\_sh v3.0 400 Text \_DateStampHasFourDigitYear \ref 0001 \id 558940071000010199 \sp @PAR \tx @Participants: CHI Pipit Target Child, EXP Like Experimenter, OPI Opi CHI’s cousin, DRI Indri CHI’s older sister, KIK Kiki EXP’s nephew; XXX undetermined \pho @Filename: 010-PIT-110999.fm \ft @Duration: (42:14) \nt @Situation: CHI and her friends are sitting and playing in EXP’s livingroom. \ref 0002 \id 517635071000010199 \begin 0:00:05 \sp DRIPIT \tx ya kan wangi kan? \pho ya kan waŋi kan \mb ya kan wangi kan \ge yes KAN fragrant KAN \gj yes KAN fragrant KAN \ft they smell nice, right? \nt CHI, DRI, and OPI are observing dry flowers on the table in the livingroom. \ref 0003 \id 213425071000010199 \begin 0:00:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-em. \pho hʔm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0004 \id 238040071000010199 \begin 0:00:07 \sp EXPLIK \tx mana yang wangi? \pho mana yaŋ waŋi \mb mana yang wangi \ge which REL fragrant \gj which REL fragrant \ft which ones smell nice? \ref 0005 \id 843684071000010199 \begin 0:00:08 \sp DRIPIT \tx ini semua bunganya wangi. \pho ʔini səmuwa buŋaɲa waŋi \mb ini semua bunga -nya wangi \ge this all flower -NYA fragrant \gj this all flower-NYA fragrant \ft all of these flowers smell nice. \ref 0006 \id 920915071000010199 \begin 0:00:09 \sp EXPLIK \tx iya. \pho iya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0007 \id 249427071000010199 \begin 0:00:11 \sp EXPLIK \tx memang wangi. \pho mɛmaŋ waŋi \mb memang wangi \ge indeed fragrant \gj indeed fragrant \ft they do smell nice. \ref 0008 \id 525343071000010199 \begin 0:00:12 \sp DRIPIT \tx nyari di mana? \pho ɲari di mana \mb ny- cari di mana \ge N- look.for LOC which \gj N-look.for LOC which \ft where did you find them? \nt asking EXP about the flower. \ref 0009 \id 162546071000010199 \begin 0:00:13 \sp EXPLIK \tx beli. \pho bəli \mb beli \ge buy \gj buy \ft I bought them. \nt referring to the dry flowers. \ref 0010 \id 115009071000010199 \begin 0:00:15 \sp DRIPIT \tx o, beli. \pho ʔo bəli \mb o beli \ge EXCL buy \gj EXCL buy \ft oh, you bought them. \ref 0011 \id 365976071000010199 \begin 0:00:17 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0012 \id 969336071000010199 \begin 0:00:19 \sp EXPLIK \tx belinya udah gitu. \pho bliɲa ʔuda gitu \mb beli -nya udah gitu \ge buy -NYA PFCT like.that \gj buy-NYA PFCT like.that \ft I bought them like that. \ref 0013 \id 357264091215091003 \begin 0:00:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx cari yang gak begini. \pho cali yaŋ gaʔ bəginin \mb cari yang gak begini \ge look.for REL NEG like.this \gj look.for REL NEG like.this \ft I look for the different one. \nt looking at s.t. in the book. \ref 0014 \id 459291071000010199 \begin 0:00:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx xx... bukan itu Kak! \pho ʔimː bukan itu kaʔ \mb xx bukan itu Kak \ge xx NEG that TRU-older.sibling \gj xx NEG that TRU-older.sibling \ft not that one! \nt reference unclear. \ref 0015 \id 357556091522091003 \begin 0:00:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx yang ini. \pho yaŋ ʔinih \mb yang ini \ge REL this \gj REL this \ft this one. \ref 0016 \id 612944071000010199 \begin 0:00:25 \sp DRIPIT \tx coba, coba Ipit ngomong. \pho coba cɔba ipit ŋɔmɔŋ \mb coba coba Ipit ng- omong \ge try try Ipit N- speak \gj try try Ipit N-speak \ft come on Ipit, speak! \nt asking CHI to speak. \ref 0017 \id 755908091719091003 \begin 0:00:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx halo? \pho haloh \mb halo \ge hello \gj hello \ft hello? \ref 0018 \id 970257071000010199 \begin 0:00:28 \sp DRIPIT \tx ini warna apa? \pho ʔini warna apah \mb ini warna apa \ge this color what \gj this color what \ft what color is this? \nt referring to the pictures in the book. \ref 0019 \id 596952071000010199 \begin 0:00:29 \sp DRIPIT \tx halo! \pho halo \mb halo \ge hello \gj hello \ft hello! \ref 0020 \id 395534071000010199 \begin 0:00:30 \sp DRIPIT \tx coba, Kakak dengerin! \pho cɔbaʔ kakaʔ dəŋərin \mb coba Kakak denger -in \ge try older.sibling hear -IN \gj try older.sibling hear-IN \ft let me listen to it! \nt walking toward the camcorder. \ref 0021 \id 949726071000010199 \begin 0:00:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx halo! \pho haloʔ \mb halo \ge hello \gj hello \ft hello! \ref 0022 \id 261156071000010199 \begin 0:00:33 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt CHI drops one of her crayons unintentionally. \ref 0023 \id 560562071000010199 \begin 0:00:35 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh! \pho ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ \mb eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey, hey! \nt taking the dopped crayon. \ref 0024 \id 788051071000010199 \begin 0:00:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku milih yang bagus. \pho ʔaku mili yaŋ bagus \mb aku m- pilih yang bagus \ge 1SG N- choose REL nice \gj 1SG N-choose REL nice \ft I choose the nice ones. \nt choosing the crayons. \ref 0025 \id 986565071000010199 \begin 0:00:39 \sp DRIPIT \tx nggak ada Tante ininya ya? \pho ŋga ada tantə ʔiniɲa ya \mb nggak ada Tante ini -nya ya \ge NEG exist aunt this -NYA yes \gj NEG exist aunt this-NYA yes \ft hey, there's no whatchamacallit? \nt referring to the receiver in the camcorder. \ref 0026 \id 226282071000010199 \begin 0:00:41 \sp DRIPIT \tx tombol? \pho tɔmbɔl \mb tombol \ge knob \gj knob \ft the button? \ref 0027 \id 330372071000010199 \begin 0:00:43 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh. \pho ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ \mb eh eh eh eh eh eh eh \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey, hey! \ref 0028 \id 180778071000010199 \begin 0:00:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt walking toward DRI who is behind the camera. \ref 0029 \id 537750071000010199 \begin 0:00:47 \sp DRIPIT \tx udah Opi situ! \pho ʔuda ɔpi situ \mb udah Opi situ \ge PFCT Opi there \gj PFCT Opi there \ft okay, stay there, Opi! \nt forbidding OPI to walk toward DRI. \ref 0030 \id 775103071000010199 \begin 0:00:49 \sp DRIPIT \tx sana temenin Ipit! \pho sana təmənin ʔipit \mb sana temen -in Ipit \ge there friend -IN Ipit \gj there friend-IN Ipit \ft there, stay with Ipit! \ref 0031 \id 282895071000010199 \begin 0:00:51 \sp DRIPIT \tx Kakak marahin ni! \pho kaka marain ni \mb Kakak marah -in ni \ge older.sibling angry -IN this \gj older.sibling angry-IN this \ft or I'll be angry with you! \ref 0032 \id 524227071000010199 \begin 0:00:53 \sp DRIPIT \tx Ipit, coba ngomong, Pit! \pho ʔipit cɔba ŋɔmɔŋ pit \mb Ipit coba ng- omong Pit \ge Ipit try N- speak TRU-Pipit \gj Ipit try N-speak TRU-Pipit \ft Ipit, let's see, speak! \ref 0033 \id 303177071000010199 \begin 0:00:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya, "halo!" \pho ya halo \mb ya halo \ge yes hello \gj yes hello \ft okay, "hello!" \ref 0034 \id 316100071000010199 \begin 0:00:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx "halo, halo!" \pho haʔ halow \mb halo halo \ge hello hello \gj hello hello \ft "hello, hello!" \nt repeating CHI. \ref 0035 \id 598133071000010199 \begin 0:00:56 \sp DRIPIT \tx udah sana! \pho ʔuda sana \mb udah sana \ge PFCT there \gj PFCT there \ft okay, now go there! \nt telling OPI to get near CHI. \ref 0036 \id 433389071000010199 \begin 0:00:57 \sp DRIPIT \tx kucoba kamu. \pho kucoba kamu \mb ku- coba kamu \ge 1SG- try 2 \gj 1SG-try 2 \ft let me try you. \nt talking to OPI. \ref 0037 \id 879455071000010199 \begin 0:00:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt walking toward CHI. \ref 0038 \id 926926071000010199 \begin 0:01:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx sini? \pho sini \mb sini \ge here \gj here \ft here? \ref 0039 \id 464395071000010199 \begin 0:01:01 \sp DRIPIT \tx trus! \pho trus \mb trus \ge continue \gj continue \ft keep going! \nt at the same time with OPI. \ref 0040 \id 517229092650091003 \begin 0:01:02 \sp DRIPIT \tx "halo?" \pho halo \mb halo \ge hello \gj hello \ft "hello?" \ref 0041 \id 898905071000010199 \begin 0:01:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx halo! \pho halo \mb halo \ge hello \gj hello \ft hello! \ref 0042 \id 220691071000010199 \begin 0:01:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx Opi ya? \pho ʔɔpiʔ yah \mb Opi ya \ge Opi yes \gj Opi yes \ft is this Opi? \ref 0043 \id 860235071000010199 \begin 0:01:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi ya? \pho ɔpiʔ ya \mb Opi ya \ge Opi yes \gj Opi yes \ft is this Opi? \nt repeating CHI's utterance. \ref 0044 \id 984449071000010199 \begin 0:01:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx Kakak ya? \pho kakaʔ ya \mb Kakak ya \ge older.sibling yes \gj older.sibling yes \ft is this Indri? \ref 0045 \id 656567071000010199 \begin 0:01:09 \sp DRIPIT \tx halo! \pho halo \mb halo \ge hello \gj hello \ft hello! \ref 0046 \id 643087071000010199 \begin 0:01:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx Kakak ya? \pho kakaʔ ya \mb Kakak ya \ge older.sibling yes \gj older.sibling yes \ft is this Indri? \ref 0047 \id 878612071000010199 \begin 0:01:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx halo! \pho halo \mb halo \ge hello \gj hello \ft hello! \ref 0048 \id 246562071000010199 \begin 0:01:14 \sp DRIPIT \tx halo Ipit! \pho halo ʔipit \mb halo Ipit \ge hello Ipit \gj hello Ipit \ft hello Ipit! \ref 0049 \id 979038071000010199 \begin 0:01:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx halo! \pho halo \mb halo \ge hello \gj hello \ft hello! \ref 0050 \id 608219071000010199 \begin 0:01:18 \sp DRIPIT \tx lagi ngapain? \pho lagi ŋapain \mb lagi ng- apa -in \ge more N- what -IN \gj more N-what-IN \ft what are you doing? \nt asking CHI. \ref 0051 \id 760297071000010199 \begin 0:01:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx lagi warnai. \pho lagiː waʔnai \mb lagi warna -i \ge more color -I \gj more color-I \ft I am coloring. \ref 0052 \id 732508071000010199 \begin 0:01:24 \sp DRIPIT \tx warna apa tu? \pho warna ʔapa tu \mb warna apa tu \ge color what that \gj color what that \ft what color is that? \ref 0053 \id 781621071000010199 \begin 0:01:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx kuning. \pho kuniŋ \mb kuning \ge yellow \gj yellow \ft yellow. \ref 0054 \id 923082071000010199 \begin 0:01:28 \sp DRIPIT \tx warna kuning. \pho warna kuniŋ \mb warna kuning \ge color yellow \gj color yellow \ft yellow. \ref 0055 \id 660648071000010199 \begin 0:01:30 \sp DRIPIT \tx kuning apa tu? \pho kuniŋ ʔapa tu \mb kuning apa tu \ge yellow what that \gj yellow what that \ft what yellow is that? \ref 0056 \id 576911092931091003 \begin 0:01:32 \sp DRIPIT \tx kuning muda apa kuning tua? \pho kuniŋ muda ʔapa kuniŋ tuwaʔ \mb kuning muda apa kuning tua \ge yellow young what yellow old \gj yellow young what yellow old \ft light yellow or dark yellow? \ref 0057 \id 831839071000010199 \begin 0:01:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt walking towards the camera. \ref 0058 \id 735724071000010199 \begin 0:01:36 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu kamu sana, sana, sana! \pho tu kamu sana sana sanah \mb tu kamu sana sana sana \ge that 2 there there there \gj that 2 there there there \ft you stay there! \nt forbidding Opi to stand in front of the camera. \ref 0059 \id 831546071000010199 \begin 0:01:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt standing close in front of the camera. \ref 0060 \id 167881093809091003 \begin 0:01:40 \sp DRIPIT \tx Opi... my God. \pho opiː may got \mb Opi my God \ge Opi my God \gj Opi my God \ft my God. \ref 0061 \id 691385093907091003 \begin 0:01:42 \sp DRIPIT \tx eh, sana sana sana sana sana! \pho ʔɛ sana sana sana sana sana \mb eh sana sana sana sana sana \ge EXCL there there there there there \gj EXCL there there there there there \ft hey, stay there! \ref 0062 \id 827592094038091003 \begin 0:01:44 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni dia taunya. \pho ni diya tawɲa \mb ni dia tau -nya \ge this 3 know -NYA \gj this 3 know-NYA \ft here you are. \nt talking to OPI who is standing in front of the camera. \ref 0063 \id 467177094207091003 \begin 0:01:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt showing his hands in front of the camera. \ref 0064 \id 314219071000010199 \begin 0:01:48 \sp DRIPIT \tx eh, tanganmu itu lho, Pi! \pho ʔɛ taŋanmu witu lo piʔ \mb eh tangan -mu itu lho Pi \ge EXCL hand -2 that EXCL TRU-Opi \gj EXCL hand-2 that EXCL TRU-Opi \ft take your hands away, Pi! \ref 0065 \id 495540071000010199 \begin 0:01:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft what? \ref 0066 \id 559150071000010199 \begin 0:01:53 \sp DRIPIT \tx Ipit ngomong! \pho ʔipit ŋɔmɔŋ \mb Ipit ng- omong \ge Ipit N- speak \gj Ipit N-speak \ft Ipit, speak! \ref 0067 \id 443587071000010199 \begin 0:01:56 \sp DRIPIT \tx Ipit ngomong! \pho ʔipit ŋɔmɔŋ \mb Ipit ng- omong \ge Ipit N- speak \gj Ipit N-speak \ft speak! \ref 0068 \id 380814071000010199 \begin 0:01:58 \sp DRIPIT \tx Ipit ngomong! \pho ʔipit ŋɔmɔŋ \mb Ipit ng- omong \ge Ipit N- speak \gj Ipit N-speak \ft speak! \ref 0069 \id 861920094341091003 \begin 0:02:00 \sp DRIPIT \tx dimarahin Tante. \pho dimarain tantə \mb di- marah -in Tante \ge DI- angry -IN aunt \gj DI-angry-IN aunt \ft she'll be angry with you. \ref 0070 \id 512960094353091003 \begin 0:02:02 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu Tante. \pho tu tantəh \mb tu Tante \ge that aunt \gj that aunt \ft there she is. \ref 0071 \id 838822094506091003 \begin 0:02:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt going back to her seat. \ref 0072 \id 159006071000010199 \begin 0:02:06 \sp DRIPIT \tx ngomong! \pho ŋɔmɔŋ \mb ng- omong \ge N- speak \gj N-speak \ft speak! \ref 0073 \id 918418071000010199 \begin 0:02:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx Kakak! \pho kakaʔ \mb Kakak \ge older.sibling \gj older.sibling \ft Indri! \ref 0074 \id 582249071000010199 \begin 0:02:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx Kakak! \pho kakaʔ \mb Kakak \ge older.sibling \gj older.sibling \ft Indri! \ref 0075 \id 199590094612091003 \begin 0:02:14 \sp EXPLIK \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0076 \id 779969071000010199 \begin 0:02:17 \sp DRIPIT \tx Opi! \pho ʔɔpiʔ \mb Opi \ge Opi \gj Opi \ft Opi! \ref 0077 \id 159930071000010199 \begin 0:02:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx Kakak! \pho kakaʔ \mb Kakak \ge older.sibling \gj older.sibling \ft Indri! \ref 0078 \id 252519071000010199 \begin 0:02:22 \sp DRIPIT \tx Opi sana! \pho ʔɔpi sana \mb Opi sana \ge Opi there \gj Opi there \ft Opi, go there! \nt forbidding Opi to come toward the camera. \ref 0079 \id 290359071000010199 \begin 0:02:24 \sp OPIPIT \tx Kakak! \pho kakaʔ \mb Kakak \ge older.sibling \gj older.sibling \ft Indri! \ref 0080 \id 878840071000010199 \begin 0:02:26 \sp DRIPIT \tx halo! \pho halo \mb halo \ge hello \gj hello \ft hello! \ref 0081 \id 492292071000010199 \begin 0:02:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx halo! \pho haloh \mb halo \ge hello \gj hello \ft hello! \ref 0082 \id 862067071000010199 \begin 0:02:31 \sp EXPLIK \tx 0. \nt entering the room. \ref 0083 \id 282606071000010199 \begin 0:02:32 \sp EXPLIK \tx sapa belom makan? \pho sapa bəlom makan \mb sapa belom makan \ge who not.yet eat \gj who not.yet eat \ft who hasn't eaten yet? \ref 0084 \id 166637071000010199 \begin 0:02:33 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt raising her right hand. \ref 0085 \id 483672071000010199 \begin 0:02:34 \sp EXPLIK \tx siapa yang belom makan? \pho syapa yaŋ bəlom makan \mb siapa yang belom makan \ge who REL not.yet eat \gj who REL not.yet eat \ft who hasn't eaten yet? \ref 0086 \id 887454071000010199 \begin 0:02:35 \sp EXPLIK \tx o, Mbak Indri belom makan? \pho ʔo mbaʔ ʔindri bəlom makan \mb o Mbak Indri belom makan \ge EXCL EPIT Indri not.yet eat \gj EXCL EPIT Indri not.yet eat \ft Indri, have you eaten yet? \ref 0087 \id 358347071000010199 \begin 0:02:37 \sp DRIPIT \tx belom. \pho bəlom \mb belom \ge not.yet \gj not.yet \ft not yet. \ref 0088 \id 551974071000010199 \begin 0:02:37 \sp EXPLIK \tx Opi? \pho ʔɔpiʔ \mb Opi \ge Opi \gj Opi \ft you? \nt asking Opi whether he has eaten yet. \ref 0089 \id 446965071000010199 \begin 0:02:38 \sp EXPLIK \tx sudah makan belom? \pho suda makan bəlom \mb sudah makan belom \ge PFCT eat not.yet \gj PFCT eat not.yet \ft have you eaten yet? \ref 0090 \id 459094071000010199 \begin 0:02:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt shaking his head. \ref 0091 \id 904235071000010199 \begin 0:02:40 \sp EXPLIK \tx belom. \pho bəlom \mb belom \ge not.yet \gj not.yet \ft not yet. \ref 0092 \id 702484071000010199 \begin 0:02:41 \sp EXPLIK \tx In(dri), Pipit? \pho ʔin pipit \mb Indri Pipit \ge Indri Pipit \gj Indri Pipit \ft and you, Pipit? \ref 0093 \id 161375071000010199 \begin 0:02:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx belom. \pho bəlom \mb belom \ge not.yet \gj not.yet \ft not yet. \ref 0094 \id 820265094856091003 \begin 0:02:43 \sp EXPLIK \tx belom. \pho bəlom \mb belom \ge not.yet \gj not.yet \ft not yet. \ref 0095 \id 240850071000010199 \begin 0:02:44 \sp EXPLIK \tx maem ya? \pho maʔəm ya \mb maem ya \ge eat yes \gj eat yes \ft let's eat, okay? \nt talking to the children. \ref 0096 \id 380623071000010199 \begin 0:02:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx masa warnanya... \pho masa wanaɲah \mb masa warna -nya \ge incredible color -NYA \gj incredible color-NYA \ft how come the color is... \ref 0097 \id 544485071000010199 \begin 0:02:47 \sp EXPLIK \tx kenapa warnanya? \pho kənapa warnaɲa \mb kenapa warna -nya \ge why color -NYA \gj why color-NYA \ft what's wrong with the color? \ref 0098 \id 581617071000010199 \begin 0:02:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx warnanya gini? \pho wanaɲa gini \mb warna -nya gini \ge color -NYA like.this \gj color-NYA like.this \ft the color is like this? \ref 0099 \id 961627071000010199 \begin 0:02:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx coklat. \pho cɔkat \mb coklat \ge chocolate \gj chocolate \ft brown. \ref 0100 \id 486474071000010199 \begin 0:02:51 \sp EXPLIK \tx nggak pa-pa! \pho ŋgaʔ papa \mb nggak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft it's okay! \ref 0101 \id 292168071000010199 \begin 0:02:53 \sp EXPLIK \tx coba liat! \pho cɔbaʔ liyat \mb coba liat \ge try see \gj try see \ft let me see! \ref 0102 \id 677293071000010199 \begin 0:02:55 \sp EXPLIK \tx punya siapa ini? \pho puɲaʔ syapa ini \mb punya siapa ini \ge have who this \gj have who this \ft whose is this? \nt referring to a book. \ref 0103 \id 683368071000010199 \begin 0:02:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx punya Opi. \pho puɲaʔ ʔɔpiʔ \mb punya Opi \ge have Opi \gj have Opi \ft it's Opi's. \ref 0104 \id 181001071000010199 \begin 0:02:57 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh, punya Ipit! \pho ʔɛ puɲaʔ ʔipit \mb eh punya Ipit \ge EH have Ipit \gj EH have Ipit \ft eh, it's mine. \ref 0105 \id 687100071000010199 \begin 0:02:58 \sp EXPLIK \tx punya Ipit. \pho puɲaʔ ʔipit \mb punya Ipit \ge have Ipit \gj have Ipit \ft it's yours. \ref 0106 \id 809733071000010199 \begin 0:02:59 \sp EXPLIK \tx nggak pa-pa. \pho ŋgaʔ papa \mb nggak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft it's okay. \ref 0107 \id 904419071000010199 \begin 0:03:00 \sp EXPLIK \tx diwarna coklat. \pho diwarna cɔklat \mb di- warna coklat \ge DI- color chocolate \gj DI-color chocolate \ft you color it brown. \ref 0108 \id 191788071000010199 \begin 0:03:01 \sp EXPLIK \tx boleh! \pho bole \mb boleh \ge may \gj may \ft it's okay! \ref 0109 \id 185643071000010199 \begin 0:03:02 \sp EXPLIK \tx bagus! \pho bagɔs \mb bagus \ge nice \gj nice \ft it's nice! \ref 0110 \id 405241071000010199 \begin 0:03:03 \sp EXPLIK \tx topinya Donal? \pho tɔpiɲa dɔnal \mb topi -nya Donal \ge hat -NYA Donald \gj hat-NYA Donald \ft Donald's hat? \ref 0111 \id 293062071000010199 \begin 0:03:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx he-em. \pho hʔm̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0112 \id 409386071000010199 \begin 0:03:05 \sp EXPLIK \tx nggak pa-pa. \pho ŋgaʔ papa \mb nggak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft it's okay. \ref 0113 \id 663133071000010199 \begin 0:03:07 \sp EXPLIK \tx coklat boleh. \pho cɔklat bole \mb coklat boleh \ge chocolate may \gj chocolate may \ft brown is okay. \ref 0114 \id 287690071000010199 \begin 0:03:09 \sp CHIPIT \tx coba Ipit... \pho cɔbaʔ ʔipit \mb coba Ipit \ge try Ipit \gj try Ipit \ft let me... \ref 0115 \id 124051071000010199 \begin 0:03:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini punya Ipit apa punya Opi ya? \pho ʔini puɲaʔ ʔipit apa puɲaʔ ʔɔpiʔ ya \mb ini punya Ipit apa punya Opi ya \ge this have Ipit what have Opi yes \gj this have Ipit what have Opi yes \ft this is mine or Opi's? \ref 0116 \id 230373071000010199 \begin 0:03:15 \sp EXPLIK \tx ini? \pho ni \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one? \ref 0117 \id 697577071000010199 \begin 0:03:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx ih, punya Ipit. \pho ʔi puɲaʔ ʔipit \mb ih punya Ipit \ge EXCL have Ipit \gj EXCL have Ipit \ft it's yours. \ref 0118 \id 496766071000010199 \begin 0:03:19 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, punya Ipit ya ini ya? \pho ʔo puɲaʔ ʔipit ya ʔini ya \mb oh punya Ipit ya ini ya \ge EXCL have Ipit yes this yes \gj EXCL have Ipit yes this yes \ft oh, this is yours, right? \ref 0119 \id 457488071000010199 \begin 0:03:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-em. \pho hʔm̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh \ref 0120 \id 921267071000010199 \begin 0:03:21 \sp EXPLIK \tx o, ya ini punya Ipit. \pho ʔo iya ini puɲaʔ ʔipit \mb o ya ini punya Ipit \ge EXCL yes this have Ipit \gj EXCL yes this have Ipit \ft oh, yes this is Ipit's. \ref 0121 \id 762379071000010199 \begin 0:03:22 \sp EXPLIK \tx ni. \pho ni \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft this. \ref 0122 \id 620966071000010199 \begin 0:03:24 \sp DRIPIT \tx no, pantatnya Zulfi kelihatan. \pho nɔ pantatɲa julpi kəliyatan \mb no pantat -nya Zulfi ke an lihat \ge there buttocks -NYA Zulfi KE AN see \gj there buttocks-NYA Zulfi KE.AN-see \ft look, I can see Zulfi's back. \nt DRI looking at OPI from the camera. \ref 0123 \id 802072071000010199 \begin 0:03:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx bukan. \pho bukan \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0124 \id 849134071000010199 \begin 0:03:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx kalo punya Ipit mah... \pho kalɔ puɲaʔ ʔipit mah \mb kalo punya Ipit mah \ge TOP have Ipit MAH \gj TOP have Ipit MAH \ft mine is... \ref 0125 \id 711053071000010199 \begin 0:03:27 \sp EXPLIK \tx Fitri. \pho fitri \mb Fitri \ge Fitri \gj Fitri \ft Fitri. \nt reading a name in front of the book. \ref 0126 \id 191226071000010199 \begin 0:03:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx o iya. \pho ʔo ʔiya \mb o iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, yeah. \ref 0127 \id 652486071000010199 \begin 0:03:29 \sp CHIPIT \tx punya Ipit yang ini. \pho puɲaʔ ʔipit yaŋ ʔini \mb punya Ipit yang ini \ge have Ipit REL this \gj have Ipit REL this \ft this is mine. \ref 0128 \id 443579071000010199 \begin 0:03:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx lupa. \pho lupaʔ \mb lupa \ge forget \gj forget \ft I forgot. \ref 0129 \id 249118071000010199 \begin 0:03:31 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, yang itu. \pho ʔo yaŋ ʔitu \mb oh yang itu \ge EXCL REL that \gj EXCL REL that \ft oh, that one. \ref 0130 \id 733183071000010199 \begin 0:03:32 \sp EXPLIK \tx coba liat sini! \pho cɔbaʔ liyat sini \mb coba liat sini \ge try see here \gj try see here \ft let me see! \ref 0131 \id 612406095258091003 \begin 0:03:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni Kak. \pho ni kaʔ \mb ni Kak \ge this TRU-older.sibling \gj this TRU-older.sibling \ft here. \ref 0132 \id 917308095347091003 \begin 0:03:35 \sp EXPLIK \tx aduh! \pho hadu \mb aduh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ouch! \nt whispering. \ref 0133 \id 811322095442091003 \begin 0:03:36 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni diliatin Ipit xxx. \pho ni diliyatin ʔipit xxx \mb ni di- liat -in Ipit xxx \ge this DI- see -IN Ipit xxx \gj this DI-see-IN Ipit xxx \ft she shows me this xxx. \ref 0134 \id 420981071000010199 \begin 0:03:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni! \pho ni \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft here you are! \ref 0135 \id 238885071000010199 \begin 0:03:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ipit mah warnanya gini. \pho ʔipit ma wanaɲa gini \mb Ipit mah warna -nya gini \ge Ipit MAH color -NYA like.this \gj Ipit MAH color-NYA like.this \ft this is the way I colored. \ref 0136 \id 610681095600091003 \begin 0:03:39 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm. \pho hm \mb hmm \ge oh \gj oh \ft I see. \ref 0137 \id 645835071000010199 \begin 0:03:40 \sp CHIPIT \tx warna Ipit begini. \pho wana ʔipit bəginih \mb warna Ipit begini \ge color Ipit like.this \gj color Ipit like.this \ft this is my color. \ref 0138 \id 268014071000010199 \begin 0:03:41 \sp EXPLIK \tx emm? \pho m̩ʔm̩ \mb emm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm? \ref 0139 \id 618648071000010199 \begin 0:03:43 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini kok gini sih warna Ipit? \pho ʔini kɔʔ gini si wana ʔipit \mb ini kok gini sih warna Ipit \ge this KOK like.this SIH color Ipit \gj this KOK like.this SIH color Ipit \ft how come the color is like this? \ref 0140 \id 530109071000010199 \begin 0:03:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh, coklat. \pho ʔɛ cɔklat \mb eh coklat \ge EXCL chocolate \gj EXCL chocolate \ft hey, this is brown. \ref 0141 \id 154431071000010199 \begin 0:03:47 \sp EXPLIK \tx mana? \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft which one? \ref 0142 \id 534524071000010199 \begin 0:03:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx punya Ipit ini. \pho puɲaʔ ʔipit ini \mb punya Ipit ini \ge have Ipit this \gj have Ipit this \ft this is mine. \nt taking OPI's book. \ref 0143 \id 557559071000010199 \begin 0:03:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx salah! \pho salah \mb salah \ge wrong \gj wrong \ft I am wrong! \ref 0144 \id 734469095843091003 \begin 0:03:51 \sp DRIPIT \tx memang Pit, yang bener Pit. \pho mɛmaŋ pit yaŋ bənər pit \mb memang Pit yang bener Pit \ge indeed TRU-Pipit REL true TRU-Pipit \gj indeed TRU-Pipit REL true TRU-Pipit \ft that's the real one. \ref 0145 \id 707488071000010199 \begin 0:03:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx salah Ipit . \pho salah ʔipit \mb salah Ipit \ge wrong Ipit \gj wrong Ipit \ft I am wrong. \ref 0146 \id 446521095939091003 \begin 0:03:53 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em? \pho hʔm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft yeah? \ref 0147 \id 563468071000010199 \begin 0:03:55 \sp CHIPIT \tx soalnya... \pho sɔʔalɲa \mb soal -nya \ge matter -NYA \gj matter-NYA \ft because... \ref 0148 \id 193414100034091003 \begin 0:03:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx apa ini? \pho ʔapa ʔini \mb apa ini \ge what this \gj what this \ft what's this? \ref 0149 \id 519212100050091003 \begin 0:03:57 \sp DRIPIT \tx soalnya kenapa? \pho soʔalɲa kənapa \mb soal -nya kenapa \ge matter -NYA why \gj matter-NYA why \ft what's the problem? \ref 0150 \id 128397071000010199 \begin 0:03:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni tu! \pho ni to \mb ni tu \ge this that \gj this that \ft look, this! \ref 0151 \id 372483071000010199 \begin 0:03:59 \sp EXPLIK \tx yang ini punya siapa? \pho yaŋ ʔini puɲa syapa \mb yang ini punya siapa \ge REL this have who \gj REL this have who \ft whose book is this? \ref 0152 \id 534284071000010199 \begin 0:04:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx punya Ipit inih. \pho puɲaʔ ʔipit inih \mb punya Ipit inih \ge have Ipit this \gj have Ipit this \ft this is mine. \ref 0153 \id 119944071000010199 \begin 0:04:02 \sp EXPLIK \tx o, ini. \pho ʔo ini \mb o ini \ge EXCL this \gj EXCL this \ft oh, this one. \ref 0154 \id 507276071000010199 \begin 0:04:03 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm, nah ini sama bagus tuh! \pho hm na ini sama bagus to \mb hmm nah ini sama bagus tuh \ge uh-huh NAH this with nice that \gj uh-huh NAH this with nice that \ft uh-huh, look, this is nice too! \ref 0155 \id 708914071000010199 \begin 0:04:04 \sp EXPLIK \tx siapa mewarna nih? \pho syapa məwarna ni \mb siapa me- warna nih \ge who MEN- color this \gj who MEN-color this \ft who colored this? \ref 0156 \id 229852071000010199 \begin 0:04:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ipit. \pho ʔipit \mb Ipit \ge Ipit \gj Ipit \ft I did. \ref 0157 \id 609409100314091003 \begin 0:04:08 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm, bagus. \pho hm bagus \mb hmm bagus \ge oh nice \gj oh nice \ft it's nice. \ref 0158 \id 940745071000010199 \begin 0:04:09 \sp CHIPIT \tx terus ini... \pho tos ʔini \mb terus ini \ge continue this \gj continue this \ft and this one... \ref 0159 \id 530912071000010199 \begin 0:04:10 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em... \pho h̩m̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh... \ref 0160 \id 154188071000010199 \begin 0:04:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft and this. \nt turning another page. \ref 0161 \id 946595071000010199 \begin 0:04:12 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em. \pho h̩m̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh... \ref 0162 \id 962891100533091003 \begin 0:04:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni apanya? \pho ni yapaɲa \mb ni apa -nya \ge this what -NYA \gj this what-NYA \ft what's this? \nt pointing to s.t. in the book. \ref 0163 \id 127448100558091003 \begin 0:04:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni panya cakep. \pho ni paɲa cakəp \mb ni pa -nya cakep \ge this what -NYA goodlooking \gj this what-NYA goodlooking \ft what's this? it's nice. \ref 0164 \id 740368071000010199 \begin 0:04:15 \sp CHIPIT \tx terus ini. \pho tos ʔini \mb terus ini \ge continue this \gj continue this \ft and this. \ref 0165 \id 592998071000010199 \begin 0:04:16 \sp EXPLIK \tx banyak? \pho baɲaʔ \mb banyak \ge a.lot \gj a.lot \ft a lot? \nt misunderstanding OPI. \ref 0166 \id 634939100824091003 \begin 0:04:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-em. \pho hʔm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0167 \id 745271100902091003 \begin 0:04:18 \sp EXPLIK \tx o iya, pinter. \pho ʔo ʰiya pintər \mb o iya pinter \ge EXCL yes smart \gj EXCL yes smart \ft right, good. \ref 0168 \id 540821071000010199 \begin 0:04:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx t(er)us ini. \pho tos ʔini \mb terus ini \ge continue this \gj continue this \ft and this. \ref 0169 \id 441657071000010199 \begin 0:04:18 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em? \pho hʔm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft yeah? \ref 0170 \id 345927071000010199 \begin 0:04:19 \sp CHIPIT \tx terus ini. \pho tos ʔini \mb terus ini \ge continue this \gj continue this \ft and this. \ref 0171 \id 611840071000010199 \begin 0:04:20 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em. \pho hʔm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0172 \id 410122071000010199 \begin 0:04:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx yang ada yang kosong banyak. \pho yaŋ ada yaŋ kɔsɔŋ baɲak \mb yang ada yang kosong banyak \ge REL exist REL empty a.lot \gj REL exist REL empty a.lot \ft there are still a lot of uncolored drawings. \nt referring to the coloring book. \ref 0173 \id 433723071000010199 \begin 0:04:22 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em. \pho hʔm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0174 \id 195994071000010199 \begin 0:04:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx kosongnya banyak nih Tante. \pho kɔsɔŋɲa baɲak ni tatəh \mb kosong -nya banyak nih Tante \ge empty -NYA a.lot this aunt \gj empty-NYA a.lot this aunt \ft look, the uncolored ones are a lot. \ref 0175 \id 686669071000010199 \begin 0:04:25 \sp EXPLIK \tx berapa kosongnya? \pho brapa kɔsɔŋɲa \mb berapa kosong -nya \ge how.much empty -NYA \gj how.much empty-NYA \ft how many are the uncolored ones? \ref 0176 \id 759070071000010199 \begin 0:04:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini. \pho ʔinih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this. \nt showing one by one the drawings that haven't been colored yet. \ref 0177 \id 809664071000010199 \begin 0:04:29 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this. \ref 0178 \id 645972071000010199 \begin 0:04:29 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em. \pho hʔm̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0179 \id 765693071000010199 \begin 0:04:29 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this. \ref 0180 \id 195637101305091003 \begin 0:04:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt showing his hands in front of the camera. \ref 0181 \id 519259071000010199 \begin 0:04:30 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em. \pho hʔm̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0182 \id 981668101351091003 \begin 0:04:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx inih. \pho ʔinih \mb inih \ge this \gj this \ft this. \ref 0183 \id 721213101409091003 \begin 0:04:31 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em. \pho hʔm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0184 \id 844821101428091003 \begin 0:04:31 \sp DRIPIT \tx eh, Ijul jelek. \pho ʔɛ ʔijul jəlɛk \mb eh Ijul jelek \ge EXCL Ijul bad \gj EXCL Ijul bad \ft you're bad. \ref 0185 \id 500688071000010199 \begin 0:04:32 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh, nggak. \pho ʔɛh ʔŋ̩gaʔ \mb eh nggak \ge EH NEG \gj EH NEG \ft eh, no. \ref 0186 \id 235915101550091003 \begin 0:04:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx lu juga xxx. \pho lu jugaʔ xxx \mb lu juga xxx \ge 2 also xxx \gj 2 also xxx \ft you also xxx. \ref 0187 \id 685731071000010199 \begin 0:04:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx nyomang ini ama i(ni)... \pho ɲomaŋ ʔini ʔama ʔi \mb nyomang ini ama ini \ge only this with this \gj only this with this \ft actually only this one and this one... \ref 0188 \id 299065071000010199 \begin 0:04:35 \sp CHIPIT \tx ama... \pho ʔamah \mb ama \ge with \gj with \ft and... \ref 0189 \id 489608071000010199 \begin 0:04:36 \sp EXPLIK \tx mana? \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft which one? \ref 0190 \id 750596071000010199 \begin 0:04:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx ama ini. \mb ama ini \ge with this \gj with this \ft and this one. \ref 0191 \id 589003071000010199 \begin 0:04:39 \sp EXPLIK \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0192 \id 238583101744091003 \begin 0:04:41 \sp DRIPIT \tx rambutnya doang keliatan. \pho rambutɲa dowaŋ kliyatan \mb rambut -nya doang ke an liat \ge hair -NYA just KE AN see \gj hair-NYA just KE.AN-see \ft it's only your hair can be seen. \nt talking to OPI. \ref 0193 \id 889955071000010199 \begin 0:04:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx inih. \pho ʔinih \mb inih \ge this \gj this \ft this. \ref 0194 \id 995320071000010199 \begin 0:04:43 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em. \pho hʔm̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0195 \id 664497071000010199 \begin 0:04:44 \sp CHIPIT \tx ama inih. \pho ʔama ʔinih \mb ama inih \ge with this \gj with this \ft and this. \ref 0196 \id 974587101918091003 \begin 0:04:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt still standing in front of the camcorder. \ref 0197 \id 506353101925091003 \begin 0:04:46 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0198 \id 713405071000010199 \begin 0:04:46 \sp EXPLIK \tx o... \pho ʔoː \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 0199 \id 109326071000010199 \begin 0:04:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx terus sama ini. \pho tos sama ʔinih \mb terus sama ini \ge continue with this \gj continue with this \ft and this one. \ref 0200 \id 491388102046091003 \begin 0:04:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx coba, Kak. \pho cobaʔ kaʔ \mb coba Kak \ge try TRU-older.sibling \gj try TRU-older.sibling \ft let me try it. \ref 0201 \id 251353071000010199 \begin 0:04:48 \sp EXPLIK \tx sudah? \pho suda \mb sudah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft that's it? \ref 0202 \id 492899071000010199 \begin 0:04:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx sudah. \pho sudah \mb sudah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft yes. \ref 0203 \id 276966071000010199 \begin 0:04:49 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, tar lagi habis dong. \pho ʔo tar lagi habes dɔŋ \mb oh tar lagi habis dong \ge EXCL moment more finished DONG \gj EXCL moment more finished DONG \ft it's going to be completed soon. \ref 0204 \id 979316102150091003 \begin 0:04:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx coba pake. \pho coba pakɛʔ \mb coba pake \ge try use \gj try use \ft may I put this on? \ref 0205 \id 775158071000010199 \begin 0:04:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0206 \id 787265102255091003 \begin 0:04:51 \sp DRIPIT \tx jangan, sebentar lagi, ya? \pho jaŋan səbəntar lagi ya \mb jangan se- bentar lagi ya \ge don't SE- moment more yes \gj don't SE-moment more yes \ft no, few minutes more, okay? \ref 0207 \id 301552071000010199 \begin 0:04:52 \sp EXPLIK \tx beli lagi nggak kalo habis? \pho bəli lagi ŋgaʔ kalɔʔ habes \mb beli lagi nggak kalo habis \ge buy more NEG TOP finished \gj buy more NEG TOP finished \ft are you going to buy a new one when it's completed? \ref 0208 \id 903491071000010199 \begin 0:04:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx yang itu... yang Donal. \pho yaŋ ʔituːh yaŋ dɔnal \mb yang itu yang Donal \ge REL that REL Donald \gj REL that REL Donald \ft yes, that one... Donald. \ref 0209 \id 381934103211091003 \begin 0:04:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx Kakak! \pho kakaːʔ \mb Kakak \ge older.sibling \gj older.sibling \ft Indri! \nt staring very close to the camcorder. \ref 0210 \id 804775071000010199 \begin 0:04:55 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm? \pho h̩m \mb hmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm? \ref 0211 \id 376855071000010199 \begin 0:04:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx yang Donal. \pho yaŋ dɔnal \mb yang Donal \ge REL Donald \gj REL Donald \ft Donald. \ref 0212 \id 209907071000010199 \begin 0:04:58 \sp EXPLIK \tx ini Donal. \pho ʔini dɔnal \mb ini Donal \ge this Donald \gj this Donald \ft this is Donald. \ref 0213 \id 518888071000010199 \begin 0:04:59 \sp EXPLIK \tx ini gambar Donal. \pho ʔini gambar dɔnal \mb ini gambar Donal \ge this picture Donald \gj this picture Donald \ft this is Donald's picture. \ref 0214 \id 567098071000010199 \begin 0:05:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx yang bebek. \pho yaŋ bɛbɛk \mb yang bebek \ge REL duck \gj REL duck \ft the duck. \ref 0215 \id 985817103336091003 \begin 0:05:01 \sp DRIPIT \tx udah, xxx Ipit xxx. \pho ʔuda xxx ʔipit xxx \mb udah xxx Ipit xxx \ge PFCT xxx Ipit xxx \gj PFCT xxx Ipit xxx \ft well, she xxx. \nt talking to OPI. \ref 0216 \id 831619071000010199 \begin 0:05:02 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh yang bebek? \pho ʔo yaŋ bɛbɛk \mb oh yang bebek \ge EXCL REL duck \gj EXCL REL duck \ft oh, the duck? \ref 0217 \id 640652071000010199 \begin 0:05:04 \sp EXPLIK \tx ya deh nanti! \pho ya dɛ nantiʔ \mb ya deh nanti \ge yes DEH later \gj yes DEH later \ft okay, later! \ref 0218 \id 464092071000010199 \begin 0:05:05 \sp EXPLIK \tx kalo punya Opi tinggal berapa gambarnya? \pho kalo puɲaʔ ʔɔpiʔ tiŋgal brapa gambarɲa \mb kalo punya Opi tinggal berapa gambar -nya \ge TOP have Opi stay how.much picture -NYA \gj TOP have Opi stay how.much picture-NYA \ft and you Opi, how many drawings left do you have? \ref 0219 \id 244218103528091003 \begin 0:05:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx coba! \pho cobaʔ \mb coba \ge try \gj try \ft let's see! \ref 0220 \id 317846071000010199 \begin 0:05:08 \sp DRIPIT \tx abis. \pho ʔabis \mb abis \ge finished \gj finished \ft all done. \ref 0221 \id 250105071000010199 \begin 0:05:10 \sp DRIPIT \tx coret-coretan doang. \pho cɔrɛtcɔrɛtan dɔwaŋ \mb coret - coret -an doang \ge scratch - scratch -AN just \gj RED.AN-scratch just \ft he only made scratches. \nt referring to OPI's drawings. \ref 0222 \id 230583071000010199 \begin 0:05:12 \sp EXPLIK \tx ini siapa yang buat? \pho ʔini syapa yaŋ buwat \mb ini siapa yang buat \ge this who REL make \gj this who REL make \ft who made this? \ref 0223 \id 623986071000010199 \begin 0:05:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt raising his right hand. \ref 0224 \id 259116071000010199 \begin 0:05:13 \sp EXPLIK \tx Opi? \pho ʔɔpiʔ \mb Opi \ge Opi \gj Opi \ft you? \ref 0225 \id 481366071000010199 \begin 0:05:14 \sp EXPLIK \tx pinter! \pho pintər \mb pinter \ge smart \gj smart \ft good! \ref 0226 \id 278956103650091003 \begin 0:05:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0227 \id 933429103741091003 \begin 0:05:16 \sp EXPLIK \tx o iya. \pho ʔo ʔiya \mb o iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh yes. \ref 0228 \id 827034071000010199 \begin 0:05:17 \sp CHIPIT \tx jelek banget ini Tante! \pho jəlɛk baŋət ini tatəh \mb jelek banget ini Tante \ge bad very this aunt \gj bad very this aunt \ft hey, this is ugly! \ref 0229 \id 990595071000010199 \begin 0:05:18 \sp EXPLIK \tx bagus. \pho bagus \mb bagus \ge nice \gj nice \ft it's nice. \ref 0230 \id 460622071000010199 \begin 0:05:20 \sp EXPLIK \tx warnanya sama. \pho warnaɲa samaʔ \mb warna -nya sama \ge color -NYA with \gj color-NYA with \ft the color is the same. \ref 0231 \id 488769071000010199 \begin 0:05:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx tapi ini kan keluar garis. \pho tapi ini kan kluwal galis \mb tapi ini kan keluar garis \ge but this KAN go.out line \gj but this KAN go.out line \ft but look, this went out of the line. \nt referring to the way OPI colored the drawing. \ref 0232 \id 152693071000010199 \begin 0:05:24 \sp EXPLIK \tx keluar garis? \pho kluwar gares \mb keluar garis \ge go.out line \gj go.out line \ft out of the line? \ref 0233 \id 861433103853091003 \begin 0:05:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm. \pho hm \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0234 \id 125244071000010199 \begin 0:05:26 \sp EXPLIK \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft so what? \ref 0235 \id 419325103943091003 \begin 0:05:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0236 \id 483626071000010199 \begin 0:05:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx tu, ini kan masa nggak kayak gini. \pho tu ʔini kan masa ŋga kaya ginih \mb tu ini kan masa nggak kayak gini \ge that this KAN incredible NEG like like.this \gj that this KAN incredible NEG like like.this \ft look, how come it's not like this? \nt referring to the example. \ref 0237 \id 110313071000010199 \begin 0:05:30 \sp EXPLIK \tx gimana? \pho gimana \mb gimana \ge how \gj how \ft how? \ref 0238 \id 632213071000010199 \begin 0:05:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx gini. \pho giniʔ \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this. \ref 0239 \id 830251071000010199 \begin 0:05:32 \sp CHIPIT \tx ujungnya pelan-pelan. \pho ʔujuɲa pəlanpəlan \mb ujung -nya pelan - pelan \ge tip -NYA slow - slow \gj tip-NYA RED-slow \ft the border should be colored carefully. \ref 0240 \id 152031071000010199 \begin 0:05:33 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em, gitu. \pho hm̩ gito \mb he-em gitu \ge uh-huh like.that \gj uh-huh like.that \ft ok, like that. \ref 0241 \id 691230071000010199 \begin 0:05:34 \sp EXPLIK \tx pelan-pelan gitu. \pho pəlanpəlan gitu \mb pelan - pelan gitu \ge slow - slow like.that \gj RED-slow like.that \ft carefully like this. \ref 0242 \id 916847071000010199 \begin 0:05:35 \sp CHIPIT \tx gak boleh ujuk ujuk ujuk. \pho ga bolɛh juk ujuk ujuk \mb gak boleh ujuk ujuk ujuk \ge NEG may IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj NEG may IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft you shouldn't do like this! \nt the sound of scratching or scribbling. \ref 0243 \id 270888071000010199 \begin 0:05:37 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, nggak boleh gimana? \pho ʔo ŋgaʔ bole gimana \mb oh nggak boleh gimana \ge EXCL NEG may how \gj EXCL NEG may how \ft oh, you shouldn't do like what? \ref 0244 \id 320606071000010199 \begin 0:05:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx kalo Ipit mah pelan-pelan. \pho kalo ʔipit ma pəlanpəlan \mb kalo Ipit mah pelan - pelan \ge TOP Ipit MAH slow - slow \gj TOP Ipit MAH RED-slow \ft I did it very carefully. \ref 0245 \id 734273071000010199 \begin 0:05:41 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em... \pho hm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0246 \id 738911071000010199 \begin 0:05:44 \sp CHIPIT \tx no. \pho nɔːh \mb no \ge there \gj there \ft look. \ref 0247 \id 393545071000010199 \begin 0:05:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx kok ininya belom? \pho kɔʔ ʔiniɲa bəlɔm \mb kok ini -nya belom \ge KOK this -NYA not.yet \gj KOK this-NYA not.yet \ft how come this part is not colored yet? \ref 0248 \id 826645071000010199 \begin 0:05:47 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em. \pho hʔm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0249 \id 747785071000010199 \begin 0:05:48 \sp EXPLIK \tx kakinya belom. \pho kakiʔɲa bəlom \mb kaki -nya belom \ge foot -NYA not.yet \gj foot-NYA not.yet \ft the feet haven't been colored yet. \ref 0250 \id 303203104238091003 \begin 0:05:49 \sp EXPLIK \tx ini, ayo Pi! \pho ʔini ʔayu piʔ \mb ini ayo Pi \ge this AYO TRU-Opi \gj this AYO TRU-Opi \ft do it, Opi! \nt asking OPI to finish the coloring. \ref 0251 \id 148501071000010199 \begin 0:05:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx gua ituin dulu ah! \pho guwa ʔituwin dulu ʔah \mb gua itu -in dulu ah \ge 1SG that -IN before AH \gj 1SG that-IN before AH \ft I'll color it now! \ref 0252 \id 360466071000010199 \begin 0:05:51 \sp EXPLIK \tx itu kakinya belom? \pho ʔitu kakiʔɲa bəlom \mb itu kaki -nya belom \ge that foot -NYA not.yet \gj that foot-NYA not.yet \ft hey, you haven't colored the feet yet? \ref 0253 \id 737561105633091003 \begin 0:05:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx heh? \pho ʔẽ \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0254 \id 158943071000010199 \begin 0:05:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku warnain ya Pi? \pho ʔaku wanain ya piʔ \mb aku warna -in ya Pi \ge 1SG color -IN yes TRU-Opi \gj 1SG color-IN yes TRU-Opi \ft I color them, right? \ref 0255 \id 767275071000010199 \begin 0:05:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana punya Opi? \pho mana puɲa ɔpiʔ \mb mana punya Opi \ge which have Opi \gj which have Opi \ft which one is mine? \ref 0256 \id 118154071000010199 \begin 0:05:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx inih. \pho ʔinih \mb inih \ge this \gj this \ft this. \ref 0257 \id 115917071000010199 \begin 0:06:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this. \ref 0258 \id 323876071000010199 \begin 0:06:00 \sp KIKPIT \tx 0. \nt entering the room. \ref 0259 \id 803672071000010199 \begin 0:06:01 \sp KIKPIT \tx liat dah. \pho liyat da \mb liat dah \ge see DAH \gj see DAH \ft look at me! \ref 0260 \id 741857071000010199 \begin 0:06:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx ku ku... \pho kuh kuh \mb ku ku \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft ku ku... \nt singing. \ref 0261 \id 205331105845091003 \begin 0:06:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx apa ini? \pho ʔapa ʔini \mb apa ini \ge what this \gj what this \ft what's this? \nt talking to KIK. \ref 0262 \id 113397105939091003 \begin 0:06:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni apa ini? \pho ni yapa ʔini \mb ni apa ini \ge this what this \gj this what this \ft what's this? \ref 0263 \id 277035110023091003 \begin 0:06:05 \sp KIKPIT \tx ini xxx. \pho ʔini xxx \mb ini xxx \ge this xxx \gj this xxx \ft this xxx. \ref 0264 \id 141812110032091003 \begin 0:06:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx coba. \pho cobaʔ \mb coba \ge try \gj try \ft please try it. \ref 0265 \id 845017110147091003 \begin 0:06:07 \sp KIKPIT \tx coba yang bagus. \pho cobaʔ yaŋ bagus \mb coba yang bagus \ge try REL nice \gj try REL nice \ft let's try the good one. \ref 0266 \id 822055110201091003 \begin 0:06:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx itu. \pho ʔitu \mb itu \ge that \gj that \ft that one. \ref 0267 \id 103991110222091003 \begin 0:06:09 \sp KIKPIT \tx bagus-bagus. \pho bagusbagus \mb bagus - bagus \ge nice - nice \gj RED-nice \ft they are nice. \ref 0268 \id 415231071000010199 \begin 0:06:11 \sp DRIPIT \tx ini bukan untuk kulit yang kuning, Pit! \pho ʔini bukan ʔuntuk kulit yan kuniŋ pit \mb ini bukan untuk kulit yang kuning Pit \ge this NEG for skin REL yellow TRU-Pipit \gj this NEG for skin REL yellow TRU-Pipit \ft the yellow is not for the skin! \ref 0269 \id 797785071000010199 \begin 0:06:13 \sp DRIPIT \tx nggak ada warnanya. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔada warnaɲa \mb nggak ada warna -nya \ge NEG exist color -NYA \gj NEG exist color-NYA \ft there is no color in it! \nt referrring to the example. \ref 0270 \id 788322071000010199 \begin 0:06:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx he-em. \pho hm̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0271 \id 142607071000010199 \begin 0:06:19 \sp DRIPIT \tx tegang, tegang, tegang. \pho tegaŋ tegaŋ tegaŋ \mb tegang tegang tegang \ge tense tense tense \gj tense tense tense \ft tense, tense, tense. \nt reference unclear. \ref 0272 \id 707963071000010199 \begin 0:06:22 \sp DRIPIT \tx kamu kok... \pho kamu kɔʔ \mb kamu kok \ge 2 KOK \gj 2 KOK \ft why you... \ref 0273 \id 461514071000010199 \begin 0:06:26 \sp KIKPIT \tx sudah. \pho suda \mb sudah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft it's completed. \nt referring to the coloring book. \ref 0274 \id 590634110532091003 \begin 0:06:30 \sp DRIPIT \tx wangi-wangi. \pho waŋiwaŋi \mb wangi - wangi \ge fragrant - fragrant \gj RED-fragrant \ft it smells good. \nt referring to dry flowers on the table. \ref 0275 \id 176845071000010199 \begin 0:06:34 \sp KIKPIT \tx Pit, Mas Kiki aja yang warnain ya? \pho pit mas kiki yaja yaŋ warnain ya \mb Pit Mas Kiki aja yang warna -in ya \ge TRU-Pipit EPIT Kiki just REL color -IN yes \gj TRU-Pipit EPIT Kiki just REL color-IN yes \ft let me color your book, okay? \nt asking CHI. \ref 0276 \id 150784071000010199 \begin 0:06:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm, enak aja. \pho ʔm̩ ɛnak aja \mb hmm enak aja \ge FILL pleasant just \gj FILL pleasant just \ft umm, no way! \ref 0277 \id 432041071000010199 \begin 0:06:44 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt smelling the dry flowers. \ref 0278 \id 398935110846091003 \begin 0:06:46 \sp KIKPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt talking to OPI. \ref 0279 \id 726368071000010199 \begin 0:06:48 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu, padahal cuma daon, tapi wangi. \pho tu padal cuma daɔn tapi waŋiʔ \mb tu padahal cuma daon tapi wangi \ge that in.fact only leaf but fragrant \gj that in.fact only leaf but fragrant \ft they are only leaves but they have a nice smell. \ref 0280 \id 194732071000010199 \begin 0:06:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx satu... kek kek kek... \pho satuʔ kəʔ kəʔ kəʔ \mb satu kek kek kek \ge one IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj one IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft one... kek kek kek... \nt while jumping near KIK. \ref 0281 \id 177012071000010199 \begin 0:06:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx kedua... kek kek kek... \pho kətduwa kəʔ kəʔ kəʔ \mb ke- dua kek kek kek \ge KE- two IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj KE-two IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft two... kek kek kek... \nt singing. \ref 0282 \id 251604071000010199 \begin 0:06:54 \sp KIKPIT \tx 0. \nt holding OPI from behind. \ref 0283 \id 220823071000010199 \begin 0:06:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah, tolong, tolong! \pho ʔa tɔlɔŋ tɔlɔŋ \mb ah tolong tolong \ge EXCL help help \gj EXCL help help \ft hey, help, help! \ref 0284 \id 376341071000010199 \begin 0:06:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx maling, maling, maling, maling, maling! \pho maleŋ maleŋ maleŋ maleŋ maleŋ \mb maling maling maling maling maling \ge thief thief thief thief thief \gj thief thief thief thief thief \ft thief, thief, thief, thief, thief! \ref 0285 \id 518693111658091003 \begin 0:07:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0286 \id 579848071000010199 \begin 0:07:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx Mas Kiki, Mas Kiki, itulah namanya. \pho mas kiki mas kiki ʔitulah namaɲa \mb Mas Kiki Mas Kiki itu -lah nama -nya \ge EPIT Kiki EPIT Kiki that -LAH name -NYA \gj EPIT Kiki EPIT Kiki that-LAH name-NYA \ft Kiki, Kiki, that's his name. \nt singing. \ref 0287 \id 928434071000010199 \begin 0:07:05 \sp CHIPIT \tx tetapi tetapi itulah sifatnya. \pho tətapi tətapi ʔitulah sipatɲa \mb tetapi tetapi itu -lah sifat -nya \ge but but that -LAH character -NYA \gj but but that-LAH character-NYA \ft but, that's the way he is. \nt still singing. \ref 0288 \id 893847111802091003 \begin 0:07:06 \sp KIKPIT \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0289 \id 708948111843091003 \begin 0:07:07 \sp KIKPIT \tx opak [?]. \pho ʔopak \mb opak \ge k.o.chip \gj k.o.chip \ft chip. \ref 0290 \id 806571111852091003 \begin 0:07:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx trus tar mandi, ya? \pho tus tar mandi yaʔ \mb trus tar mandi ya \ge continue moment bathe yes \gj continue moment bathe yes \ft we'll take a bath, right? \ref 0291 \id 609927071000010199 \begin 0:07:10 \sp CHIPIT \tx te te te te te te te te. \pho tə tə tə tə tə tə tə tə \mb te te te te te te te te \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta. \nt humming. \ref 0292 \id 868277112020091003 \begin 0:07:12 \sp KIKPIT \tx nggak cocok ini. \pho ŋga cucuʔ ʔini \mb nggak cocok ini \ge NEG suitable this \gj NEG suitable this \ft it's not fit. \ref 0293 \id 258181112129091003 \begin 0:07:17 \sp KIKPIT \tx udah. \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft fine. \nt talking to OPI. \ref 0294 \id 961353112138091003 \begin 0:07:22 \sp KIKPIT \tx sobek ni. \pho sobek ni \mb sobek ni \ge torn this \gj torn this \ft I'll tear it. \nt referring to the coloring book. \ref 0295 \id 391383112212091003 \begin 0:07:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt still coloring. \ref 0296 \id 280817071000010199 \begin 0:07:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx uwah... uwah... uwah! \pho tuwah ʔuwaʔ ʔuwaʔ \mb uwah uwah uwah \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ooah, ooah, ooah. \nt fighting with KIK and imitating the sound of fighting. \ref 0297 \id 489538112536091003 \begin 0:07:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \nt about her coloring. \ref 0298 \id 477836112620091003 \begin 0:07:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt hitting KIK. \ref 0299 \id 906601112628091003 \begin 0:07:40 \sp KIKPIT \tx uh! \pho ʔuh \mb uh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ouch! \ref 0300 \id 872558112743091003 \begin 0:07:41 \sp DRIPIT \tx kalo ini warna biru. \pho kalo ʔini warna biruʔ \mb kalo ini warna biru \ge TOP this color blue \gj TOP this color blue \ft this one is blue. \ref 0301 \id 694696071000010199 \begin 0:07:42 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt opening another coloring book. \ref 0302 \id 211407113001091003 \begin 0:07:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx maen! \pho maɛn \mb maen \ge play \gj play \ft let's play! \nt talking to KIK. \ref 0303 \id 532442113020091003 \begin 0:07:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx wah! \pho ʔuwah \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow! \ref 0304 \id 670523113039091003 \begin 0:07:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx (ki)tik kitik kitik. \pho tik kitik kitik \mb kitik kitik kitik \ge tickle tickle tickle \gj tickle tickle tickle \ft tickle tickle tickle. \nt tickling KIK. \ref 0305 \id 300607113054091003 \begin 0:07:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx wah! \pho ʔuwah \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow! \ref 0306 \id 306464113242091003 \begin 0:07:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0307 \id 660585113300091003 \begin 0:07:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt moving towards to the small table in the corner and starts to press the doll on it. \ref 0308 \id 670179113405091003 \begin 0:07:53 \sp XXX \tx 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \pho wɛlkam to jakarta in də naintin si gems \mb welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ge welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \gj welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ft 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \nt the doll is saying its greeting words. \ref 0309 \id 683348071000010199 \begin 0:07:55 \sp DRIPIT \tx lha ini punya siapa? \pho la ini puɲa syapa \mb lha ini punya siapa \ge EXCL this have who \gj EXCL this have who \ft hey, whose book is this? \ref 0310 \id 744760071000010199 \begin 0:07:57 \sp CHIPIT \tx bukannya tadi Ipit belom diwarnain? \pho bukaɲa tadi ipit bəlom diwarnain \mb bukan -nya tadi Ipit belom di- warna -in \ge NEG -NYA earlier Ipit not.yet DI- color -IN \gj NEG-NYA earlier Ipit not.yet DI-color-IN \ft didn't I leave this part uncolored? \ref 0311 \id 608031071000010199 \begin 0:07:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx punya Opi. \pho puɲaʔ ʔɔpiʔ \mb punya Opi \ge have Opi \gj have Opi \ft it's Opi's. \ref 0312 \id 793991071000010199 \begin 0:08:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx kuk kuk kuk kuk kuk! \pho kuk kuk kuk kuk kuk \mb kuk kuk kuk kuk kuk \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft kook, kook, kook, kook, kook. \nt the sound uttered by the doll monkey. \ref 0313 \id 932626071000010199 \begin 0:08:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx punya Ipit kan? \pho puɲa ʔipit kan \mb punya Ipit kan \ge have Ipit KAN \gj have Ipit KAN \ft this is yours, right? \nt referring to the coloring book. \ref 0314 \id 824302114237091003 \begin 0:08:05 \sp XXX \tx 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \pho wɛlkam to jakarta in də naintin si gems \mb welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ge welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \gj welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ft 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \ref 0315 \id 960621114405091003 \begin 0:08:07 \sp DRIPIT \tx liat... ini. \pho liyat ʔini \mb liat ini \ge see this \gj see this \ft let me see this one. \nt while taking the coloring book. \ref 0316 \id 655621071000010199 \begin 0:08:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx kuk kuk kuk. \pho kuk kuk kuk \mb kuk kuk kuk \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft kook, kook, kook. \ref 0317 \id 935550071000010199 \begin 0:08:11 \sp DRIPIT \tx tadi punya Ipit, Pit! \pho tadi puɲa ipit pit \mb tadi punya Ipit Pit \ge earlier have Ipit TRU-Pipit \gj earlier have Ipit TRU-Pipit \ft this is yours! \nt referring to the coloring book. \ref 0318 \id 689983114533091003 \begin 0:08:12 \sp KIKPIT \tx Mas Kiki warnain mau nggak? \pho mas kiki warnain maw ŋgaʔ \mb Mas Kiki warna -in mau nggak \ge EPIT Kiki color -IN want NEG \gj EPIT Kiki color-IN want NEG \ft do you mind if I color yours? \nt asking OPI. \ref 0319 \id 505480071000010199 \begin 0:08:13 \sp KIKPIT \tx ini punya Opi. \pho ini puɲaː julpiʔ \mb ini punya Opi \ge this have Opi \gj this have Opi \ft this is Opi's. \ref 0320 \id 667357114659091003 \begin 0:08:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana? \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where's it? \nt looking for his coloring book. \ref 0321 \id 213060071000010199 \begin 0:08:15 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu punya Zulfi. \pho tu puɲaʔ julpiʔ \mb tu punya Zulfi \ge that have Zulfi \gj that have Zulfi \ft that one is Zulfi's. \ref 0322 \id 418036071000010199 \begin 0:08:16 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni punya Ipit. \pho ni puɲa ʔipit \mb ni punya Ipit \ge this have Ipit \gj this have Ipit \ft this is Ipit's. \ref 0323 \id 250107071000010199 \begin 0:08:17 \sp DRIPIT \tx coba Kakak minjem. \pho cɔba kakaʔ miɲjəm \mb coba Kakak m- pinjem \ge try older.sibling N- borrow \gj try older.sibling N-borrow \ft let me borrow it. \nt coloring CHI's book. \ref 0324 \id 264788071000010199 \begin 0:08:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah, Kakak! \pho aː kakaʔ \mb ah Kakak \ge EXCL older.sibling \gj EXCL older.sibling \ft hey, you! \ref 0325 \id 195190114903091003 \begin 0:08:19 \sp KIKPIT \tx Mas Kiki warnain, ya? \pho mas kiki warnain yaʔ \mb Mas Kiki warna -in ya \ge EPIT Kiki color -IN yes \gj EPIT Kiki color-IN yes \ft may I color yours? \nt asking OPI. \ref 0326 \id 666126115002091003 \begin 0:08:20 \sp DRIPIT \tx enggak, sini doang. \pho ʔŋ̩gaʔ sini dowaŋ \mb enggak sini doang \ge NEG here just \gj NEG here just \ft just this one. \nt referring to the part being colored by herself. \ref 0327 \id 396736071000010199 \begin 0:08:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku dah nggak mau deh tu! \pho ʔaku da ŋga mau dɛ tu \mb aku dah nggak mau deh tu \ge 1SG PFCT NEG want DEH that \gj 1SG PFCT NEG want DEH that \ft I don't want to color it any more! \ref 0328 \id 456616071000010199 \begin 0:08:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx xx buat Kakak aja! \pho man buwat kaka ʔaja \mb xx buat Kakak aja \ge xx for older.sibling just \gj xx for older.sibling just \ft you take it! \nt getting mad with DRI. \ref 0329 \id 195788115158091003 \begin 0:08:23 \sp KIKPIT \tx ya? \pho ya \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay? \nt asking for OPI's agreement. \ref 0330 \id 814679115249091003 \begin 0:08:24 \sp DRIPIT \tx tar dulu dong, sebentar. \pho tar dulu doŋ səbəntar \mb tar dulu dong se- bentar \ge moment before DONG SE- moment \gj moment before DONG SE-moment \ft hold on, just give me a break. \nt talking to CHI. \ref 0331 \id 665902071000010199 \begin 0:08:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx eeh. \pho ʔəːh \mb eeh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh, no! \nt expression of anger. \ref 0332 \id 331576115417091003 \begin 0:08:27 \sp DRIPIT \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft finished. \nt about her coloring. \ref 0333 \id 611834115433091003 \begin 0:08:28 \sp KIKPIT \tx ya Pi? \pho ya piʔ \mb ya Pi \ge yes TRU-Opi \gj yes TRU-Opi \ft is that okay with you, Opi? \ref 0334 \id 932969071000010199 \begin 0:08:29 \sp DRIPIT \tx eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, sst... disuting, sst! \pho ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛh ʔɛh ʔɛh st̩ disutiŋ st̩ \mb eh eh eh eh eh sst di- suting sst \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL shush DI- shoot shush \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL shush DI-shoot shush \ft hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, shush... we're getting filmed, shush! \nt calling CHI. \ref 0335 \id 318032115830091003 \begin 0:08:30 \sp KIKPIT \tx Pi, ya, ya? \pho piʔ ya ya \mb Pi ya ya \ge TRU-Opi yes yes \gj TRU-Opi yes yes \ft do you mind? \ref 0336 \id 681185115950091003 \begin 0:08:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx coba! \pho cobaʔ \mb coba \ge try \gj try \ft try it! \ref 0337 \id 390410120109091003 \begin 0:08:34 \sp DRIPIT \tx ayo Pi, sini, sini! \pho ʔayo piʔ sini sini \mb ayo Pi sini sini \ge AYO TRU-Opi here here \gj AYO TRU-Opi here here \ft come to me, Opi! \ref 0338 \id 400095120940091003 \begin 0:08:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt turning on the winder of the doll. \ref 0339 \id 204503120948091003 \begin 0:08:40 \sp XXX \tx 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \pho wɛlkam tu jakarta in də naintin si gems \mb welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ge welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \gj welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ft 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \ref 0340 \id 590791121439091003 \begin 0:08:43 \sp XXX \tx 0. \nt the doll is sounding the monkey sound. \ref 0341 \id 556392130256091003 \begin 0:08:46 \sp XXX \tx 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \pho wɛlkam tu jakarta in də naintin si gems \mb welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ge welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \gj welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ft 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \ref 0342 \id 890531130617091003 \begin 0:08:49 \sp DRIPIT \tx punya Opi Kakak warnain, ya? \pho puɲa ʔopiʔ kakaʔ warnain ya \mb punya Opi Kakak warna -in ya \ge have Opi older.sibling color -IN yes \gj have Opi older.sibling color-IN yes \ft may I color yours? \ref 0343 \id 774655130651091003 \begin 0:08:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx walah, walah, Mas Kiki. \pho wele wele mas kiki \mb walah walah Mas Kiki \ge OATH OATH EPIT Kiki \gj OATH OATH EPIT Kiki \ft gee, look at you Kiki. \nt teasing KIK by touching his ears. \ref 0344 \id 847284130811091003 \begin 0:08:52 \sp KIKPIT \tx ah, aduh! \pho ʔaʔ ʔado \mb ah aduh \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft ouch! \ref 0345 \id 222759130854091003 \begin 0:08:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx aduh, aduh! \pho ʔado ʔado \mb aduh aduh \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft ouch, ouch! \nt repeating KIK. \ref 0346 \id 329824071000010199 \begin 0:08:56 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu yang punya kamu sama Mas Kiki. \pho tu yaŋ puɲa kamu sama mas kiki \mb tu yang punya kamu sama Mas Kiki \ge that REL have 2 with EPIT Kiki \gj that REL have 2 with EPIT Kiki \ft look, yours is with Kiki. \ref 0347 \id 864412071000010199 \begin 0:08:58 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt coloring OPI's book. \ref 0348 \id 999127071000010199 \begin 0:09:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx punyaku warnain aja. \pho puwakuʔ wanain ʔaja \mb punya -ku warna -in aja \ge have -1SG color -IN just \gj have-1SG color-IN just \ft color mine. \ref 0349 \id 749705071000010199 \begin 0:09:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx dua. \pho duwaʔ \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft two. \ref 0350 \id 907075071000010199 \begin 0:09:04 \sp DRIPIT \tx ini bukan punya kamu. \pho ʔini bukan puɲa kamu \mb ini bukan punya kamu \ge this NEG have 2 \gj this NEG have 2 \ft this is not yours. \ref 0351 \id 741105071000010199 \begin 0:09:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx punya siapa? \pho puɲa syapah \mb punya siapa \ge have who \gj have who \ft whose is that? \ref 0352 \id 367625071000010199 \begin 0:09:10 \sp DRIPIT \tx punya Zulfi. \pho puɲa julpiʔ \mb punya Zulfi \ge have Zulfi \gj have Zulfi \ft it's Zulfi's. \ref 0353 \id 783162071000010199 \begin 0:09:11 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu, Zulfi. \pho tu julfi \mb tu Zulfi \ge that Zulfi \gj that Zulfi \ft look, Zulfi. \nt pointing to a name in front of the book. \ref 0354 \id 724203071000010199 \begin 0:09:12 \sp DRIPIT \tx ini punya kamu tu. \pho ʔini puɲa kamu tu \mb ini punya kamu tu \ge this have 2 that \gj this have 2 that \ft this is yours. \ref 0355 \id 700760071000010199 \begin 0:09:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya udah, warnain Mas Kiki aja. \pho ya uda wanain mas kiki ʔajah \mb ya udah warna -in Mas Kiki aja \ge yes PFCT color -IN EPIT Kiki just \gj yes PFCT color-IN EPIT Kiki just \ft okay, let Kiki color it. \ref 0356 \id 525428131227091003 \begin 0:09:16 \sp KIKPIT \tx ya udah. \pho ya ʔudah \mb ya udah \ge yes PFCT \gj yes PFCT \ft okay then. \ref 0357 \id 892954071000010199 \begin 0:09:18 \sp KIKPIT \tx ini merah ya? \pho ni mɛra ya \mb ini merah ya \ge this red yes \gj this red yes \ft this is red, right? \nt holding a certain crayon. \ref 0358 \id 108116071000010199 \begin 0:09:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx di bawahnya i di sini. \pho di bawaɲa i di sini \mb di bawah -nya i di sini \ge LOC under -NYA this LOC here \gj LOC under-NYA this LOC here \ft below that. \ref 0359 \id 615040071000010199 \begin 0:09:22 \sp KIKPIT \tx ini? \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this? \ref 0360 \id 200366071000010199 \begin 0:09:25 \sp KIKPIT \tx merah tua yang mana sih yang merah tua? \pho mɛra tuwaʔ yaŋ mana si yaŋ mɛra tuwaʔ \mb merah tua yang mana sih yang merah tua \ge red old REL which SIH REL red old \gj red old REL which SIH REL red old \ft which one is the dark red? \ref 0361 \id 361588071000010199 \begin 0:09:28 \sp DRIPIT \tx cari aja, kan ada Ki! \pho cari yaja kan ada kiʔ \mb cari aja kan ada Ki \ge look.for just KAN exist TRU-Kiki \gj look.for just KAN exist TRU-Kiki \ft try to find it! \ref 0362 \id 119614071000010199 \begin 0:09:31 \sp KIKPIT \tx ah biarin ah! \pho ʔah biyarin ʔah \mb ah biar -in ah \ge AH let -IN AH \gj AH let-IN AH \ft who cares! \ref 0363 \id 686957132645091003 \begin 0:09:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx kuk kuk kuk kuk. \pho kʊk kʊk kʊk kʊk \mb kuk kuk kuk kuk \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft kuk kuk kuk kuk. \nt imitating the sound of the doll. \ref 0364 \id 202911132814091003 \begin 0:09:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx da dua. \pho xxx da duwah \mb xxx da dua \ge xxx exist two \gj xxx exist two \ft there are two. \nt while holding DRI from behind. \ref 0365 \id 843583132924091003 \begin 0:09:41 \sp DRIPIT \tx oh. \pho ʔoh \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \nt still coloring. \ref 0366 \id 127187133010091003 \begin 0:09:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt turning on the winder of the doll. \ref 0367 \id 748927133033091003 \begin 0:09:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt watching OPI. \ref 0368 \id 435191133129091003 \begin 0:09:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt turning on the winder again. \ref 0369 \id 565680133137091003 \begin 0:09:53 \sp XXX \tx 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \pho wɛlkam tu jakarta in də naintin si gems \mb welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ge welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \gj welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ft 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \ref 0370 \id 405582133357091003 \begin 0:09:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx kuk kuk kuk kuk. \pho kuk kuk kuk kuk \mb kuk kuk kuk kuk \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft kuk kuk kuk kuk. \ref 0371 \id 629689133451091003 \begin 0:09:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx nungguin kau [?]. \pho nuŋguwin kaw \mb n- tunggu -in kau \ge N- wait -IN 2 \gj N-wait-IN 2 \ft I'm waiting for you. \ref 0372 \id 698103133517091003 \begin 0:10:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx salaman dulu. \pho salaman duluʔ \mb salam -an dulu \ge greeting -AN before \gj greeting-AN before \ft let's shake hands. \nt talking to the doll. \ref 0373 \id 927442071000010199 \begin 0:10:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx telanjang! \pho tlaɲjaŋ \mb telanjang \ge naked \gj naked \ft look, I am naked! \nt lifting her own skirt. \ref 0374 \id 136279071000010199 \begin 0:10:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx Mas Kiki ini kedodoran Mas! \pho mas kiki ini kədɔdɔlan mas \mb Mas Kiki ini ke an dodor Mas \ge EPIT Kiki this KE AN oversize EPIT \gj EPIT Kiki this KE.AN-oversize EPIT \ft Kiki, it's too big! \nt referring to her panties. \ref 0375 \id 341433133808091003 \begin 0:10:08 \sp KIKPIT \tx hmm? \pho m̃ \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0376 \id 671938133900091003 \begin 0:10:10 \sp CHIPIT \tx Mas! \pho mas \mb Mas \ge EPIT \gj EPIT \ft Kiki! \ref 0377 \id 553607071000010199 \begin 0:10:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini Mas pantatku Mas! \pho ʔini mas manaʔakut mas \mb ini Mas pantat -ku Mas \ge this EPIT buttocks -1SG EPIT \gj this EPIT buttocks-1SG EPIT \ft look, this is my butt! \nt showing her butt to KIK. \ref 0378 \id 683099134106091003 \begin 0:10:14 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0379 \id 167483134114091003 \begin 0:10:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0380 \id 289683134123091003 \begin 0:10:18 \sp KIKPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0381 \id 883824071000010199 \begin 0:10:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx dodoran. \pho dɔdɔlan \mb dodor -an \ge oversize -AN \gj oversize-AN \ft they're too big! \nt referring to CHI's panties. \ref 0382 \id 546376071000010199 \begin 0:10:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx Kak, benerin Kak! \pho kaʔ bənəlin kaʔ \mb Kak bener -in Kak \ge TRU-older.sibling true -IN TRU-older.sibling \gj TRU-older.sibling true-IN TRU-older.sibling \ft put them on properly, Indri! \nt referring to her panties. \ref 0383 \id 850864071000010199 \begin 0:10:26 \sp DRIPIT \tx minta benerin Tante Like. \pho minta bənərin tante likəʔ \mb minta bener -in Tante Like \ge ask.for true -IN aunt Like \gj ask.for true-IN aunt Like \ft ask Auntie to do that! \ref 0384 \id 101528071000010199 \begin 0:10:28 \sp DRIPIT \tx Kakak nggak bisa. \pho kaka ŋga bisaːʔ \mb Kakak nggak bisa \ge older.sibling NEG can \gj older.sibling NEG can \ft I can't. \ref 0385 \id 308989134352091003 \begin 0:10:30 \sp DRIPIT \tx ya dah, jangan nangislah. \pho ya da jan naŋisla \mb ya dah jangan n- tangis -lah \ge yes PFCT don't N- cry -LAH \gj yes PFCT don't N-cry-LAH \ft don't cry. \ref 0386 \id 792113134508091003 \begin 0:10:32 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0387 \id 582074071000010199 \begin 0:10:34 \sp DRIPIT \tx yah, ya merosot! \pho yah ya mərɔsɔt \mb yah ya m- perosot \ge EXCL yes N- slide \gj EXCL yes N-slide \ft oh no, they slipped off! \nt referring to her panties. \ref 0388 \id 534189071000010199 \begin 0:10:35 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt pulling CHI's panties up. \ref 0389 \id 862984134636091003 \begin 0:10:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx mmm... \pho m̃ː \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 0390 \id 328236071000010199 \begin 0:10:38 \sp DRIPIT \tx lha kan ini berat Pit! \pho la kan ini bərat pit \mb lha kan ini berat Pit \ge EXCL KAN this heavy TRU-Pipit \gj EXCL KAN this heavy TRU-Pipit \ft this is heavy! \nt referring to the transmitter. \ref 0391 \id 280768071000010199 \begin 0:10:40 \sp DRIPIT \tx jelas aja merosot. \pho jəlas aja mərɔsɔt \mb jelas aja m- perosot \ge clear just N- slide \gj clear just N-slide \ft of course, they slipped off. \ref 0392 \id 399652134737091003 \begin 0:10:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt going to the other room. \ref 0393 \id 869279134828091003 \begin 0:10:47 \sp DRIPIT \tx Soraya Entertaiment xxx. \pho sorayaʔ ʔintərteyn xxx \mb Soraya Entertaiment xxx \ge Soraya entertainment xxx \gj Soraya entertainment xxx \ft Soraya Entertaiment xxx. \nt 1. while coloring. 2. she refers to the name of a production house that produces some opera soaps. \ref 0394 \id 898223135138091003 \begin 0:10:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0395 \id 456713135503091003 \begin 0:10:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt coming back and then she turns on the winder. \ref 0396 \id 494540135830091003 \begin 0:11:04 \sp XXX \tx 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \pho wɛlkam tu jakarta in də naintin si gems \mb welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ge welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \gj welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ft 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \ref 0397 \id 846838135958091003 \begin 0:11:10 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt turning on the winder again. \ref 0398 \id 826072140035091003 \begin 0:11:13 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0399 \id 113996140123091003 \begin 0:11:16 \sp XXX \tx 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \pho wɛlkam tu jakarta in də naintin si gems \mb welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ge welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \gj welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ft 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \ref 0400 \id 436717140143091003 \begin 0:11:19 \sp DRIPIT \tx jangan Pi, ye! \pho jaŋan piʔ yɛ \mb jangan Pi ye \ge don't TRU-Opi EXCL \gj don't TRU-Opi EXCL \ft don't do that! \ref 0401 \id 124335140405091003 \begin 0:11:22 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt singing unclear. \ref 0402 \id 512941140428091003 \begin 0:11:25 \sp DRIPIT \tx lho? \pho lo \mb lho \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft huh? \ref 0403 \id 508999140611091003 \begin 0:11:28 \sp XXX \tx 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \pho wɛlkam tu jakarta in də naintin si gems \mb welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ge welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \gj welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ft 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \ref 0404 \id 787499071000010199 \begin 0:11:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx Kak! \pho kaːʔ \mb Kak \ge TRU-older.sibling \gj TRU-older.sibling \ft Indri! \nt asking DRI to pull up her panties again. \ref 0405 \id 712647071000010199 \begin 0:11:34 \sp DRIPIT \tx ih, malu disuting! \pho ʔih maluʔ disutiŋ \mb ih malu di- suting \ge EXCL embarrassed DI- shoot \gj EXCL embarrassed DI-shoot \ft you should feel embarassed, you're being shot! \nt referring to EXP recording. \ref 0406 \id 871919071000010199 \begin 0:11:37 \sp DRIPIT \tx pantatnya kelihatan! \pho pantatɲa kəliyatan \mb pantat -nya ke an lihat \ge buttocks -NYA KE AN see \gj buttocks-NYA KE.AN-see \ft we can see your butt! \ref 0407 \id 258995071000010199 \begin 0:11:40 \sp DRIPIT \tx ih ada merah-merahnya tu! \pho ʔi yada mɛramɛrahɲa tu \mb ih ada merah - merah -nya tu \ge EXCL exist red - red -NYA that \gj EXCL exist RED-red-NYA that \ft yuck, there are some red spots! \nt referring to CHI's butt. \ref 0408 \id 237754071000010199 \begin 0:11:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \ref 0409 \id 868352140921091003 \begin 0:11:44 \sp DRIPIT \tx ini ni. \pho ʔini ni \mb ini ni \ge this this \gj this this \ft this one. \ref 0410 \id 537640071000010199 \begin 0:11:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx eee, Kakak! \pho ə kakaːʔ \mb eee Kakak \ge FILL older.sibling \gj FILL older.sibling \ft umm, Indri! \nt asking DRI to pull up the panties again. \ref 0411 \id 735590071000010199 \begin 0:11:48 \sp DRIPIT \tx minta sama Tante Like. \pho minta sama tantə likə \mb minta sama Tante Like \ge ask.for with aunt Like \gj ask.for with aunt Like \ft ask Auntie! \ref 0412 \id 388554071000010199 \begin 0:11:50 \sp KIKPIT \tx jorok lu! \pho jɔrɔk lu \mb jorok lu \ge filthy 2 \gj filthy 2 \ft you are wicked! \ref 0413 \id 647056071000010199 \begin 0:11:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya nih! \pho iya nih \mb iya nih \ge yes this \gj yes this \ft yes! \ref 0414 \id 622974141014091003 \begin 0:11:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx eee... \pho ʔə̃ː \mb eee \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 0415 \id 992709071000010199 \begin 0:11:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx Mas Kiki! \pho mas kikiʔ \mb Mas Kiki \ge EPIT Kiki \gj EPIT Kiki \ft Kiki! \ref 0416 \id 891511071000010199 \begin 0:11:54 \sp KIKPIT \tx heh? \pho hə \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0417 \id 143395071000010199 \begin 0:11:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx eeh! \pho hə̃ \mb eeh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \nt expressing annoyance. \ref 0418 \id 447976071000010199 \begin 0:11:56 \sp KIKPIT \tx ya? \pho ʔiya \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes? \ref 0419 \id 344857071000010199 \begin 0:11:57 \sp CHIPIT \tx Mas! \pho mas \mb Mas \ge EPIT \gj EPIT \ft Kiki! \ref 0420 \id 349221141258091003 \begin 0:11:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx wangi. \pho waŋi \mb wangi \ge fragrant \gj fragrant \ft it smells nice. \nt 1. talking at the same time with CHI. 2. referring to the dry flower. \ref 0421 \id 627980071000010199 \begin 0:11:59 \sp KIKPIT \tx apa lagi? \mb apa lagi \ge what more \gj what more \ft what else? \ref 0422 \id 772255071000010199 \begin 0:12:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx apa lagi! \pho ʔapə legiʔ \mb apa lagi \ge what more \gj what more \ft what else? \nt repeating KIK's utterance. \ref 0423 \id 117212071000010199 \begin 0:12:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx bilangin Tante Like! \pho bilaŋin tatə likə \mb bilang -in Tante Like \ge say -IN aunt Like \gj say-IN aunt Like \ft tell Auntie! \ref 0424 \id 174006141451091003 \begin 0:12:02 \sp KIKPIT \tx tar ah. \pho tar ʔah \mb tar ah \ge moment AH \gj moment AH \ft later. \nt while laughing. \ref 0425 \id 279098142603091003 \begin 0:12:04 \sp KIKPIT \tx dia tar ke sini. \pho diya tar kə sini \mb dia tar ke sini \ge 3 moment to here \gj 3 moment to here \ft she'll come here soon. \ref 0426 \id 355360142827091003 \begin 0:12:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0427 \id 750977142840091003 \begin 0:12:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx sini, yo, ayo! \pho sini yo ʔayo \mb sini yo ayo \ge here yes AYO \gj here yes AYO \ft come with me! \nt talking to CHI. \ref 0428 \id 685198142929091003 \begin 0:12:12 \sp DRIPIT \tx yailah, Opi malah pergi. \pho yaʔelah ʔopi mala pərgiʰ \mb yailah Opi malah pergi \ge OATH Opi even go \gj OATH Opi even go \ft yuck, he left. \ref 0429 \id 338923143148091003 \begin 0:12:16 \sp KIKPIT \tx mandi. \pho mandih \mb mandi \ge bathe \gj bathe \ft he's going to take a bath. \ref 0430 \id 787708143310091003 \begin 0:12:20 \sp XXX \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0431 \id 634478143320091003 \begin 0:12:24 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt KIK and DRI are still coloring; CHI and OPI are going to meet EXPLIK in the other room. \ref 0432 \id 184664143417091003 \begin 0:12:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni apaan? \pho ni ʔapan \mb ni apa -an \ge this what -AN \gj this what-AN \ft what's this? \nt talking in the other room. \ref 0433 \id 153759143441091003 \begin 0:12:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx mo mandi. \pho moʰ mandiʔ \mb mo mandi \ge want bathe \gj want bathe \ft I'm going to take a bath. \ref 0434 \id 933193143512091003 \begin 0:12:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya ntar. \pho ya n̩tar \mb ya ntar \ge yes moment \gj yes moment \ft later. \ref 0435 \id 497023143649091003 \begin 0:12:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt coming back and then holding KIK from behind. \ref 0436 \id 284122143729091003 \begin 0:12:49 \sp KIKPIT \tx awas! \pho ʔawas \mb awas \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft look out! \ref 0437 \id 454150143750091003 \begin 0:12:55 \sp KIKPIT \tx jauh! \pho jauʔ \mb jauh \ge far \gj far \ft go away! \ref 0438 \id 614756143903091003 \begin 0:12:57 \sp KIKPIT \tx tar itu lho ngasal lho. \pho tar itu lo ŋasal lo \mb tar itu lho ng- asal lho \ge moment that EXCL N- origin EXCL \gj moment that EXCL N-origin EXCL \ft I'll color it as I like. \ref 0439 \id 818502143931091003 \begin 0:12:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx mmm... mmm... \pho m̃ː m̃ː \mb mmm mmm \ge FILL FILL \gj FILL FILL \ft umm... umm... \ref 0440 \id 688566144041091003 \begin 0:13:01 \sp DRIPIT \tx no minta Tante Eli. \pho no mintaʔ tantə ʔɛliʔ \mb no minta Tante Eli \ge there ask.for aunt Eli \gj there ask.for aunt Eli \ft you can ask it to Auntie Eli. \ref 0441 \id 252506144108091003 \begin 0:13:03 \sp CHIPIT \tx Kak! \pho kaːʔ \mb Kak \ge TRU-older.sibling \gj TRU-older.sibling \ft Indri! \ref 0442 \id 978032144248091003 \begin 0:13:05 \sp DRIPIT \tx nggak lucu. \pho ŋgaː lucuʔ \mb nggak lucu \ge NEG funny \gj NEG funny \ft it's not funny. \ref 0443 \id 488833071000010199 \begin 0:13:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx eee... bilangin! \pho ʔəː bilaŋin \mb eee bilang -in \ge FILL say -IN \gj FILL say-IN \ft tell her! \ref 0444 \id 332899071000010199 \begin 0:13:09 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku nggak mau kalo nggak mau. \pho ʔaku ŋga mau kalɔ ŋga mauʔ \mb aku nggak mau kalo nggak mau \ge 1SG NEG want TOP NEG want \gj 1SG NEG want TOP NEG want \ft I don't like if you don't want to tell her. \ref 0445 \id 444100065535101003 \begin 0:13:11 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0446 \id 895622065554101003 \begin 0:13:13 \sp KIKPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt singing but unclear. \ref 0447 \id 341762071000010199 \begin 0:13:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt walking toward another table where a glass sword is placed. \ref 0448 \id 812481071000010199 \begin 0:13:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx ada pedang. \pho ʔada pədaŋ \mb ada pedang \ge exist sword \gj exist sword \ft there is sword. \ref 0449 \id 297766071000010199 \begin 0:13:21 \sp DRIPIT \tx pedang beneran itu Ki? \pho pədaŋ bənəran itu kiʔ \mb pedang bener -an itu Ki \ge sword true -AN that TRU-Kiki \gj sword true-AN that TRU-Kiki \ft that's a real sword? \ref 0450 \id 848079065707101003 \begin 0:13:24 \sp KIKPIT \tx Bude Emi, ya? \pho bude ɛmi yaʔ \mb Bude Emi ya \ge TRU-mother-TRU-big Emi yes \gj TRU-mother-TRU-big Emi yes \ft is it Auntie Emi? \nt he doesn't answer DRI. \ref 0451 \id 258919071000010199 \begin 0:13:27 \sp KIKPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaʔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \nt answering himself. \ref 0452 \id 761795071000010199 \begin 0:13:30 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu pedang beneran ya Ki? \pho tu pədaŋ bənəran ya kiʔ \mb tu pedang bener -an ya Ki \ge that sword true -AN yes TRU-Kiki \gj that sword true-AN yes TRU-Kiki \ft is that a real sword? \ref 0453 \id 711118071000010199 \begin 0:13:33 \sp DRIPIT \tx Ki, ini pedang beneran ya? \pho kiʔ ini pədaŋ bənəran yah \mb Ki ini pedang bener -an ya \ge TRU-Kiki this sword true -AN yes \gj TRU-Kiki this sword true-AN yes \ft this is a real sword, right? \ref 0454 \id 381976071000010199 \begin 0:13:36 \sp KIKPIT \tx heh? \pho hə \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0455 \id 789866071000010199 \begin 0:13:39 \sp DRIPIT \tx beneran apa boongan? \pho bənəran apa bɔʔɔŋan \mb bener -an apa boong -an \ge true -AN what lie -AN \gj true-AN what lie-AN \ft it's a real one or a fake one? \ref 0456 \id 899485071000010199 \begin 0:13:42 \sp KIKPIT \tx boongan. \pho bɔʔɔŋan \mb boong -an \ge lie -AN \gj lie-AN \ft a fake one. \ref 0457 \id 978619070041101003 \begin 0:13:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt looking trough the window to see s.o. who is opening the folding door in the garage. \ref 0458 \id 770573070239101003 \begin 0:13:50 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt DRI and KIK are still coloring. \ref 0459 \id 634752070308101003 \begin 0:13:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt following OPI to see the person in the garage. \ref 0460 \id 975893071000010199 \begin 0:13:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah, Mama, ini mah! \pho ʔaː mama ini mah \mb ah Mama ini mah \ge AH mommy this MAH \gj AH mommy this MAH \ft oh, my! \nt cannot pull her panties up. \ref 0461 \id 301231070409101003 \begin 0:14:02 \sp DRIPIT \tx mobilnya sapa, Ki? \mb mobil -nya sapa Ki \ge car -NYA who TRU-Kiki \gj car-NYA who TRU-Kiki \ft whose car is that? \nt referring to the car in the garage. \ref 0462 \id 909232070426101003 \begin 0:14:06 \sp DRIPIT \tx bapak, Ki? \pho bapaʔ kiʔ \mb bapak Ki \ge father TRU-Kiki \gj father TRU-Kiki \ft your father? \ref 0463 \id 989215070436101003 \begin 0:14:07 \sp KIKPIT \tx Bude. \pho bude \mb Bude \ge TRU-mother-TRU-big \gj TRU-mother-TRU-big \ft my aunt. \ref 0464 \id 857187071000010199 \begin 0:14:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah... \pho ʔaːh \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft aaaaa... \nt shouting for not being able to pull her panties up. \ref 0465 \id 655616070710101003 \begin 0:14:09 \sp KIKPIT \tx nggak tau. \pho ŋga tauʔ \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft I'm not sure. \nt correcting himself. \ref 0466 \id 859139070729101003 \begin 0:14:10 \sp DRIPIT \tx eh, sst! \pho ʔɛh st̩ \mb eh sst \ge EXCL shush \gj EXCL shush \ft shush! \nt talking to CHI. \ref 0467 \id 156237071000010199 \begin 0:14:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah... \pho ʔaː \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey... \ref 0468 \id 575746070809101003 \begin 0:14:18 \sp DRIPIT \tx tar dulu, Pit. \pho tar duluʔ pit \mb tar dulu Pit \ge moment before TRU-Pipit \gj moment before TRU-Pipit \ft just a moment. \ref 0469 \id 387179070843101003 \begin 0:14:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt whispering. \ref 0470 \id 925068070910101003 \begin 0:14:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt going to get closer to CHI. \ref 0471 \id 737014070951101003 \begin 0:14:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah... Kakak gitu. \pho ʔaː kakaʔ gituʔ \mb ah Kakak gitu \ge EXCL older.sibling like.that \gj EXCL older.sibling like.that \ft hey you. \ref 0472 \id 281184071000010199 \begin 0:14:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ipit nggak mau. \pho ʔipit nga mau \mb Ipit nggak mau \ge Ipit NEG want \gj Ipit NEG want \ft I don't like you. \ref 0473 \id 922459071227101003 \begin 0:14:47 \sp DRIPIT \tx Kakak nggak bisa Ipit. \pho kakaʔ ŋga bisa ʔipiːt \mb Kakak nggak bisa Ipit \ge older.sibling NEG can Ipit \gj older.sibling NEG can Ipit \ft I can't do that. \ref 0474 \id 990738071253101003 \begin 0:14:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx Kak! \pho kaːʰʔ \mb Kak \ge TRU-older.sibling \gj TRU-older.sibling \ft Indri! \nt whining. \ref 0475 \id 571014071000010199 \begin 0:14:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx Mas Kiki...! \pho mas kikikeyh \mb Mas Kiki \ge EPIT Kiki \gj EPIT Kiki \ft Kiki! \ref 0476 \id 957079071000010199 \begin 0:14:56 \sp KIKPIT \tx hmm, ayo! \pho hm ʔayo \mb hmm ayo \ge uh-huh AYO \gj uh-huh AYO \ft come on! \nt taking CHI to EXP to ask her to pull up her panties. \ref 0477 \id 164613071354101003 \begin 0:14:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt still standing on the sofa and watching the person in the garage through the window. \ref 0478 \id 558985071000010199 \begin 0:15:03 \sp KIKPIT \tx Tante...! \pho tantə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 0479 \id 659232071634101003 \begin 0:15:07 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt still coloring. \ref 0480 \id 439288071642101003 \begin 0:15:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt going to the other room. \ref 0481 \id 377746071000010199 \begin 0:15:15 \sp EXPLIK \tx 0. \nt pulling her panties up and removing the transmitter from CHI's panties. \ref 0482 \id 122341071728101003 \begin 0:15:20 \sp KIKPIT \tx 0. \nt coming back to the living room to continue his coloring. \ref 0483 \id 298489071822101003 \begin 0:15:24 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt there's transmitter problem. \ref 0484 \id 718260071859101003 \begin 0:15:28 \sp XXX \tx (assalamualai)kum! \pho kum \mb assalamualaikum \ge peace.unto.ye \gj peace.unto.ye \ft peace unto you! \nt entering the room. \ref 0485 \id 715275071914101003 \begin 0:15:32 \sp KIKPIT \tx walaikumsalam! \pho wakumsalam \mb walaikumsalam \ge peace.be.to.you \gj peace.be.to.you \ft peace be to you! \ref 0486 \id 787023071000010199 \begin 0:15:37 \sp EXPLIK \tx dah! \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft here you are! \ref 0487 \id 950440071945101003 \begin 0:15:42 \sp EXPLIK \tx Pit! \pho pɪːt \mb Pit \ge TRU-Pipit \gj TRU-Pipit \ft Pipit! \ref 0488 \id 572177072152101003 \begin 0:15:43 \sp XXX \tx ntar Dek, ntar Dek, ikut campur, Dek. \pho n̩tar deʔ ntar deʔ ʔikɔt campur deʔ \mb ntar Dek ntar Dek ikut campur Dek \ge moment TRU-younger.sibling moment TRU-younger.sibling follow mix TRU-younger.sibling \gj moment TRU-younger.sibling moment TRU-younger.sibling follow mix TRU-younger.sibling \ft wait, wait, you can join it later. \ref 0489 \id 811460071000010199 \begin 0:15:44 \sp EXPLIK \tx dah, selesai! \pho dah sələsɛi \mb dah selesai \ge PFCT finish \gj PFCT finish \ft done! \ref 0490 \id 224202071000010199 \begin 0:15:45 \sp XXX \tx kamu jam berapa pulang? \pho kamu jam brapa pulaŋ \mb kamu jam berapa pulang \ge 2 clock how.much return \gj 2 clock how.much return \ft what time did you come home? \ref 0491 \id 701958072344101003 \begin 0:15:46 \sp EXPLIK \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \ref 0492 \id 324231072405101003 \begin 0:15:48 \sp XXX \tx jam berapa ya? \pho jam brapa ya \mb jam berapa ya \ge clock how.much yes \gj clock how.much yes \ft what time? \ref 0493 \id 460522072420101003 \begin 0:15:50 \sp XXX \tx baru. \pho baruʔ \mb baru \ge new \gj new \ft minutes ago. \ref 0494 \id 606627082253101003 \begin 0:15:52 \sp KIKPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt singing but unclear. \ref 0495 \id 993888082320101003 \begin 0:15:55 \sp XXX \tx aduh lucunya, itu lucu itu. \pho ʔadu lucuʔɲa ʔitu lucuʔ ʷitu \mb aduh lucu -nya itu lucu itu \ge EXCL funny -NYA that funny that \gj EXCL funny-NYA that funny that \ft it's very funny. \ref 0496 \id 908770082404101003 \begin 0:15:58 \sp DRIPIT \tx sapa tu Ki? \pho sapa tu ki \mb sapa tu Ki \ge who that TRU-Kiki \gj who that TRU-Kiki \ft who's that? \ref 0497 \id 480718071000010199 \begin 0:16:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx nen nen nen nen nen nen! \pho nɛn nɛn nɛn nɛn nɛn nɛn \mb nen nen nen nen nen nen \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft nen nen nen nen nen nen! \nt humming. \ref 0498 \id 737833071000010199 \begin 0:16:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx warnai Mas! \pho wanai mas \mb warna -i Mas \ge color -I EPIT \gj color-I EPIT \ft color this! \ref 0499 \id 418281082444101003 \begin 0:16:07 \sp DRIPIT \tx sudah jadi. \pho sut jadiʔ \mb sudah jadi \ge PFCT become \gj PFCT become \ft it's done. \ref 0500 \id 278446071000010199 \begin 0:16:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx yang warna merah jambu juga ada kok. \pho yaŋ wana mɛla jambu juga ʔada kɔʔ \mb yang warna merah jambu juga ada kok \ge REL color red guava also exist KOK \gj REL color red guava also exist KOK \ft we also have pink. \ref 0501 \id 457918071000010199 \begin 0:16:15 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini! \pho ʔinih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this! \nt giving a crayon to DRI. \ref 0502 \id 762780082520101003 \begin 0:16:19 \sp CHIPIT \tx yang ini. \pho yaŋ ʔinih \mb yang ini \ge REL this \gj REL this \ft this one. \ref 0503 \id 936747071000010199 \begin 0:16:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx warnanya merah jambu. \pho wanaɲa mɛla jaːmbuʰ \mb warna -nya merah jambu \ge color -NYA red rose.apple \gj color-NYA red rose.apple \ft the color is pink. \ref 0504 \id 829007071000010199 \begin 0:16:25 \sp DRIPIT \tx biarpun rusak udah kuwarnain aja. \pho biyarpun rusak udah kuwarnain aja \mb biar -pun rusak udah ku- warna -in aja \ge let -PUN damaged PFCT 1SG- color -IN just \gj let-PUN damaged PFCT 1SG-color-IN just \ft let me color it although it's damaged. \ref 0505 \id 165003082610101003 \begin 0:16:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx aaa... \pho ʔaː \mb aaa \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 0506 \id 908572082826101003 \begin 0:16:32 \sp KIKPIT \tx ah! \pho ʔaʔ \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \ref 0507 \id 843056071000010199 \begin 0:16:36 \sp EXPLIK \tx yah... \pho yah \mb yah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft shucks... \nt coming to that room. \ref 0508 \id 260354071000010199 \begin 0:16:38 \sp DRIPIT \tx itu tadi celana dalamnya kedodoran. \pho ʔitu tadi cəlana daləmɲa kədɔdoran \mb itu tadi celana dalam -nya ke an dodor \ge that earlier pants inside -NYA KE AN oversize \gj that earlier pants inside-NYA KE.AN-oversize \ft her underpants were too big. \ref 0509 \id 580000071000010199 \begin 0:16:40 \sp EXPLIK \tx kedodoran ya? \pho kədɔdɔran ya \mb ke an dodor ya \ge KE AN oversize yes \gj KE.AN-oversize yes \ft they're too big, right? \ref 0510 \id 772405071000010199 \begin 0:16:42 \sp EXPLIK \tx diganti sama Tante ya? \pho diganti sama tantə ya \mb di- ganti sama Tante ya \ge DI- change with aunt yes \gj DI-change with aunt yes \ft let me change them, okay? \ref 0511 \id 825808071000010199 \begin 0:16:44 \sp EXPLIK \tx enak sekarang udah nggak lapar. \pho ɛnak skaraŋ uda ŋgaʔ lapar \mb enak sekarang udah nggak lapar \ge pleasant now PFCT NEG hungry \gj pleasant now PFCT NEG hungry \ft now it's better, I'm not hungry any more. \ref 0512 \id 180220071000010199 \begin 0:16:47 \sp EXPLIK \tx kamu pilek ya Pi ya? \pho kamu pilək ya piʔ ya \mb kamu pilek ya Pi ya \ge 2 sniffles yes TRU-Opi yes \gj 2 sniffles yes TRU-Opi yes \ft you got a cold, right? \ref 0513 \id 164670071000010199 \begin 0:16:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx Tante Like, Tante Like...! \pho tatə likəh tatə likəh \mb Tante Like Tante Like \ge aunt Like aunt Like \gj aunt Like aunt Like \ft Auntie, Auntie! \ref 0514 \id 710658071000010199 \begin 0:16:49 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm? \pho hm̩ \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0515 \id 740963071000010199 \begin 0:16:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx mmm, aku laper! \pho m ʔaku lapəl \mb mmm aku laper \ge FILL 1SG hungry \gj FILL 1SG hungry \ft I am hungry! \ref 0516 \id 692302071000010199 \begin 0:16:51 \sp EXPLIK \tx laper? \pho lapər \mb laper \ge hungry \gj hungry \ft hungry? \ref 0517 \id 935616071000010199 \begin 0:16:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0518 \id 719904071000010199 \begin 0:16:53 \sp EXPLIK \tx mau maem sekarang? \pho mo maʔəm skaraŋ \mb mau maem sekarang \ge want eat now \gj want eat now \ft you want to eat now? \ref 0519 \id 439096071000010199 \begin 0:16:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0520 \id 504482071000010199 \begin 0:16:55 \sp EXPLIK \tx diambilin