\_sh v3.0 400 Text \_DateStampHasFourDigitYear \ref 001 \id 799548130320071201 \sp @PAR \tx @Participants: CHI Pipit Target Child; SAR Sarwini CHI’s mother; EXPERN Erni Experimenter; DRI Indri CHI’s older sister Experimenter; IFA Ifar CHI’s housemaid. \pho @filename: \ft @Duration: 34:05 minutes. \nt @Situation: playing the cooking set containing some glasses, some plates, some bottles, knives, spoons, a wox, a pan, a stove at CHI’s living room. \ref 002 \id 724917130634071201 \begin 0:00:10 \sp @Begin \tx @Begin \ref 003 \id 100850130640071201 \begin 0:00:10 \sp EXPERN \tx itu Coca Cola. \pho ʔitu kɔka kɔla \mb itu Coca Cola \ge that Coca Cola \gj that Coca Cola \ft that's Coca Cola. \nt referring to the red bottle. \ref 004 \id 902368130640071201 \begin 0:00:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx Coca Cola. \mb Coca Cola \ge Coca Cola \gj Coca Cola \ft Coca Cola. \nt 1. whispering 2. taking a bottle of Coca Cola. \ref 005 \id 814781130641071201 \begin 0:00:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx Coca... \pho kɔka \mb Coca \ge Coca \gj Coca \ft Coca... \ref 006 \id 246493130641071201 \begin 0:00:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt taking out the cooking set from the plastic bag. \ref 007 \id 711434130641071201 \begin 0:00:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx tar dulu, beres-beres dulu. \mb tar dulu beres - beres dulu \ge moment before in.order - in.order before \gj moment before RED-in.order before \ft just a moment, let me make it neat. \nt referring to the cooking set. \ref 008 \id 345008074636101201 \begin 0:00:20 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho həʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 009 \id 282913130642071201 \begin 0:00:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx tar kalo udah beres-beres, boleh ke sini. \mb tar kalo udah beres - beres boleh ke sini \ge moment TOP PFCT in.order - in.order may to here \gj moment TOP PFCT RED-in.order may to here \ft if it's neat, you can come here. \nt talking to EXPERN. \ref 010 \id 835687130642071201 \begin 0:00:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ayu kan nggak mo sekolah Ayu. \pho ʔayu kan ŋga mɔ səkɔlah ʔayu \mb Ayu kan nggak mo sekolah Ayu \ge Ayu KAN NEG want school Ayu \gj Ayu KAN NEG want school Ayu \ft Ayu doesn't want to go to school. \ref 011 \id 607302130642071201 \begin 0:00:30 \sp EXPERN \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft why? \ref 012 \id 636622130643071201 \begin 0:00:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx hah? \pho hah \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 013 \id 230513130643071201 \begin 0:00:34 \sp EXPERN \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft why? \ref 014 \id 469380074801101201 \begin 0:00:35 \sp CHIPIT \tx tau Ayu. \pho tau ʔayu \mb tau Ayu \ge know Ayu \gj know Ayu \ft ask her. \ref 015 \id 977973074802101201 \begin 0:00:36 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt talking to EXPERN. \ref 016 \id 717569074802101201 \begin 0:00:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak naek. \pho ŋga naɛk \mb nggak naek \ge NEG go.up \gj NEG go.up \ft she doesn't go up. \nt = she repeats the class. \ref 017 \id 798026074802101201 \begin 0:00:38 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 018 \id 348703074803101201 \begin 0:00:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak naek Ayu. \pho ŋga naɛk ʔayu \mb nggak naek Ayu \ge NEG go.up Ayu \gj NEG go.up Ayu \ft she doesn't go up. \nt = she repeats the class. \ref 019 \id 459936074803101201 \begin 0:00:40 \sp EXPERN \tx nggak naik? \pho ŋga naik \mb nggak naik \ge NEG go.up \gj NEG go.up \ft she repeats the class? \ref 020 \id 667279074803101201 \begin 0:00:41 \sp CHIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \nt = yes. \ref 021 \id 681561074803101201 \begin 0:00:43 \sp MOTPIT \tx (du)rung sekolah kok udah naek. \pho ruŋ səkɔla kɔʔ ʔuda naek \mb durung sekolah kok udah naek \ge not.yet school KOK PFCT go.up \gj not.yet school KOK PFCT go.up \ft she doesn't go to school yet... how come she repeats the class? \ref 022 \id 421922074804101201 \begin 0:00:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak TK sih. \pho ŋgaʔ tɛka si \mb nggak TK sih \ge NEG kindergarten SIH \gj NEG kindergarten SIH \ft because she doesn't go to the kindergarten. \nt referring to AYU. \ref 023 \id 762636074804101201 \begin 0:00:47 \sp EXPERN \tx emang umurnya berapa Ayu? \pho ʔɛmaŋ ʔumurɲa brapa ʔayu \mb emang umur -nya berapa Ayu \ge indeed age -NYA how.much Ayu \gj indeed age-NYA how.much Ayu \ft how old is she? \ref 024 \id 441177074804101201 \begin 0:00:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx lima ta(un)... enam tahun sekarang. \pho lima ta ʔənam tahun səkalaŋ \mb lima taun enam tahun sekarang \ge five year six year now \gj five year six year now \ft five years... she is six years old. \ref 025 \id 368738074805101201 \begin 0:00:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak kayak Opi. \pho ŋga kayaʔ ʔopi \mb nggak kayak Opi \ge NEG like Opi \gj NEG like Opi \ft it's not like Opi. \nt = she's different from Opi. \ref 026 \id 600662074805101201 \begin 0:00:54 \sp EXPERN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 027 \id 648561074805101201 \begin 0:00:57 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ibu, sini Bu. \pho ʔibu sini bu \mb Ibu sini Bu \ge mother here TRU-mother \gj mother here TRU-mother \ft Mother, come here please. \nt talking to MOT. \ref 028 \id 182372081514101201 \begin 0:01:00 \sp MOTPIT \tx iya, ntar dulu. \pho ʔiya ntar dulu \mb iya ntar dulu \ge yes moment before \gj yes moment before \ft yes, just a moment. \ref 029 \id 334157081533101201 \begin 0:01:03 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 030 \id 796337081533101201 \begin 0:01:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt arranging the cooking set. \ref 031 \id 756995081534101201 \begin 0:01:16 \sp MOTPIT \tx kan mangkoke dewe ya Far? \pho kan maŋkɔʔe dewe ya par \mb kan mangkok -e dewe ya Far \ge KAN bowl -E alone yes TRU-Ifar \gj KAN bowl-E alone yes TRU-Ifar \ft it's her own bowl, right? \ref 032 \id 136350081534101201 \begin 0:01:21 \sp IFAPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 033 \id 848921081534101201 \begin 0:01:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt arranging the cooking set. \ref 034 \id 731823081535101201 \begin 0:01:29 \sp IFAPIT \tx tu apa Pit? \pho tu ʔapa pit \mb tu apa Pit \ge that what TRU-Pipit \gj that what TRU-Pipit \ft what's that? \ref 035 \id 967189081535101201 \begin 0:01:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini Coca Cola. \pho ʔini kaka kɔla \mb ini Coca Cola \ge this Coca Cola \gj this Coca Cola \ft this is 'Kaka Kola'. \nt deliberately saying the word wrongly. \ref 036 \id 372729081535101201 \begin 0:01:33 \sp IFAPIT \tx Coca Cola? \pho kaka kɔla \mb Coca Cola \ge Coca Cola \gj Coca Cola \ft 'Kaka Kola'? \nt repeating CHI. \ref 037 \id 162207081536101201 \begin 0:01:36 \sp IFAPIT \tx Coca Cola? \pho kaka kɔla \mb Coca Cola \ge Coca Cola \gj Coca Cola \ft 'Kaka Kola'? \nt still repeating CHI. \ref 038 \id 721538081536101201 \begin 0:01:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 039 \id 916083081536101201 \begin 0:01:38 \sp IFAPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 040 \id 925465082101101201 \begin 0:01:39 \sp MOTPIT \tx Coca Cola kok Coca Cola? \pho kɔka kɔla kɔʔ kaka kɔla \mb Coca Cola kok Coca Cola \ge Coca Cola KOK Coca Cola \gj Coca Cola KOK Coca Cola \ft Coca Cola or 'Kaka Kola'? \nt correcting CHI. \ref 041 \id 209465082101101201 \begin 0:01:40 \sp CHIPIT \tx Coca Cola. \pho kɔka kɔla \mb Coca Cola \ge Coca Cola \gj Coca Cola \ft 'Kaka Kola'. \ref 042 \id 292273082101101201 \begin 0:01:41 \sp IFAPIT \tx Mbak Colanya mana, Mbak Cola? \pho mbaʔ kɔlaɲa mana mba kɔla \mb Mbak Cola -nya mana Mbak Cola \ge EPIT Cola -NYA which EPIT Cola \gj EPIT Cola-NYA which EPIT Cola \ft where is she? \nt = where is Coca Cola? \ref 043 \id 639790082102101201 \begin 0:01:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx Mbak Cola nggak ada. \pho mba kɔla ŋga ʔada \mb Mbak Cola nggak ada \ge EPIT Cola NEG exist \gj EPIT Cola NEG exist \ft she isn't here. \nt = there is no coke. \ref 044 \id 366950082102101201 \begin 0:01:43 \sp IFAPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 045 \id 248438082102101201 \begin 0:01:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx Tante mo beli apa? \pho tantə mɔ bəli ʔapah \mb Tante mo beli apa \ge aunt want buy what \gj aunt want buy what \ft what do you want to buy? \ref 046 \id 105080082103101201 \begin 0:01:47 \sp EXPERN \tx mau beli Bakso. \pho maWu bəli baʔsɔ \mb mau beli Bakso \ge want buy Bakso \gj want buy Bakso \ft I want to buy Bakso. \ref 047 \id 885045082103101201 \begin 0:01:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx Bakso... \pho baksɔ \mb Bakso \ge Bakso \gj Bakso \ft Bakso... \nt repeating EXPERN. \ref 048 \id 369389082103101201 \begin 0:01:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx dipotong dulu, ya? \pho dipɔtɔŋ dulu ya \mb di- potong dulu ya \ge DI- cut before yes \gj DI-cut before yes \ft let me cut it first, okay? \nt referring to the meatball. \ref 049 \id 729950082104101201 \begin 0:01:52 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 050 \id 984108082104101201 \begin 0:01:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx Baksonya... \pho baksɔɲa \mb Bakso -nya \ge Bakso -NYA \gj Bakso-NYA \ft the Bakso... \ref 051 \id 319976082104101201 \begin 0:01:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx tar, mana ya pisonya? \pho tal mana ya pisɔɲa \mb tar mana ya piso -nya \ge moment which yes knife -NYA \gj moment which yes knife-NYA \ft wait, where is the knife? \ref 052 \id 946289082105101201 \begin 0:01:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni piso ini aja tajem. \pho ni pisɔ ʔini ʔaja tajəm \mb ni piso ini aja tajem \ge this knife this just sharp \gj this knife this just sharp \ft use this sharp knife. \ref 053 \id 100537082105101201 \begin 0:01:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh, ini... piso ini aja. \pho ʔɛh ʔini pisɔ ʔini ʔaja \mb eh ini piso ini aja \ge EXCL this knife this just \gj EXCL this knife this just \ft oops, just this knife. \nt = well, I can use this knife. \ref 054 \id 126240082105101201 \begin 0:02:01 \sp IFAPIT \tx piso mana? \pho pisɔ mana \mb piso mana \ge knife which \gj knife which \ft which one? \ref 055 \id 117442082105101201 \begin 0:02:05 \sp CHIPIT \tx cih cih cih cih cih cih cih cih cih. \pho ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci \mb cih cih cih cih cih cih cih cih cih \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft cih cih cih cih cih cih cih cih cih. \nt pretending that she is cutting something. \ref 056 \id 756426082106101201 \begin 0:02:09 \sp CHIPIT \tx pake xx nggak? \pho pakɛ saori ŋgaʔ \mb pake xx nggak \ge use xx NEG \gj use xx NEG \ft do you want to use it? \ref 057 \id 479893082106101201 \begin 0:02:12 \sp EXPERN \tx pake. \pho pakɛ \mb pake \ge use \gj use \ft yes. \ref 058 \id 375176082106101201 \begin 0:02:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt cutting something. \ref 059 \id 803830082107101201 \begin 0:02:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx tar, ya? \pho tal yah \mb tar ya \ge moment yes \gj moment yes \ft just a moment, okay? \ref 060 \id 687483082107101201 \begin 0:02:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx oke, kita masak Bakso di sini. \pho ʔokɛ kita masak baksɔ di sini \mb oke kita masak Bakso di sini \ge okay 1PL cook Bakso LOC here \gj okay 1PL cook Bakso LOC here \ft okay, let's cook Bakso here. \ref 061 \id 949134082107101201 \begin 0:02:29 \sp CHIPIT \tx berapa menit yuk... \pho brapa mənit yuʔ \mb berapa menit yuk \ge how.much minute AYO \gj how.much minute AYO \ft how long? \nt = for a moment... \ref 062 \id 220900082108101201 \begin 0:02:33 \sp MOTPIT \tx pulang xxx. \pho pulaŋ xxx \mb pulang xxx \ge return xxx \gj return xxx \ft go home xxx. \nt it doesn't clear with whom she is talking to. \ref 063 \id 778917082108101201 \begin 0:02:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx kopi... \pho kɔpi \mb kopi \ge coffee \gj coffee \ft coffee... \ref 064 \id 479542082108101201 \begin 0:02:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx pake kopi apa... minumnya kopi apa air teh? \pho pakɛ kɔpi ʔapah minumɲa kɔpi ʔapa ʔail putih \mb pake kopi apa minum -nya kopi apa air teh \ge use coffee what drink -NYA coffee what water tea \gj use coffee what drink-NYA coffee what water tea \ft would you like to have coffee or tea? \ref 065 \id 771310082108101201 \begin 0:02:39 \sp EXPERN \tx es teh manis. \pho ʔɛs tɛ manis \mb es teh manis \ge ice tea sweet \gj ice tea sweet \ft sweet ice tea. \ref 066 \id 423579082109101201 \begin 0:02:41 \sp CHIPIT \tx teh manis, ya? \pho tɛh manis ya \mb teh manis ya \ge tea sweet yes \gj tea sweet yes \ft sweet tea, okay? \ref 067 \id 705735082109101201 \begin 0:02:43 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 068 \id 807812082109101201 \begin 0:02:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx xx... di gelas yang kecil? \pho dis di gəlas yaŋ kəcil \mb xx di gelas yang kecil \ge xx LOC glass REL small \gj xx LOC glass REL small \ft xx... in small glass? \nt = do you want me to make the sweet tea in small glass for you? \ref 069 \id 118585082110101201 \begin 0:02:47 \sp EXPERN \tx boleh. \pho bɔlɛ \mb boleh \ge may \gj may \ft sure. \ref 070 \id 168644082110101201 \begin 0:02:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx boleh. \pho bɔlɛh \mb boleh \ge may \gj may \ft sure. \nt whispering. \ref 071 \id 905145082110101201 \begin 0:02:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt pretending that she is preparing a cup of tea for EXPERN. \ref 072 \id 702611082111101201 \begin 0:02:57 \sp CHIPIT \tx lha salah. \pho la sala \mb lha salah \ge EXCL wrong \gj EXCL wrong \ft hey, it's wrong. \nt taking the tea pot lid. \ref 073 \id 507846082111101201 \begin 0:03:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya... \pho ya \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes... \nt still preparing a cup of tea. \ref 074 \id 391933082111101201 \begin 0:03:04 \sp EXPERN \tx eh, Ipit katanya kemarin nari, ya? \pho ʔɛ ʔipit kataɲa kəmarin nari ya \mb eh Ipit kata -nya kemarin n- tari ya \ge EH Ipit word -NYA yesterday N- dance yes \gj EH Ipit word-NYA yesterday N-dance yes \ft I heard you danced yesterday, right? \ref 075 \id 729696082111101201 \begin 0:03:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 076 \id 317642082112101201 \begin 0:03:08 \sp EXPERN \tx sama siapa aja? \pho sama siyapa ʔaja \mb sama siapa aja \ge with who just \gj with who just \ft with whom? \ref 077 \id 423301082112101201 \begin 0:03:10 \sp CHIPIT \tx Nur, Nurnya Mpok Aas, Ica, Rizka, sama... udah. \pho ʔənul nulɲa pɔʔ ʔaas ʔica riska sama ʔudah \mb Nur Nur -nya Mpok Aas Ica Rizka sama udah \ge Nur Nur -NYA older.sister Aas Ica Rizka with PFCT \gj Nur Nur-NYA older.sister Aas Ica Rizka with PFCT \ft Nur, Miss Aas' Nur, Ica, Rizka, and... that's all. \ref 078 \id 536508082112101201 \begin 0:03:12 \sp EXPERN \tx mmm... \pho mː \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 079 \id 613484082113101201 \begin 0:03:15 \sp EXPERN \tx Mbak Indri nggak nari? \pho mba ʔindri ŋga nari \mb Mbak Indri nggak n- tari \ge EPIT Indri NEG N- dance \gj EPIT Indri NEG N-dance \ft Indri didn't dance? \ref 080 \id 147713082113101201 \begin 0:03:17 \sp CHIPIT \tx nari. \pho nali \mb n- tari \ge N- dance \gj N-dance \ft she did. \ref 081 \id 128503082113101201 \begin 0:03:19 \sp EXPERN \tx siapa yang ngajarin Dek? \pho siyapa yaŋ ŋajarin dɛʔ \mb siapa yang ng- ajar -in Dek \ge who REL N- teach -IN TRU-younger.sibling \gj who REL N-teach-IN TRU-younger.sibling \ft who taught you to dance? \ref 082 \id 359048082114101201 \begin 0:03:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx mmm... banyak. \pho mː baɲak \mb mmm banyak \ge FILL a.lot \gj FILL a.lot \ft umm... some. \nt = there were some people taught me to dance. \ref 083 \id 636026082114101201 \begin 0:03:23 \sp IFAPIT \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \nt talking with MOT in other room. \ref 084 \id 100429082114101201 \begin 0:03:25 \sp IFAPIT \tx xx. \pho maŋas \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 085 \id 112007082114101201 \begin 0:03:28 \sp IFAPIT \tx oh iya. \pho ʔo ʔiya \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh yes. \ref 086 \id 303311082115101201 \begin 0:03:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt playing with the cooking set. \ref 087 \id 760007082115101201 \begin 0:03:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni, dah. \pho ni da \mb ni dah \ge this PFCT \gj this PFCT \ft here, okay. \nt giving a plate to EXPERN. \ref 088 \id 355217082115101201 \begin 0:03:39 \sp EXPERN \tx oh iya, makasih, ya? \pho ʔo ʔiya makasi ya \mb oh iya makasih ya \ge EXCL yes thanks yes \gj EXCL yes thanks yes \ft oh yes, thanks. \ref 089 \id 142042082116101201 \begin 0:03:40 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft my pleasure. \ref 090 \id 209160082116101201 \begin 0:03:41 \sp IFAPIT \tx kok kayaknya xxx. \pho kɔʔ kayaʔɲa xxx \mb kok kayak -nya xxx \ge KOK like -NYA xxx \gj KOK like-NYA xxx \ft it looks like xxx. \ref 091 \id 560885082116101201 \begin 0:03:43 \sp CHIPIT \tx sama minum aer putih. \pho sama minum ʔaɛr putiʰ \mb sama minum aer putih \ge with drink water white \gj with drink water white \ft and drink water. \ref 092 \id 815458082117101201 \begin 0:03:44 \sp EXPERN \tx es teh manis. \pho ʔɛs tɛ manis \mb es teh manis \ge ice tea sweet \gj ice tea sweet \ft sweet ice tea. \ref 093 \id 817274082117101201 \begin 0:03:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx teh manis, ya? \pho tɛh manis ya \mb teh manis ya \ge tea sweet yes \gj tea sweet yes \ft sweet tea, right? \ref 094 \id 738301082117101201 \begin 0:03:46 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 095 \id 947908082118101201 \begin 0:03:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni, minum aer putih ni. \pho ni minum ʔaɛr puti ni \mb ni minum aer putih ni \ge this drink water white this \gj this drink water white this \ft here, drink this water. \ref 096 \id 197407082118101201 \begin 0:03:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx teh manis. \pho tɛh manis \mb teh manis \ge tea sweet \gj tea sweet \ft sweet tea. \ref 097 \id 134423082119101201 \begin 0:03:49 \sp EXPERN \tx oh iya. \pho ʔo ʔiya \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh yes. \ref 098 \id 850154082119101201 \begin 0:03:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx teh manis, ya? \pho tɛh manis ya \mb teh manis ya \ge tea sweet yes \gj tea sweet yes \ft sweet tea, right? \ref 099 \id 757857082119101201 \begin 0:03:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya... \pho ya \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes... \nt preparing a cup of tea for EXPERN. \ref 100 \id 228576082119101201 \begin 0:03:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni teh manisnya. \pho ni tɛh manisɲa \mb ni teh manis -nya \ge this tea sweet -NYA \gj this tea sweet-NYA \ft this is your sweet tea. \nt talking to EXPERN. \ref 101 \id 186291082120101201 \begin 0:04:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt still preparing a cup of tea for EXPERN. \ref 102 \id 505585090153101201 \begin 0:04:03 \sp CHIPIT \tx kasi air. \pho kasi ʔail \mb kasi air \ge give water \gj give water \ft give some water. \nt preparing the tea for EXPERN. \ref 103 \id 188715090154101201 \begin 0:04:04 \sp MOTPIT \tx terakhir xx kangen. \pho tərahir njaluk kaŋən \mb ter- akhir xx kangen \ge TER- end xx long.for \gj TER-end xx long.for \ft miss the last. \nt unclear reference. \ref 104 \id 742948090154101201 \begin 0:04:06 \sp DRIPIT \tx idih. \pho ʔidih \mb idih \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft look at you. \nt talking to MOT. \ref 105 \id 741212090154101201 \begin 0:04:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx ntar dulu, ininya belum dikasi kayak gini. \pho ntal dulu ʔiniɲa bəlum dikasi kayaʔ ginih \mb ntar dulu ini -nya belum di- kasi kayak gini \ge moment before this -NYA not.yet DI- give like like.this \gj moment before this-NYA not.yet DI-give like like.this \ft wait, I haven't given it yet. \nt 1. taking the glass. 2. CHI wants to put some sugar in the glass. \ref 106 \id 365368090154101201 \begin 0:04:10 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx segini. \pho xxx səgini \mb xxx se- gini \ge xxx SE- like.this \gj xxx SE-like.this \ft xxx like this. \nt unclear reference. \ref 107 \id 660327090155101201 \begin 0:04:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya? \pho yah \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay? \nt talking to herself. \ref 108 \id 835769090155101201 \begin 0:04:13 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 109 \id 195474090155101201 \begin 0:04:15 \sp DRIPIT \tx lha iya, kan? \pho la ʔiya kan \mb lha iya kan \ge EXCL yes KAN \gj EXCL yes KAN \ft don't you think so, right? \nt 1. talking to MOT. 2. unclear reference. \ref 110 \id 938797090156101201 \begin 0:04:17 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt playing with the cooking set. \ref 111 \id 177677090156101201 \begin 0:04:20 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 112 \id 623336090156101201 \begin 0:04:23 \sp DRIPIT \tx xx xxx. \pho teu xxx \mb xx xxx \ge xx xxx \gj xx xxx \ft xx xxx. \ref 113 \id 133971090157101201 \begin 0:04:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni silakan diminum. \pho ni silakan diminum \mb ni silakan di- minum \ge this please DI- drink \gj this please DI-drink \ft here, please have a drink. \nt talking to EXPERN. \ref 114 \id 455616090157101201 \begin 0:04:28 \sp EXPERN \tx oh iya. \pho ʔo ʔiya \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh yes. \ref 115 \id 955767090946101201 \begin 0:04:29 \sp CHIPIT \tx nih. \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt giving a cup of tea to EXPERN. \ref 116 \id 996113091024101201 \begin 0:04:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt pretending that she is pouring the water. \ref 117 \id 496845091025101201 \begin 0:04:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku mah belum air mi(num)... itu lagi. \pho ʔaku ma bəlum ʔair mi ʔitu lagi \mb aku mah belum air minum itu lagi \ge 1SG MAH not.yet water drink that more \gj 1SG MAH not.yet water drink that more \ft I haven't given the water yet. \ref 118 \id 892726091025101201 \begin 0:04:43 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku mo siapin Ibu. \pho ʔaku mɔ siyapin ʔibu \mb aku mo siap -in Ibu \ge 1SG want ready -IN mother \gj 1SG want ready-IN mother \ft I want to prepare it for Mother. \nt 1. arranging the cooking set. 2. not clear what she wants to prepare. \ref 119 \id 767612091025101201 \begin 0:04:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku urus dulu, ya? \pho ʔaku ʔurus duru ya \mb aku urus dulu ya \ge 1SG arrange before yes \gj 1SG arrange before yes \ft let me handle it, okay? \ref 120 \id 372946091026101201 \begin 0:04:47 \sp EXPERN \tx oh... he-eh. \pho ʔo həʔə \mb oh he-eh \ge EXCL uh-huh \gj EXCL uh-huh \ft oh... uh-huh. \ref 121 \id 219214091026101201 \begin 0:04:49 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt reading in other room. \ref 122 \id 341806091026101201 \begin 0:04:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt playing with the cooking set. \ref 123 \id 650411091027101201 \begin 0:04:53 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 124 \id 680119091027101201 \begin 0:04:55 \sp CHIPIT \tx ibuku minta bakso. \pho ʔibuku minta baksɔ \mb ibu -ku minta bakso \ge mother -1SG ask.for meatball \gj mother-1SG ask.for meatball \ft my mother wants to have bakso. \ref 125 \id 471296091027101201 \begin 0:04:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx cih, cih. \pho ci ci \mb cih cih \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft cih, cih. \nt preparing Bakso. \ref 126 \id 781974091028101201 \begin 0:04:57 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 127 \id 555293091028101201 \begin 0:04:58 \sp DRIPIT \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 128 \id 418153091028101201 \begin 0:05:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx Bakso. \pho baksɔ \mb Bakso \ge Bakso \gj Bakso \ft Bakso. \nt still preparing Bakso. \ref 129 \id 413822091029101201 \begin 0:05:05 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt still playing with the cooking set. \ref 130 \id 524364091029101201 \begin 0:05:11 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt talking in other room. \ref 131 \id 803688091029101201 \begin 0:05:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx cepet saya kalo itu. \pho cəpət saya kalɔ ʔitu \mb cepet saya kalo itu \ge quick 1SG TOP that \gj quick 1SG TOP that \ft I'm quick enough in it. \nt unclear reference. \ref 132 \id 107083091029101201 \begin 0:05:24 \sp MOTPIT \tx apa digedein xxx? \pho ʔopo digedein xxx \mb apa di- gede -in xxx \ge what DI- big -IN xxx \gj what DI-big-IN xxx \ft or do you want me to make it bigger? \nt unclear reference. \ref 133 \id 346718091030101201 \begin 0:05:25 \sp EXPERN \tx kalo apa? \pho kalɔ ʔapa \mb kalo apa \ge TOP what \gj TOP what \ft in what? \ref 134 \id 404307091030101201 \begin 0:05:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx kalo masak. \pho kalɔ masak \mb kalo masak \ge TOP cook \gj TOP cook \ft in cooking. \nt = I'm good enough in cooking. \ref 135 \id 799182091030101201 \begin 0:05:28 \sp EXPERN \tx eh, eh, eh. \pho ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ \mb eh eh eh \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft eh, eh, eh. \nt passing by \ref 136 \id 878408091031101201 \begin 0:05:30 \sp EXPERN \tx masak apa sih? \pho masak ʔapa si \mb masak apa sih \ge cook what SIH \gj cook what SIH \ft what do you cook? \ref 137 \id 428246091031101201 \begin 0:05:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx hah? \pho hah \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft what? \ref 138 \id 837694091031101201 \begin 0:05:32 \sp EXPERN \tx masak apaan? \pho masak ʔapaan \mb masak apa -an \ge cook what -AN \gj cook what-AN \ft what do you cook? \nt putting down the plate and the glass on the sofa. \ref 139 \id 151690091032101201 \begin 0:05:33 \sp CHIPIT \tx udah? \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft finished? \nt asking EXPERN wether she has finished with her Bakso or not. \ref 140 \id 354962091032101201 \begin 0:05:34 \sp EXPERN \tx udah. \pho ʔuda \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft yes. \ref 141 \id 365714091032101201 \begin 0:05:35 \sp CHIPIT \tx taro sini dulu aja ya dulu, ya? \pho tarɔ sini duru ʔaja ya duru ya \mb taro sini dulu aja ya dulu ya \ge put here before just yes before yes \gj put here before just yes before yes \ft put that here, okay? \nt asking EXPERN to put down the glass and the plate. \ref 142 \id 174872091033101201 \begin 0:05:36 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 143 \id 288399091033101201 \begin 0:05:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx ntar. \pho ntar \mb ntar \ge moment \gj moment \ft just a moment. \ref 144 \id 329240091033101201 \begin 0:05:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt playing with the cooking set. \ref 145 \id 952028091034101201 \begin 0:05:41 \sp CHIPIT \tx yang udah semua? \pho yaŋ ʔudah səmuwa \mb yang udah semua \ge REL PFCT all \gj REL PFCT all \ft has it all finished? \nt taking the glass and the plate from EXPERN. \ref 146 \id 260788091034101201 \begin 0:05:43 \sp EXPERN \tx udah. \pho ʔuda \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft yes. \ref 147 \id 674313091034101201 \begin 0:05:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx cis. \pho cis \mb cis \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft cis. \nt arranging the cooking set. \ref 148 \id 992865091034101201 \begin 0:05:55 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt still arranging the cooking set. \ref 149 \id 809187091035101201 \begin 0:06:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx tap(i)... ntar aku cuci. \pho tap ntal ʔaku cuci \mb tapi ntar aku cuci \ge but moment 1SG wash \gj but moment 1SG wash \ft but... I'll wash this later. \nt taking the plate. \ref 150 \id 729549091035101201 \begin 0:06:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt 1. going to the kitchen. 2. bringing the plate and the glass. \ref 151 \id 553364091035101201 \begin 0:06:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx heh... hey! \pho hɛh hɛi \mb heh hey \ge EXCL hey \gj EXCL hey \ft hey... hey! \nt talking to MOT. \ref 152 \id 404101091036101201 \begin 0:06:13 \sp MOTPIT \tx lha ke mana? \pho la kə mana \mb lha ke mana \ge EXCL to which \gj EXCL to which \ft where are you going to? \ref 153 \id 946556091036101201 \begin 0:06:14 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 154 \id 988555091036101201 \begin 0:06:16 \sp MOTPIT \tx ye... masa Tantene suruh jalan-jalan. \mb ye masa Tante -ne suruh jalan - jalan \ge EXCL incredible aunt -E order walk - walk \gj EXCL incredible aunt-E order RED-walk \ft hey... why do you take Auntie here? \nt CHI, MOT, and EXPERN are in the kitchen. \ref 155 \id 373543091037101201 \begin 0:06:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx lagian sih Ibu nggak ke situ. \pho lagiyan si ʔibu ŋga kə situ \mb lagi -an sih Ibu nggak ke situ \ge more -AN SIH mother NEG to there \gj more-AN SIH mother NEG to there \ft because you don't want to go there. \nt referring to the living room. \ref 156 \id 356046091037101201 \begin 0:06:20 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt something felt down. \ref 157 \id 586603091037101201 \begin 0:06:22 \sp MOTPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiyɔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 158 \id 153036091038101201 \begin 0:06:23 \sp MOTPIT \tx nakal tu. \pho nakal tu \mb nakal tu \ge naughty that \gj naughty that \ft bad girl. \nt talking to CHI. \ref 159 \id 492137091038101201 \begin 0:06:24 \sp MOTPIT \tx maap... tu anake ya gitu ok Te. \pho maap tu ʔanaʔe yɔ gitu ʔok tə \mb maap tu anak -e ya gitu ok Te \ge pardon that child -E yes like.that KOK TRU-aunt \gj pardon that child-E yes like.that KOK TRU-aunt \ft forgive me... that's the way she is. \nt referring to CHI. \ref 160 \id 968431091038101201 \begin 0:06:25 \sp EXPERN \tx nggak pa-pa Bu. \pho ŋga papa bu \mb nggak pa - pa Bu \ge NEG what - what TRU-mother \gj NEG RED-what TRU-mother \ft it's okay, Mam. \ref 161 \id 541074091039101201 \begin 0:06:26 \sp MOTPIT \tx anak ra... \pho ʔanak ra \mb anak ra \ge child NEG \gj child NEG \ft she doesn't... \ref 162 \id 854117091039101201 \begin 0:06:27 \sp IFAPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 163 \id 760037091039101201 \begin 0:06:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx yok... xx ntar kita tunggu situ. \pho yɔ dai ntal kita tuŋgu situ \mb yok xx ntar kita tunggu situ \ge AYO xx moment 1PL wait there \gj AYO xx moment 1PL wait there \ft come on... let's wait over there. \nt talking to EXPERN and MOT. \ref 164 \id 870000091039101201 \begin 0:06:29 \sp MOTPIT \tx yok, sana yok. \pho yɔʔ sana yɔʔ \mb yok sana yok \ge AYO there AYO \gj AYO there AYO \ft come on, let's go. \ref 165 \id 418979091040101201 \begin 0:06:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx nyok ah. \pho ɲɔk ʔah \mb nyok ah \ge AYO AH \gj AYO AH \ft come on. \ref 166 \id 802590091040101201 \begin 0:06:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx Tante sukanya air, ya? \pho tantə sukaɲa ʔail ya \mb Tante suka -nya air ya \ge aunt like -NYA water yes \gj aunt like-NYA water yes \ft you like water, right? \ref 167 \id 548503091040101201 \begin 0:06:32 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho hm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 168 \id 600159091041101201 \begin 0:06:33 \sp CHIPIT \tx ha... ceritanya Baksonya ini aja ah. \pho ha clitaɲa baksɔɲa ʔini ʔaja ʔa \mb ha cerita -nya Bakso -nya ini aja ah \ge EXCL story -NYA Bakso -NYA this just AH \gj EXCL story-NYA Bakso-NYA this just AH \ft suppose this is Bakso. \nt taking something from the cupboard. \ref 169 \id 289130091041101201 \begin 0:06:35 \sp EXPERN \tx oh iya. \pho ʔo ʔiya \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh yes. \ref 170 \id 926159091041101201 \begin 0:06:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak pa-pa, ya? \pho ŋga papa ya \mb nggak pa - pa ya \ge NEG what - what yes \gj NEG RED-what yes \ft it doesn't matter, right? \ref 171 \id 181979091042101201 \begin 0:06:39 \sp EXPERN \tx nggak pa-pa. \pho ŋga papa \mb nggak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft okay. \ref 172 \id 934947091042101201 \begin 0:06:41 \sp CHIPIT \tx tar dulu, belum dimasak Baksonya. \pho tal dulu bəlum dimasak baksɔɲa \mb tar dulu belum di- masak Bakso -nya \ge moment before not.yet DI- cook Bakso -NYA \gj moment before not.yet DI-cook Bakso-NYA \ft just a moment, I haven't cooked Bakso yet. \ref 173 \id 283453091042101201 \begin 0:06:44 \sp CHIPIT \tx saya lupa. \pho saya lupa \mb saya lupa \ge 1SG forget \gj 1SG forget \ft I forget it. \ref 174 \id 913670091042101201 \begin 0:06:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx saya lupa, saya lupa, saya lupa. \pho saya lupa saya lupa saya lupa \mb saya lupa saya lupa saya lupa \ge 1SG forget 1SG forget 1SG forget \gj 1SG forget 1SG forget 1SG forget \ft I forget, I forget, I forget. \ref 175 \id 873676091043101201 \begin 0:06:50 \sp MOTPIT \tx kemaren nyariin jam sebelas nyampe jam tiga belum ketemu. \pho kəmarɛn ɲariin jam səbəlas ɲampɛ jam tiga bəlum kətəmu \mb kemaren ny- cari -in jam se- belas ny- sampe jam tiga belum ke- temu \ge yesterday N- look.for -IN clock SE- teen N- arrive clock three not.yet KE- meet \gj yesterday N-look.for-IN clock SE-teen N-arrive clock three not.yet KE-meet \ft I was looking for her since eleven am untill three pm, but didn't found her. \nt telling EXPERN about CHI who played all day long out side the neighborhood the day before. \ref 176 \id 102078091043101201 \begin 0:06:51 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 177 \id 829888091043101201 \begin 0:06:52 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx bapake nyariin xxx. \pho xxx bapaʔe ɲariin xxx \mb xxx bapak -e ny- cari -in xxx \ge xxx father -E N- look.for -IN xxx \gj xxx father-E N-look.for-IN xxx \ft her father was looking for her too. \ref 178 \id 357413091044101201 \begin 0:06:53 \sp EXPERN \tx hari Minggu kemarin? \pho hari miŋgu kəmarin \mb hari Minggu kemarin \ge day Sunday yesterday \gj day Sunday yesterday \ft on Sunday? \ref 179 \id 153622091044101201 \begin 0:06:55 \sp MOTPIT \tx he-eh. \pho həʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 180 \id 442142091044101201 \begin 0:06:57 \sp EXPERN \tx mmm... \pho mː \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 181 \id 395765091045101201 \begin 0:06:59 \sp MOTPIT \tx ah... kakaknya nyari ke bawah, ke lapangan, ke mana aja nggak ada. \pho ʔa kakaʔɲa ɲari kə bawa kə lapaŋan kə mana ʔaja ŋga ʔada \mb ah kakak -nya ny- cari ke bawah ke lapang -an ke mana aja nggak ada \ge EXCL older.sibling -NYA N- look.for to under to wide -AN to which just NEG exist \gj EXCL older.sibling-NYA N-look.for to under to wide-AN to which just NEG exist \ft Indri was trying to find her down there, to the field, to everywhere but she wasn't there. \ref 182 \id 335690091045101201 \begin 0:07:01 \sp EXPERN \tx emang ke mana Dek kamu Dek? \pho ʔɛmaŋ kə mana dɛʔ kamu dɛʔ \mb emang ke mana Dek kamu Dek \ge indeed to which TRU-younger.sibling 2 TRU-younger.sibling \gj indeed to which TRU-younger.sibling 2 TRU-younger.sibling \ft actually where have you been? \nt talking to CHI. \ref 183 \id 453646091045101201 \begin 0:07:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx saya? \pho saya \mb saya \ge 1SG \gj 1SG \ft me? \ref 184 \id 250789091046101201 \begin 0:07:03 \sp MOTPIT \tx sama Lik Iyat sendale diumpetin. \pho sama leʔ ʔiyat səndale diumpətin \mb sama Lik Iyat sendal -e di- umpet -in \ge with TRU-aunt Iyat sandal -E DI- hide -IN \gj with TRU-aunt Iyat sandal-E DI-hide-IN \ft Auntie Iyat was hiding her sandal. \ref 185 \id 922988091046101201 \begin 0:07:04 \sp EXPERN \tx ya ampun... \pho ya ʔampun \mb ya ampun \ge yes mercy \gj yes mercy \ft God... \ref 186 \id 887543091046101201 \begin 0:07:05 \sp MOTPIT \tx 'Lik Iyat kali.' \pho leʔ iyat kali \mb Lik Iyat kali \ge TRU-aunt Iyat maybe \gj TRU-aunt Iyat maybe \ft I thought, 'maybe Auntie Iyat is making a joke... to hide her.' \ref 187 \id 957499091046101201 \begin 0:07:07 \sp MOTPIT \tx Si... \pho si \mb Si \ge PERS \gj PERS \ft the... \ref 188 \id 412600091047101201 \begin 0:07:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx Fariz. \pho palis \mb Fariz \ge Fariz \gj Fariz \ft Fariz. \ref 189 \id 679839091047101201 \begin 0:07:09 \sp MOTPIT \tx Si Indri ke sana katanya nggak ada sendale. \pho si ʔindri kə sana kataɲa ŋga ʔada səndale \mb Si Indri ke sana kata -nya nggak ada sendal -e \ge PERS Indri to there word -NYA NEG exist sandal -E \gj PERS Indri to there word-NYA NEG exist sandal-E \ft Indri went there but she didn't find her sandal. \nt referring to JIA's house. \ref 190 \id 449952101909101201 \begin 0:07:10 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 191 \id 279839091047101201 \begin 0:07:11 \sp MOTPIT \tx kalo nggak ada sendale kan mungkin orangnya... \pho kalɔ ŋga ʔada səndale kan muŋkin ʔoranɲa \mb kalo nggak ada sendal -e kan mungkin orang -nya \ge TOP NEG exist sandal -E KAN possible person -NYA \gj TOP NEG exist sandal-E KAN possible person-NYA \ft if her sandal wasn't there, it meant she... \ref 192 \id 467713091048101201 \begin 0:07:12 \sp EXPERN \tx berarti orangnya nggak ada. \pho bərarti ʔoraŋɲa ŋga ʔada \mb ber- arti orang -nya nggak ada \ge BER- meaning person -NYA NEG exist \gj BER-meaning person-NYA NEG exist \ft she wasn't there. \ref 193 \id 863063091048101201 \begin 0:07:13 \sp MOTPIT \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 194 \id 828177091048101201 \begin 0:07:15 \sp MOTPIT \tx eh, aku nelepon nggak diangkat-diangkat. \pho ʔɛ ʔaku nelpun ŋga diyaŋkatdiyaŋkat \mb eh aku n- telepon nggak di- angkat - di- angkat \ge FILL 1SG N- telephone NEG DI- lift - DI- lift \gj FILL 1SG N-telephone NEG RED-DI-lift \ft I called her but she didn't pick up the phone. \nt referring to JIA. \ref 195 \id 395663091049101201 \begin 0:07:16 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 196 \id 426106091049101201 \begin 0:07:17 \sp MOTPIT \tx ya Allah... \pho ya ʔallɔw \mb ya Allah \ge yes Allah \gj yes Allah \ft my goodness... \ref 197 \id 870742091049101201 \begin 0:07:18 \sp MOTPIT \tx terus Mas xxx ilang. \pho tərus mas xxx ʔilaŋ \mb terus Mas xxx ilang \ge continue EPIT xxx disappear \gj continue EPIT xxx disappear \ft then he xxx dissapeared. \nt unclear reference. \ref 198 \id 279814091050101201 \begin 0:07:19 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 199 \id 946821091050101201 \begin 0:07:20 \sp MOTPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 200 \id 944970091050101201 \begin 0:07:22 \sp MOTPIT \tx ke Setu dua kali. \pho kə setu duwa kali \mb ke Setu dua kali \ge to Setu two very \gj to Setu two very \ft to Setu two times. \nt = I went to Setu twice. \ref 201 \id 431797091050101201 \begin 0:07:23 \sp MOTPIT \tx bapak muter bawa motor ke mana-mana nggak ada. \pho bapaʔ mutər bo mɔtɔr kəmana mana ŋga ʔada \mb bapak m- puter bawa motor ke mana - mana nggak ada \ge father N- turn bring motorcycle to which - which NEG exist \gj father N-turn bring motorcycle to RED-which NEG exist \ft her father went by motorcycle to every place, but still couldn't find her. \ref 202 \id 233679091051101201 \begin 0:07:24 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 203 \id 252245102924101201 \begin 0:07:25 \sp MOTPIT \tx saya telepon kok denger suara xxx. \pho saya telpun kɔʔ dəŋər suwara xxx \mb saya telepon kok denger suara xxx \ge 1SG telephone KOK hear sound xxx \gj 1SG telephone KOK hear sound xxx \ft I called her and I heard a voice xxx. \nt referring to JIA. \ref 204 \id 186217102924101201 \begin 0:07:27 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 205 \id 152759102924101201 \begin 0:07:29 \sp MOTPIT \tx Lik Iyat ha ha ha... Lik Iyat. \pho leʔ ʔiyat ha ha ha leʔ ʔiyat \mb Lik Iyat ha ha ha Lik Iyat \ge TRU-aunt Iyat IMIT IMIT IMIT TRU-aunt Iyat \gj TRU-aunt Iyat IMIT IMIT IMIT TRU-aunt Iyat \ft Auntie Iyat ha ha ha... Auntie Iyat. \nt = actually she was at Auntie Iyat's house... ha ha ha. \ref 206 \id 335280102925101201 \begin 0:07:31 \sp EXPERN \tx sengaja tantenya. \pho səŋaja tantəɲa \mb sengaja tante -nya \ge on.purpose aunt -NYA \gj on.purpose aunt-NYA \ft she did it on purpose. \nt referring to JIA. \ref 207 \id 756423102925101201 \begin 0:07:32 \sp MOTPIT \tx aku... iya. \pho ʔaku ʔiya \mb aku iya \ge 1SG yes \gj 1SG yes \ft I... yes. \ref 208 \id 428854102925101201 \begin 0:07:33 \sp MOTPIT \tx iya, kan anak xxx. \pho ʔiya kan ʔanak xxx \mb iya kan anak xxx \ge yes KAN child xxx \gj yes KAN child xxx \ft yes, the kid xxx. \ref 209 \id 835287103650101201 \begin 0:07:34 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 210 \id 264645102925101201 \begin 0:07:35 \sp MOTPIT \tx bapake gawean xxx ampe merah. \pho bapaʔe gaweyan xxx ʔampe mɛra \mb bapak -e gawe -an xxx ampe merah \ge father -E do -AN xxx until red \gj father-E do-AN xxx until red \ft her father did it xxx till red. \nt = her father got tired to find her. \ref 211 \id 699282102926101201 \begin 0:07:36 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \nt laughing. \ref 212 \id 346513102926101201 \begin 0:07:37 \sp EXPERN \tx udah panik gitu ya kitanya... dia ketawa-ketawa. \mb udah panik gitu ya kita -nya dia ke- tawa - ke- tawa \ge PFCT panic like.that yes 1PL -NYA 3 KE- laugh - KE- laugh \gj PFCT panic like.that yes 1PL-NYA 3 RED-KE-laugh \ft we were panic... but she kept laughing. \nt referring to JIA. \ref 213 \id 560872102926101201 \begin 0:07:39 \sp MOTPIT \tx aku... 'Ndri, ntar adekmu dijual sejuta laku lho.' \pho ʔaku ndri ntar ʔadeʔmu dijuwal səjuta laku lɔ \mb aku Ndri ntar adek -mu di- jual se- juta laku lho \ge 1SG TRU-Indri moment younger.sibling -2 DI- sell SE- million sell.well EXCL \gj 1SG TRU-Indri moment younger.sibling-2 DI-sell SE-million sell.well EXCL \ft I told Indri, 'others can buy your sister with one million rupiahs.' \ref 214 \id 600462102927101201 \begin 0:07:40 \sp MOTPIT \tx aku... \pho ʔaku \mb aku \ge 1SG \gj 1SG \ft I... \ref 215 \id 882157102927101201 \begin 0:07:42 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 216 \id 431177102927101201 \begin 0:07:44 \sp MOTPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 217 \id 607729102928101201 \begin 0:07:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx lakuin aja. \pho lakuwin ʔajah \mb laku -in aja \ge sell.well -IN just \gj sell.well-IN just \ft sell me. \nt talking to MOT. \ref 218 \id 617327102928101201 \begin 0:07:47 \sp EXPERN \tx mau dijual Dek? \pho maWu dijuwal dɛʔ \mb mau di- jual Dek \ge want DI- sell TRU-younger.sibling \gj want DI-sell TRU-younger.sibling \ft you don't mind if somebody wants to buy you? \nt talking to CHI. \ref 219 \id 185884111945101201 \begin 0:07:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 220 \id 861176111946101201 \begin 0:07:49 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəhəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 221 \id 610082111946101201 \begin 0:07:50 \sp EXPERN \tx kalo dijual nggak bisa ketemu Ibu lho nanti. \pho kalɔ dijuwal ŋga bisa kətəmu ʔibu lɔ nanti \mb kalo di- jual nggak bisa ke- temu Ibu lho nanti \ge TOP DI- sell NEG can KE- meet mother EXCL later \gj TOP DI-sell NEG can KE-meet mother EXCL later \ft if they sell you, you can't meet Mother again. \ref 222 \id 560439111946101201 \begin 0:07:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx bisa. \pho bisa \mb bisa \ge can \gj can \ft I can. \ref 223 \id 515771111946101201 \begin 0:07:52 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx ya Te? \pho xxx ya tə \mb xxx ya Te \ge xxx yes TRU-aunt \gj xxx yes TRU-aunt \ft xxx right? \ref 224 \id 374253111947101201 \begin 0:07:54 \sp MOTPIT \tx ya bingung, kan? \pho yɔ biŋuŋ kan \mb ya bingung kan \ge yes confused KAN \gj yes confused KAN \ft got confused, right? \ref 225 \id 588981111947101201 \begin 0:07:54 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 226 \id 522871111947101201 \begin 0:07:54 \sp MOTPIT \tx maen sendiri wòng temen-temene xxx. \pho mɛn səndiri wɔn təməntəməne xxx \mb maen sen- diri wòng temen - temen -e xxx \ge play SE- self person friend - friend -E xxx \gj play SE-self person RED-friend-E xxx \ft she played alone while her friends xxx. \ref 227 \id 912674112232101201 \begin 0:07:55 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ibu kan pernah pingsan di kamar mandi. \pho ʔibu kan pərna piŋsan di kamal mandi \mb Ibu kan pernah pingsan di kamar mandi \ge mother KAN ever faint LOC room bathe \gj mother KAN ever faint LOC room bathe \ft Mother ever got faint in bath room. \ref 228 \id 330267112232101201 \begin 0:07:56 \sp EXPERN \tx oh ya? \pho ʔo ya \mb oh ya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft really? \ref 229 \id 216942112232101201 \begin 0:07:57 \sp EXPERN \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft what's up? \ref 230 \id 861205112233101201 \begin 0:07:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx tau tu. \pho tau tu \mb tau tu \ge know that \gj know that \ft I don't know. \ref 231 \id 199157112233101201 \begin 0:07:59 \sp MOTPIT \tx jatuh. \pho jatu \mb jatuh \ge fall \gj fall \ft I felt. \ref 232 \id 735743112233101201 \begin 0:08:00 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt smiling at CHI. \ref 233 \id 245718112234101201 \begin 0:08:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx pas hari Sabtu kemaren. \pho pas hali saptu kəmalɛn \mb pas hari Sabtu kemaren \ge precise day Saturday yesterday \gj precise day Saturday yesterday \ft on last Saturday. \ref 234 \id 296187112234101201 \begin 0:08:02 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm. \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hmm. \ref 235 \id 733307112509101201 \begin 0:08:03 \sp EXPERN \tx sakit Bu? \pho sakit bu \mb sakit Bu \ge hurt TRU-mother \gj hurt TRU-mother \ft were you sick, Mam? \ref 236 \id 713800112509101201 \begin 0:08:04 \sp MOTPIT \tx hah? \pho ʔa \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 237 \id 458968112510101201 \begin 0:08:05 \sp EXPERN \tx jatuh di kamar mandi. \pho jatu