\_sh v3.0 400 Text \_DateStampHasFourDigitYear \ref 0001 \id 490320101918240401 \sp @PAR \tx CHI Pipit Target child (5;8); DIN Dini Experienter (25); OPI CHI’s cousin; ART Arti EXP’s friend (27); DRI CHI’s older sister (11) \pho @Filename: PIT-100900 \ft @Duration: 36:55 (whole session); 23:21(coding time) \nt @Situation: playing the cooking set at Like’s house. \ref 0002 \id 131492102352240401 \begin 0:00:08 \sp @Begin \tx @Begin \ref 0003 \id 201991102404240401 \begin 0:00:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx kalo Opi itu... \pho kalɔ ʔopi ʔitu \mb kalo Opi itu \ge TOP Opi that \gj TOP Opi that \ft Opi.... \ref 0004 \id 587458103124240401 \begin 0:00:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx Opi kan yang jual... \pho ʔopi kan yaŋ juwal \mb Opi kan yang jual \ge Opi KAN REL sell \gj Opi KAN REL sell \ft Opi is the one who sells... \ref 0005 \id 674568102617240401 \begin 0:00:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx masaknya? \pho masakɲa \mb masak -nya \ge cook -NYA \gj cook-NYA \ft how to cook? \ref 0006 \id 787323102618240401 \begin 0:00:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx racun ini nih. \pho racun ʔini nih \mb racun ini nih \ge poison this this \gj poison this this \ft this is poison. \ref 0007 \id 463915102618240401 \begin 0:00:13 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah, ah, ah. \pho ʔah ʔah ʔah \mb ah ah ah \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft ah, ah, ah. \nt grabbing something from OPIPIT. \ref 0008 \id 937325102619240401 \begin 0:00:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx minuman. \pho minuman \mb minum -an \ge drink -AN \gj drink-AN \ft the drink. \ref 0009 \id 648477102620240401 \begin 0:00:15 \sp CHIPIT \tx minuman Opi dari racun. \pho minuman ʔopi dali lacun \mb minum -an Opi dari racun \ge drink -AN Opi from poison \gj drink-AN Opi from poison \ft your drink is poison. \ref 0010 \id 577929102621240401 \begin 0:00:16 \sp ARTPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0011 \id 164922102622240401 \begin 0:00:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak ini... \pho ŋgaʔ ʔini \mb nggak ini \ge NEG this \gj NEG this \ft no, it's this... \ref 0012 \id 445709102623240401 \begin 0:00:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx minuman anak ged(e). \pho minuman ʔanaʔ gəd \mb minum -an anak gede \ge drink -AN child big \gj drink-AN child big \ft a big children's drink. \ref 0013 \id 944956102624240401 \begin 0:00:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni buat Ipit minum. \pho ni buwat ʔipit minum \mb ni buat Ipit minum \ge this for Ipit drink \gj this for Ipit drink \ft this is for you to drink. \ref 0014 \id 201618094811240602 \begin 0:00:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx ek, ek, ek. \pho xək xək xək \mb ek ek ek \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft glug, glug, glug. \ref 0015 \id 202320102625240401 \begin 0:00:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx ei, (e)nak aja. \pho ʔei nak ʔaja \mb ei enak aja \ge EXCL pleasant just \gj EXCL pleasant just \ft hey, how could you. \ref 0016 \id 801038102626240401 \begin 0:00:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya, dong. \pho ʔiya dɔŋ \mb iya dong \ge yes DONG \gj yes DONG \ft yes, of course. \ref 0017 \id 570739102626240401 \begin 0:00:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx buat Ipit itu. \pho buwat ʔipit ʔitu \mb buat Ipit itu \ge for Ipit that \gj for Ipit that \ft that's for you. \ref 0018 \id 825861102627240401 \begin 0:00:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx Tante, gelas yang satunya lagi mana? \pho tantəʰ gəlas yaŋ satuɲa lagi manah \mb Tante gelas yang satu -nya lagi mana \ge aunt glass REL one -NYA more which \gj aunt glass REL one-NYA more which \ft Auntie, where is the other glass? \ref 0019 \id 164772102628240401 \begin 0:00:35 \sp EXPDIN \tx gelas? \pho gəlas \mb gelas \ge glass \gj glass \ft the glass? \ref 0020 \id 628561102629240401 \begin 0:00:36 \sp EXPDIN \tx ada enem ya mestinya, ya? \pho ʔada ʔənəm ya məstiɲa ya \mb ada enem ya mesti -nya ya \ge exist six yes should -NYA yes \gj exist six yes should-NYA yes \ft there should be six glasses, right? \ref 0021 \id 635383102630240401 \begin 0:00:38 \sp EXPDIN \tx di tas plastiknya ada nggak? \pho di tas pəlastikɲa ʔada ŋgaʔ \mb di tas plastik -nya ada nggak \ge LOC handbag plastic -NYA exist NEG \gj LOC handbag plastic-NYA exist NEG \ft isn't it in the plastic bag? \ref 0022 \id 996173102630240401 \begin 0:00:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx tad(i)... \pho tad \mb tadi \ge earlier \gj earlier \ft just now... \ref 0023 \id 611009102631240401 \begin 0:00:41 \sp EXPDIN \tx mana ya? \pho mana ya \mb mana ya \ge which yes \gj which yes \ft where is it? \ref 0024 \id 840773102632240401 \begin 0:00:43 \sp ARTPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0025 \id 596517102633240401 \begin 0:00:48 \sp EXPDIN \tx kok nggak ada ya? \pho kɔʔ ŋga ʔada ya \mb kok nggak ada ya \ge KOK NEG exist yes \gj KOK NEG exist yes \ft why isn't it there? \ref 0026 \id 287126102634240401 \begin 0:00:51 \sp EXPDIN \tx wah, di mana ya? \pho wa di mana ya \mb wah di mana ya \ge EXCL LOC which yes \gj EXCL LOC which yes \ft ah, where can it be? \ref 0027 \id 542863102635240401 \begin 0:00:54 \sp EXPDIN \tx ya, cuman lima. \pho ya cuman limaʔ \mb ya cuman lima \ge yes only five \gj yes only five \ft ow, there are only five. \ref 0028 \id 308152102636240401 \begin 0:00:55 \sp ARTPIT \tx tuh, itu di bawah, tuh. \pho tu ʔitu di bawa tu \mb tuh itu di bawah tuh \ge that that LOC under that \gj that that LOC under that \ft look, it is under the table there. \ref 0029 \id 228210102637240401 \begin 0:00:57 \sp ARTPIT \tx di bawah mejanya, tuh, gelasnya. \pho di bawaʰ mɛjaɲa tu gəlasɲa \mb di bawah meja -nya tuh gelas -nya \ge LOC under table -NYA that glass -NYA \gj LOC under table-NYA that glass-NYA \ft there, the glass is under the table. \ref 0030 \id 338838102638240401 \begin 0:01:00 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm, iya tu coba. \pho ʔə̃m ʔiya tu cɔba \mb hmm iya tu coba \ge uh-huh yes that try \gj uh-huh yes that try \ft uh-huh, that's right, let me see. \ref 0031 \id 269524102639240401 \begin 0:01:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt taking a glass from the toy table. \ref 0032 \id 798039102640240401 \begin 0:01:03 \sp EXPDIN \tx ni, ni, ni, ni, ni. \pho ni ni ni ni ni \mb ni ni ni ni ni \ge this this this this this \gj this this this this this \ft here it is, here it is, here it is, here it is. \ref 0033 \id 566650102640240401 \begin 0:01:04 \sp EXPDIN \tx dah, dah. \pho daʰ daʰ \mb dah dah \ge PFCT PFCT \gj PFCT PFCT \ft okay, okay. \nt helping CHIPIT to get the glass. \ref 0034 \id 497953102641240401 \begin 0:01:10 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm. \pho ʔə̃m \mb hmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft hmm. \ref 0035 \id 613171102642240401 \begin 0:01:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx telornya mana satu lagi? \pho təlɔrɲa mana satu lagi \mb telor -nya mana satu lagi \ge egg -NYA which one more \gj egg-NYA which one more \ft where is the other egg? \ref 0036 \id 278706102643240401 \begin 0:01:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx tar dulu atuh. \pho tal dulu ʔatuh \mb tar dulu atuh \ge moment before EXCL \gj moment before EXCL \ft just a moment. \ref 0037 \id 317396102644240401 \begin 0:01:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx oke deh, Mama. \pho ʔokɛ dɛ mamah \mb oke deh Mama \ge okay DEH mommy \gj okay DEH mommy \ft okay, Mom. \ref 0038 \id 794265102645240401 \begin 0:01:17 \sp CHIPIT \tx cepetan anuin dulu. \pho cəpətan ʔanuwin dulu \mb cepet -an anu -in dulu \ge quick -AN whatchamacallit -IN before \gj quick-AN whatchamacallit-IN before \ft it's faster to whatsitcalled this first. \ref 0039 \id 130240102646240401 \begin 0:01:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx kulkasnya taro di mana ya? \pho ʔɔukasɲa tarɔ di mana ya \mb kulkas -nya taro di mana ya \ge refrigerator -NYA put LOC which yes \gj refrigerator-NYA put LOC which yes \ft where shall I put the refrigerator? \ref 0040 \id 757600102647240401 \begin 0:01:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx taro di tempat Opi. \pho talɔ di təmpat ʔopi \mb taro di tempat Opi \ge put LOC place Opi \gj put LOC place Opi \ft put it at your place. \ref 0041 \id 411113102648240401 \begin 0:01:24 \sp OPIPIT \tx oh, kali ditaro sini. \pho ʔo kali ditarɔ sini \mb oh kali di- taro sini \ge EXCL maybe DI- put here \gj EXCL maybe DI-put here \ft oh, perhaps I'll just put it here. \ref 0042 \id 889388102649240401 \begin 0:01:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx uh, ih. \pho ʔu ʔi \mb uh ih \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft ah, ooph. \ref 0043 \id 471525102650240401 \begin 0:01:27 \sp ARTPIT \tx masa kulkas ditaro meja? \pho masaʔ kulkas ditarɔ mɛja \mb masa kulkas di- taro meja \ge incredible refrigerator DI- put table \gj incredible refrigerator DI-put table \ft how come you put the refrigerator on the table? \ref 0044 \id 137404102650240401 \begin 0:01:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx he, he. \pho hɛ hɛ \mb he he \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft he, he. \nt laughing. \ref 0045 \id 553103102651240401 \begin 0:01:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx mejanya pecah. \pho mɛjaɲa pəcah \mb meja -nya pecah \ge table -NYA shattered \gj table-NYA shattered \ft the table will break. \ref 0046 \id 514215102652240401 \begin 0:01:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx ancur. \pho ʔancur \mb ancur \ge destroyed \gj destroyed \ft be destroyed. \ref 0047 \id 325271102653240401 \begin 0:01:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx hancur karena buang... \pho hancul kalna bɔŋ \mb hancur karena buang \ge destroyed because throw.away \gj destroyed because throw.away \ft it's destroyed because it was thrown down... \ref 0048 \id 833965102653240401 \begin 0:01:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi beliin... \pho ʔopi bəliʔin \mb Opi beli -in \ge Opi buy -IN \gj Opi buy-IN \ft I'll buy one... \ref 0049 \id 465641102654240401 \begin 0:01:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx ...banget. \pho baŋət \mb banget \ge very \gj very \ft ...very destroyed. \ref 0050 \id 244740102655240401 \begin 0:01:41 \sp OPIPIT \tx no, ada mangkok, no. \pho nɔ ʔada maŋkɔʔ nɔ \mb no ada mangkok no \ge there exist bowl there \gj there exist bowl there \ft look, there is a bowl there. \ref 0051 \id 955087102656240401 \begin 0:01:43 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini mangkok. \pho ʔini maŋkɔʔ \mb ini mangkok \ge this bowl \gj this bowl \ft this is a bowl. \ref 0052 \id 371469102657240401 \begin 0:01:44 \sp CHIPIT \tx buat itu... \pho buwat ʔitu \mb buat itu \ge for that \gj for that \ft this is for... \ref 0053 \id 125223111417240401 \begin 0:01:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx ...yang satu, yang putih tau, Pi. \pho yaŋ satu yaŋ putih tau pi \mb yang satu yang putih tau Pi \ge REL one REL white know TRU-Opi \gj REL one REL white know TRU-Opi \ft ...the white one... you know, Opi? \ref 0054 \id 129221111418240401 \begin 0:01:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni buat makan. \pho ni buwat makan \mb ni buat makan \ge this for eat \gj this for eat \ft this is for eating. \ref 0055 \id 718883111418240401 \begin 0:01:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni buat minumnya, nih. \pho ni buwat minumɲa niʰ \mb ni buat minum -nya nih \ge this for drink -NYA this \gj this for drink-NYA this \ft this is for the drinks. \ref 0056 \id 378606111419240401 \begin 0:01:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx racun. \pho racun \mb racun \ge poison \gj poison \ft poison. \ref 0057 \id 847002111420240401 \begin 0:01:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm, racun. \pho ʔəm lacun \mb hmm racun \ge FILL poison \gj FILL poison \ft huh, how come poison? \ref 0058 \id 886835111421240401 \begin 0:01:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt coughing. \ref 0059 \id 752916111422240401 \begin 0:01:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx 'jatuh... cinta.' \pho jatu cinta \mb jatuh cinta \ge fall love \gj fall love \ft 'falling... in love.' \nt singing. \ref 0060 \id 871969111423240401 \begin 0:01:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni makanannya, nih. \pho ni makananɲa nih \mb ni makan -an -nya nih \ge this eat -AN -NYA this \gj this eat-AN-NYA this \ft look, this is the meal. \ref 0061 \id 200481111423240401 \begin 0:02:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx 'berjuta indahnya.' \pho bərjuta ʔindaɲa \mb ber- juta indah -nya \ge BER- million beautiful -NYA \gj BER-million beautiful-NYA \ft 'how beautiful it is.' \nt singing. \ref 0062 \id 501812111424240401 \begin 0:02:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx 'xxx.' \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft 'xxx.' \nt singing but unclear. \ref 0063 \id 668519111425240401 \begin 0:02:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni makanannya. \pho ni makananɲa \mb ni makan -an -nya \ge this eat -AN -NYA \gj this eat-AN-NYA \ft this is the meal. \ref 0064 \id 822585111426240401 \begin 0:02:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx '...jatuh cin(ta).' \pho jatuh cin \mb jatuh cinta \ge fall love \gj fall love \ft '...falling in love.' \nt singing. \ref 0065 \id 902260111427240401 \begin 0:02:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni buat apa, ya, mangkok? \pho ni buwat ʔapa ya maŋkɔʔ \mb ni buat apa ya mangkok \ge this for what yes bowl \gj this for what yes bowl \ft what is the bowl for? \ref 0066 \id 807395111428240401 \begin 0:02:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx 'berjuta indahnya.' \pho bərjuta ʔindahɲa \mb ber- juta indah -nya \ge BER- million beautiful -NYA \gj BER-million beautiful-NYA \ft 'how beautiful it is.' \nt singing. \ref 0067 \id 301619111429240401 \begin 0:02:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni buat apa ya, Pi, ya, mangkoknya ya? \pho ni buwat ʔapa ya pi ya maŋkɔʔɲa yah \mb ni buat apa ya Pi ya mangkok -nya ya \ge this for what yes TRU-Opi yes bowl -NYA yes \gj this for what yes TRU-Opi yes bowl-NYA yes \ft what's the bowl for, Opi? \ref 0068 \id 218550111430240401 \begin 0:02:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx buat... buat makan. \pho buwat buwat makan \mb buat buat makan \ge for for eat \gj for for eat \ft it's for... for eating. \ref 0069 \id 885372111430240401 \begin 0:02:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx Tante, emang ini buat makan? \pho tante ʔɛmaŋ ʔini buwat makan \mb Tante emang ini buat makan \ge aunt indeed this for eat \gj aunt indeed this for eat \ft Auntie, is this really for eating? \nt referring to the bowl. \ref 0070 \id 467332111431240401 \begin 0:02:27 \sp EXPDIN \tx apa tu? \pho ʔapa tu \mb apa tu \ge what that \gj what that \ft what's that? \ref 0071 \id 758127111432240401 \begin 0:02:28 \sp ARTPIT \tx mangkok? \pho maŋkɔʔ \mb mangkok \ge bowl \gj bowl \ft a bowl? \ref 0072 \id 264655111433240401 \begin 0:02:28 \sp EXPDIN \tx itu buat mangkok. \pho ʔitu buwat maŋkɔʔ \mb itu buat mangkok \ge that for bowl \gj that for bowl \ft it can be used as a bowl. \ref 0073 \id 867690111434240401 \begin 0:02:29 \sp EXPDIN \tx buat sayur. \pho buwat sayur \mb buat sayur \ge for vegetable \gj for vegetable \ft for vegetables. \ref 0074 \id 289792111435240401 \begin 0:02:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx buat sayur. \pho buwat sayul \mb buat sayur \ge for vegetable \gj for vegetable \ft for vegetables. \nt repeating EXPDIN. \ref 0075 \id 351756111436240401 \begin 0:02:31 \sp ARTPIT \tx taro aja di meja... \pho tarɔ ʔaja di mɛja \mb taro aja di meja \ge put just LOC table \gj put just LOC table \ft just put it on the table... \ref 0076 \id 479866111437240401 \begin 0:02:33 \sp ARTPIT \tx ...buat tempat sayur. \pho buwat təmpat sayur \mb buat tempat sayur \ge for place vegetable \gj for place vegetable \ft ...as a bowl for vegetables. \ref 0077 \id 820848111438240401 \begin 0:02:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx dah xxx. \pho daʰ xxx \mb dah xxx \ge PFCT xxx \gj PFCT xxx \ft finished xxx. \nt whispering. \ref 0078 \id 478769124055240602 \begin 0:02:38 \sp ARTPIT \tx kalo... \pho kalɔː \mb kalo \ge TOP \gj TOP \ft if... \ref 0079 \id 380245124333240602 \begin 0:02:40 \sp ARTPIT \tx ...yang sampe... \pho yaŋ sampe \mb yang sampe \ge REL arrive \gj REL arrive \ft ...if we go to... \ref 0080 \id 486277124545240602 \begin 0:02:41 \sp EXPDIN \tx di mana? \pho di mana \mb di mana \ge LOC which \gj LOC which \ft where? \ref 0081 \id 577613124756240602 \begin 0:02:42 \sp ARTPIT \tx ...tempat... tempatnya itu kan berarti kan berduaan ya? \pho təmpat təmpatɲa ʔitu kan bərarti kan berduwaʔan ya \mb tempat tempat -nya itu kan ber- arti kan ber- dua -an ya \ge place place -NYA that KAN BER- meaning KAN BER- two -AN yes \gj place place-NYA that KAN BER-meaning KAN BER-two-AN yes \ft ...that place, that means we'll go both of us, right? \ref 0082 \id 515079114302030702 \begin 0:02:45 \sp EXPDIN \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0083 \id 636862101446040702 \begin 0:02:46 \sp ARTPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0084 \id 516844111439240401 \begin 0:02:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini tempat di mana ya? \pho ʔini təmpat di mana yaʰ \mb ini tempat di mana ya \ge this place LOC which yes \gj this place LOC which yes \ft where should I put this? \ref 0085 \id 159428114541030702 \begin 0:02:47 \sp ARTPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0086 \id 418485111440240401 \begin 0:02:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini di mana ya? \pho ʔini di mana ya \mb ini di mana ya \ge this LOC which yes \gj this LOC which yes \ft where should I put this? \nt referring to a dish. \ref 0087 \id 596191111441240401 \begin 0:02:51 \sp EXPDIN \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0088 \id 203278111441240401 \begin 0:02:52 \sp ARTPIT \tx apa? \pho ʔapah \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0089 \id 701087111442240401 \begin 0:02:53 \sp ARTPIT \tx apanya, Sayang? \pho ʔapaɲa sayaŋ \mb apa -nya Sayang \ge what -NYA compassion \gj what-NYA compassion \ft what, Honey? \ref 0090 \id 997230111443240401 \begin 0:02:55 \sp EXPDIN \tx ini... \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this... \ref 0091 \id 363518111444240401 \begin 0:02:56 \sp EXPDIN \tx wah, nggak cukup, ya? \pho wa ŋgaʔ cukup ya \mb wah nggak cukup ya \ge EXCL NEG enough yes \gj EXCL NEG enough yes \ft ow, there's not enough space, right? \nt referring to the table. \ref 0092 \id 155854111445240401 \begin 0:02:57 \sp EXPDIN \tx ntar. \pho ʔəntar \mb ntar \ge moment \gj moment \ft one moment. \ref 0093 \id 141903111445240401 \begin 0:02:58 \sp EXPDIN \tx ini... \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this... \ref 0094 \id 567062111446240401 \begin 0:02:59 \sp EXPDIN \tx entar, ini dipinggirin dulu. \pho ʔəntar ʔini dipiŋgirin dulu \mb entar ini di- pinggir -in dulu \ge moment this DI- edge -IN before \gj moment this DI-edge-IN before \ft wait, first we'll put this aside. \ref 0095 \id 230712111447240401 \begin 0:03:01 \sp EXPDIN \tx ini minumnya ini. \pho ʔini minumɲa ʔini \mb ini minum -nya ini \ge this drink -NYA this \gj this drink-NYA this \ft this is her drink. \ref 0096 \id 982432111448240401 \begin 0:03:02 \sp EXPDIN \tx bikinnya cuma satu Dek. \pho bikinɲa cuma satu dɛʔ \mb bikin -nya cuma satu Dek \ge make -NYA only one TRU-younger.sibling \gj make-NYA only one TRU-younger.sibling \ft we only make one. \ref 0097 \id 963014111449240401 \begin 0:03:03 \sp ARTPIT \tx mangkoknya ditumpuk sama piringnya. \pho maŋkɔʔɲa ditumpuk sama piriŋɲa \mb mangkok -nya di- tumpuk sama piring -nya \ge bowl -NYA DI- pile.up with plate -NYA \gj bowl-NYA DI-pile.up with plate-NYA \ft put the bowl on the saucer. \ref 0098 \id 406582111450240401 \begin 0:03:05 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em, di sini. \pho hə̃ʔə̃m di sini \mb he-em di sini \ge uh-huh LOC here \gj uh-huh LOC here \ft uh-huh, over here. \ref 0099 \id 334893111451240401 \begin 0:03:07 \sp EXPDIN \tx nih. \pho niʰ \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \ref 0100 \id 523516111457240401 \begin 0:03:08 \sp EXPDIN \tx buahnya taro tengah dulu. \pho buwahɲa tarɔ təŋah dulu \mb buah -nya taro tengah dulu \ge fruit -NYA put middle before \gj fruit-NYA put middle before \ft put the fruit in the middle. \ref 0101 \id 952590111458240401 \begin 0:03:09 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm? \pho hə̃m \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0102 \id 709504111459240401 \begin 0:03:10 \sp EXPDIN \tx buahnya taro di tengah. \pho buwahɲa tarɔ di təŋah \mb buah -nya taro di tengah \ge fruit -NYA put LOC middle \gj fruit-NYA put LOC middle \ft put the fruit in the middle. \ref 0103 \id 250792131755240602 \begin 0:03:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx sini? \pho tini \mb sini \ge here \gj here \ft here? \ref 0104 \id 968708132553240401 \begin 0:03:11 \sp EXPDIN \tx di meja. \pho di mɛja \mb di meja \ge LOC table \gj LOC table \ft on the table. \ref 0105 \id 117558132257240401 \begin 0:03:12 \sp EXPDIN \tx enggak. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0106 \id 902025132258240401 \begin 0:03:13 \sp EXPDIN \tx nampannya ini. \pho nampanɲa ʔini \mb nampan -nya ini \ge tray -NYA this \gj tray-NYA this \ft this tray. \ref 0107 \id 455798132259240401 \begin 0:03:14 \sp ARTPIT \tx di gambarnya liat tuh, Pi. \pho di gambarɲa liyat tuʰ pi \mb di gambar -nya liat tuh Pi \ge LOC picture -NYA see that TRU-Pipit \gj LOC picture-NYA see that TRU-Pipit \ft look at the picture. \ref 0108 \id 406929132300240401 \begin 0:03:16 \sp EXPDIN \tx ini gambarnya nih. \pho ʔini gambarɲa niʰ \mb ini gambar -nya nih \ge this picture -NYA this \gj this picture-NYA this \ft here, this is the picture. \ref 0109 \id 770970132301240401 \begin 0:03:17 \sp EXPDIN \tx tuh. \pho tu \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft look. \ref 0110 \id 118698132302240401 \begin 0:03:19 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya, kan? \pho ʔiya kan \mb iya kan \ge yes KAN \gj yes KAN \ft right? \ref 0111 \id 273748132303240401 \begin 0:03:20 \sp EXPDIN \tx terus... \pho tərus \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft and then... \ref 0112 \id 691381132304240401 \begin 0:03:22 \sp EXPDIN \tx ini piringnya ditumpuk ama mangkoknya gini, ya? \pho ʔini piriŋɲa ditumpuk ʔama maŋkɔʔɲa gini yah \mb ini piring -nya di- tumpuk ama mangkok -nya gini ya \ge this plate -NYA DI- pile.up with bowl -NYA like.this yes \gj this plate-NYA DI-pile.up with bowl-NYA like.this yes \ft are we putting the bowls on the plates like this? \ref 0113 \id 756866132305240401 \begin 0:03:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx he-em. \pho hə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0114 \id 673339132306240401 \begin 0:03:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx coba. \pho cɔba \mb coba \ge try \gj try \ft let me. \nt trying to grab the picture from CHIPIT. \ref 0115 \id 832184132307240401 \begin 0:03:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx uh, ih. \pho ʔuh ʔih \mb uh ih \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft ah, ooph. \ref 0116 \id 237583132308240401 \begin 0:03:26 \sp EXPDIN \tx gini. \pho gini \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this. \ref 0117 \id 374575132309240401 \begin 0:03:31 \sp ARTPIT \tx nah, mejanya ditata dulu, trus baru masak. \pho na mɛjaɲa ditata dulu trus baru masak \mb nah meja -nya di- tata dulu trus baru masak \ge NAH table -NYA DI- system before continue new cook \gj NAH table-NYA DI-system before continue new cook \ft look, you should set the table first and then start cooking. \ref 0118 \id 587319132310240401 \begin 0:03:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx masakin, ya? \pho masakin ya \mb masak -in ya \ge cook -IN yes \gj cook-IN yes \ft cook for me, okay? \ref 0119 \id 482773132310240401 \begin 0:03:35 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0120 \id 179846132311240401 \begin 0:03:36 \sp ARTPIT \tx masakin deh. \pho masakin dɛʰ \mb masak -in deh \ge cook -IN DEH \gj cook-IN DEH \ft cook it for me. \ref 0121 \id 183618132312240401 \begin 0:03:36 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho hə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0122 \id 585091132313240401 \begin 0:03:37 \sp ARTPIT \tx gorengin ikannya deh. \pho gɔrɛŋin ʔikanɲa dɛ \mb goreng -in ikan -nya deh \ge fry -IN fish -NYA DEH \gj fry-IN fish-NYA DEH \ft you fry the fish for me. \ref 0123 \id 840757132314240401 \begin 0:03:38 \sp ARTPIT \tx mana ikannya tadi? \pho mana ʔikanɲa tadi \mb mana ikan -nya tadi \ge which fish -NYA earlier \gj which fish-NYA earlier \ft where did you put the fish? \ref 0124 \id 320657132315240401 \begin 0:03:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx ikannya mati sih. \pho ʔikanɲa mati sih \mb ikan -nya mati sih \ge fish -NYA dead SIH \gj fish-NYA dead SIH \ft because the fish is dead. \ref 0125 \id 695784132316240401 \begin 0:03:41 \sp ARTPIT \tx ni kalo hidup nggak bisa dimakan. \pho nɛ kalɔ ʔidup ŋgaʔ bisa dimakan \mb ni kalo hidup nggak bisa di- makan \ge this TOP live NEG can DI- eat \gj this TOP live NEG can DI-eat \ft sure, if he's still alive, we can't eat him. \ref 0126 \id 691762134402240401 \begin 0:03:42 \sp ARTPIT \tx lompat-lompat dong. \pho lɔmpatlɔmpat dɔŋ \mb lompat - lompat dong \ge jump - jump DONG \gj RED-jump DONG \ft he'll be jumping around. \ref 0127 \id 861732134637240401 \begin 0:03:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak pa-pa. \pho ŋgaʔ papa \mb nggak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft no problem. \ref 0128 \id 953022141010240401 \begin 0:03:46 \sp EXPDIN \tx nih. \pho ni \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \ref 0129 \id 216634141037240401 \begin 0:03:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx biar racun. \pho biyar racun \mb biar racun \ge let poison \gj let poison \ft just poison him. \ref 0130 \id 185345141037240401 \begin 0:03:49 \sp EXPDIN \tx jahat dong. \pho jahat dɔŋ \mb jahat dong \ge evil DONG \gj evil DONG \ft that's bad. \ref 0131 \id 798189141038240401 \begin 0:03:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx gelasnya satu lagi mana? \pho gəlasɲa satu lagi manaʰ \mb gelas -nya satu lagi mana \ge glass -NYA one more which \gj glass-NYA one more which \ft where is the other glass? \ref 0132 \id 383263141039240401 \begin 0:03:52 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak ada. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔada \mb nggak ada \ge NEG exist \gj NEG exist \ft it's not there. \ref 0133 \id 810342141040240401 \begin 0:03:53 \sp EXPDIN \tx tinggal satu. \pho tiŋgal satu \mb tinggal satu \ge stay one \gj stay one \ft only one left. \ref 0134 \id 335913141041240401 \begin 0:03:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx oke deh. \pho ʔɔkeʔ de \mb oke deh \ge okay DEH \gj okay DEH \ft okay. \ref 0135 \id 597066141042240401 \begin 0:03:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx terus mo makan. \pho tlus mɔ makan \mb terus mo makan \ge continue want eat \gj continue want eat \ft and then we're going to eat. \ref 0136 \id 506083141043240401 \begin 0:03:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx kompornya jauh di sini. \pho kɔmpɔrɲa jaw di sini \mb kompor -nya jauh di sini \ge stove -NYA far LOC here \gj stove-NYA far LOC here \ft the stove is far away over here. \ref 0137 \id 696860130606040702 \begin 0:04:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx xx xx. \pho kiyak kiyakh \mb xx xx \ge xx xx \gj xx xx \ft xx xx. \ref 0138 \id 446800141044240401 \begin 0:04:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx baru masak deh. \pho baru masak dɛh \mb baru masak deh \ge new cook DEH \gj new cook DEH \ft and then I'm cooking. \ref 0139 \id 390034141044240401 \begin 0:04:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx tempat masaknya mana ya? \pho təmpat masakɲa mana ya \mb tempat masak -nya mana ya \ge place cook -NYA which yes \gj place cook-NYA which yes \ft where is the cooking pot? \ref 0140 \id 459866144431240602 \begin 0:04:08 \sp EXPDIN \tx 0. \nt ticking on a green pot. \ref 0141 \id 308952141045240401 \begin 0:04:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu buat aer. \pho tu buwat ʔaer \mb tu buat aer \ge that for water \gj that for water \ft that's for boiling water. \nt referring to the green pot \ref 0142 \id 174470141046240401 \begin 0:04:11 \sp EXPDIN \tx abis mo masak apa? \pho ʔabis mɔ masak ʔapa \mb abis mo masak apa \ge finished want cook what \gj finished want cook what \ft so what are you going to cook? \ref 0143 \id 724358141047240401 \begin 0:04:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini buat air. \pho ʔini buwat ʔaer \mb ini buat air \ge this for water \gj this for water \ft this is for water. \ref 0144 \id 612153141048240401 \begin 0:04:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx masaknya pake ini dong. \pho masakɲa pakɛ ʔini dɔŋ \mb masak -nya pake ini dong \ge cook -NYA use this DONG \gj cook-NYA use this DONG \ft we can use this for cooking. \nt picking up something. \ref 0145 \id 280574141049240401 \begin 0:04:16 \sp EXPDIN \tx itu jadi wajan deh. \pho ʔitu jadi wajan dɛ \mb itu jadi wajan deh \ge that become wok DEH \gj that become wok DEH \ft that can be the wok. \ref 0146 \id 213551141050240401 \begin 0:04:17 \sp CHIPIT \tx enak aja. \pho ʔɛnaʔ ʔajah \mb enak aja \ge pleasant just \gj pleasant just \ft how dare you. \ref 0147 \id 569959141051240401 \begin 0:04:18 \sp EXPDIN \tx yang ijo deh. \pho yaŋ ʔijɔ dɛ \mb yang ijo deh \ge REL green DEH \gj REL green DEH \ft just take the green one. \ref 0148 \id 313404141052240401 \begin 0:04:19 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini, ni, ni, ni... \pho ʔini ni ni ni \mb ini ni ni ni \ge this this this this \gj this this this this \ft this is... this, this, this here... \nt while picking up the green cooking pot. \ref 0149 \id 297453141053240401 \begin 0:04:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini itunya... \pho ʔini ʔituɲa \mb ini itu -nya \ge this that -NYA \gj this that-NYA \ft this is the whatchamacallit... \nt referring to the green cooking pot. \ref 0150 \id 408528141054240401 \begin 0:04:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini buat sayur, gitu. \pho ʔini buwat sayul gitu \mb ini buat sayur gitu \ge this for vegetable like.that \gj this for vegetable like.that \ft this is for the vegetables, that's how it is. \nt while picking up a red cooking pot. \ref 0151 \id 639626141054240401 \begin 0:04:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx oke, deh. \pho ʔokɛ dɛ \mb oke deh \ge okay DEH \gj okay DEH \ft okay. \ref 0152 \id 304716150113240401 \begin 0:04:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah. \pho ʔah \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft you see? \ref 0153 \id 967259150114240401 \begin 0:04:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx tek, tek. \pho tek tek \mb tek tek \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft tick, tick. \nt imitating the sound of lighting the stove. \ref 0154 \id 644216133702040702 \begin 0:04:28 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm? \pho hə̃m \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0155 \id 145870132042040702 \begin 0:04:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx drr, drr. \pho drːwizəf drːwizəf \mb drr drr \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft whoosh, whoosh. \nt imitating the flames of the stove. \ref 0156 \id 936809150116240401 \begin 0:04:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx treng, treng. \pho trɛŋ trɛŋ \mb treng treng \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft clang, clang. \nt imitating the sound of stirring in a metal wok. \ref 0157 \id 966999150116240401 \begin 0:04:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx kasi telor, deh. \pho kasi tɛlor dɛ \mb kasi telor deh \ge give egg DEH \gj give egg DEH \ft let's add an egg. \ref 0158 \id 784207150117240401 \begin 0:04:41 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana telornya? \pho mana tərɔrɲa \mb mana telor -nya \ge which egg -NYA \gj which egg-NYA \ft where is the egg? \ref 0159 \id 280784150118240401 \begin 0:04:43 \sp CHIPIT \tx di gelas. \pho di gəlas \mb di gelas \ge LOC glass \gj LOC glass \ft in the glass. \ref 0160 \id 146237150120240401 \begin 0:04:45 \sp ARTPIT \tx ada berapa gelasnya, Pit? \pho ʔada bərapa gəlasɲa pit \mb ada berapa gelas -nya Pit \ge exist how.much glass -NYA TRU-Pipit \gj exist how.much glass-NYA TRU-Pipit \ft how many glasses are there, Pipit? \ref 0161 \id 512462150120240401 \begin 0:04:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm? \pho hə̃m \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0162 \id 557189150121240401 \begin 0:04:47 \sp ARTPIT \tx gelasnya ada berapa? \pho glasɲa ʔada bərapa \mb gelas -nya ada berapa \ge glass -NYA exist how.much \gj glass-NYA exist how.much \ft how many glasses are there? \ref 0163 \id 794761150122240401 \begin 0:04:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx atu, dua, tiga, empat, lima, enem. \pho ʔatu duwa tiga ʔəmpat lima ʔənəm \mb atu dua tiga empat lima enem \ge one two three four five six \gj one two three four five six \ft one, two, three, four, five, six. \nt whispering. \ref 0164 \id 362792150123240401 \begin 0:04:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx enem. \pho ʔənəm \mb enem \ge six \gj six \ft six. \ref 0165 \id 562652150124240401 \begin 0:04:53 \sp ARTPIT \tx ada enem, ya? \pho ʔada ʔənəm ya \mb ada enem ya \ge exist six yes \gj exist six yes \ft are there six? \ref 0166 \id 816489150124240401 \begin 0:04:53 \sp EXPDIN \tx piring ama mangkoknya? \pho piriŋ ʔama maŋkɔʔɲa \mb piring ama mangkok -nya \ge plate with bowl -NYA \gj plate with bowl-NYA \ft what about the plates and the bowls? \ref 0167 \id 152435150125240401 \begin 0:04:55 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm? \pho hə̃m \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0168 \id 282445150126240401 \begin 0:04:55 \sp EXPDIN \tx piring sama mangkoknya? \pho piriŋ sama maŋkɔʔɲa \mb piring sama mangkok -nya \ge plate with bowl -NYA \gj plate with bowl-NYA \ft the plates and the bowls? \ref 0169 \id 159442150127240401 \begin 0:04:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx tu, dua, tiga, empat... \pho tru duwaʔ tiga ʔəmpat \mb tu dua tiga empat \ge one two three four \gj one two three four \ft one, two, three, four... \nt whispering. \ref 0170 \id 792830150129240401 \begin 0:05:03 \sp CHIPIT \tx kalo piring empat. \pho kalɔ piliŋ ʔəmpat \mb kalo piring empat \ge TOP plate four \gj TOP plate four \ft there are four plates. \ref 0171 \id 313029150130240401 \begin 0:05:05 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0172 \id 288460150131240401 \begin 0:05:05 \sp ARTPIT \tx kursinya berapa kursinya tu? \pho kursiɲa bərapa kursiɲa tu \mb kursi -nya berapa kursi -nya tu \ge chair -NYA how.much chair -NYA that \gj chair-NYA how.much chair-NYA that \ft how many chairs are there? \ref 0173 \id 453596150132240401 \begin 0:05:07 \sp ARTPIT \tx berapa orang jadi bisa duduk situ? \pho bərapa ʔɔraŋ jadi bisa duduk situ \mb berapa orang jadi bisa duduk situ \ge how.much person become can sit there \gj how.much person become can sit there \ft how many people can sit there? \ref 0174 \id 301738150133240401 \begin 0:05:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx tu, wa, tiga, empat, lima, enem. \pho tu wa tiga ʔəmpat lima ʔənəm \mb tu wa tiga empat lima enem \ge one two three four five six \gj one two three four five six \ft one, two, three, four, five, six. \nt whispering. \ref 0175 \id 414504150134240401 \begin 0:05:10 \sp CHIPIT \tx enem. \pho ʔənəm \mb enem \ge six \gj six \ft six. \ref 0176 \id 288560150135240401 \begin 0:05:11 \sp ARTPIT \tx enam, ya? \pho ʔənam ya \mb enam ya \ge six yes \gj six yes \ft six, right? \ref 0177 \id 339288150135240401 \begin 0:05:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx yang kenceng dong, Pit. \pho yaŋ kəncəŋ doŋ pit \mb yang kenceng dong Pit \ge REL forceful DONG TRU-Pipit \gj REL forceful DONG TRU-Pipit \ft you have to say it loudly. \nt referring to the counting. \ref 0178 \id 626082150136240401 \begin 0:05:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx satu, dua, tiga, gitu. \pho satu duwa tiga gitu \mb satu dua tiga gitu \ge one two three like.that \gj one two three like.that \ft one, two, three... like that. \nt counting loudly. \ref 0179 \id 373552150137240401 \begin 0:05:16 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 0180 \id 497604150138240401 \begin 0:05:16 \sp EXPDIN \tx emang Opi bisa sampe sepuluh? \pho ʔɛmaŋ ʔopi bisa sampɛ səpulu \mb emang Opi bisa sampe se- puluh \ge indeed Opi can arrive SE- ten \gj indeed Opi can arrive SE-ten \ft can you really count to ten? \ref 0181 \id 150039150139240401 \begin 0:05:19 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0182 \id 513180150140240401 \begin 0:05:19 \sp EXPDIN \tx coba. \pho cɔba \mb coba \ge try \gj try \ft try it. \ref 0183 \id 934668150141240401 \begin 0:05:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima... \pho satu duwa tiga ʔəmpat lima \mb satu dua tiga empat lima \ge one two three four five \gj one two three four five \ft one, two, three, four, five... \nt counting very fast. \ref 0184 \id 989284150142240401 \begin 0:05:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx enem, tujuh, lapan, sembilan, sepuluh. \pho ʔənəm tuju lapan təbilan təpulu \mb enem tujuh lapan sembilan se- puluh \ge six seven eight nine SE- ten \gj six seven eight nine SE-ten \ft six, seven, eight, nine, ten. \nt counting very fast. \ref 0185 \id 364204150144240401 \begin 0:05:22 \sp EXPDIN \tx dah, kalo Opi, Opi? \pho daː kalɔ ʔopi ʔopi \mb dah kalo Opi Opi \ge PFCT TOP Opi Opi \gj PFCT TOP Opi Opi \ft okay, what about you, Opi? \ref 0186 \id 889831150145240401 \begin 0:05:24 \sp EXPDIN \tx yang kenceng. \pho yaŋ kəncəŋ \mb yang kenceng \ge REL forceful \gj REL forceful \ft loudly, please. \ref 0187 \id 707882150146240401 \begin 0:05:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx hmm... \pho hə̃m \mb hmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 0188 \id 889796150146240401 \begin 0:05:26 \sp ARTPIT \tx tadi katanya harus kenceng? \pho tadi kataɲa harus kəncəŋ \mb tadi kata -nya harus kenceng \ge earlier word -NYA must forceful \gj earlier word-NYA must forceful \ft you said that it should be loudly. \ref 0189 \id 119717150147240401 \begin 0:05:28 \sp EXPDIN \tx Pipit aja berani kenceng kok? \pho pipt ʔaja bərani kəncəŋ kɔʔ \mb Pipit aja berani kenceng kok \ge Pipit just brave forceful KOK \gj Pipit just brave forceful KOK \ft even Pipit has the courage to do it loudly. \ref 0190 \id 288249150148240401 \begin 0:05:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx yang pake korsi ini dong. \pho yaŋ pakɛ kɔrsi ʔini dɔŋ \mb yang pake korsi ini dong \ge REL use chair this DONG \gj REL use chair this DONG \ft the one who uses that chair, please. \nt pointing at a chair. \ref 0191 \id 519664150149240401 \begin 0:05:34 \sp EXPDIN \tx pake apa jadi? \pho pakɛ ʔapa jadi \mb pake apa jadi \ge use what become \gj use what become \ft so, what do you want to use? \ref 0192 \id 105265150150240401 \begin 0:05:37 \sp EXPDIN \tx masak apa, Opi? \pho masak ʔapa ʔopi \mb masak apa Opi \ge cook what Opi \gj cook what Opi \ft what are you cooking? \ref 0193 \id 402791150151240401 \begin 0:05:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx telor. \pho təlɔr \mb telor \ge egg \gj egg \ft eggs. \ref 0194 \id 528286150152240401 \begin 0:05:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx cih cih cih cih cih cih, dah. \pho cih cih cih cih cih cih da \mb cih cih cih cih cih cih dah \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT PFCT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT PFCT \ft glug glug glug glug glug glug, done. \nt imitating the sound of pouring liquid. \ref 0195 \id 115203150153240401 \begin 0:05:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah, di sini saja. \pho dah di sini saja \mb dah di sini saja \ge PFCT LOC here just \gj PFCT LOC here just \ft okay, let's do it here. \nt pretending to split an egg above his head. \ref 0196 \id 922856150154240401 \begin 