minya ya? \pho diyambilin miɲa ya \mb di- ambil -in mi -nya ya \ge DI- take -IN noodles -NYA yes \gj DI-take-IN noodles-NYA yes \ft I'll get you some noodles, okay? \ref 0521 \id 547667071000010199 \begin 0:16:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0522 \id 956407071000010199 \begin 0:16:57 \sp KIKPIT \tx biru ini aja ah! \pho biru wini yaja ʔah \mb biru ini aja ah \ge blue this just AH \gj blue this just AH \ft the blue one! \nt taking the blue crayon. \ref 0523 \id 961634071000010199 \begin 0:17:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx uh, pusing deh, pusing deh! \pho uː pusiŋ dɛh pusiŋ dɛh \mb uh pusing deh pusing deh \ge EXCL dizzy DEH dizzy DEH \gj EXCL dizzy DEH dizzy DEH \ft oh, I am puzzled, puzzled! \ref 0524 \id 604175071000010199 \begin 0:17:03 \sp KIKPIT \tx kan Gerhana hidup lagi. \pho kan gərhana idup lagi \mb kan Gerhana hidup lagi \ge KAN Gerhana live more \gj KAN Gerhana live more \ft look, Gerhana is alive again. \ref 0525 \id 693385083932101003 \begin 0:17:06 \sp XXX \tx 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \pho wɛlkam tu jakarta in də naintin si gems \mb welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ge welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \gj welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ft 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \ref 0526 \id 248553084006101003 \begin 0:17:09 \sp DRIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0527 \id 242522084027101003 \begin 0:17:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt turning on the winder of the doll. \ref 0528 \id 288964071000010199 \begin 0:17:14 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm, ayo kita makan! \pho hm̃ ʔayo kita makan \mb hmm ayo kita makan \ge uh-huh AYO 1PL eat \gj uh-huh AYO 1PL eat \ft uh-huh, let's eat! \nt bringing CHI and OPI's some noodles. \ref 0529 \id 572267084138101003 \begin 0:17:16 \sp XXX \tx 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \pho wɛlkam tu jakarta in də naintin si gems \mb welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ge welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \gj welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ft 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \ref 0530 \id 409275084207101003 \begin 0:17:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0531 \id 825733071000010199 \begin 0:17:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx pake nasi ya? \pho pakɛ nasi ya \mb pake nasi ya \ge use cooked.rice yes \gj use cooked.rice yes \ft with rice, right? \ref 0532 \id 722702071000010199 \begin 0:17:25 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm? \pho hm̩ \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0533 \id 667484071000010199 \begin 0:17:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx pa(ke)... \pho pa \mb pake \ge use \gj use \ft with... \ref 0534 \id 514303071000010199 \begin 0:17:25 \sp EXPLIK \tx kamu mau pake nasi? \pho kamu mau pakɛʔ nasi \mb kamu mau pake nasi \ge 2 want use cooked.rice \gj 2 want use cooked.rice \ft you want them with rice? \ref 0535 \id 913716071000010199 \begin 0:17:26 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm? \pho hm̩ \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0536 \id 750896071000010199 \begin 0:17:27 \sp EXPLIK \tx pake nasi nggak? \pho pakɛʔ nasi ŋgaʔ \mb pake nasi nggak \ge use cooked.rice NEG \gj use cooked.rice NEG \ft you want them with rice? \ref 0537 \id 230435071000010199 \begin 0:17:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx di(kit), di(kit) dikit saja. \pho diʔ diʔ di sajah \mb dikit dikit dikit saja \ge a.little a.little a.little just \gj a.little a.little a.little just \ft just a little bit. \nt stuttering. \ref 0538 \id 832104071000010199 \begin 0:17:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx dikit saja. \pho dikit sajah \mb dikit saja \ge a.little just \gj a.little just \ft just a little bit. \ref 0539 \id 692984071000010199 \begin 0:17:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx Tante aku mau pake itu dong Tante! \pho tatəh ʔaku mau pakɛʔ ʔitu dɔŋ tatəh \mb Tante aku mau pake itu dong Tante \ge aunt 1SG want use that DONG aunt \gj aunt 1SG want use that DONG aunt \ft Auntie, I want to use that! \ref 0540 \id 695881071000010199 \begin 0:17:32 \sp EXPLIK \tx pake apa? \pho pakɛʔ ʔapa \mb pake apa \ge use what \gj use what \ft use what? \ref 0541 \id 797226071000010199 \begin 0:17:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx garpu. \pho gapu \mb garpu \ge fork \gj fork \ft a fork. \ref 0542 \id 393103071000010199 \begin 0:17:36 \sp EXPLIK \tx garpu? \pho garpu \mb garpu \ge fork \gj fork \ft a fork? \ref 0543 \id 597219071000010199 \begin 0:17:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0544 \id 385258071000010199 \begin 0:17:38 \sp EXPLIK \tx ya sebentar ya? \pho ya sbəntar ya \mb ya se- bentar ya \ge yes SE- moment yes \gj yes SE-moment yes \ft you hold on a moment, okay? \ref 0545 \id 145961071000010199 \begin 0:17:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi pake sendok. \pho ʔɔpi pakɛ sɛndɔk \mb Opi pake sendok \ge Opi use spoon \gj Opi use spoon \ft I use a spoon. \ref 0546 \id 370600071000010199 \begin 0:17:41 \sp EXPLIK \tx pake sendok? \pho pakɛ sɛndɔk \mb pake sendok \ge use spoon \gj use spoon \ft use a spoon? \ref 0547 \id 384738071000010199 \begin 0:17:43 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu udah ada sendok. \pho tu uda ada sɛndɔk \mb tu udah ada sendok \ge that PFCT exist spoon \gj that PFCT exist spoon \ft look, that's a spoon. \ref 0548 \id 397898071000010199 \begin 0:17:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni sendok! \pho ni sɛndɔk \mb ni sendok \ge this spoon \gj this spoon \ft here is a spoon! \ref 0549 \id 192838071000010199 \begin 0:17:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx udah ada sendok! \pho uda ʔada sɛndɔːeːk \mb udah ada sendok \ge PFCT exist spoon \gj PFCT exist spoon \ft I have a spoon! \ref 0550 \id 737200071000010199 \begin 0:17:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx pusing ah, pusing deh! \pho pusiŋ ʔa pusiŋ dɛh \mb pusing ah pusing deh \ge dizzy EXCL dizzy DEH \gj dizzy EXCL dizzy DEH \ft hey, I am puzzled, puzzled! \ref 0551 \id 591923084550101003 \begin 0:17:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pit, Pit jangan, Pit! \pho pit pit jaŋan pit \mb Pit Pit jangan Pit \ge TRU-Pipit TRU-Pipit don't TRU-Pipit \gj TRU-Pipit TRU-Pipit don't TRU-Pipit \ft don't do that! \ref 0552 \id 440699071000010199 \begin 0:17:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx celana deh. \pho təlanaʔ dɛh \mb celana deh \ge pants DEH \gj pants DEH \ft it's about my panties. \ref 0553 \id 436517071000010199 \begin 0:17:57 \sp CHIPIT \tx kunyampe. \pho kuɲapɛʔ \mb ku- ny- sampe \ge 1SG- N- arrive \gj 1SG-N-arrive \ft I can reach it. \nt reference unclear. \ref 0554 \id 465308084713101003 \begin 0:18:01 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt DRI and KIK are still coloring. \ref 0555 \id 353001071000010199 \begin 0:18:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh, belom maen-maenan ini. \pho ʔɛ bəlɔm mɛnmaɛnan ini \mb eh belom maen - maen -an ini \ge EXCL not.yet play - play -AN this \gj EXCL not.yet RED.AN-play this \ft hey, I haven't played yet. \nt referring to the doll monkey on the side table. \ref 0556 \id 692939071000010199 \begin 0:18:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx kutuk kutuk kuik. \pho kutuk kutuk kuwik \mb kutuk kutuk kuik \ge IMIT IMIT EXCL \gj IMIT IMIT EXCL \ft kutuk kutuk kuwee. \nt imitating the sound of the doll monkey. \ref 0557 \id 945324084813101003 \begin 0:18:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt turning on the winder of the monkey doll. \ref 0558 \id 986871084904101003 \begin 0:18:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ijul majuan, (ma)juan! \pho ʔijul majuwan juwan \mb Ijul maju -an maju -an \ge Ijul move.forward -AN move.forward -AN \gj Ijul move.forward-AN move.forward-AN \ft move forward! \ref 0559 \id 865677084945101003 \begin 0:18:28 \sp XXX \tx orang majuan wòng xxx. \pho ʔoraŋ majuwan woŋ xxx \mb orang maju -an wòng xxx \ge person move.forward -AN person xxx \gj person move.forward-AN person xxx \ft he moves forward xxx. \ref 0560 \id 639760071000010199 \begin 0:18:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pit, ngumpet, ngumpet, ngumpet! \pho pit ŋupət ŋupət ŋupət \mb Pit ng- umpet ng- umpet ng- umpet \ge TRU-Pipit N- hide N- hide N- hide \gj TRU-Pipit N-hide N-hide N-hide \ft Pit, let's hide, hide! \nt asking CHI to hide before EXP enters the room. \ref 0561 \id 757906071000010199 \begin 0:18:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah sakit, tau! \pho ʔa sakit tauʔ \mb ah sakit tau \ge EXCL hurt know \gj EXCL hurt know \ft ouch, it hurts, you know? \nt CHI doing s.t. unclear to OPI which can't be seen by the camera. \ref 0562 \id 154468071000010199 \begin 0:18:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx ayo, ayo, ayo, ayo! \pho ʔayo ʰayo ʰayo ʰayo \mb ayo ayo ayo ayo \ge AYO AYO AYO AYO \gj AYO AYO AYO AYO \ft come on, come on, come on! \ref 0563 \id 248153071000010199 \begin 0:18:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pit ngumpet! \pho pit ŋupət \mb Pit ng- umpet \ge TRU-Pipit N- hide \gj TRU-Pipit N-hide \ft Pit, let's hide! \ref 0564 \id 717299071000010199 \begin 0:18:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0565 \id 657323085600101003 \begin 0:18:56 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt KIK and DRI are still coloring. \ref 0566 \id 741379085646101003 \begin 0:19:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0567 \id 484566085708101003 \begin 0:19:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx adoh, Pit. \pho ʔado pit \mb adoh Pit \ge EXCL TRU-Pipit \gj EXCL TRU-Pipit \ft hey. \ref 0568 \id 612989085741101003 \begin 0:19:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak mao, nggak mao. \pho ŋga mao ŋga maoʔ \mb nggak mao nggak mao \ge NEG want NEG want \gj NEG want NEG want \ft no way. \ref 0569 \id 769456071000010199 \begin 0:19:10 \sp EXPLIK \tx ayo kita makan! \pho ʔayo kita makan \mb ayo kita makan \ge AYO 1PL eat \gj AYO 1PL eat \ft let's eat! \ref 0570 \id 764657071000010199 \begin 0:19:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx (ta)di, (ta)di, tadi mo dikag(etin), kagetin! \pho diʔ diʔ tadi mo digaʔ kagɛtin \mb tadi tadi tadi mo di- kaget -in kaget -in \ge earlier earlier earlier want DI- startled -IN startled -IN \gj earlier earlier earlier want DI-startled-IN startled-IN \ft we wanted to startle you! \ref 0571 \id 203476071000010199 \begin 0:19:18 \sp EXPLIK \tx dikagetin? \pho dikagɛtin \mb di- kaget -in \ge DI- startled -IN \gj DI-startled-IN \ft startle me? \ref 0572 \id 433175071000010199 \begin 0:19:22 \sp EXPLIK \tx siapa dikagetin? \pho syapa dikagɛtin \mb siapa di- kaget -in \ge who DI- startled -IN \gj who DI-startled-IN \ft who you wanted to startle? \ref 0573 \id 881531071000010199 \begin 0:19:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku. \pho ʔakuh \mb aku \ge 1SG \gj 1SG \ft me. \ref 0574 \id 711729071000010199 \begin 0:19:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante! \pho tatə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft you! \nt referring to EXP. \ref 0575 \id 745765071000010199 \begin 0:19:24 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm...! \pho mː \mb hmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm. \ref 0576 \id 385828071000010199 \begin 0:19:25 \sp EXPLIK \tx kenapa? \pho knapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft what? \ref 0577 \id 822599090139101003 \begin 0:19:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pipit. \pho pipit \mb Pipit \ge Pipit \gj Pipit \ft she did. \ref 0578 \id 725288071000010199 \begin 0:19:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx sama Opi. \pho sama ʔɔpiʔ \mb sama Opi \ge with Opi \gj with Opi \ft with him. \ref 0579 \id 236965090224101003 \begin 0:19:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya banyak. \pho ya baɲak \mb ya banyak \ge yes a.lot \gj yes a.lot \ft yeah, it's too much. \nt referring to the noodles. \ref 0580 \id 937222071000010199 \begin 0:19:29 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku nggak Tante. \pho ʔaku ŋgaʔ tatə \mb aku nggak Tante \ge 1SG NEG aunt \gj 1SG NEG aunt \ft not me. \ref 0581 \id 718163071000010199 \begin 0:19:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak mau pake nasi, Te! \pho ŋgaʔ mau pakɛʔ nasi təh \mb nggak mau pake nasi Te \ge NEG want use cooked.rice TRU-aunt \gj NEG want use cooked.rice TRU-aunt \ft I don't want rice. \ref 0582 \id 890885071000010199 \begin 0:19:33 \sp EXPLIK \tx Ipit nggak mau pake nasi? \pho ʔipit ngaʔ mau pakɛʔ nasi \mb Ipit nggak mau pake nasi \ge Ipit NEG want use cooked.rice \gj Ipit NEG want use cooked.rice \ft you don't want rice? \ref 0583 \id 422129071000010199 \begin 0:19:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak. \pho gaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0584 \id 642937071000010199 \begin 0:19:35 \sp CHIPIT \tx garpu. \pho gapu \mb garpu \ge fork \gj fork \ft a fork. \ref 0585 \id 161802071000010199 \begin 0:19:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya banyak, Tante! \pho ya baɲak tantə \mb ya banyak Tante \ge yes a.lot aunt \gj yes a.lot aunt \ft too much! \ref 0586 \id 219421071000010199 \begin 0:19:37 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em. \pho hʔm̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0587 \id 215043071000010199 \begin 0:19:38 \sp EXPLIK \tx awas, itu panas! \pho ʔawas ʔitu panas \mb awas itu panas \ge EXCL that hot \gj EXCL that hot \ft watch out, it's hot! \ref 0588 \id 431875071000010199 \begin 0:19:39 \sp EXPLIK \tx nih diambilin Tante! \pho ni diyambilin tantə \mb nih di- ambil -in Tante \ge this DI- take -IN aunt \gj this DI-take-IN aunt \ft here, let me take it for you! \ref 0589 \id 645876071000010199 \begin 0:19:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx yang ba(nyak), banyak. \pho ya baɲ baɲaʔ \mb yang banyak banyak \ge REL a.lot a.lot \gj REL a.lot a.lot \ft give me a lot, a lot! \ref 0590 \id 962201071000010199 \begin 0:19:41 \sp EXPLIK \tx dikit aja? \pho dikit aja \mb dikit aja \ge a.little just \gj a.little just \ft just a little bit? \ref 0591 \id 780969090744101003 \begin 0:19:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx dikit. \pho dikit \mb dikit \ge a.little \gj a.little \ft a little. \ref 0592 \id 236304071000010199 \begin 0:19:43 \sp EXPLIK \tx segini? \pho sgini \mb se- gini \ge SE- like.this \gj SE-like.this \ft this much? \ref 0593 \id 464340071000010199 \begin 0:19:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak, dik(it), dikit aja. \pho ŋgaʔ dik dikit ʔaja \mb nggak dikit dikit aja \ge NEG a.little a.little just \gj NEG a.little a.little just \ft no, just a little. \ref 0594 \id 842608071000010199 \begin 0:19:44 \sp EXPLIK \tx segini. \pho sgini \mb se- gini \ge SE- like.this \gj SE-like.this \ft this much. \ref 0595 \id 830843071000010199 \begin 0:19:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0596 \id 199084071000010199 \begin 0:19:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx masih panas ya Tante? \pho masi panas ya tatə \mb masih panas ya Tante \ge still hot yes aunt \gj still hot yes aunt \ft still hot? \ref 0597 \id 413444071000010199 \begin 0:19:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx dikit. \pho dikit \mb dikit \ge a.little \gj a.little \ft a little. \ref 0598 \id 468579071000010199 \begin 0:19:47 \sp EXPLIK \tx segini? \pho sgini \mb se- gini \ge SE- like.this \gj SE-like.this \ft this much? \ref 0599 \id 123783071000010199 \begin 0:19:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-em. \pho hʔm̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0600 \id 231654071000010199 \begin 0:19:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx dikit. \pho dikit \mb dikit \ge a.little \gj a.little \ft a little bit. \ref 0601 \id 624963071000010199 \begin 0:19:50 \sp EXPLIK \tx nah udah. \pho na udah \mb nah udah \ge NAH PFCT \gj NAH PFCT \ft okay, here you are. \ref 0602 \id 470125071000010199 \begin 0:19:51 \sp EXPLIK \tx dikit, cuma dikit. \pho dikit cuma dikit \mb dikit cuma dikit \ge a.little only a.little \gj a.little only a.little \ft just a little. \ref 0603 \id 906716071000010199 \begin 0:19:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx kunasinya dikit aja ah! \pho kunasiɲa dikit aja ʔah \mb ku- nasi -nya dikit aja ah \ge 1SG- cooked.rice -NYA a.little just AH \gj 1SG-cooked.rice-NYA a.little just AH \ft for me just a little bit of rice! \ref 0604 \id 102035071000010199 \begin 0:19:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx pinjem. \pho piɲjəm \mb pinjem \ge borrow \gj borrow \ft let me borrow it. \ref 0605 \id 106315071000010199 \begin 0:19:54 \sp EXPLIK \tx mau? \pho mau \mb mau \ge want \gj want \ft you want it? \ref 0606 \id 941670071000010199 \begin 0:19:55 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm dikit aja. \pho ʔm̩ dikit ajah \mb hmm dikit aja \ge uh-huh a.little just \gj uh-huh a.little just \ft uh-huh, just a little bit. \ref 0607 \id 772527071000010199 \begin 0:19:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx segini. \pho kəginih \mb se- gini \ge SE- like.this \gj SE-like.this \ft this much. \ref 0608 \id 774065091142101003 \begin 0:19:57 \sp EXPLIK \tx (cu)kup? \pho kɔp \mb cukup \ge enough \gj enough \ft enough? \ref 0609 \id 178036071000010199 \begin 0:19:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx gini. \pho ginih \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft this much. \ref 0610 \id 353258071000010199 \begin 0:20:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx segini Tante! \pho kəgini tatəh \mb se- gini Tante \ge SE- like.this aunt \gj SE-like.this aunt \ft this much, Auntie! \ref 0611 \id 514452071000010199 \begin 0:20:03 \sp EXPLIK \tx seberapa? \pho səbrapah \mb se- berapa \ge SE- how.much \gj SE-how.much \ft how much? \ref 0612 \id 718925071000010199 \begin 0:20:05 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak. \pho ʔŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0613 \id 199575071000010199 \begin 0:20:05 \sp EXPLIK \tx sini diambilin Tante! \pho sini diyambilin tantə \mb sini di- ambil -in Tante \ge here DI- take -IN aunt \gj here DI-take-IN aunt \ft here, let me take it for you! \ref 0614 \id 831491091246101003 \begin 0:20:05 \sp CHIPIT \tx gini. \pho gini \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft this much. \ref 0615 \id 288779091331101003 \begin 0:20:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante! \pho tantə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 0616 \id 560661071000010199 \begin 0:20:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak usah. \pho gaʔ ʔusah \mb nggak usah \ge NEG must \gj NEG must \ft you don't need to. \ref 0617 \id 651358071000010199 \begin 0:20:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx segini aja. \pho kəgini ʔajah \mb se- gini aja \ge SE- like.this just \gj SE-like.this just \ft this much. \ref 0618 \id 386529071000010199 \begin 0:20:09 \sp EXPLIK \tx lagi dong! \pho lagi dɔŋ \mb lagi dong \ge more DONG \gj more DONG \ft a little bit more! \ref 0619 \id 802986071000010199 \begin 0:20:10 \sp EXPLIK \tx dah! \pho daː \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft okay! \ref 0620 \id 908309071000010199 \begin 0:20:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx dah dah dah udah! \pho da da dah ʔudah \mb dah dah dah udah \ge PFCT PFCT PFCT PFCT \gj PFCT PFCT PFCT PFCT \ft okay, okay, okay! \ref 0621 \id 557783071000010199 \begin 0:20:14 \sp EXPLIK \tx makan ya? \pho makan ya \mb makan ya \ge eat yes \gj eat yes \ft you eat now, okay? \ref 0622 \id 879209071000010199 \begin 0:20:15 \sp EXPLIK \tx panas tu! \pho panas tu \mb panas tu \ge hot that \gj hot that \ft it's hot! \ref 0623 \id 385712071000010199 \begin 0:20:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx bisa? \pho bisaʔ \mb bisa \ge can \gj can \ft can you? \ref 0624 \id 572174071000010199 \begin 0:20:17 \sp CHIPIT \tx bisa pake sen(dok), garpu? \pho bisa pakɛ sen gapu \mb bisa pake sendok garpu \ge can use spoon fork \gj can use spoon fork \ft can you use a fork? \ref 0625 \id 645580071000010199 \begin 0:20:18 \sp EXPLIK \tx bisa. \pho bisa \mb bisa \ge can \gj can \ft yes. \ref 0626 \id 412475091457101003 \begin 0:20:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm. \pho m̃ː \mb hmm \ge oh \gj oh \ft I see. \ref 0627 \id 478620071000010199 \begin 0:20:21 \sp EXPLIK \tx bagaimana kalo mo makan? \pho bagɛmana kalɔʔ mo makan \mb bagaimana kalo mo makan \ge how TOP want eat \gj how TOP want eat \ft what do you do if you're going to eat? \ref 0628 \id 582023071000010199 \begin 0:20:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx doa. \pho dɔʔaː \mb doa \ge prayer \gj prayer \ft pray! \ref 0629 \id 574536071000010199 \begin 0:20:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx bedoa. \pho bədɔʔah \mb be- doa \ge BER- prayer \gj BER-prayer \ft pray. \ref 0630 \id 751817071000010199 \begin 0:20:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx doa sebelum makan. \pho dɔʔa sebəlum makan \mb doa se- belum makan \ge prayer SE- not.yet eat \gj prayer SE-not.yet eat \ft the prayer before eating. \ref 0631 \id 414376071000010199 \begin 0:20:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx belum makan. \pho bəlum makan \mb belum makan \ge not.yet eat \gj not.yet eat \ft (the prayer) before eating. \ref 0632 \id 827683071000010199 \begin 0:20:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx bismillahirohmanirrohim. \pho biʃəmilanilomahnilohim \mb bismillahirohmanirrohim \ge in.the.name.of.God \gj in.the.name.of.God \ft in the name of God. \ref 0633 \id 192906071000010199 \begin 0:20:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx bismillahirohmanirrohim. \pho biʃmilaʔiloma \mb bismillahirohmanirrohim \ge in.the.name.of.God \gj in.the.name.of.God \ft in the name of God. \ref 0634 \id 374419091838101003 \begin 0:20:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx ww ww ww ww ww ww ww amin ya ww ww. \pho ʔawohumah baliklana fimah lojaktanah wakinal ʔajal banal ʔamin ya lobil ʔalamin \mb ww ww ww ww ww ww ww amin ya ww ww \ge ww ww ww ww ww ww ww amen yes ww ww \gj ww ww ww ww ww ww ww amen yes ww ww \ft www amen. \nt Arabic prayer for eating. \ref 0635 \id 670762092020101003 \begin 0:20:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx ww ww ww ww ww ww amin ww. \pho baliklana fima lojaktana kinal ʔajal banal ʔamin ʔalamin \mb ww ww ww ww ww ww amin ww \ge ww ww ww ww ww ww amen ww \gj ww ww ww ww ww ww amen ww \ft www amen. \nt Arabic prayer for eating. \ref 0636 \id 985413071000010199 \begin 0:20:46 \sp EXPLIK \tx pinter. \pho pintəːr \mb pinter \ge smart \gj smart \ft good! \ref 0637 \id 654827071000010199 \begin 0:20:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx denger? \pho dəŋəl \mb denger \ge hear \gj hear \ft did you hear it? \ref 0638 \id 197821071000010199 \begin 0:20:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx makan Pi! \pho makan piʔ \mb makan Pi \ge eat TRU-Opi \gj eat TRU-Opi \ft eat! \ref 0639 \id 780775071000010199 \begin 0:20:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx denger? \pho dəŋəl \mb denger \ge hear \gj hear \ft did you hear? \ref 0640 \id 200554071000010199 \begin 0:20:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx denger Tante? \pho dəŋəl tatəh \mb denger Tante \ge hear aunt \gj hear aunt \ft did you hear? \ref 0641 \id 828611071000010199 \begin 0:20:53 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em. \pho hʔm̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0642 \id 493040071000010199 \begin 0:20:55 \sp EXPLIK \tx denger dong! \pho dəŋər dɔŋ \mb denger dong \ge hear DONG \gj hear DONG \ft of course, I heard! \ref 0643 \id 843610071000010199 \begin 0:20:58 \sp EXPLIK \tx Tante ndengerin dari situ! \pho tantə ndəŋərin dari situ \mb Tante n- denger -in dari situ \ge aunt N- hear -IN from there \gj aunt N-hear-IN from there \ft I heard from there! \nt referring to the camcorder. \ref 0644 \id 719675092229101003 \begin 0:21:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt blowing the noodles. \ref 0645 \id 573605071000010199 \begin 0:21:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku nasi pake sendok saja. \pho ʔaku pasi pakɛ sɛndɔk sajah \mb aku nasi pake sendok saja \ge 1SG cooked.rice use spoon just \gj 1SG cooked.rice use spoon just \ft I eat rice with a spoon. \ref 0646 \id 390671071000010199 \begin 0:21:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx yang paling gede aku. \pho yam paliŋ gədɛʔ ʔakuː \mb yang paling gede aku \ge REL most big 1SG \gj REL most big 1SG \ft the biggest one. \nt reference unclear. \ref 0647 \id 213890071000010199 \begin 0:21:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx we! \pho wɛ \mb we \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow! \ref 0648 \id 860935071000010199 \begin 0:21:10 \sp EXPLIK \tx banyak sekali! \pho baɲak səkali \mb banyak se- kali \ge a.lot SE- very \gj a.lot SE-very \ft that's a lot! \nt referring to the noodles eaten by CHI. \ref 0649 \id 155358071000010199 \begin 0:21:12 \sp EXPLIK \tx kalo panas...? \pho kalɔʔ panas \mb kalo panas \ge TOP hot \gj TOP hot \ft if it's hot...? \ref 0650 \id 805469071000010199 \begin 0:21:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx tiup. \pho tiyop \mb tiup \ge blow \gj blow \ft I blow on it. \ref 0651 \id 332421071000010199 \begin 0:21:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx ditiup. \pho ditiyup \mb di- tiup \ge DI- blow \gj DI-blow \ft I blow on it! \ref 0652 \id 420656071000010199 \begin 0:21:17 \sp EXPLIK \tx tiup. \pho tiyoːp \mb tiup \ge blow \gj blow \ft blow it! \ref 0653 \id 174787071000010199 \begin 0:21:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx kalo nggak panas... \pho kalɔ ngaʔ panas \mb kalo nggak panas \ge TOP NEG hot \gj TOP NEG hot \ft if it's not hot... \ref 0654 \id 652822071000010199 \begin 0:21:19 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak. \pho ʔŋ̩gaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft I don't. \ref 0655 \id 702682071000010199 \begin 0:21:20 \sp EXPLIK \tx nggak. \pho ʔŋ̩gaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft you don't. \ref 0656 \id 803428071000010199 \begin 0:21:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx hah hah! \pho hah hah \mb hah hah \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hah hah! \nt blowing his mouth. \ref 0657 \id 238524071000010199 \begin 0:21:22 \sp EXPLIK \tx kenapa Dik? \pho knapa deʔ \mb kenapa Dik \ge why TRU-younger.sibling \gj why TRU-younger.sibling \ft what's wrong with you? \ref 0658 \id 201580092522101003 \begin 0:21:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx pedes. \pho pədəs \mb pedes \ge spicy \gj spicy \ft it's hot. \ref 0659 \id 892212071000010199 \begin 0:21:24 \sp EXPLIK \tx masa pedes? \pho masa pədəs \mb masa pedes \ge incredible spicy \gj incredible spicy \ft is it hot? \nt asking OPI. \ref 0660 \id 225340071000010199 \begin 0:21:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak. \pho ʔŋ̩gaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0661 \id 704620071000010199 \begin 0:21:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx Tante aku ambilin minum dong! \pho tatə aku ʔambilin minum dɔŋ \mb Tante aku ambil -in minum dong \ge aunt 1SG take -IN drink DONG \gj aunt 1SG take-IN drink DONG \ft give me some water! \nt asking EXP. \ref 0662 \id 964377071000010199 \begin 0:21:28 \sp EXPLIK \tx o, iya. \pho ʔo wiya \mb o iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, yes. \ref 0663 \id 804304071000010199 \begin 0:21:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx tar kalo kepedesan. \pho tal kalɔ kəpədəsan \mb tar kalo ke an pedes \ge moment TOP KE AN spicy \gj moment TOP KE.AN-spicy \ft if it's going to be hot. \ref 0664 \id 957207092558101003 \begin 0:21:32 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt blowing her noodles. \ref 0665 \id 905506092630101003 \begin 0:21:35 \sp KIKPIT \tx ah, jangan warna ini ah. \pho ʔah jan warna ʔini ʔah \mb ah jangan warna ini ah \ge AH don't color this AH \gj AH don't color this AH \ft I don't want this color. \ref 0666 \id 562115071000010199 \begin 0:21:38 \sp EXPLIK \tx sini! \pho sini \mb sini \ge here \gj here \ft here! \ref 0667 \id 789136071000010199 \begin 0:21:41 \sp EXPLIK \tx Mbak Pipit sini! \mb Mbak Pipit sini \ge EPIT Pipit here \gj EPIT Pipit here \ft Pipit come here! \ref 0668 \id 330319071000010199 \begin 0:21:45 \sp EXPLIK \tx sini Mbak! \pho sini mbaʔ \mb sini Mbak \ge here EPIT \gj here EPIT \ft here, Pipit! \ref 0669 \id 457517092727101003 \begin 0:21:49 \sp EXPLIK \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft here. \ref 0670 \id 178940071000010199 \begin 0:21:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini apa? \pho ʔini yapa \mb ini apa \ge this what \gj this what \ft what's this? \nt reference unclear. \ref 0671 \id 259500071000010199 \begin 0:21:57 \sp CHIPIT \tx warnai ya? \pho wanai yah \mb warna -i ya \ge color -I yes \gj color-I yes \ft we color it, right? \ref 0672 \id 620464071000010199 \begin 0:21:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx gini dong! \pho gini dɔŋ \mb gini dong \ge like.this DONG \gj like.this DONG \ft this way! \nt showing how to color. \ref 0673 \id 453003071000010199 \begin 0:22:00 \sp KIKPIT \tx ngomong R dah! \pho ŋɔmɔŋ ʔɛr dah \mb ng- omong R dah \ge N- speak R PFCT \gj N-speak R PFCT \ft say R! \nt asking CHI to pronounce the letter R. \ref 0674 \id 235800071000010199 \begin 0:22:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx hah? \pho ha \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0675 \id 104762071000010199 \begin 0:22:04 \sp KIKPIT \tx ngomong R! \pho ŋɔmɔŋ ʔɛr \mb ng- omong R \ge N- speak R \gj N-speak R \ft say R! \ref 0676 \id 936746071000010199 \begin 0:22:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx R. \pho ʔɛl \mb R \ge R \gj R \ft R. \ref 0677 \id 496410093908101003 \begin 0:22:07 \sp KIKPIT \tx R. \pho ʔɛl \mb R \ge R \gj R \ft R. \ref 0678 \id 809489071000010199 \begin 0:22:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx R. \pho ʔɛl \mb R \ge R \gj R \ft R. \ref 0679 \id 400966071000010199 \begin 0:22:10 \sp CHIPIT \tx ngomong C deh, C! \pho ŋɔmɔl ce dɛh ceʰ \mb ng- omong C deh C \ge N- speak C DEH C \gj N-speak C DEH C \ft say C! \ref 0680 \id 774112093945101003 \begin 0:22:12 \sp XXX \tx 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \pho wɛlkam tu jakarta in də naintin si gems \mb welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ge welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \gj welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ft 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \ref 0681 \id 722319094016101003 \begin 0:22:14 \sp KIKPIT \tx C. \pho ce \mb C \ge C \gj C \ft C. \ref 0682 \id 456241071000010199 \begin 0:22:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx C. \pho ce \mb C \ge C \gj C \ft C. \ref 0683 \id 652436071000010199 \begin 0:22:17 \sp CHIPIT \tx ngomong... M, M! \pho ŋɔmɔː ʔɛm ʔɛm \mb ng- omong M M \ge N- speak M M \gj N-speak M M \ft say M, M! \ref 0684 \id 504192071000010199 \begin 0:22:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx M. \pho ʔɛm \mb M \ge M \gj M \ft M. \ref 0685 \id 163494071000010199 \begin 0:22:21 \sp KIKPIT \tx M. \pho ʔɛm \mb M \ge M \gj M \ft M. \ref 0686 \id 755651071000010199 \begin 0:22:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx ngomong... I, I! \pho ŋɔmɔːl ʔi ʔi \mb ng- omong I I \ge N- speak I I \gj N-speak I I \ft say I, I. \ref 0687 \id 943951071000010199 \begin 0:22:24 \sp OPIPIT \tx I. \pho ʔi \mb I \ge I \gj I \ft I. \ref 0688 \id 413351071000010199 \begin 0:22:25 \sp KIKPIT \tx I. \pho ʔi \mb I \ge I \gj I \ft I. \ref 0689 \id 710350071000010199 \begin 0:22:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx Q! \pho kih \mb Q \ge Q \gj Q \ft Q. \ref 0690 \id 976470071000010199 \begin 0:22:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx Q. \pho ki \mb Q \ge Q \gj Q \ft Q. \ref 0691 \id 535042094141101003 \begin 0:22:29 \sp XXX \tx 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \pho wɛlkam tu jakarta in də naintin si gems \mb welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ge welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \gj welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ft 'welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games.' \ref 0692 \id 663126071000010199 \begin 0:22:30 \sp KIKPIT \tx xx. \pho kin \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 0693 \id 175427071000010199 \begin 0:22:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx heh? \pho həh \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0694 \id 619710071000010199 \begin 0:22:32 \sp EXPLIK \tx ayo mimik! \pho ayo mimiʔ \mb ayo mimik \ge AYO drink \gj AYO drink \ft now drink! \ref 0695 \id 376511071000010199 \begin 0:22:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx yah xx... gelasnya aku! \pho ya ku gəlasɲa akuːh \mb yah xx gelas -nya aku \ge EXCL xx glass -NYA 1SG \gj EXCL xx glass-NYA 1SG \ft oh, my glass! \ref 0696 \id 728355071000010199 \begin 0:22:36 \sp EXPLIK \tx gelasnya kenapa? \pho gəlasɲa kənapa \mb gelas -nya kenapa \ge glass -NYA why \gj glass-NYA why \ft what's wrong with the glass? \ref 0697 \id 276959071000010199 \begin 0:22:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku kalo di rumah pake botol. \pho ʔaku kalɔ di luma pakɛʔ bɔtol \mb aku kalo di rumah pake botol \ge 1SG TOP LOC house use bottle \gj 1SG TOP LOC house use bottle \ft I drink with the bottle at home. \ref 0698 \id 663128071000010199 \begin 0:22:38 \sp EXPLIK \tx mimik pake botol? \pho mimiʔ pakɛʔ bɔtɔl \mb mimik pake botol \ge drink use bottle \gj drink use bottle \ft you drink with the bottle? \ref 0699 \id 203884071000010199 \begin 0:22:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0700 \id 991107071000010199 \begin 0:22:41 \sp EXPLIK \tx gini. \pho gini \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this. \nt demonstrating how she drinks from the bottle. \ref 0701 \id 957462071000010199 \begin 0:22:43 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0702 \id 680234071000010199 \begin 0:22:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi, ru(mah) ru(mah) rumah pa(ke), pake botol. \pho ʔɔpiʔ lu lu lumah paʔ pakɛ bɔtɔl \mb Opi rumah rumah rumah pake pake botol \ge Opi house house house use use bottle \gj Opi house house house use use bottle \ft I also drink with the bottle at home, at home. \ref 0703 \id 618634071000010199 \begin 0:22:45 \sp EXPLIK \tx Opi juga pake botol? \pho ʔɔpiʔ juga pakɛ bɔtɔl \mb Opi juga pake botol \ge Opi also use bottle \gj Opi also use bottle \ft you also drink with the bottle at home? \ref 0704 \id 298729071000010199 \begin 0:22:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0705 \id 258109071000010199 \begin 0:22:49 \sp DRIPIT \tx botol beling. \pho bɔtɔl bəliŋ \mb botol beling \ge bottle shard \gj bottle shard \ft a glass bottle. \ref 0706 \id 643218071000010199 \begin 0:22:51 \sp EXPLIK \tx hah, botol beling? \pho ha bɔtɔl bəliŋ \mb hah botol beling \ge huh bottle shard \gj huh bottle shard \ft a glass bottle? \ref 0707 \id 379194071000010199 \begin 0:22:52 \sp DRIPIT \tx he-em. \pho m̩ʔm̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0708 \id 823604071000010199 \begin 0:22:53 \sp EXPLIK \tx kan berat? \pho kan bərat \mb kan berat \ge KAN heavy \gj KAN heavy \ft is it heavy? \ref 0709 \id 932187071000010199 \begin 0:22:54 \sp EXPLIK \tx emang kuat megangnya dia? \pho ʔɛmaŋ kuwat məgaŋɲa diya \mb emang kuat m- pegang -nya dia \ge indeed strong N- hold -NYA 3 \gj indeed strong N-hold-NYA 3 \ft are you strong to hold it? \ref 0710 \id 261224094441101003 \begin 0:22:56 \sp EXPLIK \tx kuat? \pho kuwat \mb kuat \ge strong \gj strong \ft are you strong? \ref 0711 \id 696658071000010199 \begin 0:22:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx kuat. \pho kuwat \mb kuat \ge strong \gj strong \ft yes. \ref 0712 \id 348107071000010199 \begin 0:22:59 \sp EXPLIK \tx gini? \pho gini \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this? \ref 0713 \id 347412071000010199 \begin 0:23:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx gini pake gelas dua. \pho gini pake gəlas duwaʔ \mb gini pake gelas dua \ge like.this use glass two \gj like.this use glass two \ft like this with two glasses. \nt demonstrating drinking from the bottle. \ref 0714 \id 365699071000010199 \begin 0:23:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx begini. \pho bəgini \mb begini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this. \nt demonstrating drinking from the bottle. \ref 0715 \id 810839094512101003 \begin 0:23:05 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0716 \id 813507071000010199 \begin 0:23:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ipit gini. \pho ʔipit ginih \mb Ipit gini \ge Ipit like.this \gj Ipit like.this \ft I drink this way. \nt demonstrating drinking from the bottle. \ref 0717 \id 588694094547101003 \begin 0:23:08 \sp EXPLIK \tx ya ampun. \pho ya ʔampuːn \mb ya ampun \ge yes mercy \gj yes mercy \ft my goodness. \ref 0718 \id 431348071000010199 \begin 0:23:10 \sp EXPLIK \tx nih mimiknya! \pho nih mimiʔɲa \mb nih mimik -nya \ge this drink -NYA \gj this drink-NYA \ft here is the drink! \ref 0719 \id 200993094618101003 \begin 0:23:12 \sp EXPLIK \tx dimimik. \pho dimimiʔ \mb di- mimik \ge DI- drink \gj DI-drink \ft drink it. \ref 0720 \id 787263071000010199 \begin 0:23:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku duluan, aku duluan, aku duluan! \pho ʔaku duluwan ʔaku duluwan ʔaku duluwan \mb aku dulu -an aku dulu -an aku dulu -an \ge 1SG before -AN 1SG before -AN 1SG before -AN \gj 1SG before-AN 1SG before-AN 1SG before-AN \ft I drink first, I drink first! \ref 0721 \id 347413071000010199 \begin 0:23:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx duluan, aku duluan, aku duluan! \pho duluwan ʔaku duluwan ʔaku duluwan \mb dulu -an aku dulu -an aku dulu -an \ge before -AN 1SG before -AN 1SG before -AN \gj before-AN 1SG before-AN 1SG before-AN \ft I drink first, I drink first! \ref 0722 \id 385788071000010199 \begin 0:23:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx net, nowet, nowet, nowet, nowet! \pho nɛt nɔwɛt nɔwɛt nɔwɛt nɔwɛt \mb net nowet nowet nowet nowet \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft net, nowet, nowet, nowet, nowet! \nt saying as she wants. \ref 0723 \id 944701071000010199 \begin 0:23:20 \sp EXPLIK \tx sini Mbak Pipit di sini! \pho sini mbaʔ pipit di sini \mb sini Mbak Pipit di sini \ge here EPIT Pipit LOC here \gj here EPIT Pipit LOC here \ft here, come here! \nt asking CHI to shift her sit to the right. \ref 0724 \id 100096094714101003 \begin 0:23:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx mmm... mmm... mmm... \pho m̃ː m̃ː m̃ː \mb mmm mmm mmm \ge FILL FILL FILL \gj FILL FILL FILL \ft umm... umm... umm... \ref 0725 \id 419089071000010199 \begin 0:23:24 \sp EXPLIK \tx geser! \pho gɛsɛr \mb geser \ge shove \gj shove \ft move! \ref 0726 \id 850421071000010199 \begin 0:23:26 \sp EXPLIK \tx geser ya! \mb geser ya \ge shove yes \gj shove yes \ft move! \ref 0727 \id 754358071000010199 \begin 0:23:30 \sp EXPLIK \tx pinter, anak pinter! \pho pintər ʔanaʔ pintər \mb pinter anak pinter \ge smart child smart \gj smart child smart \ft good girl! \ref 0728 \id 810227071000010199 \begin 0:23:34 \sp EXPLIK \tx sini, Opi sini! \pho sini ʔɔpiʔ sini \mb sini Opi sini \ge here Opi here \gj here Opi here \ft here, Opi, move here! \nt asking OPI to move near CHI. \ref 0729 \id 828707094908101003 \begin 0:23:38 \sp EXPLIK \tx yok dimam! \pho yoʔ dimam \mb yok di- mam \ge AYO DI- eat \gj AYO DI-eat \ft please eat it! \ref 0730 \id 297708094937101003 \begin 0:23:42 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt CHI and OPI are eating their noodles. \ref 0731 \id 198823071000010199 \begin 0:23:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx ih! \pho ʔiːh \mb ih \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft eeh! \nt eating the noodles. \ref 0732 \id 529045071000010199 \begin 0:23:47 \sp DRIPIT \tx pedesan ya? \pho pədəsan yah \mb pedes -an ya \ge spicy -AN yes \gj spicy-AN yes \ft they're hot, right? \nt referring to the noodles. \ref 0733 \id 268437071000010199 \begin 0:23:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx apa? \pho ʔapah \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0734 \id 524083071000010199 \begin 0:23:49 \sp DRIPIT \tx kamu kepedesan? \pho kamu kəpədəsan \mb kamu ke an pedes \ge 2 KE AN spicy \gj 2 KE.AN-spicy \ft do you feel they're hot? \ref 0735 \id 583359071000010199 \begin 0:23:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0736 \id 536766071000010199 \begin 0:23:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx kedodoran melulu ke sini! \pho kədɔdɔlan məmulu kə sini \mb ke an dodor melulu ke sini \ge KE AN oversize always to here \gj KE.AN-oversize always to here \ft they're still too big! \nt referring to her underpants. \ref 0737 \id 450895071000010199 \begin 0:23:54 \sp EXPLIK \tx pedes ya? \pho pədəs ya \mb pedes ya \ge spicy yes \gj spicy yes \ft they're hot, right? \ref 0738 \id 808129071000010199 \begin 0:23:55 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak. \pho ʔŋ̩gaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0739 \id 196696102243101003 \begin 0:23:57 \sp EXPLIK \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft so what? \ref 0740 \id 949408071000010199 \begin 0:23:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx dodoran. \pho dɔdɔlan \mb dodor -an \ge oversize -AN \gj oversize-AN \ft they're too big. \nt referring to CHI's panties. \ref 0741 \id 317816071000010199 \begin 0:24:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx gatal. \pho gatəl \mb gatal \ge itch \gj itch \ft they're itchy. \nt referring to CHI's eyes. \ref 0742 \id 643005071000010199 \begin 0:24:02 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, gatal? \pho ʔo gatəl \mb oh gatal \ge EXCL itch \gj EXCL itch \ft oh, are they itchy? \ref 0743 \id 777433102332101003 \begin 0:24:03 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm. \pho m̃ː \mb hmm \ge oh \gj oh \ft I see. \ref 0744 \id 410599071000010199 \begin 0:24:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx diboongin. \pho dibɔʔɔŋin \mb di- boong -in \ge DI- lie -IN \gj DI-lie-IN \ft she is lying. \ref 0745 \id 359422071000010199 \begin 0:24:05 \sp EXPLIK \tx diboongin? \pho dibɔʔɔŋin \mb di- boong -in \ge DI- lie -IN \gj DI-lie-IN \ft lying? \ref 0746 \id 620063071000010199 \begin 0:24:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak, bener! \pho ʔŋgaʔ bənəl \mb nggak bener \ge NEG true \gj NEG true \ft no, it's true. \ref 0747 \id 920814071000010199 \begin 0:24:09 \sp EXPLIK \tx betul, ya? \pho bətol ya \mb betul ya \ge right yes \gj right yes \ft it's true, right? \ref 0748 \id 351204071000010199 \begin 0:24:11 \sp EXPLIK \tx eh, Ibu ke mana? \pho ʔeh ʔibuʔ kə mana \mb eh Ibu ke mana \ge EXCL mother to which \gj EXCL mother to which \ft hey, where is your mom? \ref 0749 \id 195847071000010199 \begin 0:24:13 \sp CHIPIT \tx ada di rumah. \pho ʔada di lumah \mb ada di rumah \ge exist LOC house \gj exist LOC house \ft she is at home. \ref 0750 \id 903816071000010199 \begin 0:24:15 \sp CHIPIT \tx tapi ada tamu. \pho tapi yada tamu \mb tapi ada tamu \ge but exist guest \gj but exist guest \ft but she has a guest. \ref 0751 \id 861238071000010199 \begin 0:24:17 \sp EXPLIK \tx ada tamu? \pho ʔada tamu \mb ada tamu \ge exist guest \gj exist guest \ft a guest? \ref 0752 \id 741601071000010199 \begin 0:24:17 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 0753 \id 606685071000010199 \begin 0:24:18 \sp EXPLIK \tx tamu siapa? \pho tamu siyapa \mb tamu siapa \ge guest who \gj guest who \ft who is the guest? \ref 0754 \id 175039071000010199 \begin 0:24:19 \sp CHIPIT \tx sodara. \pho sɔdalaʔ \mb sodara \ge sibling \gj sibling \ft a relative. \ref 0755 \id 390966071000010199 \begin 0:24:20 \sp EXPLIK \tx sodara? \pho sɔdalaʔ \mb sodara \ge sibling \gj sibling \ft a relative? \ref 0756 \id 732494102448101003 \begin 0:24:21 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm. \pho hm̃ \mb hmm \ge oh \gj oh \ft I see. \ref 0757 \id 677256071000010199 \begin 0:24:22 \sp EXPLIK \tx dari jauh ya? \pho dari jao ya \mb dari jauh ya \ge from far yes \gj from far yes \ft he comes from far away, right? \nt referring to the guest. \ref 0758 \id 953108071000010199 \begin 0:24:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt shaking her head. \ref 0759 \id 416614071000010199 \begin 0:24:24 \sp OPIPIT \tx Jawa. \pho jawaʔ \mb Jawa \ge Java \gj Java \ft Java. \ref 0760 \id 639383071000010199 \begin 0:24:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx bukan dari Jawa. \pho bukan dali jawaʔ \mb bukan dari Jawa \ge NEG from Java \gj NEG from Java \ft he is not from Java. \ref 0761 \id 722879071000010199 \begin 0:24:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx dari... itu... dari rumah... \pho daliːh ʔitoh dali lumah \mb dari itu dari rumah \ge from that from house \gj from that from house \ft from... from... \ref 0762 \id 164721071000010199 \begin 0:24:29 \sp DRIPIT \tx Tanah.Abang. \mb Tanah.Abang \ge Tanah.Abang \gj Tanah.Abang \ft he is from Tanah Abang. \ref 0763 \id 673289071000010199 \begin 0:24:31 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, Tanah.Abang? \mb oh Tanah.Abang \ge EXCL Tanah.Abang \gj EXCL Tanah.Abang \ft oh, Tanah Abang? \ref 0764 \id 893818071000010199 \begin 0:24:33 \sp EXPLIK \tx iya? \pho iya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes? \ref 0765 \id 217641071000010199 \begin 0:24:35 \sp EXPLIK \tx sodaranya Bapak atau Ibu? \pho sɔdaraɲa bapaʔ ʔatɔ wibuʔ \mb sodara -nya Bapak atau Ibu \ge sibling -NYA father or mother \gj sibling-NYA father or mother \ft is he mom's or dad's relative? \ref 0766 \id 903537071000010199 \begin 0:24:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ibu ama Bapak. \pho ʔibu ʔama bapaʔ \mb Ibu ama Bapak \ge mother with father \gj mother with father \ft Mom's and Dad's. \ref 0767 \id 664132071000010199 \begin 0:24:38 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, Ibu ama Bapak. \pho ʔo wibuʔ ʔama bapaʔ \mb oh Ibu ama Bapak \ge EXCL mother with father \gj EXCL mother with father \ft oh, Mom's and Dad's. \ref 0768 \id 883364071000010199 \begin 0:24:39 \sp DRIPIT \tx Ibu. \pho ʔibu \mb Ibu \ge mother \gj mother \ft Mom's. \ref 0769 \id 918534071000010199 \begin 0:24:40 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ibu. \pho ʔibuʔ \mb Ibu \ge mother \gj mother \ft Mom's. \ref 0770 \id 731398071000010199 \begin 0:24:41 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, iya. \pho ʔo wiya \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, yes. \ref 0771 \id 121415071000010199 \begin 0:24:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx Kai. \pho kaiʔ \mb Kai \ge Kai \gj Kai \ft Kai. \nt reference unclear. \ref 0772 \id 545262103833101003 \begin 0:24:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx patah. \pho patah \mb patah \ge broken \gj broken \ft it's broken. \nt reference unclear. \ref 0773 \id 934256071000010199 \begin 0:24:46 \sp EXPLIK \tx siapa namanya? \pho syapa namaɲa \mb siapa nama -nya \ge who name -NYA \gj who name-NYA \ft what's his name? \nt referring to the name of the guest. \ref 0774 \id 363359071000010199 \begin 0:24:48 \sp DRIPIT \tx Kai katanya. \pho kaiʔ kataɲa \mb Kai kata -nya \ge Kai word -NYA \gj Kai word-NYA \ft I heard it's Kai. \ref 0775 \id 129266104057101003 \begin 0:24:50 \sp EXPLIK \tx apa itu? \pho ʔapa ʔitu \mb apa itu \ge what that \gj what that \ft what's that? \ref 0776 \id 184793071000010199 \begin 0:24:52 \sp DRIPIT \tx itu coklat, ya Ki? \pho ʔitu cɔklat ya kiʔ \mb itu coklat ya Ki \ge that chocolate yes TRU-Kiki \gj that chocolate yes TRU-Kiki \ft that's brown, right? \nt asking CHI about the crayon. \ref 0777 \id 523341071000010199 \begin 0:24:54 \sp DRIPIT \tx ini yang tadi ya? \pho ʔini ya tadi yaʔ \mb ini yang tadi ya \ge this REL earlier yes \gj this REL earlier yes \ft this is the one you have just used, right? \nt asking DRI about the crayon for the picture she is coloring. \ref 0778 \id 702211071000010199 \begin 0:24:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx banyak segini! \pho baɲak səgini \mb banyak se- gini \ge a.lot SE- like.this \gj a.lot SE-like.this \ft this much! \nt showing EXP a spoon full of noodles. \ref 0779 \id 973052071000010199 \begin 0:24:58 \sp EXPLIK \tx hah, pinter! \pho ha pintər \mb hah pinter \ge EXCL smart \gj EXCL smart \ft hey, good! \ref 0780 \id 805253071000010199 \begin 0:25:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx nih, baru! \pho niːh baluʔ \mb nih baru \ge this new \gj this new \ft look, at me! \nt 1. showing EXP a big spoon full of noodles. 