di kamar mandi \mb jatuh di kamar mandi \ge fall LOC room bathe \gj fall LOC room bathe \ft you felt in the bath room. \ref 238 \id 593743112510101201 \begin 0:08:06 \sp MOTPIT \tx oh, he-eh. \pho ʔo ʔəʔə \mb oh he-eh \ge EXCL uh-huh \gj EXCL uh-huh \ft oh, uh-huh. \ref 239 \id 456921112510101201 \begin 0:08:07 \sp MOTPIT \tx nggak jatuh. \pho ŋga jatu \mb nggak jatuh \ge NEG fall \gj NEG fall \ft I didn't fall. \ref 240 \id 381089112510101201 \begin 0:08:08 \sp MOTPIT \tx ke kamar mandi mau mbuang itu nggak iso... mbuang ok. \pho kə kamar mandi maWu mbuwaŋ ʔitu ŋga ʔisɔ mbuwaŋ ʔoʔ \mb ke kamar mandi mau m- buang itu nggak iso m- buang ok \ge to room bathe want N- throw.away that NEG can N- throw.away KOK \gj to room bathe want N-throw.away that NEG can N-throw.away KOK \ft I went to the bath room to throw away something... but I couldn't make it. \ref 241 \id 274080112511101201 \begin 0:08:09 \sp MOTPIT \tx perut, bau ikan itu lho. \pho pərut baWu ʔikan ʔitu lo \mb perut bau ikan itu lho \ge stomach smell fish that EXCL \gj stomach smell fish that EXCL \ft the stomach, the fish was smelly. \nt unclear reference. \ref 242 \id 876483112511101201 \begin 0:08:10 \sp EXPERN \tx oh, he-eh, he-eh. \pho ʔo ʔəʔə ʔəʔə \mb oh he-eh he-eh \ge EXCL uh-huh uh-huh \gj EXCL uh-huh uh-huh \ft oh, uh-huh, uh-huh. \ref 243 \id 468776112511101201 \begin 0:08:11 \sp MOTPIT \tx terus nggak... \pho trus ŋga \mb terus nggak \ge continue NEG \gj continue NEG \ft but not... \ref 244 \id 728117112512101201 \begin 0:08:13 \sp MOTPIT \tx ini kan beli yang seribu apa... apa xxx. \pho ʔini kan bəli yaŋ sribu ʔopo ʔopo xxx \mb ini kan beli yang se- ribu apa apa xxx \ge this KAN buy REL SE- thousand what what xxx \gj this KAN buy REL SE-thousand what what xxx \ft I bought it one thousand rupiahs or what... \nt unclear reference. \ref 245 \id 782958112512101201 \begin 0:08:15 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 246 \id 896702112512101201 \begin 0:08:17 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx udah mati kok perut kok mual-mual... pusing. \mb xxx udah mati kok perut kok mual - mual pusing \ge xxx PFCT dead KOK stomach KOK queasy - queasy dizzy \gj xxx PFCT dead KOK stomach KOK RED-queasy dizzy \ft xxx it was dead... but I got a headache and queasy. \ref 247 \id 986668112513101201 \begin 0:08:19 \sp EXPERN \tx oh, he-eh. \pho ʔo həʔə \mb oh he-eh \ge EXCL uh-huh \gj EXCL uh-huh \ft oh, uh-huh. \ref 248 \id 158019112513101201 \begin 0:08:21 \sp MOTPIT \tx trus itu... mungkin trus jatuh, nggak inget pingsan. \pho trus ʔitu muŋkin trus jatu ŋga ʔiŋət piŋsan \mb trus itu mungkin trus jatuh nggak inget pingsan \ge continue that possible continue fall NEG remember faint \gj continue that possible continue fall NEG remember faint \ft maybe I felt down then I got faint. \ref 249 \id 530986112513101201 \begin 0:08:22 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 250 \id 492617112513101201 \begin 0:08:23 \sp MOTPIT \tx kata bapak udah lemah xxx udah biru. \pho kata bapaʔ ʔudah ləma xxx ʔuda biru \mb kata bapak udah lemah xxx udah biru \ge word father PFCT weak xxx PFCT blue \gj word father PFCT weak xxx PFCT blue \ft my husband said that I was weak and my body was stiff. \ref 251 \id 923115112514101201 \begin 0:08:24 \sp MOTPIT \tx mungkin karena udah lama, ya? \pho muŋkin karəna ʔuda lama ya \mb mungkin karena udah lama ya \ge possible because PFCT long.time yes \gj possible because PFCT long.time yes \ft perhaps I felt there in long time, right? \ref 252 \id 315342112514101201 \begin 0:08:26 \sp EXPERN \tx ya ampun... he-eh. \pho ya ʔampun həʔə \mb ya ampun he-eh \ge yes mercy uh-huh \gj yes mercy uh-huh \ft my God... uh-huh. \ref 253 \id 472574112514101201 \begin 0:08:28 \sp MOTPIT \tx itu kalo lama eee... bisa anu sendiri nggak sih Te? \pho ʔitu kalɔ lama ʔə bisa ʔanu səndiri ŋga si tə \mb itu kalo lama eee bisa anu sen- diri nggak sih Te \ge that TOP long.time FILL can whatchamacallit SE- self NEG SIH TRU-aunt \gj that TOP long.time FILL can whatchamacallit SE-self NEG SIH TRU-aunt \ft can we whatchamacallit...? \nt = if we got faint in long time, can we come around? \ref 254 \id 662935112515101201 \begin 0:08:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx sadar. \pho sadal \mb sadar \ge aware \gj aware \ft to come around. \ref 255 \id 559646112515101201 \begin 0:08:32 \sp EXPERN \tx bisa sih Bu... kalo ini... kalo, kalo kondisinya agak ba(gus)... bagus, ya? \pho bisa si bu kalɔ ʔini kalɔ kalɔ kɔndisiɲa ʔagaʔ baʔ bagus ya \mb bisa sih Bu kalo ini kalo kalo kondisi -nya agak bagus bagus ya \ge can SIH TRU-mother TOP this TOP TOP condition -NYA fairly nice nice yes \gj can SIH TRU-mother TOP this TOP TOP condition-NYA fairly nice nice yes \ft yes, as long as we're fit enough, right? \ref 256 \id 692170112515101201 \begin 0:08:34 \sp EXPERN \tx ... jadi bisa pulih sendiri gitu, kan? \pho jadi bisa puli səndiri gitu kan \mb jadi bisa pulih sen- diri gitu kan \ge become can recover SE- self like.that KAN \gj become can recover SE-self like.that KAN \ft ... if we're fit enough, we can recover ourself, right? \ref 257 \id 527871112516101201 \begin 0:08:36 \sp MOTPIT \tx bapake bilang ditendang tiga kali pintunya nggak bisa copot. \pho bapaʔe bilaŋ ditəndaŋ tiga kali pintuɲa ŋga bisa cɔpɔt \mb bapak -e bilang di- tendang tiga kali pintu -nya nggak bisa copot \ge father -E say DI- kick three very door -NYA NEG can detach \gj father-E say DI-kick three very door-NYA NEG can detach \ft my husband told me that he kicked the door three times, but it still couldn't be opened. \ref 258 \id 346324112516101201 \begin 0:08:39 \sp EXPERN \tx ya ampun. \pho ya ʔampun \mb ya ampun \ge yes mercy \gj yes mercy \ft God. \ref 259 \id 980394112516101201 \begin 0:08:42 \sp MOTPIT \tx trus katanya ngeliat sekali xxx. \pho trus kataɲa ŋəliyat səkali xxx \mb trus kata -nya nge- liat se- kali xxx \ge continue word -NYA N- see SE- very xxx \gj continue word-NYA N-see SE-very xxx \ft he told me he saw once xxx. \ref 260 \id 913577112516101201 \begin 0:08:43 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho həʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 261 \id 218005112517101201 \begin 0:08:44 \sp MOTPIT \tx wòng sininya udah biru. \pho wɔŋ siniɲa ʔuda biru \mb wòng sini -nya udah biru \ge person here -NYA PFCT blue \gj person here-NYA PFCT blue \ft it was blue. \nt not clear what she is pointing at. \ref 262 \id 728161112517101201 \begin 0:08:45 \sp MOTPIT \tx semua udah kayak kayu. \pho səmuwa ʔuda kayaʔ kayu \mb semua udah kayak kayu \ge all PFCT like wood \gj all PFCT like wood \ft it looks like a wood. \nt referring to her body. \ref 263 \id 617619112517101201 \begin 0:08:46 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho həʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 264 \id 348875112518101201 \begin 0:08:47 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 265 \id 658263112518101201 \begin 0:08:49 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 266 \id 345902112518101201 \begin 0:08:51 \sp MOTPIT \tx 'kenapa kelamaan?' \pho kənapa kəlamaan \mb kenapa ke an lama \ge why KE AN long.time \gj why KE.AN-long.time \ft 'why it took times?' \nt = I asked him, 'why it takes time to open the door?' \ref 267 \id 191562112519101201 \begin 0:08:52 \sp MOTPIT \tx kayaknya belum lama kata bapaknya. \pho kayaʔɲa bəlum lama kata bapaʔɲa \mb kayak -nya belum lama kata bapak -nya \ge like -NYA not.yet long.time word father -NYA \gj like-NYA not.yet long.time word father-NYA \ft he said, 'it doesn't take time.' \ref 268 \id 891437112519101201 \begin 0:08:53 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 269 \id 701239112519101201 \begin 0:08:54 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx saya pingsan, ya? \pho xxx saya piŋsan ya \mb xxx saya pingsan ya \ge xxx 1SG faint yes \gj xxx 1SG faint yes \ft xxx I got faint, right? \ref 270 \id 846314112519101201 \begin 0:08:55 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho həʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 271 \id 126190112520101201 \begin 0:08:56 \sp MOTPIT \tx tapi kan baru naek haji ini kan... \pho tapi kan baru naek haji ʔini kan \mb tapi kan baru naek haji ini kan \ge but KAN new go.up haj this KAN \gj but KAN new go.up haj this KAN \ft but I just arrived from Mecca... \nt it doesn't clear what she is talking about with EXPERN. \ref 272 \id 185077112520101201 \begin 0:08:57 \sp EXPERN \tx udah ini... \pho ʔuda ʔini \mb udah ini \ge PFCT this \gj PFCT this \ft finished... \nt 1. talking to MOT. 2. continuing MOT's utterance. \ref 273 \id 799660112520101201 \begin 0:08:58 \sp MOTPIT \tx dua kali. \pho duwa kali \mb dua kali \ge two very \gj two very \ft two times. \ref 274 \id 807016112521101201 \begin 0:08:59 \sp EXPERN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 275 \id 244911112521101201 \begin 0:09:00 \sp MOTPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 276 \id 230339112521101201 \begin 0:09:02 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx saya tu ngeri ngeliat anakku. \pho xxx saya tu ŋəri ŋəliyat ʔanakku \mb xxx saya tu ngeri nge- liat anak -ku \ge xxx 1SG that horrified N- see child -1SG \gj xxx 1SG that horrified N-see child-1SG \ft xxx I'm scared to see my son. \nt 1. referring to her son who already passed away. 2. = I'm scared to see his picture. \ref 277 \id 124077112522101201 \begin 0:09:03 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx anu Te puyeng, puyeng, puyeng. \pho xxx ʔanu tə puyəŋ puyəŋ puyəŋ \mb xxx anu Te puyeng puyeng puyeng \ge xxx whatchamacallit TRU-aunt dizzy dizzy dizzy \gj xxx whatchamacallit TRU-aunt dizzy dizzy dizzy \ft xxx I got headache, headache, headache. \nt = if I see his picture, I got a headache. \ref 278 \id 670726112522101201 \begin 0:09:04 \sp EXPERN \tx pingsan. \pho piŋsan \mb pingsan \ge faint \gj faint \ft faint. \nt = you got faint. \ref 279 \id 110689112522101201 \begin 0:09:05 \sp MOTPIT \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 280 \id 656900112523101201 \begin 0:09:07 \sp MOTPIT \tx langsung xx xx gitu. \pho laŋsuŋ kliyəŋ kliyəŋ gitu \mb langsung xx xx gitu \ge direct xx xx like.that \gj direct xx xx like.that \ft then I got a headache. \ref 281 \id 844756112523101201 \begin 0:09:09 \sp EXPERN \tx ya ampun. \pho ya ʔampun \mb ya ampun \ge yes mercy \gj yes mercy \ft my goodness. \ref 282 \id 929710112523101201 \begin 0:09:11 \sp MOTPIT \tx soalnya kalo itu kan nggak pernah saya liat. \pho sɔalɲa kalɔ ʔitu kan ŋga pərna saya liyat \mb soal -nya kalo itu kan nggak pernah saya liat \ge matter -NYA TOP that KAN NEG ever 1SG see \gj matter-NYA TOP that KAN NEG ever 1SG see \ft I never see it. \nt referring to his son's picture. \ref 283 \id 466686112523101201 \begin 0:09:12 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 284 \id 700411112524101201 \begin 0:09:13 \sp MOTPIT \tx paling udah... \pho paliŋ ʔuda \mb paling udah \ge most PFCT \gj most PFCT \ft at least... \nt unclear reference. \ref 285 \id 429027112524101201 \begin 0:09:14 \sp MOTPIT \tx kalo yang di kamar itu kan ngelentuk, ya? \pho kalɔ yaŋ di kamar ʔitu kan ŋələntug ya \mb kalo yang di kamar itu kan ngelentuk ya \ge TOP REL LOC room that KAN discouraged yes \gj TOP REL LOC room that KAN discouraged yes \ft the one in my room makes me get discouraged, right? \nt referring to her son's picture. \ref 286 \id 465197112524101201 \begin 0:09:15 \sp EXPERN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 287 \id 887251112525101201 \begin 0:09:16 \sp MOTPIT \tx masih anu... \pho masi yanu \mb masih anu \ge still whatchamacallit \gj still whatchamacallit \ft I still whatchamacallit... \ref 288 \id 550667112525101201 \begin 0:09:17 \sp MOTPIT \tx eh, puyeng xx. \pho ʔɛ puyəŋ ʔana \mb eh puyeng xx \ge FILL dizzy xx \gj FILL dizzy xx \ft got a headache. \ref 289 \id 970485112525101201 \begin 0:09:18 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 290 \id 858067112526101201 \begin 0:09:19 \sp MOTPIT \tx trus bapaknya anu... diganti fotonya siapa... \pho trus bapaʔɲa ʔanu diganti fɔtɔɲa siyapa \mb trus bapak -nya anu di- ganti foto -nya siapa \ge continue father -NYA whatchamacallit DI- change photo -NYA who \gj continue father-NYA whatchamacallit DI-change photo-NYA who \ft then my husband asked me to change it with other's picture. \ref 291 \id 559288112526101201 \begin 0:09:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx tup. \pho tup \mb tup \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft tup. \nt jumping. \ref 292 \id 968117112526101201 \begin 0:09:22 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh, nggak usah dia lagi. \pho ʔəʔə ŋga ʔusa diya lagi \mb he-eh nggak usah dia lagi \ge uh-huh NEG must 3 more \gj uh-huh NEG must 3 more \ft uh-huh, not him anymore. \nt = uh-huh, don't put on his picture anymore. \ref 293 \id 661269112526101201 \begin 0:09:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx lagian miripnya kayak Mas Nuk. \pho lagiyan milipɲa kayaʔ mas nuk \mb lagi -an mirip -nya kayak Mas Nuk \ge more -AN similar -NYA like EPIT Nuk \gj more-AN similar-NYA like EPIT Nuk \ft it looks like him. \ref 294 \id 460324112527101201 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 295 \id 886591112527101201 \sp CHIPIT \tx yaw. \pho yau \mb yaw \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft yaw. \ref 296 \id 264628112527101201 \begin 0:09:27 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm, hmm, hmm. \pho hm hm hm \mb hmm hmm hmm \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft hmm, hmm, hmm. \ref 297 \id 417195112528101201 \begin 0:09:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx miripnya kayak Mas Nuk. \pho miripɲa kayaʔ mas nuk \mb mirip -nya kayak Mas Nuk \ge similar -NYA like EPIT Nuk \gj similar-NYA like EPIT Nuk \ft it looks like Nuk. \nt unclear reference. \ref 298 \id 503707112528101201 \begin 0:09:29 \sp CHIPIT \tx pantesan mirip. \pho pantəsan milip \mb pantes -an mirip \ge suitable -AN similar \gj suitable-AN similar \ft it looks like him. \ref 299 \id 127124112528101201 \begin 0:09:30 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx ya Te? \pho xxx ya tə \mb xxx ya Te \ge xxx yes TRU-aunt \gj xxx yes TRU-aunt \ft right? \nt talking to EXPERN. \ref 300 \id 582027112529101201 \begin 0:09:31 \sp EXPERN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 301 \id 646065112529101201 \begin 0:09:32 \sp MOTPIT \tx harusnya cek, belum cek emang. \pho harusɲa cɛk bəlum cɛk ʔɛmaŋ \mb harus -nya cek belum cek emang \ge should -NYA check not.yet check indeed \gj should-NYA check not.yet check indeed \ft I have to check it, but I haven't done it yet. \ref 302 \id 541432112529101201 \begin 0:09:33 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx dokter katanya. \pho xxx dɔktər kataɲa \mb xxx dokter kata -nya \ge xxx doctor word -NYA \gj xxx doctor word-NYA \ft xxx the doctor says. \ref 303 \id 569218112529101201 \begin 0:09:34 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 304 \id 460564112530101201 \begin 0:09:35 \sp MOTPIT \tx nggak pa-pa. \pho ŋga papa \mb nggak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft it doesn't matter. \ref 305 \id 450347095715111201 \begin 0:09:36 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 306 \id 602239095722111201 \begin 0:09:38 \sp MOTPIT \tx nggak pa-pa. \pho ŋga papa \mb nggak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft it doesn't matter. \ref 307 \id 147808095755111201 \begin 0:09:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx itu makan, udah disiapin. \pho ʔitu makan ʔuda disiyapin \mb itu makan udah di- siap -in \ge that eat PFCT DI- ready -IN \gj that