0:05:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx terus... \pho təlus \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft and then... \ref 0197 \id 467570150155240401 \begin 0:05:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini... \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this... \ref 0198 \id 269280150156240401 \begin 0:05:49 \sp EXPDIN \tx di kepala kalo mecahnya situ. \pho di kəpala kalɔ məcaʰɲa situ \mb di kepala kalo m- pecah -nya situ \ge LOC head TOP N- shattered -NYA there \gj LOC head TOP N-shattered-NYA there \ft it'll splash over your head if you break it there. \nt referring to splitting an egg above his head. \ref 0199 \id 296143150157240401 \begin 0:05:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0200 \id 893969150158240401 \begin 0:05:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo di sini? \pho kalɔ di sini \mb kalo di sini \ge TOP LOC here \gj TOP LOC here \ft what about here? \nt while hitting the egg next to his ear. \ref 0201 \id 546100080039250401 \begin 0:05:53 \sp EXPDIN \tx masuk kuping. \pho masuk kupiŋ \mb masuk kuping \ge go.in ear \gj go.in ear \ft it'll go in your ear. \ref 0202 \id 714462080044250401 \begin 0:05:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0203 \id 776682080208250401 \begin 0:05:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx he, he, he. \pho hɛ hɛ hɛ \mb he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he, he, he. \nt laughing. \ref 0204 \id 719923080209250401 \begin 0:05:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo di sini? \pho kalɔ di sini \mb kalo di sini \ge TOP LOC here \gj TOP LOC here \ft and here? \nt while hitting the egg close to his mouth. \ref 0205 \id 772701080210250401 \begin 0:05:58 \sp EXPDIN \tx masuk mulut. \pho masuk mulut \mb masuk mulut \ge go.in mouth \gj go.in mouth \ft it'll go in your mouth. \ref 0206 \id 407932080211250401 \begin 0:05:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0207 \id 529010080212250401 \begin 0:06:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo gini? \pho kalɔ gini \mb kalo gini \ge TOP like.this \gj TOP like.this \ft and like this? \nt hitting the egg close to his nose. \ref 0208 \id 585201080213250401 \begin 0:06:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx masuk hidung. \pho masuk ʔiduŋ \mb masuk hidung \ge go.in nose \gj go.in nose \ft it'll go in your nose. \ref 0209 \id 891342080213250401 \begin 0:06:01 \sp EXPDIN \tx masuk hidung. \pho masuk ʔiduŋ \mb masuk hidung \ge go.in nose \gj go.in nose \ft it'll go in your nose. \ref 0210 \id 914659080214250401 \begin 0:06:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0211 \id 403365080215250401 \begin 0:06:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo gini? \pho kalɔ gini \mb kalo gini \ge TOP like.this \gj TOP like.this \ft and like this? \nt hitting the egg behind his head. \ref 0212 \id 277382080216250401 \begin 0:06:07 \sp EXPDIN \tx masuk ke bajunya di belakang. \pho masuk kə bajuɲa di bəlakaŋ \mb masuk ke baju -nya di belakang \ge go.in to garment -NYA LOC back \gj go.in to garment-NYA LOC back \ft it'll splash in the back of your shirt. \ref 0213 \id 575438080216250401 \begin 0:06:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0214 \id 599927080217250401 \begin 0:06:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo gimana ya? \pho kalɔ gimana ya \mb kalo gimana ya \ge TOP how yes \gj TOP how yes \ft what if...? \ref 0215 \id 897158080218250401 \begin 0:06:12 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0216 \id 552109080219250401 \begin 0:06:12 \sp EXPDIN \tx dimasak. \pho dimasak \mb di- masak \ge DI- cook \gj DI-cook \ft just cook it. \ref 0217 \id 913546080220250401 \begin 0:06:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya, deh. \pho ʔiya dɛh \mb iya deh \ge yes DEH \gj yes DEH \ft okay. \ref 0218 \id 594304080221250401 \begin 0:06:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx sreng. \pho srɛŋ \mb sreng \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \nt imitating the sound of frying an egg. \ref 0219 \id 877067080222250401 \begin 0:06:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft finished. \ref 0220 \id 387485080223250401 \begin 0:06:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx masih ada banyak. \pho masiʰ ʔada baɲak \mb masih ada banyak \ge still exist a.lot \gj still exist a.lot \ft there are still a lot. \ref 0221 \id 675297080224250401 \begin 0:06:20 \sp EXPDIN \tx tu, buahnya bisa dimasukin kulkas dulu, tu. \pho tu buwahɲa bisa dimasukin kulkas dulu tu \mb tu buah -nya bisa di- masuk -in kulkas dulu tu \ge that fruit -NYA can DI- go.in -IN refrigerator before that \gj that fruit-NYA can DI-go.in-IN refrigerator before that \ft look, you can put the fruit into refrigerator. \ref 0222 \id 438572080225250401 \begin 0:06:22 \sp EXPDIN \tx biar adem, biar dingin. \pho biyar ʔadəm biyar diŋin \mb biar adem biar dingin \ge let cool let cold \gj let cool let cold \ft to chill, to cool it. \ref 0223 \id 691949080225250401 \begin 0:06:24 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya, nih. \pho ʔiya nih \mb iya nih \ge yes this \gj yes this \ft yes. \ref 0224 \id 401068080226250401 \begin 0:06:25 \sp EXPDIN \tx muat itu. \pho muwat ʔitu \mb muat itu \ge contain that \gj contain that \ft that's is big enough. \nt referring to the refrigerator. \ref 0225 \id 358908080227250401 \begin 0:06:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx mana? \pho manaʰ \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where is it? \ref 0226 \id 421447110956040501 \begin 0:06:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx sini, sini. \pho sini sinih \mb sini sini \ge here here \gj here here \ft give it, give it to me. \nt grabbing the refrigerator from OPIPIT. \ref 0227 \id 982242080228250401 \begin 0:06:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah, tuh. \pho da tuʰ \mb dah tuh \ge PFCT that \gj PFCT that \ft here it is. \ref 0228 \id 471183080228250401 \begin 0:06:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni, ya? \pho ni ya \mb ni ya \ge this yes \gj this yes \ft look, okay? \ref 0229 \id 684674080229250401 \begin 0:06:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx satu. \pho catu \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft one. \ref 0230 \id 538540080230250401 \begin 0:06:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx telornya dua. \pho təlɔrɲa duwa \mb telor -nya dua \ge egg -NYA two \gj egg-NYA two \ft there are two eggs. \ref 0231 \id 553525080231250401 \begin 0:06:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx xxx berantakan lagi. \pho xxx bəlantakan lagi \mb xxx berantak -an lagi \ge xxx disorder -AN more \gj xxx disorder-AN more \ft xxx becomes a mess again. \ref 0232 \id 414241080232250401 \begin 0:06:35 \sp CHIPIT \tx ntar berantakan lagi, deh. \pho ntal bəlantakan lagi dɛ \mb ntar berantak -an lagi deh \ge moment disorder -AN more DEH \gj moment disorder-AN more DEH \ft it will become a mess again. \ref 0233 \id 359602080233250401 \begin 0:06:38 \sp ARTPIT \tx pelan-pelan. \pho pəlanpəlan \mb pelan - pelan \ge slow - slow \gj RED-slow \ft be careful. \ref 0234 \id 941902080234250401 \begin 0:06:39 \sp ARTPIT \tx satu-satu aja buahnya diambil dulu. \pho satusatu ʔaja buwahɲa diʔambil dulu \mb satu - satu aja buah -nya di- ambil dulu \ge one - one just fruit -NYA DI- take before \gj RED-one just fruit-NYA DI-take before \ft first you take the fruits one by one. \ref 0235 \id 346596080236250401 \begin 0:06:41 \sp OPIPIT \tx gelasnya juga dimasukin sini. \pho gəlasɲa juga dimasukin sini \mb gelas -nya juga di- masuk -in sini \ge glass -NYA also DI- go.in -IN here \gj glass-NYA also DI-go.in-IN here \ft put the glasses also in there. \ref 0236 \id 152419080237250401 \begin 0:06:44 \sp EXPDIN \tx botolnya aja. \pho bɔtɔlɲa ʔaja \mb botol -nya aja \ge bottle -NYA just \gj bottle-NYA just \ft it's better to take the bottles. \ref 0237 \id 908577080238250401 \begin 0:06:44 \sp ARTPIT \tx nggak usah. \pho ŋgaʔ usa \mb nggak usah \ge NEG must \gj NEG must \ft no need. \ref 0238 \id 770775080238250401 \begin 0:06:45 \sp ARTPIT \tx botol yang lain aja. \pho bɔtɔl yaŋ lain aja \mb botol yang lain aja \ge bottle REL other just \gj bottle REL other just \ft just take the other bottles. \ref 0239 \id 433663080239250401 \begin 0:06:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx uh. \pho ʔu \mb uh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ah. \ref 0240 \id 994628080240250401 \begin 0:06:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya nih, botol. \pho ʔiya niʰ bɔtɔl \mb iya nih botol \ge yes this bottle \gj yes this bottle \ft right, the bottle. \ref 0241 \id 742366080241250401 \begin 0:06:50 \sp EXPDIN \tx ah, tuh kan, jatuh. \pho ʔaʰ tu kan jatu \mb ah tuh kan jatuh \ge EXCL that KAN fall \gj EXCL that KAN fall \ft ah, you see, it's falling. \ref 0242 \id 871548080242250401 \begin 0:06:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx botolnya taro di mana ini? \pho bɔtɔlɲa tarɔ di mana ʔini \mb botol -nya taro di mana ini \ge bottle -NYA put LOC which this \gj bottle-NYA put LOC which this \ft where should I put the bottle? \ref 0243 \id 326045080243250401 \begin 0:06:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni nggak muat. \pho ni ŋgaʔ muwat \mb ni nggak muat \ge this NEG contain \gj this NEG contain \ft this isn't big enough. \nt referring to the refrigerator. \ref 0244 \id 356587080243250401 \begin 0:06:56 \sp EXPDIN \tx di dalemnya aja. \pho di daləmɲa ʔaja \mb di dalem -nya aja \ge LOC inside -NYA just \gj LOC inside-NYA just \ft just put it in here. \nt referring to the refrigerator. \ref 0245 \id 663304080244250401 \begin 0:06:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx dalem mana? \pho daləm mana \mb dalem mana \ge inside which \gj inside which \ft in where? \ref 0246 \id 473521080245250401 \begin 0:06:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx sini? \pho sini \mb sini \ge here \gj here \ft here? \ref 0247 \id 389441080246250401 \begin 0:06:58 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0248 \id 240916080247250401 \begin 0:06:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx ntar buah-buahnya? \pho ntar buwabuwahɲa \mb ntar buah - buah -nya \ge moment fruit - fruit -NYA \gj moment RED-fruit-NYA \ft what about the fruit? \ref 0249 \id 586292080248250401 \begin 0:07:01 \sp EXPDIN \tx di atasnya. \pho di ʔatasɲa \mb di atas -nya \ge LOC up -NYA \gj LOC up-NYA \ft on top of it. \ref 0250 \id 319198080249250401 \begin 0:07:06 \sp ARTPIT \tx itu buah apa tu, Pit? \pho ʔitu buwa ʔapa tu pit \mb itu buah apa tu Pit \ge that fruit what that TRU-Pipit \gj that fruit what that TRU-Pipit \ft what kind of fruit is that? \ref 0251 \id 472390080250250401 \begin 0:07:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm? \pho hə̃m \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0252 \id 267285084638250401 \begin 0:07:09 \sp ARTPIT \tx itu buah apa? \pho ʔitu buwa ʔapa \mb itu buah apa \ge that fruit what \gj that fruit what \ft what fruit is that? \ref 0253 \id 971386084913250401 \begin 0:07:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx semangka. \pho samamaŋka \mb semangka \ge watermelon \gj watermelon \ft a watermelon. \ref 0254 \id 707424084955250401 \begin 0:07:13 \sp EXPDIN \tx terus, yang ijo ama yang merah? \pho tərus yaŋ ʔijɔ ʔama yaŋ mɛrah \mb terus yang ijo ama yang merah \ge continue REL green with REL red \gj continue REL green with REL red \ft what about the green and red one? \ref 0255 \id 396040084956250401 \begin 0:07:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx ijo sama yang merah? \pho ʔijɔ sama yaŋ mɛlaʰ \mb ijo sama yang merah \ge green with REL red \gj green with REL red \ft the green and the red one? \ref 0256 \id 460471084957250401 \begin 0:07:18 \sp EXPDIN \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what is it? \ref 0257 \id 644875084957250401 \begin 0:07:19 \sp CHIPIT \tx pisang ama apel. \pho pisaŋ ʔama ʔapəl \mb pisang ama apel \ge banana with apple \gj banana with apple \ft a banana and an apple. \ref 0258 \id 339036084958250401 \begin 0:07:21 \sp EXPDIN \tx oh, iya. \pho ʔo ʔiya \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, yes. \ref 0259 \id 535441103936250602 \begin 0:07:21 \sp ARTPIT \tx trus yang bunder? \pho trus yaŋ bundər \mb trus yang bunder \ge continue REL round \gj continue REL round \ft what the round one? \ref 0260 \id 889030084959250401 \begin 0:07:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx lha, kok, pisang warnanya gitu? \pho la kɔʔ pisaŋ warnaɲa gitu \mb lha kok pisang warna -nya gitu \ge EXCL KOK banana color -NYA like.that \gj EXCL KOK banana color-NYA like.that \ft hey, how come the banana has that color? \ref 0261 \id 748500085000250401 \begin 0:07:24 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya, mestinya... \pho ʔiya məstiɲa \mb iya mesti -nya \ge yes should -NYA \gj yes should-NYA \ft yes, it should be... \nt interrupted by ARTPIT. \ref 0262 \id 454866085001250401 \begin 0:07:25 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya, belum matang pisangnya. \pho ʔiya bəlum mataŋ pisaŋɲa \mb iya belum matang pisang -nya \ge yes not.yet ripe banana -NYA \gj yes not.yet ripe banana-NYA \ft yes, because the banana isn't ripe yet. \ref 0263 \id 953642085002250401 \begin 0:07:25 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt something is falling. \ref 0264 \id 387039085003250401 \begin 0:07:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx apaan itu? \pho ʔapaan ʔitu \mb apa -an itu \ge what -AN that \gj what-AN that \ft what is that? \ref 0265 \id 381936085004250401 \begin 0:07:27 \sp EXPDIN \tx ini telornya Opi ni. \pho ʔini təlɔrɲa ʔopiʔ ni \mb ini telor -nya Opi ni \ge this egg -NYA Opi this \gj this egg-NYA Opi this \ft this is your egg. \ref 0266 \id 104392085005250401 \begin 0:07:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0267 \id 122850085006250401 \begin 0:07:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx kayaknya bukan telor. \pho kayaʔɲa bukan təlɔr \mb kayak -nya bukan telor \ge like -NYA NEG egg \gj like-NYA NEG egg \ft it doesn't look like an egg. \ref 0268 \id 757067085007250401 \begin 0:07:32 \sp EXPDIN \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what is it? \ref 0269 \id 447787085007250401 \begin 0:07:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo... kalo telor beneran... \pho karɔ karɔ təlɔr bənəran \mb kalo kalo telor bener -an \ge TOP TOP egg true -AN \gj TOP TOP egg true-AN \ft if... if it's a real egg... \ref 0270 \id 777917085008250401 \begin 0:07:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo... kalo nggak digini pecah. \pho karɔ karɔ ŋgaʔ digini pəcah \mb kalo kalo nggak di- gini pecah \ge TOP TOP NEG DI- like.this shattered \gj TOP TOP NEG DI-like.this shattered \ft if... if you don't do it like this, it'll brake. \nt throwing the egg and failing to catch it. \ref 0271 \id 775161085009250401 \begin 0:07:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx tar. \pho tar \mb tar \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft plop. \nt imitating the sound of a falling egg. \ref 0272 \id 354190085010250401 \begin 0:07:37 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0273 \id 887193085011250401 \begin 0:07:38 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0274 \id 479491085012250401 \begin 0:07:39 \sp EXPDIN \tx kan, boongan. \pho kan bɔɔŋan \mb kan boong -an \ge KAN lie -AN \gj KAN lie-AN \ft it's fake, right? \ref 0275 \id 820046085013250401 \begin 0:07:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx he, he, he. \pho hɛ hɛ hɛ \mb he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he, he, he. \nt laughing. \ref 0276 \id 542515085014250401 \begin 0:07:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx ka(lo)... kalo gini? \pho ka kalɔ gini \mb kalo kalo gini \ge TOP TOP like.this \gj TOP TOP like.this \ft if... if I do like this? \nt hitting his forehead with the egg. \ref 0277 \id 772687085015250401 \begin 0:07:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx tok, ken(a)... kena palanya pecah. \pho tɔk kən kəna paraʔɲa pəcah \mb tok kena kena pala -nya pecah \ge IMIT undergo undergo head -NYA shattered \gj IMIT undergo undergo head-NYA shattered \ft tack, if it hits his head it'll break. \ref 0278 \id 175074085016250401 \begin 0:07:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx e jato, udah nggak muat. \pho ʔɛ jato udah ŋgaʔ muwat \mb e jato udah nggak muat \ge IMIT fall PFCT NEG contain \gj IMIT fall PFCT NEG contain \ft oops, it's falling, it doesn't fit. \ref 0279 \id 972045085017250401 \begin 0:07:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx di sini saja. \pho di sini sajaʰ \mb di sini saja \ge LOC here just \gj LOC here just \ft let me put it here. \ref 0280 \id 984489085018250401 \begin 0:07:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx di atas. \pho di ʔatas \mb di atas \ge LOC up \gj LOC up \ft on the top shelf. \nt referring to the refrigerator. \ref 0281 \id 428103085018250401 \begin 0:07:52 \sp EXPDIN \tx Tante masakin dong, Pi? \pho tantə masakin dɔŋ pi \mb Tante masak -in dong Pi \ge aunt cook -IN DONG TRU-Opi \gj aunt cook-IN DONG TRU-Opi \ft do you want to cook something for me? \ref 0282 \id 237769085019250401 \begin 0:07:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx aduh. \pho ʔaduh \mb aduh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ow. \ref 0283 \id 788798085020250401 \begin 0:07:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya, hah? \pho yah hãʔ \mb ya hah \ge yes huh \gj yes huh \ft okay, huh? \ref 0284 \id 954211085021250401 \begin 0:07:54 \sp EXPDIN \tx Tante masakin. \pho tantə masakin \mb Tante masak -in \ge aunt cook -IN \gj aunt cook-IN \ft you cook for me. \ref 0285 \id 945630085022250401 \begin 0:07:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx masak apaan? \pho masak ʔapaan \mb masak apa -an \ge cook what -AN \gj cook what-AN \ft cook what? \ref 0286 \id 726035085023250401 \begin 0:07:56 \sp EXPDIN \tx ikan goreng. \pho ʔikan gɔrɛŋ \mb ikan goreng \ge fish fry \gj fish fry \ft fried fish. \ref 0287 \id 885955085024250401 \begin 0:07:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx ikan goreng? \pho ʔikan gɔreŋ \mb ikan goreng \ge fish fry \gj fish fry \ft fried fish? \ref 0288 \id 376447085025250401 \begin 0:07:59 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho hə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0289 \id 566287085026250401 \begin 0:08:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx oke, deh. \pho ʔokɛ dɛh \mb oke deh \ge okay DEH \gj okay DEH \ft okay. \ref 0290 \id 699264085027250401 \begin 0:08:05 \sp CHIPIT \tx kalo enggak, ini botolnya ni di sini. \pho kalɔ ʔəŋgaʔ ʔini bɔtɔlɲa ni di sini \mb kalo enggak ini botol -nya ni di sini \ge TOP NEG this bottle -NYA this LOC here \gj TOP NEG this bottle-NYA this LOC here \ft otherwise the bottle is over here. \ref 0291 \id 949605085028250401 \begin 0:08:09 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm, botolnya di sini ini, Tante. \pho hə̃m bɔtɔlɲa di sini ʔini tantə \mb hmm botol -nya di sini ini Tante \ge FILL bottle -NYA LOC here this aunt \gj FILL bottle-NYA LOC here this aunt \ft umm... the bottle is here. \ref 0292 \id 938111085029250401 \begin 0:08:12 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0293 \id 352475085030250401 \begin 0:08:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah ntu. \pho da ʔəntu \mb dah ntu \ge PFCT that \gj PFCT that \ft yeah, that one. \ref 0294 \id 863832085030250401 \begin 0:08:13 \sp ARTPIT \tx nggak cukup... \pho ŋgaʔ cukup \mb nggak cukup \ge NEG enough \gj NEG enough \ft not enough... \ref 0295 \id 247045085031250401 \begin 0:08:14 \sp ARTPIT \tx nggak cukup ya atas semua, ya? \pho ŋgaʔ cukup ya ʔatas səmuwa ya \mb nggak cukup ya atas semua ya \ge NEG enough yes up all yes \gj NEG enough yes up all yes \ft isn't there enough space to put everything on the top? \ref 0296 \id 996869085032250401 \begin 0:08:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya, jatuh. \pho ya jatɔ \mb ya jatuh \ge yes fall \gj yes fall \ft oops, it's falling. \ref 0297 \id 595131085033250401 \begin 0:08:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah. \pho da \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft I'm finished. \ref 0298 \id 380296085034250401 \begin 0:08:20 \sp ARTPIT \tx dah, simpen dulu. \pho da simpən dulu \mb dah simpen dulu \ge PFCT put.away before \gj PFCT put.away before \ft okay, put them away. \ref 0299 \id 453995085035250401 \begin 0:08:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx apaan? \pho ʔapaan \mb apa -an \ge what -AN \gj what-AN \ft what? \ref 0300 \id 703722085036250401 \begin 0:08:23 \sp ARTPIT \tx nggak itu, Opi... eh Si Pipit. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔitu ʔopi ʔeh si pipit \mb nggak itu Opi eh Si Pipit \ge NEG that Opi EXCL PERS Pipit \gj NEG that Opi EXCL PERS Pipit \ft no, that one, Opi... umm... I mean Pipit. \ref 0301 \id 165416093719250401 \begin 0:08:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pipit? \pho pipit \mb Pipit \ge Pipit \gj Pipit \ft Pipit? \ref 0302 \id 649628093719250401 \begin 0:08:26 \sp ARTPIT \tx he-em. \pho hə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0303 \id 119011093720250401 \begin 0:08:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya, Pipit namanya. \pho ʔiya pipit namaɲa \mb iya Pipit nama -nya \ge yes Pipit name -NYA \gj yes Pipit name-NYA \ft yes, her name is Pipit. \ref 0304 \id 125625093721250401 \begin 0:08:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx halo Pipit? \pho ʰalɔ pipit \mb halo Pipit \ge hello Pipit \gj hello Pipit \ft hello Pipit. \ref 0305 \id 592577093722250401 \begin 0:08:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx mo naik tu Pipit, noh. \pho mɔ naik tu pipit noh \mb mo naik tu Pipit noh \ge want go.up that Pipit there \gj want go.up that Pipit there \ft she wants to go to upstairs. \ref 0306 \id 652720093723250401 \begin 0:08:33 \sp EXPDIN \tx emang kenapa? \pho ʔɛmaŋ kənapa \mb emang kenapa \ge indeed why \gj indeed why \ft what's the problem? \ref 0307 \id 785716093724250401 \begin 0:08:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx dipanggil Pipit... 'hah'. \pho dipaŋgil pipit hãʔ \mb di- panggil Pipit hah \ge DI- call Pipit huh \gj DI-call Pipit huh \ft if we call her Pipit... she'll cry 'heh'. \nt imitating the way CHIPIT cries. \ref 0308 \id 454083093725250401 \begin 0:08:37 \sp ARTPIT \tx oh, gitu. \pho ʔoʰ gitu \mb oh gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \ref 0309 \id 380609093726250401 \begin 0:08:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx hi. \pho ʔi \mb hi \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ugh. \ref 0310 \id 317241093727250401 \begin 0:08:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0311 \id 876708093728250401 \begin 0:08:39 \sp EXPDIN \tx jadi siapa sekarang manggilnya? \pho jadi siyapa səkaraŋ maŋgilɲa \mb jadi siapa sekarang m- panggil -nya \ge become who now N- call -NYA \gj become who now N-call-NYA \ft so, how should we call her now? \ref 0312 \id 656613093730250401 \begin 0:08:40 \sp ARTPIT \tx Fitri. \pho fitri \mb Fitri \ge Fitri \gj Fitri \ft Fitri. \ref 0313 \id 512974093731250401 \begin 0:08:41 \sp EXPDIN \tx Fitri? \pho fitri \mb Fitri \ge Fitri \gj Fitri \ft Fitri? \ref 0314 \id 169216093732250401 \begin 0:08:42 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya? \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right? \ref 0315 \id 622151093734250401 \begin 0:08:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0316 \id 905300093734250401 \begin 0:08:43 \sp EXPDIN \tx oh, iya deh. \pho ʔoʰ ʔiya dɛ \mb oh iya deh \ge EXCL yes DEH \gj EXCL yes DEH \ft oh, okay. \ref 0317 \id 600854093735250401 \begin 0:08:44 \sp ARTPIT \tx oh, iya deh. \pho ʔo ʔiya dɛ \mb oh iya deh \ge EXCL yes DEH \gj EXCL yes DEH \ft oh, okay. \ref 0318 \id 272520093736250401 \begin 0:08:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx kemaren, Pipit. \pho kəmarɛn pipit \mb kemaren Pipit \ge yesterday Pipit \gj yesterday Pipit \ft yesterday she was Pipit. \ref 0319 \id 753745093737250401 \begin 0:08:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt 'attacking' OPIPIT. \ref 0320 \id 414798093738250401 \begin 0:08:47 \sp EXPDIN \tx sekarang Fitri, ya? \pho səkaraŋ fitri ya \mb sekarang Fitri ya \ge now Fitri yes \gj now Fitri yes \ft now it's Fitri, right? \ref 0321 \id 721891093739250401 \begin 0:08:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx ih. \pho ʔi \mb ih \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft uh. \nt pinching OPIPIT's ear. \ref 0322 \id 542046093740250401 \begin 0:08:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx ampun, ampun, ampun. \pho ʔampun ʔampun ʔampun \mb ampun ampun ampun \ge mercy mercy mercy \gj mercy mercy mercy \ft have mercy, have mercy, have mercy. \ref 0323 \id 976353093741250401 \begin 0:08:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx ampun, Pipit. \pho ʔampun pipit \mb ampun Pipit \ge mercy Pipit \gj mercy Pipit \ft have mercy, Pipit. \ref 0324 \id 491719093742250401 \begin 0:08:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx he, he, he. \pho hɛ hɛ hɛ \mb he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he, he, he. \nt laughing while CHIPIT is pinching his ears. \ref 0325 \id 240512093744250401 \begin 0:08:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx ampun, ampun. \pho ʔampun ʔampun \mb ampun ampun \ge mercy mercy \gj mercy mercy \ft have mercy, have mercy. \ref 0326 \id 103847093745250401 \begin 0:08:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx ampun Pipit. \pho ʔampun pipit \mb ampun Pipit \ge mercy Pipit \gj mercy Pipit \ft have mercy, Pipit. \ref 0327 \id 266805132318250602 \begin 0:08:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ipit ampun. \pho ʔipit ʔampun \mb Ipit ampun \ge Ipit mercy \gj Ipit mercy \ft Ipit, have mercy. \ref 0328 \id 864695093746250401 \begin 0:08:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx Peliti. \pho pəlitli \mb Peliti \ge Peliti \gj Peliti \ft Peliti. \nt OPIPIT deliberately distorting the name 'Fitri'. \ref 0329 \id 108708132612250602 \begin 0:08:57 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt 'attacking' OPIPIT. \ref 0330 \id 343898093748250401 \begin 0:08:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx ampun, ampun, ampun. \pho ʔampun ʔampun ʔampun \mb ampun ampun ampun \ge mercy mercy mercy \gj mercy mercy mercy \ft have mercy, have mercy, have mercy. \ref 0331 \id 712533093749250401 \begin 0:08:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya, Ipit, Ipit, Ipit, Ipit. \pho ʔiya ʔipit ʔipit ʔipit ʔipit \mb iya Ipit Ipit Ipit Ipit \ge yes Ipit Ipit Ipit Ipit \gj yes Ipit Ipit Ipit Ipit \ft okay, Ipit, Ipit, Ipit, Ipit. \ref 0332 \id 758320093750250401 \begin 0:09:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx Fitri, Fitri. \pho pliti pliti \mb Fitri Fitri \ge Fitri Fitri \gj Fitri Fitri \ft Fitri, Fitri. \ref 0333 \id 801644093751250401 \begin 0:09:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx dah, gua ambil. \pho dah guwa ʔambil \mb dah gua ambil \ge PFCT 1SG take \gj PFCT 1SG take \ft okay, I'm taking it. \nt taking something from OPIPIT. \ref 0334 \id 849481093752250401 \begin 0:09:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx ye, Peliti. \pho yɛ pəlitiʔ \mb ye Peliti \ge EXCL Peliti \gj EXCL Peliti \ft hey, Peliti. \nt OPIPIT deliberately distorting the name 'Fitri'. \ref 0335 \id 253294093753250401 \begin 0:09:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx buat masak. \pho buwat masak \mb buat masak \ge for cook \gj for cook \ft it's for cooking. \ref 0336 \id 729779093754250401 \begin 0:09:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx Peliti! \pho pəliti \mb Peliti \ge Peliti \gj Peliti \ft Peliti! \nt OPIPIT deliberately distorting the name 'Fitri'. \ref 0337 \id 822366093755250401 \begin 0:09:10 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0338 \id 827897093756250401 \begin 0:09:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya Pit itu. \mb iya Pit itu \ge yes TRU-Pipit that \gj yes TRU-Pipit that \ft right, Ipit, that one. \ref 0339 \id 188929093757250401 \begin 0:09:12 \sp ARTPIT \tx baru itu bantuin Opi. \pho baru ʔitu bantuWin ʔopi \mb baru itu bantu -in Opi \ge new that help -IN Opi \gj new that help-IN Opi \ft after that you help him. \ref 0340 \id 736928093758250401 \begin 0:09:13 \sp ARTPIT \tx Fitri bantuin Opi masak. \pho fitri bantuWin ʔopi masak \mb Fitri bantu -in Opi masak \ge Fitri help -IN Opi cook \gj Fitri help-IN Opi cook \ft you help him with cooking. \ref 0341 \id 361364093759250401 \begin 0:09:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu, kan? \pho tu kan \mb tu kan \ge that KAN \gj that KAN \ft there, you see? \ref 0342 \id 858915093801250401 \begin 0:09:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx jadi gede tuh, tuh. \pho jadi gədɛʔ tuʰ tuʰ \mb jadi gede tuh tuh \ge become big that that \gj become big that that \ft look, look, it's swollen. \ref 0343 \id 413738093802250401 \begin 0:09:18 \sp ARTPIT \tx apanya? \pho apaɲa \mb apa -nya \ge what -NYA \gj what-NYA \ft what? \ref 0344 \id 916484093804250401 \begin 0:09:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx gantian. \pho gantiyan \mb ganti -an \ge change -AN \gj change-AN \ft my turn. \nt tweaking CHIPIT's ear. \ref 0345 \id 463056093804250401 \begin 0:09:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0346 \id 894596093805250401 \begin 0:09:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx uh, gantian ni. \pho ʔu gantiyan ni \mb uh ganti -an ni \ge EXCL change -AN this \gj EXCL change-AN this \ft ah, my turn now. \nt wanting to tweak OPIPIT's ear. \ref 0347 \id 695541093806250401 \begin 0:09:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx gantian, ha. \pho gantiyan ha \mb ganti -an ha \ge change -AN EXCL \gj change-AN EXCL \ft taking turns, right? \ref 0348 \id 667306140010250602 \begin 0:09:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt touching OPIPIT's cooking pot. \ref 0349 \id 478906093807250401 \begin 0:09:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh, eh, eh. \pho ʔɛː ʔɛː ʔɛː \mb eh eh eh \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey, hey. \ref 0350 \id 884425093808250401 \begin 0:09:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx tumpahin ni. \pho tumpaʰin ni \mb tumpah -in ni \ge spilled -IN this \gj spilled-IN this \ft I'm pouring this over you. \nt while pretending to pour the contents of the cooking pot over CHIPIT's head. \ref 0351 \id 755329093809250401 \begin 0:09:29 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0352 \id 929533093810250401 \begin 0:09:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx hi, hi, hi. \pho hĩ hĩ hĩ \mb hi hi hi \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hi, hi, hi. \nt laughing. \ref 0353 \id 182757093811250401 \begin 0:09:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx ha, ha, ha. \pho hã hã hã \mb ha ha ha \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ha, ha, ha. \nt laughing. \ref 0354 \id 500923103904250401 \begin 0:09:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx tumpahin 'tang'. \pho tumpahin taŋ \mb tumpah -in tang \ge spilled -IN IMIT \gj spilled-IN IMIT \ft I'm spilling this over you, 'splash'. \nt imitating the sound of splashing something. \ref 0355 \id 134694103905250401 \begin 0:09:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx kasi apinya 'duweng'. \pho kasi ʔapiɲa duwɛŋ \mb kasi api -nya duweng \ge give fire -NYA IMIT \gj give fire-NYA IMIT \ft I'm giving you fire 'bang'. \nt imitating the sound of splashing oil from the stove. \ref 0356 \id 918134103906250401 \begin 0:09:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx kasi aja. \pho kasi ʔaja \mb kasi aja \ge give just \gj give just \ft just throw it to her. \ref 0357 \id 300436103907250401 \begin 0:09:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx duk duk duweng. \pho duʔ duʔ duwɛŋ \mb duk duk duweng \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft bam bam splash. \nt imitating the sound of taking something and splashing it over someone. \ref 0358 \id 135637103908250401 \begin 0:09:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx nggak kena, we. \pho ŋgaʔ kəna wɛ \mb nggak kena we \ge NEG undergo EXCL \gj NEG undergo EXCL \ft hoo, it didn't hit me. \ref 0359 \id 553135103910250401 \begin 0:09:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx kasi minyaknya 'duweng'. \pho kasi miɲakɲa duwɛŋ \mb kasi minyak -nya duweng \ge give oil -NYA IMIT \gj give oil-NYA IMIT \ft throw the oil 'splash'. \nt imitating the splashing of oil. \ref 0360 \id 155040103911250401 \begin 0:09:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx hi, hi, hi, hi. \pho hĩ hĩ hĩ hĩ \mb hi hi hi hi \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hi, hi, hi, hi. \nt laughing. \ref 0361 \id 867890103912250401 \begin 0:09:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx hi, hi, hi, hi. \pho hĩ hĩ hĩ hĩ \mb hi hi hi hi \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hi, hi, hi, hi. \nt laughing. \ref 0362 \id 952984103913250401 \begin 0:09:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx he, he, he. \pho hɛ hɛ hɛ \mb he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he, he, he. \nt laughing. \ref 0363 \id 119843103914250401 \begin 0:09:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo minyak beneran? \pho kalɔ miɲak bənəran \mb kalo minyak bener -an \ge TOP oil true -AN \gj TOP oil true-AN \ft what if it's real oil? \ref 0364 \id 605870103915250401 \begin 0:09:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo telor beneran... \pho kalɔ təlɔr bənəran \mb kalo telor bener -an \ge TOP egg true -AN \gj TOP egg true-AN \ft if it's a real egg... \ref 0365 \id 869844103916250401 \begin 0:09:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx Op(i), Opi masak... \pho ʔop ʔopi masak \mb Opi Opi masak \ge Opi Opi cook \gj Opi Opi cook \ft I'll bake it... \ref 0366 \id 490878103917250401 \begin 0:09:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi kasi Ipit gosong. \pho ʔopi kasi ʔipit gɔsɔŋ \mb Opi kasi Ipit gosong \ge Opi give Ipit overcooked \gj Opi give Ipit overcooked \ft I'll give it to you, scorched. \ref 0367 \id 508101103918250401 \begin 0:10:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx ha, ha, ha, ha. \pho hã hã hã hã \mb ha ha ha ha \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ha, ha, ha, ha. \nt laughing. \ref 0368 \id 176826103919250401 \begin 0:10:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0369 \id 718939103920250401 \begin 0:10:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo apinya nyala, Op(i)... Opi nanti... \pho kalɔ ʔapiɲa ɲala ʔop ʔopi nanti \mb kalo api -nya nyala Opi Opi nanti \ge TOP fire -NYA flame Opi Opi later \gj TOP fire-NYA flame Opi Opi later \ft if the fire burns, I... I'll... \nt interrupted by CHIPIT. \ref 0370 \id 424593103921250401 \begin 0:10:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini nantang Pipit. \pho ʔini nantaŋ pipit \mb ini n- tantang Pipit \ge this N- challenge Pipit \gj this N-challenge Pipit \ft you're challenging me. \ref 0371 \id 656223103922250401 \begin 0:10:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx iris iris. \pho ʔilis ʔilis \mb iris iris \ge slice slice \gj slice slice \ft a slice, a slice. \ref 0372 \id 262219103923250401 \begin 0:10:06 \sp EXPDIN \tx Opi sini aja, Pi. \pho ʔopi sini ʔaja pi \mb Opi sini aja Pi \ge Opi here just TRU-Opi \gj Opi here just TRU-Opi \ft just come over here, Pi. \ref 0373 \id 419932103925250401 \begin 0:10:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx hah? \pho hãʔ \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0374 \id 606936103926250401 \begin 0:10:09 \sp EXPDIN \tx masaknya sini aja. \pho masakɲa sini ʔaja \mb masak -nya sini aja \ge cook -NYA here just \gj cook-NYA here just \ft just do the cooking over here. \ref 0375 \id 791459103927250401 \begin 0:10:10 \sp CHIPIT \tx tuku kowé xxx ning kowé. \pho tʊkʊ kɔwɛ xxx nɪŋ kɔwɛ \mb tuku kowé xxx ning kowé \ge buy 2SG xxx IMIT 2SG \gj buy 2SG xxx IMIT 2SG \ft I'm buying you, I'm xxx you. \ref 0376 \id 626990151650250602 \begin 0:10:11 \sp EXPDIN \tx sana aja masaknya. \pho sana ʔaja masakɲa \mb sana aja masak -nya \ge there just cook -NYA \gj there just cook-NYA \ft cook over there. \ref 0377 \id 305352110725250401 \begin 0:10:13 \sp CHIPIT \tx enak deh. \pho ʔɛnak dɛʰ \mb enak deh \ge pleasant DEH \gj pleasant DEH \ft that's delicious. \ref 0378 \id 669254103928250401 \begin 0:10:13 \sp ARTPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0379 \id 568804103929250401 \begin 0:10:14 \sp ARTPIT \tx nggak keliatan di gambarnya masak apa. \pho ŋgaʔ kəliyatan di gambarɲa masak ʔapa \mb nggak ke an liat di gambar -nya masak apa \ge NEG KE AN see LOC picture -NYA cook what \gj NEG KE.AN-see LOC picture-NYA cook what \ft you can't see at the picture what you can cook. \ref 0380 \id 701892103930250401 \begin 0:10:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt screaming. \ref 0381 \id 115040103931250401 \begin 0:10:17 \sp EXPDIN \tx nah, di tengah sini. \pho na di təŋa sini \mb nah di tengah sini \ge NAH LOC middle here \gj NAH LOC middle here \ft look, here in the middle. \ref 0382 \id 893804103932250401 \begin 0:10:18 \sp ARTPIT \tx di tengah-tengah aja. \pho di təŋatəŋa ʔaja \mb di tengah - tengah aja \ge LOC middle - middle just \gj LOC RED-middle just \ft you better sit in the middle. \ref 0383 \id 893459103933250401 \begin 0:10:20 \sp EXPDIN \tx biar cakepnya keliatan. \pho biyar cakəpɲa kəliyatan \mb biar cakep -nya ke an liat \ge let goodlooking -NYA KE AN see \gj let goodlooking-NYA KE.AN-see \ft so we can see your good looks. \ref 0384 \id 495672103934250401 \begin 0:10:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx liat di mana? \pho liyat di mana \mb liat di mana \ge see LOC which \gj see LOC which \ft where can you see that? \ref 0385 \id 978601103935250401 \begin 0:10:24 \sp ARTPIT \tx eh, Fitri aja yang masak, Fitri. \pho ʔə pitri ʔaja yaŋ masak fitri \mb eh Fitri aja yang masak Fitri \ge EXCL Fitri just REL cook Fitri \gj EXCL Fitri just REL cook Fitri \ft umm... you do the cooking, Fitri. \ref 0386 \id 471390103936250401 \begin 0:10:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah. \pho ʔa \mb ah \ge AH \gj AH \ft oh no. \ref 0387 \id 573956103937250401 \begin 0:10:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya, Peliti, Peliti. \pho ya pəlit pəliti \mb ya Peliti Peliti \ge yes Peliti Peliti \gj yes Peliti Peliti \ft yes, Peliti, Peliti. \nt OPIPIT deliberately distorting the name 'Fitri'. \ref 0388 \id 898777103939250401 \begin 0:10:29 \sp ARTPIT \tx Peliti? \pho pəliti \mb Peliti \ge Peliti \gj Peliti \ft why 'Peliti'? \nt repeating the way OPIPIT's distorting the name 'Fitri'. \ref 0389 \id 761314103940250401 \begin 0:10:30 \sp ARTPIT \tx kok, jadi 'Peliti' sih? \pho kɔʔ jadi pəliti si \mb kok jadi Peliti sih \ge KOK become Peliti SIH \gj KOK become Peliti SIH \ft how did it become 'Peliti'? \ref 0390 \id 729647103941250401 \begin 0:10:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya, iya, Peliti. \pho ʔiya ʔiya pəliti \mb iya iya Peliti \ge yes yes Peliti \gj yes yes Peliti \ft yes, Peliti. \nt OPIPIT deliberately distorting the name 'Fitri'. \ref 0391 \id 393321103943250401 \begin 0:10:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx waduh. \pho waduʰ \mb waduh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ow. \ref 0392 \id 661073103944250401 \begin 0:10:36 \sp ARTPIT \tx masak apa tu Fitri? \pho masak ʔapa tu fitri \mb masak apa tu Fitri \ge cook what that Fitri \gj cook what that Fitri \ft what are you cooking? \ref 0393 \id 774782103944250401 \begin 0:10:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx oh, masak ku(ping)... masak kuping Ipit. \pho ʔoh masak ku masak kupiŋ ʔipit \mb oh masak kuping masak kuping Ipit \ge EXCL cook ear cook ear Ipit \gj EXCL cook ear cook ear Ipit \ft oh, she is cooking... she is cooking ears. \ref 0394 \id 283825103945250401 \begin 0:10:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu apa ni? \pho tu wapa ni \mb tu apa ni \ge that what this \gj that what this \ft what's this? \ref 0395 \id 852388103946250401 \begin 0:10:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt CHIPIT is playing with the cooking set. \ref 0396 \id 511347103947250401 \begin 0:10:49 \sp ARTPIT \tx bajunya gambar apa tuh? \pho bajuɲa gambar ʔapa tuʰ \mb baju -nya gambar apa tuh \ge garment -NYA picture what that \gj garment-NYA picture what that \ft what picture is on your shirt? \ref 0397 \id 733096103948250401 \begin 0:10:51 \sp ARTPIT \tx liat Tante. \pho liyat tantə \mb liat Tante \ge see aunt \gj see aunt \ft let me see it. \ref 0398 \id 762970103949250401 \begin 0:10:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx gambar... \pho gambal \mb gambar \ge picture \gj picture \ft the picture of a... \ref 0399 \id 505464080419260602 \begin 0:10:53 \sp ARTPIT \tx shark. \pho syark \mb shark \ge shark \gj shark \ft a shark. \nt reading the text on OPIPIT's T-shirt. \ref 0400 \id 412762092230090702 \begin 0:10:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx gambar... \pho gambal \mb gambar \ge picture \gj picture \ft a picture of a... \ref 0401 \id 659257103951250401 \begin 0:10:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 0402 \id 854579103952250401 \begin 0:10:55 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0403 \id 425147103953250401 \begin 0:10:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx gambar tahi. \pho gamba tai \mb gambar tahi \ge picture shit \gj picture shit \ft a picture of shit. \nt laughing. \ref 0404 \id 705165092555090702 \begin 0:10:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx hi, hi, hi, hi. \pho hĩ hĩ hĩ hĩ \mb hi hi hi hi \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he, he, he, he. \nt laughing. \ref 0405 \id 959261103954250401 \begin 0:10:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx dosa. \pho dɔsa \mb dosa \ge sin \gj sin \ft it's a sin. \nt while hitting the floor with a lid of a box. \ref 0406 \id 316076103956250401 \begin 0:10:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx hi, hi, hi, hi. \pho hĩ hĩ hĩ hĩ \mb hi hi hi hi \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hi, hi, hi, hi. \ref 0407 \id 196471103957250401 \begin 0:11:04 \sp ARTPIT \tx kok galak sih? \pho kɔʔ galak si \mb kok galak sih \ge KOK fierce SIH \gj KOK fierce SIH \ft why are you angry? \ref 0408 \id 603641103958250401 \begin 0:11:05 \sp CHIPIT \tx jadi anak mulut galak. \pho jadi ʔanak mulut galak \mb jadi anak mulut galak \ge become child mouth fierce \gj become child mouth fierce \ft he becomes very fierce. \ref 0409 \id 897343114330250401 \begin 0:11:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0410 \id 963128114331250401 \begin 0:11:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx xx gosong. \pho ʔicak gɔsɔŋ \mb xx gosong \ge xx overcooked \gj xx overcooked \ft gee, it's scorched. \ref 0411 \id 515715114332250401 \begin 0:11:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0412 \id 336782114333250401 \begin 0:11:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi tumpahin ni kompornya. \pho ʔopi tumpain ni kɔmpɔrɲa \mb Opi tumpah -in ni kompor -nya \ge Opi spilled -IN this stove -NYA \gj Opi spilled-IN this stove-NYA \ft I'm going to turn over the stove. \ref 0413 \id 806027114334250401 \begin 0:11:17 \sp CHIPIT \tx tumpahin. \pho tumpain \mb tumpah -in \ge spilled -IN \gj spilled-IN \ft turn it over. \ref 0414 \id 721639114335250401 \begin 0:11:18 \sp EXPDIN \tx jangan. \pho jaŋan \mb jangan \ge don't \gj don't \ft don't. \ref 0415 \id 802867114336250401 \begin 0:11:18 \sp EXPDIN \tx meledak entar kompornya. \pho mələdak ʔəntar kɔmpɔrɲa \mb me- ledak entar kompor -nya \ge MEN- explode moment stove -NYA \gj MEN-explode moment stove-NYA \ft the stove will explode. \ref 0416 \id 699331114343250401 \begin 0:11:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx tek dar. \pho tək dar \mb tek dar \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft tack boom. \nt imitating the fall and the explosion of the stove. \ref 0417 \id 275455114344250401 \begin 0:11:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo... \pho karɔ \mb kalo \ge TOP \gj TOP \ft if... \ref 0418 \id 583010114345250401 \begin 0:11:23 \sp ARTPIT \tx itu kasi Pi... \pho ʔitu kasi piʔ \mb itu kasi Pi \ge that give TRU-Opi \gj that give TRU-Opi \ft Opi, give that to her... \ref 0419 \id 971570114346250401 \begin 0:11:25 \sp ARTPIT \tx Fitri mo masak. \pho fitri mɔ masak \mb Fitri mo masak \ge Fitri want cook \gj Fitri want cook \ft she wants to cook. \ref 0420 \id 198855114347250401 \begin 0:11:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo... kalo kompor beneran... \pho karɔː karɔ kɔmpɔr bənəran \mb kalo kalo kompor bener -an \ge TOP TOP stove true -AN \gj TOP TOP stove true-AN \ft if it is a real stove... \ref 0421 \id 172279114349250401 \begin 0:11:29 \sp ARTPIT \tx Opi ama Tante main itu aja tu. \pho ʔopi ʔama tantə main ʔitu ʔaja tu \mb Opi ama Tante main itu aja tu \ge Opi with aunt play that just that \gj Opi with aunt play that just that \ft let's play with those toys. \ref 0422 \id 798387114350250401 \begin 0:11:31 \sp ARTPIT \tx tu ambil bonekanya di... di itu. \pho tu ʔambil bɔnɛkaɲa di di ʔitu \mb tu ambil boneka -nya di di itu \ge that take doll -NYA LOC LOC that \gj that take doll-NYA LOC LOC that \ft take that doll on it. \ref 0423 \id 118421114351250401 \begin 0:11:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya, ni. \pho ʔiya ni \mb iya ni \ge yes this \gj yes this \ft yes. \ref 0424 \id 110072114353250401 \begin 0:11:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx enak ni. \pho ʔɛnak ni \mb enak ni \ge pleasant this \gj pleasant this \ft this is nice. \ref 0425 \id 183653114354250401 \begin 0:11:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx ye, hi, hi. \pho yɛ: hĩ hĩ \mb ye hi hi \ge EXCL IMIT IMIT \gj EXCL IMIT IMIT \ft hey, hi, hi. \nt laughing. \ref 0426 \id 261290114354250401 \begin 0:11:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx pinjem Opi. \pho pinjəm ʔopi \mb pinjem Opi \ge borrow Opi \gj borrow Opi \ft I'm borrowing it. \ref 0427 \id 107873114355250401 \begin 0:11:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx bencong. \pho bɛncɔŋ \mb bencong \ge transvestite \gj transvestite \ft transvestite. \ref 0428 \id 124612114356250401 \begin 0:11:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx Opi cewek. \pho ʔopi cɛwɛʔ \mb Opi cewek \ge Opi female \gj Opi female \ft you're a girl. \ref 0429 \id 762573090615260602 \begin 0:11:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt taking a doll from the plastic bag. \ref 0430 \id 656852114357250401 \begin 0:11:38 \sp ARTPIT \tx bukan. \pho bukan \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft not that one. \ref 0431 \id 931197114358250401 \begin 0:11:39 \sp ARTPIT \tx yang boneka bebek. \pho yaŋ bɔneka bɛbɛk \mb yang boneka bebek \ge REL doll duck \gj REL doll duck \ft the toy duck. \ref 0432 \id 258250114400250401 \begin 0:11:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana? \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft which one? \ref 0433 \id 313399114401250401 \begin 0:11:41 \sp ARTPIT \tx itu di dalem kresek. \pho ʔitu di daləm krəsək \mb itu di dalem kresek \ge that LOC inside IMIT \gj that LOC inside IMIT \ft the one in the plastic bag. \ref 0434 \id 206413114402250401 \begin 0:11:42 \sp ARTPIT \tx bawa sini, bawa sini kreseknya. \pho bawa sini bawa sini krəsəkɲa \mb bawa sini bawa sini kresek -nya \ge bring here bring here rustle -NYA \gj bring here bring here rustle-NYA \ft bring it here, bring the plastic bag over here. \ref 0435 \id 592004113727110702 \begin 0:11:43 \sp ARTPIT \tx Tante ambilin. \pho tantə ʔambilin \mb Tante ambil -in \ge aunt take -IN \gj aunt take-IN \ft let me take it. \ref 0436 \id 295207114403250401 \begin 0:11:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana? \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft which one? \ref 0437 \id 460715114404250401 \begin 0:11:44 \sp ARTPIT \tx itu kreseknya bawa sini. \pho ʔitu kərɛsɛkɲa bawa sini \mb itu kresek -nya bawa sini \ge that rustle -NYA bring here \gj that rustle-NYA bring here \ft bring that plastic bag over here. \ref 0438 \id 257056114406250401 \begin 0:11:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx kresek. \pho krɛsɛk \mb kresek \ge rustle \gj rustle \ft the plastic bag. \ref 0439 \id 952369114407250401 \begin 0:11:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah, gampang. \pho ʔah gampaŋ \mb ah gampang \ge AH easy \gj AH easy \ft oh, that's easy. \ref 0440 \id 597731114408250401 \begin 0:11:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx boneka bebek aja marah. \pho bɔneka bɛbɛk ʔaja malah \mb boneka bebek aja marah \ge doll duck just angry \gj doll duck just angry \ft only because a duck doll you're angry? \ref 0441 \id 890311114409250401 \begin 0:11:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx tuh. \pho tuʰ \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft look. \ref 0442 \id 673181114410250401 \begin 0:11:52 \sp ARTPIT \tx nah, itu boneka kura-kuranya. \pho naʰ ʔitu bɔnɛka kuraʔkuraʔɲa \mb nah itu boneka kura-kura -nya \ge NAH that doll tortoise -NYA \gj NAH that doll tortoise-NYA \ft look, that's the tortoise. \ref 0443 \id 868766114411250401 \begin 0:11:54 \sp ARTPIT \tx mana kura-kuranya tadi? \pho mana kuraʔkuraʔɲa tadi \mb mana kura-kura -nya tadi \ge which tortoise -NYA earlier \gj which tortoise-NYA earlier \ft where is the tortoise? \ref 0444 \id 365672114412250401 \begin 0:11:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx aku mau mau xxx. \pho ʔaku maw maw xxx \mb aku mau mau xxx \ge 1SG want want xxx \gj 1SG want want xxx \ft I want to xxx. \ref 0445 \id 358320114413250401 \begin 0:11:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0446 \id 101514114414250401 \begin 0:11:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx cantik ini. \pho cantik ʔinih \mb cantik ini \ge pretty this \gj pretty this \ft this one is nice. \ref 0447 \id 352801114415250401 \begin 0:11:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmh. \pho ʔə̃m \mb mmh \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft mwah. \nt imitating kissing sound. \ref 0448 \id 934685114416250401 \begin 0:12:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx ih, amit-amit. \pho ʔih ʔamit-ʔamit \mb ih amit-amit \ge EXCL OATH \gj EXCL OATH \ft ugh, no. \ref 0449 \id 370323114418250401 \begin 0:12:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx amit-amit? \pho ʔamitʔamit \mb amit-amit \ge OATH \gj OATH \ft ugh, no? \ref 0450 \id 225154114419250401 \begin 0:12:03 \sp ARTPIT \tx ini lho, Pi. \pho ʔini loʰ pi \mb ini lho Pi \ge this EXCL TRU-Opi \gj this EXCL TRU-Opi \ft look at this. \nt referring to a hand puppet. \ref 0451 \id 271279114420250401 \begin 0:12:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx enggak, ah. \pho ʔəŋga ʔah \mb enggak ah \ge NEG AH \gj NEG AH \ft no thanks. \ref 0452 \id 603283114421250401 \begin 0:12:05 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah, bencong ah, kamu. \pho ʔah bɛncɔŋ ʔah kamu \mb ah bencong ah kamu \ge AH transvestite AH 2 \gj AH transvestite AH 2 \ft ah, you're just like a girl. \ref 0453 \id 599887114422250401 \begin 0:12:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx 'muah.' \pho ʔəmːuwah \mb muah \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft 'mwah.' \nt 1. pretending to be the duck. 2. kissing OPIPIT. \ref 0454 \id 217114114423250401 \begin 0:12:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0455 \id 868283100525260602 \begin 0:12:09 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt about kissing OPIPIT with the duck puppet. \ref 0456 \id 149545114423250401 \begin 0:12:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx idih. \pho ʔidih \mb idih \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ugh. \nt avoiding CHIPIT's kiss. \ref 0457 \id 309254114424250401 \begin 0:12:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0458 \id 742230114425250401 \begin 0:12:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini deh. \pho ʔini dɛh \mb ini deh \ge this DEH \gj this DEH \ft here it is. \nt holding the duck puppet to OPIPIT's head. \ref 0459 \id 385935114426250401 \begin 0:12:15 \sp CHIPIT \tx 'muah.' \pho ʔəmuwah \mb muah \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft 'mwah.' \nt 1. pretending to be the duck. 2. kissing OPIPIT. \ref 0460 \id 717242130118250401 \begin 0:12:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx heh. \pho hɛh \mb heh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey. \ref 0461 \id 702732130120250401 \begin 0:12:17 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0462 \id 732912130121250401 \begin 0:12:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi ketekin nih. \pho ʔopi kɛtɛkin nih \mb Opi ketek -in nih \ge Opi armpit -IN this \gj Opi armpit-IN this \ft I'm going to tickle you. \ref 0463 \id 376231130121250401 \begin 0:12:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya ni jagung. \pho ya ni jaguguːŋ \mb ya ni jagung \ge yes this corn \gj yes this corn \ft right, this is corn. \ref 0464 \id 526769130122250401 \begin 0:12:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya acak lagi ini. \pho yah ʔacak lagi ʔini \mb ya acak lagi ini \ge yes random more this \gj yes random more this \ft yeah, it's a mess again. \ref 0465 \id 726492130123250401 \begin 0:12:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx dasar lu, Pi. \pho dasal lu pi \mb dasar lu Pi \ge base 2 TRU-Opi \gj base 2 TRU-Opi \ft that's you. \ref 0466 \id 357505103206260602 \begin 0:12:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx ting neng ting neng neng... \pho tiŋ nɛŋ tiŋ nɛŋ nɛːŋ \mb ting neng ting neng neng \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ting tang ting tang tang... \nt babbling in a melodious way. \ref 0467 \id 466491130124250401 \begin 0:12:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx meja Ipit ilang, ilang. \pho mɛja ʔipit ʔilaŋ ʔilaŋ \mb meja Ipit ilang ilang \ge table Ipit disappear disappear \gj table Ipit disappear disappear \ft my table is gone, he's gone. \ref 0468 \id 865589130126250401 \begin 0:12:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ipit, Ipit, liat pantatnya. \pho ʔipit ʔipit liyat pantatɲa \mb Ipit Ipit liat pantat -nya \ge Ipit Ipit see buttocks -NYA \gj Ipit Ipit see buttocks-NYA \ft Pipit, Pipit, look at her buttocks. \nt showing CHIPIT the doll. \ref 0469 \id 982224130127250401 \begin 0:12:33 \sp CHIPIT \tx diem! \pho diyəm \mb diem \ge silent \gj silent \ft shut up! \ref 0470 \id 162146130128250401 \begin 0:12:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx meja Ipit jadi berantakan. \pho mɛja ʔipit jadi bəlantakan \mb meja Ipit jadi berantak -an \ge table Ipit become disorder -AN \gj table Ipit become disorder-AN \ft my table has become a complete mess. \ref 0471 \id 604649130130250401 \begin 0:12:36 \sp ARTPIT \tx lho kok diberantakin? \pho lo kɔʔ dibərantakin \mb lho kok di- berantak -in \ge EXCL KOK DI- disorder -IN \gj EXCL KOK DI-disorder-IN \ft why did you mess it up? \ref 0472 \id 153425130131250401 \begin 0:12:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx nih, gara-gara berisik. \pho nih galagala blisik \mb nih gara-gara berisik \ge this because noisy \gj this because noisy \ft he there, because he's noisy. it's him, because he's noisy. \ref 0473 \id 719226130132250401 \begin 0:12:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx ye mau pergi telanjang ni. \pho yeh maw pəgi təlanjaŋ ni \mb ye mau pergi telanjang ni \ge EXCL want go naked this \gj EXCL want go naked this \ft whoo, she wants to go out naked. \ref 0474 \id 747444130134250401 \begin 0:12:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx hi, hi, hi. \pho hĩ hĩ hĩ \mb hi hi hi \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hi, hi, hi. \nt laughing. \ref 0475 \id 705795130134250401 \begin 0:12:43 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0476 \id 909959130135250401 \begin 0:12:43 \sp ARTPIT \tx pake rok dong. \pho pakɛ rɔk dɔŋ \mb pake rok dong \ge use skirt DONG \gj use skirt DONG \ft give her a skirt, then. \ref 0477 \id 603512130136250401 \begin 0:12:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx roknya? \pho rɔkɲa \mb rok -nya \ge skirt -NYA \gj skirt-NYA \ft where is the skirt? \ref 0478 \id 794269105416260602 \begin 0:12:45 \sp ARTPIT \tx ini rok. \pho ʔini rɔʔ \mb ini rok \ge this skirt \gj this skirt \ft this is a skirt. \ref 0479 \id 841137130137250401 \begin 0:12:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini apaan? \pho ʔini ʔapaʔan \mb ini apa -an \ge this what -AN \gj this what-AN \ft what is this? \ref 0480 \id 407913130138250401 \begin 0:12:47 \sp ARTPIT \tx ni roknya. \pho ni rɔkɲa \mb ni rok -nya \ge this skirt -NYA \gj this skirt-NYA \ft this is her skirt. \ref 0481 \id 215444130139250401 \begin 0:12:47 \sp ARTPIT \tx sini Tante pakein roknya dulu. \pho sini tantə pakɛin rɔkɲa dulu \mb sini Tante pake -in rok -nya dulu \ge here aunt use -IN skirt -NYA before \gj here aunt use-IN skirt-NYA before \ft here, let me wear her the skirt. \ref 0482 \id 269752115031260602 \begin 0:12:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx rok. \pho rɔk \mb rok \ge skirt \gj skirt \ft a skirt. \ref 0483 \id 884257130140250401 \begin 0:12:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx di sini aja, ah, pindah. \pho di sini ʔaja ʔah pindah \mb di sini aja ah pindah \ge LOC here just AH move \gj LOC here just AH move \ft let me put it here, move it. \nt referring to the table. \ref 0484 \id 637427130141250401 \begin 0:12:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku pindah dulu, ah. \pho ʔaku pinda dulu ʔa \mb aku pindah dulu ah \ge 1SG move before AH \gj 1SG move before AH \ft let me move over. \ref 0485 \id 259530130142250401 \begin 0:12:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx gimana ni? \pho gimana ni \mb gimana ni \ge how this \gj how this \ft what do we have to do? \ref 0486 \id 224169130143250401 \begin 0:12:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini baju ini buat tidur. \pho ʔini baju ʔini buwat tidur \mb ini baju ini buat tidur \ge this garment this for lie.down \gj this garment this for lie.down \ft this is a night dress. \ref 0487 \id 811894130145250401 \begin 0:12:57 \sp CHIPIT \tx buat Opi tidur-tiduran biar... \pho buwat ʔopi tidultidulan biyal \mb buat Opi tidur - tidur -an biar \ge for Opi lie.down - lie.down -AN let \gj for Opi RED.AN-lie.down let \ft for you to lie down, so that... \ref 0488 \id 318776130145250401 \begin 0:13:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni buat tidur. \pho ni buwat tidur \mb ni buat tidur \ge this for lie.down \gj this for lie.down \ft this is to sleep in. \ref 0489 \id 581387130146250401 \begin 0:13:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni sepatu buat pergi. \pho ni səpatu buwat pəgi \mb ni sepatu buat pergi \ge this shoe for go \gj this shoe for go \ft these are shoes for going out. \ref 0490 \id 133176120535260602 \begin 0:13:04 \sp ARTPIT \tx yang mana? \pho yaŋ mana \mb yang mana \ge REL which \gj REL which \ft which ones? \ref 0491 \id 682869130147250401 \begin 0:13:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx saja ni. \pho saja ni \mb saja ni \ge just this \gj just this \ft only one. \ref 0492 \id 800825130148250401 \begin 0:13:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx tuh, ni. \pho tu ni \mb tuh ni \ge that this \gj that this \ft look at this. \ref 0493 \id 587761130149250401 \begin 0:13:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx sepatu ini buat kantor. \pho səpatu ʔini buwat kantɔr \mb sepatu ini buat kantor \ge shoe this for office \gj shoe this for office \ft these shoes are for going to the office. \ref 0494 \id 721532130202250401 \begin 0:13:14 \sp ARTPIT \tx mana buat ke kantor? \pho mana buwat kə kantɔr \mb mana buat ke kantor \ge which for to office \gj which for to office \ft which are for going to the office? \ref 0495 \id 801185130203250401 \begin 0:13:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni. \pho ni \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft these. \ref 0496 \id 345505130205250401 \begin 0:13:16 \sp ARTPIT \tx o iya. \pho ʔo ʔiya \mb o iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft you're right. \ref 0497 \id 718851130206250401 \begin 0:13:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx kecil. \pho kəcil \mb kecil \ge small \gj small \ft they're small. \nt referring to shoes. \ref 0498 \id 741415130207250401 \begin 0:13:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini. \pho ʔiniː \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft here. \ref 0499 \id 190531130208250401 \begin 0:13:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni sisir. \pho ni sisir \mb ni sisir \ge this comb \gj this comb \ft this is a comb. \ref 0500 \id 670927130209250401 \begin 0:13:20 \sp ARTPIT \tx kok tau kalo buat ke kantor? \pho kɔʔ tau kalɔ buwat kə kantɔr \mb kok tau kalo buat ke kantor \ge KOK know TOP for to office \gj KOK know TOP for to office \ft how do you know that these are for going to the office? \ref 0501 \id 795835130211250401 \begin 0:13:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni buat kerjaan. \pho ni buwat kərjaʔan \mb ni buat kerja -an \ge this for do -AN \gj this for do-AN \ft this is for working. \ref 0502 \id 427944130212250401 \begin 0:13:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini topi kali. \pho ʔiniː tɔpi kari \mb ini topi kali \ge this hat maybe \gj this hat maybe \ft this is a hat, maybe. \ref 0503 \id 270371130213250401 \begin 0:13:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this. \ref 0504 \id 629922130214250401 \begin 0:13:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx sekarang ini sudah dingin. \pho səkalaŋ ʔini sudah diŋin \mb sekarang ini sudah dingin \ge now this PFCT cold \gj now this PFCT cold \ft these are cold now. \ref 0505 \id 112651130215250401 \begin 0:13:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx pakaian ini udah dingin. \pho pakaiyan ʔini ʔuda diŋin \mb pakai -an ini udah dingin \ge use -AN this PFCT cold \gj use-AN this PFCT cold \ft these clothes are already cold. \ref 0506 \id 336233130216250401 \begin 0:13:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx auw. \pho ʔauw \mb auw \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ouch. \ref 0507 \id 583922130217250401 \begin 0:13:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx my God, dingin ba(nget)... \pho me gɔt diŋin baʰ \mb my God dingin banget \ge my God cold very \gj my God cold very \ft my God, this is so cold... \ref 0508 \id 100050130218250401 \begin 0:13:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah. \pho da \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft finished. \ref 0509 \id 940964130219250401 \begin 0:13:40 \sp CHIPIT \tx (ba)ng...et. \pho ŋəːŋət \mb banget \ge very \gj very \ft ...so very cold. \ref 0510 \id 603641130220250401 \begin 0:13:41 \sp OPIPIT \tx ganti baju ini. \pho ganti baju ʔini \mb ganti baju ini \ge change garment this \gj change garment this \ft let me give her this dress. \ref 0511 \id 307564130221250401 \begin 0:13:44 \sp ARTPIT \tx ayo, gimana xx? \pho ʔayɔ gimana ba \mb ayo gimana xx \ge AYO how xx \gj AYO how xx \ft come on, how is it? \ref 0512 \id 240895130222250401 \begin 0:13:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx tangannya. \pho taŋanɲa \mb tangan -nya \ge hand -NYA \gj hand-NYA \ft look at my hand. \nt showing his hand to ARTPIT. \ref 0513 \id 387095080524020501 \begin 0:13:47 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya, lengannya dibuka dulu ni. \pho ʔiya ləŋanɲa dibuka dulu ni \mb iya lengan -nya di- buka dulu ni \ge yes arm -NYA DI- open before this \gj yes arm-NYA DI-open before this \ft yes, but first you have to unbutton the sleeves. \ref 0514 \id 413835080617020501 \begin 0:13:49 \sp ARTPIT \tx ambil ganti bajunya gih. \pho ʔambil ganti bajuɲa gi \mb ambil ganti baju -nya gih \ge take change garment -NYA GIH \gj take change garment-NYA GIH \ft get her change. \ref 0515 \id 745593080617020501 \begin 0:13:50 \sp ARTPIT \tx jang pake baju ini. \pho jaŋ pakɛ baju ʔini \mb jang pake baju ini \ge don't use garment this \gj don't use garment this \ft don't let her wear this dress. \ref 0516 \id 208654080618020501 \begin 0:13:53 \sp ARTPIT \tx tu ambil bajunya. \pho tuʰ ʔapa bacaɲa \mb tu ambil baju -nya \ge that take garment -NYA \gj that take garment-NYA \ft get that dress. \ref 0517 \id 153846080619020501 \begin 0:13:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini? \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this? \ref 0518 \id 601727080620020501 \begin 0:13:54 \sp ARTPIT \tx itu, Sayang, yang... \pho ʔitu sayaŋ yaŋ \mb itu Sayang yang \ge that compassion REL \gj that compassion REL \ft that, Honey, the one... \ref 0519 \id 542360080621020501 \begin 0:13:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini... yang ini buat tidur. \pho ʔini yaŋ ʔini buwat tidur \mb ini yang ini buat tidur \ge this REL this for lie.down \gj this REL this for lie.down \ft this... this is for sleeping. \ref 0520 \id 862294080622020501 \begin 0:13:57 \sp ARTPIT \tx nggak, itu buat di rumah. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔitu buwat di ruma \mb nggak itu buat di rumah \ge NEG that for LOC house \gj NEG that for LOC house \ft no, that's for at home. \ref 0521 \id 497984080624020501 \begin 0:13:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx pake itu saja. \pho pakɛ ʔitu sajaʰ \mb pake itu saja \ge use that just \gj use that just \ft just let her wear that. \ref 0522 \id 232970080625020501 \begin 0:13:59 \sp ARTPIT \tx nggak, buat di rumah. \pho ŋgaʔ buwat di ruma \mb nggak buat di rumah \ge NEG for LOC house \gj NEG for LOC house \ft no, for at home. \ref 0523 \id 245058080626020501 \begin 0:14:00 \sp ARTPIT \tx ini pake buat di rumah ini. \pho ʔini pakɛ buwat di ruma ʔini \mb ini pake buat di rumah ini \ge this use for LOC house this \gj this use for LOC house this \ft this is to wear at home. \ref 0524 \id 902717080627020501 \begin 0:14:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft which one? \ref 0525 \id 384887080629020501 \begin 0:14:03 \sp ARTPIT \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one. \ref 0526 \id 212187080629020501 \begin 0:14:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya ini... \pho ya ʔini \mb ya ini \ge yes this \gj yes this \ft yes, this... \ref 0527 \id 138504080630020501 \begin 0:14:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana yang pake... \pho mana yaŋ pakɛ \mb mana yang pake \ge which REL use \gj which REL use \ft which one is worn... \ref 0528 \id 145162080631020501 \begin 0:14:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini buat tidur. \pho ʔini buwat tidur \mb ini buat tidur \ge this for lie.down \gj this for lie.down \ft this is for sleeping. \nt referring to a night dress. \ref 0529 \id 439970080632020501 \begin 0:14:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt making a snoring sound. \ref 0530 \id 793333080633020501 \begin 0:14:10 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah. \pho ʔaːh \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ah. \nt screaming. \ref 0531 \id 674657080634020501 \begin 0:14:11 \sp ARTPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0532 \id 480482080635020501 \begin 0:14:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya, kalo mo tidur. \pho ʔiya kalɔ mɔ tidur \mb iya kalo mo tidur \ge yes TOP want lie.down \gj yes TOP want lie.down \ft yes, if we want to sleep. \ref 0533 \id 379749080636020501 \begin 0:14:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0534 \id 252084080637020501 \begin 0:14:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx he, he. \pho hɛ hɛ \mb he he \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft he, he. \nt laughing. \ref 0535 \id 189087080639020501 \begin 0:14:19 \sp ARTPIT \tx ngapain Pipit? \pho ŋgapain pipit \mb ng- apa -in Pipit \ge N- what -IN Pipit \gj N-what-IN Pipit \ft what are you doing, Pipit? \ref 0536 \id 694979080640020501 \begin 0:14:21 \sp ARTPIT \tx Fitri nggak bisa buka, ya? \pho pitri ŋgaʔ bisa buka ya \mb Fitri nggak bisa buka ya \ge Fitri NEG can open yes \gj Fitri NEG can open yes \ft you can't open it, right? \nt referring to opening the drawer of a toy cupboard. \ref 0537 \id 924660080641020501 \begin 0:14:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya. \pho ya \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0538 \id 181040080643020501 \begin 0:14:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx begitu doang nggak bisa buka. \pho bəgitu dowaŋ ŋgaʔ bisa buka \mb begitu doang nggak bisa buka \ge like.that just NEG can open \gj like.that just NEG can open \ft you can't open a simple thing like that? \nt surprised. \ref 0539 \id 457283080644020501 \begin 0:14:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx coba lu. \pho cɔba luh \mb coba lu \ge try 2 \gj try 2 \ft you try it then. \ref 0540 \id 174685080644020501 \begin 0:14:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana? \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft which one? \nt while receiving the cupboard from CHIPIT. \ref 0541 \id 746006080645020501 \begin 0:14:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini? \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this? \ref 0542 \id 844694080646020501 \begin 0:14:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx heng. \pho ʔə̃ŋ \mb heng \ge GRUNT \gj GRUNT \nt grunting. \ref 0543 \id 790056080647020501 \begin 0:14:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft it's this. \ref 0544 \id 323714083334270602 \begin 0:14:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt giving the successfully opened refrigerator back to CHIPIT. \ref 0545 \id 486909080648020501 \begin 0:14:33 \sp CHIPIT \tx makasih Pak Ijul. \pho makaci pak ʔijol \mb makasih Pak Ijul \ge thanks TRU-father Ijul \gj thanks TRU-father Ijul \ft thanks Mr. Ijul. \ref 0546 \id 389411080649020501 \begin 0:14:36 \sp ARTPIT \tx ni. \pho ni \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt giving the doll she dressed back to OPIPIT. \ref 0547 \id 645502080650020501 \begin 0:14:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx gitu doang nggak bisa, ah. \pho gitu dɔwaŋ ŋgaʔ bisa ʔa: \mb gitu doang nggak bisa ah \ge like.that just NEG can AH \gj like.that just NEG can AH \ft ugh, you can't do a simple thing like that? \ref 0548 \id 965379080651020501 \begin 0:14:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni disisirin dulu. \pho ni disisirin dulu \mb ni di- sisir -in dulu \ge this DI- comb -IN before \gj this DI-comb-IN before \ft let's comb her hair first. \ref 0549 \id 548940080653020501 \begin 0:14:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx disisirin, acak-acakan ama Opi lagi. \pho disisilin ʔacakʔacakan ʔama ʔopi lagi \mb di- sisir -in acak - acak -an ama Opi lagi \ge DI- comb -IN random - random -AN with Opi more \gj DI-comb-IN RED.AN-random with Opi more \ft you comb her hair but then you'll mess it up again. \ref 0550 \id 743848080654020501 \begin 0:14:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana? \pho manaʰ \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where is it? \nt referring to the comb. \ref 0551 \id 581496080655020501 \begin 0:14:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya. \pho yaʰ \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah. \ref 0552 \id 723516080657020501 \begin 0:14:48 \sp ARTPIT \tx pelan-pelan nyisirnya! \pho pəlanpəlan ɲisirɲa \mb pelan - pelan ny- sisir -nya \ge slow - slow N- comb -NYA \gj RED-slow N-comb-NYA \ft comb her hair carefully! \ref 0553 \id 854991080658020501 \begin 0:14:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx otaknya keliatan. \pho ʔɔtakɲa kəliyatan \mb otak -nya ke an liat \ge brain -NYA KE AN see \gj brain-NYA KE.AN-see \ft look, we can see her brains. \ref 0554 \id 152144080659020501 \begin 0:14:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0555 \id 790403080700020501 \begin 0:14:52 \sp ARTPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0556 \id 923746080701020501 \begin 0:14:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0557 \id 127430080702020501 \begin 0:14:56 \sp ARTPIT \tx kok, kok, tau kalo otaknya? \pho kɔʔ kɔʔ tau kalɔ ʔɔtakɲa \mb kok kok tau kalo otak -nya \ge KOK KOK know TOP brain -NYA \gj KOK KOK know TOP brain-NYA \ft how do you that that is her brain? \ref 0558 \id 321029080703020501 \begin 0:14:59 \sp ARTPIT \tx Opi keliatan nggak otaknya? \pho ʔopi kəliyatan ŋgaʔ ʔɔtakɲa \mb Opi ke an liat nggak otak -nya \ge Opi KE AN see NEG brain -NYA \gj Opi KE.AN-see NEG brain-NYA \ft is your brain visible? \ref 0559 \id 643512080704020501 \begin 0:15:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx liat. \pho liyat \mb liat \ge see \gj see \ft yes. \ref 0560 \id 819526080705020501 \begin 0:15:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak. \pho ngaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 0561 \id 961677141856040501 \begin 0:15:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx di dalem di ini. \pho di daləm di ʔini \mb di dalem di ini \ge LOC inside LOC this \gj LOC inside LOC this \ft it's in here, in the whatchamacallit. \nt pointing at his head. \ref 0562 \id 800067080706020501 \begin 0:15:03 \sp ARTPIT \tx oh, iya. \pho ʔo ʔiya \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, right. \ref 0563 \id 446981080707020501 \begin 0:15:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini keliatan no. \pho ʔini kəyatan no \mb ini ke an liat no \ge this KE AN see there \gj this KE.AN-see there \ft there, you can see it. \nt referring to a bald part on the doll's head. \ref 0564 \id 723233080708020501 \begin 0:15:05 \sp ARTPIT \tx ya, itu botak itu. \pho ya ʔitu bɔtak ʔitu \mb ya itu botak itu \ge yes that bald that \gj yes that bald that \ft yes, that is bald. \ref 0565 \id 604585080710020501 \begin 0:15:05 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0566 \id 882107080711020501 \begin 0:15:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0567 \id 503327090645020501 \begin 0:15:07 \sp ARTPIT \tx itu botak palanya. \pho ʔitu botak palaɲa \mb itu botak pala -nya \ge that bald head -NYA \gj that bald head-NYA \ft she is bald. \ref 0568 \id 935112090743020501 \begin 0:15:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx ha, ha, ha, ha. \mb ha ha ha ha \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft ha, ha, ha, ha. \nt laughing. \ref 0569 \id 353162090744020501 \begin 0:15:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini rambut. \pho ʔini lambut \mb ini rambut \ge this hair \gj this hair \ft this is hair. \nt holding the doll's hair. \ref 0570 \id 700282090745020501 \begin 0:15:11 \sp ARTPIT \tx he, he, he. \pho hɛ hɛ hɛ \mb he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he, he, he. \nt laughing. \ref 0571 \id 965811090747020501 \begin 0:15:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx masa ini botak ini? \pho masa ʔini bɔtak ʔini \mb masa ini botak ini \ge incredible this bald this \gj incredible this bald this \ft why is this bald? \ref 0572 \id 615324090748020501 \begin 0:15:16 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya, itu botak tu. \pho ʔiya ʔitu bɔtak tu \mb iya itu botak tu \ge yes that bald that \gj yes that bald that \ft yeah, that is bald. \ref 0573 \id 471712090750020501 \begin 0:15:17 \sp ARTPIT \tx rambutnya nggak tumbuh yang belakang. \pho rambutɲa ŋgaʔ tumbu yaŋ bəlakaŋ \mb rambut -nya nggak tumbuh yang belakang \ge hair -NYA NEG grow REL back \gj hair-NYA NEG grow REL back \ft her hair at the back doesn't grown. \ref 0574 \id 587283090750020501 \begin 0:15:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx warnanya kayak otak deh. \pho warnaɲa kayaʔ ʔɔtak dɛʰ \mb warna -nya kayak otak deh \ge color -NYA like brain DEH \gj color-NYA like brain DEH \ft the color is like that of brains. \ref 0575 \id 779850090751020501 \begin 0:15:19 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0576 \id 863799090752020501 \begin 0:15:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0577 \id 589730090753020501 \begin 0:15:21 \sp ARTPIT \tx otak di dalam. \pho ʔɔtak di dalam \mb otak di dalam \ge brain LOC inside \gj brain LOC inside \ft brains are inside our head. \ref 0578 \id 517283090754020501 \begin 0:15:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx dalem mana? \pho daləm mana \mb dalem mana \ge inside which \gj inside which \ft inside where? \ref 0579 \id 591258090755020501 \begin 0:15:25 \sp ARTPIT \tx dalem kepala sini. \pho daləm kəpala sini \mb dalem kepala sini \ge inside head here \gj inside head here \ft here inside the head. \ref 0580 \id 996131090756020501 \begin 0:15:26 \sp ARTPIT \tx ini kan kalo rambutnya dicukur... \pho ʔini kan kalɔ rambutɲa dicukur \mb ini kan kalo rambut -nya di- cukur \ge this KAN TOP hair -NYA DI- shave \gj this KAN TOP hair-NYA DI-shave \ft when the hair is shaved... \ref 0581 \id 805572090758020501 \begin 0:15:27 \sp ARTPIT \tx kalo adek bayi yang botak kan kepalanya dicukur. \pho kalɔ ʔadɛʔ bayi yaŋ bɔtak kan kəpalaɲa dicukur \mb kalo adek bayi yang botak kan kepala -nya di- cukur \ge TOP younger.sibling baby REL bald KAN head -NYA DI- shave \gj TOP younger.sibling baby REL bald KAN head-NYA DI-shave \ft the head of a bald baby has been shaven. \ref 0582 \id 263855090759020501 \begin 0:15:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah, dicukur saja. \pho ʔaːʰ dicukur saja \mb ah di- cukur saja \ge AH DI- shave just \gj AH DI-shave just \ft ah, let's shave her. \nt making shaving gestures. \ref 0583 \id 930756090800020501 \begin 0:15:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx teng, teng, teng, teng. \pho tɛŋ tɛŋ tɛŋ tɛŋ \mb teng teng teng teng \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ting, ting, ting, ting. \nt imitating the sound of a bell. \ref 0584 \id 944699090802020501 \begin 0:15:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu ada orang. \pho tu ʔada ʔɔraŋ \mb tu ada orang \ge that exist person \gj that exist person \ft someone is coming. \ref 0585 \id 388428090803020501 \begin 0:15:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx dah. \pho da \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft finished. \ref 0586 \id 324829090804020501 \begin 0:15:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini bulu-bulunya dari waktu itu ya? \pho ʔini bulubuluɲa dali waʔtu ʔitu ya \mb ini bulu - bulu -nya dari waktu itu ya \ge this body.hair - body.hair -NYA from time that yes \gj this RED-body.hair-NYA from time that yes \ft are these hairs from that time? \ref 0587 \id 183540100741170702 \begin 0:15:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah, geli. \pho ʔah gəli \mb ah geli \ge EXCL ticklish \gj EXCL ticklish \ft ah, it tickles. \ref 0588 \id 619387090805020501 \begin 0:15:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt screaming and laughing. \ref 0589 \id 356605090806020501 \begin 0:15:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0590 \id 976616090807020501 \begin 0:15:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx ke lapan lo, Pit. \pho kə lapan lo pit \mb ke lapan lo Pit \ge to eight 2 TRU-Pipit \gj to eight 2 TRU-Pipit \ft it's going to the eight, Pipit. \nt referring to the hand of the clock. \ref 0591 \id 412640090808020501 \begin 0:15:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0592 \id 461743090809020501 \begin 0:15:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak lucu sih. \pho ŋgaʔ lucu si \mb nggak lucu sih \ge NEG funny SIH \gj NEG funny SIH \ft it's not funny. \ref 0593 \id 435782090810020501 \begin 0:15:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh, jam lapan. \pho ʔəʰ jam lapan \mb eh jam lapan \ge EXCL clock eight \gj EXCL clock eight \ft hey, it's eight o'clock. \ref 0594 \id 603830090811020501 \begin 0:15:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx bibir lu merah. \pho bibil lu mɛlaʰ \mb bibir lu merah \ge lip 2 red \gj lip 2 red \ft you have red lips. \nt teasing OPIPIT. \ref 0595 \id 790408090812020501 \begin 0:15:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt looking at the camcorder. \ref 0596 \id 104806090814020501 \begin 0:15:59 \sp EXPDIN \tx Opi! \pho ʔopi \mb Opi \ge Opi \gj Opi \ft Opi! \ref 0597 \id 790608090815020501 \begin 0:16:01 \sp EXPDIN \tx apa, Pi? \pho ʔapa pi \mb apa Pi \ge what TRU-Opi \gj what TRU-Opi \ft what's happening? \ref 0598 \id 776471090816020501 \begin 0:16:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana tadi yang itu? \pho mana tadi yaŋ ʔitu \mb mana tadi yang itu \ge which earlier REL that \gj which earlier REL that \ft where is that thing? \ref 0599 \id 774658090818020501 \begin 0:16:03 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah, ingusan tadi di rumah Ipit panjang banget. \pho ʔaːh ʔiŋusan tadi di lumaʰ ʔipit panjaŋ baŋət \mb ah ingus -an tadi di rumah Ipit panjang banget \ge EXCL slime -AN earlier LOC house Ipit long very \gj EXCL slime-AN earlier LOC house Ipit long very \ft whoop, you had a very long slime at