siapa \ge with who \gj with who \ft with who? \ref 0304 \id 899516210929310502 \begin 0:13:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx hari Minggu. \pho hari miŋgu \mb hari Minggu \ge day Sunday \gj day Sunday \ft on Sunday. \ref 0305 \id 589304210930310502 \begin 0:13:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx hah? \pho ʔa \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0306 \id 549243210930310502 \begin 0:13:29 \sp CHIPIT \tx bertiga doang. \pho bərtiga dɔwaŋ \mb ber- tiga doang \ge BER- three just \gj BER-three just \ft just the three of us. \ref 0307 \id 440933210930310502 \begin 0:13:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt coughing. \ref 0308 \id 775703210931310502 \begin 0:13:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx tiga orang. \pho tiga ʔoraŋ \mb tiga orang \ge three person \gj three person \ft three kids. \ref 0309 \id 455066210931310502 \begin 0:13:32 \sp CHIPIT \tx Kakak Indri, Ipit, Opi. \pho kakaʔ ʔindəri ʔipit ʔopi \mb Kakak Indri Ipit Opi \ge older.sibling Indri Ipit Opi \gj older.sibling Indri Ipit Opi \ft Indri, me, and Opi. \ref 0310 \id 701599210931310502 \begin 0:13:33 \sp EXPERN \tx siapa yang nganter? \pho siyapa yaŋ ŋantər \mb siapa yang ng- anter \ge who REL N- deliver \gj who REL N-deliver \ft who will take you there? \ref 0311 \id 590513210932310502 \begin 0:13:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pak Iyo. \pho paʔ ʔiyɔ \mb Pak Iyo \ge TRU-father TRU-Dalio \gj TRU-father TRU-Dalio \ft Mr. Iyo. \ref 0312 \id 171059210932310502 \begin 0:13:35 \sp CHIPIT \tx Bapak. \pho bapaʔ \mb Bapak \ge father \gj father \ft Father. \ref 0313 \id 999175210932310502 \begin 0:13:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx xx... \pho ʔan \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx... \ref 0314 \id 658903210933310502 \begin 0:13:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx sama Ibu. \pho sama ʔibu \mb sama Ibu \ge with mother \gj with mother \ft with Mother. \nt = with Mrs. Iyo. \ref 0315 \id 298836210933310502 \begin 0:13:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx berangkat jam lapan. \pho bəraŋkat jam lapan \mb ber- angkat jam lapan \ge BER- lift clock eight \gj BER-lift clock eight \ft we will leave at eight o'clock. \ref 0316 \id 246667210933310502 \begin 0:13:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx nanti Bapak pulang. \pho nanti bapaʔ pulaŋ \mb nanti Bapak pulang \ge later father return \gj later father return \ft then Father will be back home. \nt = Father will leave us there. \ref 0317 \id 947634210934310502 \begin 0:13:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx jam sepuluh Bapak jemput lagi. \pho jam səpulu bapaʔ jəmput lagi \mb jam se- puluh Bapak jemput lagi \ge clock SE- ten father pick.up more \gj clock SE-ten father pick.up more \ft at ten Father will take me home. \ref 0318 \id 212354210934310502 \begin 0:13:40 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm... \pho hm \mb hmm \ge oh \gj oh \ft I see... \ref 0319 \id 246523210934310502 \begin 0:13:41 \sp EXPERN \tx ditinggal aja gitu? \pho ditiŋgal ʔaja gitu \mb di- tinggal aja gitu \ge DI- stay just like.that \gj DI-stay just like.that \ft so he just leaves you there? \ref 0320 \id 322400210935310502 \begin 0:13:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0321 \id 295718210935310502 \begin 0:13:43 \sp EXPERN \tx emang berani ditinggal? \pho ʔɛmaŋ brani ditiŋgal \mb emang berani di- tinggal \ge indeed brave DI- stay \gj indeed brave DI-stay \ft are you brave enough if he leaves you there? \ref 0322 \id 944841210935310502 \begin 0:13:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0323 \id 965384210936310502 \begin 0:13:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx berani. \pho bərani \mb berani \ge brave \gj brave \ft yes. \ref 0324 \id 637465210936310502 \begin 0:13:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx kan banyak... \pho kan baɲak \mb kan banyak \ge KAN a.lot \gj KAN a.lot \ft there are many... \ref 0325 \id 894078210937310502 \begin 0:13:47 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt putting the transmitter on CHI. \ref 0326 \id 984416210937310502 \begin 0:13:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx kan temen Kakak kan setiap hari Minggu berenang mulu. \pho kan təmən kakaʔ kan sətiyap hari miŋgu bərənaŋ mulu \mb kan temen Kakak kan se- tiap hari Minggu be- renang mulu \ge KAN friend older.sibling KAN SE- every day Sunday BER- swim always \gj KAN friend older.sibling KAN SE-every day Sunday BER-swim always \ft Indri's friend always swims on Sunday. \ref 0327 \id 106889210937310502 \begin 0:13:49 \sp EXPERN \tx temen siapa? \pho təmən siyapa \mb temen siapa \ge friend who \gj friend who \ft whose friend? \ref 0328 \id 691767210938310502 \begin 0:13:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx Kakak. \pho kakaʔ \mb Kakak \ge older.sibling \gj older.sibling \ft Indri. \ref 0329 \id 943291210938310502 \begin 0:13:53 \sp EXPERN \tx oh... \pho ʔo \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh... \ref 0330 \id 121467210938310502 \begin 0:13:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx ntar jadi gini... jebur, jebur, jebur, jebur... \pho ntar jadi gini jəbur jəbur jəbur jəbur \mb ntar jadi gini jebur jebur jebur jebur \ge moment become like.this plunge plunge plunge plunge \gj moment become like.this plunge plunge plunge plunge \ft later it will be like this... splash, splash, splash, splash... \ref 0331 \id 898332210939310502 \begin 0:13:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx we... Kakak Indri, tunggu! \pho we kakaʔ ʔindri tuŋgu \mb we Kakak Indri tunggu \ge EXCL older.sibling Indri wait \gj EXCL older.sibling Indri wait \ft we... Indri, wait! \nt telling about his experience when he have swimming. \ref 0332 \id 484935210939310502 \begin 0:13:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx jebur... \pho jəbur \mb jebur \ge plunge \gj plunge \ft splash... \ref 0333 \id 519313210939310502 \begin 0:13:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0334 \id 512211210940310502 \begin 0:14:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo nggak dalem... \pho kalɔ ŋgaʔ daləm \mb kalo nggak dalem \ge TOP NEG deep \gj TOP NEG deep \ft if it's not deep... \ref 0335 \id 841994210940310502 \begin 0:14:02 \sp EXPERN \tx Opi bisa berenang? \pho ʔopi bisa bərənaŋ \mb Opi bisa be- renang \ge Opi can BER- swim \gj Opi can BER-swim \ft can you swim? \ref 0336 \id 415290210940310502 \begin 0:14:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx bisa. \pho bisa \mb bisa \ge can \gj can \ft yes. \ref 0337 \id 899037210941310502 \begin 0:14:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx dalem. \pho daləm \mb dalem \ge deep \gj deep \ft it's deep. \nt referring to the swimming pool. \ref 0338 \id 638480210941310502 \begin 0:14:05 \sp EXPERN \tx gaya apa? \pho gaya ʔapa \mb gaya apa \ge style what \gj style what \ft what style? \ref 0339 \id 849412210942310502 \begin 0:14:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx gaya... gaya apaan ya? \pho gayaː gaya ʔapaan ya \mb gaya gaya apa -an ya \ge style style what -AN yes \gj style style what-AN yes \ft the style is... what is it? \ref 0340 \id 887021210942310502 \begin 0:14:09 \sp EXPERN \tx gaya nyemplung? \pho gaya ɲəmpluŋ \mb gaya ny- cemplung \ge style N- plunge \gj style N-plunge \ft splash style? \ref 0341 \id 279051210942310502 \begin 0:14:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0342 \id 726221210943310502 \begin 0:14:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx Kakak Ipit bisa kayak gini dong. \pho kakaʔ ʔipit bisa kayaʔ gini dɔŋ \mb Kakak Ipit bisa kayak gini dong \ge older.sibling Ipit can like like.this DONG \gj older.sibling Ipit can like like.this DONG \ft I can do this. \nt showing the way she swimming. \ref 0343 \id 419079210943310502 \begin 0:14:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx diajarin Kakak Indri. \pho diʔajarin kakaʔ ʔindri \mb di- ajar -in Kakak Indri \ge DI- teach -IN older.sibling Indri \gj DI-teach-IN older.sibling Indri \ft Indri taught me. \ref 0344 \id 667637210943310502 \begin 0:14:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx ka(yak), kayak pengen tidur. \pho kaʔ kayaʔ pɛŋɛn tidur \mb kayak kayak pengen tidur \ge like like want lie.down \gj like like want lie.down \ft it looks like someone who wants to sleep. \nt referring to the way CHI swimming. \ref 0345 \id 389316210944310502 \begin 0:14:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx gini... kakinya... jebur, eh... \pho gini kakiʔɲa jəbur ʔɛ \mb gini kaki -nya jebur eh \ge like.this foot -NYA plunge EH \gj like.this foot-NYA plunge EH \ft like this... our foot... splash, eh... \ref 0346 \id 847927210944310502 \begin 0:14:15 \sp EXPERN \tx oh... \pho ʔo \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see... \ref 0347 \id 224992210944310502 \begin 0:14:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx mmm... \pho m \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 0348 \id 250215210945310502 \begin 0:14:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh, sa(ma), sama kayak pengen eek. \pho ʔɛ sa sam kayaʔ pɛŋɛn ʔɛɛʔ \mb eh sama sama kayak pengen eek \ge EH with with like want doo.doo \gj EH with with like want doo.doo \ft it also looks like someone who wants to have doo doo. \nt still referring to the way of swimming. \ref 0349 \id 276640210945310502 \begin 0:14:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0350 \id 697071210945310502 \begin 0:14:20 \sp EXPERN \tx kok kayak eek sih? \pho kɔʔ kayaʔ ʔɛɛʔ si \mb kok kayak eek sih \ge KOK like doo.doo SIH \gj KOK like doo.doo SIH \ft why does it look like having doo doo? \ref 0351 \id 997896210946310502 \begin 0:14:21 \sp EXPERN \tx mana ada berenang kayak gitu? \pho mana ʔada bərənaŋ gaya gitu \mb mana ada be- renang kayak gitu \ge which exist BER- swim like like.that \gj which exist BER-swim like like.that \ft there is no such style. \ref 0352 \id 769208210946310502 \begin 0:14:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx ada. \pho ʔada \mb ada \ge exist \gj exist \ft yes, there is. \ref 0353 \id 198311210947310502 \begin 0:14:24 \sp OPIPIT \tx jongkok, terus ja(lan)... eh, jijik, jijik, jijik, jijik... \pho jɔŋkɔk tərus ja ʔɛ jijig jijig jijig jijig \mb jongkok terus jalan eh jijik jijik jijik jijik \ge squat continue walk EH disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting \gj squat continue walk EH disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting \ft squating, then walking... oops, it's disgusting, it's disgunting, it's disgunting... \ref 0354 \id 917109210947310502 \begin 0:14:26 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0355 \id 180039210947310502 \begin 0:14:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx adanya tidur. \pho ʔadaɲa tidur \mb ada -nya tidur \ge exist -NYA lie.down \gj exist-NYA lie.down \ft there is sleeping style. \ref 0356 \id 722157210948310502 \begin 0:14:30 \sp EXPERN \tx itu Opi, kan? \pho ʔitu ʔopi kan \mb itu Opi kan \ge that Opi KAN \gj that Opi KAN \ft that's Opi, right? \nt = that's Opi's style, right? \ref 0357 \id 511364210948310502 \begin 0:14:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx tidur? \pho tidur \mb tidur \ge lie.down \gj lie.down \ft sleeping? \ref 0358 \id 114113210948310502 \begin 0:14:32 \sp EXPERN \tx kalo berenang gitu, kan? \pho kalɔ bərənaŋ gitu kan \mb kalo be- renang gitu kan \ge TOP BER- swim like.that KAN \gj TOP BER-swim like.that KAN \ft you swim like that, right? \ref 0359 \id 611406210949310502 \begin 0:14:33 \sp EXPERN \tx iya? \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right? \ref 0360 \id 326198210949310502 \begin 0:14:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx terus kalo... \pho tərus kalɔ \mb terus kalo \ge continue TOP \gj continue TOP \ft then if... \ref 0361 \id 229676210949310502 \begin 0:14:35 \sp CHIPIT \tx adanya tidur ya Tante, ya? \pho ʔadaɲa tidur ya tantə ya \mb ada -nya tidur ya Tante ya \ge exist -NYA lie.down yes aunt yes \gj exist-NYA lie.down yes aunt yes \ft there is sleeping style, right? \ref 0362 \id 678680210950310502 \begin 0:14:36 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0363 \id 595389210950310502 \begin 0:14:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante! \pho tantə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 0364 \id 218883210951310502 \begin 0:14:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante! \pho tantəh \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 0365 \id 184541210951310502 \begin 0:14:39 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0366 \id 792107210951310502 \begin 0:14:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo Kak(ak), ibunya Kakak Ipit pengen berenang, kencing dulu di kolam. \pho kalɔ kaʔ ʔibuɲa kakaʔ ʔipit pɛŋɛn bərənaŋ kənciŋ dulu di kɔlam \mb kalo Kakak ibu -nya Kakak Ipit pengen be- renang kencing dulu di kolam \ge TOP older.sibling mother -NYA older.sibling Ipit want BER- swim urinate before LOC pool \gj TOP older.sibling mother-NYA older.sibling Ipit want BER-swim urinate before LOC pool \ft if Ipit's mother wants to swim, she will urinate first at the swimming pool. \ref 0367 \id 762351210952310502 \begin 0:14:41 \sp EXPERN \tx kok gitu? \pho kɔʔ gitu \mb kok gitu \ge KOK like.that \gj KOK like.that \ft why? \ref 0368 \id 147311210952310502 \begin 0:14:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx cur... \pho curː \mb cur \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft cur... \ref 0369 \id 569365210952310502 \begin 0:14:43 \sp EXPERN \tx kok kencing di kolam sih? \pho kɔʔ kənciŋ di kɔlam si \mb kok kencing di kolam sih \ge KOK urinate LOC pool SIH \gj KOK urinate LOC pool SIH \ft why does she do that at the pool? \ref 0370 \id 237232210953310502 \begin 0:14:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx he he... iya. \pho hə hə ʔiya \mb he he iya \ge IMIT IMIT yes \gj IMIT IMIT yes \ft he he... yes. \ref 0371 \id 775744210953310502 \begin 0:14:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx hah? \pho ha \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0372 \id 251635210953310502 \begin 0:14:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya pernah. \pho ʔiya pərna \mb iya pernah \ge yes ever \gj yes ever \ft yes, she ever did it. \ref 0373 \id 733049210954310502 \begin 0:14:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0374 \id 879883210954310502 \begin 0:14:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx yang di Puncak... ayo? \pho yaŋ di puncak ʔayɔ \mb yang di Puncak ayo \ge REL LOC Puncak AYO \gj REL LOC Puncak AYO \ft in Puncak... remember? \nt = she did it in Puncak, right? \ref 0375 \id 917020210955310502 \begin 0:14:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx Puncak? \pho puncak \mb Puncak \ge Puncak \gj Puncak \ft Puncak? \ref 0376 \id 475053210955310502 \begin 0:14:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx 'pengen, pengen pipis ni.' \pho pɛŋɛn pɛŋɛn pipis ni \mb pengen pengen pipis ni \ge want want pee this \gj want want pee this \ft 'I want to have pee.' \ref 0377 \id 939571210955310502 \begin 0:14:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx 'boleh pipis di sini nggak?' gitu. \pho bɔlɛ pipis di sini ŋgaʔ gitu \mb boleh pipis di sini nggak gitu \ge may pee LOC here NEG like.that \gj may pee LOC here NEG like.that \ft 'can I have pee here?' she said. \ref 0378 \id 601404210956310502 \begin 0:14:55 \sp EXPERN \tx terus pipis di situ? \pho tərus pipis di situ \mb terus pipis di situ \ge continue pee LOC there \gj continue pee LOC there \ft she did it there? \ref 0379 \id 507289210956310502 \begin 0:14:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx aha... nggak tau. \pho ʔaha ŋgaʔ tau \mb aha nggak tau \ge EXCL NEG know \gj EXCL NEG know \ft aha... I don't know. \ref 0380 \id 929784210956310502 \begin 0:14:57 \sp CHIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0381 \id 797232210957310502 \begin 0:14:58 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0382 \id 505225210957310502 \begin 0:14:59 \sp EXPERN \tx enggak ah. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ ʔa \mb enggak ah \ge NEG AH \gj NEG AH \ft she didn't. \ref 0383 \id 433880210957310502 \begin 0:15:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0384 \id 138225210958310502 \begin 0:15:01 \sp EXPERN \tx masa pipis di situ? \pho masa pipis di situ \mb masa pipis di situ \ge incredible pee LOC there \gj incredible pee LOC there \ft it's impossible if she had pee there. \ref 0385 \id 859480210958310502 \begin 0:15:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya, emang. \pho ʔiya ʔɛmaŋ \mb iya emang \ge yes indeed \gj yes indeed \ft yes, she did. \ref 0386 \id 900596210958310502 \begin 0:15:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx enggak, nggak pipis. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ ŋgaʔ pipis \mb enggak nggak pipis \ge NEG NEG pee \gj NEG NEG pee \ft no, she didn't. \ref 0387 \id 737832210959310502 \begin 0:15:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx ka(lo)... \pho kaʔ \mb kalo \ge TOP \gj TOP \ft if... \ref 0388 \id 268479210959310502 \begin 0:15:06 \sp EXPERN \tx ntar yang laen gatel-gatel dong. \pho ntar yaŋ laɛn gatəlgatəl dɔŋ \mb ntar yang laen gatel - gatel dong \ge moment REL other itchy - itchy DONG \gj moment REL other RED-itchy DONG \ft later others will get itchy. \nt = if she did it, other people would get itchy. \ref 0389 \id 344545211000310502 \begin 0:15:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx kalo pipis pasti airnya asin ya Tante? \pho kalɔ pipis pasti ʔairɲa ʔasin ya tantə \mb kalo pipis pasti air -nya asin ya Tante \ge TOP pee sure water -NYA salty yes aunt \gj TOP pee sure water-NYA salty yes aunt \ft if she did it, the water would be salty, right Auntie? \ref 0390 \id 773369211000310502 \begin 0:15:10 \sp CHIPIT \tx itu ma(nis), itu enggak. \pho ʔitu ma ʔitu ʔəŋgaʔ \mb itu manis itu enggak \ge that sweet that NEG \gj that sweet that NEG \ft that was sweet, I mean it wasn't salty. \ref 0391 \id 838064211000310502 \begin 0:15:11 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0392 \id 963979211001310502 \begin 0:15:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx semuanya aer asin. \pho səmuwaɲa ʔaɛr ʔasin \mb semua -nya aer asin \ge all -NYA water salty \gj all-NYA water salty \ft the water is salty. \ref 0393 \id 415830211001310502 \begin 0:15:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx pedes ya Tante, ya? \pho pədəs ya tantə ya \mb pedes ya Tante ya \ge spicy yes aunt yes \gj spicy yes aunt yes \ft it's spicy, right Auntie? \ref 0394 \id 968681211001310502 \begin 0:15:14 \sp EXPERN \tx mandinya di mana dulu, berenangnya? \pho mandiɲa di mana dulu bərənaŋɲa \mb mandi -nya di mana dulu be- renang -nya \ge bathe -NYA LOC which before BER- swim -NYA \gj bathe-NYA LOC which before BER-swim-NYA \ft it depends on where you swim. \ref 0395 \id 238188211002310502 \begin 0:15:15 \sp CHIPIT \tx Puncak. \pho puncak \mb Puncak \ge Puncak \gj Puncak \ft Puncak. \ref 0396 \id 641836211002310502 \begin 0:15:17 \sp CHIPIT \tx kan Puncak dingin ya Tante, ya? \pho kan puncak diŋin ya tantə ya \mb kan Puncak dingin ya Tante ya \ge KAN Puncak cold yes aunt yes \gj KAN Puncak cold yes aunt yes \ft it's cold in Puncak, right Auntie? \ref 0397 \id 548816211002310502 \begin 0:15:19 \sp EXPERN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0398 \id 474774211003310502 \begin 0:15:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx Puncak? \pho puncak \mb Puncak \ge Puncak \gj Puncak \ft Puncak? \ref 0399 \id 733908211003310502 \begin 0:15:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx enakan di Ancol. \pho ʔɛnakan di ʔancɔr \mb enak -an di Ancol \ge pleasant -AN LOC Ancol \gj pleasant-AN LOC Ancol \ft it's cool in Ancol. \nt = I prefer to swim in Ancol. \ref 0400 \id 906595211003310502 \begin 0:15:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx ber(sih), bersih aernya. \pho bəs bərsi ʔaɛrɲa \mb bersih bersih aer -nya \ge clean clean water -NYA \gj clean clean water-NYA \ft the water is clean. \ref 0401 \id 764719211004310502 \begin 0:15:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya Tante, ya? \pho ya tantə ya \mb ya Tante ya \ge yes aunt yes \gj yes aunt yes \ft right Auntie? \ref 0402 \id 352224211004310502 \begin 0:15:24 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0403 \id 246708220013310502 \begin 0:15:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx mending di Ancol. \pho bəndiŋ di ʔancɔl \mb mending di Ancol \ge preferable LOC Ancol \gj preferable LOC Ancol \ft I prefer to swim in Ancol. \ref 0404 \id 730355220014310502 \begin 0:15:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ragunan juga, ya? \pho ragunan juga ya \mb Ragunan juga ya \ge Ragunan also yes \gj Ragunan also yes \ft Ragunan also, right? \nt = the water in Ragunan is also clean, right? \ref 0405 \id 600842220014310502 \begin 0:15:28 \sp EXPERN \tx emang di Ancol nggak bersih? \pho ʔɛmaŋ di ʔancɔl ŋgaʔ bərsi \mb emang di Ancol nggak bersih \ge indeed LOC Ancol NEG clean \gj indeed LOC Ancol NEG clean \ft isn't it clean in Ancol? \ref 0406 \id 967835220014310502 \begin 0:15:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx bersih. \pho bərsi \mb bersih \ge clean \gj clean \ft yes, it is. \ref 0407 \id 432818220015310502 \begin 0:15:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx dalem semuanya. \pho daləm səmuwaɲa \mb dalem semua -nya \ge deep all -NYA \gj deep all-NYA \ft it's deep. \ref 0408 \id 293246220015310502 \begin 0:15:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx tapi itu... ada yang segini, ada yang segini, ada yang segini. \pho tapi ʔitu ʔada yaŋ səgini ʔada yaŋ səgini ʔada yaŋ səgini \mb tapi itu ada yang se- gini ada yang se- gini ada yang se- gini \ge but that exist REL SE- like.this exist REL SE- like.this exist REL SE- like.this \gj but that exist REL SE-like.this exist REL SE-like.this exist REL SE-like.this \ft but there is one like this, one like this, and one like this. \nt referring to the depth of the swimming pool. \ref 0409 \id 799126220015310502 \begin 0:15:32 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0410 \id 827208220016310502 \begin 0:15:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx ada yang segini, ada yang segini. \pho ʔada yaŋ səgini ʔada yaŋ səgini \mb ada yang se- gini ada yang se- gini \ge exist REL SE- like.this exist REL SE- like.this \gj exist REL SE-like.this exist REL SE-like.this \ft one like this, one like this. \nt pointing at her thigh and her knee. \ref 0411 \id 314858220016310502 \begin 0:15:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0412 \id 429167220017310502 \begin 0:15:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx yang paling perosotan yang itu ya Pi, ya? \pho yaŋ paliŋ prɔsɔtan yaŋ ʔitu ya pi ya \mb yang paling perosot -an yang itu ya Pi ya \ge REL most slide -AN REL that yes TRU-Opi yes \gj REL most slide-AN REL that yes TRU-Opi yes \ft there is a slide, right Opi? \ref 0413 \id 123686220017310502 \begin 0:15:39 \sp EXPERN \tx kalo Opi berenangnya yang semana? \pho kalɔ ʔopi bərənaŋɲa yaŋ səmana \mb kalo Opi be- renang -nya yang se- mana \ge TOP Opi BER- swim -NYA REL SE- which \gj TOP Opi BER-swim-NYA REL SE-which \ft how deep can you swim? \ref 0414 \id 397015220017310502 \begin 0:15:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx se... \pho səː \mb se \ge SE \gj SE \ft it is... \ref 0415 \id 647918220018310502 \begin 0:15:41 \sp EXPERN \tx segini, ya? \pho səgini ya \mb se- gini ya \ge SE- like.this yes \gj SE-like.this yes \ft like this, right? \nt pointing her heel. \ref 0416 \id 175716220018310502 \begin 0:15:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx itu ya... Opi yang segini. \pho ʔitu ya ʔopi yaŋ səgini \mb itu ya Opi yang se- gini \ge that yes Opi REL SE- like.this \gj that yes Opi REL SE-like.this \ft Opi swims as deep as this. \nt pointing at her chest. \ref 0417 \id 964212220018310502 \begin 0:15:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx segini. \pho səgini \mb se- gini \ge SE- like.this \gj SE-like.this \ft like this. \nt not clear what he is pointing at. \ref 0418 \id 738526220019310502 \begin 0:15:45 \sp EXPERN \tx sedada? \pho sədada \mb se- dada \ge SE- chest \gj SE-chest \ft as deep as your chest? \ref 0419 \id 233781220019310502 \begin 0:15:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku... \pho ʔaku \mb aku \ge 1SG \gj 1SG \ft I... \ref 0420 \id 361994220019310502 \begin 0:15:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0421 \id 651168220020310502 \begin 0:15:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx ka(lo), kalo Ais yang itu... \pho kaʔ kalɔ ʔais yaŋ ʔitu \mb kalo kalo Ais yang itu \ge TOP TOP Ais REL that \gj TOP TOP Ais REL that \ft if Ais... \ref 0422 \id 792823220020310502 \begin 0:15:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx yang cetek tu, yang sekaki Ipit. \pho yaŋ cetek tu yaŋ səkaki ʔipit \mb yang cetek tu yang se- kaki Ipit \ge REL shallow that REL SE- foot Ipit \gj REL shallow that REL SE-foot Ipit \ft the shallow pool is as shallow as my foot. \ref 0423 \id 190933220020310502 \begin 0:15:50 \sp EXPERN \tx setumit? \pho sətumit \mb se- tumit \ge SE- heel \gj SE-heel \ft as high as your heel? \ref 0424 \id 220042220021310502 \begin 0:15:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0425 \id 757206220021310502 \begin 0:15:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0426 \id 984489220021310502 \begin 0:15:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx setumit, setumit. \pho sətumit sətumit \mb se- tumit se- tumit \ge SE- heel SE- heel \gj SE-heel SE-heel \ft the heel, the heel. \nt = as high as the heel. \ref 0427 \id 425940220022310502 \begin 0:15:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo Ais itu... cuman kakinya berenang. \pho kalɔ ʔais itu ɲɔmaŋ kakiɲa bərənaŋ \mb kalo Ais itu cuman kaki -nya be- renang \ge TOP Ais that only foot -NYA BER- swim \gj TOP Ais that only foot-NYA BER-swim \ft Ais swims with his foot. \ref 0428 \id 793877220022310502 \begin 0:15:54 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0429 \id 815048220023310502 \begin 0:15:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx jebur, jebur... \pho jəbur jəbur \mb jebur jebur \ge plunge plunge \gj plunge plunge \ft splash, splash... \ref 0430 \id 229180220023310502 \begin 0:15:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya, jebur. \pho ʔiya jəbur \mb iya jebur \ge yes plunge \gj yes plunge \ft yes, splash. \ref 0431 \id 442043220023310502 \begin 0:15:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx he he... he he he... \pho he he he ʔɛ ʔɛ \mb he he he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he he... he he he... \nt laughing. \ref 0432 \id 527612220024310502 \begin 0:15:58 \sp EXPERN \tx dibasahin doang ya kakinya, ya? \pho dibasain dɔwaŋ ya kakiɲa ya \mb di- basah -in doang ya kaki -nya ya \ge DI- wet -IN just yes foot -NYA yes \gj DI-wet-IN just yes foot-NYA yes \ft he just makes his foot wet, right? \nt referring to FAR. \ref 0433 \id 487528220024310502 \begin 0:16:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0434 \id 906126220024310502 \begin 0:16:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx kata Om Dayat waktu itu, 'kelelep, eh kelelep...' \pho kata ʔom dayat watu ʔitu kələləp ʔɛ kələləp \mb kata Om Dayat waktu itu ke- lelep eh ke- lelep \ge word uncle Dayat time that KE- submerge EXCL KE- submerge \gj word uncle Dayat time that KE-submerge EXCL KE-submerge \ft Uncle Dayat said, 'he submerges, he submerges...' \ref 0435 \id 976689220025310502 \begin 0:16:03 \sp CHIPIT \tx ...' kejerit-jerit...' \pho kəjəritjərit \mb ke- jerit - jerit \ge KE- scream - scream \gj KE-RED-scream \ft ...'he screams...' \ref 0436 \id 743617220025310502 \begin 0:16:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0437 \id 287982220025310502 \begin 0:16:05 \sp EXPERN \tx tu berenang di mana? \pho tu bərənaŋ di mana \mb tu be- renang di mana \ge that BER- swim LOC which \gj that BER-swim LOC which \ft where did you swim at that time? \ref 0438 \id 523368220026310502 \begin 0:16:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ancol. \pho ʔancɔl \mb Ancol \ge Ancol \gj Ancol \ft Ancol. \ref 0439 \id 256750220026310502 \begin 0:16:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ancol. \pho ʔancɔl \mb Ancol \ge Ancol \gj Ancol \ft Ancol. \ref 0440 \id 311558220027310502 \begin 0:16:08 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm... \pho hm \mb hmm \ge oh \gj oh \ft I see... \ref 0441 \id 775595220027310502 \begin 0:16:10 \sp CHIPIT \tx pas ibu Ipit manasik naek haji, ya? \pho pas ʔibu ʔipit manasik nɛk ʔaji ya \mb pas ibu Ipit manasik naek haji ya \ge precise mother Ipit manual go.up haj yes \gj precise mother Ipit manual go.up haj yes \ft it was when my mother had her haj training, right? \ref 0442 \id 440706220027310502 \begin 0:16:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0443 \id 556556220028310502 \begin 0:16:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx 'kelelep Is, kelelep... we we we...' \pho kələləp ʔis kələləp we we we \mb ke- lelep Is ke- lelep we we we \ge KE- submerge TRU-Pais KE- submerge EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj KE-submerge TRU-Pais KE-submerge EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft 'he submerges... we we we...' \ref 0444 \id 953287220028310502 \begin 0:16:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak mau dia... \pho ŋgaʔ maWu diyah \mb nggak mau dia \ge NEG want 3 \gj NEG want 3 \ft he didn't want it... \ref 0445 \id 716250220028310502 \begin 0:16:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx emang. \pho ʔɛmaŋ \mb emang \ge indeed \gj indeed \ft yes. \ref 0446 \id 235212220029310502 \begin 0:16:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt still eating. \ref 0447 \id 117094220029310502 \begin 0:16:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx wah, kalo ibunya Kakak Ipit lagi manasik ha(ji), haji lagi, gimana? \pho wa kalɔ ʔibuɲa kakaʔ ʔipit lagi manasik ʔa haji lagi gimana \mb wah kalo ibu -nya Kakak Ipit lagi manasik haji haji lagi gimana \ge EXCL TOP mother -NYA older.sibling Ipit more manual haj haj more how \gj EXCL TOP mother-NYA older.sibling Ipit more manual haj haj more how \ft what if Ipit's mother has to have haj training again? \ref 0448 \id 310115220029310502 \begin 0:16:24 \sp EXPERN \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft what? \ref 0449 \id 815382220030310502 \begin 0:16:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx gimana xxx? \mb gimana xxx \ge how xxx \gj how xxx \ft what if xxx? \ref 0450 \id 439407220030310502 \begin 0:16:27 \sp EXPERN \tx ya nggak pa-pa ya Dek? \pho ya ŋgaʔ papa ya dɛʔ \mb ya nggak pa - pa ya Dek \ge yes NEG what - what yes TRU-younger.sibling \gj yes NEG RED-what yes TRU-younger.sibling \ft no big deal, right? \ref 0451 \id 329713220031310502 \begin 0:16:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak pa-pa. \pho ŋgaʔ papah \mb nggak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft it's fine. \ref 0452 \id 557884060038010602 \begin 0:16:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx enak? \pho ʔɛnak \mb enak \ge pleasant \gj pleasant \ft it's cool? \nt = do you like if she has to have haj training again? \ref 0453 \id 770909060039010602 \begin 0:16:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ibu kan nanti kalo manasik naik haji, manasik naik haji dua kali ya Tante, ya? \pho ʔibu kan nanti kalɔ manasik nɛʔ haji manasik nɛʔ haji duwa kali ya tantə ya \mb Ibu kan nanti kalo manasik naik haji manasik naik haji dua kali ya Tante ya \ge mother KAN later TOP manual go.up haj manual go.up haj two very yes aunt yes \gj mother KAN later TOP manual go.up haj manual go.up haj two very yes aunt yes \ft if she has to have it again, it means she gets it two times, right? \ref 0454 \id 891616060040010602 \begin 0:16:33 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0455 \id 109428060040010602 \begin 0:16:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt coughing. \ref 0456 \id 160331060040010602 \begin 0:16:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx enak? \pho ʔɛnak \mb enak \ge pleasant \gj pleasant \ft it's cool? \ref 0457 \id 694779060041010602 \begin 0:16:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx enak. \pho ʔɛnak \mb enak \ge pleasant \gj pleasant \ft it's cool. \nt = it's great if she has it again. \ref 0458 \id 264089060041010602 \begin 0:16:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0459 \id 351805060042010602 \begin 0:16:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx tar dicium-cium lagi. \pho tar diciyumciyum lagi \mb tar di- cium - cium lagi \ge moment DI- kiss - kiss more \gj moment DI-RED-kiss more \ft later she will be kissed again. \ref 0460 \id 407941060042010602 \begin 0:16:41 \sp EXPERN \tx siapa yang cium? \pho siyapa yaŋ ciyum \mb siapa yang cium \ge who REL kiss \gj who REL kiss \ft who kisses her? \ref 0461 \id 681753060043010602 \begin 0:16:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx tar semuanya ck, ck, ck... \pho tar səmuwaɲa ǀ ǀ ǀ \mb tar semua -nya ck ck ck \ge moment all -NYA tsk tsk tsk \gj moment all-NYA tsk tsk tsk \ft they all will ck, ck, ck... \nt showing the way of kissing. \ref 0462 \id 942443060043010602 \begin 0:16:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx ntar kena lipstik semuanya... \pho ntar kəna lifən səmuwaɲa \mb ntar kena lipstik semua -nya \ge moment undergo lipstick all -NYA \gj moment undergo lipstick all-NYA \ft all will get the lipstick later... \ref 0463 \id 262614060044010602 \begin 0:16:46 \sp EXPERN \tx kena lipstik? \pho kəna lipstik \mb kena lipstik \ge undergo lipstick \gj undergo lipstick \ft gets the lipstick? \ref 0464 \id 759959060044010602 \begin 0:16:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0465 \id 455154060044010602 \begin 0:16:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0466 \id 394342060045010602 \begin 0:16:49 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0467 \id 488003061958010602 \begin 0:16:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx idung. \pho ʔiduŋ \mb idung \ge nose \gj nose \ft the nose. \nt reference unclear. \ref 0468 \id 721690060045010602 \begin 0:16:51 \sp EXPERN \tx Opi nggak suka ya kena lipstik, ya? \pho ʔopi ŋgaʔ suka ya kəna lipstik ya \mb Opi nggak suka