eat PFCT DI-ready-IN \ft eat it, I have prepared it for you. \nt talking to EXPERN. \ref 308 \id 819019095755111201 \begin 0:09:40 \sp EXPERN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 309 \id 829871095756111201 \begin 0:09:41 \sp MOTPIT \tx ini apa ini? \pho ʔini ʔapa ʔini \mb ini apa ini \ge this what this \gj this what this \ft what's this? \ref 310 \id 956948095756111201 \begin 0:09:42 \sp MOTPIT \tx es apa es buah ya? \pho ʔɛs ʔopo ʔɛs buwah ya \mb es apa es buah ya \ge ice what ice fruit yes \gj ice what ice fruit yes \ft is this an ice or fruit cocktail? \nt talking to CHI. \ref 311 \id 146937095756111201 \begin 0:09:43 \sp MOTPIT \tx oh, dah xx. \pho ʔo da bənta \mb oh dah xx \ge EXCL PFCT xx \gj EXCL PFCT xx \ft oh, it has xx. \nt taking a glass. \ref 312 \id 571536095757111201 \begin 0:09:45 \sp MOTPIT \tx orang banyak, ya? \pho ʔoraŋ baɲak ya \mb orang banyak ya \ge person a.lot yes \gj person a.lot yes \ft many people, right? \nt = this glass is being used by many people, right? \ref 313 \id 720955095757111201 \begin 0:09:47 \sp EXPERN \tx iya, pecah. \pho ʔiya pəca \mb iya pecah \ge yes shattered \gj yes shattered \ft yes, it shattered. \nt referring to the glass MOT taking. \ref 314 \id 108849095757111201 \begin 0:09:49 \sp MOTPIT \tx eee... dah pecah ni. \pho ʔə da pəca ni \mb eee dah pecah ni \ge FILL PFCT shattered this \gj FILL PFCT shattered this \ft umm... it shattered. \ref 315 \id 325837095758111201 \begin 0:09:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah bodo. \pho ʔa bɔdɔ \mb ah bodo \ge AH stupid \gj AH stupid \ft I don't care. \ref 316 \id 446814095758111201 \begin 0:09:51 \sp MOTPIT \tx esnya nambah ni Mbak. \pho ʔɛsɲa namba ni mbaʔ \mb es -nya n- tambah ni Mbak \ge ice -NYA N- add this EPIT \gj ice-NYA N-add this EPIT \ft add more ice please. \nt talking to CHI. \ref 317 \id 623984095758111201 \begin 0:09:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx nambah? \pho nambah \mb n- tambah \ge N- add \gj N-add \ft you want me to add it? \ref 318 \id 215438095759111201 \begin 0:09:53 \sp MOTPIT \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 319 \id 782123095759111201 \begin 0:09:54 \sp MOTPIT \tx es buah, ya? \pho ʔɛs buwaʰ yɔ \mb es buah ya \ge ice fruit yes \gj ice fruit yes \ft the fruit cocktail, right? \ref 320 \id 369292095759111201 \begin 0:09:55 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em, he-em. \pho hm hm \mb he-em he-em \ge uh-huh uh-huh \gj uh-huh uh-huh \ft uh-huh, uh-huh. \ref 321 \id 910074095800111201 \begin 0:09:57 \sp MOTPIT \tx bapake takute wòng xxx kok liat bolongan kecil. \pho bapaʔe takute wɔŋ xxx kɔʔ liyat bɔlɔŋan kəcil \mb bapak -e takut -e wòng xxx kok liat bolong -an kecil \ge father -E fear -E because xxx KOK see have.a.hole -AN small \gj father-E fear-E because xxx KOK see have.a.hole-AN small \ft my husband saw a little hole xxx. \ref 322 \id 739946095800111201 \begin 0:09:58 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 323 \id 699446095800111201 \begin 0:10:00 \sp MOTPIT \tx itu lho... jadi apa kasi xxx. \pho ʔitu lɔ jadi ʔopo kasi xxx \mb itu lho jadi apa kasi xxx \ge that EXCL become what give xxx \gj that EXCL become what give xxx \ft that... he gave it xxx. \nt unclear reference. \ref 324 \id 401394095801111201 \begin 0:10:02 \sp EXPERN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 325 \id 449145095801111201 \begin 0:10:04 \sp MOTPIT \tx mukanya katanya kayak mayat. \pho mukaɲa kataɲa kayaʔ mayat \mb muka -nya kata -nya kayak mayat \ge face -NYA word -NYA like corpse \gj face-NYA word-NYA like corpse \ft he told me that my face looked like a corpse. \nt referring to her husband. \ref 326 \id 198315095801111201 \begin 0:10:06 \sp MOTPIT \tx udah biru... \pho ʔuda biru \mb udah biru \ge PFCT blue \gj PFCT blue \ft it was blue. \nt = my face was pale. \ref 327 \id 982729095802111201 \begin 0:10:08 \sp EXPERN \tx biru, he-eh. \pho biru ʔəʔə \mb biru he-eh \ge blue uh-huh \gj blue uh-huh \ft it was blue, uh-huh. \nt = uh-huh, you were pale. \ref 328 \id 545469095802111201 \begin 0:10:09 \sp MOTPIT \tx mungkin udah kedinginan. \pho muŋkin ʔuda kədiŋinan \mb mungkin udah ke an dingin \ge possible PFCT KE AN cold \gj possible PFCT KE.AN-cold \ft maybe I was too cold. \ref 329 \id 919420095802111201 \begin 0:10:10 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em, he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm ʔəʔəm \mb he-em he-em \ge uh-huh uh-huh \gj uh-huh uh-huh \ft uh-huh, uh-huh. \ref 330 \id 317531095802111201 \begin 0:10:11 \sp MOTPIT \tx wòng kata Ifare badane udah dingin semua. \pho wɔŋ kata ʔiparne badane ʔuda diŋin səmuwa \mb wòng kata Ifar -e badan -e udah dingin semua \ge person word Ifar -E body -E PFCT cold all \gj person word Ifar-E body-E PFCT cold all \ft Ifar told me that my body was cold. \ref 331 \id 347738095803111201 \begin 0:10:12 \sp EXPERN \tx mmm... \pho mː \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 332 \id 452808095803111201 \begin 0:10:13 \sp EXPERN \tx kamar mandi belakang Bu... apa sini? \pho kamar mandi bəlakaŋ bu ʔapa sini \mb kamar mandi belakang Bu apa sini \ge room bathe back TRU-mother what here \gj room bathe back TRU-mother what here \ft this bathe room... or here? \nt 1. = where did you fall... in that bath room or this one? 2. pointing at the nearest bath room. \ref 333 \id 567078095803111201 \begin 0:10:14 \sp MOTPIT \tx sini... he-eh. \pho sini ʔəʔə \mb sini he-eh \ge here uh-huh \gj here uh-huh \ft here... uh-huh. \ref 334 \id 503008095804111201 \begin 0:10:16 \sp MOTPIT \tx 'ntar kalo anu ditutup aja, nggak usah dikunci.' \pho ntar kalɔ ʔanu ditutup ʔaja ŋga usa dikunci \mb ntar kalo anu di- tutup aja nggak usah di- kunci \ge moment TOP whatchamacallit DI- shut just NEG must DI- key \gj moment TOP whatchamacallit DI-shut just NEG must DI-key \ft 'later if you want to take a bath, don't lock the door, just close it.' \nt repeating her husband's utterance to EXPERN. \ref 335 \id 971465095804111201 \begin 0:10:18 \sp EXPERN \tx dikunci... he-eh. \pho dikunci həʔə \mb di- kunci he-eh \ge DI- key uh-huh \gj DI-key uh-huh \ft locked... uh-huh. \nt = don't lock it. \ref 336 \id 234506095804111201 \begin 0:10:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni kalo mo... \pho ni kalɔ mɔ \mb ni kalo mo \ge this TOP want \gj this TOP want \ft if you want this... \nt giving a glass and a teapot to MOT. \ref 337 \id 853701095805111201 \begin 0:10:22 \sp MOTPIT \tx yang manis no, ya? \pho yaŋ manis nɔ ya \mb yang manis no ya \ge REL sweet there yes \gj REL sweet there yes \ft the sweet one, okay? \nt = make it sweet for me, okay? \ref 338 \id 979170095805111201 \begin 0:10:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx cih. \pho cih \mb cih \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft cih. \nt pretending that she is pouring the water. \ref 339 \id 137956095805111201 \begin 0:10:26 \sp MOTPIT \tx kasi gula dulu. \pho kasi gula dulu \mb kasi gula dulu \ge give sugar before \gj give sugar before \ft add some sugar first. \nt talking to CHI. \ref 340 \id 828754095806111201 \begin 0:10:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx gula? \pho gula \mb gula \ge sugar \gj sugar \ft sugar? \ref 341 \id 191044095806111201 \begin 0:10:30 \sp MOTPIT \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 342 \id 287666095806111201 \begin 0:10:32 \sp CHIPIT \tx gula. \pho gula \mb gula \ge sugar \gj sugar \ft sugar. \nt 1. going to take the sugar. 2. whispering. \ref 343 \id 622128095807111201 \begin 0:10:35 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt preparing tea for MOT. \ref 344 \id 520417095807111201 \begin 0:10:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft finished. \ref 345 \id 161817095807111201 \begin 0:10:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx nih, kalo mo nambah. \pho nih kalɔ mɔ namba \mb nih kalo mo n- tambah \ge this TOP want N- add \gj this TOP want N-add \ft here, if you want more. \nt giving another glass to MOT. \ref 346 \id 465106095808111201 \begin 0:10:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini makan. \pho ʔini makan \mb ini makan \ge this eat \gj this eat \ft eat it. \nt asking MOT to eat. \ref 347 \id 249288095808111201 \begin 0:10:40 \sp MOTPIT \tx kakak Ifar xxx. \pho kakaʔ ʔipar xxx \mb kakak Ifar xxx \ge older.sibling Ifar xxx \gj older.sibling Ifar xxx \ft Ifar xxx. \ref 348 \id 894149095808111201 \begin 0:10:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh, jangan jagongan. \pho ʔɛ jaŋan jagɔŋan \mb eh jangan jagongan \ge EXCL don't sit.around.in.relaxed.atmosphere \gj EXCL don't sit.around.in.relaxed.atmosphere \ft hey, don't just sit. \nt talking to MOT. \ref 349 \id 390818095809111201 \begin 0:10:44 \sp CHIPIT \tx makan! \pho makan \mb makan \ge eat \gj eat \ft eat it! \ref 350 \id 891318095809111201 \begin 0:10:46 \sp MOTPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 351 \id 503080095809111201 \begin 0:10:48 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 352 \id 388932095809111201 \begin 0:10:50 \sp EXPERN \tx jagongan apaan sih Dek? \pho jagɔŋan ʔapaan si dɛʔ \mb jagongan apa -an sih Dek \ge sit.around.in.relaxed.atmosphere what -AN SIH TRU-younger.sibling \gj sit.around.in.relaxed.atmosphere what-AN SIH TRU-younger.sibling \ft what do you mean by 'jagongan'? \nt 'jagongan' here means to sit together and have chatting each other. \ref 353 \id 907925102211111201 \begin 0:10:51 \sp MOTPIT \tx ngobrol. \pho ŋɔbrɔl \mb ng- obrol \ge N- chat \gj N-chat \ft chatting. \ref 354 \id 700214095810111201 \begin 0:10:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx bicara. \pho bicala \mb bicara \ge talk \gj talk \ft chatting. \ref 355 \id 715380095810111201 \begin 0:10:53 \sp EXPERN \tx bicara? \pho bicara \mb bicara \ge talk \gj talk \ft chatting? \ref 356 \id 910232095810111201 \begin 0:10:54 \sp MOTPIT \tx ini kuenya... kue apa ni Pit? \pho ʔini kuwɛɲa kuwɛ ʔapa ni pit \mb ini kue -nya kue apa ni Pit \ge this cake -NYA cake what this TRU-Pipit \gj this cake-NYA cake what this TRU-Pipit \ft what cake is it? \ref 357 \id 696300095811111201 \begin 0:10:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx itu Bakso. \pho ʔitu baksɔ \mb itu Bakso \ge that Bakso \gj that Bakso \ft that's Bakso. \ref 358 \id 632196095811111201 \begin 0:10:58 \sp MOTPIT \tx oh, Bakso. \pho ʔo baʔsɔ \mb oh Bakso \ge EXCL Bakso \gj EXCL Bakso \ft oh, Bakso. \ref 359 \id 532724095811111201 \begin 0:11:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh, itu bukan Bakso, bukan. \pho ʔɛ ʔitu bukan bassɔ bukan \mb eh itu bukan Bakso bukan \ge EH that NEG Bakso NEG \gj EH that NEG Bakso NEG \ft oops, that's not Bakso. \ref 360 \id 911476095812111201 \begin 0:11:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx sini, sini, salah. \pho sini sini salah \mb sini sini salah \ge here here wrong \gj here here wrong \ft here, here, it's wrong. \nt taking back the plate from MOT. \ref 361 \id 899301095812111201 \begin 0:11:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx salah. \pho salah \mb salah \ge wrong \gj wrong \ft it's wrong. \ref 362 \id 573432095812111201 \begin 0:11:03 \sp CHIPIT \tx Bakso kok. \pho baksɔ kɔʔ \mb Bakso kok \ge Bakso KOK \gj Bakso KOK \ft this is Bakso. \ref 363 \id 191590095813111201 \begin 0:11:04 \sp MOTPIT \tx 'endi ibue kalo sa(kit)...' \pho ndi ʔibue kalɔ saʔ \mb endi ibu -e kalo sakit \ge where mother -E TOP hurt \gj where mother-E TOP hurt \ft I told her, 'what if I get sick?' \nt 1. talking to MOT. 2. referring to CHI. \ref 364 \id 468178095813111201 \begin 0:11:05 \sp MOTPIT \tx 'pokokne nek Ibu mati saya ikut mati,'... yang gede. \pho pɔkɔʔne neʔ ʔibu mati saya ʔikut mati yaŋ gədɛ \mb pokok -ne nek Ibu mati saya ikut mati yang gede \ge main -E TOP mother dead 1SG follow dead REL big \gj main-E TOP mother dead 1SG follow dead REL big \ft 'if you die, I'll follow you,'... her sister told me. \nt referring to DRI. \ref 365 \id 586143095813111201 \begin 0:11:06 \sp EXPERN \tx Si Indri? \pho si ʔindri \mb Si Indri \ge PERS Indri \gj PERS Indri \ft Indri? \ref 366 \id 517835095814111201 \begin 0:11:08 \sp MOTPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 367 \id 861380095814111201 \begin 0:11:10 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 368 \id 441514095814111201 \begin 0:11:12 \sp MOTPIT \tx orang Ibue sakit ok. \pho ʔoraŋ ʔibue sakit ʔok \mb orang Ibu -e sakit ok \ge person mother -E hurt KOK \gj person mother-E hurt KOK \ft I was sick. \ref 369 \id 632808095815111201 \begin 0:11:13 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 370 \id 915700095815111201 \begin 0:11:14 \sp MOTPIT \tx 'jangan sakit toh Bu,' katanya. \pho jaŋan sakit tɔ bu kataɲa \mb jangan sakit toh Bu kata -nya \ge don't hurt TOH TRU-mother word -NYA \gj don't hurt TOH TRU-mother word-NYA \ft she says, 'don't be sick.' \nt referring to DRI. \ref 371 \id 785479095815111201 \begin 0:11:15 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 372 \id 967111095816111201 \begin 0:11:16 \sp MOTPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 373 \id 861425095816111201 \begin 0:11:18 \sp MOTPIT \tx kalo ini katanya, 'nggak pa-pa saya ikut siapa aja mau.' \pho kalɔ ʔini kataɲa ŋga papa saya ʔikut sapa ʔaja maWu \mb kalo ini kata -nya nggak pa - pa saya ikut siapa aja mau \ge TOP this word -NYA NEG what - what 1SG follow who just want \gj TOP this word-NYA NEG RED-what 1SG follow who just want \ft but she says, 'it doesn't matter if you die, I can live with anybody.' \nt repeating CHI's utterance to EXPERN. \ref 374 \id 284726095816111201 \begin 0:11:20 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 375 \id 703168095817111201 \begin 0:11:22 \sp MOTPIT \tx kalo yang ini kurang ajar. \pho kalɔ yaŋ ʔini kuraŋ ʔajar \mb kalo yang ini kurang ajar \ge TOP REL this less teach \gj TOP REL this less teach \ft she is naughty. \nt pointing at CHI. \ref 376 \id 861669095817111201 \begin 0:11:24 \sp EXPERN \tx cuek ya Dek ya kamu ya Dek, ya? \pho cuwɛk ya dɛʔ ya kamu ya dɛʔ ya \mb cuek ya Dek ya kamu ya Dek ya \ge not.care yes TRU-younger.sibling yes 2 yes TRU-younger.sibling yes \gj not.care yes TRU-younger.sibling yes 2 yes TRU-younger.sibling yes \ft you don't care about your mother, huh? \nt talking to CHI. \ref 377 \id 794497095817111201 \begin 0:11:26 \sp MOTPIT \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 378 \id 429171095818111201 \begin 0:11:28 \sp MOTPIT \tx 'kan ada Lek Iyat.' \pho kan ʔada leʔ ʔiyat \mb kan ada Lek Iyat \ge KAN exist TRU-parents.younger.sibling Iyat \gj KAN exist TRU-parents.younger.sibling Iyat \ft 'there is Auntie Iyat.' \nt 1. = she says, 'there is Auntie Iyat, I can live with her.' 2. referring to CHI. \ref 379 \id 195053095818111201 \begin 0:11:30 \sp MOTPIT \tx 'nggak... Lik Iyat ntar nggalakin,' kata Si Indri. \pho ŋga leʔ ʔiyat ntar ŋgalakin kata si ʔindri \mb nggak Lik Iyat ntar ng- galak -in kata Si Indri \ge NEG TRU-aunt Iyat moment N- fierce -IN word PERS Indri \gj NEG TRU-aunt Iyat moment N-fierce-IN word PERS Indri \ft 'no... Auntie Iyat is fierce,' Indri said. \nt repeating DRI's utterance to EXPERN. \ref 380 \id 163798095818111201 \begin 0:11:32 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 381 \id 461730095819111201 \begin 0:11:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt making something with the wax. \ref 382 \id 214539095819111201 \begin 0:11:35 \sp CHIPIT \tx kan masih ada Bapak. \pho kan masiʰ ʔada bapaʔ \mb kan masih ada Bapak \ge KAN still exist father \gj KAN still exist father \ft Father is still here. \nt = I still have Father. \ref 383 \id 962097095819111201 \begin 0:11:36 \sp MOTPIT \tx orang xxx ya