\_sh v3.0 400 Text \_DateStampHasFourDigitYear \ref 001 \id 820563070950130303 \sp @PAR \tx @Participants: OPI Opi Zulfikar CHIPIT’s cousin; FAR Fariz CHI’s cousin; EXPDIN Dini Experimenter. \pho @filename: \ft @Duration: (42:19) started at (20:00) coded (22:19) \nt @Situation: drawing and coloring some letters; playing with the gun at OPI’s house. \ref 002 \id 220972071215130303 \begin 0:20:00 \sp @Begin \tx @Begin \ref 003 \id 179670071223130303 \begin 0:20:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt watching EXPDIN while she's drawing something for him. \ref 004 \id 819996071224130303 \begin 0:20:01 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm, cukup, kan? \pho m cukup kan \mb hmm cukup kan \ge EXCL enough KAN \gj EXCL enough KAN \ft here, it's enough, right? \nt drawing something. \ref 005 \id 586702071224130303 \begin 0:20:02 \sp FARPIT \tx mmm, Mamanya di rumah Ais itu, ya? \pho mː mamaɲa di luma ʔais ʔitu yaʔ \mb mmm Mama -nya di rumah Ais itu ya \ge FILL mommy -NYA LOC house Ais that yes \gj FILL mommy-NYA LOC house Ais that yes \ft umm, that's Mommy at my house, right? \nt looking at something. \ref 006 \id 915554071224130303 \begin 0:20:03 \sp FARPIT \tx ya, kan? \pho ya kan \mb ya kan \ge yes KAN \gj yes KAN \ft isn't she? \ref 007 \id 133092071224130303 \begin 0:20:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx hmm... \pho mː \mb hmm \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft hmm... \nt humming. \ref 008 \id 980119071224130303 \begin 0:20:07 \sp FARPIT \tx iya kan Tante? \pho ʔiya kan tantəh \mb iya kan Tante \ge yes KAN aunt \gj yes KAN aunt \ft right, Auntie? \ref 009 \id 787078071224130303 \begin 0:20:08 \sp EXPDIN \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 010 \id 841077071225130303 \begin 0:20:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx hmm... hmm... \pho mː hʔmː \mb hmm hmm \ge uh-huh uh-huh \gj uh-huh uh-huh \ft uh-huh... uh-huh... \ref 011 \id 308986071225130303 \begin 0:20:10 \sp FARPIT \tx itu kan awannya. \pho ʔitu kan ʔawanaʰ \mb itu kan awan -nya \ge that KAN cloud -NYA \gj that KAN cloud-NYA \ft that's the cloud. \ref 012 \id 732009071225130303 \begin 0:20:11 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm... \pho hm hm hm hm hm hm \mb hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm... \nt laughing. \ref 013 \id 492233071225130303 \begin 0:20:13 \sp FARPIT \tx xx... \pho motoyʔ \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx... \nt showing his index finger. \ref 014 \id 777459071225130303 \begin 0:20:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx hmm... apaan ini? \pho mː ʔapaʔan ʔini \mb hmm apa -an ini \ge FILL what -AN this \gj FILL what-AN this \ft umm... what's this? \ref 015 \id 273862071225130303 \begin 0:20:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx liat deh! \pho lyat de \mb liat deh \ge see DEH \gj see DEH \ft have a look! \ref 016 \id 805670071226130303 \begin 0:20:14 \sp FARPIT \tx ini berapa ni? \pho ʔini bapa ni \mb ini berapa ni \ge this how.much this \gj this how.much this \ft how many is this? \nt still showing his index finger. \ref 017 \id 115850071226130303 \begin 0:20:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx ga(ya), gayanya Tante kayak gimana ya? \pho gaʔ gayaɲa tantə kayaʔ gimana yah \mb gaya gaya -nya Tante kayak gimana ya \ge style style -NYA aunt like how yes \gj style style-NYA aunt like how yes \ft what do you look like? \ref 018 \id 106001071226130303 \begin 0:20:16 \sp FARPIT \tx i(ni), i(ni), ini berapa? \pho ʔi ʔi ʔini bapah \mb ini ini ini berapa \ge this this this how.much \gj this this this how.much \ft how many is this? \nt still showing his index finger. \ref 019 \id 169472071226130303 \begin 0:20:16 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 020 \id 433465071226130303 \begin 0:20:16 \sp FARPIT \tx satu. \pho satuʔ \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft one. \nt answering himself. \ref 021 \id 352963071227130303 \begin 0:20:17 \sp FARPIT \tx ini? \pho ʔinih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft these? \nt showing his index finger and middle finger. \ref 022 \id 955812071227130303 \begin 0:20:18 \sp FARPIT \tx dua. \pho duwaʔ \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft two. \nt answering himself. \ref 023 \id 862422071227130303 \begin 0:20:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx aha! \pho ʔãhã \mb aha \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft aha! \ref 024 \id 848372071227130303 \begin 0:20:19 \sp FARPIT \tx ini? \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft these? \nt showing his index, middle, and sweet fingers. \ref 025 \id 505562071227130303 \begin 0:20:19 \sp FARPIT \tx tiga. \pho tigaʔ \mb tiga \ge three \gj three \ft three. \ref 026 \id 699034071228130303 \begin 0:20:19 \sp EXPDIN \tx 0. \nt laughing while drawing something for OPI. \ref 027 \id 684400071228130303 \begin 0:20:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak bisa, ya? \pho ŋga bicaʔ ya \mb nggak bisa ya \ge NEG can yes \gj NEG can yes \ft you can't do it, do you? \nt teasing EXPDIN. \ref 028 \id 423296071228130303 \begin 0:20:21 \sp FARPIT \tx ini? \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft these? \nt showing his index, middle, sweet, and little fingers. \ref 029 \id 454245071228130303 \begin 0:20:22 \sp FARPIT \tx empat. \pho ʔm̩pat \mb empat \ge four \gj four \ft four. \ref 030 \id 406640071228130303 \begin 0:20:23 \sp FARPIT \tx ha ha ha... empat. \pho hã ã ã ʔm̩pat \mb ha ha ha empat \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT four \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT four \ft ha ha ha... four. \ref 031 \id 404611071229130303 \begin 0:20:24 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmm... bah! \pho mː bah \mb mmm bah \ge FILL EXCL \gj FILL EXCL \ft umm... hey! \ref 032 \id 511101071229130303 \begin 0:20:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx ka(yak), kayak gitu Tante? \pho kaʔ kaya gitu tantəh \mb kayak kayak gitu Tante \ge like like like.that aunt \gj like like like.that aunt \ft like that? \nt commenting EXPDIN who is coloring a letter. \ref 033 \id 189339071229130303 \begin 0:20:26 \sp EXPDIN \tx susah lagi, Pi. \pho susa lagi piʔ \mb susah lagi Pi \ge difficult more TRU-Opi \gj difficult more TRU-Opi \ft it's hard. \nt laughing. \ref 034 \id 434122071229130303 \begin 0:20:28 \sp EXPDIN \tx hi hi hi... hmm hmm... \pho ʔĩ hĩ hĩ hm hm \mb hi hi hi hmm hmm \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hi hi hi... hmm hmm... \ref 035 \id 609763071229130303 \begin 0:20:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini mah A. \pho ʔini ma ʔaːʔ \mb ini mah A \ge this MAH A \gj this MAH A \ft this is A. \ref 036 \id 597081071230130303 \begin 0:20:32 \sp EXPDIN \tx jadi G gimana dong? \pho jadi geʔ gimana doŋ \mb jadi G gimana dong \ge become G how DONG \gj become G how DONG \ft so how is G? \ref 037 \id 750859071230130303 \begin 0:20:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini, G gini. \pho ʔini ge gini \mb ini G gini \ge this G like.this \gj this G like.this \ft here, G is like this. \ref 038 \id 509509071230130303 \begin 0:20:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx terbalik. \pho tərbalik \mb ter- balik \ge TER- turn.around \gj TER-turn.around \ft it's on the other way round. \nt commenting the letter EXPDIN has made. \ref 039 \id 426530071230130303 \begin 0:20:37 \sp EXPDIN \tx he he he he he he... \pho hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ \mb he he he he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he he he he he he... \ref 040 \id 804613071230130303 \begin 0:20:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx itu mah A. \pho ʔitu ma ʔaʔ \mb itu mah A \ge that MAH A \gj that MAH A \ft that's A. \ref 041 \id 349310071231130303 \begin 0:20:40 \sp EXPDIN \tx coba G besar gimana nulisnya? \pho cɔbaʔ ge bəsar gimana nulisɲa \mb coba G besar gimana n- tulis -nya \ge try G big how N- write -NYA \gj try G big how N-write-NYA \ft try it, how do you write down capital G? \ref 042 \id 769974071231130303 \begin 0:20:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx G besar? \pho ge bəsar \mb G besar \ge G big \gj G big \ft capital G? \ref 043 \id 474866071231130303 \begin 0:20:44 \sp EXPDIN \tx G kapital, he-eh. \pho ge kapital hə̃ʔə̃ \mb G kapital he-eh \ge G capital uh-huh \gj G capital uh-huh \ft capital G, uh-huh. \ref 044 \id 485572071231130303 \begin 0:20:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya... ini mah A, Tante. \pho yah ʔini ma ʔaʔ tantə \mb ya ini mah A Tante \ge yes this MAH A aunt \gj yes this MAH A aunt \ft yeah... this is A. \ref 045 \id 420011071232130303 \begin 0:20:46 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm, udah benerin Gnya udah. \pho hm ʔuda bənərin geʔɲa ʔudaʰ \mb hmm udah bener -in G -nya udah \ge EXCL PFCT true -IN G -NYA PFCT \gj EXCL PFCT true-IN G-NYA PFCT \ft hmm, fine, correct the G. \ref 046 \id 131503071232130303 \begin 0:20:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 047 \id 386030071232130303 \begin 0:20:49 \sp EXPDIN \tx kamu tinggal bikin Gnya aja udah ini. \pho kamu tiŋgal bikin geʔɲa ʔaja uda ʔini \mb kamu tinggal bikin G -nya aja udah ini \ge 2 stay make G -NYA just PFCT this \gj 2 stay make G-NYA just PFCT this \ft you just have to make G. \ref 048 \id 511964071232130303 \begin 0:20:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx he he he he he he... \pho ʔə̃ hə̃ hə̃ ʔə̃ ʔə̃ ʔə̃ \mb he he he he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he he he he he he... \nt laughing. \ref 049 \id 297596071232130303 \begin 0:20:52 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm... \pho hm hm hm hm hm \mb hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm... \nt laughing. \ref 050 \id 113498071233130303 \begin 0:20:53 \sp EXPDIN \tx he he... kamu ketawain Tante lagi. \pho hə̃ hə̃ kamu kətawaʔin tantə lagi \mb he he kamu ke- tawa -in Tante lagi \ge IMIT IMIT 2 KE- laughter -IN aunt more \gj IMIT IMIT 2 KE-laughter-IN aunt more \ft he he... you laugh at me. \ref 051 \id 165467071233130303 \begin 0:20:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx he ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... \pho hə̃ hã hã hã hã hã hã hã \mb he ha ha ha ha ha ha ha \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... \ref 052 \id 617536071233130303 \begin 0:20:55 \sp EXPDIN \tx he he he... \pho hẽ hẽ hẽ \mb he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he he he... \ref 053 \id 741488071233130303 \begin 0:20:56 \sp EXPDIN \tx tu kan, angka enem, kan? \pho tu kan ʔaŋkaʔ ənəm kan \mb tu kan angka enem kan \ge that KAN digit six KAN \gj that KAN digit six KAN \ft see, it's number six, right? \nt commenting the G letter which looks like number six. \ref 054 \id 504511071233130303 \begin 0:20:57 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm hmm hmm hmm... \pho hm hm hm hm \mb hmm hmm hmm hmm \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hmm hmm hmm hmm... \ref 055 \id 136552071234130303 \begin 0:20:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-eh. \pho hẽ \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 056 \id 635343071234130303 \begin 0:20:59 \sp EXPDIN \tx dah, tinggal ngewarnai. \pho da tiŋgal ŋəwarnay \mb dah tinggal nge- warna -i \ge PFCT stay N- color -I \gj PFCT stay N-color-I \ft okay, just color it. \nt laughing. \ref 057 \id 330372071234130303 \begin 0:21:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah, bodo. \pho da bodoʔ \mb dah bodo \ge PFCT stupid \gj PFCT stupid \ft okay, who cares. \ref 058 \id 180911071234130303 \begin 0:21:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx aha... \pho ʔãhã \mb aha \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft aha... \nt taking the coloring pencils. \ref 059 \id 987045071234130303 \begin 0:21:03 \sp FARPIT \tx pinjem. \pho piɲjəm \mb pinjem \ge borrow \gj borrow \ft may I borrow it? \ref 060 \id 195955071235130303 \begin 0:21:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya G... \pho ya geː \mb ya G \ge yes G \gj yes G \ft yeah G... \ref 061 \id 925811071235130303 \begin 0:21:04 \sp EXPDIN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 062 \id 634547071235130303 \begin 0:21:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx eheh... \pho ʔə̃hə̃ \mb eheh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey... \ref 063 \id 447379071235130303 \begin 0:21:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya ha ha... enem... he he he he he... \pho ya hã hã ʔənəm hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ \mb ya ha ha enem he he he he he \ge yes IMIT IMIT six IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj yes IMIT IMIT six IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ya ha ha... six... he he he he he... \ref 064 \id 220563071235130303 \begin 0:21:07 \sp EXPDIN \tx he he he he... \pho hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ \mb he he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he he he he... \ref 065 \id 506719071236130303 \begin 0:21:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... \mb ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... \ref 066 \id 349357071236130303 \begin 0:21:11 \sp EXPDIN \tx gimana dong? \pho gimana dɔŋ \mb gimana dong \ge how DONG \gj how DONG \ft how is it? \ref 067 \id 662704071236130303 \begin 0:21:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx ha ha ha ha... \pho hã ʔã ʔã ʔã \mb ha ha ha ha \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ha ha ha ha... \ref 068 \id 284812071236130303 \begin 0:21:15 \sp EXPDIN \tx G bes(ar), G gede gimana? \pho ge bəs ge gədɛʔ gimana \mb G besar G gede gimana \ge G big G big how \gj G big G big how \ft capital G, how do you make capital G? \ref 069 \id 346415071237130303 \begin 0:21:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx G, G gede kayak gini. \pho ge ge gədɛʔ kaya gini \mb G G gede kayak gini \ge G G big like like.this \gj G G big like like.this \ft G, capital G is like this. \ref 070 \id 708413071237130303 \begin 0:21:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu. \pho tu \mb tu \ge that \gj that \ft look. \nt making G letter. \ref 071 \id 811873071237130303 \begin 0:21:18 \sp EXPDIN \tx itu G kecil. \pho ʔitu ge kəcil \mb itu G kecil \ge that G small \gj that G small \ft that's small G. \ref 072 \id 874428071237130303 \begin 0:21:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx G... \pho geʔ \mb G \ge G \gj G \ft G... \ref 073 \id 142323071237130303 \begin 0:21:22 \sp EXPDIN \tx G yang gede, huruf besar. \pho gə yaŋ gədɛʔ huruf bəsar \mb G yang gede huruf besar \ge G REL big letter big \gj G REL big letter big \ft capital G, capital letter. \ref 074 \id 433222071238130303 \begin 0:21:23 \sp EXPDIN \tx huruf besar gimana? \pho huruf bəsar gimana \mb huruf besar gimana \ge letter big how \gj letter big how \ft how do you make capital letter? \ref 075 \id 774726071238130303 \begin 0:21:24 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni, begini doang. \pho ni bəgini dowaŋ \mb ni begini doang \ge this like.this just \gj this like.this just \ft here, just like this. \nt making letter G. \ref 076 \id 235020071238130303 \begin 0:21:25 \sp EXPDIN \tx itu G kecil, Sayang, Sayangku. \pho ʔitu ge kəcil sayaŋ sayaŋkuʔ \mb itu G kecil Sayang Sayang -ku \ge that G small compassion compassion -1SG \gj that G small compassion compassion-1SG \ft that's small G, Babe, my dear. \ref 077 \id 489564071238130303 \begin 0:21:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx G besar mana sih? \pho ge bəsar mana si \mb G besar mana sih \ge G big which SIH \gj G big which SIH \ft how does capital G look like? \ref 078 \id 918048071238130303 \begin 0:21:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi belom tau. \pho ʔopi bəlom taWuʔ \mb Opi belom tau \ge Opi not.yet know \gj Opi not.yet know \ft I don't know it yet. \ref 079 \id 652033071239130303 \begin 0:21:30 \sp EXPDIN \tx oh, huruf kecil semua. \pho ʔoː huruf kəcil səmuwa \mb oh huruf kecil semua \ge EXCL letter small all \gj EXCL letter small all \ft oh, they're small letters. \nt commenting the letters OPI has made. \ref 080 \id 931797071239130303 \begin 0:21:31 \sp EXPDIN \tx ini G besar ini. \pho ʔini ge bəsar ʔini \mb ini G besar ini \ge this G big this \gj this G big this \ft this is capital G. \ref 081 \id 442972071239130303 \begin 0:21:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini... enam. \pho ʔiniʔ ʔənam \mb ini enam \ge this six \gj this six \ft this is... six. \ref 082 \id 851075071239130303 \begin 0:21:35 \sp EXPDIN \tx bukan. \pho bukan \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 083 \id 933564071239130303 \begin 0:21:37 \sp EXPDIN \tx ini, ni, ni, ni, Tante ajarin. \pho ʔini ni ni ni tantə ʔajarin \mb ini ni ni ni Tante ajar -in \ge this this this this aunt teach -IN \gj this this this this aunt teach-IN \ft here, here, here, here, I'll teach you. \ref 084 \id 433248071240130303 \begin 0:21:38 \sp EXPDIN \tx ni G besar. \pho ni ge bəsar \mb ni G besar \ge this G big \gj this G big \ft this is capital G. \ref 085 \id 313854071240130303 \begin 0:21:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft which one? \ref 086 \id 649313071240130303 \begin 0:21:41 \sp EXPDIN \tx begini, kayak angka enam. \pho bəgini kayaʔ aŋka ʔənam \mb begini kayak angka enam \ge like.this like digit six \gj like.this like digit six \ft like this, it looks like number six. \ref 087 \id 221906071240130303 \begin 0:21:43 \sp EXPDIN \tx G kecilnya begini. \pho ge kəcilɲa bəgini \mb G kecil -nya begini \ge G small -NYA like.this \gj G small-NYA like.this \ft here is the small G. \ref 088 \id 580705071240130303 \begin 0:21:45 \sp EXPDIN \tx begitu. \pho bəgitu \mb begitu \ge like.that \gj like.that \ft like that. \ref 089 \id 929126071241130303 \begin 0:21:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx oh iya? \pho ʔo ʔiyaʔ \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft really? \ref 090 \id 547096071241130303 \begin 0:21:47 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya, ini. \pho ʔiya ʔini \mb iya ini \ge yes this \gj yes this \ft yes, here. \ref 091 \id 355230071241130303 \begin 0:21:48 \sp EXPDIN \tx mmm, bener, kan? \pho m bənər kan \mb mmm bener kan \ge FILL true KAN \gj FILL true KAN \ft umm, it's right, isn't it? \ref 092 \id 367815071241130303 \begin 0:21:50 \sp EXPDIN \tx ya meskipun agak terlalu kurus, nggak pa-palah. \pho ya məskipun ʔagaʔ tərlalu kurus ŋgaʔ papala \mb ya meski -pun agak ter- lalu kurus nggak pa - pa -lah \ge yes although -PUN fairly TER- pass skinny NEG what - what -LAH \gj yes although-PUN fairly TER-pass skinny NEG RED-what-LAH \ft although it looks too small, but that's fine. \ref 093 \id 371811071241130303 \begin 0:21:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx terlalu kayak enem. \pho tərlalu kayaʔ ənəm \mb ter- lalu kayak enem \ge TER- pass like six \gj TER-pass like six \ft it really looks like number six. \ref 094 \id 936538071242130303 \begin 0:21:53 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 095 \id 916868071242130303 \begin 0:21:54 \sp FARPIT \tx Tante, Ais bikinin ini. \pho tantə ʔay bikinin ʔini \mb Tante Ais bikin -in ini \ge aunt Ais make -IN this \gj aunt Ais make-IN this \ft could you make this for me? \nt asking EXPDIN to draw something for him. \ref 096 \id 626708071242130303 \begin 0:21:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu, betul Tante. \pho tu bətul tantə \mb tu betul Tante \ge that right aunt \gj that right aunt \ft see, that's right. \ref 097 \id 107221071242130303 \begin 0:21:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx xx, salah. \pho jaʔ salah \mb xx salah \ge xx wrong \gj xx wrong \ft xx, it's wrong. \ref 098 \id 876883071242130303 \begin 0:21:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx kan kalo G, G besar kan gini. \pho kan kaloʔ geʔ geʔ bəsar kan gini \mb kan kalo G G besar kan gini \ge KAN TOP G G big KAN like.this \gj KAN TOP G G big KAN like.this \ft capital G is like this. \ref 099 \id 891968071243130303 \begin 0:21:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx nih. \pho niʰ \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt trying to make G capital on drawing book. \ref 100 \id 636333071243130303 \begin 0:22:01 \sp EXPDIN \tx nah, bener, kan? \pho naː bənər kan \mb nah bener kan \ge NAH true KAN \gj NAH true KAN \ft see, that's right. \ref 101 \id 774676071243130303 \begin 0:22:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu, gitu. \pho tu gituʔ \mb tu gitu \ge that like.that \gj that like.that \ft see, like that. \ref 102 \id 303035071243130303 \begin 0:22:05 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya, kayak angka enem, bener. \pho ʔiya kaya ʔaŋkaʔ ənəm bənər \mb iya kayak angka enem bener \ge yes like digit six true \gj yes like digit six true \ft right, it looks like number six. \ref 103 \id 625534071244130303 \begin 0:22:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx tapi kan, tu nggak, nggak... \pho tapi kan tu ŋgaʔ ŋgaʔ \mb tapi kan tu nggak nggak \ge but KAN that NEG NEG \gj but KAN that NEG NEG \ft but it's not, it's not... \ref 104 \id 167591071244130303 \begin 0:22:08 \sp EXPDIN \tx oh, nggak nempel, ya? \pho ʔo ŋgaʔ nempel ya \mb oh nggak n- tempel ya \ge EXCL NEG N- attach yes \gj EXCL NEG N-attach yes \ft oh, it doesn't attach, does it? \ref 105 \id 312164071244130303 \begin 0:22:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak nempel. \pho ŋgaʔ nempel \mb nggak n- tempel \ge NEG N- attach \gj NEG N-attach \ft it doesn't attach. \ref 106 \id 150795071244130303 \begin 0:22:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx gimana sih? \pho gimana siʰ \mb gimana sih \ge how SIH \gj how SIH \ft how is it? \ref 107 \id 620982084747130303 \begin 0:22:13 \sp EXPDIN \tx boleh. \pho boleːʰ \mb boleh \ge may \gj may \ft sure. \ref 108 \id 159035084747130303 \begin 0:22:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx gimana sih? \pho gimana siʔ \mb gimana sih \ge how SIH \gj how SIH \ft how is it? \ref 109 \id 516178084748130303 \begin 0:22:16 \sp EXPDIN \tx ya gini aja. \pho ya gini ʔaja \mb ya gini aja \ge yes like.this just \gj yes like.this just \ft yeah, just like this. \ref 110 \id 925036084748130303 \begin 0:22:17 \sp EXPDIN \tx oh iya, bener. \pho ʔo ʔiya bənər \mb oh iya bener \ge EXCL yes true \gj EXCL yes true \ft oh yes, that's right. \ref 111 \id 205143084748130303 \begin 0:22:18 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak nempel, ya? \pho ŋgaʔ nempel ya \mb nggak n- tempel ya \ge NEG N- attach yes \gj NEG N-attach yes \ft it doesn't attach, right? \ref 112 \id 545915084748130303 \begin 0:22:19 \sp EXPDIN \tx tar dulu. \pho tar duluʔ \mb tar dulu \ge moment before \gj moment before \ft just a moment. \ref 113 \id 308648084748130303 \begin 0:22:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx gimana sih? \pho gimana ʃi \mb gimana sih \ge how SIH \gj how SIH \ft how is it? \ref 114 \id 460297084749130303 \begin 0:22:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx ha ha ha ha... \pho hã ʔã ʔã ʔã \mb ha ha ha ha \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ha ha ha ha... \ref 115 \id 430545084749130303 \begin 0:22:21 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm hmm hmm... \pho hm hm hm \mb hmm hmm hmm \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hmm hmm hmm... \ref 116 \id 791944084749130303 \begin 0:22:22 \sp EXPDIN \tx dah, bener, kan? \pho dah bənər kan \mb dah bener kan \ge PFCT true KAN \gj PFCT true KAN \ft done, that's right. \ref 117 \id 717267084749130303 \begin 0:22:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx hi hi hi hi hi... \pho hĩ hĩ ʔĩ ʔĩ ʔĩ \mb hi hi hi hi hi \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hi hi hi hi hi... \ref 118 \id 231196084749130303 \begin 0:22:24 \sp EXPDIN \tx bener lagi, Pi. \pho bənər lagi piʔ \mb bener lagi Pi \ge true more TRU-Opi \gj true more TRU-Opi \ft that's right, Opi. \ref 119 \id 113816084750130303 \begin 0:22:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx he he he... \pho ʔẽ hẽ hẽ \mb he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he he he... \ref 120 \id 120761084750130303 \begin 0:22:26 \sp EXPDIN \tx he he... \pho hə̃ hə̃ \mb he he \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft he he... \ref 121 \id 732756084750130303 \begin 0:22:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx ha ha ha ha ha ha... \pho hã hã hã hã hã hã \mb ha ha ha ha ha ha \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ha ha ha ha ha ha... \ref 122 \id 454948084750130303 \begin 0:22:29 \sp EXPDIN \tx he he... ntar diwarna. \pho hə̃ hə̃ ntar diwarnaʔ \mb he he ntar di- warna \ge IMIT IMIT moment DI- color \gj IMIT IMIT moment DI-color \ft he he... you'll color it. \ref 123 \id 528002084751130303 \begin 0:22:31 \sp EXPDIN \tx nanti gambar ni ama Ais ni satu-satu di sini. \pho nanti gambar ni ʔama ʔais ni satusatuʔ di sini \mb nanti gambar ni ama Ais ni satu - satu di sini \ge later picture this with Ais this one - one LOC here \gj later picture this with Ais this RED-one LOC here \ft you'll color it one by one here. \ref 124 \id 738171084751130303 \begin 0:22:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx bener kan kata Zulfi? \pho bənər kan kataʔ sulfiʔ \mb bener kan kata Zulfi \ge true KAN word Zulfi \gj true KAN word Zulfi \ft don't you think I'm right? \ref 125 \id 561266084751130303 \begin 0:22:33 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em, bener. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m bənər \mb he-em bener \ge uh-huh true \gj uh-huh true \ft uh-huh, you're right. \ref 126 \id 911188084751130303 \begin 0:22:34 \sp EXPDIN \tx lupa Tante. \pho lupaʔ tantə \mb lupa Tante \ge forget aunt \gj forget aunt \ft I forgot. \ref 127 \id 552896084751130303 \begin 0:22:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmm, dah. \pho mː da \mb mmm dah \ge FILL PFCT \gj FILL PFCT \ft umm, done. \ref 128 \id 647733084752130303 \begin 0:22:37 \sp EXPDIN \tx he he he... \pho hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ \mb he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he he he... \ref 129 \id 674071084752130303 \begin 0:22:37 \sp FARPIT \tx Tante! \pho tantə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 130 \id 531161084752130303 \begin 0:22:37 \sp EXPDIN \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 131 \id 735664084752130303 \begin 0:22:38 \sp FARPIT \tx ininya masih nggak? \pho ʔiniɲa masi ŋgaʔ \mb ini -nya masih nggak \ge this -NYA still NEG \gj this-NYA still NEG \ft is there any? \nt pointing to the drawing book. \ref 132 \id 721813084752130303 \begin 0:22:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx masih banyak. \pho masi baɲak \mb masih banyak \ge still a.lot \gj still a.lot \ft a lot. \nt answering FAR. \ref 133 \id 129714084753130303 \begin 0:22:40 \sp EXPDIN \tx oh iya, masih ada. \pho ʔo ʔiya masi ʔadaʔ \mb oh iya masih ada \ge EXCL yes still exist \gj EXCL yes still exist \ft oh right, a lot. \ref 134 \id 914807084753130303 \begin 0:22:41 \sp EXPDIN \tx gambar, Ais! \pho gambar ʔais \mb gambar Ais \ge picture Ais \gj picture Ais \ft draw it! \nt giving the drawing book to FAR. \ref 135 \id 186810084753130303 \begin 0:22:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmm... \pho mː \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 136 \id 219471084753130303 \begin 0:22:43 \sp FARPIT \tx nggak bisa. \pho ŋga bisaʔ \mb nggak bisa \ge NEG can \gj NEG can \ft I can't. \ref 137 \id 167264084753130303 \begin 0:22:45 \sp FARPIT \tx gambarin, Tante! \pho gambalin tantə \mb gambar -in Tante \ge picture -IN aunt \gj picture-IN aunt \ft draw it for me! \ref 138 \id 213164084754130303 \begin 0:22:47 \sp EXPDIN \tx lho? \pho loh \mb lho \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft huh? \ref 139 \id 365016084754130303 \begin 0:22:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx gambarin Nia. \pho gambarin niyaʔ \mb gambar -in Nia \ge picture -IN Nia \gj picture-IN Nia \ft draw it for Nia. \nt = ask Nia to draw it for you. \ref 140 \id 133717084754130303 \begin 0:22:49 \sp EXPDIN \tx Ais kok nggak bisa? \pho ʔais ko ŋga bisaʔ \mb Ais kok nggak bisa \ge Ais KOK NEG can \gj Ais KOK NEG can \ft why not? \ref 141 \id 693552084754130303 \begin 0:22:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx min(ta), minta Nia, minta Nia. \pho min minta niyaʔ minta niyaʔ \mb minta minta Nia minta Nia \ge ask.for ask.for Nia ask.for Nia \gj ask.for ask.for Nia ask.for Nia \ft ask Nia, ask Nia, ask Nia. \nt = ask Nia to draw it for you. \ref 142 \id 349099084755130303 \begin 0:22:51 \sp FARPIT \tx minta Nia. \pho minta niyaʔ \mb minta Nia \ge ask.for Nia \gj ask.for Nia \ft ask Nia. \nt giving the drawing book to EXPDIN. \ref 143 \id 814326084755130303 \begin 0:22:52 \sp EXPDIN \tx minta Nia? \pho mintaʔ niyaʔ \mb minta Nia \ge ask.for Nia \gj ask.for Nia \ft ask Nia? \ref 144 \id 700492084755130303 \begin 0:22:53 \sp FARPIT \tx Nia. \pho niyaʔ \mb Nia \ge Nia \gj Nia \ft Nia. \ref 145 \id 895771084755130303 \begin 0:22:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaʔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 146 \id 643215084755130303 \begin 0:22:55 \sp EXPDIN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 147 \id 338164084756130303 \begin 0:22:57 \sp EXPDIN \tx diwarna ya nanti, ya? \pho diwarna ya nanti ya \mb di- warna ya nanti ya \ge DI- color yes later yes \gj DI-color yes later yes \ft color it later, okay? \nt drawing something for FAR. \ref 148 \id 636750084756130303 \begin 0:22:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx oh... dinilai ntar sama Tante. \pho ʔoʔ dinile ntar sama tantə \mb oh di- nilai ntar sama Tante \ge EXCL DI- value moment with aunt \gj EXCL DI-value moment with aunt \ft oh... she'll grade it. \ref 149 \id 571286084756130303 \begin 0:23:00 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 150 \id 123342084756130303 \begin 0:23:01 \sp FARPIT \tx kok diwarnain sih? \pho ko diwanaʔin siʰ \mb kok di- warna -in sih \ge KOK DI- color -IN SIH \gj KOK DI-color-IN SIH \ft why do I have to color it? \ref 151 \id 915864084756130303 \begin 0:23:03 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya, biar bagus. \pho ʔiya biyar bagus \mb iya biar bagus \ge yes let nice \gj yes let nice \ft yes, it will look nice. \ref 152 \id 853877084757130303 \begin 0:23:05 \sp FARPIT \tx ih! \pho ʔih \mb ih \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ih! \ref 153 \id 334298084757130303 \begin 0:23:07 \sp EXPDIN \tx punya Ais juga mesti diwarnai. \pho puɲa ʔais jugaʔ məsti diwarnay \mb punya Ais juga mesti di- warna -i \ge have Ais also should DI- color -I \gj have Ais also should DI-color-I \ft yours also has to be colored. \ref 154 \id 465229084757130303 \begin 0:23:08 \sp FARPIT \tx ih, sama kayak gini. \pho ʔi sama kaya gini \mb ih sama kayak gini \ge EXCL with like like.this \gj EXCL with like like.this \ft ih, it looks similar. \nt pointing to a picture. \ref 155 \id 519941084757130303 \begin 0:23:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante, Tante! \pho tantə tantə \mb Tante Tante \ge aunt aunt \gj aunt aunt \ft Auntie, Auntie! \ref 156 \id 259756084757130303 \begin 0:23:10 \sp EXPDIN \tx hah? \pho ʔã \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 157 \id 437772084758130303 \begin 0:23:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo ini biru, trus ini kuning, biru, kuning... \pho kalo ʔini biruʔ rus ʔini kuniŋ biruʔ kuniŋ \mb kalo ini biru trus ini kuning biru kuning \ge TOP this blue continue this yellow blue yellow \gj TOP this blue continue this yellow blue yellow \ft if this one is blue, then this one is yellow, yellow... \ref 158 \id 745457084758130303 \begin 0:23:14 \sp EXPDIN \tx boleh. \pho bolɛh \mb boleh \ge may \gj may \ft sure. \ref 159 \id 608875084758130303 \begin 0:23:15 \sp EXPDIN \tx kamu sukanya warna biru kuning, ya? \pho kamu sukaʔɲa warna biru kuniŋ ya \mb kamu suka -nya warna biru kuning ya \ge 2 like -NYA color blue yellow yes \gj 2 like-NYA color blue yellow yes \ft you like blue and yellow, don't you? \ref 160 \id 974799084758130303 \begin 0:23:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm... \pho m m m m m \mb hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm \ge uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh \gj uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh \ft uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh... \ref 161 \id 477800084759130303 \begin 0:23:17 \sp EXPDIN \tx dah. \pho da \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \nt drawing something. \ref 162 \id 301095084759130303 \begin 0:23:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx wah, ada merah jambu nggak? \pho wa ʔada mɛra jambu ŋgaʔ \mb wah ada merah jambu nggak \ge EXCL exist red rose.apple NEG \gj EXCL exist red rose.apple NEG \ft hey, is there any rose? \ref 163 \id 409581084759130303 \begin 0:23:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx idih. \pho ʔidih \mb idih \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey. \ref 164 \id 341082084759130303 \begin 0:23:22 \sp FARPIT \tx Nia kan itu? \pho niyaʔ kan ʔituh \mb Nia kan itu \ge Nia KAN that \gj Nia KAN that \ft that's Nia, right? \nt commenting the letters EXPDIN has made. \ref 165 \id 172496084759130303 \begin 0:23:23 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 166 \id 848006084800130303 \begin 0:23:24 \sp EXPDIN \tx pacarnya Ais, ya? \pho pacarɲa ʔais ya \mb pacar -nya Ais ya \ge boy.or.girlfriend -NYA Ais yes \gj boy.or.girlfriend-NYA Ais yes \ft your girlfriend, right? \ref 167 \id 653862084800130303 \begin 0:23:25 \sp FARPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaʔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 168 \id 177415084800130303 \begin 0:23:27 \sp FARPIT \tx sama Apui. \pho sama ʔapwis \mb sama Apui \ge with Apui \gj with Apui \ft and Apui. \ref 169 \id 726716084800130303 \begin 0:23:28 \sp EXPDIN \tx sama apa? \pho sama ʔapah \mb sama apa \ge with what \gj with what \ft and what? \nt = and who? \ref 170 \id 637571084801130303 \begin 0:23:29 \sp FARPIT \tx Apui. \pho ʔapwi \mb Apui \ge Apui \gj Apui \ft Apui. \ref 171 \id 878206084801130303 \begin 0:23:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx Apui. \pho ʔapwi \mb Apui \ge Apui \gj Apui \ft Apui. \ref 172 \id 625291084801130303 \begin 0:23:31 \sp EXPDIN \tx apa Apui? \pho ʔapa ʔapuwi \mb apa Apui \ge what Apui \gj what Apui \ft what's Apui? \nt = who's Apui? \ref 173 \id 591876084801130303 \begin 0:23:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx pacarnya. \pho pacarɲah \mb pacar -nya \ge boy.or.girlfriend -NYA \gj boy.or.girlfriend-NYA \ft his girlfriend. \ref 174 \id 572846084801130303 \begin 0:23:33 \sp FARPIT \tx cak, pacarnya. \pho cak pacalɲah \mb cak pacar -nya \ge IMIT boy.or.girlfriend -NYA \gj IMIT boy.or.girlfriend-NYA \ft cak, my girlfriend. \ref 175 \id 233971084802130303 \begin 0:23:34 \sp EXPDIN \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft it's done. \ref 176 \id 867730084802130303 \begin 0:23:35 \sp EXPDIN \tx ni udah diwarna! \pho ni ʔuda diwarnaʔ \mb ni udah di- warna \ge this PFCT DI- color \gj this PFCT DI-color \ft here, color this! \ref 177 \id 963109084802130303 \begin 0:23:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx N, I, Ni(a), A... \pho ʔɛn ʔi ni ʔaʔ \mb N I Nia A \ge N I Nia A \gj N I Nia A \ft N, I, Ni(a), A... \nt spelling. \ref 178 \id 197592084802130303 \begin 0:23:38 \sp FARPIT \tx Nia. \pho niyaʔ \mb Nia \ge Nia \gj Nia \ft Nia. \ref 179 \id 541384084803130303 \begin 0:23:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx idih, ih, kecil banget. \pho ʔidih ʔi kəcil baŋət \mb idih ih kecil banget \ge EXCL EXCL small very \gj EXCL EXCL small very \ft hey, hey, very small. \nt referring to the letters EXPDIN has made. \ref 180 \id 663133084803130303 \begin 0:23:39 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 181 \id 294537084803130303 \begin 0:23:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx enak banget, dikit lagi. \pho ʔɛnak baŋət dikit lagi \mb enak banget dikit lagi \ge pleasant very a.little more \gj pleasant very a.little more \ft good for him, just a little. \nt commenting the letters that are going to be colored by FAR. \ref 182 \id 893307084803130303 \begin 0:23:41 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 183 \id 633909084803130303 \begin 0:23:42 \sp EXPDIN \tx panjangan pacarnya nama, nama pacarnya. \pho paɲjaŋan pacarɲa namaʔ nama pacarɲa \mb panjang -an pacar -nya nama nama pacar -nya \ge long -AN boy.or.girlfriend -NYA name name boy.or.girlfriend -NYA \gj long-AN boy.or.girlfriend-NYA name name boy.or.girlfriend-NYA \ft his girlfriend has a long name. \ref 184 \id 524713084804130303 \begin 0:23:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx Nia... \pho niyaʔ \mb Nia \ge Nia \gj Nia \ft Nia... \ref 185 \id 361545084804130303 \begin 0:23:44 \sp FARPIT \tx yang, yang mana-mana nih? \pho yaŋ yaŋ manamana nih \mb yang yang mana - mana nih \ge REL REL which - which this \gj REL REL RED-which this \ft which one? \nt choosing a color. \ref 186 \id 302985084804130303 \begin 0:23:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx terserah. \pho sətəraʔ \mb terserah \ge TER-hand.over \gj TER-hand.over \ft up to you. \ref 187 \id 675898084804130303 \begin 0:23:48 \sp FARPIT \tx tar warna ini aja ni. \pho tal wana ini ʔaja ni \mb tar warna ini aja ni \ge moment color this just this \gj moment color this just this \ft I'll take this color. \ref 188 \id 633233084804130303 \begin 0:23:50 \sp FARPIT \tx awas! \pho ʔawas \mb awas \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft look out! \nt taking a color pencil. \ref 189 \id 869462084805130303 \begin 0:23:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx jan(gan), jangan keluar garis, Riz. \pho jan jaŋan kluwar garis ris \mb jangan jangan keluar garis Riz \ge don't don't go.out line Riz \gj don't don't go.out line Riz \ft don't make it out of line. \ref 190 \id 371418084805130303 \begin 0:23:52 \sp FARPIT \tx ni... warna coklat ni Tante. \pho ni wana tokat ni tantə \mb ni warna coklat ni Tante \ge this color chocolate this aunt \gj this color chocolate this aunt \ft here... the brown. \ref 191 \id 636751084805130303 \begin 0:23:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx ntar... \pho ntar \mb ntar \ge moment \gj moment \ft later... \ref 192 \id 596496084805130303 \begin 0:23:54 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 193 \id 819710084806130303 \begin 0:23:56 \sp FARPIT \tx nih. \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt giving the pencil to EXPDIN. \ref 194 \id 296168084806130303 \begin 0:23:57 \sp EXPDIN \tx lho, lho... ya Ais dong ya warnai. \pho lo lo ya ʔais dɔŋ ya warnaʔi \mb lho lho ya Ais dong ya warna -i \ge EXCL EXCL yes Ais DONG yes color -I \gj EXCL EXCL yes Ais DONG yes color-I \ft hey, hey, you should color it. \ref 195 \id 411817084806130303 \begin 0:23:58 \sp FARPIT \tx coba. \pho cɔbaʔ \mb coba \ge try \gj try \ft let me try. \ref 196 \id 130847084806130303 \begin 0:23:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx terserah Ais. \pho təra ʔais \mb terserah Ais \ge TER-hand.over Ais \gj TER-hand.over Ais \ft it's up to you. \ref 197 \id 154664084806130303 \begin 0:24:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx jangan keluar garis. \pho jaŋan kluwar garis \mb jangan keluar garis \ge don't go.out line \gj don't go.out line \ft don't make it out of line. \ref 198 \id 855354084807130303 \begin 0:24:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh, ni yang dalemnya ini doang. \pho ʔəh ni yaŋ daləmɲa ʔini dowaŋ \mb eh ni yang dalem -nya ini doang \ge EXCL this REL inside -NYA this just \gj EXCL this REL inside-NYA this just \ft hey, just inside this one. \nt pointing to a picture. \ref 199 \id 850895084807130303 \begin 0:24:03 \sp FARPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 200 \id 619424084807130303 \begin 0:24:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx ayo, ayo bingung lho. \pho ʔayo ʔayo biŋuŋ lo \mb ayo ayo bingung lho \ge AYO AYO confused EXCL \gj AYO AYO confused EXCL \ft hey, hey, you're getting confused. \nt teasing FAR. \ref 201 \id 984743084807130303 \begin 0:24:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx ayo lho, gitu doang bingung. \pho ʔayo lo gitu dowaŋ biŋuŋ \mb ayo lho gitu doang bingung \ge AYO EXCL like.that just confused \gj AYO EXCL like.that just confused \ft come on, don't get confused. \ref 202 \id 207417084807130303 \begin 0:24:08 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya, di dalemnya. \pho ʔiya di daləmɲa \mb iya di dalem -nya \ge yes LOC inside -NYA \gj yes LOC inside-NYA \ft yes, inside it. \ref 203 \id 966875084808130303 \begin 0:24:10 \sp EXPDIN \tx gini ni, Tante ajari. \pho gini ni tantə ʔajari \mb gini ni Tante ajar -i \ge like.this this aunt teach -I \gj like.this this aunt teach-I \ft here, let me teach you. \ref 204 \id 500276084808130303 \begin 0:24:11 \sp EXPDIN \tx tu, gitu. \pho tu gitu \mb tu gitu \ge that like.that \gj that like.that \ft see, like that. \nt coloring the picture. \ref 205 \id 961319084808130303 \begin 0:24:13 \sp FARPIT \tx itu warna apaan? \pho ʔitu wana ʔapaʔan \mb itu warna apa -an \ge that color what -AN \gj that color what-AN \ft what color is that? \ref 206 \id 714853084808130303 \begin 0:24:15 \sp EXPDIN \tx apa tu tadi Ais bilang? \pho ʔapa tu tadi ʔais bilaŋ \mb apa tu tadi Ais bilang \ge what that earlier Ais say \gj what that earlier Ais say \ft what did you say before? \ref 207 \id 158375084809130303 \begin 0:24:17 \sp FARPIT \tx coklat. \pho toklat \mb coklat \ge chocolate \gj chocolate \ft brown. \ref 208 \id 211777084809130303 \begin 0:24:19 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya, bener. \pho ʔiya bənər \mb iya bener \ge yes true \gj yes true \ft yes, you're right. \ref 209 \id 444634084809130303 \begin 0:24:22 \sp FARPIT \tx kok coklat kok wa(rna), warna kayak gituan? \pho koʔ coklat ko wa wana kayaʔ gituwan \mb kok coklat kok warna warna kayak gitu -an \ge KOK chocolate KOK color color like like.that -AN \gj KOK chocolate KOK color color like like.that-AN \ft why does brown look like that? \ref 210 \id 874014084809130303 \begin 0:24:25 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em, coklat kan ini. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m cɔklat kan ʔini \mb he-em coklat kan ini \ge uh-huh chocolate KAN this \gj uh-huh chocolate KAN this \ft uh-huh, this is brown. \ref 211 \id 382946084809130303 \begin 0:24:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx kayak es coklat, Riz. \pho kayaʔ ʔɛs cɔklat ris \mb kayak es coklat Riz \ge like ice chocolate Riz \gj like ice chocolate Riz \ft it looks like a chocolate ice. \ref 212 \id 890788084810130303 \begin 0:24:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx Bu, Bu, Bude Ena bikinnya pake es coklat kayak gitu. \pho bu bu bude ʔɛna bikinɲa pakɛʔ ɛs cɔklat kayaʔ gitu \mb Bu Bu Bude Ena bikin -nya pake es coklat kayak gitu \ge TRU-mother TRU-mother TRU-mother-TRU-big Ena make -NYA use ice chocolate like like.that \gj TRU-mother TRU-mother TRU-mother-TRU-big Ena make-NYA use ice chocolate like like.that \ft Auntie Ena makes something with chocolate ice. \ref 213 \id 601155084810130303 \begin 0:24:34 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm... \pho mː \mb hmm \ge oh \gj oh \ft oh... \ref 214 \id 830870084810130303 \begin 0:24:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx jangan diteken ya Tante, ya? \pho jaŋan ditəkən ya tantə yaʔ \mb jangan di- teken ya Tante ya \ge don't DI- press yes aunt yes \gj don't DI-press yes aunt yes \ft don't press it, right? \nt referring to the pencil. \ref 215 \id 654285084810130303 \begin 0:24:36 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em, gini aja. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m gini ʔajaʔ \mb he-em gini aja \ge uh-huh like.this just \gj uh-huh like.this just \ft uh-huh, just like this. \ref 216 \id 980046084810130303 \begin 0:24:37 \sp EXPDIN \tx tu, dah. \pho tu daʰ \mb tu dah \ge that PFCT \gj that PFCT \ft see, it's done. \ref 217 \id 463131084811130303 \begin 0:24:39 \sp EXPDIN \tx terusin! \pho tərusin \mb terus -in \ge continue -IN \gj continue-IN \ft go on! \ref 218 \id 362081084811130303 \begin 0:24:41 \sp FARPIT \tx heh? \pho ʔə̃ \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 219 \id 306100084811130303 \begin 0:24:41 \sp EXPDIN \tx terusin! \pho tərusin \mb terus -in \ge continue -IN \gj continue-IN \ft go on! \ref 220 \id 838637084811130303 \begin 0:24:42 \sp FARPIT \tx giniin? \pho giniʔin \mb gini -in \ge like.this -IN \gj like.this-IN \ft like this? \nt holding the pencil. \ref 221 \id 702615095457130303 \begin 0:24:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmm... \pho mː \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \nt coloring a picture. \ref 222 \id 575811095517130303 \begin 0:24:44 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 223 \id 579239095517130303 \begin 0:24:45 \sp FARPIT \tx teken? \pho təkən \mb teken \ge press \gj press \ft press it? \nt referring to the pencil. \ref 224 \id 581874095517130303 \begin 0:24:46 \sp EXPDIN \tx situ kayak Kakak Opi tu, tu. \pho situ kayaʔ kaka ʔopi tu tu \mb situ kayak Kakak Opi tu tu \ge there like older.sibling Opi that that \gj there like older.sibling Opi that that \ft just like Opi does, look, look. \nt asking FAR to follow OPI in coloring the letters. \ref 225 \id 781252095518130303 \begin 0:24:47 \sp FARPIT \tx teken? \pho təkən \mb teken \ge press \gj press \ft press it? \ref 226 \id 127268095518130303 \begin 0:24:48 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya, boleh. \pho ʔiya bɔlɛʰ \mb iya boleh \ge yes may \gj yes may \ft yes, sure. \ref 227 \id 299979095518130303 \begin 0:24:49 \sp EXPDIN \tx ini pokoknya dipenuhin di sini. \pho ʔini pɔkɔʔɲa dipənuwin di sini \mb ini pokok -nya di- penuh -in di sini \ge this main -NYA DI- full -IN LOC here \gj this main-NYA DI-full-IN LOC here \ft the main thing is make it full right here. \nt 1. referring to the way of coloring the letters. 