ya kena lipstik ya \ge Opi NEG like yes undergo lipstick yes \gj Opi NEG like yes undergo lipstick yes \ft you don't like if you get lipstick, right? \ref 0469 \id 763174060046010602 \begin 0:16:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx suka. \pho sukaʔ \mb suka \ge like \gj like \ft he likes it. \ref 0470 \id 485463060046010602 \begin 0:16:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx xx, pernah di... \pho gi pərna di \mb xx pernah di \ge xx ever LOC \gj xx ever LOC \ft xx he ever... \ref 0471 \id 386013060046010602 \begin 0:16:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx aduh! \pho ʔadu \mb aduh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ouch! \nt getting surprised. \ref 0472 \id 231842060047010602 \begin 0:16:56 \sp EXPERN \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft what? \ref 0473 \id 183929060047010602 \begin 0:16:57 \sp CHIPIT \tx PRnya? \pho pɛʔɛrɲa \mb PR -nya \ge homework -NYA \gj homework-NYA \ft the homework? \nt reference unclear. \ref 0474 \id 412245060048010602 \begin 0:16:58 \sp EXPERN \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft what? \ref 0475 \id 114080060048010602 \begin 0:16:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx duit seribu masih ada. \pho duwit sribu masi ʔada \mb duit se- ribu masih ada \ge money SE- thousand still exist \gj money SE-thousand still exist \ft I still have my one thousand rupiahs. \ref 0476 \id 959297060049010602 \begin 0:17:00 \sp EXPERN \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0477 \id 932395060049010602 \begin 0:17:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx duit seribu di baju... wah! \pho duwit sribu di baju wa \mb duit se- ribu di baju wah \ge money SE- thousand LOC garment EXCL \gj money SE-thousand LOC garment EXCL \ft my one thousand... it's still in my clothes! \nt = I still have my money in my pocket. \ref 0478 \id 578903060049010602 \begin 0:17:04 \sp EXPERN \tx uang seribu? \pho ʔuwaŋ səribu \mb uang se- ribu \ge money SE- thousand \gj money SE-thousand \ft one thousand rupiahs? \ref 0479 \id 342719060050010602 \begin 0:17:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \nt going to take the money in his pocket. \ref 0480 \id 690456060050010602 \begin 0:17:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni celana ni. \pho ni cəlana ni \mb ni celana ni \ge this pants this \gj this pants this \ft this is the pants. \ref 0481 \id 508771060051010602 \begin 0:17:12 \sp EXPERN \tx ditaro di mana tadi uangnya? \pho ditarɔ di mana tadi ʔuwaŋɲa \mb di- taro di mana tadi uang -nya \ge DI- put LOC which earlier money -NYA \gj DI-put LOC which earlier money-NYA \ft where did you put the money? \ref 0482 \id 636203060051010602 \begin 0:17:14 \sp JIAPIT \tx 0. \nt coughing. \ref 0483 \id 384315060052010602 \begin 0:17:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ma, Ma baju Opi mana xxx [?] ? \pho ma ma baju ʔopi mana xxx \mb Ma Ma baju Opi mana xxx \ge TRU-mother TRU-mother garment Opi which xxx \gj TRU-mother TRU-mother garment Opi which xxx \ft Mom, where is my clothes? \ref 0484 \id 501190060052010602 \begin 0:17:18 \sp EXPERN \tx ada? \pho ʔada \mb ada \ge exist \gj exist \ft it's still there? \nt referring to the money. \ref 0485 \id 117375060052010602 \begin 0:17:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0486 \id 530359060053010602 \begin 0:17:24 \sp EXPERN \tx tu kan? \pho tu kan \mb tu kan \ge that KAN \gj that KAN \ft you see? \ref 0487 \id 765089060053010602 \begin 0:17:27 \sp EXPERN \tx untung masih inget Opi. \pho ʔuntuŋ masi ʔiŋət ʔopi \mb untung masih inget Opi \ge lucky still remember Opi \gj lucky still remember Opi \ft lucky you, you still remember it. \ref 0488 \id 274693060054010602 \begin 0:17:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx kalo enggak, udah dicuci aja. \pho kalɔ ʔəŋgaʔ ʔuda dicuci ʔaja \mb kalo enggak udah di- cuci aja \ge TOP NEG PFCT DI- wash just \gj TOP NEG PFCT DI-wash just \ft if not, it has been washed. \ref 0489 \id 372469060054010602 \begin 0:17:29 \sp CHIPIT \tx basah. \pho basa \mb basah \ge wet \gj wet \ft it's wet. \nt = the money will be wet. \ref 0490 \id 298044060055010602 \begin 0:17:30 \sp EXPERN \tx iya, dicuci, basah. \pho ʔiya dicuci basah \mb iya di- cuci basah \ge yes DI- wash wet \gj yes DI-wash wet \ft yes, it has been washed and becomes wet. \ref 0491 \id 438655060055010602 \begin 0:17:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx kotor. \pho kɔtɔr \mb kotor \ge dirty \gj dirty \ft it's dirty. \ref 0492 \id 285066060055010602 \begin 0:17:32 \sp CHIPIT \tx robek. \pho rɔbɛk \mb robek \ge torn \gj torn \ft it's torn. \ref 0493 \id 108817060056010602 \begin 0:17:33 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya? \pho yaʔ \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right? \ref 0494 \id 697514060056010602 \begin 0:17:35 \sp EXPERN \tx sobek. \pho sɔbɛk \mb sobek \ge torn \gj torn \ft torn. \ref 0495 \id 335811060057010602 \begin 0:17:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx sayang-sayang uang seribu itu, ya? \pho sayaŋsayaŋ ʔuwaŋ səribu ʔitu ya \mb sayang - sayang uang se- ribu itu ya \ge compassion - compassion money SE- thousand that yes \gj RED-compassion money SE-thousand that yes \ft too bad for one thousand rupiahs, right? \ref 0496 \id 684467060057010602 \begin 0:17:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx siapa yang kasi uangnya Dek? \pho siyapa yaŋ kasi ʔuwaŋɲa dɛʔ \mb siapa yang kasi uang -nya Dek \ge who REL give money -NYA TRU-younger.sibling \gj who REL give money-NYA TRU-younger.sibling \ft who gave you that money? \ref 0497 \id 654822060058010602 \begin 0:17:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx Mama. \pho mamah \mb Mama \ge mommy \gj mommy \ft Mommy. \ref 0498 \id 116656060058010602 \begin 0:17:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx tadi uang sekolah. \pho tadi ʔuwaŋ səkɔlah \mb tadi uang sekolah \ge earlier money school \gj earlier money school \ft that was for school. \ref 0499 \id 141836060058010602 \begin 0:17:44 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm... \pho hm \mb hmm \ge oh \gj oh \ft I see... \ref 0500 \id 344439060059010602 \begin 0:17:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0501 \id 805688060059010602 \begin 0:17:48 \sp EXPERN \tx buat jajan, ya? \pho buwat jajan ya \mb buat jajan ya \ge for snack yes \gj for snack yes \ft for buying snack, right? \ref 0502 \id 423851060100010602 \begin 0:17:49 \sp EXPERN \tx kok nggak jajan? \pho kɔʔ ŋgaʔ jajan \mb kok nggak jajan \ge KOK NEG snack \gj KOK NEG snack \ft why didn't you use that money? \ref 0503 \id 783576060100010602 \begin 0:17:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx males. \pho maləs \mb males \ge lazy \gj lazy \ft I'm lazy. \nt = I don't know what to buy. \ref 0504 \id 788351070129010602 \begin 0:17:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak ada yang enak. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔada yaŋ ʔɛnak \mb nggak ada yang enak \ge NEG exist REL pleasant \gj NEG exist REL pleasant \ft I didn't see anything attractive. \ref 0505 \id 634654070129010602 \begin 0:17:53 \sp EXPERN \tx terus makan apa di sekolahan? \pho tərus makan ʔapa di səkɔlaan \mb terus makan apa di sekolah -an \ge continue eat what LOC school -AN \gj continue eat what LOC school-AN \ft so what did you eat at school? \ref 0506 \id 441319070130010602 \begin 0:17:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak makan. \pho ŋgaʔ makan \mb nggak makan \ge NEG eat \gj NEG eat \ft I didn't eat. \ref 0507 \id 970362070130010602 \begin 0:17:56 \sp EXPERN \tx nggak jajan? \pho ŋgaʔ jajan \mb nggak jajan \ge NEG snack \gj NEG snack \ft you didn't buy anything? \ref 0508 \id 594099070130010602 \begin 0:17:58 \sp EXPERN \tx nggak laper? \pho ŋgaʔ lapər \mb nggak laper \ge NEG hungry \gj NEG hungry \ft you didn't get hungry? \ref 0509 \id 140107070131010602 \begin 0:18:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx cuman minum, nggak makan. \pho cuman minum ŋgaʔ makan \mb cuman minum nggak makan \ge only drink NEG eat \gj only drink NEG eat \ft I just drank and didn't eat. \ref 0510 \id 983668070151010602 \begin 0:18:02 \sp EXPERN \tx oh... \pho ʔo \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh... \ref 0511 \id 140208070151010602 \begin 0:18:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0512 \id 891027070151010602 \begin 0:18:08 \sp EXPERN \tx tadi sarapan, ya? \pho tadi sarapan ya \mb tadi sarapan ya \ge earlier breakfast yes \gj earlier breakfast yes \ft you have had you breakfast, right? \ref 0513 \id 113766070152010602 \begin 0:18:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx lha kok nggak jalan sih Tante? \pho la kɔʔ ŋgaʔ jalan si tantə \mb lha kok nggak jalan sih Tante \ge EXCL KOK NEG walk SIH aunt \gj EXCL KOK NEG walk SIH aunt \ft why doesn't it work? \nt referring to the car. \ref 0514 \id 167849070152010602 \begin 0:18:14 \sp EXPERN \tx iya, udah rusak. \pho ʔiya ʔuda rusak \mb iya udah rusak \ge yes PFCT damaged \gj yes PFCT damaged \ft yes, it's broken. \ref 0515 \id 149835070152010602 \begin 0:18:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx mo liat ah. \pho mɔ liyat ʔa \mb mo liat ah \ge want see AH \gj want see AH \ft I want to see it. \nt going to watch the camcorder. \ref 0516 \id 691419070153010602 \begin 0:18:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx ada siapa aja. \pho ʔada siyapa ʔaja \mb ada siapa aja \ge exist who just \gj exist who just \ft I want to see who they are. \ref 0517 \id 503545070153010602 \begin 0:18:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx ada Tante ni. \pho ʔada tantə ni \mb ada Tante ni \ge exist aunt this \gj exist aunt this \ft look, there is Auntie. \nt staring at the camcorder. \ref 0518 \id 990851070153010602 \begin 0:18:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx emang ada Tante? \pho ʔɛmaŋ ʔada tantə \mb emang ada Tante \ge indeed exist aunt \gj indeed exist aunt \ft she is there? \ref 0519 \id 264307070154010602 \begin 0:18:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx ada. \pho ʔada \mb ada \ge exist \gj exist \ft yes. \ref 0520 \id 426549070154010602 \begin 0:18:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya? \pho ya \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right? \ref 0521 \id 219144070155010602 \begin 0:18:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx hah... \pho ha \mb hah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hah... \ref 0522 \id 968862070155010602 \begin 0:18:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where is she? \ref 0523 \id 590026070155010602 \begin 0:18:25 \sp EXPERN \tx awas ya kameranya jatuh, ya? \pho ʔawas ya kamɛraɲa jatu ya \mb awas ya kamera -nya jatuh ya \ge EXCL yes camera -NYA fall yes \gj EXCL yes camera-NYA fall yes \ft look out or the camcorder will fall down, okay? \ref 0524 \id 981557070156010602 \begin 0:18:26 \sp JIAPIT \tx ni xxx direkam kok gitu sih? \pho ni xxx dirəkam kɔʔ gitu si \mb ni xxx di- rekam kok gitu sih \ge this xxx DI- record KOK like.that SIH \gj this xxx DI-record KOK like.that SIH \ft look at you... you're getting recorded. \nt asking OPI and CHI not to star at the cmcorder. \ref 0525 \id 654969070156010602 \begin 0:18:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh iya. \pho ʔɛ ʔiya \mb eh iya \ge EH yes \gj EH yes \ft oops, yes. \ref 0526 \id 783166070156010602 \begin 0:18:28 \sp JIAPIT \tx heh! \pho hɛ \mb heh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \ref 0527 \id 574678071406010602 \begin 0:18:29 \sp JIAPIT \tx direkam kok gini? \pho dirɛkam kɔʔ gini \mb di- rekam kok gini \ge DI- record KOK like.this \gj DI-record KOK like.this \ft you're getting recorded. \ref 0528 \id 788766070157010602 \begin 0:18:30 \sp FARPIT \tx diobok-obok airnya diobok-obok... \pho diʔoboʔoboʔ ʔailɲa diʔoboʔoboʔ \mb di- obok - obok air -nya di- obok - obok \ge DI- mess.up - mess.up water -NYA DI- mess.up - mess.up \gj DI-RED-mess.up water-NYA DI-RED-mess.up \ft mess up the water, mess up the water... \nt singing. \ref 0529 \id 408590070157010602 \begin 0:18:33 \sp FARPIT \tx ada ikannya kecil-kecil pada mabok... \pho ʔadə ʔikana ʔəcilʔəcil pada mabɔʔ \mb ada ikan -nya kecil - kecil pada mabok \ge exist fish -NYA small - small PL drunk \gj exist fish-NYA RED-small PL drunk \ft there are some little fishes drunk... \nt still singing. \ref 0530 \id 783499070157010602 \begin 0:18:36 \sp EXPERN \tx lagunya siapa itu? \pho laguɲa siyapa ʔitu \mb lagu -nya siapa itu \ge song -NYA who that \gj song-NYA who that \ft whose song is that? \ref 0531 \id 996513070158010602 \begin 0:18:39 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0532 \id 925088070158010602 \begin 0:18:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt staring at EXPERN. \ref 0533 \id 182278070158010602 \begin 0:18:46 \sp EXPERN \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0534 \id 551445070159010602 \begin 0:18:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx liat. \pho liyat \mb liat \ge see \gj see \ft I want to see you. \ref 0535 \id 546209070159010602 \begin 0:18:46 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0536 \id 752777070159010602 \begin 0:18:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngeliat. \pho ŋəliyat \mb nge- liat \ge N- see \gj N-see \ft I want to see you. \ref 0537 \id 345741070200010602 \begin 0:18:48 \sp EXPERN \tx ngeliat apa? \pho ŋəliyat ʔapa \mb nge- liat apa \ge N- see what \gj N-see what \ft what do you want to see? \ref 0538 \id 189481070200010602 \begin 0:18:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing at EXPERN. \ref 0539 \id 109699070201010602 \begin 0:18:50 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0540 \id 219133070201010602 \begin 0:18:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0541 \id 782992070201010602 \begin 0:18:52 \sp EXPERN \tx ngeliat apaan? \pho ŋəliyat ʔapaan \mb nge- liat apa -an \ge N- see what -AN \gj N-see what-AN \ft what do you want to see? \ref 0542 \id 572788070202010602 \begin 0:18:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt playing with the toy car. \ref 0543 \id 159640070202010602 \begin 0:18:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx biasa. \pho biyasa \mb biasa \ge usual \gj usual \ft as usual. \nt teasing EXPERN. \ref 0544 \id 781256070202010602 \begin 0:18:55 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt talking to DAY in other room. \ref 0545 \id 187492070203010602 \begin 0:18:56 \sp EXPERN \tx apa sih? \pho ʔapa si \mb apa sih \ge what SIH \gj what SIH \ft what? \ref 0546 \id 433649072348010602 \begin 0:18:57 \sp CHIPIT \tx tap. \pho tap \mb tap \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft tap. \nt playing with the toy car. \ref 0547 \id 883258070203010602 \begin 0:18:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \nt still teasing EXPERN. \ref 0548 \id 936590070203010602 \begin 0:18:59 \sp EXPERN \tx apaan? \pho ʔapaan \mb apa -an \ge what -AN \gj what-AN \ft what? \ref 0549 \id 889565070204010602 \begin 0:19:00 \sp EXPERN \tx Tante nggak tau. \pho tantə ŋgaʔ tau \mb Tante nggak tau \ge aunt NEG know \gj aunt NEG know \ft I don't know. \ref 0550 \id 750312070204010602 \begin 0:19:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx heh... pura-pura nggak tau. \pho hɛː purapura ŋgaʔ tau \mb heh pura-pura nggak tau \ge EXCL pretend NEG know \gj EXCL pretend NEG know \ft hey... you're just pretending. \ref 0551 \id 316565070204010602 \begin 0:19:02 \sp EXPERN \tx apaan? \pho ʔapaan \mb apa -an \ge what -AN \gj what-AN \ft what? \ref 0552 \id 314739070205010602 \begin 0:19:03 \sp CHIPIT \tx yang itu, ya? \pho yaŋ ʔitu ya \mb yang itu ya \ge REL that yes \gj REL that yes \ft that one, right? \nt talking to OPI. \ref 0553 \id 228141070205010602 \begin 0:19:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0554 \id 984011070206010602 \begin 0:19:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx yang itu? \pho yaŋ ʔitu \mb yang itu \ge REL that \gj REL that \ft that one? \ref 0555 \id 492810070206010602 \begin 0:19:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya? \pho ʔiyaʔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right? \ref 0556 \id 748746072911010602 \begin 0:19:10 \sp CHIPIT \tx jagung. \pho jaguŋ \mb jagung \ge corn \gj corn \ft the corn. \nt reference unclear. \ref 0557 \id 993368072911010602 \begin 0:19:11 \sp EXPERN \tx apa sih? \pho ʔapa si \mb apa sih \ge what SIH \gj what SIH \ft what? \ref 0558 \id 268020072912010602 \begin 0:19:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx pura-pura nggak tau. \pho purapura ŋgaʔ tau \mb pura-pura nggak tau \ge pretend NEG know \gj pretend NEG know \ft you're pretending. \ref 0559 \id 723120072912010602 \begin 0:19:13 \sp CHIPIT \tx ngeliat jagung. \pho ŋəliyat jaguŋ \mb nge- liat jagung \ge N- see corn \gj N-see corn \ft to see the corn. \nt reference unclear. \ref 0560 \id 501735072912010602 \begin 0:19:14 \sp EXPERN \tx emang Tante nggak tau. \pho ʔɛmaŋ tantə ŋgaʔ tau \mb emang Tante nggak tau \ge indeed aunt NEG know \gj indeed aunt NEG know \ft I really don't know it. \ref 0561 \id 278756072913010602 \begin 0:19:15 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya? \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right? \ref 