Te, ya? \pho ʔoraŋ xxx ya tə ya \mb orang xxx ya Te ya \ge person xxx yes TRU-aunt yes \gj person xxx yes TRU-aunt yes \ft xxx, right? \nt talking to EXPERN. \ref 384 \id 283555095820111201 \begin 0:11:37 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 385 \id 824226095820111201 \begin 0:11:38 \sp MOTPIT \tx bojone piye-piye... \pho bɔjɔne piyepiye \mb bojo -ne piye - piye \ge spouse -E how - how \gj spouse-E RED-how \ft look at that spouse... \nt unclear reference. \ref 386 \id 593574095820111201 \begin 0:11:39 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 387 \id 319234095821111201 \begin 0:11:41 \sp MOTPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 388 \id 170403095821111201 \begin 0:11:43 \sp EXPERN \tx Ibu... Ibu. \pho ʔibu ʔibu \mb Ibu Ibu \ge mother mother \gj mother mother \ft Mam... Mam. \nt talking to MOT. \ref 389 \id 769677095821111201 \begin 0:11:44 \sp MOTPIT \tx e... \pho ʔə \mb e \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 390 \id 874055095821111201 \begin 0:11:46 \sp MOTPIT \tx aku xx dibilang lama banget. \pho ʔaku bar dibilaŋ lama baŋət \mb aku xx di- bilang lama banget \ge 1SG xx DI- say long.time very \gj 1SG xx DI-say long.time very \ft he said xx that I'm very slow. \nt referring to her husband. \ref 391 \id 164005095822111201 \begin 0:11:48 \sp MOTPIT \tx banyak banget orang laki sing xx, dah masuk yang samping. \pho baɲak baŋət ʔoraŋ laki siŋ mujut da masuk yaŋ sampiŋ \mb banyak banget orang laki sing xx dah masuk yang samping \ge a.lot very person male REL xx PFCT go.in REL side \gj a.lot very person male REL xx PFCT go.in REL side \ft there were some men came in from out side. \nt unclear reference. \ref 392 \id 340651095822111201 \begin 0:11:50 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 393 \id 131898095822111201 \begin 0:11:52 \sp MOTPIT \tx 'lha tapi pake celana kan aku?' \pho la tapi pakɛ cəlana kan ʔaku \mb lha tapi pake celana kan aku \ge EXCL but use pants KAN 1SG \gj EXCL but use pants KAN 1SG \ft I asked him, 'do I still use my underwear?' \nt repeating her question. \ref 394 \id 724000095823111201 \begin 0:11:53 \sp MOTPIT \tx takute nek xxx. \pho takute neʔ xxx \mb takut -e nek xxx \ge fear -E TOP xxx \gj fear-E TOP xxx \ft I'm scared xxx. \ref 395 \id 892051095823111201 \begin 0:11:54 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em, pas lagi... \pho ʔəʔəm pas lagi \mb he-em pas lagi \ge uh-huh precise more \gj uh-huh precise more \ft uh-huh, at the time... \ref 396 \id 227401095823111201 \begin 0:11:55 \sp MOTPIT \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 397 \id 232679095824111201 \begin 0:11:56 \sp MOTPIT \tx 'udah, udah sa(ya) rapiin,' kata Ifar. \pho ʔuda ʔuda sa rapiin kata ʔipar \mb udah udah saya rapi -in kata Ifar \ge PFCT PFCT 1SG neat -IN word Ifar \gj PFCT PFCT 1SG neat-IN word Ifar \ft 'it's okay, I take care of you,' Ifar said. \ref 398 \id 748607095824111201 \begin 0:11:58 \sp EXPERN \tx oh. \pho ʔo \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 399 \id 458632095824111201 \begin 0:12:00 \sp MOTPIT \tx bapake langsung ndekap. \pho bapaʔe laŋsuŋ ŋəkəp \mb bapak -e langsung n- dekap \ge father -E direct N- hug \gj father-E direct N-hug \ft then my husband hugged me. \ref 400 \id 349136095825111201 \begin 0:12:01 \sp MOTPIT \tx katanya, 'Ibu, Ibu, Ibu sadar.' \pho kataɲa ʔibu ʔibu ʔibu sadar \mb kata -nya Ibu Ibu Ibu sadar \ge word -NYA mother mother mother aware \gj word-NYA mother mother mother aware \ft he said, 'Mom, Mom, Mom, please come around.' \ref 401 \id 536901095825111201 \begin 0:12:03 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 402 \id 614623104735111201 \begin 0:12:05 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ibu, Ibu jangan sadar. \pho ʔibu ʔibu jaŋan sadal \mb Ibu Ibu jangan sadar \ge mother mother don't aware \gj mother mother don't aware \ft Mom, Mom, don't come around. \ref 403 \id 381505104759111201 \begin 0:12:07 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 404 \id 966195104800111201 \begin 0:12:09 \sp MOTPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 405 \id 767791104800111201 \begin 0:12:11 \sp MOTPIT \tx itu lilin ya Nduk? \pho ʔitu lilin ya nduʔ \mb itu lilin ya Nduk \ge that candle yes TRU-girl \gj that candle yes TRU-girl \ft is that a candle? \nt 1. talking to CHI. 2. = is that a wax? \ref 406 \id 690530104800111201 \begin 0:12:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx lilin. \pho lilin \mb lilin \ge candle \gj candle \ft candle. \nt = yes, it's a wax. \ref 407 \id 857498104801111201 \begin 0:12:13 \sp MOTPIT \tx oh, dibikin Bakso. \pho ʔo dibikin baksɔ \mb oh di- bikin Bakso \ge EXCL DI- make Bakso \gj EXCL DI-make Bakso \ft oh, you're making Bakso. \nt referring to the wax CHI playing with. \ref 408 \id 890145104801111201 \begin 0:12:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt making some meatballs from the wax. \ref 409 \id 584772104801111201 \begin 0:12:15 \sp MOTPIT \tx satu berapa itu? \pho satu bərapa ʔitu \mb satu berapa itu \ge one how.much that \gj one how.much that \ft how much is it? \ref 410 \id 872609104802111201 \begin 0:12:17 \sp CHIPIT \tx satu seribu. \pho satu səribu \mb satu se- ribu \ge one SE- thousand \gj one SE-thousand \ft one thousand rupiahs per each. \ref 411 \id 154620104802111201 \begin 0:12:19 \sp MOTPIT \tx mahal banget ya Te? \pho mahal baŋət ya tə \mb mahal banget ya Te \ge expensive very yes TRU-aunt \gj expensive very yes TRU-aunt \ft it's very expensive, right? \nt talking to EXPERN. \ref 412 \id 100583104802111201 \begin 0:12:21 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em, Bakso mahal banget. \pho ʔəʔəm baʔsɔ mahal baŋət \mb he-em Bakso mahal banget \ge uh-huh Bakso expensive very \gj uh-huh Bakso expensive very \ft uh-huh, a very expensive Bakso. \ref 413 \id 912376104803111201 \begin 0:12:23 \sp MOTPIT \tx Baksone satu seribu. \pho baksɔne satu səribu \mb Bakso -ne satu se- ribu \ge Bakso -E one SE- thousand \gj Bakso-E one SE-thousand \ft one thousand rupiahs for one Bakso. \ref 414 \id 719955104803111201 \begin 0:12:25 \sp EXPERN \tx siapa yang mo beli Dek? \pho siyapa yaŋ mɔ bəli dɛʔ \mb siapa yang mo beli Dek \ge who REL want buy TRU-younger.sibling \gj who REL want buy TRU-younger.sibling \ft who wants to buy it? \ref 415 \id 395346104803111201 \begin 0:12:26 \sp MOTPIT \tx Titoti ya Titoti? \pho titɔti ya titɔti \mb Titoti ya Titoti \ge Titoti yes Titoti \gj Titoti yes Titoti \ft Titoti, huh? \ref 416 \id 501424104804111201 \begin 0:12:27 \sp EXPERN \tx suka makan situ ya Bu? \pho suka makan situ ya bu \mb suka makan situ ya Bu \ge like eat there yes TRU-mother \gj like eat there yes TRU-mother \ft do you like to eat there? \nt referring to Titoti. \ref 417 \id 452426104804111201 \begin 0:12:28 \sp MOTPIT \tx heh? \pho ʔɛ \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 418 \id 441011104804111201 \begin 0:12:29 \sp EXPERN \tx suka makan situ? \pho suka makan situ \mb suka makan situ \ge like eat there \gj like eat there \ft do you like to eat there? \ref 419 \id 287457104804111201 \begin 0:12:30 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx bilangnya ada apa. \pho xxx bilaŋɲa ʔada ʔapa \mb xxx bilang -nya ada apa \ge xxx say -NYA exist what \gj xxx say-NYA exist what \ft xxx I heard there is something in it. \nt referring to Titoti's Bakso. \ref 420 \id 709123104805111201 \begin 0:12:32 \sp EXPERN \tx hah? \pho ʔa \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 421 \id 692177111646111201 \begin 0:12:34 \sp MOTPIT \tx bilangnya ada cacing ok... eee apa? \pho bilaŋɲa ʔada caciŋ ʔok ʔɛ ʔapa \mb bilang -nya ada cacing ok eee apa \ge say -NYA exist worm KOK FILL what \gj say-NYA exist worm KOK FILL what \ft I heard there is worm... or what? \nt = I heard there is worm in Titoti's Bakso. \ref 422 \id 640479111647111201 \begin 0:12:35 \sp EXPERN \tx oh, nggak tau deh. \pho ʔo ŋga tau dɛ \mb oh nggak tau deh \ge EXCL NEG know DEH \gj EXCL NEG know DEH \ft oh, I don't know. \ref 423 \id 251481111647111201 \begin 0:12:36 \sp EXPERN \tx nggak pernah denger. \pho ŋga pərna dəŋər \mb nggak pernah denger \ge NEG ever hear \gj NEG ever hear \ft I never hear it. \ref 424 \id 856452111647111201 \begin 0:12:37 \sp MOTPIT \tx oh. \pho ʔo \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 425 \id 409271111648111201 \begin 0:12:38 \sp MOTPIT \tx trus jarang. \pho trus jaraŋ \mb trus jarang \ge continue rare \gj continue rare \ft then rare. \nt = after I heard it, I seldom come there. \ref 426 \id 532847111648111201 \begin 0:12:39 \sp EXPERN \tx hmm. \pho mː \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hmm. \ref 427 \id 278622111648111201 \begin 0:12:40 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx enggak sekali. \pho xxx ʔəŋgaʔ səkali \mb xxx enggak se- kali \ge xxx NEG SE- very \gj xxx NEG SE-very \ft xxx not once. \ref 428 \id 709671111649111201 \begin 0:12:41 \sp EXPERN \tx ada cacingnya di Baksonya? \pho ʔada caciŋɲa di baʔsɔɲa \mb ada cacing -nya di Bakso -nya \ge exist worm -NYA LOC Bakso -NYA \gj exist worm-NYA LOC Bakso-NYA \ft is there worm in his Bakso? \nt referring to Titoti. \ref 429 \id 358081111649111201 \begin 0:12:42 \sp MOTPIT \tx enggak ada. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ ʔada \mb enggak ada \ge NEG exist \gj NEG exist \ft there aren't any. \ref 430 \id 810023121424111201 \begin 0:12:42 \sp EXPERN \tx di kuahnya? \pho di kuwaɲa \mb di kuah -nya \ge LOC gravy -NYA \gj LOC gravy-NYA \ft in its gravy? \nt = is there worm in the gravy? \ref 431 \id 578739111649111201 \begin 0:12:43 \sp MOTPIT \tx xx. \pho butɔ \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 432 \id 287697111650111201 \begin 0:12:44 \sp EXPERN \tx ada apa? \pho ʔada ʔapa \mb ada apa \ge exist what \gj exist what \ft what? \ref 433 \id 234503121358111201 \begin 0:12:45 \sp MOTPIT \tx xx ijo. \pho butɔ ʔijɔ \mb xx ijo \ge xx green \gj xx green \ft xx green. \ref 434 \id 379929121505111201 \begin 0:12:46 \sp EXPERN \tx oh, xx ijo. \pho ʔo butɔ ʔijɔ \mb oh xx ijo \ge EXCL xx green \gj EXCL xx green \ft oh, xx green. \ref 435 \id 580212121602111201 \begin 0:12:47 \sp EXPERN \tx oh ya, saya pernah denger tu kayak gitu. \pho ʔo ya saya pərna dəŋər tu kayaʔ gitu \mb oh ya saya pernah denger tu kayak gitu \ge EXCL yes 1SG ever hear that like like.that \gj EXCL yes 1SG ever hear that like like.that \ft oh yes, I ever heard it. \ref 436 \id 748233121603111201 \begin 0:12:48 \sp MOTPIT \tx ora cacing... xx ijo. \pho ʔora caciŋ butɔ ʔijɔ \mb ora cacing xx ijo \ge NEG worm xx green \gj NEG worm xx green \ft not worn... xx green. \ref 437 \id 470368121603111201 \begin 0:12:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx woi, aku xx! \pho woi ʔaku dihancu \mb woi aku xx \ge EXCL 1SG xx \gj EXCL 1SG xx \ft woi, I xx. \nt 1. screaming at MOT and EXPERN. 2. = hey, you both don't care about me! \ref 438 \id 498343121603111201 \begin 0:12:50 \sp EXPERN \tx oh iya, maaf. \pho ʔo ʔiya maaf \mb oh iya maaf \ge EXCL yes pardon \gj EXCL yes pardon \ft oh yes, forgive me. \ref 439 \id 870829121604111201 \begin 0:12:51 \sp MOTPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 440 \id 844318121604111201 \begin 0:12:52 \sp MOTPIT \tx dirapiin lagi tu. \pho dirapiin lagi tu \mb di- rapi -in lagi tu \ge DI- neat -IN more that \gj DI-neat-IN more that \ft make it neat. \nt asking CHI to make the cooking set neat. \ref 441 \id 776505121604111201 \begin 0:12:54 \sp EXPERN \tx katanya pake jin gitu, ya? \pho kataɲa pakɛ jin gitu ya \mb kata -nya pake jin gitu ya \ge word -NYA use genie like.that yes \gj word-NYA use genie like.that yes \ft I heard he uses genie to make it sell well, right? \nt referring to Titoti's Bakso. \ref 442 \id 437523121605111201 \begin 0:12:56 \sp MOTPIT \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 443 \id 162544121605111201 \begin 0:12:58 \sp MOTPIT \tx (e)mang kalo Sabtu... tanggal berapa ada tutupnya. \pho maŋ kalɔ saptu taŋgal bərapa ʔada tutupɲa \mb emang kalo Sabtu tanggal berapa ada tutup -nya \ge indeed TOP Saturday date how.much exist shut -NYA \gj indeed TOP Saturday date how.much exist shut-NYA \ft on Saturday or at certain date they close. \nt = they don't sell Bakso on Saturday or at certain date. \ref 444 \id 983318121605111201 \begin 0:13:00 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh, nggak jualan gitu. \pho ʔəʔə ŋga juwalan gitu \mb he-eh nggak jual -an gitu \ge uh-huh NEG sell -AN like.that \gj uh-huh NEG sell-AN like.that \ft uh-huh, they don't sell it. \ref 445 \id 556318121606111201 \begin 0:13:02 \sp MOTPIT \tx mo orang Jawa kan mesti pake gitu-gitu. \mb mo orang Jawa kan mesti pake gitu - gitu \ge want person Java KAN should use like.that - like.that \gj want person Java KAN should use RED-like.that \ft Javanese have to use that thing to make it sell well. \ref 446 \id 547827121606111201 \begin 0:13:04 \sp EXPERN \tx iya, biar laku. \pho ʔiya biyar laku \mb iya biar laku \ge yes let sell.well \gj yes let sell.well \ft yes, to make it sell well. \ref 447 \id 939041121606111201 \begin 0:13:06 \sp MOTPIT \tx lha kata mbahe yang jualan soto depan saya... \pho la kata mbae yaŋ juwalan sɔtɔ dəpan saya \mb lha kata mbah -e yang jual -an soto depan saya \ge EXCL word grandparent -E REL sell -AN k.o.soup front 1SG \gj EXCL word grandparent-E REL sell-AN k.o.soup front 1SG \ft I heard from the woman who sells soto in front of my house... \ref 448 \id 685123121607111201 \begin 0:13:09 \sp MOTPIT \tx kakakku nggak mo pake gitu-gitu nggak laku. \pho kakaʔku ŋga mɔ pakɛ gitugitu ŋga laku \mb kakak -ku nggak mo pake gitu - gitu nggak laku \ge older.sibling -1SG NEG want use like.that - like.that NEG sell.well \gj older.sibling-1SG NEG want use RED-like.that NEG sell.well \ft my sister doesn't want to use it, and she can't make it sell well. \ref 449 \id 882616123435111201 \begin 0:13:12 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho mː \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 450 \id 952572123519111201 \begin 0:13:15 \sp MOTPIT \tx he he. \pho hə hə \mb he he \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft he he. \ref 451 \id 405827123520111201 \begin 0:13:16 \sp EXPERN \tx iya, ya, ya. \pho ʔiya ya ya \mb iya ya ya \ge yes yes yes \gj yes yes yes \ft yes, yes, yes. \ref 452 \id 256457123520111201 \begin 0:13:18 \sp MOTPIT \tx kan laris banget. \pho kan laris baŋət \mb kan laris banget \ge KAN sell.well very \gj KAN sell.well very \ft sell well. \ref 453 \id 784721123520111201 \begin 0:13:20 \sp MOTPIT \tx kata omnya lha jam berapa abis maghrib nyampe jam sepuluh tu penuh terus mobil-mobil. \mb kata om -nya lha jam berapa abis maghrib ny- sampe jam se- puluh tu penuh terus mobil - mobil \ge word uncle -NYA EXCL clock how.much finished sunset.prayer N- arrive clock SE- ten that full continue car - car \gj word uncle-NYA EXCL clock how.much finished sunset.prayer N-arrive clock SE-ten that full continue RED-car \ft her uncle says since maghrib untill tem pm there are full of cars. \nt 1. referring to CHI's uncle. 