my house. \ref 0600 \id 604152090820020501 \begin 0:16:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx apaan? \pho ʔapaan \mb apa -an \ge what -AN \gj what-AN \ft what? \ref 0601 \id 797480090821020501 \begin 0:16:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx ingusan di rumah Ipit panjang banget. \pho ʔiŋusan di luma ʔipit panjaŋ baŋət \mb ingus -an di rumah Ipit panjang banget \ge slime -AN LOC house Ipit long very \gj slime-AN LOC house Ipit long very \ft your slime at my house was very long. \ref 0602 \id 160880090822020501 \begin 0:16:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0603 \id 913319090823020501 \begin 0:16:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0604 \id 383370090824020501 \begin 0:16:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx sambil ketawa makan ingusnya. \pho sambil kətawa wakan ʔiŋusɲa \mb sambil ke- tawa makan ingus -nya \ge while KE- laughter eat slime -NYA \gj while KE-laughter eat slime-NYA \ft while he was laughing he was eating his slime. \ref 0605 \id 811044090825020501 \begin 0:16:15 \sp EXPDIN \tx jorok dong. \pho jɔrɔk dɔŋ \mb jorok dong \ge filthy DONG \gj filthy DONG \ft that's filthy. \ref 0606 \id 434361090826020501 \begin 0:16:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx hi, hi, hi. \pho hi hi hi \mb hi hi hi \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hi, hi, hi. \nt laughing. \ref 0607 \id 127445090828020501 \begin 0:16:17 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0608 \id 570546090829020501 \begin 0:16:18 \sp ARTPIT \tx siapa yang jorok? \pho siyapa yaŋ jɔrɔk \mb siapa yang jorok \ge who REL filthy \gj who REL filthy \ft who is filthy? \ref 0609 \id 278659090830020501 \begin 0:16:19 \sp ARTPIT \tx makan ingusnya sendiri siapa? \pho makan ʔiŋusɲa səndiri siyapa \mb makan ingus -nya sen- diri siapa \ge eat slime -NYA SE- self who \gj eat slime-NYA SE-self who \ft who was eating his own slime? \ref 0610 \id 426167090831020501 \begin 0:16:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx Opi. \pho ʔopi \mb Opi \ge Opi \gj Opi \ft Opi. \ref 0611 \id 100114090833020501 \begin 0:16:21 \sp ARTPIT \tx ye. \pho yɛ \mb ye \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft boo. \ref 0612 \id 218937090834020501 \begin 0:16:22 \sp ARTPIT \tx asin nggak? \pho ʔasin ŋgaʔ \mb asin nggak \ge salty NEG \gj salty NEG \ft was it salty? \ref 0613 \id 192429090836020501 \begin 0:16:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx hah? \pho ʔa \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0614 \id 162222090836020501 \begin 0:16:23 \sp ARTPIT \tx asin nggak? \pho ʔasin ŋgaʔ \mb asin nggak \ge salty NEG \gj salty NEG \ft was it salty? \ref 0615 \id 975465090837020501 \begin 0:16:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya, asin. \pho ya ʔaːsin \mb ya asin \ge yes salty \gj yes salty \ft yes, it was salty. \ref 0616 \id 859619090838020501 \begin 0:16:25 \sp ARTPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0617 \id 540144090839020501 \begin 0:16:28 \sp ARTPIT \tx emang makan apaan tadi? \pho ʔɛmaŋ makan ʔapaan tadi \mb emang makan apa -an tadi \ge indeed eat what -AN earlier \gj indeed eat what-AN earlier \ft what did you eat? \ref 0618 \id 512995104132020501 \begin 0:16:29 \sp ARTPIT \tx makan mi, ya? \pho makan mi ya \mb makan mi ya \ge eat noodles yes \gj eat noodles yes \ft did you have noodles? \ref 0619 \id 525290104133020501 \begin 0:16:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx hmm? \pho hə̃m \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0620 \id 170591104134020501 \begin 0:16:31 \sp ARTPIT \tx makan mi? \pho makan mi \mb makan mi \ge eat noodles \gj eat noodles \ft did you have noodles? \ref 0621 \id 813228143307270602 \begin 0:16:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft what? \ref 0622 \id 329524104135020501 \begin 0:16:33 \sp ARTPIT \tx makan apa tadi? \pho makan ʔapa tadi \mb makan apa tadi \ge eat what earlier \gj eat what earlier \ft what did you eat? \ref 0623 \id 314177104136020501 \begin 0:16:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx oh, makan otak. \pho ʔo makan ʔɔtak \mb oh makan otak \ge EXCL eat brain \gj EXCL eat brain \ft oh, I had brains. \ref 0624 \id 676967104137020501 \begin 0:16:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx otak ginian. \pho ʔɔtak giniyan \mb otak gini -an \ge brain like.this -AN \gj brain like.this-AN \ft brains like these. \nt pointing at the head of the doll. \ref 0625 \id 596054104139020501 \begin 0:16:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya buka... \pho ya buka \mb ya buka \ge yes open \gj yes open \ft ow, it is open... \ref 0626 \id 594293104140020501 \begin 0:16:41 \sp OPIPIT \tx ih, telanjang. \pho ʔiː təlanjaŋ \mb ih telanjang \ge EXCL naked \gj EXCL naked \ft ugh, she is naked. \ref 0627 \id 694141104141020501 \begin 0:16:42 \sp ARTPIT \tx kalo Fitri udah sekolah, ya? \pho kalɔ fitri ʔuda ʔsəkɔla ya \mb kalo Fitri udah sekolah ya \ge TOP Fitri PFCT school yes \gj TOP Fitri PFCT school yes \ft you are going to school, right, Fitri? \ref 0628 \id 354763104142020501 \begin 0:16:44 \sp CHIPIT \tx udah. \pho ʔudaʰ \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft yes. \ref 0629 \id 612102104144020501 \begin 0:16:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya, kali. \pho yah kayiʔ \mb ya kali \ge yes maybe \gj yes maybe \ft yes, maybe. \ref 0630 \id 896482084155280602 \begin 0:16:44 \sp ARTPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0631 \id 478285105232020501 \begin 0:16:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm? \pho hə̃m \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0632 \id 309039104145020501 \begin 0:16:46 \sp ARTPIT \tx di mana? \pho di mana \mb di mana \ge LOC which \gj LOC which \ft where? \ref 0633 \id 723309104146020501 \begin 0:16:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx di SD. \pho di ʔɛsdɛʔ \mb di SD \ge LOC elementary.school \gj LOC elementary.school \ft at elementary school. \ref 0634 \id 968005104147020501 \begin 0:16:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx satuin dong. \pho ʔatuwin dɔŋ \mb satu -in dong \ge one -IN DONG \gj one-IN DONG \ft please, put them together again. \nt referring to the doll's dress. \ref 0635 \id 585093104148020501 \begin 0:16:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx telanjang lagi. \pho təlanjaŋ lagi \mb telanjang lagi \ge naked more \gj naked more \ft she is naked again. \ref 0636 \id 877215104148020501 \begin 0:16:51 \sp ARTPIT \tx ya, dibuka-buka melulu. \pho ya dibukabuka məlulu \mb ya di- buka - buka melulu \ge yes DI- open - open always \gj yes DI-RED-open always \ft ah, you're taking it off all the time. \nt referring to the doll's dress. \ref 0637 \id 176290104149020501 \begin 0:16:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx lagian sih, Gembrot dibuka. \pho lagiyan si gəmblɔt dibuka \mb lagi -an sih Gembrot di- buka \ge more -AN SIH chubby DI- open \gj more-AN SIH chubby DI-open \ft why are you taking it off, Chubby? \ref 0638 \id 707617104150020501 \begin 0:16:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah. \pho ʔa \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ah. \ref 0639 \id 944482104152020501 \begin 0:16:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi mo sisir, ah. \pho ʔopi mɔ sisir ʔa \mb Opi mo sisir ah \ge Opi want comb AH \gj Opi want comb AH \ft ah, I want to comb my hair. \ref 0640 \id 172830105408170702 \begin 0:17:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya. \pho yah \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah. \ref 0641 \id 334661104153020501 \begin 0:17:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx mana sisir yang satu lagi? \pho mana sisil yaŋ satu lagi \mb mana sisir yang satu lagi \ge which comb REL one more \gj which comb REL one more \ft where is the other comb? \ref 0642 \id 261206104154020501 \begin 0:17:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx pantes. \pho pantəs \mb pantes \ge suitable \gj suitable \ft no wonder. \nt finding the comb. \ref 0643 \id 505662104155020501 \begin 0:17:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini buat potong rambut ni bisa ni... \pho ʔini buwat pɔtɔŋ lambut ni bisaʔ ni \mb ini buat potong rambut ni bisa ni \ge this for cut hair this can this \gj this for cut hair this can this \ft this can be used for cutting hair... \ref 0644 \id 583106104156020501 \begin 0:17:09 \sp CHIPIT \tx ...sisir kayak gini. \pho sisil kayaʔ gini \mb sisir kayak gini \ge comb like like.this \gj comb like like.this \ft ...a comb like this. \ref 0645 \id 780422104158020501 \begin 0:17:11 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0646 \id 572042104159020501 \begin 0:17:11 \sp EXPDIN \tx emang kemaren potong, sisirnya kayak gitu? \pho ʔɛmaŋ kemarɛn pɔtɔŋ sisirɲa kayaʔ gitu \mb emang kemaren potong sisir -nya kayak gitu \ge indeed yesterday cut comb -NYA like like.that \gj indeed yesterday cut comb-NYA like like.that \ft was the comb really like that when you cut your hair yesterday? \ref 0647 \id 222712104200020501 \begin 0:17:13 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0648 \id 634572104201020501 \begin 0:17:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx udah? \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft finished? \nt talking to ARTPIT. \ref 0649 \id 686106140523010802 \begin 0:17:14 \sp ARTPIT \tx sanggulan. \pho saŋgulan \mb sanggul -an \ge hair.bun -AN \gj hair.bun-AN \ft make a hair bun. \ref 0650 \id 867157104202020501 \begin 0:17:15 \sp EXPDIN \tx potong di mana, Pit? \pho pɔtɔŋ di mana pit \mb potong di mana Pit \ge cut LOC which TRU-Pipit \gj cut LOC which TRU-Pipit \ft where did you cut your hair? \ref 0651 \id 333982104203020501 \begin 0:17:16 \sp ARTPIT \tx rambutnya disanggul dulu. \pho rambutɲa disaŋgul dulu \mb rambut -nya di- sanggul dulu \ge hair -NYA DI- hair.bun before \gj hair-NYA DI-hair.bun before \ft let me put up her hair in a bun first. \nt referring to the doll. \ref 0652 \id 556023104204020501 \begin 0:17:17 \sp CHIPIT \tx di sana. \pho di sana \mb di sana \ge LOC there \gj LOC there \ft over there. \ref 0653 \id 991293104205020501 \begin 0:17:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx di sono mana? \pho di sɔnɔ mana \mb di sono mana \ge LOC there which \gj LOC there which \ft where over there? \ref 0654 \id 479357104206020501 \begin 0:17:21 \sp EXPDIN \tx di salon, ya? \pho di salɔn ya \mb di salon ya \ge LOC beauty.salon yes \gj LOC beauty.salon yes \ft in a beauty salon, right? \ref 0655 \id 367313104207020501 \begin 0:17:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya, lah. \pho ʔiya lah \mb iya lah \ge yes LAH \gj yes LAH \ft yes, of course. \ref 0656 \id 950267104208020501 \begin 0:17:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya, lah. \pho ʔiya lah \mb iya lah \ge yes LAH \gj yes LAH \ft yes, of course. \nt repeating CHIPIT. \ref 0657 \id 367913104210020501 \begin 0:17:24 \sp ARTPIT \tx salon mana? \pho salɔn mana \mb salon mana \ge beauty.salon which \gj beauty.salon which \ft which beauty salon? \ref 0658 \id 225616104211020501 \begin 0:17:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx di Bu Gyatno. \pho di bu giyatnɔ \mb di Bu Gyatno \ge LOC TRU-mother Gyatno \gj LOC TRU-mother Gyatno \ft of Mrs. Gyatno. \ref 0659 \id 836472104212020501 \begin 0:17:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ibu Gyatno. \pho ʔibu tiyatnɔ \mb Ibu Gyatno \ge mother Gyatno \gj mother Gyatno \ft Mrs. Gyatno. \nt mispronouncing Mrs. Gyatno's name. \ref 0660 \id 313152104214020501 \begin 0:17:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx siapa nih? \pho siyapa niʰ \mb siapa nih \ge who this \gj who this \ft who is that? \nt referring to the person who's touching his head. \ref 0661 \id 557521104215020501 \begin 0:17:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx jangan gangguin lu, Pi. \pho jaŋan gaŋguwin lu pi \mb jangan ganggu -in lu Pi \ge don't disturb -IN 2 TRU-Opi \gj don't disturb-IN 2 TRU-Opi \ft don't tease me, Opi. \ref 0662 \id 301409140718010802 \begin 0:17:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx ter. \pho tər \mb ter \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft boo. \ref 0663 \id 964416104216020501 \begin 0:17:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx ter. \pho tər \mb ter \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft boo. \nt pushing CHIPIT's arm. \ref 0664 \id 558569104217020501 \begin 0:17:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah. \pho ʔaːh \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oops. \nt dropping something. \ref 0665 \id 579206104217020501 \begin 0:17:43 \sp EXPDIN \tx xxx tembakan. \pho xxx tɛmbakan \mb xxx tembak -an \ge xxx shoot -AN \gj xxx shoot-AN \ft xxx shooting. \ref 0666 \id 929498104218020501 \begin 0:17:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya, tumpah. \pho ya tumpaʰ \mb ya tumpah \ge yes spilled \gj yes spilled \ft hey, you're spilling it. \ref 0667 \id 488857104219020501 \begin 0:17:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx tumpah gara-gara elu, Pi. \mb tumpah gara-gara elu Pi \ge spilled because 2 TRU-Opi \gj spilled because 2 TRU-Opi \ft I spilled it because of you. \ref 0668 \id 734793104220020501 \begin 0:17:48 \sp EXPDIN \tx ya, copot lagi deh. \pho ya cɔpɔt lagi dɛh \mb ya copot lagi deh \ge yes detach more DEH \gj yes detach more DEH \ft oops, it's open again. \nt referring to the doll's dress. \ref 0669 \id 478182104221020501 \begin 0:17:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana? \pho manaʰ \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \ref 0670 \id 428064104222020501 \begin 0:17:50 \sp EXPDIN \tx giginya abis soalnya... \pho gigiɲa ʔabis soalɲa \mb gigi -nya abis soal -nya \ge tooth -NYA finished matter -NYA \gj tooth-NYA finished matter-NYA \ft you've lost your teeth because... \ref 0671 \id 349157113952020501 \begin 0:17:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx ...copot. \pho cɔpɔt \mb copot \ge detach \gj detach \ft ...they fell out. \nt completing EXPDIN's utterance. \ref 0672 \id 900660113954020501 \begin 0:17:55 \sp ARTPIT \tx giginya ke mana tu, Pi? \pho gigiɲa kə mana tu pi \mb gigi -nya ke mana tu Pi \ge tooth -NYA to which that TRU-Opi \gj tooth-NYA to which that TRU-Opi \ft where have the teeth gone, Opi? \ref 0673 \id 913319113955020501 \begin 0:17:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx hmm? \pho hə̃m \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0674 \id 367712113956020501 \begin 0:17:58 \sp ARTPIT \tx gigimu kenapa tuh? \pho gigimu kənapa tuʰ \mb gigi -mu kenapa tuh \ge tooth -2 why that \gj tooth-2 why that \ft what happened to your teeth? \ref 0675 \id 443391113957020501 \begin 0:17:59 \sp CHIPIT \tx mana nih? \pho mana ni \mb mana nih \ge which this \gj which this \ft where are they? \ref 0676 \id 694793113958020501 \begin 0:18:00 \sp EXPDIN \tx makan es terus. \pho makan ʔɛs tərus \mb makan es terus \ge eat ice continue \gj eat ice continue \ft you're always eating ice. \ref 0677 \id 263134114001020501 \begin 0:18:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx yang satu nih. \pho yaŋ satu niʰ \mb yang satu nih \ge REL one this \gj REL one this \ft this is one. \ref 0678 \id 848125124137010802 \begin 0:18:02 \sp EXPDIN \tx bener nggak? \pho bənər ŋgaʔ \mb bener nggak \ge true NEG \gj true NEG \ft it's true, right? \ref 0679 \id 507014114002020501 \begin 0:18:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx tu dua. \pho tu duwa \mb tu dua \ge that two \gj that two \ft that's two. \ref 0680 \id 804003114003020501 \begin 0:18:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx tinggal dua. \pho tiŋgal duwa \mb tinggal dua \ge stay two \gj stay two \ft only two left. \ref 0681 \id 895474114004020501 \begin 0:18:05 \sp CHIPIT \tx nah, lho Pi. \pho na lo pi \mb nah lho Pi \ge NAH EXCL TRU-Opi \gj NAH EXCL TRU-Opi \ft hem, uh-oh, Opi. \ref 0682 \id 316716120409020501 \begin 0:18:06 \sp EXPDIN \tx kamu makannya apa dong? \pho kamu makanɲa ʔapa dɔŋ \mb kamu makan -nya apa dong \ge 2 eat -NYA what DONG \gj 2 eat-NYA what DONG \ft what have you been eaten? \ref 0683 \id 150618114004020501 \begin 0:18:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx mana, Pi? \pho mana pi \mb mana Pi \ge which TRU-Opi \gj which TRU-Opi \ft where is it, Opi? \ref 0684 \id 352352114005020501 \begin 0:18:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx piringnya yang satu, Pi? \pho piliŋɲa yaŋ satu pi \mb piring -nya yang satu Pi \ge plate -NYA REL one TRU-Opi \gj plate-NYA REL one TRU-Opi \ft where's that plate, Opi? \ref 0685 \id 589615114006020501 \begin 0:18:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx nah, lho Opi. \pho na lɔ ʔopi \mb nah lho Opi \ge NAH EXCL Opi \gj NAH EXCL Opi \ft hem, uh-oh, Opi. \ref 0686 \id 379130114008020501 \begin 0:18:09 \sp EXPDIN \tx kamu makan apa? \pho kamu makan ʔapa \mb kamu makan apa \ge 2 eat what \gj 2 eat what \ft what did you eat? \ref 0687 \id 647251114009020501 \begin 0:18:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 0688 \id 671722114010020501 \begin 0:18:10 \sp CHIPIT \tx piringnya yang satu mane? \pho piliŋɲa yaŋ satu manɛ \mb piring -nya yang satu mane \ge plate -NYA REL one which \gj plate-NYA REL one which \ft where is that plate? \ref 0689 \id 652302114011020501 \begin 0:18:13 \sp CHIPIT \tx nah, lho Opi. \pho na lɔ ʔopi \mb nah lho Opi \ge NAH EXCL Opi \gj NAH EXCL Opi \ft hem, uh-oh, Opi. \ref 0690 \id 954113114012020501 \begin 0:18:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx piring apaan? \pho piriŋ ʔapaan \mb piring apa -an \ge plate what -AN \gj plate what-AN \ft what plate? \ref 0691 \id 202018114014020501 \begin 0:18:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx piring yang satu... dua ini mana? \pho piliŋ yaŋ satu duwa ʔini mana \mb piring yang satu dua ini mana \ge plate REL one two this which \gj plate REL one two this which \ft where is this one... are those two plates? \ref 0692 \id 227762114015020501 \begin 0:18:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana? \pho manaʰ \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft which ones? \ref 0693 \id 914483114017020501 \begin 0:18:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx liat, mana? \pho liyat mana \mb liat mana \ge see which \gj see which \ft let me see, which ones? \ref 0694 \id 145703114017020501 \begin 0:18:19 \sp EXPDIN \tx emang cuman empat piringnya. \pho ʔɛmaŋ cuman ʔəmpat piriŋɲa \mb emang cuman empat piring -nya \ge indeed only four plate -NYA \gj indeed only four plate-NYA \ft there are indeed only four plates. \ref 0695 \id 531865114018020501 \begin 0:18:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx mpat? \pho ̩̩m̩pat \mb mpat \ge four \gj four \ft four? \ref 0696 \id 868127114019020501 \begin 0:18:22 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya bagi dua. \pho ʔiya bagi duwa \mb iya bagi dua \ge yes divide two \gj yes divide two \ft yes, divide them into two. \ref 0697 \id 428572114020020501 \begin 0:18:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx terus ini? \pho təlus ʔini \mb terus ini \ge continue this \gj continue this \ft how about these? \ref 0698 \id 930467114021020501 \begin 0:18:23 \sp EXPDIN \tx udah empat apa belum? \pho ʔudaʰ ʔəmpat ʔapa bəlum \mb udah empat apa belum \ge PFCT four what not.yet \gj PFCT four what not.yet \ft are there four or not? \ref 0699 \id 586004114022020501 \begin 0:18:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx satu, dua, tiga, empat. \pho satu duwa tiga ʔəmpat \mb satu dua tiga empat \ge one two three four \gj one two three four \ft one, two, three, four. \ref 0700 \id 882633114023020501 \begin 0:18:27 \sp ARTPIT \tx udah. \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft finished. \ref 0701 \id 329152114024020501 \begin 0:18:28 \sp ARTPIT \tx piringnya memang cuman empat. \pho piriŋɲa mɛmaŋ cuman ʔəmpat \mb piring -nya memang cuman empat \ge plate -NYA indeed only four \gj plate-NYA indeed only four \ft there are indeed only four plates. \ref 0702 \id 372338114026020501 \begin 0:18:28 \sp EXPDIN \tx ya, emang cuman itu. \pho yaː ʔɛmaŋ cuman ʔitu \mb ya emang cuman itu \ge yes indeed only that \gj yes indeed only that \ft yeah, that's right, that's all. \ref 0703 \id 795180114027020501 \begin 0:18:29 \sp ARTPIT \tx piring sama mangkoknya cuman empat. \pho piriŋ sama maŋkɔʔɲa cuman ʔəmpat \mb piring sama mangkok -nya cuman empat \ge plate with bowl -NYA only four \gj plate with bowl-NYA only four \ft there are only four plates and bowls. \ref 0704 \id 205193114028020501 \begin 0:18:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini tiga. \pho ʔini tiga \mb ini tiga \ge this three \gj this three \ft there are three of these. \nt unclear reference. \ref 0705 \id 497404114030020501 \begin 0:18:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx dua. \pho duwa \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft two. \ref 0706 \id 378000114031020501 \begin 0:18:33 \sp ARTPIT \tx kalo gelasnya ada enam. \pho kalɔ gəlasɲa ʔada ʔənam \mb kalo gelas -nya ada enam \ge TOP glass -NYA exist six \gj TOP glass-NYA exist six \ft there are six glasses. \ref 0707 \id 554778114032020501 \begin 0:18:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni, satu, dua, tiga, empat, ni. \pho ni satu duwa tiga ʔəmpat ni \mb ni satu dua tiga empat ni \ge this one two three four this \gj this one two three four this \ft here, one, two, three, four, here. \ref 0708 \id 772408114033020501 \begin 0:18:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima... \pho satu duwa tigah ʔəmpat limaʔ \mb satu dua tiga empat lima \ge one two three four five \gj one two three four five \ft one, two, three, four, five... \ref 0709 \id 882179114034020501 \begin 0:18:40 \sp CHIPIT \tx lima. \pho limaʔ \mb lima \ge five \gj five \ft five. \ref 0710 \id 807446114035020501 \begin 0:18:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx tu, duwa, tiga, mpat, lima, enem. \pho tu duwa tiga ʔmpat lima ʔənəm \mb tu duwa tiga mpat lima enem \ge one two three four five six \gj one two three four five six \ft one, two, three, four, five, six. \nt recounting. \ref 0711 \id 263124114036020501 \begin 0:18:44 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm, kan, bener? \pho hə̃m kan bənər \mb hmm kan bener \ge EXCL KAN true \gj EXCL KAN true \ft see, it's correct, right? \ref 0712 \id 329963114037020501 \begin 0:18:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx tapi kok...? \pho tapi kɔʔ \mb tapi kok \ge but KOK \gj but KOK \ft but why...? \ref 0713 \id 503545114038020501 \begin 0:18:47 \sp EXPDIN \tx piringnya emang cuman... cuman empat. \pho piriŋɲa ʔɛmaŋ cuma cuman ʔəmpat \mb piring -nya emang cuman cuman empat \ge plate -NYA indeed only only four \gj plate-NYA indeed only only four \ft there are indeed only four plates. \ref 0714 \id 989633114039020501 \begin 0:18:49 \sp ARTPIT \tx piringnya cuman empat. \pho piriŋɲa cuman ʔəmpat \mb piring -nya cuman empat \ge plate -NYA only four \gj plate-NYA only four \ft there are only four plates. \ref 0715 \id 483874114040020501 \begin 0:18:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah, bukan sok tau sih. \pho ʔa bukan sɔʔ tau si \mb ah bukan sok tau sih \ge AH NEG presumptuous know SIH \gj AH NEG presumptuous know SIH \ft ugh, you don't know it better. \ref 0716 \id 678800114042020501 \begin 0:18:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana tadi? \pho mana tadi \mb mana tadi \ge which earlier \gj which earlier \ft where is it? \nt referring to the doll. \ref 0717 \id 807318114043020501 \begin 0:18:54 \sp EXPDIN \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft here. \ref 0718 \id 817003114044020501 \begin 0:18:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx pake sepatu dulu ini. \pho pakɛ səpatu dulu ʔini \mb pake sepatu dulu ini \ge use shoe before this \gj use shoe before this \ft she has to wear shoes first. \nt while picking up the doll and let her wear shoes. \ref 0719 \id 698080114046020501 \begin 0:18:57 \sp ARTPIT \tx emang mo ke mana pake sepatu gituan? \pho ʔɛmaŋ mɔ kə mana pake səpatu gituwan \mb emang mo ke mana pake sepatu gitu -an \ge indeed want to which use shoe like.that -AN \gj indeed want to which use shoe like.that-AN \ft where is she going that she's wearing those shoes? \ref 0720 \id 255733114048020501 \begin 0:19:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh, salah. \pho ʔɛh sala \mb eh salah \ge EXCL wrong \gj EXCL wrong \ft oops, that's wrong. \ref 0721 \id 157083141310020501 \begin 0:19:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx sudah, ini sudah. \pho sudah ʔini sudaʰ \mb sudah ini sudah \ge PFCT this PFCT \gj PFCT this PFCT \ft finished, this has been finished. \ref 0722 \id 997316141311020501 \begin 0:19:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx sudah dimakan. \pho suda dimakan \mb sudah di- makan \ge PFCT DI- eat \gj PFCT DI-eat \ft they have eaten this. \ref 0723 \id 910370141312020501 \begin 0:19:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx sini, ya? \pho sini ya \mb sini ya \ge here yes \gj here yes \ft here, right? \ref 0724 \id 315210141313020501 \begin 0:19:04 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0725 \id 942211141315020501 \begin 0:19:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx sayurnya sudah dimakan. \pho sayurɲa sudaʰ dimakan \mb sayur -nya sudah di- makan \ge vegetable -NYA PFCT DI- eat \gj vegetable-NYA PFCT DI-eat \ft they have eaten the vegetables. \ref 0726 \id 858300141316020501 \begin 0:19:08 \sp EXPDIN \tx tu Mbak Indri. \pho tu ʔəmba ʔindri \mb tu Mbak Indri \ge that EPIT Indri \gj that EPIT Indri \ft there is Indri. \ref 0727 \id 877124141317020501 \begin 0:19:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx be. \pho bəh \mb be \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft boo. \ref 0728 \id 448250141319020501 \begin 0:19:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah, Kakak mah. \pho ʔaːh kakaʔ ma \mb ah Kakak mah \ge AH older.sibling MAH \gj AH older.sibling MAH \ft ah, you. \ref 0729 \id 860973124543010802 \begin 0:19:14 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt DRIPIT and FARPIT entering the recording scene. \ref 0730 \id 507118121310280602 \begin 0:19:15 \sp DRIPIT \tx duduk! \pho duduʔ \mb duduk \ge sit \gj sit \ft let's sit down! \ref 0731 \id 454170141319020501 \begin 0:19:17 \sp CHIPIT \tx nanti digangguin. \pho nati digaŋguwin \mb nanti di- ganggu -in \ge later DI- disturb -IN \gj later DI-disturb-IN \ft you'll disturb us. \ref 0732 \id 947924141320020501 \begin 0:19:18 \sp EXPDIN \tx udah bisa jalan ini? \pho ʔuda bisa jalan ʔini \mb udah bisa jalan ini \ge PFCT can walk this \gj PFCT can walk this \ft can he walk? \nt referring to FARPIT. \ref 0733 \id 582144141321020501 \begin 0:19:19 \sp DRIPIT \tx udah. \pho ʔudaʰ \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft yes. \ref 0734 \id 807132141322020501 \begin 0:19:20 \sp EXPDIN \tx sini, sini. \pho sini sini \mb sini sini \ge here here \gj here here \ft come here, come here. \ref 0735 \id 388622141323020501 \begin 0:19:21 \sp DRIPIT \tx sama Tante itu. \pho sama tantə ʔitu \mb sama Tante itu \ge with aunt that \gj with aunt that \ft go to her. \ref 0736 \id 879329141324020501 \begin 0:19:21 \sp EXPDIN \tx sama Tante dong. \pho sama tantə dɔŋ \mb sama Tante dong \ge with aunt DONG \gj with aunt DONG \ft please, come to me. \ref 0737 \id 603825141325020501 \begin 0:19:22 \sp DRIPIT \tx sama Tante, nggak pa-pa. \pho sama tantə ŋgaʔ papa \mb sama Tante nggak pa - pa \ge with aunt NEG what - what \gj with aunt NEG RED-what \ft go to her, it's okay. \ref 0738 \id 755906132255280602 \begin 0:19:23 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak pa-pa. \pho ŋaʔ papa \mb nggak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft that's okay. \ref 0739 \id 888906135707010802 \begin 0:19:23 \sp EXPDIN \tx nih. \pho ni \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt giving FARPIT a ball. \ref 0740 \id 711455141326020501 \begin 0:19:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx jalan, jalan, jalan. \pho jalan jalan jalan \mb jalan jalan jalan \ge walk walk walk \gj walk walk walk \ft go, go, go. \ref 0741 \id 638445141327020501 \begin 0:19:25 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu mainan, tu mainan. \pho tu mainan tu mainan \mb tu main -an tu main -an \ge that play -AN that play -AN \gj that play-AN that play-AN \ft there, toys, there, toys. \ref 0742 \id 729506132713280602 \begin 0:19:27 \sp EXPDIN \tx lho? \pho lɔh \mb lho \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hah? \ref 0743 \id 768075141330020501 \begin 0:19:28 \sp DRIPIT \tx eh, nggak boleh dibuang. \pho ʔɛ ŋgaʔ bɔlɛ dibuwaŋ \mb eh nggak boleh di- buang \ge EXCL NEG may DI- throw.away \gj EXCL NEG may DI-throw.away \ft hey, don't throw it away. \ref 0744 \id 965490141331020501 \begin 0:19:30 \sp EXPDIN \tx sini, jalan, sini, sini. \pho sini jalan sini sini \mb sini jalan sini sini \ge here walk here here \gj here walk here here \ft come here, walk, come here, here. \ref 0745 \id 614190141332020501 \begin 0:19:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx ayo, merangkak. \pho ʔayɔ məraŋkaʔ \mb ayo me- rangkak \ge AYO MEN- crawl \gj AYO MEN-crawl \ft come on, crawl. \nt moving the doll. \ref 0746 \id 313359141333020501 \begin 0:19:30 \sp DRIPIT \tx sini Fariz duduk, Fariz duduk. \pho sini faris duduʔ faris duduʔ \mb sini Fariz duduk Fariz duduk \ge here Fariz sit Fariz sit \gj here Fariz sit Fariz sit \ft sit here, sit down. \ref 0747 \id 730691133826280602 \begin 0:19:32 \sp DRIPIT \tx heh, tu jalan ke Tante. \pho hɛh tu jalan kə tantə \mb heh tu jalan ke Tante \ge EXCL that walk to aunt \gj EXCL that walk to aunt \ft come on, there, walk to Auntie. \ref 0748 \id 547868075112030501 \begin 0:19:33 \sp CHIPIT \tx jalan, jalan, jalan. \pho jalan jalan jalan \mb jalan jalan jalan \ge walk walk walk \gj walk walk walk \ft walk, walk, walk. \ref 0749 \id 728848075113030501 \begin 0:19:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx kutuk, kutuk, kutuk. \pho kutuʔ kutuʔ kutuʔ \mb kutuk kutuk kutuk \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tap, tap, tap. \nt imitating walking sound. \ref 0750 \id 467925075114030501 \begin 0:19:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx 'halo Pak Fariz.' \pho halɔ paʔ paris \mb halo Pak Fariz \ge hello TRU-father Fariz \gj hello TRU-father Fariz \ft 'hello Mr.Fariz.' \nt pretending to be the doll. \ref 0751 \id 828988075114030501 \begin 0:19:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx ayo, jalan, jalan, jalan. \pho ʔayɔ jalan jalan jalan \mb ayo jalan jalan jalan \ge AYO walk walk walk \gj AYO walk walk walk \ft come on, walk, walk, walk. \ref 0752 \id 524820075115030501 \begin 0:19:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx xx tuk kutuk kutuk. \pho xx tuʔ kutuʔ kutuʔ \mb xx tuk kutuk kutuk \ge xx IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj xx IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft xx tap, tap, tap. \nt imitating walking sound. \ref 0753 \id 370812075116030501 \begin 0:19:40 \sp CHIPIT \tx dah, jalan. \pho dah jalan \mb dah jalan \ge PFCT walk \gj PFCT walk \ft okay, walk. \ref 0754 \id 356389075118030501 \begin 0:19:42 \sp DRIPIT \tx Fariz mau ke mana? \pho faris maw kə mana \mb Fariz mau ke mana \ge Fariz want to which \gj Fariz want to which \ft where are you going? \ref 0755 \id 940740075119030501 \begin 0:19:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx pas, ya? \pho pas ya \mb pas ya \ge precise yes \gj precise yes \ft precise, right? \nt reference unclear. \ref 0756 \id 444401075120030501 \begin 0:19:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx pulang, pulangin saja. \pho pulaŋ pulaŋin saja \mb pulang pulang -in saja \ge return return -IN just \gj return return-IN just \ft he's going home, just take him home. \ref 0757 \id 561785075121030501 \begin 0:19:44 \sp DRIPIT \tx sini, sini, yok! \pho sini sini yɔʔ \mb sini sini yok \ge here here AYO \gj here here AYO \ft here, here, come here! \ref 0758 \id 636485075122030501 \begin 0:19:45 \sp DRIPIT \tx maenan sini, sini Riz. \pho maenan sini sini ris \mb maen -an sini sini Riz \ge play -AN here here Riz \gj play-AN here here Riz \ft play over here, here, Fariz. \ref 0759 \id 613540075124030501 \begin 0:19:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni, tuk. \pho ni tuʔ \mb ni tuk \ge this IMIT \gj this IMIT \ft this, tap. \nt imitating walking sound. \ref 0760 \id 309767075126030501 \begin 0:19:48 \sp DRIPIT \tx 'halo.' \pho halɔ \mb halo \ge hello \gj hello \ft 'hello.' \nt pretending to be the doll. \ref 0761 \id 374142075127030501 \begin 0:19:49 \sp FARPIT \tx 0. \nt screaming. \ref 0762 \id 511383075128030501 \begin 0:19:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx sekarang... sekarang buah-buahnya. \pho sɛkalan sɛkalaŋ buwabuwahɲa \mb sekarang sekarang buah - buah -nya \ge now now fruit - fruit -NYA \gj now now RED-fruit-NYA \ft now the fruits. \nt screaming. \ref 0763 \id 426193075129030501 \begin 0:19:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0764 \id 533324075130030501 \begin 0:19:53 \sp DRIPIT \tx duduk sini, duduk. \pho duduʔ sini duduʔ \mb duduk sini duduk \ge sit here sit \gj sit here sit \ft sit here, sit. \nt telling FARPIT to sit next to CHIPIT. \ref 0765 \id 187147075132030501 \begin 0:19:54 \sp DRIPIT \tx duduk sini, duduk. \pho duduʔ sini duduʔ \mb duduk sini duduk \ge sit here sit \gj sit here sit \ft sit here, sit. \nt telling FARPIT to sit next to CHIPIT. \ref 0766 \id 485379075133030501 \begin 0:19:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah, berisik. \pho ʔah brisik \mb ah berisik \ge AH noisy \gj AH noisy \ft ah, it's noisy. \ref 0767 \id 780527075134030501 \begin 0:19:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx teng, neng, neng, neng, neng, neng, neng. \pho tɛŋ nɛŋ nɛŋ nɛŋ nɛŋ nɛŋ nɛŋ \mb teng neng neng neng neng neng neng \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. \nt imitating the sound of a clock. \ref 0768 \id 541772075135030501 \begin 0:19:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx udah malem, bobo. \pho ʔudah maləm bobo \mb udah malem bobo \ge PFCT night sleep \gj PFCT night sleep \ft it's dark, let's sleep. \ref 0769 \id 886671075137030501 \begin 0:20:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx wah, ga(nti)... ganti baju. \pho wa gaʔ ganti baju \mb wah ganti ganti baju \ge EXCL change change garment \gj EXCL change change garment \ft wow, change clothes. \ref 0770 \id 708008075138030501 \begin 0:20:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx wah, wah, wah. \pho wa wa waːh \mb wah wah wah \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft oh, oh, oh. \ref 0771 \id 315454075139030501 \begin 0:20:04 \sp EXPDIN \tx eh. \pho ʔəh \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft uh. \ref 0772 \id 546052075140030501 \begin 0:20:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx ganti baju... weng. \pho ganti baju wɛŋ \mb ganti baju weng \ge change garment IMIT \gj change garment IMIT \ft I'm changing her clothes, whoosh. \nt imitating the sound of taking off clothes. \ref 0773 \id 804968075141030501 \begin 0:20:08 \sp DRIPIT \tx apa itu xxx? \pho ʔapa ʔitu xxx \mb apa itu xxx \ge what that xxx \gj what that xxx \ft is that xxx? \nt talking to FARPIT. \ref 0774 \id 912794075142030501 \begin 0:20:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx wah, ada papanya. \pho wa ʔada papahɲa \mb wah ada papa -nya \ge EXCL exist daddy -NYA \gj EXCL exist daddy-NYA \ft oops, her daddy is here. \ref 0775 \id 552480075143030501 \begin 0:20:10 \sp DRIPIT \tx makan telor. \pho makan təlɔr \mb makan telor \ge eat egg \gj eat egg \ft eat an egg. \nt talking to FARPIT. \ref 0776 \id 855716075144030501 \begin 0:20:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx hi, hi. \pho hi ʔi \mb hi hi \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft hi, hi. \nt laughing. \ref 0777 \id 640139075145030501 \begin 0:20:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx we, he, he, he, he, he. \pho wɛː hɛʔ ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ \mb we he he he he he \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft wow, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. \ref 0778 \id 830033075146030501 \begin 0:20:14 \sp EXPDIN \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt talking to ARTPIT. \ref 0779 \id 464436135954010802 \begin 0:20:16 \sp ARTPIT \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0780 \id 985274075147030501 \begin 0:20:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx he, he. \pho hɛ ʔɛ \mb he he \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft he, he. \nt laughing. \ref 0781 \id 127494075148030501 \begin 0:20:19 \sp ARTPIT \tx hmm, gemes. \pho hm gəməs \mb hmm gemes \ge EXCL express.emotion \gj EXCL express.emotion \ft hmm, you're so cute. \nt pinching OPIPIT. \ref 0782 \id 500530075149030501 \begin 0:20:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pit, pakein Pit. \pho pit pakɛin pit \mb Pit pake -in Pit \ge TRU-Pipit use -IN TRU-Pipit \gj TRU-Pipit use-IN TRU-Pipit \ft Pipit, dress her please. \ref 0783 \id 721629084248030501 \begin 0:20:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx ogah. \pho ʔogah \mb ogah \ge unwilling \gj unwilling \ft I won't. \ref 0784 \id 643904084249030501 \begin 0:20:22 \sp ARTPIT \tx pake baju dong, itu dong. \pho pakɛ baju dɔŋ ʔitu dɔŋ \mb pake baju dong itu dong \ge use garment DONG that DONG \gj use garment DONG that DONG \ft dress her, please, let her wear that. \ref 0785 \id 209009084250030501 \begin 0:20:23 \sp ARTPIT \tx kok dibuka sih bajunya? \pho kɔʔ dibuka sih bajuɲa \mb kok di- buka sih baju -nya \ge KOK DI- open SIH garment -NYA \gj KOK DI-open SIH garment-NYA \ft why are you taking off her clothes? \ref 0786 \id 724634084251030501 \begin 0:20:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya pake ini. \pho ya pakɛ ʔini \mb ya pake ini \ge yes use this \gj yes use this \ft yeah, let her wear this. \ref 0787 \id 748451084252030501 \begin 0:20:26 \sp EXPDIN \tx malu. \pho maluʔ \mb malu \ge embarrassed \gj embarrassed \ft it's embarrassing. \ref 0788 \id 529658084252030501 \begin 0:20:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx hah? \pho haʰ \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0789 \id 675029084253030501 \begin 0:20:27 \sp EXPDIN \tx malu. \pho maluːʔ \mb malu \ge embarrassed \gj embarrassed \ft it's embarrassing. \ref 0790 \id 439670084254030501 \begin 0:20:28 \sp CHIPIT \tx sekarang buah-buahnya. \pho səkalaŋ buwahbuwahɲa \mb sekarang buah - buah -nya \ge now fruit - fruit -NYA \gj now RED-fruit-NYA \ft now the fruits. \ref 0791 \id 241351084255030501 \begin 0:20:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx pake ini. \pho pakɛ ʔini \mb pake ini \ge use this \gj use this \ft she'll wear this. \ref 0792 \id 693262084257030501 \begin 0:20:31 \sp EXPDIN \tx mana? \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft which one? \ref 0793 \id 875723084258030501 \begin 0:20:32 \sp EXPDIN \tx masa nggak bisa pake sendiri? \pho masa ŋgaʔ bisa pakɛ səndiri \mb masa nggak bisa pake sen- diri \ge incredible NEG can use SE- self \gj incredible NEG can use SE-self \ft how come you can't dress her yourself? \nt referring to dressing the doll. \ref 0794 \id 296256084259030501 \begin 0:20:33 \sp CHIPIT \tx sekarang buah-buahnya, Tante. \pho səkalaŋ buwabuwaʰɲa tantəh \mb sekarang buah - buah -nya Tante \ge now fruit - fruit -NYA aunt \gj now RED-fruit-NYA aunt \ft Auntie, now the fruits. \ref 0795 \id 991473084300030501 \begin 0:20:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya (ce)petan dong. \pho ya pətan dɔŋ \mb ya cepet -an dong \ge yes quick -AN DONG \gj yes quick-AN DONG \ft quickly, please. \nt screaming. \ref 0796 \id 804534084302030501 \begin 0:20:38 \sp CHIPIT \tx ih, telanjang. \pho ʔih təlanjaŋ \mb ih telanjang \ge EXCL naked \gj EXCL naked \ft yech, she is naked. \ref 0797 \id 823560084303030501 \begin 0:20:40 \sp CHIPIT \tx idih. \pho ʔidih \mb idih \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft yech. \ref 0798 \id 186891084304030501 \begin 0:20:41 \sp OPIPIT \tx mandi dulu. \pho mandi dulu \mb mandi dulu \ge bathe before \gj bathe before \ft let her take a bath first. \ref 0799 \id 684631084305030501 \begin 0:20:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx jebur, jebur. \pho jəbur jəbwar \mb jebur jebur \ge plunge plunge \gj plunge plunge \ft splash, splash. \nt imitating splashing water. \ref 0800 \id 708879084306030501 \begin 0:20:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx tempat mandinya mana? \pho təmpat mandiɲa mana \mb tempat