0562 \id 263405072913010602 \begin 0:19:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx pura-pura nggak tau... \pho purapura ŋgaʔ tau \mb pura-pura nggak tau \ge pretend NEG know \gj pretend NEG know \ft you pretend don't know it... \ref 0563 \id 560858072913010602 \begin 0:19:17 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0564 \id 349874072914010602 \begin 0:19:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu kan, ketawa? \pho tu kan kətawa \mb tu kan ke- tawa \ge that KAN KE- laughter \gj that KAN KE-laughter \ft you see, you're laughing? \ref 0565 \id 352641072914010602 \begin 0:19:21 \sp EXPERN \tx orang Tante ketawain Opi kok. \pho ʔoraŋ tantə kətawain ʔopi kɔʔ \mb orang Tante ke- tawa -in Opi kok \ge person aunt KE- laugh -IN Opi KOK \gj person aunt KE-laugh-IN Opi KOK \ft I'm laughing at you. \ref 0566 \id 957728072914010602 \begin 0:19:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx pura-pura nggak tau... \pho purapura ŋgaʔ tau \mb pura-pura nggak tau \ge pretend NEG know \gj pretend NEG know \ft you pretend don't know it... \ref 0567 \id 664345072915010602 \begin 0:19:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo, kalo ketawa, pura-pura nggak tau. \pho kalɔ kalɔ kətawa purapura ŋgaʔ tau \mb kalo kalo ke- tawa pura-pura nggak tau \ge TOP TOP KE- laugh pretend NEG know \gj TOP TOP KE-laugh pretend NEG know \ft if you laugh, it means you pretend don't know it. \ref 0568 \id 862813072915010602 \begin 0:19:28 \sp EXPERN \tx handphonenya Papa bunyi. \pho hɛnfɔnɲa papa buɲi \mb handphone -nya Papa bunyi \ge cellular.phone -NYA daddy sound \gj cellular.phone-NYA daddy sound \ft look, Daddy's handphone is ringing. \ref 0569 \id 212476072915010602 \begin 0:19:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0570 \id 492544072916010602 \begin 0:19:34 \sp EXPERN \tx kenapa? \pho kənapah \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft what? \ref 0571 \id 599126072916010602 \begin 0:19:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya kan ketawa kan berarti. \pho ya kan kətawa kan bərati \mb ya kan ke- tawa kan ber- arti \ge yes KAN KE- laugh KAN BER- meaning \gj yes KAN KE-laugh KAN BER-meaning \ft you're laughing. \ref 0572 \id 926041072917010602 \begin 0:19:40 \sp EXPERN \tx ye... orang Tante ngetawain Opi kok. \pho yɛ ʔoraŋ tantə ŋətawain ʔopi kɔʔ \mb ye orang Tante nge- tawa -in Opi kok \ge EXCL person aunt N- laughter -IN Opi KOK \gj EXCL person aunt N-laughter-IN Opi KOK \ft ye... I'm laughing at you. \ref 0573 \id 889419072917010602 \begin 0:19:41 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya sama aja. \pho ya sama ʔaja \mb ya sama aja \ge yes with just \gj yes with just \ft it's just the same. \ref 0574 \id 992852072917010602 \begin 0:19:42 \sp EXPERN \tx enggak. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0575 \id 593086072918010602 \begin 0:19:44 \sp EXPERN \tx beda dong ngetawain Opi. \pho bɛda dɔŋ ŋətawain ʔopi \mb beda dong nge- tawa -in Opi \ge different DONG N- laughter -IN Opi \gj different DONG N-laughter-IN Opi \ft it's different to laugh at you. \ref 0576 \id 208144072918010602 \begin 0:19:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx emang? \pho ʔɛmaŋ \mb emang \ge indeed \gj indeed \ft is it? \ref 0577 \id 579207072918010602 \begin 0:19:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0578 \id 956658072919010602 \begin 0:19:50 \sp EXPERN \tx makan apa sih kamu? \pho makan ʔapa si kamu \mb makan apa sih kamu \ge eat what SIH 2 \gj eat what SIH 2 \ft what are you eating? \nt talking to OPI. \ref 0579 \id 677597072919010602 \begin 0:19:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx jagung, ya? \pho jaguŋ ya \mb jagung ya \ge corn yes \gj corn yes \ft the corn, right? \ref 0580 \id 387503072919010602 \begin 0:19:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx makan ini... terowongan. \pho makan ʔini tərɔwɔŋan \mb makan ini terowongan \ge eat this tunnel \gj eat this tunnel \ft I'm eating this... the tunnel. \nt teasing EXPERN. \ref 0581 \id 977600072920010602 \begin 0:19:55 \sp EXPERN \tx ih... \pho ʔiː \mb ih \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ih... \ref 0582 \id 743484072920010602 \begin 0:19:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0583 \id 754245072920010602 \begin 0:19:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx jagung. \pho jaguŋ \mb jagung \ge corn \gj corn \ft the corn. \ref 0584 \id 712793072921010602 \begin 0:20:01 \sp EXPERN \tx eh, mo ke Cikal lagi nggak? \pho ʔɛ mɔ kə cikal lagi ŋgaʔ \mb eh mo ke Cikal lagi nggak \ge EH want to Cikal more NEG \gj EH want to Cikal more NEG \ft do you mind if I ask you to come to Cikal again? \ref 0585 \id 632774072921010602 \begin 0:20:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx ke mana? \pho kə manah \mb ke mana \ge to which \gj to which \ft where? \ref 0586 \id 343566072921010602 \begin 0:20:05 \sp EXPERN \tx ke Cikal. \pho kə cikal \mb ke Cikal \ge to Cikal \gj to Cikal \ft to Cikal. \ref 0587 \id 525938072922010602 \begin 0:20:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx Cikal yang mana? \pho cikal yaŋ mana \mb Cikal yang mana \ge Cikal REL which \gj Cikal REL which \ft which Cikal? \ref 0588 \id 249001072922010602 \begin 0:20:09 \sp EXPERN \tx Cikal yang waktu itu, acara itu... kita kumpul-kumpul di sana, maen-maen di sana. \pho cikal yaŋ waktu ʔitu ʔacara ʔitu kita kumpulkumpul di sana maɛnmaɛn di sana \mb Cikal yang waktu itu acara itu kita kumpul - kumpul di sana maen - maen di sana \ge Cikal REL time that program that 1PL gather - gather LOC there play - play LOC there \gj Cikal REL time that program that 1PL RED-gather LOC there RED-play LOC there \ft Cikal is the place where we can gather and play there. \ref 0589 \id 577371072922010602 \begin 0:20:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx enak aku. \pho ʔɛnak ʔaku \mb enak aku \ge pleasant 1SG \gj pleasant 1SG \ft lucky me. \ref 0590 \id 688262072923010602 \begin 0:20:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx ada ya maenannya di atas ya Tante, ya? \pho ʔada ya maɛnanɲa di ʔatas ya tantə ya \mb ada ya maen -an -nya di atas ya Tante ya \ge exist yes play -AN -NYA LOC up yes aunt yes \gj exist yes play-AN-NYA LOC up yes aunt yes \ft there are toys up there, right Auntie? \ref 0591 \id 542186072923010602 \begin 0:20:13 \sp EXPERN \tx di atas mana? \pho di ʔatas mana \mb di atas mana \ge LOC up which \gj LOC up which \ft where? \ref 0592 \id 640272072923010602 \begin 0:20:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx Op(i), Opi... \pho ʔop ʔopi \mb Opi Opi \ge Opi Opi \gj Opi Opi \ft I, I... \ref 0593 \id 375554072924010602 \begin 0:20:15 \sp CHIPIT \tx maenan yang di atas. \pho maɛnan yaŋ di ʔatas \mb maen -an yang di atas \ge play -AN REL LOC up \gj play-AN REL LOC up \ft the toys up there. \ref 0594 \id 852296072924010602 \begin 0:20:16 \sp EXPERN \tx nggak tau Tante. \pho ŋgaʔ tau tantə \mb nggak tau Tante \ge NEG know aunt \gj NEG know aunt \ft I don't know. \ref 0595 \id 766403072924010602 \begin 0:20:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi enak Tante ma(enan), maenan. \pho ʔopi ʔɛnak tantə ma maɛnan \mb Opi enak Tante maen -an maen -an \ge Opi pleasant aunt play -AN play -AN \gj Opi pleasant aunt play-AN play-AN \ft I feel cool if I can play there. \ref 0596 \id 758026072925010602 \begin 0:20:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx yang di atas itu lho... \pho yaŋ di ʔatas ʔitu lɔ \mb yang di atas itu lho \ge REL LOC up that EXCL \gj REL LOC up that EXCL \ft up there... \ref 0597 \id 358916072925010602 \begin 0:20:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx yang ke atas gitu Tante. \pho yaŋ kə ʔatas gitu tantə \mb yang ke atas gitu Tante \ge REL to up like.that aunt \gj REL to up like.that aunt \ft up there, Auntie. \ref 0598 \id 222456072926010602 \begin 0:20:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx jeng, jeng, jeng, jeng... manjat-manjat gitu. \pho jəŋ jəŋ jəŋ jəŋ manjatmanjat gitu \mb jeng jeng jeng jeng m- panjat - m- panjat gitu \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT N- climb - N- climb like.that \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT RED-N-climb like.that \ft jeng, jeng, jeng, jeng... to climb. \ref 0599 \id 823272072926010602 \begin 0:20:23 \sp EXPERN \tx oh... \pho ʔo \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh... \ref 0600 \id 756263072926010602 \begin 0:20:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi suka. \pho ʔopi suka \mb Opi suka \ge Opi like \gj Opi like \ft I like it. \ref 0601 \id 439113072927010602 \begin 0:20:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx Kakak Ipit nggak dapet hadiah. \pho kakaʔ ʔipit ŋgaʔ dapət ʔadiya \mb Kakak Ipit nggak dapet hadiah \ge older.sibling Ipit NEG get prize \gj older.sibling Ipit NEG get prize \ft Ipit did'nt get the prize. \ref 0602 \id 791690072927010602 \begin 0:20:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi Tante... \pho ʔopi tantə \mb Opi Tante \ge Opi aunt \gj Opi aunt \ft I... \ref 0603 \id 281037052924020602 \begin 0:20:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx cublek-cublek suweng... \pho cubləkcublək suwəŋ \mb cublek - cublek suweng \ge come.off.a.bit - come.off.a.bit earring \gj RED-come.off.a.bit earring \ft cublak-cublak suweng... \nt singing. \ref 0604 \id 805806052925020602 \begin 0:20:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx tapi Opi malu. \pho tapi ʔopi malu \mb tapi Opi malu \ge but Opi embarrassed \gj but Opi embarrassed \ft I got embarrassed. \ref 0605 \id 611191052925020602 \begin 0:20:32 \sp EXPERN \tx Kakak Ipit nggak mo jawab sih, ya? \pho kakaʔ ʔipit ŋgaʔ mɔ jawap si ya \mb Kakak Ipit nggak mo jawab sih ya \ge older.sibling Ipit NEG want answer SIH yes \gj older.sibling Ipit NEG want answer SIH yes \ft Ipit didn't want to answer, right? \ref 0606 \id 303121052926020602 \begin 0:20:34 \sp EXPERN \tx ditanya diem aja. \pho ditaɲa diyəm ʔaja \mb di- tanya diem aja \ge DI- ask silent just \gj DI-ask silent just \ft she kept silent. \ref 0607 \id 265182052926020602 \begin 0:20:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0608 \id 720105052926020602 \begin 0:20:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx (e)mang napa? \pho maŋ napah \mb emang napa \ge indeed why \gj indeed why \ft why? \ref 0609 \id 226653052927020602 \begin 0:20:40 \sp EXPERN \tx malu, ya? \pho malu ya \mb malu ya \ge embarrassed yes \gj embarrassed yes \ft you got embarrassed, huh? \nt talking to CHI. \ref 0610 \id 262857052927020602 \begin 0:20:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx orang lagi sakit, ya? \pho ʔoraŋ lagi sakit ya \mb orang lagi sakit ya \ge person more hurt yes \gj person more hurt yes \ft I was sick, remember? \ref 0611 \id 348600052927020602 \begin 0:20:45 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0612 \id 529129052928020602 \begin 0:20:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx tadi di, di, di kasa itu... Kakak Ipit nggak bisa ngomong. \pho tadi di di di kasa ʔitu kakaʔ ʔipit ŋgaʔ bisa ŋɔmɔŋ \mb tadi di di di kasa itu Kakak Ipit nggak bisa ng- omong \ge earlier LOC LOC LOC cashier that older.sibling Ipit NEG can N- speak \gj earlier LOC LOC LOC cashier that older.sibling Ipit NEG can N-speak \ft Ipit couldn't say anything at the cashier. \ref 0613 \id 793355052928020602 \begin 0:20:51 \sp EXPERN \tx di mana? \pho di mana \mb di mana \ge LOC which \gj LOC which \ft where? \ref 0614 \id 135635052928020602 \begin 0:20:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx ketawa. \pho kətawa \mb ke- tawa \ge KE- laughter \gj KE-laughter \ft she laughed. \ref 0615 \id 524192052929020602 \begin 0:20:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx kata orang-orang, 'wah, ini cewek ni nggak bisa ngomong kali.' \pho kata ʔoraŋʔoraŋ wah ʔini cɛwɛʔ ni ŋgaʔ bisa ŋɔmɔŋ kali \mb kata orang - orang wah ini cewek ni nggak bisa ng- omong kali \ge word person - person EXCL this female this NEG can N- speak maybe \gj word RED-person EXCL this female this NEG can N-speak maybe \ft people says, 'maybe she can't speak.' \ref 0616 \id 615145052929020602 \begin 0:20:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak jawab-jawab. \pho ŋgaʔ jawapjawap \mb nggak jawab - jawab \ge NEG answer - answer \gj NEG RED-answer \ft she doesn't answer. \ref 0617 \id 163849052929020602 \begin 0:21:00 \sp EXPERN \tx 'lagi sakit gigi', gitu. \pho lagi sakit gigi gitu \mb lagi sakit gigi gitu \ge more hurt tooth like.that \gj more hurt tooth like.that \ft say, 'I'm having toothache.' \ref 0618 \id 418931052930020602 \begin 0:21:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo di rumah ngomong ya Tante, ya? \pho kalɔ di rumah ŋɔmɔŋ ya tantə ya \mb kalo di rumah ng- omong ya Tante ya \ge TOP LOC house N- speak yes aunt yes \gj TOP LOC house N-speak yes aunt yes \ft but she can speak at home, right Auntie? \ref 0619 \id 893321052930020602 \begin 0:21:05 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0620 \id 872902052931020602 \begin 0:21:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx enak tau di situ. \pho ʔɛnak tau di situ \mb enak tau di situ \ge pleasant know LOC there \gj pleasant know LOC there \ft it's great to be there. \nt referring to Cikal. \ref 0621 \id 594149052931020602 \begin 0:21:09 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0622 \id 981268052931020602 \begin 0:21:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx kan ada ya mainannya yang di atas ya Pi, ya? \pho kan ʔada ya mainanɲa yaŋ di ʔatas ya pi ya \mb kan ada ya main -an -nya yang di atas ya Pi ya \ge KAN exist yes play -AN -NYA REL LOC up yes TRU-Opi yes \gj KAN exist yes play-AN-NYA REL LOC up yes TRU-Opi yes \ft there is toy up there, right Opi? \ref 0623 \id 302063052932020602 \begin 0:21:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx tapi rame, sumpek. \pho tapi ramɛ sumpək \mb tapi rame sumpek \ge but crowded restless \gj but crowded restless \ft it's too crowded there. \ref 0624 \id 489027052932020602 \begin 0:21:14 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0625 \id 889906052932020602 \begin 0:21:15 \sp EXPERN \tx nggak suka di situ? \pho ŋgaʔ suka di situ \mb nggak suka di situ \ge NEG like LOC there \gj NEG like LOC there \ft you don't like to be there? \ref 0626 \id 170908052933020602 \begin 0:21:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx enak juga situ. \pho ʔɛnak juga situ \mb enak juga situ \ge pleasant also there \gj pleasant also there \ft it's also great to be there. \ref 0627 \id 263277052933020602 \begin 0:21:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx sumpek tapi. \pho sumpək tapi \mb sumpek tapi \ge restless but \gj restless but \ft but it's crowded. \ref 0628 \id 211097052933020602 \begin 0:21:18 \sp EXPERN \tx kan enak rame-rame mainnya. \pho kan ʔɛnak ramɛramɛ mainɲa \mb kan enak rame - rame main -nya \ge KAN pleasant crowded - crowded play -NYA \gj KAN pleasant RED-crowded play-NYA \ft isn't it cool to play there together, right? \ref 0629 \id 713459052934020602 \begin 0:21:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx ada tanah-tanahan sih. \pho ʔada tanatanaan si \mb ada tanah - tanah -an sih \ge exist soil - soil -AN SIH \gj exist RED.AN-soil SIH \ft there is toy sand. \ref 0630 \id 122652052934020602 \begin 0:21:22 \sp EXPERN \tx kan... \pho kan \mb kan \ge KAN \gj KAN \ft that... \ref 0631 \id 113922052934020602 \begin 0:21:24 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the phone is ringing. \ref 0632 \id 100592052935020602 \begin 0:21:26 \sp EXPERN \tx telepon. \pho təlfɔn \mb telepon \ge telephone \gj telephone \ft the phone is ringing. \ref 0633 \id 159386052935020602 \begin 0:21:28 \sp FARPIT \tx ei! \pho ʔɛi \mb ei \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ei! \nt taking something. \ref 0634 \id 112614052936020602 \begin 0:21:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo mati berarti itu... \pho kalɔ mati bərati ʔitu \mb kalo mati ber- arti itu \ge TOP dead BER- meaning that \gj TOP dead BER-meaning that \ft if it stops ringing, it means... \ref 0635 \id 610158052936020602 \begin 0:21:32 \sp EXPERN \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0636 \id 939637052936020602 \begin 0:21:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx rusak. \pho rusak \mb rusak \ge damaged \gj damaged \ft it's broken. \ref 0637 \id 798937052937020602 \begin 0:21:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx halo? \pho halɔ \mb halo \ge hello \gj hello \ft hello? \nt talking on the phone. \ref 0638 \id 348471052937020602 \begin 0:21:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni siapa? \pho ni siyapa \mb ni siapa \ge this who \gj this who \ft who's this? \ref 0639 \id 168824052937020602 \begin 0:21:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pa! \pho pa \mb Pa \ge TRU-father \gj TRU-father \ft Dad! \ref 0640 \id 336078052938020602 \begin 0:21:39 \sp DAYPIT \tx ya, ya, ya. \pho ya ya ya \mb ya ya ya \ge yes yes yes \gj yes yes yes \ft yes, yes, yes. \ref 0641 \id 678594052938020602 \begin 0:21:41 \sp OPIPIT \tx siapa ni? \pho siyapa ni \mb siapa ni \ge who this \gj who this \ft who's this? \ref 0642 \id 941062052938020602 \begin 0:21:43 \sp DAYPIT \tx Om