2. = the main thing is make it smooth right here. \ref 228 \id 553636095518130303 \begin 0:24:50 \sp FARPIT \tx Kakak Opi kok diteken tuh? \pho kaka ʔopiʔ ko ditəkən tuʰ \mb Kakak Opi kok di- teken tuh \ge older.sibling Opi KOK DI- press that \gj older.sibling Opi KOK DI-press that \ft why does Opi press it? \ref 229 \id 476801095518130303 \begin 0:24:52 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 230 \id 606420095519130303 \begin 0:24:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak, Kak, Kak, Kak Opi enak. \pho ŋ̩gaʔ ka ka kaʔ ʔopiʔ ʔɛnak \mb nggak Kak Kak Kak Opi enak \ge NEG TRU-older.sibling TRU-older.sibling TRU-older.sibling Opi pleasant \gj NEG TRU-older.sibling TRU-older.sibling TRU-older.sibling Opi pleasant \ft no, I do it nicely. \ref 231 \id 225626095519130303 \begin 0:24:56 \sp FARPIT \tx mmm... \pho mh \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \nt coloring the picture. \ref 232 \id 106417095519130303 \begin 0:24:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx Bu Guru, Bu Guru! \pho bu guruʔ bu guruʔ \mb Bu Guru Bu Guru \ge TRU-mother teacher TRU-mother teacher \gj TRU-mother teacher TRU-mother teacher \ft Mam, Mam! \nt teasing EXPDIN. \ref 233 \id 864144095519130303 \begin 0:25:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx hi hi hi hi hi hi... \pho hĩ hĩ hĩ hĩ hĩ hĩ \mb hi hi hi hi hi hi \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hi hi hi hi hi hi... \ref 234 \id 998168095520130303 \begin 0:25:02 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm, tu pinter tu. \pho m tu pintər tu \mb hmm tu pinter tu \ge uh-huh that smart that \gj uh-huh that smart that \ft uh-huh, good. \nt commenting FAR who is coloring the picture. \ref 235 \id 830975095520130303 \begin 0:25:03 \sp EXPDIN \tx tu, bener. \pho tu bənər \mb tu bener \ge that true \gj that true \ft see, that's right. \ref 236 \id 626192095520130303 \begin 0:25:05 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak terlalu diteken, jadinya bagus nanti, rata. \pho ŋgaʔ tərlalu ditəkən jadiɲa bagus nanti rataʔ \mb nggak ter- lalu di- teken jadi -nya bagus nanti rata \ge NEG TER- pass DI- press become -NYA nice later flat \gj NEG TER-pass DI-press become-NYA nice later flat \ft if you don't press it too much, it will look nice and smooth. \ref 237 \id 460978095521130303 \begin 0:25:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx gitu doang Tante? \pho gitu dɔwaŋ tantəh \mb gitu doang Tante \ge like.that just aunt \gj like.that just aunt \ft just like that? \nt looking at FAR's picture. \ref 238 \id 180738095521130303 \begin 0:25:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx coba! \pho cɔbaʔ \mb coba \ge try \gj try \ft let me try! \nt = let me see! \ref 239 \id 780132095521130303 \begin 0:25:09 \sp EXPDIN \tx jalan dong! \pho jalan dɔŋ \mb jalan dong \ge walk DONG \gj walk DONG \ft move! \ref 240 \id 207225095521130303 \begin 0:25:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx liat! \pho liyat \mb liat \ge see \gj see \ft let me see! \ref 241 \id 441213095522130303 \begin 0:25:11 \sp EXPDIN \tx nah... tul. \pho naː tul \mb nah tul \ge NAH right \gj NAH right \ft see... that's right. \ref 242 \id 979972095522130303 \begin 0:25:12 \sp EXPDIN \tx trus jalan, Riz! \pho trus jalan rɪs \mb trus jalan Riz \ge continue walk Riz \gj continue walk Riz \ft go on, Fariz! \ref 243 \id 109840095522130303 \begin 0:25:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx wah, Opi kalah ni. \pho wa ʔopi kala ni \mb wah Opi kalah ni \ge EXCL Opi defeated this \gj EXCL Opi defeated this \ft hey, I lose. \ref 244 \id 795300095522130303 \begin 0:25:15 \sp EXPDIN \tx naek turun jalan, he-em. \pho naeʔ turun jalan ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb naek turun jalan he-em \ge go.up go.down walk uh-huh \gj go.up go.down walk uh-huh \ft up and down the street, uh-huh. \ref 245 \id 436620095522130303 \begin 0:25:17 \sp FARPIT \tx 0. \nt coloring the picture. \ref 246 \id 282462095523130303 \begin 0:25:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt coloring the picture. \ref 247 \id 455518095523130303 \begin 0:25:21 \sp EXPDIN \tx pinter deh. \pho pintər dɛ \mb pinter deh \ge smart DEH \gj smart DEH \ft good. \ref 248 \id 208591095523130303 \begin 0:25:23 \sp EXPDIN \tx sini, sini. \pho sini sini \mb sini sini \ge here here \gj here here \ft here, here. \nt pointing to the picture. \ref 249 \id 895532095523130303 \begin 0:25:25 \sp FARPIT \tx ini? \pho ʔinɪh \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this? \ref 250 \id 222710095523130303 \begin 0:25:27 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm, yang rata. \pho m yaŋ rataʔ \mb hmm yang rata \ge uh-huh REL flat \gj uh-huh REL flat \ft uh-huh, make it smooth. \ref 251 \id 592711095524130303 \begin 0:25:30 \sp FARPIT \tx tadi pulangnya Ais naek ojek. \pho tadi pulaŋɲa ʔais nɛʔ odek \mb tadi pulang -nya Ais naek ojek \ge earlier return -NYA Ais go.up motorcycle.taxi \gj earlier return-NYA Ais go.up motorcycle.taxi \ft I went home by motorcycle taxi. \ref 252 \id 210990095524130303 \begin 0:25:31 \sp EXPDIN \tx naek ojek? \pho neʔ ʔojɛk \mb naek ojek \ge go.up motorcycle.taxi \gj go.up motorcycle.taxi \ft by motorcycle taxi? \ref 253 \id 727795095524130303 \begin 0:25:32 \sp FARPIT \tx ama Mama. \pho ʔama mamah \mb ama Mama \ge with mommy \gj with mommy \ft with Mommy. \ref 254 \id 774062095524130303 \begin 0:25:33 \sp FARPIT \tx Mama... \pho mama \mb Mama \ge mommy \gj mommy \ft Mommy... \ref 255 \id 779170095524130303 \begin 0:25:35 \sp EXPDIN \tx trus ambil motor di... \pho trus ʔambil mɔtɔr diː \mb trus ambil motor di \ge continue take motorcycle LOC \gj continue take motorcycle LOC \ft then you took motorcycle at... \ref 256 \id 232357095525130303 \begin 0:25:37 \sp FARPIT \tx iya, ambil motor. \pho ʔiyaʔ ambil montor \mb iya ambil motor \ge yes take motorcycle \gj yes take motorcycle \ft yes, we took motorcycle. \ref 257 \id 739774095525130303 \begin 0:25:38 \sp EXPDIN \tx di mana? \pho di mana \mb di mana \ge LOC which \gj LOC which \ft where? \ref 258 \id 506557095525130303 \begin 0:25:40 \sp FARPIT \tx di... Ibu Wiwin. \pho diː ʔibu wiwin \mb di Ibu Wiwin \ge LOC mother Wiwin \gj LOC mother Wiwin \ft at Mrs. Wiwin's house. \ref 259 \id 315227095525130303 \begin 0:25:42 \sp EXPDIN \tx Ibu Wiwin? \pho ʔibu wiwin \mb Ibu Wiwin \ge mother Wiwin \gj mother Wiwin \ft Mrs. Wiwin? \ref 260 \id 333723095526130303 \begin 0:25:44 \sp EXPDIN \tx ada nggak Ibu Wiwin? \pho ʔada ŋgaʔ ibu wiwin \mb ada nggak Ibu Wiwin \ge exist NEG mother Wiwin \gj exist NEG mother Wiwin \ft was she there? \ref 261 \id 698911095526130303 \begin 0:25:46 \sp FARPIT \tx ada. \pho ʔadaʔ \mb ada \ge exist \gj exist \ft yes. \ref 262 \id 410803095526130303 \begin 0:25:47 \sp FARPIT \tx tapi dalemnya kosong. \pho tapi daləmɲa kotoŋ \mb tapi dalem -nya kosong \ge but inside -NYA empty \gj but inside-NYA empty \ft but it was empty inside. \ref 263 \id 173174095526130303 \begin 0:25:48 \sp EXPDIN \tx kosong? \pho kosɔŋ \mb kosong \ge empty \gj empty \ft it was empty? \ref 264 \id 548569095526130303 \begin 0:25:49 \sp FARPIT \tx tapi... eee... \pho tapiʔ əː \mb tapi eee \ge but FILL \gj but FILL \ft but... umm... \ref 265 \id 808321095527130303 \begin 0:25:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx nam satu nam ada nggak, Tante? \pho nam satu nam ʔada ŋgaʔ tantəʰ \mb nam satu nam ada nggak Tante \ge six one six exist NEG aunt \gj six one six exist NEG aunt \ft was there six one six, Auntie? \nt **six one six (616) is a public transportation serial number which passes by OPI's house. \ref 266 \id 571782095527130303 \begin 0:25:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx mogok lagi, ya? \pho mogɔk lagi yaʰ \mb mogok lagi ya \ge not.work more yes \gj not.work more yes \ft they didn't work again, right? \nt = they weren't on the road, right? \ref 267 \id 352788095527130303 \begin 0:25:54 \sp EXPDIN \tx ada. \pho ʔadaʔ \mb ada \ge exist \gj exist \ft they were there. \ref 268 \id 713568095527130303 \begin 0:25:55 \sp EXPDIN \tx emang abis mogok? \pho ʔɛmaŋ ʔabis mogɔk \mb emang abis mogok \ge indeed finished not.work \gj indeed finished not.work \ft they didn't work before? \ref 269 \id 159502095528130303 \begin 0:25:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx kemaren mogok. \pho kəmarɛn mogɔk \mb kemaren mogok \ge yesterday not.work \gj yesterday not.work \ft they didn't work yesterday. \ref 270 \id 259107095528130303 \begin 0:25:57 \sp EXPDIN \tx emang kenapa mogok? \pho ʔɛmaŋ kənapa mogɔk \mb emang kenapa mogok \ge indeed why not.work \gj indeed why not.work \ft why didn't they work? \ref 271 \id 320832095528130303 \begin 0:25:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak tau. \pho ŋga taWuʔ \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft I don't know. \ref 272 \id 937078095528130303 \begin 0:26:01 \sp EXPDIN \tx ada tuh. \pho ʔadaʔ tuʰ \mb ada tuh \ge exist that \gj exist that \ft they were there. \nt = they were on the road. \ref 273 \id 989787095528130303 \begin 0:26:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx banyak kemaren mogoknya. \pho baɲak kəmarɛn mogɔkɲa \mb banyak kemaren mogok -nya \ge a.lot yesterday not.work -NYA \gj a.lot yesterday not.work-NYA \ft there were lots of buses that didn't work yesterday. \ref 274 \id 374981095529130303 \begin 0:26:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx kosong jadi mobil mmm... mobil doang. \pho kosɔŋ jadi mɔbil m mɔbil dɔwaŋ \mb kosong jadi mobil mmm mobil doang \ge empty become car FILL car just \gj empty become car FILL car just \ft there were no buses. \ref 275 \id 220472095529130303 \begin 0:26:07 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak mo ngangkut penumpang? \pho ŋgaʔ mo ŋaŋkut pənumpaŋ \mb nggak mo ng- angkut pen- tumpang \ge NEG want N- transport PEN- get.help \gj NEG want N-transport PEN-get.help \ft they didn't want to carry the passengers? \ref 276 \id 783759095529130303 \begin 0:26:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx orang mogok. \pho ʔoraŋ mogɔk \mb orang mogok \ge person not.work \gj person not.work \ft they didn't. \ref 277 \id 850780095529130303 \begin 0:26:11 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak tu tadi. \pho ŋ̩gaʔ tu tadi \mb nggak tu tadi \ge NEG that earlier \gj NEG that earlier \ft it didn't happen. \ref 278 \id 478440095529130303 \begin 0:26:12 \sp FARPIT \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft it's done. \ref 279 \id 250366095530130303 \begin 0:26:13 \sp EXPDIN \tx yang penuh dong. \pho yaŋ pənuʰ dɔŋ \mb yang penuh dong \ge REL full DONG \gj REL full DONG \ft make it full. \nt = make it smooth. \ref 280 \id 105002095530130303 \begin 0:26:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx begitu doang. \pho bəgitu dɔʔwaŋ \mb begitu doang \ge like.that just \gj like.that just \ft just like that. \ref 281 \id 473988095530130303 \begin 0:26:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx ih... \pho ʔih \mb ih \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey... \ref 282 \id 135349095530130303 \begin 0:26:19 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm. \pho m \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft here. \nt coloring the picture. \ref 283 \id 213147095530130303 \begin 0:26:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ais! \pho ʔais \mb Ais \ge Ais \gj Ais \ft Fariz! \ref 284 \id 977173095531130303 \begin 0:26:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx Ais kalo TK gini nih kalo TK. \pho ʔais kalɔ tɛkaʔ gini nih kalɔ tɛkaʔ \mb Ais kalo TK gini nih kalo TK \ge Ais TOP kindergarten like.this this TOP kindergarten \gj Ais TOP kindergarten like.this this TOP kindergarten \ft Fariz, if you're in the kindergarten, you will do this thing. \ref 285 \id 771175095536130303 \begin 0:26:28 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em, mewarna, nggambar. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m məwarnaʔ ŋgambar \mb he-em me- warna ng- gambar \ge uh-huh MEN- color N- picture \gj uh-huh MEN-color N-picture \ft uh-huh, coloring and drawing. \ref 286 \id 863210095536130303 \begin 0:26:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo Opi kayak anak TK. \pho kalɔ ʔopiʔ kaya ʔanak tɛkaʔ \mb kalo Opi kayak anak TK \ge TOP Opi like child kindergarten \gj TOP Opi like child kindergarten \ft I look like a kindergarten student. \ref 287 \id 585221095537130303 \begin 0:26:33 \sp FARPIT \tx kalo, kalo, aaa kalo udah TK, eee a(bis), abis TK, SMP, ya? \pho ʔaloʔ aloʔ ʔa ʔaloʔ uda tɛkaʔ m ʔa ʔabis tɛkaʔ esempɛʔ ya \mb kalo kalo aaa kalo udah TK eee abis abis TK SMP ya \ge TOP TOP FILL TOP PFCT kindergarten FILL finished finished kindergarten junior.high.school yes \gj TOP TOP FILL TOP PFCT kindergarten FILL finished finished kindergarten junior.high.school yes \ft if, if... umm, after kindergarten, umm... after kindergarten is junior high school, right? \ref 288 \id 334485095537130303 \begin 0:26:35 \sp EXPDIN \tx SD. \pho ʔɛsdeʔ \mb SD \ge elementary.school \gj elementary.school \ft elementary school. \ref 289 \id 910058095537130303 \begin 0:26:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx bah, SD. \pho ba ʔɛsdɛʔ \mb bah SD \ge EXCL elementary.school \gj EXCL elementary.school \ft hey, elementary school. \ref 290 \id 465354095537130303 \begin 0:26:39 \sp FARPIT \tx SD. \pho ʔɛsdɛʔ \mb SD \ge elementary.school \gj elementary.school \ft elementary school. \ref 291 \id 817226095537130303 \begin 0:26:41 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm. \pho m \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 292 \id 835301095538130303 \begin 0:26:41 \sp FARPIT \tx abis, abis... \pho ʔabis ʔabis \mb abis abis \ge finished finished \gj finished finished \ft after, after... \ref 293 \id 434077095538130303 \begin 0:26:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx SD? \pho ʔɛsdɛʔ \mb SD \ge elementary.school \gj elementary.school \ft elementary school? \ref 294 \id 740129095538130303 \begin 0:26:43 \sp FARPIT \tx S, SD? \pho ʔɛs ʔɛsdɛʔ \mb S SD \ge S elementary.school \gj S elementary.school \ft S, elementary school? \ref 295 \id 168302095538130303 \begin 0:26:44 \sp FARPIT \tx apaan? \pho ʔapaʔan \mb apa -an \ge what -AN \gj what-AN \ft what? \nt the continuation of his previous utterance. \ref 296 \id 556883095539130303 \begin 0:26:45 \sp EXPDIN \tx SMP. \pho ʔɛsɛmpeʔ \mb SMP \ge junior.high.school \gj junior.high.school \ft junior high school. \ref 297 \id 143511095539130303 \begin 0:26:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx et! \pho ʔɛt \mb et \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \ref 298 \id 595554095539130303 \begin 0:26:49 \sp EXPDIN \tx kayak Kakak Indri. \pho kayaʔ kaka ʔindri \mb kayak Kakak Indri \ge like older.sibling Indri \gj like older.sibling Indri \ft like Indri. \ref 299 \id 286669095539130303 \begin 0:26:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx tapi sampe kelas nem dulu. \pho tapi sampɛʔ klas nəm duluʰ \mb tapi sampe kelas nem dulu \ge but arrive class six before \gj but arrive class six before \ft but you have to finish the sixth grade first. \ref 300 \id 952318095539130303 \begin 0:26:53 \sp EXPDIN \tx xx SD-nya sampe kelas nem dulu, baru ke SMP. \pho mase ʔɛsdɛʔɲa sampɛʔ klas nəm dulu baru kə ʔɛsɛmpeʔ \mb xx SD -nya sampe kelas nem dulu baru ke SMP \ge xx elementary.school -NYA arrive class six before new to junior.high.school \gj xx elementary.school-NYA arrive class six before new to junior.high.school \ft you finish the sixth grade of elementary school first, then go to the junior high school. \ref 301 \id 632014095541130303 \begin 0:26:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante! \pho tantə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 302 \id 185261095542130303 \begin 0:26:57 \sp EXPDIN \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 303 \id 288224095542130303 \begin 0:26:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo SMP ada SMP nem apa nggak? \pho kalo ʔɛsɛmpeʔ adaː ʔɛsɛmpeʔ nəm ʔapa ŋ̩gaʔ \mb kalo SMP ada SMP nem apa nggak \ge TOP junior.high.school exist junior.high.school six what NEG \gj TOP junior.high.school exist junior.high.school six what NEG \ft is there any junior high school the sixth? \ref 304 \id 100964095542130303 \begin 0:26:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx kelas enem. \pho kəlas ʔənəm \mb kelas enem \ge class six \gj class six \ft the sixth grade. \nt correcting himself. \ref 305 \id 104599095542130303 \begin 0:27:01 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak ada. \pho ŋ̩ga ʔadaʔ \mb nggak ada \ge NEG exist \gj NEG exist \ft there aren't any. \ref 306 \id 900340095548130303 \begin 0:27:03 \sp EXPDIN \tx cuman tiga, sampe kelas tiga. \pho cuman tigaʔ sampɛ klas tigaʔ \mb cuman tiga sampe kelas tiga \ge only three arrive class three \gj only three arrive class three \ft just three, until the third grade. \ref 307 \id 942473095549130303 \begin 0:27:05 \sp FARPIT \tx ini belom. \pho ʔini bəlom \mb ini belom \ge this not.yet \gj this not.yet \ft this one hasn't yet. \nt pointing to the picture. \ref 308 \id 760598095549130303 \begin 0:27:07 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 309 \id 391035095550130303 \begin 0:27:10 \sp EXPDIN \tx mo warna apa yang sing, sing huruf I mo warna apa? \pho mo warna ʔapa yaŋ sɪŋ siŋ huruf ʔi mo warna ʔapa \mb mo warna apa yang sing sing huruf I mo warna apa \ge want color what REL REL REL letter I want color what \gj want color what REL REL REL letter I want color what \ft which color do you want to use for letter I? \ref 310 \id 941760095551130303 \begin 0:27:13 \sp FARPIT \tx eh, sa(ma) warna ini aja, Tante. \pho ʔɛː saʔ wana ʔini ʔaja tantə \mb eh sama warna ini aja Tante \ge EXCL with color this just aunt \gj EXCL with color this just aunt \ft hey, I take this color. \ref 311 \id 489451095551130303 \begin 0:27:16 \sp FARPIT \tx Tante! \pho tantəh \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 312 \id 821516095552130303 \begin 0:27:17 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak keliatan itu kalo putih. \pho ŋgaʔ kliyatan ʔitu kalɔʔ puti \mb nggak ke an liat itu kalo putih \ge NEG KE AN see that TOP white \gj NEG KE.AN-see that TOP white \ft if you take white, it can't be seen. \ref 313 \id 939137095553130303 \begin 0:27:18 \sp EXPDIN \tx kan kertasnya udah putih. \pho kan kərtasɲa ʔuda putih \mb kan kertas -nya udah putih \ge KAN paper -NYA PFCT white \gj KAN paper-NYA PFCT white \ft because the paper is white. \ref 314 \id 492052095554130303 \begin 0:27:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-em, he-em. \pho m hʔm \mb he-em he-em \ge uh-huh uh-huh \gj uh-huh uh-huh \ft uh-huh, uh-huh. \ref 315 \id 436969095554130303 \begin 0:27:20 \sp FARPIT \tx heh? \pho hə̃ \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 316 \id 750778095555130303 \begin 0:27:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo coklat baru dikasi putih. \pho kalɔ cɔklat baru dikasi puti \mb kalo coklat baru di- kasi putih \ge TOP chocolate new DI- give white \gj TOP chocolate new DI-give white \ft if it's brown, then you can put white. \ref 317 \id 951674095555130303 \begin 0:27:23 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em, warna laen. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m warna laɛn \mb he-em warna laen \ge uh-huh color other \gj uh-huh color other \ft uh-huh, different color. \ref 318 \id 604283095558130303 \begin 0:27:25 \sp FARPIT \tx itu kan coklat. \pho ʔitu kan toklat \mb itu kan coklat \ge that KAN chocolate \gj that KAN chocolate \ft that's brown. \ref 319 \id 310360095600130303 \begin 0:27:27 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya, di sini nanti nggak keliatan kalo warnanya putih. \pho ʔiya di sini nanti ŋgaʔ kliyatan kalɔʔ warnaɲa puti \mb iya di sini nanti nggak ke an liat kalo warna -nya putih \ge yes LOC here later NEG KE AN see TOP color -NYA white \gj yes LOC here later NEG KE.AN-see TOP color-NYA white \ft right, but it can't be seen here if it's white. \ref 320 \id 436402095600130303 \begin 0:27:29 \sp FARPIT \tx i(ni), ini kan putih tu. \pho ʔi ʔini kan puti tu \mb ini ini kan putih tu \ge this this KAN white that \gj this this KAN white that \ft this is white. \nt pointing to the drawing book. \ref 321 \id 224673112851130303 \begin 0:27:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante cepet banget, Tante. \pho tantə cəpət baŋət tantə \mb Tante cepet banget Tante \ge aunt quick very aunt \gj aunt quick very aunt \ft Auntie, you're very fast. \ref 322 \id 294626112851130303 \begin 0:27:32 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 323 \id 589290112852130303 \begin 0:27:34 \sp EXPDIN \tx tu! \pho tu \mb tu \ge that \gj that \ft look! \nt still coloring the picture of letter A. \ref 324 \id 321731112852130303 \begin 0:27:36 \sp FARPIT \tx jadi deh. \pho jadi dɛh \mb jadi deh \ge become DEH \gj become DEH \ft it's done. \ref 325 \id 737431112852130303 \begin 0:27:38 \sp FARPIT \tx he... ini kan celana. \pho hə̃ː ʔini kan təlanaʔ \mb he ini kan celana \ge EXCL this KAN pants \gj EXCL this KAN pants \ft hey... this is pants. \nt commenting letter A EXPDIN has colored which he thinks looks like pants. \ref 326 \id 728986112852130303 \begin 0:27:40 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm... celana. \pho mː cəlanaʔ \mb hmm celana \ge FILL pants \gj FILL pants \ft umm... pants. \ref 327 \id 995730112853130303 \begin 0:27:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana? \pho manaʰ \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft which one? \ref 328 \id 358008112853130303 \begin 0:27:41 \sp EXPDIN \tx huruf A. \pho huruf ʔaʔ \mb huruf A \ge letter A \gj letter A \ft letter A. \ref 329 \id 246967112853130303 \begin 0:27:42 \sp EXPDIN \tx celana katanya. \pho cəlana kataɲa \mb celana kata -nya \ge pants word -NYA \gj pants word-NYA \ft he said it's pants. \ref 330 \id 584065112853130303 \begin 0:27:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx ha ha ha... \pho hã hã hã \mb ha ha ha \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ha ha ha... \ref 331 \id 701856112853130303 \begin 0:27:44 \sp EXPDIN \tx he he he he he he he... \pho hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ hẽ hẽ hẽ hẽ \mb he he he he he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he he he he he he he... \ref 332 \id 412385112854130303 \begin 0:27:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx tau ah. \pho taWu ʔah \mb tau ah \ge know AH \gj know AH \ft who cares. \ref 333 \id 676350112854130303 \begin 0:27:47 \sp EXPDIN \tx merah, ya? \pho mɛrah ya \mb merah ya \ge red yes \gj red yes \ft red, okay? \nt taking a red pencil. \ref 334 \id 141275112854130303 \begin 0:27:49 \sp FARPIT \tx iya, merah. \pho ʔiya mɛlah \mb iya merah \ge yes red \gj yes red \ft okay, red. \ref 335 \id 813698112854130303 \begin 0:27:51 \sp FARPIT \tx ini, ini nggak usah nggak? \pho ʔini ʔini ŋga ʔusa ŋgaʔ \mb ini ini nggak usah nggak \ge this this NEG must NEG \gj this this NEG must NEG \ft this one doesn't have to? \nt referring to the white pencil. \ref 336 \id 949742112854130303 \begin 0:27:53 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak usah. \pho ŋgaʔ usa \mb nggak usah \ge NEG must \gj NEG must \ft no. \ref 337 \id 535270112855130303 \begin 0:27:55 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak keliatan kalo putih, Nak. \pho ŋgaʔ kliyatan kalo puti naʔ \mb nggak ke an liat kalo putih Nak \ge NEG KE AN see TOP white TRU-child \gj NEG KE.AN-see TOP white TRU-child \ft it can't be seen if it's white, Son. \ref 338 \id 492669112855130303 \begin 0:27:57 \sp FARPIT \tx ini kan putih. \pho ʔini kan putih \mb ini kan putih \ge this KAN white \gj this KAN white \ft this is white. \nt referring to the drawing book. \ref 339 \id 911097112855130303 \begin 0:27:59 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 340 \id 832246112855130303 \begin 0:28:01 \sp EXPDIN \tx putih ketemu putih nggak keliatan. \pho putiʰ kətəmu putiʰ ŋgaʔ kliyatan \mb putih ke- temu putih nggak ke an liat \ge white KE- meet white NEG KE AN see \gj white KE-meet white NEG KE.AN-see \ft white and white can't be seen. \ref 341 \id 379112112856130303 \begin 0:28:04 \sp FARPIT \tx lho kok sama yang, yang kayak tadi nih? \pho lo koʔ sama yaŋ yaŋ kayaʔ tadi nih \mb lho kok sama yang yang kayak tadi nih \ge EXCL KOK with REL REL like earlier this \gj EXCL KOK with REL REL like earlier this \ft hey, why does it look similar with the one before? \nt referring to the red pencil and the brown pencil. \ref 342 \id 344498112856130303 \begin 0:28:07 \sp FARPIT \tx ni sama yang kayak tadi. \pho ni sama yaŋ kayaʔ tadiʔ \mb ni sama yang kayak tadi \ge this with REL like earlier \gj this with REL like earlier \ft this one looks similar with the one before. \ref 343 \id 890233112856130303 \begin 0:28:10 \sp EXPDIN \tx bukan, ini, ini merah ini. \pho bukan ʔini ʔini mɛrah ʔini \mb bukan ini ini merah ini \ge NEG this this red this \gj NEG this this red this \ft no, this one is red. \nt still coloring. \ref 344 \id 267139112856130303 \begin 0:28:13 \sp EXPDIN \tx coba dikeringin ya sama Tante, ya? \pho cɔbaʔ dikreŋin ya sama tantə ya \mb coba di- kering -in ya sama Tante ya \ge try DI- dry -IN yes with aunt yes \gj try DI-dry-IN yes with aunt yes \ft let me try to dry it, okay? \ref 345 \id 324140112856130303 \begin 0:28:16 \sp EXPDIN \tx biar keliatan merah, ya? \pho biyar kliyatan mɛrah ya \mb biar ke an liat merah ya \ge let KE AN see red yes \gj let KE.AN-see red yes \ft so it will look red, okay? \ref 346 \id 740759112857130303 \begin 0:28:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmm... \pho mː \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \nt still coloring. \ref 347 \id 854390112857130303 \begin 0:28:22 \sp FARPIT \tx ini warna apaan, Tante? \pho ʔini wana ʔapaʔan tantəh \mb ini warna apa -an Tante \ge this color what -AN aunt \gj this color what-AN aunt \ft what color is this? \nt taking a pencil. \ref 348 \id 849959112857130303 \begin 0:28:25 \sp EXPDIN \tx hitam. \pho hitam \mb hitam \ge black \gj black \ft black. \ref 349 \id 178768112857130303 \begin 0:28:28 \sp FARPIT \tx ini, ini bukan coklat berarti. \pho ʔini ʔini bukan tokat blatih \mb ini ini bukan coklat ber- arti \ge this this NEG chocolate BER- meaning \gj this this NEG chocolate BER-meaning \ft it means this one isn't brown. \nt taking another pencil. \ref 350 \id 965560112857130303 \begin 0:28:31 \sp EXPDIN \tx itu coklat. \pho ʔituː cɔklat \mb itu coklat \ge that chocolate \gj that chocolate \ft that's brown. \ref 351 \id 895079112858130303 \begin 0:28:34 \sp EXPDIN \tx eh, ini ungu ini. \pho ʔɛ ʔini ʔuŋu ʔini \mb eh ini ungu ini \ge EXCL this purple this \gj EXCL this purple this \ft hey, this is purple. \ref 352 \id 710907112858130303 \begin 0:28:35 \sp EXPDIN \tx ungu. \pho ʔuŋu \mb ungu \ge purple \gj purple \ft purple. \ref 353 \id 431414112858130303 \begin 0:28:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana ungu? \pho mana ʔuŋuʔ \mb mana ungu \ge which purple \gj which purple \ft which one is purple? \ref 354 \id 988747112858130303 \begin 0:28:37 \sp EXPDIN \tx tuh, dipegang Fariz. \pho tuh dipɛgaŋ faris \mb tuh di- pegang Fariz \ge that DI- hold Fariz \gj that DI-hold Fariz \ft there, Fariz is holding it. \ref 355 \id 902023112859130303 \begin 0:28:38 \sp FARPIT \tx nih. \pho niʰ \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \ref 356 \id 429954112859130303 \begin 0:28:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx dua, ya? \pho duwaʔ ya \mb dua ya \ge two yes \gj two yes \ft two, right? \ref 357 \id 755998112859130303 \begin 0:28:41 \sp FARPIT \tx ini, ini bukan ungu. \pho ʔini ʔini bukan ʔuŋuʔ \mb ini ini bukan ungu \ge this this NEG purple \gj this this NEG purple \ft this one isn't purple. \ref 358 \id 486636112859130303 \begin 0:28:42 \sp EXPDIN \tx satunya item. \pho satuɲa ʔitəm \mb satu -nya item \ge one -NYA black \gj one-NYA black \ft the other one is black. \ref 359 \id 310098112859130303 \begin 0:28:44 \sp FARPIT \tx satunya item. \pho satuɲa ʔitəm \mb satu -nya item \ge one -NYA black \gj one-NYA black \ft the other one is black. \ref 360 \id 523053112900130303 \begin 0:28:46 \sp EXPDIN \tx dah, ni. \pho dah ni \mb dah ni \ge PFCT this \gj PFCT this \ft done, here. \ref 361 \id 366252112900130303 \begin 0:28:48 \sp EXPDIN \tx apa lagi warnanya? \pho ʔapa lagi warnaʔɲa \mb apa lagi warna -nya \ge what more color -NYA \gj what more color-NYA \ft what color is next? \ref 362 \id 210840112900130303 \begin 0:28:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \ref 363 \id 894157112900130303 \begin 0:28:50 \sp EXPDIN \tx yang celana apa warnanya? \pho yaŋ cəlana ʔapa warnaʔɲa \mb yang celana apa warna -nya \ge REL pants what color -NYA \gj REL pants what color-NYA \ft what color is for the pants? \ref 364 \id 527523112901130303 \begin 0:28:51 \sp FARPIT \tx ni, ini ni. \pho ni ʔini ni \mb ni ini ni \ge this this this \gj this this this \ft here, this one. \nt giving a pencil to EXPDIN. \ref 365 \id 788171112901130303 \begin 0:28:52 \sp EXPDIN \tx item? \pho ʔitəm \mb item \ge black \gj black \ft black? \ref 366 \id 312364112901130303 \begin 0:28:53 \sp EXPDIN \tx 0. \nt coloring letter A. \ref 367 \id 822516112901130303 \begin 0:28:54 \sp FARPIT \tx tu kan item? \pho tu kan ʔitəm \mb tu kan item \ge that KAN black \gj that KAN black \ft that one is black, right? \ref 368 \id 652103112902130303 \begin 0:28:56 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em, yang ini item. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m yaŋ ʔini ʔitəm \mb he-em yang ini item \ge uh-huh REL this black \gj uh-huh REL this black \ft uh-huh, this one is black. \ref 369 \id 319280112902130303 \begin 0:28:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah, keluar garis lagi. \pho ʔa kluwar garis lagiʔ \mb ah keluar garis lagi \ge EXCL go.out line more \gj EXCL go.out line more \ft hey, it's out of line. \nt referring to his drawing. \ref 370 \id 947953112902130303 \begin 0:29:00 \sp FARPIT \tx ih, Tante... tu tangannya. \pho ʔi tantəː tu taŋanɲa \mb ih Tante tu tangan -nya \ge EXCL aunt that hand -NYA \gj EXCL aunt that hand-NYA \ft hey, that's your hand. \nt pointing to the camcorder. \ref 371 \id 162083112902130303 \begin 0:29:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx uh, awas! \pho ʔuh ʔawas \mb uh awas \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hey, look out! \nt trying to take a pencil. \ref 372 \id 438376112902130303 \begin 0:29:03 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em, tangan Tante yang keliatan, ya? \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m taŋan tantə yaŋ kliyatan ya \mb he-em tangan Tante yang ke an liat ya \ge uh-huh hand aunt REL KE AN see yes \gj uh-huh hand aunt REL KE.AN-see yes \ft uh-huh, my hand can't be seen, right? \ref 373 \id 100477112903130303 \begin 0:29:05 \sp EXPDIN \tx wah, tangan Kakak, eh, Kakak Opi nggak keliatan. \pho wah taŋan kaka ʔe kaka ʔopiʔ ŋga kliyatan \mb wah tangan Kakak eh Kakak Opi nggak ke an liat \ge EXCL hand older.sibling EXCL older.sibling Opi NEG KE AN see \gj EXCL hand older.sibling EXCL older.sibling Opi NEG KE.AN-see \ft hey, Opi's hand can't be seen. \ref 374 \id 918964112903130303 \begin 0:29:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx tangannya Tante doang. \pho taŋanɲa tantə dɔwaŋ \mb tangan -nya Tante doang \ge hand -NYA aunt just \gj hand-NYA aunt just \ft it's just your hand. \nt staring at the camcorder. \ref 375 \id 748955112903130303 \begin 0:29:09 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 376 \id 911325112903130303 \begin 0:29:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmm... ntar ni lagu lama merah jambu. \pho mː ntar ni lagu lama mɛra jambuʔ \mb mmm ntar ni lagu lama merah jambu \ge FILL moment this song long.time red rose.apple \gj FILL moment this song long.time red rose.apple \ft umm... later this old song will be the rose one. \nt reference unclear. \ref 377 \id 169559112903130303 \begin 0:29:13 \sp FARPIT \tx palanya Tan, palanya Tante mana? \pho palaʔɲa tan palaɲa tantə manah \mb pala -nya Tan pala -nya Tante mana \ge head -NYA aunt head -NYA aunt which \gj head-NYA aunt head-NYA aunt which \ft where is your head? \ref 378 \id 993249112904130303 \begin 0:29:15 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak keliatan. \pho ŋgaʔ kliyatan \mb nggak ke an liat \ge NEG KE AN see \gj NEG KE.AN-see \ft it can't be seen. \ref 379 \id 965359112904130303 \begin 0:29:18 \sp EXPDIN \tx kan di atas. \pho kan di ʔatas \mb kan di atas \ge KAN LOC up \gj KAN LOC up \ft it's up here. \ref 380 \id 218356112904130303 \begin 0:29:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx aduh, kalo kuning keliatan, ya? \pho ʔaduh kalɔʔ kuniŋ kliyatan ya \mb aduh kalo kuning ke an liat ya \ge EXCL TOP yellow KE AN see yes \gj EXCL TOP yellow KE.AN-see yes \ft ouch, if I take the yellow one, it can be seen, right? \nt still coloring. \ref 381 \id 327139112904130303 \begin 0:29:24 \sp FARPIT \tx kalo di bawah Ais keliatan tu. \pho kalɔ di bawa ʔay kliyatan tu \mb kalo di bawah Ais ke an liat tu \ge TOP LOC under Ais KE AN see that \gj TOP LOC under Ais KE.AN-see that \ft if I'm down here, I can be seen, look. \nt lying down on the floor then stares at the camcorder. \ref 382 \id 739368112905130303 \begin 0:29:24 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 383 \id 879539112905130303 \begin 0:29:25 \sp FARPIT \tx tu Ais tu. \pho tu ʔay tu \mb tu Ais tu \ge that Ais that \gj that Ais that \ft look, that's me. \nt still staring at the camcorder. \ref 384 \id 526713112905130303 \begin 0:29:26 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 385 \id 681800112905130303 \begin 0:29:27 \sp FARPIT \tx tu Ais tu. \pho tu ʔay tuʰ \mb tu Ais tu \ge that Ais that \gj that Ais that \ft look, that's me. \ref 386 \id 839927112905130303 \begin 0:29:28 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 387 \id 781765112906130303 \begin 0:29:29 \sp FARPIT \tx halo! \pho ʔaloʔ \mb halo \ge hello \gj hello \ft hello! \ref 388 \id 651036112906130303 \begin 0:29:30 \sp FARPIT \tx 0. \nt making a kissing sound. \ref 389 \id 373512112906130303 \begin 0:29:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo Rizka sama Tante, ya? \pho kalɔ riskaʔ sama tantə yaʔ \mb kalo Rizka sama Tante ya \ge TOP Rizka with aunt yes \gj TOP Rizka with aunt yes \ft Rizka is with you, right? \ref 390 \id 730809112906130303 \begin 0:29:34 \sp EXPDIN \tx apanya? \pho ʔapaɲa \mb apa -nya \ge what -NYA \gj what-NYA \ft what? \ref 391 \id 127796112906130303 \begin 0:29:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo kaset. \pho kalɔʔ kasɛt \mb kalo kaset \ge TOP cassette \gj TOP cassette \ft if it's a cassette. \nt intending to say 'recording' then 'cassette'. \ref 392 \id 173137112907130303 \begin 0:29:37 \sp EXPDIN \tx kaset? \pho kasɛt \mb kaset \ge cassette \gj cassette \ft a cassette? \ref 393 \id 831403112907130303 \begin 0:29:38 \sp EXPDIN \tx rekamannya? \pho rəkamanɲa \mb rekam -an -nya \ge record -AN -NYA \gj record-AN-NYA \ft the recording? \ref 394 \id 619808112907130303 \begin 0:29:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-eh. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃ \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 395 \id 227329112907130303 \begin 0:29:41 \sp EXPDIN \tx sama itu... Ana. \pho sama ʔituː ʔana \mb sama itu Ana \ge with that Ana \gj with that Ana \ft she is with Ana. \ref 396 \id 833469112907130303 \begin 0:29:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx bukan. \pho bukan \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 397 \id 234251112908130303 \begin 0:29:44 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm? \pho m \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 398 \id 173050112908130303 \begin 0:29:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx di...kasetin. \pho diːkasɛtin \mb di- kaset -in \ge DI- cassette -IN \gj DI-cassette-IN \ft in a cassette. \nt = to get recorded. \ref 399 \id 257102112909130303 \begin 0:29:46 \sp EXPDIN \tx oh, yang ngerjain? \pho ʔo yaŋ ŋərjaʔin \mb oh yang ng- kerja -in \ge EXCL REL N- do -IN \gj EXCL REL N-do-IN \ft oh, the one who works on it? \nt referring to CHIRIS's file. \ref 400 \id 817967112910130303 \begin 0:29:47 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-eh. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 401 \id 692473112910130303 \begin 0:29:48 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya, Tante. \pho ʔiya tantə \mb iya Tante \ge yes aunt \gj yes aunt \ft yes, it's me. \ref 402 \id 218623112911130303 \begin 0:29:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo Opi? \pho kalɔ ʔopiʔ \mb kalo Opi \ge TOP Opi \gj TOP Opi \ft how about me? \ref 403 \id 313306112911130303 \begin 0:29:51 \sp EXPDIN \tx Tante Erni. \pho tantə ʔɛrni \mb Tante Erni \ge aunt Erni \gj aunt Erni \ft Auntie Erni. \ref 404 \id 451678112911130303 \begin 0:29:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx Kakak Ipit nggak ya, udah nggak? \pho kaka ʔipit ŋ̩ga ya ʔuda ŋ̩gaʔ \mb Kakak Ipit nggak ya udah nggak \ge older.sibling Ipit NEG yes PFCT NEG \gj older.sibling Ipit NEG yes PFCT NEG \ft Pipit doesn't get it anymore? \nt = Pipit doesn't get recorded anymore? \ref 405 \id 466364112912130303 \begin 0:29:55 \sp EXPDIN \tx ya kan satu kasetnya, Opi sama Kakak Ipit jadi satu. \pho ya kan satu kasɛtɲa ʔopɪʔ sama kaka ʔipit jadi satuʔ \mb ya kan satu kaset -nya Opi sama Kakak Ipit jadi satu \ge yes KAN one cassette -NYA Opi with older.sibling Ipit become one \gj yes KAN one cassette-NYA Opi with older.sibling Ipit become one \ft it's in one cassette, you and Pipit are in one cassette. \ref 406 \id 694403112912130303 \begin 0:29:57 \sp FARPIT \tx Ais nggak? \pho ʔais ŋ̩gaʔ \mb Ais nggak \ge Ais NEG \gj Ais NEG \ft not me? \ref 407 \id 248939112912130303 \begin 0:29:58 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya, jadi satu. \pho ʔiya jadi satuʔ \mb iya jadi satu \ge yes become one \gj yes become one \ft yes, you are in one. \nt = yes, you're in one cassette. \ref 408 \id 429250112912130303 \begin 0:29:59 \sp FARPIT \tx Ais ada nggak? \pho ʔay ʔada ŋgaʔ \mb Ais ada nggak \ge Ais exist NEG \gj Ais exist NEG \ft am I there? \ref 409 \id 610906112913130303 \begin 0:30:00 \sp EXPDIN \tx ada. \pho ʔadaʔ \mb ada \ge exist \gj exist \ft yes. \ref 410 \id 917348112913130303 \begin 0:30:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx sekarang Ais sama Kakak Opi. \pho səkaraŋ ʔais sama kaka ʔopiʔ \mb sekarang Ais sama Kakak Opi \ge now Ais with older.sibling Opi \gj now Ais with older.sibling Opi \ft now you're with me. \nt referring to the recording. \ref 411 \id 589035112914130303 \begin 0:30:04 \sp FARPIT \tx oh, kasetnya? \pho ʔo kasɛtɲah \mb oh kaset -nya \ge EXCL cassette -NYA \gj EXCL cassette-NYA \ft oh, the cassette? \ref 412 \id 528139112915130303 \begin 0:30:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya Tante, ya? \pho ya tantə ya \mb ya Tante ya \ge yes aunt yes \gj yes aunt yes \ft right? \ref 413 \id 343937112915130303 \begin 0:30:06 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em, he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em he-em \ge uh-huh uh-huh \gj uh-huh uh-huh \ft uh-huh, uh-huh. \ref 414 \id 466720112916130303 \begin 0:30:07 \sp EXPDIN \tx mana xxx? \pho mana xxx \mb mana xxx \ge which xxx \gj which xxx \ft where is xxx? \ref 415 \id 373187112916130303 \begin 0:30:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx Kakak Ipit kan udah nggak. \pho kaka ʔipit kan ʔuda ŋgaʔ \mb Kakak Ipit kan udah nggak \ge older.sibling Ipit KAN PFCT NEG \gj older.sibling Ipit KAN PFCT NEG \ft Pipit isn't anymore. \nt = Pipit has finished with the recording. \ref 416 \id 661513112916130303 \begin 0:30:09 \sp EXPDIN \tx udah nggak mo lagi ya Kakak Ipit, ya? \pho ʔuda ŋga mo lagi ya kaka ʔipit ya \mb udah nggak mo lagi ya Kakak Ipit ya \ge PFCT NEG want more yes older.sibling Ipit yes \gj PFCT NEG want more yes older.sibling Ipit yes \ft Pipit doesn't want it anymore, does she? \nt referring to the recording. \ref 417 \id 967383112917130303 \begin 0:30:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak, nggak tau. \pho ŋgaʔ ŋga taWuʔ \mb nggak nggak tau \ge NEG NEG know \gj NEG NEG know \ft I don't know. \ref 418 \id 934751112918130303 \begin 0:30:11 \sp FARPIT \tx he... \pho hẽː \mb he \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft he... \ref 419 \id 580767112918130303 \begin 0:30:12 \sp EXPDIN \tx kamu kok nggak maen ke rumah atas? \pho kamu kɔʔ ŋga maɛn kə rumaʰ ʔatas \mb kamu kok nggak maen ke rumah atas \ge 2 KOK NEG play to house up \gj 2 KOK NEG play to house up \ft why don't you go to play to the house up there? \nt referring to CHI's new house. \ref 420 \id 164225112919130303 \begin 0:30:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx males. \pho maləs \mb males \ge lazy \gj lazy \ft I'm lazy. \nt = I don't like it. \ref 421 \id 432419134410130303 \begin 0:30:15 \sp FARPIT \tx nggak ah. \pho ŋ̩ga ʔa \mb nggak ah \ge NEG AH \gj NEG AH \ft no. \ref 422 \id 777251134431130303 \begin 0:30:16 \sp EXPDIN \tx kenapa emang? \pho kənapa ʔɛmaŋ \mb kenapa emang \ge why indeed \gj why indeed \ft why? \ref 423 \id 379367134431130303 \begin 0:30:17 \sp FARPIT \tx tadi Ais rumah atas. \pho tadi ʔay luma ʔatas \mb tadi Ais rumah atas \ge earlier Ais house up \gj earlier Ais house up \ft I was there. \ref 424 \id 141266134431130303 \begin 0:30:18 \sp EXPDIN \tx kenapa kok nggak mo maen ke sana? \pho kənapa kɔʔ ŋga mo maɛn kə sana \mb kenapa kok nggak mo maen ke sana \ge why KOK NEG want play to there \gj why KOK NEG want play to there \ft why don't you want to play there? \ref 425 \id 674916134432130303 \begin 0:30:19 \sp EXPDIN \tx kan ada... \pho kan ʔadaʔ \mb kan ada \ge KAN exist \gj KAN exist \ft there is... \ref 426 \id 329607134432130303 \begin 0:30:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante, in(i), in(i), ini jangan diwarnain, ya? \pho tantə ʔin ʔin ʔini jaŋan diwarnaen yaʔ \mb Tante ini ini ini jangan di- warna -in ya \ge aunt this this this don't DI- color -IN yes \gj aunt this this this don't DI-color-IN yes \ft these one shouldn't be colored, right? \ref 427 \id 812772134432130303 \begin 0:30:21 \sp FARPIT \tx mmm... \pho mː \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 428 \id 687475134432130303 \begin 0:30:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx yang garis-garis ini. \pho yaŋ garisgaris ʔini \mb yang garis - garis ini \ge REL line - line this \gj REL RED-line this \ft these lines. \ref 429 \id 809506134433130303 \begin 0:30:25 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya, jangan. \pho ʔiya jaŋan \mb iya jangan \ge yes don't \gj yes don't \ft yes, don't. \ref 430 \id 694683134433130303 \begin 0:30:27 \sp EXPDIN \tx biar keliatan lobangnya. \pho biyar kliyatan lobaŋɲa \mb biar ke an liat lobang -nya \ge let KE AN see hole -NYA \gj let KE.AN-see hole-NYA \ft so the hole can be seen. \ref 431 \id 451046134433130303 \begin 0:30:29 \sp EXPDIN \tx kok nggak suka maen ke atas kenapa? \pho kɔʔ ŋga sukaʔ maɛn kə ʔatas kənapa \mb kok nggak suka maen ke atas kenapa \ge KOK NEG like play to up why \gj KOK NEG like play to up why \ft why don't you want to play up there? \ref 432 \id 640133134433130303 \begin 0:30:30 \sp EXPDIN \tx kan rumahnya bagus, gede. \pho kan rumaɲa bagus gədɛʔ \mb kan rumah -nya bagus gede \ge KAN house -NYA nice big \gj KAN house-NYA nice big \ft it's a nice big house. \ref 433 \id 730857134433130303 \begin 0:30:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx oh itu, nggak, nggak ada sodara sih. \pho ʔo ʔitu ŋgaʔ ŋgaʔ ada sɔdaraʔ si \mb oh itu nggak nggak ada sodara sih \ge EXCL that NEG NEG exist sibling SIH \gj EXCL that NEG NEG exist sibling SIH \ft because there are no relatives there. \ref 434 \id 938423134434130303 \begin 0:30:33 \sp FARPIT \tx Ais... \pho ʔaes \mb Ais \ge Ais \gj Ais \ft I... \ref 435 \id 196851134434130303 \begin 0:30:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak ada kontrakan. \pho ŋga ʔadaʔ kɔntrakan \mb nggak ada kontrak -an \ge NEG exist lease -AN \gj NEG exist lease-AN \ft no house for rent. \ref 436 \id 686058134434130303 \begin 0:30:37 \sp EXPDIN \tx kan ada Bu Wiwin. \pho kan ʔada bu wiwin \mb kan ada Bu Wiwin \ge KAN exist TRU-mother Wiwin \gj KAN exist TRU-mother Wiwin \ft there is