2. = the vendor can sell soto well since maghrib untill ten pm, that's why it's always full of cars. \ref 454 \id 822893123521111201 \begin 0:13:22 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 455 \id 691730123521111201 \begin 0:13:24 \sp EXPERN \tx di sana Bu di Solo? \pho di sana bu di sɔlɔ \mb di sana Bu di Solo \ge LOC there TRU-mother LOC Solo \gj LOC there TRU-mother LOC Solo \ft in Solo? \ref 456 \id 326268123521111201 \begin 0:13:26 \sp MOTPIT \tx di Klaten. \pho di klaten \mb di Klaten \ge LOC Klaten \gj LOC Klaten \ft in Klaten. \ref 457 \id 500633123521111201 \begin 0:13:27 \sp EXPERN \tx Klaten? \pho klaten \mb Klaten \ge Klaten \gj Klaten \ft Klaten? \ref 458 \id 654775123522111201 \begin 0:13:28 \sp MOTPIT \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 459 \id 221320124012111201 \begin 0:13:29 \sp EXPERN \tx soto apa sih? \pho sɔtɔ ʔapa si \mb soto apa sih \ge k.o.soup what SIH \gj k.o.soup what SIH \ft what kind of soto? \ref 460 \id 629806124035111201 \begin 0:13:30 \sp MOTPIT \tx ya soto, soto biasa itu. \pho yɔ sɔtɔ sɔtɔ biyasa ʔitu \mb ya soto soto biasa itu \ge yes k.o.soup k.o.soup usual that \gj yes k.o.soup k.o.soup usual that \ft just a usual soto. \ref 461 \id 867024124036111201 \begin 0:13:31 \sp EXPERN \tx soto itu soto yang xxx? \pho sɔtɔ ʔitu sɔtɔ yaŋ xxx \mb soto itu soto yang xxx \ge k.o.soup that k.o.soup REL xxx \gj k.o.soup that k.o.soup REL xxx \ft that soto? \ref 462 \id 786792124036111201 \begin 0:13:32 \sp MOTPIT \tx bukan soto Betawi. \pho mbukan sɔtɔ mbətawi \mb bukan soto Betawi \ge NEG k.o.soup Betawi \gj NEG k.o.soup Betawi \ft not a Betawi soto. \ref 463 \id 531991124036111201 \begin 0:13:34 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 464 \id 281768124037111201 \begin 0:13:35 \sp MOTPIT \tx kalo sana kan soto pake ayam. \pho kalɔ sɔnɔ kan sɔtɔ pakɛ ʔayam \mb kalo sana kan soto pake ayam \ge TOP there KAN k.o.soup use chicken \gj TOP there KAN k.o.soup use chicken \ft they sell soto with the chicken there. \ref 465 \id 491788124037111201 \begin 0:13:36 \sp EXPERN \tx iya, ayam. \pho ʔiya ʔayam \mb iya ayam \ge yes chicken \gj yes chicken \ft yes, chicken. \ref 466 \id 490775124037111201 \begin 0:13:37 \sp MOTPIT \tx he-eh. \pho həʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 467 \id 567722124037111201 \begin 0:13:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx kalo sodaranya nggak bayar. \pho kalɔ sɔdalaɲa ŋga bayal \mb kalo sodara -nya nggak bayar \ge TOP sibling -NYA NEG pay \gj TOP sibling-NYA NEG pay \ft if we buy his soto, he doesn't want us to pay it, because we're relative. \ref 468 \id 519032124038111201 \begin 0:13:39 \sp EXPERN \tx iya dong. \pho ʔiya dɔŋ \mb iya dong \ge yes DONG \gj yes DONG \ft of course. \ref 469 \id 292143124038111201 \begin 0:13:40 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ipit waktu itu nggak bayar. \pho ʔipit watu ʔitu ŋga bayal \mb Ipit waktu itu nggak bayar \ge Ipit time that NEG pay \gj Ipit time that NEG pay \ft I didn't pay at that time. \ref 470 \id 251887130554111201 \begin 0:13:42 \sp MOTPIT \tx nggak bayar sodara. \pho ŋga bayar sɔdara \mb nggak bayar sodara \ge NEG pay sibling \gj NEG pay sibling \ft we didn't pay because we're relative. \ref 471 \id 481125130633111201 \begin 0:13:44 \sp EXPERN \tx ntar Tante juga makan situ nggak bayar, kan? \pho ntar tantə juga makan situ ŋga bayar kan \mb ntar Tante juga makan situ nggak bayar kan \ge moment aunt also eat there NEG pay KAN \gj moment aunt also eat there NEG pay KAN \ft if I eat there, I don't have to pay, right? \ref 472 \id 375910130633111201 \begin 0:13:45 \sp MOTPIT \tx gratis. \pho gəratis \mb gratis \ge free \gj free \ft it's free of charge. \ref 473 \id 529854130634111201 \begin 0:13:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx gratis. \pho glatis \mb gratis \ge free \gj free \ft it's free of charge. \ref 474 \id 380160130634111201 \begin 0:13:47 \sp EXPERN \tx iya Dek? \pho ʔiya dɛʔ \mb iya Dek \ge yes TRU-younger.sibling \gj yes TRU-younger.sibling \ft right? \ref 475 \id 868366130634111201 \begin 0:13:48 \sp MOTPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 476 \id 858150130635111201 \begin 0:13:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 477 \id 154525130635111201 \begin 0:13:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt making something with the wax. \ref 478 \id 309453130635111201 \begin 0:13:52 \sp MOTPIT \tx lha Baksone dilanjutin xxx jadi ancur. \pho lɔ baʔsɔne diaŋutin xxx jadi ʔancur \mb lha Bakso -ne di- lanjut -in xxx jadi ancur \ge EXCL Bakso -E DI- continue -IN xxx become destroyed \gj EXCL Bakso-E DI-continue-IN xxx become destroyed \ft keep making Bakso... later it will be scattered. \ref 479 \id 493357130635111201 \begin 0:13:54 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 480 \id 762213130636111201 \begin 0:13:56 \sp MOTPIT \tx tapi emang enak ya Te, ya? \pho tapi ʔɛmaŋ ʔɛnak ya tə ya \mb tapi emang enak ya Te ya \ge but indeed pleasant yes TRU-aunt yes \gj but indeed pleasant yes TRU-aunt yes \ft actually it's really delicious, right? \nt 1. referring to Titoti's Bakso. 2. talking to EXPERN. \ref 481 \id 526521130636111201 \begin 0:13:58 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh, Baksonya itu. \pho ʔəʔə baʔsɔɲa ʔitu \mb he-eh Bakso -nya itu \ge uh-huh Bakso -NYA that \gj uh-huh Bakso-NYA that \ft uh-huh, the Bakso. \ref 482 \id 150820130636111201 \begin 0:14:00 \sp MOTPIT \tx iya, somaynya ya enak ok. \pho ʔiya someiɲa yɔ ʔɛnak ʔɔk \mb iya somay -nya ya enak ok \ge yes k.o.dumpling -NYA yes pleasant KOK \gj yes k.o.dumpling-NYA yes pleasant KOK \ft yes, the somay is also delicious. \ref 483 \id 139697130637111201 \begin 0:14:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx somaynya enak. \pho sɔmeiɲa ʔɛnak \mb somay -nya enak \ge k.o.dumpling -NYA pleasant \gj k.o.dumpling-NYA pleasant \ft the somay is delicious. \nt repeating MOT. \ref 484 \id 396470130637111201 \begin 0:14:04 \sp EXPERN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 485 \id 436420130638111201 \begin 0:14:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak kayak somay di sini. \pho ŋga kayaʔ sɔmei di sini \mb nggak kayak somay di sini \ge NEG like k.o.dumpling LOC here \gj NEG like k.o.dumpling LOC here \ft not like somay in here. \ref 486 \id 518728130638111201 \begin 0:14:08 \sp EXPERN \tx somay sini kan murahan Dek. \pho sɔmei sini kan murahan ya \mb somay sini kan murah -an Dek \ge k.o.dumpling here KAN cheap -AN TRU-younger.sibling \gj k.o.dumpling here KAN cheap-AN TRU-younger.sibling \ft it's cheaper. \nt referring to CHI's previous utterance. \ref 487 \id 571863130638111201 \begin 0:14:11 \sp EXPERN \tx jadi rasanya biasa. \pho jadi rasaɲa biyasa \mb jadi rasa -nya biasa \ge become feel -NYA usual \gj become feel-NYA usual \ft so there is nothing special with the taste. \ref 488 \id 819137130639111201 \begin 0:14:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt making something with the wax. \ref 489 \id 562082130639111201 \begin 0:14:17 \sp MOTPIT \tx eh, dulu di Jawa xxx. \pho ʔɛ dulu di jawa xxx \mb eh dulu di Jawa xxx \ge EH before LOC Java xxx \gj EH before LOC Java xxx \ft when I was in Java xxx. \ref 490 \id 227906130639111201 \begin 0:14:19 \sp MOTPIT \tx kalo pagi udah cari singkong itu. \pho kalɔ pagi ʔuda cari siŋkɔŋ ʔitu \mb kalo pagi udah cari singkong itu \ge TOP morning PFCT look.for cassava that \gj TOP morning PFCT look.for cassava that \ft in the morning I looked for the cassava. \ref 491 \id 629223130640111201 \begin 0:14:21 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 492 \id 970164130640111201 \begin 0:14:23 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx banget. \pho xxx baŋət \mb xxx banget \ge xxx very \gj xxx very \ft very xxx. \ref 493 \id 866809130640111201 \begin 0:14:25 \sp MOTPIT \tx mungkin apa baru apes, ya? \pho muŋkin ʔopo baru ʔapəs ya \mb mungkin apa baru apes ya \ge possible what new unlucky yes \gj possible what new unlucky yes \ft maybe I was unlucky, right? \nt unclear reference. \ref 494 \id 775315130640111201 \begin 0:14:27 \sp EXPERN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 495 \id 245960130641111201 \begin 0:14:29 \sp MOTPIT \tx dan itu emang aku xxx dah ngeliat masih muda. \pho dan ʔitu ʔɛmaŋ ʔaku xxx da ŋəliyat masi muda \mb dan itu emang aku xxx dah nge- liat masih muda \ge and that indeed 1SG xxx PFCT N- see still young \gj and that indeed 1SG xxx PFCT N-see still young \ft I saw it xxx when I was young. \nt unclear reference. \ref 496 \id 756962130641111201 \begin 0:14:31 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 497 \id 480142130641111201 \begin 0:14:32 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx bener-bener darah. \mb xxx bener - bener darah \ge xxx true - true blood \gj xxx RED-true blood \ft xxx really blood. \ref 498 \id 955624130642111201 \begin 0:14:33 \sp EXPERN \tx oh. \pho ʔo \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 499 \id 394983130642111201 \begin 0:14:34 \sp MOTPIT \tx emang uh... larise. \pho ʔɛmaŋ ʔu larise \mb emang uh laris -e \ge indeed EXCL sell.well -E \gj indeed EXCL sell.well-E \ft it's really sell well. \ref 500 \id 690289130642111201 \begin 0:14:35 \sp MOTPIT \tx jadi orange kaya gitu. \pho jadi ʔoraŋe kaya gitu \mb jadi orang -e kaya gitu \ge become person -E like like.that \gj become person-E like like.that \ft he is rich. \nt referring to the vendor. \ref 501 \id 404316141659111201 \begin 0:14:36 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 502 \id 961272141725111201 \begin 0:14:37 \sp MOTPIT \tx kaya tapi trus masih jualan. \pho kaya tapi trus masi juwalan \mb kaya tapi trus masih jual -an \ge like but continue still sell -AN \gj like but continue still sell-AN \ft he is rich but still selling. \ref 503 \id 831231141725111201 \begin 0:14:39 \sp EXPERN \tx masih jualan. \pho masi juwalan \mb masih jual -an \ge still sell -AN \gj still sell-AN \ft he's still selling. \nt repeating MOT. \ref 504 \id 418952141726111201 \begin 0:14:41 \sp MOTPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 505 \id 348847141726111201 \begin 0:14:43 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt there is transmitter problem. \ref 506 \id 187390141727111201 \begin 0:14:44 \sp MOTPIT \tx benere. \pho bənəre \mb bener -e \ge true -E \gj true-E \ft it's true. \ref 507 \id 974878141727111201 \begin 0:14:45 \sp EXPERN \tx oh ya? \pho ʔo ya \mb oh ya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft really? \ref 508 \id 897351141728111201 \begin 0:14:46 \sp MOTPIT \tx ada darahe ya getuknya. \pho ʔada darae ya gətukɲa \mb ada darah -e ya getuk -nya \ge exist blood -E yes k.o.food -NYA \gj exist blood-E yes k.o.food-NYA \ft there is blood in its getuk. \ref 509 \id 206250141729111201 \begin 0:14:47 \sp EXPERN \tx masa sih Bu? \pho masa si bu \mb masa sih Bu \ge incredible SIH TRU-mother \gj incredible SIH TRU-mother \ft really? \ref 510 \id 260401142136111201 \begin 0:14:48 \sp MOTPIT \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 511 \id 466869142143111201 \begin 0:14:49 \sp EXPERN \tx Ibu sendiri liat? \pho ʔibu səndiri liyat \mb Ibu sen- diri liat \ge mother SE- self see \gj mother SE-self see \ft do you see it by yourself? \ref 512 \id 186855142214111201 \begin 0:14:50 \sp MOTPIT \tx wòng saya... trus itu anake xx pas jalan-jalan... \pho wɔŋ saya tus ʔitu ʔanaʔe ʔəle pas jalanjalan \ge person 1SG continue child-E xx precise RED-walk \gj person 1SG continue child-E xx precise RED-walk \ft I hang out with my son... \nt pointing at his son's picture on the wall. \ref 513 \id 989386142214111201 \begin 0:14:51 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh, he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə ʔəʔə \mb he-eh he-eh \ge uh-huh uh-huh \gj uh-huh uh-huh \ft uh-huh, uh-huh. \ref 514 \id 831403142215111201 \begin 0:14:52 \sp MOTPIT \tx (e)mang heboh. \pho maŋ hebɔ \mb emang heboh \ge indeed commotion \gj indeed commotion \ft it was commotion. \ref 515 \id 608932142216111201 \begin 0:14:53 \sp MOTPIT \tx emang laris banget itu. \pho ʔɛmaŋ laris baŋət ʔitu \mb emang laris banget itu \ge indeed sell.well very that \gj indeed sell.well very that \ft it was really sell well. \nt referring to the getuk vendor. \ref 516 \id 142419142216111201 \begin 0:14:55 \sp EXPERN \tx oh. \pho ʔo \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 517 \id 244314142217111201 \begin 0:14:57 \sp MOTPIT \tx kalo puasa... eee laris. \pho kalɔ puwasa ʔɛ laris \mb kalo puasa eee laris \ge TOP fast FILL sell.well \gj TOP fast FILL sell.well \ft if it's fasting month... umm, it's sell well. \nt = on the fasting month, getuk is sell well. \ref 518 \id 994027142217111201 \begin 0:14:59 \sp MOTPIT \tx terkenal ok getuknya... enak. \pho tərkənal ʔok gətukɲa ʔɛnak \mb ter- kenal ok getuk -nya enak \ge TER- recognize KOK k.o.food -NYA pleasant \gj TER-recognize KOK k.o.food-NYA pleasant \ft it's popular... it's delicious. \nt referring to getuk. \ref 519 \id 539696142218111201 \begin 0:15:01 \sp EXPERN \tx Ibu ngeliat dia motong apa Ibu sendiri yang motong? \pho ʔibu ŋəliyat diya mɔtɔŋ ʔapa ʔibu səndiri yaŋ mɔtɔŋ \mb Ibu nge- liat dia m- potong apa Ibu sen- diri yang m- potong \ge mother N- see 3 N- cut what mother SE- self REL N- cut \gj mother N-see 3 N-cut what mother SE-self REL N-cut \ft do you see him cut it or you yourself cut it? \ref 520 \id 191416142219111201 \begin 0:15:03 \sp MOTPIT \tx wòng xx udah dibelah katanya darah tu ngeliat banyak banget. \pho wɔŋ roro ʔuda dibəla kataɲa dara tu ŋəliyat baɲak baŋət \mb wòng xx udah di- belah kata -nya darah tu nge- liat banyak banget \ge person xx PFCT DI- halve word -NYA blood that N- see a.lot very \gj person xx PFCT DI-halve word-NYA blood that N-see a.lot very \ft I heard that while he cut it, there were much blood. \nt telling EXPERN about the getuk vendor who cut his getuk and then there are much blood come out from it. \ref 521 \id 244769142219111201 \begin 0:15:04 \sp EXPERN \tx oh. \pho ʔo \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 522 \id 542063142220111201 \begin 0:15:05 \sp MOTPIT \tx mungkin trus xxx. \pho muŋkin trus xxx \mb mungkin trus xxx \ge possible continue xxx \gj possible continue xxx \ft then maybe xxx. \ref 523 \id 368338142221111201 \begin 0:15:07 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh, he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə ʔəʔə \mb he-eh he-eh \ge uh-huh uh-huh \gj uh-huh uh-huh \ft uh-huh, uh-huh. \ref 524 \id 164058150818111201 \begin 0:15:09 \sp MOTPIT \tx kalo Jawa emang banyakan yang gitu. \pho kalɔ jawa ʔɛmaŋ baɲakan yaŋ gitu \mb kalo Jawa emang banyak -an yang gitu \ge TOP Java indeed a.lot -AN REL like.that \gj TOP Java indeed a.lot-AN REL like.that \ft there are some like that in Java. \nt 1. = Javanese sometime use that thing to make their product sell well. 2. referring to something related with genie. \ref 525 \id 337191150819111201 \begin 0:15:11 \sp EXPERN \tx iya, banyak yang itu. \pho ʔiya baɲak yaŋ ʔitu \mb iya banyak yang itu \ge yes a.lot REL that \gj yes a.lot REL that \ft yes, there are some like that. \nt referring to the Javanesse who sometimes related with genie. \ref 526 \id 485373150819111201 \begin 0:15:13 \sp MOTPIT \tx lha itu kalo orang jualan es pas tak tanyain dari mana... \mb lha itu kalo orang jual -an es pas tak tanya -in dari mana \ge EXCL that TOP person sell -AN ice precise 1SG ask -IN from which \gj EXCL that TOP person sell-AN ice precise 1SG ask-IN from which \ft I asked an ice vendor where he comes from... \ref 527 \id 684958150820111201 \begin 0:15:14 \sp MOTPIT \tx 'Cawas?' \pho cawas \mb Cawas \ge Cawas \gj Cawas \ft 'Cawas?' \nt = 'are you come from Cawas?' \ref 528 \id 807534150820111201 \begin 0:15:15 \sp MOTPIT \tx 'dudu... Pedan.' \pho duduʔ pedan \mb dudu Pedan \ge NEG Pedan \gj NEG Pedan \ft 'no... Pedan.' \nt = ' I come from Pedan.' \ref 529 \id 838961150821111201 \begin 0:15:16 \sp MOTPIT \tx 'Pedan kan banyak tuyul sana,'... apa... apa katanya. \pho pedan kan baɲak tuyul sana ʔopo ʔopoh kataɲa \mb Pedan kan banyak tuyul sana apa apa kata -nya \ge Pedan KAN a.lot k.o.spirit there what what word -NYA \gj Pedan KAN a.lot k.o.spirit there what what word-NYA \ft he said, 'there are many tuyul