Rizki. \pho ʔom riski \mb Om Rizki \ge uncle Rizki \gj uncle Rizki \ft Uncle Rizki. \ref 0643 \id 454093052939020602 \begin 0:21:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx kok tau? \pho kɔʔ tau \mb kok tau \ge KOK know \gj KOK know \ft how do you know it? \ref 0644 \id 556710052939020602 \begin 0:21:47 \sp DAYPIT \tx dari baunya Papa udah tau. \pho dari bawɲa papa ʔuda tau \mb dari bau -nya Papa udah tau \ge from smell -NYA daddy PFCT know \gj from smell-NYA daddy PFCT know \ft I know it from its smell. \ref 0645 \id 835857052940020602 \begin 0:21:49 \sp EXPERN \tx dari baunya udah tau gitu. \pho dari bawɲa ʔuda tau gitu \mb dari bau -nya udah tau gitu \ge from smell -NYA PFCT know like.that \gj from smell-NYA PFCT know like.that \ft he knows it from its smell. \ref 0646 \id 776502052940020602 \begin 0:21:51 \sp DAYPIT \tx halo? \pho halɔ \mb halo \ge hello \gj hello \ft hello? \nt talking on the phone. \ref 0647 \id 397367052940020602 \begin 0:21:52 \sp DAYPIT \tx hah... \pho ha \mb hah \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh... \ref 0648 \id 255307052941020602 \begin 0:21:53 \sp DAYPIT \tx dalem... \pho daləm \mb dalem \ge inside \gj inside \ft it's inside... \nt still talking on the phone. \ref 0649 \id 347971052941020602 \begin 0:21:54 \sp DAYPIT \tx udah tunggu dulu sebentar, ya? \pho ʔuda tuŋgu dulu səbəntar ya \mb udah tunggu dulu se- bentar ya \ge PFCT wait before SE- moment yes \gj PFCT wait before SE-moment yes \ft just a moment, okay? \nt = wait for me, okay? \ref 0650 \id 768356052941020602 \begin 0:21:55 \sp DAYPIT \tx tunggu semuanya dah. \pho tuŋgu səmuwaɲa da \mb tunggu semua -nya dah \ge wait all -NYA DAH \gj wait all-NYA DAH \ft wait for others. \ref 0651 \id 272409052942020602 \begin 0:21:56 \sp DAYPIT \tx he-eh, he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə həʔə \mb he-eh he-eh \ge uh-huh uh-huh \gj uh-huh uh-huh \ft uh-huh, uh-huh. \ref 0652 \id 681352052942020602 \begin 0:21:58 \sp DAYPIT \tx yok, assalamualaikum. \pho yɔʔ salamulekum \mb yok assalamualaikum \ge AYO peace.unto.ye \gj AYO peace.unto.ye \ft okay, bye. \ref 0653 \id 503902052942020602 \begin 0:22:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx mam. \pho mam \mb mam \ge eat \gj eat \ft eating. \ref 0654 \id 695641052943020602 \begin 0:22:02 \sp EXPERN \tx Opi mo makan, Pi? \pho ʔopi mɔ makan pi \mb Opi mo makan Pi \ge Opi want eat TRU-Opi \gj Opi want eat TRU-Opi \ft Opi, do you want to eat? \ref 0655 \id 350644052943020602 \begin 0:22:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0656 \id 690047052944020602 \begin 0:22:06 \sp DAYPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0657 \id 845647052944020602 \begin 0:22:08 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0658 \id 611258052944020602 \begin 0:22:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt still playing with the racing track. \ref 0659 \id 522799052945020602 \begin 0:22:14 \sp FARPIT \tx 0. \nt playing with the chopping block. \ref 0660 \id 605688052945020602 \begin 0:22:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pak, bolehlah xxx. \mb Pak boleh -lah xxx \ge TRU-father may -LAH xxx \gj TRU-father may-LAH xxx \ft Sir, can I xxx? \nt singing. \ref 0661 \id 519965052945020602 \begin 0:22:19 \sp JIAPIT \tx heh? \pho hɛ \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0662 \id 661911052946020602 \begin 0:22:21 \sp JIAPIT \tx punyanya siapa? \pho puɲaɲa siyapa \mb punya -nya siapa \ge have -NYA who \gj have-NYA who \ft whose this? \ref 0663 \id 454400052946020602 \begin 0:22:23 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0664 \id 322696052947020602 \begin 0:22:25 \sp EXPERN \tx kenapa ngintip-ngintip Tante? \pho kənapa ŋintipŋintip tantə \mb kenapa ng- intip - ng- intip Tante \ge why N- peek - N- peek aunt \gj why RED-N-peek aunt \ft why do you keep looking at me? \nt talking to OPI. \ref 0665 \id 762443052947020602 \begin 0:22:27 \sp JIAPIT \tx ih, xxx kali. \pho ʔi xxx kali \mb ih xxx kali \ge EXCL xxx maybe \gj EXCL xxx maybe \ft ih, maybe xxx. \ref 0666 \id 806187052947020602 \begin 0:22:29 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0667 \id 708006052948020602 \begin 0:22:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft nothing. \ref 0668 \id 269881052948020602 \begin 0:22:34 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0669 \id 501511052948020602 \begin 0:22:36 \sp EXPERN \tx seneng banget ngintip-ngintip Tante. \pho sənəŋ baŋət ŋintipŋintip tantə \mb seneng banget ng- intip - ng- intip Tante \ge enjoy very N- peek - N- peek aunt \gj enjoy very RED-N-peek aunt \ft you like to keep looking at me. \ref 0670 \id 115177052949020602 \begin 0:22:39 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx aja. \pho xxx ʔaja \mb xxx aja \ge xxx just \gj xxx just \ft just xxx. \ref 0671 \id 493076052949020602 \begin 0:22:42 \sp FARPIT \tx auw. \pho ʔaw \mb auw \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft auw. \ref 0672 \id 548857052949020602 \begin 0:22:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt staring at the camcorder. \ref 0673 \id 256375052950020602 \begin 0:22:48 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx Tanah Abang. \pho xxx tana ʔabaŋ \mb xxx Tanah Abang \ge xxx Tanah older.brother \gj xxx Tanah older.brother \ft xxx Tanah Abang. \ref 0674 \id 299339052950020602 \begin 0:22:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt still playing with the car. \ref 0675 \id 600787052951020602 \begin 0:22:54 \sp EXPERN \tx kenapa kamu senyum-senyum aja? \pho kənapa kamu səɲumsəɲum ʔaja \mb kenapa kamu senyum - senyum aja \ge why 2 smile - smile just \gj why 2 RED-smile just \ft why do you keep smiling? \nt talking to OPI. \ref 0676 \id 942303052951020602 \begin 0:22:55 \sp FARPIT \tx eee... \pho ʔeː \mb eee \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 0677 \id 610760052951020602 \begin 0:22:56 \sp EXPERN \tx suka, ya? \pho suka ya \mb suka ya \ge like yes \gj like yes \ft do you like me? \ref 0678 \id 267933052952020602 \begin 0:22:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt shaking. \ref 0679 \id 160095052952020602 \begin 0:22:58 \sp EXPERN \tx hah? \pho ha \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0680 \id 332694052952020602 \begin 0:22:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0681 \id 495609052953020602 \begin 0:23:00 \sp EXPERN \tx suka? \pho suka \mb suka \ge like \gj like \ft do you like me? \ref 0682 \id 817533052953020602 \begin 0:23:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx enggak tu. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ tu \mb enggak tu \ge NEG that \gj NEG that \ft no. \ref 0683 \id 604225052953020602 \begin 0:23:01 \sp EXPERN \tx bilang kalo suka. \pho bilaŋ kalɔ suka \mb bilang kalo suka \ge say TOP like \gj say TOP like \ft tell me if you do like me. \ref 0684 \id 226795052954020602 \begin 0:23:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0685 \id 848491052954020602 \begin 0:23:03 \sp EXPERN \tx jangan malu-malu. \pho jaŋan malumalu \mb jangan malu - malu \ge don't embarrassed - embarrassed \gj don't RED-embarrassed \ft don't be embarrassed. \ref 0686 \id 710335052954020602 \begin 0:23:04 \sp EXPERN \tx Pi! \pho pi \mb Pi \ge TRU-Opi \gj TRU-Opi \ft Opi! \ref 0687 \id 719001052955020602 \begin 0:23:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0688 \id 572433052955020602 \begin 0:23:06 \sp EXPERN \tx bilang kalo suka ama Tante. \pho bilaŋ kalɔ suka ʔama tantə \mb bilang kalo suka ama Tante \ge say TOP like with aunt \gj say TOP like with aunt \ft tell me if you do like me. \ref 0689 \id 498219052955020602 \begin 0:23:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx enggak, siapa yang suka? \pho ʔəŋga siyapa yaŋ suka \mb enggak siapa yang suka \ge NEG who REL like \gj NEG who REL like \ft no, who likes you? \ref 0690 \id 585265052956020602 \begin 0:23:09 \sp EXPERN \tx lha tu senyum-senyum aja dari tadi. \pho la tu səɲumsəɲum ʔaja dari tadi \mb lha tu senyum - senyum aja dari tadi \ge EXCL that smile - smile just from earlier \gj EXCL that RED-smile just from earlier \ft but you keep smiling at me. \ref 0691 \id 159765052956020602 \begin 0:23:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante udah gede. \pho tantə ʔuda gədɛ \mb Tante udah gede \ge aunt PFCT big \gj aunt PFCT big \ft you're mature enough. \ref 0692 \id 174731052956020602 \begin 0:23:13 \sp EXPERN \tx kenapa emang kalo udah gede? \pho kənapa ʔɛmaŋ kalɔ ʔuda gədɛ \mb kenapa emang kalo udah gede \ge why indeed TOP PFCT big \gj why indeed TOP PFCT big \ft why? \ref 0693 \id 617288052957020602 \begin 0:23:14 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0694 \id 175332052957020602 \begin 0:23:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx dewasa. \pho dɛwasa \mb dewasa \ge adult \gj adult \ft adult. \ref 0695 \id 814513052958020602 \begin 0:23:16 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0696 \id 244625052958020602 \begin 0:23:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx udah dewasa. \pho ʔuda dɛwasa \mb udah dewasa \ge PFCT adult \gj PFCT adult \ft you're mature enough. \ref 0697 \id 821167052958020602 \begin 0:23:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx udah jadi... \pho ʔuda jadi \mb udah jadi \ge PFCT become \gj PFCT become \ft you become... \ref 0698 \id 476251052959020602 \begin 0:23:20 \sp EXPERN \tx emang dewasa artinya apa? \pho ʔɛmaŋ dɛwasa ʔartiɲa ʔapa \mb emang dewasa arti -nya apa \ge indeed adult meaning -NYA what \gj indeed adult meaning-NYA what \ft what's the meaning of being mature? \ref 0699 \id 369967052959020602 \begin 0:23:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx udah... \pho ʔuda \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft you have been... \ref 0700 \id 555809052959020602 \begin 0:23:22 \sp EXPERN \tx udah apa? \pho ʔuda ʔapa \mb udah apa \ge PFCT what \gj PFCT what \ft what? \ref 0701 \id 993277053000020602 \begin 0:23:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx eee... udah jadi mama, papa. \pho ʔəː ʔuda jadi mama papa \mb eee udah jadi mama papa \ge FILL PFCT become mommy daddy \gj FILL PFCT become mommy daddy \ft umm... like mother and father. \ref 0702 \id 525168053000020602 \begin 0:23:25 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0703 \id 808101053000020602 \begin 0:23:27 \sp EXPERN \tx belum dong. \pho bəlum dɔŋ \mb belum dong \ge not.yet DONG \gj not.yet DONG \ft not yet. \ref 0704 \id 470984053001020602 \begin 0:23:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx udah. \pho ʔuda \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft yes. \ref 0705 \id 939133053001020602 \begin 0:23:29 \sp EXPERN \tx tar lagi. \pho tar lagi \mb tar lagi \ge moment more \gj moment more \ft later. \ref 0706 \id 440781053001020602 \begin 0:23:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt playing with the toy car. \ref 0707 \id 919764053002020602 \begin 0:23:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante masih kerja? \pho tantə masi kərja \mb Tante masih kerja \ge aunt still do \gj aunt still do \ft do you still work? \ref 0708 \id 704752053002020602 \begin 0:23:34 \sp EXPERN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0709 \id 527976151716020602 \begin 0:23:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante udah kerja mengumpulkan itu ya... kawin, ya? \pho tantə ʔuda kərja məŋumpulkan ʔitu ya kawin ya \mb Tante udah kerja meng- kumpul -kan itu ya kawin ya \ge aunt PFCT do MEN- gather -KAN that yes married yes \gj aunt PFCT do MEN-gather-KAN that yes married yes \ft you work because you have to prepare your marriage, right? \ref 0710 \id 312406151717020602 \begin 0:23:38 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0711 \id 621438151718020602 \begin 0:23:40 \sp EXPERN \tx ya belum bisa kawin. \pho ya bəlum bisa kawin \mb ya belum bisa kawin \ge yes not.yet can married \gj yes not.yet can married \ft I can't married yet. \ref 0712 \id 623813151718020602 \begin 0:23:41 \sp OPIPIT \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft why? \ref 0713 \id 943609151719020602 \begin 0:23:42 \sp EXPERN \tx ya belum bisa aja. \pho ya bəlum bisa ʔaja \mb ya belum bisa aja \ge yes not.yet can just \gj yes not.yet can just \ft I just can't. \ref 0714 \id 964144151719020602 \begin 0:23:43 \sp EXPERN \tx kan masih sekolah. \pho kan masi səkɔla \mb kan masih sekolah \ge KAN still school \gj KAN still school \ft I still have to go to school. \ref 0715 \id 487792151719020602 \begin 0:23:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx lha? \pho la \mb lha \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft huh? \ref 0716 \id 838176151720020602 \begin 0:23:45 \sp EXPERN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0717 \id 144656151720020602 \begin 0:23:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0718 \id 946320151720020602 \begin 0:23:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx kampus? \pho kampus \mb kampus \ge campus \gj campus \ft campus? \nt = you mean you have to go to campus? \ref 0719 \id 627604151721020602 \begin 0:23:48 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm... nggak percaya. \pho hm ŋgaʔ pərcaya \mb hmm nggak percaya \ge FILL NEG believe \gj FILL NEG believe \ft umm... you don't believe me. \ref 0720 \id 764889151721020602 \begin 0:23:49 \sp EXPERN \tx Tante kan masih sekolah. \pho tantə kan masi səkɔla \mb Tante kan masih sekolah \ge aunt KAN still school \gj aunt KAN still school \ft I still have to go to school. \ref 0721 \id 508986151722020602 \begin 0:23:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx masih di kampus, ya? \pho masi di kampus ya \mb masih di kampus ya \ge still LOC campus yes \gj still LOC campus yes \ft you still have to go to campus, right? \ref 0722 \id 641291151722020602 \begin 0:23:52 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0723 \id 855632152600020602 \begin 0:23:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx tu? \pho tu \mb tu \ge that \gj that \ft you see? \ref 0724 \id 396050151722020602 \begin 0:23:54 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0725 \id 625371151723020602 \begin 0:23:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx kampus di mana... kampus? \pho kampus di mana kampus \mb kampus di mana kampus \ge campus LOC which campus \gj campus LOC which campus \ft where is your campus? \ref 0726 \id 132918151723020602 \begin 0:23:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx kampus, kampus UI. \pho kampus kampus ʔuʔi \mb kampus kampus UI \ge campus campus UI \gj campus campus UI \ft UI. \ref 0727 \id 767614151723020602 \begin 0:23:57 \sp EXPERN \tx di UI. \mb di UI \ge LOC UI \gj LOC UI \ft at UI. \ref 0728 \id 401445151724020602 \begin 0:23:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx kan ada tulisan 'UI' sama ituan pas mo tanjakan itu ya Tante, ya? \pho kan ʔada tulisan ʔuʔi sama ʔituwan pas mɔ tanjakan ʔitu ya tantə ya \mb kan ada tulis -an UI sama itu -an pas mo tanjak -an itu ya Tante ya \ge KAN exist write -AN UI with that -AN precise want slope -AN that yes aunt yes \gj KAN exist write-AN UI with that-AN precise want slope-AN that yes aunt yes \ft there is 'UI' before we reach the slope, right Auntie? \ref 0729 \id 400916151724020602 \begin 0:23:59 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0730 \id 503026151724020602 \begin 0:24:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0731 \id 379002151725020602 \begin 0:24:01 \sp EXPERN \tx emang udah pernah ke sana? \pho ʔɛmaŋ ʔuda pərna kə sana \mb emang udah pernah ke sana \ge indeed PFCT ever to there \gj indeed PFCT ever to there \ft have you been there? \ref 0732 \id 298737151725020602 \begin 0:24:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx udah. \pho ʔuda \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft yes. \ref 0733 \id 389277151725020602 \begin 0:24:03 \sp EXPERN \tx sama siapa? \pho sama siyapa \mb sama siapa \ge with who \gj with who \ft with who? \ref 0734 \id 190240151726020602 \begin 0:24:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx lewatin doang jalanannya. \pho lɛwatin dɔwaŋ jalananɲa \mb lewat -in doang jalan -an -nya \ge go.by -IN just street -AN -NYA \gj go.by-IN just street-AN-NYA \ft I passed the street. \ref 0735 \id 273273151726020602 \begin 0:24:05 \sp EXPERN \tx oh... \pho ʔo \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh... \ref 0736 \id 808085151727020602 \begin 0:24:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx kan ada xx xx... kan ada ja(lan), dua jalanan. \pho kan ʔada kaʔ si kan ʔada jaʔ duwa jalanan \mb kan ada xx xx kan ada jalan dua jalan -an \ge KAN exist xx xx KAN exist street two walk -AN \gj KAN exist xx xx KAN exist street two walk-AN \ft there are two streets. \nt = there are two directions. \ref 0737 \id 204534151727020602 \begin 0:24:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah tau aku itu. \pho ʔa tau ʔaku ʔitu \mb ah tau aku itu \ge AH know 1SG that \gj AH know 1SG that \ft I know it. \ref 0738 \id 208829151727020602 \begin 0:24:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx sono ada tulisan kampus UI, sini ada itu... \pho sɔnɔk ʔada tulisan kampus ʔuʔi sini ʔada ʔitu \mb sono ada tulis -an kampus UI sini ada itu \ge there exist write -AN campus UI here