2. "baru" is used here as an idiomatic expression to stress the meaning of the utterance; in this case the utterance means 'look at me, I eat more than you'. \ref 0781 \id 304209071000010199 \begin 0:25:02 \sp EXPLIK \tx baru! \pho baruʔ \mb baru \ge new \gj new \ft yes! \ref 0782 \id 554218071000010199 \begin 0:25:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx aku mak(an), mak(an) makan kuah gini! \pho ʔaku mak mak makan kuwah gini \mb aku makan makan makan kuah gini \ge 1SG eat eat eat gravy like.this \gj 1SG eat eat eat gravy like.this \ft I eat, eat the gravy, look! \nt eating the noodles gravy. \ref 0783 \id 363560071000010199 \begin 0:25:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt drinking some water because the broth is hot. \ref 0784 \id 863734071000010199 \begin 0:25:12 \sp DRIPIT \tx kepedesan. \pho kəpədəsan \mb ke an pedes \ge KE AN spicy \gj KE.AN-spicy \ft it's too hot for him. \nt referring to OPI. \ref 0785 \id 577676104258101003 \begin 0:25:16 \sp KIKPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0786 \id 414395104323101003 \begin 0:25:20 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0787 \id 398072071000010199 \begin 0:25:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx kayak, kayak setan ini. \pho kayah kayaː sɛtan ʔini \mb kayak kayak setan ini \ge like like evil.spirit this \gj like like evil.spirit this \ft it's like like hell. \ref 0788 \id 408365071000010199 \begin 0:25:24 \sp DRIPIT \tx celemotan tuh! \pho cəlɛmɔtan tu \mb celemot -an tuh \ge leftover -AN that \gj leftover-AN that \ft look, you're dribbling! \nt referring to gravy on her lips. \ref 0789 \id 609574071000010199 \begin 0:25:26 \sp EXPLIK \tx ni, Tante ambilin lap ya? \pho ni tantə ambilin lap ya \mb ni Tante ambil -in lap ya \ge this aunt take -IN rag yes \gj this aunt take-IN rag yes \ft I'm going to get you a cloth, okay? \ref 0790 \id 120076071000010199 \begin 0:25:29 \sp CHIPIT \tx xxx. \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0791 \id 252048104439101003 \begin 0:25:32 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt asking CHI not to talk while eating. \ref 0792 \id 307438071000010199 \begin 0:25:36 \sp DRIPIT \tx oh, ini ya, ya Ki, ya! \pho ʔo ʔini ya ya kiʔ ya \mb oh ini ya ya Ki ya \ge EXCL this yes yes TRU-Kiki yes \gj EXCL this yes yes TRU-Kiki yes \ft oh, this one, this one, Ki! \nt talking about the crayons. \ref 0793 \id 826577071000010199 \begin 0:25:40 \sp DRIPIT \tx tuh, ya? \pho to ya \mb tuh ya \ge that yes \gj that yes \ft that one, right? . \nt reference unclear. \ref 0794 \id 503327071000010199 \begin 0:25:44 \sp KIKPIT \tx lagian susah banget. \pho lagiyan susa baŋət \mb lagi -an susah banget \ge more -AN difficult very \gj more-AN difficult very \ft shucks, it's very difficult. \nt reference unclear. \ref 0795 \id 933048071000010199 \begin 0:25:48 \sp DRIPIT \tx mmh, kenapa ini nggak dipake ini aja? \pho mh kənapa ini ŋga dipakɛ ini yaja \mb mmh kenapa ini nggak di- pake ini aja \ge IMIT why this NEG DI- use this just \gj IMIT why this NEG DI-use this just \ft why don't you use this one? \ref 0796 \id 766646071000010199 \begin 0:25:52 \sp DRIPIT \tx itu kan merahnya da di situ. \pho ʔitu kan mɛraɲa da di situ \mb itu kan merah -nya da di situ \ge that KAN red -NYA exist LOC there \gj that KAN red-NYA exist LOC there \ft you should color with red there. \ref 0797 \id 347159071000010199 \begin 0:25:55 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu kan sama! \pho to kan sama \mb tu kan sama \ge that KAN same \gj that KAN same \ft look, it's the same! \nt referring to the example. \ref 0798 \id 619772071000010199 \begin 0:25:58 \sp KIKPIT \tx oh, ya lupa! \pho ʔo ya lupaʔ \mb oh ya lupa \ge EXCL yes forget \gj EXCL yes forget \ft oh, I forgot! \nt referring to the example. \ref 0799 \id 524604071000010199 \begin 0:26:01 \sp DRIPIT \tx kelas satu udah kayaknya ama Indra. \pho kəlas satu uda kayaʔɲa ama indraʔ \mb kelas satu udah kayak -nya ama Indra \ge class one PFCT like -NYA with Indra \gj class one PFCT like-NYA with Indra \ft it looks like you are in the first grade with Indra. \nt talking to KIK but the reference is unclear. \ref 0800 \id 332175071000010199 \begin 0:26:04 \sp KIKPIT \tx emang kemaren Minggu lomba ya? \pho ɛmaŋ kəmarɛn miŋguʔ lɔmba ya \mb emang kemaren Minggu lomba ya \ge indeed yesterday Sunday compete yes \gj indeed yesterday Sunday compete yes \ft there was a competition last Sunday, right? \ref 0801 \id 781617071000010199 \begin 0:26:08 \sp KIKPIT \tx lomba renang? \pho lɔmba rənaŋ \mb lomba renang \ge compete swim \gj compete swim \ft a swimming competition? \ref 0802 \id 863224071000010199 \begin 0:26:10 \sp DRIPIT \tx udah? \pho udah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft are you done? \nt asking KIK whether he finished with the crayon. \ref 0803 \id 476536104936101003 \begin 0:26:12 \sp KIKPIT \tx yang ini, ini enggak. \pho yaŋ ʔini ʔini ʔŋ̩gaʔ \mb yang ini ini enggak \ge REL this this NEG \gj REL this this NEG \ft not this one. \ref 0804 \id 833337071000010199 \begin 0:26:14 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt s.o. opening the garage. \ref 0805 \id 711214071000010199 \begin 0:26:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx yah... ujan! \pho ya ujan \mb yah ujan \ge EXCL rain \gj EXCL rain \ft oops, it's raining! \ref 0806 \id 187786071000010199 \begin 0:26:18 \sp EXPLIK \tx nggak, suara pintu! \pho ʔŋ̩gaʔ swara pintu \mb nggak suara pintu \ge NEG sound door \gj NEG sound door \ft no, it was the noise of the door. \nt referring to the noise of s.o. opening the garage door. \ref 0807 \id 421161071000010199 \begin 0:26:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx kayanya ujan. \pho kayaɲa ujan \mb kaya -nya ujan \ge like -NYA rain \gj like-NYA rain \ft it sounded like raining. \ref 0808 \id 570570071000010199 \begin 0:26:22 \sp EXPLIK \tx kayak ujan, ya? \pho kayaʔ ujan ya \mb kayak ujan ya \ge like rain yes \gj like rain yes \ft it sounded like raining, right? \ref 0809 \id 688906071000010199 \begin 0:26:24 \sp OPIPIT \tx wangi. \pho waŋih \mb wangi \ge fragrant \gj fragrant \ft it smells good. \nt referring to a tissue which he is rubbing his lips with. \ref 0810 \id 566022071000010199 \begin 0:26:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx bagi! \pho bagiʔ \mb bagi \ge share \gj share \ft give me some! \nt asking OPI to share the tissue with her. \ref 0811 \id 748815071000010199 \begin 0:26:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx kotor. \pho kɔtɔl \mb kotor \ge dirty \gj dirty \ft it's dirty. \nt referring to the tissue that has just been used by him. \ref 0812 \id 647991105059101003 \begin 0:26:29 \sp DRIPIT \tx ini bunganya wangi ni. \pho ni buŋaʔɲa waŋi ni \mb ini bunga -nya wangi ni \ge this flower -NYA fragrant this \gj this flower-NYA fragrant this \ft these flowers smell nice. \ref 0813 \id 362608071000010199 \begin 0:26:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx bau jigong. \pho boʔ jigɔŋ \mb bau jigong \ge smell dirty \gj smell dirty \ft it stinks. \nt referring to the stench of his mouth left on the tissue. \ref 0814 \id 158417071000010199 \begin 0:26:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx bau jigong. \pho bo jigɔŋ \mb bau jigong \ge smell dirty \gj smell dirty \ft it stinks. \ref 0815 \id 918122071000010199 \begin 0:26:32 \sp EXPLIK \tx bau apa? \pho bau ʔapa \mb bau apa \ge smell what \gj smell what \ft stinks of what? \ref 0816 \id 993089071000010199 \begin 0:26:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx bau jigong. \pho bo jigɔŋ \mb bau jigong \ge smell dirty \gj smell dirty \ft my mouth's stench. \ref 0817 \id 965553071000010199 \begin 0:26:35 \sp EXPLIK \tx jigong apaan? \pho jigɔŋ apaʔan \mb jigong apa -an \ge dirty what -AN \gj dirty what-AN \ft what stinks? \ref 0818 \id 774652071000010199 \begin 0:26:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx mulut. \pho mulut \mb mulut \ge mouth \gj mouth \ft my mouth. \ref 0819 \id 799499071000010199 \begin 0:26:37 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, bau mulut. \pho o boʔ mulut \mb oh bau mulut \ge EXCL smell mouth \gj EXCL smell mouth \ft oh, mouth's stench. \ref 0820 \id 805639071000010199 \begin 0:26:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak si(kat), sikat gigi. \pho ŋːgaʔ si sikat gigi \mb nggak sikat sikat gigi \ge NEG brush brush tooth \gj NEG brush brush tooth \ft I haven't brushed my teeth yet. \ref 0821 \id 501573071000010199 \begin 0:26:40 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh nggak sikat gigi. \pho o ŋgaʔ sikat gigi \mb oh nggak sikat gigi \ge EXCL NEG brush tooth \gj EXCL NEG brush tooth \ft oh, you haven't brushed your teeth. \ref 0822 \id 252712071000010199 \begin 0:26:41 \sp OPIPIT \tx ada kotorannya. \pho ʔada kɔtɔlaɲa \mb ada kotor -an -nya \ge exist dirty -AN -NYA \gj exist dirty-AN-NYA \ft there is some leftover of food. \nt referring to the teeth. \ref 0823 \id 839266071000010199 \begin 0:26:42 \sp DRIPIT \tx dulu giginya item. \pho duluʔ gigiɲa ʔitəm \mb dulu gigi -nya item \ge before tooth -NYA black \gj before tooth-NYA black \ft his teeth are black. \ref 0824 \id 509545105432101003 \begin 0:26:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx bau gigi. \pho bao gigiʔ \mb bau gigi \ge smell tooth \gj smell tooth \ft teeth's stench. \ref 0825 \id 466376071000010199 \begin 0:26:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx makan coklat melulu dia. \pho makan cɔkat məmuluʔ diyah \mb makan coklat melulu dia \ge eat chocolate always 3 \gj eat chocolate always 3 \ft he eats chocolate all the time. \ref 0826 \id 891578071000010199 \begin 0:26:47 \sp EXPLIK \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft what? \ref 0827 \id 372512071000010199 \begin 0:26:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx makan coklat. \pho makan cɔkat \mb makan coklat \ge eat chocolate \gj eat chocolate \ft he eats chocolate. \ref 0828 \id 135975105545101003 \begin 0:26:49 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm. \pho m̃ \mb hmm \ge oh \gj oh \ft I see. \ref 0829 \id 123056071000010199 \begin 0:26:50 \sp DRIPIT \tx dia mah giginya item, Tante. \pho diya mah gigiɲa itəm tantə \mb dia mah gigi -nya item Tante \ge 3 MAH tooth -NYA black aunt \gj 3 MAH tooth-NYA black aunt \ft his teeth are black. \ref 0830 \id 604735071000010199 \begin 0:26:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx dia kalo di Jawa mainnya jauh. \pho diya kalɔ di jawaʔ maiɲa jau \mb dia kalo di Jawa main -nya jauh \ge 3 TOP LOC Java play -NYA far \gj 3 TOP LOC Java play-NYA far \ft when he goes to Java, he plays far away from home. \ref 0831 \id 695297071000010199 \begin 0:26:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx coba. \pho cɔbaʔ \mb coba \ge try \gj try \ft look! \nt asking EXP to look at OPI's black teeth. \ref 0832 \id 881087071000010199 \begin 0:26:54 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu Si Zulfi, giginya item. \pho tu si julpiʔ gigiɲa itəm \mb tu Si Zulfi gigi -nya item \ge that PERS Zulfi tooth -NYA black \gj that PERS Zulfi tooth-NYA black \ft look, Zulfi's teeth are black. \ref 0833 \id 456086071000010199 \begin 0:26:55 \sp EXPLIK \tx coba liat giginya. \pho cɔbaʔ liyat gigiɲa \mb coba liat gigi -nya \ge try see tooth -NYA \gj try see tooth-NYA \ft let me see your teeth! \ref 0834 \id 757954071000010199 \begin 0:26:57 \sp DRIPIT \tx nggak bolong tapi item. \pho ŋgaʔ bɔlɔŋ tapi itəm \mb nggak bolong tapi item \ge NEG have.a.hole but black \gj NEG have.a.hole but black \ft there are no holes but they're black. \nt referring to OPI's teeth. \ref 0835 \id 844252105703101003 \begin 0:26:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx yak! \pho yak \mb yak \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft yuck! \ref 0836 \id 956579071000010199 \begin 0:27:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini sakit, bolong. \pho sini sakit bɔlɔŋ \mb ini sakit bolong \ge this hurt have.a.hole \gj this hurt have.a.hole \ft this one hurts, there's a hole! \nt pointing to one of his teeth that has a hole. \ref 0837 \id 605694112020101003 \begin 0:27:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni! \pho ni \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft look at this! \nt grinning to show her teeth. \ref 0838 \id 620140112151101003 \begin 0:27:03 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh! \pho ʔoh \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh! \ref 0839 \id 245599071000010199 \begin 0:27:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx eee... makan coklat melulu. \pho ʔəːh makan cɔkat məmuluʔ \mb eee makan coklat melulu \ge FILL eat chocolate always \gj FILL eat chocolate always \ft he eats chocolate all the time. \ref 0840 \id 997802071000010199 \begin 0:27:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini bolong. \pho ʔini bɔlɔŋ \mb ini bolong \ge this have.a.hole \gj this have.a.hole \ft this one has a hole. \nt pointing to one of his teeth. \ref 0841 \id 987636071000010199 \begin 0:27:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx kalo aku mah makannya... \pho kalɔʔ ʔaku ma makaɲa \mb kalo aku mah makan -nya \ge TOP 1SG MAH eat -NYA \gj TOP 1SG MAH eat-NYA \ft on the other hand I eat... \ref 0842 \id 226392071000010199 \begin 0:27:08 \sp DRIPIT \tx kalo Ipit mah makan mi melulu. \pho kalɔʔ ʔipit ma makan mi məluluʔ \mb kalo Ipit mah makan mi melulu \ge TOP Ipit MAH eat noodles always \gj TOP Ipit MAH eat noodles always \ft on the other hand, Ipit eats noodles all the time. \ref 0843 \id 380148071000010199 \begin 0:27:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini sakit bolong. \pho ʔini sakit bɔlɔŋ \mb ini sakit bolong \ge this hurt have.a.hole \gj this hurt have.a.hole \ft this one hurts, there's a hole. \nt referring to his tooth. \ref 0844 \id 660619071000010199 \begin 0:27:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku kalo, kalo mi. \pho ʔaku kalɔh kaloːʔ ʔm̩i \mb aku kalo kalo mi \ge 1SG TOP TOP noodles \gj 1SG TOP TOP noodles \ft I... I... eat noodles. \ref 0845 \id 651403112431101003 \begin 0:27:14 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm, bolong-bolong. \pho mː boloŋboloŋ \mb hmm bolong - bolong \ge oh have.a.hole - have.a.hole \gj oh RED-have.a.hole \ft oh, there are some holes. \ref 0846 \id 340180071000010199 \begin 0:27:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm siangnya nasi, kalo eee paginya mi. \pho ʔm ̩siyaŋɲa nasi kalɔʔ ə pagiɲa ʔm̩ih \mb hmm siang -nya nasi kalo eee pagi -nya mi \ge FILL daytime -NYA cooked.rice TOP FILL morning -NYA noodles \gj FILL daytime-NYA cooked.rice TOP FILL morning-NYA noodles \ft umm, at lunch time I eat rice, in the morning, I eat noodles. \ref 0847 \id 252655112639101003 \begin 0:27:18 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh... \pho ʔoː \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft I see... \ref 0848 \id 776529112657101003 \begin 0:27:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh, wangi. \pho ʔɛ waŋiʔ \mb eh wangi \ge EXCL fragrant \gj EXCL fragrant \ft it smells nice. \nt referring to the tissue. \ref 0849 \id 313489071000010199 \begin 0:27:22 \sp DRIPIT \tx sorenya mi. \pho soreɲa mi \mb sore -nya mi \ge late.afternoon -NYA noodles \gj late.afternoon-NYA noodles \ft in the afternoon she eats noodles. \ref 0850 \id 825161071000010199 \begin 0:27:24 \sp OPIPIT \tx sorenya jajan xx. \pho soleɲa jajan ɲeɲet \mb sore -nya jajan xx \ge late.afternoon -NYA snack xx \gj late.afternoon-NYA snack xx \ft in the afternoon, she eats snacks. \nt referring to CHI. \ref 0851 \id 100147071000010199 \begin 0:27:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx sorenya jajan. \pho soleɲah jajan \mb sore -nya jajan \ge late.afternoon -NYA snack \gj late.afternoon-NYA snack \ft in the afternoon, I eat snacks. \ref 0852 \id 778195071000010199 \begin 0:27:27 \sp EXPLIK \tx sorenya jajan? \pho soreɲa jajan \mb sore -nya jajan \ge late.afternoon -NYA snack \gj late.afternoon-NYA snack \ft do you eat snacks in the afternoon? \ref 0853 \id 946001071000010199 \begin 0:27:28 \sp EXPLIK \tx jajan apa biasanya? \pho jajan apa biyasaɲa \mb jajan apa biasa -nya \ge snack what usual -NYA \gj snack what usual-NYA \ft what kind of snacks do you usually eat? \ref 0854 \id 658456071000010199 \begin 0:27:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx jajan m(el)ulu Ipit. \pho jajan mulu wipit \mb jajan melulu Ipit \ge snack always Ipit \gj snack always Ipit \ft she buys snacks all the time. \ref 0855 \id 839980112834101003 \begin 0:27:32 \sp EXPLIK \tx iya? \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft she does? \ref 0856 \id 769684112851101003 \begin 0:27:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx mmm... \pho m̃ \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 0857 \id 888322071000010199 \begin 0:27:35 \sp DRIPIT \tx sekolah aja jajan melulu. \pho skola aja jajan məluluʔ \mb sekolah aja jajan melulu \ge school just snack always \gj school just snack always \ft at school, she buys snacks all the time. \ref 0858 \id 547424071000010199 \begin 0:27:36 \sp DRIPIT \tx udah dikasi duit seribu, ngutang masih tujuh ratus. \pho uda dikasi duwit səribu ŋutaŋ masi tuju ratos \mb udah di- kasi duit se- ribu ng- utang masih tujuh ratus \ge PFCT DI- give money SE- thousand N- debt still seven hundred \gj PFCT DI-give money SE-thousand N-debt still seven hundred \ft though she has one thousand, she still borrows seven hundred. \ref 0859 \id 469472071000010199 \begin 0:27:38 \sp EXPLIK \tx utang siapa? \pho ʔutaŋ syapa \mb utang siapa \ge debt who \gj debt who \ft whom she borrows from? \ref 0860 \id 736589071000010199 \begin 0:27:40 \sp DRIPIT \tx nggak tahu. \pho ŋgaʔ tau \mb nggak tahu \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft I don't know. \ref 0861 \id 976001071000010199 \begin 0:27:42 \sp DRIPIT \tx kan di, kan sekolahannya kan ada kantin. \pho kan diʔ kan skolahaɲa kan ada kantin \mb kan di kan sekolah -an -nya kan ada kantin \ge KAN LOC KAN school -AN -NYA KAN exist canteen \gj KAN LOC KAN school-AN-NYA KAN exist canteen \ft you know, there is a canteen in her school. \ref 0862 \id 869018071000010199 \begin 0:27:44 \sp DRIPIT \tx dikasi ibunya seribu. \pho dikasi ʔibuɲa səribu \mb di- kasi ibu -nya se- ribu \ge DI- give mother -NYA SE- thousand \gj DI-give mother-NYA SE-thousand \ft her mother gives her one thousand. \ref 0863 \id 101420071000010199 \begin 0:27:46 \sp DRIPIT \tx abis itu masih ngutang tujuh ratus. \pho abis itu masi ŋʊtaŋ tuju ratus \mb abis itu masih ng- utang tujuh ratus \ge finished that still N- debt seven hundred \gj finished that still N-debt seven hundred \ft after that, she still borrows seven hundreds. \ref 0864 \id 582330071000010199 \begin 0:27:48 \sp DRIPIT \tx yang seribu udah diabisin jajan. \pho yaŋ səribu uda diyabisin jajan \mb yang se- ribu udah di- abis -in jajan \ge REL SE- thousand PFCT DI- finished -IN snack \gj REL SE-thousand PFCT DI-finished-IN snack \ft she has spent one thousand to buy snacks. \ref 0865 \id 335965071000010199 \begin 0:27:50 \sp DRIPIT \tx masih utang tujuh ratus. \pho masiʔ ʔutaŋ tuju ratus \mb masih utang tujuh ratus \ge still debt seven hundred \gj still debt seven hundred \ft but she still borrows seven hundreds. \ref 0866 \id 583949071000010199 \begin 0:27:52 \sp EXPLIK \tx gimana Pit, ngomongnya, kalo utang sama yang jual. \pho gimana pit ŋomɔŋɲa kalɔʔ ʔutaŋ sama yaŋ juwal \mb gimana Pit ng- omong -nya kalo utang sama yang jual \ge how TRU-Pipit N- speak -NYA TOP debt with REL sell \gj how TRU-Pipit N-speak-NYA TOP debt with REL sell \ft what do you say to the seller if you want to buy on credit? \ref 0867 \id 555081071000010199 \begin 0:27:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx dua. \pho duwaʔ \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft two. \nt reference unclear. \ref 0868 \id 466351071000010199 \begin 0:27:56 \sp DRIPIT \tx yang jual paling juga ngasi aja. \pho yaŋ juwal paliŋ jugaʔ ŋasi ʔaja \mb yang jual paling juga ng- kasi aja \ge REL sell most also N- give just \gj REL sell most also N-give just \ft the seller definitely has no problem to just give her what she asks. \nt talking to EXP about CHI and the seller. \ref 0869 \id 477118071000010199 \begin 0:27:58 \sp DRIPIT \tx "udah nanti bilang ibunya, ngutang tujuh ratus." \pho ʔuda nantiʔ bilaŋ ʔibuʔɲa ŋutaŋ tuju ratus \mb udah nanti bilang ibu -nya ng- utang tujuh ratus \ge PFCT later say mother -NYA N- debt seven hundred \gj PFCT later say mother-NYA N-debt seven hundred \ft "no problem, tell Mom that you have a debt of seven hundred." \nt imitating the statement of the seller to CHI. \ref 0870 \id 539019071000010199 \begin 0:28:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx dua ratus. \pho duwa latus \mb dua ratus \ge two hundred \gj two hundred \ft two hundred. \nt referring to credit. \ref 0871 \id 102484113332101003 \begin 0:28:02 \sp DRIPIT \tx beli Chiki. \pho bəli cikiʔ \mb beli Chiki \ge buy Chiki \gj buy Chiki \ft to buy Chiki. \ref 0872 \id 507568071000010199 \begin 0:28:03 \sp EXPLIK \tx o, gitu. \pho ʔo gitu \mb o gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, well. \nt commenting DRI's statement. \ref 0873 \id 215564071000010199 \begin 0:28:04 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh... \pho ʔo \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \nt an expression of understanding s.t. \ref 0874 \id 193983071000010199 \begin 0:28:05 \sp EXPLIK \tx Ipit gimana ngomongnya? \pho ʔipit gimana ŋɔmɔŋɲa \mb Ipit gimana ng- omong -nya \ge Ipit how N- speak -NYA \gj Ipit how N-speak-NYA \ft so, what do you say? \nt asking CHI what she says to buy somethig on credit at school. \ref 0875 \id 181354071000010199 \begin 0:28:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku nggak punya... \pho ʔaku ŋgaʔ puɲa \mb aku nggak punya \ge 1SG NEG have \gj 1SG NEG have \ft I don't have... \ref 0876 \id 319050071000010199 \begin 0:28:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku nggak bawa duit, jajan aja. \pho ʔaku ŋgaʔ bawaʔ duwit jajan ajah \mb aku nggak bawa duit jajan aja \ge 1SG NEG bring money snack just \gj 1SG NEG bring money snack just \ft I don't have any money but I still buy snacks. \ref 0877 \id 687030071000010199 \begin 0:28:09 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, nggak... \pho ʔo ngaʔ \mb oh nggak \ge EXCL NEG \gj EXCL NEG \ft oh, no... \nt reference unclear. \ref 0878 \id 524745071000010199 \begin 0:28:10 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, terus? \pho ʔo təros \mb oh terus \ge EXCL continue \gj EXCL continue \ft oh, and then? \nt asking CHI. \ref 0879 \id 907377071000010199 \begin 0:28:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx boleh. \pho boleh \mb boleh \ge may \gj may \ft I am allowed to do that. \nt referring to buy snacks on credit at school. \ref 0880 \id 416635071000010199 \begin 0:28:12 \sp DRIPIT \tx dikasi sama yang jajan. \pho dikasiʔ sama yaŋ jajan \mb di- kasi sama yang jajan \ge DI- give with REL snack \gj DI-give with REL snack \ft the snack buyer gives it to her. \nt meaning the seller, not the buyer. \ref 0881 \id 106763071000010199 \begin 0:28:13 \sp DRIPIT \tx eh, sama yang jualan. \pho ʔeh sama yaŋ juwalan \mb eh sama yang jual -an \ge EH with REL sell -AN \gj EH with REL sell-AN \ft eh, I mean, the snack seller. \nt correcting her previous utterance. \ref 0882 \id 377654071000010199 \begin 0:28:14 \sp EXPLIK \tx boleh, Pit sama yang jual? \pho bole pit sama yaŋ juwal \mb boleh Pit sama yang jual \ge may TRU-Pipit with REL sell \gj may TRU-Pipit with REL sell \ft is it okay for the seller? \nt asking CHI. \ref 0883 \id 148348071000010199 \begin 0:28:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaʔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0884 \id 898158071000010199 \begin 0:28:18 \sp EXPLIK \tx teros nanti yang bayar siapa? \pho təros nantiʔ yaŋ bayar syapa \mb teros nanti yang bayar siapa \ge continue later REL pay who \gj continue later REL pay who \ft and then who will pay for that? \nt asking CHI. \ref 0885 \id 260011071000010199 \begin 0:28:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx ama, ama Ibu. \pho ʔama ʔama ʔibuʔ \mb ama ama Ibu \ge with with mother \gj with with mother \ft Mom. \ref 0886 \id 459647113520101003 \begin 0:28:22 \sp DRIPIT \tx ngutang terus. \pho ŋʊtaŋ tərus \mb ng- utang terus \ge N- debt continue \gj N-debt continue \ft she always has a debt. \ref 0887 \id 222672071000010199 \begin 0:28:24 \sp EXPLIK \tx o, Ibu. \pho ʔo ʔibuʔ \mb o Ibu \ge EXCL mother \gj EXCL mother \ft oh, Mom. \ref 0888 \id 853083071000010199 \begin 0:28:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh, kalo Ibu gak jemput ama, ama... \pho ʔe kalɔ ʔibu gaʔ jəput ʔamaː ʔama \mb eh kalo Ibu gak jemput ama ama \ge EXCL TOP mother NEG pick.up with with \gj EXCL TOP mother NEG pick.up with with \ft eh, if Mom doesn't pick me up, ... \nt trying to explain that the debt is paid by somebody else if her mother doesn't come and picks her up at school. \ref 0889 \id 495871071000010199 \begin 0:28:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx Husen. \pho ʔusɛn \mb Husen \ge Husen \gj Husen \ft Husen. \nt reference unclear. \ref 0890 \id 720507071000010199 \begin 0:28:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx bukan. \pho bukan \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0891 \id 683000071000010199 \begin 0:28:33 \sp CHIPIT \tx ama Mbak Tatik. \pho ʔama mbaʔ tatiʔ \mb ama Mbak Tatik \ge with EPIT Tatik \gj with EPIT Tatik \ft Tatik. \nt Tatik pays the debt if CHI's mother doesn't pick her up. \ref 0892 \id 304605071000010199 \begin 0:28:35 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, Mbak Tatik? \pho ʔo mbaʔ tatiʔ \mb oh Mbak Tatik \ge EXCL EPIT Tatik \gj EXCL EPIT Tatik \ft oh, Tatik? \nt asking who Tatik is. \ref 0893 \id 297307120657101003 \begin 0:28:37 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm. \pho m̃ː \mb hmm \ge oh \gj oh \ft I see. \ref 0894 \id 911144071000010199 \begin 0:28:39 \sp EXPLIK \tx kalo Si Opi kapan sekolahnya? \pho kalɔʔ si ʔɔpiʔ kapan skolaɲa \mb kalo Si Opi kapan sekolah -nya \ge TOP PERS Opi when school -NYA \gj TOP PERS Opi when school-NYA \ft when will you start school? \nt asking Opi. \ref 0895 \id 715016071000010199 \begin 0:28:41 \sp OPIPIT \tx TK, masih TK. \pho tɛk maːʔsi tɛka \mb TK masih TK \ge kindergarten still kindergarten \gj kindergarten still kindergarten \ft I am still at the kindergarten. \nt talking to CHI. \ref 0896 \id 194069071000010199 \begin 0:28:44 \sp EXPLIK \tx kok TK melulu! \pho kɔʔ teka məmuluʔ \mb kok TK melulu \ge KOK kindergarten always \gj KOK kindergarten always \ft you've been at the kindergarten for ever. \ref 0897 \id 722008071000010199 \begin 0:28:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-eh. \pho hʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0898 \id 642968120908101003 \begin 0:28:46 \sp DRIPIT \tx belum sekolah. \pho bəlum səkɔla \mb belum sekolah \ge not.yet school \gj not.yet school \ft he hasn't started to school yet. \ref 0899 \id 674536120950101003 \begin 0:28:47 \sp KIKPIT \tx xxx muda. \pho xxx mudaʔ \mb xxx muda \ge xxx young \gj xxx young \ft xxx young. \ref 0900 \id 700478071000010199 \begin 0:28:48 \sp DRIPIT \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0901 \id 246612121113101003 \begin 0:28:49 \sp KIKPIT \tx dipoto xxx. \pho dipotoʔ xxx \mb di- poto xxx \ge DI- photo xxx \gj DI-photo xxx \ft I take her picture xxx. \ref 0902 \id 647923071000010199 \begin 0:28:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx udah T(K), TK, SD deh. \mb udah TK TK SD deh \ge PFCT kindergarten kindergarten elementary.school DEH \gj PFCT kindergarten kindergarten elementary.school DEH \ft after the kindergarten, I will go to elementary school. \nt stuttering. \ref 0903 \id 915439121409101003 \begin 0:28:52 \sp DRIPIT \tx ya udah. \pho ya ʔuda \mb ya udah \ge yes PFCT \gj yes PFCT \ft okay. \ref 0904 \id 265079071000010199 \begin 0:28:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm, Ayu ama dia itu... \pho ʔm̩ ʔayu ʔama diya ʔitu \mb hmm Ayu ama dia itu \ge FILL Ayu with 3 that \gj FILL Ayu with 3 that \ft umm, Ayu and he... \nt talking about OPI. \ref 0905 \id 802139071000010199 \begin 0:28:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ipit, Ipit hmm SD, Opi ama Ayu TK. \pho ʔipit ʔipit ʔm ɛdeʔ ʔɔpi ʔma ʔayu tɛkaʔ \mb Ipit Ipit hmm SD Opi ama Ayu TK \ge Ipit Ipit FILL elementary.school Opi with Ayu kindergarten \gj Ipit Ipit FILL elementary.school Opi with Ayu kindergarten \ft umm, when I'll start elementary school, Opi and Ayu will go to kindergarten. \nt talking to EXP. \ref 0906 \id 166777071000010199 \begin 0:28:58 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, ya? \pho ʔo ya \mb oh ya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, yeah? \ref 0907 \id 138582071000010199 \begin 0:28:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx ama Opi TK. \pho ʔama ɔpi tekaʔ \mb ama Opi TK \ge with Opi kindergarten \gj with Opi kindergarten \ft she and Opi will go to kindergarten. \nt referring to Ayu and Opi. \ref 0908 \id 899023121943101003 \begin 0:29:00 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm. \pho m̃ \mb hmm \ge oh \gj oh \ft oh. \ref 0909 \id 558141071000010199 \begin 0:29:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ipit SD. \pho ʔipit ɛdeʔ \mb Ipit SD \ge Ipit elementary.school \gj Ipit elementary.school \ft I will start elementary school. \ref 0910 \id 592845071000010199 \begin 0:29:02 \sp EXPLIK \tx Ipit SD? \pho ʔipit ʔɛsde \mb Ipit SD \ge Ipit elementary.school \gj Ipit elementary.school \ft you will start elementary school? \ref 0911 \id 662364071000010199 \begin 0:29:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx he-em. \pho hʔm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0912 \id 871929071000010199 \begin 0:29:06 \sp DRIPIT \tx bohong! \pho bɔhɔŋ \mb bohong \ge lie \gj lie \ft you're lying! \nt talking to CHI. \ref 0913 \id 430193071000010199 \begin 0:29:08 \sp DRIPIT \tx masih nol besar aja. \pho masi nɔl bəsar aja \mb masih nol besar aja \ge still zero big just \gj still zero big just \ft you are still at the second level of kindergarten. \nt nol besar (big zero) is the second year level of kindergarten. \ref 0914 \id 261100071000010199 \begin 0:29:10 \sp CHIPIT \tx aaa... eee... Opi TK-nya lama, Ipit udah mau kelas enam. \pho ʔak ʔəː ʔɔpi tekaɲa lamaʔ ʔipit uda mau kəlas ənam \mb aaa eee Opi TK -nya lama Ipit udah mau kelas enam \ge FILL FILL Opi kindergarten -NYA long.time Ipit PFCT want class six \gj FILL FILL Opi kindergarten-NYA long.time Ipit PFCT want class six \ft while Opi is going to be at kindergarten for long, I am going to start the sixth grade at elementary school. \ref 0915 \id 398838122132101003 \begin 0:29:12 \sp KIKPIT \tx huh! \pho hu \mb huh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \ref 0916 \id 526261071000010199 \begin 0:29:15 \sp EXPLIK \tx sudah mo kelas enam? \pho suda mo kəlas ənam \mb sudah mo kelas enam \ge PFCT want class six \gj PFCT want class six \ft you are going to start the sixth grade? \nt asking CHI. \ref 0917 \id 688647122234101003 \begin 0:29:17 \sp EXPLIK \tx cepet banget! \pho cəpət baŋət \mb cepet banget \ge quick very \gj quick very \ft how quick you are! \ref 0918 \id 277902071000010199 \begin 0:29:19 \sp DRIPIT \tx eh, kalo Ipit kelas enam, Kakak kelas sepuluh. \pho ʔɛh kalɔ ʔipit kəlas ʔənam kaka kəlas səpulu \mb eh kalo Ipit kelas enam Kakak kelas se- puluh \ge EH TOP Ipit class six older.sibling class SE- ten \gj EH TOP Ipit class six older.sibling class SE-ten \ft eh, if you're going to start the sixth grade, I'm going to start the tenth grade. \nt talking to CHI. \ref 0919 \id 305489071000010199 \begin 0:29:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ipit kelas, kelas, kelas lapan. \pho ʔipit kəlas kəlas kəlas lapan \mb Ipit kelas kelas kelas lapan \ge Ipit class class class eight \gj Ipit class class class eight \ft I'm going to start the... the... the eight grade. \ref 0920 \id 469778071000010199 \begin 0:29:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx kayak gini deh! \pho kaya gini dɛ \mb kayak gini deh \ge like like.this DEH \gj like like.this DEH \ft like this! \nt knocking the table for playing the sound. \ref 0921 \id 470167071000010199 \begin 0:29:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx Kak gini Kak! \pho kaʔ gini kaʔ \mb Kak gini Kak \ge TRU-older.sibling like.this TRU-older.sibling \gj TRU-older.sibling like.this TRU-older.sibling \ft like this, Indri! \nt showing DRI about the knocking play. \ref 0922 \id 717760071000010199 \begin 0:29:27 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt knocking the table to make music. \ref 0923 \id 412624071000010199 \begin 0:29:29 \sp DRIPIT \tx jangan, ntar pecah. \pho jaŋan ntar pəcaʰ \mb jangan ntar pecah \ge don't moment shattered \gj don't moment shattered \ft no, we'll smash it. \nt referring to the glass table. \ref 0924 \id 187728071000010199 \begin 0:29:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx di sini saja. \pho di sinni sajah \mb di sini saja \ge LOC here just \gj LOC here just \ft okay, right here! \nt referring to the sofa. \ref 0925 \id 361051071000010199 \begin 0:29:33 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt knocking the sofa. \ref 0926 \id 101411071000010199 \begin 0:29:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx pelan-pelan! \pho pəlampəlan \mb pelan - pelan \ge slow - slow \gj RED-slow \ft slowly! \nt asking DRI to knock the sofa slowly. \ref 0927 \id 423719071000010199 \begin 0:29:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this. \nt referring to the sofa. \ref 0928 \id 364843071000010199 \begin 0:29:39 \sp DRIPIT \tx nggak bisa. \pho ŋgaʔ bisaʔ \mb nggak bisa \ge NEG can \gj NEG can \ft I can't. \nt DRI cannot make some sound by knocking on the sofa. \ref 0929 \id 835368071000010199 \begin 0:29:41 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt knocking on the sofa. \ref 0930 \id 659777071000010199 \begin 0:29:43 \sp DRIPIT \tx nggak kan, nggak bisa kan? \pho ŋgaʔ kan ŋga bisa kan \mb nggak kan nggak bisa kan \ge NEG KAN NEG can KAN \gj NEG KAN NEG can KAN \ft you see, you can't? \nt telling OPI. \ref 0931 \id 598964071000010199 \begin 0:29:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx bisa. \pho bisa \mb bisa \ge can \gj can \ft I can. \ref 0932 \id 906456071000010199 \begin 0:29:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni, gini! \pho ni gini \mb ni gini \ge this like.this \gj this like.this \ft look, like this! \nt starting to knock the sofa. \ref 0933 \id 223418071000010199 \begin 0:29:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni bunyiin gini, Pi, giniin! \pho ni buɲiʔin gini piʔ ginin \mb ni bunyi -in gini Pi gini -in \ge this sound -IN like.this TRU-Opi like.this -IN \gj this sound-IN like.this TRU-Opi like.this-IN \ft look, make a sound like this! \nt knocking on the sofa too. \ref 0934 \id 703176122800101003 \begin 0:29:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx tik tik tik. \pho tik tik tik \mb tik tik tik \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tik tik tik. \ref 0935 \id 799443071000010199 \begin 0:29:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx tek tek, tek tek! \pho tɛ tɛk tɛk tɛk \mb tek tek tek tek \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tak, tak, tak, tak! \nt knocking on the sofa. \ref 0936 \id 758743071000010199 \begin 0:29:56 \sp DRIPIT \tx bukan begitu. \pho bukan bəgitu \mb bukan begitu \ge NEG like.that \gj NEG like.that \ft not like that. \nt referring to the way CHI is knocking on the sofa. \ref 0937 \id 720815071000010199 \begin 0:29:57 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni. \pho ni \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft like this. \nt showing how to knock on the sofa. \ref 0938 \id 451550071000010199 \begin 0:29:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx nih! \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft look. \nt knocking on the sofa again. \ref 0939 \id 122971071000010199 \begin 0:29:59 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu! \pho to \mb tu \ge that \gj that \ft like that! \ref 0940 \id 977132071000010199 \begin 0:30:01 \sp DRIPIT \tx gini-gini boleh! \pho ginigini bɔlɛh \mb gini - gini boleh \ge like.this - like.this may \gj RED-like.this may \ft you can also do that like this. \nt demonstrating another way to knock on the sofa. \ref 0941 \id 979438071000010199 \begin 0:30:03 \sp CHIPIT \tx gini-gini boleh? \pho ginigini bɔlɛh \mb gini - gini boleh \ge like.this - like.this may \gj RED-like.this may \ft can I do like this? \ref 0942 \id 143190071000010199 \begin 0:30:04 \sp DRIPIT \tx kan laen. \pho kan laɛn \mb kan laen \ge KAN other \gj KAN other \ft no, that's different. \ref 0943 \id 606577071000010199 \begin 0:30:05 \sp CHIPIT \tx gini boleh? \pho gini bɔlɛh \mb gini boleh \ge like.this may \gj like.this may \ft can you do this way? \nt showing another way to knock. \ref 0944 \id 159116071000010199 \begin 0:30:06 \sp DRIPIT \tx udah, makan minya! \pho ʔuda makan miɲah \mb udah makan mi -nya \ge PFCT eat noodles -NYA \gj PFCT eat noodles-NYA \ft okay now, let's have noodles! \ref 0945 \id 964672071000010199 \begin 0:30:07 \sp KIKPIT \tx selesai! \pho sɛlɛsɛh \mb selesai \ge finish \gj finish \ft I am finished! \nt referring to coloring the book. \ref 0946 \id 370087071000010199 \begin 0:30:09 \sp DRIPIT \tx selesai nomor dua? \pho sələsɛ nɔmər duwaʔ \mb selesai nomor dua \ge finish number two \gj finish number two \ft have you finished number two? \nt referring to the second page of the coloring book. \ref 0947 \id 760004071000010199 \begin 0:30:10 \sp EXPLIK \tx lho diwarnai, Pit! \pho lo diwarnai pit \mb lho di- warna -i Pit \ge EXCL DI- color -I TRU-Pipit \gj EXCL DI-color-I TRU-Pipit \ft hey, he colored it Pit! \nt telling CHI that KIK has colored the book. \ref 0948 \id 305756071000010199 \begin 0:30:11 \sp EXPLIK \tx sama! \pho samaʔ \mb sama \ge same \gj same \ft it's the same! \nt referring to the example in the book. \ref 0949 \id 103742123103101003 \begin 0:30:12 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0950 \id 449528071000010199 \begin 0:30:13 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm? \pho hm̩ \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0951 \id 334645071000010199 \begin 0:30:14 \sp EXPLIK \tx diwarnai sama. \pho diwarnai sama \mb di- warna -i sama \ge DI- color -I same \gj DI-color-I same \ft he colored it the same way. \nt meaning KIK has colored the drawing like the example. \ref 0952 \id 883781071000010199 \begin 0:30:15 \sp EXPLIK \tx bagus nggak? \pho bagus ŋgaʔ \mb bagus nggak \ge nice NEG \gj nice NEG \ft it's nice, right? \ref 0953 \id 899965123155101003 \begin 0:30:16 \sp KIKPIT \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt showing the coloring book. \ref 0954 \id 733071071000010199 \begin 0:30:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx warnai aja sampe abis! \pho wanai ʔaja sapɛ ʔabis \mb warna -i aja sampe abis \ge color -I just arrive finished \gj color-I just arrive finished \ft color all of them! \nt asking KIK to color the rest of uncolored pictures in that book. \ref 0955 \id 339008071000010199 \begin 0:30:20 \sp EXPLIK \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft what? \nt asking CHI. \ref 0956 \id 425736071000010199 \begin 0:30:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx warnai aja sampe abis! \pho wanai ʔaja sapɛ ʔabis \mb warna -i aja sampe abis \ge color -I just arrive finished \gj color-I just arrive finished \ft color all of them! \nt talking to KIK. \ref 0957 \id 958670071000010199 \begin 0:30:23 \sp EXPLIK \tx warnai aja sampe habis! \pho warnai ʔaja sampɛʔ habis \mb warna -i aja sampe habis \ge color -I just arrive finished \gj color-I just arrive finished \ft color all of them! \ref 0958 \id 288851071000010199 \begin 0:30:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx ntar beli lagi. \pho ʔn̩tal bəli lagih \mb ntar beli lagi \ge moment buy more \gj moment buy more \ft I'm going to buy another one. \ref 0959 \id 725243071000010199 \begin 0:30:25 \sp EXPLIK \tx ya. \pho ya \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0960 \id 177993071000010199 \begin 0:30:26 \sp EXPLIK \tx tar beli lagi, ya? \pho tar bəli lagi ya \mb tar beli lagi ya \ge moment buy more yes \gj moment buy more yes \ft we're going to buy another one, okay? \ref 0961 \id 542566071000010199 \begin 0:30:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx he-em. \pho hʔm̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0962 \id 723063071000010199 \begin 0:30:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx boleh Opi xx, abis boleh abis. \pho bɔlɛh ʔɔpiʔ ʔɔw ʔapis bɔlɛ ʔabis \mb boleh Opi xx abis boleh abis \ge may Opi xx finished may finished \gj may Opi xx finished may finished \ft you may finish mine, all of them. \ref 0963 \id 439752071000010199 \begin 0:30:32 \sp DRIPIT \tx Kakak warnain ya? \pho kakaʔ warnain ya \mb Kakak warna -in ya \ge older.sibling color -IN yes \gj older.sibling color-IN yes \ft let me color it, okay? \nt talking to OPI and referring to his coloring book. \ref 0964 \id 719449071000010199 \begin 0:30:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx boleh abisin! \pho bolɛ yabisin \mb boleh abis -in \ge may finished -IN \gj may finished-IN \ft you can color all of them! \nt talking to DRI. \ref 0965 \id 906303071000010199 \begin 0:30:36 \sp KIKPIT \tx ayo maen cepet-cepetan! \pho ʔayoʔ mɛn cəpətcəpətan \mb ayo maen cepet - cepet -an \ge AYO play quick - quick -AN \gj AYO play RED.AN-quick \ft come on, race on who is quicker! \nt asking CHI and OPI to make a race on who is quicker in eating the noodles. \ref 0966 \id 358837071000010199 \begin 0:30:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya. \pho yah \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0967 \id 691950071000010199 \begin 0:30:40 \sp KIKPIT \tx mo nggak lomba gituan? \pho mo ŋgaʔ lombaʔ gituwan \mb mo nggak lomba gitu -an \ge want NEG compete like.that -AN \gj want NEG compete like.that-AN \ft you want race wih me? \nt talking to DRI. \ref 0968 \id 935795071000010199 \begin 0:30:42 \sp KIKPIT \tx ya udah abis dia. \pho ya ʔuda ʔabis diya \mb ya udah abis dia \ge yes PFCT finished 3 \gj yes PFCT finished 3 \ft yeah, you finished your noodles. \nt referring to OPI's noodles. \ref 0969 \id 716608131202101003 \begin 0:30:44 \sp KIKPIT \tx masih banyak. \pho masi baɲak \mb masih banyak \ge still a.lot \gj still a.lot \ft there're still a lot. \ref 0970 \id 132466071000010199 \begin 0:30:46 \sp DRIPIT \tx Kiki yang... wah cari dulu. \pho kiki yaŋ wa cari duluʔ \mb Kiki yang wah cari dulu \ge Kiki REL EXCL look.for before \gj Kiki REL EXCL look.for before \ft yours is... find it first. \nt 1. asking KIK whether she has colored certain pictures in the book she is pointing at. 2. KIK and DRI have the same book and they're both coloring them. \ref 0971 \id 947565131926101003 \begin 0:30:48 \sp KIKPIT \tx tu kan masih banyak. \pho tu kan masi baɲak \mb tu kan masih banyak \ge that KAN still a.lot \gj that KAN still a.lot \ft see, there're still a lot. \ref 0972 \id 846489132039101003 \begin 0:30:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah ah ah ah ah eh eh eh eh eh ah eh ah ah eh ah ah ah ah... \pho ʔa ʔa ʔa ʔa ʔa ʔə ʔə ʔə ʔə ʔə ʔaː ʔə ʔa ʔa ʔə ʔa ʔa ʔa ʔa \mb ah ah ah ah ah eh eh eh eh eh ah eh ah ah eh ah ah ah ah \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey... \nt singing and dancing. \ref 0973 \id 362067132737101003 \begin 0:30:49 \sp DRIPIT \tx ah, belom, kan? \pho ʔa bəlom kan \mb ah belom kan \ge EXCL not.yet KAN \gj EXCL not.yet KAN \ft hey, you haven't finished it yet? \ref 0974 \id 968852132804101003 \begin 0:30:50 \sp DRIPIT \tx ayo, udah, udah, udah! \pho ʔayo ʔuda ʔuda ʔuda \mb ayo udah udah udah \ge AYO PFCT PFCT PFCT \gj AYO PFCT PFCT PFCT \ft come on, finish it! \ref 0975 \id 428436132831101003 \begin 0:30:51 \sp DRIPIT \tx gambar yang ini ayo! \pho gambar yaŋ ʔini ʔayo \mb gambar yang ini ayo \ge picture REL this AYO \gj picture REL this AYO \ft color this picture, come on! \ref 0976 \id 434000132854101003 \begin 0:30:52 \sp KIKPIT \tx ayo cepet-cepetan! \pho ʔayo cəpətcəpətan \mb ayo cepet - cepet -an \ge AYO quick - quick -AN \gj AYO RED.AN-quick \ft come on, let's see who is quicker! \ref 0977 \id 347443132925101003 \begin 0:30:54 \sp KIKPIT \tx buru-buru, aduh! \pho buruburuʔ ʔaduh \mb buru - buru aduh \ge chase - chase EXCL \gj RED-chase EXCL \ft let's do it quickly! \ref 0978 \id 879757132952101003 \begin 0:30:56 \sp KIKPIT \tx ah! \pho ʔaeh \mb ah \ge AH \gj AH \ft ah! \nt s.t. happens with his coloring. \ref 0979 \id 596892133011101003 \begin 0:30:58 \sp KIKPIT \tx mana sih yang biru ya? \pho mana siʔ yaŋ biruʔ ya \mb mana sih yang biru ya \ge which SIH REL blue yes \gj which SIH REL blue yes \ft where's the blue one? \ref 0980 \id 280166133039101003 \begin 0:31:01 \sp DRIPIT \tx ayo, katanya lomba! \pho ʔayo kataɲa lombaʔ \mb ayo kata -nya lomba \ge AYO word -NYA compete \gj AYO word-NYA compete \ft come on, you said it's a competition! \ref 0981 \id 558013133544101003 \begin 0:31:04 \sp KIKPIT \tx biarin, biru kecil. \pho biyarin biru kəcil \mb biar -in biru kecil \ge let -IN blue small \gj let-IN blue small \ft I don't care, I'll put the blue to the small one. \ref 0982 \id 244591133705101003 \begin 0:31:05 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni biru. \pho ni biruʔ \mb ni biru \ge this blue \gj this blue \ft here's the blue. \ref 0983 \id 260127133721101003 \begin 0:31:06 \sp KIKPIT \tx o iya. \pho o ʔiyaʔ \mb o iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh right. \ref 0984 \id 371524133737101003 \begin 0:31:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante! \pho tatəh \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 0985 \id 622401133804101003 \begin 0:31:09 \sp EXPLIK \tx ya? \pho ya \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes? \ref 0986 \id 608317133824101003 \begin 0:31:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx ntar pulangnya malam? \pho n̩ːtal puːlaŋɲah malam \mb ntar pulang -nya malam \ge moment return -NYA night \gj moment return-NYA night \ft will we come home late? \ref 0987 \id 594373133908101003 \begin 0:31:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx ye, tadi mo dipoto. \pho ye tadiʔ mo dipotoʔ \mb ye tadi mo di- poto \ge EXCL earlier want DI- photo \gj EXCL earlier want DI-photo \ft hey, you told me you want to take my picture. \nt talking to KIK. \ref 0988 \id 238833133951101003 \begin 0:31:13 \sp EXPLIK \tx ya. \pho yah \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \nt talking to OPI. \ref 0989 \id 672447134000101003 \begin 0:31:14 \sp KIKPIT \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0990 \id 242777134034101003 \begin 0:31:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx hah? \pho ʔã \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft what? \ref 0991 \id 364915134051101003 \begin 0:31:16 \sp KIKPIT \tx enggak. \pho ʔ̩ŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0992 \id 239312134341101003 \begin 0:31:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak, nggak pa-pa malem. \pho ʔŋːga ŋga papa maləm \mb nggak nggak pa - pa malem \ge NEG NEG what - what night \gj NEG NEG RED-what night \ft it's okay if you want to take me home late in the night. \ref 0993 \id 628188134418101003 \begin 0:31:18 \sp EXPLIK \tx o, mo pulang malem? \pho ʔoː mo pulaŋ maləm \mb o mo pulang malem \ge EXCL want return night \gj EXCL want return night \ft oh, you want to go home late? \ref 0994 \id 674646134444101003 \begin 0:31:19 \sp KIKPIT \tx aduh, kesemutan gua. \pho ʔadu kəsəmutan guwa \mb aduh ke an semut gua \ge EXCL KE AN ant 1SG \gj EXCL KE.AN-ant 1SG \ft ouch, my feet have gone to sleep! \ref 0995 \id 290090134515101003 \begin 0:31:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx he he... \pho he he \mb he he \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft he he... \ref 0996 \id 859976134531101003 \begin 0:31:22 \sp EXPLIK \tx maen sini, ya? \pho mɛn sini ya \mb maen sini ya \ge play here yes \gj play here yes \ft you want to play here? \ref 0997 \id 241411134602101003 \begin 0:31:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx kan aku kan ngitu... makannya sampe satu jam. \pho kan ʔaku kan ŋituh makanɲa sapɛ satuʔ jam \mb kan aku kan ng- itu makan -nya sampe satu jam \ge KAN 1SG KAN N- that eat -NYA arrive one clock \gj KAN 1SG KAN N-that eat-NYA arrive one clock \ft you know what, I spend about one hour to eat. \ref 0998 \id 807327134648101003 \begin 0:31:24 \sp DRIPIT \tx ijonya mana? \pho ʔijoɲa mana \mb ijo -nya mana \ge green -NYA which \gj green-NYA which \ft where's the green one? \ref 0999 \id 966394135059101003 \begin 0:31:26 \sp EXPLIK \tx hah, makannya satu jam? \pho hã makanɲa satʊ jam \mb hah makan -nya satu jam \ge EXCL eat -NYA one clock \gj EXCL eat-NYA one clock \ft what, you spend one hour just to eat? \ref 1000 \id 504534135226101003 \begin 0:31:28 \sp EXPLIK \tx lama sekali. \pho lama səkalih \mb lama se- kali \ge long.time SE- very \gj long.time SE-very \ft how long. \ref 1001 \id 826734071000010199 \begin 0:31:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx he-em. \pho hʔm̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1002 \id 445607071000010199 \begin 0:31:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx dia kalo di rumah... \pho diya kalɔ di lumah \mb dia kalo di rumah \ge 3 TOP LOC house \gj 3 TOP LOC house \ft when he is at home.... \nt referring to OPI. \ref 1003 \id 526661135646101003 \begin 0:31:32 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm. \pho hʔm \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1004 \id 134549071000010199 \begin 0:31:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx kalo, makan sendiri, dikit-dikit. \pho kalɔ makan dədiliʔ dikitdikit \mb kalo makan sen- diri dikit - dikit \ge TOP eat SE- self a.little - a.little \gj TOP eat SE-self RED-a.little \ft when he eats by himself, he always eats little by little. \nt referring to OPI. \ref 1005 \id 715316135709101003 \begin 0:31:36 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm. \pho m̃ː \mb hmm \ge oh \gj oh \ft I see. \ref 1006 \id 268487071000010199 \begin 0:31:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx apalagi kalo disuapin... \pho ʔapalagi