mandi -nya mana \ge place bathe -NYA which \gj place bathe-NYA which \ft where is the bathroom? \ref 0801 \id 553999084307030501 \begin 0:20:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx kok gede banget sih ini, ama ini, ama ini, sih? \pho kɔʔ gədɛ baŋət si ʔinih ʔama ʔini ʔama ʔini sih \mb kok gede banget sih ini ama ini ama ini sih \ge KOK big very SIH this with this with this SIH \gj KOK big very SIH this with this with this SIH \ft why are this, this, and this so big? \ref 0802 \id 853163092642010702 \begin 0:20:50 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt cleaning FARPIT's nose. \ref 0803 \id 274447084308030501 \begin 0:20:50 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho hə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0804 \id 749152084309030501 \begin 0:20:51 \sp EXPDIN \tx kegedean, ya? \pho kəgədɛyan ya \mb ke an gede ya \ge KE AN big yes \gj KE.AN-big yes \ft are they too big? \ref 0805 \id 619591084310030501 \begin 0:20:51 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt talking to FARPIT. \ref 0806 \id 179141084311030501 \begin 0:20:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0807 \id 929981084312030501 \begin 0:20:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx in(i) ini apaan ini? \pho ʔin ʔini ʔapaan ini \mb ini ini apa -an ini \ge this this what -AN this \gj this this what-AN this \ft what is this? \ref 0808 \id 342445090425030501 \begin 0:20:55 \sp ARTPIT \tx pantat. \pho pantat \mb pantat \ge buttocks \gj buttocks \ft the buttocks. \ref 0809 \id 516000084313030501 \begin 0:20:55 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini kegedean ni. \pho ʔini kəgədɛyan niː \mb ini ke an gede ni \ge this KE AN big this \gj this KE.AN-big this \ft this is too big. \ref 0810 \id 625364084314030501 \begin 0:20:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini pantat, ya? \pho ʔini pantat ya \mb ini pantat ya \ge this buttocks yes \gj this buttocks yes \ft these are the buttocks, right? \ref 0811 \id 917393084316030501 \begin 0:20:57 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0812 \id 451477084317030501 \begin 0:20:58 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0813 \id 686844084318030501 \begin 0:20:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini, apaan saja ya? \pho ʔini ʔapaan saja ya \mb ini apa -an saja ya \ge this what -AN just yes \gj this what-AN just yes \ft this is whatever-you-want, okay? \ref 0814 \id 112184084319030501 \begin 0:21:01 \sp EXPDIN \tx pantatnya Opi mana? \pho pantatɲa ʔopi mana \mb pantat -nya Opi mana \ge buttocks -NYA Opi which \gj buttocks-NYA Opi which \ft where are your buttocks? \ref 0815 \id 579112084320030501 \begin 0:21:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt pointing to his buttocks. \ref 0816 \id 244349084321030501 \begin 0:21:03 \sp EXPDIN \tx ini? \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this? \nt tickling OPIPIT. \ref 0817 \id 677861084322030501 \begin 0:21:03 \sp ARTPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 0818 \id 335078084323030501 \begin 0:21:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx hi. \pho hiːʔ \mb hi \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oops. \ref 0819 \id 963922084324030501 \begin 0:21:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx najis lu, Pi. \pho najis lu pi \mb najis lu Pi \ge impurity 2 TRU-Opi \gj impurity 2 TRU-Opi \ft you are disgusting, Opi. \ref 0820 \id 364905084325030501 \begin 0:21:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx xx xx. \pho ʔiŋliʃ cis \mb xx xx \ge xx xx \gj xx xx \ft xxx. \ref 0821 \id 972269084326030501 \begin 0:21:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx duwar duwar. \pho duwar duwar \mb duwar duwar \ge BAB BAB \gj BAB BAB \nt babbling while turning the doll around. \ref 0822 \id 251407084327030501 \begin 0:21:09 \sp EXPDIN \tx ya, taru di piringnya aja biar cukup. \pho ya taru di piriŋɲa ʔaja biyar cukup \mb ya taru di piring -nya aja biar cukup \ge yes put LOC plate -NYA just let enough \gj yes put LOC plate-NYA just let enough \ft okay, put them on the plate, so that it fits. \ref 0823 \id 926988100910010702 \begin 0:21:11 \sp DRIPIT \tx ah. \pho ʔaːh \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ah. \ref 0824 \id 391000084329030501 \begin 0:21:12 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm? \pho hə̃m \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0825 \id 210561091504030501 \begin 0:21:12 \sp EXPDIN \tx coba. \pho cɔba \mb coba \ge try \gj try \ft let me try. \ref 0826 \id 717310093942030501 \begin 0:21:14 \sp EXPDIN \tx ni. \pho ni \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft this one. \nt while replacing something unclear. \ref 0827 \id 941696093943030501 \begin 0:21:14 \sp DRIPIT \tx hmm, tau. \pho hmː tau \mb hmm tau \ge oh know \gj oh know \ft oh, I know. \nt talking to FARPIT. \ref 0828 \id 612206101412010702 \begin 0:21:15 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho həʔəm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0829 \id 308837093944030501 \begin 0:21:17 \sp ARTPIT \tx pakein baju dong, Pi. \pho pakɛin baju dɔŋ pi \mb pake -in baju dong Pi \ge use -IN garment DONG TRU-Opi \gj use-IN garment DONG TRU-Opi \ft please, dress her. \ref 0830 \id 938725093945030501 \begin 0:21:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt playing with the doll. \ref 0831 \id 767683093946030501 \begin 0:21:18 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm. \pho hə̃m \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft you see. \nt helping CHIPIT to arrange the toys. \ref 0832 \id 663062093947030501 \begin 0:21:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya, pake ini. \pho ya pakɛ ʔini \mb ya pake ini \ge yes use this \gj yes use this \ft yeah, she'll wear this. \ref 0833 \id 899814093948030501 \begin 0:21:20 \sp ARTPIT \tx ya, sini Tante pakein. \pho ya sini tantə pakɛin \mb ya sini Tante pake -in \ge yes here aunt use -IN \gj yes here aunt use-IN \ft right, give it to me, let me dress her. \ref 0834 \id 189565093949030501 \begin 0:21:21 \sp ARTPIT \tx sini, coba sini. \pho sini cɔba sini \mb sini coba sini \ge here try here \gj here try here \ft give it to me, let me look at it. \ref 0835 \id 636857093950030501 \begin 0:21:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu kan tangannya kelap-kelip tu. \pho tu kan taŋanɲa kəlapkəlip tu \mb tu kan tangan -nya kelap-kelip tu \ge that KAN hand -NYA flicker that \gj that KAN hand-NYA flicker that \ft look, the sleeves are flickering. \ref 0836 \id 368018090959200602 \begin 0:21:23 \sp ARTPIT \tx ini, ini, ini xxx sana. \pho ʔini ʔini ʔini xxx sana \mb ini ini ini xxx sana \ge this this this xxx there \gj this this this xxx there \ft this, this, this xxx there. \ref 0837 \id 576799093952030501 \begin 0:21:24 \sp ARTPIT \tx roknya mana roknya? \pho rɔkɲa mana rɔkɲa \mb rok -nya mana rok -nya \ge skirt -NYA which skirt -NYA \gj skirt-NYA which skirt-NYA \ft where is her skirt? \ref 0838 \id 978068093953030501 \begin 0:21:26 \sp ARTPIT \tx ambilin roknya. \pho ʔambilin rɔkɲa \mb ambil -in rok -nya \ge take -IN skirt -NYA \gj take-IN skirt-NYA \ft get me her skirt. \ref 0839 \id 214828110717010702 \begin 0:21:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx roknya. \pho rɔkɲa \mb rok -nya \ge skirt -NYA \gj skirt-NYA \ft her skirt. \ref 0840 \id 516834093954030501 \begin 0:21:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini, Tante. \pho ʔini tantəh \mb ini Tante \ge this aunt \gj this aunt \ft this one, Auntie. \nt showing EXPDIN a fruit [?]. \ref 0841 \id 250577093955030501 \begin 0:21:28 \sp EXPDIN \tx apaan? \pho ʔapaan \mb apa -an \ge what -AN \gj what-AN \ft what's happening? \ref 0842 \id 958176093956030501 \begin 0:21:29 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak cukup, ya? \pho ŋgaʔ cukup ya \mb nggak cukup ya \ge NEG enough yes \gj NEG enough yes \ft isn't it big enough? \nt referring to the plate for the fruits. \ref 0843 \id 995574093957030501 \begin 0:21:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx roknya mana roknya? \pho rɔkɲa mana rɔkɲa \mb rok -nya mana rok -nya \ge skirt -NYA which skirt -NYA \gj skirt-NYA which skirt-NYA \ft where is her skirt? \ref 0844 \id 429427093958030501 \begin 0:21:30 \sp EXPDIN \tx mangkok aja. \pho maŋkɔʔ ʔaja \mb mangkok aja \ge bowl just \gj bowl just \ft just take a bowl. \ref 0845 \id 769342094000030501 \begin 0:21:31 \sp ARTPIT \tx itu deket deket Tante Dini tuh. \pho ʔitu dəkət dəkət tantə dini tu \mb itu deket deket Tante Dini tuh \ge that near near aunt Dini that \gj that near near aunt Dini that \ft look, near... near Auntie Dini over there. \ref 0846 \id 510201091530200602 \begin 0:21:32 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm? \pho hə̃m \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 0847 \id 651248094001030501 \begin 0:21:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini dia ni. \pho ʔini diya ni \mb ini dia ni \ge this 3 this \gj this 3 this \ft here it is. \nt referring to the doll's skirt. \ref 0848 \id 342494094002030501 \begin 0:21:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx mangkok nggak cukup. \pho maŋkɔʔ ŋgaʔ cukup \mb mangkok nggak cukup \ge bowl NEG enough \gj bowl NEG enough \ft the bowl isn't big enough. \ref 0849 \id 506112094003030501 \begin 0:21:35 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak cukup, ya? \pho ŋgaʔ cukup ya \mb nggak cukup ya \ge NEG enough yes \gj NEG enough yes \ft isn't it big enough? \ref 0850 \id 942383094005030501 \begin 0:21:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx tuh. \pho tu \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft look. \ref 0851 \id 152162094006030501 \begin 0:21:37 \sp EXPDIN \tx wah, nggak cukup. \pho wa ŋgaʔ cukup \mb wah nggak cukup \ge EXCL NEG enough \gj EXCL NEG enough \ft ow, it's not big enough. \nt referring to the plate. \ref 0852 \id 200286094007030501 \begin 0:21:38 \sp EXPDIN \tx ya udah. \pho ya ʔudah \mb ya udah \ge yes PFCT \gj yes PFCT \ft leave it. \ref 0853 \id 809853094009030501 \begin 0:21:39 \sp EXPDIN \tx semangka kan ada kulitny(a)... \pho səmaŋka kan ʔada kulitɲa \mb semangka kan ada kulit -nya \ge watermelon KAN exist skin -NYA \gj watermelon KAN exist skin-NYA \ft the watermelon has a rind... \ref 0854 \id 217920094009030501 \begin 0:21:40 \sp EXPDIN \tx pisang kan ada kulitnya. \pho pisaŋ kan ʔada kulitɲa \mb pisang kan ada kulit -nya \ge banana KAN exist skin -NYA \gj banana KAN exist skin-NYA \ft the banana has a peel. \ref 0855 \id 189542094010030501 \begin 0:21:41 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak usah dikasi piring. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔusa dikasi piriŋ \mb nggak usah di- kasi piring \ge NEG must DI- give plate \gj NEG must DI-give plate \ft you don't have to put it on a plate. \ref 0856 \id 249171094011030501 \begin 0:21:43 \sp EXPDIN \tx gini aja. \pho gini ʔaja \mb gini aja \ge like.this just \gj like.this just \ft just put it like this. \ref 0857 \id 720925094012030501 \begin 0:21:44 \sp EXPDIN \tx eh, eh, eh. \pho ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ \mb eh eh eh \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey, hey. \nt something is falling. \ref 0858 \id 512828094013030501 \begin 0:21:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu kelap-kelip. \pho tu kəlapkəlip \mb tu kelap-kelip \ge that flicker \gj that flicker \ft that's flickering. \ref 0859 \id 423899094014030501 \begin 0:21:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx kelap-kelip, ya? \pho kəlapkəlip ya \mb kelap-kelip ya \ge flicker yes \gj flicker yes \ft is it flickering? \ref 0860 \id 692704094015030501 \begin 0:21:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx gini aja. \pho gini ʔaja \mb gini aja \ge like.this just \gj like.this just \ft just put it like this. \ref 0861 \id 495923094016030501 \begin 0:21:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx udah. \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \ref 0862 \id 693465094017030501 \begin 0:21:48 \sp EXPDIN \tx eh, eh, eh. \pho ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ \mb eh eh eh \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey, hey. \nt something is falling. \ref 0863 \id 686812094019030501 \begin 0:21:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh, eh, eh. \pho ʔɛ ʔɛ ʔɛ \mb eh eh eh \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey, hey. \nt something is falling. \ref 0864 \id 475606094020030501 \begin 0:21:52 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm. \pho hə̃m \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft there. \ref 0865 \id 322049094021030501 \begin 0:21:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya kelap-kelip tu. \pho ya kəlapkəlip tu \mb ya kelap-kelip tu \ge yes flicker that \gj yes flicker that \ft yeah, that's flickering. \ref 0866 \id 692337094023030501 \begin 0:21:55 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni Fariz. \pho ni faris \mb ni Fariz \ge this Fariz \gj this Fariz \ft this, Fariz. \ref 0867 \id 633087094024030501 \begin 0:21:56 \sp DRIPIT \tx kring. \pho kriŋ \mb kring \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ding-dong. \nt imitating the sound of a bell. \ref 0868 \id 206727094025030501 \begin 0:21:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx cepetan. \pho cəpətan \mb cepet -an \ge quick -AN \gj quick-AN \ft hurry up. \ref 0869 \id 178317094026030501 \begin 0:21:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx dia kelap-kelip. \pho diya klapklip \mb dia kelap-kelip \ge 3 flicker \gj 3 flicker \ft it's flickering. \ref 0870 \id 576608094027030501 \begin 0:22:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx tempat tidur. \pho təmpat tidur \mb tempat tidur \ge place lie.down \gj place lie.down \ft the bed. \ref 0871 \id 471508094027030501 \begin 0:22:02 \sp ARTPIT \tx sepatunya pake. \pho səpatuɲa pakɛ \mb sepatu -nya pake \ge shoe -NYA use \gj shoe-NYA use \ft she has to wear her shoes. \ref 0872 \id 753963094028030501 \begin 0:22:02 \sp ARTPIT \tx sepatu ke kantor, Pi. \pho səpatu kə kantɔr pi \mb sepatu ke kantor Pi \ge shoe to office TRU-Opi \gj shoe to office TRU-Opi \ft shoes to go to the office. \ref 0873 \id 480567094030030501 \begin 0:22:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx nih sepatu kan(tor). \pho ni səpatu kan \mb nih sepatu kantor \ge this shoe office \gj this shoe office \ft here are the shoes for the office. \ref 0874 \id 911866094031030501 \begin 0:22:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx kan bobo dulu tu. \pho kan bɔbɔ dulu tu \mb kan bobo dulu tu \ge KAN sleep before that \gj KAN sleep before that \ft she has to sleep first. \ref 0875 \id 252093094032030501 \begin 0:22:07 \sp ARTPIT \tx lho, bobo kok pake baju gini? \pho lo bɔbɔ kɔʔ pakɛ baju gini \mb lho bobo kok pake baju gini \ge EXCL sleep KOK use garment like.this \gj EXCL sleep KOK use garment like.this \ft huh, why is she going to sleep with a dress like this? \ref 0876 \id 335695103125030501 \begin 0:22:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx apa-apaan? \pho ʔapaʔapaan \mb apa - apa -an \ge what - what -AN \gj RED.AN-what \ft what? \ref 0877 \id 367365104956030501 \begin 0:22:10 \sp ARTPIT \tx ini kalo mau ke kantor ini. \pho ʔini kaloʔ mau kə kantɔr ʔini \mb ini kalo mau ke kantor ini \ge this TOP want to office this \gj this TOP want to office this \ft this is for going to the office. \ref 0878 \id 918753104957030501 \begin 0:22:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0879 \id 797879104958030501 \begin 0:22:13 \sp CHIPIT \tx kantor lu, ke kantor. \pho kantɔl lu kə kantɔl \mb kantor lu ke kantor \ge office 2 to office \gj office 2 to office \ft hey you, for the office, it's for going to the office, you know. \ref 0880 \id 928827105000030501 \begin 0:22:14 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya... \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes... \ref 0881 \id 372503092342200602 \begin 0:22:15 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini... baju jaket. \pho ʔini baju jakɛt \mb ini baju jaket \ge this garment jacket \gj this garment jacket \ft this... a jacket. \ref 0882 \id 876341092440200602 \begin 0:22:15 \sp ARTPIT \tx ...rambutnya udah disanggul. \pho rambutɲa ʔudaʰ disaŋgul \mb rambut -nya udah di- sanggul \ge hair -NYA PFCT DI- hair.bun \gj hair-NYA PFCT DI-hair.bun \ft ...we've already put her hair in a bun. \ref 0883 \id 913996105001030501 \begin 0:22:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx sepatunya mana nih? \pho səpatuɲa mana ni \mb sepatu -nya mana nih \ge shoe -NYA which this \gj shoe-NYA which this \ft where are her shoes? \ref 0884 \id 961364105002030501 \begin 0:22:17 \sp DRIPIT \tx Fariz! \pho faris \mb Fariz \ge Fariz \gj Fariz \ft Fariz! \ref 0885 \id 563137105003030501 \begin 0:22:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini dia ni sepatunya. \pho ʔini diya ni səpatuɲa \mb ini dia ni sepatu -nya \ge this 3 this shoe -NYA \gj this 3 this shoe-NYA \ft here they are, her shoes. \ref 0886 \id 865221105005030501 \begin 0:22:19 \sp DRIPIT \tx Fariz. \pho paliːʔiːs \mb Fariz \ge Fariz \gj Fariz \ft Fariz. \ref 0887 \id 189995105006030501 \begin 0:22:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx aku mo pake nggak muat. \pho ʔaku mɔ pakɛ ŋgaʔ muwat \mb aku mo pake nggak muat \ge 1SG want use NEG contain \gj 1SG want use NEG contain \ft I want to wear them, but they don't fit. \ref 0888 \id 658937105007030501 \begin 0:22:21 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 0889 \id 869244105008030501 \begin 0:22:23 \sp ARTPIT \tx xxx kantor. \pho xxx kantɔr \mb xxx kantor \ge xxx office \gj xxx office \ft xxx the office. \ref 0890 \id 302127105008030501 \begin 0:22:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah, aku nggak mau, ah. \pho ʔaːh ʔaku ŋgaʔ maw ʔah \mb ah aku nggak mau ah \ge EXCL 1SG NEG want EXCL \gj EXCL 1SG NEG want EXCL \ft ugh, I don't want it. \ref 0891 \id 654772105009030501 \begin 0:22:27 \sp DRIPIT \tx Mas Fariz masak apa? \pho mas faris masak ʔapa \mb Mas Fariz masak apa \ge EPIT Fariz cook what \gj EPIT Fariz cook what \ft what are you cooking, Fariz? \ref 0892 \id 164054105010030501 \begin 0:22:28 \sp EXPDIN \tx sama tuh ama bajunya Pipit, biru. \pho sama tuʰ ʔama bajuɲa pipit biruʔ \mb sama tuh ama baju -nya Pipit biru \ge same that with garment -NYA Pipit blue \gj same that with garment-NYA Pipit blue \ft it's is like your dress, blue. \ref 0893 \id 802881105012030501 \begin 0:22:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft which one? \ref 0894 \id 943776105013030501 \begin 0:22:31 \sp EXPDIN \tx sama. \pho samaʰ \mb sama \ge with \gj with \ft it's the same. \ref 0895 \id 684924130518010702 \begin 0:22:32 \sp EXPDIN \tx biru. \pho biru \mb biru \ge blue \gj blue \ft blue. \ref 0896 \id 174115105015030501 \begin 0:22:32 \sp DRIPIT \tx Mas Fariz masak apa? \pho mas faris masak ʔapa \mb Mas Fariz masak apa \ge EPIT Fariz cook what \gj EPIT Fariz cook what \ft what are you cooking? \ref 0897 \id 784204093411200602 \begin 0:22:33 \sp EXPDIN \tx nih. \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \ref 0898 \id 157402105016030501 \begin 0:22:34 \sp DRIPIT \tx 'nama saya Bepe.' \pho nama saya bɛpɛ \mb nama saya Bepe \ge name 1SG Bepe \gj name 1SG Bepe \ft 'my name is Bepe.' \nt 1. pretending to be a duck. 2. also possible: nama saya Bebek=my name is Duck[?]. \ref 0899 \id 966330105017030501 \begin 0:22:36 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx mau makan xxx. \pho xxx mau makan xxx \mb xxx mau makan xxx \ge xxx want eat xxx \gj xxx want eat xxx \ft xxx want to eat xxx. \ref 0900 \id 337642105018030501 \begin 0:22:37 \sp ARTPIT \tx ini... ini pake... pake baju, ya? \pho ʔini ʔini pakɛ pakɛ baju ya \mb ini ini pake pake baju ya \ge this this use use garment yes \gj this this use use garment yes \ft let's wear her this dress, okay? \ref 0901 \id 855920105020030501 \begin 0:22:38 \sp ARTPIT \tx ambil jaket itu. \pho ʔambil jakɛt tu \mb ambil jaket itu \ge take jacket that \gj take jacket that \ft take that jacket. \ref 0902 \id 471113105021030501 \begin 0:22:40 \sp ARTPIT \tx masa ke kantor pake ginian? \pho masaʔ kə kantɔr pakɛ giniyan \mb masa ke kantor pake gini -an \ge incredible to office use like.this -AN \gj incredible to office use like.this-AN \ft how can you go to the office dressed like this? \ref 0903 \id 407441105021030501 \begin 0:22:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx makan, makan, makan... \pho makan makan makan \mb makan makan makan \ge eat eat eat \gj eat eat eat \ft eat, eat, eat. \ref 0904 \id 382293105022030501 \begin 0:22:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx jaket? \pho jakɛt \mb jaket \ge jacket \gj jacket \ft a jacket? \ref 0905 \id 707687105023030501 \begin 0:22:44 \sp ARTPIT \tx he-em. \pho hə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0906 \id 311777105024030501 \begin 0:22:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx makan semua. \pho makan cəmuwa \mb makan semua \ge eat all \gj eat all \ft eat everything. \ref 0907 \id 851070105025030501 \begin 0:22:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya, jato. \pho ya jatɔ \mb ya jato \ge yes fall \gj yes fall \ft oops, it's falling. \ref 0908 \id 243430132932010702 \begin 0:22:48 \sp ARTPIT \tx pake topi ini aja deh. \pho pakɛ tɔpi ini ʔaja dɛ \mb pake topi ini aja deh \ge use hat this just DEH \gj use hat this just DEH \ft let her wear this hat. \ref 0909 \id 863845105026030501 \begin 0:22:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx trus ini lauknya. \pho tlus ʔini lahuɲa \mb trus ini lauk -nya \ge continue this side.dish -NYA \gj continue this side.dish-NYA \ft and these are the dishes. \ref 0910 \id 330522105028030501 \begin 0:22:50 \sp ARTPIT \tx susah pake ini, copot-copot. \pho susa pakɛ ʔini cɔpɔtcɔpɔt \mb susah pake ini copot - copot \ge difficult use this detach - detach \gj difficult use this RED-detach \ft it's hard to wear this, because it drops off all the time. \nt referring to a hat. \ref 0911 \id 902207105030030501 \begin 0:22:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx Tante, ini lauknya. \pho tanti ʔini lahuɲa \mb Tante ini lauk -nya \ge aunt this side.dish -NYA \gj aunt this side.dish-NYA \ft Auntie, these are the dishes. \ref 0912 \id 768706095056200602 \begin 0:22:53 \sp ARTPIT \tx pake sepatu yang panjang aja. \pho pake səpatu yaŋ paɲjaŋ aja \mb pake sepatu yang panjang aja \ge use shoe REL long just \gj use shoe REL long just \ft let's let her wear the boots. \ref 0913 \id 824801105031030501 \begin 0:22:54 \sp EXPDIN \tx apanya? \pho ʔapaɲa \mb apa -nya \ge what -NYA \gj what-NYA \ft what? \ref 0914 \id 346277105033030501 \begin 0:22:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx di paket minta itu saja. \pho di pakɛt minta itu saja \mb di paket minta itu saja \ge LOC package ask.for that just \gj LOC package ask.for that just \ft on the package they recommend that. \nt referring to how the doll is dressed on the cover. \ref 0915 \id 184425105035030501 \begin 0:22:56 \sp EXPDIN \tx eh. \pho ʔəh \mb eh \ge EH \gj EH \ft ugh. \nt while sitting down. \ref 0916 \id 762764100017200602 \begin 0:22:58 \sp ARTPIT \tx he-em. \pho hm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0917 \id 646987105036030501 \begin 0:23:00 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini makanannya. \pho ʔini makanaɲa \mb ini makan -an -nya \ge this eat -AN -NYA \gj this eat-AN-NYA \ft these are the dishes. \ref 0918 \id 736558105036030501 \begin 0:23:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini buah-buahnya. \pho ʔini buwabuwaɲa \mb ini buah - buah -nya \ge this fruit - fruit -NYA \gj this RED-fruit-NYA \ft these are the fruits. \ref 0919 \id 458604105037030501 \begin 0:23:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx ini makanannya. \pho ʔini makananɲa \mb ini makan -an -nya \ge this eat -AN -NYA \gj this eat-AN-NYA \ft these are the dishes. \ref 0920 \id 771612105038030501 \begin 0:23:02 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0921 \id 801073100312200602 \begin 0:23:02 \sp EXPDIN \tx oh, iya. \pho ʔo iya \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh yes. \ref 0922 \id 111373105039030501 \begin 0:23:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx sayurannya. \pho sayulanɲa \mb sayur -an -nya \ge vegetable -AN -NYA \gj vegetable-AN-NYA \ft the vegetables. \ref 0923 \id 376977131238030501 \begin 0:23:03 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 0924 \id 860283105041030501 \begin 0:23:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx masa? \pho masaʔ \mb masa \ge incredible \gj incredible \ft really? \ref 0925 \id 901620105042030501 \begin 0:23:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo mau... \pho kalɔ maw \mb kalo mau \ge TOP want \gj TOP want \ft if you want... \ref 0926 \id 859025105044030501 \begin 0:23:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pit, Ipit! \pho pit ʔipit \mb Pit Ipit \ge TRU-Pipit Ipit \gj TRU-Pipit Ipit \ft Pipit, Ipit! \ref 0927 \id 459351105045030501 \begin 0:23:08 \sp EXPDIN \tx ya, jatuh. \pho ya jatuʰ \mb ya jatuh \ge yes fall \gj yes fall \ft oops, it's falling. \ref 0928 \id 731376105046030501 \begin 0:23:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pit, ntar, ntar, Opi ke situ, ya? \pho pit n̩tar n̩tar ʔopi kə situ ya \mb Pit ntar ntar Opi ke situ ya \ge TRU-Pipit moment moment Opi to there yes \gj TRU-Pipit moment moment Opi to there yes \ft Pipit, I'll be going over there, okay? \ref 0929 \id 659015105047030501 \begin 0:23:13 \sp ARTPIT \tx yes. \pho ʔiyaʔ \mb yes \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 0930 \id 429081162617040501 \begin 0:23:13 \sp ARTPIT \tx ini biar ngajak Si Barbie ke sana. \pho ʔini biyar ŋajak si bɛrbi kə sana \mb ini biar ng- ajak Si Barbie ke sana \ge this let N- invite PERS Barbie to there \gj this let N-invite PERS Barbie to there \ft you can ask Barbie to go over there. \ref 0931 \id 479284163232040501 \begin 0:23:15 \sp ARTPIT \tx ke rumah Pipit. \pho kə ruma pipit \mb ke rumah Pipit \ge to house Pipit \gj to house Pipit \ft to Pipit's house. \ref 0932 \id 935294163303040501 \begin 0:23:17 \sp ARTPIT \tx ayo, ambilin sepatunya yang panjang. \pho ʔayɔ ʔambilin səpatuɲa yaŋ panjaŋ \mb ayo ambil -in sepatu -nya yang panjang \ge AYO take -IN shoe -NYA REL long \gj AYO take-IN shoe-NYA REL long \ft come on, get her boots. \ref 0933 \id 703196163417040501 \begin 0:23:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx ai ai. \pho ʔai ʔai \mb ai ai \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey. \ref 0934 \id 433698163449040501 \begin 0:23:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx pake ini saja ya Pit, ya? \pho pakɛ ʔini saja ya pit ya \mb pake ini saja ya Pit ya \ge use this just yes TRU-Pipit yes \gj use this just yes TRU-Pipit yes \ft just let her wear these, okay? \ref 0935 \id 680498174707040501 \begin 0:23:22 \sp @End \tx @End \ref 0936 \id 977284122719140205 \begin 0:23:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya itu ya pake. \pho ya ʔitu ya pakeʔ \mb ya itu ya pake \ge yes that yes use \gj yes that yes use \ft yeah, put that on her. \nt referring to the boot that's going to be put on the doll. \ref 0937 \id 828600123000140205 \begin 0:23:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ipit mo sisiran dulu. \pho ʔipit mɔ sisilan duluʔ \mb Ipit mo sisir -an dulu \ge Ipit want comb -AN before \gj Ipit want comb-AN before \ft I want to comb my hair first. \nt using a toy comb to comb her hair. \ref 0938 \id 308086123000140205 \begin 0:23:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx sini! \pho sini \mb sini \ge here \gj here \ft give it to me! \nt grasping the doll from ARTPIT, and then asking EXPDIN to put a dress on the doll. \ref 0939 \id 916293123000140205 \begin 0:23:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx pakein dong. \pho pakɛʔin doŋ \mb pake -in dong \ge use -IN DONG \gj use-IN DONG \ft could you put this on? \nt giving the doll to EXPDIN, asking her to put the boot on the doll. \ref 0940 \id 857509123001140205 \begin 0:23:27 \sp EXPDIN \tx apaan? \pho ʔapaʔan \mb apa -an \ge what -AN \gj what-AN \ft what? \ref 0941 \id 179023123001140205 \begin 0:23:28 \sp DRIPIT \tx 'akulah Kura-Kura.' \pho ʔakula kulakula \mb aku -lah Kura - Kura \ge 1SG -LAH tortoise - tortoise \gj 1SG-LAH RED-tortoise \ft 'I'm Turtle.' \nt 1. playing a toy turtle with FARPIT. 2. pretending to be a toy turtle. \ref 0942 \id 751982123002140205 \begin 0:23:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx sepatu. \pho səpatuʔ \mb sepatu \ge shoe \gj shoe \ft the boot. \ref 0943 \id 473652123002140205 \begin 0:23:29 \sp EXPDIN \tx mana sepatunya? \pho mana spatuɲa \mb mana sepatu -nya \ge which shoe -NYA \gj which shoe-NYA \ft where's her boot? \ref 0944 \id 787578123003140205 \begin 0:23:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx sini sini, nih! \pho sini sini nih \mb sini sini nih \ge here here this \gj here here this \ft come here, here! \nt coming towards to OPI, wants to comb OPI's hair with the toy comb. \ref 0945 \id 238707123003140205 \begin 0:23:31 \sp DRIPIT \tx 'diminum yok, minum yok!' \pho diminum yoʔ minum yɔʔ \mb di- minum yok minum yok \ge DI- drink AYO drink AYO \gj DI-drink AYO drink AYO \ft 'please have a drink, let's get a drink!' \nt pretending to be one of the puppets, talking to FAR. \ref 0946 \id 363899123003140205 \begin 0:23:32 \sp EXPDIN \tx suka copot ini ininya. \pho sukaʔ copɔt ʔini ʔiniɲa \mb suka copot ini ini -nya \ge like detach this this -NYA \gj like detach this this-NYA \ft it often comes off. \nt referring to the boot that is going to be put on the doll. \ref 0947 \id 271200123004140205 \begin 0:23:33 \sp ARTPIT \tx Opi sisiran dulu tu rambutnya. \pho ʔopiʔ sisiran dulu tu rambutɲa \mb Opi sisir -an dulu tu rambut -nya \ge Opi comb -AN before that hair -NYA \gj Opi comb-AN before that hair-NYA \ft Opi, why don't you comb your hair first? \ref 0948 \id 176991123004140205 \begin 0:23:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx udah, tau. \pho ʔuda tauʔ \mb udah tau \ge PFCT know \gj PFCT know \ft I did, you know? \ref 0949 \id 801234123005140205 \begin 0:23:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx emang, emang Opi apaan sih? \pho ʰemaŋ ʔemaŋ ʔopi ʔapaʔan siʔ \mb emang emang Opi apa -an sih \ge indeed indeed Opi what -AN SIH \gj indeed indeed Opi what-AN SIH \ft who do you think I am? \nt complaining ART for asking him to comb his hair, because he already did it. \ref 0950 \id 263431123005140205 \begin 0:23:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx potong rambut, ya? \pho potɔŋ lambut yaʰ \mb potong rambut ya \ge cut hair yes \gj cut hair yes \ft let me cut your hair, okay? \nt talking to OPI. \ref 0951 \id 988398123006140205 \begin 0:23:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni, buat anuinnya tuh. \pho niːk buwat ʔanuwinɲa tuh \mb ni buat anu -in -nya tuh \ge this for whatchamacallit -IN -NYA that \gj this for whatchamacallit-IN-NYA that \ft here, this is for whatchamacallit that thing. \nt taking s.t. and then throwing it away to EXPLIK. \ref 0952 \id 422473123006140205 \begin 0:23:41 \sp CHIPIT \tx mendingan Ipit pake ini aja. \pho məniŋan ʔipit pake ʔini ʔaːjah \mb mending -an Ipit pake ini aja \ge preferable -AN Ipit use this just \gj preferable-AN Ipit use this just \ft it's better if I use this one. \nt taking another comb and then combing her hair. \ref 0953 \id 111304123006140205 \begin 0:23:43 \sp CHIPIT \tx daripada... \pho dalipada \mb daripada \ge from.LOC \gj from.LOC \ft better than... \nt 1. interrupted by ARTPIT. 2. using the toy comb to comb her hair. \ref 0954 \id 188866123007140205 \begin 0:23:45 \sp ARTPIT \tx coba bisa nggak Pi dibuat sisirin rambut kamu tu? \pho cobaʔ bisa ŋga piʔ dibuwat sisirin rambut kamu tu \mb coba bisa nggak Pi di- buat sisir -in rambut kamu tu \ge try can NEG TRU-Opi DI- for comb -IN hair 2 that \gj try can NEG TRU-Opi DI-for comb-IN hair 2 that \ft try it, can you use that to comb your hair? \nt referring to the toy comb. \ref 0955 \id 579544123007140205 \begin 0:23:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx apaan? \pho ʔapaʔan \mb apa -an \ge what -AN \gj what-AN \ft what? \ref 0956 \id 309036123008140205 \begin 0:23:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini? \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this? \nt referring to the toy comb. \ref 0957 \id 675179123008140205 \begin 0:23:50 \sp ARTPIT \tx pinjem Kak. \pho pinjəm kaʔ \mb pinjem Kak \ge borrow TRU-older.sibling \gj borrow TRU-older.sibling \ft lend him. \nt asking CHI to let OPI use the toy comb to comb his hair. \ref 0958 \id 250070123009140205 \begin 0:23:51 \sp ARTPIT \tx coba bisa nggak? \pho cobaʔ bisa ŋgaʔ \mb coba bisa nggak \ge try can NEG \gj try can NEG \ft try it, can you do it? \nt about combing the hair with the toy comb. \ref 0959 \id 539043123009140205 \begin 0:23:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx mmm. \pho m̩h \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm. \ref 0960 \id 916499123009140205 \begin 0:23:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya nggak bisa. \pho ya ŋga bisaʔ \mb ya nggak bisa \ge yes NEG can \gj yes NEG can \ft shucks, I can't. \nt combing his hair. \ref 0961 \id 717609123010140205 \begin 0:23:54 \sp ARTPIT \tx bisa lagi. \pho bisa lagi \mb bisa lagi \ge can more \gj can more \ft yes you can. \ref 0962 \id 574309123010140205 \begin 0:23:54 \sp ARTPIT \tx coba, ya? \pho cobaʔ ya \mb coba ya \ge try yes \gj try yes \ft let me try, okay? \nt taking the toy comb and then combing OPI's hair with it. \ref 0963 \id 534206123011140205 \begin 0:23:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx harusnya pake... \pho harusɲa pakeʔ \mb harus -nya pake \ge should -NYA use \gj should-NYA use \ft I should use... \ref 0964 \id 620311123011140205 \begin 0:23:55 \sp ARTPIT \tx coba, ya? \pho cobaʔ ya \mb coba ya \ge try yes \gj try yes \ft let me try it. \ref 0965 \id 592099123012140205 \begin 0:23:56 \sp DRIPIT \tx Fariz telornya dipenyokin. \pho paris təlorɲa dipeɲɔkin \mb Fariz telor -nya di- penyok -in \ge Fariz egg -NYA DI- bent -IN \gj Fariz egg-NYA DI-bent-IN \ft you make the egg deflated. \nt referring a toy egg made from plastic. \ref 0966 \id 724760123012140205 \begin 0:23:57 \sp ARTPIT \tx ni. \pho ni \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt combing OPI's hair with the toy comb. \ref 0967 \id 160381123013140205 \begin 0:23:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx iniin. \pho ʔiniʔin \mb ini -in \ge this -IN \gj this-IN \ft do this thing. \nt showing ART how to use the toy comb, combing his hair. \ref 0968 \id 625559123013140205 \begin 0:24:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni harusnya pake ini nih. \pho ni harusɲa pakeʔ ʔini niʰ \mb ni harus -nya pake ini nih \ge this should -NYA use this this \gj this should-NYA use this this \ft here, you should use this one. \nt taking another comb, using it to comb his hair. \ref 0969 \id 584453123014140205 \begin 0:24:02 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu penyok tu, wo. \pho tu peɲɔk tu wɔ \mb tu penyok tu wo \ge that bent that EXCL \gj that bent that EXCL \ft see, it's deflated, ooh... \nt referring to the toy egg made from plastic. \ref 0970 \id 914603123014140205 \begin 0:24:04 \sp EXPDIN \tx pecah tu Fariz telurnya. \pho cah tu faris təlurɲa \mb pecah tu Fariz telur -nya \ge shattered that Fariz egg -NYA \gj shattered that Fariz egg-NYA \ft look Fariz, the egg is broken. \ref 0971 \id 361555123014140205 \begin 0:24:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx nah lu, nah lu. \pho na lu na lu \mb nah lu nah lu \ge NAH 2 NAH 2 \gj NAH 2 NAH 2 \ft serves you right, serves you right. \ref 0972 \id 469879123015140205 \begin 0:24:07 \sp ARTPIT \tx Fariz adek siapa Fariz? \pho faris ʔadeʔ siyapa faris \mb Fariz adek siapa Fariz \ge Fariz younger.sibling who Fariz \gj Fariz younger.sibling who Fariz \ft whose brother is he? \ref 0973 \id 366615123015140205 \begin 0:24:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx adeknya Opi. \pho ʔadeɲa ʔopiʔ \mb adek -nya Opi \ge younger.sibling -NYA Opi \gj younger.sibling-NYA Opi \ft he's my brother. \ref 0974 \id 914487123016140205 \begin 0:24:09 \sp ARTPIT \tx oh, adeknya Opi. \pho ʔo ʔadeʔɲa ʔopiʔ \mb oh adek -nya Opi \ge EXCL younger.sibling -NYA Opi \gj EXCL younger.sibling-NYA Opi \ft oh, he's your brother. \ref 0975 \id 200066123016140205 \begin 0:24:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx kemaren hamil, ya? \pho kəmaren hamil yaʔ \mb kemaren hamil ya \ge yesterday pregnant yes \gj yesterday pregnant yes \ft someone was pregnant the days before, you know? \ref 0976 \id 719649123017140205 \begin 0:24:13 \sp CHIPIT \tx lha paling gigi item. \pho la paliŋ gigi ʔitəm \mb lha paling gigi item \ge EXCL most tooth black \gj EXCL most tooth black \ft hey, you have very black teeth. \nt addressing OPI. \ref 0977 \id 653816124958140205 \begin 0:24:14 \sp EXPDIN \tx siapa? \pho siyapa \mb siapa \ge who \gj who \ft who? \nt = who's pregnant? \ref 0978 \id 304119124958140205 \begin 0:24:15 \sp EXPDIN \tx Fariz? \pho faris \mb Fariz \ge Fariz \gj Fariz \ft Fariz? \ref 0979 \id 838252124959140205 \begin 0:24:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-em. \pho m̩ʔm̩ \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft aha. \ref 0980 \id 520304124959140205 \begin 0:24:17 \sp EXPDIN \tx Fariz hamil? \pho faris hamil \mb Fariz hamil \ge Fariz pregnant \gj Fariz pregnant \ft he was pregnant? \ref 0981 \id 963946124959140205 \begin 0:24:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx mamanya Opi. \pho mamaɲa ʔopiʔ \mb mama -nya Opi \ge mommy -NYA Opi \gj mommy-NYA Opi \ft my mom. \ref 0982 \id 759248124959140205 \begin 0:24:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx ayo dong, ayo dong, ayo dong. \pho ʔayɔ doŋ ʔayɔ doŋ ʔayɔ doŋ \mb ayo dong ayo dong ayo dong \ge AYO DONG AYO DONG AYO DONG \gj AYO DONG AYO DONG AYO DONG \ft come on, come on, come on. \nt 1. taking the doll from EXPLIK, giving it to OPI. 2. asking OPI to play with the doll. \ref 0983 \id 201032125000140205 \begin 0:24:21 \sp EXPDIN \tx oh, mamanya Opi. \pho ʔo mamaɲa ʔopiʔ \mb oh mama -nya Opi \ge EXCL mommy -NYA Opi \gj EXCL mommy-NYA Opi \ft oh, it's your mom. \nt referring to the pregnant woman mentioned by OPI in the previous utterance. \ref 0984 \id 758973125000140205 \begin 0:24:22 \sp EXPDIN \tx kirain Fariz. \pho kiraʔin faris \mb kira -in Fariz \ge reckon -IN Fariz \gj reckon-IN Fariz \ft I think it was him. \ref 0985 \id 987323125000140205 \begin 0:24:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah, boleh pulang. \pho dah boley pulaŋ \mb dah boleh pulang \ge PFCT may return \gj PFCT may return \ft okay, she may go home. \nt 1. referring to the doll 2. pretending to be s.o. talking to CHI about the doll. \ref 0986 \id 367407125000140205 \begin 0:24:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni bandonya. \pho ni bandoʔɲa \mb ni bando -nya \ge this headscarf -NYA \gj this headscarf-NYA \ft here's the headscarf. \ref 0987 \id 729486125000140205 \begin 0:24:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh jatoh. \pho ʔɛ jatoh \mb eh jatoh \ge EXCL fall \gj EXCL fall \ft oops, it falls down. \nt referring to the boot. \ref 0988 \id 399572125001140205 \begin 0:24:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh ini bandonya ya Tante? \pho ʔe ʔini bandoʔɲa ya tantəʰ \mb eh ini bando -nya ya Tante \ge EXCL this headscarf -NYA yes aunt \gj EXCL this headscarf-NYA yes aunt \ft is this the headscarf? \nt referring to a toy cap. \ref 0989 \id 427618125001140205 \begin 0:24:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx wah, dia jato. \pho wa diya jato \mb wah dia jato \ge EXCL 3 fall \gj EXCL 3 fall \ft ow, it falls down. \nt still referring to the boot. \ref 0990 \id 185663125001140205 \begin 0:24:28 \sp EXPDIN \tx tasnya. \pho tasɲa \mb tas -nya \ge handbag -NYA \gj handbag-NYA \ft it's the bag. \ref 0991 \id 745298125001140205 \begin 0:24:29 \sp CHIPIT \tx Tante, ni bandonya, ya? \pho tantə ni bandoʔɲa ya \mb Tante ni bando -nya ya \ge aunt this headscarf -NYA yes \gj aunt this headscarf-NYA yes \ft Auntie, this's the headscarf, right? \nt still referring to a toy cap. \ref 0992 \id 636264125002140205 \begin 0:24:29 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm. \pho hm \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft yes. \ref 0993 \id 511756125002140205 \begin 0:24:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx liat dong. \pho liyat doŋ \mb liat dong \ge see DONG \gj see DONG \ft look at this. \nt referring to the