exist that \gj there exist write-AN campus UI here exist that \ft one is UI, and other is... \ref 0739 \id 406466151728020602 \begin 0:24:12 \sp EXPERN \tx Pasar Minggu. \pho pasar miŋgu \mb Pasar Minggu \ge Pasar Minggu \gj Pasar Minggu \ft Pasar Minggu. \ref 0740 \id 184294151728020602 \begin 0:24:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0741 \id 237602151728020602 \begin 0:24:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante, Tante! \pho tantə tantə \mb Tante Tante \ge aunt aunt \gj aunt aunt \ft Auntie, Auntie! \ref 0742 \id 679504151729020602 \begin 0:24:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx kayaknya Opi, Tante rumahnya tingkat tapi bersih tapi gede banget kayak gajah. \pho kayaʔɲa ʔopi tantə rumaɲa tiŋkat tapi bərsi tapi gədɛː baŋət kayaʔ gaja \mb kayak -nya Opi Tante rumah -nya tingkat tapi bersih tapi gede banget kayak gajah \ge like -NYA Opi aunt house -NYA level but clean but big very like elephant \gj like-NYA Opi aunt house-NYA level but clean but big very like elephant \ft I think you have a big clean two floor-house. \ref 0743 \id 949466151729020602 \begin 0:24:20 \sp EXPERN \tx rumahnya siapa? \pho rumaɲa siyapa \mb rumah -nya siapa \ge house -NYA who \gj house-NYA who \ft whose house? \ref 0744 \id 401776151729020602 \begin 0:24:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante. \pho tantə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft yours. \ref 0745 \id 560421151730020602 \begin 0:24:24 \sp EXPERN \tx ha ha... enggak. \pho ha ha ʔəŋgaʔ \mb ha ha enggak \ge IMIT IMIT NEG \gj IMIT IMIT NEG \ft ha ha... no. \ref 0746 \id 207446151730020602 \begin 0:24:25 \sp EXPERN \tx rumah Tante kecil. \pho ruma tantə kəcil \mb rumah Tante kecil \ge house aunt small \gj house aunt small \ft my house is small. \ref 0747 \id 551013151730020602 \begin 0:24:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx tingkat? \pho tiŋkat \mb tingkat \ge level \gj level \ft is it a two-floor house? \ref 0748 \id 488390151731020602 \begin 0:24:27 \sp EXPERN \tx tingkat. \pho tiŋkat \mb tingkat \ge level \gj level \ft yes. \ref 0749 \id 979868151731020602 \begin 0:24:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx tapi kayak rumahnya ya Lala Bombom. \pho tapi kayaʔ rumaɲa ya lala bɔmbɔm \mb tapi kayak rumah -nya ya Lala Bombom \ge but like house -NYA yes Lala Bombom \gj but like house-NYA yes Lala Bombom \ft it looks like Lala Bombom's house. \ref 0750 \id 174420151732020602 \begin 0:24:31 \sp EXPERN \tx Lala Bombom mana? \pho lala bɔmbɔm mana \mb Lala Bombom mana \ge Lala Bombom which \gj Lala Bombom which \ft which Lala Bombom? \ref 0751 \id 779850151732020602 \begin 0:24:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx yang di TV. \pho yaŋ di tifi \mb yang di TV \ge REL LOC TV \gj REL LOC TV \ft the one on the TV. \ref 0752 \id 861355151732020602 \begin 0:24:35 \sp CHIPIT \tx Bombom mah yang di Bidadari. \pho bɔmbɔm ma yaŋ di bidadari \mb Bombom mah yang di Bidadari \ge Bombom MAH REL LOC female.angel \gj Bombom MAH REL LOC female.angel \ft Bombom is in "Bidadari". \nt Bidadari is a title of TV program for kids. \ref 0753 \id 910479151733020602 \begin 0:24:37 \sp EXPERN \tx oh... enggak. \pho ʔo ʔəŋgaʔ \mb oh enggak \ge EXCL NEG \gj EXCL NEG \ft oh... no. \ref 0754 \id 341741151733020602 \begin 0:24:39 \sp EXPERN \tx rumah Tante kecil, tapi tingkat. \pho ruma tantə kəcil tapi tiŋkat \mb rumah Tante kecil tapi tingkat \ge house aunt small but level \gj house aunt small but level \ft I have a little two-floor house. \ref 0755 \id 454822151733020602 \begin 0:24:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx tapi nggak... abisan jalanan Tante kecil banget. \pho tapi ŋgaʔ ʔabisan jalanan tantə kəcil baŋət \mb tapi nggak abis -an jalan -an Tante kecil banget \ge but NEG finished -AN street -AN aunt small very \gj but NEG finished-AN street-AN aunt small very \ft but the road to get your house isn't wide. \ref 0756 \id 212924151734020602 \begin 0:24:45 \sp JIAPIT \tx sebelah mana sih? \pho səbəla mana si \mb se- belah mana sih \ge SE- side which SIH \gj SE-side which SIH \ft which side? \nt = where is it? \ref 0757 \id 824618151734020602 \begin 0:24:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx kay(ak), kalo gajah masuk udah... \pho kay kalɔ gaja masuk ʔuda \mb kayak kalo gajah masuk udah \ge like TOP elephant go.in PFCT \gj like TOP elephant go.in PFCT \ft if an elephant passes, it will... \ref 0758 \id 871821151735020602 \begin 0:24:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx xx. \pho ʔambrəs \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 0759 \id 421306151735020602 \begin 0:24:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah itu, dah pecah semuanya. \pho da ʔitu da pəcaʰ səmuwaɲa \mb dah itu dah pecah semua -nya \ge PFCT that PFCT shattered all -NYA \gj PFCT that PFCT shattered all-NYA \ft it will be brake. \nt referring to his previous utterance. \ref 0760 \id 300433151735020602 \begin 0:24:53 \sp EXPERN \tx gajahnya Opi, ya? \pho gajaɲa ʔopi ya \mb gajah -nya Opi ya \ge elephant -NYA Opi yes \gj elephant-NYA Opi yes \ft you're the elephant, right? \ref 0761 \id 983836151736020602 \begin 0:24:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx bukan. \pho bukan \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0762 \id 257131151736020602 \begin 0:24:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx gajahnya Tante. \pho gajaɲa tantə \mb gajah -nya Tante \ge elephant -NYA aunt \gj elephant-NYA aunt \ft you're the elephant. \ref 0763 \id 405654151736020602 \begin 0:24:56 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0764 \id 946127151737020602 \begin 0:24:57 \sp EXPERN \tx gajahnya Opi. \pho gajaɲa ʔopi \mb gajah -nya Opi \ge elephant -NYA Opi \gj elephant-NYA Opi \ft you're the elephant. \ref 0765 \id 979746151737020602 \begin 0:24:58 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx, kan? \pho xxx kan \mb xxx kan \ge xxx KAN \gj xxx KAN \ft xxx, right? \ref 0766 \id 816571151737020602 \begin 0:25:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya... berubah! \pho ya bəruba \mb ya be- rubah \ge yes BER- change \gj yes BER-change \ft yes... it changes! \nt acting like a movie character. \ref 0767 \id 636373151738020602 \begin 0:25:01 \sp EXPERN \tx mmm... mmm... \pho m m \mb mmm mmm \ge FILL FILL \gj FILL FILL \ft umm... umm... \ref 0768 \id 535829151738020602 \begin 0:25:02 \sp EXPERN \tx ya Pi? \pho ya pi \mb ya Pi \ge yes TRU-Opi \gj yes TRU-Opi \ft right, Opi? \ref 0769 \id 899686151738020602 \begin 0:25:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx bukan. \pho bukan \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0770 \id 749700151739020602 \begin 0:25:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx asik... kalo Opi berubah ni... \pho ʔasik kalɔ ʔopi bəruba ni \mb asik kalo Opi be- rubah ni \ge fun TOP Opi BER- change this \gj fun TOP Opi BER-change this \ft it's cool if I can change... \ref 0771 \id 829975151739020602 \begin 0:25:05 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ais anteng. \pho ʔais ʔantəŋ \mb Ais anteng \ge Ais quiet \gj Ais quiet \ft Ais is quiet. \nt talking to EXPERN. \ref 0772 \id 909738151740020602 \begin 0:25:06 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0773 \id 497354151740020602 \begin 0:25:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx apaan, apaan Tante? \pho ʔapaan ʔapaan tantə \mb apa -an apa -an Tante \ge what -AN what -AN aunt \gj what-AN what-AN aunt \ft what? \ref 0774 \id 437253151740020602 \begin 0:25:09 \sp JIAPIT \tx berarti kalo aku Selasa, nggak usah xxx dong Pa? \pho bərʔarti kalɔ ʔaku səlasa ŋgaʔ ʔusa xxx dɔŋ pa \mb ber- arti kalo aku Selasa nggak usah xxx dong Pa \ge BER- meaning TOP 1SG Tuesday NEG must xxx DONG TRU-father \gj BER-meaning TOP 1SG Tuesday NEG must xxx DONG TRU-father \ft if I take Tuesday, I don't have to xxx, right? \nt talking to DAY. \ref 0775 \id 121041151741020602 \begin 0:25:11 \sp EXPERN \tx Opi anteng. \pho ʔopi ʔantəŋ \mb Opi anteng \ge Opi quiet \gj Opi quiet \ft Opi keeps silent. \ref 0776 \id 946232151741020602 \begin 0:25:12 \sp EXPERN \tx Opi ganteng katanya. \pho ʔopi gantəŋ kataɲa \mb Opi ganteng kata -nya \ge Opi handsome word -NYA \gj Opi handsome word-NYA \ft I hear you're handsome. \ref 0777 \id 937622151741020602 \begin 0:25:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx siapa dulu dong? \pho siyapa dulu dɔŋ \mb siapa dulu dong \ge who before DONG \gj who before DONG \ft that's me. \ref 0778 \id 240244151742020602 \begin 0:25:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pedro Santiago... \pho pɛdrɔ santiyagɔ \mb Pedro Santiago \ge Pedro Santiago \gj Pedro Santiago \ft Pedro Santiago... \ref 0779 \id 994427151742020602 \begin 0:25:15 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0780 \id 966770151742020602 \begin 0:25:16 \sp EXPERN \tx kok Pedro Santiago? \pho kɔʔ pɛdrɔ santiyagɔ \mb kok Pedro Santiago \ge KOK Pedro Santiago \gj KOK Pedro Santiago \ft Pedro Santiago? \ref 0781 \id 529221151743020602 \begin 0:25:18 \sp JIAPIT \tx Pa! \pho pah \mb Pa \ge TRU-father \gj TRU-father \ft Dad! \ref 0782 \id 541166151743020602 \begin 0:25:20 \sp DAYPIT \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0783 \id 592996151743020602 \begin 0:25:22 \sp EXPERN \tx siapa sih dia? \pho siyapa sih diya \mb siapa sih dia \ge who SIH 3 \gj who SIH 3 \ft who is he? \ref 0784 \id 506476151744020602 \begin 0:25:24 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pedro. \pho pɛdrɔ \mb Pedro \ge Pedro \gj Pedro \ft Pedro. \ref 0785 \id 755490151744020602 \begin 0:25:24 \sp JIAPIT \tx yang anterin siapa? \pho yaŋ ʔantərin siyapa \mb yang anter -in siapa \ge REL deliver -IN who \gj REL deliver-IN who \ft who will take you there? \ref 0786 \id 947794151745020602 \begin 0:25:25 \sp EXPERN \tx main di mana? \pho main di mana \mb main di mana \ge play LOC which \gj play LOC which \ft where does he play? \nt = which film does he play? \ref 0787 \id 192565151745020602 \begin 0:25:26 \sp EXPERN \tx bintang filem? \pho bintaŋ filəm \mb bintang filem \ge star film \gj star film \ft is he a movie star? \ref 0788 \id 645912151745020602 \begin 0:25:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx Amigos, Amigos, Amigos... \pho ʔamigɔs ʔamigɔ ʔamigɔs \mb Amigos Amigos Amigos \ge Amigos Amigos Amigos \gj Amigos Amigos Amigos \ft Amigos, Amigos, Amigos... \ref 0789 \id 665434151746020602 \begin 0:25:28 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0790 \id 261246151746020602 \begin 0:25:29 \sp EXPERN \tx oh, di Amigos. \pho ʔo di ʔamigɔs \mb oh di Amigos \ge EXCL LOC Amigos \gj EXCL LOC Amigos \ft oh, Amigos. \ref 0791 \id 280199151746020602 \begin 0:25:30 \sp JIAPIT \tx nomernya berapa? \pho nɔmərɲa bərapa \mb nomer -nya berapa \ge number -NYA how.much \gj number-NYA how.much \ft what number? \ref 0792 \id 209376151747020602 \begin 0:25:31 \sp EXPERN \tx kok suka sih nonton Amigos? \pho kɔʔ suka si nɔntɔn ʔamigɔs \mb kok suka sih n- tonton Amigos \ge KOK like SIH N- watch Amigos \gj KOK like SIH N-watch Amigos \ft why do you like watching it? \ref 0793 \id 589689151747020602 \begin 0:25:32 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0794 \id 726152151747020602 \begin 0:25:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx kan tap(i), tapi kan Opi nyontohnya gini... \pho kan tap tapi kan ʔopi ɲɔntɔɲa gini \mb kan tapi tapi kan Opi ny- contoh -nya gini \ge KAN but but KAN Opi N- example -NYA like.this \gj KAN but but KAN Opi N-example-NYA like.this \ft I follow him like this... \ref 0795 \id 152263151748020602 \begin 0:25:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pedro Santiago... xx xx... \pho pɛdrɔ santiyagɔ ʔanare nata \mb Pedro Santiago xx xx \ge Pedro Santiago xx xx \gj Pedro Santiago xx xx \ft Pedro Santiago... xx xx... \ref 0796 \id 101340151748020602 \begin 0:25:38 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0797 \id 129722151748020602 \begin 0:25:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx terus gimana? \pho tərus gimana \mb terus gimana \ge continue how \gj continue how \ft then what? \nt talking to CHI. \ref 0798 \id 154654151749020602 \begin 0:25:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx kucuk, kucuk hi... \pho kucuk kucuk hi \mb kucuk kucuk hi \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft kucuk, kucuk hi... \ref 0799 \id 682930151749020602 \begin 0:25:44 \sp CHIPIT \tx ye... bukan. \pho yɛː bukan \mb ye bukan \ge EXCL NEG \gj EXCL NEG \ft ye... no. \ref 0800 \id 928731151750020602 \begin 0:25:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ibu Melisa... \pho ʔibu mɛlisa \mb Ibu Melisa \ge mother Melisa \gj mother Melisa \ft Mrs. Melisa... \ref 0801 \id 203011151750020602 \begin 0:25:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx bukan. \pho bukan \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0802 \id 717822151750020602 \begin 0:25:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx Bapak Sarvador. \pho bapaʔ sarfadɔr \mb Bapak Sarvador \ge father Sarvador \gj father Sarvador \ft Mr. Sarvador. \ref 0803 \id 559132151751020602 \begin 0:25:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0804 \id 155146151751020602 \begin 0:25:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx kayaknya... katanya Kakak Indri bukan begitu. \pho kayaʔɲa kataɲa kakaʔ ʔindri bukan bəgitu \mb kayak -nya kata -nya Kakak Indri bukan begitu \ge like -NYA word -NYA older.sibling Indri NEG like.that \gj like-NYA word-NYA older.sibling Indri NEG like.that \ft Indri didn't say it like that. \ref 0805 \id 124856183653020602 \begin 0:25:53 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx ke sono lama gitu? \pho xxx kə sɔnɔ lama gitu \mb xxx ke sono lama gitu \ge xxx to there long.time like.that \gj xxx to there long.time like.that \ft will you be there for long time? \ref 0806 \id 267807183653020602 \begin 0:25:55 \sp EXPERN \tx bukan apa? \pho bukan ʔapa \mb bukan apa \ge NEG what \gj NEG what \ft what? \ref 0807 \id 745714183653020602 \begin 0:25:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx bukan apaan aja. \pho bukan ʔapaan ʔaja \mb bukan apa -an aja \ge NEG what -AN just \gj NEG what-AN just \ft nothing. \ref 0808 \id 439157183654020602 \begin 0:26:00 \sp EXPERN \tx Mbak Indri belum pulang, ya? \pho mbaʔ ʔindri bəlum pulaŋ ya \mb Mbak Indri belum pulang ya \ge EPIT Indri not.yet return yes \gj EPIT Indri not.yet return yes \ft Indri hasn't come back yet, right? \ref 0809 \id 630599183654020602 \begin 0:26:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pedro Santiago... xx xx... \pho pɛdrɔ santiyagɔ ʔanare nata \mb Pedro Santiago xx xx \ge Pedro Santiago xx xx \gj Pedro Santiago xx xx \ft Pedro Santiago... xx xx... \ref 0810 \id 693378183654020602 \begin 0:26:03 \sp CHIPIT \tx Opi! \pho ʔopi \mb Opi \ge Opi \gj Opi \ft Opi! \ref 0811 \id 121322183655020602 \begin 0:26:05 \sp CHIPIT \tx Opi pake kayak ginian ya sama kayak ginian? \mb Opi pake kayak gini -an ya sama kayak gini -an \ge Opi use like like.this -AN yes with like like.this -AN \gj Opi use like like.this-AN yes with like like.this-AN \ft you use this and this, right? \nt touching her forehead and her ear. \ref 0812 \id 147712184501020602 \begin 0:26:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \nt = it's not like that. \ref 0813 \id 272161183655020602 \begin 0:26:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx (e)mang napa? \pho maŋ napa \mb emang napa \ge indeed why \gj indeed why \ft why? \ref 0814 \id 123226183655020602 \begin 0:26:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx kalo Kakak Ipit mah mmm... kata, kata Kakak Indri tadi abis maghrib kan begini... \pho kalɔ kakaʔ ʔipit mah mː kata kata kakaʔ ʔindri tadi ʔabis magrip kan bəgini \mb kalo Kakak Ipit mah mmm kata kata Kakak Indri tadi abis maghrib kan begini \ge TOP older.sibling Ipit MAH FILL word word older.sibling Indri earlier finished sunset.prayer KAN like.this \gj TOP older.sibling Ipit MAH FILL word word older.sibling Indri earlier finished sunset.prayer KAN like.this \ft I make it like this... \ref 0815 \id 771675183656020602 \begin 0:26:13 \sp CHIPIT \tx Kakak Indri nyanyinya begini... \pho kakaʔ ʔindri ɲaɲiɲa bəgini \mb Kakak Indri nyanyi -nya begini \ge older.sibling Indri sing -NYA like.this \gj older.sibling Indri sing-NYA like.this \ft Indri sings like this... \ref 0816 \id 254775183656020602 \begin 0:26:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx aku boleh [?]