kalɔ disapin \mb apalagi kalo di- suap -in \ge let.alone TOP DI- feed -IN \gj let.alone TOP DI-feed-IN \ft especially if someone feeds him... \ref 1007 \id 464823071000010199 \begin 0:31:40 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya (am)pun, dikit-dikit juga. \pho ya pun dikitdikit jugaʔ \mb ya ampun dikit - dikit juga \ge yes mercy a.little - a.little also \gj yes mercy RED-a.little also \ft my God, also little by little. \nt reference unclear. \ref 1008 \id 731020135830101003 \begin 0:31:42 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm. \pho mː \mb hmm \ge oh \gj oh \ft oh. \ref 1009 \id 898712071000010199 \begin 0:31:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo Ipit mi(ntanya), mintanya dikit melulu, dikit melulu. \pho kaya ʔipit miʔ mitaɲa dikit muluʔ dikit muluʔ \mb kalo Ipit minta -nya minta -nya dikit melulu dikit melulu \ge TOP Ipit ask.for -NYA ask.for -NYA a.little always a.little always \gj TOP Ipit ask.for-NYA ask.for-NYA a.little always a.little always \ft on the other hand Ipit always eats a little. \nt referring to the fact that CHI doesn't like eating too much unlike OPI. \ref 1010 \id 971926140119101003 \begin 0:31:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt making a sound of getting full. \ref 1011 \id 603920142121101003 \begin 0:31:48 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1012 \id 582898071000010199 \begin 0:31:50 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, dikit-dikit! \pho ʔo dikitdikit \mb oh dikit - dikit \ge EXCL a.little - a.little \gj EXCL RED-a.little \ft oh, little by little! \nt asking OPI. \ref 1013 \id 882666071000010199 \begin 0:31:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ipit kalo disuapin juga banyak. \pho ʔipit kalɔ disuwapin juga baɲak \mb Ipit kalo di- suap -in juga banyak \ge Ipit TOP DI- feed -IN also a.lot \gj Ipit TOP DI-feed-IN also a.lot \ft if somebody feeds me, I can eat a lot. \ref 1014 \id 895841071000010199 \begin 0:31:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx kalo di... makan sendiri dikit. \pho kalɔ diːʔ makan didiliʔ dikit \mb kalo di makan sen- diri dikit \ge TOP LOC eat SE- self a.little \gj TOP LOC eat SE-self a.little \ft If I eat by myself, I eat a little. \ref 1015 \id 921040071000010199 \begin 0:31:56 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh. \pho ʔoː \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 1016 \id 538668071000010199 \begin 0:31:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx gitu. \pho gitow \mb gitu \ge like.that \gj like.that \ft that's it. \ref 1017 \id 505874142322101003 \begin 0:32:01 \sp CIPPIT \tx o, anu xxx. \pho ʔo wanu xxx \mb o anu xxx \ge EXCL whatchamacallit xxx \gj EXCL whatchamacallit xxx \ft oh, whatchamacallit xxx. \ref 1018 \id 906350071000010199 \begin 0:32:03 \sp EXPLIK \tx o, kalo disuapin banyak? \pho ʔo kalɔʔ disuwapin baɲaʔ \mb o kalo di- suap -in banyak \ge EXCL TOP DI- feed -IN a.lot \gj EXCL TOP DI-feed-IN a.lot \ft but you eat a lot if somebody feeds you? \ref 1019 \id 542797142403101003 \begin 0:32:05 \sp CIPPIT \tx xx. \pho waŋ \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 1020 \id 247700071000010199 \begin 0:32:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ipit! \pho ʔipit \mb Ipit \ge Ipit \gj Ipit \ft Ipit! \nt calling CHI as if they were talking on the phone. \ref 1021 \id 107217142524101003 \begin 0:32:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh! \pho ʔɛh \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oops! \nt s.t. falls down. \ref 1022 \id 309076071000010199 \begin 0:32:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ipit! \pho ʔipit \mb Ipit \ge Ipit \gj Ipit \ft Ipit! \ref 1023 \id 447236071000010199 \begin 0:32:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx apa! \pho ʔapaw \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what! \ref 1024 \id 807551142631101003 \begin 0:32:13 \sp CHIPIT \tx apaan lu? \pho ʔapan lu \mb apa -an lu \ge what -AN 2 \gj what-AN 2 \ft what? \ref 1025 \id 505168071000010199 \begin 0:32:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante! \pho tantə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 1026 \id 238165142724101003 \begin 0:32:17 \sp CHIPIT \tx he-em. \pho hʔm̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1027 \id 372545071000010199 \begin 0:32:18 \sp EXPLIK \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 1028 \id 670247071000010199 \begin 0:32:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx sapa kamu? \pho sapa kamu \mb sapa kamu \ge who 2 \gj who 2 \ft who are you? \nt teasing EXPLIK. \ref 1029 \id 166500071000010199 \begin 0:32:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx Tante Like. \pho tatə likəh \mb Tante Like \ge aunt Like \gj aunt Like \ft she's Auntie Like. \nt answering OPI. \ref 1030 \id 874806071000010199 \begin 0:32:21 \sp EXPLIK \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 1031 \id 193037071000010199 \begin 0:32:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx lagi ngapain? \pho lagi ŋapain \mb lagi ng- apa -in \ge more N- what -IN \gj more N-what-IN \ft what are you up to? \nt talking as if he was on the phone. \ref 1032 \id 476641071000010199 \begin 0:32:24 \sp EXPLIK \tx ndengerin Ipit. \pho ndəŋərin ipit \mb n- denger -in Ipit \ge N- hear -IN Ipit \gj N-hear-IN Ipit \ft I am listening to you. \ref 1033 \id 617905071000010199 \begin 0:32:25 \sp DRIPIT \tx eh, salah! \pho ʔe salah \mb eh salah \ge EH wrong \gj EH wrong \ft eh, you're wrong! \nt talking to KIK who used the wrong color. \ref 1034 \id 255466143011101003 \begin 0:32:26 \sp KIKPIT \tx samain gih. \pho samain gih \mb sama -in gih \ge same -IN GIH \gj same-IN GIH \ft make it the same. \nt talking to DRI about the coloring. \ref 1035 \id 651489071000010199 \begin 0:32:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx Opi ngentut Tante! \pho ʔɔpi ŋətot tatə \mb Opi ng- kentut Tante \ge Opi N- fart aunt \gj Opi N-fart aunt \ft Opi is farting! \nt talking to EXP. \ref 1036 \id 330753143129101003 \begin 0:32:30 \sp EXPLIK \tx heh? \pho hə \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1037 \id 790576071000010199 \begin 0:32:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx Opi ngentut! \pho ʔɔpi ŋətot \mb Opi ng- kentut \ge Opi N- fart \gj Opi N-fart \ft Opi is farting! \ref 1038 \id 224962071000010199 \begin 0:32:32 \sp EXPLIK \tx heh? \pho hə \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1039 \id 643496071000010199 \begin 0:32:34 \sp EXPLIK \tx ngentut ya Pit! \pho ŋəntot ya pit \mb ng- kentut ya Pit \ge N- fart yes TRU-Pipit \gj N-fart yes TRU-Pipit \ft he is farting, Pit! \ref 1040 \id 549392071000010199 \begin 0:32:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya tadi. \pho ʔiya tadiʔ \mb iya tadi \ge yes earlier \gj yes earlier \ft yes, he did. \ref 1041 \id 254926071000010199 \begin 0:32:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx pret, gitu! \pho pt̩ gituh \mb pret gitu \ge IMIT like.that \gj IMIT like.that \ft prrt. \nt imitating the sound of farting. \ref 1042 \id 249241071000010199 \begin 0:32:40 \sp EXPLIK \tx gimana? \pho gimana \mb gimana \ge how \gj how \ft how? \ref 1043 \id 101146071000010199 \begin 0:32:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx tut! \pho tut \mb tut \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft toot! \nt imitating the sound of farting. \ref 1044 \id 463896071000010199 \begin 0:32:44 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, iya. \pho ʔo wiya \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, yes. \ref 1045 \id 608728071000010199 \begin 0:32:46 \sp EXPLIK \tx ngentut pasti tu Opi tu! \pho ŋəntot pasti tu wɔpiʔ to \mb ng- kentut pasti tu Opi tu \ge N- fart sure that Opi that \gj N-fart sure that Opi that \ft you must have farted, Opi! \nt teasing OPI. \ref 1046 \id 316059071000010199 \begin 0:32:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm! \mb hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm \ge FILL FILL FILL FILL FILL \gj FILL FILL FILL FILL FILL \ft umm, umm, umm, umm, umm! \nt pointing at a bottle of water. \ref 1047 \id 808431071000010199 \begin 0:32:50 \sp EXPLIK \tx minum? \pho minom \mb minum \ge drink \gj drink \ft you want to drink? \nt asking CHI. \ref 1048 \id 626347071000010199 \begin 0:32:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm. \pho ʔm̩ ʔm ̩ʔm̩ ʔm̩ \mb hmm hmm hmm hmm \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hmm hmm hmm hmm. \nt nodding. \ref 1049 \id 333756071000010199 \begin 0:32:52 \sp EXPLIK \tx mmm, habis nggak itu? \pho m habes ŋgaʔ itu \mb mmm habis nggak itu \ge FILL finished NEG that \gj FILL finished NEG that \ft have you finished those? \nt referring to the noodles CHI's eating. \ref 1050 \id 458807071311131003 \begin 0:32:53 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt still coloring. \ref 1051 \id 346456071000010199 \begin 0:32:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx habis! \pho ʔabis \mb habis \ge finished \gj finished \ft yes. \ref 1052 \id 581434071510131003 \begin 0:32:56 \sp EXPLIK \tx abiskan! \pho ʔabiskan \mb abis -kan \ge finished -KAN \gj finished-KAN \ft finish it! \ref 1053 \id 491768071000010199 \begin 0:32:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx kaya dulu. \pho kaya duluʔ \mb kaya dulu \ge like before \gj like before \ft just like before. \nt referring to the previous time when CHI also ate noodles at EXP's home. \ref 1054 \id 154923071000010199 \begin 0:32:59 \sp EXPLIK \tx hah? \pho ha \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1055 \id 699773071000010199 \begin 0:33:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx dulu. \pho duluʔ \mb dulu \ge before \gj before \ft just like before. \ref 1056 \id 503401071000010199 \begin 0:33:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx aku, aku, ba(nyak), banyak, nggak abis! \pho ʔak ʔaʔku baɲ baɲaʔ ŋga abis \mb aku aku banyak banyak nggak abis \ge 1SG 1SG a.lot a.lot NEG finished \gj 1SG 1SG a.lot a.lot NEG finished \ft they're a lot, I cannot eat them up! \nt talking to EXP and stuttering. \ref 1057 \id 384896071000010199 \begin 0:33:04 \sp EXPLIK \tx apanya? \pho ʔapaɲa \mb apa -nya \ge what -NYA \gj what-NYA \ft what? \nt asking OPI. \ref 1058 \id 364705071000010199 \begin 0:33:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx ba(nyak), banyak nggak abis! \pho baɲ baɲaʔ ŋga ʔabis \mb banyak banyak nggak abis \ge a.lot a.lot NEG finished \gj a.lot a.lot NEG finished \ft they're a lot, I cannot eat them up! \nt stuttering. \ref 1059 \id 581600071834131003 \begin 0:33:07 \sp DRIPIT \tx Opi, ini celananya xxx nggak? \pho ʔopiʔ ʔini clanaɲa xxx ŋgaʔ \mb Opi ini celana -nya xxx nggak \ge Opi this pants -NYA xxx NEG \gj Opi this pants-NYA xxx NEG \ft Opi, xxx the pants? \nt about the coloring. \ref 1060 \id 307458071000010199 \begin 0:33:08 \sp EXPLIK \tx minya nggak mau? \pho miɲa ŋga mau \mb mi -nya nggak mau \ge noodles -NYA NEG want \gj noodles-NYA NEG want \ft you don't want the noodles? \nt asking OPI. \ref 1061 \id 254999071000010199 \begin 0:33:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx ba(nyak), xx minya banyak nggak abis! \pho baɲ beʔ miːɲa baɲaʔ ŋga abis \mb banyak xx mi -nya banyak nggak abis \ge a.lot xx noodles -NYA a.lot NEG finished \gj a.lot xx noodles-NYA a.lot NEG finished \ft they're a lot, I cannot eat them up! \ref 1062 \id 673947072054131003 \begin 0:33:12 \sp KIKPIT \tx ya curangan mainnya. \pho ya curaŋan mainɲa \mb ya curang -an main -nya \ge yes devious -AN play -NYA \gj yes devious-AN play-NYA \ft you cheat. \nt talking to DRI. \ref 1063 \id 576146071000010199 \begin 0:33:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx tar kalo nggak ba(nyak)... \pho tal kalɔ ŋgaʔ baɲ \mb tar kalo nggak banyak \ge moment TOP NEG a.lot \gj moment TOP NEG a.lot \ft but if they're not too many... \ref 1064 \id 801426071000010199 \begin 0:33:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx kalo, kalo, kalo nggak abis buat Ipit aja. \pho kalɔː kalɔh kalɔ ŋgaʔ ʔabis buwat ipit ajah \mb kalo kalo kalo nggak abis buat Ipit aja \ge TOP TOP TOP NEG finished for Ipit just \gj TOP TOP TOP NEG finished for Ipit just \ft if you cannot eat them up, give them to me. \nt asking Opi the rest of his noodles. \ref 1065 \id 246766074904131003 \begin 0:33:18 \sp EXPLIK \tx iya, pinter. \pho ʔiya pintər \mb iya pinter \ge yes smart \gj yes smart \ft yes, good. \ref 1066 \id 785592071000010199 \begin 0:33:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak abis. \pho ŋːgaʔ ʔabis \mb nggak abis \ge NEG finished \gj NEG finished \ft I won't eat them up. \ref 1067 \id 171850071000010199 \begin 0:33:23 \sp EXPLIK \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft why? \ref 1068 \id 791691071000010199 \begin 0:33:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx buat... he-eh, ntar. \pho buwat ʔəʔəh n̩tal \mb buat he-eh ntar \ge for uh-huh moment \gj for uh-huh moment \ft for... uh-huh, later. \ref 1069 \id 976651071000010199 \begin 0:33:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh, terang lagi. \pho ʔɛh təlaŋ lagih \mb eh terang lagi \ge EH bright more \gj EH bright more \ft look, it's bright again. \nt looking outside as it is bright again after clouds cleared up. \ref 1070 \id 103835071000010199 \begin 0:33:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx yah, terang. \pho yah təlaŋ \mb yah terang \ge EXCL bright \gj EXCL bright \ft wow, it's bright! \ref 1071 \id 668414071000010199 \begin 0:33:32 \sp KIKPIT \tx merah mana, Ndri? \pho mɛrah mana ndri \mb merah mana Ndri \ge red which TRU-Indri \gj red which TRU-Indri \ft where is the red one? \nt looking for the red crayon. \ref 1072 \id 855094071000010199 \begin 0:33:35 \sp EXPLIK \tx memang tadi nggak terang? \pho mɛmaŋ tadi ŋgaʔ təraŋ \mb memang tadi nggak terang \ge indeed earlier NEG bright \gj indeed earlier NEG bright \ft wasn't it bright before? \nt asking OPI. \ref 1073 \id 984415071000010199 \begin 0:33:38 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu merahnya deketan orange. \pho tu mɛra dəkətan ʔoren \mb tu merah -nya deket -an orange \ge that red -NYA near -AN orange \gj that red-NYA near-AN orange \ft that's the red one, it's close to the orange one. \nt showing KIK the red crayon. \ref 1074 \id 988201071000010199 \begin 0:33:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx terang. \pho təlaŋ \mb terang \ge bright \gj bright \ft it's bright. \ref 1075 \id 718990071000010199 \begin 0:33:40 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, terang ya? \pho ʔo təraŋ ya \mb oh terang ya \ge EXCL bright yes \gj EXCL bright yes \ft oh, it's bright, right? \ref 1076 \id 384464071000010199 \begin 0:33:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak gelap banget. \pho ŋːgaʔ gəlap baŋət \mb nggak gelap banget \ge NEG dark very \gj NEG dark very \ft it's not so dark. \nt referring to the weather. \ref 1077 \id 302546071000010199 \begin 0:33:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi mo ke Jawa lagi. \mb Opi mo ke Jawa lagi \ge Opi want to Java more \gj Opi want to Java more \ft I'm going to Java again. \ref 1078 \id 509999071000010199 \begin 0:33:46 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, ya? \pho ʔo ya \mb oh ya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, yes? \ref 1079 \id 802855075455131003 \begin 0:33:46 \sp KIKPIT \tx mana sih? \pho mana siʔ \mb mana sih \ge which SIH \gj which SIH \ft where is it? \nt still looking for the red crayon. \ref 1080 \id 507474075529131003 \begin 0:33:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx hmm. \pho hʔm̩ \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1081 \id 576086071000010199 \begin 0:33:47 \sp EXPLIK \tx kapan? \pho kapan \mb kapan \ge when \gj when \ft when? \ref 1082 \id 431809075544131003 \begin 0:33:48 \sp KIKPIT \tx ni dia. \pho ni diyaʔ \mb ni dia \ge this 3 \gj this 3 \ft here it is. \ref 1083 \id 690883071000010199 \begin 0:33:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx besok Minggu. \pho besok miŋgu \mb besok Minggu \ge tomorrow Sunday \gj tomorrow Sunday \ft next Sunday. \ref 1084 \id 486926071000010199 \begin 0:33:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx besok Minggu kan Ipit kan ulang tahun kita. \pho besok miŋgu kan ʔipit tan ʔulaŋ tahun kita \mb besok Minggu kan Ipit kan ulang tahun kita \ge tomorrow Sunday KAN Ipit KAN repeat year 1PL \gj tomorrow Sunday KAN Ipit KAN repeat year 1PL \ft hey, next Sunday is my birthday. \ref 1085 \id 685966071000010199 \begin 0:33:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya nggak? \pho ya ŋgaʔ \mb ya nggak \ge yes NEG \gj yes NEG \ft isn't it? \ref 1086 \id 649062071000010199 \begin 0:33:55 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, ya? \pho ʔo ya \mb oh ya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, yeah? \ref 1087 \id 511127071000010199 \begin 0:33:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi pas tungguin... \pho ʔɔpiʔ pas tuŋguwin \mb Opi pas tunggu -in \ge Opi precise wait -IN \gj Opi precise wait-IN \ft I was waiting for it... \nt interrupting the utterance. \ref 1088 \id 628008071000010199 \begin 0:34:00 \sp DRIPIT \tx nggak, dia tiga puluh November, Si Fitri. \pho ŋgaʔ diya tiga pulu nɔpɛmbər si pitri \mb nggak dia tiga puluh November Si Fitri \ge NEG 3 three ten November PERS Fitri \gj NEG 3 three ten November PERS Fitri \ft no, her birthday is November 30. \ref 1089 \id 353455071000010199 \begin 0:34:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi pas tungguin, Opi... \pho ʔɔpi pas tuŋguwin ɔpih \mb Opi pas tunggu -in Opi \ge Opi precise wait -IN Opi \gj Opi precise wait-IN Opi \ft I was waiting... \ref 1090 \id 239193071000010199 \begin 0:34:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx mo mo, "selamat ulang tahun..." \pho mo mo təlamat ʔulaŋ taun \mb mo mo selamat ulang tahun \ge want want safe repeat year \gj want want safe repeat year \ft I'm going to sing "happy birthday". \nt singing. \ref 1091 \id 428705071000010199 \begin 0:34:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx tar kalo Opi pulangnya lama, terus itu ditinggal. \pho tal kalɔ ʔɔpi pulaŋɲa lama tos ʔitu ditiŋgal \mb tar kalo Opi pulang -nya lama terus itu di- tinggal \ge moment TOP Opi return -NYA long.time continue that DI- stay \gj moment TOP Opi return-NYA long.time continue that DI-stay \ft if you go home for too long, you're going to miss the party. \nt talking to OP I and threatening him that if he goes to Java, he won't join CHI's birthday party. \ref 1092 \id 423021075931131003 \begin 0:34:09 \sp EXPLIK \tx Opi nyanyi? \pho ʔopiʔ ɲaɲi \mb Opi nyanyi \ge Opi sing \gj Opi sing \ft will you sing? \ref 1093 \id 461070071000010199 \begin 0:34:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak, nggak. \pho ŋgaʔ ŋgaʔ \mb nggak nggak \ge NEG NEG \gj NEG NEG \ft no. \ref 1094 \id 815694071000010199 \begin 0:34:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx sebentar. \pho səbəntal \mb se- bentar \ge SE- moment \gj SE-moment \ft not too long. \ref 1095 \id 286678071000010199 \begin 0:34:14 \sp DRIPIT \tx Pit, Pit, Pit, Pit, nyanyi yang "halo Mama", coba! \pho pit pit pit pit ɲaɲi ya halo mama cɔbaʔ \mb Pit Pit Pit Pit nyanyi yang halo Mama coba \ge TRU-Pipit TRU-Pipit TRU-Pipit TRU-Pipit sing REL hello mommy try \gj TRU-Pipit TRU-Pipit TRU-Pipit TRU-Pipit sing REL hello mommy try \ft Pit, Pit, Pit, sing "hello Mama", I want to hear! \ref 1096 \id 207767071000010199 \begin 0:34:15 \sp EXPLIK \tx bisa nggak? \pho bisa ŋgaʔ \mb bisa nggak \ge can NEG \gj can NEG \ft can you? \nt asking CHI. \ref 1097 \id 330507080134131003 \begin 0:34:17 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu nyanyi! \pho tu ɲaɲi \mb tu nyanyi \ge that sing \gj that sing \ft sing please! \ref 1098 \id 548716071000010199 \begin 0:34:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pit, "aku anak soleh" Pit, gitu Pit! \pho pit ʔaku ʔanak sɔle kit gitu pit \mb Pit aku anak soleh Pit gitu Pit \ge TRU-Pipit 1SG child pious TRU-Pipit like.that TRU-Pipit \gj TRU-Pipit 1SG child pious TRU-Pipit like.that TRU-Pipit \ft sing "I am a pious child"! \nt 1. asking CHI to sing a song. 2. slip of the tounge. \ref 1099 \id 593730071000010199 \begin 0:34:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx bisa. \pho bisaʔ \mb bisa \ge can \gj can \ft I can. \ref 1100 \id 293853071000010199 \begin 0:34:21 \sp EXPLIK \tx gimana? \pho gimana \mb gimana \ge how \gj how \ft how? \ref 1101 \id 205213071000010199 \begin 0:34:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx gini. \pho ginih \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this. \nt starting to sing. \ref 1102 \id 821366071000010199 \begin 0:34:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx halo Mama, halo Papa... \pho halo mama halo papa \mb halo Mama halo Papa \ge hello mommy hello daddy \gj hello mommy hello daddy \ft hello Mom, hello Dad.. \nt singing. \ref 1103 \id 213741071000010199 \begin 0:34:26 \sp EXPLIK \tx teros...? \pho təros \mb teros \ge continue \gj continue \ft and then...? \ref 1104 \id 154804071000010199 \begin 0:34:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx jangan suka cium setan. \pho jaŋan suka ciyum sɛtan \mb jangan suka cium setan \ge don't like kiss evil.spirit \gj don't like kiss evil.spirit \ft don't kiss the devil. \nt singing. \ref 1105 \id 498374071000010199 \begin 0:34:30 \sp EXPLIK \tx terus...? \pho təros \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft and then...? \ref 1106 \id 489375071000010199 \begin 0:34:33 \sp CHIPIT \tx bila bibirmu bedarah. \pho bila bibilmu bədala \mb bila bibir -mu be- darah \ge if lip -2 BER- blood \gj if lip-2 BER-blood \ft if your lips are bleeding. \nt singing. \ref 1107 \id 438317071000010199 \begin 0:34:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx kok hi... hi... hi... hi... hi... hi... \pho kɔʔ hi hi hi hi hi hi \mb kok hi hi hi hi hi hi \ge KOK IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj KOK IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft it's hee... hee... hee... \nt singing. \ref 1108 \id 913853071000010199 \begin 0:34:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx baunya (a)ku tak suka. \pho bauʔɲa ku taʔ sukaʔ \mb bau -nya aku tak suka \ge smell -NYA 1SG 1SG like \gj smell-NYA 1SG 1SG like \ft I can't stand the stench. \nt singing. \ref 1109 \id 636244080655131003 \begin 0:34:40 \sp EXPLIK \tx sapa yang ngajarin? \pho sapa yaŋ ŋajarin \mb sapa yang ng- ajar -in \ge who REL N- teach -IN \gj who REL N-teach-IN \ft who teach you that? \ref 1110 \id 352394071000010199 \begin 0:34:41 \sp CHIPIT \tx ada lagi. \pho ʔada lagi \mb ada lagi \ge exist more \gj exist more \ft I know another song. \ref 1111 \id 395179071000010199 \begin 0:34:43 \sp EXPLIK \tx gimana, gimana? \pho gimana gimana \mb gimana gimana \ge how how \gj how how \ft how, how does it sound? \nt asking CHI about another song. \ref 1112 \id 386960071000010199 \begin 0:34:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx ada lagi Tante! \pho ʔada lagi tatəh \mb ada lagi Tante \ge exist more aunt \gj exist more aunt \ft I know another one. \ref 1113 \id 853818071000010199 \begin 0:34:47 \sp EXPLIK \tx iya? \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah? \ref 1114 \id 162993081002131003 \begin 0:34:47 \sp EXPLIK \tx lagu apa? \pho lagu ʷapa \mb lagu apa \ge song what \gj song what \ft what song? \ref 1115 \id 244281071000010199 \begin 0:34:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni, "Aku Anak Saleh". \pho ni ʔaku ʔanak sɔlɛ \mb ni Aku Anak Saleh \ge this 1SG child pious \gj this 1SG child pious \ft clap your hands to sing "Pious Child". \nt "Anak Saleh" is a children's song. \ref 1116 \id 437257081136131003 \begin 0:34:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx tepuk "Anak..." \pho təpuk ʔaʔ \mb tepuk Anak \ge clap child \gj clap child \ft clap "Child..." \ref 1117 \id 884575071000010199 \begin 0:34:50 \sp EXPLIK \tx gimana? \pho gimana \mb gimana \ge how \gj how \ft how to sing it? \ref 1118 \id 407604071000010199 \begin 0:34:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx aku... \pho ʔakuh \mb aku \ge 1SG \gj 1SG \ft I... \nt clapping his hands. \ref 1119 \id 192979081531131003 \begin 0:34:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx tepuk "Anak Saleh." \pho təpuk ʔanak sɔlɛʰ \mb tepuk Anak Saleh \ge clap child pious \gj clap child pious \ft claps "Pious Child." \ref 1120 \id 402119081724131003 \begin 0:34:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt clapping his hands. \ref 1121 \id 411993071000010199 \begin 0:34:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku, anak soleh. \pho ʔaku ʔanak sɔlɛy \mb aku anak soleh \ge 1SG child pious \gj 1SG child pious \ft I am a pious child. \nt starts singing and clapping her hands. \ref 1122 \id 935062081733131003 \begin 0:34:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt clapping his hands. \ref 1123 \id 373126071000010199 \begin 0:34:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx rajin sholat. \pho lajin sɔlat \mb rajin sholat \ge industrious pray \gj industrious pray \ft I am diligent to pray. \ref 1124 \id 414662081841131003 \begin 0:34:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt clapping his hands. \ref 1125 \id 549505071000010199 \begin 0:35:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx rajin ngaji. \pho lajin najin \mb rajin ng- kaji \ge industrious N- chant \gj industrious N-chant \ft I am diligent to recite Koran. \ref 1126 \id 344844071000010199 \begin 0:35:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx orang tua, dihormatin. \pho ʔɔlaŋ tuwah dihɔlmatin \mb orang tua di- hormat -in \ge person old DI- honor -IN \gj person old DI-honor-IN \ft I respect my parents. \ref 1127 \id 231044081859131003 \begin 0:35:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt clapping his hands. \ref 1128 \id 399552071000010199 \begin 0:35:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx kita Islam, sampai mati. \pho kita isam sampɛ mati \mb kita Islam sampai mati \ge 1PL Islam arrive dead \gj 1PL Islam arrive dead \ft and I will be Moslem till I die. \nt stops singing. \ref 1129 \id 273924082020131003 \begin 0:35:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt clapping his hands. \ref 1130 \id 978833071000010199 \begin 0:35:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx sampai mati. \pho sapɛ matiʔ \mb sampai mati \ge arrive dead \gj arrive dead \ft until I die. \nt stops singing. \ref 1131 \id 764672071000010199 \begin 0:35:09 \sp CHIPIT \tx www www. \pho lailahailolo hamatdalasululo \mb www www \ge www www \gj www www \ft www www. \nt CHI is saying her confession of faith to Islam. \ref 1132 \id 949220082353131003 \begin 0:35:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx www. \pho lailahaʔ \mb www \ge www \gj www \ft www. \ref 1133 \id 467433071000010199 \begin 0:35:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx yes! \pho yɛs \mb yes \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes! \ref 1134 \id 655540071000010199 \begin 0:35:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx yes. \pho yɛs \mb yes \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 1135 \id 479991071000010199 \begin 0:35:13 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, gitu. \pho ʔo gitu \mb oh gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, well. \ref 1136 \id 221269071000010199 \begin 0:35:14 \sp EXPLIK \tx sapa yang ngajarin? \pho sapa yaŋ ŋajarin \mb sapa yang ng- ajar -in \ge who REL N- teach -IN \gj who REL N-teach-IN \ft who taught you? \nt asking CHI. \ref 1137 \id 673274071000010199 \begin 0:35:15 \sp CHIPIT \tx Bu guru. \pho bu guluʔ \mb Bu guru \ge TRU-mother teacher \gj TRU-mother teacher \ft the teacher. \ref 1138 \id 634721071000010199 \begin 0:35:16 \sp EXPLIK \tx o, Bu guru ya? \pho ʔo bu guru ya \mb o Bu guru ya \ge EXCL TRU-mother teacher yes \gj EXCL TRU-mother teacher yes \ft the teacher, right? \ref 1139 \id 680241071000010199 \begin 0:35:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya. \pho yaʔ \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 1140 \id 735982071000010199 \begin 0:35:17 \sp EXPLIK \tx masa dikasi "yes" gitu? \pho masaʔ dikasiʔ yɛs gitu \mb masa di- kasi yes gitu \ge incredible DI- give yes like.that \gj incredible DI-give yes like.that \ft how come she taught the word "yes", as you said? \ref 1141 \id 761984082547131003 \begin 0:35:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔəh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1142 \id 676324071000010199 \begin 0:35:19 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaʔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 1143 \id 604309071000010199 \begin 0:35:20 \sp EXPLIK \tx emang ada... \pho ʔɛmaŋ ada \mb emang ada \ge indeed exist \gj indeed exist \ft is actually there... \nt referring to the "yes" word at the end of the clapping game. \ref 1144 \id 743296071000010199 \begin 0:35:21 \sp DRIPIT \tx nggak, dia nambahin doang. \pho ŋga diya nambain dɔwaŋ \mb nggak dia n- tambah -in doang \ge NEG 3 N- add -IN just \gj NEG 3 N-add-IN just \ft no, she just added it. \nt it's CHI who adds that word. \ref 1145 \id 291152071000010199 \begin 0:35:22 \sp EXPLIK \tx emang ada yes-nya? \pho ʔɛmaŋ ada yɛsɲa \mb emang ada yes -nya \ge indeed exist yes -NYA \gj indeed exist yes-NYA \ft is "yes", really there? \ref 1146 \id 697644071000010199 \begin 0:35:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx ada. \pho ʔadaʔ \mb ada \ge exist \gj exist \ft yes. \ref 1147 \id 281770082732131003 \begin 0:35:24 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm. \pho m̃ː \mb hmm \ge oh \gj oh \ft oh. \ref 1148 \id 719163071000010199 \begin 0:35:26 \sp EXPLIK \tx kalo Opi bisanya nyanyi apa? \pho kalɔʔ ʔɔpiʔ bisaɲa ɲaɲi yapa \mb kalo Opi bisa -nya nyanyi apa \ge TOP Opi can -NYA sing what \gj TOP Opi can-NYA sing what \ft what song can you sing? \nt asking OPI. \ref 1149 \id 594223071000010199 \begin 0:35:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx diobok-obok, airnya diobok-obok. \pho diʔɔbɔʔɔbɔʔ ʔaiɲa diʔɔbɔʔɔbɔʔ \mb di- obok - obok air -nya di- obok - obok \ge DI- mess.up - mess.up water -NYA DI- mess.up - mess.up \gj DI-RED-mess.up water-NYA DI-RED-mess.up \ft I stir the water, I stir the water. \nt singing. \ref 1150 \id 418416071000010199 \begin 0:35:30 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh itu bisa? \pho ʔo witu bisa \mb oh itu bisa \ge EXCL that can \gj EXCL that can \ft oh, you can sing that? \nt asking OPI. \ref 1151 \id 332694071000010199 \begin 0:35:32 \sp DRIPIT \tx ayo Ki, kan lomba, Ki! \pho ʔayo ki kan lɔmba kiʔ \mb ayo Ki kan lomba Ki \ge AYO TRU-Kiki KAN compete TRU-Kiki \gj AYO TRU-Kiki KAN compete TRU-Kiki \ft come on Ki, this is a race, right? \nt asking KIK to color more quickly. \ref 1152 \id 523167082903131003 \begin 0:35:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx ng... \pho ŋː \mb ng \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft uh... \ref 1153 \id 495849071000010199 \begin 0:35:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx diobok-obok, airnya diobok... \pho diʔɔbɔʔɔbɔʔ ʔaɛlɲa diʔɔbɔʔ \mb di- obok - obok air -nya di- obok \ge DI- mess.up - mess.up water -NYA DI- mess.up \gj DI-RED-mess.up water-NYA DI-mess.up \ft I stir the water, I stir the water... \nt stopping her singing, since Opi closes her eyes from behind. \ref 1154 \id 491536083055131003 \begin 0:35:38 \sp KIKPIT \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \ref 1155 \id 342590071000010199 \begin 0:35:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx Opi, uh...! \pho ʔɔpiʔ ʔuːh \mb Opi uh \ge Opi EXCL \gj Opi EXCL \ft Opi... hey! \nt being angry with OPI. \ref 1156 \id 767261083204131003 \begin 0:35:41 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt showing his tounge to CHI. \ref 1157 \id 776736083252131003 \begin 0:35:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx sst! \pho s̩t \mb sst \ge shush \gj shush \ft shush! \ref 1158 \id 325748071000010199 \begin 0:35:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx makan, uh! \pho makan ʔuh \mb makan uh \ge eat EXCL \gj eat EXCL \ft hey, eat! \nt telling OPI to finish his noodles. \ref 1159 \id 722380083405131003 \begin 0:35:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx he, kutuan! \pho hẽ kutuwan \mb he kutu -an \ge EXCL louse -AN \gj EXCL louse-AN \ft hey, you have louse! \nt touching CHI's hair from behind. \ref 1160 \id 761488071000010199 \begin 0:35:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya udah kalo nggak mau ya udah! \pho ya uda kalɔ ŋga mau ya uda \mb ya udah kalo nggak mau ya udah \ge yes PFCT TOP NEG want yes PFCT \gj yes PFCT TOP NEG want yes PFCT \ft okay, if you don't want to, who cares! \nt starting to eat OPI's noodles. \ref 1161 \id 668744084411131003 \begin 0:35:49 \sp KIKPIT \tx merah, merah, merah, merah! \pho mɛra mɛra mɛra mɛra \mb merah merah merah merah \ge red red red red \gj red red red red \ft give me the red one! \nt talking to DRI. \ref 1162 \id 951168071000010199 \begin 0:35:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx kenyang. \pho kəɲaŋ \mb kenyang \ge sated \gj sated \ft I am full. \ref 1163 \id 210487071000010199 \begin 0:35:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx gerak-gerak, kan? \pho gəlakgəlak kan \mb gerak - gerak kan \ge move - move KAN \gj RED-move KAN \ft it's moving, right? \nt touching his stomach. \ref 1164 \id 358567071000010199 \begin 0:35:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya udah tar buat Ipit aja deh! \pho ya uda tal buwat ʔipit ja dɛh \mb ya udah tar buat Ipit aja deh \ge yes PFCT moment for Ipit just DEH \gj yes PFCT moment for Ipit just DEH \ft okay, I'm going to eat them! \nt referring to the noodles. \ref 1165 \id 106514084632131003 \begin 0:35:55 \sp KIKPIT \tx merah. \pho mɛra \mb merah \ge red \gj red \ft the red one. \ref 1166 \id 645693071000010199 \begin 0:35:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya udah. \pho ya udah \mb ya udah \ge yes PFCT \gj yes PFCT \ft okay. \ref 1167 \id 386867071000010199 \begin 0:35:59 \sp EXPLIK \tx pinter! \pho pintər \mb pinter \ge smart \gj smart \ft good! \ref 1168 \id 683992085005131003 \begin 0:36:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx dik...it aja. \pho dikːkit ʔajah \mb dikit aja \ge a.little just \gj a.little just \ft just a little. \ref 1169 \id 194928071000010199 \begin 0:36:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx mo nggak? \pho mɔ ngaʔ \mb mo nggak \ge want NEG \gj want NEG \ft do you want them? \nt asking OPI about the noodles. \ref 1170 \id 768872071000010199 \begin 0:36:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx mau nggak? \pho mau ŋgaʔ \mb mau nggak \ge want NEG \gj want NEG \ft don't you want them? \ref 1171 \id 768793085145131003 \begin 0:36:10 \sp DRIPIT \tx yailah! \pho yaʔila \mb yailah \ge OATH \gj OATH \ft oh my! \nt still coloring. \ref 1172 \id 844827071000010199 \begin 0:36:13 \sp KIKPIT \tx yaelah cepet banget! \pho woʔila cəpət baŋət \mb yaelah cepet banget \ge OATH quick very \gj OATH quick very \ft wow, you worked so quickly! \nt looking at DRI who has almost finished coloring the picture. \ref 1173 \id 431327085249131003 \begin 0:36:17 \sp DRIPIT \tx menang deh Indri. \pho mənaŋ dɛ ʔindri \mb menang deh Indri \ge win DEH Indri \gj win DEH Indri \ft I win. \ref 1174 \id 333238071000010199 \begin 0:36:18 \sp EXPLIK \tx kalah tu Mas tu! \pho kala tu mas tu \mb kalah tu Mas tu \ge defeated that EPIT that \gj defeated that EPIT that \ft he lost! \nt talking to CHI and OPI and referring to KIK. \ref 1175 \id 650439071000010199 \begin 0:36:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx gini kaya Kakak Indri. \pho gini kay kaka ʔindi \mb gini kaya Kakak Indri \ge like.this like older.sibling Indri \gj like.this like older.sibling Indri \ft Indri is like this. \nt reference unclear. \ref 1176 \id 253451071000010199 \begin 0:36:21 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm? \pho hm̩ \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1177 \id 658338071000010199 \begin 0:36:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx Mas, Mas, Mas. \pho mas mas mas \mb Mas Mas Mas \ge EPIT EPIT EPIT \gj EPIT EPIT EPIT \ft Kiki, Kiki, Kiki. \nt clapping his hands to incite KIK to compete. \ref 1178 \id 711815071000010199 \begin 0:36:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx Kakak Indri! \pho kaka ʔindi \mb Kakak Indri \ge older.sibling Indri \gj older.sibling Indri \ft Indri! \nt clapping his hands to incite DRI and KIK to compete. \ref 1179 \id 402486071000010199 \begin 0:36:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx Kakak Indri! \pho kakaʔ ʔindi \mb Kakak Indri \ge older.sibling Indri \gj older.sibling Indri \ft Indri! \nt clapping his hands. \ref 1180 \id 801181071000010199 \begin 0:36:27 \sp DRIPIT \tx nah lo, biru mana? \pho na lo biruʔ mana \mb nah lo biru mana \ge NAH 2 blue which \gj NAH 2 blue which \ft hey you, where is the blue one? \nt looking for the blue crayon. \ref 1181 \id 268348071000010199 \begin 0:36:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx nah lo! \pho na lo \mb nah lo \ge NAH 2 \gj NAH 2 \ft hey you! \nt repeating DRI's utterance. \ref 1182 \id 840412071000010199 \begin 0:36:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx nah lo! \pho na loh \mb nah lo \ge NAH 2 \gj NAH 2 \ft come on! \ref 1183 \id 830786071000010199 \begin 0:36:33 \sp DRIPIT \tx biru yang... \pho biru yaŋ \mb biru yang \ge blue REL \gj blue REL \ft the blue one is... \nt looking for the blue crayon. \ref 1184 \id 142341071000010199 \begin 0:36:35 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni dia. \pho ni diyah \mb ni dia \ge this 3 \gj this 3 \ft here it is. \nt finding the blue crayon. \ref 1185 \id 731841071000010199 \begin 0:36:37 \sp EXPLIK \tx ngapain itu Mas kok cepet-cepet? \pho ŋapain itu mas koʔ cəpətcəpət \mb ng- apa -in itu Mas kok cepet - cepet \ge N- what -IN that EPIT KOK quick - quick \gj N-what-IN that EPIT KOK RED-quick \ft why is he doing it so quick? \nt asking CHI and OPI. \ref 1186 \id 133891071000010199 \begin 0:36:39 \sp DRIPIT \tx lomba. \pho lɔmbaʔ \mb lomba \ge compete \gj compete \ft it's a competition. \ref 1187 \id 914672071000010199 \begin 0:36:41 \sp EXPLIK \tx lomba? \pho lɔmba \mb lomba \ge compete \gj compete \ft a competition? \ref 1188 \id 618375071000010199 \begin 0:36:43 \sp DRIPIT \tx eh, menang, menang, menang, menang, menang! \pho ʔə mənaŋ mənaŋ mənaŋ mənaŋ mənaŋ \mb eh menang menang menang menang menang \ge EXCL win win win win win \gj EXCL win win win win win \ft hey, I won! \ref 1189 \id 442652071000010199 \begin 0:36:45 \sp EXPLIK \tx sekarang Ipit sama Opi lomba makan. \pho skaraŋ ʔipit sama ʔɔpiʔ lɔmba makan \mb sekarang Ipit sama Opi lomba makan \ge now Ipit with Opi compete eat \gj now Ipit with Opi compete eat \ft now Ipit and Opi race in eating. \ref 1190 \id 865676071000010199 \begin 0:36:47 \sp EXPLIK \tx siapa yang cepat, juara! \pho siyapa yaŋ cəpat juwara \mb siapa yang cepat juara \ge who REL quick champion \gj who REL quick champion \ft who eats faster is the champion! \ref 1191 \id 645088071000010199 \begin 0:36:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmm... \pho m̃ \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 1192 \id 419947090001131003 \begin 0:36:52 \sp EXPLIK \tx juara. \pho juwara \mb juara \ge champion \gj champion \ft the champion. \ref 1193 \id 308356071000010199 \begin 0:36:55 \sp KIKPIT \tx kalo yang kenyang kalah! \pho kalɔʔ yaŋ kəɲaŋ kalah \mb kalo yang kenyang kalah \ge TOP REL sated defeated \gj TOP REL sated defeated \ft who is full, loses! \ref 1194 \id 858094090112131003 \begin 0:36:56 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1195 \id 946765071000010199 \begin 0:36:58 \sp EXPLIK \tx kalo Mbak Indri balapan sama Mas Kiki. \pho kalɔʔ mbaʔ ʔindri balapan sama mas kiki \mb kalo Mbak Indri balap -an sama Mas Kiki \ge TOP EPIT Indri race -AN with EPIT Kiki \gj TOP EPIT Indri race-AN with EPIT Kiki \ft now Indri races with Kiki. \ref 1196 \id 905237071000010199 \begin 0:37:00 \sp EXPLIK \tx tu, bagus-bagusan! \pho to bagusbagusan \mb tu bagus - bagus -an \ge that nice - nice -AN \gj that RED.AN-nice \ft they're trying hard to be the best. \nt referring to the coloring the book. \ref 1197 \id 447577071000010199 \begin 0:37:02 \sp DRIPIT \tx biru. \pho biruːʔ \mb biru \ge blue \gj blue \ft blue. \nt looking for a blue crayon. \ref 1198 \id 838068071000010199 \begin 0:37:04 \sp KIKPIT \tx orange. \pho ʔɔrɛn \mb orange \ge orange \gj orange \ft orange. \nt looking for an orange crayon. \ref 1199 \id 136122071000010199 \begin 0:37:06 \sp EXPLIK \tx sekarang Pipit sama Opi. \pho skaraŋ pipit sama ʔɔpiʔ \mb sekarang Pipit sama Opi \ge now Pipit with Opi \gj now Pipit with Opi \ft now Pipit and Opi. \ref 1200 \id 604853071000010199 \begin 0:37:09 \sp EXPLIK \tx siapa yang cepat makannya juara satu. \pho siyapa yaŋ cəpət makanɲa juwara satu \mb siapa yang cepat makan -nya juara satu \ge who REL quick eat -NYA champion one \gj who REL quick eat-NYA champion one \ft who eats faster is the champion. \ref 1201 \id 887420071000010199 \begin 0:37:12 \sp EXPLIK \tx eh, adekmu mana? \pho ʔeh ʔadeʔmu mana \mb eh adek -mu mana \ge EXCL younger.sibling -2 which \gj EXCL younger.sibling-2 which \ft where is your younger brother? \ref 1202 \id 683374071000010199 \begin 0:37:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx rumah. \pho lumah \mb rumah \ge house \gj house \ft he is at home. \nt referring to OPI's baby brother. \ref 1203 \id 283677071000010199 \begin 0:37:18 \sp EXPLIK \tx bobok apa nggak? \pho boboʔ ʔapa ŋgaʔ \mb bobok apa nggak \ge sleep what NEG \gj sleep what NEG \ft is she sleeping? \nt asking OPI. \ref 1204 \id 170805071000010199 \begin 0:37:19 \sp CHIPIT \tx namanya, namanya Farizki. \pho namaɲah namaɲa faliski \mb nama -nya nama -nya Farizki \ge name -NYA name -NYA Farizki \gj name-NYA name-NYA Farizki \ft his name, his name is Farizki. \nt talking to EXP. \ref 1205 \id 110080090252131003 \begin 0:37:20 \sp KIKPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1206 \id 322637071000010199 \begin 0:37:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx Fajar. \pho pajal \mb Fajar \ge Fajar \gj Fajar \ft Fajar. \nt correcting CHI's statement. \ref 1207 \id 673095071000010199 \begin 0:37:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx Fariz. \pho falis \mb Fariz \ge Fariz \gj Fariz \ft Fariz. \ref 1208 \id 325005071000010199 \begin 0:37:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx Fajar. \pho pajal \mb Fajar \ge Fajar \gj Fajar \ft Fajar. \ref 1209 \id 876895071000010199 \begin 0:37:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx dia, dia kalo di Jawa Fariz. \pho diya diyah kalɔ di jawa falis \mb dia dia kalo di Jawa Fariz \ge 3 3 TOP LOC Java Fariz \gj 3 3 TOP LOC Java Fariz \ft in Java he is called Fariz. \ref 1210 \id 326330090414131003 \begin 0:37:26 \sp EXPLIK \tx o... \pho ʔoː \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh... \ref 1211 \id 197674071000010199 \begin 0:37:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ipit panggilnya di Jawa, Fajar, eh nggak boleh. \pho ʔipit paŋgilɲa di jawa fajal ʔɛh ʔŋga bɔlɛ \mb Ipit panggil -nya di Jawa Fajar eh nggak boleh \ge Ipit call -NYA LOC Java Fajar EXCL NEG may \gj Ipit call-NYA LOC Java Fajar EXCL NEG may \ft I was forbidden to call him Fajar in Java. \nt talking about OPI. \ref 1212 \id 122942071000010199 \begin 0:37:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx sekarang di sini Fajar. \pho skalaŋ di sini fajal \mb sekarang di sini Fajar \ge now LOC here Fajar \gj now LOC here Fajar \ft but now, here, his name is Fajar. \ref 1213 \id 502723071000010199 \begin 0:37:32 \sp CHIPIT \tx sekarang aku panggilnya Fariz. \pho skalaŋ ʔaku paŋgilɲa falis \mb sekarang aku panggil -nya Fariz \ge now 1SG call -NYA Fariz \gj now 1SG call-NYA Fariz \ft so, now I call him Faris. \ref 1214 \id 647782090511131003 \begin 0:37:34 \sp EXPLIK \tx o... \pho ʔoː \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh... \ref 1215 \id 595138090605131003 \begin 0:37:37 \sp KIKPIT \tx ijo... ijo. \pho ʔijɔːh ʔijɔ \mb ijo ijo \ge green green \gj green green \ft the green one, the green one. \ref 1216 \id 679642071000010199 \begin 0:37:40 \sp KIKPIT \tx di mana sih ijo ya? \pho di mana si ijoʔ ya \mb di mana sih ijo ya \ge LOC which SIH green yes \gj LOC which SIH green yes \ft where is the green one? \nt looking for the green crayon. \ref 1217 \id 566495071000010199 \begin 0:37:43 \sp EXPLIK \tx bobok apa nggak adekmu? \pho boboʔ apa ŋgaʔ ʔadeʔmu \mb bobok apa nggak adek -mu \ge sleep what NEG younger.sibling -2 \gj sleep what NEG younger.sibling-2 \ft is your brother sleeping? \nt asking OPI. \ref 1218 \id 603260071000010199 \begin 0:37:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini pak(e), pake air men(tah), mentah ya? \pho ʔini paʔ pakɛ ʔaːel mət məta ya \mb ini pake pake air mentah mentah ya \ge this use use water raw raw yes \gj this use use water raw raw yes \ft this is unboiled water, right? \nt asking about the water he has drunk. \ref 1219 \id 499976090829131003 \begin 0:37:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh, kalo, kalo... \pho ʔɛ kaloh kaloh \mb eh kalo kalo \ge EXCL TOP TOP \gj EXCL TOP TOP \ft hey, if, if... \ref 1220 \id 214039071000010199 \begin 0:37:48 \sp EXPLIK \tx matang. \pho matəŋ \mb matang \ge ripe \gj ripe \ft it's boiled. \nt referring to the water. \ref 1221 \id 659467071000010199 \begin 0:37:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx bohong. \pho bɔʔɔŋ \mb bohong \ge lie \gj lie \ft you're lying. \nt talking to EXP. \ref 1222 \id 853234071000010199 \begin 0:37:50 \sp KIKPIT \tx udah menang aja dah. \pho ʔuda mənaŋ aja da \mb udah menang aja dah \ge PFCT win just DAH \gj PFCT win just DAH \ft okay, you won. \nt talking to DRI. \ref 1223 \id 331382071000010199 \begin 0:37:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx tar, tar kalo... dia kan kalo... \pho tal tal kalɔʔ diya kan kaloːh \mb tar tar kalo dia kan kalo \ge moment moment TOP 3 KAN TOP \gj moment moment TOP 3 KAN TOP \ft if, if... he is... \nt talking to EXP about OPI. \ref 1224 \id 416697091305131003 \begin 0:37:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi, Opi... \pho ʔop ʔop \mb Opi Opi \ge Opi Opi \gj Opi Opi \ft I, I... \ref 1225 \id 957193071000010199 \begin 0:37:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx orang lewat udah punya adek... "namanya siapa?" \pho ʔɔlaŋ lɛwat uda puɲa ʔadeʔ namaɲa siyapa \mb orang lewat udah punya adek nama -nya siapa \ge person go.by PFCT have younger.sibling name -NYA who \gj person go.by PFCT have younger.sibling name-NYA who \ft when a passer-by asks Opi about his young brother..."what's his name"? \ref 1226 \id 665913071000010199 \begin 0:37:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx eee, "Wagiman" gitu katanya. \pho ʔəː wagiman gitu kataɲa \mb eee Wagiman gitu kata -nya \ge FILL Wagiman like.that word -NYA \gj FILL Wagiman like.that word-NYA \ft "Wagiman", he says. \nt referring to OPI. \ref 1227 \id 225440071000010199 \begin 0:38:00 \sp EXPLIK \tx Wagiman? \pho wagiman \mb Wagiman \ge Wagiman \gj Wagiman \ft Wagiman? \ref 1228 \id 244749091501131003 \begin 0:38:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt smiling to EXPLIK and clapping his hands. \ref 1229 \id 200421091633131003 \begin 0:38:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmm, mmm... \pho m̩ m̩ \mb mmm mmm \ge FILL FILL \gj FILL FILL \ft umm, umm... \ref 1230 \id 572879071000010199 \begin 0:38:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx tar kalo rumah Tante Like, "Fajar". \pho tal kalɔ lumah tatə likə fajal \mb tar kalo rumah Tante Like Fajar \ge moment TOP house aunt Like Fajar \gj moment TOP house aunt Like Fajar \ft but if he is going to your house his name is "Fajar". \nt talking to EXP about OPI's baby brother. \ref 1231 \id 788298071000010199 \begin 0:38:08 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm, laen-laen ya namanya? \pho mː laenlaen ya namaɲa \mb hmm laen - laen ya nama -nya \ge oh other - other yes name -NYA \gj oh RED-other yes name-NYA \ft so, his names are different, right? \nt talking to CHI. \ref 1232 \id 652497071000010199 \begin 0:38:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pit, banyakan nih Pit! \pho pit baɲaʔn ni pit \mb Pit banyak -an nih Pit \ge TRU-Pipit a.lot -AN this TRU-Pipit \gj TRU-Pipit a.lot-AN this TRU-Pipit \ft these are too many for me! \nt asking CHI to eat his noodles. \ref 1233 \id 627991071000010199 \begin 0:38:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx mampus! \pho mapus \mb mampus \ge croak \gj croak \ft go to hell! \ref 1234 \id 960865071000010199 \begin 0:38:15 \sp KIKPIT \tx heh, xxx! \pho hɛh xxx \mb heh xxx \ge EXCL xxx \gj EXCL xxx \ft hey! \nt forbidding CHI to say that. \ref 1235 \id 285829071000010199 \begin 0:38:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu Pit, banyakan! \pho tu pit baɲaʔən \mb tu Pit banyak -an \ge that TRU-Pipit a.lot -AN \gj that TRU-Pipit a.lot-AN \ft they're too many, Ipit! \nt referring to his noodles. \ref 1236 \id 388733092011131003 \begin 0:38:18 \sp EXPLIK \tx emang banyak? \pho ʔɛmaŋ baɲaʔ \mb emang banyak \ge indeed a.lot \gj indeed a.lot \ft you think it's too much? \ref 1237 \id 348174071000010199 \begin 0:38:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx mampus lu, Pit juga nggak pedes. \pho mapus lu pit jugaʔ ŋgaʔ pədəs \mb mampus lu Pit juga nggak pedes \ge croak 2 TRU-Pipit also NEG spicy \gj croak 2 TRU-Pipit also NEG spicy \ft go to hell, look, mine also are not too hot. \ref 1238 \id 580023071000010199 \begin 0:38:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx banyakan ni Pit! \pho baɲaʔən