doll, asking EXPLIK and CHIPIT to look at the doll. \ref 0994 \id 403095125002140205 \begin 0:24:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx jan bawa ini. \pho jan bawa ʔini \mb jan bawa ini \ge don't bring this \gj don’t bring this \ft don't take this. \ref 0995 \id 230709125002140205 \begin 0:24:31 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni bandonya nih. \pho ni bandoʔɲa nih \mb ni bando -nya nih \ge this headscarf -NYA this \gj this headscarf-NYA this \ft here, this is the headscarf. \nt giving the toy cap to OPI. \ref 0996 \id 944488125003140205 \begin 0:24:32 \sp FARPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt murmuring. \ref 0997 \id 428357125003140205 \begin 0:24:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx pakei Pit. \pho pakeʔi pit \mb pake -i Pit \ge use -I TRU-Pipit \gj use-I TRU-Pipit \ft put that on her. \nt referring to the toy cap. \ref 0998 \id 905298125003140205 \begin 0:24:34 \sp EXPDIN \tx nah, sepatunya copot deh. \pho na spatuɲa copɔt dɛ \mb nah sepatu -nya copot deh \ge NAH shoe -NYA detach DEH \gj NAH shoe-NYA detach DEH \ft see, her shoes come off. \ref 0999 \id 561459125003140205 \begin 0:24:35 \sp EXPDIN \tx pake yang panjang. \pho pake yaŋ paɲjaŋ \mb pake yang panjang \ge use REL long \gj use REL long \ft put on the long one. \nt asking OPI to put the boot on the doll. \ref 1000 \id 550755125003140205 \begin 0:24:36 \sp ARTPIT \tx dah kasi yang panjang aja. \pho da kasi yaŋ paɲjaŋ ʔaja \mb dah kasi yang panjang aja \ge PFCT give REL long just \gj PFCT give REL long just \ft well, just give her the long one. \nt = well, you may put the boot on her. \ref 1001 \id 663235125004140205 \begin 0:24:38 \sp ARTPIT \tx biar gak copot. \pho biyar ga copɔt \mb biar gak copot \ge let NEG detach \gj let NEG detach \ft it won't come off. \nt referring to the boot. \ref 1002 \id 207629125004140205 \begin 0:24:39 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1003 \id 931448125004140205 \begin 0:24:40 \sp DRIPIT \tx jan digigit. \pho jan digigit \mb jan di- gigit \ge don't DI- bite \gj don’t DI-bite \ft don't bite. \nt talking to FAR. \ref 1004 \id 867189125004140205 \begin 0:24:41 \sp DRIPIT \tx tu, ayo Fariz kan. \pho tu ʷayɔ paris kan \mb tu ayo Fariz kan \ge that AYO Fariz KAN \gj that AYO Fariz KAN \ft see, look what you did. \ref 1005 \id 867869125005140205 \begin 0:24:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx sekarang aku mo foto. \pho cəkalaŋ ʔaku mo potɔw \mb sekarang aku mo foto \ge now 1SG want photo \gj now 1SG want photo \ft now I'm going to take her picture. \ref 1006 \id 590394125005140205 \begin 0:24:44 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm. \pho hm \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft okay. \ref 1007 \id 866194125005140205 \begin 0:24:44 \sp CHIPIT \tx foto. \pho fotɔʔ \mb foto \ge photo \gj photo \ft picture. \nt = I'm going to take her picture. \ref 1008 \id 340216125005140205 \begin 0:24:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni bandonya kaya ini. \pho ni bandoɲa kaya ʔini \mb ni bando -nya kaya ini \ge this headscarf -NYA like this \gj this headscarf-NYA like this \ft here, the headscarf is like this. \ref 1009 \id 930287125005140205 \begin 0:24:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx foto dulu. \pho fotɔ duluʔ \mb foto dulu \ge photo before \gj photo before \ft let me take her picture. \nt pretending to take the picture of the doll, using a toy camera. \ref 1010 \id 257706125006140205 \begin 0:24:47 \sp ARTPIT \tx sini pakein, Tante pakein bandonya. \pho sini pakein tantə pakein bandoɲa \mb sini pake -in Tante pake -in bando -nya \ge here use -IN aunt use -IN headscarf -NYA \gj here use-IN aunt use-IN headscarf-NYA \ft give it to me, let me put the headscarf on her. \nt asking OPI to give the doll and the headscarf to her, she wants to help OPI putting the headscarf on the doll. \ref 1011 \id 182271125006140205 \begin 0:24:48 \sp CHIPIT \tx siap? \pho siyap \mb siap \ge ready \gj ready \ft ready? \nt pretending to take the picture of the doll. \ref 1012 \id 432687125006140205 \begin 0:24:48 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1013 \id 791812125006140205 \begin 0:24:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx action. \pho ʔosen \mb action \ge action \gj action \ft action. \nt saying a word that's commonly used when taking a picture. \ref 1014 \id 297619125007140205 \begin 0:24:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx crik. \pho crik \mb crik \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft click. \nt imitating the sound produced by the camera when it works. \ref 1015 \id 419830131138140205 \begin 0:24:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx crik. \pho crik \mb crik \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft click. \nt imitating CHI. \ref 1016 \id 488639125007140205 \begin 0:24:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni topinya aja biar nggak panas. \pho ni topiɲa ʔaja biyal ŋga panas \mb ni topi -nya aja biar nggak panas \ge this hat -NYA just let NEG hot \gj this hat-NYA just let NEG hot \ft here, put this hat on her so she won't feel hot. \nt giving a toy hat to ARTPIT. \ref 1017 \id 679420125007140205 \begin 0:24:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni topi. \pho ni topiʔ \mb ni topi \ge this hat \gj this hat \ft here's the hat. \ref 1018 \id 423005125007140205 \begin 0:24:56 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni Fariz masak aja deh, Fariz masak aja Fariz. \pho ni paris masak ʔaja de faris masak ʔaja faris \mb ni Fariz masak aja deh Fariz masak aja Fariz \ge this Fariz cook just DEH Fariz cook just Fariz \gj this Fariz cook just DEH Fariz cook just Fariz \ft here, you do cooking, just do cooking. \ref 1019 \id 189779125008140205 \begin 0:24:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx ap, ap, ni muat nggak? \pho ʔap ʔap ni mat ŋgaʔ \mb ap ap ni muat nggak \ge IMIT IMIT this contain NEG \gj IMIT IMIT this contain NEG \ft hup, hup, does it fit me? \nt putting the doll's hat on his head. \ref 1020 \id 629125125008140205 \begin 0:25:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh nggak muat Opi. \pho ʔɛ ŋga muʔwat ʔopiʔ \mb eh nggak muat Opi \ge EXCL NEG contain Opi \gj EXCL NEG contain Opi \ft hey, it doesn't fit me. \nt referring to the hat. \ref 1021 \id 229637125008140205 \begin 0:25:00 \sp ARTPIT \tx ya nggak muatlah. \pho ya ŋgaʔ muwatla \mb ya nggak muat -lah \ge yes NEG contain -LAH \gj yes NEG contain-LAH \ft of course it doesn't fit you. \nt commenting on OPI for putting the doll's hat on his head. \ref 1022 \id 920732125008140205 \begin 0:25:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx siap? \pho siyap \mb siap \ge ready \gj ready \ft ready? \nt pretending to take OPI's picture, using the toy camera. \ref 1023 \id 763461125009140205 \begin 0:25:02 \sp CHIPIT \tx cik xx. \pho cik kikis \mb cik xx \ge IMIT xx \gj IMIT xx \ft click xx. \nt imitating the sound produced by the camera when it works. \ref 1024 \id 815096125009140205 \begin 0:25:03 \sp ARTPIT \tx kepalanya kan gede. \pho kəpalaɲa kan gedeʔ \mb kepala -nya kan gede \ge head -NYA KAN big \gj head-NYA KAN big \ft your head is big. \nt telling OPI that the doll's hat doesn't fit him because his head is big enough for the hat. \ref 1025 \id 139386125009140205 \begin 0:25:04 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx \ref 1026 \id 562716125009140205 \begin 0:25:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo Tante? \pho kalo tantə \mb kalo Tante \ge TOP aunt \gj TOP aunt \ft how about you? \nt = what if I put this on you? \ref 1027 \id 979578125009140205 \begin 0:25:06 \sp ARTPIT \tx ya nggak muatlah. \pho ya ŋgaʔ muwatla \mb ya nggak muat -lah \ge yes NEG contain -LAH \gj yes NEG contain-LAH \ft it doesn't fit me too. \ref 1028 \id 695810125010140205 \begin 0:25:07 \sp ARTPIT \tx lebih gede lagi kepalanya. \pho ləbi gede lagi kəpalaɲa \mb lebih gede lagi kepala -nya \ge more big more head -NYA \gj more big more head-NYA \ft my head is bigger. \ref 1029 \id 502461125010140205 \begin 0:25:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx Kakak nggak muat, Fariz nggak muat. \pho kaŋka ŋgaʔ muwat paris ŋga muwat \mb Kakak nggak muat Fariz nggak muat \ge older.sibling NEG contain Fariz NEG contain \gj older.sibling NEG contain Fariz NEG contain \ft it doesn't fit her, it doesn't fit him. \nt referring to the doll's hat. \ref 1030 \id 779056125010140205 \begin 0:25:11 \sp EXPDIN \tx cuman buat bonekanya aja yang muat. \pho cuman buwat bonekaɲa ʔaja yaŋ muwat \mb cuman buat boneka -nya aja yang muat \ge only for doll -NYA just REL contain \gj only for doll-NYA just REL contain \ft it only fits to the doll. \nt referring to the hat. \ref 1031 \id 119900125010140205 \begin 0:25:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini? \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft how about this? \nt 1. = does it fit her? 2. putting the hat on the doll. \ref 1032 \id 660633125011140205 \begin 0:25:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx muat. \pho muwat \mb muat \ge contain \gj contain \ft it fits. \ref 1033 \id 585541125011140205 \begin 0:25:14 \sp CHIPIT \tx crit, ciklik. \pho crit ciklik \mb crit ciklik \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft clik, clik. \nt 1. pretending to take OPI's picture. 2. imitating the sound produced when taking a picture. \ref 1034 \id 302070125011140205 \begin 0:25:15 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni Fariz, Fariz masak ni masak. \pho ni faris faris masak ni masak \mb ni Fariz Fariz masak ni masak \ge this Fariz Fariz cook this cook \gj this Fariz Fariz cook this cook \ft here you are, you do cooking. \ref 1035 \id 605375125011140205 \begin 0:25:17 \sp ARTPIT \tx dah ni. \pho da ni \mb dah ni \ge PFCT this \gj PFCT this \ft it's finished. \nt 1. about putting a cap on the doll. 2. giving the doll to CHI. \ref 1036 \id 656972125012140205 \begin 0:25:18 \sp DRIPIT \tx itu cepet-cepet. \pho ʔitu cəpətcəpət \mb itu cepet - cepet \ge that quick - quick \gj that RED-quick \ft it's fast. \nt 1. maybe she's implicitly telling FAR to cook as soon as possible. 2. = cook it quickly! \ref 1037 \id 250749125012140205 \begin 0:25:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx mao pindahan ini mah. \pho mao pindahan ʔini mah \mb mao pindah -an ini mah \ge want move -AN this MAH \gj want move-AN this MAH \ft she's going to move. \nt referring to the doll. \ref 1038 \id 247868125012140205 \begin 0:25:20 \sp CHIPIT \tx ayo cepetan! \pho ʔayɔ cəpətan \mb ayo cepet -an \ge AYO quick -AN \gj AYO quick-AN \ft come on, hurry! \nt 1. talking to OPI, she wants him to take the doll. 2. = hurry, take this! \ref 1039 \id 435401125012140205 \begin 0:25:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx kek. \pho kʰək \mb kek \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft damn. \nt expressing her anger with OPI for not taking the doll soon after she asked him to do so. \ref 1040 \id 504515125012140205 \begin 0:25:23 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni nyalain kompornya. \pho ni ɲalain kompɔrɲa \mb ni nyala -in kompor -nya \ge this flame -IN stove -NYA \gj this flame-IN stove-NYA \ft here, turn on the stove. \ref 1041 \id 197325125013140205 \begin 0:25:24 \sp EXPDIN \tx udah disiapin tu makannya. \pho ʔuda disiyapin tu makanɲa \mb udah di- siap -in tu makan -nya \ge PFCT DI- ready -IN that eat -NYA \gj PFCT DI-ready-IN that eat-NYA \ft there, the food is done. \ref 1042 \id 552576125013140205 \begin 0:25:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya ayo cepetan! \pho ya ayɔ cəpətan \mb ya ayo cepet -an \ge yes AYO quick -AN \gj yes AYO quick-AN \ft alright, so be quick! \nt asking OPI to get ready for playing the doll with her. \ref 1043 \id 656820125013140205 \begin 0:25:27 \sp ARTPIT \tx duduk bilang di kursinya itu. \pho duduk bilaŋ di kursiɲa ʔitu \mb duduk bilang di kursi -nya itu \ge sit say LOC chair -NYA that \gj sit say LOC chair-NYA that \ft ask her to sit on that chair. \nt asking OPI to make the doll sit on the toy chair. \ref 1044 \id 390916125013140205 \begin 0:25:29 \sp ARTPIT \tx bisa nggak duduk di kursinya? \pho bisa ŋga duduk di kursiɲa \mb bisa nggak duduk di kursi -nya \ge can NEG sit LOC chair -NYA \gj can NEG sit LOC chair-NYA \ft can she sit on the chair? \ref 1045 \id 731198125014140205 \begin 0:25:31 \sp ARTPIT \tx pinjem satu coba, pinjem satu kursinya. \pho piɲjəm satu cobaʔ piɲjəm satu kursiɲa \mb pinjem satu coba pinjem satu kursi -nya \ge borrow one try borrow one chair -NYA \gj borrow one try borrow one chair-NYA \ft could you let him borrow the chair? \nt talking to CHI and at the same time CHI's giving the toy chair to OPI. \ref 1046 \id 357828125014140205 \begin 0:25:32 \sp DRIPIT \tx Fariz mo ke mana? \pho faris mo kə mana \mb Fariz mo ke mana \ge Fariz want to which \gj Fariz want to which \ft where are you going? \ref 1047 \id 836665125014140205 \begin 0:25:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx pinjem satu. \pho pinjəm satuʔ \mb pinjem satu \ge borrow one \gj borrow one \ft let me borrow one. \nt 1. referring to the chair 2. whispering. \ref 1048 \id 697838141956140205 \begin 0:25:35 \sp ARTPIT \tx dibuat duduk dulu dong. \pho dibuwat duduk dulu doŋ \mb di- buat duduk dulu dong \ge DI- for sit before DONG \gj DI-for sit before DONG \ft let her sit on it first. \nt referring to the doll. \ref 1049 \id 377052142040140205 \begin 0:25:37 \sp ARTPIT \tx nah... \pho naː \mb nah \ge NAH \gj NAH \ft there you go. \nt referring to OPI making the doll sits on the toy chair. \ref 1050 \id 821369142057140205 \begin 0:25:38 \sp EXPDIN \tx dah, bisa. \pho dah bisaʔ \mb dah bisa \ge PFCT can \gj PFCT can \ft okay, it's done. \nt referring to the doll sitting on the toy chair. \ref 1051 \id 274810142123140205 \begin 0:25:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx bisa, dah. \pho bisaʔ dah \mb bisa dah \ge can PFCT \gj can PFCT \ft okay, it's done. \nt 1. repeating EXPLIK. 2. referring to the doll sitting on the toy chair. \ref 1052 \id 264911083149150205 \begin 0:25:40 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh... \pho ʔə \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oops... \nt trying to adjusting the doll's legs. \ref 1053 \id 664881083150150205 \begin 0:25:41 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ipit sini! \pho ʔipit sini \mb Ipit sini \ge Ipit here \gj Ipit here \ft give it to me! \nt asking for the doll CHI's holding. \ref 1054 \id 877515083150150205 \begin 0:25:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx eh iya tar. \pho ʔɛ ʔiya tal \mb eh iya tar \ge EXCL yes moment \gj EXCL yes moment \ft yes, wait a second. \nt at the same time OPI's grasping the doll from her. \ref 1055 \id 716911083151150205 \begin 0:25:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx udah. \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft finished. \ref 1056 \id 535605083151150205 \begin 0:25:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx 'Pak, Bu, beli Bu.' \pho paʔ buʔ bəli buʔ \mb Pak Bu beli Bu \ge TRU-father TRU-mother buy TRU-mother \gj TRU-father TRU-mother buy TRU-mother \ft 'Sir, Mam, can I buy it?' \nt pretending to be the doll talking to CHI as a shopkeeper. \ref 1057 \id 736995083151150205 \begin 0:25:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx 'harganya mpat ratus dua ribu.' \pho hagaɲah m̩pat latus juwa libuʔ \mb harga -nya mpat ratus dua ribu \ge price -NYA four hundred two thousand \gj price-NYA four hundred two thousand \ft 'the price is four hundred and two thousand rupiah.' \nt pretending to be a shopkeeper talking to OPI as a customer. \ref 1058 \id 241919085059150205 \begin 0:25:46 \sp FARPIT \tx ih. \pho ʔi \mb ih \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey. \nt playing the cooking set with DRI. \ref 1059 \id 595757083151150205 \begin 0:25:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx ih... eh jato. \pho ʔi ʔɛ jatɔh \mb ih eh jato \ge EXCL EXCL fall \gj EXCL EXCL fall \ft iih... oops, I'm falling. \nt 1. while putting down his body on the floor. 2. laughing at the end of the utterance. \ref 1060 \id 103619083152150205 \begin 0:25:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx 'pat ratus dua ribu.' \pho pat latus duwa libuʔ \mb pat ratus dua ribu \ge four hundred two thousand \gj four hundred two thousand \ft 'four hundred and two thousand rupiah.' \nt pretending to be the shopkeeper telling the price of the thing OPI wants to buy. \ref 1061 \id 627164083152150205 \begin 0:25:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx 'oke deh.' \pho ʔoke de \mb oke deh \ge okay DEH \gj okay DEH \ft 'alright.' \nt pretending to be the customer who agrees with the price offered by CHI as the shopkeeper. \ref 1062 \id 559856083152150205 \begin 0:25:55 \sp CHIPIT \tx 'eh di sini aja, ya?' \pho ʔe di sini ʔaja ya \mb eh di sini aja ya \ge EXCL LOC here just yes \gj EXCL LOC here just yes \ft 'let's just be here, okay?' \nt pretending to be the shopkeeper talking to the customer. \ref 1063 \id 610282083152150205 \begin 0:25:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx 'soalnya situ buat orang-orang.' \pho soʔalɲa situ bat ʔolaŋʔolaŋ \mb soal -nya situ buat orang - orang \ge matter -NYA there for person - person \gj matter-NYA there for RED-person \ft 'because there will be for others.' \nt pretending to be the shopkeeper talking to the customer. \ref 1064 \id 333859083153150205 \begin 0:26:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx 'ni orang-orang.' \pho ni ʔolaŋʔolaŋ \mb ni orang - orang \ge this person - person \gj this RED-person \ft 'come here people.' \nt talking to DRI and FAR as the other customers. \ref 1065 \id 277439083153150205 \begin 0:26:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni xx ni. \pho ni ʔipikʔipik ni \mb ni xx ni \ge this xx this \gj this xx this \ft this is xx. \nt holding the doll. \ref 1066 \id 625292083153150205 \begin 0:26:03 \sp CHIPIT \tx tu. \pho tu \mb tu \ge that \gj that \ft there it goes. \nt arranging the furniture set. \ref 1067 \id 601969083153150205 \begin 0:26:05 \sp CHIPIT \tx sini, ya? \pho sini yah \mb sini ya \ge here yes \gj here yes \ft give it to me. \nt grasping the doll from OPI. \ref 1068 \id 117132083153150205 \begin 0:26:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx 'untuk xxnya Pak Fariz.' \pho ʔuntuk pəlkasiyanɲa paʔ palis \mb untuk xx -nya Pak Fariz \ge for xx -NYA TRU-father Fariz \gj for xx-NYA TRU-father Fariz \ft 'it's for Mr. Fariz xx.' \nt pretending to be the shopkeeper talking to FAR as the customer. \ref 1069 \id 938155083154150205 \begin 0:26:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni munduran sini. \pho ni munduran sini \mb ni mundur -an sini \ge this move.back -AN here \gj this move.back-AN here \ft move it back here a bit. \nt asking CHI to move the chair a bit from its previous place. \ref 1070 \id 188806083154150205 \begin 0:26:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx gitu. \pho gitu \mb gitu \ge like.that \gj like.that \ft like that. \nt whispering. \ref 1071 \id 473016083154150205 \begin 0:26:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah... sst he... gua sebel deh ama lu Pi. \pho ʔah s̩t hə guwa səbəl dɛ ʔama lu piʔ \mb ah sst he gua sebel deh ama lu Pi \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL 1SG pissed.off DEH with 2 TRU-Opi \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL 1SG pissed.off DEH with 2 TRU-Opi \ft aah... aah, ooh... you pissed me off, Opi. \ref 1072 \id 889254083154150205 \begin 0:26:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx jatuh ni. \pho jatu ni \mb jatuh ni \ge fall this \gj fall this \ft it's going to fall. \nt referring to the furniture set. \ref 1073 \id 339499090226150205 \begin 0:26:15 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the furniture set falls down. \ref 1074 \id 574270090320150205 \begin 0:26:17 \sp EXPDIN \tx lho? \pho lo \mb lho \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey? \ref 1075 \id 779259090321150205 \begin 0:26:18 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1076 \id 819972090321150205 \begin 0:26:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1077 \id 187393090321150205 \begin 0:26:20 \sp EXPDIN \tx wah, kesangkut. \pho wa kəsaŋkut \mb wah ke- sangkut \ge EXCL KE- hook \gj EXCL KE-hook \ft oops, it's hooked. \nt referring to CHI who just made the furniture set falls down by pushing the doll to the table. \ref 1078 \id 126066090321150205 \begin 0:26:21 \sp EXPDIN \tx berantakan. \pho b̩rantakan \mb berantak -an \ge disorder -AN \gj disorder-AN \ft what a mess. \nt referring to the furniture set. \ref 1079 \id 793947090322150205 \begin 0:26:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi bilang, 'jatuh ni.' \pho ʔopi bilaŋ jatu ni \mb Opi bilang jatuh ni \ge Opi say fall this \gj Opi say fall this \ft I said, 'it's going to fall.' \nt talking while laughing \ref 1080 \id 191739090322150205 \begin 0:26:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya jatoh. \pho ya jatoh \mb ya jatoh \ge yes fall \gj yes fall \ft shucks, it falls down. \nt still referring to the furniture set. \ref 1081 \id 269859090322150205 \begin 0:26:24 \sp EXPDIN \tx Opi sih kaget-kagetin. \pho ʔopi si kagetkagetin \mb Opi sih kaget - kaget -in \ge Opi SIH startled - startled -IN \gj Opi SIH RED-startled-IN \ft it's because you startled her. \ref 1082 \id 124432090322150205 \begin 0:26:26 \sp CHIPIT \tx iya sih, jadi patah lagi ni. \pho ʔiya si jadi patah lagi niː \mb iya sih jadi patah lagi ni \ge yes SIH become broken more this \gj yes SIH become broken more this \ft yeah, it's lopped off again. \nt referring to the legs of the doll. \ref 1083 \id 345622090323150205 \begin 0:26:28 \sp EXPDIN \tx patah? \pho pata \mb patah \ge broken \gj broken \ft lopped off? \ref 1084 \id 875289090323150205 \begin 0:26:30 \sp DRIPIT \tx Fariz, makan xx. \pho faris makan waswisa \mb Fariz makan xx \ge Fariz eat xx \gj Fariz eat xx \ft Fariz, you eat xx. \ref 1085 \id 210311090323150205 \begin 0:26:30 \sp EXPDIN \tx wah... \pho wa \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow... \nt taking the doll from CHI. \ref 1086 \id 111216090323150205 \begin 0:26:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana? \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft let me see. \ref 1087 \id 514366090323150205 \begin 0:26:31 \sp EXPDIN \tx ni. \pho ni \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft this. \nt referring to the broken leg of the doll. \ref 1088 \id 162951090324150205 \begin 0:26:32 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni ikan asin ni. \pho ni ʔikan ʔasin ni \mb ni ikan asin ni \ge this fish salty this \gj this fish salty this \ft here's the salty fish. \ref 1089 \id 632926090324150205 \begin 0:26:33 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1090 \id 202350090324150205 \begin 0:26:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx kakinya buntung. \pho kakiɲa buntuŋ \mb kaki -nya buntung \ge foot -NYA handicapped \gj foot-NYA handicapped \ft her legs lopped off. \nt talking while laughing, commenting on the doll's legs which are broken. \ref 1091 \id 403391090324150205 \begin 0:26:36 \sp EXPDIN \tx celakaan deh. \pho cəlakaʔan dɛh \mb celaka -an deh \ge disaster -AN DEH \gj disaster-AN DEH \ft she had an accident. \nt referring to the doll. \ref 1092 \id 699900090325150205 \begin 0:26:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx kak(i), kakinya buntung. \pho kak kaʔkiɲa buntuŋ \mb kaki kaki -nya buntung \ge foot foot -NYA handicapped \gj foot foot-NYA handicapped \ft her legs, her legs lopped off. \ref 1093 \id 840237090325150205 \begin 0:26:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx di rumah sakit deh. \pho di ruma sakit dɛh \mb di rumah sakit deh \ge LOC house hurt DEH \gj LOC house hurt DEH \ft she must be taken to the hospital. \ref 1094 \id 586654090325150205 \begin 0:26:42 \sp CHIPIT \tx 'hu... Pak, aku dicelakain ama Gendut aku, Pa.' \pho huː paʔ ʔaku dicəlakaʔin ʔamah gəndut ʔaku paʰ \mb hu Pak aku di- celaka -in ama Gendut aku Pa \ge IMIT TRU-father 1SG DI- disaster -IN with chubby 1SG TRU-father \gj IMIT TRU-father 1SG DI-disaster-IN with chubby 1SG TRU-father \ft 'aw... Dad, the chubby man made me got an accident.' \nt pretending to be the doll crying and talking to her father. \ref 1095 \id 112506090325150205 \begin 0:26:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx eee... Op(i), Opi bilang, 'jato nih.' \pho ʔeː ʔop ʔopi bilaŋ jato niʰ \mb eee Opi Opi bilang jato nih \ge FILL Opi Opi say fall this \gj FILL Opi Opi say fall this \ft umm... I said, 'it's going to fall.' \nt repeating his utterance he has said that causes the furniture set in a mess. \ref 1096 \id 590572090325150205 \begin 0:26:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx hi hi... ya ya. \pho hi hi ya ya \mb hi hi ya ya \ge IMIT IMIT yes yes \gj IMIT IMIT yes yes \ft hi hi... yeah yeah. \nt laughing. \ref 1097 \id 253660090326150205 \begin 0:26:50 \sp EXPDIN \tx jato beneran. \pho jato bənəran \mb jato bener -an \ge fall true -AN \gj fall true-AN \ft then it really falls down. \nt referring to the furniture set. \ref 1098 \id 568477090326150205 \begin 0:26:53 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni ikannya dimakan. \pho ni ʔikanɲa dimakan \mb ni ikan -nya di- makan \ge this fish -NYA DI- eat \gj this fish-NYA DI-eat \ft here, eat this fish. \nt talking to FAR. \ref 1099 \id 607104090326150205 \begin 0:26:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx O(pi), O(pi), Opi... 'ni tumpah ni', 'ya tumpah.' \pho ʔo ʔo ʔopiʔ ni tumpa ni ya tumpa \mb Opi Opi Opi ni tumpah ni ya tumpah \ge Opi Opi Opi this spilled this yes spilled \gj Opi Opi Opi this spilled this yes spilled \ft I, I, I... I say, 'it'll spill,' and then, 'it's spilled.' \nt pretending to say magic word that will make something's spilled. \ref 1100 \id 922898090326150205 \begin 0:26:57 \sp DRIPIT \tx ya jato ikannya. \pho ya jato ʔikanɲa \mb ya jato ikan -nya \ge yes fall fish -NYA \gj yes fall fish-NYA \ft yeah, you drop down the fish. \nt talking to FAR. \ref 1101 \id 273324090327150205 \begin 0:26:59 \sp DRIPIT \tx sendoknya mana? \pho sendokɲa manaʰ \mb sendok -nya mana \ge spoon -NYA which \gj spoon-NYA which \ft where's the spoon? \ref 1102 \id 773478090327150205 \begin 0:27:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx sini. \pho sini \mb sini \ge here \gj here \ft here. \nt looking at furniture set. \ref 1103 \id 863919090327150205 \begin 0:27:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx kan, kan ten(dang), ten(dang)... \pho kan kan tən tən \mb kan kan tendang tendang \ge KAN KAN kick kick \gj KAN KAN kick kick \ft you know what? I kick, I kick.. \nt stuttering. \ref 1104 \id 811725090327150205 \begin 0:27:05 \sp DRIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing at FAR. \ref 1105 \id 186153090328150205 \begin 0:27:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx he... \pho hə̃ː \mb he \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft aah... \ref 1106 \id 888803090328150205 \begin 0:27:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx ... tendang kakinya, ya gini. \pho təndaŋ kakiʔɲa ya gini \mb tendang kaki -nya ya gini \ge kick foot -NYA yes like.this \gj kick foot-NYA yes like.this \ft ... I kick her legs, yeah, like this. \nt continuing his previous utterance. \ref 1107 \id 530670090328150205 \begin 0:27:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx toeng... ya. \pho toweŋ yah \mb toeng ya \ge IMIT yes \gj IMIT yes \ft bam... yes. \nt 1. imitating sound produced when kicking s.o./s.t. 2. pretending to kick. \ref 1108 \id 590898090328150205 \begin 0:27:09 \sp CHIPIT \tx kena kakinya... tuek. \pho kəna kakiɲa tʊwek \mb kena kaki -nya tuek \ge undergo foot -NYA IMIT \gj undergo foot-NYA IMIT \ft I hit the leg... bam. \nt kicking the table leg of the furniture set. \ref 1109 \id 336670090328150205 \begin 0:27:11 \sp EXPDIN \tx lha? \pho la \mb lha \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft huh? \ref 1110 \id 722554090329150205 \begin 0:27:13 \sp CHIPIT \tx gitu. \pho gitu \mb gitu \ge like.that \gj like.that \ft like that. \ref 1111 \id 892696090329150205 \begin 0:27:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx sama Ipit lagi. \pho sama ʔipit lagi \mb sama Ipit lagi \ge with Ipit more \gj with Ipit more \ft she did it again. \nt 1. talking while laughing. 2. referring to the fact the furniture set is in a mess because CHI just kicked it. \ref 1112 \id 266162090329150205 \begin 0:27:17 \sp FARPIT \tx xx, xx, xx. \pho dədət dədə dədə \mb xx xx xx \ge xx xx xx \gj xx xx xx \ft xx xx xx. \nt talking to DRI while pointing at s.t. \ref 1113 \id 996937090329150205 \begin 0:27:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx mulai... satu... \pho muley satuː \mb mula -i satu \ge beginning -I one \gj beginning-I one \ft let's start.. one... \nt preparing himself for unclear activity. \ref 1114 \id 850570090330150205 \begin 0:27:22 \sp ARTPIT \tx digigit? \pho digigit \mb di- gigit \ge DI- bite \gj DI-bite \ft you bite it? \nt apparently ART is trying to catch up the utterance that FAR just said. \ref 1115 \id 556418090330150205 \begin 0:27:23 \sp ARTPIT \tx jan digigit, Sayang. \pho jan digigit sayaŋ \mb jan di- gigit Sayang \ge don't DI- bite compassion \gj don’t DI-bite compassion \ft don't bite it, Dear. \nt referring to the toy fish. \ref 1116 \id 441253090330150205 \begin 0:27:24 \sp ARTPIT \tx kotor. \pho kotɔr \mb kotor \ge dirty \gj dirty \ft it's dirty. \ref 1117 \id 749028090330150205 \begin 0:27:25 \sp ARTPIT \tx jangan digigit. \pho jaŋan digigit \mb jangan di- gigit \ge don't DI- bite \gj don't DI-bite \ft don't bite it. \ref 1118 \id 333350090331150205 \begin 0:27:26 \sp DRIPIT \tx jan gigit, jangan digigit! \pho jan gigit jaŋan digigit \mb jan gigit jangan di- gigit \ge don't bite don't DI- bite \gj don’t bite don't DI-bite \ft don't bite, don't bite! \ref 1119 \id 729721090331150205 \begin 0:27:28 \sp ARTPIT \tx jangan, jangan ditahan. \pho jaŋan jaŋan ditahan \mb jangan jangan di- tahan \ge don't don't DI- withstand \gj don't don't DI-withstand \ft don't keep (biting) it. \nt talking to FAR, and at the moment DRI's trying to pull the toy fish out. \ref 1120 \id 743907090331150205 \begin 0:27:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx dua... \pho duwaːʔ \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft two... \nt preparing himself for unknown activity. \ref 1121 \id 668393090331150205 \begin 0:27:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx ih... \pho ʔiːh \mb ih \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ugh... \nt pulling out the toy fish from FAR's mouth. \ref 1122 \id 507063090331150205 \begin 0:27:31 \sp EXPDIN \tx eh, eh. \pho ʔɛ ʔɛ \mb eh eh \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey. \ref 1123 \id 730514090332150205 \begin 0:27:32 \sp FARPIT \tx 0. \nt screaming, crying. \ref 1124 \id 575129090332150205 \begin 0:27:33 \sp EXPDIN \tx apa Dek? \pho ʔapa deʔ \mb apa Dek \ge what TRU-younger.sibling \gj what TRU-younger.sibling \ft what? \ref 1125 \id 806273090332150205 \begin 0:27:33 \sp FARPIT \tx 0. \nt crying. \ref 1126 \id 358184090332150205 \begin 0:27:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx ti(ga)... \pho tiː \mb tiga \ge three \gj three \ft three... \nt pretending to adjust the camera for taking the picture of DRI, CHI, and FAR. \ref 1127 \id 506489090333150205 \begin 0:27:34 \sp EXPDIN \tx jangan digigit. \pho jaŋan digigit \mb jangan di- gigit \ge don't DI- bite \gj don't DI-bite \ft don't bite it. \ref 1128 \id 982960090333150205 \begin 0:27:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx ...ga. \pho gaʔ \mb ga \ge three \gj three \ft ... three. \nt pretending to take the picture. \ref 1129 \id 840991090333150205 \begin 0:27:36 \sp EXPDIN \tx kotor. \pho kotɔr \mb kotor \ge dirty \gj dirty \ft it's dirty. \nt referring to the toy fish. \ref 1130 \id 659012090333150205 \begin 0:27:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx cikrik. \pho cikrik \mb cikrik \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft click. \nt imitating the sound produced when taking the picture. \ref 1131 \id 328537090333150205 \begin 0:27:38 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak boleh. \pho ŋgaʔ bole \mb nggak boleh \ge NEG may \gj NEG may \ft don't do that. \nt talking to FAR. \ref 1132 \id 832082090334150205 \begin 0:27:40 \sp DRIPIT \tx no dimarahin no. \pho nɔ dimarain nɔ \mb no di- marah -in no \ge there DI- angry -IN there \gj there DI-angry-IN there \ft see, she's angry with you. \nt talking to FAR. \ref 1133 \id 322413090334150205 \begin 0:27:42 \sp ARTPIT \tx kotor Sayang, ya? \pho kotɔr sayaŋ ya \mb kotor Sayang ya \ge dirty compassion yes \gj dirty compassion yes \ft it's dirty, Honey. \ref 1134 \id 513151090334150205 \begin 0:27:44 \sp ARTPIT \tx kotor, jan digigit, ya? \pho kotɔr jan digigit ya \mb kotor jan di- gigit ya \ge dirty don't DI- bite yes \gj dirty don’t DI-bite yes \ft it's dirty, don't bite it, okay? \ref 1135 \id 440825090334150205 \begin 0:27:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx Fariz sini, Riz! \pho faris sini ris \mb Fariz sini Riz \ge Fariz here Riz \gj Fariz here Riz \ft Fariz, come here! \ref 1136 \id 768006090335150205 \begin 0:27:46 \sp ARTPIT \tx sini sini, Fariz jalan sini! \pho sini sini faris jalan sini \mb sini sini Fariz jalan sini \ge here here Fariz walk here \gj here here Fariz walk here \ft here, here, you take this way! \ref 1137 \id 701295090335150205 \begin 0:27:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggalak amat sih semuanya. \pho ŋ̩galak ʔamat si səmuwaɲa \mb ng- galak amat sih semua -nya \ge N- fierce very SIH all -NYA \gj N-fierce very SIH all-NYA \ft you all are very fierce. \ref 1138 \id 886744090335150205 \begin 0:27:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx galak amat. \pho galak amat \mb galak amat \ge fierce very \gj fierce very \ft very fierce. \ref 1139 \id 130428090335150205 \begin 0:27:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx waduh, galak ini. \pho wadu galak ʔini \mb waduh galak ini \ge EXCL fierce this \gj EXCL fierce this \ft aw, you're very fierce. \nt referring to EXPDIN. \ref 1140 \id 305121090335150205 \begin 0:27:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya... \pho yaːh \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah... \ref 1141 \id 579217090336150205 \begin 0:27:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni... macan, macan, macan, macan, macan. \pho niː macan macan macan macan macan \mb ni macan macan macan macan macan \ge this tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger \gj this tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger \ft here, you're a lion, a lion, a lion, a lion, a lion. \nt addressing EXPDIN, CHIPIT, ART, DRI, and FAR as a lion. \ref 1142 \id 223969090336150205 \begin 0:27:57 \sp EXPDIN \tx Opi apa? \pho ʔopi ʔapa \mb Opi apa \ge Opi what \gj Opi what \ft and you? \ref 1143 \id 152971090336150205 \begin 0:27:59 \sp ARTPIT \tx harimau. \pho harimao \mb harimau \ge tiger \gj tiger \ft a tiger. \ref 1144 \id 291399090336150205 \begin 0:28:01 \sp DRIPIT \tx monyet, monyet. \pho moɲet moɲet \mb monyet monyet \ge monkey monkey \gj monkey monkey \ft a monkey, a monkey. \ref 1145 \id 362526090337150205 \begin 0:28:01 \sp EXPDIN \tx Opi apa? \pho ʔopiʔ ʔapa \mb Opi apa \ge Opi what \gj Opi what \ft who are you? \ref 1146 \id 581655090337150205 \begin 0:28:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah? \pho ʔã \mb ah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1147 \id 698042090337150205 \begin 0:28:03 \sp DRIPIT \tx monyet hi... \pho moɲet hiʔ \mb monyet hi \ge monkey IMIT \gj monkey IMIT \ft he's a monkey... \ref 1148 \id 218486090337150205 \begin 0:28:04 \sp EXPDIN \tx Opi apa? \pho ʔopi ʔapa \mb Opi apa \ge Opi what \gj Opi what \ft who are you? \ref 1149 \id 699031090338150205 \begin 0:28:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi... Opi gajah. \pho ʔopiːʔ ʔopi gajah \mb Opi Opi gajah \ge Opi Opi elephant \gj Opi Opi elephant \ft I'm... I'm an elephant. \ref 1150 \id 638341090338150205 \begin 0:28:06 \sp EXPDIN \tx oh... \pho ʔoːuw \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft aw... \ref 1151 \id 310259090338150205 \begin 0:28:07 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya, gendut sendiri soalnya. \pho ʔiya gəndut səndiri soʔalɲa \mb iya gendut sen- diri soal -nya \ge yes chubby SE- self matter -NYA \gj yes chubby SE-self matter-NYA \ft right, because you're the only one who's chubby. \ref 1152 \id 541363090338150205 \begin 0:28:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx harimau kali. \pho harimau kaliʔ \mb harimau kali \ge tiger maybe \gj tiger maybe \ft or maybe I'm a tiger. \ref 1153 \id 304748090338150205 \begin 0:28:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx kali Opi bebek. \pho kaliʔ ʔopiʔ bebek \mb kali Opi bebek \ge maybe Opi duck \gj maybe Opi duck \ft or maybe I'm a duck. \ref 1154 \id 616142090339150205 \begin 0:28:13 \sp FARPIT \tx gajah. \pho geja \mb gajah \ge elephant \gj elephant \ft an elephant. \ref 1155 \id 714393090339150205 \begin 0:28:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx bebek. \pho bebek \mb bebek \ge duck \gj duck \ft a duck. \ref 1156 \id 527068090339150205 \begin 0:28:15 \sp ARTPIT \tx gajah, ya? \pho gaja ya \mb gajah ya \ge elephant yes \gj elephant yes \ft he's an elephant, right? \ref 1157 \id 347377090339150205 \begin 0:28:16 \sp EXPDIN \tx gajah kata adeknya tu. \pho gaja kata ʔadeʔɲa tu \mb gajah kata adek -nya tu \ge elephant word younger.sibling -NYA that \gj elephant word younger.sibling-NYA that \ft your brother said that you're an elephant. \ref 1158 \id 682484090340150205 \begin 0:28:17 \sp ARTPIT \tx ini gajah ni, ya? \mb ini gajah ni ya \ge this elephant this yes \gj this elephant this yes \ft he's an elephant, right? \ref 1159 \id 635919090340150205 \begin 0:28:19 \sp ARTPIT \tx Fariz giginya mana giginya? \pho faris gigiɲa mana gigiɲa \mb Fariz gigi -nya mana gigi -nya \ge Fariz tooth -NYA which tooth -NYA \gj Fariz tooth-NYA which tooth-NYA \ft can you show me your teeth? \ref 1160 \id 102784090340150205 \begin 0:28:20 \sp ARTPIT \tx ih... \pho ʔiː \mb ih \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft iih... \ref 1161 \id 992217090340150205 \begin 0:28:21 \sp DRIPIT \tx giginya tunjukin giginya. \pho gigiɲa tunjukin gigiɲa \mb gigi -nya tunjuk -in gigi -nya \ge tooth -NYA point -IN tooth -NYA \gj tooth-NYA point-IN tooth-NYA \ft show your teeth. \ref 1162 \id 712371090341150205 \begin 0:28:23 \sp ARTPIT \tx ih... \pho ʔiːh \mb ih \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft iih... \ref 1163 \id 744285090341150205 \begin 0:28:25 \sp DRIPIT \tx kasi mata genit, mata genit. \pho kasi mata gənit mata gənit \mb kasi mata genit mata genit \ge give eye flirtatious eye flirtatious \gj give eye flirtatious eye flirtatious \ft show your cutie eyes, cutie eyes. \ref 1164 \id 722241104351150205 \begin 0:28:27 \sp DRIPIT \tx Tante kasi mata genitnya. \pho tantə kasi mata gənitɲah \mb Tante kasi mata genit -nya \ge aunt give eye flirtatious -NYA \gj aunt give eye flirtatious-NYA \ft show her your cutie eyes. \ref 1165 \id 131367104429150205 \begin 0:28:28 \sp DRIPIT \tx itu lho yang itu. \pho ʔitu lo yaŋ ʔitu \mb itu lho yang itu \ge that EXCL REL that \gj that EXCL REL that \ft there, she's there. \nt pointing at EXPDIN, asking FAR to show his cutie eyes to EXPDIN. \ref 1166 \id 793625104450150205 \begin 0:28:29 \sp EXPDIN \tx gimana genit, genit? \pho gimana gənit gənit \mb gimana genit genit \ge how flirtatious flirtatious \gj how flirtatious flirtatious \ft how's your cutie eyes? \nt = show me your cutie eyes. \ref 1167 \id 180976104516150205 \begin 0:28:30 \sp DRIPIT \tx mata genit kasi Tante. \pho mata gənit kasi tantə \mb mata genit kasi Tante \ge eye flirtatious give aunt \gj eye flirtatious give aunt \ft show her your cutie eyes. \ref 1168 \id 280564104601150205 \begin 0:28:32 \sp EXPDIN \tx 0. \nt laughing at FAR. \ref 1169 \id 958250104621150205 \begin 0:28:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx genit banget. \pho gənit baŋət \mb genit banget \ge flirtatious very \gj flirtatious very \ft he's so flirtatious. \ref 1170 \id 439321104648150205 \begin 0:28:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh jangan dimakan Fariz. \pho ʔɛ jaŋan dimakan paris \mb eh jangan di- makan Fariz \ge EXCL don't DI- eat Fariz \gj EXCL don't DI-eat Fariz \ft hey, don't eat that. \nt referring to the toy fish. \ref 1171 \id 685874104710150205 \begin 0:28:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx nakal Fariz. \pho nakal falis \mb nakal Fariz \ge naughty Fariz \gj naughty Fariz \ft he's naughty. \ref 1172 \id 911155104728150205 \begin 0:28:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx dut. \pho dut \mb dut \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft toot. \ref 1173 \id 901682104739150205 \begin 0:28:40 \sp ARTPIT \tx adeknya Opi berapa? \pho ʔadeʔɲa ʔopi brapa \mb adek -nya Opi berapa \ge younger.sibling -NYA Opi how.much \gj younger.sibling-NYA Opi how.much \ft how many brothers you have? \ref 1174 \id 988699104804150205 \begin 0:28:42 \sp FARPIT \tx ndut. \pho ndut \mb ndut \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft toot. \nt imitating OPI. \ref 1175 \id 988986104811150205 \begin 0:28:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx satu. \pho satu \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft one. \nt replying FAR. \ref 1176 \id 418909104812150205 \begin 0:28:42 \sp DRIPIT \tx dut. \pho dut \mb dut \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft toot. \nt repeating FAR. \ref 1177 \id 526026104812150205 \begin 0:28:42 \sp ARTPIT \tx Fariz saja? \pho faris saja \mb Fariz saja \ge Fariz just \gj Fariz just \ft just him? \ref 1178 \id 838736104812150205 \begin 0:28:42 \sp FARPIT \tx ndut. \pho ndut \mb ndut \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft toot. \nt imitating OPI. \ref 1179 \id 558576104813150205 \begin 0:28:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh... \pho ʔɛʔ \mb eh \ge EH \gj EH \ft oops... \ref 1180 \id 701252104813150205 \begin 0:28:43 \sp CHIPIT \tx ma taun pat taun. \pho ma taun pat taun \mb ma taun pat taun \ge five year four year \gj five year four year \ft four years, five years. \nt reference unclear. \ref 1181 \id 169228104813150205 \begin 0:28:43 \sp DRIPIT \tx dut... \pho dut \mb dut \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft toot... \nt repeating FAR. \ref 1182 \id 824933104813150205 \begin 0:28:43 \sp FARPIT \tx ndut... \pho ndu \mb ndut \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft toot... \nt imitating OPI. \ref 1183 \id 762545104813150205 \begin 0:28:44 \sp DRIPIT \tx dut... \pho dut \mb dut \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft toot... \nt repeating FAR. \ref 1184 \id 710313104814150205 \begin 0:28:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt tickling CHI. \ref 1185 \id 343303104814150205 \begin 0:28:46 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1186 \id 606143104814150205 \begin 0:28:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx ai! \pho ʔai \mb ai \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \nt forbidding OPI to tickle her legs. \ref 1187 \id 969211104814150205 \begin 0:28:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx tendang nggak? \pho təndaŋ ŋgaʔ \mb tendang nggak \ge kick NEG \gj kick NEG \ft should I kick them? \nt referring to the furniture set. \ref 1188 \id 152602104815150205 \begin 0:28:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx tendang aja. \pho təndaŋ ʔajaʔ \mb tendang aja \ge kick just \gj kick just \ft just kick them. \ref 1189 \id 394746104815150205 \begin 0:28:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni tendang ni. \pho ni təndaŋ ni \mb ni tendang ni \ge this kick this \gj this kick this \ft here, I kick them. \nt stretching out his legs, pretending wants to kick the furniture set. \ref 1190 \id 314159104815150205 \begin 0:28:52 \sp CHIPIT \tx mmm... wah, gua kitikin ni. \pho m̩ ʔuwa guwa kitikin ni \mb mmm wah gua kitik -in ni \ge FILL EXCL 1SG tickle -IN this \gj FILL EXCL 1SG tickle-IN this \ft umm... I'll tickle you. \ref 1191 \id 378122104815150205 \begin 0:28:53 \sp ARTPIT \tx ayo, nggak pake kaki dong. \pho ʔayɔ ŋga pakɛ kaki doŋ \mb ayo nggak pake kaki dong \ge AYO NEG use foot DONG \gj AYO NEG use foot DONG \ft come on, don't use your legs. \nt asking OPI not to touch the furniture set with his legs. \ref 1192 \id 817690104816150205 \begin 0:28:54 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah! \pho ʔa \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \nt forbidding OPI to tickle her. \ref 1193 \id 533988104816150205 \begin 0:28:55 \sp FARPIT \tx halo? \pho ʔalo \mb halo \ge hello \gj hello \ft hello? \ref 1194 \id 559909104816150205 \begin 0:28:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx ha? \pho hã \mb ha \ge huh \gj huh \ft what? \ref 1195 \id 610739104816150205 \begin 0:28:57 \sp ARTPIT \tx kasihan dong Opi kalo... \pho kasiyan doŋ ʔopiʔ kaloʔ \mb kasih -an dong Opi kalo \ge compassion -AN DONG Opi TOP \gj compassion-AN DONG Opi TOP \ft what a pity if you... \ref 1196 \id 808843104816150205 \begin 0:28:58 \sp CHIPIT \tx ah Kakak! \pho ʔa kakaʔ \mb ah Kakak \ge EXCL older.sibling \gj EXCL older.sibling \ft Indri! \nt forbidding DRI to take one of the furniture set. \ref 1197 \id 343300104817150205 \begin 0:28:59 \sp EXPDIN \tx kasihan Fitri. \pho kasiyan fitri \mb kasih -an Fitri \ge compassion -AN Fitri \gj compassion-AN Fitri \ft poor her. \ref 1198 \id 549300104817150205 \begin 0:29:00 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya, kasihan Fitri kalo anu. \pho ʔiya kasiyan fitri kalo ʔanu \mb iya kasih -an Fitri kalo anu \ge yes compassion -AN Fitri TOP whatchamacallit \gj yes compassion-AN Fitri TOP whatchamacallit \ft yes, poor her if you whatchamacallit. \nt talking to OPI. \ref 1199 \id 510256104817150205 \begin 0:29:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya Pi beresin. \mb ya Pi beres -in \ge yes TRU-Opi in.order -IN \gj yes TRU-Opi in.order-IN \ft I'll put them in order. \nt telling ART that he will arrange the furniture in order if he messes them up. \ref 1200 \id 391147104817150205 \begin 0:29:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx tuk kutuk kutuk. \pho tuk kutuk kutuk \mb tuk kutuk kutuk \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tuck tuck tuck. \nt making the doll walks on CHI's buttocks. \ref 1201 \id 118838104818150205 \begin 0:29:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah, dah malem xxx. \pho dah da maləm xxx \mb dah dah malem xxx \ge PFCT PFCT night xxx \gj PFCT PFCT night xxx \ft it's already late xxx. \ref 1202 \id 825713104818150205 \begin 0:29:08 \sp ARTPIT \tx Fariz kalo malem xxx. \pho faris kalo maləm xxx \mb Fariz kalo malem xxx \ge Fariz TOP night xxx \gj Fariz TOP night xxx \ft at night he xxx. \ref 1203 \id 377552104818150205 \begin 0:29:11 \sp ARTPIT \tx Opi bareng nggak sama Fitri sekolahnya? \pho ʔopiʔ barəŋ ŋgaʔ sama fitri səkolaɲa \mb Opi bareng nggak sama Fitri sekolah -nya \ge Opi together NEG with Fitri school -NYA \gj Opi together NEG with Fitri school-NYA \ft do you go to the same school with her? \ref 1204 \id 232643104818150205 \begin 0:29:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx laen. \pho laen \mb laen \ge other \gj other \ft it's different. \ref 1205 \id 139550104819150205 \begin 0:29:15 \sp DRIPIT \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \nt replying ART for her quertion about OPI's school, telling her that OPI and CHI aren't in the same school. \ref 1206 \id 630114104819150205 \begin 0:29:16 \sp ARTPIT \tx laen sekolahnya? \pho laen səkolaɲa \mb laen sekolah -nya \ge other school -NYA \gj other school-NYA \ft your school is different? \ref 1207 \id 636236104819150205 \begin 0:29:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx Op(i), Op(i), Opi... \pho ʔop ʔop ʔopiʔ \mb Opi Opi Opi \ge Opi Opi Opi \gj Opi Opi Opi \ft I, I, I... \ref 1208 \id 933254104819150205 \begin 0:29:18 \sp FARPIT \tx takut. \pho takut \mb takut \ge fear \gj fear \ft I'm scared. \ref 1209 \id 622189104820150205 \begin 0:29:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx dua... \pho duwaʔ \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft two... \nt pretending to prepare taking FAR's picture. \ref 1210 \id 647992104820150205 \begin 0:29:21 \sp ARTPIT \tx cepet tu Fariz difoto Fariz. \pho cəpət tu faris difoto faris \mb cepet tu Fariz di- foto Fariz \ge quick that Fariz DI- photo Fariz \gj quick that Fariz DI-photo Fariz \ft hurry up, he's going to take your picture. \ref 1211 \id 513017104820150205 \begin 0:29:22 \sp DRIPIT \tx cepet yuk. \pho cəpət yuʔ \mb cepet yuk \ge quick AYO \gj quick AYO \ft come on, hurry. \ref 1212 \id 899291104820150205 \begin 0:29:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx ti(ga)... \pho tiːʔ \mb tiga \ge three \gj three \ft three... \nt pretending to take FAR's picture. \ref 1213 \id 406334104821150205 \begin 0:29:25 \sp CHIPIT \tx ...ga. \pho gɔn \mb ga \ge three \gj three \ft ... three. \nt playing with the word. \ref 1214 \id 667736104821150205 \begin 0:29:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx xx. \pho sedəjek \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \nt pretending to take CHI's picture. \ref 1215 \id 265626104821150205 \begin 0:29:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1216 \id 984771104821150205 \begin 0:29:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx satu... dua... ti...ga. \pho satuːʔ duwaːʔ tiːgɔʔ \mb satu dua tiga \ge one two three \gj one two three \ft one... two... three. \nt pretending to take FAR's picture. \ref 1217 \id 664379104821150205 \begin 0:29:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1218 \id 529481104822150205 \begin 0:29:39 \sp ARTPIT \tx opo aku datengin dia ni? \pho ʔɔpɔ ʔaku datəŋin diya ni \mb opo aku dateng -in dia ni \ge what 1SG come -IN 3 this \gj what 1SG come-IN 3 this \ft do you think I should come to meet him? \nt talking to EXPDIN. \ref 1219 \id 406026104822150205 \begin 0:29:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx di... sek. \pho diː sek \mb di sek \ge LOC IMIT \gj LOC IMIT \ft at... sek. \ref 1220 \id 895897104822150205 \begin 0:29:45 \sp EXPDIN \tx tu buat nanti. \pho tu buwat nanti \mb tu buat nanti \ge that for later \gj that for later \ft it's for next time. \nt reference unclear, talking to ART. \ref 1221 \id 961927104822150205 \begin 0:29:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx hidup xx! \pho hidup pəŋgu \mb hidup xx \ge live xx \gj live xx \ft viva xx! \ref 1222 \id 137866104823150205 \begin 0:29:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx hidup Ijul gembrot. \pho hidup ʔijɔl gəmblɔt \mb hidup Ijul gembrot \ge live Ijul chubby \gj live Ijul chubby \ft viva chubby Zulfi. \nt while arranging the furniture set. \ref 1223 \id 229306104823150205 \begin 0:29:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx cik kicik... \pho cik kicik \mb cik kicik \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft cik kicik... \nt tickling CHI. \ref 1224 \id 758290104823150205 \begin 0:29:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah, satu dua tiga, cikrik. \pho da satu duwa tigaʔ cikrik \mb dah satu dua tiga cikrik \ge PFCT one two three IMIT \gj PFCT one two three IMIT \ft alright, one two three, click. \nt pretending to take FAR's picture. \ref 1225 \id 292911104823150205 \begin 0:29:58 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1226 \id 564408104823150205 \begin 0:29:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx kesek kesek kesek, satu dua tiga, cikrik. \pho kəsək kəsək kəsək satu duwa tigaʔ cikrik \mb kesek kesek kesek satu dua tiga cikrik \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT one two three IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT one two three IMIT \ft click click click, one two three, click. \nt pretending to take FAR's picture. \ref 1227 \id 618338104824150205 \begin 0:30:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1228 \id 724579104824150205 \begin 0:30:03 \sp ARTPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1229 \id 720016104824150205 \begin 0:30:05 \sp DRIPIT \tx Fariz lagi masak apa? \pho faris lagi masak ʔapa \mb Fariz lagi masak apa \ge Fariz more cook what \gj Fariz more cook what \ft what are you cooking? \ref 1230 \id 533388104824150205 \begin 0:30:06 \sp DRIPIT \tx Mbak Ipit bantuin boleh nggak? \pho ba ʔipit bantuwin bole ŋgaʔ \mb Mbak Ipit bantu -in boleh nggak \ge EPIT Ipit help -IN may NEG \gj EPIT Ipit help-IN may NEG \ft is it okay if Pipit helps you? \ref 1231 \id 371263104825150205 \begin 0:30:07 \sp DRIPIT \tx boleh, boleh ya? \pho bole bole ya \mb boleh boleh ya \ge may may yes \gj may may yes \ft is it okay? \ref 1232 \id 733169104825150205 \begin 0:30:09 \sp ARTPIT \tx rumahmu di mana sih Pi? \pho rumamu di mana si piʔ \mb rumah -mu di mana sih Pi \ge house -2 LOC which SIH TRU-Opi \gj house-2 LOC which SIH TRU-Opi \ft where's your house? \ref 1233 \id 196744104825150205 \begin 0:30:11 \sp ARTPIT \tx jauh ya dari sini? \pho jau ya dari sini \mb jauh ya dari sini \ge far yes from here \gj far yes from here \ft is it far from here? \ref 1234 \id 683947104825150205 \begin 0:30:13 \sp DRIPIT \tx ya deh, Mbak Ipit bantuin, ya? \pho ya de mba ʔipit bantuwin ya \mb ya deh Mbak Ipit bantu -in ya \ge yes DEH EPIT Ipit help -IN yes \gj yes DEH EPIT Ipit help-IN yes \ft alright, let her help you, okay? \nt talking to FAR. \ref 1235 \id 919946104825150205 \begin 0:30:14 \sp ARTPIT \tx turun, enggak? \pho turun ŋ̩gaʔ \mb turun enggak \ge go.down NEG \gj go.down NEG \ft is it down there? \ref 1236 \id 153759104826150205 \begin 0:30:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx no deket situ saja no. \pho now dəkət situt saja nɔ \mb no deket situ saja no \ge there near there just there \gj there near there just there \ft there, it's just near there. \ref 1237 \id 938145104826150205 \begin 0:30:16 \sp DRIPIT \tx bantuin masak. \pho bantuwin masak \mb bantu -in masak \ge help -IN cook \gj help-IN cook \ft she'd like to help you cooking. \nt talking to FAR. \ref 1238 \id 920981104826150205 \begin 0:30:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo mao ke sono sampe deh. \pho kalɔ maɔ kə sonɔ sampɛ dɛh \mb kalo mao ke sono sampe deh \ge TOP want to there arrive DEH \gj TOP want to there arrive DEH \ft if you go that way, you can reach it. \ref 1239 \id 455609104826150205 \begin 0:30:20 \sp DRIPIT \tx 'eh Kura-Kura.' \pho ʔɛ kurakuraʔ \mb eh Kura - Kura \ge EXCL tortoise - tortoise \gj EXCL RED-tortoise \ft 'hey Turtle.' \nt pretending to be toy duck talking to toy turtle. \ref 1240 \id 842088104827150205 \begin 0:30:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx ap pulang ah. \pho ʔap pulaŋ ʔah \mb ap pulang ah \ge IMIT return EXCL \gj IMIT return EXCL \ft I wanna go home. \ref 1241 \id 196587104827150205 \begin 0:30:22 \sp DRIPIT \tx 'kamu tadi ke mana?' \pho kamu tadi kə mana \mb kamu tadi ke mana \ge 2 earlier to which \gj 2 earlier to which \ft 'where have you been?' \nt pretending to be toy duck talking to a toy turtle. \ref 1242 \id 753979104827150205 \begin 0:30:23 \sp EXPDIN \tx ngapain pulang? \pho ŋapain pulaŋ \mb ng- apa -in pulang \ge N- what -IN return \gj N-what-IN return \ft why do you wanna go home? \ref 1243 \id 753695104827150205 \begin 0:30:25 \sp DRIPIT \tx 'aku pulang dari laut.' \pho ʔaku pulaŋ dari laut \mb aku pulang dari laut \ge 1SG return from sea \gj 1SG return from sea \ft 'I come from the sea.' \nt pretending to be toy turtle talking to toy duck. \ref 1244 \id 470212104827150205 \begin 0:30:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak mo direkam. \pho ŋga mo dirəkam \mb nggak mo di- rekam \ge NEG want DI- record \gj NEG want DI-record \ft I don't like to be recorded. \ref 1245 \id 568869104828150205 \begin 0:30:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx sampe, sampe malem, ya? \pho sapeʔ sape maləm ya \mb sampe sampe malem ya \ge arrive arrive night yes \gj arrive arrive night yes \ft it will end in the night, right? \nt referring to the recording session. \ref 1246 \id 891458104828150205 \begin 0:30:29 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1247 \id 163907104828150205 \begin 0:30:30 \sp EXPDIN \tx ha? \pho hã \mb ha \ge huh \gj huh \ft what? \ref 1248 \id 502187104828150205 \begin 0:30:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx sampe malem? \pho sampe maləm \mb sampe malem \ge arrive night \gj arrive night \ft is it until night? \nt referring to the recording session. \ref 1249 \id 672336104829150205 \begin 0:30:32 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya, sampe besok pagi. \pho ʔiya sampe bɛsok pagiʔ \mb iya sampe besok pagi \ge yes arrive tomorrow morning \gj yes arrive tomorrow morning \ft yes, until tomorrow morning. \ref 1250 \id 165270104829150205 \begin 0:30:32 \sp DRIPIT \tx 'ketemu Burung.' \pho kətəmu buruŋ \mb ke- temu Burung \ge KE- meet Bird \gj KE-meet Bird \ft 'I met Bird.' \nt pretending to be a toy turtle talking to a toy duck. \ref 1251 \id 907228104829150205 \begin 0:30:33 \sp ARTPIT \tx mo nggak? \pho mo ŋgaʔ \mb mo nggak \ge want NEG \gj want NEG \ft do you want it? \ref 1252 \id 600544104829150205 \begin 0:30:34 \sp EXPDIN \tx Opi sampe malem. \pho ʔopiʔ sampe maləm \mb Opi sampe malem \ge Opi arrive night \gj Opi arrive night \ft you'll be recorded until night. \ref 1253 \id 454790104829150205 \begin 0:30:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya... besok mao sekolah deh. \pho yaː besok maɔ sakɔla dɛ \mb ya besok mao sekolah deh \ge yes tomorrow want school DEH \gj yes tomorrow want school DEH \ft yeah... tomorrow I'll go to school. \ref 1254 \id 578227104830150205 \begin 0:30:36 \sp EXPDIN \tx Fitri juga. \pho fitri jugaʔ \mb Fitri juga \ge Fitri also \gj Fitri also \ft and you too. \nt talking to CHI, telling CHI that she'll take her recording until night. \ref 1255 \id 676086104830150205 \begin 0:30:37 \sp DRIPIT \tx ininya tungguin sama Fariz. \pho ʔiniɲa tuŋguwin sama faris \mb ini -nya tunggu -in sama Fariz \ge this -NYA wait -IN with Fariz \gj this-NYA wait-IN with Fariz \ft you wait for this thing. \nt 1. = keep watching this thing. 2. referring to the toy she's been playing with FAR. \ref 1256 \id 191770104830150205 \begin 0:30:38 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak pa-pa, biarin aja. \pho ŋga papa biyarin ʔaja \mb nggak pa - pa biar -in aja \ge NEG what - what let -IN just \gj NEG RED-what let-IN just \ft no problem, I don't care. \ref 1257 \id 790157104830150205 \begin 0:30:39 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak usah sekolah. \pho ŋga ʔusa səkola \mb nggak usah sekolah \ge NEG must school \gj NEG must school \ft you don't have to go to school. \ref 1258 \id 396049104831150205 \begin 0:30:40 \sp DRIPIT \tx wah Si Fariz. \pho wa si faris \mb wah Si Fariz \ge EXCL PERS Fariz \gj EXCL PERS Fariz \ft wow... look at you, Fariz. \ref 1259 \id 614122104831150205 \begin 0:30:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya... \pho yaː \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft shucks... \ref 1260 \id 973655104831150205 \begin 0:30:43 \sp DRIPIT \tx kok xxx? \pho koʔ xxx \mb kok xxx \ge KOK xxx \gj KOK xxx \ft why xxx? \ref 1261 \id 136085104831150205 \begin 0:30:44 \sp ARTPIT \tx eh ini pipinya ni kok ge(ndut), lucu banget sih? \pho ʔɛ ʔini pipiɲa ni koʔ gəʔ lucu baŋət si \mb eh ini pipi -nya ni kok gendut lucu banget sih \ge EXCL this cheek -NYA this KOK chubby funny very SIH \gj EXCL this cheek-NYA this KOK chubby funny very SIH \ft hey, you're so cute, your cheek is chubby. \nt talking to OPI. \ref 1262 \id 883610104831150205 \begin 0:30:45 \sp ARTPIT \tx mang sekolah Opi bisa apa? \pho maŋ səkɔla ʔopi bisa ʔapa \mb mang sekolah Opi bisa apa \ge really school Opi can what \gj really school Opi can what \ft what can you do at school? \ref 1263 \id 554565104832150205 \begin 0:30:46 \sp DRIPIT \tx ngapain? \pho ŋapain \mb ng- apa -in \ge N- what -IN \gj N-what-IN \ft what are you doing? \nt talking to FAR. \ref 1264 \id 792987104832150205 \begin 0:30:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu kan Pit acak-acakan tu... aaa... \pho tu kan pit ʔacakʔacakan tu ʔãː \mb tu kan Pit acak - acak -an tu aaa \ge that KAN TRU-Pipit random - random -AN that FILL \gj that KAN TRU-Pipit RED.AN-random that FILL \ft look at this, what a mess it is... umm... \nt showing the box of the furniture set. \ref 1265 \id 261775104832150205 \begin 0:30:49 \sp EXPDIN \tx orang kebalik liatnya. \pho ʔoraŋ kəbalik liyatɲa \mb orang ke- balik liat -nya \ge person KE- turn.around see -NYA \gj person KE-turn.around see-NYA \ft you see it on the other way. \ref 1266 \id 166480104832150205 \begin 0:30:50 \sp DRIPIT \tx tet toet tet toet... \pho tet towet tet towet \mb tet toet tet toet \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft toot toot toot toot... \nt pretending to be a toy turtle, playing and teasing FAR. \ref 1267 \id 536553104833150205 \begin 0:30:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya kan? \pho ya kan \mb ya kan \ge yes KAN \gj yes KAN \ft right? \ref 1268 \id 456140104833150205 \begin 0:30:54 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1269 \id 765736104833150205 \begin 0:30:56 \sp EXPDIN \tx tu rapi kok. \pho tu rapi kɔʔ \mb tu rapi kok \ge that neat KOK \gj that neat KOK \ft it's in order. \nt referring to the furniture as printed on the box. \ref 1270 \id 350934104833150205 \begin 0:30:57 \sp DRIPIT \tx 'perlu dibantuin nggak mo makannya?' \pho pərlu dibantuwin ŋgaʔ mo makanɲa \mb perlu di- bantu -in nggak mo makan -nya \ge necessary DI- help -IN NEG want eat -NYA \gj necessary DI-help-IN NEG want eat-NYA \ft 'need some help to eat your food?' \nt pretending to be a toy turtle talking to FAR. \ref 1271 \id 158042104834150205 \begin 0:30:58 \sp DRIPIT \tx 'bawa, ya?' \pho bawaʔ ya \mb bawa ya \ge bring yes \gj bring yes \ft 'let me bring it, okay?' \nt pretending to be a toy turtle. \ref 1272 \id 918334104834150205 \begin 0:30:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx ha pelit. \pho ha pəlit \mb ha pelit \ge EXCL stingy \gj EXCL stingy \ft aah, you're stingy. \nt talking to CHI. \ref 1273 \id 966057104954150205 \begin 0:31:00 \sp DRIPIT \tx 'iya ya xxx.' \pho ʔiya ya xxx \mb iya ya xxx \ge yes yes xxx \gj yes yes xxx \ft 'yes yes xxx.' \nt pretending to be a toy turtle. \ref 1274 \id 270765074746160205 \begin 0:31:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx dikelitik nih. \pho diklitik nih \mb di- kelitik nih \ge DI- tickle this \gj DI-tickle this \ft I'll tickle you. \nt talking to CHI. \ref 1275 \id 961969074747160205 \begin 0:31:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi xxx. \pho ʔopi xxx \mb Opi xxx \ge Opi xxx \gj Opi xxx \ft I xxx. \ref 1276 \id 831786074747160205 \begin 0:31:04 \sp CHIPIT \tx ha ha ha he... dah tu pelit. \pho ha ha ha hə da tu plit \mb ha ha ha he dah tu pelit \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL PFCT that stingy \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL PFCT that stingy \ft aah aah aah... done, take this you stingy. \nt covering OPI's face with the box. \ref 1277 \id 748369074747160205 \begin 0:31:05 \sp DRIPIT \tx bebek sama kura-kura xxx. \pho bebeʔ sama kurakura xxx \mb bebek sama kura-kura xxx \ge duck with tortoise xxx \gj duck with tortoise xxx \ft the duck and the turtle xxx. \nt playing puppets with FAR. \ref 1278 \id 950819074748160205 \begin 0:31:06 \sp ARTPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1279 \id 631667074748160205 \begin 0:31:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah Opi pegang ini, tik. \pho ʔa ʔopi pegaŋ ʔini tik \mb ah Opi pegang ini tik \ge EXCL Opi hold this IMIT \gj EXCL Opi hold this IMIT \ft hey, I touch this, tap. \nt touching the transmitter on CHI's back. \ref 1280 \id 651852074748160205 \begin 0:31:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak boleh? \pho ŋga boleh \mb nggak boleh \ge NEG may \gj NEG may \ft can't I? \ref 1281 \id 603218074748160205 \begin 0:31:10 \sp FARPIT \tx tah. \pho tah \mb tah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft tah. \ref 1282 \id 407249074748160205 \begin 0:31:12 \sp EXPDIN \tx 0. \nt wagging her finger to tell OPI that he shouldn't touch the transmitter. \ref 1283 \id 752819074749160205 \begin 0:31:14 \sp DRIPIT \tx mmm... pegangin dong kura-kuranya. \pho mː pegaŋin doŋ kurakuraɲa \mb mmm pegang -in dong kura-kura -nya \ge FILL hold -IN DONG tortoise -NYA \gj FILL hold-IN DONG tortoise-NYA \ft umm... hold this turtle. \nt talking to FAR. \ref 1284 \id 141634074749160205 \begin 0:31:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1285 \id 556066074749160205 \begin 0:31:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx coba, satu, dua... dua. \pho cobaʔ satu duwaʔ duwaʔ \mb coba satu dua dua \ge try one two two \gj try one two two \ft try this, one, two... two. \nt counting his fingers. \ref 1286 \id 814769074749160205 \begin 0:31:18 \sp DRIPIT \tx 'aduh sakit.' \pho ʔadɔ sakit \mb aduh sakit \ge EXCL hurt \gj EXCL hurt \ft 'ow, it hurts.' \nt pretending to be a toy turtle. \ref 1287 \id 937723074750160205 \begin 0:31:19 \sp CHIPIT \tx kacamatanya mana Tante inih? \pho kacamataɲa mana tantə ʔinih \mb kacamata -nya mana Tante inih \ge glass.eye -NYA which aunt this \gj glass.eye-NYA which aunt this \ft where's the glasses? \ref 1288 \id 127782074750160205 \begin 0:31:20 \sp EXPDIN \tx panya? \pho paɲa \mb pa -nya \ge what -NYA \gj what-NYA \ft what? \ref 1289 \id 835383074750160205 \begin 0:31:21 \sp DRIPIT \tx ni pegang dong. \pho ni pəgaŋ doŋ \mb ni pegang dong \ge this hold DONG \gj this hold DONG \ft here, hold this. \nt talking to FAR, asking FAR to hold the toy turtle. \ref 1290 \id 897552074750160205 \begin 0:31:21 \sp EXPDIN \tx inih. \pho ʔinih \mb inih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt giving the toy glasses to CHI. \ref 1291 \id 887967074750160205 \begin 0:31:22 \sp DRIPIT \tx buat bebek sama kura-kura. \pho buwat bebek sama kurakuraʔ \mb buat bebek sama kura-kura \ge for duck with tortoise \gj for duck with tortoise \ft it's for the duck and the turtle. \ref 1292 \id 878431074751160205 \begin 0:31:23 \sp DRIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1293 \id 810670074751160205 \begin 0:31:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx uh... iya, iya. \pho ʔuː ʔiya ʔiya \mb uh iya iya \ge EXCL yes yes \gj EXCL yes yes \ft ooh... yes, yes. \nt while putting the glasses on the doll. \ref 1294 \id 460713074751160205 \begin 0:31:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx kacamatanya. \pho kacamataɲah \mb kacamata -nya \ge glass.eye -NYA \gj glass.eye-NYA \ft her glasses. \ref 1295 \id 223472074751160205 \begin 0:31:26 \sp DRIPIT \tx 'da da... da da.' \pho da da da da \mb da da da da \ge bye bye bye bye \gj bye bye bye bye \ft 'bye bye... bye bye.' \nt pretending to be a toy turtle waving hands to FAR. \ref 1296 \id 797413074752160205 \begin 0:31:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx ak... he... gangguin, gangguin gua aja. \pho ʔak hə gaguwin gaŋguwin guwa ʔaja \mb ak he ganggu -in ganggu -in gua aja \ge EXCL EXCL disturb -IN disturb -IN 1SG just \gj EXCL EXCL disturb-IN disturb-IN 1SG just \ft ach... umm... you're just disturbing me. \ref 1297 \id 844173074752160205 \begin 0:31:29 \sp DRIPIT \tx 'da da... da da.' \pho da da da da \mb da da da da \ge bye bye bye bye \gj bye bye bye bye \ft 'bye bye... bye bye.' \nt pretending to be the toy turtle. \ref 1298 \id 130865074752160205 \begin 0:31:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx Op(i), Opi yang... \pho ʔop ʔopiʔ yaŋ \mb Opi Opi yang \ge Opi Opi REL \gj Opi Opi REL \ft I'm the one... \nt grasping the doll from CHI. \ref 1299 \id 462412074752160205 \begin 0:31:33 \sp CHIPIT \tx lagian Opi narikin. \pho lagiyan ʔopi nalikin \mb lagi -an Opi n- tarik -in \ge more -AN Opi N- pull -IN \gj more-AN Opi N-pull-IN \ft because you pull this. \nt pulling the cable of the transmitter. \ref 1300 \id 871105074752160205 \begin 0:31:34 \sp EXPDIN \tx eh, eh. \pho ʔɛ ʔɛ \mb eh eh \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey. \nt forbidding OPI to take the cable. \ref 1301 \id 987814074753160205 \begin 0:31:35 \sp CHIPIT \tx nah lho Opi, nah lho Opi. \pho na lɔ ʔopiʔ na lɔ ʔopiːʔ \mb nah lho Opi nah lho Opi \ge NAH EXCL Opi NAH EXCL Opi \gj NAH EXCL Opi NAH EXCL Opi \ft serves you right, serves you right. \ref 1302 \id 514047074753160205 \begin 0:31:37 \sp DRIPIT \tx 'da da...' \pho da da \mb da da \ge bye bye \gj bye bye \ft 'bye bye...' \nt pretending to be the toy turtle. \ref 1303 \id 204777074753160205 \begin 0:31:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana orangnya nih? \pho mana ʔoraŋɲa nih \mb mana orang -nya nih \ge which person -NYA this \gj which person-NYA this \ft where's she? \nt holding the doll. \ref 1304 \id 698645074753160205 \begin 0:31:41 \sp CHIPIT \tx nah lho, nah lho. \pho na lo na loʔ \mb nah lho nah lho \ge NAH EXCL NAH EXCL \gj NAH EXCL NAH EXCL \ft serves you right, serves you right. \ref 1305 \id 450570074754160205 \begin 0:31:42 \sp FARPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 1306 \id 750786074754160205 \begin 0:31:43 \sp CHIPIT \tx sini, sini ha. \pho sene sene haʔ \mb sini sini ha \ge here here EXCL \gj here here EXCL \ft give it to me, give it to me, huh. \nt grasping the doll from OPI. \ref 1307 \id 186661074754160205 \begin 0:31:44 \sp ARTPIT \tx punya Opi ada tu. \pho puɲa ʔopi ʔada tu \mb punya Opi ada tu \ge have Opi exist that \gj have Opi exist that \ft yours is there. \nt referring to the toys. \ref 1308 \id 415438074754160205 \begin 0:31:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi yang maenan. \pho ʔopi yaŋ maenan \mb Opi yang maen -an \ge Opi REL play -AN \gj Opi REL play-AN \ft I want toys. \ref 1309 \id 688715074754160205 \begin 0:31:46 \sp EXPDIN \tx maenan yang mana? \pho maenan yaŋ mana \mb maen -an yang mana \ge play -AN REL which \gj play-AN REL which \ft which toys? \ref 1310 \id 950417074755160205 \begin 0:31:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx katanya punya Opi semua nih. \pho kataɲa puɲa ʔɔpe səma nih \mb kata -nya punya Opi semua nih \ge word -NYA have Opi all this \gj word-NYA have Opi all this \ft you told me all of these are mine. \nt referring to the furniture set and the puppets. \ref 1311 \id 180877074755160205 \begin 0:31:48 \sp FARPIT \tx xx. \pho ʔəlala \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 1312 \id 415088074755160205 \begin 0:31:49 \sp DRIPIT \tx ayo! \pho ʔayɔʔ \mb ayo \ge AYO \gj AYO \ft come on! \nt asking FAR to leave the room. \ref 1313 \id 196013074755160205 \begin 0:31:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx laki-laki maen masak-masakan. \pho lakilaki maen macakmasakan \mb laki - laki maen masak - masak -an \ge male - male play cook - cook -AN \gj RED-male play RED.AN-cook \ft there's a boy who's playing cooking set. \nt whispering, mocking OPI. \ref 1314 \id 108821074756160205 \begin 0:31:53 \sp ARTPIT \tx sisir kita di mana tadi? \pho sisir kita di mana tadi \mb sisir kita di mana tadi \ge comb 1PL LOC which earlier \gj comb 1PL LOC which earlier \ft where's our comb? \ref 1315 \id 770121074756160205 \begin 0:31:54 \sp FARPIT \tx ni liat. \pho ni yat \mb ni liat \ge this see \gj this see \ft look at this. \nt = I want to see this. \ref 1316 \id 238179074756160205 \begin 0:31:55 \sp DRIPIT \tx nggak boleh, nggak boleh. \pho ŋga boleh ŋga bole \mb nggak boleh nggak boleh \ge NEG may NEG may \gj NEG may NEG may \ft no way, you may not do that. \ref 1317 \id 486162074756160205 \begin 0:31:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx biarin aja kaya Ica. \pho biyalin ʔaja kaya ʔicaʔ \mb biar -in aja kaya Ica \ge let -IN just like Ica \gj let-IN just like Ica \ft I don't care, you'll be like Rizka. \nt referring to the fact that OPI's a boy but he plays cooking set, so therefore he'll be like CHIRIS. \ref 1318 \id 443826074756160205 \begin 0:31:57 \sp DRIPIT \tx eh eh, tu tu tu tu Pak Ajo tu. \pho ʔeh ʔeh tu tu tu tu paʔ ʔajɔ tu \mb eh eh tu tu tu tu Pak Ajo tu \ge EXCL EXCL that that that that TRU-father Ajo that \gj EXCL EXCL that that that that TRU-father Ajo that \ft hey hey, look, there's Mr. Ajo. \nt talking to FAR. \ref 1319 \id 804870074757160205 \begin 0:31:59 \sp DRIPIT \tx dimarahin Pak Ajo tu. \pho dimarain pa ʔajo tu \mb di- marah -in Pak Ajo tu \ge DI- angry -IN TRU-father Ajo that \gj DI-angry-IN TRU-father Ajo that \ft Mr. Ajo will be angry with you. \ref 1320 \id 169999074757160205 \begin 0:32:00 \sp EXPDIN \tx kamu sekolah diajarin nyanyi nggak? \pho kamu səkola diʔajarin ɲaɲi ŋgaʔ \mb kamu sekolah di- ajar -in nyanyi nggak \ge 2 school DI- teach -IN sing NEG \gj 2 school DI-teach-IN sing NEG \ft do you learn how to sing at school? \ref 1321 \id 286753074757160205 \begin 0:32:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx ih geli. \pho ʔi gəliʔ \mb ih geli \ge EXCL ticklish \gj EXCL ticklish \ft iih... it's ticklish. \ref 1322 \id 569440074757160205 \begin 0:32:02 \sp EXPDIN \tx diajarin nyanyi nggak? \pho diʔajarin ɲaɲi ŋgaʔ \mb di- ajar -in nyanyi nggak \ge DI- teach -IN sing NEG \gj DI-teach-IN sing NEG \ft do you learn how to sing? \ref 1323 \id 592467074758160205 \begin 0:32:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx ih geli. \pho ʔiŋ gəliʔ \mb ih geli \ge EXCL ticklish \gj EXCL ticklish \ft iih... it's ticklish. \ref 1324 \id 616511074758160205 \begin 0:32:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx ih geli. \pho ʔi gəliʔ \mb ih geli \ge EXCL ticklish \gj EXCL ticklish \ft it's ticklish. \ref 1325 \id 613477074758160205 \begin 0:32:06 \sp DRIPIT \tx ayo Fariz! \pho ʔayɔ faris \mb ayo Fariz \ge AYO Fariz \gj AYO Fariz \ft come on Fariz! \ref 1326 \id 917918074758160205 \begin 0:32:07 \sp ARTPIT \tx kalo berangkat sekolah bareng-bareng nggak Fitri? \pho kalo b̩raŋkat səkola barəŋbarəŋ ŋgaʔ fitri \mb kalo ber- angkat sekolah bareng - bareng nggak Fitri \ge TOP BER- lift school together - together NEG Fitri \gj TOP BER-lift school RED-together NEG Fitri \ft do you go to school together with her? \ref 1327 \id 266363074758160205 \begin 0:32:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx ih geli. \pho ʔi gəliʔ \mb ih geli \ge EXCL ticklish \gj EXCL ticklish \ft it's ticklish. \ref 1328 \id 773703074759160205 \begin 0:32:09 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1329 \id 144643074759160205 \begin 0:32:10 \sp ARTPIT \tx Fitri bareng-bareng Opi? \mb Fitri bareng - bareng Opi \ge Fitri together - together Opi \gj Fitri RED-together Opi \ft do you go together with him? \ref 1330 \id 728732074759160205 \begin 0:32:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx Ipit kelas satu, Opi nol besar. \pho ʔipit kəlas satuʔ ʔopi nɔl bəsal \mb Ipit kelas satu Opi nol besar \ge Ipit class one Opi zero big \gj Ipit class one Opi zero big \ft I'm in the first grade, he's in the big zero. \nt CHI is an elementary student, OPI is in a kindergarten. \ref 1331 \id 327173074759160205 \begin 0:32:12 \sp EXPDIN \tx sekolahnya lain? \pho səkolaɲa lain \mb sekolah -nya lain \ge school -NYA other \gj school-NYA other \ft your school is different? \ref 1332 \id 401282074759160205 \begin 0:32:13 \sp EXPDIN \tx jauh? \pho jau \mb jauh \ge far \gj far \ft is it far? \ref 1333 \id 363883074800160205 \begin 0:32:14 \sp DRIPIT \tx aku nggak main, da da. \pho ʔaku ŋga main da da \mb aku nggak main da da \ge 1SG NEG play bye bye \gj 1SG NEG play bye bye \ft I don't want to play, bye bye. \nt talking to FAR. \ref 1334 \id 899833074800160205 \begin 0:32:15 \sp CHIPIT \tx jauhan Opi. \pho jawan ʔopiʔ \mb jauh -an Opi \ge far -AN Opi \gj far-AN Opi \ft his is a bit far. \nt referring to OPI's kindergarten. \ref 1335 \id 514647074800160205 \begin 0:32:16 \sp ARTPIT \tx oh, jauhan Opi? \pho ʔo jauwan ʔopiʔ \mb oh jauh -an Opi \ge EXCL far -AN Opi \gj EXCL far-AN Opi \ft oh, his is farther? \nt referring to OPI's kindergarten. \ref 1336 \id 395656074800160205 \begin 0:32:17 \sp EXPDIN \tx jauhan Opi? \pho jauwan ʔopiʔ \mb jauh -an Opi \ge far -AN Opi \gj far-AN Opi \ft his is farther? \nt referring to OPI's kindergarten. \ref 1337 \id 303946074801160205 \begin 0:32:18 \sp ARTPIT \tx naek apa kalo sekolah? \pho nek ʔapa kalo səkɔla \mb naek apa kalo sekolah \ge go.up what TOP school \gj go.up what TOP school \ft how do you go to school? \ref 1338 \id 636868074801160205 \begin 0:32:19 \sp CHIPIT \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1339 \id 763021074801160205 \begin 0:32:20 \sp ARTPIT \tx naek apa? \pho nek ʔapa \mb naek apa \ge go.up what \gj go.up what \ft how do you go there? \ref 1340 \id 614507074801160205 \begin 0:32:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx dianterin ama Bapak pulang kalo pagi. \pho diʔantəlin ʔama bapaʔ pulaŋ kalo pagiʔ \mb di- anter -in ama Bapak pulang kalo pagi \ge DI- deliver -IN with father return TOP morning \gj DI-deliver-IN with father return TOP morning \ft in the morning my dad drives me to school. \ref 1341 \id 240992074801160205 \begin 0:32:22 \sp EXPDIN \tx sendiri? \pho səndiri \mb sen- diri \ge SE- self \gj SE-self \ft you alone? \ref 1342 \id 420031090845170205 \begin 0:32:23 \sp ARTPIT \tx oh pulangnya jalan kaki? \pho ʔo pulaŋɲa jalan kakiʔ \mb oh pulang -nya jalan kaki \ge EXCL return -NYA walk foot \gj EXCL return-NYA walk foot \ft oh, you go by foot on the way home? \ref 1343 \id 477463090845170205 \begin 0:32:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx ama Kakak. \pho ʔama kakaʔ \mb ama Kakak \ge with older.sibling \gj with older.sibling \ft with my sister. \nt = I go home with my sister. \ref 1344 \id 935031090846170205 \begin 0:32:25 \sp EXPDIN \tx ama Kakak. \pho ʔama kakaʔ \mb ama Kakak \ge with older.sibling \gj with older.sibling \ft with your sister. \nt repeating CHI. \ref 1345 \id 791868090846170205 \begin 0:32:26 \sp ARTPIT \tx oh sama Kakak. \pho ʔo sama kakaʔ \mb oh sama Kakak \ge EXCL with older.sibling \gj EXCL with older.sibling \ft I see, with your sister. \nt repeating CHI. \ref 1346 \id 351488090847170205 \begin 0:32:28 \sp EXPDIN \tx Kakak xxx Kakak? \pho kakaʔ xxx kakaʔ \mb Kakak xxx Kakak \ge older.sibling xxx older.sibling \gj older.sibling xxx older.sibling \ft does she xxx? \ref 1347 \id 469567090847170205 \begin 0:32:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx wah, sama Kakak, bukan di... \pho wa sama kakaʔ bukan diʔ \mb wah sama Kakak bukan di \ge EXCL with older.sibling NEG DI \gj EXCL with older.sibling NEG DI \ft yeah, you go with Indri, and not... \nt 1. interrupted by CHI. 2. commenting on CHI going home with DRI, expecting that CHI can go home alone and not accompanied by her sister. \ref 1348 \id 524923090848170205 \begin 0:32:32 \sp CHIPIT \tx biasanya kalo... ma Kakak, kalo masuk pagi ama temen. \pho biyasaɲa kaloʔ ma kakaʔ kalo masuk pagi ʔama təmən \mb biasa -nya kalo ma Kakak kalo masuk pagi ama temen \ge usual -NYA TOP with older.sibling TOP go.in morning with friend \gj usual-NYA TOP with older.sibling TOP go.in morning with friend \ft usually if... I'm with her, and if I have morning class, I'll go with a friend. \ref 1349 \id 296569090848170205 \begin 0:32:34 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm. \pho m \mb hmm \ge oh \gj oh \ft oh. \ref 1350 \id 848978090849170205 \begin 0:32:34 \sp EXPDIN \tx berani nggak dijemput sama Ibu? \pho b̩rani ŋgaʔ dijəmput sama ʔibuʔ \mb berani nggak di- jemput sama Ibu \ge brave NEG DI- pick.up with mother \gj brave NEG DI-pick.up with mother \ft do you dare if your mother doesn't pick you up? \ref 1351 \id 794553090849170205 \begin 0:32:35 \sp ARTPIT \tx sama temen? \pho sama təmən \mb sama temen \ge with friend \gj with friend \ft with a friend? \nt 1. repeating CHI. 2. = you'll go with a friend? \ref 1352 \id 475201090849170205 \begin 0:32:36 \sp CHIPIT \tx enggak. \pho ŋ̩gaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \nt = I dare. \ref 1353 \id 714577090850170205 \begin 0:32:37 \sp EXPDIN \tx wah, berani banget. \pho wah b̩rani baŋət \mb wah berani banget \ge EXCL brave very \gj EXCL brave very \ft oh my, you're so brave. \ref 1354 \id 919449090850170205 \begin 0:32:38 \sp ARTPIT \tx pinter ya berani, ya? \pho pintər ya b̩rani ya \mb pinter ya berani ya \ge smart yes brave yes \gj smart yes brave yes \ft very good, you're brave, aren't you? \ref 1355 \id 805456090851170205 \begin 0:32:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx indung, indung kepala lindung. \pho ʔinduŋ ʔinduŋ kəpala linduŋ \mb indung indung kepala lindung \ge mother mother head eel \gj mother mother head eel \ft mother, mother, the eel's head. \nt singing a traditional song. \ref 1356 \id 126449090851170205 \begin 0:32:42 \sp ARTPIT \tx nanti kalo diajakin orang jangan mau, ya? \pho ti kalo diʔajakin ʔoraŋ jaŋan mau ya \mb nanti kalo di- ajak -in orang jangan mau ya \ge later TOP DI- invite -IN person don't want yes \gj later TOP DI-invite-IN person don't want yes \ft if somebody asks you to come with him, please don't do that, okay? \nt telling CHI what she must do if there's unknown person wants her to be with him on the way home after school. \ref 1357 \id 935454090852170205 \begin 0:32:44 \sp