. \pho ʔaku bɔlɛ \mb aku boleh \ge 1SG may \gj 1SG may \ft may I? \ref 0817 \id 411504183656020602 \begin 0:26:15 \sp CHIPIT \tx Pedro Santiago x xx... \pho pɛdrɔ santiyago ʔanare nata \mb Pedro Santiago xx xx \ge Pedro Santiago xx xx \gj Pedro Santiago xx xx \ft Pedro Santiago xx xx... \ref 0818 \id 255112183657020602 \begin 0:26:17 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ibu Melisa, Bapak Sarvador... \pho ʔibu mɛlisa bapaʔ sarfadɔr \mb Ibu Melisa Bapak Sarvador \ge mother Melisa father Sarvador \gj mother Melisa father Sarvador \ft Mrs. Melisa, Mr. Sarvador... \ref 0819 \id 686829183657020602 \begin 0:26:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx tau. \pho tau \mb tau \ge know \gj know \ft I know. \ref 0820 \id 747796183657020602 \begin 0:26:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak pake gini. \pho ŋgaʔ pakɛ gini \mb nggak pake gini \ge NEG use like.this \gj NEG use like.this \ft don't use this. \nt touching his head. \ref 0821 \id 335322183658020602 \begin 0:26:23 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the phone is ringing. \ref 0822 \id 563157183658020602 \begin 0:26:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx kan biar cakep gini. \pho kan biyar cakəp gini \mb kan biar cakep gini \ge KAN let goodlooking like.this \gj KAN let goodlooking like.this \ft it will me make look nice. \nt touching his head. \ref 0823 \id 288430183659020602 \begin 0:26:27 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0824 \id 858646183659020602 \begin 0:26:29 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya... cakep. \pho ʔiyah cakəp \mb iya cakep \ge yes goodlooking \gj yes goodlooking \ft yes... you look nice. \nt teasing OPI. \ref 0825 \id 394170183659020602 \begin 0:26:30 \sp JIAPIT \tx ini pacarku kali. \pho ʔini pacarku kali \mb ini pacar -ku kali \ge this boy.or.girlfriend -1SG possible \gj this boy.or.girlfriend-1SG possible \ft maybe it's from my boyfriend. \nt referring to the phone. \ref 0826 \id 527202183700020602 \begin 0:26:31 \sp JIAPIT \tx gantian. \pho gantiyan \mb ganti -an \ge change -AN \gj change-AN \ft we take turn. \nt referring to the phone call for DAY before. \ref 0827 \id 803836183700020602 \begin 0:26:32 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0828 \id 799873183700020602 \begin 0:26:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt clapping hands. \ref 0829 \id 784387183701020602 \begin 0:26:34 \sp JIAPIT \tx sut... heh! \pho sut hɛ \mb sut heh \ge IMIT EXCL \gj IMIT EXCL \ft sut... hey! \nt asking OPI to stop clapping hands. \ref 0830 \id 615569183701020602 \begin 0:26:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx Si Zulfi ganteng... \pho si sulfi gantəŋ \mb Si Zulfi ganteng \ge PERS Zulfi handsome \gj PERS Zulfi handsome \ft Zulfi the handsome... \ref 0831 \id 978271183701020602 \begin 0:26:38 \sp JIAPIT \tx assalamualaikum. \pho ʔasalamulekum \mb assalamualaikum \ge peace.unto.ye \gj peace.unto.ye \ft hello? \nt talking on the phone. \ref 0832 \id 330178183702020602 \begin 0:26:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx pacarnya Yayang... \pho pacarɲa yayaŋ \mb pacar -nya Yayang \ge boy.or.girlfriend -NYA Yayang \gj boy.or.girlfriend-NYA Yayang \ft my girlfriend is Yayang... \ref 0833 \id 512809183702020602 \begin 0:26:40 \sp JIAPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \nt still talking on the phone. \ref 0834 \id 103086183702020602 \begin 0:26:41 \sp JIAPIT \tx Mas! \pho mas \mb Mas \ge EPIT \gj EPIT \ft hey! \ref 0835 \id 674615183703020602 \begin 0:26:42 \sp JIAPIT \tx itu kemaren temenmu telepon tu. \pho ʔitu kəmarɛn təmənmu telfun tu \mb itu kemaren temen -mu telepon tu \ge that yesterday friend -2 telephone that \gj that yesterday friend-2 telephone that \ft your friend called yesterday. \ref 0836 \id 675919183703020602 \begin 0:26:44 \sp JIAPIT \tx Si Didin. \pho si didin \mb Si Didin \ge PERS Didin \gj PERS Didin \ft Didin. \ref 0837 \id 982447183703020602 \begin 0:26:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmm, mmm... \pho m m \mb mmm mmm \ge FILL FILL \gj FILL FILL \ft umm, umm... \nt taking keripik. \ref 0838 \id 311877183704020602 \begin 0:26:47 \sp JIAPIT \tx sebentar ni, aku, aku ambilin nomer teleponnya dulu, ya? \pho səbəntar ni ʔaku ʔaku ʔambilin nɔmər təlfunɲa dulu ya \mb se- bentar ni aku aku ambil -in nomer telepon -nya dulu ya \ge SE- moment this 1SG 1SG take -IN number telephone -NYA before yes \gj SE-moment this 1SG 1SG take-IN number telephone-NYA before yes \ft wait, let me take his number, okay? \ref 0839 \id 732015183704020602 \begin 0:26:49 \sp JIAPIT \tx dia udah kerja di Kalibata katanya. \mb dia udah kerja di Kalibata kata -nya \ge 3 PFCT do LOC Kalibata word -NYA \gj 3 PFCT do LOC Kalibata word-NYA \ft he said he has worked in Kalibata. \ref 0840 \id 597368183705020602 \begin 0:26:51 \sp JIAPIT \tx iya, Pasar Minggu. \pho ʔiya pasar miŋgu \mb iya Pasar Minggu \ge yes Pasar Minggu \gj yes Pasar Minggu \ft yes, Pasar Minggu. \ref 0841 \id 177183183705020602 \begin 0:26:52 \sp DAYPIT \tx ntar aku bawain nomernya. \pho ntar ʔaku bawain nɔmərɲa \mb ntar aku bawa -in nomer -nya \ge moment 1SG bring -IN number -NYA \gj moment 1SG bring-IN number-NYA \ft I'll bring the number. \nt = let me give the number to him. \ref 0842 \id 422397183705020602 \begin 0:26:53 \sp JIAPIT \tx heh? \pho hɛ \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0843 \id 636352183706020602 \begin 0:26:54 \sp EXPERN \tx Opi doyan juga, ya? \pho ʔopi dɔyan juga ya \mb Opi doyan juga ya \ge Opi like also yes \gj Opi like also yes \ft you like it, huh? \nt referring to keripik. \ref 0844 \id 191257183706020602 \begin 0:26:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0845 \id 272335183706020602 \begin 0:26:58 \sp JIAPIT \tx iya, entar aku titipin ama Bapaknya Ijul, ya? \pho ʔiya ʔəntar ʔaku titipin ʔama bapaʔɲa ʔijul ya \mb iya entar aku titip -in ama Bapak -nya Ijul ya \ge yes moment 1SG entrust -IN with father -NYA Ijul yes \gj yes moment 1SG entrust-IN with father-NYA Ijul yes \ft yes, I'll give the number to my husband, okay? \ref 0846 \id 338620183707020602 \begin 0:27:00 \sp JIAPIT \tx yok. \pho yɔʔ \mb yok \ge AYO \gj AYO \ft okay. \ref 0847 \id 194752183707020602 \begin 0:27:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini kan juga ada tempat duduk, ya? \pho ʔini kan juga ʔada təmpat duduk ya \mb ini kan juga ada tempat duduk ya \ge this KAN also exist place sit yes \gj this KAN also exist place sit yes \ft there is a seat, right? \nt referring to the toy car she holding. \ref 0848 \id 104449195118020602 \begin 0:27:03 \sp DAYPIT \tx Ma! \pho ma \mb Ma \ge TRU-mother \gj TRU-mother \ft Mom! \ref 0849 \id 513301183707020602 \begin 0:27:04 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0850 \id 259361183708020602 \begin 0:27:05 \sp CHIPIT \tx diri, ya? \pho diri ya \mb diri ya \ge stand yes \gj stand yes \ft stand, right? \ref 0851 \id 999230183708020602 \begin 0:27:06 \sp EXPERN \tx enggak, duduk. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ duduk \mb enggak duduk \ge NEG sit \gj NEG sit \ft no, sit. \ref 0852 \id 676264183708020602 \begin 0:27:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh boleh... boleh diri, boleh enggak, ya? \pho ʔɛ bɔlɛ bɔlɛ diri bɔlɛ ʔəŋgaʔ ya \mb eh boleh boleh diri boleh enggak ya \ge EH may may self may NEG yes \gj EH may may self may NEG yes \ft can I stand? \ref 0853 \id 495443183709020602 \begin 0:27:09 \sp EXPERN \tx nggak boleh berdiri. \pho ŋgaʔ bɔlɛ bərdiri \mb nggak boleh ber- diri \ge NEG may BER- self \gj NEG may BER-self \ft no, you can't. \ref 0854 \id 720024183709020602 \begin 0:27:10 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0855 \id 655928183710020602 \begin 0:27:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya... lagi, lagi seneng. \pho yaː lagi lagi sənəŋ \mb ya lagi lagi seneng \ge yes more more enjoy \gj yes more more enjoy \ft yeah... I'm happy now. \nt = I enjoy it if I can stand. \ref 0856 \id 697873183710020602 \begin 0:27:12 \sp EXPERN \tx ditangkap polisi kalo berdiri. \pho ditaŋkap pɔlisi kalɔ bərdiri \mb di- tangkap polisi kalo ber- diri \ge DI- catch police TOP BE- stand \gj DI-catch police TOP BE-stand \ft the police will arrest you if you stand there. \ref 0857 \id 972380183710020602 \begin 0:27:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx hah? \pho ha \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0858 \id 319454183711020602 \begin 0:27:14 \sp JIAPIT \tx jadi gocap-gocap? \pho jadi gɔcapgɔcap \mb jadi gocap - gocap \ge become fifty - fifty \gj become RED-fifty \ft it's fifty-fifty? \ref 0859 \id 280414183711020602 \begin 0:27:15 \sp EXPERN \tx ditangkap polisi kalo berdiri. \pho ditaŋkap pɔlisi kalɔ bərdiri \mb di- tangkap polisi kalo ber- diri \ge DI- catch police TOP BER- self \gj DI-catch police TOP BER-self \ft the police will arrest you if you stand. \ref 0860 \id 229615183711020602 \begin 0:27:16 \sp JIAPIT \tx oh ya. \pho ʔo ya \mb oh ya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh yes. \ref 0861 \id 545428183712020602 \begin 0:27:18 \sp DAYPIT \tx ya udah, dah. \pho ya ʔuda da \mb ya udah dah \ge yes PFCT PFCT \gj yes PFCT PFCT \ft okay, okay. \nt talking to JIA. \ref 0862 \id 226677183712020602 \begin 0:27:19 \sp DAYPIT \tx udah. \pho ʔuda \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft okay. \ref 0863 \id 668597183712020602 \begin 0:27:20 \sp JIAPIT \tx ya, ya. \pho ya ya \mb ya ya \ge yes yes \gj yes yes \ft yes, yes. \nt still talking on the phone. \ref 0864 \id 322689183713020602 \begin 0:27:21 \sp EXPERN \tx ini kapan dicakarnya? \pho ʔini kapan dicakarɲa \mb ini kapan di- cakar -nya \ge this when DI- claw -NYA \gj this when DI-claw-NYA \ft when did you get this? \nt referring to OPI's wound on his cheek. \ref 0865 \id 649166183713020602 \begin 0:27:22 \sp JIAPIT \tx iya ni Bapaknya Ijul udah mo jalan, ya? \pho ʔiya ni bapaʔɲa ʔijul uda mɔ jalan ya \mb iya ni Bapak -nya Ijul udah mo jalan ya \ge yes this father -NYA Ijul PFCT want walk yes \gj yes this father-NYA Ijul PFCT want walk yes \ft Ijul's father will leave soon, okay? \nt still talking on the phone. \ref 0866 \id 454549183714020602 \begin 0:27:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx auw. \pho ʔaw \mb auw \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft auw. \ref 0867 \id 127694183714020602 \begin 0:27:25 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0868 \id 259602183714020602 \begin 0:27:25 \sp EXPERN \tx sakit, ya? \pho sakit ya \mb sakit ya \ge hurt yes \gj hurt yes \ft is it hurt? \ref 0869 \id 535070183715020602 \begin 0:27:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx sakit. \pho sakit \mb sakit \ge hurt \gj hurt \ft yes. \ref 0870 \id 743705183715020602 \begin 0:27:25 \sp JIAPIT \tx ya udah mo jalan. \pho ya ʔuda mɔ jalan \mb ya udah mo jalan \ge yes PFCT want walk \gj yes PFCT want walk \ft he will leave soon. \ref 0871 \id 878710183715020602 \begin 0:27:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx waktu itu malem-malem. \pho watu ʔitu maləmmaləm \mb waktu itu malem - malem \ge time that night - night \gj time that RED-night \ft it was in the night. \ref 0872 \id 996717183716020602 \begin 0:27:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante! \pho tantəh \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 0873 \id 756055183716020602 \begin 0:27:28 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0874 \id 541301183716020602 \begin 0:27:29 \sp JIAPIT \tx jalan ke Bogor, kan? \pho jalan kə bɔgɔr kan \mb jalan ke Bogor kan \ge walk to Bogor KAN \gj walk to Bogor KAN \ft go to Bogor, right? \nt still talking on the phone. \ref 0875 \id 168418183717020602 \begin 0:27:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx masa aku naek mobil, naek mobil balap kenceng banget tapi. \pho masa ʔaku nɛʔ mɔbil nɛʔ mɔbil baləp kəncəŋ baŋət tapi \mb masa aku naek mobil naek mobil balap kenceng banget tapi \ge incredible 1SG go.up car go.up car race forceful very but \gj incredible 1SG go.up car go.up car race forceful very but \ft I drive the racing car. \ref 0876 \id 713617183717020602 \begin 0:27:31 \sp JIAPIT \tx udah mo jalan. \pho ʔuda mɔ jalan \mb udah mo jalan \ge PFCT want walk \gj PFCT want walk \ft he will leave soon. \nt still talking on the phone. \ref 0877 \id 984533183718020602 \begin 0:27:32 \sp DAYPIT \tx udah tutup xxx. \pho ʔuda tutup xxx \mb udah tutup xxx \ge PFCT shut xxx \gj PFCT shut xxx \ft close it. \nt 1. asking JIA to stop talking on the phone. 2. = just stop it. \ref 0878 \id 278120183718020602 \begin 0:27:33 \sp EXPERN \tx di mana? \pho di mana \mb di mana \ge LOC which \gj LOC which \ft where? \ref 0879 \id 177657200847020602 \begin 0:27:34 \sp JIAPIT \tx iya xxx. \pho ʔiya xxx \mb iya xxx \ge yes xxx \gj yes xxx \ft yes xxx. \ref 0880 \id 367082183718020602 \begin 0:27:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong... \pho ŋɔŋːː \mb ngong \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ngong... \ref 0881 \id 658035183719020602 \begin 0:27:36 \sp DAYPIT \tx kelamaan. \pho kəlamaan \mb ke an lama \ge KE AN long.time \gj KE.AN-long.time \ft it takes time. \ref 0882 \id 113654183719020602 \begin 0:27:37 \sp JIAPIT \tx mo nutup. \pho mɔ nutup \mb mo n- tutup \ge want N- shut \gj want N-shut \ft I have to close it. \nt = I have to stop this. \ref 0883 \id 995526183719020602 \begin 0:27:38 \sp JIAPIT \tx kelamaan katanya. \pho kəlamaan kataɲa \mb ke an lama kata -nya \ge KE AN long.time word -NYA \gj KE.AN-long.time word-NYA \ft it takes time. \nt still talking on the phone. \ref 0884 \id 522779183720020602 \begin 0:27:39 \sp EXPERN \tx bener? \pho bənər \mb bener \ge true \gj true \ft really? \ref 0885 \id 265617183720020602 \begin 0:27:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx bom-(bom).car. \pho bɔmkar \mb bom-bom.car \ge bumper.car \gj bumper.car \ft bom-bom car. \ref 0886 \id 839994183721020602 \begin 0:27:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx bom-bom.car. \mb bom-bom.car \ge bumper.car \gj bumper.car \ft bom-bom car \ref 0887 \id 999450183721020602 \begin 0:27:40 \sp EXPERN \tx oh, bom-bom.car. \mb oh bom-bom.car \ge EXCL bumper.car \gj EXCL bumper.car \ft oh, bom-bom car. \ref 0888 \id 788868183721020602 \begin 0:27:41 \sp JIAPIT \tx iya, ni udah jalan. \pho ʔiya ni ʔuda jalan \mb iya ni udah jalan \ge yes this PFCT walk \gj yes this PFCT walk \ft yes, he has left. \nt still talking on the phone. \ref 0889 \id 320696183722020602 \begin 0:27:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx jalan cepet banget, sampe belok. \pho jalan cəpət baŋət sampɛ bɛlɔk \mb jalan cepet banget sampe belok \ge walk quick very arrive turn \gj walk quick very arrive turn \ft it goes very fast then turns around. \ref 0890 \id 447879183722020602 \begin 0:27:43 \sp JIAPIT \tx iya xxx. \pho ʔiya xxx \mb iya xxx \ge yes xxx \gj yes xxx \ft yes xxx. \ref 0891 \id 523524183722020602 \begin 0:27:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx cit... langsung berhenti. \pho citː laŋsuŋ bərənti \mb cit langsung ber- henti \ge IMIT direct BER- stop \gj IMIT direct BER-stop \ft cit... then it stops. \ref 0892 \id 178329183723020602 \begin 0:27:45 \sp JIAPIT \tx walaikumsalam. \pho walekumsalam \mb walaikumsalam \ge peace.be.to.you \gj peace.be.to.you \ft peace be to you. \ref 0893 \id 782454183723020602 \begin 0:27:46 \sp JIAPIT \tx mana? \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where is it? \nt talking to DAY. \ref 0894 \id 525797183723020602 \begin 0:27:46 \sp DAYPIT \tx biar orangnya dateng. \pho biyar ʔoraŋɲa datəŋ \mb biar orang -nya dateng \ge let person -NYA come \gj let person-NYA come \ft wait till that man comes here. \ref 0895 \id 582906183724020602 \begin 0:27:47 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0896 \id 112878183724020602 \begin 0:27:48 \sp JIAPIT \tx jangan gitu. \pho jaŋan gitu \mb jangan gitu \ge don't like.that \gj don't like.that \ft don't do that. \ref 0897 \id 542638183725020602 \begin 0:27:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx ada mobil kosong mo ketabrak... cit... \pho ʔada mɔbil kɔsɔŋ mɔ kətabrak citː \mb ada mobil kosong mo ke- tabrak cit \ge exist car empty want KE- collide IMIT \gj exist car empty want KE-collide IMIT \ft there is a car that going to get collide... cit. \ref 0898 \id 129028183725020602 \begin 0:27:50 \sp JIAPIT \tx lha kan suka ke kamu? \pho la kan suka kə kamu \mb lha kan suka ke kamu \ge EXCL KAN like to 2 \gj EXCL KAN like to 2 \ft doesn't he often meet you? \ref 0899 \id 184373183725020602 \begin 0:27:51 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm. \pho hm \mb hmm \ge oh \gj oh \ft I see... \ref 0900 \id 667986183726020602 \begin 0:27:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx Op(i)... \pho ʔop \mb Opi \ge Opi \gj Opi \ft I... \ref 0901 \id 859266183726020602 \begin 0:27:53 \sp EXPERN \tx maen di mana bom-bom.carnya? \mb maen di mana bom-bom.car -nya \ge play LOC which bumper.car -NYA \gj play LOC which bumper.car-NYA \ft where do you play bom-bom car? \ref 0902 \id 909173183726020602 \begin 0:27:53 \sp DAYPIT \tx Ma, xxx. \pho ma xxx \mb Ma xxx \ge TRU-mother xxx \gj TRU-mother xxx \ft Mom xxx. \ref 0903 \id 891076183727020602 \begin 0:27:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx di Depok mal. \pho di dɛpɔk mɔl \mb di Depok mal \ge LOC Depok mall \gj LOC Depok mall \ft at Depok Mall. \ref 0904 \id 931190183727020602 \begin 0:27:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx ge(de), gede... \pho gə gədɛʔ \mb gede gede \ge big big \gj big big \ft big, big... \ref 0905 \id 132132183727020602 \begin 0:27:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx di Matahari. \pho di matahari \mb di Matahari \ge LOC Matahari \gj LOC Matahari \ft at Matahari. \ref 0906 \id 283068202904020602 \begin 0:27:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-em, di Matahari kan ada mobil. \pho ʔəʔəm di matahari kan ʔada mɔbil \mb he-em di Matahari kan ada mobil \ge uh-huh LOC Matahari KAN exist car \gj uh-huh LOC Matahari KAN exist car \ft uh-huh, there is car at Matahari. \ref 