in Pedan.' \ref 530 \id 739517150822111201 \begin 0:15:18 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em, iya. \pho ʔəʔəm ʔiya \mb he-em iya \ge uh-huh yes \gj uh-huh yes \ft uh-huh, yes. \ref 531 \id 688164150822111201 \begin 0:15:20 \sp MOTPIT \tx 'enak aja,' katanya. \pho ʔenak ʔaja kataɲa \mb enak aja kata -nya \ge pleasant just word -NYA \gj pleasant just word-NYA \ft he said, 'no way.' \ref 532 \id 691635150823111201 \begin 0:15:22 \sp EXPERN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 533 \id 533750150823111201 \begin 0:15:24 \sp MOTPIT \tx 'inggih, Bu.' \pho ʔeŋge bu \mb inggih Bu \ge yes TRU-mother \gj yes TRU-mother \ft 'yes, Mam.' \ref 534 \id 159964152900111201 \begin 0:15:26 \sp MOTPIT \tx katanya kan terkenal Pedan itu. \mb kata -nya kan ter- kenal Pedan itu \ge word -NYA KAN TER- recognize Pedan that \gj word-NYA KAN TER-recognize Pedan that \ft I heard Pedan is famous. \nt = I heard Pedan is famous with the thing related with genie. \ref 535 \id 828209152900111201 \begin 0:15:27 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 536 \id 933825152901111201 \begin 0:15:28 \sp MOTPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 537 \id 319570152901111201 \begin 0:15:29 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 538 \id 432831152902111201 \begin 0:15:30 \sp EXPERN \tx kepercayaan ini. \pho kəpərcayaan ʔini \mb ke an percaya ini \ge KE AN believe this \gj KE.AN-believe this \ft it's a kind of belief. \ref 539 \id 501240152903111201 \begin 0:15:32 \sp MOTPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 540 \id 960537152903111201 \begin 0:15:34 \sp MOTPIT \tx kalo orang Cina jualan-jualan... \mb kalo orang Cina jual -an - jual -an \ge TOP person China sell -AN - sell -AN \gj TOP person China RED-sell-AN \ft if Chinese sell... \ref 541 \id 169812152904111201 \begin 0:15:35 \sp MOTPIT \tx ... toh ya ada yang pake pelaris. \pho to ya ʔada yaŋ pakɛ pəlaris \mb toh ya ada yang pake pe- laris \ge TOH yes exist REL use PE- sell.well \gj TOH yes exist REL use PE-sell.well \ft ... there are some who use something to make it sell well. \ref 542 \id 746628152904111201 \begin 0:15:36 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 543 \id 504545152905111201 \begin 0:15:37 \sp MOTPIT \tx nek Titoti ya... aduh mobile. \pho neʔ titɔti ya ʔadu mɔbile \mb nek Titoti ya aduh mobil -e \ge TOP Titoti yes EXCL car -E \gj TOP Titoti yes EXCL car-E \ft look at Titoti... God, the car. \nt = you can see Titoti... there are many cars come there indicating that his Bakso is sell well. \ref 544 \id 704917152906111201 \begin 0:15:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx mak! \pho mak \mb mak \ge mother \gj mother \ft God! \nt the wax felt down. \ref 545 \id 559440152906111201 \begin 0:15:40 \sp EXPERN \tx iya, mobilnya xxx. \pho ʔiya mɔbilɲa xxx \mb iya mobil -nya xxx \ge yes car -NYA xxx \gj yes car-NYA xxx \ft yes, the car xxx. \ref 546 \id 824520152907111201 \begin 0:15:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh, mana lilin? \pho ʔɛ mana lilin \mb eh mana lilin \ge EXCL which candle \gj EXCL which candle \ft hey, where is the candle? \nt = where is the wax? \ref 547 \id 124927152908111201 \begin 0:15:44 \sp MOTPIT \tx mana? \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \ref 548 \id 556084152908111201 \begin 0:15:46 \sp EXPERN \tx tu jatuh. \pho tu jatu \mb tu jatuh \ge that fall \gj that fall \ft look, it felt down. \nt = look, it's on the floor. \ref 549 \id 228089152909111201 \begin 0:15:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where is it? \ref 550 \id 995226153552111201 \begin 0:15:48 \sp MOTPIT \tx ini agak sini. \pho ʔini ʔagaʔ sini \mb ini agak sini \ge this fairly here \gj this fairly here \ft here, this way. \ref 551 \id 880129153558111201 \begin 0:15:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx mana? \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where is it? \ref 552 \id 543034153602111201 \begin 0:15:50 \sp EXPERN \tx tu di bawah kolong meja tu. \pho tu di bawa kɔlɔŋ mɛja tu \mb tu di bawah kolong meja tu \ge that LOC under space.underneath.something table that \gj that LOC under space.underneath.something table that \ft look, it's underneath the table. \ref 553 \id 494582153645111201 \begin 0:15:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx hah? \pho hah \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 554 \id 656241153649111201 \begin 0:15:52 \sp EXPERN \tx tu. \pho tu \mb tu \ge that \gj that \ft look. \ref 555 \id 553188155656111201 \begin 0:15:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx mana? \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \ref 556 \id 144973155656111201 \begin 0:15:54 \sp EXPERN \tx ini lho. \pho ʔini lo \mb ini lho \ge this EXCL \gj this EXCL \ft here. \ref 557 \id 877165155657111201 \begin 0:15:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx eee... mana? \pho ʔə mana \mb eee mana \ge FILL which \gj FILL which \ft umm... where? \ref 558 \id 231929155657111201 \begin 0:15:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx he he, gedek banget. \pho hɛ hɛ gədək baŋət \mb he he gedek banget \ge IMIT IMIT stubborn very \gj IMIT IMIT stubborn very \ft he he, I'm very stubborn. \nt teasing herself. \ref 559 \id 742883155658111201 \begin 0:16:00 \sp MOTPIT \tx tu. \pho tu \mb tu \ge that \gj that \ft look. \ref 560 \id 555329155659111201 \begin 0:16:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx banyak yang Ipit bikin. \pho baɲak yaŋ ʔipit bikin \mb banyak yang Ipit bikin \ge a.lot REL Ipit make \gj a.lot REL Ipit make \ft I make a lot. \nt referring to the meatball she making from the wax. \ref 561 \id 131339155659111201 \begin 0:16:04 \sp MOTPIT \tx beli lima aja, ya? \pho bəli lima ʔaja ya \mb beli lima aja ya \ge buy five just yes \gj buy five just yes \ft I buy five, okay? \nt = I buy five meatballs, okay? \ref 562 \id 315370155700111201 \begin 0:16:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx lima? \pho lima \mb lima \ge five \gj five \ft five? \ref 563 \id 943510155700111201 \begin 0:16:08 \sp MOTPIT \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 564 \id 199415155701111201 \begin 0:16:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx lima... e, ya sudah. \pho lima mː ya suda \mb lima e ya sudah \ge five IMIT yes PFCT \gj five IMIT yes PFCT \ft five... umm, okay. \ref 565 \id 574259155702111201 \begin 0:16:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt making meatball with the wax. \ref 566 \id 592424160147111201 \begin 0:16:15 \sp MOTPIT \tx biasa maen yang nggak nyampe jam tiga lebih, ni nyampe jam tiga lebih. \pho biyasa maɛn yaŋ ŋga ɲampɛ jam tiga ləbi ni ɲampɛ jam tiga ləbi \mb biasa maen yang nggak ny- sampe jam tiga lebih ni ny- sampe jam tiga lebih \ge usual play REL NEG N- arrive clock three more this N- arrive clock three more \gj usual play REL NEG N-arrive clock three more this N-arrive clock three more \ft usually she doesn't play more than three pm, but now she broke the rule... it's more than three pm. \ref 567 \id 784124160147111201 \begin 0:16:16 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 568 \id 699338160148111201 \begin 0:16:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx satu, dua, tiga... \pho satu dua tiga \mb satu dua tiga \ge one two three \gj one two three \ft one, two, three... \nt counting the meatballs. \ref 569 \id 400791160149111201 \begin 0:16:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx satu, dua, tiga, pat, lima... \pho satu duwa tiga mpat lima \mb satu dua tiga pat lima \ge one two three four five \gj one two three four five \ft one, two, three, four, five... \ref 570 \id 208073160149111201 \begin 0:16:22 \sp MOTPIT \tx jam sepuluh. \pho jam səpulu \mb jam se- puluh \ge clock SE- ten \gj clock SE-ten \ft at ten o'clock. \ref 571 \id 288563160150111201 \begin 0:16:24 \sp MOTPIT \tx 'mbok ngumpet ya Is?' \pho mbɔʔ ŋumpət ya ʔis \mb mbok ng- umpet ya Is \ge EXCL N- hide yes TRU-Pais \gj EXCL N-hide yes TRU-Pais \ft 'she is hiding?' \nt repeating her question to FAR. \ref 572 \id 397258160150111201 \begin 0:16:25 \sp MOTPIT \tx 'iya, Ais umpet (s)andal (K)akak Ipit.' \pho ʔiya ʔais ʔəmpət ʔandal ʔakaʔ ʔipit \mb iya Ais umpet sandal Kakak Ipit \ge yes Ais hide sandal older.sibling Ipit \gj yes Ais hide sandal older.sibling Ipit \ft 'yes, I'm hiding her sandal,' Ais said. \ref 573 \id 226479160151111201 \begin 0:16:26 \sp EXPERN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 574 \id 942173160152111201 \begin 0:16:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx tambah lima lagi, ya? \pho tamba lima lagi ya \mb tambah lima lagi ya \ge add five more yes \gj add five more yes \ft add five, okay? \nt referring to the meatballs. \ref 575 \id 219132160152111201 \begin 0:16:28 \sp MOTPIT \tx kayakne nek Si Fariz tu cerdas ya ntar. \pho kɔyɔʔne neʔ si ʔaris tu cərdas ya ntar \mb kayak -ne nek Si Fariz tu cerdas ya ntar \ge like -E TOP PERS Fariz that educated yes moment \gj like-E TOP PERS Fariz that educated yes moment \ft I think Fariz is a smart boy. \ref 576 \id 834484161125111201 \begin 0:16:29 \sp CHIPIT \tx tu, dua, tiga, pat, lima, enam, tuju, lapan... \pho tu duwa tiga mpat lima ʔənam tuju lapan \mb tu dua tiga pat lima enam tuju lapan \ge one two three four five six seven eight \gj one two three four five six seven eight \ft one, two, three, for, five, six, seven, eight... \nt counting the meatballs. \ref 577 \id 756966160153111201 \begin 0:16:31 \sp EXPERN \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 578 \id 543873160154111201 \begin 0:16:33 \sp MOTPIT \tx ngomonge... \pho ŋɔmɔŋe \mb ng- omong -e \ge N- speak -E \gj N-speak-E \ft he speaks... \ref 579 \id 194141160154111201 \begin 0:16:35 \sp EXPERN \tx ngomongnya udah cep(et)... \pho ŋɔmɔŋɲa ʔuda cəp \mb ng- omong -nya udah cepet \ge N- speak -NYA PFCT quick \gj N-speak-NYA PFCT quick \ft he speaks fast... \ref 580 \id 140243160155111201 \begin 0:16:37 \sp MOTPIT \tx Zulfi ya... tak pek, pek, pek. \pho julfi ya taʔ pək pək pək \mb Zulfi ya tak pek pek pek \ge Zulfi yes NEG IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj Zulfi yes NEG IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft Zulfi... yeah... pek, pek, pek. \nt referring to the way OPI's speaking. \ref 581 \id 570043160155111201 \begin 0:16:38 \sp EXPERN \tx iya, Opi kan masih kagok gitu kadang-kadang. \mb iya Opi kan masih kagok gitu kadang - kadang \ge yes Opi KAN still clumsy like.that occasional - occasional \gj yes Opi KAN still clumsy like.that RED-occasional \ft yes, he sometime speaks clumpsy. \ref 582 \id 189719161227111201 \begin 0:16:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx sembilan, sepuluh, sebelas, dua belas, tiga belas, pat belas. \pho səmbilan səpulu səbəlas duwa bəlas tiga bəlas mpat bəlas \mb sembilan se- puluh se- belas dua belas tiga belas pat belas \ge nine SE- ten SE- teen two teen three teen four teen \gj nine SE-ten SE-teen two teen three teen four teen \ft nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen. \ref 583 \id 524950161301111201 \begin 0:16:40 \sp EXPERN \tx kalo Ais udah bisa. \pho kalɔ ʔais uda bisa \mb kalo Ais udah bisa \ge TOP Ais PFCT can \gj TOP Ais PFCT can \ft Ais can speak well enough. \ref 584 \id 750115161319111201 \begin 0:16:41 \sp MOTPIT \tx udah nggak ngompol... larang. \pho ʔuda ŋga ŋɔmpɔl laraŋ \mb udah nggak ngompol larang \ge PFCT NEG wet.oneself prohibit \gj PFCT NEG wet.oneself prohibit \ft he doesn't wet himself. \nt referring to OPI. \ref 585 \id 595339161320111201 \begin 0:16:42 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 586 \id 278580161320111201 \begin 0:16:43 \sp MOTPIT \tx nggak cedal. \pho ŋga cedal \mb nggak cedal \ge NEG k.o.speech.defect \gj NEG k.o.speech.defect \ft he doesn't have problem with speech defect. \nt referring to FAR. \ref 587 \id 593051161518111201 \begin 0:16:44 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 588 \id 908995161321111201 \begin 0:16:45 \sp MOTPIT \tx ini kok masih cedal. \pho ʔini kɔʔ masi cedal \mb ini kok masih cedal \ge this KOK still k.o.speech.defect \gj this KOK still k.o.speech.defect \ft she has problem with speech defect. \nt referring to CHI. \ref 589 \id 608753161322111201 \begin 0:16:47 \sp EXPERN \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 590 \id 723256161322111201 \begin 0:16:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx lima belas, enam belas, tujuh belas. \pho lima bəlas ʔənam bəlas tuju bəlas \mb lima belas enam belas tujuh belas \ge five teen six teen seven teen \gj five teen six teen seven teen \ft fifteen, sixteen, seventeen. \nt still counting the meatballs. \ref 591 \id 988010161323111201 \begin 0:16:50 \sp EXPERN \tx padahal baru dua taun kan dia... Si Fariz itu. \pho padaal baru duwa taun kan diya si faris ʔitu \mb padahal baru dua taun kan dia Si Fariz itu \ge in.fact new two year KAN 3 PERS Fariz that \gj in.fact new two year KAN 3 PERS Fariz that \ft in fact he is still two years old. \nt = he can speak well enough, although he's still two years old. \ref 592 \id 215656161323111201 \begin 0:16:51 \sp MOTPIT \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 593 \id 841469161324111201 \begin 0:16:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx ada tuju belas. \pho ʔada tuju bəlas \mb ada tuju belas \ge exist seven teen \gj exist seven teen \ft there are seventeen. \nt referring to the meatballs. \ref 594 \id 519273161728111201 \begin 0:16:53 \sp MOTPIT \tx tuju belas. \pho tuju bəlas \mb tuju belas \ge seven teen \gj seven teen \ft seventeen. \nt repeating CHI. \ref 595 \id 739259161737111201 \begin 0:16:55 \sp CHIPIT \tx tuju belas. \pho tuju bəlas \mb tuju belas \ge seven teen \gj seven teen \ft seventeen. \nt whispering. \ref 596 \id 852127161744111201 \begin 0:16:57 \sp MOTPIT \tx berapa harganya? \pho bərapa hagaɲa \mb berapa harga -nya \ge how.much price -NYA \gj how.much price-NYA \ft how much is it? \ref 597 \id 616101161834111201 \begin 0:16:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx jadinya seribu aja nggak pa-pa. \pho jadiɲa səribu ʔajah ŋga papa \mb jadi -nya se- ribu aja nggak pa - pa \ge become -NYA SE- thousand just NEG what - what \gj become-NYA SE-thousand just NEG RED-what \ft it's one thousand rupiahs. \ref 598 \id 921579161834111201 \begin 0:17:00 \sp MOTPIT \tx semua seribu? \pho səmuwa səribu \mb semua se- ribu \ge all SE- thousand \gj all SE-thousand \ft one thousand for all? \ref 599 \id 594294161835111201 \begin 0:17:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 600 \id 721880161836111201 \begin 0:17:02 \sp MOTPIT \tx kok murah? \pho kɔʔ mura \mb kok murah \ge KOK cheap \gj KOK cheap \ft why is it cheap? \ref 601 \id 350992161836111201 \begin 0:17:03 \sp EXPERN \tx tadi satu seribu. \pho tadi satu səribu \mb tadi satu se- ribu \ge earlier one SE- thousand \gj earlier one SE-thousand \ft just now you said one thousand per each. \ref 602 \id 228485161837111201 \begin 0:17:04 \sp EXPERN \tx sekarang semua seribu. \pho səkaraŋ səmuwa səribu \mb sekarang semua se- ribu \ge now all SE- thousand \gj now all SE-thousand \ft now one thousand for all. \ref 603 \id 456836161838111201 \begin 0:17:06 \sp MOTPIT \tx kasi saos no. \pho kasi caɔs nɔ \mb kasi saos no \ge give sauce there \gj give sauce there \ft put some sauce. \ref 604 \id 756951161838111201 \begin 0:17:09 \sp CHIPIT \tx hah? \pho ha \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 605 \id 303154161839111201 \begin 0:17:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt giving sauce into the meatball. \ref 606 \id 820622162210111201 \begin 0:17:12 \sp @End \tx @End