ni pit \mb banyak -an ni Pit \ge a.lot -AN this TRU-Pipit \gj a.lot-AN this TRU-Pipit \ft they're too many! \ref 1239 \id 940084071000010199 \begin 0:38:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx mampus lu Pi! \pho mapus lu piʔ \mb mampus lu Pi \ge croak 2 TRU-Opi \gj croak 2 TRU-Opi \ft go to hell, Pi! \ref 1240 \id 223390071000010199 \begin 0:38:24 \sp OPIPIT \tx yah! \pho yah \mb yah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft yeah! \nt warning CHI to not say that bad words again. \ref 1241 \id 951609092536131003 \begin 0:38:26 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni ini bukan putih, biru. \pho ni ʔini bukan puti biruʔ \mb ni ini bukan putih biru \ge this this NEG white blue \gj this this NEG white blue \ft this isn't white but blue. \nt talking to KIK. \ref 1242 \id 329669071000010199 \begin 0:38:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx bukan aku. \pho bukan aku \mb bukan aku \ge NEG 1SG \gj NEG 1SG \ft it wasn't me. \nt taking some noodles from OPI's bowl. \ref 1243 \id 420577092715131003 \begin 0:38:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx susah! \pho susaʔ \mb susah \ge difficult \gj difficult \ft it's difficult! \nt trying to cut the noodles. \ref 1244 \id 656989092835131003 \begin 0:38:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak bisa, susah. \pho ŋa bisaʔ tusaʔ \mb nggak bisa susah \ge NEG can difficult \gj NEG can difficult \ft I can't, it's hard. \ref 1245 \id 525285093938131003 \begin 0:38:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx tu dah. \pho tu dah \mb tu dah \ge that PFCT \gj that PFCT \ft it's done. \ref 1246 \id 260842071000010199 \begin 0:38:32 \sp EXPLIK \tx pinter! \pho pintəːr \mb pinter \ge smart \gj smart \ft good! \ref 1247 \id 983015094026131003 \begin 0:38:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx susah. \pho tusaʔ \mb susah \ge difficult \gj difficult \ft it's hard. \ref 1248 \id 682651071000010199 \begin 0:38:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx sudah. \mb sudah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft okay! \ref 1249 \id 861135094132131003 \begin 0:38:35 \sp EXPLIK \tx pinter! \pho pintər \mb pinter \ge smart \gj smart \ft good! \ref 1250 \id 817302094200131003 \begin 0:38:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \ref 1251 \id 319586094219131003 \begin 0:38:37 \sp DRIPIT \tx hijau. \pho hijaw \mb hijau \ge green \gj green \ft the green one. \nt still coloring. \ref 1252 \id 690497094230131003 \begin 0:38:38 \sp KIKPIT \tx biarin aja ntar. \pho biyarin ʔaja n̩tar \mb biar -in aja ntar \ge let -IN just moment \gj let-IN just moment \ft I'll do it later. \ref 1253 \id 306686094400131003 \begin 0:38:40 \sp EXPLIK \tx tolong ambilin... \pho tolɔŋ ʔambilin \mb tolong ambil -in \ge help take -IN \gj help take-IN \ft help me please... \nt interrupted. \ref 1254 \id 739556071000010199 \begin 0:38:41 \sp CHIPIT \tx tar sampai malem nggak apa-apa kok! \pho tal sapɛʔ maləm ŋga papa keʔ \mb tar sampai malem nggak apa - apa kok \ge moment arrive night NEG what - what KOK \gj moment arrive night NEG RED-what KOK \ft it will be okay if I stay here until late! \nt talking to herself. \ref 1255 \id 778999094530131003 \begin 0:38:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ʔŋ̩gaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 1256 \id 962240094605131003 \begin 0:38:43 \sp KIKPIT \tx pink mana pink tadi? \pho piŋ mana piŋ tadiʔ \mb pink mana pink tadi \ge pink which pink earlier \gj pink which pink earlier \ft where was the pink one? \ref 1257 \id 889109094700131003 \begin 0:38:45 \sp KIKPIT \tx gila. \pho gila \mb gila \ge crazy \gj crazy \ft it's amazing. \nt taking a crayon. \ref 1258 \id 445168071000010199 \begin 0:38:47 \sp EXPLIK \tx enak ya Pi ya? \pho ʔɛnakʔ ya piʔ ya \mb enak ya Pi ya \ge pleasant yes TRU-Opi yes \gj pleasant yes TRU-Opi yes \ft they're good, right, Pi? \nt asking OPI about the noodles. \ref 1259 \id 275941094816131003 \begin 0:38:48 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1260 \id 860105071000010199 \begin 0:38:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx pedes. \pho pədəs \mb pedes \ge spicy \gj spicy \ft they're too hot. \nt referring to the noodles. \ref 1261 \id 650112094850131003 \begin 0:38:50 \sp KIKPIT \tx ni dia. \pho ni diya \mb ni dia \ge this 3 \gj this 3 \ft here it is. \nt taking a crayon. \ref 1262 \id 611535071000010199 \begin 0:38:51 \sp EXPLIK \tx pedes? \pho pədəs \mb pedes \ge spicy \gj spicy \ft hot? \ref 1263 \id 691913071000010199 \begin 0:38:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku mah nggak. \pho ʔaku ma ʔəŋgaʔ \mb aku mah nggak \ge 1SG MAH NEG \gj 1SG MAH NEG \ft mine are not. \ref 1264 \id 154627095022131003 \begin 0:38:53 \sp EXPLIK \tx Tante lupa. \pho tantə lupaːʔ \mb Tante lupa \ge aunt forget \gj aunt forget \ft I forgot. \ref 1265 \id 705872071000010199 \begin 0:38:54 \sp EXPLIK \tx lupa tadi pake cabe. \pho lupa tadi pakɛʔ cabe \mb lupa tadi pake cabe \ge forget earlier use chili.pepper \gj forget earlier use chili.pepper \ft sorry, I forgot, but I put some chili on them. \ref 1266 \id 410120071000010199 \begin 0:38:55 \sp EXPLIK \tx Pipit pedes nggak? \pho pipit pədəs ŋgaʔ \mb Pipit pedes nggak \ge Pipit spicy NEG \gj Pipit spicy NEG \ft are yours hot? \nt asking CHI about her noodles. \ref 1267 \id 232160095121131003 \begin 0:38:57 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt shaking. \ref 1268 \id 397490071000010199 \begin 0:38:59 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, pinter! \pho ʔo pintər \mb oh pinter \ge EXCL smart \gj EXCL smart \ft oh, good. \ref 1269 \id 528650071000010199 \begin 0:39:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx lup(a), lup(a), lupa ya pake cab(e), cabe ya? \pho lup lup lupa ya pak cap cabe ya \mb lupa lupa lupa ya pake cabe cabe ya \ge forget forget forget yes use chili.pepper chili.pepper yes \gj forget forget forget yes use chili.pepper chili.pepper yes \ft you forgot, you forgot, you forgot, and you put chili in my noodles? \ref 1270 \id 836269071000010199 \begin 0:39:02 \sp EXPLIK \tx ya. \pho ʔiya \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 1271 \id 492420071000010199 \begin 0:39:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu kan Opi nggak mau. \pho tu kan ʔɔpi ŋga mau \mb tu kan Opi nggak mau \ge that KAN Opi NEG want \gj that KAN Opi NEG want \ft you see, I don't want them. \ref 1272 \id 310462071000010199 \begin 0:39:06 \sp EXPLIK \tx Tante lupa. \pho tantə lupa \mb Tante lupa \ge aunt forget \gj aunt forget \ft I forgot. \ref 1273 \id 352523071000010199 \begin 0:39:08 \sp EXPLIK \tx tadi nggak tanya dulu sama Opi. \pho tadi ŋgaʔ taɲa dulu sama ɔpiʔ \mb tadi nggak tanya dulu sama Opi \ge earlier NEG ask before with Opi \gj earlier NEG ask before with Opi \ft I didn't ask you beforehand. \ref 1274 \id 767938071000010199 \begin 0:39:09 \sp EXPLIK \tx mestinya tanya dulu ya? \pho məstiɲa taɲaʔ dulu ya \mb mesti -nya tanya dulu ya \ge should -NYA ask before yes \gj should-NYA ask before yes \ft I should have asked you first, right? \ref 1275 \id 447166071000010199 \begin 0:39:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 1276 \id 230048071000010199 \begin 0:39:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx besok tanya saja. \pho bisok tanːna tajah \mb besok tanya saja \ge tomorrow ask just \gj tomorrow ask just \ft so, next time you ask. \ref 1277 \id 631500071000010199 \begin 0:39:13 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm? \pho hm̩ \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1278 \id 537846071000010199 \begin 0:39:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx besok. \pho bɛsok \mb besok \ge tomorrow \gj tomorrow \ft next time. \ref 1279 \id 599571071000010199 \begin 0:39:16 \sp EXPLIK \tx besok aja? \pho besok aja \mb besok aja \ge tomorrow just \gj tomorrow just \ft next time, okay? \ref 1280 \id 313430071000010199 \begin 0:39:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-em. \pho hm̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1281 \id 733960071000010199 \begin 0:39:18 \sp EXPLIK \tx ya deh. \pho ya dɛ \mb ya deh \ge yes DEH \gj yes DEH \ft okay. \ref 1282 \id 883969071000010199 \begin 0:39:19 \sp CHIPIT \tx besok direkam lagi Tante? \pho bɛsɔk diləkam lagi tatəh \mb besok di- rekam lagi Tante \ge tomorrow DI- record more aunt \gj tomorrow DI-record more aunt \ft tomorrow you are going to make another recording session? \ref 1283 \id 295305071000010199 \begin 0:39:20 \sp EXPLIK \tx hari... \pho hariː \mb hari \ge day \gj day \ft on... \ref 1284 \id 311308071000010199 \begin 0:39:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx Senen. \pho cənɛn \mb Senen \ge Monday \gj Monday \ft on Monday. \ref 1285 \id 173882071000010199 \begin 0:39:22 \sp EXPLIK \tx Senen boleh. \pho sənɛn bole \mb Senen boleh \ge Monday may \gj Monday may \ft fine, on Monday. \ref 1286 \id 748229071000010199 \begin 0:39:23 \sp DRIPIT \tx menang. \pho mənaŋ \mb menang \ge win \gj win \ft I won. \nt finished coloring the picture. \ref 1287 \id 125671095530131003 \begin 0:39:25 \sp EXPLIK \tx hari Senen boleh. \pho hari sənɛn boleː \mb hari Senen boleh \ge day Monday may \gj day Monday may \ft okay, on Monday then. \ref 1288 \id 398530071000010199 \begin 0:39:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx Kakak dapat gajah. \pho kaka sapət gajah \mb Kakak dapat gajah \ge older.sibling get elephant \gj older.sibling get elephant \ft Indri gets an elephant. \ref 1289 \id 899832071000010199 \begin 0:39:28 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm? \pho hm̩ \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1290 \id 494016071000010199 \begin 0:39:29 \sp CHIPIT \tx Mas Kiki dapat tikus. \pho mas kiki dapət tikus \mb Mas Kiki dapat tikus \ge EPIT Kiki get mouse \gj EPIT Kiki get mouse \ft Kiki gets a mouse. \ref 1291 \id 456632095746131003 \begin 0:39:30 \sp KIKPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1292 \id 148893071000010199 \begin 0:39:32 \sp EXPLIK \tx Mas Kiki tikus? \pho mas kiki tikus \mb Mas Kiki tikus \ge EPIT Kiki mouse \gj EPIT Kiki mouse \ft Kiki gets a mouse? \nt asking CHI. \ref 1293 \id 152757071000010199 \begin 0:39:34 \sp EXPLIK \tx yang menang dapat apa? \pho yaŋ mənaŋ dapət apa \mb yang menang dapat apa \ge REL win get what \gj REL win get what \ft what will the champion get? \nt asking CHI. \ref 1294 \id 289256071000010199 \begin 0:39:35 \sp CHIPIT \tx gajah. \pho gajah \mb gajah \ge elephant \gj elephant \ft an elephant. \ref 1295 \id 335307071000010199 \begin 0:39:36 \sp DRIPIT \tx ya... dapat gajah. \pho yaː dapət gaja \mb ya dapat gajah \ge yes get elephant \gj yes get elephant \ft get an elephant. \ref 1296 \id 316196071000010199 \begin 0:39:38 \sp KIKPIT \tx ya masih mendingan. \pho ya masi məndiŋan \mb ya masih mending -an \ge yes still preferable -AN \gj yes still preferable-AN \ft it's better than nothing. \ref 1297 \id 426679071000010199 \begin 0:39:40 \sp CHIPIT \tx yang, yang baju merah bebek. \pho yaːŋ yaŋ baju mɛla bɛbɛk \mb yang yang baju merah bebek \ge REL REL garment red duck \gj REL REL garment red duck \ft the one wearing the red shirt will get a duck. \nt referring to KIK who is wearing a red T-shirt. \ref 1298 \id 921364100151131003 \begin 0:39:42 \sp DRIPIT \tx eh, enakan... \pho ʔɛ ʔɛnakan \mb eh enak -an \ge EXCL pleasant -AN \gj EXCL pleasant-AN \ft it's better... \ref 1299 \id 608265071000010199 \begin 0:39:43 \sp DRIPIT \tx eh, enakan mah dapat gajah. \pho ʔeh ʔɛnakan ma dapət gajah \mb eh enak -an mah dapat gajah \ge EH pleasant -AN MAH get elephant \gj EH pleasant-AN MAH get elephant \ft hey, it's better to get an elephant. \nt talking to KIK. \ref 1300 \id 635122071000010199 \begin 0:39:44 \sp DRIPIT \tx bisa naek gajah. \pho bisa naɛk gajah \mb bisa naek gajah \ge can go.up elephant \gj can go.up elephant \ft I can ride the elephant. \ref 1301 \id 584219100333131003 \begin 0:39:45 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1302 \id 210303071000010199 \begin 0:39:47 \sp KIKPIT \tx kalo tikus bisa nakutin orang cewek. \pho kalɔ tikus bisa nakutin ʔɔraŋ cɛwɛʔ \mb kalo tikus bisa n- takut -in orang cewek \ge TOP mouse can N- fear -IN person female \gj TOP mouse can N-fear-IN person female \ft but a mouse can scare girls. \ref 1303 \id 594267100427131003 \begin 0:39:49 \sp DRIPIT \tx kalo tikus... \pho kaloʔ tikus \mb kalo tikus \ge TOP mouse \gj TOP mouse \ft if a mouse... \nt at the same time with KIK. \ref 1304 \id 255099100531131003 \begin 0:39:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1305 \id 868608071000010199 \begin 0:39:53 \sp DRIPIT \tx eh, nggak pa-pa. \pho ʔe ŋga papa \mb eh nggak pa - pa \ge EXCL NEG what - what \gj EXCL NEG RED-what \ft well, it doesn't matter. \ref 1306 \id 411713071000010199 \begin 0:39:55 \sp DRIPIT \tx entar eee... tikusnya diinjak gajah. \pho ʔəntar ʔəː tikusɲa diiɲjək gajah \mb entar eee tikus -nya di- injak gajah \ge moment FILL mouse -NYA DI- step.on elephant \gj moment FILL mouse-NYA DI-step.on elephant \ft the elephant will step on the mouse. \ref 1307 \id 176133071000010199 \begin 0:39:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx terus ga(jah), ga(jah), ga(jah), gajah kalo nginjak, tuk tuk tuk. \mb terus gajah gajah gajah gajah kalo ng- injak tuk tuk tuk \ge continue elephant elephant elephant elephant TOP N- step.on IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj continue elephant elephant elephant elephant TOP N-step.on IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft when the elephant steps on something it sounds took, took, took. \nt imitating the sound of an elephant's steps. \ref 1308 \id 785412071000010199 \begin 0:40:00 \sp DRIPIT \tx salah lo! \pho sala lo \mb salah lo \ge wrong 2 \gj wrong 2 \ft you are wrong! \nt referring to coloring a picture. \ref 1309 \id 461077100828131003 \begin 0:40:00 \sp KIKPIT \tx eh! \pho ʔɛ \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oops! \ref 1310 \id 737409071000010199 \begin 0:40:00 \sp DRIPIT \tx ini bukan biru. \pho ʔini bukan biruːʔ \mb ini bukan biru \ge this NEG blue \gj this NEG blue \ft this is not blue. \ref 1311 \id 360473071000010199 \begin 0:40:01 \sp KIKPIT \tx biru dah. \pho biruʔ da \mb biru dah \ge blue PFCT \gj blue PFCT \ft it's blue. \ref 1312 \id 281131071000010199 \begin 0:40:02 \sp KIKPIT \tx oh iya, iya. \pho ʔo wiya ya \mb oh iya iya \ge EXCL yes yes \gj EXCL yes yes \ft oh, I see. \ref 1313 \id 574685071000010199 \begin 0:40:03 \sp DRIPIT \tx kuning. \pho kɔniːŋ \mb kuning \ge yellow \gj yellow \ft it's yellow. \nt referring to the correct color in the example. \ref 1314 \id 940297100927131003 \begin 0:40:04 \sp KIKPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1315 \id 199803100933131003 \begin 0:40:05 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1316 \id 800101100940131003 \begin 0:40:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1317 \id 117467101051131003 \begin 0:40:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1318 \id 555125071000010199 \begin 0:40:09 \sp KIKPIT \tx salah lagi. \pho sala lagi \mb salah lagi \ge wrong more \gj wrong more \ft I am wrong again! \nt referring to the crayon she is using. \ref 1319 \id 299371071000010199 \begin 0:40:10 \sp KIKPIT \tx 0. \nt coloring with the yellow crayon over the blue colored part. \ref 1320 \id 160178071000010199 \begin 0:40:11 \sp DRIPIT \tx nggak bisa jadi ijo. \pho ŋgaʔ bisaːʔ jadi ʔijo \mb nggak bisa jadi ijo \ge NEG can become green \gj NEG can become green \ft you can't make it green. \nt referring to the color overlapping. \ref 1321 \id 816519071000010199 \begin 0:40:12 \sp KIKPIT \tx bisa. \pho bisa \mb bisa \ge can \gj can \ft yes I can. \ref 1322 \id 654850071000010199 \begin 0:40:13 \sp DRIPIT \tx jadi ijo. \pho jadi ijɔʔ \mb jadi ijo \ge become green \gj become green \ft it becomes green. \nt referring to the color that comes out by mixing blue and yellow. \ref 1323 \id 577062071000010199 \begin 0:40:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1324 \id 894221071000010199 \begin 0:40:16 \sp KIKPIT \tx canggih. \pho caŋgi \mb canggih \ge sophisticated \gj sophisticated \ft it's elegant. \ref 1325 \id 280918102018131003 \begin 0:40:19 \sp EXPLIK \tx apanya? \pho ʔapaɲa \mb apa -nya \ge what -NYA \gj what-NYA \ft what's it about? \nt asking kids. \ref 1326 \id 692091071000010199 \begin 0:40:22 \sp KIKPIT \tx ini main cepet-cepetan. \pho ʔini main cəpətcəpətan \mb ini main cepet - cepet -an \ge this play quick - quick -AN \gj this play RED.AN-quick \ft I colored quickly. \ref 1327 \id 992189071000010199 \begin 0:40:25 \sp DRIPIT \tx nih, kuning sama biru nanti jadinya ijo. \pho ni kuniŋ sama biruʔ nanti jadiɲa ʔijoʔ \mb nih kuning sama biru nanti jadi -nya ijo \ge this yellow with blue later become -NYA green \gj this yellow with blue later become-NYA green \ft look, mixing yellow and blue is going to become green. \ref 1328 \id 241787071000010199 \begin 0:40:28 \sp KIKPIT \tx tahu. \pho tauʔ \mb tahu \ge know \gj know \ft I know. \ref 1329 \id 827006071000010199 \begin 0:40:29 \sp DRIPIT \tx kuning. \pho kuniŋ \mb kuning \ge yellow \gj yellow \ft yellow. \ref 1330 \id 509868071000010199 \begin 0:40:30 \sp KIKPIT \tx Dik, bisa gini nggak? \pho deʔ bisa gini ŋgaʔ \mb Dik bisa gini nggak \ge TRU-younger.sibling can like.this NEG \gj TRU-younger.sibling can like.this NEG \ft hey, can you do like this? \nt referring to Opi. \ref 1331 \id 170370071000010199 \begin 0:40:32 \sp EXPLIK \tx cepat sekali Pipit makannya. \pho cəpat səkali pipit makanɲa \mb cepat se- kali Pipit makan -nya \ge quick SE- very Pipit eat -NYA \gj quick SE-very Pipit eat-NYA \ft you ate very fast, Pipit. \ref 1332 \id 211898071000010199 \begin 0:40:34 \sp KIKPIT \tx Mbak! \pho mbaʔ \mb Mbak \ge EPIT \gj EPIT \ft hey, Indri! \ref 1333 \id 681124071000010199 \begin 0:40:36 \sp EXPLIK \tx cepat sekali. \pho cəpət səkali \mb cepat se- kali \ge quick SE- very \gj quick SE-very \ft you ate very fast. \ref 1334 \id 592215102342131003 \begin 0:40:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmm... \pho m̃ː \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 1335 \id 277176071000010199 \begin 0:40:38 \sp EXPLIK \tx Opi habis nggak? \pho ʔɔpi habes ŋgaʔ \mb Opi habis nggak \ge Opi finished NEG \gj Opi finished NEG \ft have you finished, Opi? \ref 1336 \id 712668071000010199 \begin 0:40:39 \sp DRIPIT \tx kalo merah sama kuning jadi orange. \pho kalɔ mɛra sama kuniŋ jadi ʔɔrɛn \mb kalo merah sama kuning jadi orange \ge TOP red with yellow become orange \gj TOP red with yellow become orange \ft mixing red and yellow, it becomes orange. \ref 1337 \id 337102071000010199 \begin 0:40:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt drinking the rest of water in the glass. \ref 1338 \id 777958071000010199 \begin 0:40:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx yah, dasar lu, Pi! \pho ya dasal lu piʔ \mb yah dasar lu Pi \ge EXCL base 2 TRU-Opi \gj EXCL base 2 TRU-Opi \ft hey, damn you, Pi! \nt being angry because OPI drank all the water. \ref 1339 \id 559890071000010199 \begin 0:40:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx masih ada, ini. \pho masi yada ʔini \mb masih ada ini \ge still exist this \gj still exist this \ft there is still some here. \nt pointing at a bottle of water on the table. \ref 1340 \id 282121071000010199 \begin 0:40:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi, Pi doyannya minya dikit. \pho ʔɔpi pi dɔyana miɲa dikit \mb Opi Pi doyan -nya mi -nya dikit \ge Opi TRU-Opi like -NYA noodles -NYA a.little \gj Opi TRU-Opi like-NYA noodles-NYA a.little \ft I like to eat noodles in small quantities. \ref 1341 \id 121272071000010199 \begin 0:40:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx emm. \pho ʔm̩m̩ \mb emm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm. \nt pointing to the bottle to ask EXP to pour the water to the glass. \ref 1342 \id 874444102514131003 \begin 0:40:50 \sp DRIPIT \tx kurang jelas. \pho kraŋ jəlas \mb kurang jelas \ge less clear \gj less clear \ft it's not clear enough. \nt about her coloring. \ref 1343 \id 333668071000010199 \begin 0:40:53 \sp EXPLIK \tx lagi? \pho lagiʔ \mb lagi \ge more \gj more \ft some more? \ref 1344 \id 672371071000010199 \begin 0:40:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 1345 \id 759831071000010199 \begin 0:40:54 \sp DRIPIT \tx eh nggak jadi orange. \pho ʔɛ ŋgaʔ jadi ʔɔrɛn \mb eh nggak jadi orange \ge EH NEG become orange \gj EH NEG become orange \ft hey, it doesn't become orange. \ref 1346 \id 399010102723131003 \begin 0:40:55 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku mah doyan. \pho ʔaku ma doyan \mb aku mah doyan \ge 1SG MAH like \gj 1SG MAH like \ft I like it. \ref 1347 \id 101456071000010199 \begin 0:40:56 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu kan jadi orange kan, Ki! \pho tu kan jadi ʔɔrɛn kan kiʔ \mb tu kan jadi orange kan Ki \ge that KAN become orange KAN TRU-Kiki \gj that KAN become orange KAN TRU-Kiki \ft look, this became orange, Ki! \ref 1348 \id 146663071000010199 \begin 0:40:57 \sp EXPLIK \tx doyan apa? \pho dɔyan apa \mb doyan apa \ge like what \gj like what \ft like what? \ref 1349 \id 472486071000010199 \begin 0:40:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx pedes. \pho pədəs \mb pedes \ge spicy \gj spicy \ft hot food. \ref 1350 \id 986512071000010199 \begin 0:40:59 \sp DRIPIT \tx tuh, Ki! \pho to ki \mb tuh Ki \ge that TRU-Kiki \gj that TRU-Kiki \ft look, Ki! \ref 1351 \id 224219071000010199 \begin 0:41:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx nih! \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here! \nt walking toward EXP. \ref 1352 \id 883289102834131003 \begin 0:41:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing at CHI and then he makes a sound of getting full. \ref 1353 \id 763833071000010199 \begin 0:41:03 \sp CHIPIT \tx nih, liat deh! \pho nih liyat dɛh \mb nih liat deh \ge this see DEH \gj this see DEH \ft look at this! \nt showing her sweaty head to EXP, sign of how brave she is to eat hot food. \ref 1354 \id 764704071000010199 \begin 0:41:05 \sp EXPLIK \tx coba! \pho cɔbaʔ \mb coba \ge try \gj try \ft let me see! \nt touching CHI's forehead. \ref 1355 \id 998734071000010199 \begin 0:41:07 \sp EXPLIK \tx wow, keringatnya! \pho wo kəriŋətɲaː \mb wow keringat -nya \ge EXCL sweat -NYA \gj EXCL sweat-NYA \ft wow, you sweated a lot! \ref 1356 \id 442980071000010199 \begin 0:41:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx nih, nih! \pho nɪh nɪh \mb nih nih \ge this this \gj this this \ft look, look! \nt walking toward EXP and asking CHI to touch his forehead. \ref 1357 \id 582863103224131003 \begin 0:41:11 \sp DRIPIT \tx ini kenapa nggak diabisin? \pho ʔini kənapa ŋgaʔ diyabisin \mb ini kenapa nggak di- abis -in \ge this why NEG DI- finished -IN \gj this why NEG DI-finished-IN \ft why didn't you finish these? \ref 1358 \id 566962103051131003 \begin 0:41:14 \sp EXPLIK \tx coba diliat! \pho cobaʔ diliyat \mb coba di- liat \ge try DI- see \gj try DI-see \ft let me see! \ref 1359 \id 978453071000010199 \begin 0:41:17 \sp EXPLIK \tx ya ampun Opi... keringatnya! \pho ya ʔampun ʔɔpiʔ kəriŋətɲaː \mb ya ampun Opi keringat -nya \ge yes mercy Opi sweat -NYA \gj yes mercy Opi sweat-NYA \ft oh, my God, look, you're sweating! \nt touching OPI's forehead. \ref 1360 \id 763230071000010199 \begin 0:41:20 \sp EXPLIK \tx pedes ya? \pho pədəs ya \mb pedes ya \ge spicy yes \gj spicy yes \ft they're hot, right? \ref 1361 \id 519940071000010199 \begin 0:41:24 \sp EXPLIK \tx pedes sekali sampai keringetan gitu. \pho pədəs səkali sampɛʔ kəriŋətan gitu \mb pedes se- kali sampai keringet -an gitu \ge spicy SE- very arrive sweat -AN like.that \gj spicy SE-very arrive sweat-AN like.that \ft so hot that you sweated like this. \ref 1362 \id 255763071000010199 \begin 0:41:28 \sp EXPLIK \tx Pi, Opi adeknya bawa sini dong! \pho piʔ ʔɔpiʔ ʔadeʔɲa bawaʔ sini dɔŋ \mb Pi Opi adek -nya bawa sini dong \ge TRU-Opi Opi younger.sibling -NYA bring here DONG \gj TRU-Opi Opi younger.sibling-NYA bring here DONG \ft Opi, bring your little brother here! \ref 1363 \id 297650103535131003 \begin 0:41:32 \sp EXPLIK \tx bawa sini. \pho bawaʔ sini \mb bawa sini \ge bring here \gj bring here \ft take him here. \ref 1364 \id 814038071000010199 \begin 0:41:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx ikut? \pho ʔikot \mb ikut \ge follow \gj follow \ft should he come with me? \ref 1365 \id 360061071000010199 \begin 0:41:34 \sp EXPLIK \tx hah? \pho ha \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1366 \id 559712071000010199 \begin 0:41:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx ikut? \pho ʔikot \mb ikut \ge follow \gj follow \ft should he come with me? \ref 1367 \id 903678071000010199 \begin 0:41:36 \sp EXPLIK \tx iya, bawa, sini. \pho ʔiya ʔikot sini \mb iya bawa sini \ge yes bring here \gj yes bring here \ft yes, bring him here. \ref 1368 \id 111947103647131003 \begin 0:41:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1369 \id 342927071000010199 \begin 0:41:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx tar kalo dia, adeknya diambil... malah ding dia nggak boleh. \mb tar kalo dia adek -nya di- ambil malah ding dia nggak boleh \ge moment TOP 3 younger.sibling -NYA DI- take even DING 3 NEG may \gj moment TOP 3 younger.sibling-NYA DI-take even DING 3 NEG may \ft he is not allowed to bring his brother here. \ref 1370 \id 201009103758131003 \begin 0:41:41 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni ijo, tu! \pho ni ʔijoʔ tu \mb ni ijo tu \ge this green that \gj this green that \ft look, this is green! \ref 1371 \id 484916071000010199 \begin 0:41:43 \sp EXPLIK \tx iya? \pho iya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes? \ref 1372 \id 196126071000010199 \begin 0:41:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 1373 \id 370632103910131003 \begin 0:41:47 \sp DRIPIT \tx hmm, jadi ijo, kan? \pho m jadi ʔijoʔ kan \mb hmm jadi ijo kan \ge EXCL become green KAN \gj EXCL become green KAN \ft hmm, it becomes green, see? \ref 1374 \id 198711071000010199 \begin 0:41:48 \sp EXPLIK \tx kenapa nggak boleh? \pho kənapa ŋgaʔ bole \mb kenapa nggak boleh \ge why NEG may \gj why NEG may \ft why he is not allowed? \nt asking Opi. \ref 1375 \id 446896071000010199 \begin 0:41:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx kalo digendong... \pho kalɔh digɛndɔŋ \mb kalo di- gendong \ge TOP DI- carry \gj TOP DI-carry \ft if he has to carry him... \ref 1376 \id 195688071000010199 \begin 0:41:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx kalo mau dia bawa pulang... \pho kalɔ mau diya bawaʔ pulaŋ \mb kalo mau dia bawa pulang \ge TOP want 3 bring return \gj TOP want 3 bring return \ft if he has to bring him back home... \ref 1377 \id 935798071000010199 \begin 0:41:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah nggak mau! \pho ʔa ŋga mauʔ \mb ah nggak mau \ge AH NEG want \gj AH NEG want \ft well, he doesn't want to. \ref 1378 \id 921737104033131003 \begin 0:41:55 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm. \pho m̃ː \mb hmm \ge oh \gj oh \ft I see. \ref 1379 \id 184569071000010199 \begin 0:41:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx gitu. \pho gito \mb gitu \ge like.that \gj like.that \ft that's it. \ref 1380 \id 356099071000010199 \begin 0:41:57 \sp CHIPIT \tx duluan Ipit! \pho duluwan ʔipit \mb dulu -an Ipit \ge before -AN Ipit \gj before-AN Ipit \ft I drink first! \ref 1381 \id 572197071000010199 \begin 0:41:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx nih Pit! \pho ni pitʔ \mb nih Pit \ge this TRU-Pipit \gj this TRU-Pipit \ft here you are! \nt giving the glass to CHI. \ref 1382 \id 137761071000010199 \begin 0:41:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx masih ada. \pho masi yada \mb masih ada \ge still exist \gj still exist \ft there are still some. \nt meaning there is still some water in the glass for CHI. \ref 1383 \id 263492071000010199 \begin 0:42:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx taruh. \pho taloh \mb taruh \ge put \gj put \ft put it on the table. \nt telling OPI to put the glass on the table. \ref 1384 \id 215839071000010199 \begin 0:42:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh, banyak banget dia minumnya. \pho e baɲak baŋət diya minumɲaː \mb eh banyak banget dia minum -nya \ge EXCL a.lot very 3 drink -NYA \gj EXCL a.lot very 3 drink-NYA \ft hey, he's drinking too much water. \nt angry at OPI for drinking her water. \ref 1385 \id 324377071000010199 \begin 0:42:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya, dikit-dikit. \pho ʔiya dikitdikit \mb iya dikit - dikit \ge yes a.little - a.little \gj yes RED-a.little \ft yes, just a little bit. \ref 1386 \id 224638071000010199 \begin 0:42:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx gede mana ayo? \pho gəde mana yo \mb gede mana ayo \ge big which AYO \gj big which AYO \ft who's taller? \nt standing and comparing his height with CHI's height. \ref 1387 \id 558001104358131003 \begin 0:42:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx eee... \pho ʔəːh \mb eee \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 1388 \id 602994071000010199 \begin 0:42:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx gede aku. \pho gəde ʔakuh \mb gede aku \ge big 1SG \gj big 1SG \ft I am taller than you. \ref 1389 \id 242811071000010199 \begin 0:42:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx gede aku. \pho gəde ʔakuh \mb gede aku \ge big 1SG \gj big 1SG \ft I am taller than you. \ref 1390 \id 939641071000010199 \begin 0:42:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx nangis deh, nangis deh, nangis deh! \pho naŋis dɛ naŋis dɛ naŋis dɛ \mb n- tangis deh n- tangis deh n- tangis deh \ge N- cry DEH N- cry DEH N- cry DEH \gj N-cry DEH N-cry DEH N-cry DEH \ft you're going to cry, cry, cry! \ref 1391 \id 864169071000010199 \begin 0:42:14 \sp @End \tx @End \ref 1392 \id 453698141729240504 \begin 0:42:15 \sp CHIPIT \tx gak boleh jinjit. \pho ga bolɛ jiɲjit \mb gak boleh jinjit \ge NEG may tiptoe \gj NEG may tiptoe \ft don't tiptoe. \ref 1393 \id 210131142028240504 \begin 0:42:16 \sp DRIPIT \tx gedean Zulpi no, orang dia gede banget tu. \pho gedeyan jɔlpi no ʔoraŋ diya gədɛʔ baŋət tu \mb gede -an Zulpi no orang dia gede banget tu \ge big -AN Zulpi there person 3 big very that \gj big-AN Zulpi there person 3 big very that \ft look, he's bigger, he's very big. \ref 1394 \id 690511142028240504 \begin 0:42:17 \sp EXPLIK \tx Ipit juga gede, ya? \pho ʔipit juga gədɛʔ ya \mb Ipit juga gede ya \ge Ipit also big yes \gj Ipit also big yes \ft you're also big, right? \nt asking CHI. \ref 1395 \id 531965142028240504 \begin 0:42:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt burping. \ref 1396 \id 754770142029240504 \begin 0:42:20 \sp KIKPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1397 \id 534758142029240504 \begin 0:42:22 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1398 \id 895561142029240504 \begin 0:42:24 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1399 \id 721039142029240504 \begin 0:42:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx mampus lu. \pho mapus lu \mb mampus lu \ge croak 2 \gj croak 2 \ft go to hell. \ref 1400 \id 624603142030240504 \begin 0:42:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt burping. \ref 1401 \id 719791142030240504 \begin 0:42:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx diobok-obok airnya diobok-obok. \pho diʔoboʔoboʔ ʔaiɲa diʔoboʔoboʔ \mb di- obok - obok air -nya di- obok - obok \ge DI- mess.up - mess.up water -NYA DI- mess.up - mess.up \gj DI-RED-mess.up water-NYA DI-RED-mess.up \ft I stir the water, I stir the water. \nt singing. \ref 1402 \id 349376142030240504 \begin 0:42:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx ada ikannya kecil-kecil pada mabok. \pho ʔata ʔikanɲa kəcikəci pada maboʔ \mb ada ikan -nya kecil - kecil pada mabok \ge exist fish -NYA small - small PL drunk \gj exist fish-NYA RED-small PL drunk \ft there are some little drunken fishes. \nt still singing. \ref 1403 \id 968923142030240504 \begin 0:42:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx hi hi hi... \pho hi hi hi \mb hi hi hi \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hi hi hi... \ref 1404 \id 711233142031240504 \begin 0:42:39 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu baju sapa, Mas? \pho tu baju sapa mas \mb tu baju sapa Mas \ge that garment who EPIT \gj that garment who EPIT \ft whose shirt is it? \ref 1405 \id 513614142031240504 \begin 0:42:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt humming. \ref 1406 \id 128665142031240504 \begin 0:42:45 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu kan lagi pada makan. \pho tu kan lagi pada makan \mb tu kan lagi pada makan \ge that KAN more PL eat \gj that KAN more PL eat \ft they're eating. \nt referring to CHI and OPI. \ref 1407 \id 382465142031240504 \begin 0:42:48 \sp DRIPIT \tx eh, Kakak makan. \pho ʔɛ kakaʔ makan \mb eh Kakak makan \ge EXCL older.sibling eat \gj EXCL older.sibling eat \ft hey, I wanna eat it. \nt 1. talking to CHI. 2. referring to CHI's noodles. \ref 1408 \id 902928142032240504 \begin 0:42:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx mmm, mmm, nyam nyam. \pho m̩ m̩ ɲa ɲam \mb mmm mmm nyam nyam \ge FILL FILL IMIT IMIT \gj FILL FILL IMIT IMIT \ft umm, umm, yum yum. \ref 1409 \id 338204142032240504 \begin 0:42:51 \sp DRIPIT \tx minya Kakak ambil ni. \pho miɲa kaka ʔambil ni \mb mi -nya Kakak ambil ni \ge noodles -NYA older.sibling take this \gj noodles-NYA older.sibling take this \ft I'll take your noodles. \ref 1410 \id 401453142032240504 \begin 0:42:53 \sp DRIPIT \tx minya Kakak ambil. \pho miɲa kaka ʔambil \mb mi -nya Kakak ambil \ge noodles -NYA older.sibling take \gj noodles-NYA older.sibling take \ft I'll take your noodles. \ref 1411 \id 533479142032240504 \begin 0:42:55 \sp DRIPIT \tx minya Kakak ambil. \pho miɲa kaka ʔambil \mb mi -nya Kakak ambil \ge noodles -NYA older.sibling take \gj noodles-NYA older.sibling take \ft I'll take your noodles. \nt pretending to take CHI's noodles. \ref 1412 \id 990081142032240504 \begin 0:42:57 \sp DRIPIT \tx minya Kakak ambil ni. \pho miɲa kaka ʔambil ni \mb mi -nya Kakak ambil ni \ge noodles -NYA older.sibling take this \gj noodles-NYA older.sibling take this \ft I'll take your noodles. \ref 1413 \id 821949142033240504 \begin 0:42:58 \sp DRIPIT \tx Tante Like nggak dimakan ni. \pho tantə likə ŋgaʔ dimakan ni \mb Tante Like nggak di- makan ni \ge aunt Like NEG DI- eat this \gj aunt Like NEG DI-eat this \ft Auntie Like, she doesn't want to eat it. \ref 1414 \id 114672142033240504 \begin 0:42:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx ih, Opi. \pho ʔiː ʔopiʔ \mb ih Opi \ge EXCL Opi \gj EXCL Opi \ft hey you. \nt talking to OPI while looking at the screen of the camcorder. \ref 1415 \id 100744142033240504 \begin 0:43:00 \sp EXPLIK \tx uh, minya nggak diabisin. \pho ʔu miɲa ŋgaʔ diʔabisin \mb uh mi -nya nggak di- abis -in \ge EXCL noodles -NYA NEG DI- finished -IN \gj EXCL noodles-NYA NEG DI-finished-IN \ft hey, you don't finish your noodles. \nt talking to CHI. \ref 1416 \id 920937142033240504 \begin 0:43:01 \sp EXPLIK \tx nanti minya nangis. \pho nanti miɲa naŋis \mb nanti mi -nya n- tangis \ge later noodles -NYA N- cry \gj later noodles-NYA N-cry \ft the noodles will cry. \ref 1417 \id 614982142034240504 \begin 0:43:03 \sp EXPLIK \tx 0. \nt pretending to cry. \ref 1418 \id 118660142034240504 \begin 0:43:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing at EXPLIK. \ref 1419 \id 527055142034240504 \begin 0:43:05 \sp EXPLIK \tx 'aku nggak diabisin.' \pho ʔaku ŋgaʔ diyabisin \mb aku nggak di- abis -in \ge 1SG NEG DI- finished -IN \gj 1SG NEG DI-finished-IN \ft 'she doesn't want to finish me.' \nt pretending to be the crying noodles. \ref 1420 \id 137101142034240504 \begin 0:43:06 \sp DRIPIT \tx abis tu Pit. \pho ʔabis tu pit \mb abis tu Pit \ge finished that TRU-Pipit \gj finished that TRU-Pipit \ft finish it, Pipit. \ref 1421 \id 864654142035240504 \begin 0:43:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt clapping hands. \ref 1422 \id 558804142035240504 \begin 0:43:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx Opi lagi tepuk tangan. \pho ʔopi lagi təpuk taŋan \mb Opi lagi tepuk tangan \ge Opi more clap hand \gj Opi more clap hand \ft he's clapping his hands. \nt looking at the screen of the camcorder. \ref 1423 \id 928633142035240504 \begin 0:43:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt still clapping hands. \ref 1424 \id 361913142035240504 \begin 0:43:10 \sp CHIPIT \tx no Tante. \pho no tatə \mb no Tante \ge there aunt \gj there aunt \ft look at him. \nt looking at the screen of the camcorder. \ref 1425 \id 182641142035240504 \begin 0:43:12 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em. \pho hə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft yeah. \ref 1426 \id 363651142036240504 \begin 0:43:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx halo! \pho haloh \mb halo \ge hello \gj hello \ft hello! \nt still looking at the screen of the camcorder. \ref 1427 \id 588688142036240504 \begin 0:43:16 \sp EXPLIK \tx dah yok sana yok! \pho da yoʔ sana yoʔ \mb dah yok sana yok \ge PFCT AYO there AYO \gj PFCT AYO there AYO \ft come on, let's go there! \nt talking to CHI. \ref 1428 \id 999323142036240504 \begin 0:43:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx ye! \pho yɛːʔ \mb ye \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \ref 1429 \id 445305142036240504 \begin 0:43:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx lucu banget Kakak. \pho lucuʔ baŋət kakaʔ \mb lucu banget Kakak \ge funny very older.sibling \gj funny very older.sibling \ft you're very funny. \nt addressing DRI who is looking at the camcorder and showing her tounge to CHI. \ref 1430 \id 462209142037240504 \begin 0:43:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔẽ \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft aha. \ref 1431 \id 157305142037240504 \begin 0:43:24 \sp KIKPIT \tx ya Si Ijul. \pho ya si ʔijɔl \mb ya Si Ijul \ge yes PERS Ijul \gj yes PERS Ijul \ft there he is. \nt looking at the screen of the camcorder. \ref 1432 \id 230621142037240504 \begin 0:43:27 \sp KIKPIT \tx Jul, mana Zulfi? \pho jul mana julpi \mb Jul mana Zulfi \ge Jul which Zulfi \gj Jul which Zulfi \ft where is he? \ref 1433 \id 366227142037240504 \begin 0:43:28 \sp KIKPIT \tx cie. \pho ciyɛ \mb cie \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey. \nt teasing OPI. \ref 1434 \id 694703142038240504 \begin 0:43:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx apa? \pho ʰapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 1435 \id 785270142038240504 \begin 0:43:30 \sp KIKPIT \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 1436 \id 161376142038240504 \begin 0:43:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx pa? \pho pah \mb pa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 1437 \id 256142142038240504 \begin 0:43:34 \sp KIKPIT \tx lha. \pho la \mb lha \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey. \ref 1438 \id 892307142039240504 \begin 0:43:35 \sp EXPLIK \tx Opi habis tu, pinter mo abis. \pho ʔopiʔ habes tu pintər mo ʔabes \mb Opi habis tu pinter mo abis \ge Opi finished that smart want finished \gj Opi finished that smart want finished \ft look, he almost finish it, good, he almost finish it. \ref 1439 \id 156424073631250504 \begin 0:43:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt burping. \ref 1440 \id 734345073643250504 \begin 0:43:37 \sp EXPLIK \tx tu. \pho tu \mb tu \ge that \gj that \ft look at him. \ref 1441 \id 164711073714250504 \begin 0:43:38 \sp DRIPIT \tx Ipit makannya lama. \pho ʔipit makanɲa lamaʔ \mb Ipit makan -nya lama \ge Ipit eat -NYA long.time \gj Ipit eat-NYA long.time \ft she eats so long. \ref 1442 \id 553746113614250504 \begin 0:43:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ipit menang? \pho ʔipit mənaŋ \mb Ipit menang \ge Ipit win \gj Ipit win \ft does she win? \ref 1443 \id 518096113653250504 \begin 0:43:41 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1444 \id 751915113723250504 \begin 0:43:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing at CHI. \ref 1445 \id 254129113735250504 \begin 0:43:43 \sp EXPLIK \tx iya, Ipit, Ipit makannya satu jam, ya? \pho ʔiya ʔipit ʔipit makanɲa satu jam ya \mb iya Ipit Ipit makan -nya satu jam ya \ge yes Ipit Ipit eat -NYA one clock yes \gj yes Ipit Ipit eat-NYA one clock yes \ft yeah, you've been eating for one hour, right? \ref 1446 \id 351519113804250504 \begin 0:43:44 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1447 \id 999832113805250504 \begin 0:43:46 \sp KIKPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1448 \id 909913113805250504 \begin 0:43:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1449 \id 728448113805250504 \begin 0:43:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx gua jewer lho. \pho guwa jewɛl lo \mb gua jewer lho \ge 1SG tweak EXCL \gj 1SG tweak EXCL \ft I'll tweak you. \nt talking to OPI. \ref 1450 \id 938286113805250504 \begin 0:43:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt mumbling. \ref 1451 \id 599403113806250504 \begin 0:43:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni ni ni ni ni ni ni ni. \pho ni ni ni ni ni ni ni ni \mb ni ni ni ni ni ni ni ni \ge this this this this this this this this \gj this this this this this this this this \ft here it is. \nt putting back some noodles to OPI's bowl. \ref 1452 \id 192120113806250504 \begin 0:43:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1453 \id 366096113806250504 \begin 0:43:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1454 \id 283704113806250504 \begin 0:44:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni mimik lagi. \pho ni mimi ʔagi \mb ni mimik lagi \ge this drink more \gj this drink more \ft have your drink again. \ref 1455 \id 618278113806250504 \begin 0:44:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx makan ni makan! \pho makan ni makan \mb makan ni makan \ge eat this eat \gj eat this eat \ft here, eat this! \ref 1456 \id 621981113807250504 \begin 0:44:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx ayo ayo yo yo. \pho ʔayo ʔayo yo yo \mb ayo ayo yo yo \ge AYO AYO AYO AYO \gj AYO AYO AYO AYO \ft okay, okay, okay. \ref 1457 \id 758512113807250504 \begin 0:44:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh. \pho ʔɛːh \mb eh \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm. \ref 1458 \id 438028113807250504 \begin 0:44:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1459 \id 550248113807250504 \begin 0:44:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx heh, heh! \pho hɛ̃w hɛ̃w \mb heh heh \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey! \ref 1460 \id 232944113808250504 \begin 0:44:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1461 \id 708283113808250504 \begin 0:44:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx heh! \pho hɛ̃w \mb heh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \ref 1462 \id 428683113808250504 \begin 0:44:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1463 \id 987505113808250504 \begin 0:44:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh. \pho ʔəh \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey. \ref 1464 \id 719759113808250504 \begin 0:44:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt coughing. \ref 1465 \id 711241113809250504 \begin 0:44:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pit, Ip(it), Ipit! \pho pit ʔip ʔipit \mb Pit Ipit Ipit \ge TRU-Pipit Ipit Ipit \gj TRU-Pipit Ipit Ipit \ft Pipit, Pipit! \ref 1466 \id 648995113809250504 \begin 0:44:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ipit ka(ya), kaya Ema. \pho ʔipit kaʔ kaya ʔɛmaʰ \mb Ipit kaya kaya Ema \ge Ipit like like Ema \gj Ipit like like Ema \ft you look like Ema. \ref 1467 \id 269324113809250504 \begin 0:44:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni Ipit duluan nih. \pho ne ʔipit duluwan nih \mb ni Ipit dulu -an nih \ge this Ipit before -AN this \gj this Ipit before-AN this \ft I'll finish it soon. \nt about finishing to eat noodles. \ref 1468 \id 143329113809250504 \begin 0:44:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx ayo, rakus. \pho ʔayo rakus \mb ayo rakus \ge AYO greedy \gj AYO greedy \ft come on, you're so greedy. \ref 1469 \id 232911113810250504 \begin 0:44:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx banyak aku ini ah. \pho baɲa ʔaku ʔini ʔah \mb banyak aku ini ah \ge a.lot 1SG this EXCL \gj a.lot 1SG this EXCL \ft mine is so much. \nt referring to his noodles. \ref 1470 \id 145877113810250504 \begin 0:44:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx muat aku. \pho muwat ʔaku \mb muat aku \ge contain 1SG \gj contain 1SG \ft it fits me. \nt 1. referring to finishing the noodles. 2. = I can finish it. \ref 1471 \id 757458113810250504 \begin 0:44:48 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt CHI and OPI are eating their noodles. \ref 1472 \id 711250113810250504 \begin 0:44:52 \sp EXPLIK \tx cepet sekali makannya. \pho cəpət səkali makanɲa \mb cepet se- kali makan -nya \ge quick SE- very eat -NYA \gj quick SE-very eat-NYA \ft you eat so quick. \nt talking to OPI. \ref 1473 \id 791954113811250504 \begin 0:44:56 \sp DRIPIT \tx untung minya panas. \pho ʔuntuŋ miɲa panas \mb untung mi -nya panas \ge lucky noodles -NYA hot \gj lucky noodles-NYA hot \ft lucky you, you got hot noodles. \ref 1474 \id 891177113811250504 \begin 0:45:00 \sp EXPLIK \tx betul-betul balapan. \pho bətulbətul balapan \mb betul - betul balap -an \ge right - right race -AN \gj RED-right race-AN \ft you really have a race (at eating). \nt talking to CHI and OPI. \ref 1475 \id 832385113811250504 \begin 0:45:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni abisin. \pho ni ʔabisin \mb ni abis -in \ge this finished -IN \gj this finished-IN \ft I'll drink it all. \nt taking a glass of water. \ref 1476 \id 919680113811250504 \begin 0:45:08 \sp DRIPIT \tx ih, Kiki dari tadi kagak selesai-selesai. \pho ʔi kiki dari tadi kagaʔ sələsaysələsay \mb ih Kiki dari tadi kagak selesai - selesai \ge EXCL Kiki from earlier NEG finish - finish \gj EXCL Kiki from earlier NEG RED-finish \ft hey, how come you haven't finished it yet? \nt referring to the coloring which is done by KIK. \ref 1477 \id 185342113813250504 \begin 0:45:12 \sp KIKPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1478 \id 753539113813250504 \begin 0:45:15 \sp EXPLIK \tx minum lagi? \pho minɔm lagiʔ \mb minum lagi \ge drink more \gj drink more \ft you wanna drink again? \nt talking to OPI who's going to get more water for himself. \ref 1479 \id 547027113813250504 \begin 0:45:18 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm. \pho hm \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hmm. \nt pouring water to OPI's glass. \ref 1480 \id 106419113814250504 \begin 0:45:21 \sp EXPLIK \tx enak? \pho ʔɛnaʔ \mb enak \ge pleasant \gj pleasant \ft is it delicious? \ref 1481 \id 891044113814250504 \begin 0:45:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx Opi jangan diabisin, uah! \pho ʔopi jaŋan diʔabisin ʔuwah \mb Opi jangan di- abis -in uah \ge Opi don't DI- finished -IN EXCL \gj Opi don't DI-finished-IN EXCL \ft don't finish it, hey! \nt referring to the mineral water. \ref 1482 \id 406700113814250504 \begin 0:45:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni ini masih. \pho ni ʔini masi \mb ni ini masih \ge this this still \gj this this still \ft there are still some. \nt referring to the mineral water. \ref 1483 \id 522029113814250504 \begin 0:45:28 \sp KIKPIT \tx haduh. \pho hadɔh \mb haduh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ugh. \ref 1484 \id 252561113814250504 \begin 0:45:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx capek? \pho capɛʔ \mb capek \ge tired \gj tired \ft are you tired? \nt asking KIK. \ref 1485 \id 998937113815250504 \begin 0:45:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt coughing. \ref 1486 \id 255027113815250504 \begin 0:45:31 \sp KIKPIT \tx duh. \pho du \mb duh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ouch. \ref 1487 \id 158029113815250504 \begin 0:45:33 \sp DRIPIT \tx gara-gara tadi pertama nyariin warna biru. \pho garagara tadiʔ pərtama ɲariʔin warna biruʔ \mb gara-gara tadi pertama ny- cari -in warna biru \ge because earlier first N- look.for -IN color blue \gj because earlier first N-look.for-IN color blue \ft it was because you looked for the blue one before. \nt talking to KIK about crayon. \ref 1488 \id 706656113815250504 \begin 0:45:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx sss... hah. \pho ʃː hãh \mb sss hah \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hah... hah. \nt having a firy sensation in her mouth after eating noodles. \ref 1489 \id 989809113816250504 \begin 0:45:36 \sp EXPLIK \tx duh, panasnya. \pho du panasɲa \mb duh panas -nya \ge EXCL hot -NYA \gj EXCL hot-NYA \ft ouch, it's so hot. \ref 1490 \id 740177113816250504 \begin 0:45:38 \sp EXPLIK \tx panas, ya? \pho nas ya \mb panas ya \ge hot yes \gj hot yes \ft it's hot, right? \ref 1491 \id 976203113816250504 \begin 0:45:40 \sp CHIPIT \tx Tante, nih. \pho tatə nih \mb Tante nih \ge aunt this \gj aunt this \ft Auntie, look at this. \nt going to EXPLIK to let her see that she's sweating. \ref 1492 \id 665985113816250504 \begin 0:45:42 \sp DRIPIT \tx Ki, cobain deh yang ijo [?]