0907 \id 739247203006020602 \begin 0:27:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx Matahari. \pho matahari \mb Matahari \ge Matahari \gj Matahari \ft Matahari. \ref 0908 \id 651902203017020602 \begin 0:27:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi balap aja langsung... cit... \pho ʔopi silap ʔaja laŋsuŋ citː \mb Opi balap aja langsung cit \ge Opi race just direct IMIT \gj Opi race just direct IMIT \ft I race... cit... \ref 0909 \id 532252203054020602 \begin 0:28:00 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the phone is ringing. \ref 0910 \id 168380203118020602 \begin 0:28:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx ngong... cit... \mb ngong cit \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft ngong... cit... \ref 0911 \id 341239142302040602 \begin 0:28:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya... banyak telepon. \pho yaː baɲak telfɔn \mb ya banyak telepon \ge yes a.lot telephone \gj yes a.lot telephone \ft yes... there are some phones calling. \ref 0912 \id 113959142304040602 \begin 0:28:03 \sp EXPERN \tx laris manis tu telepon. \pho laris manis tu təlfɔn \mb laris manis tu telepon \ge sell.well sweet that telephone \gj sell.well sweet that telephone \ft it's nice... there are some phones calling. \ref 0913 \id 921988171413040602 \begin 0:28:04 \sp FARPIT \tx Te, Te! \pho tə tə \mb Te Te \ge TRU-aunt TRU-aunt \gj TRU-aunt TRU-aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 0914 \id 277120171500040602 \begin 0:28:05 \sp FARPIT \tx maenan bom-bom.car Ais. \mb maen -an bom-bom.car Ais \ge play -AN bumper.car Ais \gj play-AN bumper.car Ais \ft I play bom-bom car. \ref 0915 \id 666899171603040602 \begin 0:28:07 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0916 \id 597785171622040602 \begin 0:28:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante! \pho tantə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 0917 \id 883963171637040602 \begin 0:28:11 \sp DAYPIT \tx tu telepon angkat! \pho tu təlfɔn ʔaŋkat \mb tu telepon angkat \ge that telephone lift \gj that telephone lift \ft pick up that phone! \ref 0918 \id 189213171820040602 \begin 0:28:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo Tante ini... sakit ininya badannya... itu kan ada bangku pijet. \pho kalɔ tantə ʔini sakit ʔini badanɲa ʔitu kan ʔada baŋku pijət \mb kalo Tante ini sakit ini -nya badan -nya itu kan ada bangku pijet \ge TOP aunt this hurt this -NYA body -NYA that KAN exist seat massage \gj TOP aunt this hurt this-NYA body-NYA that KAN exist seat massage \ft if you get tired, there is massage seat to make you relax. \nt touching his shoulder. \ref 0919 \id 239256172304040602 \begin 0:28:14 \sp JIAPIT \tx halo? \pho halɔ \mb halo \ge hello \gj hello \ft hello? \nt talking on the phone. \ref 0920 \id 111360171940040602 \begin 0:28:15 \sp FARPIT \tx bom-bom.car, bom-bom.car, bom-bom.car... \mb bom-bom.car bom-bom.car bom-bom.car \ge bumper.car bumper.car bumper.car \gj bumper.car bumper.car bumper.car \ft bom-bom car, bom-bom car, bom-bom car... \ref 0921 \id 578770172500040602 \begin 0:28:16 \sp JIAPIT \tx ya? \pho ya \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes? \ref 0922 \id 812412182159040602 \begin 0:28:17 \sp FARPIT \tx bom-bom.car... \mb bom-bom.car \ge bumper.car \gj bumper.car \ft bom-bom car... \ref 0923 \id 932894182228040602 \begin 0:28:18 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \nt talking to OPI. \ref 0924 \id 994563182256040602 \begin 0:28:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante, Tante di situ aja kan dipijet. \mb Tante Tante di situ aja kan di- pijet \ge aunt aunt LOC there just KAN DI- massage \gj aunt aunt LOC there just KAN DI-massage \ft you sit there then you will get massage. \ref 0925 \id 546538182435040602 \begin 0:28:20 \sp JIAPIT \tx iya, ya. \pho ʔiya ya \mb iya ya \ge yes yes \gj yes yes \ft yes, yes. \nt still talking on the phone. \ref 0926 \id 879296182519040602 \begin 0:28:22 \sp EXPERN \tx dipijetin sediri, kan? \pho dipijətin səndiri kan \mb di- pijet -in se- diri kan \ge DI- massage -IN SE- self KAN \gj DI-massage-IN SE-self KAN \ft it will massage automatically, right? \ref 0927 \id 957844182621040602 \begin 0:28:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx he-eh. \pho həʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0928 \id 811739182707040602 \begin 0:28:24 \sp EXPERN \tx emang enak dipijet gitu? \pho ʔɛmaŋ ʔɛnak dipijət gitu \mb emang enak di- pijet gitu \ge indeed pleasant DI- massage like.that \gj indeed pleasant DI-massage like.that \ft is it comfortable? \ref 0929 \id 426640182741040602 \begin 0:28:25 \sp JIAPIT \tx ya, ya. \pho ya ya \mb ya ya \ge yes yes \gj yes yes \ft yes, yes. \ref 0930 \id 855649182815040602 \begin 0:28:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh, perutnya goyang-goyang sendiri. \pho ʔɛ pərutɲa gɔyaŋgɔyaŋ səndili \mb eh perut -nya goyang - goyang sen- diri \ge EH stomach -NYA shaky - shaky SE- self \gj EH stomach-NYA RED-shaky SE-self \ft it shakes our stomach automatically. \ref 0931 \id 419890182908040602 \begin 0:28:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya goyang-goyang. \pho ya gɔyaŋgɔyaŋ \mb ya goyang - goyang \ge yes shaky - shaky \gj yes RED-shaky \ft yes. \ref 0932 \id 800421183020040602 \begin 0:28:28 \sp EXPERN \tx bayar nggak? \pho bayar ŋgaʔ \mb bayar nggak \ge pay NEG \gj pay NEG \ft do we have to pay it? \ref 0933 \id 101788183046040602 \begin 0:28:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx tapi sakit. \pho tapi sakit \mb tapi sakit \ge but hurt \gj but hurt \ft but it hurts. \ref 0934 \id 456640183126040602 \sp JIAPIT \tx gimana ya? \pho gimana ya \mb gimana ya \ge how yes \gj how yes \ft how is it? \ref 0935 \id 170255183156040602 \sp OPIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0936 \id 985408183209040602 \sp EXPERN \tx gratis? \pho gratis \mb gratis \ge free \gj free \ft free of charge? \ref 0937 \id 581037183229040602 \sp OPIPIT \tx pake... \pho pakɛ \mb pake \ge use \gj use \ft use... \ref 0938 \id 206939183252040602 \sp CHIPIT \tx pake koin. \pho pakɛ kɔwin \mb pake koin \ge use coin \gj use coin \ft use the coin. \ref 0939 \id 131556183322040602 \begin 0:28:34 \sp JIAPIT \tx nggak ada Pa. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔada pah \mb nggak ada Pa \ge NEG exist TRU-father \gj NEG exist TRU-father \ft there aren't any. \nt still talking on the phone. \ref 0940 \id 658248183514040602 \begin 0:28:34 \sp FARPIT \tx Pa! \pho pa \mb Pa \ge TRU-father \gj TRU-father \ft Dad! \ref 0941 \id 988150183637040602 \begin 0:28:34 \sp DAYPIT \tx iye, iye. \pho ʔiyɛ ʔiyɛ \mb iye iye \ge yes yes \gj yes yes \ft yes, yes. \ref 0942 \id 363650183420040602 \begin 0:28:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx pake koin. \pho pakɛ kɔwin \mb pake koin \ge use coin \gj use coin \ft use the coin. \ref 0943 \id 765508183810040602 \begin 0:28:35 \sp FARPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0944 \id 112438183842040602 \begin 0:28:36 \sp EXPERN \tx oh... \pho ʔo \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see... \ref 0945 \id 355390183854040602 \begin 0:28:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx dimasukin... goyang-goyang. \pho dimasukin gɔyaŋgɔyaŋ \mb di- masuk -in goyang - goyang \ge DI- go.in -IN shaky - shaky \gj DI-go.in-IN RED-shaky \ft put the coin in... then it shakes us. \ref 0946 \id 349948183954040602 \begin 0:28:38 \sp FARPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0947 \id 690035184003040602 \begin 0:28:39 \sp JIAPIT \tx e. \pho ʔə \mb e \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \nt still talking on the phone. \ref 0948 \id 631800184044040602 \begin 0:28:40 \sp EXPERN \tx sama aja kan berarti bayar? \pho sama ʔaja kan bərati bayar \mb sama aja kan ber- arti bayar \ge with just KAN BER- meaning pay \gj with just KAN BER-meaning pay \ft so it means we have to pay it, right? \ref 0949 \id 172735184102040602 \begin 0:28:41 \sp CHIPIT \tx diginiin, diginiin... eh... \pho diginiin diginiin ʔəh \mb di- gini -in di- gini -in eh \ge DI- like.this -IN DI- like.this -IN EXCL \gj DI-like.this-IN DI-like.this-IN EXCL \ft like this... like this... eh... \nt showing the way she gets massage. \ref 0950 \id 362976184126040602 \begin 0:28:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx digituin ya Pi, ya? \pho digituwin ya pi ya \mb di- gitu -in ya Pi ya \ge DI- like.that -IN yes TRU-Opi yes \gj DI-like.that-IN yes TRU-Opi yes \ft like that, right Opi? \ref 0951 \id 949483184508040602 \begin 0:28:43 \sp DAYPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0952 \id 687969184533040602 \begin 0:28:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx emangnya tu ada orang ya? \pho ʔɛmaŋɲa tu ʔada oraŋ ya \mb emang -nya tu ada orang ya \ge indeed -NYA that exist person yes \gj indeed-NYA that exist person yes \ft is there someone? \ref 0953 \id 121104184602040602 \begin 0:28:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak ada. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔada \mb nggak ada \ge NEG exist \gj NEG exist \ft no. \ref 0954 \id 207307184616040602 \begin 0:28:46 \sp EXPERN \tx enggak, itu pake mesin. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ ʔitu pakɛ məsin \mb enggak itu pake mesin \ge NEG that use engine \gj NEG that use engine \ft no, it works automatically. \ref 0955 \id 923172184716040602 \begin 0:28:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx pake mesin? \pho pakɛ məsin \mb pake mesin \ge use engine \gj use engine \ft it works automatically? \ref 0956 \id 367451184855040602 \begin 0:28:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx gini... \pho gini \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this... \ref 0957 \id 557499184926040602 \begin 0:28:49 \sp EXPERN \tx kayak robot gitu lho. \pho kayaʔ rɔbɔt gitu lɔ \mb kayak robot gitu lho \ge like robot like.that EXCL \gj like robot like.that EXCL \ft it works like a robot. \ref 0958 \id 597240184955040602 \begin 0:28:50 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx duitnya. \pho xxx duwitɲa \mb xxx duit -nya \ge xxx money -NYA \gj xxx money-NYA \ft xxx the money. \ref 0959 \id 736930185005040602 \begin 0:28:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx ro(bot), robot. \pho rɔʔ rɔbɔt \mb robot robot \ge robot robot \gj robot robot \ft a robot. \ref 0960 \id 404394185100040602 \begin 0:28:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx kayak Teletubbies melulu, ya? \pho kayaʔ tɛlɛtabis məlulu ya \mb kayak Teletubbies melulu ya \ge like Teletubbies always yes \gj like Teletubbies always yes \ft it looks like Teletubbies, right? \ref 0961 \id 466829185152040602 \begin 0:28:53 \sp JIAPIT \tx mo ke sini. \pho mɔ kə sini \mb mo ke sini \ge want to here \gj want to here \ft he wants to come here. \ref 0962 \id 407360185227040602 \begin 0:28:54 \sp DAYPIT \tx dia mo ke sini? \pho diya mɔ kə sini \mb dia mo ke sini \ge 3 want to here \gj 3 want to here \ft he wants to come here? \ref 0963 \id 820774185316040602 \begin 0:28:55 \sp JIAPIT \tx iye. \pho ʔiyɛ \mb iye \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0964 \id 170604185329040602 \begin 0:28:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt making a sound of feeling full because of eating much. \ref 0965 \id 554099185408040602 \begin 0:28:57 \sp EXPERN \tx is... \pho ʔis \mb is \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft is... \ref 0966 \id 151546185448040602 \begin 0:28:58 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0967 \id 645005185507040602 \begin 0:28:59 \sp EXPERN \tx alhamdulillah... \pho ʔalamdulila \mb alhamdulillah \ge praise.be.to.God \gj praise.be.to.God \ft thank God... \nt asking OPI to thank to God. \ref 0968 \id 723994185554040602 \begin 0:29:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx alhamdulillah ww ww... \pho ʔalhamdulilahi rɔbbil ʔalamin \mb alhamdulillah ww ww \ge praise.be.to.God ww ww \gj praise.be.to.God ww ww \ft thanks God... \ref 0969 \id 790340185734040602 \sp OPIPIT \tx www... \pho ʔarɔhmanirɔhim \mb www \ge www \gj www \ft Allah bless us with his love... \ref 0970 \id 762305185908040602 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0971 \id 285912185927040602 \sp OPIPIT \tx www... \pho malikiyawmidin \mb www \ge www \gj www \ft in his hand finally everything will end... \ref 0972 \id 831492190030040602 \begin 0:29:04 \sp EXPERN \tx kok Opi sekarang ini ya... \pho kɔʔ ʔopi səkaraŋ ʔini ya \mb kok Opi sekarang ini ya \ge KOK Opi now this yes \gj KOK Opi now this yes \ft look at you... \ref 0973 \id 315615190101040602 \begin 0:29:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx hah? \pho ha \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0974 \id 555550190122040602 \begin 0:29:06 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing at OPI. \ref 0975 \id 245069190132040602 \begin 0:29:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx apaan? \pho ʔapaan \mb apa -an \ge what -AN \gj what-AN \ft what? \ref 0976 \id 182065190144040602 \begin 0:29:08 \sp EXPERN \tx Opi sekarang... apa yo? \pho ʔopi səkaraŋ ʔapa ya \mb Opi sekarang apa yo \ge Opi now what AYO \gj Opi now what AYO \ft you're now... can you guess? \ref 0977 \id 578532190226040602 \begin 0:29:09 \sp CHIPIT \tx kan bisa. \pho kan bisa \mb kan bisa \ge KAN can \gj KAN can \ft you can. \nt talking to FAR. \ref 0978 \id 412629190324040602 \begin 0:29:10 \sp JIAPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0979 \id 273197190333040602 \begin 0:29:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx ww ww... \pho ʔiyakanakbuduwa ʔiyakanastain \mb ww ww \ge ww ww \gj ww ww \ft Allah is my destiny and we need his help... \ref 0980 \id 432620190403040602 \begin 0:29:12 \sp EXPERN \tx malu ah. \pho malu ʔah \mb malu ah \ge embarrassed AH \gj embarrassed AH \ft look at you. \nt teasing FAR. \ref 0981 \id 564892190444040602 \begin 0:29:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx www... \pho ʔihdinasirɔtɔlmustakim \mb www \ge www \gj www \ft please show your way to us... \ref 0982 \id 658350190508040602 \begin 0:29:16 \sp JIAPIT \tx yang kita di rumah itu lho. \pho yaŋ kita di ruma ʔitu lɔ \mb yang kita di rumah itu lho \ge REL 1PL LOC house that EXCL \gj REL 1PL LOC house that EXCL \ft when we were at home. \ref 0983 \id 902736190551040602 \begin 0:29:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx ww ww ww... \pho sirɔtɔllasina ʔanʔamta ʔalaim \mb ww ww ww \ge ww ww ww \gj ww ww ww \ft the way that you give to lucky people... \ref 0984 \id 701059190705040602 \begin 0:29:18 \sp JIAPIT \tx sut, sut! \pho sut sut \mb sut sut \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft sut, sut! \nt asking OPI to be quiet. \ref 0985 \id 515213190747040602 \begin 0:29:19 \sp JIAPIT \tx Zulfi kan nggak boleh itu Pi? \pho julfi kan ŋgaʔ bɔlɛ ʔitu pi \mb Zulfi kan nggak boleh itu Pi \ge Zulfi KAN NEG may that TRU-Opi \gj Zulfi KAN NEG may that TRU-Opi \ft don't you remember you don't have to do that? \ref 0986 \id 908991190858040602 \begin 0:29:20 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0987 \id 530786190910040602 \begin 0:29:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx oh iya. \pho ʔo ʔiya \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh yes. \ref 0988 \id 730657190923040602 \begin 0:29:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx tap(i), tapi kan nggak pake mik? \pho tap tapi kan ŋgaʔ pakɛ mik \mb tapi tapi kan nggak pake mik \ge but but KAN NEG use microphone \gj but but KAN NEG use microphone \ft but I don't use the microphone, right? \ref 0989 \id 272231191039040602 \begin 0:29:23 \sp FARPIT \tx xx xx... \pho ʔinjət ʔinjət \mb xx xx \ge xx xx \gj xx xx \ft xx xx... \ref 0990 \id 397177191126040602 \begin 0:29:24 \sp EXPERN \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0991 \id 660973191138040602 \begin 0:29:26 \sp EXPERN \tx kan kedengeran. \pho kan kədəŋəran \mb kan ke an denger \ge KAN KE AN hear \gj KAN KE.AN-hear \ft but I still can hear you. \ref 0992 \id 899740191230040602 \begin 0:29:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx hah? \pho ʔa \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0993 \id 756102191241040602 \begin 0:29:26 \sp FARPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0994 \id 421064191302040602 \begin 0:29:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx kedengeran juga? \pho kədəŋəran juga \mb ke an denger juga \ge KE AN hear also \gj KE.AN-hear also \ft you can still hear me? \ref 0995 \id 733402191328040602 \begin 0:29:28 \sp EXPERN \tx kedengeran. \pho kədəŋəran \mb ke an denger \ge KE AN hear \gj KE.AN-hear \ft I can hear you. \ref 0996 \id 512002191402040602 \begin 0:29:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya? \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes? \ref 0997 \id 935532191419040602 \begin 0:29:30 \sp EXPERN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0998 \id 216455191517040602 \begin 0:29:31 \sp FARPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0999 \id 762005191528040602 \begin 0:29:32 \sp JIAPIT \tx ni Pa. \pho ni pa \mb ni Pa \ge this TRU-father \gj this TRU-father \ft here it is. \nt talking to DAY. \ref 1000 \id 640169191554040602 \begin 0:29:32 \sp @End \tx @End