EXPDIN \tx kalo Opi ni dijemput ini pasti, pulangnya. \pho kalo ʔopiʔ ni dijəmput ini pasti pulaŋɲa \mb kalo Opi ni di- jemput ini pasti pulang -nya \ge TOP Opi this DI- pick.up this sure return -NYA \gj TOP Opi this DI-pick.up this sure return-NYA \ft I'm sure you have someone to pick you up, to get you to the way home. \ref 1358 \id 705038090852170205 \begin 0:32:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak, gak. \pho ŋgaʔ gaʔ \mb nggak gak \ge NEG NEG \gj NEG NEG \ft no, no. \ref 1359 \id 790380090853170205 \begin 0:32:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx jemput, jemput, jemput. \pho jəmput jəmput jəmput \mb jemput jemput jemput \ge pick.up pick.up pick.up \gj pick.up pick.up pick.up \ft pick up, pick up, pick up. \nt = right, he has someone to pick him up. \ref 1360 \id 541082090853170205 \begin 0:32:50 \sp EXPDIN \tx pulang sendiri? \pho pulaŋ səndiri \mb pulang sen- diri \ge return SE- self \gj return SE-self \ft you go home alone? \nt doubting that OPI can go home alone. \ref 1361 \id 979354090853170205 \begin 0:32:51 \sp EXPDIN \tx ye... \pho yeː \mb ye \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ooh... \ref 1362 \id 527724090854170205 \begin 0:32:52 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya dijemput. \pho ʔiya dijəmput \mb iya di- jemput \ge yes DI- pick.up \gj yes DI-pick.up \ft right, someone picks you up. \nt talking to OPI. \ref 1363 \id 566366090854170205 \begin 0:32:53 \sp ARTPIT \tx liat aja gendut, nggak pernah jalan. \pho liyat ʔaja gəndut ŋga pərna jalan \mb liat aja gendut nggak pernah jalan \ge see just chubby NEG ever walk \gj see just chubby NEG ever walk \ft look at yourself, you're chubby because you never walk. \ref 1364 \id 238391090855170205 \begin 0:32:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ipit juga dijem(put). \pho ʔipit juga dijəʔ \mb Ipit juga di- jemput \ge Ipit also DI- pick.up \gj Ipit also DI-pick.up \ft she also has someone to pick her up. \ref 1365 \id 443923090855170205 \begin 0:32:55 \sp EXPDIN \tx kalo nggak dijemput dia(jakin), diajakin orang nanti. \pho kaloʔ ŋgaʔ dijəmput diya diʔajakin ʔoraŋ nantiʔ \mb kalo nggak di- jemput di- ajak -in di- ajak -in orang nanti \ge TOP NEG DI- pick.up DI- invite -IN DI- invite -IN person later \gj TOP NEG DI-pick.up DI-invite-IN DI-invite-IN person later \ft if you have nobody to pick you up, someone will ask you to go with him. \nt implicitly meaning to say that OPI will get abducted if he has nobody to pick him up after school. \ref 1366 \id 633402090856170205 \begin 0:32:56 \sp EXPDIN \tx 'ini paling gendut ni, dibawa aja ni.' \pho ʔini paliŋ gəndut niː dibawa ʔaja ni \mb ini paling gendut ni di- bawa aja ni \ge this most chubby this DI- bring just this \gj this most chubby this DI-bring just this \ft 'here you are, the chubbiest one, I'll take you with me.' \nt pretending to be an abductor. \ref 1367 \id 108108090856170205 \begin 0:32:57 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1368 \id 482329090857170205 \begin 0:32:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaːʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no way. \ref 1369 \id 827246090857170205 \begin 0:33:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx kali nggak dijemput, naek jemputan. \pho kari ŋgaʔ dijəmput naeʔ jəmputan \mb kali nggak di- jemput naek jemput -an \ge maybe NEG DI- pick.up go.up pick.up -AN \gj maybe NEG DI-pick.up go.up pick.up-AN \ft if nobody wants to pick me up, I'll go by a school bus. \nt saying 'kali--maybe' instead of 'kalo--if'. \ref 1370 \id 937699090857170205 \begin 0:33:01 \sp EXPDIN \tx jemputannya siapa? \pho jəmputanɲa siyapa \mb jemput -an -nya siapa \ge pick.up -AN -NYA who \gj pick.up-AN-NYA who \ft whose school bus? \ref 1371 \id 635192090858170205 \begin 0:33:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx jemputan temen. \pho jəmputan təmən \mb jemput -an temen \ge pick.up -AN friend \gj pick.up-AN friend \ft my friend's school bus. \ref 1372 \id 484239090858170205 \begin 0:33:04 \sp EXPDIN \tx numpang? \pho numpaŋ \mb n- tumpang \ge N- get.help \gj N-get.help \ft catching a ride? \nt 'numpang--getting help' here in the sense of 'nebeng--catching a ride' \ref 1373 \id 521139090859170205 \begin 0:33:06 \sp ARTPIT \tx nebeng, ya? \pho nebeŋ ya \mb n- tebeng ya \ge N- catch.a.ride yes \gj N-catch.a.ride yes \ft catching a ride, huh? \ref 1374 \id 596589090859170205 \begin 0:33:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx na(ek), naek mobil merah. \pho nah naek mɔbil mɛraʰ \mb naek naek mobil merah \ge go.up go.up car red \gj go.up go.up car red \ft I go by a red car. \ref 1375 \id 595161090900170205 \begin 0:33:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak bayar. \pho ŋgaʔ bayar \mb nggak bayar \ge NEG pay \gj NEG pay \ft I don't pay. \ref 1376 \id 892382090900170205 \begin 0:33:12 \sp EXPDIN \tx ya... kok boleh? \pho ya kɔʔ bɔle \mb ya kok boleh \ge yes KOK may \gj yes KOK may \ft yeah... is it permissible? \nt referring to OPI catching a ride without paying. \ref 1377 \id 389857090901170205 \begin 0:33:14 \sp ARTPIT \tx kok enak nggak bayar? \pho kɔʔ ʔɛnak ŋga bayar \mb kok enak nggak bayar \ge KOK pleasant NEG pay \gj KOK pleasant NEG pay \ft how come you don't pay? \ref 1378 \id 939997090901170205 \begin 0:33:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx orang itu jemputan. \pho ʔolaŋ ʔitu jəmputan \mb orang itu jemput -an \ge person that pick.up -AN \gj person that pick.up-AN \ft it's a school bus. \ref 1379 \id 559385090902170205 \begin 0:33:19 \sp EXPDIN \tx jemputannya siapa itu? \pho jəmputanɲa siyapa ʔitu \mb jemput -an -nya siapa itu \ge pick.up -AN -NYA who that \gj pick.up-AN-NYA who that \ft who owns that school bus? \ref 1380 \id 805249090902170205 \begin 0:33:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx Eno. \pho ʔenoʔ \mb Eno \ge Eno \gj Eno \ft Eno. \ref 1381 \id 246253090902170205 \begin 0:33:21 \sp EXPDIN \tx temenmu? \pho təmənmu \mb temen -mu \ge friend -2 \gj friend-2 \ft your friend? \ref 1382 \id 290590090903170205 \begin 0:33:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx sss... \pho ʃ \mb sss \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 1383 \id 255028090903170205 \begin 0:33:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx huh. \pho huh \mb huh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hah. \ref 1384 \id 167778090904170205 \begin 0:33:24 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya? \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah? \ref 1385 \id 750125090904170205 \begin 0:33:25 \sp EXPDIN \tx temennya Opi ada yang namanya Andi nggak? \mb temen -nya Opi ada yang nama -nya Andi nggak \ge friend -NYA Opi exist REL name -NYA Andi NEG \gj friend-NYA Opi exist REL name-NYA Andi NEG \ft do you have any friend whose name is Andi? \ref 1386 \id 771798090905170205 \begin 0:33:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt shaking. \ref 1387 \id 534782090905170205 \begin 0:33:28 \sp EXPDIN \tx namanya... siapa sih temennya Opi namanya? \pho namaɲa siyapa si təmənɲa ʔopiʔ namaɲa \mb nama -nya siapa sih temen -nya Opi nama -nya \ge name -NYA who SIH friend -NYA Opi name -NYA \gj name-NYA who SIH friend-NYA Opi name-NYA \ft his name... who's your friend's name? \ref 1388 \id 391074090906170205 \begin 0:33:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx Eno temenan. \pho ʔenoʔ təmənan \mb Eno temen -an \ge Eno friend -AN \gj Eno friend-AN \ft Eno is my friend. \ref 1389 \id 701547090906170205 \begin 0:33:32 \sp EXPDIN \tx trus? \pho trus \mb trus \ge continue \gj continue \ft who else? \ref 1390 \id 619605090907170205 \begin 0:33:33 \sp CHIPIT \tx ha... Eno Dono. \pho hãʔ ʔɛno donɔʔ \mb ha Eno Dono \ge EXCL Eno Dono \gj EXCL Eno Dono \ft hah... Eno Dono. \nt laughing at the end of the utterance, creating a name which is used to make fun. \ref 1391 \id 416993090907170205 \begin 0:33:35 \sp EXPDIN \tx terus? \pho tərus \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft who else? \ref 1392 \id 721208090907170205 \begin 0:33:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx emang enak? \pho ʔemaŋ ʔɛnak \mb emang enak \ge indeed pleasant \gj indeed pleasant \ft you think it's good? \nt commenting on CHI who just made the toy refrigerator falls down. \ref 1393 \id 768467090908170205 \begin 0:33:39 \sp ARTPIT \tx trus siapa namanya? \pho tus siyapa namaɲa \mb trus siapa nama -nya \ge continue who name -NYA \gj continue who name-NYA \ft and who's your friend's name? \ref 1394 \id 353254090908170205 \begin 0:33:41 \sp ARTPIT \tx yang rumahnya deket sini ada nggak? \pho yaŋ rumaɲa dəkət sini ʔada ŋgaʔ \mb yang rumah -nya deket sini ada nggak \ge REL house -NYA near here exist NEG \gj REL house-NYA near here exist NEG \ft do you have any friend whose house's around here? \ref 1395 \id 453059090909170205 \begin 0:33:42 \sp ARTPIT \tx nggak ada? \pho ŋga ʔadaʔ \mb nggak ada \ge NEG exist \gj NEG exist \ft nobody? \nt = you don't have any friend who lives around here? \ref 1396 \id 283901090909170205 \begin 0:33:43 \sp CHIPIT \tx adanya... \pho ʔadaɲa \mb ada -nya \ge exist -NYA \gj exist-NYA \ft there's... \ref 1397 \id 329185090910170205 \begin 0:33:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx ada ada ada, di sana. \pho ʔada ʔada ʔadaʔ di sana \mb ada ada ada di sana \ge exist exist exist LOC there \gj exist exist exist LOC there \ft yes, there's one, over there. \nt = yes, I have a friend who lives over there. \ref 1398 \id 925566090910170205 \begin 0:33:45 \sp ARTPIT \tx siapa namanya? \pho siyapa namaɲa \mb siapa nama -nya \ge who name -NYA \gj who name-NYA \ft who's his name? \ref 1399 \id 112041090911170205 \begin 0:33:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx Raja. \pho rajah \mb Raja \ge Raja \gj Raja \ft Raja. \ref 1400 \id 883087090911170205 \begin 0:33:47 \sp CHIPIT \tx he...? \pho he \mb he \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh...? \nt doubting OPI for naming his friend's name. \ref 1401 \id 766199090912170205 \begin 0:33:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx Raja. \pho rajaʔ \mb Raja \ge Raja \gj Raja \ft Raja. \ref 1402 \id 921924090912170205 \begin 0:33:49 \sp ARTPIT \tx kalo Fitri? \pho kalɔ fitri \mb kalo Fitri \ge TOP Fitri \gj TOP Fitri \ft how about you, Fitri? \nt = how about you? do you have any friends who lives around here? \ref 1403 \id 997949090913170205 \begin 0:33:50 \sp CHIPIT \tx namanya xx. \pho namaɲa muɲuʔ \mb nama -nya xx \ge name -NYA xx \gj name-NYA xx \ft his name is xx. \ref 1404 \id 752830090913170205 \begin 0:33:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx Fitri, Fitri? \pho fitri fitriʔ \mb Fitri Fitri \ge Fitri Fitri \gj Fitri Fitri \ft how about you, Fitri? \nt repeating ART. \ref 1405 \id 335513090913170205 \begin 0:33:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx ha? \pho ha \mb ha \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1406 \id 175923090914170205 \begin 0:33:52 \sp ARTPIT \tx ada yang di deket, deket sini nggak temennya? \pho ʔada yaŋ di dəkət dəkət sini ŋgaʔ təmənɲa \mb ada yang di deket deket sini nggak temen -nya \ge exist REL LOC near near here NEG friend -NYA \gj exist REL LOC near near here NEG friend-NYA \ft is there any of your friends who lives around here? \ref 1407 \id 847613090914170205 \begin 0:33:53 \sp CHIPIT \tx ada. \pho ʔadaʔ \mb ada \ge exist \gj exist \ft yes. \ref 1408 \id 348116090915170205 \begin 0:33:54 \sp ARTPIT \tx siapa namanya? \pho siyapa namaɲa \mb siapa nama -nya \ge who name -NYA \gj who name-NYA \ft who's her name? \ref 1409 \id 504170090915170205 \begin 0:33:55 \sp CHIPIT \tx Navis. \pho nafis \mb Navis \ge Navis \gj Navis \ft Navis. \ref 1410 \id 701826090916170205 \begin 0:33:55 \sp ARTPIT \tx siapa? \pho siyapa \mb siapa \ge who \gj who \ft who? \ref 1411 \id 810308090916170205 \begin 0:33:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx a... \pho ʔa \mb a \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 1412 \id 664166090917170205 \begin 0:33:56 \sp CHIPIT \tx Navis. \pho nafis \mb Navis \ge Navis \gj Navis \ft Navis. \ref 1413 \id 548645090917170205 \begin 0:33:57 \sp EXPDIN \tx Novi? \pho nɔfi \mb Novi \ge Novi \gj Novi \ft Novi? \ref 1414 \id 290436090918170205 \begin 0:33:58 \sp ARTPIT \tx Navis? \pho nafis \mb Navis \ge Navis \gj Navis \ft Navis? \ref 1415 \id 365928090918170205 \begin 0:33:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx oh... Ayu yang nggak sekolah. \pho ʔoː ʔayuʔ yaŋ ŋgaʔ sakɔya \mb oh Ayu yang nggak sekolah \ge EXCL Ayu REL NEG school \gj EXCL Ayu REL NEG school \ft oh... she's Ayu, the one who doesn't go to school. \nt talking in such a way to make him look like a little kid. \ref 1416 \id 165549090919170205 \begin 0:34:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt wants to hit OPI after talking in such a way. \ref 1417 \id 186450090919170205 \begin 0:34:03 \sp EXPDIN \tx kalo, kalo Mbak Emi rumahnya di mana? \pho kaloʔ kalo m̩baʔ ʔɛmi rumaɲa di mana \mb kalo kalo Mbak Emi rumah -nya di mana \ge TOP TOP EPIT Emi house -NYA LOC which \gj TOP TOP EPIT Emi house-NYA LOC which \ft where's Emi's house? \ref 1418 \id 481781090920170205 \begin 0:34:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx bawah. \pho bawaː \mb bawah \ge under \gj under \ft it's down there. \ref 1419 \id 609219090920170205 \begin 0:34:07 \sp CHIPIT \tx pacarannya. \pho pacalanɲa \mb pacar -an -nya \ge boy.or.girlfriend -AN -NYA \gj boy.or.girlfriend-AN-NYA \ft his girlfriend. \nt teasing OPI by saying that Emi is his girlfriend. \ref 1420 \id 460451090920170205 \begin 0:34:08 \sp CHIPIT \tx het! \pho heʔet \mb het \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft het! \ref 1421 \id 319223090921170205 \begin 0:34:09 \sp EXPDIN \tx pacarku Mbak Emi, ya? \pho pacarku m̩ba ʔɛmi ya \mb pacar -ku Mbak Emi ya \ge boy.or.girlfriend -1SG EPIT Emi yes \gj boy.or.girlfriend-1SG EPIT Emi yes \ft my girlfriend is Emi, right? \nt 1. teasing OPI. 2. addressing OPI with the use of possessive pronominal 'my'; on the common way it should be 'pacarku' instead of 'pacarmu', therefore her question should be 'pacarmu Mbak Emi, ya?' \ref 1422 \id 891132090921170205 \begin 0:34:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx dikatain. \pho dikatain \mb di- kata -in \ge DI- word -IN \gj DI-word-IN \ft you're being jeered. \nt talking while laughing, referring to OPI. \ref 1423 \id 978255090922170205 \begin 0:34:13 \sp ARTPIT \tx pacarnya Mbak Emi? \pho pacarɲa mba ʔɛmiʔ \mb pacar -nya Mbak Emi \ge boy.or.girlfriend -NYA EPIT Emi \gj boy.or.girlfriend-NYA EPIT Emi \ft his girlfriend is Emi? \ref 1424 \id 954105090922170205 \begin 0:34:15 \sp EXPDIN \tx cantik ya Mbak Emi, ya? \pho cantik ya mba ʔɛmi ya \mb cantik ya Mbak Emi ya \ge pretty yes EPIT Emi yes \gj pretty yes EPIT Emi yes \ft is she beautiful? \ref 1425 \id 969947090923170205 \begin 0:34:16 \sp CHIPIT \tx ya... \pho yai \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah... \ref 1426 \id 827587090923170205 \begin 0:34:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx cantik. \pho cantik \mb cantik \ge pretty \gj pretty \ft yes, she's beautiful. \ref 1427 \id 374672090924170205 \begin 0:34:19 \sp EXPDIN \tx aduh. \pho ʔadu \mb aduh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow. \ref 1428 \id 424726090924170205 \begin 0:34:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx ih kalo lewat, 'Mbak Emi ah cintaku.' \pho ʔi kalɔ lewat m̩ba ʔɛmi ʔah cintəku \mb ih kalo lewat Mbak Emi ah cinta -ku \ge EXCL TOP go.by EPIT Emi EXCL love -1SG \gj EXCL TOP go.by EPIT Emi EXCL love-1SG \ft if she passes by, (he'd say), 'oh Emy my dear.' \nt saying what OPI may say if he sees Emi passing by in front of his house. \ref 1429 \id 184734090925170205 \begin 0:34:23 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1430 \id 431858090925170205 \begin 0:34:23 \sp ARTPIT \tx sekolahnya di mana Mbak Emi kalo Mbak Emi? \pho səkolaɲa di mana m̩ba ʔɛmi kalɔ mba ʔɛmi \mb sekolah -nya di mana Mbak Emi kalo Mbak Emi \ge school -NYA LOC which EPIT Emi TOP EPIT Emi \gj school-NYA LOC which EPIT Emi TOP EPIT Emi \ft where's her school? \ref 1431 \id 350674090926170205 \begin 0:34:24 \sp CHIPIT \tx kelas nem. \pho kəlas n̩əm \mb kelas nem \ge class six \gj class six \ft she's at the sixth grade. \ref 1432 \id 288371090926170205 \begin 0:34:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak tau. \pho ŋga tauʔ \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft I don't know. \ref 1433 \id 759155090926170205 \begin 0:34:26 \sp ARTPIT \tx lho? \pho lo \mb lho \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft what? \ref 1434 \id 440014090927170205 \begin 0:34:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx kelas enem. \pho klas ʔənəm \mb kelas enem \ge class six \gj class six \ft sixth grade. \nt referring to Emi. \ref 1435 \id 631594110729170205 \begin 0:34:27 \sp EXPDIN \tx kelas enem? \pho klas ʔənəm \mb kelas enem \ge class six \gj class six \ft sixth grade? \ref 1436 \id 321059110748170205 \begin 0:34:28 \sp EXPDIN \tx dah gede dong. \pho da gədɛʔ doŋ \mb dah gede dong \ge PFCT big DONG \gj PFCT big DONG \ft she's big enough. \ref 1437 \id 254965110810170205 \begin 0:34:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx udah. \pho ʔuda \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft yes. \ref 1438 \id 900828110818170205 \begin 0:34:30 \sp EXPDIN \tx wah. \pho wa \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow. \ref 1439 \id 132313110832170205 \begin 0:34:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx kaya selangit. \pho kaya səlaŋit \mb kaya se- langit \ge like SE- sky \gj like SE-sky \ft as high as the sky. \nt referring to Emi's height. \ref 1440 \id 487237110856170205 \begin 0:34:32 \sp EXPDIN \tx oh. \pho ʔo \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 1441 \id 508922110906170205 \begin 0:34:33 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1442 \id 465516110914170205 \begin 0:34:34 \sp ARTPIT \tx xx kok pacaran sama anak gede sih? \pho ʔugəs koʔ pacaran sama ʔanak gədɛʔ si \mb xx kok pacar -an sama anak gede sih \ge xx KOK boy.or.girlfriend -AN with child big SIH \gj xx KOK boy.or.girlfriend-AN with child big SIH \ft xx why do you make a relation with a big girl? \ref 1443 \id 843073110914170205 \begin 0:34:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak pa-pa. \pho ŋga papa \mb nggak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft it doesn't matter. \ref 1444 \id 544688110914170205 \begin 0:34:37 \sp ARTPIT \tx ye... \pho yeː \mb ye \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ooh... \nt mocking OPI. \ref 1445 \id 387304110915170205 \begin 0:34:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx namanya temen. \pho namaɲa təmən \mb nama -nya temen \ge name -NYA friend \gj name-NYA friend \ft that's we call a friend. \ref 1446 \id 340442110915170205 \begin 0:34:37 \sp EXPDIN \tx oh... \pho ʔoː \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh... \ref 1447 \id 222697110916170205 \begin 0:34:38 \sp ARTPIT \tx oh temen. \pho ʔo təmən \mb oh temen \ge EXCL friend \gj EXCL friend \ft oh, a friend. \ref 1448 \id 373785110916170205 \begin 0:34:39 \sp CHIPIT \tx lu katanya pacar eee... \pho lu kataɲa patal ʔəː \mb lu kata -nya pacar eee \ge 2 word -NYA boy.or.girlfriend FILL \gj 2 word-NYA boy.or.girlfriend FILL \ft you said she's your girlfriend umm... \ref 1449 \id 817596110916170205 \begin 0:34:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx kan xxx. \pho kan xxx \mb kan xxx \ge KAN xxx \gj KAN xxx \ft you know what? xxx. \ref 1450 \id 755678110917170205 \begin 0:34:41 \sp EXPDIN \tx bukan pacar, ya? \pho bukan pacar ya \mb bukan pacar ya \ge NEG boy.or.girlfriend yes \gj NEG boy.or.girlfriend yes \ft not a girlfriend, right? \ref 1451 \id 499787110917170205 \begin 0:34:43 \sp ARTPIT \tx Fitri udah bisa... \pho fitri ʔuda bisaʔ \mb Fitri udah bisa \ge Fitri PFCT can \gj Fitri PFCT can \ft Fitri, can you...? \nt interrupted by OPI. \ref 1452 \id 834515110917170205 \begin 0:34:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya pacar. \pho ya pacar \mb ya pacar \ge yes boy.or.girlfriend \gj yes boy.or.girlfriend \ft she's my girlfriend. \ref 1453 \id 708934110918170205 \begin 0:34:47 \sp EXPDIN \tx oh ya pacar. \pho ʔo ya pa \mb oh ya pacar \ge EXCL yes boy.or.girlfriend \gj EXCL yes boy.or.girlfriend \ft oh, she's your girlfriend. \ref 1454 \id 565430110918170205 \begin 0:34:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo, kalo Pi udah gede kayak Mbak Emi trus... \pho kaloʔ kaloʔ pi ʔuda gədɛʔ kayaʔ m̩ba ʔɛmiʔ tru \mb kalo kalo Pi udah gede kayak Mbak Emi trus \ge TOP TOP TRU-Opi PFCT big like EPIT Emi continue \gj TOP TOP TRU-Opi PFCT big like EPIT Emi continue \ft if, if I'm as big as her, I'll... \ref 1455 \id 691718110919170205 \begin 0:34:53 \sp ARTPIT \tx eh kalo Opi sudah gede kaya Mbak Emi, Mbak Emi udah gede lagi. \pho ʔɛh kalɔʔ ʔopiʔ suda gədɛʔ kaya m̩ba ʔɛmiʔ m̩ba ʔɛmi ʔuda gədɛʔ lagi \mb eh kalo Opi sudah gede kaya Mbak Emi Mbak Emi udah gede lagi \ge EXCL TOP Opi PFCT big like EPIT Emi EPIT Emi PFCT big more \gj EXCL TOP Opi PFCT big like EPIT Emi EPIT Emi PFCT big more \ft you know what? if you're as big as her, she'll be bigger than you. \ref 1456 \id 124796110919170205 \begin 0:34:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 1457 \id 162815110919170205 \begin 0:35:01 \sp EXPDIN \tx kalah terus dong. \pho kalah tərus doŋ \mb kalah terus dong \ge defeated continue DONG \gj defeated continue DONG \ft you always lose. \ref 1458 \id 133648110920170205 \begin 0:35:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo Mbak Emi udah gede, gede selangit, Opi juga gede selangit. \pho kalo m̩ba ʔɛmi ʔuda gədɛʔ gədɛʔ səlaŋit ʔopi ga gədɛʔ səlaŋit \mb kalo Mbak Emi udah gede gede se- langit Opi juga gede se- langit \ge TOP EPIT Emi PFCT big big SE- sky Opi also big SE- sky \gj TOP EPIT Emi PFCT big big SE-sky Opi also big SE-sky \ft if she's as high as the sky, I'll be as high as the sky too. \ref 1459 \id 428568110920170205 \begin 0:35:09 \sp EXPDIN \tx trus? \pho trus \mb trus \ge continue \gj continue \ft and then? \ref 1460 \id 862643110921170205 \begin 0:35:10 \sp ARTPIT \tx oh baru pacaran gitu? \pho ʔo baru pacaran gitu \mb oh baru pacar -an gitu \ge EXCL new boy.or.girlfriend -AN like.that \gj EXCL new boy.or.girlfriend-AN like.that \ft oh, so then you can have a date with her, is that right? \ref 1461 \id 966378110921170205 \begin 0:35:11 \sp CHIPIT \tx ye ah... eit eit. \pho ye ʔaː ʔet ʔet \mb ye ah eit eit \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft ooh aah... eit eit. \nt jeering at OPI. \ref 1462 \id 231351110921170205 \begin 0:35:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 1463 \id 921243110922170205 \begin 0:35:14 \sp ARTPIT \tx sekarang temenan dulu gitu? \pho skaraŋ təmənan dulu gitu \mb sekarang temen -an dulu gitu \ge now friend -AN before like.that \gj now friend-AN before like.that \ft for the time being she's just your friend? \ref 1464 \id 358182110922170205 \begin 0:35:16 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya? \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft is that right? \ref 1465 \id 472975110923170205 \begin 0:35:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-em. \pho hʔm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft aha. \ref 1466 \id 211845110923170205 \begin 0:35:16 \sp ARTPIT \tx oh iya. \pho ʔo ʔiya \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft alright. \ref 1467 \id 687881110923170205 \begin 0:35:17 \sp ARTPIT \tx yalah, orang masih kecil. \pho y̩ala ʔoraŋ masi kəcil \mb ya -lah orang masih kecil \ge yes -LAH person still small \gj yes-LAH person still small \ft absolutely, you're still a little boy. \ref 1468 \id 427417110924170205 \begin 0:35:18 \sp EXPDIN \tx pinter deh. \pho pintər de \mb pinter deh \ge smart DEH \gj smart DEH \ft very good. \ref 1469 \id 412673110924170205 \begin 0:35:19 \sp EXPDIN \tx sekarang sekolah dulu, belajar dulu. \pho skaraŋ səkɔla dulu blajar dulu \mb sekarang sekolah dulu bel- ajar dulu \ge now school before BER- teach before \gj now school before BER-teach before \ft at present you should study first. \ref 1470 \id 105055110925170205 \begin 0:35:20 \sp ARTPIT \tx sekolah dulu, temenan dulu. \pho səkɔla dulu təmənan duluʔ \mb sekolah dulu temen -an dulu \ge school before friend -AN before \gj school before friend-AN before \ft study first, make a friendship first. \ref 1471 \id 467958110925170205 \begin 0:35:21 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1472 \id 478660110925170205 \begin 0:35:22 \sp CHIPIT \tx priwit. \pho wiwit \mb priwit \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft toot. \nt imitating the sound of a whistle. \ref 1473 \id 357756110926170205 \begin 0:35:24 \sp EXPDIN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1474 \id 526087110926170205 \begin 0:35:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx priwit. \pho wiwit \mb priwit \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft toot. \nt repeating CHI. \ref 1475 \id 968699110927170205 \begin 0:35:27 \sp CHIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 1476 \id 541956110927170205 \begin 0:35:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx ka(lo), kalo mou bobok Op(i), Opi... indung, indung kepala... \mb kalo kalo mou bobok Opi Opi indung indung kepala \ge TOP TOP want sleep Opi Opi mother mother head \gj TOP TOP want sleep Opi Opi mother mother head \ft if I want to go to bed, I'll sing...mother, mother, the head... \nt singing a traditional song usually sung as a lullaby. \ref 1477 \id 370622110927170205 \begin 0:35:30 \sp ARTPIT \tx Fit, Fitri kalo sekolah bo bekal nggak Fitri? \pho fit fitri kalɔʔ səkɔla boʔ bəkal ŋga fitriʔ \mb Fit Fitri kalo sekolah bo bekal nggak Fitri \ge Fit Fitri TOP school bring supplies NEG Fitri \gj Fit Fitri TOP school bring supplies NEG Fitri \ft if you go to school, do you bring any food? \ref 1478 \id 760429110928170205 \begin 0:35:32 \sp CHIPIT \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft what? \ref 1479 \id 245804110928170205 \begin 0:35:34 \sp ARTPIT \tx bawa bekal nggak? \pho bawa bəkal ŋgaʔ \mb bawa bekal nggak \ge bring supplies NEG \gj bring supplies NEG \ft do you bring food or not? \ref 1480 \id 841800110929170205 \begin 0:35:34 \sp CHIPIT \tx paan? \pho paʔan \mb pa -an \ge what -AN \gj what-AN \ft what? \ref 1481 \id 757078110929170205 \begin 0:35:35 \sp ARTPIT \tx bawa bekal makanan, enggak? \pho bawaʔ bəkal makanan ŋ̩gaʔ \mb bawa bekal makan -an enggak \ge bring supplies eat -AN NEG \gj bring supplies eat-AN NEG \ft do you bring food or not? \ref 1482 \id 626226110929170205 \begin 0:35:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no, she doesn't. \nt replying ART. \ref 1483 \id 100026110930170205 \begin 0:35:37 \sp CHIPIT \tx gak, jajan. \pho gaʔ jajan \mb gak jajan \ge NEG snack \gj NEG snack \ft no, I buy food. \ref 1484 \id 549826110930170205 \begin 0:35:38 \sp EXPDIN \tx jajan? \pho jajan \mb jajan \ge snack \gj snack \ft you buy food? \ref 1485 \id 339603110931170205 \begin 0:35:38 \sp ARTPIT \tx jajan? \pho jajan \mb jajan \ge snack \gj snack \ft you buy food? \ref 1486 \id 520376110931170205 \begin 0:35:38 \sp ARTPIT \tx wah... kenapa? \pho wa kəna \mb wah kenapa \ge EXCL why \gj EXCL why \ft gee... why? \ref 1487 \id 383252123216170205 \begin 0:35:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx tau tu. \pho tau tu \mb tau tu \ge know that \gj know that \ft yeah, you know. \ref 1488 \id 623183123217170205 \begin 0:35:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx sukanya jajan melulu. \pho sukanɲa jajan məlulu \mb suka -nya jajan melulu \ge like -NYA snack always \gj like-NYA snack always \ft she likes to buy food. \ref 1489 \id 254401123217170205 \begin 0:35:41 \sp CHIPIT \tx kamu ini suka jajan. \pho kamu ʔini tuka jajan \mb kamu ini suka jajan \ge 2 this like snack \gj 2 this like snack \ft you're the one who likes to buy food. \ref 1490 \id 426952123217170205 \begin 0:35:42 \sp ARTPIT \tx awas copot. \pho ʔawas copɔt \mb awas copot \ge EXCL detach \gj EXCL detach \ft watch out, it'll come off. \nt talking to CHI. \ref 1491 \id 692693123217170205 \begin 0:35:43 \sp EXPDIN \tx xxx, copot ni. \pho xxx copɔt ni \mb xxx copot ni \ge xxx detach this \gj xxx detach this \ft xxx, it comes off. \nt referring to the transmitter. \ref 1492 \id 304362123218170205 \begin 0:35:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx nah lu, nah lu, nah lu, nah lu, nah lu. \pho na lu na lu na lu na lu na lu \mb nah lu nah lu nah lu nah lu nah lu \ge NAH 2 NAH 2 NAH 2 NAH 2 NAH 2 \gj NAH 2 NAH 2 NAH 2 NAH 2 NAH 2 \ft serves you right, serves you right, serves you right, serves you right, serves you right. \nt teasing CHI for almost making the transmitter cable comes off. \ref 1493 \id 421948123218170205 \begin 0:35:45 \sp CHIPIT \tx eee... \pho ʔəː \mb eee \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 1494 \id 288705123218170205 \begin 0:35:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx nah lu, nah lu, nah lu, nah lu, nah lu. \pho na lu na lu na lu na lu na lu \mb nah lu nah lu nah lu nah lu nah lu \ge NAH 2 NAH 2 NAH 2 NAH 2 NAH 2 \gj NAH 2 NAH 2 NAH 2 NAH 2 NAH 2 \ft serves you right, serves you right, serves you right, serves you right, serves you right. \nt still teasing CHI for almost making the transmitter cable comes off. \ref 1495 \id 971516123218170205 \begin 0:35:48 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak pa-pa. \pho ŋgaʔ papa \mb nggak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft that's fine. \ref 1496 \id 198039123219170205 \begin 0:35:49 \sp CHIPIT \tx lagian sih lu. \pho lagiyan si lu \mb lagi -an sih lu \ge more -AN SIH 2 \gj more-AN SIH 2 \ft it's because of you. \nt blaming OPI for almost making the transmitter cable comes off. \ref 1497 \id 859709123219170205 \begin 0:35:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx nah lho. \pho na lɔ \mb nah lho \ge NAH EXCL \gj NAH EXCL \ft serves you right. \ref 1498 \id 250243123219170205 \begin 0:35:51 \sp ARTPIT \tx kalo Opi bawa bekal, ya? \pho kalɔ ʔopi bawa bəkal ya \mb kalo Opi bawa bekal ya \ge TOP Opi bring supplies yes \gj TOP Opi bring supplies yes \ft you bring food, right Opi? \ref 1499 \id 742371123219170205 \begin 0:35:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah? \pho ʔãh \mb ah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 1500 \id 947768123219170205 \begin 0:35:53 \sp ARTPIT \tx bawa bekal minum gak? \pho bawa bəkal minum gaʔ \mb bawa bekal minum gak \ge bring supplies drink NEG \gj bring supplies drink NEG \ft do you bring drinks supply? \ref 1501 \id 659410123220170205 \begin 0:35:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 1502 \id 721258123220170205 \begin 0:35:54 \sp ARTPIT \tx bawa? \pho bawaʔ \mb bawa \ge bring \gj bring \ft you bring it? \ref 1503 \id 711074123220170205 \begin 0:35:55 \sp ARTPIT \tx minumnya apa? \pho minumɲa ʔapa \mb minum -nya apa \ge drink -NYA what \gj drink-NYA what \ft what kinds of drinks? \ref 1504 \id 540370123220170205 \begin 0:35:56 \sp ARTPIT \tx aer? \pho ʔaer \mb aer \ge water \gj water \ft water? \ref 1505 \id 711060123220170205 \begin 0:35:56 \sp EXPDIN \tx sama aer putih? \pho sama ʔer puti \mb sama aer putih \ge with water white \gj with water white \ft water? \ref 1506 \id 303729123221170205 \begin 0:35:57 \sp CHIPIT \tx Tante, ini, ini mana ni? \pho tantə ʔinit ʔini mana nin \mb Tante ini ini mana ni \ge aunt this this which this \gj aunt this this which this \ft Auntie, where's it? \nt apparently one of the boots comes off from the doll's leg. \ref 1507 \id 581883123221170205 \begin 0:35:58 \sp EXPDIN \tx sama roti? \pho sama rɔti \mb sama roti \ge with bread \gj with bread \ft and bread? \ref 1508 \id 918964123221170205 \begin 0:35:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx bawa makanan. \pho bawaʔ makanan \mb bawa makan -an \ge bring eat -AN \gj bring eat-AN \ft I bring food. \ref 1509 \id 753034123221170205 \begin 0:36:00 \sp EXPDIN \tx yang mana? \pho yaŋ mana \mb yang mana \ge REL which \gj REL which \ft which one? \ref 1510 \id 155668123222170205 \begin 0:36:01 \sp CHIPIT \tx tu nggak ada Tan. \pho tu ŋga ʔada tan \mb tu nggak ada Tan \ge that NEG exist aunt \gj that NEG exist aunt \ft it's not here. \nt referring to the boot. \ref 1511 \id 615492123222170205 \begin 0:36:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah... \pho ʔaːː \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft aah... \ref 1512 \id 595833123222170205 \begin 0:36:03 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni dia. \pho ni diya \mb ni dia \ge this 3 \gj this 3 \ft here it is. \ref 1513 \id 490367123222170205 \begin 0:36:04 \sp ARTPIT \tx bawa makanan? \pho bawa makanan \mb bawa makan -an \ge bring eat -AN \gj bring eat-AN \ft you bring food? \ref 1514 \id 917988123222170205 \begin 0:36:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni apanya? \pho ni ʔapaɲah \mb ni apa -nya \ge this what -NYA \gj this what-NYA \ft what's this thing? \ref 1515 \id 542088123223170205 \begin 0:36:06 \sp CHIPIT \tx ni bando. \pho ni bandoʔ \mb ni bando \ge this headscarf \gj this headscarf \ft this is a headscarf. \ref 1516 \id 795772123223170205 \begin 0:36:07 \sp ARTPIT \tx jadi nggak jajan di sekolah, ya? \pho jadi ŋgaʔ jajan di səkɔla yah \mb jadi nggak jajan di sekolah ya \ge become NEG snack LOC school yes \gj become NEG snack LOC school yes \ft so you don't buy food at school? \ref 1517 \id 260896123223170205 \begin 0:36:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx jajan. \pho jajan \mb jajan \ge snack \gj snack \ft I buy food. \ref 1518 \id 695181123223170205 \begin 0:36:09 \sp EXPDIN \tx lho, udah bawa bekel masih jajan juga? \pho lɔ ʔuda bawa bəkəl masi jajan jugaʔ \mb lho udah bawa bekel masih jajan juga \ge EXCL PFCT bring k.o.game still snack also \gj EXCL PFCT bring k.o.game still snack also \ft hey, you bring food, but you still buy food? \ref 1519 \id 724733123224170205 \begin 0:36:10 \sp ARTPIT \tx ya... \pho yaː \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah... \ref 1520 \id 607799123224170205 \begin 0:36:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx ndak pa-pa. \pho da papa \mb ndak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft it doesn't matter. \ref 1521 \id 897807123224170205 \begin 0:36:13 \sp EXPDIN \tx biar gendut. \pho biyar gəndut \mb biar gendut \ge let chubby \gj let chubby \ft to make you chubby. \ref 1522 \id 666562123224170205 \begin 0:36:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya... ih. \pho ʔiyaːʔ ʔiʔ \mb iya ih \ge yes EXCL \gj yes EXCL \ft right... iih. \ref 1523 \id 332370123224170205 \begin 0:36:17 \sp ARTPIT \tx eee... trus jajannya bo bekel ba(wa), bo, bawa bekel uang dong? \pho ʔəːʔ trus jajanɲa bɔʔ bəkəl baʔ bɔʔ baw bəkəl ʔuwaŋ dɔŋ \mb eee trus jajan -nya bo bekel bawa bo bawa bekel uang dong \ge FILL continue snack -NYA bring supplies bring bring bring k.o.game money DONG \gj FILL continue snack-NYA bring supplies bring bring bring k.o.game money DONG \ft umm... so, to buy food, you should bring some money, right? \ref 1524 \id 457580123225170205 \begin 0:36:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx ba ba ba ba ba ba... \pho baʔ baʔ baʔ baʔ baʔ baʔ \mb ba ba ba ba ba ba \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ba ba ba ba ba ba... \nt actually he's stuttering just for teasing ART. \ref 1525 \id 663739123225170205 \begin 0:36:20 \sp ARTPIT \tx iya, bawa bekel uang? \pho ʔiya bawa bəkəl ʔuwaŋ \mb iya bawa bekel uang \ge yes bring k.o.game money \gj yes bring k.o.game money \ft is it right that you bring some money? \ref 1526 \id 584662123225170205 \begin 0:36:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx hah? \pho hã \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft what? \ref 1527 \id 829299123225170205 \begin 0:36:23 \sp ARTPIT \tx dikasi berapa sehari? \pho dikasi b̩rapa səhariʔ \mb di- kasi berapa se- hari \ge DI- give how.much SE- day \gj DI-give how.much SE-day \ft how much money you get in a day? \ref 1528 \id 351298123225170205 \begin 0:36:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx dua kali. \pho duwa kali \mb dua kali \ge two time \gj two time \ft two times. \nt = I get money two times in a day. \ref 1529 \id 879270123226170205 \begin 0:36:27 \sp EXPDIN \tx berapa? \pho b̩rapa \mb berapa \ge how.much \gj how.much \ft how much? \ref 1530 \id 510730123226170205 \begin 0:36:28 \sp ARTPIT \tx dua berapa? \pho duwa brapa \mb dua berapa \ge two how.much \gj two how.much \ft two what? \ref 1531 \id 249980123226170205 \begin 0:36:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx wah, bawa banyak. \pho wa baw baɲak \mb wah bawa banyak \ge EXCL bring a.lot \gj EXCL bring a.lot \ft well, I bring much money. \ref 1532 \id 823506123226170205 \begin 0:36:30 \sp CHIPIT \tx boong. \pho boʔɔŋ \mb boong \ge lie \gj lie \ft he's lying. \ref 1533 \id 194668123227170205 \begin 0:36:31 \sp ARTPIT \tx dua ratus. \pho duwa ratus \mb dua ratus \ge two hundred \gj two hundred \ft two hundred rupiah? \ref 1534 \id 900553123227170205 \begin 0:36:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni, satu dua tiga. \pho ni satu duwa tigaʔ \mb ni satu dua tiga \ge this one two three \gj this one two three \ft here, one two three. \nt counting his fingers to tell EXPDIN and ART how much money he brings to school. \ref 1535 \id 915378123227170205 \begin 0:36:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx tiga tiga tiga. \pho diga diga digaʔ \mb tiga tiga tiga \ge three three three \gj three three three \ft three three three. \ref 1536 \id 775794123227170205 \begin 0:36:35 \sp ARTPIT \tx tiga bulet? \pho tiga bulət \mb tiga bulet \ge three round \gj three round \ft full three? \nt 'bulet' is referring to the zero notation that indicates the monetary units; ART is questionning the money OPI brings to school, 'tiga bulet' means 'three thousand rupiah.' \ref 1537 \id 190571123227170205 \begin 0:36:36 \sp EXPDIN \tx tiga ratus? \pho tiga ratus \mb tiga ratus \ge three hundred \gj three hundred \ft three hundred rupiah? \ref 1538 \id 442097123228170205 \begin 0:36:37 \sp ARTPIT \tx tiga ratus? \pho tiga ratus \mb tiga ratus \ge three hundred \gj three hundred \ft three hundred rupiah? \ref 1539 \id 534549123228170205 \begin 0:36:38 \sp ARTPIT \tx jajan di sekolah jajan apa aja? \pho jajan di səkɔla jajan ʔapa ʔaja \mb jajan di sekolah jajan apa aja \ge snack LOC school snack what just \gj snack LOC school snack what just \ft what kind of food you buy at school? \ref 1540 \id 975801123228170205 \begin 0:36:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx telor puyuh. \pho təlɔ puyuh \mb telor puyuh \ge egg quail \gj egg quail \ft quail eggs. \ref 1541 \id 213194125348170205 \begin 0:36:40 \sp EXPDIN \tx telor puyuh? \pho təlɔr puyuh \mb telor puyuh \ge egg quail \gj egg quail \ft quail eggs? \ref 1542 \id 863007125400170205 \begin 0:36:41 \sp ARTPIT \tx telor puyuh? \pho təlor puyu \mb telor puyuh \ge egg quail \gj egg quail \ft quail eggs? \ref 1543 \id 783176125419170205 \begin 0:36:42 \sp ARTPIT \tx pantes, ya? \pho pantəs ya \mb pantes ya \ge suitable yes \gj suitable yes \ft no wonder. \ref 1544 \id 960203125434170205 \begin 0:36:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx trus jepretan tek, xx. \pho trus jəp̩retan tək blap \mb trus jepret -an tek xx \ge continue snap -AN IMIT xx \gj continue snap-AN IMIT xx \ft and also staple, tuck xx. \nt = I also buy staple. \ref 1545 \id 856992130154170205 \begin 0:36:44 \sp ARTPIT \tx ye buat apaan jepretan? \pho ye buwat ʔapaʔan jəpretan \mb ye buat apa -an jepret -an \ge EXCL for what -AN snap -AN \gj EXCL for what-AN snap-AN \ft what does that staple for? \ref 1546 \id 493643130221170205 \begin 0:36:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx buat kena orang. \pho buwat kənaʔ ʔolaŋ \mb buat kena orang \ge for undergo person \gj for undergo person \ft to hit somebody. \ref 1547 \id 173519130246170205 \begin 0:36:47 \sp EXPDIN \tx ye... nakal itu. \pho yeː nakal ʔitu \mb ye nakal itu \ge EXCL naughty that \gj EXCL naughty that \ft hey... it's bad. \ref 1548 \id 944700130307170205 \begin 0:36:49 \sp ARTPIT \tx ye... \pho yeː \mb ye \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ooh... \ref 1549 \id 405150130329170205 \begin 0:36:51 \sp CHIPIT \tx nakal xx kaya Mbak Emi. \pho nakal ʔalagəmbe kaya mba ʔɛmiʔ \mb nakal xx kaya Mbak Emi \ge naughty xx like EPIT Emi \gj naughty xx like EPIT Emi \ft he's naughty xx like her. \ref 1550 \id 568467130413170205 \sp ARTPIT \tx kalo Opi jajan apa? \pho kalo ʔopi jajan ʔapa \mb kalo Opi jajan apa \ge TOP Opi snack what \gj TOP Opi snack what \ft what do you buy? \ref 1551 \id 445719130434170205 \sp @End \tx @End