Mrs. Wiwin. \ref 437 \id 395197134434130303 \begin 0:30:39 \sp EXPDIN \tx Ibu Wiwin di atas. \pho ʔibu wiwin di ʔatas \mb Ibu Wiwin di atas \ge mother Wiwin LOC up \gj mother Wiwin LOC up \ft Mrs. Wiwin is up there. \ref 438 \id 693095134435130303 \begin 0:30:41 \sp OPIPIT \tx tapi kan males ke sono. \pho tapi kan maləs kə sono \mb tapi kan males ke sono \ge but KAN lazy to there \gj but KAN lazy to there \ft but I don't like to be there. \ref 439 \id 759632134435130303 \begin 0:30:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx udah jauh... \pho ʔuda jaWuh \mb udah jauh \ge PFCT far \gj PFCT far \ft it's far enough... \ref 440 \id 350943134435130303 \begin 0:30:45 \sp FARPIT \tx udah? \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done? \ref 441 \id 304396134435130303 \begin 0:30:47 \sp EXPDIN \tx pa bedanya sama rumah yang lama? \pho pa bɛdaʔɲa sama rumah yaŋ lama \mb pa beda -nya sama rumah yang lama \ge what different -NYA with house REL long.time \gj what different-NYA with house REL long.time \ft what's the different with the old house? \ref 442 \id 101281134435130303 \begin 0:30:49 \sp EXPDIN \tx kan hampir samalah jauhnya. \pho kan ʔampir samala jawɲa \mb kan hampir sama -lah jauh -nya \ge KAN near with -LAH far -NYA \gj KAN near with-LAH far-NYA \ft both are far enough. \nt referring to CHI's old and new house. \ref 443 \id 936703134436130303 \begin 0:30:51 \sp FARPIT \tx yang... yang... yang satu itu kes(ian), kesian banget rumahnya. \pho yaŋ yaŋ yaŋ satu ʔitu təs təsyan baŋət lumahɲa \mb yang yang yang satu itu kesian kesian banget rumah -nya \ge REL REL REL one that compassion-AN compassion-AN very house -NYA \gj REL REL REL one that compassion-AN compassion-AN very house-NYA \ft I feel sorry for the other house. \nt referring to CHI's old house. \ref 444 \id 995402134436130303 \begin 0:30:53 \sp EXPDIN \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft why? \ref 445 \id 248485134436130303 \begin 0:30:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx yang ini, in(i), ini kan yang putih ini yang ini juga diwarnai? \pho yaŋ ʔini ʔin ʔini kan yaŋ puti ʔini yaŋ ʔini jugaʔ diwarnay \mb yang ini ini ini kan yang putih ini yang ini juga di- warna -i \ge REL this this this KAN REL white this REL this also DI- color -I \gj REL this this this KAN REL white this REL this also DI-color-I \ft this white one should be colored too? \nt pointing to the drawing book. \ref 446 \id 895477134436130303 \begin 0:30:58 \sp FARPIT \tx tinggal. \pho tiŋgal \mb tinggal \ge stay \gj stay \ft they left it. \nt referring to CHI's family who has moved to their new house. \ref 447 \id 209884134437130303 \begin 0:30:59 \sp EXPDIN \tx ditinggal? \pho ditiŋgal \mb di- tinggal \ge DI- stay \gj DI-stay \ft they left it? \ref 448 \id 135407134437130303 \begin 0:31:00 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak dong. \pho ŋ̩gaʔ dɔŋ \mb nggak dong \ge NEG DONG \gj NEG DONG \ft no. \nt answering OPI. \ref 449 \id 286478134437130303 \begin 0:31:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak boleh? \pho ŋga bɔlɛh \mb nggak boleh \ge NEG may \gj NEG may \ft I can't? \ref 450 \id 453119134437130303 \begin 0:31:02 \sp EXPDIN \tx yang bolong nggak. \pho yaŋ bolɔŋ ŋ̩gaʔ \mb yang bolong nggak \ge REL have.a.hole NEG \gj REL have.a.hole NEG \ft not the one with the hole. \ref 451 \id 380434134437130303 \begin 0:31:04 \sp EXPDIN \tx ni ini kayak ini ni. \pho ni ʔini kayaʔ ʔini ni \mb ni ini kayak ini ni \ge this this like this this \gj this this like this this \ft here, like this. \ref 452 \id 962056140032130303 \begin 0:31:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx oh. \pho ʔo \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 453 \id 502363140043130303 \begin 0:31:06 \sp EXPDIN \tx jadi kosong ya rumahnya Kakak Ipit yang lama ya Ais, ya? \pho jadi kosɔŋ ya rumaɲa kaka ʔipit yaŋ lama ya ʔais ya \mb jadi kosong ya rumah -nya Kakak Ipit yang lama ya Ais ya \ge become empty yes house -NYA older.sibling Ipit REL long.time yes Ais yes \gj become empty yes house-NYA older.sibling Ipit REL long.time yes Ais yes \ft so Pipit's old house is empty, right? \ref 454 \id 925068140113130303 \begin 0:31:08 \sp FARPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaʔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 455 \id 741980140201130303 \begin 0:31:10 \sp FARPIT \tx udah ini xx doang? \pho ʔuda ʔini gu dɔwaŋ \mb udah ini xx doang \ge PFCT this xx just \gj PFCT this xx just \ft just like this? \nt commenting the letters EXPDIN has colored. \ref 456 \id 683186140247130303 \begin 0:31:12 \sp EXPDIN \tx udah, kan? \pho ʔuda kan \mb udah kan \ge PFCT KAN \gj PFCT KAN \ft it's done, right? \ref 457 \id 722316140311130303 \begin 0:31:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx jelek. \pho jəlɛk \mb jelek \ge bad \gj bad \ft it's bad. \ref 458 \id 478121140320130303 \begin 0:31:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx lha, nggak nyata, Tante. \pho lah ŋgaʔ ɲata tantə \mb lha nggak nyata Tante \ge EXCL NEG real aunt \gj EXCL NEG real aunt \ft hey, it's not visible. \nt referring to the scratch produced by the yellow pencil. \ref 459 \id 300045140347130303 \begin 0:31:16 \sp EXPDIN \tx ya kuning. \pho ya kuniŋ \mb ya kuning \ge yes yellow \gj yes yellow \ft because it's yellow. \ref 460 \id 768891140402130303 \begin 0:31:18 \sp FARPIT \tx apus, apus, ya? \pho ʔapus ʔapus yaʔ \mb apus apus ya \ge erase erase yes \gj erase erase yes \ft erase it, erase it, okay? \ref 461 \id 272150140418130303 \begin 0:31:20 \sp EXPDIN \tx emang bisa diapus? \pho ʔɛmaŋ bisaʔ diyapus \mb emang bisa di- apus \ge indeed can DI- erase \gj indeed can DI-erase \ft can it be erased? \ref 462 \id 838151140508130303 \begin 0:31:21 \sp EXPDIN \tx eh, bisa. \pho ʔɛ bisaʔ \mb eh bisa \ge EXCL can \gj EXCL can \ft hey, it can. \nt erasing the colors. \ref 463 \id 631830140548130303 \begin 0:31:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft which one? \ref 464 \id 677918140600130303 \begin 0:31:23 \sp EXPDIN \tx bisa dihapus. \pho bisaʔ diʰapus \mb bisa di- hapus \ge can DI- erase \gj can DI-erase \ft it can be erased. \ref 465 \id 382509140613130303 \begin 0:31:24 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm, Tante apus. \pho m tantə ʔapus \mb hmm Tante apus \ge EXCL aunt erase \gj EXCL aunt erase \ft here, I erase it. \ref 466 \id 741865140633130303 \begin 0:31:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx tap(i) ininya? \pho tap ʔiniɲah \mb tapi ini -nya \ge but this -NYA \gj but this-NYA \ft but how about these one? \nt pointing to the letters. \ref 467 \id 549470140713130303 \begin 0:31:27 \sp EXPDIN \tx tu, bisa. \pho tu bisaʔ \mb tu bisa \ge that can \gj that can \ft look, it can. \ref 468 \id 660235140726130303 \begin 0:31:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmm... \pho mː \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 469 \id 181930140741130303 \begin 0:31:33 \sp EXPDIN \tx cuman ya agak ada sisanya. \pho cuman ya ʔagaʔ ʔada sisaʔɲa \mb cuman ya agak ada sisa -nya \ge only yes fairly exist rest -NYA \gj only yes fairly exist rest-NYA \ft but there is still the rest. \ref 470 \id 419023070824140303 \begin 0:31:36 \sp EXPDIN \tx dah, Ais gambar. \pho dah ʔais gambar \mb dah Ais gambar \ge PFCT Ais picture \gj PFCT Ais picture \ft okay, draw it, Fariz. \ref 471 \id 633398070825140303 \begin 0:31:39 \sp FARPIT \tx gambar sini. \pho gambal sini \mb gambar sini \ge picture here \gj picture here \ft draw it here. \nt pointing to the drawing book. \ref 472 \id 944622070825140303 \begin 0:31:41 \sp EXPDIN \tx belajar gambar, biar kalo masuk TK, udah pinter gambar. \pho blajar gambar biyar kalɔ masuk tɛkaʔ ʔuda pintər gambar \mb bel- ajar gambar biar kalo masuk TK udah pinter gambar \ge BER- teach picture let TOP go.in kindergarten PFCT smart picture \gj BER-teach picture let TOP go.in kindergarten PFCT smart picture \ft learn how to draw, so if you're in the kindergarten, you're good in drawing. \ref 473 \id 887253070825140303 \begin 0:31:43 \sp EXPDIN \tx mou sekolah nggak, Ais? \pho moWu səkɔlah ŋgaʔ ais \mb mou sekolah nggak Ais \ge want school NEG Ais \gj want school NEG Ais \ft you want to go to school or not? \ref 474 \id 583554070825140303 \begin 0:31:46 \sp FARPIT \tx mau. \pho maWuʔ \mb mau \ge want \gj want \ft yes. \ref 475 \id 205425070826140303 \begin 0:31:49 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya, kan mau di sekolah di TK mana? \pho ʔiya kan maw di səkɔlaʰ di tɛkaʔ mana \mb iya kan mau di sekolah di TK mana \ge yes KAN want LOC school LOC kindergarten which \gj yes KAN want LOC school LOC kindergarten which \ft yes, which school are you going to take? \ref 476 \id 787192070826140303 \begin 0:31:52 \sp FARPIT \tx ah, udah coret. \pho ʔa ʔuda tores \mb ah udah coret \ge EXCL PFCT scratch \gj EXCL PFCT scratch \ft hey, it has been scratched. \nt commenting the drawing book with has some scrathces on it. \ref 477 \id 953007070826140303 \begin 0:31:54 \sp EXPDIN \tx gambar dong. \pho gambar dɔŋ \mb gambar dong \ge picture DONG \gj picture DONG \ft draw it. \ref 478 \id 509325070826140303 \begin 0:31:56 \sp FARPIT \tx udah coret. \pho ʔuda torɛt \mb udah coret \ge PFCT scratch \gj PFCT scratch \ft it has been scratched. \ref 479 \id 949665070826140303 \begin 0:31:58 \sp EXPDIN \tx gambar mobil gitu. \pho gambar mobil gitu \mb gambar mobil gitu \ge picture car like.that \gj picture car like.that \ft draw a car. \ref 480 \id 146507070827140303 \begin 0:32:00 \sp EXPDIN \tx Mama kok rajin sih bikin kue? \pho mama kɔʔ rajin si bikin kuWɛ \mb Mama kok rajin sih bikin kue \ge mommy KOK industrious SIH make cake \gj mommy KOK industrious SIH make cake \ft why does your mother like to bake a cake? \ref 481 \id 544019070827140303 \begin 0:32:02 \sp FARPIT \tx eh... \pho ʔə̃h \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft eh... \nt drawing something. \ref 482 \id 836055070827140303 \begin 0:32:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu nggak beli tu. \pho tu ŋgaʔ bəli tu \mb tu nggak beli tu \ge that NEG buy that \gj that NEG buy that \ft she didn't buy it. \nt referring to the cake. \ref 483 \id 490213070827140303 \begin 0:32:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx beli. \pho bəliʔ \mb beli \ge buy \gj buy \ft she bought it. \ref 484 \id 117788070827140303 \begin 0:32:05 \sp EXPDIN \tx katanya bikin. \pho kataɲa bikin \mb kata -nya bikin \ge word -NYA make \gj word-NYA make \ft she told me she made it. \ref 485 \id 266661070828140303 \begin 0:32:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh, bikin. \pho ʔɛ bikin \mb eh bikin \ge EH make \gj EH make \ft oops, she made it. \nt correcting himself. \ref 486 \id 381508070828140303 \begin 0:32:07 \sp EXPDIN \tx eh, iya, kok rajin banget? \pho ʔɛ ʔiya koʔ rajin baŋət \mb eh iya kok rajin banget \ge EXCL yes KOK industrious very \gj EXCL yes KOK industrious very \ft yes, why does she like it very much? \ref 487 \id 121532070828140303 \begin 0:32:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx ada Mbah. \pho ʔada mbaʰ \mb ada Mbah \ge exist grandparent \gj exist grandparent \ft because Granny is here. \ref 488 \id 192569070828140303 \begin 0:32:10 \sp EXPDIN \tx yang bikin Mbah ni? \pho yaŋ bikin mbah ni \mb yang bikin Mbah ni \ge REL make grandparent this \gj REL make grandparent this \ft Granny made it? \ref 489 \id 722400070828140303 \begin 0:32:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx sama Mama. \pho sama mamah \mb sama Mama \ge with mommy \gj with mommy \ft with Mommy. \ref 490 \id 997391070829140303 \begin 0:32:14 \sp FARPIT \tx Tante! \pho tantəh \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 491 \id 367621070829140303 \begin 0:32:16 \sp EXPDIN \tx ya? \pho ya \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes? \ref 492 \id 713802070829140303 \begin 0:32:17 \sp FARPIT \tx boleh diteken nggak? \pho bole ditəkən ŋgaʔ \mb boleh di- teken nggak \ge may DI- press NEG \gj may DI-press NEG \ft may I press it? \nt referring to the pencil. \ref 493 \id 496863070829140303 \begin 0:32:18 \sp EXPDIN \tx panya? \pho paɲah \mb pa -nya \ge what -NYA \gj what-NYA \ft what? \ref 494 \id 299714070829140303 \begin 0:32:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx ta, jangan ntar putus. \pho taʔ jaŋan ntar putus \mb ta jangan ntar putus \ge IMIT don't moment broken.off \gj IMIT don't moment broken.off \ft don't or it will broken. \ref 495 \id 597891070830140303 \begin 0:32:21 \sp FARPIT \tx ayo! \pho ʔayoʔ \mb ayo \ge AYO \gj AYO \ft come on! \ref 496 \id 865027070830140303 \begin 0:32:23 \sp FARPIT \tx ini, ini, nggak ada bu(at), ini kecil tu. \pho ʔini ʔini ŋga ʔada buʔ ini kəcil tu \mb ini ini nggak ada buat ini kecil tu \ge this this NEG exist for this small that \gj this this NEG exist for this small that \ft there is no such thing for... this one is small. \nt referring to the edge of the pencil. \ref 497 \id 533043070830140303 \begin 0:32:24 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 498 \id 876863070830140303 \begin 0:32:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx duh, kebanyakan ni harusnya. \pho du kəbaɲakan ni ʔarusɲa \mb duh ke an banyak ni harus -nya \ge EXCL KE AN a.lot this should -NYA \gj EXCL KE.AN-a.lot this should-NYA \ft ouch, it's too much. \nt referring to the letters he has to color. \ref 499 \id 558807070831140303 \begin 0:32:27 \sp EXPDIN \tx abis itunya rusak rautannya punya Kakak Opi. \pho ʔabis ʔituɲa rusak rawutanɲa puɲa kaka ʔopi \mb abis itu -nya rusak raut -an -nya punya Kakak Opi \ge finished that -NYA damaged shape -AN -NYA have older.sibling Opi \gj finished that-NYA damaged shape-AN-NYA have older.sibling Opi \ft because Opi's sharper is broken. \ref 500 \id 991076070831140303 \begin 0:32:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx capek. \pho capɛkh \mb capek \ge tired \gj tired \ft I'm getting tired. \ref 501 \id 436155070831140303 \begin 0:32:31 \sp FARPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaʔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 502 \id 579704070831140303 \begin 0:32:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx kebanyakan harusnya, Tante. \pho kəbaɲakan ʔarusɲa tantəʰ \mb ke an banyak harus -nya Tante \ge KE AN a.lot should -NYA aunt \gj KE.AN-a.lot should-NYA aunt \ft it's too much. \nt referring to the letters he has to colored; actually, it's the name of his friend. \ref 503 \id 303728070831140303 \begin 0:32:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu, kebanyakan. \pho tu kəbaɲakan \mb tu ke an banyak \ge that KE AN a.lot \gj that KE.AN-a.lot \ft see, it's too much. \ref 504 \id 572092070832140303 \begin 0:32:37 \sp EXPDIN \tx makanya cari pacar yang namanya pendek, kayak Fariz. \pho makaɲa cari pacar yaŋ namaɲa pendek kayaʔ faris \mb maka -nya cari pacar yang nama -nya pendek kayak Fariz \ge then -NYA look.for boy.or.girlfriend REL name -NYA short like Fariz \gj then-NYA look.for boy.or.girlfriend REL name-NYA short like Fariz \ft that's why you have to look for a girlfriend who has a short name, like Fariz. \ref 505 \id 165192070832140303 \begin 0:32:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah... \pho ʔãh \mb ah \ge AH \gj AH \ft ah... \ref 506 \id 490776070832140303 \begin 0:32:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx itu kasur baru, Tante. \pho ʔitu kasur baru tantə \mb itu kasur baru Tante \ge that mattress new aunt \gj that mattress new aunt \ft that's a new mattress. \ref 507 \id 584352070832140303 \begin 0:32:43 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya, yang katanya kamu jatuh mulu, kan? \pho ʔiya yaŋ kataɲa kamu jatu mulu kan \mb iya yang kata -nya kamu jatuh mulu kan \ge yes REL word -NYA 2 fall always KAN \gj yes REL word-NYA 2 fall always KAN \ft yes, the one which makes you always fall down, right? \ref 508 \id 123679070832140303 \begin 0:32:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaʔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 509 \id 277892070833140303 \begin 0:32:45 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm hmm... \pho hm hm \mb hmm hmm \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft hmm hmm... \ref 510 \id 137553070833140303 \begin 0:32:47 \sp EXPDIN \tx tapi enak kasur baru? \pho tapi ʔɛnak kasur baruʔ \mb tapi enak kasur baru \ge but pleasant mattress new \gj but pleasant mattress new \ft isn't it nice to have a new mattress? \ref 511 \id 358227070833140303 \begin 0:32:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx enak. \pho ʔɛnak \mb enak \ge pleasant \gj pleasant \ft yes, it's nice. \ref 512 \id 342285070833140303 \begin 0:32:51 \sp EXPDIN \tx ini buat apa, Pi? \pho ʔini buwat ʔapa piʔ \mb ini buat apa Pi \ge this for what TRU-Opi \gj this for what TRU-Opi \ft what's this for? \ref 513 \id 594959070833140303 \begin 0:32:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx itu angin. \pho ʔitu ʔaŋin \mb itu angin \ge that wind \gj that wind \ft that's wind. \nt = that's for whirlwind. \ref 514 \id 199797070834140303 \begin 0:32:55 \sp EXPDIN \tx idih, buat apa dikasi lobang angin segala ya? \pho ʔidi buwat ʔapa dikasi lobaŋ ʔaŋin səgala ya \mb idih buat apa di- kasi lobang angin segala ya \ge EXCL for what DI- give hole wind all yes \gj EXCL for what DI-give hole wind all yes \ft hey, why is it there? \ref 515 \id 705299070834140303 \begin 0:32:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo kita enjot-enjotan anginnya ke luar. \pho kalɔ kitaʔ ɲjotɲjotan ʔaŋinɲa kə luwar \mb kalo kita enjot - enjot -an angin -nya ke luar \ge TOP 1PL pedal - pedal -AN wind -NYA to out \gj TOP 1PL RED.AN-pedal wind-NYA to out \ft if we play seesaw on it, the wind comes out. \ref 516 \id 687085070834140303 \begin 0:33:00 \sp EXPDIN \tx he he he he... \pho hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ \mb he he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he he he he... \ref 517 \id 558089070834140303 \begin 0:33:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx duh, lho kebanyakan Tante. \pho duh lo kəbaɲakan tantəʰ \mb duh lho ke an banyak Tante \ge EXCL EXCL KE AN a.lot aunt \gj EXCL EXCL KE.AN-a.lot aunt \ft ouch, it's too much. \nt still drawing and coloring the letters. \ref 518 \id 617302070835140303 \begin 0:33:04 \sp EXPDIN \tx he he he... ya udahlah. \pho hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ ya ʔudala \mb he he he ya udah -lah \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT yes PFCT -LAH \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT yes PFCT-LAH \ft he he he... that's fine. \ref 519 \id 411621070835140303 \begin 0:33:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx Priatri harusnya, ya? \pho piyatri ʔarusɲa yaʔ \mb Priatri harus -nya ya \ge Priatri should -NYA yes \gj Priatri should-NYA yes \ft it should be Priatri, right? \ref 520 \id 424491070835140303 \begin 0:33:08 \sp EXPDIN \tx lebih panjang lagi kalo Priatri. \pho ləbi paɲjaŋ lagi kalɔʔ piyatri \mb lebih panjang lagi kalo Priatri \ge more long more TOP Priatri \gj more long more TOP Priatri \ft if it's Priatri, it's too long. \ref 521 \id 727149070835140303 \begin 0:33:10 \sp EXPDIN \tx samain. \pho samaʔin \mb sama -in \ge same -IN \gj same-IN \ft just make it the same. \ref 522 \id 710760070835140303 \begin 0:33:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx Doni harusnya Doni, ya? \pho doni ʔarusɲa doni yaʔ \mb Doni harus -nya Doni ya \ge Doni should -NYA Doni yes \gj Doni should-NYA Doni yes \ft it should be Doni, right? \ref 523 \id 665023070836140303 \begin 0:33:12 \sp EXPDIN \tx eh... \pho ʔɛ \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey... \ref 524 \id 554345070836140303 \begin 0:33:13 \sp FARPIT \tx kalo, (ka)lo... \pho kaloʔ loʔ \mb kalo kalo \ge TOP TOP \gj TOP TOP \ft if, if... \ref 525 \id 698634070836140303 \begin 0:33:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx Doni. \pho doni \mb Doni \ge Doni \gj Doni \ft Doni. \ref 526 \id 269490070836140303 \begin 0:33:16 \sp EXPDIN \tx he he he he he... \pho hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ \mb he he he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he he he he he... \ref 527 \id 234675070836140303 \begin 0:33:17 \sp FARPIT \tx Tante, Tante! \pho tantə tantə \mb Tante Tante \ge aunt aunt \gj aunt aunt \ft Auntie, Auntie! \ref 528 \id 995199070837140303 \begin 0:33:18 \sp FARPIT \tx kalo rumah Kakak Ipit ada tingkatnya. \pho taloʔ luma kaka ʔipit ʔada tiŋkatɲa \mb kalo rumah Kakak Ipit ada tingkat -nya \ge TOP house older.sibling Ipit exist level -NYA \gj TOP house older.sibling Ipit exist level-NYA \ft Pipit's house is a storey house. \ref 529 \id 435606070837140303 \begin 0:33:19 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔə \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 530 \id 346590070837140303 \begin 0:33:20 \sp EXPDIN \tx Tante belom pernah ke situ. \pho tantə bəlom pərna kə situʔ \mb Tante belom pernah ke situ \ge aunt not.yet ever to there \gj aunt not.yet ever to there \ft I've never been there. \ref 531 \id 947931070837140303 \begin 0:33:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx Doni aja mending tadi ya Tante, ya? \pho doni ʔaja bəŋin tadiʔ ya tantə ya \mb Doni aja mending tadi ya Tante ya \ge Doni just preferable earlier yes aunt yes \gj Doni just preferable earlier yes aunt yes \ft it's better if we made Doni's name, right? \ref 532 \id 700182070837140303 \begin 0:33:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx anak laki tu. \pho ʔanak lakiʔ tu \mb anak laki tu \ge child male that \gj child male that \ft he's a boy. \ref 533 \id 186361070838140303 \begin 0:33:24 \sp EXPDIN \tx ngapain Doni? \pho ŋapaʔin doni \mb ng- apa -in Doni \ge N- what -IN Doni \gj N-what-IN Doni \ft why should Doni? \ref 534 \id 779212070838140303 \begin 0:33:26 \sp FARPIT \tx Doni... \pho donih \mb Doni \ge Doni \gj Doni \ft Doni... \ref 535 \id 932349070838140303 \begin 0:33:28 \sp EXPDIN \tx Dini aja. \pho dini ʔajaʔ \mb Dini aja \ge Dini just \gj Dini just \ft just Dini. \ref 536 \id 705853070838140303 \begin 0:33:30 \sp OPIPIT \tx Dini? \pho diniʔ \mb Dini \ge Dini \gj Dini \ft Dini? \ref 537 \id 997694070838140303 \begin 0:33:31 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 538 \id 974756070839140303 \begin 0:33:32 \sp FARPIT \tx Doni siapa Doni? \pho doni syapa doniʰ \mb Doni siapa Doni \ge Doni who Doni \gj Doni who Doni \ft who is Doni? \ref 539 \id 641990070839140303 \begin 0:33:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmm... eh... \pho mː ʔə̃h \mb mmm eh \ge FILL EXCL \gj FILL EXCL \ft umm... eh... \nt staring at the camcorder. \ref 540 \id 452328070839140303 \begin 0:33:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx Rendi aja ya Tante, ya? \pho rɛndi ʔaja ya tantə yaʔ \mb Rendi aja ya Tante ya \ge Rendi just yes aunt yes \gj Rendi just yes aunt yes \ft Rendi is fine, right? \ref 541 \id 590686070839140303 \begin 0:33:38 \sp EXPDIN \tx siapa lagi Rendi? \pho syapa lagi rɛndiʔ \mb siapa lagi Rendi \ge who more Rendi \gj who more Rendi \ft who is Rendi? \ref 542 \id 369224070839140303 \begin 0:33:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx temennya Opi. \pho təmənɲa ʔopiʔ \mb temen -nya Opi \ge friend -NYA Opi \gj friend-NYA Opi \ft friend of mine. \ref 543 \id 654966070840140303 \begin 0:33:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah, dah Anya udah. \pho dah da ʔaʔɲa ʔudah \mb dah dah A -nya udah \ge PFCT PFCT A -NYA PFCT \gj PFCT PFCT A-NYA PFCT \ft done, I've finished the A. \ref 544 \id 727873070840140303 \begin 0:33:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx sekarang warna merah jambu uh, uh, uh, uh, uh... \pho səkaraŋ warnaʔ mɛra jambu ʔu ʔu ʔu ʔu ʔu \mb sekarang warna merah jambu uh uh uh uh uh \ge now color red rose.apple EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj now color red rose.apple EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft now is rose uh, uh, uh, uh, uh... \ref 545 \id 274293070840140303 \begin 0:33:46 \sp FARPIT \tx ah, udah ah. \pho ʔa ʔuda ʔãh \mb ah udah ah \ge AH PFCT AH \gj AH PFCT AH \ft ah, it's finished. \nt = ah, I want to stop it. \ref 546 \id 856988070840140303 \begin 0:33:48 \sp FARPIT \tx dah capek, capek. \pho da capeʔ capeʔ \mb dah capek capek \ge PFCT tired tired \gj PFCT tired tired \ft I'm getting tired. \ref 547 \id 420318070840140303 \begin 0:33:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah, warna merah aja. \pho ʔa warna mɛra ʔaja \mb ah warna merah aja \ge AH color red just \gj AH color red just \ft let me take the red one. \ref 548 \id 795981070841140303 \begin 0:33:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx abis warna merah, merah jambu. \pho ʔabis warna mɛra mɛra jambuʔ \mb abis warna merah merah jambu \ge finished color red red rose.apple \gj finished color red red rose.apple \ft after red then rose. \ref 549 \id 178438070841140303 \begin 0:33:52 \sp FARPIT \tx yang mana? \pho yaŋ mana \mb yang mana \ge REL which \gj REL which \ft which one? \nt referring to the rose and red pencils. \ref 550 \id 812063070841140303 \begin 0:33:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx jan(gan), jangan kuning lagi. \pho jan jaŋan kuniŋ lagiʔ \mb jangan jangan kuning lagi \ge don't don't yellow more \gj don't don't yellow more \ft don't take the yellow one again. \ref 551 \id 472220070841140303 \begin 0:33:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx item, ijo. \pho ʔitəm ʔijoʔ \mb item ijo \ge black green \gj black green \ft black, green. \ref 552 \id 117102070842140303 \begin 0:33:57 \sp FARPIT \tx ih, ih... \pho ʔi ʔi \mb ih ih \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey... \ref 553 \id 447468070842140303 \begin 0:33:58 \sp FARPIT \tx item mana ijo? \pho ʔitəm mana ʔijoʔ \mb item mana ijo \ge black which green \gj black which green \ft where is black and green? \ref 554 \id 803563070842140303 \begin 0:33:59 \sp FARPIT \tx item mana? \pho ʔitəm mana \mb item mana \ge black which \gj black which \ft where is black? \ref 555 \id 712811070842140303 \begin 0:34:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx itu item ini. \pho ʔitu ʔitəm ʔini \mb itu item ini \ge that black this \gj that black this \ft that's black. \ref 556 \id 939528070842140303 \begin 0:34:02 \sp EXPDIN \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one. \ref 557 \id 767172070843140303 \begin 0:34:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni merah dulu. \pho ni mɛra duluʔ \mb ni merah dulu \ge this red before \gj this red before \ft the red one first. \nt coloring a letter. \ref 558 \id 176541070843140303 \begin 0:34:04 \sp EXPDIN \tx bagus kotak pensilmu, Pi. \pho bagus kotak pensilmu piʔ \mb bagus kotak pensil -mu Pi \ge nice box pencil -2 TRU-Opi \gj nice box pencil-2 TRU-Opi \ft what a nice pencil case you have, Opi. \ref 559 \id 440922070843140303 \begin 0:34:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx hah? \pho ʔãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 560 \id 589241070843140303 \begin 0:34:07 \sp EXPDIN \tx bagus kotak pensilnya. \pho bagus kotak pensilɲa \mb bagus kotak pensil -nya \ge nice box pencil -NYA \gj nice box pencil-NYA \ft your pencil case is nice. \ref 561 \id 393571070843140303 \begin 0:34:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx kan kalo nggak bisa warnain, cuman gini doang ya Tante, ya? \pho kan kaloʔ ŋga bisa warnaʔin ɲɔmaŋ gini dowaŋ ya tantə yaʔ \mb kan kalo nggak bisa warna -in cuman gini doang ya Tante ya \ge KAN TOP NEG can color -IN only like.this just yes aunt yes \gj KAN TOP NEG can color-IN only like.this just yes aunt yes \ft if I can't color this, it's just like this, right? \ref 562 \id 355919070844140303 \begin 0:34:10 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu, udah selesai. \pho tu ʔuda sələsey \mb tu udah selesai \ge that PFCT finish \gj that PFCT finish \ft see, it's done. \ref 563 \id 242850070844140303 \begin 0:34:12 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm... \pho hm hm hm hm hm hm \mb hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm... \ref 564 \id 698181070844140303 \begin 0:34:14 \sp FARPIT \tx ntar ni... \pho ntal ni \mb ntar ni \ge moment this \gj moment this \ft later this one... \nt holding a pencil. \ref 565 \id 740353070844140303 \begin 0:34:16 \sp EXPDIN \tx tu males itu namanya. \pho tu maləs ʔitu namaɲa \mb tu males itu nama -nya \ge that lazy that name -NYA \gj that lazy that name-NYA \ft it means you're lazy. \ref 566 \id 330331070844140303 \begin 0:34:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx he he he... \pho hẽ hẽ hẽ \mb he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he he he... \ref 567 \id 382729070846140303 \begin 0:34:19 \sp FARPIT \tx ini kan, ini kan coklat, kan? \pho ʔini kan ʔini kan coko can \mb ini kan ini kan coklat kan \ge this KAN this KAN chocolate KAN \gj this KAN this KAN chocolate KAN \ft this is brown, right? \ref 568 \id 845657070847140303 \begin 0:34:20 \sp FARPIT \tx ini nih. \pho ʔini nih \mb ini nih \ge this this \gj this this \ft here. \nt wants to draw something. \ref 569 \id 776327070847140303 \begin 0:34:21 \sp EXPDIN \tx coba liat. \pho cɔba liyat \mb coba liat \ge try see \gj try see \ft let me have a look. \ref 570 \id 152058070847140303 \begin 0:34:23 \sp EXPDIN \tx ungu itu. \pho ʔuŋu ʔitu \mb ungu itu \ge purple that \gj purple that \ft that's purple. \ref 571 \id 255342075902140303 \begin 0:34:25 \sp FARPIT \tx kan? \pho kan \mb kan \ge KAN \gj KAN \ft see? \ref 572 \id 939222075921140303 \begin 0:34:26 \sp EXPDIN \tx tu kan ungu. \pho tu kan ʔuŋuʔ \mb tu kan ungu \ge that KAN purple \gj that KAN purple \ft that's purple. \ref 573 \id 122099075942140303 \begin 0:34:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante! \pho tantə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 574 \id 732079080003140303 \begin 0:34:29 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm? \pho hm \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 575 \id 764218080010140303 \begin 0:34:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx itu garis-garisannya nggak keliatan. \pho ʔitu garisgarisanɲa ŋgaʔ kliyatan \mb itu garis - garis -an -nya nggak ke an liat \ge that line - line -AN -NYA NEG KE AN see \gj that RED.AN-line-NYA NEG KE.AN-see \ft those lines can't be seen. \ref 576 \id 937619080140140303 \begin 0:34:33 \sp EXPDIN \tx kurang tebel, ya? \pho kuraŋ təbəl ya \mb kurang tebel ya \ge less thick yes \gj less thick yes \ft it's not thick enough, right? \ref 577 \id 186331080341140303 \begin 0:34:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 578 \id 283221080400140303 \begin 0:34:36 \sp EXPDIN \tx sengaja biar nggak keliatan pensilnya. \pho səŋajaʔ biyar ŋgaʔ kliyatan pensilɲa \mb sengaja biar nggak ke an liat pensil -nya \ge on.purpose let NEG KE AN see pencil -NYA \gj on.purpose let NEG KE.AN-see pencil-NYA \ft I did it on purpose so the pencil can't be seen. \nt referring to the scracth produced by the pencil she has made. \ref 579 \id 603948080448140303 \begin 0:34:38 \sp EXPDIN \tx biar keliatan warnanya doang. \pho biyar kliyatan warnaɲa dɔwaŋ \mb biar ke an liat warna -nya doang \ge let KE AN see color -NYA just \gj let KE.AN-see color-NYA just \ft so it's only the color which can be seen. \ref 580 \id 971922080530140303 \begin 0:34:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx ha... \pho hã \mb ha \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ha... \ref 581 \id 720774080548140303 \begin 0:34:42 \sp FARPIT \tx Tante! \pho tantə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 582 \id 670745080612140303 \begin 0:34:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmm, mmm... \pho m m \mb mmm mmm \ge FILL FILL \gj FILL FILL \ft umm, umm... \ref 583 \id 434933080623140303 \begin 0:34:46 \sp FARPIT \tx eee... nggak boleh di tu... garis-garis, ya? \pho ʔəː ŋ̩gaʔ bɔlɛ di ʔitu garisgaris yaʔ \mb eee nggak boleh di tu garis - garis ya \ge FILL NEG may LOC that line - line yes \gj FILL NEG may LOC that RED-line yes \ft umm... don't be on those lines, right? \nt referring to the way of coloring. \ref 584 \id 728002080729140303 \begin 0:34:48 \sp EXPDIN \tx boleh. \pho boleh \mb boleh \ge may \gj may \ft you can. \ref 585 \id 646573080746140303 \begin 0:34:50 \sp FARPIT \tx kok Kakak Opi nggak, nggak boleh? \pho ko koko ʔopi ŋ̩ga ŋ̩ga bɔlɛh \mb kok Kakak Opi nggak nggak boleh \ge KOK older.sibling Opi NEG NEG may \gj KOK older.sibling Opi NEG NEG may \ft why can't Opi do that? \ref 586 \id 967081080838140303 \begin 0:34:52 \sp EXPDIN \tx boleh digaris-garis. \pho bole digarisgaris \mb boleh di- garis - garis \ge may DI- line - line \gj may DI-RED-line \ft you may be on the lines. \nt referring to the coloring. \ref 587 \id 353502080908140303 \begin 0:34:54 \sp FARPIT \tx Opi boleh di... \pho ʔopi bolɛ diʔ \mb Opi boleh di \ge Opi may LOC \gj Opi may LOC \ft Opi might be on... \ref 588 \id 113814080934140303 \begin 0:34:56 \sp EXPDIN \tx tapi garisnya Tante, yang bikin hurufnya tadi, emang sengaja ditipisin. \pho tapi garisɲa tantə yaŋ bikin hurufɲa tadi ʔɛmaŋ səŋaja ditipisin \mb tapi garis -nya Tante yang bikin huruf -nya tadi emang sengaja di- tipis -in \ge but line -NYA aunt REL make letter -NYA earlier indeed on.purpose DI- thin -IN \gj but line-NYA aunt REL make letter-NYA earlier indeed on.purpose DI-thin-IN \ft but my lines, the letters I have made, I did it on purpose to make them thin. \ref 589 \id 973362081102140303 \begin 0:34:58 \sp EXPDIN \tx biar nggak keliatan. \pho biyar ŋgaʔ kliyatan \mb biar nggak ke an liat \ge let NEG KE AN see \gj let NEG KE.AN-see \ft so they can't be seen. \ref 590 \id 626758081124140303 \begin 0:35:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx mang kenapa? \pho maŋ knapah \mb mang kenapa \ge really why \gj really why \ft why? \ref 591 \id 933556081152140303 \begin 0:35:04 \sp FARPIT \tx kok gini? \pho ko gini \mb kok gini \ge KOK like.this \gj KOK like.this \ft why is it like this? \nt still trying to color a letter. \ref 592 \id 296938081237140303 \begin 0:35:06 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm? \pho m \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 593 \id 746505081251140303 \begin 0:35:09 \sp EXPDIN \tx biar keliatannya Opi bikin sendiri. \pho biyar kliyatanɲa ʔopi bikin səndiri \mb biar ke an liat -nya Opi bikin sen- diri \ge let KE AN see -NYA Opi make SE- self \gj let KE.AN-see-NYA Opi make SE-self \ft so it seems that you did it on your own. \ref 594 \id 222538081316140303 \begin 0:35:12 \sp FARPIT \tx 0. \nt still coloring. \ref 595 \id 404288081343140303 \begin 0:35:15 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt still coloring. \ref 596 \id 480285081359140303 \begin 0:35:18 \sp EXPDIN \tx ntar kalo Tante pulang, Opi sama Fariz berani di rumah sendiri? \pho ntar kalo tantə pulaŋ ʔopi sama faris brani di ruma səndiri \mb ntar kalo Tante pulang Opi sama Fariz berani di rumah sen- diri \ge moment TOP aunt return Opi with Fariz brave LOC house SE- self \gj moment TOP aunt return Opi with Fariz brave LOC house SE-self \ft if I go home, are you both dare enough to be alone at home? \ref 597 \id 660770081448140303 \begin 0:35:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 598 \id 180424081507140303 \begin 0:35:20 \sp EXPDIN \tx apa mo naik? \pho ʔapa mo naik \mb apa mo naik \ge what want go.up \gj what want go.up \ft or would you like to go up there? \ref 599 \id 904229081518140303 \begin 0:35:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx ke mana? \pho kə mana \mb ke mana \ge to which \gj to which \ft where? \ref 600 \id 598173081540140303 \begin 0:35:22 \sp EXPDIN \tx ke Kakak Ipit. \pho kə kaka ʔipit \mb ke Kakak Ipit \ge to older.sibling Ipit \gj to older.sibling Ipit \ft to Pipit's house. \ref 601 \id 212581081554140303 \begin 0:35:24 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak ah. \pho ŋ̩ga ʔa \mb nggak ah \ge NEG AH \gj NEG AH \ft no way. \ref 602 \id 457555081619140303 \begin 0:35:25 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak? \pho ŋ̩gaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no? \ref 603 \id 245800081637140303 \begin 0:35:26 \sp FARPIT \tx nggak, Ais mo tidur. \pho ŋ̩ga ʔais mo tidul \mb nggak Ais mo tidur \ge NEG Ais want lie.down \gj NEG Ais want lie.down \ft no, I want to sleep. \ref 604 \id 769468082949140303 \begin 0:35:27 \sp EXPDIN \tx oh, mo tidur? \pho ʔo mo tidur \mb oh mo tidur \ge EXCL want lie.down \gj EXCL want lie.down \ft oh, you want to sleep? \ref 605 \id 971686082949140303 \begin 0:35:28 \sp EXPDIN \tx yo, sebentar. \pho yo səbəntar \mb yo se- bentar \ge yes SE- moment \gj yes SE-moment \ft yes, later. \ref 606 \id 346278082949140303 \begin 0:35:30 \sp EXPDIN \tx rumahnya sendiri nggak perlu takut. \pho rumaɲa səndiri ŋgaʔ pərlu takut \mb rumah -nya sen- diri nggak perlu takut \ge house -NYA SE- self NEG necessary fear \gj house-NYA SE-self NEG necessary fear \ft don't be afraid on your own house. \ref 607 \id 209642082949140303 \begin 0:35:31 \sp FARPIT \tx kalo, kalo, kalo, kalo, kan... \pho kolo kaloʔ kaloʔ kaloʔ kan \mb kalo kalo kalo kalo kan \ge TOP TOP TOP TOP KAN \gj TOP TOP TOP TOP KAN \ft if, if, if, if... \ref 608 \id 561741082950140303 \begin 0:35:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante, ini udah musim panas, ya? \pho tantə ʔini ʔuda musim panas ya \mb Tante ini udah musim panas ya \ge aunt this PFCT season hot yes \gj aunt this PFCT season hot yes \ft it's already summer, right? \ref 609 \id 796907082950140303 \begin 0:35:35 \sp FARPIT \tx Tante! \pho tantəh \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 610 \id 429329082950140303 \begin 0:35:37 \sp EXPDIN \tx belom, musim ujan. \pho bəlom musim ʔujan \mb belom musim ujan \ge not.yet season rain \gj not.yet season rain \ft not yet, it's still rainy season. \ref 611 \id 147652082950140303 \begin 0:35:39 \sp FARPIT \tx Tante, Tante! \pho tantə tantəʰ \mb Tante Tante \ge aunt aunt \gj aunt aunt \ft Auntie, Auntie! \ref 612 \id 897870082950140303 \begin 0:35:40 \sp FARPIT \tx kalo, kalo... \pho taloʔ kaloʔ \mb kalo kalo \ge TOP TOP \gj TOP TOP \ft if, if... \ref 613 \id 829187082951140303 \begin 0:35:41 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante, Tante! \pho tantə tantə \mb Tante Tante \ge aunt aunt \gj aunt aunt \ft Auntie, Auntie! \ref 614 \id 262402082951140303 \begin 0:35:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx ma(sa), masa kata ibu-ibu kalo, kalo panas enakan ujan. \pho maʔ masaʔ kata ʔibuwibu kaloʔ kalo panas ʔɛnakan ʔujan \mb masa masa kata ibu - ibu kalo kalo panas enak -an ujan \ge incredible incredible word mother - mother TOP TOP hot pleasant -AN rain \gj incredible incredible word RED-mother TOP TOP hot pleasant-AN rain \ft you know what, women says it's nice to have summer if it's rainy season. \ref 615 \id 794640082951140303 \begin 0:35:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo ujan, enakan panas. \pho kalo ʔujan ʔɛnakan panas \mb kalo ujan enak -an panas \ge TOP rain pleasant -AN hot \gj TOP rain pleasant-AN hot \ft if it's rainy season, they will say it's nice to have summer. \ref 616 \id 139537082951140303 \begin 0:35:45 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya, emang rewel emang. \pho ʔiya ʔɛmaŋ rewel ʔɛmaŋ \mb iya emang rewel emang \ge yes indeed fussy indeed \gj yes indeed fussy indeed \ft yes, they're fussy. \ref 617 \id 403045082951140303 \begin 0:35:47 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm... \pho m hm hm hm hm \mb hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm... \ref 618 \id 290927082952140303 \begin 0:35:49 \sp FARPIT \tx Tante, Tante! \pho tantə tantəh \mb Tante Tante \ge aunt aunt \gj aunt aunt \ft Auntie, Auntie! \ref 619 \id 529360082952140303 \begin 0:35:51 \sp EXPDIN \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft what? \ref 620 \id 168317082952140303 \begin 0:35:53 \sp FARPIT \tx kok tar Kak Opi kok, mmm... mmm, malem kok takut, udah didoain aja. \pho ko tal ko pi koʔ m m maləm koʔ takut ʔuda didoaʔin ʔajaʰ \mb kok tar Kak Opi kok mmm mmm malem kok takut udah di- doa -in aja \ge KOK moment TRU-older.sibling Opi KOK FILL FILL night KOK fear PFCT DI- prayer -IN just \gj KOK moment TRU-older.sibling Opi KOK FILL FILL night KOK fear PFCT DI-prayer-IN just \ft Opi was afraid in the night umm... umm... even he has taken a prayer. \ref 621 \id 812302082952140303 \begin 0:35:55 \sp EXPDIN \tx kalo udah berdoa nggak perlu takut. \pho kalo ʔuda bərdɔʔa ŋga pərlu takut \mb kalo udah ber- doa nggak perlu takut \ge TOP PFCT BER- prayer NEG necessary fear \gj TOP PFCT BER-prayer NEG necessary fear \ft don't be afraid if you have had a prayer. \ref 622 \id 884456082952140303 \begin 0:35:57 \sp FARPIT \tx itu Kak... \pho ʔitu kaʔ \mb itu Kak \ge that TRU-older.sibling \gj that TRU-older.sibling \ft that's him... \ref 623 \id 379728082953140303 \begin 0:35:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya, tapi kan Is, di rumah Bu Wiwin itu Tante... \pho ya tapi kan ʔis di ruma bu wiwin ʔitu tantəː \mb ya tapi kan Is di rumah Bu Wiwin itu Tante \ge yes but KAN TRU-Pais LOC house TRU-mother Wiwin that aunt \gj yes but KAN TRU-Pais LOC house TRU-mother Wiwin that aunt \ft yes, but you know what, at Mrs. Wiwin's house... \ref 624 \id 800644082953140303 \begin 0:36:01 \sp EXPDIN \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft why? \ref 625 \id 237325082953140303 \begin 0:36:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx orang udah gelap. \pho ʔoraŋ ʔuda gəlap \mb orang udah gelap \ge person PFCT dark \gj person PFCT dark \ft it's already dark. \ref 626 \id 540228082953140303 \begin 0:36:05 \sp EXPDIN \tx rumah yang ma(na), yang lama? \pho ruma yaŋ ma yaŋ lamaʔ \mb rumah yang mana yang lama \ge house REL which REL long.time \gj house REL which REL long.time \ft which house, the old one? \ref 627 \id 123947082953140303 \begin 0:36:07 \sp OPIPIT \tx yang baru. \pho yaŋ baruʔ \mb yang baru \ge REL new \gj REL new \ft the new one. \ref 628 \id 281351082954140303 \begin 0:36:09 \sp EXPDIN \tx yang baru? \pho yaŋ baruʔ \mb yang baru \ge REL new \gj REL new \ft the new one? \ref 629 \id 682605082954140303 \begin 0:36:11 \sp EXPDIN \tx kan terang deh kayaknya banyak lampunya deh. \pho kan təraŋ dɛh kayaʔɲa baɲak lampuʔɲa dɛh \mb kan terang deh kayak -nya banyak lampu -nya deh \ge KAN bright DEH like -NYA a.lot lamp -NYA DEH \gj KAN bright DEH like-NYA a.lot lamp-NYA DEH \ft it seems there are lots of lamps there. \ref 630 \id 855011082954140303 \begin 0:36:13 \sp OPIPIT \tx banyak sih banyak, tapi kan nggak banyak orang-orang. \pho baɲak si baɲak tapi kan ŋga baɲak ʔoraŋʔoraŋ \mb banyak sih banyak tapi kan nggak banyak orang - orang \ge a.lot SIH a.lot but KAN NEG a.lot person - person \gj a.lot SIH a.lot but KAN NEG a.lot RED-person \ft there are lots of lamps, but noone there. \ref 631 \id 497441082954140303 \begin 0:36:15 \sp EXPDIN \tx rumahnya kegedean, orangnya kedikitan. \pho rumaɲa kəgədeyan ʔoraŋɲa kədikitan \mb rumah -nya ke an gede orang -nya ke an dikit \ge house -NYA KE AN big person -NYA KE AN a.little \gj house-NYA KE.AN-big person-NYA KE.AN-a.little \ft the house is too big for few people. \ref 632 \id 111309082955140303 \begin 0:36:16 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya? \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right? \ref 633 \id 279441082955140303 \begin 0:36:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 634 \id 979519082955140303 \begin 0:36:18 \sp EXPDIN \tx kamarnya Kakak Ipit di atas, ya? \pho kamarɲa kaka ʔipit di ʔatas ya \mb kamar -nya Kakak Ipit di atas ya \ge room -NYA older.sibling Ipit LOC up yes \gj room-NYA older.sibling Ipit LOC up yes \ft Pipit's room is upstairs, right? \ref 635 \id 604990082955140303 \begin 0:36:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 636 \id 479021082955140303 \begin 0:36:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx pernah diketok-ketokin sama hantu. \pho pərna dikətokətokin sama ʔantu \mb pernah di- ketok - ketok -in sama hantu \ge ever DI- knock - knock -IN with ghost \gj ever DI-RED-knock-IN with ghost \ft a ghost ever knocked on it. \ref 637 \id 118586082956140303 \begin 0:36:22 \sp EXPDIN \tx ah, siapa bilang? \pho ʔah siyapa bilaŋ \mb ah siapa bilang \ge EXCL who say \gj EXCL who say \ft hey, who told you? \ref 638 \id 175603082956140303 \begin 0:36:23 \sp EXPDIN \tx Kakak Ipit? \pho kaka ʔipit \mb Kakak Ipit \ge older.sibling Ipit \gj older.sibling Ipit \ft Pipit? \ref 639 \id 868547082956140303 \begin 0:36:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 640 \id 286864082956140303 \begin 0:36:27 \sp EXPDIN \tx Kakak Ipit aja takut kamarnya kegedean. \pho kaka ʔipit ʔaja takut kamarɲa kəgədeyan \mb Kakak Ipit aja takut kamar -nya ke an gede \ge older.sibling Ipit just fear room -NYA KE AN big \gj older.sibling Ipit just fear room-NYA KE.AN-big \ft Pipit is afraid because the room is too big for her. \ref 641 \id 639544082956140303 \begin 0:36:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx kan rumahnya kegedean. \pho kan rumaɲa kəgədeyan \mb kan rumah -nya ke an gede \ge KAN house -NYA KE AN big \gj KAN house-NYA KE.AN-big \ft the house is too big. \ref 642 \id 728560082957140303 \begin 0:36:30 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya, rumah kegedean. \pho ʔiya ruma kəgədeyan \mb iya rumah ke an gede \ge yes house KE AN big \gj yes