. \pho ki cobaʔin dɛ yaŋ ʔijoʔ \mb Ki coba -in deh yang ijo \ge TRU-Kiki try -IN DEH REL green \gj TRU-Kiki try-IN DEH REL green \ft Kiki, please try the green one. \nt referring to crayon. \ref 1493 \id 520831113816250504 \begin 0:45:43 \sp KIKPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1494 \id 823102113817250504 \begin 0:45:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt showing EXPLIK that she's sweating. \ref 1495 \id 589605113817250504 \begin 0:45:47 \sp EXPLIK \tx ya ampun, basah semua. \pho ya ʔampun basa səmuwaː \mb ya ampun basah semua \ge yes mercy wet all \gj yes mercy wet all \ft my goodness, you're wet. \ref 1496 \id 214997113817250504 \begin 0:45:49 \sp DRIPIT \tx ya... birunya gak kentara banget ya trus. \pho yah biruɲa gaʔ kətara baŋət ya trus \mb ya biru -nya gak kentara banget ya trus \ge yes blue -NYA NEG clear very yes continue \gj yes blue-NYA NEG clear very yes continue \ft yeah... the blue one is not quite bright at last. \ref 1497 \id 563066113817250504 \begin 0:45:51 \sp DRIPIT \tx ih, ya ampun. \pho ʔi ya ʔampun \mb ih ya ampun \ge EXCL yes mercy \gj EXCL yes mercy \ft oh my. \ref 1498 \id 568026113818250504 \begin 0:45:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni Pi, Ipit mah pala ni Pi liatin ni, Pi. \pho ni piʔ ʔipit ma pala ni piʔ liyatin ni piʔ \mb ni Pi Ipit mah pala ni Pi liat -in ni Pi \ge this TRU-Opi Ipit MAH head this TRU-Opi see -IN this TRU-Opi \gj this TRU-Opi Ipit MAH head this TRU-Opi see-IN this TRU-Opi \ft here, look at my head, Opi. \nt showing OPI that she's sweating. \ref 1499 \id 233466113818250504 \begin 0:45:55 \sp KIKPIT \tx eh, eh! \pho ʔɛ ʔɛ \mb eh eh \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey! \nt calling DRI. \ref 1500 \id 466164113818250504 \begin 0:45:57 \sp KIKPIT \tx aku bikinnya jadi xxx. \pho ʔaku bikinɲa jadiʔ xxx \mb aku bikin -nya jadi xxx \ge 1SG make -NYA become xxx \gj 1SG make-NYA become xxx \ft I make it xxx. \ref 1501 \id 933753113818250504 \begin 0:45:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx sss. \pho ʃ \mb sss \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hah. \nt having a firy sensation while touching CHI's forehead. \ref 1502 \id 917479113818250504 \begin 0:46:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya kan? \pho ya kan \mb ya kan \ge yes KAN \gj yes KAN \ft you see that? \ref 1503 \id 999414113819250504 \begin 0:46:02 \sp KIKPIT \tx xxx lagi, menang. \pho xxx lagiʔ mənaŋ \mb xxx lagi menang \ge xxx more win \gj xxx more win \ft xxx again, I win. \ref 1504 \id 177339113819250504 \begin 0:46:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah, gitu. \pho ʔa gituʔ \mb ah gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft ah, like that. \nt = hey, it's just that thing. \ref 1505 \id 339390113819250504 \begin 0:46:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi ada aernya. \pho ʔopik ʔada ʔaɛrɲa \mb Opi ada aer -nya \ge Opi exist water -NYA \gj Opi exist water-NYA \ft mine has gravy. \nt = my noodles has gravy. \ref 1506 \id 539258113819250504 \begin 0:46:05 \sp KIKPIT \tx ait, jan dulu! \pho ʔait jan dɔlɔʔ \mb ait jan dulu \ge EXCL don't before \gj EXCL don’t before \ft hey, not now! \ref 1507 \id 932300113820250504 \begin 0:46:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni, ni ni Pi. \pho ni ni ni piʔ \mb ni ni ni Pi \ge this this this TRU-Opi \gj this this this TRU-Opi \ft here, have a look. \nt showing OPI the way she eats her noodles. \ref 1508 \id 477050133815260504 \begin 0:46:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya am Pit! \pho ya ʔam pit \mb ya am Pit \ge yes argh TRU-Pipit \gj yes argh TRU-Pipit \ft yes, eat it! \ref 1509 \id 296019133816260504 \begin 0:46:07 \sp KIKPIT \tx ya bilangin, ya? \pho ya bilaŋin yaʔ \mb ya bilang -in ya \ge yes say -IN yes \gj yes say-IN yes \ft let me tell her, okay? \ref 1510 \id 597606133816260504 \begin 0:46:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx bo(leh), boleh nggak Pit? \pho bo bolɛ ŋgaʔ pit \mb boleh boleh nggak Pit \ge may may NEG TRU-Pipit \gj may may NEG TRU-Pipit \ft is it okay? \nt asking permission to drink mineral water. \ref 1511 \id 587405133816260504 \begin 0:46:09 \sp DRIPIT \tx terserah. \pho tərsəra \mb terserah \ge TER-hand.over \gj TER-hand.over \ft whatever. \ref 1512 \id 127196133817260504 \begin 0:46:10 \sp CHIPIT \tx boleh. \pho bolɛh \mb boleh \ge may \gj may \ft sure. \ref 1513 \id 896718133817260504 \begin 0:46:13 \sp CHIPIT \tx enak tenan. \pho ʔɛnaʔ tənan \mb enak tenan \ge pleasant true \gj pleasant true \ft it's really delicious. \ref 1514 \id 368475133817260504 \begin 0:46:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah ah. \pho da ʔa \mb dah ah \ge PFCT AH \gj PFCT AH \ft done. \nt speaking at the same time with CHI. \ref 1515 \id 665463133817260504 \begin 0:46:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ipit itu... mas(ih), masih ya? \pho ʔipit ʔitu mas masi yah \mb Ipit itu masih masih ya \ge Ipit that still still yes \gj Ipit that still still yes \ft it's still there, okay? \nt referring to the mineral water. \ref 1516 \id 762943133818260504 \begin 0:46:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx apah? \pho ʔapah \mb apah \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 1517 \id 199647133818260504 \begin 0:46:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx itunya... lu tuang sini. \pho ʔituɲa lu tuwaŋ sini \mb itu -nya lu towang sini \ge that -NYA 2 pour here \gj that-NYA 2 pour here \ft that thing... you can pour it here. \nt referring to mineral water. \ref 1518 \id 879586133818260504 \begin 0:46:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt eating her noodles. \ref 1519 \id 422556133818260504 \begin 0:46:27 \sp DRIPIT \tx Kiki belum selesai. \pho kiki blum sləsay \mb Kiki belum selesai \ge Kiki not.yet finish \gj Kiki not.yet finish \ft you haven't finished yet. \nt referring to the coloring. \ref 1520 \id 617479133818260504 \begin 0:46:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx tar dulu. \pho tal dulu \mb tar dulu \ge moment before \gj moment before \ft hold on. \nt forbidding CHI to take his drink. \ref 1521 \id 680568133819260504 \begin 0:46:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx mmm. \pho m̩̃ \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm. \ref 1522 \id 821190133819260504 \begin 0:46:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx isiin dulu. \pho ʔisin duluʔ \mb isi -in dulu \ge contents -IN before \gj contents-IN before \ft let me get you some more water. \ref 1523 \id 866213133819260504 \begin 0:46:33 \sp DRIPIT \tx masih kuning [?]. \pho masi kuniŋ \mb masih kuning \ge still yellow \gj still yellow \ft it's still yellow. \ref 1524 \id 663876133819260504 \begin 0:46:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah. \pho ʔah \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ah. \ref 1525 \id 175517133819260504 \begin 0:46:35 \sp KIKPIT \tx dah selesai. \pho da sləseh \mb dah selesai \ge PFCT finish \gj PFCT finish \ft finished. \ref 1526 \id 315806133820260504 \begin 0:46:37 \sp DRIPIT \tx belum. \pho bəlum \mb belum \ge not.yet \gj not.yet \ft not yet. \ref 1527 \id 158476133820260504 \begin 0:46:39 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt imitating farting sound. \ref 1528 \id 121791133820260504 \begin 0:46:40 \sp KIKPIT \tx oh iya. \pho ʔo ʔiyah \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh yes. \nt while laughing. \ref 1529 \id 948962133820260504 \begin 0:46:41 \sp OPIPIT \tx nih. \pho niʰ \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt giving a glass of water to CHI. \ref 1530 \id 927721133820260504 \begin 0:46:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni, ini! \pho ni ʔini \mb ni ini \ge this this \gj this this \ft here, take this! \nt giving a glass of mineral water to CHI. \ref 1531 \id 339006133821260504 \begin 0:46:43 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing at KIK. \ref 1532 \id 382283133821260504 \begin 0:46:44 \sp KIKPIT \tx wet! \pho wɛːt \mb wet \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \ref 1533 \id 547717133821260504 \begin 0:46:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing at DRI and KIK. \ref 1534 \id 892541133821260504 \begin 0:46:50 \sp DRIPIT \tx Opi udah abis minya? \pho ʔopi ʔuda ʔabis miɲa \mb Opi udah abis mi -nya \ge Opi PFCT finished noodles -NYA \gj Opi PFCT finished noodles-NYA \ft have you finished your noodles? \ref 1535 \id 353846133822260504 \begin 0:46:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx belom. \pho blom \mb belom \ge not.yet \gj not.yet \ft not yet. \ref 1536 \id 501014133822260504 \begin 0:46:56 \sp EXPLIK \tx tinggal dikit tu. \pho tiŋgal dikit tu \mb tinggal dikit tu \ge stay a.little that \gj stay a.little that \ft there's a little left. \nt referring to OPI's noodles. \ref 1537 \id 992390140822260504 \begin 0:47:00 \sp XXX \tx welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games. \pho wɛlkam tu jakarta in də naintin si gɛm \mb welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ge welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \gj welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ft welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games. \ref 1538 \id 759267133822260504 \begin 0:47:01 \sp EXPLIK \tx diabisin! \pho diʔabisin \mb di- abis -in \ge DI- finished -IN \gj DI-finished-IN \ft finish it! \ref 1539 \id 526650133822260504 \begin 0:47:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \ref 1540 \id 514957133822260504 \begin 0:47:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx kenyang. \pho kəɲaŋ \mb kenyang \ge sated \gj sated \ft I'm full. \ref 1541 \id 197875133823260504 \begin 0:47:04 \sp EXPLIK \tx kenyang? \pho kəɲaŋ \mb kenyang \ge sated \gj sated \ft are you full? \ref 1542 \id 797876133823260504 \begin 0:47:05 \sp EXPLIK \tx kalah dong. \pho kala doŋ \mb kalah dong \ge defeated DONG \gj defeated DONG \ft so you're the loser. \ref 1543 \id 516953133823260504 \begin 0:47:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni, bisa gak ni? \pho ni bisa ga ni \mb ni bisa gak ni \ge this can NEG this \gj this can NEG this \ft here, can you do it? \nt asking EXPLIK. \ref 1544 \id 440311133823260504 \begin 0:47:07 \sp EXPLIK \tx Ipit menang dong. \pho ʔipit mənaŋ doŋ \mb Ipit menang dong \ge Ipit win DONG \gj Ipit win DONG \ft and she's the winner. \ref 1545 \id 228284133823260504 \begin 0:47:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni, ak. \pho ni ʔaʔ \mb ni ak \ge this argh \gj this argh \ft listen, argh. \nt talking to EXPLIK and then burping in front of her. \ref 1546 \id 687981133824260504 \begin 0:47:09 \sp EXPLIK \tx hah? \pho hã \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1547 \id 308122133824260504 \begin 0:47:10 \sp EXPLIK \tx gak boleh gitu. \pho ga bolɛ gitu \mb gak boleh gitu \ge NEG may like.that \gj NEG may like.that \ft don't do that. \ref 1548 \id 621138133824260504 \begin 0:47:11 \sp EXPLIK \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1549 \id 925138141333260504 \begin 0:47:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx kenyang. \pho kəɲaŋ \mb kenyang \ge sated \gj sated \ft I'm full. \ref 1550 \id 110128141345260504 \begin 0:47:13 \sp EXPLIK \tx Ipit abis nggak? \pho ʔipit ʔabis ŋgaʔ \mb Ipit abis nggak \ge Ipit finished NEG \gj Ipit finished NEG \ft can you finish it? \ref 1551 \id 224061141412260504 \begin 0:47:15 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah... \pho ʔaːh \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ah... \nt whining. \ref 1552 \id 810375141437260504 \begin 0:47:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt burping again. \ref 1553 \id 887781141452260504 \begin 0:47:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx sebel aku. \pho bəl ʔakuh \mb sebel aku \ge pissed.off 1SG \gj pissed.off 1SG \ft I'm pissed off. \ref 1554 \id 334378071408270504 \begin 0:47:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx tek ketek ketek. \pho tək kətək kətək \mb tek ketek ketek \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tuck tuck tuck. \ref 1555 \id 907933071436270504 \begin 0:47:20 \sp EXPLIK \tx ni anak pinter ni. \pho ni ʔanaʔ pintər ni \mb ni anak pinter ni \ge this child smart this \gj this child smart this \ft she's a good girl. \nt talking to DRI and KIK. \ref 1556 \id 753335071505270504 \begin 0:47:22 \sp KIKPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1557 \id 717800071551270504 \begin 0:47:24 \sp EXPLIK \tx tu. \pho tu \mb tu \ge that \gj that \ft look at her. \ref 1558 \id 188245071617270504 \begin 0:47:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx uah. \pho ʔuwah \mb uah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ugh. \ref 1559 \id 945134071630270504 \begin 0:47:26 \sp KIKPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1560 \id 497216071709270504 \begin 0:47:27 \sp EXPLIK \tx pinter sekali. \pho pintər səkali \mb pinter se- kali \ge smart SE- very \gj smart SE-very \ft she's very smart. \ref 1561 \id 824429071759270504 \begin 0:47:29 \sp KIKPIT \tx 0. \nt still laughing. \ref 1562 \id 394810071820270504 \begin 0:47:31 \sp EXPLIK \tx hebat. \pho hɛbat \mb hebat \ge great \gj great \ft she's amazing. \nt praising CHI. \ref 1563 \id 479354071833270504 \begin 0:47:32 \sp DRIPIT \tx ntar kalo Ipit gak abis, dimakan siapa? \pho ntar kalo ʔipit ga ʔabis dimakan syapa \mb ntar kalo Ipit gak abis di- makan siapa \ge moment TOP Ipit NEG finished DI- eat who \gj moment TOP Ipit NEG finished DI-eat who \ft if she can't finish it, who will eat it then? \nt referring to the noodles. \ref 1564 \id 318317071918270504 \begin 0:47:33 \sp DRIPIT \tx dibuang ya Tante? \pho dibuwaŋ ya tantə \mb di- buang ya Tante \ge DI- throw.away yes aunt \gj DI-throw.away yes aunt \ft will you throw it away? \ref 1565 \id 971098072018270504 \begin 0:47:35 \sp EXPLIK \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 1566 \id 376354072111270504 \begin 0:47:37 \sp KIKPIT \tx makan Mas Kiki. \pho makan mas kiki \mb makan Mas Kiki \ge eat EPIT Kiki \gj eat EPIT Kiki \ft I'll eat it. \ref 1567 \id 792329072124270504 \begin 0:47:39 \sp DRIPIT \tx dia makan sisa. \pho diya makan sisaʔ \mb dia makan sisa \ge 3 eat rest \gj 3 eat rest \ft you eat the rest. \ref 1568 \id 900459072200270504 \begin 0:47:41 \sp CHIPIT \tx sisa-sisanya. \pho sisasisaɲah \mb sisa - sisa -nya \ge rest - rest -NYA \gj RED-rest-NYA \ft the rest of it. \ref 1569 \id 241062072228270504 \begin 0:47:43 \sp DRIPIT \tx itu beli di mana, Tante? \pho ʔitu bəli di mana tantə \mb itu beli di mana Tante \ge that buy LOC which aunt \gj that buy LOC which aunt \ft where did you buy it? \ref 1570 \id 339405072256270504 \begin 0:47:45 \sp EXPLIK \tx mana? \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft which one? \ref 1571 \id 799742072312270504 \begin 0:47:47 \sp DRIPIT \tx itu beli di mana? \pho ʔitu bəli di mana \mb itu beli di mana \ge that buy LOC which \gj that buy LOC which \ft where did you buy it? \ref 1572 \id 391350072329270504 \begin 0:47:49 \sp EXPLIK \tx bunganya? \pho buŋaʔɲa \mb bunga -nya \ge flower -NYA \gj flower-NYA \ft the flower? \ref 1573 \id 827800072351270504 \begin 0:47:50 \sp DRIPIT \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft aha. \ref 1574 \id 353092072409270504 \begin 0:47:51 \sp EXPLIK \tx supermarket banyak. \pho supərmarkət baɲaʔ \mb supermarket banyak \ge supermarket a.lot \gj supermarket a.lot \ft there are many at the supermarket. \ref 1575 \id 434601072439270504 \begin 0:47:53 \sp DRIPIT \tx masa? \pho masaʔ \mb masa \ge incredible \gj incredible \ft oh yeah? \ref 1576 \id 559340072504270504 \begin 0:47:55 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em. \pho hʔm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft aha. \ref 1577 \id 942941072512270504 \begin 0:47:57 \sp DRIPIT \tx kukuku copot. \pho kukuku cɔpɔt \mb ku- kuku copot \ge 1SG- fingernail detach \gj 1SG-fingernail detach \ft my nail's detached. \ref 1578 \id 536843072538270504 \begin 0:47:58 \sp KIKPIT \tx wah. \pho wa \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow. \ref 1579 \id 843194072556270504 \begin 0:47:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt burping. \ref 1580 \id 785553072608270504 \begin 0:48:00 \sp KIKPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1581 \id 406935072636270504 \begin 0:48:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt eating her noodles. \ref 1582 \id 877979072703270504 \begin 0:48:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1583 \id 408568072724270504 \begin 0:48:06 \sp EXPLIK \tx sini, perutnya. \pho sini pr̩utɲa \mb sini perut -nya \ge here stomach -NYA \gj here stomach-NYA \ft come here, let me see your stomach. \nt talking to OPI. \ref 1584 \id 414197072822270504 \begin 0:48:08 \sp EXPLIK \tx awas, Nak. \pho ʔawas naʔ \mb awas Nak \ge EXCL TRU-child \gj EXCL TRU-child \ft be careful. \ref 1585 \id 522905072848270504 \begin 0:48:10 \sp KIKPIT \tx dah yok, ayok bilangin. \pho da yoʔ ʔayoʔ bilaŋin \mb dah yok ayok bilang -in \ge PFCT AYO AYO say -IN \gj PFCT AYO AYO say-IN \ft come on, tell her. \ref 1586 \id 576750072913270504 \begin 0:48:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx itu... itu... pernah xxx dia kena. \pho ʔitu ʔitu pəna xxx diya kəna \mb itu itu pernah xxx dia kena \ge that that ever xxx 3 undergo \gj that that ever xxx 3 undergo \ft you know what? he ever hit something. \nt talking to EXPLIK. \ref 1587 \id 507764113047270504 \begin 0:48:14 \sp DRIPIT \tx ambil aja gak pa-pa. \pho ʔambil ʔaja ga papa \mb ambil aja gak pa - pa \ge take just NEG what - what \gj take just NEG RED-what \ft just take it, it's okay. \ref 1588 \id 807283113048270504 \begin 0:48:15 \sp EXPLIK \tx di mana? \pho di mana \mb di mana \ge LOC which \gj LOC which \ft where's it? \nt talking to OPI. \ref 1589 \id 219527113048270504 \begin 0:48:16 \sp DRIPIT \tx paling Ijul yang makan [?]. \pho paliŋ ʔijul yaŋ makan \mb paling Ijul yang makan \ge most Ijul REL eat \gj most Ijul REL eat \ft maybe he eats it. \ref 1590 \id 192874113049270504 \begin 0:48:17 \sp KIKPIT \tx gak pa-pa. \pho ga papa \mb gak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft it's not a big deal. \ref 1591 \id 437446113049270504 \begin 0:48:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx terus tumpah. \pho xxx təlus tumpa \mb xxx terus tumpah \ge xxx continue spilled \gj xxx continue spilled \ft xxx then it's spilled. \ref 1592 \id 670821113049270504 \begin 0:48:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx coba liat deh Tante. \pho coba liyat dɛ tatə \mb coba liat deh Tante \ge try see DEH aunt \gj try see DEH aunt \ft let me see it. \nt wants to see the picture which is colored by KIK. \ref 1593 \id 813384113049270504 \begin 0:48:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx trus gini, 'tolong, tolong!' \pho tus gini tolɔŋ tolɔŋ \mb trus gini tolong tolong \ge continue like.this help help \gj continue like.this help help \ft then he said, 'help, help!' \nt retelling s.t. to EXPLIK. \ref 1594 \id 162464113050270504 \begin 0:48:22 \sp KIKPIT \tx ayok! \pho ʔayoʔ \mb ayok \ge AYO \gj AYO \ft come on! \ref 1595 \id 536043113050270504 \begin 0:48:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx liat! \pho liyat \mb liat \ge see \gj see \ft let me see! \ref 1596 \id 891701113050270504 \begin 0:48:24 \sp KIKPIT \tx tar dulu, tar dulu, tar. \pho tar dulu tar dulu tar \mb tar dulu tar dulu tar \ge moment before moment before moment \gj moment before moment before moment \ft wait a minute, wait a minute. \ref 1597 \id 640714113050270504 \begin 0:48:25 \sp KIKPIT \tx ayok, ayok! \pho ʔayoʔ ʔayoʔ \mb ayok ayok \ge AYO AYO \gj AYO AYO \ft come on, come on! \ref 1598 \id 591026113051270504 \begin 0:48:25 \sp KIKPIT \tx ah, Indri. \pho ʔah ʔindri \mb ah Indri \ge EXCL Indri \gj EXCL Indri \ft hey you. \ref 1599 \id 684140113933270504 \begin 0:48:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini xxx. \pho ʔin̩i xxx \mb ini xxx \ge this xxx \gj this xxx \ft this xxx. \ref 1600 \id 696102113051270504 \begin 0:48:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx liat aku satu lagi. \pho liyat ʔaku satu lagih \mb liat aku satu lagi \ge see 1SG one more \gj see 1SG one more \ft let me see the other one. \nt referring to KIK's coloring book. \ref 1601 \id 900214113051270504 \begin 0:48:28 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1602 \id 624183113052270504 \begin 0:48:29 \sp KIKPIT \tx jangan. \pho jaŋan \mb jangan \ge don't \gj don't \ft no. \ref 1603 \id 863936113052270504 \begin 0:48:29 \sp CHIPIT \tx satu lagi aku liat. \pho tatu lagi ʔaku liyat \mb satu lagi aku liat \ge one more 1SG see \gj one more 1SG see \ft I wanna see the other one. \ref 1604 \id 201167113052270504 \begin 0:48:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx lama ini. \pho lama ʔini \mb lama ini \ge long.time this \gj long.time this \ft it's so long. \nt reference unclear. \ref 1605 \id 321865113052270504 \begin 0:48:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini warnai! \pho ʔini wanai \mb ini warna -i \ge this color -I \gj this color-I \ft color it! \ref 1606 \id 289313113053270504 \begin 0:48:31 \sp KIKPIT \tx iya ya ya, tar dulu. \pho ʔiya ya ya tar dɔlɔʔ \mb iya ya ya tar dulu \ge yes yes yes moment before \gj yes yes yes moment before \ft okay, okay, just a minute. \ref 1607 \id 396769113053270504 \begin 0:48:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx jan lama-lama dong. \pho jan lamalamaʔ doŋ \mb jan lama - lama dong \ge really long.time - long.time DONG \gj really RED-long.time DONG \ft don't be too long. \ref 1608 \id 115086113053270504 \begin 0:48:33 \sp KIKPIT \tx ayo! \pho ʔayoʔ \mb ayo \ge AYO \gj AYO \ft come on! \ref 1609 \id 760465113054270504 \begin 0:48:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx pocong. \pho pocɔŋ \mb pocong \ge k.o.ghost \gj k.o.ghost \ft 'pocong'. \ref 1610 \id 864187113054270504 \begin 0:48:35 \sp DRIPIT \tx Kiki, itu xxx. \pho kiki ʔitu xxx \mb Kiki itu xxx \ge Kiki that xxx \gj Kiki that xxx \ft Kiki, that xxx. \ref 1611 \id 810747113054270504 \begin 0:48:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku vampir. \pho ʔaku papil \mb aku vampir \ge 1SG vampire \gj 1SG vampire \ft I'm a vampire. \ref 1612 \id 849279113054270504 \begin 0:48:39 \sp EXPLIK \tx vampir? \pho fampir \mb vampir \ge vampire \gj vampire \ft a vampire? \ref 1613 \id 457370113055270504 \begin 0:48:39 \sp KIKPIT \tx enggak. \pho ŋ̩gaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 1614 \id 731202113055270504 \begin 0:48:39 \sp EXPLIK \tx vampir? \pho fampir \mb vampir \ge vampire \gj vampire \ft a vampire? \ref 1615 \id 428223113055270504 \begin 0:48:39 \sp DRIPIT \tx nggak? \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no? \ref 1616 \id 466455113056270504 \begin 0:48:40 \sp EXPLIK \tx hah? \pho hã \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1617 \id 422478113056270504 \begin 0:48:41 \sp EXPLIK \tx yang ini vampir, yang itu pocong. \pho yaŋ ʔini fampir yaŋ ʔitu pocɔŋ \mb yang ini vampir yang itu pocong \ge REL this vampire REL that k.o.ghost \gj REL this vampire REL that k.o.ghost \ft this one is a vampire and that one is a 'pocong'. \nt addressing CHI and OPI. \ref 1618 \id 194307113056270504 \begin 0:48:42 \sp KIKPIT \tx jan, jangan bilang. \pho jan jaŋan bilaŋ \mb jan jangan bilang \ge don't don't say \gj don’t don't say \ft don't say that. \ref 1619 \id 226032113056270504 \begin 0:48:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1620 \id 627349113057270504 \begin 0:48:45 \sp KIKPIT \tx Tante! \pho tantə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 1621 \id 968874113057270504 \begin 0:48:47 \sp KIKPIT \tx yang warna bagus menang ni. \pho yaŋ warna bagus mənaŋ ni \mb yang warna bagus menang ni \ge REL color nice win this \gj REL color nice win this \ft the one who colors it nicely will be the winner. \nt while showing his picture to EXPLIK. \ref 1622 \id 791392113057270504 \begin 0:48:49 \sp EXPLIK \tx Pit, coba liat! \pho pit cobaʔ liyat \mb Pit coba liat \ge TRU-Pipit try see \gj TRU-Pipit try see \ft let me see! \ref 1623 \id 443616113057270504 \begin 0:48:50 \sp KIKPIT \tx ininya kasi. \pho ʔiniɲa kasi \mb ini -nya kasi \ge this -NYA give \gj this-NYA give \ft give it to her. \nt asking DRI to show her picture to EXPLIK. \ref 1624 \id 875425113058270504 \begin 0:48:51 \sp DRIPIT \tx nggak mau. \pho ŋga maWuʔ \mb nggak mau \ge NEG want \gj NEG want \ft no way. \ref 1625 \id 560073123543310504 \begin 0:48:52 \sp KIKPIT \tx nggak pa-pa, sini! \pho ŋga papa sini \mb nggak pa - pa sini \ge NEG what - what here \gj NEG RED-what here \ft it's okay, give it to me! \ref 1626 \id 668360123604310504 \begin 0:48:54 \sp DRIPIT \tx jelek. \pho jəlɛːk \mb jelek \ge bad \gj bad \ft it's bad. \ref 1627 \id 848495123629310504 \begin 0:48:56 \sp DRIPIT \tx aku pasti kalah. \pho ʔaku pasti kala \mb aku pasti kalah \ge 1SG sure defeated \gj 1SG sure defeated \ft I know I'm the loser. \ref 1628 \id 778575123650310504 \begin 0:48:57 \sp EXPLIK \tx coba liat! \pho coba liyat \mb coba liat \ge try see \gj try see \ft let me look at it! \nt taking DRI's picture. \ref 1629 \id 123284123710310504 \begin 0:48:58 \sp KIKPIT \tx ya lu je(lek), kalah. \pho ya lu jə kala \mb ya lu jelek kalah \ge yes 2 bad defeated \gj yes 2 bad defeated \ft yeah, yours is bad, you're the loser. \ref 1630 \id 846358123753310504 \begin 0:48:59 \sp EXPLIK \tx eh, ini bagus. \pho ʔɛ ʔini bagus \mb eh ini bagus \ge EXCL this nice \gj EXCL this nice \ft hey, this is good. \nt referring to DRI's picture. \ref 1631 \id 860449123817310504 \begin 0:49:00 \sp KIKPIT \tx ya kan? \pho ya kan \mb ya kan \ge yes KAN \gj yes KAN \ft you see that? \nt talking to DRI. \ref 1632 \id 989361123906310504 \begin 0:49:01 \sp EXPLIK \tx kalo Mbak Indri gambarannya rapi, ndak keluar garis. \pho kalo m̩baʔ ʔindri gambaranɲa rapi n̩daʔ kluwar garis \mb kalo Mbak Indri gambar -an -nya rapi ndak keluar garis \ge TOP EPIT Indri picture -AN -NYA neat NEG go.out line \gj TOP EPIT Indri picture-AN-NYA neat NEG go.out line \ft your picture is good, it's not out of the line. \nt = the way you color it is nice, you don't do it out of the line. \ref 1633 \id 408702123951310504 \begin 0:49:03 \sp EXPLIK \tx bagus. \pho bagɔs \mb bagus \ge nice \gj nice \ft it's good. \ref 1634 \id 866148124035310504 \begin 0:49:05 \sp KIKPIT \tx iya kan Kiki bener, kan? \pho ʔiya kan kiki bənər kan \mb iya kan Kiki bener kan \ge yes KAN Kiki true KAN \gj yes KAN Kiki true KAN \ft I'm right, you see? \ref 1635 \id 474527124106310504 \begin 0:49:07 \sp EXPLIK \tx kalo Kiki, kalo Kiki gambarnya bagus. \pho kalo kiki kalo ki gambarɲa bagus \mb kalo Kiki kalo Kiki gambar -nya bagus \ge TOP Kiki TOP Kiki picture -NYA nice \gj TOP Kiki TOP Kiki picture-NYA nice \ft and your picture is also good. \nt talking to KIK. \ref 1636 \id 196554124159310504 \begin 0:49:10 \sp EXPLIK \tx nyata itu warnanya nyata. \pho ɲataʔ ʔitu warnaɲa ɲataʔ \mb nyata itu warna -nya nyata \ge real that color -NYA real \gj real that color-NYA real \ft the color is bright. \ref 1637 \id 188812124239310504 \begin 0:49:13 \sp KIKPIT \tx siapa yang menang? \pho siyapa yaŋ mənaŋ \mb siapa yang menang \ge who REL win \gj who REL win \ft so who's the winner? \ref 1638 \id 575939124303310504 \begin 0:49:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt burping. \ref 1639 \id 916398124319310504 \begin 0:49:15 \sp DRIPIT \tx ep, jato. \pho ʔep jato \mb ep jato \ge EXCL fall \gj EXCL fall \ft oops, it falls down. \ref 1640 \id 829297124348310504 \begin 0:49:17 \sp EXPLIK \tx berarti Kiki dapet lapan puluh. \pho br̩ati ki dapət lapan pulu \mb ber- arti Kiki dapet lapan puluh \ge BER- meaning Kiki get eight ten \gj BER-meaning Kiki get eight ten \ft you get eighty as your score. \ref 1641 \id 311114124434310504 \begin 0:49:19 \sp DRIPIT \tx ya... aku nem puluh ni? \pho yah ʔaku nəm pulu ni \mb ya aku nem puluh ni \ge yes 1SG six ten this \gj yes 1SG six ten this \ft yeah... so I get sixty as my score? \ref 1642 \id 498497124452310504 \begin 0:49:21 \sp EXPLIK \tx Mbak Indri lapan puluh karna gak keluar garis. \pho m̩ba ʔindri lapan pulu karna ga kluwar garis \mb Mbak Indri lapan puluh karna gak keluar garis \ge EPIT Indri eight ten because NEG go.out line \gj EPIT Indri eight ten because NEG go.out line \ft you get eighty because you don't do it out of the line. \ref 1643 \id 755203124641310504 \begin 0:49:22 \sp DRIPIT \tx ya. \pho ya \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 1644 \id 610877124648310504 \begin 0:49:23 \sp EXPLIK \tx pinter. \pho pintər \mb pinter \ge smart \gj smart \ft good. \ref 1645 \id 430126124701310504 \begin 0:49:24 \sp EXPLIK \tx semua dapet lapan puluh. \pho səmuwa dapət lapan pulu \mb semua dapet lapan puluh \ge all get eight ten \gj all get eight ten \ft you both get eighty. \nt talking to DRI and KIK. \ref 1646 \id 948725124730310504 \begin 0:49:25 \sp XXX \tx welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games. \pho wɛlkam tu jakarta in də naintin si gɛm \mb welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ge welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \gj welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ft welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games. \nt the sound of the monkey doll. \ref 1647 \id 549971124811310504 \begin 0:49:27 \sp KIKPIT \tx eh, satu lagi. \pho ʔɛ satu lagi \mb eh satu lagi \ge EXCL one more \gj EXCL one more \ft hey, there's one more. \nt referring to a picture that's going to be colored. \ref 1648 \id 984489124853310504 \begin 0:49:28 \sp DRIPIT \tx males. \pho maləs \mb males \ge lazy \gj lazy \ft I don't wanna do it. \ref 1649 \id 428399124912310504 \begin 0:49:29 \sp KIKPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1650 \id 709897124935310504 \begin 0:49:30 \sp XXX \tx 0. \nt sound of the toy monkey. \ref 1651 \id 550680124953310504 \begin 0:49:31 \sp DRIPIT \tx udah, Mbak Indri macet. \pho ʔuda m̩ba ʔindri macət \mb udah Mbak Indri macet \ge PFCT EPIT Indri stoppage \gj PFCT EPIT Indri stoppage \ft mine doesn't work. \nt reference unclear. \ref 1652 \id 291187125028310504 \begin 0:49:33 \sp EXPLIK \tx Pi! \pho piʔ \mb Pi \ge TRU-Opi \gj TRU-Opi \ft Opi! \ref 1653 \id 384232125046310504 \begin 0:49:34 \sp DRIPIT \tx ayo udah nggak pa-pa, ayo! \pho ʔayo ʔuda ŋga papa ʔayo \mb ayo udah nggak pa - pa ayo \ge AYO PFCT NEG what - what AYO \gj AYO PFCT NEG RED-what AYO \ft okay, no problem, come on! \ref 1654 \id 902692125123310504 \begin 0:49:35 \sp KIKPIT \tx ta(pi), tapi nggak maen lomba. \pho taʔ tapi ŋga maɛn lombaʔ \mb tapi tapi nggak maen lomba \ge but but NEG play compete \gj but but NEG play compete \ft but it's not a competition. \nt emphasizing DRI that the coloring they wanna do is only a game and they won't distinguish whether there'll be a winner or a loser like the one they did previously. \ref 1655 \id 864242125159310504 \begin 0:49:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx muat nggak? \pho muwat ŋgaʔ \mb muat nggak \ge contain NEG \gj contain NEG \ft does it fit me? \nt talking to EXPLIK who's trying to help him to put on the short pants properly. \ref 1656 \id 837533125232310504 \begin 0:49:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx nih. \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \ref 1657 \id 143691125252310504 \begin 0:49:39 \sp KIKPIT \tx yang bagus yang menang. \pho yaŋ bagus yaŋ mənaŋ \mb yang bagus yang menang \ge REL nice REL win \gj REL nice REL win \ft the one who does it nicely will be the winner. \ref 1658 \id 930655125326310504 \begin 0:49:40 \sp KIKPIT \tx gitu. \pho gitu \mb gitu \ge like.that \gj like.that \ft that's the way. \ref 1659 \id 917522142249310504 \begin 0:49:41 \sp DRIPIT \tx ye Ndri, Mbak Indri ni nebelin doang. \pho yɛ ndri mba ʔindri ni nəbəlin dowaŋ \mb ye Ndri Mbak Indri ni n- tebel -in doang \ge EXCL TRU-Indri EPIT Indri this N- thick -IN just \gj EXCL TRU-Indri EPIT Indri this N-thick-IN just \ft you know what? I just wanna make it bright. \nt referring to the picture. \ref 1660 \id 821657142517310504 \begin 0:49:43 \sp KIKPIT \tx tar dulu Ki, Kiki nganuin ini dulu. \pho tar dulu ki kikiʔ ŋanuwin ʔini duluʔ \mb tar dulu Ki Kiki ng- anu -in ini dulu \ge moment before TRU-Kiki Kiki N- whatchamacallit -IN this before \gj moment before TRU-Kiki Kiki N-whatchamacallit-IN this before \ft wait a minute, let me whatchamacallit this first. \ref 1661 \id 618503142614310504 \begin 0:49:45 \sp EXPLIK \tx 0. \nt whispering s.t. to OPI. \ref 1662 \id 792019142645310504 \begin 0:49:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx ntar be(sok), be(sok), besok mao, mo... selamat ulang tahun... \pho n̩tar be be beso mao mo səlamat ʔulaŋ tahun \mb ntar besok besok besok mao mo selamat ulang tahun \ge moment tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow want want safe repeat year \gj moment tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow want want safe repeat year \ft tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow I will, I will... happy birthday... \nt 1. singing at the end of the utterance. 2. talking about a birthday party he will have on the next following days. \ref 1663 \id 186978142902310504 \begin 0:49:48 \sp KIKPIT \tx ijo mana ijo? \pho ʔijoʔ mana ʔijo \mb ijo mana ijo \ge green which green \gj green which green \ft where's the green one? \ref 1664 \id 351101142925310504 \begin 0:49:49 \sp EXPLIK \tx di mana? \pho di mana \mb di mana \ge LOC which \gj LOC which \ft where? \ref 1665 \id 267702142936310504 \begin 0:49:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx hah? \pho ʔã \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1666 \id 779047142957310504 \begin 0:49:53 \sp EXPLIK \tx di mana? \pho di mana \mb di mana \ge LOC which \gj LOC which \ft where? \ref 1667 \id 872241143007310504 \begin 0:49:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1668 \id 799934065143010604 \begin 0:49:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1669 \id 919006065152010604 \begin 0:49:57 \sp KIKPIT \tx mana sih ijo ya? \pho mana si ʔijoʔ ya \mb mana sih ijo ya \ge which SIH green yes \gj which SIH green yes \ft where's the green one? \ref 1670 \id 550779065205010604 \begin 0:49:58 \sp KIKPIT \tx ni dia. \pho ni diyah \mb ni dia \ge this 3 \gj this 3 \ft here it is. \ref 1671 \id 157248065224010604 \begin 0:50:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx ayo Kakak! \pho ʔayo kakaʔ \mb ayo Kakak \ge AYO older.sibling \gj AYO older.sibling \ft come on Indri! \ref 1672 \id 172343065302010604 \begin 0:50:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx Kakak, Kakak, cepet, cepet! \pho kaka kakaʔ cəpət cəpət \mb Kakak Kakak cepet cepet \ge older.sibling older.sibling quick quick \gj older.sibling older.sibling quick quick \ft Indri, Indri, quickly, quickly! \nt asking DRI to finish the coloring. \ref 1673 \id 976909065327010604 \begin 0:50:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ipit! \pho ʔipit \mb Ipit \ge Ipit \gj Ipit \ft Pipit! \nt calling CHI and looking at her through the screen of the camcorder. \ref 1674 \id 841161065339010604 \begin 0:50:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah. \pho ʔah \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ah. \ref 1675 \id 808222065358010604 \begin 0:50:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1676 \id 715462065414010604 \begin 0:50:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx coba Pi dari sana, Pi! \pho coba piʔ da sana piʔ \mb coba Pi dari sana Pi \ge try TRU-Opi from there TRU-Opi \gj try TRU-Opi from there TRU-Opi \ft try it from there! \ref 1677 \id 489762065439010604 \begin 0:50:15 \sp CHIPIT \tx coba cepetan! \pho coba cəpətan \mb coba cepet -an \ge try quick -AN \gj try quick-AN \ft quickly! \ref 1678 \id 641295065509010604 \begin 0:50:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt going to sit on the sofa. \ref 1679 \id 464402065540010604 \begin 0:50:19 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1680 \id 123798065550010604 \begin 0:50:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt apparently CHI's playing with her tounge to tease OPI. \ref 1681 \id 487560065650010604 \begin 0:50:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx Opi li(at), liat gini. \pho ʔopi li diyat ginih \mb Opi liat liat gini \ge Opi see see like.this \gj Opi see see like.this \ft look at this. \ref 1682 \id 534406065738010604 \begin 0:50:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt showing his tounge. \ref 1683 \id 377390065904010604 \begin 0:50:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt playing with her tounge. \ref 1684 \id 202866065934010604 \begin 0:50:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh. \pho ʔəh \mb eh \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm. \ref 1685 \id 971886065952010604 \begin 0:50:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx apah? \pho ʔapaʰ \mb apah \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 1686 \id 111893070011010604 \begin 0:50:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx jelek lu, Pi. \pho jəlɛk lu piʔ \mb jelek lu Pi \ge bad 2 TRU-Opi \gj bad 2 TRU-Opi \ft you're ugly. \ref 1687 \id 201827070027010604 \begin 0:50:30 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1688 \id 623153070051010604 \begin 0:50:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1689 \id 643983070116010604 \begin 0:50:32 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya lu Pi. \pho ʔiya lu piʔ \mb iya lu Pi \ge yes 2 TRU-Opi \gj yes 2 TRU-Opi \ft yes you are. \nt = yes, you're ugly. \ref 1690 \id 648100070136010604 \begin 0:50:32 \sp EXPLIK \tx Opi jelek nggak? \pho ʔɔpi jəlɛk ŋgaʔ \mb Opi jelek nggak \ge Opi bad NEG \gj Opi bad NEG \ft are you ugly? \ref 1691 \id 527032070207010604 \begin 0:50:33 \sp CHIPIT \tx ketawa aja lu Pi. \pho kətawa ʔaja lu piʔ \mb ke- tawa aja lu Pi \ge KE- laughter just 2 TRU-Opi \gj KE-laughter just 2 TRU-Opi \ft you just laugh. \ref 1692 \id 643518070233010604 \begin 0:50:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt shaking. \ref 1693 \id 921364070245010604 \begin 0:50:35 \sp EXPLIK \tx enggak kok. \pho ŋ̩gaʔ koʔ \mb enggak kok \ge NEG KOK \gj NEG KOK \ft no, you're not (ugly). \ref 1694 \id 596074070305010604 \begin 0:50:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx di sini Pit. \pho di sini pit \mb di sini Pit \ge LOC here TRU-Pipit \gj LOC here TRU-Pipit \ft I wanna be here. \nt coming towards to the camcorder. \ref 1695 \id 934554070904010604 \begin 0:50:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pit. \pho pit \mb Pit \ge TRU-Pipit \gj TRU-Pipit \ft Pipit. \nt whispering while staring at the screen of the camcorder. \ref 1696 \id 870480071540010604 \begin 0:50:41 \sp CHIPIT \tx di sana, ke sebelah sana! \pho di sana kə səbəla sana \mb di sana ke se- belah sana \ge LOC there to SE- side there \gj LOC there to SE-side there \ft there, go over there! \ref 1697 \id 378432071614010604 \begin 0:50:43 \sp CHIPIT \tx da da dulu! \pho da da duluʔ \mb da da dulu \ge bye bye before \gj bye bye before \ft bye bye! \nt asking OPI to say good bye to her. \ref 1698 \id 622832071642010604 \begin 0:50:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx da da! \pho da daʰ \mb da da \ge bye bye \gj bye bye \ft bye bye! \ref 1699 \id 657282071659010604 \begin 0:50:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx sini sebelah sini! \pho sini səbəla sini \mb sini se- belah sini \ge here SE- side here \gj here SE-side here \ft here, over here! \ref 1700 \id 958581071721010604 \begin 0:50:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx sebelah sini, Opi! \pho səbəla sini ʔopiʔ \mb se- belah sini Opi \ge SE- side here Opi \gj SE-side here Opi \ft over here! \ref 1701 \id 593853072103010604 \begin 0:50:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx da da! \pho da daʰ \mb da da \ge bye bye \gj bye bye \ft bye bye! \ref 1702 \id 511183072114010604 \begin 0:50:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx da da! \pho da dah \mb da da \ge bye bye \gj bye bye \ft bye bye! \ref 1703 \id 671544072125010604 \begin 0:50:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt waving hand in front of the camcorder. \ref 1704 \id 365041072206010604 \begin 0:50:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1705 \id 558989072324010604 \begin 0:50:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx ketawa! \pho kətawaʔ \mb ke- tawa \ge KE- laughter \gj KE-laughter \ft laugh! \ref 1706 \id 446500072344010604 \begin 0:50:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1707 \id 733338072401010604 \begin 0:50:57 \sp CHIPIT \tx sekarang Ipit. \pho skalaŋ ʔipit \mb sekarang Ipit \ge now Ipit \gj now Ipit \ft now it's me. \ref 1708 \id 328655072422010604 \begin 0:50:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt going to stand in front of the camcorder. \ref 1709 \id 955481132721010604 \begin 0:51:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ipit! \pho ʔipit \mb Ipit \ge Ipit \gj Ipit \ft Pipit! \ref 1710 \id 690140132849010604 \begin 0:51:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx tawa dong! \pho tawa doŋ \mb tawa dong \ge laughter DONG \gj laughter DONG \ft please laugh! \ref 1711 \id 595360132909010604 \begin 0:51:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx tawa! \pho tawaʔ \mb tawa \ge laughter \gj laughter \ft laugh! \ref 1712 \id 632302133014010604 \begin 0:51:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1713 \id 517176133033010604 \begin 0:51:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya Ipit. \pho ya ʔipit \mb ya Ipit \ge yes Ipit \gj yes Ipit \ft yes. \ref 1714 \id 891964071055020604 \begin 0:51:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx he, ah! \pho hɛ̃ ʔah \mb he ah \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey! \nt screaming. \ref 1715 \id 558655071056020604 \begin 0:51:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx gini deh Pit [?]. \pho gini dɛ pit \mb gini deh Pit \ge like.this DEH TRU-Pipit \gj like.this DEH TRU-Pipit \ft like this. \ref 1716 \id 235822071056020604 \begin 0:51:09 \sp CHIPIT \tx coba Opi gini 'hah, ah'! \pho coba ʔopi gini hã ŋa \mb coba Opi gini hah ah \ge try Opi like.this EXCL EXCL \gj try Opi like.this EXCL EXCL \ft try this, 'hey, hey'! \ref 1717 \id 469091071057020604 \begin 0:51:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx gini, gini... 'hah, hah, hah!' \pho gini gini hã hã hãʰ \mb gini gini hah hah hah \ge like.this like.this EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj like.this like.this EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft like this, like this... 'hey, hey, hey!' \ref 1718 \id 631245071057020604 \begin 0:51:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx Opi gini, sekarang di sini Opi. \pho ʔopi gini skalaŋ di sini ʔopiʰ \mb Opi gini sekarang di sini Opi \ge Opi like.this now LOC here Opi \gj Opi like.this now LOC here Opi \ft let's do this way, now you're here. \nt asking OPI to move in front of the camcorder. \ref 1719 \id 746206071057020604 \begin 0:51:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx hah, hah! \pho hã hã \mb hah hah \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey! \ref 1720 \id 598447071057020604 \begin 0:51:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx hah, hah! \pho hã hã \mb hah hah \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey! \nt repeating CHI. \ref 1721 \id 323570071058020604 \begin 0:51:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx begitu. \pho bgitu \mb begitu \ge like.that \gj like.that \ft like that. \ref 1722 \id 152894071058020604 \begin 0:51:15 \sp CHIPIT \tx Opi di sini, hah, hah! \pho ʔopi di sini hã hãʰ \mb Opi di sini hah hah \ge Opi LOC here EXCL EXCL \gj Opi LOC here EXCL EXCL \ft you stay here and say 'hey, hey!' \ref 1723 \id 806347071058020604 \begin 0:51:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx tuh. \pho tɔh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft see? \ref 1724 \id 702247071058020604 \begin 0:51:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya da Tante. \pho ya da tatəh \mb ya da Tante \ge yes exist aunt \gj yes exist aunt \ft yeah, she's there. \nt referring to EXPLIK who sits near the camcorder. \ref 1725 \id 690217071059020604 \begin 0:51:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt standing in front of the camcorder. \ref 1726 \id 993766071059020604 \begin 0:51:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx hah hah! \pho hã hãʰ \mb hah hah \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hey hey! \ref 1727 \id 648662071059020604 \begin 0:51:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx heh hah... heh hah. \pho hə̃ hãʰ hə̃ hãʰ \mb heh hah heh hah \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft hey hey... hey hey. \ref 1728 \id 973536071059020604 \begin 0:51:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx hah hah! \pho hã hãʰ \mb hah hah \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hey hey! \ref 1729 \id 842877071100020604 \begin 0:51:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx tu Pi. \pho tu piʔ \mb tu Pi \ge that TRU-Opi \gj that TRU-Opi \ft do it, Opi. \ref 1730 \id 850186071100020604 \begin 0:51:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing and still standing in front of the camcorder. \ref 1731 \id 400077071100020604 \begin 0:51:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1732 \id 811229071100020604 \begin 0:51:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1733 \id 854178071101020604 \begin 0:51:35 \sp EXPLIK \tx sun dulu Tante. \pho sun dulu tantə \mb sun dulu Tante \ge kiss before aunt \gj kiss before aunt \ft let me kiss you first. \nt kissing OPI. \ref 1734 \id 891240071101020604 \begin 0:51:36 \sp EXPLIK \tx ni belum sun, sini! \pho ni blum sun sini \mb ni belum sun sini \ge this not.yet kiss here \gj this not.yet kiss here \ft I haven't kissed you yet, come here! \nt talking to CHI. \ref 1735 \id 988966071101020604 \begin 0:51:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1736 \id 976231071101020604 \begin 0:51:39 \sp EXPLIK \tx Te belum sun. \pho tə blum sun \mb Te belum sun \ge TRU-aunt not.yet kiss \gj TRU-aunt not.yet kiss \ft I haven't kissed you yet. \ref 1737 \id 243973071102020604 \begin 0:51:41 \sp EXPLIK \tx 0. \nt kissing CHI. \ref 1738 \id 659704071102020604 \begin 0:51:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ipit. \pho ʰipit \mb Ipit \ge Ipit \gj Ipit \ft Pipit. \ref 1739 \id 262550071102020604 \begin 0:51:44 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1740 \id 587762071102020604 \begin 0:51:46 \sp EXPLIK \tx ntar liatin tangan, ya? \pho ntar liyatin taŋan ya \mb ntar liat -in tangan ya \ge moment see -IN hand yes \gj moment see-IN hand yes \ft show me your hands later, okay? \ref 1741 \id 741254071103020604 \begin 0:51:48 \sp EXPLIK \tx mana gambarnya? \pho mana gambarɲa \mb mana gambar -nya \ge which picture -NYA \gj which picture-NYA \ft where's your picture? \ref 1742 \id 176412071103020604 \begin 0:51:50 \sp EXPLIK \tx taro situ. \pho taro situ \mb taro situ \ge put there \gj put there \ft put it there. \ref 1743 \id 970916071103020604 \begin 0:51:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx Opi. \pho xxx ʔopi \mb xxx Opi \ge xxx Opi \gj xxx Opi \ft I xxx. \ref 1744 \id 917183071103020604 \begin 0:51:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx ha(nya) satu [?]