house KE.AN-big \ft yes, the house is too big. \ref 643 \id 128205082957140303 \begin 0:36:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx it(u), itu namanya hantunya mo kenalan dulu ya Tante, ya? \pho ʔit ʔitu namaɲa ʔantuɲa moʔ kənalan dulu ya tantə yaʔ \mb itu itu nama -nya hantu -nya mo kenal -an dulu ya Tante ya \ge that that name -NYA ghost -NYA want recognize -AN before yes aunt yes \gj that that name-NYA ghost-NYA want recognize-AN before yes aunt yes \ft it means that the ghost wants to introduce himself to her, right? \ref 644 \id 749714082957140303 \begin 0:36:32 \sp EXPDIN \tx heh? \pho hə̃ \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 645 \id 169808082957140303 \begin 0:36:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya? \pho ʔiyaʔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right? \ref 646 \id 666872082957140303 \begin 0:36:35 \sp EXPDIN \tx ha(ntunya), hantunya... \pho hãʔ hantuɲa \mb hantu -nya hantu -nya \ge ghost -NYA ghost -NYA \gj ghost-NYA ghost-NYA \ft the ghost, the ghost... \ref 647 \id 142408082958140303 \begin 0:36:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx hantunya mo ken(alan), mo kenalan? \pho hantuɲa mo kən mo kənalan \mb hantu -nya mo kenal -an mo kenal -an \ge ghost -NYA want recognize -AN want recognize -AN \gj ghost-NYA want recognize-AN want recognize-AN \ft the ghost wants to introduce himself to her? \ref 648 \id 957760082958140303 \begin 0:36:37 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \nt laughing. \ref 649 \id 293541082958140303 \begin 0:36:38 \sp EXPDIN \tx kenalan aja kalo gitu. \pho kənalan ʔaja kaloʔ gitu \mb kenal -an aja kalo gitu \ge recognize -AN just TOP like.that \gj recognize-AN just TOP like.that \ft so let him introduce himself. \ref 650 \id 353434082958140303 \begin 0:36:39 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh ah... \pho ʔə ʔãh \mb eh ah \ge EXCL AH \gj EXCL AH \ft eh ah... \ref 651 \id 777546082958140303 \begin 0:36:41 \sp EXPDIN \tx temenan deh. \pho təmənan dɛh \mb temen -an deh \ge friend -AN DEH \gj friend-AN DEH \ft make friend. \ref 652 \id 838514082959140303 \begin 0:36:42 \sp FARPIT \tx tapi, tapi... \pho tapiʔ tapiʔ \mb tapi tapi \ge but but \gj but but \ft but, but... \ref 653 \id 421418082959140303 \begin 0:36:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx jangan-jangan masuk lagi tu. \pho jaŋanjaŋan masuk lagi tu \mb jangan - jangan masuk lagi tu \ge don't - don't go.in more that \gj RED-don't go.in more that \ft I'm afraid he's there. \nt referring to the ghost at CHI's room. \ref 654 \id 389343082959140303 \begin 0:36:44 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm hmm hmm... nggaklah. \pho hm hm hm ŋgaʔla \mb hmm hmm hmm nggak -lah \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT NEG -LAH \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT NEG-LAH \ft hmm hmm hmm... of course not. \ref 655 \id 405234082959140303 \begin 0:36:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx he... \pho hə̃ \mb he \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft he... \ref 656 \id 188414083000140303 \begin 0:36:48 \sp EXPDIN \tx emang Opi pernah ketemuan sama Mas Nuk? \pho ʔɛmaŋ ʔopi pərna kətəmuwan sama mas nuʔ \mb emang Opi pernah ke an temu sama Mas Nuk \ge indeed Opi ever KE AN meet with EPIT Nuk \gj indeed Opi ever KE.AN-meet with EPIT Nuk \ft have you ever met Nugroho? \ref 657 \id 178160083000140303 \begin 0:36:49 \sp OPIPIT \tx pernah. \pho pərnah \mb pernah \ge ever \gj ever \ft yes. \ref 658 \id 637688083000140303 \begin 0:36:50 \sp EXPDIN \tx ah, masa sih? \pho ʔãh mosoʔ si \mb ah masa sih \ge EXCL incredible SIH \gj EXCL incredible SIH \ft hey, have you? \ref 659 \id 139182083000140303 \begin 0:36:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 660 \id 733488083000140303 \begin 0:36:52 \sp EXPDIN \tx masih kecil banget ya orangnya? \pho masi kəcil baŋət ya ʔoraŋɲa \mb masih kecil banget ya orang -nya \ge still small very yes person -NYA \gj still small very yes person-NYA \ft he was still a young boy? \ref 661 \id 161405083001140303 \begin 0:36:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaʔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 662 \id 749900083001140303 \begin 0:36:55 \sp OPIPIT \tx kalo Mas Nuk gini, 'inggih, inggih.' \pho kaloʔ mas ʔnuk gini ɲjeh ɲjeh \mb kalo Mas Nuk gini inggih inggih \ge TOP EPIT Nuk like.this yes yes \gj TOP EPIT Nuk like.this yes yes \ft Nugroho did this, 'yes, yes.' \nt pulling his lower lip. \ref 663 \id 592977083001140303 \begin 0:36:56 \sp EXPDIN \tx emang gitu, ya? \pho ʔɛmaŋ gitu ya \mb emang gitu ya \ge indeed like.that yes \gj indeed like.that yes \ft he did? \ref 664 \id 181457083001140303 \begin 0:36:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaʔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 665 \id 262148083001140303 \begin 0:36:59 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm hmm hmm hmm... \pho hm hm hm hm \mb hmm hmm hmm hmm \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hmm hmm hmm hmm... \ref 666 \id 141051083002140303 \begin 0:37:01 \sp FARPIT \tx ya, inggih, inggih. \pho yaʔ ɲjih ɲjis \mb ya inggih inggih \ge yes yes yes \gj yes yes yes \ft yes, yes, yes. \nt repeating OPI. \ref 667 \id 648831083002140303 \begin 0:37:02 \sp EXPDIN \tx gini nggak pernah ketemu kamu. \pho gini ŋgaʔ pərna kətəmu kamu \mb gini nggak pernah ke- temu kamu \ge like.this NEG ever KE- meet 2 \gj like.this NEG ever KE-meet 2 \ft you never meet him. \nt talking to FAR. \ref 668 \id 215140083002140303 \begin 0:37:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx Mas, Mas Nuk udah meninggal, Ais baru keluar. \pho maʔ mas ʔnuk ʔuda məniŋgal ʔais baru kəluwar \mb Mas Mas Nuk udah meninggal Ais baru keluar \ge EPIT EPIT Nuk PFCT pass.away Ais new go.out \gj EPIT EPIT Nuk PFCT pass.away Ais new go.out \ft he passed away then you were born. \nt talking to FAR. \ref 669 \id 275073083002140303 \begin 0:37:06 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 670 \id 459493083002140303 \begin 0:37:08 \sp FARPIT \tx iya, tapi Ais mmm... mmm... \pho ʔiya tapiʔ ʔais m m \mb iya tapi Ais mmm mmm \ge yes but Ais FILL FILL \gj yes but Ais FILL FILL \ft yes, but I umm... umm... \ref 671 \id 411031083003140303 \begin 0:37:10 \sp EXPDIN \tx diceritain, ya? \pho dicritaʔin ya \mb di- cerita -in ya \ge DI- story -IN yes \gj DI-story-IN yes \ft someone told you, right? \ref 672 \id 412727083003140303 \begin 0:37:12 \sp FARPIT \tx tapi Ais mmm... di... masih di perut Mama. \pho tapi ʔais m diː masi di pərut mamah \mb tapi Ais mmm di masih di perut Mama \ge but Ais FILL LOC still LOC stomach mommy \gj but Ais FILL LOC still LOC stomach mommy \ft but I umm... I was still in Mommy's womb. \ref 673 \id 108822083003140303 \begin 0:37:15 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 674 \id 783426083003140303 \begin 0:37:18 \sp FARPIT \tx terus... \pho tərɔs \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft then... \ref 675 \id 665572083003140303 \begin 0:37:21 \sp OPIPIT \tx terus, terus Opi naek, naek bis, ditelepon Pak Iyo eee... Ma(ma), Papa. \pho tərus rus ʔopi naek nɛk bis ditelpɔn paʔ iyoʔ ʔɛː ma papah \mb terus terus Opi naek naek bis di- telepon Pak Iyo eee Mama Papa \ge continue continue Opi go.up go.up bus DI- telephone TRU-father TRU-Dalio FILL mommy daddy \gj continue continue Opi go.up go.up bus DI-telephone TRU-father TRU-Dalio FILL mommy daddy \ft then when I was in the bus, Mr. Dalio umm... called Mom, I mean Daddy. \ref 676 \id 790770083004140303 \begin 0:37:24 \sp EXPDIN \tx naek bis ke mana? \pho naɛk bis kə mana \mb naek bis ke mana \ge go.up bus to which \gj go.up bus to which \ft where did you go? \ref 677 \id 794915083004140303 \begin 0:37:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx ke Jawa. \pho kə jawaʔ \mb ke Jawa \ge to Java \gj to Java \ft to Java. \ref 678 \id 262451083004140303 \begin 0:37:26 \sp EXPDIN \tx oh, pas pulang ke Jawa, ya? \pho ʔo pas pulaŋ kə jawaʔ ya \mb oh pas pulang ke Jawa ya \ge EXCL precise return to Java yes \gj EXCL precise return to Java yes \ft oh, you were on the way to Java, right? \ref 679 \id 722511083004140303 \begin 0:37:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx he-eh. \pho ʔəʔəh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 680 \id 167305083005140303 \begin 0:37:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi masih kecil banget. \pho ʔopi masi kəcil baŋət \mb Opi masih kecil banget \ge Opi still small very \gj Opi still small very \ft I was very young. \ref 681 \id 907345083005140303 \begin 0:37:30 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 682 \id 764287083005140303 \begin 0:37:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx terus Pak Iyo telepon. \pho tərɔs paʔ ʔiyoʔ telpɔn \mb terus Pak Iyo telepon \ge continue TRU-father TRU-Dalio telephone \gj continue TRU-father TRU-Dalio telephone \ft then Mr. Dalio called. \ref 683 \id 287903083005140303 \begin 0:37:32 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃ʔə̃ \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 684 \id 105359083005140303 \begin 0:37:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx terus, 'Bapaknya Opi, Mas Nuk meninggal.' \pho tərus bapaʔɲa ʔopiʔ mas nuk məniŋgal \mb terus Bapak -nya Opi Mas Nuk meninggal \ge continue father -NYA Opi EPIT Nuk pass.away \gj continue father-NYA Opi EPIT Nuk pass.away \ft then he said, 'Dayat, Nugroho passed away.' \ref 685 \id 177693083006140303 \begin 0:37:34 \sp EXPDIN \tx trus? \pho trus \mb trus \ge continue \gj continue \ft then? \ref 686 \id 890547083006140303 \begin 0:37:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx Mama nangis. \pho mama naŋis \mb Mama n- tangis \ge mommy N- cry \gj mommy N-cry \ft Mommy cried. \ref 687 \id 149749083006140303 \begin 0:37:36 \sp EXPDIN \tx trus balik lagi ke sini? \pho trus balik lagi kə sini \mb trus balik lagi ke sini \ge continue turn.around more to here \gj continue turn.around more to here \ft then you went here? \ref 688 \id 134769083006140303 \begin 0:37:37 \sp EXPDIN \tx meninggal di sini apa di Jawa? \pho məniŋgal di sini ʔapa di jawaʔ \mb meninggal di sini apa di Jawa \ge pass.away LOC here what LOC Java \gj pass.away LOC here what LOC Java \ft was he dead here or in Java? \ref 689 \id 372032083006140303 \begin 0:37:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx di Jawa. \pho di jawaʔ \mb di Jawa \ge LOC Java \gj LOC Java \ft in Java. \ref 690 \id 148241083007140303 \begin 0:37:39 \sp EXPDIN \tx oh, meninggalnya di Jawa? \pho ʔo məniŋgalɲa di jawaʔ \mb oh meninggal -nya di Jawa \ge EXCL pass.away -NYA LOC Java \gj EXCL pass.away-NYA LOC Java \ft oh, he was dead in Java? \ref 691 \id 888968083007140303 \begin 0:37:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx kuburannya di Jawa. \mb kubur -an -nya di Jawa \ge grave -AN -NYA LOC Java \gj grave-AN-NYA LOC Java \ft his grave is in Java. \ref 692 \id 608831083007140303 \begin 0:37:42 \sp EXPDIN \tx oh... kirain meninggalnya di sini. \pho ʔoː kiraʔin məniŋgalɲa di sini \mb oh kira -in meninggal -nya di sini \ge EXCL reckon -IN pass.away -NYA LOC here \gj EXCL reckon-IN pass.away-NYA LOC here \ft oh... I think he's dead here. \ref 693 \id 238322083007140303 \begin 0:37:44 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak di sini dia. \pho ŋgaʔ di sini diya \mb nggak di sini dia \ge NEG LOC here 3 \gj NEG LOC here 3 \ft he was not here. \ref 694 \id 182553083007140303 \begin 0:37:47 \sp FARPIT \tx eh... \pho ʔə̃h \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey... \nt still coloring. \ref 695 \id 677944083008140303 \begin 0:37:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx sekarang musim meninggal ya Tante, ya? \pho səkaraŋ musim məniŋgal ya tantə yaʔ \mb sekarang musim meninggal ya Tante ya \ge now season pass.away yes aunt yes \gj now season pass.away yes aunt yes \ft now is the season for death, right? \ref 696 \id 823136083008140303 \begin 0:37:53 \sp EXPDIN \tx lha, bukan musim. \pho lah bukan musim \mb lha bukan musim \ge EXCL NEG season \gj EXCL NEG season \ft hey, it's not about season. \ref 697 \id 271953083008140303 \begin 0:37:54 \sp EXPDIN \tx kalo waktunya meninggal, ya meninggal. \pho kaloʔ waktuɲa məniŋgal ya məniŋgal \mb kalo waktu -nya meninggal ya meninggal \ge TOP time -NYA pass.away yes pass.away \gj TOP time-NYA pass.away yes pass.away \ft if it's to time of death, it means deceased. \ref 698 \id 231352083008140303 \begin 0:37:55 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak usah nunggu musim meninggal. \pho ŋgaʔ usa nuŋgu musim məniŋgal \mb nggak usah n- tunggu musim meninggal \ge NEG must N- wait season pass.away \gj NEG must N-wait season pass.away \ft no need to wait for the season if it's time to decease. \ref 699 \id 946122083008140303 \begin 0:37:57 \sp FARPIT \tx ah, kecil, kecil, kecil... \pho ʔa kəcil kəcɪl kəcɪl \mb ah kecil kecil kecil \ge EXCL small small small \gj EXCL small small small \ft hey, it's easy, it's easy, it's easy... \nt commenting the letter he has to colored. \ref 700 \id 890502083009140303 \begin 0:37:59 \sp EXPDIN \tx emang banyak orang meninggal di sini? \pho ʔɛmaŋ baɲak ʔoraŋ məniŋgal di sini \mb emang banyak orang meninggal di sini \ge indeed a.lot person pass.away LOC here \gj indeed a.lot person pass.away LOC here \ft are there lots of people who were dead here? \ref 701 \id 291174085459140303 \begin 0:38:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx banyak. \pho baɲak \mb banyak \ge a.lot \gj a.lot \ft a lot. \ref 702 \id 168884093923140303 \begin 0:38:02 \sp EXPDIN \tx wah... \pho wah \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow... \ref 703 \id 448375093923140303 \begin 0:38:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx tap(i), tapi kalo... kalo meninggal, udah di paan... udah dipastiin Allah, ya? \pho tap tapi kaloːʔ kalo məniŋgal ʔuda di paʔan ʔuda dipastiʔin ʔallow yah \mb tapi tapi kalo kalo meninggal udah di pa -an udah di- pasti -in Allah ya \ge but but TOP TOP pass.away PFCT LOC what -AN PFCT DI- sure -IN Allah yes \gj but but TOP TOP pass.away PFCT LOC what-AN PFCT DI-sure-IN Allah yes \ft if someone is dead, it means God's will, right? \ref 704 \id 754878093923140303 \begin 0:38:06 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 705 \id 558099093923140303 \begin 0:38:08 \sp FARPIT \tx Tante, Tante, Tante! \pho tantəʰ tantə tantə \mb Tante Tante Tante \ge aunt aunt aunt \gj aunt aunt aunt \ft Auntie, Auntie, Auntie! \ref 706 \id 780216093924140303 \begin 0:38:10 \sp FARPIT \tx nggak boleh liat nih. \pho ŋgaʔ bole liyat niʰ \mb nggak boleh liat nih \ge NEG may see this \gj NEG may see this \ft don't look. \nt going to take a gun. \ref 707 \id 715372093924140303 \begin 0:38:11 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm. \pho hm \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 708 \id 780437093924140303 \begin 0:38:12 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak ah. \pho ŋ̩ga ʔah \mb nggak ah \ge NEG AH \gj NEG AH \ft no. \nt asking FAR not to shoot her. \ref 709 \id 834160093924140303 \begin 0:38:13 \sp EXPDIN \tx sakit lho. \pho sakit lo \mb sakit lho \ge hurt EXCL \gj hurt EXCL \ft it hurts me. \ref 710 \id 146851093924140303 \begin 0:38:14 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak mau. \pho ŋ̩ga maWu \mb nggak mau \ge NEG want \gj NEG want \ft I don't want it. \ref 711 \id 941341093925140303 \begin 0:38:15 \sp FARPIT \tx ini ada pelurunya, tembak. \pho ʔini ʔada pluruʔɲa tembak \mb ini ada peluru -nya tembak \ge this exist bullet -NYA shoot \gj this exist bullet-NYA shoot \ft there is bullet, I'll shoot you. \ref 712 \id 639781093925140303 \begin 0:38:16 \sp EXPDIN \tx jangan tembak Tantelah. \pho jaŋan tembak tantəla \mb jangan tembak Tante -lah \ge don't shoot aunt -LAH \gj don't shoot aunt-LAH \ft don't shoot me. \ref 713 \id 214468093925140303 \begin 0:38:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm... \pho m m m m m m m m \mb hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm... \nt humming. \ref 714 \id 671403093925140303 \begin 0:38:20 \sp FARPIT \tx Opi, tolongin xxx. \pho ʔopi tolɔŋin xxx \mb Opi tolong -in xxx \ge Opi help -IN xxx \gj Opi help-IN xxx \ft could you help me xxx? \ref 715 \id 695466093925140303 \begin 0:38:22 \sp FARPIT \tx ntar tu nempel xx. \pho n̩tal tu nempel wawaʔ \mb ntar tu n- tempel xx \ge moment that N- attach xx \gj moment that N-attach xx \ft later it will attach xxx. \ref 716 \id 112795093926140303 \begin 0:38:24 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm... \pho mː \mb hmm \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft hmm... \ref 717 \id 958748093926140303 \begin 0:38:25 \sp OPIPIT \tx ini apaan ini? \pho ʔini ʔapaʔan ʔini \mb ini apa -an ini \ge this what -AN this \gj this what-AN this \ft what's this? \nt taking a pencil. \ref 718 \id 704331093926140303 \begin 0:38:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx ijo tua, ya? \pho ʔijo tuwaʔ ya \mb ijo tua ya \ge green old yes \gj green old yes \ft dark green, right? \ref 719 \id 604441093926140303 \begin 0:38:27 \sp FARPIT \tx Tante! \pho tatət \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 720 \id 262924093926140303 \begin 0:38:28 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 721 \id 578555093927140303 \begin 0:38:29 \sp FARPIT \tx tolongin gini, Tante. \pho tolɔŋin gini tantəh \mb tolong -in gini Tante \ge help -IN like.this aunt \gj help-IN like.this aunt \ft could you help me to do this? \ref 722 \id 791906093927140303 \begin 0:38:30 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 723 \id 978562093927140303 \begin 0:38:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmm, coba. \pho m cɔbaʔ \mb mmm coba \ge FILL try \gj FILL try \ft umm, let me try it. \nt referring to the green pencil. \ref 724 \id 724381093927140303 \begin 0:38:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx wah... \pho wah \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow... \ref 725 \id 992395093927140303 \begin 0:38:33 \sp EXPDIN \tx diapain? \pho diyapaʔin \mb di- apa -in \ge DI- what -IN \gj DI-what-IN \ft what do you want me to do? \ref 726 \id 104549093928140303 \begin 0:38:34 \sp EXPDIN \tx gini? \pho gini \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this? \nt it's not clear what she's doing. \ref 727 \id 971448093928140303 \begin 0:38:35 \sp FARPIT \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \nt whispering. \ref 728 \id 849023093928140303 \begin 0:38:36 \sp EXPDIN \tx terus? \pho tərɔs \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft then? \ref 729 \id 649803093928140303 \begin 0:38:37 \sp FARPIT \tx ditutup. \pho ditutup \mb di- tutup \ge DI- shut \gj DI-shut \ft close it. \ref 730 \id 363833093929140303 \begin 0:38:38 \sp FARPIT \tx nih. \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \ref 731 \id 957093093929140303 \begin 0:38:39 \sp EXPDIN \tx diapain sih? \pho diyapain si \mb di- apa -in sih \ge DI- what -IN SIH \gj DI-what-IN SIH \ft what are you going to do? \ref 732 \id 778235093929140303 \begin 0:38:40 \sp FARPIT \tx udah. \pho ʔuda \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \ref 733 \id 716804093929140303 \begin 0:38:41 \sp EXPDIN \tx ayo, balik lagi. \pho ʔayo balik lagi \mb ayo balik lagi \ge AYO turn.around more \gj AYO turn.around more \ft hey, it turns back. \ref 734 \id 541201093929140303 \begin 0:38:42 \sp FARPIT \tx eh, gimana? \pho ʔɛ gimana \mb eh gimana \ge EXCL how \gj EXCL how \ft hey, how is it? \ref 735 \id 273851093930140303 \begin 0:38:43 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah... \pho ʔãh \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ah... \nt watching FAR. \ref 736 \id 625421093930140303 \begin 0:38:45 \sp EXPDIN \tx emang pelurunya udah masuk? \pho ʔɛmaŋ pluruɲa ʔuda masuk \mb emang peluru -nya udah masuk \ge indeed bullet -NYA PFCT go.in \gj indeed bullet-NYA PFCT go.in \ft is the bullet in? \ref 737 \id 969051093930140303 \begin 0:38:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx duh... \pho duʰ \mb duh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ouch... \ref 738 \id 159826093930140303 \begin 0:38:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx ada xx... \pho ʔada sansumaʔ \mb ada xx \ge exist xx \gj exist xx \ft there is xx... \nt singing. \ref 739 \id 298284093930140303 \begin 0:38:50 \sp FARPIT \tx tu, nggak, nggak bisa ditembak. \pho tu ŋga ŋga bisa ditembak \mb tu nggak nggak bisa di- tembak \ge that NEG NEG can DI- shoot \gj that NEG NEG can DI-shoot \ft see, I can't shoot. \nt holding the gun. \ref 740 \id 871219093931140303 \begin 0:38:52 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 741 \id 203942093931140303 \begin 0:38:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx dengan xxx... \pho dəŋan xxx \mb dengan xxx \ge with xxx \gj with xxx \ft with xxx... \nt still singing but unclear. \ref 742 \id 171257093931140303 \begin 0:38:55 \sp EXPDIN \tx coba, mana pelurunya? \pho cobaʔ mana pluruʔɲa \mb coba mana peluru -nya \ge try which bullet -NYA \gj try which bullet-NYA \ft let me see, where is bullet? \ref 743 \id 729128093931140303 \begin 0:38:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx... \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx... \nt still singing but unclear. \ref 744 \id 672849093931140303 \begin 0:38:57 \sp EXPDIN \tx gimana caranya, Pi? \pho gimana caraʔɲa piʔ \mb gimana cara -nya Pi \ge how manner -NYA TRU-Opi \gj how manner-NYA TRU-Opi \ft how is it? \nt trying to set the bullet of the gun. \ref 745 \id 693476093932140303 \begin 0:38:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx hah? \pho ʔãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 746 \id 862687093932140303 \begin 0:39:01 \sp EXPDIN \tx masukin sini, ya? \pho masukin sini ya \mb masuk -in sini ya \ge go.in -IN here yes \gj go.in-IN here yes \ft put it in here, right? \ref 747 \id 805934093932140303 \begin 0:39:02 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm... iya Pi? \pho hm ʔiya piʔ \mb hmm iya Pi \ge FILL yes TRU-Opi \gj FILL yes TRU-Opi \ft umm... is that right? \ref 748 \id 960409093932140303 \begin 0:39:03 \sp OPIPIT \tx apa? \pho ʔapah \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 749 \id 723967093933140303 \begin 0:39:04 \sp FARPIT \tx belon, belom diginiin. \pho bəlon bəlom diginihin \mb belon belom di- gini -in \ge not.yet not.yet DI- like.this -IN \gj not.yet not.yet DI-like.this-IN \ft not yet, it hasn't yet. \ref 750 \id 331723093933140303 \begin 0:39:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx sini, Kak, Kak Opi cetekin dulu. \pho sini ka ka ʔopiʔ cətɛkin duluʔ \mb sini Kak Kak Opi cetek -in dulu \ge here TRU-older.sibling TRU-older.sibling Opi click -IN before \gj here TRU-older.sibling TRU-older.sibling Opi click-IN before \ft here, let me set this first. \nt referring to the gun. \ref 751 \id 379458093933140303 \begin 0:39:07 \sp EXPDIN \tx oh, diginiin? \pho ʔo diginiʔin \mb oh di- gini -in \ge EXCL DI- like.this -IN \gj EXCL DI-like.this-IN \ft oh, like this? \ref 752 \id 769636093933140303 \begin 0:39:08 \sp EXPDIN \tx coba, gimana sih? \pho cɔbaʔ gimana si \mb coba gimana sih \ge try how SIH \gj try how SIH \ft try it, how is it? \ref 753 \id 192413093933140303 \begin 0:39:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx si(ni), sini, Opi cetekin dulu. \pho siʔ sini ʔopiʔ cətɛkin duluʔ \mb sini sini Opi cetek -in dulu \ge here here Opi click -IN before \gj here here Opi click-IN before \ft here, here, let me set this first. \ref 754 \id 788269093934140303 \begin 0:39:10 \sp EXPDIN \tx eh... \pho ʔə̃h \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft eh... \nt giving the gun to OPI. \ref 755 \id 166191093934140303 \begin 0:39:12 \sp EXPDIN \tx ambilin satu lagi itu pelurunya. \pho ʔambilin satu lagi ʔitu pluruʔɲa \mb ambil -in satu lagi itu peluru -nya \ge take -IN one more that bullet -NYA \gj take-IN one more that bullet-NYA \ft take the other bullet. \nt talking to FAR. \ref 756 \id 177603093934140303 \begin 0:39:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx Asereje, (Ase)reje..., (Ase)reje... \pho ʔaserɛhẽ rɛheʔ rɛhẽʔ \mb Asereje Asereje Asereje \ge Asereje Asereje Asereje \gj Asereje Asereje Asereje \ft Asereje, (Ase)reje..., (Ase)reje... \ref 757 \id 288521093934140303 \begin 0:39:15 \sp EXPDIN \tx cari itu, itu! \pho cari ʔitu ʔitu \mb cari itu itu \ge look.for that that \gj look.for that that \ft look for that, that one! \nt referring to the bullet. \ref 758 \id 588447093934140303 \begin 0:39:16 \sp FARPIT \tx itu... itu punya Kak... Ais. \pho ʔitu ʔitu puɲa ka ʔais \mb itu itu punya Kak Ais \ge that that have TRU-older.sibling Ais \gj that that have TRU-older.sibling Ais \ft that's... mine. \ref 759 \id 543620093935140303 \begin 0:39:17 \sp EXPDIN \tx iya, Tante ini... belajar. \pho ʔiya tantə ʔini blajar \mb iya Tante ini bel- ajar \ge yes aunt this BER- teach \gj yes aunt this BER-teach \ft yes, I'm learning it. \ref 760 \id 434958093935140303 \begin 0:39:18 \sp FARPIT \tx itu punya Kakak Opi. \pho ʔitu puɲa kaka ʔopiʔ \mb itu punya Kakak Opi \ge that have older.sibling Opi \gj that have older.sibling Opi \ft that's his. \nt referring to the gun OPI is holding. \ref 761 \id 252634093935140303 \begin 0:39:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx enakan nih ong. \pho ʔɛnakan ni ʔoŋ \mb enak -an nih ong \ge pleasant -AN this IMIT \gj pleasant-AN this IMIT \ft nice to have this. \nt referring to his gun. \ref 762 \id 426575093935140303 \begin 0:39:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 763 \id 667245093935140303 \begin 0:39:24 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm, hmm. \pho m hm \mb hmm hmm \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft here, here. \nt putting down the gun. \ref 764 \id 104385093936140303 \begin 0:39:27 \sp FARPIT \tx nggak ada pelurunya nggak sakit. \pho ŋ̩ga ʔadaʔ pluruʔɲa ŋga sakit \mb nggak ada peluru -nya nggak sakit \ge NEG exist bullet -NYA NEG hurt \gj NEG exist bullet-NYA NEG hurt \ft it won't hurt if there is no bullet. \ref 765 \id 899429093936140303 \begin 0:39:30 \sp EXPDIN \tx ngeri Tante. \pho ŋəriʔ tantə \mb ngeri Tante \ge horrified aunt \gj horrified aunt \ft I'm scared. \ref 766 \id 932455093936140303 \begin 0:39:33 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya, udah abis. \pho ya ʔuda ʔabis \mb ya udah abis \ge yes PFCT finished \gj yes PFCT finished \ft yeah, it's done. \ref 767 \id 702977093936140303 \begin 0:39:34 \sp EXPDIN \tx gimana pasang pelurunya? \pho gimana pasaŋ pluruʔɲah \mb gimana pasang peluru -nya \ge how install bullet -NYA \gj how install bullet-NYA \ft how can I set the bullet? \ref 768 \id 357067093937140303 \begin 0:39:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni. \pho ni \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft here. \ref 769 \id 642381093937140303 \begin 0:39:38 \sp FARPIT \tx belum, belom diginiin. \pho blum bəlom diginihin \mb belum belom di- gini -in \ge not.yet not.yet DI- like.this -IN \gj not.yet not.yet DI-like.this-IN \ft not yet, it hasn't yet. \ref 770 \id 711613093937140303 \begin 0:39:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx puah... \pho pwah \mb puah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft puah... \nt putting the bullet on the gun. \ref 771 \id 603005093937140303 \begin 0:39:42 \sp EXPDIN \tx gimana sih? \pho gimana si \mb gimana sih \ge how SIH \gj how SIH \ft how is it? \ref 772 \id 418679093937140303 \begin 0:39:43 \sp EXPDIN \tx jangan Pi, Pi. \pho jaŋan piʔ piʔ \mb jangan Pi Pi \ge don't TRU-Opi TRU-Opi \gj don't TRU-Opi TRU-Opi \ft no, no. \nt asking OPI not to shoot her. \ref 773 \id 251586093938140303 \begin 0:39:45 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt shooting to the wall. \ref 774 \id 822485093938140303 \begin 0:39:47 \sp EXPDIN \tx bahaya. \pho bahayaʔ \mb bahaya \ge danger \gj danger \ft it's dangerous. \ref 775 \id 121626093938140303 \begin 0:39:49 \sp FARPIT \tx eee... eee... \pho ʔə ʔə \mb eee eee \ge FILL FILL \gj FILL FILL \ft umm... umm... \ref 776 \id 882769093938140303 \begin 0:39:51 \sp EXPDIN \tx ya... abis kaset. \pho yaː ʔabis kasɛt \mb ya abis kaset \ge yes finished cassette \gj yes finished cassette \ft yeah... the cassette is finished. \ref 777 \id 814730093938140303 \begin 0:39:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx pas abis lagi ya Tante, ya? \pho pas ʔabis lagi ya tantə yaʔ \mb pas abis lagi ya Tante ya \ge precise finished more yes aunt yes \gj precise finished more yes aunt yes \ft it's finished, right? \ref 778 \id 289221093939140303 \begin 0:39:53 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 779 \id 648810093939140303 \begin 0:39:54 \sp EXPDIN \tx tinggal tiga menitlah. \pho tiŋgal tigaʔ mənitla \mb tinggal tiga menit -lah \ge stay three minute -LAH \gj stay three minute-LAH \ft three minutes left. \ref 780 \id 771659093939140303 \begin 0:39:56 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak pa-pa. \pho ŋgaʔ papa \mb nggak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft no problem. \ref 781 \id 897241093939140303 \begin 0:39:58 \sp FARPIT \tx Tante, Tante! \pho tantə tantə \mb Tante Tante \ge aunt aunt \gj aunt aunt \ft Auntie, Auntie! \ref 782 \id 155355093939140303 \begin 0:39:59 \sp EXPDIN \tx ya? \pho ya \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes? \ref 783 \id 757501093940140303 \begin 0:40:00 \sp FARPIT \tx tifi. \pho tifiʔ \mb tifi \ge TV \gj TV \ft TV. \ref 784 \id 537318093940140303 \begin 0:40:01 \sp EXPDIN \tx tifi? \pho tifi \mb tifi \ge TV \gj TV \ft TV? \ref 785 \id 715636093940140303 \begin 0:40:02 \sp FARPIT \tx tifi. \pho tifiʔ \mb tifi \ge TV \gj TV \ft TV? \ref 786 \id 708128093940140303 \begin 0:40:04 \sp FARPIT \tx ni nanti aja. \pho ni nanti ʔajaʔ \mb ni nanti aja \ge this later just \gj this later just \ft this one is later. \nt putting down the gun. \ref 787 \id 522424093940140303 \begin 0:40:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx eh, mana pelurunya Ais? \pho ʔɛh mana pəruruɲa ʔais \mb eh mana peluru -nya Ais \ge EXCL which bullet -NYA Ais \gj EXCL which bullet-NYA Ais \ft hey, where's your bullet? \ref 788 \id 601830093941140303 \begin 0:40:08 \sp FARPIT \tx iya, dapet, dapet, dapet. \pho ʔiyaʔ dapət dapət dapət \mb iya dapet dapet dapet \ge yes get get get \gj yes get get get \ft yes, I got it, I got it, I got it. \nt taking a bullet. \ref 789 \id 466976093941140303 \begin 0:40:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante Erni mo tembakan? \pho tantə ʔɛrni mo tɛmbakan \mb Tante Erni mo tembak -an \ge aunt Erni want shoot -AN \gj aunt Erni want shoot-AN \ft would you like to have gun? \nt intending to call EXPDIN but then he calls her as EXPERN. \ref 790 \id 176675093941140303 \begin 0:40:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx mo nggak? \pho mo ŋ̩gaʔ \mb mo nggak \ge want NEG \gj want NEG \ft do you want it or not? \ref 791 \id 884540093941140303 \begin 0:40:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi tembak, ya? \pho ʔopi tɛmbak ya \mb Opi tembak ya \ge Opi shoot yes \gj Opi shoot yes \ft let me shoot you, okay? \ref 792 \id 892580093941140303 \begin 0:40:18 \sp EXPDIN \tx eh, jangan, jangan, Pi. \pho ʔɛ jaŋan jaŋan piʔ \mb eh jangan jangan Pi \ge EXCL don't don't TRU-Opi \gj EXCL don't don't TRU-Opi \ft hey, don't do that, Opi. \ref 793 \id 120387093942140303 \begin 0:40:19 \sp OPIPIT \tx oh, i(ni), i(ni), ini kan boong-boongan. \pho ʔo ʔi ʔi ʔini kan bɔʔɔŋbɔʔɔŋan \mb oh ini ini ini kan boong - boong -an \ge EXCL this this this KAN lie - lie -AN \gj EXCL this this this KAN RED.AN-lie \ft oh, this is just pretending. \ref 794 \id 761433093942140303 \begin 0:40:20 \sp EXPDIN \tx serem Tante. \pho sərəm tantə \mb serem Tante \ge scary aunt \gj scary aunt \ft I'm scared. \ref 795 \id 917698093942140303 \begin 0:40:22 \sp OPIPIT \tx he he he he he he he he... \pho ʔə̃ hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ \mb he he he he he he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he he he he he he he he... \ref 796 \id 169650093942140303 \begin 0:40:24 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt still laughing. \ref 797 \id 722775093942140303 \begin 0:40:26 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante Erni! \pho tantə ʔɛrniʔ \mb Tante Erni \ge aunt Erni \gj aunt Erni \ft Auntie Erni! \nt 1. staring at the camcorder and pretending that he's going to shoot. 2. possibly he's teasing EXPERN who will work on his file later in the office. \ref 798 \id 997833093943140303 \begin 0:40:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi tembak, ya? \pho ʔopi tɛmbak ya \mb Opi tembak ya \ge Opi shoot yes \gj Opi shoot yes \ft let me shoot you, okay? \ref 799 \id 604365093943140303 \begin 0:40:30 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm hmm... \pho hm hm \mb hmm hmm \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft hmm hmm... \ref 800 \id 777316093943140303 \begin 0:40:32 \sp OPIPIT \tx jeder... \pho jədeːr \mb jeder \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft jeder... \ref 801 \id 565940093943140303 \begin 0:40:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx udah, kan? \pho ʔuda kan \mb udah kan \ge PFCT KAN \gj PFCT KAN \ft it's done, right? \ref 802 \id 276929093944140303 \begin 0:40:35 \sp OPIPIT \tx nggak bisa, kan? \pho ŋgaʔ bisa kan \mb nggak bisa kan \ge NEG can KAN \gj NEG can KAN \ft it can't, right? \nt referring to the gun. \ref 803 \id 164263093944140303 \begin 0:40:36 \sp EXPDIN \tx he he... \pho hə̃ hə̃ \mb he he \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft he he... \ref 804 \id 174807103751140303 \begin 0:40:37 \sp OPIPIT \tx udah, ya? \pho ʔuda ya \mb udah ya \ge PFCT yes \gj PFCT yes \ft finished, right? \ref 805 \id 998902103759140303 \begin 0:40:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx assalamualaikum! \pho salamlekum \mb assalamualaikum \ge peace.unto.ye \gj peace.unto.ye \ft hello! \nt staring at the camcorder. \ref 806 \id 564213103820140303 \begin 0:40:40 \sp OPIPIT \tx yok, da da Tante Erni! \pho yoʔ da da tantə ʔɛrniʔ \mb yok da da Tante Erni \ge AYO bye bye aunt Erni \gj AYO bye bye aunt Erni \ft okay, bye, bye Auntie Erni! \nt still teasing EXPERN. \ref 807 \id 944094103858140303 \begin 0:40:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx coba begini, 'da da Tante Erni,' ini udah 'cek'. \pho cɔba bəgini da da tantə ʔɛrniː ʔini ʔuda cək \mb coba begini da da Tante Erni ini udah cek \ge try like.this bye bye aunt Erni this PFCT IMIT \gj try like.this bye bye aunt Erni this PFCT IMIT \ft try this, 'bye, bye Auntie Erni, ' then it's finished 'click'. \nt pretending that the camcorder stops by itself then he imitates the sound when the camcorder stops. \ref 808 \id 109763104106140303 \begin 0:40:44 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm hmm hmm hmm he he he... \pho hm hm hm hm hẽ hẽ hẽ \mb hmm hmm hmm hmm he he he \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hmm hmm hmm hmm he he he... \ref 809 \id 399620104136140303 \begin 0:40:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx da da... \pho da daː \mb da da \ge bye bye \gj bye bye \ft bye bye... \ref 810 \id 334872104153140303 \begin 0:40:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx tinggal berapa menit lagi, Tante? \pho tiŋgal brapa mənit lagi tantə \mb tinggal berapa menit lagi Tante \ge stay how.much minute more aunt \gj stay how.much minute more aunt \ft how many minutes left? \ref 811 \id 203436104231140303 \begin 0:40:51 \sp OPIPIT \tx dua? \pho duwaʔ \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft two? \ref 812 \id 658498104252140303 \begin 0:40:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx Pi tembak, ya? \pho piʔ tɛmbak ya \mb Pi tembak ya \ge TRU-Opi shoot yes \gj TRU-Opi shoot yes \ft let me shoot you, okay? \ref 813 \id 687581104312140303 \begin 0:40:53 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante udah gini-gini aja. \pho tantə ʔuda ginigini ʔajaʔ \mb Tante udah gini - gini aja \ge aunt PFCT like.this - like.this just \gj aunt PFCT RED-like.this just \ft well, just like this. \ref 814 \id 801566104347140303 \begin 0:40:55 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm hmm hmm hmm... ngeri Tante. \pho hm hm hm hm ŋəriʔ tantə \mb hmm hmm hmm hmm ngeri Tante \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT horrified aunt \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT horrified aunt \ft hmm hmm hmm hmm... I'm scared. \ref 815 \id 435952104427140303 \begin 0:40:57 \sp OPIPIT \tx he he he hmm hmm hmm... \pho hə̃ hə̃ hə̃ hm hm hm \mb he he he hmm hmm hmm \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft he he he hmm hmm hmm... \ref 816 \id 766466104444140303 \begin 0:40:59 \sp OPIPIT \tx ih... \pho ʔiː \mb ih \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ih... \nt directing the gun to EXPDIN as if he's going to shoot her. \ref 817 \id 917255104601140303 \begin 0:41:00 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm... \pho hm hm hm hm hm \mb hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm... \ref 818 \id 827855104624140303 \begin 0:41:01 \sp OPIPIT \tx beneran ni Tante, Opi. \pho bənəran ni tantə ʔopiʔ \mb bener -an ni Tante Opi \ge true -AN this aunt Opi \gj true-AN this aunt Opi \ft I meant it. \ref 819 \id 377927104654140303 \begin 0:41:03 \sp FARPIT \tx eh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah... \pho ʔə̃h ʔãh ʔãh ʔãh ʔãh ʔãh ʔə̃h \mb eh ah ah ah ah ah ah \ge EXCL AH AH AH AH AH AH \gj EXCL AH AH AH AH AH AH \ft eh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah... \nt asking for something. \ref 820 \id 236642104853140303 \begin 0:41:05 \sp OPIPIT \tx ah, nanti dulu. \pho ʔãh nanti duluʔ \mb ah nanti dulu \ge EXCL later before \gj EXCL later before \ft hey, later. \ref 821 \id 760219104913140303 \begin 0:41:07 \sp EXPDIN \tx apa, apa? \pho ʔapa ʔapa \mb apa apa \ge what what \gj what what \ft what, what? \nt talking to FAR. \ref 822 \id 316246104936140303 \begin 0:41:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx keliatan ni Tante? \pho kliyatan ni tantə \mb ke an liat ni Tante \ge KE AN see this aunt \gj KE.AN-see this aunt \ft can it be seen? \nt putting the gun in front of the camcorder. \ref 823 \id 361798105015140303 \begin 0:41:09 \sp OPIPIT \tx keliatan banget, ya? \pho kliyatan baŋət yaʔ \mb ke an liat banget ya \ge KE AN see very yes \gj KE.AN-see very yes \ft it really can be seen, right? \ref 824 \id 953179105038140303 \begin 0:41:10 \sp EXPDIN \tx he-em. \pho ʔə̃ʔə̃m \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 825 \id 705511105057140303 \begin 0:41:12 \sp OPIPIT \tx coba. \pho cɔbaʔ \mb coba \ge try \gj try \ft try it. \ref 826 \id 639549105110140303 \begin 0:41:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx aduh... Tante Erni deh. \pho ʔaduːʰ tantə ʔɛrni dɛh \mb aduh Tante Erni deh \ge EXCL aunt Erni DEH \gj EXCL aunt Erni DEH \ft hey... Auntie Erni. \ref 827 \id 822890105145140303 \begin 0:41:16 \sp OPIPIT \tx mana dua menit lagi, Tante? \pho mana duwa mənit lagi tantəh \mb mana dua menit lagi Tante \ge which two minute more aunt \gj which two minute more aunt \ft you told me two minutes left, when? \nt staring at the camcorder. \ref 828 \id 626857105230140303 \begin 0:41:18 \sp EXPDIN \tx nggak keliatan kalo dibalik. \pho ŋgaʔ kliyatan kalɔ dibalik \mb nggak ke an liat kalo di- balik \ge NEG KE AN see TOP DI- turn.around \gj NEG KE.AN-see TOP DI-turn.around \ft it can't be seen if it's on the other way round. \nt referring to the screen of the camcorder. \ref 829 \id 809542105300140303 \begin 0:41:20 \sp OPIPIT \tx aduh, Tante Erni. \pho ʔadɔ tantə ʔɛrniʔ \mb aduh Tante Erni \ge EXCL aunt Erni \gj EXCL aunt Erni \ft hey, Auntie Erni. \ref 830 \id 388117105342140303 \begin 0:41:23 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi tembak, ya? \pho ʔopiʔ tɛmbak yaː \mb Opi tembak ya \ge Opi shoot yes \gj Opi shoot yes \ft let me shoot you, okay? \ref 831 \id 503832105358140303 \begin 0:41:26 \sp EXPDIN \tx hmm... \pho hʔm \mb hmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft umm... \ref 832 \id 413689105418140303 \begin 0:41:27 \sp OPIPIT \tx jeder... \pho jədɛːr \mb jeder \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft jeder... \ref 833 \id 977110105440140303 \begin 0:41:28 \sp OPIPIT \tx udah, kan? \pho ʔuda kan \mb udah kan \ge PFCT KAN \gj PFCT KAN \ft it's done, right? \ref 834 \id 614200105448140303 \begin 0:41:29 \sp OPIPIT \tx kesian deh... \pho kəciyan dɛ \mb kesian deh \ge compassion-AN DEH \gj compassion-AN DEH \ft poor you... \ref 835 \id 477154105507140303 \begin 0:41:31 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu, dua, tiga... \pho tuʔ duwaʔ tigaʔ \mb tu dua tiga \ge one two three \gj one two three \ft one, two, three... \ref 836 \id 244083105531140303 \begin 0:41:33 \sp EXPDIN \tx tu, udah mati. \pho tu ʔuda matiʔ \mb tu udah mati \ge that PFCT dead \gj that PFCT dead \ft see, it's dead. \nt 1. = see, it's finished. 2. referring to the cassette in the camcorder. \ref 837 \id 712353105559140303 \begin 0:41:34 \sp OPIPIT \tx lha? \pho lah \mb lha \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft huh? \ref 838 \id 443067105607140303 \begin 0:41:36 \sp OPIPIT \tx lha? \pho lah \mb lha \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft huh? \ref 839 \id 648467105614140303 \begin 0:41:38 \sp OPIPIT \tx kok miring? \pho kɔʔ miriŋ \mb kok miring \ge KOK sideways \gj KOK sideways \ft why is it sideways? \nt referring to the camcorder. \ref 840 \id 395968105642140303 \begin 0:41:40 \sp FARPIT \tx eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh... \pho ʔə̃h ʔẽh ʔẽh ʔẽ ʔẽ ʔẽ ʔẽ ʔẽ ʔẽ ʔə̃h \mb eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh... \nt still asking for something. \ref 841 \id 150809105915140303 \begin 0:41:42 \sp OPIPIT \tx tu, dua, tiga, empat... \pho tu duwa tigaʔ m̩pat \mb tu dua tiga empat \ge one two three four \gj one two three four \ft one, two, three, four... \ref 842 \id 848649105942140303 \begin 0:41:44 \sp EXPDIN \tx kenapa, Sayang? \pho kənapa sayaŋ \mb kenapa Sayang \ge why compassion \gj why compassion \ft what's the matter, Dear? \ref 843 \id 666984110007140303 \begin 0:41:46 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante E(rni)... \pho tantə ʔɛh \mb Tante Erni \ge aunt Erni \gj aunt Erni \ft Auntie Erni... \ref 844 \id 223880110034140303 \begin 0:41:48 \sp OPIPIT \tx Tante Erni! \pho tantə ʔɛrni \mb Tante Erni \ge aunt Erni \gj aunt Erni \ft Auntie Erni! \nt pretending that he's going to shoot. \ref 845 \id 465644110108140303 \begin 0:41:50 \sp OPIPIT \tx 0. \nt shooting. \ref 846 \id 297526110125140303 \begin 0:41:52 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah, udah bunyi, kan? \pho da ʔuda buɲi kan \mb dah udah bunyi kan \ge PFCT PFCT sound KAN \gj PFCT PFCT sound KAN \ft okay, it has made a sound, right? \nt referring to the ding sound of the camcorder when it's going to stop. \ref 847 \id 724853110144140303 \begin 0:41:54 \sp OPIPIT \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft it's done. \ref 848 \id 827124110202140303 \begin 0:41:56 \sp OPIPIT \tx ssh... ah... \pho ʃː ʔãh \mb ssh ah \ge IMIT AH \gj IMIT AH \ft ssh... ah... \ref 849 \id 699138110222140303 \begin 0:41:58 \sp OPIPIT \tx udah. \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft it's done. \ref 850 \id 627132110237140303 \begin 0:42:00 \sp OPIPIT \tx da da Tante Erni... \pho da da tantə ʔɛrniːʔ \mb da da Tante Erni \ge bye bye aunt Erni \gj bye bye aunt Erni \ft bye bye Auntie Erni... \ref 851 \id 921348110252140303 \begin 0:42:02 \sp OPIPIT \tx satu menit lagi, Tante. \pho satu mənit lagi tantə \mb satu menit lagi Tante \ge one minute more aunt \gj one minute more aunt \ft one minute left. \ref 852 \id 316001110320140303 \begin 0:42:04 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya Tante... Tante Erni! \pho ya tante tantə ʔɛrniʔ \mb ya Tante Tante Erni \ge yes aunt aunt Erni \gj yes aunt aunt Erni \ft yeah... Auntie Erni! \ref 853 \id 749575110356140303 \begin 0:42:06 \sp OPIPIT \tx ya... waktunya tinggal satu menit lagi. \pho yaː waktuɲa tiŋgal satu mənit lagiʔ \mb ya waktu -nya tinggal satu menit lagi \ge yes time -NYA stay one minute more \gj yes time-NYA stay one minute more \ft yeah... one minute left. \ref 854 \id 529541110434140303 \begin 0:42:08 \sp OPIPIT \tx cek, payah ya Tante Erni, ya? \pho cək payah ya tantə ʔɛrni yaʔ \mb cek payah ya Tante Erni ya \ge tsk terrible yes aunt Erni yes \gj tsk terrible yes aunt Erni yes \ft tsk, you're terrible, aren't you? \nt teasing EXPDIN. \ref 855 \id 516541110503140303 \begin 0:42:11 \sp OPIPIT \tx mmm... Tante Erni dasar. \pho mː tantə ʔɛrniʔ dasar \mb mmm Tante Erni dasar \ge FILL aunt Erni base \gj FILL aunt Erni base \ft umm... look at you. \ref 856 \id 721027110535140303 \begin 0:42:14 \sp OPIPIT \tx mo pelurunya? \pho mo pəruruɲa \mb mo peluru -nya \ge want bullet -NYA \gj want bullet-NYA \ft would you like to have the bullet? \ref 857 \id 427632110549140303 \begin 0:42:17 \sp OPIPIT \tx ni deh. \pho ni dɛh \mb ni deh \ge this DEH \gj this DEH \ft here it is. \ref 858 \id 429355110607140303 \begin 0:42:18 \sp OPIPIT \tx Opi kasi. \pho ʔopi kasi \mb Opi kasi \ge Opi give \gj Opi give \ft I give you. \ref 859 \id 576868110622140303 \begin 0:42:19 \sp @End \tx @End