. \pho ha satuʔ \mb hanya satu \ge only one \gj only one \ft there's only one. \nt reference unclear. \ref 1745 \id 514854071103020604 \begin 0:51:56 \sp EXPLIK \tx dimakan dikit-dikit minya. \pho dimakan dikitdikit miɲa \mb di- makan dikit - dikit mi -nya \ge DI- eat a.little - a.little noodles -NYA \gj DI-eat RED-a.little noodles-NYA \ft eat your noodles little by little. \ref 1746 \id 267681071104020604 \begin 0:51:59 \sp DRIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 1747 \id 423361071104020604 \begin 0:52:02 \sp EXPLIK \tx Pi, besok ke sini lagi, ya? \pho piʔ besoʔ kə sini lagi ya \mb Pi besok ke sini lagi ya \ge TRU-Opi tomorrow to here more yes \gj TRU-Opi tomorrow to here more yes \ft Opi, come here again tomorrow, okay? \ref 1748 \id 634922071104020604 \begin 0:52:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx hmm. \pho m̩ \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft okay. \ref 1749 \id 454887071104020604 \begin 0:52:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1750 \id 396468071105020604 \begin 0:52:07 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1751 \id 455157071105020604 \begin 0:52:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ipit! \pho ʔipit \mb Ipit \ge Ipit \gj Ipit \ft Pipit! \ref 1752 \id 441908071105020604 \begin 0:52:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ipit makan, ya? \pho ʔipit makan ya \mb Ipit makan ya \ge Ipit eat yes \gj Ipit eat yes \ft are you eating? \ref 1753 \id 968905071105020604 \begin 0:52:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya? \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft are you? \ref 1754 \id 405641071106020604 \begin 0:52:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya? \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes? \nt = are you eating? \ref 1755 \id 723369071106020604 \begin 0:52:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh Ipit lama banget. \pho ʔɛ ʔipit lama baŋət \mb eh Ipit lama banget \ge EXCL Ipit long.time very \gj EXCL Ipit long.time very \ft hey, you eat so long. \ref 1756 \id 185452071106020604 \begin 0:52:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt eating her noodles. \ref 1757 \id 800088071106020604 \begin 0:52:24 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm... pinter sekali. \pho hm pintər səkali \mb hmm pinter se- kali \ge EXCL smart SE- very \gj EXCL smart SE-very \ft hmm... very good. \ref 1758 \id 806993071107020604 \begin 0:52:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ipit! \pho ʔipit \mb Ipit \ge Ipit \gj Ipit \ft Pipit! \ref 1759 \id 748334071107020604 \begin 0:52:28 \sp EXPLIK \tx tunggu Mbak Pipit makan. \pho tuŋgu m̩baʔ pɪpit makan \mb tunggu Mbak Pipit makan \ge wait EPIT Pipit eat \gj wait EPIT Pipit eat \ft let her eat. \ref 1760 \id 373846071107020604 \begin 0:52:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ipit! \pho ʔipit \mb Ipit \ge Ipit \gj Ipit \ft Pipit! \ref 1761 \id 942311071107020604 \begin 0:52:31 \sp EXPLIK \tx Pit, Ibu keluar, ya? \pho pɪt ʔibɔ kluwar ya \mb Pit Ibu keluar ya \ge TRU-Pipit mother go.out yes \gj TRU-Pipit mother go.out yes \ft does your mom go out? \ref 1762 \id 481327114154020604 \begin 0:52:33 \sp KIKPIT \tx ni baru. \pho ni baruʔ \mb ni baru \ge this new \gj this new \ft this is new. \nt 1. still coloring a picture with DRI. 2. maybe it refers to the crayon. \ref 1763 \id 742971071107020604 \begin 0:52:35 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm? \pho m \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft what? \ref 1764 \id 235788071108020604 \begin 0:52:36 \sp KIKPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1765 \id 800803071108020604 \begin 0:52:37 \sp EXPLIK \tx Ibu keluar? \pho ʔibu kluwar \mb Ibu keluar \ge mother go.out \gj mother go.out \ft does she go out? \ref 1766 \id 209372071108020604 \begin 0:52:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx apah? \pho ʔapah \mb apah \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 1767 \id 532551071108020604 \begin 0:52:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1768 \id 695068071109020604 \begin 0:52:41 \sp EXPLIK \tx dah diabisin minya. \pho da diʔabisin miɲa \mb dah di- abis -in mi -nya \ge PFCT DI- finished -IN noodles -NYA \gj PFCT DI-finished-IN noodles-NYA \ft finish your noodles. \ref 1769 \id 628927071109020604 \begin 0:52:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaʔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 1770 \id 488456071109020604 \begin 0:52:43 \sp EXPLIK \tx emang kuat? \pho ʔɛmaŋ kuwat \mb emang kuat \ge indeed strong \gj indeed strong \ft are you strong enough? \nt = can you finish it all? \ref 1771 \id 302675071109020604 \begin 0:52:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx haduh... kuat. \pho haduh kWat \mb haduh kuat \ge EXCL strong \gj EXCL strong \ft ugh... yes. \ref 1772 \id 877426071110020604 \begin 0:52:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1773 \id 119597071112020604 \begin 0:52:49 \sp EXPLIK \tx dah ayo sana yok! \pho da ʔayo sana yoʔ \mb dah ayo sana yok \ge PFCT AYO there AYO \gj PFCT AYO there AYO \ft okay, let's go there! \ref 1774 \id 973206071114020604 \begin 0:52:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx ketawa aja lu. \pho kətawa ʔaja luh \mb ke- tawa aja lu \ge KE- laughter just 2 \gj KE-laughter just 2 \ft you just laugh. \ref 1775 \id 695811071117020604 \begin 0:52:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1776 \id 511928071117020604 \begin 0:52:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx giginya item aja. \pho gigiɲa təm ʔajah \mb gigi -nya item aja \ge tooth -NYA black just \gj tooth-NYA black just \ft you have black teeth. \ref 1777 \id 587165071117020604 \begin 0:52:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt still laughing. \ref 1778 \id 600097071118020604 \begin 0:52:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx ketawa lama banget. \pho kətawa lama baŋət \mb ke- tawa lama banget \ge KE- laughter long.time very \gj KE-laughter long.time very \ft you laugh so long. \ref 1779 \id 143834071118020604 \begin 0:52:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx coba Opi di sini deh Pi. \pho coba ʔopiʔ di tini dɛ piʔ \mb coba Opi di sini deh Pi \ge try Opi LOC here DEH TRU-Opi \gj try Opi LOC here DEH TRU-Opi \ft please stay here, Opi. \ref 1780 \id 620791071118020604 \begin 0:53:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx sini, di sini saja. \pho sini di sini saja \mb sini di sini saja \ge here LOC here just \gj here LOC here just \ft here, I just wanna be here. \nt wants to sit between the sofa and the small table. \ref 1781 \id 555102071118020604 \begin 0:53:05 \sp CHIPIT \tx Opi ngumpet ayuk. \pho ʔopi nupət ʔayu \mb Opi ng- umpet ayuk \ge Opi N- hide AYO \gj Opi N-hide AYO \ft hey, you're hiding. \ref 1782 \id 810543071119020604 \begin 0:53:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ipit tau. \pho ʔipit taɔʔ \mb Ipit tau \ge Ipit know \gj Ipit know \ft I know it. \ref 1783 \id 111734071119020604 \begin 0:53:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 1784 \id 227681071119020604 \begin 0:53:15 \sp CHIPIT \tx xxx emang manis. \pho xxx ʔemaŋ manis \mb xxx emang manis \ge xxx indeed sweet \gj xxx indeed sweet \ft xxx is sweet. \nt singing. \ref 1785 \id 452395071119020604 \begin 0:53:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku tau kaya pedang. \pho ʔaku tau ka pədaŋ \mb aku tau kaya pedang \ge 1SG know like sword \gj 1SG know like sword \ft I know it looks like a sword. \nt singing. \ref 1786 \id 819514071120020604 \begin 0:53:21 \sp EXPLIK \tx itu suara sapa tu di luar tu? \pho ʔitu swara sapa tu di luwar tu \mb itu suara sapa tu di luar tu \ge that sound who that LOC out that \gj that sound who that LOC out that \ft listen, whose voice is it outside? \ref 1787 \id 590558071120020604 \begin 0:53:24 \sp OPIPIT \tx hah? \pho hã \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1788 \id 933007071120020604 \begin 0:53:27 \sp EXPLIK \tx di luar tu suara siapa? \pho di luwar tu swara syapa \mb di luar tu suara siapa \ge LOC out that sound who \gj LOC out that sound who \ft whose voice is it outside? \ref 1789 \id 971000071120020604 \begin 0:53:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx suara Tante Like. \pho sala tatə likəh \mb suara Tante Like \ge sound aunt Like \gj sound aunt Like \ft it's your voice. \ref 1790 \id 407772135058020604 \begin 0:53:30 \sp EXPLIK \tx bukan. \pho bukan \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 1791 \id 540502135134020604 \begin 0:53:32 \sp EXPLIK \tx tuh! \pho tuh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft listen! \ref 1792 \id 229449135225020604 \begin 0:53:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx setan! \pho cɛtan \mb setan \ge evil.spirit \gj evil.spirit \ft a ghost! \ref 1793 \id 455547135240020604 \begin 0:53:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh, eee... takut ye Opi? \pho ʔɛʔ ʔɛː takut ye ʔopiʔ \mb eh eee takut ye Opi \ge EXCL FILL fear EXCL Opi \gj EXCL FILL fear EXCL Opi \ft hey, umm... are you afraid? \ref 1794 \id 688261135328020604 \begin 0:53:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx Pi da da! \pho piʔ da dah \mb Pi da da \ge TRU-Opi bye bye \gj TRU-Opi bye bye \ft bye bye Opi! \ref 1795 \id 528183135449020604 \begin 0:53:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx da da! \pho da dah \mb da da \ge bye bye \gj bye bye \ft bye bye! \ref 1796 \id 192862135500020604 \begin 0:53:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx Pi da da! \pho pi da da \mb Pi da da \ge TRU-Opi bye bye \gj TRU-Opi bye bye \ft Opi, bye bye! \ref 1797 \id 246512135516020604 \begin 0:53:40 \sp EXPLIK \tx dah yuk, ayuk di depan yuk! \pho da yuʔ ʔayuʔ di dəpan yuʔ \mb dah yuk ayuk di depan yuk \ge PFCT AYO AYO LOC front AYO \gj PFCT AYO AYO LOC front AYO \ft okay, let's go in front! \nt 1. = let's go there! 2. asking CHI and OPI to sit on the sofa. \ref 1798 \id 135481135543020604 \begin 0:53:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx idungnya pesek. \pho duŋɲa pesɛk \mb idung -nya pesek \ge nose -NYA flat.nosed \gj nose-NYA flat.nosed \ft you have a flat nosed. \nt talking to OPI. \ref 1799 \id 842157140737020604 \begin 0:53:43 \sp EXPLIK \tx ayok dah sana yok! \pho ʔayoʔ da sana yoʔ \mb ayok dah sana yok \ge AYO PFCT there AYO \gj AYO PFCT there AYO \ft come on, let's go there! \ref 1800 \id 462381141622020604 \begin 0:53:44 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm. \pho m \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1801 \id 354596141656020604 \begin 0:53:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \ref 1802 \id 506794141916020604 \begin 0:53:46 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1803 \id 709643141941020604 \begin 0:53:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx aku bukan tau [?]. \pho ʔaku bukan taw \mb aku bukan tau \ge 1SG NEG know \gj 1SG NEG know \ft I don't know it. \nt sitting on EXPLIK's laps. \ref 1804 \id 784805142026020604 \begin 0:53:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx uh, berat banget ya Tante? \pho ʔu blat baŋət ya tatə \mb uh berat banget ya Tante \ge EXCL heavy very yes aunt \gj EXCL heavy very yes aunt \ft ugh, he's very heavy, right Auntie? \nt talking to EXPLIK who is having OPI sitting on her laps. \ref 1805 \id 438769142130020604 \begin 0:53:49 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em, berat ni Opi. \pho ʔəʔəm br̩at ni ʔopiʔ \mb he-em berat ni Opi \ge uh-huh heavy this Opi \gj uh-huh heavy this Opi \ft uh-huh, he's very heavy. \ref 1806 \id 398214142200020604 \begin 0:53:51 \sp EXPLIK \tx celananya baru, ya? \pho cəlanaɲa baru ya \mb celana -nya baru ya \ge pants -NYA new yes \gj pants-NYA new yes \ft new pants, huh? \ref 1807 \id 989590142220020604 \begin 0:53:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-eh. \pho ʔɛʔɛh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft aha. \ref 1808 \id 662919142235020604 \begin 0:53:55 \sp EXPLIK \tx adek dibeliin nggak? \pho ʔadɛʔ dibəlin ŋgaʔ \mb adek di- beli -in nggak \ge younger.sibling DI- buy -IN NEG \gj younger.sibling DI-buy-IN NEG \ft did he also buy one for your brother? \ref 1809 \id 301909142312020604 \begin 0:53:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx dikasi. \pho dikasi \mb di- kasi \ge DI- give \gj DI-give \ft someone gave it to me. \ref 1810 \id 602885142336020604 \begin 0:53:56 \sp EXPLIK \tx sama sapa? \pho sama sapa \mb sama sapa \ge with who \gj with who \ft who gave you? \ref 1811 \id 208961142343020604 \begin 0:53:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx hah? \pho ʔã \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1812 \id 826044142402020604 \begin 0:53:58 \sp EXPLIK \tx sapa yang ngasi? \pho sapa yaŋ ŋasi \mb sapa yang ng- kasi \ge who REL N- give \gj who REL N-give \ft who gave you? \ref 1813 \id 543009142430020604 \begin 0:53:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx Mbah. \pho m̩bah \mb Mbah \ge grandparent \gj grandparent \ft Grandpa. \ref 1814 \id 971549142442020604 \begin 0:54:00 \sp EXPLIK \tx Mbah siapa? \pho mba syapa \mb Mbah siapa \ge grandparent who \gj grandparent who \ft Grandpa who? \ref 1815 \id 749408142508020604 \begin 0:54:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx Bojong. \pho bojɔŋ \mb Bojong \ge Bojong \gj Bojong \ft Bojong. \ref 1816 \id 423192143834020604 \begin 0:54:02 \sp DRIPIT \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \ref 1817 \id 496312143848020604 \begin 0:54:03 \sp EXPLIK \tx Mbah Bojong? \pho mba bojɔŋ \mb Mbah Bojong \ge grandparent Bojong \gj grandparent Bojong \ft Grandpa Bojong? \ref 1818 \id 935895143908020604 \begin 0:54:04 \sp EXPLIK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1819 \id 906197143946020604 \begin 0:54:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh, Mbah Pasar Minggu. \pho ʔɛ ba pasa miŋgu \mb eh Mbah Pasar Minggu \ge EH grandparent Pasar Minggu \gj EH grandparent Pasar Minggu \ft oops, Grandpa Pasar Minggu. \ref 1820 \id 377879144020020604 \begin 0:54:06 \sp EXPLIK \tx oh, Pasar Minggu? \pho ʔo pasar miŋguʔ \mb oh Pasar Minggu \ge EXCL Pasar Minggu \gj EXCL Pasar Minggu \ft oh, Pasar Minggu? \ref 1821 \id 323880144059020604 \begin 0:54:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx jauh. \pho jaw \mb jauh \ge far \gj far \ft it's far. \nt = his house is far. \ref 1822 \id 866150144114020604 \begin 0:54:09 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah nya nya. \pho ʔa ɲa ɲa \mb ah nya nya \ge EXCL IMIT IMIT \gj EXCL IMIT IMIT \ft yum yum yum. \nt eating her noodles. \ref 1823 \id 508020144147020604 \begin 0:54:11 \sp EXPLIK \tx masa iya? \pho masa ʔiya \mb masa iya \ge incredible yes \gj incredible yes \ft really? \ref 1824 \id 612518144209020604 \begin 0:54:12 \sp EXPLIK \tx adeknya dibeliin nggak? \pho ʔadɛʔɲa dibəliʔin ŋgaʔ \mb adek -nya di- beli -in nggak \ge younger.sibling -NYA DI- buy -IN NEG \gj younger.sibling-NYA DI-buy-IN NEG \ft did he buy one for your brother? \ref 1825 \id 101789144231020604 \begin 0:54:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt shaking. \ref 1826 \id 469178144251020604 \begin 0:54:14 \sp EXPLIK \tx Opi doang? \pho ʔopiʔ dowaŋ \mb Opi doang \ge Opi just \gj Opi just \ft just you? \ref 1827 \id 293791144304020604 \begin 0:54:15 \sp CHIPIT \tx ayuk Mas Kiki, cepet Mas! \pho ʔayu mas kiki cəpət mas \mb ayuk Mas Kiki cepet Mas \ge AYO EPIT Kiki quick EPIT \gj AYO EPIT Kiki quick EPIT \ft come on Kiki, hurry up! \ref 1828 \id 965134144337020604 \begin 0:54:17 \sp EXPLIK \tx wah... enak banget. \pho waː ʔɛnak baŋət \mb wah enak banget \ge EXCL pleasant very \gj EXCL pleasant very \ft wow... you're so lucky. \ref 1829 \id 938548144402020604 \begin 0:54:18 \sp KIKPIT \tx ini nggak maen lomba. \pho ʔini ŋgaʔ maɛn lombaʔ \mb ini nggak maen lomba \ge this NEG play compete \gj this NEG play compete \ft this isn't a competition. \ref 1830 \id 500053144424020604 \begin 0:54:19 \sp EXPLIK \tx Ibu beli nggak? \pho ʔibʊʔ bəli ŋgaʔ \mb Ibu beli nggak \ge mother buy NEG \gj mother buy NEG \ft did your mom buy it for you? \ref 1831 \id 804171144448020604 \begin 0:54:20 \sp KIKPIT \tx kalo yang... \pho kalo yam \mb kalo yang \ge TOP REL \gj TOP REL \ft if... \ref 1832 \id 129126144518020604 \begin 0:54:21 \sp KIKPIT \tx ... bagus warnanya, eh, xxx. \pho bagus warnaɲa ʔɛ xxx \mb bagus warna -nya eh xxx \ge nice color -NYA EXCL xxx \gj nice color-NYA EXCL xxx \ft ... the color is nice, eh, xxx. \nt continuing his utterance to DRI. \ref 1833 \id 355938071907040604 \begin 0:54:23 \sp EXPLIK \tx ini warna apa sih ni? \pho ʔini warna ʔapa si ni \mb ini warna apa sih ni \ge this color what SIH this \gj this color what SIH this \ft what color is this? \ref 1834 \id 561410071935040604 \begin 0:54:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx sam(a)... Mas Kiki dapet tikus, ng... Kakak dapet gajah. \pho sam mas kiki tapət tikus ŋː kaka dapət gajah \mb sama Mas Kiki dapet tikus ng Kakak dapet gajah \ge with EPIT Kiki get mouse FILL older.sibling get elephant \gj with EPIT Kiki get mouse FILL older.sibling get elephant \ft and... Kiki got a mouse, umm... Indri got an elephant. \nt referring to the pictures colored by DRI and KIK. \ref 1835 \id 633387072045040604 \begin 0:54:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak tau. \pho ŋga tauʔ \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft I don't know. \ref 1836 \id 746024072114040604 \begin 0:54:27 \sp EXPLIK \tx yang ini merah. \pho yaŋ ʔini mɛra \mb yang ini merah \ge REL this red \gj REL this red \ft this is red. \ref 1837 \id 250111072127040604 \begin 0:54:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni merah. \pho ni mɛraʰ \mb ni merah \ge this red \gj this red \ft this is red. \nt repeating EXPLIK. \ref 1838 \id 320701072134040604 \begin 0:54:31 \sp EXPLIK \tx kalo yang ini... \pho kalo yaŋ ʔini \mb kalo yang ini \ge TOP REL this \gj TOP REL this \ft and this... \ref 1839 \id 529002072229040604 \begin 0:54:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1840 \id 452159072253040604 \begin 0:54:33 \sp EXPLIK \tx putih. \pho puti \mb putih \ge white \gj white \ft white. \ref 1841 \id 454175072307040604 \begin 0:54:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh Kakak dapet, dapet tikus, Mas Kiki dapet gajah. \pho ʔɛ kaka dapət ʔapət tikus mas kiki dapət gajah \mb eh Kakak dapet dapet tikus Mas Kiki dapet gajah \ge EH older.sibling get get mouse EPIT Kiki get elephant \gj EH older.sibling get get mouse EPIT Kiki get elephant \ft I mean Indri got a mouse and Kiki got an elephant. \ref 1842 \id 128667072357040604 \begin 0:54:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx putih. \pho putih \mb putih \ge white \gj white \ft white. \ref 1843 \id 418043072425040604 \begin 0:54:36 \sp XXX \tx welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games. \pho wɛlkam tu jakarta ʔin də naintin si gɛm \mb welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ge welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \gj welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ft welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games. \nt the sound of the monkey doll. \ref 1844 \id 360560072507040604 \begin 0:54:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah mo itu ah. \pho ʔa mo ʔitu ʔa \mb ah mo itu ah \ge AH want that AH \gj AH want that AH \ft I wanna do it. \nt leaving EXPLIK to see the camcorder. \ref 1845 \id 844437072528040604 \begin 0:54:40 \sp XXX \tx welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games. \pho wɛlkam tu jakarta ʔin də naintin si gɛm \mb welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ge welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \gj welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ft welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games. \nt the sound of the toy monkey. \ref 1846 \id 979087072547040604 \begin 0:54:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh sin(i), sini dong Kak! \pho ʔɛ sin sini doŋ kaʔ \mb eh sini sini dong Kak \ge EXCL here here DONG TRU-older.sibling \gj EXCL here here DONG TRU-older.sibling \ft please come here Indri! \ref 1847 \id 540063072608040604 \begin 0:54:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx sini! \pho sini \mb sini \ge here \gj here \ft come here! \ref 1848 \id 956646072620040604 \begin 0:54:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx sin(i)... di sini aja. \pho sin di sini ʔaja \mb sini di sini aja \ge here LOC here just \gj here LOC here just \ft here... please stay here. \ref 1849 \id 482070072651040604 \begin 0:54:49 \sp DRIPIT \tx ngapain? \pho ŋapain \mb ng- apa -in \ge N- what -IN \gj N-what-IN \ft what for? \ref 1850 \id 965787072701040604 \begin 0:54:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx sini Kakak! \pho sini kakaʔ \mb sini Kakak \ge here older.sibling \gj here older.sibling \ft come here! \ref 1851 \id 214276072721040604 \begin 0:54:53 \sp DRIPIT \tx Si Fitri lagi makan mi. \pho si fitriʔ lagi makan ʔ̩mih \mb Si Fitri lagi makan mi \ge PERS Fitri more eat noodles \gj PERS Fitri more eat noodles \ft she's eating the noodles. \ref 1852 \id 141374105917040604 \begin 0:54:55 \sp DRIPIT \tx kuat banget. \pho kuwat baŋət \mb kuat banget \ge strong very \gj strong very \ft she's very strong. \nt = she can eat it all. \ref 1853 \id 677076105918040604 \begin 0:54:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh Kakak Ipit! \pho ʔɛ kaka ʔipit \mb eh Kakak Ipit \ge EXCL older.sibling Ipit \gj EXCL older.sibling Ipit \ft hey Pipit! \nt watching CHI through the screen of the camcorder. \ref 1854 \id 633545105918040604 \begin 0:54:59 \sp EXPLIK \tx pinternya. \pho pintərɲa \mb pinter -nya \ge smart -NYA \gj smart-NYA \ft very good. \nt praising CHI. \ref 1855 \id 712422105918040604 \begin 0:55:01 \sp KIKPIT \tx kuning mana ya kuning? \pho kun̩iŋ mana ya kuniŋ \mb kuning mana ya kuning \ge yellow which yes yellow \gj yellow which yes yellow \ft where's the yellow one? \ref 1856 \id 698458105918040604 \begin 0:55:03 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni kuning. \pho ni kuniŋ \mb ni kuning \ge this yellow \gj this yellow \ft here's the yellow one. \nt while showing a crayon to KIK. \ref 1857 \id 895900105918040604 \begin 0:55:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx da... da dulu dong! \pho dat da dɔlɔ doŋ \mb da da dulu dong \ge bye bye before DONG \gj bye bye before DONG \ft bye... bye bye first! \ref 1858 \id 122913105919040604 \begin 0:55:07 \sp DRIPIT \tx coklat. \pho coklat \mb coklat \ge chocolate \gj chocolate \ft the brown one. \ref 1859 \id 906618105919040604 \begin 0:55:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx da da, da da dulu Pit! \pho da dat da da dulu pit \mb da da da da dulu Pit \ge bye bye bye bye before TRU-Pipit \gj bye bye bye bye before TRU-Pipit \ft bye bye, bye bye first! \ref 1860 \id 257098105919040604 \begin 0:55:09 \sp CHIPIT \tx tu da da da! \pho tu da da dah \mb tu da da da \ge that bye bye bye \gj that bye bye bye \ft look, bye bye! \nt waving hand to OPI. \ref 1861 \id 751848105919040604 \begin 0:55:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm. \pho hm \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hmm. \ref 1862 \id 921777105920040604 \begin 0:55:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx lha, lha. \pho la la \mb lha lha \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey. \ref 1863 \id 338180105920040604 \begin 0:55:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1864 \id 899396105920040604 \begin 0:55:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pit nakal. \pho pit nakal \mb Pit nakal \ge TRU-Pipit naughty \gj TRU-Pipit naughty \ft you're naughty. \ref 1865 \id 374226105920040604 \begin 0:55:18 \sp EXPLIK \tx siapa nakal? \pho siyapa nakal \mb siapa nakal \ge who naughty \gj who naughty \ft who's naughty? \ref 1866 \id 133470105921040604 \begin 0:55:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx elo. \pho ʔəlɔ \mb elo \ge 2 \gj 2 \ft you are. \nt 1. = you're the one who's naughty. 2. addressing OPI. \ref 1867 \id 147372105921040604 \begin 0:55:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ipit! \pho ʔipit \mb Ipit \ge Ipit \gj Ipit \ft Pipit! \ref 1868 \id 696151105921040604 \begin 0:55:24 \sp EXPLIK \tx Pipit nakal, ya? \pho pipit nakal ya \mb Pipit nakal ya \ge Pipit naughty yes \gj Pipit naughty yes \ft is she naughty? \ref 1869 \id 829424105921040604 \begin 0:55:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah. \pho ʔah \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ah. \nt eating her noodles. \ref 1870 \id 644913105921040604 \begin 0:55:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ŋ̩gaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no, she's not. \ref 1871 \id 976747105922040604 \begin 0:55:27 \sp EXPLIK \tx yang nakal siapa tu? \pho yaŋ nakal siyapa tu \mb yang nakal siapa tu \ge REL naughty who that \gj REL naughty who that \ft so who's naughty? \ref 1872 \id 803699105922040604 \begin 0:55:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante! \pho tata \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 1873 \id 283605105922040604 \begin 0:55:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante, ini... apa? \pho tata ʔin̩ːi ʔapa \mb Tante ini apa \ge aunt this what \gj aunt this what \ft Auntie, what's this? \ref 1874 \id 768375105922040604 \begin 0:55:31 \sp EXPLIK \tx tripod. \pho tripot \mb tripod \ge tripod \gj tripod \ft a tripod. \ref 1875 \id 606788105923040604 \begin 0:55:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx buat? \pho buwat \mb buat \ge for \gj for \ft for? \ref 1876 \id 107044105923040604 \begin 0:55:35 \sp EXPLIK \tx ya buat ini biar bisa berdiri kameranya. \pho ya buwat ʔini biyar bisa bərdiri kamɛraɲa \mb ya buat ini biar bisa ber- diri kamera -nya \ge yes for this let can BER- stand camera -NYA \gj yes for this let can BER-stand camera-NYA \ft for making the camera stands. \ref 1877 \id 590172105923040604 \begin 0:55:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx bu(kan), bukan dudukin? \pho buh bukan dudukin \mb bukan bukan duduk -in \ge NEG NEG sit -IN \gj NEG NEG sit-IN \ft not to seat on it? \ref 1878 \id 730797105923040604 \begin 0:55:39 \sp EXPLIK \tx enggak. \pho ŋ̩gaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 1879 \id 824309105924040604 \begin 0:55:41 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1880 \id 177492105924040604 \begin 0:55:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh, eh, xxx. \pho ʔɛh ʔəh xxx \mb eh eh xxx \ge EXCL EXCL xxx \gj EXCL EXCL xxx \ft hey, hey, xxx. \ref 1881 \id 217467105924040604 \begin 0:55:45 \sp EXPLIK \tx ayo, udah di sana aja! \pho ʔayo ʔuda di sana ʔaja \mb ayo udah di sana aja \ge AYO PFCT LOC there just \gj AYO PFCT LOC there just \ft come on, just stay there! \ref 1882 \id 670513105924040604 \begin 0:55:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1883 \id 125880105924040604 \begin 0:55:51 \sp EXPLIK \tx sana aja, yok! \pho sana ʔaja yoʰ \mb sana aja yok \ge there just AYO \gj there just AYO \ft just stay there, come on! \ref 1884 \id 372729105925040604 \begin 0:55:52 \sp EXPLIK \tx diabiskan minya! \pho diʔabeskan miɲa \mb di- abis -kan mi -nya \ge DI- finished -KAN noodles -NYA \gj DI-finished-KAN noodles-NYA \ft finish your noodles! \ref 1885 \id 169525105925040604 \begin 0:55:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx he-em. \pho hʔm̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1886 \id 422524105925040604 \begin 0:55:56 \sp EXPLIK \tx ayo (Sir)kus, Sirkus! \pho ʔayo kus sirkus \mb ayo Sirkus Sirkus \ge AYO circus circus \gj AYO circus circus \ft come on Circus, Circus! \nt addressing CHI with 'circus' because CHI wears a clown-like dress. \ref 1887 \id 982619105925040604 \begin 0:55:58 \sp EXPLIK \tx ya... ini kan bajunya baju sirkus. \pho ya ʔini kan bajuɲa baju sirkus \mb ya ini kan baju -nya baju sirkus \ge yes this KAN garment -NYA garment circus \gj yes this KAN garment-NYA garment circus \ft yes... this is a clown-like dress. \ref 1888 \id 509204105926040604 \begin 0:56:00 \sp EXPLIK \tx gambar badut. \pho gambar badʊt \mb gambar badut \ge picture clown \gj picture clown \ft a clown-like dress. \ref 1889 \id 700108105926040604 \begin 0:56:02 \sp EXPLIK \tx ayo (Sir)kus, Sirkus! \pho ʔayo kus sirkus \mb ayo Sirkus Sirkus \ge AYO circus circus \gj AYO circus circus \ft come on Circus, Circus! \ref 1890 \id 741007105926040604 \begin 0:56:04 \sp EXPLIK \tx makan dulu (Sir)kus! \pho makan dulu kus \mb makan dulu Sirkus \ge eat before circus \gj eat before circus \ft eat first, Circus! \ref 1891 \id 531211105926040604 \begin 0:56:07 \sp EXPLIK \tx Sirkus, yok! \pho sirkus yo \mb Sirkus yok \ge circus AYO \gj circus AYO \ft come on Circus! \ref 1892 \id 673347105927040604 \begin 0:56:10 \sp EXPLIK \tx Opi, Pi be(sok), eh, Pipit besok sekolah nggak? \pho ʔopi pi bes ʔɛ pipit besoʔ səkola ŋgaʔ \mb Opi Pi besok eh Pipit besok sekolah nggak \ge Opi TRU-Opi tomorrow EXCL Pipit tomorrow school NEG \gj Opi TRU-Opi tomorrow EXCL Pipit tomorrow school NEG \ft Opi, oops, Pipit, are you going to school tomorrow? \ref 1893 \id 958506105927040604 \begin 0:56:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ŋ̩gaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 1894 \id 236407105927040604 \begin 0:56:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx hah? \pho hã \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1895 \id 397838105927040604 \begin 0:56:15 \sp EXPLIK \tx nggak? \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no? \ref 1896 \id 975638105927040604 \begin 0:56:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ŋ̩gaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 1897 \id 165645105928040604 \begin 0:56:17 \sp EXPLIK \tx kalo Pipit? \pho kao pipit \mb kalo Pipit \ge TOP Pipit \gj TOP Pipit \ft how about you Pipit? \ref 1898 \id 912488114515040604 \begin 0:56:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx (se)kolah. \pho kolah \mb sekolah \ge school \gj school \ft yes, I'll go to school. \ref 1899 \id 811950114535040604 \begin 0:56:20 \sp EXPLIK \tx besok? \pho besok \mb besok \ge tomorrow \gj tomorrow \ft tomorrow? \ref 1900 \id 368940114551040604 \begin 0:56:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx sekarang Ipit udah les kelas... sekarang Ipit mo kelas enam. \pho səkalaŋ ʔipit ʔuda lɛs kəlas səkalaŋ ʔipit mo kəlas ʔənam \mb sekarang Ipit udah les kelas sekarang Ipit mo kelas enam \ge now Ipit PFCT private.lesson class now Ipit want class six \gj now Ipit PFCT private.lesson class now Ipit want class six \ft now I have a private lesson... I'll be a sixth grade student soon. \ref 1901 \id 392325114724040604 \begin 0:56:24 \sp DRIPIT \tx SD Minggu? \pho ʔesdɛʔ miŋguʔ \mb SD Minggu \ge elementary.school Sunday \gj elementary.school Sunday \ft school on Sunday? \ref 1902 \id 124814114738040604 \begin 0:56:26 \sp EXPLIK \tx kelas enam? \pho kəlas ʔənam \mb kelas enam \ge class six \gj class six \ft sixth grade? \ref 1903 \id 449417114801040604 \begin 0:56:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm. \pho m̩ʰ \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft aha. \ref 1904 \id 260603114820040604 \begin 0:56:29 \sp EXPLIK \tx cepet banget. \pho cəpət baŋət \mb cepet banget \ge quick very \gj quick very \ft it's very fast. \ref 1905 \id 271028115013040604 \begin 0:56:30 \sp EXPLIK \tx Mbak Indri kelas berapa? \pho m̩ba ʔindri kəlas brapa \mb Mbak Indri kelas berapa \ge EPIT Indri class how.much \gj EPIT Indri class how.much \ft what grade are you, Indri? \ref 1906 \id 876339115104040604 \begin 0:56:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni Ipit sekarang udah SD. \pho ni ʔipit səkalaŋ ʔuda ʔedɛʔ \mb ni Ipit sekarang udah SD \ge this Ipit now PFCT elementary.school \gj this Ipit now PFCT elementary.school \ft now I'm an elementary student. \ref 1907 \id 755888115136040604 \begin 0:56:32 \sp EXPLIK \tx sudah SD? \pho suda ʔesdɛ \mb sudah SD \ge PFCT elementary.school \gj PFCT elementary.school \ft you're an elementary student? \ref 1908 \id 438650115152040604 \begin 0:56:34 \sp EXPLIK \tx kalo Mbak Indri kelas berapa? \pho kalo m̩ba ʔindri kəlas brapa \mb kalo Mbak Indri kelas berapa \ge TOP EPIT Indri class how.much \gj TOP EPIT Indri class how.much \ft what grade are you, Indri? \ref 1909 \id 199794120431040604 \begin 0:56:35 \sp EXPLIK \tx Pit, Mbak Indri kelas berapa, Pit? \pho pit mba ʔindri kəlas brapa pit \mb Pit Mbak Indri kelas berapa Pit \ge TRU-Pipit EPIT Indri class how.much TRU-Pipit \gj TRU-Pipit EPIT Indri class how.much TRU-Pipit \ft Pipit, what grade is she? \ref 1910 \id 652000120513040604 \begin 0:56:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx mmm... lima. \pho mː limaʔ \mb mmm lima \ge FILL five \gj FILL five \ft umm... fifth grade. \ref 1911 \id 375287120530040604 \begin 0:56:37 \sp EXPLIK \tx lima? \pho limaʔ \mb lima \ge five \gj five \ft fifth grade? \ref 1912 \id 859163120541040604 \begin 0:56:38 \sp EXPLIK \tx kalah dong sama Pipit. \pho kala doŋ sama pipit \mb kalah dong sama Pipit \ge defeated DONG with Pipit \gj defeated DONG with Pipit \ft she's defeated. \ref 1913 \id 972308120602040604 \begin 0:56:40 \sp EXPLIK \tx Pipit kelas enam. \pho pipit kəlas ʔənam \mb Pipit kelas enam \ge Pipit class six \gj Pipit class six \ft you're a sixth grade student. \ref 1914 \id 906903120631040604 \begin 0:56:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ipit! \pho ʔipit \mb Ipit \ge Ipit \gj Ipit \ft Pipit! \ref 1915 \id 546744120637040604 \begin 0:56:44 \sp CHIPIT \tx jelek lu Pi. \pho lek lu peʔ \mb jelek lu Pi \ge bad 2 TRU-Opi \gj bad 2 TRU-Opi \ft you're ugly. \ref 1916 \id 739199120655040604 \begin 0:56:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1917 \id 738379120713040604 \begin 0:56:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx gua pantatin, jebret, jebret. \pho ga patatin jəblɛt jəblɛt \mb gua pantat -in jebret jebret \ge 1SG buttocks -IN IMIT IMIT \gj 1SG buttocks-IN IMIT IMIT \ft look at my buttocks, bang, bang. \nt mocking OPI. \ref 1918 \id 452710120802040604 \begin 0:56:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1919 \id 715316120822040604 \begin 0:56:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx bret, bret, bret, bret, bret, bret, bret. \pho bɛt bɛt bɛt bɛt bɛt bɛt bɛt \mb bret bret bret bret bret bret bret \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. \ref 1920 \id 734436120857040604 \begin 0:56:55 \sp EXPLIK \tx dah ayo sana yok! \pho da ʔayo sana yoʔ \mb dah ayo sana yok \ge PFCT AYO there AYO \gj PFCT AYO there AYO \ft come on, let's go there! \ref 1921 \id 788171121005040604 \begin 0:56:57 \sp EXPLIK \tx sana, sana, sana! \pho sana sana sana \mb sana sana sana \ge there there there \gj there there there \ft there, there, there! \ref 1922 \id 311378121027040604 \begin 0:56:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx otok otok otok. \pho ʔotok ʔotok ʔotok \mb otok otok otok \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft otok otok otok. \ref 1923 \id 448755121044040604 \begin 0:57:01 \sp EXPLIK \tx situ! \pho situ \mb situ \ge there \gj there \ft there! \ref 1924 \id 845833121102040604 \begin 0:57:03 \sp EXPLIK \tx ditemenin Mbak Pipit makan. \pho ditəmənin m̩baʔ pipit makan \mb di- temen -in Mbak Pipit makan \ge DI- friend -IN EPIT Pipit eat \gj DI-friend-IN EPIT Pipit eat \ft be with her. \nt asking OPI to accompany CHI eating her noodles. \ref 1925 \id 129363121132040604 \begin 0:57:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni buat... inih, ini pak(u), paku, kan? \pho ni buwat ʔin̩ih ʔini pa paku kan \mb ni buat inih ini paku paku kan \ge this for this this nail nail KAN \gj this for this this nail nail KAN \ft this is for... this, this's a nail, right? \ref 1926 \id 419281121243040604 \begin 0:57:07 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1927 \id 473225121249040604 \begin 0:57:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx paku? \pho paku \mb paku \ge nail \gj nail \ft nail? \ref 1928 \id 810754121304040604 \begin 0:57:13 \sp EXPLIK \tx mana? \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft which one? \ref 1929 \id 963521121314040604 \begin 0:57:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this. \ref 1930 \id 827617121323040604 \begin 0:57:16 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1931 \id 877650121345040604 \begin 0:57:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx terus... ad(a)... pakunya kasi, ka(si)... kasi mmm... apa ya? \pho təlus ʔat pakuna kasi ka kasi m ʔapa ya \mb terus ada paku -nya kasi kasi kasi mmm apa ya \ge continue exist nail -NYA give give give FILL what yes \gj continue exist nail-NYA give give give FILL what yes \ft and then... put the nail, put the nail... put it on... what is it? \ref 1932 \id 290064121452040604 \begin 0:57:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx tanah. \pho tanah \mb tanah \ge soil \gj soil \ft soil. \ref 1933 \id 423096121535040604 \begin 0:57:22 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1934 \id 691616121552040604 \begin 0:57:22 \sp DRIPIT \tx salah. \pho salah \mb salah \ge wrong \gj wrong \ft wrong. \nt commenting the way KIK has colored the picture. \ref 1935 \id 209274121601040604 \begin 0:57:22 \sp DRIPIT \tx salah. \pho salah \mb salah \ge wrong \gj wrong \ft wrong. \ref 1936 \id 682190121609040604 \begin 0:57:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx gua situ. \pho guwa sitɔh \mb gua situ \ge 1SG there \gj 1SG there \ft I wanna be there. \ref 1937 \id 184915124335040604 \begin 0:57:23 \sp EXPLIK \tx he-em. \pho ʔəʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 1938 \id 774546124359040604 \begin 0:57:24 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu! \pho tu \mb tu \ge that \gj that \ft look! \nt pointing at the picture colored by KIK. \ref 1939 \id 809567124439040604 \begin 0:57:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx elo setan lu giniin. \pho ʔəlu sɛtan lu giniʔin \mb elo setan lu gini -in \ge 2 evil.spirit 2 like.this -IN \gj 2 evil.spirit 2 like.this-IN \ft you're a ghost because you did it like this. \ref 1940 \id 816341124513040604 \begin 0:57:26 \sp KIKPIT \tx biarin. \pho biyarin \mb biar -in \ge let -IN \gj let-IN \ft I don't care. \ref 1941 \id 359679124532040604 \begin 0:57:27 \sp DRIPIT \tx salah, Ki. \pho sala ki \mb salah Ki \ge wrong TRU-Kiki \gj wrong TRU-Kiki \ft it's wrong. \ref 1942 \id 436695124557040604 \begin 0:57:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx trus bu(kan), bukan. \pho tus bu bukan \mb trus bukan bukan \ge continue NEG NEG \gj continue NEG NEG \ft no, no. \ref 1943 \id 648404124635040604 \begin 0:57:29 \sp EXPLIK \tx bukan. \pho bukan \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 1944 \id 239979124656040604 \begin 0:57:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx wah! \pho wa \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow! \ref 1945 \id 138514124716040604 \begin 0:57:31 \sp DRIPIT \tx ini harusnya warna merah. \pho ʔini harusɲa warna mɛra \mb ini harus -nya warna merah \ge this should -NYA color red \gj this should-NYA color red \ft it should be red. \ref 1946 \id 313781124736040604 \begin 0:57:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx trus kalo pa... trus ka(si), kasi bunga. \pho tus kalo pa tlus ka kasi buŋaʔ \mb trus kalo pa trus kasi kasi bunga \ge continue TOP what continue give give flower \gj continue TOP what continue give give flower \ft and then... and then put a flower. \ref 1947 \id 816325132315040604 \begin 0:57:35 \sp DRIPIT \tx salah lagi, salah lagi. \pho sala lagi salah lagi \mb salah lagi salah lagi \ge wrong more wrong more \gj wrong more wrong more \ft it's wrong again, it's wrong again. \ref 1948 \id 995651132333040604 \begin 0:57:37 \sp KIKPIT \tx biar. \pho biyar \mb biar \ge let \gj let \ft I don't care. \ref 1949 \id 830489132353040604 \begin 0:57:39 \sp DRIPIT \tx mana kuningnya? \pho mana kuniŋɲah \mb mana kuning -nya \ge which yellow -NYA \gj which yellow-NYA \ft where's the yellow one? \ref 1950 \id 549496132420040604 \begin 0:57:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini kuning. \pho ʔin̩iʔ kuniŋ \mb ini kuning \ge this yellow \gj this yellow \ft here's the yellow one. \ref 1951 \id 202589132436040604 \begin 0:57:41 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni dia. \pho ni diya \mb ni dia \ge this 3 \gj this 3 \ft here it's. \ref 1952 \id 816099132453040604 \begin 0:57:42 \sp KIKPIT \tx gak pa-pa. \pho ga papa \mb gak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft it doesn't matter. \ref 1953 \id 794254132509040604 \begin 0:57:44 \sp KIKPIT \tx yang penting liat aja ntar. \pho yaŋ pəntiŋ liyat ʔaja ntar \mb yang penting liat aja ntar \ge REL important see just moment \gj REL important see just moment \ft let's just see it later. \ref 1954 \id 856414132532040604 \begin 0:57:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah, ah! \pho ʔa ʔaːh \mb ah ah \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft ah, ah! \ref 1955 \id 677018132553040604 \begin 0:57:47 \sp DRIPIT \tx jangan Pi, jangan dicoret-coret. \pho jaŋan pi jaŋan dicorɛtcorɛt \mb jangan Pi jangan di- coret - coret \ge don't TRU-Opi don't DI- scratch - scratch \gj don't TRU-Opi don't DI-RED-scratch \ft don't scribble it. \ref 1956 \id 565786132624040604 \begin 0:57:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ŋ̩gaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 1957 \id 378229132640040604 \begin 0:57:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah. \pho ʔah \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ah. \nt eating her noodles. \ref 1958 \id 804628132715040604 \begin 0:57:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx enggak dicoret-coret. \pho ŋ̩ga dicolɛtcolɛt \mb enggak di- coret - coret \ge NEG DI- scratch - scratch \gj NEG DI-RED-scratch \ft I don't scribble it. \ref 1959 \id 610083132740040604 \begin 0:57:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya... susah. \pho yah sa \mb ya susah \ge yes difficult \gj yes difficult \ft yeah... it's hard. \nt not seen on the camcorder. \ref 1960 \id 582768132801040604 \begin 0:57:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya susah. \pho ya susah \mb ya susah \ge yes difficult \gj yes difficult \ft yeah, it's difficult. \ref 1961 \id 493080132820040604 \begin 0:57:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah. \pho ʔah \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ah. \ref 1962 \id 616237132832040604 \begin 0:58:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya susah. \pho ya susah \mb ya susah \ge yes difficult \gj yes difficult \ft it's difficult. \ref 1963 \id 517808132908040604 \begin 0:58:03 \sp EXPLIK \tx masih panas ya Pit? \pho masi panas ya pit \mb masih panas ya Pit \ge still hot yes TRU-Pipit \gj still hot yes TRU-Pipit \ft is it still hot? \ref 1964 \id 407800132925040604 \begin 0:58:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx ih susah. \pho ʔih susa \mb ih susah \ge EXCL difficult \gj EXCL difficult \ft so difficult. \nt trying to color a picture. \ref 1965 \id 103233132942040604 \begin 0:58:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya susah. \pho ya susah \mb ya susah \ge yes difficult \gj yes difficult \ft it's hard. \ref 1966 \id 448557132953040604 \begin 0:58:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx mmm... \pho mː \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 1967 \id 217980133012040604 \begin 0:58:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini? \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this? \ref 1968 \id 293852133030040604 \begin 0:58:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx ut. \pho ʔut \mb ut \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ut. \ref 1969 \id 177989133049040604 \begin 0:58:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx Opi! \pho ʔopiʔ \mb Opi \ge Opi \gj Opi \ft Opi! \ref 1970 \id 467170133143040604 \begin 0:58:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx salah lagi ni Opi. \pho sala gi ni ʔopiʔ \mb salah lagi ni Opi \ge wrong more this Opi \gj wrong more this Opi \ft you make another mistake. \nt commenting OPI who wants to try to color a picture. \ref 1971 \id 740627133214040604 \begin 0:58:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx mmm... \pho mː \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 1972 \id 440320133247040604 \begin 0:58:20 \sp DRIPIT \tx Pi, jangan! \pho piʔ jaŋan \mb Pi jangan \ge TRU-Opi don't \gj TRU-Opi don't \ft don't do that, Opi! \ref 1973 \id 367539133300040604 \begin 0:58:23 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni Kakak kan lomba Pi. \pho ni kakaʔ kan lomba piʔ \mb ni Kakak kan lomba Pi \ge this older.sibling KAN compete TRU-Opi \gj this older.sibling KAN compete TRU-Opi \ft I'm having a drawing competition. \ref 1974 \id 239845133327040604 \begin 0:58:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx punya Ipit ye. \pho puɲa ʔipit yɛː \mb punya Ipit ye \ge have Ipit EXCL \gj have Ipit EXCL \ft it's mine. \nt referring to the coloring book. \ref 1975 \id 593620133401040604 \begin 0:58:28 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni punya Opi. \pho ni puɲa ʔopiʔ \mb ni punya Opi \ge this have Opi \gj this have Opi \ft it's his. \ref 1976 \id 182936133638040604 \begin 0:58:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya... ye. \pho ya yɛː \mb ya ye \ge yes EXCL \gj yes EXCL \ft ooh... ooh. \nt mocking OPI. \ref 1977 \id 819846133733040604 \begin 0:58:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini sini, punya Opi ni. \pho ʔini sini puɲa ʔopiʔ ni \mb ini sini punya Opi ni \ge this here have Opi this \gj this here have Opi this \ft give it to me, it's mine. \ref 1978 \id 765940134125040604 \begin 0:58:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx sholat. \pho xxx solat \mb xxx sholat \ge xxx pray \gj xxx pray \ft xxx take a prayer. \ref 1979 \id 174984134200040604 \begin 0:58:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx sholatin Doni. \pho solatin doniː \mb sholat -in Doni \ge pray -IN Doni \gj pray-IN Doni \ft pray for Doni. \ref 1980 \id 363968134248040604 \begin 0:58:40 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah takut sama Tante Like. \pho ʔa takut sama tantə lik \mb ah takut sama Tante Like \ge EXCL fear with aunt Like \gj EXCL fear with aunt Like \ft I'm afraid of Auntie Like. \ref 1981 \id 531324134319040604 \begin 0:58:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx sholatin Doni. \pho solatin doniː \mb sholat -in Doni \ge pray -IN Doni \gj pray-IN Doni \ft pray for Doni. \nt teasing CHI. \ref 1982 \id 778479134345040604 \begin 0:58:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx sholatin Opi, ho. \pho solatin ʔopiʔ hõʔ \mb sholat -in Opi ho \ge pray -IN Opi EXCL \gj pray-IN Opi EXCL \ft pray for you, ooh. \ref 1983 \id 318278134434040604 \begin 0:58:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx tar gebukin ni. \pho ta dəbukin ni \mb tar gebuk -in ni \ge moment beat -IN this \gj moment beat-IN this \ft I'll hit you. \ref 1984 \id 310841134456040604 \begin 0:58:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx sholat...in Ipit. \pho solatin ʔiːpit \mb sholat -in Ipit \ge pray -IN Ipit \gj pray-IN Ipit \ft pray for you. \nt mocking CHI. \ref 1985 \id 414471134531040604 \begin 0:58:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx ye... ni abis inih. \pho yɛ ni ʔabis ʔiniʰ \mb ye ni abis inih \ge EXCL this finished this \gj EXCL this finished this \ft yeah... this one is gone. \nt referring to a crayon. \ref 1986 \id 633852134738040604 \begin 0:58:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1987 \id 461785134810040604 \begin 0:59:01 \sp ONIRIS \tx assalamualaikum. \pho lekum \mb assalamualaikum \ge peace.unto.ye \gj peace.unto.ye \ft peace unto you. \nt entering the house. \ref 1988 \id 238782134850040604 \begin 0:59:04 \sp CIPPIT \tx walaikumsalam. \pho walekumsalam \mb walaikumsalam \ge peace.be.to.you \gj peace.be.to.you \ft peace be to you. \ref 1989 \id 719881134906040604 \begin 0:59:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm Opi. \pho hm ʔopiʔ \mb hmm Opi \ge EXCL Opi \gj EXCL Opi \ft hey you. \nt looking at the screen of the camcorder. \ref 1990 \id 960671134936040604 \begin 0:59:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx apa lu Pit? \pho ʔapa lu pit \mb apa lu Pit \ge what 2 TRU-Pipit \gj what 2 TRU-Pipit \ft what do you want? \ref 1991 \id 623581135011040604 \begin 0:59:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt whispering. \ref 1992 \id 641325135646040604 \begin 0:59:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx nih. \pho xxx niʰ \mb xxx nih \ge xxx this \gj xxx this \ft here xxx. \ref 1993 \id 975903135708040604 \begin 0:59:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx ye awas lu, ya? \pho yɛ ʔawas lu yah \mb ye awas lu ya \ge EXCL EXCL 2 yes \gj EXCL EXCL 2 yes \ft don't try me. \ref 1994 \id 133788135732040604 \begin 0:59:19 \sp CHIPIT \tx awas lu, ya? \pho ʔawas lu yaʔ \mb awas lu ya \ge EXCL 2 yes \gj EXCL 2 yes \ft don't try me. \ref 1995 \id 980118135802040604 \begin 0:59:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx awas lu, ya? \pho ʔawas lu yaʰ \mb awas lu ya \ge EXCL 2 yes \gj EXCL 2 yes \ft don't mess with me, okay? \ref 1996 \id 764158135829040604 \begin 0:59:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx awas elu, ya? \pho ʔawas ʔəlu ya \mb awas elu ya \ge EXCL 2 yes \gj EXCL 2 yes \ft be careful, okay? \ref 1997 \id 819511135841040604 \begin 0:59:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1998 \id 543239135859040604 \begin 0:59:27 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt showing her tounge in front of the camcorder. \ref 1999 \id 329233140005040604 \begin 0:59:29 \sp CHIPIT \tx coba Kakak di situ deh. \pho coba kakaʔ di situ dɛh \mb coba Kakak di situ deh \ge try older.sibling LOC there DEH \gj try older.sibling LOC there DEH \ft please stay there. \ref 2000 \id 830101140033040604 \begin 0:59:31 \sp DRIPIT \tx ya nggak keliatan dari sini. \pho ya ŋgaʔ kliyatan dari sini \mb ya nggak ke an liat dari sini \ge yes NEG KE AN see from here \gj yes NEG KE.AN-see from here \ft I can't see you from here. \nt watching CHI from the screen of the camcorder. \ref 2001 \id 333586140100040604 \begin 0:59:34 \sp DRIPIT \tx ke atas lagi. \pho kə ʔatas lagi \mb ke atas lagi \ge to up more \gj to up more \ft up more. \ref 2002 \id 198999140123040604 \begin 0:59:37 \sp DRIPIT \tx dijilat. \pho dijilat \mb di- jilat \ge DI- lick \gj DI-lick \ft she licks it. \nt referring to CHI who wants to lick the screen of the camcorder. \ref 2003 \id 782460140158040604 \begin 0:59:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx mo liat dah. \pho mo liyat dah \mb mo liat dah \ge want see DAH \gj want see DAH \ft I wanna see it. \ref 2004 \id 628396140216040604 \begin 0:59:43 \sp EXPLIK \tx ayo sana! \pho ʔayo sana \mb ayo sana \ge AYO there \gj AYO there \ft stay there! \ref 2005 \id 564386140237040604 \begin 0:59:45 \sp DRIPIT \tx kukuku copot, Tante. \pho kukuku copɔt tantə \mb ku- kuku copot Tante \ge 1SG- fingernail detach aunt \gj 1SG-fingernail detach aunt \ft my nails is detached. \ref 2006 \id 245288140255040604 \begin 0:59:47 \sp EXPLIK \tx yok sana! \pho yoʔ sana \mb yok sana \ge AYO there \gj AYO there \ft come on, be there! \ref 2007 \id 270677140308040604 \begin 0:59:49 \sp DRIPIT \tx tinggal daging doang. \pho tiŋgal dagiŋ dowaŋ \mb tinggal daging doang \ge stay meat just \gj stay meat just \ft just the meat left. \ref 2008 \id 387850140333040604 \begin 0:59:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt eating her noodles. \ref 2009 \id 507930140356040604 \begin 0:59:54 \sp EXPLIK \tx hmm... abis. \pho hmː ʔabis \mb hmm abis \ge EXCL finished \gj EXCL finished \ft hmm... she can finish it. \nt referring to CHI who can finish the noodles. \ref 2010 \id 894678140418040604 \begin 0:59:57 \sp XXX \tx welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games. \pho wɛlkam tu jakarta ʔin də naintin si gɛm \mb welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ge welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \gj welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth SEA Games \ft welcome to Jakarta in the nineteenth Sea Games. \nt the sound of the toy monkey. \ref 2011 \id 268386140457040604 \begin 1:00:00 \sp @End \tx @End